#but then my kitty ran away with the prompt so I did what I had to do
Claire!! I ran to your inbox the second I saw your post about drabbles being open!! :D
Would be willing to write something for Tommy Shelby using this prompt: “Don’t play games with me, sweetheart. You won’t like it when I play them back.” ?? Take the story in whatever direction you desire….I just know it’ll be amazing!
Thanks so much if you choose to! A
A little short for my darling K? Of course <3 I hope you like the direction I went in with this!
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Words - 1,139
Warnings - None
“You don’t need to lie to me. You hate him, don’t you? I see it, kitty cat. That face of yours when you’re on his arm? It ain’t the face of a broad who's happy to be there.”  
He was right, too. Although you had to wonder how many times others had witnessed your carefully placed facade slip. Then again, you hadn’t been stepping out all too long with Tommy Shelby. You didn’t intend on doing so either. 
Tommy didn’t remember you from school. He had no recollection over how he’d made you feel about yourself as a little girl, the name calling, the teasing, the shoving you around. “Boys will be boys, my sweet”, your father had always said. Your mother had taken a much less blasé approach.  
“Darling girl of mine, boys will not be boys. Boys will be however we let them behave. If that little shit continues to act like this, wallop him one.” 
While you appreciated her stance, you never did give him the aforementioned walloping. Until now, in your decision to make him pay for being your playground tormentor, your bully. Some might call it immature of you not to be able to move on from it, but truly, Tommy Shelby has done more to hurt you than any other. 
It didn’t stop in the playground. 
The growth of The Shelby Company Ltd, with its wings spreading like an albatross across the coal-black suburbs of Birmingham led to your father being put out of work, your brother being recruited and then executed as a Peaky Blinder and your family losing everything. Tommy was so lost within the vast vortex of his own ego that he didn’t even recognise you, by neither sight nor name when you approached him one evening in The Garrison, your charm amped up, your plan set into action. 
You would make him fall in love with you, you would toy with his heartstrings and then, finally, you would rip them to pieces. Just like he did to your life. Just like he always had.  
Your plan? It worked. Effortlessly.  
Every time he called to court you, you would exit the door of your lodgings looking pristine, ready to be wined and dined, your place upon the arm of the city’s most prolific gangster a spot coveted by many. It never did fail to make bitter fire lick your insides, though, while other women burned with envious ire. Your revulsion ran deep, but you had to confess; at least he was pretty to look at. At least he was a talented and sensual lover.  
You never allowed him in too much, though, and it was the cleverness, the assertive aloofness of your nature that had the poor fool coming back for more every time.  
“Why don’t you ever stay with me, sweetheart?” he asks you on one such night, as you pull yourself back into your clothes. 
Looking away from the garter clasp you’re about to affix to your stocking, you see it there in his eyes. Pleading. Longing. The desire to spend the entire night curled around you in a warm, loving embrace.
“I like my own bed.” 
He tuts, reaching for his cigarette. “You always say that. Don't even let me stop over there with you either.” 
“I like my own bed alone.” 
“And what when we’re married, eh?” he questions, exhaling a thick plume of smoke into the dark of the room. “Will you let me share a bed with you then, or are we to be like an old-fashioned Victorian couple, same bedroom, single beds?” His eyes glint at you, shifting to sit up a little. “That’s a bit puritan for a girl who likes being fucked as dirty as you, love.” 
The urge to punch that smug, pretty face of his. Buttoning your blouse, you reach for your coat and pull it on, picking up your bag and then leaning to press a kiss upon his lips. “I’ll say goodnight now, Tommy. Let you go to sleep and dream of me.”  
He isn’t used to not getting his own way, and lord, how it shows. He reaches for your wrist, grasping you in a hard clutch, your mind flashing back to the playground. He’d do this while kicking your shins and mocking you. “Don’t play games with me, sweetheart. You won’t like it when I play them back.” 
You smirk, and the devil’s fire flashes through his eyes. “Is that a threat, darling?” 
“It’s a bloody promise, love, and you know it is. Might have to tie you to this bed next time, stop you from escaping on me.” He smiles then, something boyish in him as he tilts his head, pulling you down into a soft kiss. “I love you, even if you are a bloody temptress.” 
“Love you, too. Goodnight.” 
Leaving the bedroom, you saunter down the stairs and into the lounge, going into his jacket pocket and removing the keys to the building he runs his legitimate business from, Out of your purse, you remove the soft ball of clay you’ve stashed away wrapped in paper, flattening it with your palm before pressing each key into it.
With those imprints taken, you visit the local foundry the following day, asking for a set of keys to be made to those exact impressions. 
“Ahh, nice, easy little job this, bab,” the foreman informs you, removing his cap to scratch his balding head as he takes the lump of now dried clay. “Have ‘em ready for ya by close.”  
