#tdatt imagines
waitimcomingtoo · 1 year
Just Like The Ones I Used To Know
Pairing: Arvin Russel x Reader
Synopsis: you and Arvin celebrate your first Christmas together despite Arvins reluctance
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“You’re home!” You cheered as Arvin trudged through the snow covering your driveway.
“I am home.” Arvin chuckled in confusion. “What are you doing out here, doll? It’s freezing.”
“I’m building a snowman.” You said as you stepped to the side to proudly present the snowman you’d been building.
“A snow what?”
“A snow man. Haven’t you seen one?”
“You mean that creepy little lumpy thing the Wickerson boys built on their lawn?” Arvin asked as he rubbed his hands together to warm them.
“It’s not creepy. It’s a holiday tradition for when it snows.” You laughed and packed some more snow onto your snowman.
“How do make it look like that?” Arvin wondered as you rounded off the sides of the body.
“Go put on a better jacket and I’ll show you.” You winked at him, sending a flush through Arvins face. He leaned in to kiss you hello before going inside to get his thickest jacket. When he came back out to the lawn, you threw a snowball that hit him in the chest.
“What was that?” Arvin looked down at his jacket in confusion.
“Um…a snowball?” You laughed at his confusion.
“Oh. How do you do it?” Arvin wondered.
“Just grab some snow and mash it together until it’s a ball.” You explained as you formed another snowball. Arvin watched carefully and copied your movement before holding up a snowball of his own.
“Like this?”
“That’s perfect. Then you can throw it-“
You were cut off by Arvin decking you in the face with his snowball. You fell backwards and fell into the snow as your legs flew up in the air.
“Oh my God! Baby! I’m so sorry.” Arvin gasped and ran to help you up. You laughed as he pulled you out of the snow and brushed the snow off of your face.
“I’m okay. I’m great, actually. Because you just had your first snowball fight.”
“It was fun.” Arvin smiled now that he knew you were okay.
“I’m glad you liked it. Now come on. Help me with the snowman.” You tugged on his sleeve and pulled him over to your snow man. Together, you added the middle and head to your snowman so that it was nice and tall. You watched Arvins face light up with joy as he built the snowman and as happy as it made you to see him smiling, it also made you sad. You knew this was probably the first time he’d ever built a snowman and wondered how many other happy Christmas memories he had missed out on. You made sure to let him do the most of the building of the snowman so that he could get the full experience.
“I think he looks pretty good.” You said as you picked up a small wooden box from the ground. The words “snowman kit” were painted on the box in your handwriting.
“Why do you have coal?” Arvin wondered.
“For the snowman. He needs his eyes, smile, hat, and nose.” You explained as you placed the eyes and mouth on the snowman’s head. You handed the top hat from the to Arvin so that he could add it on top.
“Wait, wheres the nose?” Arvin asked and looked in the snowman kit box.
“This is the nose.” You smiled in excitement and pulled a carrot out of your pocket.
“This is a carrot.” Arvin deadpanned.
“Yes. But it’s also a nose.” You booped Arvins nose with the carrot before putting it in the center of the snowman’s face. You then took your scarf from around your neck and wrapped it around the snowman’s head.
“There. He’s perfect.” You said and stepped back to look at the snowman. Arvin stepped back as well and wrapped an arm around you to admire your work together.
“He’s a little funny looking.” Arvin chuckled, making you laugh as well.
“I know. That’s why he’s perfect.” You smiled and wrapped your arms around Arvins torso. He hugged you tightly as snow began to fall down and stick to your nose and eyelashes. He didn’t know why, but he felt oddly emotional as he stared at the snowman. He’d always wanted to build one as a kid but his parents were never well or willing enough to do it will him. Now that he had finally done it, he felt his inner child gleaming with pride.
“So what do we do now?” Arvin smiled and looked down at you.
“Now we drink hot chocolate and eat the cookies.”
“What cookies?”
“The ones I put on the oven before you got home. Come on. They’re probably ready by now.” You grabbed his hand and pulled Arvin inside. You shed your coats and gloves before going into the kitchen to check on the cookies.
“Oh no. They’re ugly.” You frowned when you pulled your cookies out of the oven.
“They’re not ugly, darling. They’re just a little misshapen.” Arvin quickly assured you when he noticed that you were genuinely upset.
“This one looks like a turd.” You said quietly and pointed to a cookie.
“Yes, it does. But I bet it tastes delicious.” Arvin said and took the cookie off the tray. He blew on it before taking a bite. You watched Arvins face lose all its color once he tasted the cookie and he looked at it in disbelief.
“What? Is it bad?” You worried.
“Is this snickerdoodle?” He asked with a mouth full of cookies.
“Yeah. I found a recipe in one of the old cook books.”
“The recipe on the purple index card?”
“Yeah. How’d you know?”
“That was my mommas recipe. She used to make these when I was little. Made em every Christmas.” Arvin smiled a little as he looked down at the cookie. He took another bite and could practically hear his mom humming while she baked cookies.
“Does it taste the same?” You asked hopefully.
“It does. Wow, darling, biting into that made me feel like a little boy again.” Arvin said before finishing his cookie. He kissed the side of you head before taking another one.
“Aw. Arvy warvy.” You gushed and wrapped your arms around him.
“Told you not to call me that.” He chuckled and swayed with you in his arms.
“Then what am I supposed to call you?”
“My name, maybe.” He teased.
“Where’s the fun in that?” You teased back and took a cookie for yourself.
“Thanks for making cookies, darling. And for letting me help with the snowman. I had a lot of fun.” Arvin said in a soft voice as he looked down at you.
“Of course, Arvie. I’m glad you helped me. I like doing Christmassy things with you.”
“I know I haven’t been very festive this Christmas, doll. And I’m sorry about that. This time of year just makes me a little sad.” Arvin admitted as he cupped your face in his rough hands.
“You don’t have to apologize, honey. I know Christmas makes you miss your momma. It makes me miss my folks too. But Christmas is a time to remember happier times. And if you’re up for it, I made of list of things we could do to remind us of the reason for the season. After all, it’s our first Christmas together so I want it to be special.“ You said as you took a folded up piece of paper out of your pocket. You handed it to Arvin and held your breath as he read over it.
“Hang our stockings by the chimney with care? The hell does that mean?” He chuckled. You let out an excited squeal before running into the living room. When you came back, you had a stocking that you had knitted for Arvin as an early Christmas gift.
“Look! I made you one. It has an A on it so Santa knows it’s yours.” You said proudly as you handed Arvin his stocking.
“Darling, Santa isn’t-“
“Shhhh! He’ll hear you.” You quickly hushed him.
“Right. Sorry.” Arvin chuckled and shook his head with affection.
“Come on. Let’s hang them up.” You said as you pulled Arvin by the hand into the living room. He put the radio on the holiday channel and lit the fireplace while you hung up your stockings.
“See? Doesn’t that look so much better?” You asked once you stepped back to admire your work.
“It looks great, darling. Santa will love them.” Arvin humored you. You playfully rolled your eyes at him before wrapping him in another hug. You swayed to the music for a while until your tiny little Christmas tree caught Arvins eye. You can taken a tiny tree from the backyard and decorated it with as many ornaments as it could hold to serve as your Christmas tree. Arvin felt guilty for having a real tree for you and felt deterred to fix that.
The next day, Arvin stopped by the Christmas tree farm and picked out the biggest tree he could find. He got home before you did and quickly set it up in the living room. Just as he started to put ornaments on it, you came home.
“Oh, hey. Welcome home, darlin.” Arvin said when you came into the living room. You were staring at the tree in awe for a minute until a childlike smile broke out in your face.
“You got us a Christmas tree? A real one?” You gasped and reached out to touch the pine needles.
“Well it’s our first Christmas together. It needs to be special.” Arvin echoed your words from the day before.
“But how? It’s Christmas Eve.”
“I love it. It’s beautiful!” You gushed and jumped into Arvins arms to thank him. He hugged you back before handing you a box of ornaments.
“Want to help me decorate it?”
“I would love nothing more.” You gushed and accepted the box. You and Arvin spent the evening decorating the tree together and taking occasionally taking breaks to drink the hot chocolate Arvin had made. You looked over at Arvin every so often to make sure that he was having a good time. When you saw the childlike smile on his face, you felt at peace.
Just a week and a half later, it was Christmas Eve. You and Arvin spent the evening on front of the fireplace with your warmest blanket draped over your legs. You admired your Christmas tree as you told Arvin about all your favorite childhood Christmas memories.
“Do you really believe in Santa?” Arvin asked as he stared at the crackling fire place. You smiled softly and out a happy sigh.
“I do. I believe that the whole season is magic. The lights and the cookies and the snow - it’s all so magical. And that magic has to come from somewhere. So even if there is no jolly old man in a red suit coming down our chimney, I believe he’s out there somewhere granting wishes and making miracles. Something about Christmas makes me feel like anything is possible. And I think as long as I believe in Santa, all my Christmas wishes will come true.”
“What are you Christmas wishes this year?” He looked down at you with a soft smile.
“This. Being here at home in front of the fireplace with somebody who loves me. I asked for that every year. And this year, Santa gave it to me.” You said as you rested your head on Arvins shoulder.
“You think Santa brought us together?” He chuckled.
“I know you think it’s silly-“
“No. I don’t.” He assured you. “It’s a miracle a pretty lady like you ever looked my way. A Christmas miracle, even. It was snowing the first time we met, remember?”
“I do. You helped me get my car to start.” You smiled at the memory.
“Good thing I saw you in that storm. You could’ve frozen to death.”
“Uh huh. But I didn’t because of the kindness of a stranger.” You sighed happily and snuggled into Arvins side.
“I wasn’t even gonna go out that night. Something told me I had to, though.”
“Not something.” You corrected. “Someone. Jolly old Saint Nick.”
“Right. Must’ve been.” He laughed shyly and pulled you closer.
“What did you ask for this year, Arvy Warvy?” You asked as you looked up at him.
“I can’t tell you. If I tell you my wish, it won’t come true.” Arvin said with a cheeky smile.
“Hopefully you were a good boy this year. Santa just may have granted your wish.” You said through a yawn. You fell asleep on Arvins shoulder within a few minutes and Arvin carried you to your bed.
On Christmas morning, Arvin rubbed the sleep out of his eyes while you excitedly tugged him into your living room.
“Come on! You have to see what Santa brought you!” You grinned as you handed Arvin his first gift. Arvin chuckled and accepted the gift before kissing the side of your head. You clasped your hands under your chin and watched with excitement as Arvin tore off the wrapping paper. Inside was a shiny red tool box with brand new tools inside.
“Aw, thank you darlin. I love it. It’s perfect.” He smiled before leaning in to kiss you.
“You’re very welcome.” You smiled when you pulled out of the kiss.
