#td Scott x Reader
orangewisteria · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anon who asked you if you wrote for s//lf h//rm, so I'm here to request something related to it, that been said.
⚠TW: S3LF H4RM⚠ ⚠If you are triggered by this theme please do not interact, we care about your mental state! Thanks⚠
If it's not a problem could you maybe write separate headcanons for Cody, Alejandro, Duncan and Scott with a gn!s/o who they find h4rming theirself?
Thank you and Hope you have a nice day! <3
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⚠ TW: S3LF H4RM ⚠
⚠ If you are triggered by this theme please do not interact, we care about your mental state! Thanks ⚠
-> hes crying a fucking waterfall when he finds you
-> hes trying not to hug you so tight and never letting you go
-> hes frantically running around to gather badnages, napkins, etc etc to help clean up your cuts
-> Hes desperately babbling to you and pleading with you to never ever do this again
-> Saying how if you need to talk to someone or rant or feel like hurting yourself to talk to him
-> Please for the love of all that is unholy in this world talk. to. him.
-> hes not going to let you out of his sight for a while
-> hes gonna baby proof his house now
-> going as far as to lock the coupards that contain chemicals and sharp objects
-> he contemplates getting a safe but goes against it cause he knows for a fact hell forget the password and have to buy new knives for his mother
-> he lives with his mother btw its facts
-> back to the topic at hand
-> he more careful aroudn you
-> treating you like porcelain cause he doesn't want to accidentally heart you (due to your recent injuries)
-> he calls them boo boos by the way
-> hes loving and is willing to do anything to help you
-> hes clsoe to tears
-> hes keeping himself composed so he doesnt break down and panic right at that moment
-> hes carefully dressing your wounds and whispering his worries
-> hes calling you all the name sin teh book
-> princesa, carina/o, etc etc
-> i dont know much spanish lolz
-> anyways
-> once youre all cleaned up and in bed
-> hes holding you close and running his hands along your back
-> hes not going to let you out of his sight or out of arms reach for the next few months
-> he worried
-> he doesnt want to lose the lvoe of his life
-> hes trying not to break down each passing day as he sees the bandages on your body
-> hes runs his fingers over them daily, hes frowning as he does so
-> he changes them daily for you too
-> wont let you do it cause hes going to take care of you
-> hes a worried dead donkey :(
-> hes frozen when he finds you
-> hes confused and worried and angry
-> he wants to know hy
-> why would you hurt yourself
-> why why why why
-> thats all thats on his mind
-> as well as the fact that hes blaming himself for letting you get this low when he most likely could have prevented it
-> hes slowly and uncharacteristically quiet as he helps cleaning up your wounds
-> bandaging them and staring at the with no emotion whatsoever
-> hes pulling you to bed and laying on your chest
-> hes just laying there and listening to your heartbeat
-> his arms are around your waist and hes unusually quiet for the next few days
-> he doesnt want to leave the house cause hes feeling down and soft and yada yada
-> he loves you and would do anything for you so hes a but angry at himself and trying to deal with it
-> give him some time and hes back to his normal self with a hint of more care and softness for you <3
-> Hes wailing and blubbering out words you cant understand as he bandages you up to the best of his ability
-> its not the best and his fumbling words nd shit are making you laugh at the stupid words you can't even understand
-> hes glaring at you while sniffling but he understadns somewhat why youre laughing
-> although hes puffing his cheeks and pulling you clsoe
-> hes mad at you for laughing but he hears himself and blushes bright red
-> hes holding you close and never letting go
-> hes just here man
-> he doesnt know what to do at this point
-> so he just holds you close to comfort himself and you at the same time
-> i dont have much for him due to the fact that hes not too good with words
-> he tries to comfort you verbaly and shit
-> but he sucks at it
-> hes better with physical contact
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endersimp · 8 months
Mike and Scott flirting headcannons
hello my lovely simps! this is my first every fic, so please be kind! if you want me to write for a specific character, send in an ask!
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Summary: headcannons for both Mike and Scott flirting with a gn reader
Warnings: none
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This boy might be nervous wreck but he adores you!
Like, he’ll try to be subtle, but he is NOT
You like frogs? He’ll try catch one and show it to you!
You like the stars? Boom. He’s asking you to teach him constellations and smiling the whole time.
You like climbing trees? He might be a little scared but there is NO way he’ll miss out on an opportunity to be with you!
Mike will absolutely get flustered if you’re a fan of touching. Side hugs, sleep cuddling, even things like brushing hands or leaning on him will have him blushing like crazy. He does love it though.
If you’re on the same team, he’ll make sure to stay near you just in case something happens in a challenge. Definitely not cause he likes being around you!
If you’re on a different team, get ready for a little friendly rivalry between you too! But the second you’re at risk of being voted, he’ll throw the challenge without a second thought.
Everyone knows he like you, except him.
He might be adorable but he is not the smartest at emotions.
He’ll try and impress you with his animal “knowledge”. Every single animal WILL be pointed out and incorrectly named. That bird flying up there? That’s a bug-eating rat feather! What do you mean, it’s a seagull? No it’s not!
Scott will try and do little things to make himself close to you. Leaning against you, or having an arm around your shoulder are two of his favourite ways. 
Gifts are a common things with Scott. Anything from pretty rocks to weirdly shaped sticks to clumps of dirt will be given to you as he proudly tells you how and where he found it. 
Without a doubt, you’ll be roped into his schemes one way or another, but you don’t need to worry to much because he will absolutely tamper with the votes to make sure you aren’t voted out. 
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the-milk-monarch · 10 months
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♡ | hanging out at the beach (dock) Summary: Reader and Scott hang out at the dock at Camp Wawanakwa and Scott realizes he has a crush + established relationship headcanons with Scott and Reader at the beach. ♡ | smoking weed Summary: Headcanons about smoking weed with the reader for the first time. ♡ | s/o with noticeable stims Summary: Headcanons about a reader with stims like hand flapping/clapping.
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silly-writes · 1 year
Hi! I love your work! Can you do a Mike + alters, Scott, Alejandro (seperate) x reader where the reader has really bad sensory issues, especially with loud noises, and can have panic attacks from them? if your not okay with writing this then that’s totally fine /gen. it’s important to take care of yourself.
Contestants with reader who gets overstimulated.
Aaa thank u for this request anon! Yes i'm totally comfortable writing this kind of stuff! Thanks for being so kind about it! As an autistic person with really bad sensory issues myself I actually find it a thearputic, lol. Okay enough about me, enjoy!
dealing with a traumagenic disorder (DID) I would imagine he's honestly kind of in the same boat.
He's no stranger to panic attacks, and is pretty well versed by now in how to deal with them.
The first time it happens though he's sort of an anxious wreck, he's just nervous that trying to help might make it worse, but he doesn't want to leave your side.
He gives you lot's of words of encouragement, and helps you through breathing exercises, and gets you plenty of water.
"It's okay, breathe with me, I'm right here," he assures you gently.
If you require pressure/physical contact during your panic attacks, he's more than happy to give you that.
He gets good at catching them too, he'll always be able to identify when you're about to spiral because of too much noise or too bright lights, and he'll find a quiet secluded room so he can work through it with you.
"Sorry you have to deal with this too," you said, after a particularly bad one, you still felt dizzy, and tears still stained your face, but you had come out of it now, and felt a little guilty.
"Hey don't apologize, I don't mind. Not at all."
He's just very caring with this kind of stuff in general.
Maintoba is similar to Mike, and I would think he likes to carry around a backpack whenever he is fronting (you never know when you're going to run into treasure). So he always keeps noise canceling headphones and a pair of sunglasses in there just for you.
Honestly I headcanon him as the caretaker of the system, so I imagine he's used to caring for people during panic attacks.
He's very observant, probably even more so than Mike, so he's better at avoiding them all together by identifying what situations you can handle and what you can't.
He always does a little research before the two of you go out in the environment to ensure that it doesn't seem loud/bright/overstimulating.
However sometimes these things are just unavoidable, and inevitable.
He'll provide you with whatever physical comfort you require, if any at all.
Anything you need, he's there to get for you.
"Take all the time in the world treasure, I'll still be here," he said.
He's all around good at keeping you grounded, and just good at being there with you.
I would think Svetlana is probably the protector/gatekeeper, most of her comfort comes from her just being fiercely loyal.
She'll be there no matter what, and you take great comfort in that fact.
She's not as good with being traditionally comforting, since it's a little out of her element.
Not that she doesn't try of course, she really cares about you, and she wants that to come across.
(I would think she would panic a little and ask Manitoba and Mike for help from the inner world).
But she would absolutely stay with you, coaching you through breathing exercises, talking to try and distract you.
Eventually if you let her know what you need (be it space, a distracting, physical comfort, quiet, dark) you name it, she will get it for you.
She's much better at caring for you after the panic attack honestly, when you feel really tired and put out, disoriented and just overwhelmed.
"Svetlana's here now to melt all your worries away," she smiled at you once.
She'll almost always bring you home, or take you to a secluded room, and just hangout with you. She'll turn all the lights off and sit in silence with you so you can have basically zero sensory input for a little while.
She'll absolutely stay with you until you feel yourself again.
Okay things with Mal are a little tricky.
He's for sure a former prosecutor and after a bit of system healing, definitely prosecutor turned protector.
Don't get me wrong though, he can still be a little nasty and snarky sometimes, but he's working on getting better.
Which is why he feels sort of out of his element when he's with you when you're having a panic attack.
He's not good at being comforting, and he barely knows what to do when he has a panic attack, so the first time it happens he completely freezes up.
He might even let someone else front to help you out instead of him.
After a while he gets better at keeping up with your triggers, and while he remains pretty awful at being comforting, he's good at grounding you.
He's glad sometimes that being there is enough sometimes, he doesn't know what he'd do if it wasn't.
"Sorry I can't do more..." he said one day.
You smile at him "You being here is enough sometimes."
Scott is also somewhat of a wreck I would imagine.
Growing up fairly isolated on a farm he's understandably really rough with being intune with people's emotions, he's not really all that good at reading you. Or anyone for that matter.
The first few times, he's shocked everytime.
What could be making you feel like this? He had no idea.
He would definitely need a list of all of your triggers, you have to tell him what helps you and what doesn't outright. Scott doesn't really like playing guessing games, especially when it comes to your safety and comfort.
Clear communication becomes pretty important for the two of you in all honesty, and the two of you work at it all the time.
Eventually he gets better at serving you during panic attacks, or meltdowns, he knows what to do after a little while.
Again I would think he's really good at protecting, so I think he's super good at keeping people away when he sees you're overstimulated.
"Don't touch them!" he huffed when someone was trying to tap you to get your attention.
Overall, he's really really trying for you, and knowing that is comfort enough.
It's no secret that Alejandro is very intune with people, just one of his many skills.
So he can tell right away from his very first meeting you, any loud noises, bright lights, things like that just don't mix well with you.