After returning later that evening, you have within your grasp the tools you require to facilitate the final piece of your plan, the last little detail being delivered to you by a third party, one who after arriving from New York saw quite clearly how much use you could be to him, getting close enough to ruin Tommy Shelby and all he held dear.  
Walking through the bar of The Grand Hotel, you slide into a seat beside the handsome Italian waiting for you, placing the keys into his hand. 
“You did good, doll,” he drawls, eyeing you appreciatively. “Here.” Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out a roll of bills, handing them to you with a wink before taking your hand and kissing it. “If you’re ever in New York in the future, please, don’t think twice about looking me up.” 
Of course, Luca Changretta could have simply broken into the building he required access to, but Tommy is a shrewd operator. He would notice even the most carefully picked lock, and the plan was always for him not to see it coming. When The Shelby Company Ltd explodes into a ball of fire, both Tommy and Arthur within it, you know he never saw it coming.  
After all, he never truly saw you.  
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storm-angel989 · 3 months
Hey I was wondering if you could do valentine's daughter where she gets hurt during an exterminator.
Like let's say she is six or something and she gets curious on why she has to be in her room on a specific day and the vees won't tell her anything just that it's a 'special' day.
So one day when no one is looking she go's outside to see what so 'special' about it.
Just to be chase by some angles luckily the Vees see her with one of the many cameras in the city and save her. But she get a scar from it.
How would the vees react to it?
Also hope your have a nice day!
Hi All,
This is the prompt this post should answer- in all my tiredness last night I posted to the wrong request! Rest assured I'm working on this request above- so many google docs and ideas, so little time!
Anonymous asked:
Dude, what about a Valentino x Daughter! Reader where they forget the door open or something like that, and she decides to go out (she's like, 3/4 years old) and when she comes back, she's holding a random cat and wants to keep it. I think it would be pretty funny lol
Also, i love your content!! 💕
So sorry!
<3 Mandy
Hi friend,
Such a busy weekend! But this light topic is one that popped into my head right before bed- so I had to write it! Enjoy!
“What do you mean you can’t find the baby?” Valentino screamed as he slammed his hands into Vox’s desk. “Where the fuck is my daughter?
In front of him, images flashed. Inside the building, outside, all throughout pentagram city. A still screen time stamped five minutes ago of his daughter wandering out the backdoor, propped open with nothing more than a wedge of cardboard. 
“I told those fuckers,” Vox began. 
“Find her, now,” Valentino cut him off. “I don’t care what you do, I’m going outside to…”
“Daddy, kitty!” 
Both men turned around to where Reader stood, cradling a black and white cat. They stared at her in a mix of horror and disbelief. 
“Bebita, are you okay?” Valentino demanded as he ran to his daughter.
She took a step back. “Daddy no. You’ll scare kitty.”
Valentino stared at the creature clutched in his daughter's arms. Not only was the cat almost as big as she, but it truly was taking being held in a toddler’s death grip incredibly well. 
“Where the fuck did you find a cat?” He demanded. 
“Outside,” Reader replied nonchalantly. “Kitty needs home.”
“Oh fuck no, kitty does not need a home,” Vox began.
An expression crossed Valentino’s face. He stood up and turned to Vox. “You’re the one who lost my daughter. You tell her she can’t keep it. And no cheating.”
Vox set his jaw and stared at his niece and her newfound companion. “Reader. Sweetheart. You can’t…give Uncle Voxxy the cat.” He knelt down and reached out as if to take the cat from his arms.
To his dismay, the cat hissed.
“My kitty!” She yelled and she turned away. “My kitty!”
“You know what, fine. Keep the cat, I don’t care,” Vox said with defeat. “I can’t say no to you.”
“My kitty!” Reader sang as she turned away. “My kitty need snack. Daddy? Snacks.”
Valentino glanced at Vox with an amused expression on his face. He turned away to follow his daughter back to the elevator.
“Your responsibility now,” he said aloud to Vox. “Feed it. Clean it. And if something happens to it, its on you.”
“Fuck me,” Vox groaned as the door shut. “Fuuuuccckkkkk”
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generalluxun · 20 days
Partnership: ML ficlet Adrien/Ladybug
This is a little scene between my fic 'Half baked' and the next full fic (there might be more ficlets too) Ladybug goes to visit Adrien and see how he is doing with everything. Story under the cut. 1.5k.
It was late, but it was also the earliest she could escape to her room for the night. She had wasted no time before transforming and swinging across Paris. She hoped he was still awake.