“Got something for you as well.” Arvin said as he sheepishly pulled out a small, poorly wrapped package.
“Aw, arvie. What’s this?” You asked as you tore it open. Inside was a small jewelry box. You looked up at him before opened up the box. Inside was a delicate heart shaped locket that looked like Arvin had made himself. You gasped softly and opened the locket up to find a picture of the two of you.
“One of the boys at work said he knew how to work metal. I asked him to show me how to make that for you.” Arvin sheepishly admitted as he secretly hoped you loved it.
“Oh, Arvin.” You said softly as you looked up at him. He gave you a shy smile before looking down at his lap.
“I’m sorry I can’t afford real jewelry with diamonds and pearls and all that because that’s what a girl like you deserves. I’ll be able to afford it one day. And then I’ll replace this hete necklace with a real one.” Arvin promised you.
“Nuh uh. This is a real necklace. And I love it more than anything you could buy in a store. It’s beautiful, Arvin. I love it.” You assured him.
“Do ya really?” He asked hopefully.
“Of course I do. Help me put it on.” You requested and turned around. You held your hair up as Arvin fastened the necklace around your neck. Once it was one, you looked down to admire it.
“It’s even better when it’s on. Thank you, Arvie. It’s the best gift I ever got.” You said as you threw your arms around Arvin. Arvin hugged you back for a long time, internally ecstatic that you liked his gift.
“I think Santa left a little something in your stocking too.” You said once you pulled out of the hug.
In his stocking, you had slipped in a brand new lighter, a pack of cigarettes, some baseball cards, and a candy cane.
“Wow. Santa was really nice to me this year.” Arvin chuckled as he lit up a cigarette with his new lighter.
“You must’ve been a real good boy.” You coyly shrugged.
“Thank you, darlin. This may be my best Christmas yet.” Arvin thanked you again, feeling like he could never thank you enough.
“This Christmas ain’t done yet. There’s one more gift Santa left you.” You told him as you went to get a present you had hidden behind the tree. Arvin looked at your curiously as you handed him a square shaped present. He unwrapped it and found an old photo album inside.
“A photo album?” He asked you.
“I found it in the attic that time we went to visit your Uncle Erskill. He said I could keep it.” You explained as Arvin began to flip through the pages. Each page was filled with picture after picture of him as a kid with his parents. He relived memories he had completely forgotten about with each page he turned.
“Said it was your mommas.” You added in a soft voice. Arvin teared up as he flipped to the last page, which had a picture of his mom holding him in front of a Christmas tree. The next page was blank, giving Arvin an idea.
“You still got that Polaroid camera?” He asked you.
“I do. Why?” You wondered as you pulled it out of a drawer. Arvin took the camera from you and brought you over to the mirror that hung in your living room.
“Here. Smile.” He instructed as he put an arm around you. You smiled at your reflection as Arvin snapped a picture. When it developed, there was a photo of the two of you looking on the mirror and smiling with your Christmas tree in the background.
“Aw. It’s the first ever picture of us.” You gushed and gently touched the picture.
“Let’s put it in the album so we can remember our first Christmas together.” Arvin suggested. You smiled happily as you helped him slide the picture into the last page of the photo album, right next to the picture of him and his mom.
“Did you get your wish this year, Arvie warvie?” You asked him as you rested your chin on his shoulder. Arvin looked at the pictures side by side and felt tears of happiness come to his eyes for the first time in his entire life.
“I sure did, darling.” He sighed happily. “I sure did.”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey @20fandomfangirl
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
@jackiehollanderr @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@flixndchill @sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ ​
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@maybemona @alexxcorona113 @theonly1outof-a-billion
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Just For Us: Part III
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Summary: Lee’s life is never dull, especially with you as his wife. Although, sometimes he can forget how big of a menace you can be. 
Pairing: Sheriff Lee Bodecker x Female!Reader
Warnings: Comedy, fluff, slight angst (but really not a lot, like trace amounts), kissing, sexual themes but no smut, pet names (Babydoll, baby, honey, etc.), Lee being a grumpy little baby, and soft!Lee Bodecker.  
Word count: 893 (She’s short!)
A/N: I thought of this in the shower and thought it would be hilarious to add into the series. I liked writing this! This is my first comedic piece of writing and I honestly really like it hehe. Let me know what you think! Reblog, comment, send an ask, a carrier pigeon, a telegram, you know the drill, babes! 
Kisses 💋
Series Masterlist
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“Lee, honey, talk to me,” you plead softly, “please?”
Lee’s shoulders tensed at the sound of your voice, it was the only indication that he heard you at all. He stood with his back to you as he stirred his early afternoon coffee, still refusing to talk to you. You gave a soft huff at his silence, but resigned to letting him have his space. The kitchen was otherwise noiseless, except for the gentle grating of the metal spoon against the ceramic coffee mug. He set the spoon down firmly, his hands resting on the counter in front of him. 
“Do you understand why I’m mad?” He gritted out, his sudden firm voice startling you from your own cup of coffee. 
“Yes, I do,” you nod understandingly and stand from your seat at the table, slowly moving to stand next to him. “And, you have every right to be upset with me.”
“I just-“ he sighs, rubbing his face with one hand before turning to look at you, his eyes softening ever so slightly, “I don’t like being laughed at.”
“I know, honey, neither do I,” you agree and rub his back, the movement brought Lee a level of comfort that he needed terribly. “But you have to admit, it was pretty funny.”
The early morning sun was dazzling, more radiant than Lee had ever seen it before in his life. He sat in bed as long as he could before the desire to get a closer look pulled him out of bed and out on to the porch. Cool morning air greeted him as he stood at the edge of the porch. Taking a deep breath in, Lee soaked up the calming rays quietly, thinking to himself ‘oh, this is the life.’
A twig breaking from the trees broke Lee’s silent moment to himself, his piercing eyes zeroing in on the source of the noise. A stag. Lee couldn’t help but gasp when he spotted the animal, the small intake of air was enough for the stag to lock eyes with Lee. Sprawling horns that were at least 6 feet across adorned the head of the stag. It was gorgeous. He was tempted to go wake you up so you could see it too, but the stag’s gaze kept him pinned to his spot. He was captivated. So captivated, that he didn’t hear you creep up behind him. 
The next thing he knows, his sleeping pants are around his ankles, his knees in the breeze, and you’re laughing so hard barely any noise is coming out. Your laughter scares off the stag, and Lee watches as it runs back into the thick brush of trees. He quickly yanks up his sleeping pants, his face burning with embarrassment and his chest boiling with anger. He stomps back into your shared bedroom, grabbing his clothes and making a beeline for the shower. 
“Oh, Lee, come on, don’t be mad,” you say through your fit of giggles, slowly calming down as you notice your husband’s anger. 
“Lee!” You call out to him as the door to the bathroom slams with thundering force. He refused to speak to you for the rest of the morning. 
“It was not funny!” He defended with a small whine to his voice, “I flashed that deer!”
“Honey, that deer didn’t know what he was lookin’ at! It was a deer!” You reasoned with a soft smile, fighting back any more laughter that threatened to escape you. He sighs, looking away as he replays this morning’s events over in his mind once more. Ok, maybe he was overreacting.  
“It was a little funny,” Lee cracked a small smile, making you grin and giggle. “You’re a menace, you know that, right? A God damn minx.”
“There he is,” you chuckled when you saw his smile and gave Lee’s cheek a sweet peck, “my handsome man.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” he says bashfully and shakes his head, his face a light pink. He turns to kiss you properly, he didn’t kiss you good morning like he normally would, so the feeling of your plush lips on his had Lee sighing softly. You weren’t any better off, you practically melted on the spot when you felt his large hands cup your head and waist. God, you loved this man. 
“I am sorry, Lee,” you whisper against his lips, your arms slinging around his neck to hold him as close as possible. The room was quickly heating with the rising tension between you two, your coffees long forgotten in favor of each other’s lips. 
“I know, Babydoll, I forgive you,” he whispers back before diving in for another kiss, this one deeper and more demanding. The way he pulled you into him with much more force than normal told you that he was already planning something. Your lungs burn as he holds you firmly in the kiss, a hand on the back of your head keeps you pinned in place. He releases your lips when the need for air is almost desperate, both of you panting and gasping for air. The playful glint in his eyes gave way to a darker glare, one that you were very familiar with. He licked his lips and gave you a wolfish grin. 
 “If you think m’not gonna punish you for your little joke, you’ve got another thing comin’, girl.”
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I no longer have a taglist, if you wish to stay up-to-date on when I post, follow @littlelioncub-library​ 💖
Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics​💖
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murvelle · 1 year
looking at 40’s bucky and also thinking of young lee bodecker
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stanleyl · 4 months
Same anon. I'm not hater I'm just do critic bc like like the man and think he deserved better. Like u said he have problem that that he stuck to marvel and Sony to their ip that from where uncharted was popup. Problem that he play light roles like spiderman and when he have free windows he just to far opposite genre very dark roles like he too young playing this it's feels foreign and believable with him. Even uglify him like in TCR room not helping,like I don't believe him,he like he done few amazing ep like 6 and 8 but he not consistent I'm telling u again. I'm thinking he making mistaken with very dark roles,like u need be stable grown to this roles. But fucking morons force him run out from social media and he recording video that was hard to watch. Like I think he age up few years just right there,with this role.like mentally and physically too,he looks much older on have after this role,just compare him in nwh, overall I think it was mistake. I hope he not coming back to such heavy roles not early late 30s-40s
If you still see Tom and not the character even tho Danny Sullivan is nothing him, that's on you. Roles like TDATT, Cherry & TCR challenged him as an actor (especially TCR). I can perfectly imagine Tom not being happy with his career if he had decided to just play the same geeky/clumsy guy in every other role. But he didn't. He plays the fucked up guy really well, drama is his genre.
He doesn't look "so much older" now, he looks his age. He's nearly 30, plus he's a white brit, they just age faster AND THAT'S NORMAL, lol. Even if you still wanna talk shit abt his appearance, you can blame on years of drinking alcohol and some smoking, constantly weight loss/gain, instead of putting all the blame on a particular role he played almost 2 years ago.
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destinyc1020 · 5 months
I think the issue that the anon has with Uncharted action scenes has a lot to do with the directing and not the actor. We know that Tom has the physical ability, the fight training and the dance training (to learn and control the precise choreography of action sequences). The beast Chris Hemsworth straight out said that Tom was the most athletic of all the Avengers actors. I would love to see Tom in an R-rated action movie where the violence looks more realistic and directed by a great action director that knows how to make the action look as real as possible. Uncharted and Spidey have action sequences that are ok for family movies (which they were), but the hardcore action fans may not appreciate them
Thanks Anon! You might have a good point there! It could just be that the roles that Tom has been in with these fight scenes have been more "family-friendly" roles, and so of course they're not going to be TOO hardcore. Like another Anon mentioned earlier, his fight scene in TDATT was way more brutal, and it REALLY looked like he was hitting that guy in the face over the paper bag, in fact, I'm kinda shocked at how they were even able to film that scene w/out that guy actually getting hurt lol. Didn't Tom say that he accidentally actually hit him in one take? Or am I just imagining this??😅
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jechristine · 2 years
Speaking of anti-intellectualism, how do you feel about Tom’s relationship with it? His father bragged about none of his sons attending university, and Tom seems to share that attitude. I remember him and his dad making fun of the “artsy” questions journalists ask in TDATT. I’m not saying actors should be bright, I just don’t know how I feel about such a famous actor possibly becoming a symbol of mindless entertainment. People already see him as a corporate symbol.