He steers clear of them when around you, always guiding you more towards quieter, much calmer and secluded dates.
When driving he turns the music down, and makes sure that all audio input looks like its helping you and not harming you.
Plus I feel like (and this is totally me projecting btw) he would carry around stim toys for you to distract yourself with, and headphones for when things are a lot.
But again, sometimes things just happen, and try as he might to protect you, it's not always possible.
He can always tell when things are getting to be a lot for you, he's good at reading everyone but you in specific.
He's really good at covering for you, if someone is asking where you are, or needs/wants to talk to you when you need to be alone he'll keep them away from you.
He'll spend as much time as you need helping you.
"Are you feeling better mi amor?" He would ask.
"Almost-" you said, voice a little course and shaky "-sorry," you said softly.
"Don't apologize, I don't mind at all."
Alejandro can be really nurturing when he wants to be.
He might deny it, deny it to the ends of the earth but he's very good at taking care of you.
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td-scenarios · 1 year
Request: Confessional about s/o for Cody, Scott, Justin, Heather, and Lindsey? Have a great day!
(I hope u dont mind if it's pre-relationship! u didn't clarify, but i thought them talking abt their crush on reader would be cute :] )
He looks slightly disturbed being here. A shifty look in his eye, almost as if he was nervous to look directly at the camera. Every time Scott had been in to make a confessional up until this point was to explain whatever he had been planning for the competition, so this was unsettling for him to say the least.
"So, Y/N, am I right?" He started before the camera fizzed out and came back to him in a different position. "Nevermind this is stupid."
It would take a while until Scott would brave the confessional again. This time, he was gripping his head like a madman. Slowly, his head tilted up until he was holding onto his face with his eyes framed by his fingers.
"I can't take it anymore. They're perfect! My schemes can't touch 'em!" His hands had left his face and he was gesturing wildly. "I don't think I even WANT my schemes to affect them. Woah. I never thought I'd say that."
Scott blinked dumbly at the camera before a scowl took over his expression.
"Y/N I'm comin' for ya."
"Oh my gosh!" Lindsay twirled a strand of her hair around her finger as she stared off into the distance past the camera. "Do you guys think that Y/N likes me? 'Cause I toooootally like them. Like, I like-like them." A dreamy smile plastered on her face as she kept talking. "I hope they like me back. Like who wouldn't?"
She thought about what she said for a second, her expression a bit grave as it finally focused on the camera.
"People like me, right? Yeah, they do. That means Y/N has to like me." A pause. "Ooooooh, but what if they don't?" Lindsay tapped her chin in thought at the idea. "Whatever! They're really cute and like smart and amazing!" The blonde finally stopped talking and just sat there with her head resting on her hands as she let out a wistful sigh. This pause continued for about a minute before she finally perked up and tilted her head at the camera.
"Wait, is this still going?"
The model tapped his finger on the vanity as he was thinking about what he should say. He finally looked up and fixed his hair in the mirror as he started talking.
"I never thought I'd meet anyone as gorgeous as me. And I haven't. But Y/N comes pretty close and that's dangerous. They're stunning and their wit is unmatched." His lips puckered in defeat since his hair wasn't falling the way he wanted to. Ultimately, he gave up on it as he kept talking.
"Maybe I should go for an alliance with them. The thought of getting Y/N voted off just...doesn't sit right with me. But I also can't have this sort of competition."
Justin sat there with a frown, not really knowing what his plans would become at this stage. He sighed before he shot a smirk back up at the camera.
"I need to stop with all this thinking, it's making me ugly."
"They're insufferable!" Heather growled, folding her arms across her body while glaring off to the side. "All they do is be stupidly kind and have a dumb face and...and...and well they piss me off!"
"I need Y/N out of this game. Pronto! If I am to keep my game face on then Y/N has to go. They're totally messing everything up!"
Heather huffed and continued stewing in her anger. Eventually, she kept sputtering on some anger fueled words before letting out a frustrated groan.
"I can't believe this is happening..." She grumbled, scrunching in on herself more.
Before the camera fizzed out, a slight smile was seen on Heather's face as she let out a dreamy sigh.
"Wow. Y/N..." Cody sat there, staring at the camera with the most overjoyed look on his face. "They're probably the first person I've ever found attractive that is actually giving me the time of day! This is great!!"
Cody silently cheered, raising his arms in the air with a big smile on his face. Once his tiny little self-contained celebration was over he finally began speaking once more.
"I really really hope they like me back. Wouldn't that be awesome?" He got a bit closer to the camera, a smile on his face.
"I mean, they don't push me away, they're not mean to me, and they actually laugh at my jokes! I think that the Codemeister has finally done it." His ecstatic boy-ish demeanor quickly replaced with a more smug one.
"Or, at least, I hope so."
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wawanakwawritings · 2 years
Alejandro, Scott, Rock, and Justin reacting to affectionately being called babygirl by their gn S/O!
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a/n: well. we all need to start somewhere, amirite?
Asks his S/O to repeat that. Surely he didn't hear them correctly?
What an... interesting choice. Wouldn't he be better suited to something else, such as "handsome" or "gorgeous"?
Honestly, even if it's said earnestly, it makes him die a little inside. #toxicmasculinity
Won't make a fuss if his S/O insists on it, but he'll (affectionately) call them something equally embarrassing just to keep things even. Whatever makes them cringe the most.
Just refrain from calling him such in front of the cameras, please? He'd hate for José to catch wind of it. He'd never hear the end of it.
Absolutely oblivious when it comes to relationship customs, so he easily accepts the new pet name.
Sure, he's a babygirl now. Whatever you say, S/O! Should he call them babyboy now or something?
Doesn't find out it's not a common pet name for dudes until he proudly declares he's his S/O's babygirl to the Toxic Rats, only to be met with strange looks & laughter.
Whatever! Being laughed at only makes him double down on it. Those idiots are just jealous they don't have someone to call them babygirl.
Depends on when it's said. If it's said in greeting, he's too busy hugging/high fiving his S/O to notice it.
If it's said while his S/O has his full attention, it definitely catches him off guard. Enjoy watching him try to play it off with a totally red face.
He's the type to call his S/O bro/dude regardless of gender, so it really doesn't bother him. Plus, ever hear of Twisted Sister or Alice Cooper?
Names have no gender, dude. If his S/O deems him babygirl, he's babygirl! He's just happy to have a cool S/O that wants to give him cute pet names.
Oh, that's cute, S/O.
Laughs it off and moves on, assuming it's meant to be a joke or elicit a reaction from him.
It has to be a consistent thing for him to actually address it.
More confused than anything tbh. He's used to people fawning over him and giving him cutesy pet names, but being called something with girl attached to the end is new.
Asks his S/O to stick to more masculine pet names in public. He does not want a tabloid to start calling him Canada's Babygirl.
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bookiezzz · 3 months
Say, you're taking requests, right? Then, how about some Dott (Scott x Dawn) HCs?
Dott (Dawn X Scott) Headcannons
— I think Scott definitely fell for Dawn first.
— And Dawn 100% picks up on it
— She’s very observant, and is almost immediate to see that Scott makes a different effort towards her, trying to appear confident, but also a bit nervous.
— Dawn would have like a day of revelation where she really gets excited and realizes she really does like him too.
— Scott would probably just be telling himself “I think she maybe sorta likes me but i also don’t believe myself. Oh well”
— they would go to Zoey one after another and be like “Zoeyireallylikethemandimnotsuretheylikeme. Not telling you who though..” as if it isn’t already kind of obvious to her, especially since she’s hearing both sides..
— Scott probably wouldn’t do that often as I imagine he wouldn’t really trust others with his feelings much, but once or twice he’d probably let it slip.
— Even if Dawn figures out Scott doesn’t want to bring it up, ask her out, etc, she won’t.
— It’s a silent rivalry between the two
— They both like each other, but neither want to admit it, even when the other knows.
— There’s two ways this goes:
— Zoey sets them up and they go out.
— Or, Dawn asks him to maybe meditate with her? Or just take a walk. And they get their feelings out there.
— During games, the two are still the same, not acting differently according to their feelings, still ruthless lol.
— But off camera, they have a little bit of a soft spot for each other that they’d rather die than admit to.
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
MultiVillains x Reader || Drabbles
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Plot: They're under the control of something, or someone, else and directed to try and kill you- until you break them free from the hold.
Includes: The Clown / Jeffrey Hawk / Kenneth Chase, The Huntress / Anna, Freddy Krueger, Laughing Jack, Offenderman, Peter Hale, Peter Hayes, and Scott (Total Drama).
Warnings: Mind control, non con drugging (Jeffrey), violence, angst. And, then, fluff! ^^
The Clown / Jeffrey Hawk / Kenneth Chase:
Controlled by- The Entity.
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The moment you hit Cronus Penn Asylum and you saw the look in Jeffry's eyes, you know something terrible has happened. Something is missing in them. All of the... Jeffrey, really. There's no amusement nor dreadful glee, there, at seeing you. Something you've become accustomed to, and actually made you feel... comfortable- weird as that sounds.
But right now you do not feel comfortable. Especially as he starts descending upon you.
Nervous, you take a few tiny, cautious steps back as he moves towards you. You raise an eyebrow. "Jeffrey... ? Are you okay?... "
He doesn't say a word, but you watch his hand disappear into his coat pocket, and take out a bottle.
You start to walk faster, backwards. "Jeffrey what's that? Jeffrey, why wont talk?" He still doesn't answer and just keeps coming closer. Your hearts starting to beat unnaturally fast in your chest, and you're legitimately scared; Face pale and your legs demanding you to run. Far and fast, until you cant see him anymore. "Jeff!"
And then he rears his arm back, ready to throw it at the ground near your feet, and you turn around and make your run for it; Sprinting across the ground to escape the fumes that crash and fill the air behind you- taking the air that you breath.
You fail; And the drug is fast acting, stealing your energy and making it hard to breath- soon you're on the ground, struggling to breath in proper lungful's of air, on your hands and knees, just trying to stay moving. Even if its just an inch at a time. But you can feel him on your heels, eyes licking up the back of your legs and your back, before he drops to his knees - not groaning in pain or coughing at all, - , and uses a big meaty hand to drag you over onto your backside.
You're now laying on the ground, just trying to concentrate on taking long, slow breaths and not the butterfly knife nearing your chest. "Jeff... " You whine, squeezing your eyes closed. Its hard to speak, as its hard to breath, but there's nothing else you can try; So you force the sounds out. "Why... are you... doing... this... ah... "
"Kenneth is not here." Finally, your clown responds. But this not his voice. This is unfamiliar- yet when you crack an eye open, eyebrows furrowed in pain and confusion, its still Jeffrey's face looking blankly back at you. Gone is the drunken slur that's become tantamount to Jeffrey's identity, along with the wheeze that comes with his breezing and the pleased lilt to his tones. This is emotionless and informational. "This is the Entity. And I've been made exceedingly displeased by your dalliances with each other... " Your eyelids squeeze shut again, forehead wrinkling severely and lips parted as to take in as much oxygen as possible, as you struggle against the drugs Jeffrey is so good, at stirring. And you fight to fully understand the words coming out of Jeffrey's mouth, but that are certainly not his. "Killers are not supposed to bring joy... even degenerate, perverted joy as you are taking from him, Y/N... Let this be a lesson to you both."