Standing on the ledge on her tiptoes,body pressed to the glass of his giant second story windows, Ladybug suddenly doubted herself. Is this too forward? He hadn’t seen her yet. He was at his computer, doing what she couldn’t tell. It was the set of his shoulders again that made her mind up for her. That goofy cat should never look defeated and downcast.
Ladybug tapped on the glass with her yo-yo.
Adrien startled. Turning, he looked up and seemed confounded by her presence, completely paralyzed for a moment. In that moment she started to panic. He beat her to it though.
Adrien’s eyes widened. He turned and dove for his computer’s mouse. In his haste he knocked it off the desk. Instead of going after it he grabbed one of his monitors and flipped it facedown on his desk before dashing to the window beside where she stood. Adrien shoved it open so far he almost fell out, recovered, and leaned against the closed window on the far side. His elbow slipped on the glass only once.
“L-ladybug! Hey… fancy meeting you here.”
It was strange seeing total failure from the outside for a change. It was also oddly comforting. Ladybug could give him the smile she had often needed in her own life. Losing the cat must be affecting him more than I thought.
She ducked and crouched at the open window. “Hi, I hope I’m not imposing… Do you mind if I come in?”
Adrien was off in a dash. “ofcoursecomeinsorryitsamess,” was left in his wake.
He dusted off a perfectly clean couch. Before Ladybug could even get a foot down he perked  and ran back. He reached up to offer her a hand down, a sheepish smile on his face and a familiar kind spark in those bright green eyes. I miss his cat eyes.
At that unbidden though, Ladybug nearly fell climbing in through the window. She recovered quickly, catching his hand, and made a show of looking around to try and distract from her fumble. 
“You have a huge room, and all sorts of fun things to do in here.”
He was looking around too now, as if seeing his room for the first time.
She prompted, “Enrichment for an energetic kitty?”
His head snapped around. Their eyes met. Ladybug felt her cheeks burn and looked away quickly. She sat down so fast the couch rocked under her and her blush deepened. She fidgeted with her yo-yo, wondering just where these traitorous impulses were coming from. I’m here for him!
For him, or for him?
Ladybug’s stomach fluttered at her internal monologue. Adrien saved her, clearing his throat, “wHaT *cough* What can I do for you, Ladybug?”
“Oh!” Blessed distraction, “I stopped in to see how you were doing, with everything. We barely had a chance before…”
“Before I screwed up,” Adrien finished where she trailed off. The self recrimination dripped from his words.
The clenched fists and tense shoulders were exactly what she had come here to fix. Wanting to and knowing how were different though. He was still standing beside the couch, Ladybug scooted over and patted the spot beside her.
It broke him out of the moment, he moved timidly but sat beside her. When he did she folded her hands in her lap to keep from taking his. “It could have happened to anyone. You could have been the one visiting me, a cat without a bug.”
His eyes widened, desperately earnest. “I’d never let that happen.”
She snorted even as something melted inside her. “Oh, so I let you down?” she teased.
“No! I didn’t mean-” Watching him fumble buoyed her own nerves.
Ladybug waved him off with a smile. “I appreciate the thought, but for now the best you can do is try to remember anything you can about the person who attacked you. I don’t want you getting hurt with no Miraculous.”
She caught the flash of something in his eyes before he looked down. This time she did take his hands, squeezing.
“Is there anything new? Anything at all?”
He swallowed. “I want to help, to get it back. I did think I knew who it was at first, but… whoever it is, isn’t the person I thought.”
He looked up, and the flash had become a new conviction that scattered the questions in her mind.
He squeezed her hands back, “I’ll get it back, you won’t be alone for long.”
The fluttering in her stomach turned to warmth with only an edge of fear, “Why do I feel like there’s no way I can talk you out of trying?”
A Noir-ish grin graced his lips, her heart rose, “Oh you know us cats, we don’t listen to anyone.”
They sat together in that moment before both looking down as one to where they still held hands. With tension broken, panic rolled back in. Ladybug snatched back her hands as her cheeks burned, saved by the fact Adrien seemed to have done the same. She didn’t know if his cheeks were burning, she was busy inspecting the ceiling.
He spoke first again, “So, whoever has it, helped you today?”
Ladybug grimaced, the fire on her cheeks doused itself as she turned back. “Helped,” she made air quotes for good measure. “They’re no partner. Even if they aren’t working with Hawkmoth, they’re a thief and opportunist at best.”
She thought that would cheer him up, but that handsome golden visage seemed thoughtful at best. When he spoke it cleared up her confusion though, “It does mean it’s not terrible though, if they are going to fight Hawkmoth? I mean, temporarily, it’s okay?”
Ladybug blew out her cheeks, it was all still so overwhelming. “I… guess? It’s no substitute for you out there. I don’t need people yelling at me and haring off on their own instead of listening.”