I’ll start by saying that I think Tom Holland is more than a very good actor: the way that he seems to have woven himself into the fabric of the whole filmmaking process from stunts to script is truly impressive. I think he’s dedicated to his craft and that he is an open-minded, hands-on learner. I think he seeks out new challenges, too. He’s bright in those ways.
That said, Tom has never done anything publically, at least, that has suggested to me that he’s truly intellectually curious. I’ve wanted for a while to write about his response to Martin Scorsese’s critique of superhero movies but I haven’t gotten to it. The response wasn’t great because Tom didn’t really respond to Scorsese’s critique, probably because he didn’t care to understand it. I don’t love the mocking of “artsiness,” which smacks of ressentiment, although iirc I think the emphasis of the Hollands’ joke was self-deprecation. Universities are a need for a healthy society, so I don’t think they should be derided. I think they should be cost-free (government-funded), and any utopia that I imagine includes every grown-up having the capacity to attend. I didn’t hear Dom bragging about none of his sons attending, but if he did that sucks. Does Tom share that attitude? I know he’s joked about cheating on assignments and tests 😔
And all of that said, I still don’t think Tom really deserves to be the symbol for corporate cinema and mindless entertainment, and, even if he is atm, I don’t think he will for very long—as soon as TCR premieres and we’re into this indie era that he’s been teasing. He’s just young and he first established himself on the international stage as the MCU darling. But his reputation and image will round out as the years pass.
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navybrat817 · 1 year
So, a friend was kind enough to share her Netflix with me, & I just got to meet Ari, & omg, I can see why he's so beloved. Also holy shit, what an incredible movie! Absolutely stunning, & raw, & powerful, & the song during the end credits was so beautiful.
I also got to meet Lee the other day. I'm gonna have to revisit that one briefly because I think I missed one of Seb's scenes (in the car, with a girl? I've seen gifs). I don't remember seeing it, & thanks to a life-saving app called "Does The Dog Die?" (very useful for many other triggers as well), I was given a greatly appreciated heads up, & a time stamp of when to skip ahead & where to play it again. (I could see where things were headed & I just cannot handle scenes of that nature, so I checked the app, & sure enough, I was right.) So I skipped the recommended time window, & now I'm suspecting that the scene I don't remember seeing might've been during that part of the movie. Past that, however, I don't think I'll be watching Devil All The Time again, unless for some reason I find myself in the mood for an emotional spiral... :/ I knew it wasn't gonna be a nice movie, but OOF...
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I'm glad you had a chance to see Ari and Lee! I know there are mixed feelings on the film regarding Ari, but he's a beloved character in the fandom. Do you picture him being large? I, and many others, imagine him to be very tall.
Lee is a character I love, but have only written a little bit for. I want to get his voice right when I do it. There are some great writers out there who nail it perfectly. I'm in awe!
And listen. I will be his Pepsi cup if he needs me to. I'm fine with that. I can't remember how far into the film the scene took place, but there are videos circulating.
TDATT isn't a cheerful movie, so I get not being able to watch it over and over. I'm glad you had the chance to watch though. Love and thanks! 💙
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gothicwidowsworld · 3 years
Lee Bodecker #2
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“Lee” Y/N mumbled drowsily into the dark her mind foggy. “Can I have some water? I'm thirsty.”  the y/h/c woman continued her usually delicate tone groggy. The man in question froze, Lee Bodecker would never admit to it but over the past couple of years he’d changed not just externally but almost spiritually as well. It’s like he’d done a 360. He used to love Y/N. Do anything for her. He was satisfied in his life. But now he found himself being the villain in his own story. “You can get it yourself God gave you feet didn’t he?!” the Sheriff snapped ignoring his wife’s soft sigh as she built the strength to rise from their shared bed. 
Stumbling to the bathroom Y/N couldn’t help but wonder where her fairytale had gone wrong. Lee was all that and a bag of chips when they first got together but that Lee had died long ago. “Turn that light off, some of us actually work for a living and have gotta get some sleep tonight!” the large man roared in anger.
 Closing the door gently Y/N reached for the small glass they kept in the medicine cabinet, struggling to keep her hands steady as the cold water slashed viciously half landing in the glass the other running down the woman's arm as it hit her y/s/c hand. Raising her the object to her chapped lips the y/h/c woman couldn’t help but wince in pain. She’d have cried out if she hadn’t bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. It was like someone had taken a red hot poker to her and was colourfully decorating her insides with the burning metal. “Lee…” Y/N called out weakly dropping the glass so zoned out she didn’t notice it fall to the floor and smash into hundreds of shards. Seconds later it was Y/N falling to the floor only she didn’t have the ability to stop herself from crashing her head into the bleach white sink. Maybe if Lee could bring himself to care enough to investigate the noise things would have been different. Help always came a little too late in the Bodecker household. 
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peterspideyy · 3 years
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
Rhi's Writing Challenge 💗
@strwbrrybucky you beautiful angel, thank you for hosting such a fun writing challenge!! I was so excited about this prompt and I've been working on this fic for ages now! I couldn't pass up the chance to write about our favourite Sheriff Daddy 💕 I hope you like it babe!! I love you loads! And let's pretend I didn't leave it until the very last day to post hehehe
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Pairing: Boyfriend!Ransom x Reader x Dad’s Best Friend!Lee
Summary: You and your boyfriend get caught making love by the town Sheriff but when Lee hears Ransom didn't make you finish, he decides to finish what Ransom started
Warnings: Smut, heavy degradation, threesome, mmf, cheating, exhibitionism, voyeurism, vaginal fingering, forced orgasm, car sex, abuse of power (kind of), significant age gap (but everyone is of age), unprotected sex, cuckolding, cum play, praise, pet names, interactions with law enforcement, rough sex, double penetration, oral (m receiving), spit roasting, choking, face fucking, daddy kink, breeding kink
Word Count: 2938
Prompt: If I end up needing to pull over, I promise you, you’re not gonna walk for a week
I haven't written anything full length in so long so I would really appreciate some feedback!!
Minors, do not interact
“Shit, baby that’s it. Just like that.” The gentle praise rolls so sweetly off your boyfriend’s tongue and you can't help but groan, basking in his attention.
Ransom Drysdale was rarely this sweet during sex. It wasn’t really Ransom’s style, as you had come to notice. Ransom preferred instead to use you, to leave you shaking and cumming and so blissed out while he tells you what a filthy little slut you are for enjoying it.
After all, you’re the town angel. Everyone thinks you're so sweet and gentle and caring but behind closed doors you find yourself giving in to temptation, surrendering and becoming your boyfriend’s dirty whore.
Tonight was different for you and Ransom. Tonight he had you laid out, legs spread wide in the back seat of his car, his thick cock slipping in and out of you while he gripped your throat.
His body weight pinned you down, trapping you and forcing you to take every last inch of him and you were in fucking bliss.
You’d been reluctant to try something so public. Sure you’re fooled around a little before, making out in the movie theatre or letting him slip his hand under your skirt at dinner but this was different.
His car was pulled over on the side of the road and although it was dark, the little interior light offered just enough to ensure he could see that blissed out look on your face.
“F-fuck this pussy is tight.” He gasped, tightening his grip a little on your neck and using his other hand to brace himself against the door.
The backseat was cramped, you had no doubt about that but there was something about the way it forced Ransom closer and deeper that made you slightly dizzy.
Being out in the middle of nowhere was almost freeing, with no one around to hear you, you could be far more open and bold about the pleasure you were stealing from each other.
Your groans and pleas filled the crisp evening air, little cries for more making Ransom absolutely feral, drilling into your pussy in a way that had your eyes rolling back.
“So fucking pretty like this, holy shit baby, I’m gonna cum, fuck I’m gonna cum.” He groans, his pretty face screwed up and you know he can’t hold it. He’s getting off on the risk. Not only the risk of being caught but the risk of knocking you up. Having everyone in town know what a depraved little slut you are for him.
“Ransom baby please, fill me daddy, flood my pussy.” You whine, biting your bottom lip, looking him in the eye and that’s all it takes. He spills inside you with a groan, his thick cock twitching, flooding your greedy hole with more cum than you can hold.
“Fucking take it, take it baby, that’s it.” He chants mindlessly between kisses to your neck.
In the midst of the lust and pleasure, neither of you notice the flashing lights. By the time you do, it’s far too late, the alternating colours dancing on Ransom’s flushed cheeks and neither of you have a chance to so much as pull away from each other.
Two gentle taps at the window make you both jump, frantically scrambling to pull your skirt down as Ransom tucks himself back into his pants.
“Shit shit shit.” You whisper, your heart racing as Ransom tries to tame his hair with his fingers. There’s no playing this off. But given that your father is the Deputy Sheriff, you can only pray it’s anyone but him knocking on your boyfriend’s car window.
“Evenin’ Mr Drysdale.” The familiar drawl from outside the car makes your heart sink. While it’s not your father's voice, it’s just as fucking bad.
Ransom glances over at you, panic evident on his face just as clearly as it’s evident on your own as he opens the car door.
“Evening Sheriff Bodecker.” He smiles, trying to stay as calm as possible.
“Son, I’m gonna need you and your sweetheart here to step out of the vehicle.” Lee sighs, not even taking the time to glance inside the car to see which sweet young woman had managed to find her way under Ransom Drysdale.
Reluctantly, Ransom steps out, tucking his shirt back into his pants because there’s not much point pretending anymore.
After taking a deep breath, you follow, shuffling over the leather seats until you’re able to let your shoes crunch down on the gravel.
“Evening Lee.” You smile and you notice how his smile falters a little.
“For God’s sake honey, this guy? Gotta say, I’m disappointed and I know your parents will be too.” He sighs, making Ransom huff in indignation
Lee shoots him a look, begging Ransom to say something. Begging him to open that chirpy little mouth and say something Lee can make him regret.
“Please Lee, just let us go this once? Won’t happen again, I swear.” You beg, giving him the sweetest eyes you can muster, hoping he’ll soften and let you both off the hook.
“ ‘M afraid not, what you n’your boyfriend just got up to was public indecency, darlin’.” Lee looks so smug but it’s easy to see the slight flash of disappointment in his eyes. “I just hope it was worth it.”