The knife comes down towards your chest then, but you manage to block it from breaking your skin with a weak hand- the drug evidently weakening your muscles, too, -. "No... Jeffrey... please." You didn't even realise you were weeping, until salty, dirty tears slip down to your lips and you taste the flavour of you horror. A sob tears through you. "Please, don't do... do this... "
You cant even struggle against him, fight for your dignity. No, you can only lay there and sob ugly tears like a child, moaning his name like its yours. Like he belongs to you and you just want your thing, back. You want desperately for the Entity to let him go. Jeffrey's not much, but you would really like for him to come back to you- and to give you the cure to this awful drug.
Hands weakly find the lapels of his jacket, as you slowly writhe on the ground. The Entity - or Jeffrey? - watches you suffer, eyes half lidded. "There's no point to begging. His consciousness can do nothing, right now."
"Let him... let him go... " You don't know wen your pleas started to become for him, rather then for you, but suddenly that's all you want.
"You should worry about yourself." The Entity responds, a bored tone to his voice.
"I... " Another sob wracks your body, before you gasp for air because that cry took all of it out of you, and panic for a second because you cannot breath- "I cant!... "
"You should worry about yourself!" You Entity snaps again, and you cant see him for your eyes being closed but through your pain and your struggling, a tangible haze surrounding and coating everything inside you like tar, you detect a lining of anger now.
But how could you possibly make this worse by defying him?
"Just let him... " Breathing in deeply, even as your airways feel half closed, you feel your gums ache. "go, let him... get out... " Get out of him. Leave him alone. Let him be. Put him back-
Suddenly, you feel familiar weight, that you hadn't quite realised was far less then it should be as the Entity in Jeffrey's body held you down, rest against you. Fingers brush some of your hair back, soothingly, and slimy grease-paint covered lips press a comfortingly gentle kiss to your cheek. You know he left a mark of grease paint behind, too. "You should worry about yourself... Y/N... "
You know you would gasp if you were in any state to do so, and your eyes flutter slightly open- only a crack, only a bit, to see Jeffrey.
Really, Jeffrey this time. His eyebrows are furrowed in a half-concerned expression as fat fingers run through your hair, tracing your skin. "Jeff... Jeffrey?"
"Don't talk. Sorry love, but this particular drug'll only wear off on its own. Nasty, huh? Just breath, okay? Wouldn't wantcha passin' out, not after all those lovely things you said for me, at least." The last bit is slightly teasing, but there is still a definite umbrella of soft, gentle concern as he talks quiet, and slow- forcing himself to swallow back his coughs as to not do it near your face. He's also holding himself off your chest, to make it easier for you. "Just keep on breathin', nugget... Keep doin' that for me, okay? That's all I need. You're off the hook for Christmas presents forever if you do this for me, okay? Okay... "
The sound of his voice, as horrible and scratchy as it is, lulls you into a state of calm. Breathing becomes slightly easier, now that you aren't fighting with the very little strength you have in the moment , and your muscles relax.
The Huntress / Anna:
Controlled by- The Entity.
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The broad axe that very fucking nearly hit its target - being your head, - a moment ago is what had you realising that maybe Anna is just not feeling herself today, and causes you decision to hide.
As you strategically cower in a brush and peel your ears for any sounds of Anna - which is hard, seeing as she's a hunter, - , your mind races with possibilities of why she's acting this way. She hasn't tried to lodge an axe into your skull for what you think has possibly been years. She likes you. She pets your head and strokes your hair and brings you dead birds as presents.
And you've liked her liking you- and not only because you experience situations like this one, far less frequently.
"Oh Y/N... You cannot escape me. I will find you. You've endangered the integrity of my games... and you must be punished."
Your eyes practically bulge out of your head, hearing those words. Fingers dig into the dirt on either side of your for purchase as you fight not shiver, because those words were so fricken freaky, and give away your position. Surely, that is not Anna!
Suddenly the familiar axe flies into the air, and sticks swiftly into the bark of a tree behind you- just above your head, and your seize up, freezing. You figure, she found you.
As your turning tail and attempting to make a quick escape, crawling out from under the bushes, a hand latches onto your heels and drags you across the ground back wards. You shriek, rolling over and trying frantically to kick her off, scraping your other foot against her hand to get it off but its no use and she has you underneath her soon enough. Still, your heart's hammering in your chest and and you fight to push her off you with your knee but she easily wrangles you down and sits herself on your thighs- the axe now slamming deep into the dirt by your head; The threat effectively stopping your movements.
Breathing hard, but slowly, you carefully turn your head from the weapon and up to Anna's face- and see her smirking.
... for as long as you've known her, Anna has never smirked. It shocks you dumb for a moment. "... Anna-"
"The Huntress is occupied." These words send a chill down your spine, just like before, and you fight not to shake under the dark gaze that seems to prickle and penetrate. Whoever's speaking through Anna tilts her head down at you. "Anna... as you feel so comfortable calling her... is dealing with her own penalty right now. This is the Entity. And your relationship with each other has arisen an issue, for me... Its just not entertaining anymore."
The Entity.
The Entity.
The Entity.
The words keep repeating in your head, and you honestly have to fight not disbelieve, these words. The idea is crazy. The Entity, is mad? The Entity kidnapped you all - killers and survivors alike, - to have you all try to kill eachother like a psychopathic 12 year old Hunger Games fangirl and its mad!?
You give a good fight, kicking your legs suddenly and trying with all your might to shove Anna's body the fuck off you- but she seems to be stronger, now, and she pushes your wrists down by your head the she's now the damn terminator. You yelp in surprise, and drop your head back into the dirt, conceding defeat. Gaze flickering from the forest around you, to Anna's face, you raise your brows. "What did you mean by Anna's dealing with her own penalty right now?" Heat builds up in your chest and your stomach twists. "What are you doing to her?"
"Nothing... I figure if you two are going to play by different rules, then I'll follow your lead. She'll but watch from inside her own body, as I use it to hurt you. That'll be painful enough for her... don't you think?"
Oh no... You think, eyebrows furrowing. No... Anna's in there? You glance at into those eyes again, searching for any signs of her. You find none, but know she's in there... so you fight not to glare back into them, despite the pressure building in you to look back at them the same way its daring to look at you. "... Anna?"
The Entity says nothing back, just blinks as it watches you look absolutely helpless on the ground, hair in the dirt.
Taking a deep breath and closing your eyes for a moment, you gather your courage, letting the breath out through your nose... You need to comfort her, you realise. Killer's aren't used to being the ones hurt. You just want her to be okay; Cuz you know you damn sure will be. Nothing the entity can do to you anymore can really get you down, for long. You refuse to let it.
"Anna... " Your eyes open again. "If- if you're really in there... I want you to know its okay. I'll be fine. That fucking Doctor does worse to me then this bastard can do with just a little axe, on a regular basis... And those fuckers Macmillan and the Pig aren't a lot better. So I know I'll be fine." Pleading with your eyes, you beg her to understand. "Please don't get too upset, Annie. I know its not you."
As the Entity lets go of one of your wrists and yanks the axe up out of the ground again, and its gaze washes over you... looking for where to start, probably... you squeeze your eyes shut and press your lips firmly together in a straight line. Sure, you'll take your 'punishment', but you wont stare into Anna's eyes while it happens.
Quietly, and before you even realise you wanted to do it... you start humming. Gently, and very almost inaudibly- but the Entity seems to hear it, if the sudden, violent jolt that Anna's body gives is any indication. Its an old lullaby that you know Anna loves. She sings it to you sometimes after a particularly bad trial, when you've come up against the Clown, or Krueger. She'll drag your body up against hers, sitting your back against her chest and hug you, pressing her cheek against the top of your head as the words slip out and your close your eyes; Letting her. You've come to crave those moments with her hugging you like you're special, and important.
The humming was only meant to comfort her, this time... but when her body climbs back off of you and she effortlessly picks you up, setting you in her lap and curling around you, burying her face into your neck.
When you immediately realise that is Anna again, rather then Entity, you quickly relax against her and wrap your arms around her neck and hugging her tight. "Кролик... I am sorry... I did not-... It-... was not me... "
"I know Anna... "
"Forgive me. I do not want you to fear."
"There's nothing to forgive."
Freddy Krueger:
Controlled by- Older, more powerful dream demons. (Uhhhhh *cough* Bill Cipher if you want *Cough cough*)
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"Freddy... " You hold out your hands, a cautious gesture as he approaches- blades extended and ready to strike. And he's ascending faster then he usually would, more determined. Chewing the inside of your cheek, you look around, panicking; All you see is four walls, one that you're digging your shoulder blades into in a nearly subconscious attempt to keep yourself as far as you can from your attacker, who isn't acting like himself, and the claw-like blades on his fingers.
Your heart's hammering against your chest, because you know for certain- if he gets to you this time you aren't getting out. No lengthy one-liner is going to allow you to too luckily wake up just in the nick of time, no stupid loophole will stop him short, no silly human distraction will divert his short attention span. Your mind races with different ways you've escaped before, but none of it applies to a situation like this. Freddy's not himself- and weirdly enough you find yourself really fucking missing him. At least you wouldn't be in this situation! Looking around senselessly, you panic. "Shoot, shoot, shoot- "
He'd usually like to drag things out, eat up every delicious reaction you make, and by some miracle you would manage to escape.
But there's no foreseeable getaway out of this one.
Suddenly the wall behind you disappears, leaving a fucking cliff leading to a whole lot of deep, black, nothingness an inch from your heels and you violently flinch away from it, narrowly escaping a terrible fall, eyes wide at the new threat. A whimper comes out of you, staring back over your shoulder at it; You were always uncomfortable with heights.
While you're distracted is when 'Freddy', lunges- but you catch it from the corner of your eye and manage to whip back around in time to catch his wrist, holding the blades away from your body- a pathetic yelp flying out of you at the attack. "No!" Your eyes snap shut and stay squeezed tightly closed for a moment, before you crack them back open to see a furious scowl carved into his usually amused face. Damn it...
There's nothing left to do but beg.
"If you kill me now, all the fun will be over, Freddy." You remind, eyes wide as you try to get that through to him. Try to make him remember. His eyes just narrow at you and his other arm comes out of nowhere flying towards your throat but you catch that wrist too, and although your arm shakes against the struggle to release himself, you manage to not let go. Because if you do and those blades manage to slice through you then you are a goner. "Come on man fight this." Searching his eyes, you try to find even one lick of Freddy left but just despair and panic more when you just find terrible emptiness- its worse then any mirth or roué that's annoyed you before. "You're lots of things but you aren't a tool- please?"