As her spirits flagged, Cat No- Adrien was there to bring them up. He nudged her. “Well, that second part isn’t entirely new…”
She scooted closer and shoulder bumped him back, smiling. “Not entirely.”
The silence that followed was a comfortable one. There was no explosion of embarrassment when Adrien broke it again. “Maybe I could work on the mystery of Hawkmoth? Behind the scenes… until I- we- you- get my miraculous back. I could connect with the Ladyblogger, she’s in my class.”
Ladybug knew that very well. Would it be that bad to share my identity with him? It would make things easier… but it would mean giving him up as a partner probably…
She couldn’t do that.
So instead they delved into his school life, the Ladyblog, and easy mundane little things. Ladybug was proud of herself for not prying too hard into the classmate ‘Marinette’ when Adrien mentioned her. She couldn’t help the imbalance they had right now, but she wouldn’t take advantage of it. Time flew by. He grew animated and bright once more. She was able to forget she was sitting there in a mask and magical spandex.
It was unwelcome, when her yo-yo chirped a preset alarm at her. Ladybug silenced it but sighed at Adrien’s curious look. “I should get going. A bug’s life isn’t all sunshine and cute bo-”
She bit her tongue tip and jumped up.
“Aha yeah so I gotta go. It’s been great! I’ll visit again you. Soon very me trust. Up spirits keep gotta!”
She couldn't get to the window fast enough. Her feet had decided to betray her. The hero of Paris stumbled at the window in her haste.
He caught her.
A strong and mindful arm around the waist, helping set her right. He let go but took her hand. “Well then, if I may?” He dipped his head.
In mental paralysis, she inclined her head just slightly.
He bowed over her hand and raised it to his lips, “It was a pleasure M’Lady, I await your return with bated breath.”
She saw cat ears that weren’t there perk and wiggle. The light shone human eyes where feline slits should be. Ladybug squeezed the hand that held hers before letting go, “We will get it back, Adrien.”
With that she was out the window and gone. She had come to give comfort and received it in kind. Yet- her feelings were a jumble. She felt less sure of everything than ever before; less sure, but more happy.
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inbetweenhours · 2 years
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i did more of my esmp parents doodles specifically because of this comment 
[Shrub here | Scott, Sausage, & Seablings here | Roseblings, Pix, & Pearl here]
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@thatonehomosexual79​ prompted me to think about Katherine and joeys parents! I have names for them all, but very few of them have actual thought to me.
I’ll slap my ramblings about each family / parents and my lore under the cut for those interested :] Feel free to ask for more or ask questions! These doodles are easy so i might just do both seasons! I have names for everyone anyways lol
What I do know about Joey’s family though is his siblings I’ve included. To my vague awareness on LE Joey lore, he had other canon members of the monarchy. The Tiger Blood Prince and Princess. I also saw somewhere that the Princess actually went missing and was replaced I presume. Instead of this being a mistake I’ve made it lore. I'm also too far in to retcon it if that actually didn't happen lol. I can’t say much for them as individuals, they’re all very alike. Kinda aggressive and  confident in the way that Joey is. Its very obvious they are related lol. Nickey is the one who breaks the mold most, and is plot relevant to my fanon when she is older. She is actually the ancestor of  esmp2!Lizzie and one of her close descendants is the founder of Animalia :]
Anyways, Joey and his family get along about as well as they can given the turbulent nature of how I imagine LE succession to work. Its not so much a right as it is a challenge. Joey challenged his parents when he found himself old enough to care about the power. They met the challenge, alongside Joeys brother Mickey, and all lost to him. Very tournament style. Joey coming out on top claims him as the victor and he took his title. His brother and he get along well, in a way that has a high frequency of sibling animosity. Tammy is a bit young in the main timline (14 ish i think) and has very little care in leading, she's happy to just be princess. Nickey has ran away from the LE, and generally was the black sheep of the family. Wanting a much gentler and kinder way of life than she was used to. Her as a subsect of the people left to far lands, never to be seen again really as they reestablished themselves far away.
Katherine is where things start getting odd. Because of how my fanon uses fairies I must first clarify that fairies are biologically agender and asexual by nature in my fanon. They are born in a very disney-ified fairytale fashion where any singular or number of parents will nurture a flower bulb and from it blooms a baby fairy. Katherines mother did this alone, and so her and Katherine look extremely similar. Any dissimilarities are entirely stylistic lol. Baby Katherine also doesn’t have her wings yet, I must clarify this wasn’t because I forgot. Young fairies look a lot more “human”, and gain things like their wings during puberty. They have a chrysalis phase and a kind of butterfly physiology for lack of simpler explanation.