“Don’t worry Sheriff, it was so good.” Ransom boasts, his chest puffed out as Lee scoffs, debating whether or not to cuff you both.
“Good for you maybe, but let me tell you son, that girl beside you isn’t fuckin’ satisfied. So in my book, I’m just pissed off that y’stopped. If you’d been man enough to make your girl finish, I might jus’ be lettin’ you away with it.” Lee hisses, foregoing the cuffs in an effort to guide you both to the back of his cruiser.
It’s not hard to see that Ransom can’t make eye contact with you, embarrassment making his cheeks burn as you both get settled in the back. You can feel his seed dripping out of you, no doubt making a mess of your pretty little skirt but you can’t find it in yourself to care.
Lee takes his place in the driver’s seat, looking in the rear view before heading on, the dirt road crunching under the tyres.
You all sit in silence as he drives, the tension thick in the back seat until you feel Ransom’s hand on your knee, spreading them gently.
“You’re gonna fucking finish. Right here. Want my cum dripping out of you onto this asshole’s seats, you got that?” His voice is quiet, barely more than a whisper but his touch is firm and insistent and he can only smirk when you nod. He has one thing on his mind and it’s tending to his wounded pride.
His fingertips ghost up the insides of your messy thighs, trailing through his own cum that’s spilled out of you and you can’t find it in you to tell him to stop. Lee isn’t watching after all, too consumed by announcements coming over his radio.
Two thick fingers slip inside you. They’re long and dexterous and delighting in the fact you don’t need any prep after having been stretched out on his cock not long ago.
His fingers rub nicely, letting you feel full and before long, you’re grinding your hips down on them, stealing pleasure at every chance you get.
You can’t help but watch Lee in the rearview, his eyes trained on the road and this is so filthy and wrong, you have to bite your own bottom lip to stop yourself from groaning.
Ransom hasn’t said another word, leaving you to desperately hump his fingers and God, it feels good but it’s not enough. It’s shameful and disgusting and you shouldn’t enjoy it at all but you need more.
The slick noises of your sopping pussy fill the back seat, your eyes trained on Lee’s reflection as you grind back and forth on your boyfriend’s hand.
But then Ransom crooks his fingers just right, the next grind on your hips makes him nudge your sweet spot and you mewl at the pleasure. It’s no more than a quiet sob but it’s enough to tear Lee’s attention off the road and back onto you.
Your eyes meet in the reflection and there’s a split second where he recognises exactly what you’re doing in his car.
“Jesus Christ, fuckin’ cut it out. You couldn’t please her the first time Drysdale, give the girl a fuckin’ break.” He hisses but Ransom doesn’t stop. Instead, he begins thrusting his fingers in and out of you, curling them with a smug smirk on his face as you whine and moan openly.
“Go on baby, cum for daddy.” Ransom urges but you’re still not there yet.
“Embarrassing yourself now, sweetheart. Tell him to stop it or just hurry up and cum.” Lee’s ultimatum is a terrible one because you don’t want to do either. One option results in you sitting there, unsatisfied and aching, wishing you had only been quiet a few minutes longer. The other involves you shamelessly rubbing yourself silly on your boyfriend’s hand while your father’s best friend watches and listens.
“Go on baby, cum on my fingers. Let Lee hear how pretty you sound when you cum for me.” Ransom encourages but it doesn’t help
“Do I need to do it myself? Cause honey, if I end up needing to pull over, I promise you, you’re not gonna walk for a week.” Lee’s words send a shiver down your spine. An all consuming, filthy shiver because that’s what you need. Not Ransom. You need Lee.
“You’re not gonna need to fuckin’ touch her.” Ransom spits out, not able to bite his tongue anymore and you can see Lee’s eyes squint a little, trying to register who the fuck this boy thinks he’s talking to.
“Son, if that girl was gonna cum for you, she’d a’fuckin’ done it already. Can’t believe you’re stickin’ your dick in the sweetest piece of ass in town and you won’t even make her finish. Jus’ fuckin’ embarassin’.” Lee’s voice is calm and measured, checking in his side mirror and his rearview once more before throwing his indicator on and pulling over, bringing the cruiser to a stop.
“How ‘bout we show this jerk how it’s done, huh kitten? We’ll teach him how’t please a woman.” The look on his face makes you clench around Ransom’s fingers because this man looks ravenous. His eyes are trained on where your boyfriend’s fingers are buried inside you and you just spread your legs wider, giving him a better view.
“Hm, tha’s cute, Drysdale. You’re gonna needa give her a third finger if she’s gonna take me. Go on, stretch your girl out for me.” You can tell Ransom is seething with anger because Lee has won. You’ve given in to him and now he’s going to have to watch.
“Eat shit, Sheriff.” Ransom spits and the second the words leave his lips, he finds himself regretting it.
“Suit yourself. You’re just gonna have’ta listen to her while I’m splittin’ her open.” Lee’s indifference makes you shiver. “Come on baby, climb in the front with me.” You gladly do as you’re told, letting Ransom’s fingers slip from you as you manoeuvre yourself out of the back seat and round to the driver’s side while Lee pushes the seat back to give you both enough room.
“You wanna feel a real man, don’t you kitten? Bet he’s too fuckin’ gentle ’n tha’s not what you need. Little slut like you needs a firm hand.” Lee smirks, watching how you nod, giving you a chaste kiss before manhandling you so you’re angled over the top of the centre console. He’s careful not to put you in a position that’s too uncomfortable but from here, you can see Ransom and Ransom can see both of you and you know it shouldn’t turn you on as much as it does.
“Lee, please.” You whine, the sound of his belt buckle making you squirm because you know your leaking, throbbing cunt is exposed and you’re beyond desperate to get off.
“You’re a whore, you know that? Can’t fucking believe you.” Ransom doesn’t want to be into this. He truly fucking doesn’t. But when he watches how your eyes roll back at the feeling of a thick, hard cock teasing your dripping slit, he can’t help how he twitches in his pants.
“She might not be such a whore if y’took care of her. If y’were mine, y’wouldn’t be left unsatisfied, that’s for damn sure, kitten.” Lee’s little promise ends with a low groan as he bottoms out inside you and you can’t help but notice that you’re far fuller with Lee than you feel with Ransom. Ransom isn’t small by any means but Lee just feels better.
“Fuck that’s good, Lee. N-need you to fuck me h-hard. I wanna cum Lee, please, I-I can’t…”. Your voice trails off as he starts to move, a gasp trapped in your throat as he slides out, only to press back in again.
“Y’hear how desperate your girl is? Actin’ like a little fuckin’ cum dump jus’ so she can get off. You’re fuckin’ pathetic, Drysdale.” You can see Ransom seething with anger, a fire raging behind his eyes but God, your little whimpers are hot.
“Holy shit Lee, deeper. O-oh my God.” You look so blissed out already, a sob torn from your throat as Lee uses his full body weight to press himself inside you.
The feeling is overwhelming, you’re stuffed and stretched and still leaking from Ransom and it’s so degrading but you wouldn’t dream of letting Lee stop. His firm hands land on your waist, his fingers digging in as he grunts.
“Sh-she’s gonna cum, Lee. O-oh fuck.” Ransom’s voice is smaller now, the discomfort in his pants humbling him because he’s enjoying this far more than he wants to admit.
“Will we ruin her? Have half a mind not t’let you touch her again but this little thing just wants to be used, don’t ya, kitten?” Lee purrs and seeing you nod just confirms his plan.
“Take your cock out Drysdale. A-ah, feed it to her.” Your eyes roll back at Lee’s suggestion and by the time you’ve managed to recover, you feel a wet tip pressed to your lips. “Fuck’s sake boy, get it at least to the back of her throat. Go on, princess, you can take it, can’t you?”
“Fuck my throat, Ran. Don’t be gentle.” You whisper, loud enough for both of them to hear you and it makes Lee groan, giving your ass a harsh spank.
“You heard her.” Lee encourages, not even pausing his thrusts.
“D-didn’t realise you were so slutty, holy shit. Look so innocent, n-never would’ve dreamed you’d want two dicks at once.” Ransom can’t hold back any more, holding the back of your head and pressing his cock inside you until it hits the back of your throat. “G-good girl, take it so well.”
His head is thrown back, his huge frame still looking cramped in the back seat of the car but he doesn’t even care. Not when you’re drooling on his cock because the town sheriff is fucking you too well.
Your little cries of pleasure are only muffled by the throbbing length in your mouth and you know you can’t last long. You’ve been too worked up for far too long and the way Lee fits inside you perfectly is just too much.
“Your girl is gonna cum. Fuck, didn’t think this pretty pussy could get any tighter. Pullin’ me in like you wouldn’t even believe. Guess tha’s what havin’ a mouth full of cock will do to ya. Go on sweetheart, cum for daddy. Show your little boyfriend how pretty you look when ya lose control on a nice big dick.” Lee knows he won’t last long either but he’s desperate to get you there before he can let himself give in.
Ransom is too lost in the feeling of your mouth to even register the fact Lee is mocking him, fucking recklessly into you as Lee fucks you from behind.
“God ‘m so close. Can’t, oh baby please.” Ransom sobs, his eyes screwed shut.
“Go on kitten, soak my cock for me. Lemme feel how bad y’need my cum.” Lee’s voice is low, barely more than a growl as he gives you a few more harsh thrusts.
That’s all it takes for your body to surrender, giving in and clenching tight around him. Your fingernails claw at the leather seats, struggling for something, anything to ground you other than the two cocks filling you up.
“Sh-shit, jus’ like that. Good fuckin’ girl, cummin’ so hard for daddy. Pussy’s drippin’ already.” Lee groans, emptying inside you just a few strokes later, flooding your cunt with his release.
“Oh God please.” Ransom cries, pressing your head down and cumming down your throat with a ragged cry, his hot spend dripping down your throat.
“Kitten, you’re stuffed. God, that’s a pretty sight.” Lee gasps, wiping his sweaty forehead on his sleeve, admiring the mess he’s made as he pulls out. Ransom does the same, gasping for air as he tucks himself back into his trousers, flopping against the seat, looking exhausted.
“That’s how you treat your girl, Drysdale. And sweetheart, if he ever leaves ya unsatisfied again, my door’s always open, ya hear me?” Lee smirks, giving your ass one last spank before pulling you up for a tender kiss and Ransom can’t even find it in himself to be mad.
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Just For Us
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Summary: Lee needed a vacation, but he’s nothing if not stubborn. Yet, somehow, you manage to get him in a cabin for an entire week. It’s going to be a very relaxing week, to say the least.
Pairing: Sheriff Lee Bodecker x Female!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, smut (18+ ONLY), Lee being in a good mood, allusions to sexy times, each chapter will have their own individual warnings so be sure to read them! 