Please, please.
"Oh but he is my tool! Aren't you seeing this??" For the first time, the bastard that's trying to kill you speaks; And your eyes immediately darken, louring at the face. He gives a great yank, trying to pull himself away from you but your fingers only clench down.
"What are you even doing with him?? Isn't he bringing in enough souls for you?? The bastard sure acts ruthless enough."
"Au contraire, Y/N. In fact 'the bastard' hasn't brought in any fresh ones for weeks. Been too busy with you, I'd wager. Which is why I've come to help out." Green eyes wonder across your determined, stony face, before an irritating smirk crosses his. "In fact, while I do admit that you're tough, beautiful- you aren't so tough that I believe you'd be able to ward off his attacks for this long... if he were being serious about it."
Face scrunching up in confusion and disinclined to really try and understand. "Well I guess you're not a great judge of strength because open your eyes and guess what? I'm still right here."
The smirk of Freddy's face turns very cruel. "I don't have any use for a wayward demon with human emotions."
Before you have a real chance to wonder what the hell that remark meant, you take a knee hard to the belly, causing all the the air in your throat to be knocked out, and your grip to loosen as a result- more then enough for the demon to take control of the situation; Shoving you harshly down to the ground and your knees when you double over and hold your stomach and just try to suck in breath again.
As air starts to fill your lungs again sharp, stinging claws scrape up your throat and dig into the skin below your chin. You squeeze your eyes shut, thinking you're really going to die this time.
The knives prod so hard into the soft skin there you think blood's going to spill any time as you jaw tightens and your heart beats as fast as a steam train rolling and your fists clench at your sides- when-
The pain disappears. The whole sensation of being touched by anything but the hard ground the clothes on your back goes away, in fact, and your crack your eyes slowly open, and look up.
Immediate, and odd considering the facts, relief washes over your body because you can tell just looking at him - despite the lack of change in expression, his face still stuck in a grim expression and you don't really blame him after the bullshit that just happened,- that the person standing in front of you now is once again the asshole who's been trying to kill you the past couple weeks. This is one of those moments you know that no one else will understand but you, but the relief in your voice when you say his name now is palpable. "Freddy." The ground behind you starts to grow outwards into the empty space of the chasm, creating a more stable surface for you.
Slowly he tilts his head to the side, regaining a dot of his usual humour. "I suggest you get up sweetheart or I might get some ideas."
Fuck even something stupid and perverted and ill-timed like that causes a wash of relief to roll over you as you get up, brushing off your knees and feeling under you chin for lacerations-
Before a finger-knife once again touches to the soft skin underneath your chin and - gently this time, - guides your head up, and Freddy's eyes flicker half-concerned and mostly unamused over the area. And maybe its wishful thinking, or the way you're still sensitive from fear from just almost getting killed, or what, but you detect a relieved tone in his voice, too. "You're fine."
Laughing Jack:
Controlled by- His own madness.
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A lollipop stick - one of those BIG ones, that you see Bugs Bunny hit people like Yosimite Sam in the head with when he's pretending to be a baby,- gets thrown at you and you just manage to duck down before it nails you in the head- when you straighten back up, wide eyed, you see the thing wedged into the wall where your head was... sizzling.
Heart hammering like a crazed Bob The Builder in your chest, you look back at L.J, who's madness is quite literally swirling around visibly in his eyes right now and who's teeth look sharper then before somehow, and feel your heart sink into your feet. Raising your hands in the universal sign of surrender, you take a step back. "L.J... come on... "
"Pop... hehe... Pop! Pop- that's how the weasel goes? Right??" His voice is so sweet and British, but the growl that tears out of his very soul and turns yours to absolute ice as he hurls another poisonous not-so-fun-sized lollipop at you- the stick cramming into the plaster by your arm. Way too close for comfort. You can feel heat coming off of it and burning your skin like radiation. Goddamn, what did he dip this in? Unfathomably shiver inducing giggles bubble up out of L.J's chest, and you snap back to attention. "Pop... hehe... Like you!- If you eat that lolly."
Side stepping the lollipops, you put the kitchen table between you and your boyfriend. "Yeah... yeah, hilarious."
His eyes snap click to yours, cool and grey and killer focused. "Sarcasm?"
Oh hell- "No!" Desperately, you cry, surprised at what he's jumped to and terrified of that look in his beautiful, scary eyes. "No, its funny! Really!"
Oh my god, really! Truly!
Oh god you want to cry, not laugh! But you force a smile onto your face anyway, fingers gripping the dining chair in front of you so tight your knuckles turn white.
Slowly, a dangerous grin spreads across L.J's sharp, off-white angelic features. In a sing-song voice, as he follows a slow, deliberate, predatory course around the table to you as your eyes widen the closer he gets. "I~ Don't~ Believe~ You!~ "
Claws scrape against each other at one of his sides, and on the other his talon-like fingers itch around a pocket full of lethal treats- still deciding, you're sure, which devastating delectable to shove down your throat.
"L.J... please... " You stay cautiously, try to take a step back again and escape, but he grabs grabs you this time. holding you down in your spot by a shoulder, like a child getting a shot. "Ah!"
"Now stay still!~ Love you're just as sweet as a gum drop!" A short flicker of fondness whispers beyond his eyes, before his grip clenches down more painfully on your shoulder and it disappears again. All you can do is roll your shoulder, trying in vein to wiggle out of his grip and lessen the pain. "But to be quite honest with you I'm thinking you deserve something a little less ordinary don't you? Maybe, a... warhead, instead ey!?- Huh?"
You can hear his heartbeat slow down, as you press the side of your face against his chest, as you had lurched forward and arms wrapped around his waist as you hugged him warmly. "Please just come back L.J. I know you're having a moment but I need you to come back. I need you."
"This is!- This is really not- Very- Look I'm British, and this is not super dignified- " His voice is still high and mad, but you cant very well let him go now. This is your only remaining idea to bring him back.
Affection is hard for L.J on a good day, much less a hard one like this, but its the only human reaction you know for sure you can get out of him- and you're desperate.
"L.J... " Your voice is small, as you gaze sadly at the floor. "Please, come back to me... " An uncomfortable, strangled groan comes out oh him- but he does not rip you off of him.
In fact, the next thing you feel is the gentle tap of something familiarly cone-like on the top of your head as he casually touches his nose to your scalp.
"... I've come back, sweets...
Now please, please let me go- "
Controlled by- Unknown, powerful force. (Possibly Zalgo?)
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"Forever in love with the human Offender design that has him with long grey/silver hair.
"Uh... Offender?" Something about this man right now is... disconcerting best, you think as you set down the groceries on the hall table, kicking the front door closed and shedding your jacket from around your waist. He's standing silently, leaning against a wall instead of on the couch with the TV remote like he usually would be.
Now, his head turns slowly from the blank screened TV, to you- and you definitely feel a sense of dread settle in your bones.
No smirk, no flirty comment. He just stares; His lips resting in a thin, unchanging line like a robot.
"Offender? You... " Tilting your head to the side, you get a little bit concerned. "Okay?"
There's no response. Your eyebrows furrow.
"You wanna know my total at the register just now? 69 dollars. Ain't that funny?"
Now, usually that would make the over-powered moron laugh like an idiot, stamping his foot down onto the floor and all, but now a tentacle shoots out from his back and squeezes around your neck.
A gasp tears from your throat as he drags you up off of the floor, the tips of your feet barely scraping the carpet anymore. Tears cluster in your eyes from the suddenness of it all as you try and suck in air, but he's really getting to it. No holds bared. His grip is like steel, locking up your airway entirely, immediately.
You cant speak but you mouth his name, scraping your nails into the appendage as your legs writhe up to your stomach in the air, struggling to breath in air that he wont let you.
What... the... hell.
"I have a mission- stop. Must destroy weakness- stop. The Sexual Offenderman first- stop. No one will notice he's changed- stop." He talks like he's reading out a telegram, and its his voice but at the same time its not. There's absolutely no tone in it that would in anyway scream Offender, to you, but that generously chocolaty, gravelly voice belongs to no other body but his. So you know that its him. But what's wrong with him?
Who... are... you? You can barely think through your struggle to breath and the blind panic about death clearly nearing as black spots enter your vision, but you manage to think out that before your head goes foggy.
"Head of the mission anonymous- stOop."
Is it just the delirium stewing around in your brain or did his voice crack on that last syllable?
The tentacle suddenly snatches back from your neck, so fast it leaves a burn behind in its wake but you're more preoccupied landing on weak, bucking legs and taking in great big lung full's of air- before just as suddenly as you had been allowed reprieve, its stolen away from you again. This time his fist has taken its place, pinning your neck to the wall behind you- and your head spins, from the back of your head knocking harshly against the wall.
If your vision wasn't blurry before, it sure is now.
Offender's fingers flex around your throat, gripping it desperately- and you notice a deep frown on his mouth just before your eyes slip closed, a strangled cry escaping you.
Slowly... everything... every sense and every hurt... disappears, as you lose consciousness.
You don't know how much later it is when your eyes flutter open again, but miraculously they do and when you see Offender leaning against the wall this time, you scramble back backwards- to the headboard of your your bed.
Confused, you look around. You're in your bedroom, now. In bed. Your neck throbs still and to breath is to inflict pain upon yourself. Gaze flickers cautiously back to Offender, although you aren't so worried. If he was still under... whoever, or whatever... that was's, control, then he never would've stopped or let you go. Or set you down in your bed.
On inspection, all his tentacles are hidden away wherever they come from in his back again, and his arms are held carefully behind his back. When he notices that you're calm, heartbeat slowing down to a steady beat once again, you watch him as he lets out a relieved breath.
Still, his voice is cool and relaxed- if a little enthusiastic. Its Offender, and you feel a washed in relief that he's back.
"Fuck, baby. I dunno whatever the hell that was but I promise you its gonna get one hell of a wake up call when I find it." His sharp teeth shine in the sunlight filtering in through the window, as he scowls. Then he takes a deep breath, composing himself, as he comes forward and sits down on the edge of your bed. "Now c'mere, I gotta play doctor now."
Peter Hale:
Controlled by- A vampire (Possibly Damon Salvetore... for fun... ).
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"Yep- Scott- Yeah, I got it. I've seen Twilight, okay?" You tease, snorting when theirs a scuffle on the other end of the phone and making out Styles voice snapping at Scott to hand him the diddly- damn- phone. Fishing through your bag, you get out of the key to Peters apartment and the vervain shot he needs to take. "Okay. I gotta go, I'm here. Tell Styles to calm down; I was kidding." You giggle, slipping the key into the lock. "Well- not about seeing Twilight. I actually enjoy it- bye!"