Katherine and her mother are very alike in many ways I think. I don't have a lot of thought for Kitty in all honesty. If she isn’t dead in the current timeline I’d be willing to bet she stepped away from responsibility when The Spring chose Katherine to tale over. If anyone has any thoughts about her that’d be cool, because I really have very little. She would have known Scott and Xornoths parents, which is significant. 
Finally Joel!! Also has some weird notes out of the norm. In my fanon Mezalea’s citizens are majorly composed of Clay constructs, with some humans and the occasional merlings around the coasts. Clay constructs are given lie by being laid at the roots of the mother tree, and  are typically gifted life by its after a time. Queen Ariel ruled Mezalea before Joel. The reason “Prince” has an asterix is because it’s questionable if Joel ever was prince of Mezalea. he was created to be king and I havent decided if he was sculpted and lad beneath the Mother Tree before or after Ariels passing. She had a lot of wear and tear after potential dozens of decades, maybe centuries, alive. She had come into a point of disrepair (and a thinning of her life gift) and knew Mezalea would need a replacement for her throne. But I havent decided if she ever actually met Joel. If he was created after she crumbled to take her place, or if she commissioned his creation before her passing and was there to see his gifted life. To help guide him in his duties for a short time. 
For this reason, the art I have drawn is dubiously canon to my own fanon. And Joel and Ariel are not considered family really. They are not mother and son as much as they are at most mentor and apprentice, and at least successor and predecessor. Joel knows who she is, but doesn’t really hold any sturdy connection with her. Ariel herself was a good determined ruler. Confident and brazen in many ways. She likely looked much different throughout her rule, constructs can pass their life between other  vessels- this is how they grow. Like hermit crabs kind of, when they feel they have outgrown the body they have they will likely build or commission a new one to inhabit. Ariel has been around a lot, and many of her  forms have suffered some severe battering. It has thinned her life gift to be passed around so often and in connection to a broken form she knew she was done.
anyways that is all for now, imma go look into who do draw next :]  questions and commentary welcome
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a-chlolix-blog · 1 year
Type of kisses prompt
First kiss: Queen Bee and Bunnyx + Ladybug and Kitty Noire after patrol.
Chloé was sitting on her bed painting Zoé's nails when her sister revealed something that caught her off guard.
"So... I kissed Ladybug after patrol."
~~~~Yesterday Night~~~~
Ladybug and Kitty Noire had just finished dealing with some minor thieves after a patrol.
"Great job, Kitty! Same time tomorrow?"
When Ladybug gets ready to swing away, Kitty Noire grabs her hand, gives her a quick kiss on the lips and leaves immediately after pulling away.
Not even waiting for LB to respond.
~~~~End of Flashback~~~~
Chloé couldn't hold back her laughter, but still managed to respond to her sister's story.
"So... you kissed her and RAN?!"
Zoé couldn't help the blush creeping up on her face!
"Oh yeah? How did YOUR first kiss with Bunnyx go?"
Chloé immediately stops laughing and begins to blush.
"Oh now I GOTTA hear this!"
"FINE! I'll tell you!"
~~~~Last Year~~~~
Bunnyx and Queen Bee were on their first mission together and QB seemed cool and calm, but she was actually coming up with a whole plan in her head.
'Okay Chloé, you can do this! Defeat anyone causing trouble tonight, impress Bunny-Kins, and kiss her before making an awesome exit. Easy!'
Queen Bee is snapped out of her thoughts when she hears Bunnyx's voice.
"QB! You okay?"
"Yep! Absolutely fine!"
"Better focus, there's a robbery in progress."
'This is my chance!'
Before Bunnyx could explain her plan, Queen Bee jumps down and immediately confronts the thieves.
"Stop right there-"
Queen Bee's immediately interrupted by the robbers' bullets being shot at her, which she quickly dodges and blocks with her spinning top.
While the robbers were focused on Queen Bee, Bunnyx opens burrows below them one at a time until they all ended up at the police station.
When Queen Bee stops spinning her weapon, Bunnyx hops out of a burrow in front of her.
"Great job distracting them, Queenie!~"
Bunnyx then gives Queen Bee a quick kiss on the lips before opening her Burrow and walking through it.
~~~~End of Flashback~~~~
Zoé just stared at her sister in shock.
"Why are you embarrassed by how the kiss happened?! You STILL managed to impress her."
Chloé hugs her pillow while whining.
"I wanted to Impress her AND make the first move!"
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msviolacea · 2 years
The Azure Dragon
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(Not to be confused with the Azure Dragoon, FFXIV folks.)
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing: Masamune/MC
Written for: @the12thnightproject​, as part of @flash-exchange​
Notes: One of the prompts we were given for this exchange was to write something inspired by the Chinese Zodiac. I immediately thought about Dragon, because I'm a Dragon, and that led me to an obvious association. I looked into some Japanese dragon lore for more inspiration, and, well, here we are.