A/N: My birthday is coming up and I guess I’m doing another Lee Bodecker series to celebrate it! I wasn’t planning this, I literally just thought of it, so please bear with me as I figure it out and get to writing! 
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four 
Part Five 
Part Six
Part Seven
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mavsstar · 2 years
Feels Like Sugar In Me (Finale) - Lee Bodecker
a/n: i don't want this to come to an end ahh :( i will continue through little blurbs if i get asked for sure. Not proofread, all my mistakes are my own! i hope you enjoy, i love you all :D
pairing: lee bodecker x innocent!reader
warnings: smut!!, handjob, lee taking reader's virginity, daddy kink, praise kink, p in v, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it!!), creampie
w.c: 2.0k
<<< previous part
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Every once in a while the town would have a cookout where the children were able to run around without getting yelled at, the wives would have cocktails complaining about their husbands and how their children sucked the youth out of them, the husbands of those women would drink while grilling food. Teenagers would use the cookout as an excuse to shamelessly make out behind the trees.
All in all, everyone had their own fun. But right now Lee was having his own fun with you. His hand under your dress, toying with your clothed clit as he was talking to a coworker. You gripped the bench beneath you, trying not to squirm and keep a straight face.
You were completely soaked and you knew he was going to tease you about it later. You went to get up to escape his touch. And to grab another drink. But Lee had different plans.
“Where you going Cherry?” He asks as he sits on your body on top of his lap. His thigh is tactically placed under you.
“I was going to-” You choked on your own spit as his legs started to bounce up and down, he flexed his muscles and he discreetly started to sway your hips. “Going to get a drink,” you complete your sentence with a smile.
“You feel kinda warm Cherry,” dirty bastard. “Ought to get ya home, you don’t look so good.” You turn around, giving him a dirty look to which he flashes a toothy grin. “Gotta take care of my pretty lady, can’t be having her get sick.”
“Ain’t that adorable Jim, if only you cared like that,” The wife sneered, narrowing her eyes at her husband. “I hope you feel better y/n!”
“Don’t worry, I’m going to take very good care of her,” Lee gets up from the bench with you in his arms and takes you to the cruiser.
Lee purposely took the long way home to agonize you even more. His fingers kept ghosting over where you needed him the most. It got to a point where you shoved his hand away, closed your legs and turned the other way.
“Don’t be like that,” with one hand he grabbed the back of your knees and pointed your body back towards him.
His hand goes back to your legs, you grasp it with force. “I can’t take it anymore Lee!”
He chuckles lightly, licking his lips. “Cherry, we haven’t even started.”
“Started?” You whimper with a concerned face.
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Your body arches off the bed as your second orgasm hits you hard. Quiet sobs leaving your mouth as your feet try to push Lee from your thighs. He grunts, warning you not to move.
“Not done yet,” he murmurs against you, his movements becoming faster.
“I-I don’t-” you gasp out as his fingers relentlessly keep going. “I want you inside me,” you shipper just loud enough for Lee to hear.
He freezes for a second, coming back up to make sure he heard you right. “You sure Cherry?”
You nod your head, “Want all of you Lee, want you to be my first.”
Lee’s face bursts out into a smile, after he found out you were a virgin he didn't mind at all. In fact he found it endearing whether it was for religious reasons or not. When you accepted to be his girlfriend he didn’t really expect to have it gone as far as it has. He figured you would get tired or be bothered by his age and leave him just like his wife did. But you didn’t.
You watch as Lee unbuttons his shirt, more and more of him being exposed with each second. You get up from the bed and your hands reach straight to his belt. Nerves overtake you as you fumble with his belt. But after a couple seconds you manage to take it off.
Your hands rub his chest, placing kisses against his neck. His hands go to your back pulling you flush against his chest. Then his right hand goes to your hair to pull you in for a kiss. He turns his head to the side, deepening the kiss. Hands roam each other’s body properly for the first time. He reluctantly pulls away, if he could he would spend his whole life kissing you.
His hands go to the waistband of his boxers, slowly pulling them down.
Nothing would’ve prepared you for this moment. Your eyes widened in shock and your mouth agape. He was bigger than you imagined. The tip was bright red, leaking with beads of precum. It looked painful.
You gulp nervously as he looks down at you with a smirk. “Lee I don’t think it’ll fit,” you whisper, your eyes still not leaving his cock.
“Don’t worry,” he says as he starts to hover over you, “I’ll make it fit.”
You lift your hand, reaching out further and further until your hesitancy takes the best of you and you retract your hand back.
“S’okay Cherry, you can touch it,” Lee encourages as he guides it on his cock, it feels heavy in your hand and you can feel it pulsating. You like it, but you have no idea what to do.
“What do I-” your voice comes out shaky and uneven, making you cringe. You clear your throat but your voice still sounded small, “tell me what to do. Wanna make daddy feel good too.”
Lee cooed as he caressed your face, “My sweet Cherry, want daddy to feel good?” You eagerly shake your head yes as you crawl further to the edge of the bed. The sight of your innocent eyes and crawling towards him made him feel weak in the knees.
“Spit onto your hand,” He instructed and you did exactly as you were told. “Wrap your hand- mhm just like that. Then start going like this,” with his hand over yours, he starts an up and down motion.
Once he noticed you started to get the hang of it, he dropped his hand. “G-Go a little faster Cherry.” You speed up your movements, adding more pressure. Your thumb swiped over his tip by accident and he let out the most delicious moan, “You’re doing so good Cherry, s’good for Daddy.” He starts to rut in your hand, desperate to get release. But not yet, no.
He pulls away and shoves you back on the bed. His lips collide with yours in a bruising kiss. His hand snakes down to your hips, giving you a good squeeze. “Are you sure you want this? I can always wait.”
“No,” you mumble against his lips. “I need you inside me.”
He lines himself at your entrance, tracing your clit with his tip, wanton moans leave your mouth. He slowly sinks in, the stretch turning into a searing hot pain as he fills you up. Your eyes squeeze shut in pain as the sheets twist in your hands.
He groans loudly as he bottoms out. He’s imagined you like this and more day and night with fist tightly wrapped around his cock. But nothing, absolutely nothing compared. He can feel your arousal covering his length, your walls throbbing around him. You're gripping him so tight he’s finding it a hard time to stay still.
“Don’t worry Cherry,” his hand massages your hips comfortingly. “If it gets too much, I’ll stop.” You nod the best you could. After a minute, he slowly starts thrusting. Your walls grip him like a vice that makes his hips falter. Tears stream down your face as you feel like you’re being split in two but you’ve never felt so full.
Lee wipes your tears, peppering kisses all over your face hoping to distract you. Soon the pain starts to turn into pleasure with each thrust. His hips start to move faster against you, your body jolting against the bed with each thrust. Your moans become louder and higher with each drive of his hips, you cover your mouth to keep yourself quiet.
“No Cherry, let it all out. I want to hear,” Lee grabs your leg and hitches it over his hip, “Every. Single. Pretty. Noise.” He thrust harder with each word. The new angle hits that spot that drives you wild.
“Daddy!” You screech out, your nails digging into his back.
“You’re so fucking tight Cherry, feels s’good.” He groans as the way your pussy flutters with each praise. A silent cry leaves your lips, the feeling of his cock dragging in and out of you starts to become too much. The coil in your stomach is threatening to snap.
“Just like that Daddy! Don’t stop!”
“God, can feel you milking m’cock Cherry,” He throws his head back, groaning in pleasure. “Cum on daddy’s cock like a good girl.” Lee brings his hand down to where you’re connected, his finger finding you clit and starts rubbing fast circles.
A wordless scream comes out of your mouth, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your legs lock around his waist, toes curling as the coil snaps. Your vision goes white and your hearing becomes muffled.
Your body goes limp from the pleasure, Lee using your body to finally chase his high he’s been waiting for. His thrust becomes erratic as he feels the all too familiar heat crawl up his spine.
“Gonna cum Cherry,” He says as he throws his head back. “Gon’ fill you up, make sure you’re full of me.” With one final thrust he finishes with a loud moan, his head leaning on yours. Hot spurts of cum filling you up. He falls right next to you, his hand over his chest trying to catch his breath.
You don’t even remember or feel when Lee gets up to go to the bathroom. But you hear Lee’s footsteps as he comes back from the bathroom, he has a clean rag in his hand. He starts to clean you up, the rag grazes your abused clit, “Please-no more.”
He leans down to press a soft kiss against your temple, “No more Cherry, just making sure you’re clean.” You nod and let him continue cleaning you up. Once he finished, he tossed the rag in his laundry basket.
Lee walks to his closet grabbing a shirt for you and one for him. He puts on his wife beater and a pair of pajama pants before walking over to you. Your eyes were glassy and your body is still trembling. You were fucked out.
Without a word he lifts you up just enough so he was able to put on the shirt for you. His touch is gentle despite it being the opposite a few moments ago. With all your effort you scoot over to give him space to crawl in. Once he settles in you place your head on his chest, he then grabs you leg and places it over his body massaging your thigh.
After a few moments of silence Lee speaks up, “How was it? Was it good? I wasn’t too rough was I?”
It takes everything in you to open your eyes. His cruelan eyes stare into yours, searching for an answer. “It was perfect,” you mumble hazily.
“How’d it feel?” He asks. You take time to really collect your thoughts, you realize you’re the luckiest woman in the whole town. You never had someone put the effort Lee has for you.
Lee was the sweetest person just for you. He was your own personal candy, every kiss would send you into a sugar rush, every touch felt like cotton, his voice was rich like chocolate. Lee was the only candy who made your teeth rot from the sweetness, and you wanted more.
You nuzzle further into his chest, pressing a kiss on his neck while caressing his face. “It feels like sugar in me.”
taglist: @kitty4860 @phildunphyisadilf
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chezzywezzy · 2 years
Yandere Arvin Russell (3/5)
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Word count ; 3.8k
I strolled out of the school doors, a noticeable pep in my step. Arvin and I had gotten into a habit of joining Lenora down at the cemetery. During the lovely - but terribly awkward - family dinner I had gotten to know her better. She was a sweet girl.
And Arvin and I, we took the chance to see each other whenever possible. A month or so had passed since our first meeting, and we were still going steady. My heart still fluttered when he held my hand, and he was still mystified with everything going out of my mouth.
It was easy to be in love with a man like him.
I was so caught up in my daydreams, that while wrapping around the side of the school building to dispose of some of my school trash, I failed to notice the group of boys trailing after me.
I tossed the plastic bag of scraps and leftover food before wiping my hands on my pants. I hummed a happy little tune to myself before turning around, ready to head back.
But instead, anxiety washed over me instantly when I realized three lanky and robust boys had surrounded me only a few feet away. I took a step back, pressing myself against the side of the dumpster.
“Well, hello, boys,” I greeted, giggling nervously as my nails dug into the green plastic. “What can I do for you’s?”