And quickly, you hang up the phone before either of the two boys can say anything else, slip your phone into your back pocket and open the door.
As you kick the door gently closed behind you, you look around got the particular sourwolf you're in search of. "Hey Peter? You home??"
In true Beacon Hills style- another enemy has reared its ugly head. And its not Peter this time, thank god. No, this time... it just had to be vampires.
Rolling your eyes, you venture deeper into the stylish downtown apartment. It was going to happen eventually, you suppose. Werewolves and Vampires kind of go hand in hand, if you are to take any of the supernatural teen romance pop culture seriously at all. Which at this point in life- you kind of do. How could you not, living here??
So here you are, baring gifts for your partner; A wealth of knowledge from Scott and Styles and a syringe full of vervain. And maybe a kiss or two, depending on whether he's nice.
A few moments pass as you go into the kitchen and turn on the fancy coffee maker Peter paid way too much for and get out two mugs- setting your bag down on a chair by the counter; Basically, making yourself at home. You practically live here at this point, so you always do this. Its nothing out of the ordinary.
But do you know what is, out of the ordinary??
The vampire.
As soon as that foul, sickly sweet, distinctly fake smell that your supposed enemy species is drenched with fills your nostrils suddenly, the hair all over your body stands on end. Goosebumps form all up and down your arms. Your head snaps up, and you look cautiously around.
Where... is... Peter. Where is your goddamn mate?
And where's the vampire?
Eyes flickering all around the room, you see immediately when the most bad boy vampire type guy ever walks into the room, on the other side of the dinner table and the counter to you, coming from the bedroom+bathroom area. You manage to stay composed, just opening your mouth to say hello, with a given amount of venom and suspicion bleeding through your tone- when an honest-to-goodness yelp is torn out of you, as hands come from behind and wrestle you against the side counter and the cabinets there, and your eyes snap up to see that its Peter.
Your shoulders drop, and you don't fight him. Heart thumping in your chest, at how wrong everything here is and how confused you are, and now Peter- you look up at him wide eyed confusion and concern. "Peter?"
He doesn't even look at you... just turns his head towards the vampire.
Your stomach immediately takes an awful plummet... down to your feet. You're too late. He's been compelled.
Feeling sick and uncomfortable, you follow his gaze to the vampire version of your mate. Because... yep. Stylish outfit, devil-may-care vibes, air of boredom? That's definitely a look that you're familiar with. Still, you cant help but feel very badly towards this, particular, fang-ier design.
"What the hell is going on?" You try to sound confident, and courageous- but mostly you're just worries. What's the play, here? You don't even know why the vampire's are here, in Beacon Hills. you have no idea what you're up against... and you hate it.
But mostly you hate how Peter, your mate, your boyfriend, your stupid formerly psychotic lover is caught up in it. Him being stuck here with you is one thing- but him not being him?? Oh... no. No, you hate this. With every fibre of your being.
And he smells like the demon, too. Disgusting.
"Oh- glad you asked." The man's voice hurts your superior, wolf-y ears, even as you aren't truly listening to him. Something about a werewolf biting his brother? Doesn't matter, anyway. Your gaze, turned concerned, slipped right back to Peter as soon as the bastard got caught up in his villainous spiel.
You manage to twist your wrists and yank them from Peter's grip, as he's just focused mainly on keeping you where you are rather then attacking the vampire probably, and reach up to gently cup his face- guiding him to look at you so you can worriedly assess him.
There's no Peter behind those eyes, you realise as you worry your bottom lip. Those eyes are hard, and dull, and thoughtless. Peter's pretty bored a lot of the time but there's never any doubt that theirs something - maybe something judgemental, and sometimes even nefarious, - going on in his head. But now?... nothing. And it breaks your heart a little, to see. "Peter... " You say again, just under your breath. Mostly just mouthing the word. Come back. Come back here, please?
"- are you even listening to me?... Ugh! And that was a really freaken good speech, too. Do your kind not appreciate the monologue? Come, on. Its traditional! You know? I tell you why I'm here, why I've gonna rip your head off, and you sit there all... you know, defiant! But scared, too, yeah. Its a good thing! Its one of the things I missed most about being the bad guy!" The guy, the vampire, grabs your attention again- appearing just on the other side of the counter; Which he leans on. You turn your face, anger burning in your face, to him just to scowl. Does he think this is funny?
Deeply rolling some seriously crystal-like blue eyes, the raven haired male drops his cheek into his hand- elbow resting on the bench. "Ughhh. So boring. Okay, fine. Seeing as its clear, that you two don't know anything useful.. I guess I'll just get rid of you both." He heaves a great sigh, then waives like 'get on with it' as he starts assessing some canvas prints on the wall. "Go on, wolf-man. Kill her. Then kill yourself."
Fury, sparked by fear, explodes in you and you suddenly try to lunge out of Peter's grip at the vampire, reaching out for his throat. "Why don't you do it yourself!?- " Peter yanks you back, though, before the vamp gets the good sense to move even an inch. "Ah!"
"Ahhh, there we go. Some quality defiance! That's what I like to see- too bad its too little too late... yea... sorry! I got crap to do today, so... uh... yeah, see ya! You know, or not."
Gritting your teeth, as Peter shows his claws... ready to slash your throat. "I hope your brother dies." Are your parting words for the bloodsucker.
"There's a club for that you can join! Too bad you'll be too dead to join, mm... Oh well! Bye!"
The bastard leaves the apartment before you can say anything else.
You're left just with Peter, who is literally about to kill you. But, still, you aren't able to back down, or shrink down, in front of him. Because its Peter, and no matter the fact that he is compelled, it still feels like him. And you don't have it in you to be scared of him.
Feeling determined suddenly, you slap your hands around his face again, and make him focus on you. "Peter." You say, sternly. More desperate and more powerful then before. You would think you stole the soul of Dame Maggie Smith. "Listen to me now." Looking deeply into those familiar eyes you love, you think only for the man you want back rather then your imminent death. "You said you cared about me. That you loved me. I need you to think about that, now. Right now. Because if you don't, you're going to go and do some things, you wont even be able to regret."
His hand stops.
Seeing that as a chance that he's hearing you, you step forward a smidgeon to be closer to him, and get gentler in your approach. As a werewolf, your connection to your mate isn't as huge and earth shattering as Wattpad fanfiction makes it out but it is something, at least, and you're hoping it helps here. Please. "I really need you right now. Please, Peter. I love you."
Then you bow your head, just laying your forehead under his chin and praying he comes back- but also taking a deep breath. Like its your last. Like you're getting ready... to die.
But too many more moments pass by without anything happening, and you want to lean back and see what's happening, if he's okay, but you're also afraid that if you do move it'll spook him. You're just holding onto him, your eyes squeezed shut, more conscious of his crazy familiar cologne that you're breathing in, then ever.
Then suddenly his body relaxes, and a hand comes down on the back of your hair. You suck in a deep breath and grip him tighter. Thank god. "... Its okay. I'm back, sweetheart... and we have a vamp to kill."
Peter Hayes:
Controlled by- Jeanine, via sim.
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Suddenly you feel the familiar sense of gun pressed to the back of your head, and your heart goes cold. Because there is only one person you haven't accounted for- and you cant fight him.
Strong and quick at the same time, making him second in your class (Above you, for sure)... and also, the boy that gave you the purple and yellow marks on your throat.
Squeezing your eyes shut, you try to calm your racing heart. How stupid were you to finally trust him- he's a fucking snake and he's never going to be any different. No matter how much, consciously, you hope he will be. Or how much, subconsciously, you tell yourself its not going to happen. Taking in a shaking breath, you start to talk. "P-Peter- "
But you're cut off. "Oh, he cant hear you." Your eyes suddenly snap open again to find Jeanine not far away, strolling into the room. Immediately your eyes go cold, too, glaring at her. What? "He's in a sim. If he can hear you- he cant do anything about it. He's under my control." She shrugs, daintily. "Sorry."
Suddenly theirs no calming your heart as you freeze up. He's in a sim. God- your feelings about - for, - Peter are complicated but you know well enough that you hate this. You desperately want to turn around, shake sense into him, but you know it would be useless. Tris was only able to break Four out that time because they're insanely in love with each other- you don't even know if Peter really knows what love feels like.
So that leaves one option.
Suddenly ducking, you hear a bullet come free and fly through the air where your head was, as you squat and turn around. You grab onto Peter's ankle and give a sharp tug; Causing the boy to fall flat on his ass before he can even aim again.
As soon as you can, you climb up and rip the gun out of his hand before trying to scramble away, so you don't have to fight anymore for a multitude of reasons - he's stronger then you, he's faster then you, you're in love with him, - but a powerful hand grabs your ankle this time and the strength with which he uses to drag you back, beneath him this time, is enough to knock the air out of you. "Ah!- "
No- He clenches another hand around your arm and twists hard, stealing a gasp of pain from you and ensuring you don't struggle out of his hold.
He takes your wrist in his hand this time, squeezing so hard it hurts- so you get of the gun.
Peter - or the empty shell, - clicks the barrel into place then and presses it into the side of your neck.
The metal is cold and it shocks you, and you freeze, but your heart is mostly pounding because Peter's going to kill you. Jeanine walked off when he grabbed you again, leaving you to do alone.
You just look at him with eyes for a moment, breathing in and out heavily; Memorising the boy from Dauntless Initiation, that made everyone's lives hell just because he could, for no other reason then because there's nothing left to do for you, and he's pretty. You cant escape, you cant fight back... you're dead.
As that realisation dawns on you, you take a deep, shaky breath and you cant help but raise a shaky hand - the one attached to the arm that Peter is currently twisting with all his might, - , and touch his face. You don't know if he'll just press the trigger before you even get a chance to do this next thing, but you want to try.
"I don't know why Peter, but I always wanted to do this." You whisper, using his name not because he can hear you or you think he's in there at all, but just because that's who you want to kiss.
Then you do it, you curl your hand around the back of his neck and pull his not-resisting head down, and press your lips to his like you always read about- saw older faction members do- heard was done.
When you finish a second later, you're expecting him to just immediately shoot you, but instead you notice how focused his eyes are and your own widen, before he swoops down and presses a longer kiss to your lips.
You wrench him back this time, eyebrows knitted together as you search his face. He's out of the sim!? "Peter!?" You exclaim, full of shock. How did he-
"I kind wanted to do that, too." He tells you.
Scott (Total Drama):
Controlled by- A ridiculous, horrible Chris McLean original(tm) invention (A.K.A, a challenge) that allows a partner (A.K.A, Chaotic Mr Mal) to control the wearers actions. I mean, the object of the challenge is to get through the dangerous obstacle course, but I feel like Mal's gonna have a different kinda fun with this.