~ ~ ~
The whole thing was my fault. Hideyoshi told me to stay in town, but then a girl ran by, chasing her lost cat, and I couldn't just ignore her. So that's how I ended up in a field on the outside of town, my kimono stained green from the grass. We had just convinced the kitty to accept a nice hunk of fish, when I heard the telltale sound of a sword unsheathing. 
(I have been in this time period too long, I thought, as panic bubbled up, if swords sound that familiar.)
When I looked up, five men surrounded us. I pushed the girl behind me, but one of the men only laughed. "We don't care about her. We just want Nobunaga's woman."
Okay, that was terrifying, but also - "Why, why does everyone think I belong to-" 
Before I could finish, a large shadow appeared over us, moving faster than clouds should. Naturally, we looked up.
"Holy shit," I breathed.
The head bandit's voice shook, barely audible over the sudden roar from above. "Seiryū?" 
The dragon - the honest-to-god, actual real live dragon above us - dove towards him. 
Everyone else scattered. I was frozen, torn between awe and terror. The dragon easily caught its prey, mouth closing over the man's body even as it landed.
The word escaped before I even knew I was yelling. "Stop!!"
The dragon looked at me. I noted that it - he - was holding the man lightly between his teeth, hard enough to keep him in place, not enough to pierce. But more, I noticed his eye; his solitary eye, a shockingly familiar blue, the other socket an empty shell. Dreaming, I decided, feeling faint. I am definitely dreaming. But, just in case … "Don't kill him," I begged. "Just … take him away. He's too scared to do anything else."
"Yes! Absolutely! Never ever -"
The dragon huffed a loud, warm sigh, and took off into the sky as the bandit's plea was cut short. I watched as he flew to the edge of the forest just beyond my sight. Once I was alone, I pinched my arm, hard. "Ouch! Okay, maybe not a dream." I turned around to see the little girl hovering at the edge of the field, watching me with wide, terrified eyes. "Go!" I told her, motioning towards town. "I'm okay, I promise, he won't hurt me." She hesitated for a moment, then turned and ran, cat secure in her arms.
I turned back just in time for the dragon to land a few feet away, no bandits in tow. "I promise I didn't kill him, kitten, but I won't pretend I don't find a bit of satisfaction knowing that he'll be running in soiled breeches." His voice vibrated through me - loud, resonant, lower in tone than usual, but otherwise entirely recognizable.
"Masamune! What are … how -" 
"What am I? Isn't it obvious?" 
"A dragon???" My hands flailed about in the air. "When were you going to tell me you're an actual dragon?? Or even that dragons even exist?"
"Oh, they don't exist where you come from? That's a little concerning." But he chuckled all the same. "You know now. And maybe you know not to wander out here by yourself."
"I didn't mean to, I just -"
"Yes, I know. You just." The gleaming azure eye filled with the same mischief I was used to from his human form. "Come on, want a ride?" When I narrowed my eyes at him, he laughed in that strange but comforting dragon voice. "Flying, kitten. Do you want to fly?"
Did I want to? With no saddle or safety or … who was I kidding, this was Masamune. If there was one thing he'd taught me, it was to take chances. And this one would let me fly on a dragon. I took a deep breath. "Okay."
Masamune waited until I was astride - my most intimate parts pressed against his surprisingly soft scales - to say, "We'll talk about the other sort of ride later." His voice vibrated through my body along with the implication, and I made an embarrassing noise.
He was still laughing as he launched us into the air.
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ailendolin · 2 years
🎮: Mary, Annie and alive kitty
I hope this is along the lines of what you had in mind for this prompt, anon!
Next up:
🌧️ Rainy day activities - Humphrey & Sophie
🩸 Patching up a wound - Alison/Mike
🥰 Saying ‘I love you’ without saying it - Thomas/Isabelle
🛁 Platonic bathing - Ian/Gabriel
Ask Game is here. Filled prompts are here, here & here on AO3.
🎮 Games
“Aw looks,” Mary said, pointing at the lonely girl standing by the statue. “She be playing all by herselfs again.”
It was a sight they had grown accustomed to over the last few months, ever since the lady of the house had died. The lord was trying his best to divide his time between his daughters and his duties but more often than not, his youngest child could be seen on her own outside, talking to birds and statues to pass the time and also, so Mary suspected, to feel a little less lonely. The girl reminded her a little of herself, or at least of the person she had become after her husband had died. She too had taken to talking to things back then, desperate to fill that terrible void inside her chest. A lot of good it had done her.
Worried that the girl might share her terrible fate and find herself tied to a stake one day, Mary turned to Annie. “They will thinks her mad if she be keeping this up.”