“There’s a lot you can do for us,” the main bully, who was hovering but a foot in front of me, chuckled. “I’m feeling nice, so how about you give me a kiss?”
I heard his counterparts laugh impishly. Fear consumed me, and when he took a step closer, I pushed at his chest. However, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me forward. I lost my footing, my face colliding with his chest.
“Or, if you insist, we can take things further, whore.”
I let out a shriek of fear, trying to beat him. But just as I struggled free, the other two bullies grabbed two of my arms and pulled them out, leaving me to struggle in between them. “Please,” I begged. “I don’t know what you’re thinkin’, trying to violate me like this, but I swear I ain’t done nothing wrong to you’s.”
“Oh, but you did,” the bully in front of me hummed, grabbing my jaw hardly and making me face him, even though I kicked and squirmed. “On the contrary, whore,” he hissed. “You go prancing around like ya own the place. You refuse to go loving us poor boys that deserve a little touchin’. And that’s cute for a while, whore, but we’re getting tired.”
“Not to fuckin’ mention,” the one to my right interrupted, "you finally stop being such a prude and you go sucking that Russell boy’s dick when you owe us some of that pretty little mouth of yours.”
“ We - we ain’t done nothing but kissin’,” I insisted. “Don’t do anything, please. All I ask is that ya spare me. I ain’t doing nothin’ wrong, boys.”
The one in front of me didn’t look pleased. His grip became frighteningly strong, and I could’ve sworn I heard my jaw cracking. I let out another gasp of pain. He suddenly looked bored. He yanked me forward and tried kissing up on me. I wasn’t able to avoid it, but I kicked him in the groin suddenly.
I yanked my arms free, having caught all three of them off guard. I pushed past them and tried to make a run for it, but a hand grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. I was about to scream, but a hand flew to my mouth, muffling my cries. The other two bullies, taking advantage of my cloddish movement, began tugging at my pants.
Tears stung the edges of my eyes as I flailed in the bully’s arm. My pants were pulled down, the clod wind hitting my bare legs. I knew I was burning red from shame as they greedily pawed at my legs.
“Let’s fuckin’ hurry this up,” the bully which was holding me gruffly demanded. “I’m too fuckin’ horny to be wastin’ more time.”
His minions chuckled cruelly. Fear coursed through my veins as one of their fingers looped into the side of my panties, about to pull down and reveal myself completely. I was trembling to the core, trying to wrangle myself free and escape, but I knew I was outnumbered.
The bully began to pull down —
A fist suddenly collided with his face. I shrieked as I tumbled on top of him, but I was quick to roll off and reach for my pants. The other two bullies shouted, turning their attention to my savior, embarrassment betraying their expressions.
I watched as someone - which I quickly identified as my Arvin - darted past me and tried punching another one of them, but the two overpowered him. The leader also scrambled to his feet and jerked him back by his collar, throwing him against the dumpster.
A screech escapade my lungs as I pulled up my pants, my attention on my poor Arvin, who was getting the shit kicked out of him. I dashed over, trying to pull one of the three’s shoulders, but they pushed me away. Once again I was sent sprawling on the ground, my hands chaffing against the pavement. 
“Please, stop!” I screamed, watching as they kicked him to the ground.
Arvin’s face was a bloody mess as he rolled on the ground. The leader and his compadres laughed, finally stepping away. I trembled on the ground as they turned toward me. I shut my eyes, fearing for the worst.
But they walked right past me, only shooting a few final slurs my way.
I peered over my shoulder, seeing they had abandoned the scene. I crawled over to Arvin, who was still groaning and clutching his stomach. Blood slid down his nose and already there was a bruise developing around his eye. 
I tired off a piece of my shirt and applied it to his nose. I cradled his head in my lap. “Blow,” I instructed shakily.
He coughed and did so, the rest of the blood spewing from his nose. I finished wiping it off and discarded it in the wind. Arvin coughed one more time, finally propping himself up on his elbows. There was a dominating fury in his eyes, even now, and I could tell he still wanted a piece of those bastards.
He finally sat up, to which I rose to my feet and offered a hand to pull him up, he took it, grunting as he finally stood. One arm was still hugging his waist and he ws hunched over in pain. I cupped his cheeks and placed a distressed kiss on his nose. 
He chuckled dryly, pushing me away. His arm finally detached, and instead he cupped my cheeks. He wiped away my tears, to which I snorted up the snot back into my nose. Distress still consumed my every being.
“They’re not goin’ to stop,” I stated.
He sent me an impish, knowing grin. “Oh, they will,” he insisted. “My daddy taught me that it’s all about pickin’ the right time. And that wasn’t the right time. But no way in hell could I let them be touchin’ up on my woman.”
A small smile Ade its way to my face. I kissed the tip of his nose. “…I need to bandage you up. Your everything must be hurtin’ like hell.”
“Yeah, but Lenora’s waiting for us in the car and I have some shit I got ta do while you two are there,” he sighed.
My eyes widened. “But you never leave Lenora to herself.”
“I won’t be leaving her to herself. I’ll be leaving her with you.”
I nodded in agreement. I then slung a gentle arm around his waist and we started walking. Arvin had a slight limp, but I knew that was the least of his worries. We fell silent on the walk back to the car.
“What do ya mean you have somethin’ to do?” Lenora prodded with scrunched brows and a confused expression.
As the trheee of us stood outside the car, Lenora had taken her bible. She was about to visit her mother’s grave and I… well, I was hoping to meet with the priest. I’d been visiting behind Arvin’s back because the one time I mentioned it he was very against it. And I didn’t want to make him mad, even if I knew he had my best interest at heart, but I also longed to fix myself and only the priest could help me find God again.
“I meant what I said,” Arvin spoke tensely. “It’s something I can’t put off. You’ll be fine on your own, right? It’s just for one afternoon.”
Lenora bit her lip. I leaned against Arvin, one of his hands wrapped around my waist on instinct. We watched her intently, although for different reasons. “…I guess so. You’ve just… never done something like that before. Nothing’s wrong, right, brother?”
Arvin grinned reassuringly. “Nothin’ at all, Lenora. I just have some work I got ta get done, is all. I’ll be back to pick you two up later, don’t you worry.”
I giggled, pressing a loving kiss to his cheek. Lenora’s shoulders slumped as she caved. “…Right. That’s okay, Arvin. You go on and do what you have to do. I’m going to go talk to my mother now.”
Arvin detached from my side and wound around to the driver’s seat. I wanted to watch him go, but Lenora sped off toward her mother’s grave. I sent one last wave to the car before trailing after her. She didn’t seem upset. But with Lenora, I could never tell because of how much of a sweetheart she was.
I hovered behind her as she kneeled on the ground. She began skimming through her bible, finding where she left off. Mustering my courage, I tapped her shoulder. “Lenora?”
With doe eyes, she peered up at me. “Yes, Y/n?”
“I hate to be like Arvin, but I have something to do, too. I want to go see the priest.”
Instead of disappointment, her eyes sparkled and she clasped. Her hands together excitedly. “Really? Are you starting to go down the path of righteousness?”
I nodded. “I’m tryin’ like hell. I guess it’s alright with you, but… don’t tell Arvin. I know he doesn’t like the new priest at all.”
Lenora’s mouth twitched before fully forming into a frown. “…But lying is a sin, Y/n.”
“It’s not lying if I don’t tell him. Besides, I’ll let him know eventually. But I just need to be the one to let him know, not anyone else. So, on that note - it’s alright if I leave you here for a bit, right?”
Lenora nodded eagerly. “You’re right. Yes, go serve the Lord, Y/n. I’m proud of you.”
Courage fluttered in my chest and I nodded. I turned tail and began strolling toward the church. Even though I was trying to worship God and be more faithful, I knew that even I had a hard time understand why the priest was sitting in the church every day of the week, just waiting for people to stroll in. But I knew that was something to take advantage of.
I gently pushed the wooden door open. It squeaked, alerting the man in the pews of my entrance. When the young man spotted me, a boyish grin snuck up to his face.
“Y/n. I’m glad that you’ve decided to join me for a chat,” he greeted smoothly, sliding down the pew and motioning for me to join him.
I was surprised by his friendliness, and a smile graced my lips. I walked down the aisle until I was able to slide into the seat, my discomfort washing off me as my soul was flooded with the spirit. The priest reciprocated my joy, a handsome smile stretching across his features.
“What brings ya here on this fine Thursday? I sense something is wracking your soul,” he inquired.
I pursed my lips. “…Yes. I guess so. Today at school, these three boys tried to force lovin’ on me and I was so scared. My man, Arvin Russell, came and saves me, but the bullies hurt us both a lot. I’m still recoverin’.”
He pursed his lips, brows furrowing. He seemed caught off guard by that confession. “…That… that’s not your fault. The devil was in ‘em boys,” he conceded. “But you got ta clean your soul now. Only God’s touch can fix you of your filth.” He placed his hand on my leg, giving it a squeeze.
“But… why would I be dirty if I wasn’t at fault, sir?” I croaked, betrayal coursing through my veins.
“Because the devil used ‘em boys to sully your spirit. The devil has touched you, and only a man of god can cleanse your soul now.”
“But… I don’t mean to argue with you, sir, but why can’t I cleanse the devil myself?”
“As strong as God is with you, everyone needs help time to time,” he explained, his fingers ghosting further up my leg. “And now is when you need the help of God. Now, God can’t touch you. But a priest can, and a priest like me can cleanse you of the devil’s touch.”
“R - really?”
“Yes. But… it cannot be now.”
“Why not?”
“For the sake of pr - the spirit, it is best to be with God. And to be even closer to God than in his own house, is to be amongst his gift of nature.”
“I… guess that makes sense,” I meekly agreed. “But… I have my lover boy waiting for me so he can pick me and Lenora up.”
“Yes. And we will need much more time than this fleeting moment.” His  hand withdrew from my leg, and he clasped his hands together. With a charming yet soulful smirk, he continued, "Perhaps this weekend I can pick you up and we can go down into the woods. We can pray together and banish the devil from your soul together.”
I clasped my hands together and my eyes widened. “Oh, thank you, sir. Nothing would make me happier than to banish the devil from me. Thank you for this opportunity.”
He chuckled brazenly. “Don’t thank me, my child. Thank the Lord, for he is blessing you with someone to guide you to righteousness.”
I nodded in agreement, abruptly standing. “Thank you, Lord. I must be going now. Arvin will be back any minute.”
He gave a small wave, not saying anything else. Instead, he picked up the Bible sitting next to me and began flipping through the pages. I walked out, not looking back. But my spirit was uplifted and I felt better. A part of me wanted to tell Arvin as soon as I could so that I could show him God’s love, too.