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"MIKE!" You shout, scrambling out of the way before Scott's arms, and the crowbar in his hands, can come down anywhere on your body. Looking back with wide eyes at your boyfriend, who cant control his movements and is just desperately trying to let go of the damn pole. Turning your head to see Mike, next, you see him hit the control pad on some railing beside him and shrug, a panicked, helpless look on his awkward face.
"Its not working! Chris must have made them glitchy on purpose! Damn, this could really hurt someone!"
Now you look to Chris, eyes wide and furious. That does make sense!- "Hey, I didn't make them. That was the interns- but the idea, yeah, that was mine. Patent pending." Chris shrugs, giving a too-white smile to the some hidden camera.
Whatever, you think, knowing you have to focus on Scott now- so he doesn't kill you. As soon as you return your attention to him, you realise you should never have stopped watching him in the first place, because he is coming right at you again and you shriek- jumping behind him. "Scott!"
"Sorry, Y/N!! I- I cant control myself!" His reflexes are slow, due to him fighting his brain and his limbs, but farmer boy is still strong. If he gets a hold of you, if he gets you- you're done for. You'll be off the show, you might even be dead if he gets your head.
Wincing when he swings again, turning around- jump before he can get all the way turned; Wrapping you arms around him from behind, and holding on tight as you squeeze your eyes closed and bury your face in a shoulder blade. The likelihood of you being able to hold him still for long isn't good but what other choice do you have? You have to stay out of the way of that bar!
Cracking your eyes open, arms locked around your thrashing boyfriend, you peak back at Mike again- and catch just the end of a dark, evil grin. Your eyes widen as your breath clips, lifting your chin from the cotton Scott's tank. What?-
Immediately his elbow rears back and you take a blow to your stomach. "Ah!- " Ohhhh noooo... fuck, that does not feel good... In your pain, you let go of Scott; Stepping back away from him to hold your stomach- but not so far that you leave the obstacle course.
"Y/N!" Mike and Scott both yell, as you real from the pain and Scott's body turns to face you. Mike's voice is frazzled, still, and when you glance at him his face is back to normal too- but you do not trust him for a goddamn second after that look on his face. Maybe this really isn't Chris' fault, for once.
Well, if Mike isn't going to get Scott through the course, then theirs no need for you to play along with the challenge, either. As Scott comes at you again and the pain subsides in your stomach, you manage to reach up and catch his wrist - though you have to use both arms, and both arms tremble with the force it takes to hold Scott's arm and the dreaded crowbar above your head in the air and away from you, - , eyes slipping to Scott's. "Come on- " You force the words out, struggling to hold him off. "You gonna make me fight you Scotty?"
"I!... Cant!... Stop it!... "
Beginning to panic, because in a few seconds your arms are going to give and you're going to get a nasty wallop to your face, you glance quickly to the helmet on Scott's head controlling him. Okay. "Stop fighting it." You whisper quickly, looking back to Scott's eyes.
"What!?" He scowls, immediately. "No way! I'm not gonna hurt you- "
"Scott!" You snap, frustrated and losing your grip.
"Oh, fine!" With one last growl of effort, Scott lets go of the reigns and you let go of his arm- immediately shooting forward into his body so his arm flies down and knocks the ground with a BANG. Your hands go up quickly, and snatch the helmet off of his head; Chucking the bundle of rusted metal and wires onto the forest floor behind him.
For a moment everything is still. Scott stops moving entirely, and you're afraid you hurt him, yanking that mind-controlling helmet away from him. You slowly step back, wanting to look at his face and see if he's alright-
When the crowbar hits the ground heavily, and Scott grabs you back, wrapping his arms around you tightly- protectively. Immediately you relax into him and sigh, in relief. "I'm so sorry, Y/N! I don't know what happened, the damn machine musta glitched! I tried to hold back, but!-
"Its okay," You reply gently, holding him back just as tight as you bury the side of your face in his chest. "I know you weren't in control!- "
"But STILL- my pa didn't teach me much about romance but I do know that y'should never try and hit 'em with a prybar!" He gives you another squeeze.
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lucyslovelies · 3 years
hi queen could you write me a scott x straight female who has freckles and wears a yellow top and likes seth rogen movies reader? i'll pay you
Thank you so much for requesting anon! I'd be more than happy! Sorry for the delay, I was recently court ordered to psychiatric evaluation but I just got out!
Scott x Reader
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Scott Dustler walked out of the cabin. It was a sunny morning on Wawanakwa island, and the first day of the competition. After All-Stars Chris suddenly had revealed a loophole in six contestant's contracts that contracted them for another season, though Scott didn't know who else was there, since he had mysteriously arrived alone.
A rustling in a bush nearby distracted the skinny cute ginger and he turned to see Dakota, a blonde airhead who was obsessed with attention and fame (AN: In this AU I decided that the ROTI ending is non-canonical. I will make a separate post about my personal headcanon for the true ending if asked). She was covered in scratches, mud and sticks and looked mad. "Scott?" she asked. "I got dropped off in the middle of the woods for christs sake! Chris couldnt even bring me to the docks... how did you get here?"
"The boat, same as always. No one else was on board through.... do you know who else is on the island?"
"Yes... Heather Smith is here, and so is Noah Lonnie. But those are the only returning contestants... the other two are new" Dakota smiled.
"Wow, new contestants already?" Scott chuckled.
"Yeah, one boy and one girl" Dakota laughed.
"Fresh meat huh... their in for a real surprise when they get here" Scott muttered.
Suddenly a noise happened from anothr bush, this time it was across the way though. Heather Smith tumbled out, her long black hair tied into a bun at the tope of her head. She was newly 18 and looked the part, which made the pictures falling out of her coat even more mysterious, since they appeared to be a small boy. Pehaps her nephew? Scott thought.
"Hi Heather" Dakota said. she was being friendlier than usual, so Sxott thought about using her in an alliance. However he shrugged it off and turned away.
"Whos that?" she pointed to the pictures.
"Uhhh, that's my boyfriend duh" Heather spit on Dakota. Scott was about to take a look when another person emerged from the forest. It was Noah.
"Cody Anderson, remember?" he rolled his eyes sarcastically and a bit gayly, Scott thought. "Theyve been dating since like world tour"
Heather crossed her arms but her eyes were dreamy as she thought of her boyfriend. He expression made Scott's tummy hurt as he thought about his last ex, Courtney, who had dumped him to be with his old friend Mike...
A tear came to his eye which was very unmanly so Scott flicked it away.
"Where are teh new contestants?" Dakota said.
"I saw one earlier it looked like a girl but I could hardly tell" Heather replied
"What do you mean?" Scott asked
"Well the hair was all brown and messy and short enough to either be a boy or a girl, a little androgynous if you ask me. It had freckles too, lots of them... I hate that look" Heather explained.
"Really?" Scott inquired.
"Yeah" Noah added. "And I saw a boy too with curly brown hair... he was kindof cute too... wait, I meant-"
Heather rolled her eyes. "Ignore him. hes just a silly little gayboy"
"Heather that's kindof homophobic..." Dakota muttered but Heather ignored her and did her makeup.
Scott didnt add in (he knew Heather was right, but as a bi sexual he was still offended) because he was thinking about the girl heater described... it sounded almost like Courtney, except the part about the androgyny.
Suddenly another sound came from behind them. everyone jumped but it was just a boy and a girl emerging from the wilderness. The girl was just like Heather had described, except she was wearing a bright yellow crop top under a pair of overall jeans with white sneakers. her hair was a bit tousled by the wind and she had freckles too, but her eyes were green instead of brown like courtney's. the boy said something first.
"h-hey everyone... I'm mickey and this is my sister y/n" he said sounding nervous. "we're triplets but our brother Jay is in the hospital with pneumonia so only we could come"
"Siblings" Heather aske.d she looked sweet but she was like a snake, Scott could tell she was figuring out that the two mjstve had an alliance already. Scott was not unsure of that himself.
"Hi everyone, I'm y/n" the girl said, holding out her hand for Scott to shake. he accepted it and noticed her firm grip and rough hands- it was lmost like shed been raised on a farm. she wasnt like any other girl on the island so far and scott wasn't sure what to think of that yet....
Like and Share for Chapter 2!
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prettytingzz · 2 years
Could you do Brick and Scott in a polyamorous relationship with a male S/O? Just fluff and maybe a few NSFW ones if you're comfortable?
Ofc!! This is gonna be so fun😭😭 *not proofread* sorry I’m lazy😭🥲
Minors DNI
I feel like what I’ve seen about polyamorous relationships they go with the flow and yall my dear go with the mf flow💀
Honey you are the baddest in your game if you can pull these two in a relationship with you.
Anyways let’s start😭
You’re the glue in this relationship. If you want to do something fun or lazy for the day they both put their differences to the side to fulfill your wish.
Don’t get me wrong they’re the phrase of opposites attract but you’re the plus sign between Brick and Scott.
You woke up one late afternoon in the middle of your two favorite boys.
You sigh softly and kisses both of their necks softly, waking them both up.
“Let’s have a lazy day babes.” You spoke softly for them to hear and for them to not wake up grumpy.
Scott speaks up first, “Mm, that sounds nice baby.” Wrapping his arms around you putting his face in your chest.
Brick hearing you both and nods agreeing. “Mhm. I agree.” He stretches and kisses your neck and Scott’s head getting up out of bed.
Fluff scene ends
NSFW (ᴄᴏɴᴛɪɴᴜᴀᴛɪᴏɴ ғʀᴏᴍ ғʟᴜғғ)
You guys decided to stay in bed all day. Got up when needed to. Like the bathroom and food and stuff.
In a comfortable position sandwiched in between Brick and Scott. Brick spooning you and Scoot cuddling you from the front.
Scoot being the little naughty man his is kisses your neck and nips at it and starts to sucking it making your breath hitch.
Brick knowing this game to well and lifts your shirt up rubbing his nice manicured nails on your stomach raking them up against your sensitive nipples, causing you to moan out.
“You like that baby?” Brick asked while pinching and twisting your nipples how you like it while Scott is sucking on your neck.
“Y-yes..give me more.”
Scott looks up at you and bites his lip. “I’ll give you more baby.” Scott slides his hands in your underwear(boxers whichever you prefer) and grabs your hard on and rubs his thumb all over your slit spreading your precum all over the tip.
You arch your back moaning softly being sensitive already from Brick working his magic on your nipples. Brick watches and bites your lip causing you to whimper and slides his tongue inside your mouth immediately dominating your mouth.
Scott removes his hand and pulls down your underwear seeing your dick standing up straight. He wets his fingers and starts massaging your balls looking up at you arching your back from the pleasure you’re receiving.
This causes you to pull away and cry out. “Ahh..S-Scott!” Leaking more precum. Brick sees this and bites his lip and while Scott is massaging your balls he squeezes the base of your cock and strokes up and squeezing your sensitive tip.
You grab on to the Brick’s arms spreading your legs a bit more for Scott to get a bit more access to your balls. You feel your eyes roll back from the pleasure the both of them are giving you.