But Annie shook her head. “She’s just a child. They will think she has a vivid imagination, nothing more.”
“She will not be a child forever.
“No, she will not,” Annie agreed softly. Her eyes grew glazed over for a moment as she got lost in a memory. One of her hands slid into her pocket and to Mary’s surprise she pulled out a pebble, small, round and smooth. “I always played with these when I was young. Gave them names, stories. Pretended they were a family and sent them out on adventures. ‘Twas the only time I was not constantly asking about things, my mother used to say.”
Mary glanced at the pebble.
“You was still carrying it when you died,” she noted.
Annie shrugged. “It reminded me to keep my mouth shut.”
She looked down at the stone and Mary felt her heart hurt. Reaching out to wrap her hands around Annie’s fingers, she gently closed them around the pebble. “They shoulds have never taken your voice from you.”
Annie gave her a small but grateful smile before she slipped the pebble back into her pocket. With a nod to the young girl by the statue, she said, “I’m just saying – whatever helps her cope can’t be bad for her.”
Mary followed her gaze and silently watched as the girl stood up, said something to the statue that was too quiet for her to make out and then ran behind some bushes, softly giggling to herself. The smile that tugged at Annie’s lips was tinged with sadness when she said, “How about we join her? That way, she won’t be playing on her own.”
They walked over to the statue and waited until the girl came out of her hiding place.
“You did not find me, Florence!” she said, still smiling brightly despite the loss her young heart was so heavily burdened with and the one-sidedness of the game. “Let’s try again!”
She turned around, looking for a new hiding place, and Annie whispered, “Now.”
Following her example, Mary put her hands over her eyes so she wouldn’t see where the girl was hiding and quietly listened as Annie counted under her breath.
“Ready or not, we’re coming!” she suddenly announced and Mary found herself being pulled around the garden in search of the girl. She wasn’t hard to find. The quiet giggles as well as her colourful dress quickly gave her away.
“There she be!” Mary whispered, pointing at one of the rosebushes.
Annie placed a finger on her lips. “Shh. Let’s pretend we haven’t seen her yet.”
They circled around the garden twice more before the girl became restless in her hiding place.
“Got you!” Annie shouted with glee as she jumped out of the bush behind her, still tugging Mary along. The girl did not react, of course, but she was still smiling when she came out from behind the roses and walked back to the statue. “You need to work on your finding skills, Florence. It’s called hide and seek for a reason. I hide, you seek!”
They played together for the rest of the afternoon, and when the girl was called inside, Mary and Annie were glad to see her father smiling benevolently at her when she told him all about the fun she’d had with Florence.
“See?” Annie whispered despite knowing the livings couldn’t hear her. “He doesn’t think less of her for it.”
Unlike people dids of us, Mary thought, finding herself wishing the burdens of life had become easier to carry in death.
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Day 7
Pairing: Sydney x Pol (kinda actually Syd x reverse harem crusaders lol)
Prompt: Distraction
Description: Faced with the city of Cairo, the city where Dio lay waiting for the Crusaders to find him, Sydney can't help but find herself distracted by him. Feeling more than a little confused and scared, she act's a little more rashly than she might normally against an enemy stand user.
Rating: sfw
Content Warnings: reserve harem (mostly implied in this one), self insert, ask to tag
Notes: First off happy march 24th. im just a little late. Secondly HAPPY SELF INSERT FOR ME WHOO! The stand I mention in this, Love Club, is my little kitty cat! She's just a little kitty that has an aoe that makes people like/eventually fall in love with her user. thus the harem. Anyways be nice to me this is based off a like 40k plus self insert fic that I'm not even done with. Self care <3
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“We’re… finally here.” Polnareff’s statement hardly made it past the blood rushing in my ears. Just gazing upon the city where Dio lay hidden had my anxiety acting up. I felt weightless but pinned in place, unsure what to say or do in the wake of the moment.
“Sydney?” Avdol’s voice barely catches my attention. Half-heartedly, I turn his way, barely managing to shake the strange look off my face.
“Hm?” I don’t think I can find my words just yet, but I try to give him my attention none the less. Still, I can’t help but think back to Dio. What was he doing right now? Could he tell that we were here? That I was once again in Cairo? And… did the effects of Love Club still linger on him?
“You… look tense.” I try again to focus on him, study the frown on his face and the concern showing in his eyes. I can see Polnareff looking my way next to him; even Jotaro and Mr. Joestar send me worried glances.
“Sorry,” The word falls out of my mouth with a puff of a sigh, and I find my self frowning softly and looking away from their warm concern. “I’m just… distracted, is all. Thinking about Dio, how I got into this mess… how it might end for me.” I confess, twirling the ends of my hair to try and alleviate my nerves.