Lenora waited. And waited. At some point, it started to rain, so I showed her how to glue leaves together to make an umbrella, which she exclaimed was a great bonding activity. Despite Arvin’s disappearance - and possibly getting sick - it was a nice afternoon.
Eventually, though, he showed up, profusely apologizing. But we thought it was fine.
I tugged the boy up into the bulky branch, laughing when a branch plopped on his head when he pulled himself up. Arvin confessed prior to the activity that he had a fear of heights, so I made sure we didn’t climb too high off the ground. Just enough to feel the thrilling sensation of wind beating against you and having nothing under one’s feet, like a baby in a highchair. 
Arvin panted slightly and readjusted his weight on the thick, bulky branch. He finally felt comfortable enough to intertwine our fingers. He let out a shaky breath before leaning his head on my shoulder.
My composure was casual; I was used to sitting on trees. Sometimes, I found one comfortable enough to catch a quick nap in. I giggled, reaching to his cheek and stroking it.
“Are ya finally going ta tell me why ya can’t take me on a date tomorrow afternoon?” he prodded, quirking his brow. His grip on my hand tightened, but not painfully so.
I sighed, leaning against his head. “Well, you’re not going to like it. I put it off until now.”
“…Yes, darlin’?”
“Believe it or not, the young new priest isn’t half bad. I swear it, Arvin. He’s been helping me find God and I’ve never felt better about the Lord. I told him about the problem with them boys the other day, and he told me the devil had touched me when those boys did. And he said he could help me pray an cleanse my soul with God’s touch out in the wilderness.”
Arvin pulled away form me, staring with bewilderment. “That’s bull shit! The devil ain’t touched any pat of ya, Y/n. The guy just gets a kick out of making people feel bad.”
I sent him a reassuring smile, cupping his cheeks as I swung my legs. “Trust me, lover boy. I asked the same thing, and he said the devil was in them boys. That I ain’t done nothing wrong, but it was good to cleanse the devil’s touch.”
His face scrunched up, including the purplish bruise around his left eye. A stubborn scowl appeared on his handsome face. However, I silenced what I knew would come next with a kiss.
I felt him cave, but only for a moment. He then gently pushed me away by the shoulders, his glower weakening. “I trust you,” he insisted. “I just don’t like that new priest. He insulted my grandma’s cookin’ when he first showed up. Made a whole scene about her chicken liver dish and ate it all himself in the name of God.”
I laughed. “Maybe that’s a little rude, Arvin,” I admitted. “But he’s a nice man. When my mother made me talk to him, he was so very kind.” My expression faltered for a moment, and I cleared my throat. “…Well, he sympathized with me about my life and told me nature was God’s gift. That God loved me and my mother was wrong.”
He furrowed his brows and his jaw tensed. “You and your ma don’t get along too good, do ya?”
“She makes it rather obvious,” I chuckled dryly. “She hates me more and more every day. I don’t really know why, but I don’t care either.I think she’s pretty darn glad I’m with ya. She hopes I get married and leave the house as soon as possible. Or, to quote her, ‘the devil will give you your match’.”
Arvin sighed, pressing his forehead against mine. “I’m sorry. I guess… I should’ve connected the dots a lot sooner, huh?”
“It’s fine, Arvin. When I’m with you, I ain’t got any other worries in the world. You know…” A tsunami of mourning crashed into me, and my voice felt strained. “I see myself growing old with ya. Wish I met you earlier. Maybe then you could’ve met my brother. He was… like you. You two would’ve gotten along well.”
“Why can’t I meet him now? Is ‘e moved out?”
“No. He was in prison and then he killed himself. Couldn’t take not having his wife. The county priest, when he moved out with his wife, raped ‘er. She killed herself from shame. And so, he killed her.” Arvin fell silent, and I didn’t even feel his breath fanning across my face. “I agree with what he did, though. My mother said the devil was in the two of ‘em. I never told her that he died, though. I hope she dies alone, wondering why she let her only son and daughter leave her.”
One of his hands gripped my waist and the other skimmed over my upper thigh. “I’m sorry. If anythin’, the devil’s in your ma.”
I sighed. “Well, enough about me, lover boy. Why ain’t you a God-worshipper anymore? I’ve heard rumors of your past, but I tend not to listen to sthem absurd people.”
“My ma caught somethin’ called cancer and she died. My dad killed himself after the funeral. I found the body. The Sheriff drove me here. Lived ‘ere ever since.”
“Have you… forgiven your pa?” I suddenly asked, grasping at his upper arm.
He frowned. “Lenora asked me the same thing the other day.” He thought for a moment. “What is there to forgive? He’s dead.”
“I… know how hard dealing with suicide is. It’s heartbreakin’. I remember when my brother died, I was angry and sad that he left me all alone in this world. But… I knew he could not live without his wife. I learned to forgive him and be glad they were reunited in heaven.”
Arvin tensed. “I… don’t know how ta answer. I never think about it. Grandma and Lenora and Uncle… they all helped me forget about it. I still remember the day like it was yesterday, but I never think about it.”
I nodded, understanding. “I have a feeling you haven’t let go of ‘em yet, Arvin.”
“Of course I have,” he snapped defensively. “Life moves on. I ain’t got time to waste on thinking about ma and pa.”
“If you have enough time to waste on me, I’m sure you mind finds the time.”
“When I’m with you, time ain’t ever bein’ wasted.”
I chuckled, melting from his words. I pressed a kiss to his lips. “Sure, lover boy. We’re being really productive up here in this tree.”
“I love ya, Y/n. Ain’t nothing you could do that would drive me away.”
“Good. I don’t plan on testing that,” I giggled. “I love ya too, Arvin Russell. I love ya to bits. You’re the cherry fillin’ to my empty pie crust, and I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Pairing: Arvin Russel x reader
Synopsis: you win Arvin a teddy bear, and he acts like he doesn’t like it
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Arvin pulled up to the annual town fair in his beat up old car and parked out front. He lit a cigarette, spotted Lenora near the entrance, and made his way over to her.
“You girls ‘bout ready to go?”
“Just about.” Lenora answered. “Y/n was just finishing up at a game. Oh, there she is.”
“Arvin!” You ran up to them with a teddy bear in your arms. “Thanks for driving us home. Don’t you want to go in at least on ride?”
“Nah. I don’t trust these things in the slightest.” He smiled at you in your high waisted shorts and button up shirt.
“See? I told you he was no fun.” Lenora teased her brother and poked his side.
“Well since you didn’t want to come with us, I won this for you at the balloon game.” You proudly held out the teddy bear you’d been holding. “Since you’re too much of a tough guy to win your own.”
It was a classic carnival plush with a cheap red bow tied around its neck, but Arvin adored it right away. He accepted the teddy bear from you and looked at it, fighting the massive smile that wanted to break out on his face. He didn’t want to stray from his typical cold and uncaring exterior, so he didn’t let it show on his face how much it meant to him.
“Oh. Thank you.” He said softly. “But I’m not much for dolls. You should keep it.”
“It’s not a doll. It’s a teddy bear.” You playfully rolled your eyes. “I’ve been holding it all night, so it smells like my perfume. And I won it for you so you better keep it, tough guy. It’s yours.”
“All right.” He smiled shyly, grateful that you were letting him keep it. “Not sure what I’ll do with it, but I’ll keep it. Thanks, Y/n.”
“You’re welcome, Arvin” You said as you linked your arm through his. “Come on. Let’s go home.”
A few weeks later, you didn’t join Lenora in the back of Arvin’s car like you usually did. He almost always drove the two of you home after school, but you were nowhere to be found that particular day.
“Y/n didn’t need a ride today?” Arvin asked with slight disappointment.
“She was running late so she said she was gonna walk home.” Lenora told him.
“Oh.” He nodded. “Okay.
“Why? Do you miss her?” Lenora teased.
“Shut up.” He blushed. “Just want to make sure she has a safe way home.”
“I’m sure she’ll be fine.” Lenora said, so he let it go. He checked back in a few hours later with Lenora to see if you’d made it home safe.
“Do you know if Y/n made it home yet?” He asked.
“She hasn’t called me yet, so probably not.” Lenora realized. Arvin frowned and looked out the window, not liking the thought of you walking home with how hard the rain was coming down.
“It’s pouring out. She’ll catch her death.” He said as he grabbed his car keys.
“So will you if you try to find her. You know how slippery your tires get.” Lenora reminded him as she followed him to the door.
“I don’t want her walking alone in the rain.” Arvin said as he slid his jacket on. “Imma go get her.”
Arvin got in his car and drove in the direction of your school. A few miles up the road, he saw you walking with your backpack over your head.
“Y/n!” He called out the window. “Get your ass in the car now.”
“Arvin?” You squinted in his direction. “Is that you?”
“Yes, it’s me.” He pulled up beside you. “Get in.”
“How’d you find me?” You asked as you got into his backseat. “And how’d you know I was out here in the first place?”
“Lenora told me you was foolish enough to walk home in this weather.” He said as he looked at you in the rear view mirror.
“I didn’t realize it was gonna rain. Sorry, Arvin.” You apologized to him, making him feel guilty for how he spoke to you. He didn’t mean to make you feel bad, he just worried about you.
“You don’t have to apologize to me, darling.” He said in a softer tone. “And you don’t have to sit in the back either.”
“Um, I think someone’s already sitting in the passenger seat.” You smiled a little and adverted your eyes.
“Who?” He furrowed his eyebrows before looking beside him. Sitting there in his passenger seat was the teddy bear you had won him a few weeks before. To make the sight even more embarrassing, the teddy bear was buckled in with a seatbelt. He had forgotten that he put the bear there and now there was no hiding the fact that he drove around with it.
“Oh.” He blushed and grabbed the bear. “Him.”
“Is that the bear won for you?” You asked coyly. “From the carnival?”
“Yeah. It is.” He adverted his eyes as you climbed into the front seat.
“Why did he have a seatbelt on?” You chuckled as he set the teddy bear on his lap.
“It’s very dangerous to drive without a seatbelt.” He said seriously. “You know that, darling.”
“But he’s just a teddy bear.” You bit back a smile at the way he was behaving. You’d into ever seen him frowning or fighting, so it made you happy to hear him being silly with you.
“A teddy bear you won for me.” He reminded you as he smiled down at the bear. “That makes him special. I gotta protect him.”
“Arvin.” You swooned. “You really kept it? That’s so cute.”
“People don’t usually give me things.” He said quietly. “So he means a lot.”
“Did you name him?” You asked hopefully.
“Yes.” He said softly. “He’s called Tuffy.”
“Why?” You wondered curiously.
“Cause you always call me tough guy.” He admitted without looking at you. He hadn’t planned on showing you the softer side of him, but you seemed to be enjoying it.
“Can I see him?”
“Careful not to get him wet. Can’t replace him.” Arvin warned, proving further to you how much he cared about the bear.
“I didn’t think you cared that I won him for you.” You said in disbelief. “Didn’t think you cared ‘bout anything, in fact.”