You start to feel a familiar coil in your stomach and you try to get your words out but couldn’t and feel that coil bust and cums on Brick’s hard.
Brick moans from the sight. “Shit. Empty your balls out all over my hand baby.”
And that you did.
Scott pats your balls making you jump a bit from the sensitivity and kisses you hard.
You laid there weakly and feels yourself getting a bit sleepy from your guys actions. Scott gets up and goes to the bathroom and comes back having a warm wet towel and cleans you up and kisses your neck and lips softly and cleans Brick’s hands and reaches and kisses his lips too.
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orangewisteria · 2 years
ᴳᴵᴿᴸᶠᴿᴵᴱᴺᴰ ˢᶜᴼᵀᵀ
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ᴰᴬᵀᴵᴺᴳ ᴴᴱᴬᴰᶜᴬᴺᴼᴺˢ || ᴿᴱᵟᵁᴱˢᵀˢ ᴼᴾᴱᴺ
-> Scotts is a love sick puppy when it comes to you
-> He cant help it! Youre perfect in his eyes and he loves you to the moon and back
-> Probably more but he doesnt really wanna get called out-
-> One big tsun tsun about verbal love
-> But physical love? oh boy does he love it!
-> He loves to show you off to the others
-> An arm around your waist or shoudler as he holds you close
-> Cheek kisses and forehead kisses are his favorite to give to you!
-> He prefers neck and nose kisses himself
-> Its some of his most sensiteve spots btw
-> When he blushes his freckles are more prominent
-> He's got them all over his face, shoulders, and back
-> Please for the love of all that is unholy make him blush often
-> Connect his freckles with your fingers as you cuddle or hold his face close
-> Or when you lay on his back when cuddling just connect his freckles
-> Speaking of that
-> He likes to lay on his to much with you on his back
-> Or be the little spoon, his back to you
-> Again, he likes you to hold his face close when cuddling, makes him feel safe and small
-> Going off of that
-> Hold his cheeks and kiss him
-> It makes him all weak in the knees when you do that
-> He feels all ooey gooey and hes just
-> Omg omg omg omg omg ghrifewe
-> Hes willing to follow you to the ends of the earth ok?
-> Hes just someone who was never held enough as a kid and needs all the love he can get
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tinkerbelldetective · 5 years
A/N: Why do I always write Star Trek at night? (Other than being able to write about being in the stars while seeing them)
At 0300 Scotty was still in engineering. The resident miracle worker and chief engineer didn't even notice the time, too busy whispering sweet things to the warp core as he went through the configurations and error reports.
He didn't even notice you come in, only becoming aware of your presence when placed a kiss on his head.
"What are you still doing up, love?" He asked, bringing your hand to his lips.
"I could say the same for you. It's bed time, Mr. Chief Engineer." He looked at the clock on the computer and his eyes widened.
"Aye, I'm glad you came to get me, I would have been here till mornin!" He placed a kiss on your cheek with a smile.
You both made a quick journey to your quarters, and the last thing you heard before you fell back to sleep was Scotty whispering that he loved you.
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the-milk-monarch · 11 months
hii!! can you write a td scott x reader?? like them in a beach but it can be anything tbh, thank you!!! :)
☣︎ Hey anon! Thank you for the first ask of this blog! I wasn't sure what setting would work best so I wrote it for both 💯 You didn't specify the relationship status, so I imagine that in the first one he's only now realizing he has a crush on you and in general headcanons you're an established thing.
☢︎ | gender-neutral reader ☢︎ | Total Drama ☢︎ | Scott
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【 Scott at camp Wawanakwa 】
You had already spent some time at the camp Wawanakwa, fortunately not being voted off after the first challenge, which was surprising to you.
Relationships with other contestants didn't come easy to you, given your a bit lacking social skills, but you were already used to it and preferred to rather analyze the other contestants, trying to just survive by yourself. Of course you didn't shoot down any opportunity that arrived to team up with the others, though.
And that such opportunity was Scott, the ginger-haired male at the camp.
You saw right through his act, knowing he's probably gonna be trouble sooner or later, but you were smart enough to not give into his 'very thought-out plans'.
You decided to loosely stick with him throughout your time there, to have at least one "ally" on your side.
Of course you knew you shouldn't fully trust a boy who's got a confident and smug grin on his face most of the time, making him look slightly suspicious.
You weren't sure exactly how Scott saw you and what his plans towards you were, so you were keeping your distance from him for the first few encounters.
After you spent some time with him though, you quickly realized Scott isn't as smart as he thinks he is.
From what you theorized, Scott probably saw you as an easy target to "manipulate" and decided to hang out with you.
Most, if not all of the time you were able to see right through him and his 'perfect schemes', which made your dynamic a bit more lighthearted, at least from your side.
You didn't see him as a hard to beat rival, so that definitely chilled out your hesitance towards him.
With time though, you and Scott became a bit of actual friends.
Even though you spent your free time artificially with him at first, you came to warm up to Scott.
You weren't aware if it was because of the pity points he earned, or maybe actual fondness of his theatrics that amused you.
Either way, most of the team saw you and Scott as a duo.
It was a lazy day, one of those you enjoyed, as it was free from Chris McLean's exhausting challenges.
After you had your horrible morning breakfast - which Scott to your surprise enjoyed - you proposed to hang out at the beach, as it was a particularly hot day.
He looked at you, waiting for a bit before coming up with a slightly unsure response.
"The beach huh-?" He repeated your words, giving himself more time to come up with a valid excuse.
You focused your gaze on him, analyzing his seeming hesitance.
"Yeah, the beach." You confirmed. "I was thinking of at least dipping my feet in the water since it's so hot."
"Well, yeah, beach seems cool, but…" He tried to keep his tone usual and confident, but there was a slight hint of uncertainty as he scratched the back of his neck in a nonchalant manner.
You glanced at him one more time, finally coming up with a possible conclusion of his behavior.
"You're scared of Fang showing up, aren't you?" You asked, lightheartedly teasing him about the shark creature that seemed to have a very strong dislike towards the boy. You'd be lying if you weren't slightly afraid of the unnatural beast as well, but you didn't hold yourself back from friendly poking fun at him from time to time.
"What? No, of course not-" He adamantly tried to brush off your remark, scoffing and crossing his arms in an offended way. "This fat fish-stick has nothing on me, he just happened to find me in situations where I was destined to lose!"
You chuckled slightly, amused by his strong dismissal of his low chances of winning with the shark.
"It's fine- I'd also be scared if this unholy abomination had it out for me." You calmed him down with some sympathetic words.
He wasn't really used to people being understanding towards him, let alone not making fun of his apparent fear of Fang, so he took your words with a bit of suspicion, but he ultimately let go and sighed quietly to himself.
"Fine, let's go. I ain't afraid." He still had to add his two cents to the end of the conversation, gaining him some half-serious eye roll from you.
In the end, you both decided you're gonna head to the dock, taking off your shoes as you arrived at the end of it.
You felt a pleasant sensation of warm water that's been exposed to the sun for some time hitting your feet as you dipped them.
You were pretty relaxed and content spending your free time like that, next to the person you spent most of your time with at the camp.
Scott also seemed to chill out one he established the coast is clear from any carnivores that'd threaten his free time in-between the dangerous challenges.
He finally exhaled contently, looking around the slightly trashed beach from the dock he was sitting on.
He also appreciated the time spent with you. He almost took it for granted, given how much time you were spending in each other's company.
You were one of the people who weren't overly critical of his schemes, as you much rather enjoyed the entertaining outcomes of his ambitious yet more often than not failed plans.
You also weren't plainly making fun of him when he failed, as you had developed some level of liking to the boy and you were curious what other 'plans' he had in store to win.
He told himself that he's gonna use anyone he has to to win the game, although when it came to you and your demeanor towards him, he hesitated a little on what plans he put you in.
Most of your involvement in his plans was like "Okay, so I need someone to partner up during the challenge… Y/N! They're the most fit contestant to help me this time!" Even if you weren't.
"Y/N, they're gonna surely think it's a great idea!" Even if it was destined to fail sooner or later.
Even if he planned to 'use you' in any dangerous challenge, he subconsciously treated you both as a legit team rather than a person underneath him.
You still were the only person whom he listened to for the advice about his schemes. It's not like his schemes were bad by any means, but some opinion once in a while is helpful, right?
Your gaze wandered around the - arguably - pretty sight of the island, until it landed on the freckles of the boy sitting beside you. They appeared more visibly due to the sun.
You stared at them a little, thinking the freckles look quite adorable on a farmboy who shows such a tough exterior. It added some depth to him, or at least you thought.
Unfortunately your thoughts about them were disturbed once he caught your gaze.
"What? Something on my face?" He raised his eyebrow in confusion, prepared to have probably some dirt from the breakfast on his face pointed out to him.
"Um, yeah, actually-" You spoke casually, trying to not make the situation awkward from randomly staring at him. "Your freckles."
He looked a bit stunned for a second there, trying to make sense of your response.
"What about them??" He asked looking intently into your eyes with some skepticism, awaiting for your further elaboration.
"Nothing, I guess- They just look a bit adorable in pair with your 'tough man' persona." You finally voiced your thoughts, smiling in a lighthearted and slightly playful way, not wanting to make him feel like you're making fun of him but also keeping cool in case he'd think of your comment as weird.
Scott got quiet for a second, processing your words. There was a visible surprise in his eyes as the sentence left your mouth.
Did he just get a compliment? About his freckles and his toughness? You officially flattered him!
He started to jumble his words a little as he once again involuntarily raised his arm to scratch the back of his neck, releasing some tension from his body.
"Well, uh-" His lips formed a smug yet a bit coy grin as he avoided your gaze for a second, his cheeks adopting a slightly pink tinge to them.
"What can I say-" He says, but then his train of thought seems to disappear. He really doesn't know what to say, which you notice and chuckle softly, endeared by leaving him speechless.
"It's all natural." He finally comes up with a response, puffing up his chest a little as he striked a nonchalant and smug pose, looking at his nails.
You grinned at him in a friendly manner, slightly charmed by his efforts to cover up how it got to him a little.
He seemed to get a bit thrown off his cool once he noticed you smiling at him warmly, and he felt the pressure to say something back to you in a similar manner.
"And, you, too-" Words spilled out of his mouth before he even had the proper chance to think them over. "I mean- My freckles. No- Your face. There's nothing bad on your face-"
You stared at him curiously and a bit amused at his attempts of forming a sentence, which only filled him with more distraction while he tried to voice his thoughts.
"So, in general, you're saying I'm adorable?" You decided to save him from the embarrassment by concluding what he has to say, but also putting him in even more compromising situation by putting it bluntly.
"Yes." He proudly nodded his head once he finally didn't have to stumble over his words and his thoughts were conveyed, but then he quickly stopped as he realized it might have been too forward coming from him. "I mean-"
You felt the corners of your lips curve in a flattered and amused smile as you heard him compliment you, even if slightly indirectly.
[Scott at the confessional]
"Well, I complimented them- That's just gonna make them like me more, right? I mean, they complimented me first, that must mean they at least like me to some degree!" He explained what happened as he fiddled with his hands in an analytical manner while speaking.
"That just makes it easier to manipulate them in any case!" He boasted slightly about his genius idea, although his tone of voice changed at the last words. He took a moment and continued to speak with slight hesitance and anxiety in his eyes which he tried to hide.
"But- Were they serious?? If my freckles are adorable, does that mean they think I'M adorable??" That question left him with a slightly wide-eyed realization, having to process his sudden, unimportant until now feelings about you, showing up and hitting him like a train.
(oh god this came out long and not even about the beach but the dock asfjskj)
【 Scott in general 】
(You both didn't compete on Total Drama, just some casual relationship stuff.)
Scott has been your boyfriend for a few weeks now.
He wasn't even quite sure how he happened to land upon you, let alone charm you with his wit and good looks.
He probably didn't go outside much, looking at his a bit closed off farm life and only started to recently get out to the real world.
He was very determined about his first relationship, treating it very seriously and focused on being the best boyfriend ever. You were the first person who reciprocated his feelings after all, so he treated you like royalty - to his abilities.
You thought his dedication to the relationship was sweet, and that's a big part of what you liked in him.
Because of his dorky personality you also felt quite comfy to let yourself loose and not be as anxious as you were with other people. You knew he wouldn't make fun of you, and would rather beat someone up for doing so.
And so, you on one of your hang-outs you proposed a trip to the beach.
Scott stopped for a moment, his eyes looking you up and down until he finally spoke in a slightly coy but interested tone.
"Trip to the beach, huh?" He smirked slightly, not being able to hide his excitement at the idea, but also slight anxiety before such an "achievement" in the relationship.
You rolled your eyes half-seriously as you smiled with amusement. You deducted why Scott seemed to be so happy about the proposition, which filled you with slight flattery.
"Yeah, sure, I'm up." Scott chimed in quickly. Of course he was very respectful of you, but he couldn't say he wasn't at least a bit interested in how you look like with more skin exposed to the pretty sun at the beach. "When do you wanna go?"
You shrug. "We can even go right now if you want." You suggested, not having any plans this particular day.
Scott grinned even more enthusiastically and muttered a quiet "yes!" when he thought you weren't listening.
You arrived at some secluded part of the beach, not wanting unnecessary eyes on both of you, distracting you from enjoying your day.
As you set up a little cozy corner in the sand with a big towel/blanket, Scott got up to get rid of his pants which hid a pair of red swim trunks underneath.
He was (respectfully) awaiting for you to do the grand reveal of your swimsuit as well.
You didn't leave him waiting for long as you casually began to take off your clothes.
Scott didn't mean to stare, but it was obvious he really took to heart that you trusted him to the point of spending a day at the beach with him, even if your relationship was still "fresh".
You were finally ready to dive into the water. You looked at Scott who was grinning while staring at you, but not in a creepy way. He looked more like a love-sick puppy with how he looked at you whole.
It flattered you. You weren't used to receiving such attention and the fact that it was from the boy you loved only made it more special.
"Nice swim-trunks." You teased slightly at you took a look at the intensely fiery red piece of clothing.
"I know, right?" He grinned, proud at the compliment you gave him. You really weren't sure whether he was aware of how 'fashionable' his choice of swimming trunks was, but it only made him more charming.
He then took a look at you, intending to say something nice back to you, but he hesitated a little, unsure of how to do it correctly.
"Am I allowed to say how well you look as well, or will it be shallow because you're in a swimsuit right now?" He stopped himself to think out loud, showing a thoughtful expression on his face, as if it was a really important question.
You chuckled softly, appreciating how he was still trying to be mindful even when complimenting you.
"I'll take it as a compliment nonetheless." You poked him in the nose playfully to assure him it's not a big deal, to which he grinned and his cheeks turned a bit red, matching his swim trunks.
You both spent a nice day at the beach, fooling around in the water and eating some snacks after, chilling on the blanket and watching the sunset.
(ok this one was kinda shitty n corny, i haven't been to the beach in like 3 years lmfao)
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simpurnatural · 3 years
Teen Wolf Blurb!
Note from Nat: “I wanted to use some of the prompts from the simpmas event because I knew were too good to go to waste! And the TDS Event is closed now!”
Warning(s): Swearing, 
Pairing(s): Scott x Reader, 
Any writing errors? Point them out! Love some helpful feedback! <3
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79. “is that my bra?”
“I would really love to but no,” Lydia deadpanned. “Bye!” she says before the line went dead.
“Well she’s busy too,” Stiles huffed, tossing his phone into his backpack.
Scott let out a sigh of despair as he looked at the two boys in front of him. But then he had a light bulb moment and headed towards his closet.
“Maybe we could try stuffing our shirts to make it look like we have...you know,” he said as he shoved a tank top under his sweater.
“I’ve always wanted to do that!” Stiles geeked, copying his best friend happily.
Isaac gave him a weird look before reaching into the closet himself and pulling out a bra. He turn to the pair and held it out for them.
“Why do that when Scott already has bras in here?” he asks as your boyfriend  yanked it out of his grasp.
“I wonder what that was doing here,” Scott chuckled nervously before trying to pull it over his head and muscular arms.
“I don’t think that’s how you-” Stiles began as the sound of a car being parked outside was heard.
“Shit!” Scott gasped as he looked outside the bedroom window, seeing you walk towards the front door. “Y/n is here!”.
“What do we do?” asked Isaac, Scott’s arms stuck in the undergarment contraption.
“Hey Melissa!” you waved, stepping into the McCall house.
“Hi kiddo, the boys are in Scott’s room!” she informs with a smile. “And can you tell them to keep it down?” she asked.
“You got it!” you nodded as you made your way upstairs.
“She’s coming!” a voice that belonged to Stiles gasped.
“Dude, get it off of me!” Scott shouts “Unhook it!”
“If you stopped moving then-Oh hey Y/n” Isaac smiled sheepishly with your boyfriend pinned to the floor.
“What the fuck?” you asked, dropping your bag and pushing the two off him. “The hell is going on?” you say, helping him up. “Is that my bra?”
“I can explain.” Scott assures as you unhooked it. “Guys, the hook was in the front!” he says to which other two nod.
“That makes sense,” Stiles shrugs.
“What were you guys using my bra for?” you ask.
“We needed disguises and you and Lydia said you were busy.” Isaac says. “Also, why was her bra here?” he asks, turning to Scott.
“I slept over the other night. Must’ve forgotten it!” you say quickly as you shoved it into your backpack. 
“Why wasn’t I invited?” Stiles pouted, obviously oblivious.
“It was for that project in-” you say, looking to your boyfriend for help.
“Economics!” Scott says a bit louder than expected.
“But Scott and I are partners?” Stiles questioned. “And you’re partners with Lydia.” he says, pointing to you.
“Yeah!” you nodded slowly, “Just thought you would’ve wanted to hang with Lydia. Since you like her and all,”
“Aw you guys are the best!” Stiles grins. “Wingman of the year, right here!” he cheers before walking into the bathroom.
Isaac gave you two a knowing smile, “Right,” he says simply.
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omegawolverine · 3 years
hello dear mutual hope you don't mind the ask but i saw you like total drama too and i had no idea so that is very cool :] i decided to nostalgia trip rewatch season 3 last week but now i started unironically really liking it again... 😭😭 do you have a favorite character? my main one is heather i love her Saur much :'3
ofc i dont mind!! total drama is a long time hyperfixation of mine and unnecessarily long, poorly written quotev td x readers are like. one of my biggest guilty pleasures (i am cringe but i am free or whatever). anyways! my faves are duncan (whom i, unfortunately, kin), scott and noah! i have soft spots for a whole bunch of other characters tho
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td-scenarios · 1 year
OMG OK SO UHHH may I request some Scott fluff? 👉👈 Something like how he would go from being friends with y/n, to crushing on them, and then how he would realize he has fallen completely in love?
I am ESTATIC to have found your blog AAA💕💕💕
ahhhhh yes!!!! i LIVE for scott just being a silly guy sometimes. u r literally feeding me tysm <3333
Scott going through the stages of falling in love with y/n
I think that you and Scott would eventually start getting along since you had overheard his plans and instead of calling it dumb or telling every other camper about his plots, you confronted him about them and developed the plans a bit more.
ur an antagonist now sorry (not rlly. youre more like a really supportive best friend)
For the most part, at the beginning, he'd just come to you to double check what he thought of made sense (he's pretty sure he didn't make any mistakes, but a second opinion never hurts.)
But eventually, y'all are hanging out more just for the fun of it than anything to do with the game.
Scott is kind of funny. And he thinks you're not all that bad either.
Despite being on opposite teams, you guys sit with each other during meals just because you are one another's preferred company.
"So, Y/N, would you rather be stuck shoveling cowpies the rest of your life, or-"
"Does everything have to do with cow shit for you?"
And similar back n forth for pretty much most of your guys' conversations.
You make the island genuinely bearable for him.
This is the thought that eventually makes him realized he's screwed
Your laugh? More lovely than he remembered it being
Your jokes? Suddenly 10x funnier
Your smile? He can hardly make eye contact anymore
TL;DR you make his heart go skittles color
It's fine though. It's containable.
He wouldn't let anyone get his head out of the game
Just because he liked his first best friend ever didn't change much. Back on the farm, he would've never had this issue so of course he thinks he can push through.
So the routine between the two of you continues on except his cheeks stay tinted the same pink. That's the only difference.
Everything will be fine. He'll get over it
He doesn't get over it.
Everytime you speak, he gets this far off look in his eye. Maybe even a dopey smile.
"Are you even listening to me, Scott?"
"Hm? Ya, of course. I love....rats?"
"You suck."
At this point, it's hard to have a coherent conversation with him.
He's a bumbling stumbling mess around you. Nothing like what he was like before. He's really bad at handling his emotions that aren't negative. He's a growing boy let him live.
Scott can't believe he'd ever say this, but he thinks that he has fallen in love with you.
Jokes on him, you thought he was cute from the start and him being all shy and lovestruck around you has only made that affection grow tenfold
Disappointingly, u two are UNBEARABLE and won't do anything abt your feelings
Clearly, you can see he likes you back which should make it easy, but it's the principle of the matter that scares you
and, just look at scott, he can barely get a word out around u. he's just a pathetic guy let him live
So what eventually makes this all work out?
"Ugh, you two losers just kiss already!"
That sure helped you make a move
Scott is still utterly tongue-tied around you, but once you two start dating he clears up a bit
He's actually just a big softie since he wants his first relationship to go really really well
And, well
He does really love you
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