“I act tough, but I got a soft spot for you.” He said as he looked at you.
“Me and Tuffy, I presume.” You teased.
“Yeah.” He smiled. “You and Tuffy.”
You looked down at Tuffy and held him to your nose, inhaling his scent for a moment.
“He smells like you.” You giggled. “Which means he smells like cigarettes and Old Spice.”
“Well he sleeps in my bed.” Arvin told you. “That’s why.”
“Arvin Russel.” You gasped. “You do not sleep with a teddy bear.”
“Said he sleeps in my bed. Not in my arms or nothing.” He chuckled as he took the bear back from you. He put Tuffy on his shoulder and rested his head on him as he looked at you.
“That’s a shame.” You nearly exploded from how sweet Arvin was being. “If I was sleeping in your bed, I’d want to be in your arms as well.”
Arvin opened his mouth to speak, but found himself too flustered to form a sentence. Before he could respond, you spotted something out the window and sighed.
“Oh no. It’s Chuck Greenwood.” You pointed out the window. “He’s got a crush on me. Never leaves me alone.”
“Do you like him too?” Arvin frowned a little as Chuck approached his car.
“Absolutely not.” You stuck your tongue out. “He’s nothing but a pest. Ugh. Here he comes.”
“Hello Y/n. You look awfully pretty, even in the rain.” Chuck smirked obnoxiously as he knocked on your window. “What’s the matter? Lenoras Bible didn’t tell you it was gonna rain?”
“Leave me alone, Chuck.” You rolled your eyes and turned away.
“And is that the Russel boy?” Chuck pointed to Arvin. “What are you doing driving around with a teddy bear? Did your mommy give it to you?”
“No. But your mommy did.” Arvin shot back.
“Can I see it? It looks so cuddly and soft. I just wanna hold it for a minute.” Chuck laughed as he reached for the teddy bear.
“Hands off.” Arvin smacked his hands away. “Don’t you inbreds have something better to do?”
“What could be better than picking on you and your fuzzy wuzzy teddy bear?” Chuck asked.
“It’s my teddy bear.” You lied as you took the bear off Arvin’s shoulder. “Arvin won him for me at the carnival last week.”
“Did he? Don’t tell me you two are going steady.” Chucks jealously got the better of him.
“Whats it’s to you?” Arvin smirked, liking your plan. “Not like you ever had a chance with her.”
“Whatever. Enjoy your teddy bear.” Chuck scoffed and walked away.
“We will! Bye!” You called after him before rolling the window up. “Did you see his face? We totally got him.”
“That’s what he gets for making fun of Tuffy.” Arvin smiled as you handed the bear back to him.
“Yup.” You agreed. “He’ll know not to do that again.”
You looked at each other for a minute, soft smiles on your faces as a comfortable silence settled in his car. The comforting sound of rain hitting his windows added to the soft ambiance in the car. You gulped and sat up a little, giving him all your attention as he nervously played with the bear.
“Darling.” Arvin began quietly. “What did you mean before when you said you’d want to sleep in my arms?”
“Well, you know.” You shrugged and played with your nails. “I’m just saying. If Tuffy ever needs a night off, maybe I could take his spot.”
“Well.” He smiled softly and cupped your face with his hand. “I’ll have to check with him first.”
You leaned forward and smirked against his lips before mumbling, “You’ll have to let me know what he says.”
“He should be fine with it.” He sucked in sharply against your mouth.
“Arvin?” You asked as you gazed at him through your lashes.
“Yes, darling?”
“Stop talking about your teddy bear.” You chuckled before connecting your lips to his.
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dlwritings · 3 years
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Tom Holland
The Mandela Effect
Wide Eyes
The Big 22
Super Sitter
Water [college!Tom] [part 1] [part 2]
It Wasn’t Supposed to Snow
Change My Mind
Something Like Fate
Spill Your Guts or Fill Your Guts [part 1] [part 2*]
C’mon, C’mon
All I Want [part 1] [part 2]
3:00 in the Morning
Live from New York
Would Never Be [ft Shawn Mendes]
The Losers’ Club*
Who Do You See?
Never Have I Ever
Got Your Six [mob!Tom] [series masterlist]
Help in Three Phases*
Not Prick
Fill Up My Saturday
Moving Out (and On?) [ft Niall Horan]
Creepy Dan
A Drunk Post
And Now
No Panic
Route: Fear
Better Birthday Present
Peter Parker
Sunny [part 1] [part 2]
Enough For You
I Won’t Be There
Catch in the Dark [part 1] [part 2]
Direct Order
Your Favorite Person [part 1] [part 2] [part 3]
Something’s Wrong
Focus on Me
Agent of Hydra
My Princess [part 1*] [part 2*] [part 3*]
His Plan
Burn [series masterlist]
Love You and Like You
Little Fall of Rain
Fight Over Irondad
Stage 3
Apology Kiss
Cuddles and Appendicitis
Bad Again
Arvin Russell
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multifariousqueer · 2 years
Idk if anybody had this idea before but well here it goes: Arvin Russell having a smaller wife -in size- and they are both awkward bcz the marriage was sorta out of business but they are both getting along some fluff will be great (add filth if u want :3 )
P.S: srry rly for being awkward it's my first time to request smth😅
Hi! I hope you don't mind, I'm gonna answer this as a black!reader(bc I don't see a lot of black readers).
TW: Business partners to lovers, mentions of Lenora's death and the serial killer couple, Spoilers for tdatt, slow burn(ish).
Your daddy disapproved of Arvin and so did your momma but you knew this was the only way. See, you had always wanted a house and business of your own but being a young small black girl, you often were looked down upon and often times, given the classic talk of "well, maybe this is outta your league little girl." and told to just go find a black man and stay in your "neck of the woods". When you got away from the person who made these comments, you just rolled your eyes and said,
"Well what does he know? That old shit has nary a business bone in his body. Old hick."
Arvin overheard your personal pep talk and said,
"Umm little girl?"
"JESUS CHRIST." you said, startled.
"I'm so sorry it's just you were yelling and I thought you were hurt, my apologies" Arvin said.
You looked him up and down and immediately knew he would be a perfect pawn to get what you need.
"It's okay." You said with a smirk on your face.
Arvin began to walk away when suddenly, you blurted out:
"Hey listen. How would you like an opportunity to make money and get out of this shit town?"
Arvin stopped dead in his tracks but he didn't turn around:
"And how would I do that? Selling Girl Scout Cookies?" Arvin asked. You could hear the bemusement mixed with genuine interest in his voice.
You chuckled. This wasn't the first time you had been underestimated because of your size.
"Not quite. See I'm fixing to start a business and buy a house but I can't do that since I'm-" you pointed to your skin.
"I don't know little girl sounds like a big ask for someone so small." Arvin chuckled
"Listen here Mister, I am 20 and a LEGAL adult just like you. I may sure as hell be damn small but these dreams and the money I'll cut you will be bigger than the fattest man alive, so what do you say?" you said.
"What are we selling? Arvin said, interested.
"Teas, coffee, specialized refreshments." You smiled.
"You really think people want that?" Arvin said.
"Well not these people, that's why I said we're getting out of here. Now come on, I'll let you taste the product." You said pulling Arvin's arm.
6 months later:
"It says here, we need to be married in order to get the house and the storefront." Arvin said.
"Nice try, pal." You said, believing it but not wanting it to be true.
"Business partners don't lie to each other, darlin' " Arvin said with a smirk.
Over the past 6 months, Arvin had taken a liking to you. You were ambitious, pretty, outspoken, goal driven and not a bad cook either. You two always had moments where it felt like you would kiss but you never did. So Arvin convinced himself that you were off limits.
"Alright fine, I know a chapel we can go to." You said begrudgingly.
"Actually?" Arvin didn't think you'd go this far for what you wanted but in a way, he was kind of happy you did go this far.
"Yes Actually now stop wasting time and get dressed." You said.
"Yes ma'am" Arvin called.
When you two arrived at the chapel, You saw your preacher. It was nice to know that this man who had known you since you were in diapers, is marrying you off. Admittedly, you wished it was with someone whom you had loved for years.
Once he married you off, the next stop was your parents house:
"Daddy I'm sorry, It's all for the house and store. I promise."
"FIND ANOTHER WAY." Your dad said.
"Daddy, this is the way. I'll finally be able to take care of you and momma." you said almost tearing up. You haded when he would yell at you.
"I just don't want you to be unhappy." Your dad said.'
"Than let me marry Arvin and get us out of this place." you said through tears.
"Okay baby. If this is what you need to do then do it." Your dad said begrudgingly.
You hugged your momma and oveheard your dad telling Arvin that he would kill him if he tried anything. You went upstairs, packed a bag, and left. Arvin did the same and both of you were off to New York.
1 year later
You and Arvin had just gotten the title to the store and you couldn't be happier. Arvin was falling more and more in love with you as the days went on. You found out a lot about him too, like he had shot a preacher that drove his sister to suicide, how he almost became a victim of these serial killers, and so forth. You were still sleeping in different "beds"(Arvin sleeping on a sofa):
"You sure, country boy? I don't mind sleeping on the couch. I could fit a lot better." You asked genuinely concerned for his wellbeing on that sofa.
"Ladies get the better bed. Besides, It's comfy enough." Arvin said. You realized that Arvin would never tell you if he was in pain or sick or anything about himself really. You had to pry into him to figure out the serial killer story.
You caught yourself staring at Arvin more and more. You never noticed how veiny his arms were or how big his biceps were. He was incredibly protective over you(even though you didn't need it) and he was incredibly strong, like he lifted a 100lb bag of coffee beans over his shoulder like it was nothing. It was safe to say you were starting to fall for him but this is what made you 100% head-over-heels for him:
One cold night in December, you were shivering in the bed. You had woken up from a nightmare and desperately needed to go back to sleep because you had a meeting the next day. You saw Arvin tossing on the couch and decided you couldn't take it anymore:
"Hey Arvin?" you asked as gently as possible
"What's the matter, Y/n?" he asked groggily.
"Uhm, I'm cold." You said sheepishly.
"What do you want me to do about that?" Arvin asked with a smirk on his face. He knew exactly what you wanted, he just wanted to hear you say it.
"You're really gonna make me say it?" you said half embarrassed, half jokingly.
"Mhm. If you want it that badly." Arvin said smugly.
"Arvin can you sleep with me?" You said regretfully.
"What's the magic word?" He said now with a full grin.
"Pleeeeaaaassseeee?" You said.
"Good Girl." He said. This sent butterflies through your body.
You two got in the bed and he brought the blanket from the couch. You snuggled up to him and he planted your face in his neck.
"Is this gonna become a daily thing, darlin'?" Arvin asked.
"I don't know. Do you want it to become a daily thing?" You replied.
"I don't mind." He said.
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