“Hey,” Polnareff takes a step towards me, his large chest filling my view until I look up into worried blue eyes. “I know it must be scary, coming back here. But… you’re not the same lady who Dio took off the streets.” He places his large hand on my shoulder, giving me a squeeze. “And this time you’re not alone, either.” He smiles, bright and big, just for me. I can’t help but offer a little one back, thankful for his comfort even if I can’t escape the thoughts plaguing me.
“Right. I have all you guys.” My gaze leaves Polnareff, back to the expanse of Cairo before me. “But um… I’m sorry. I actually don’t remember how to get to where Dio is. I would recognize it if I saw it for sure but…” I deflate a little.
“You don’t remember?” Mr. Joestar gawks.
“W-well I mean!” I stammer. “It was dark when he lead me there… and when I managed to escape I was so scared I…” I shake my head, taking a deep breath. “It doesn’t matter.” I force a heavy breath out. “Can’t you just use Hermit Purple to gain insight on his location anyways?” I pointedly turn away from him, frowning as I’m again reminded of the day I left the villa. When I ran away from Dio…
“I suppose so…” Mr. Joestar mutters. “Let’s find somewhere to relax, then. Maybe gain some information we can work with.”
“There’s a few bars close by.” Avdol supplies. “This way.” I happily follow his lead, choosing to take the rear and again mull in my thoughts. I’m a little surprised as Jotaro keeps pace with me, and speaks.
“Hey,” he begins. Just loud enough for me to hear, but not enough for the trio ahead of us to take notice. “You sure you’re okay?”
“It’s nice of you to worry Jojo.” I smile as we walk briskly. “I’m ready for our battles ahead, though. Even if it means facing Dio… I’m scared, but it can’t be avoided.” I admit. All too soon, we’re upon an open bar on the outskirts of the city. I watch our friends ask the patrons if they’ve seen the mansion.
“Just remember this isn’t your battle to face alone. We’ve all got a score to settle with Dio.” Jotaro gives me a look I can’t quite read, before giving me a little nod and going to join the others in asking around the bar.
I choose to hang back, waiting instead on the outside of the establishment. I bristle when I feel something rub against my leg, but look and find it’s merely my own stand. “Love Club,” I laugh softly at her affection. “This is where you’ve been, huh?” I smile softly when I see another cat round the corner and trot up to us. “Oh I see you’ve made a friend!” I kneel down to meet the new kitty, and let her give my hand a little sniff. It’s obvious she’s been with Love Club for a bit, however, because the cat warmly rubs against my hand.
“Thank you for finding my cat, miss.” I freeze as I hear a mans voice. I look up and see a man sitting at a nearby table. I stand as the cat leaves me in favor of greeting her owner.
“It was no problem,” I stand quickly, not expecting anyone to have talked to me. I awkwardly look down to Love Club, watching her watch this new person. “I think she just got along well with my cat…” I look to my friends for escape, seeing them still trying to finagle information from the bartender.
“You know, I know where the villa is.” He says plainly. My eyes widen as I turn my gaze back to him. It flicks between him and my friends, before landing on him once more. I take a few hesitant steps his way.
“...If you work for Dio, then you know who I am.” I say plainly, frowning softly. “What do you want? Why would you give me that information?” I try to remain calm as I taken him in. If he had a stand meant for battle, he would have attacked us already, right?
“Ah ah, nothing is for free in this world, my dear.” He merely grins as I take a few more steps towards him, until I’m standing by his small table. “I much prefer a gamble. You could win, I could win.” He hums, shuffling his cards idly. We’re finally noticed by the rest of my group, who crowd around behind me and take in his man.
“Cherie, is everything alright?” Polnareff stands closest to me, nearly in front of me as if to shield me from this man.
“I was just telling your friend here I might have some information that may be of use to you all.” I can feel the collective intrigue that hits the party. “But I won’t give out such information for free.”
“What’s your price?” Mr. Joestar asks, more than ready to pay whatever he may need.
“No price, sir. I’ll only share my information if the lady agrees to a game of chance with me.”
“Why Sydney?” Avdol is at my other side now, frown on his face. Before the man before us can even think to respond, I speak.
“I’ll do it.”
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ravagedarkness · 1 year
Spider-Man: Home Rebuilt, Chapter 40: The Bar
The two of us dozed off sometime later. I guess exhaustion kicked in. We didn’t get that much sleep on the plane, between me being mad at her, us working on a new suit, and her venting about a couple of major issues. So, in hindsight, I didn’t have much to complain about.
I was taken out of my sleep when I heard knocking on the door. In my ear, I heard MJ groan.
“Hey Michelangelo,” Craig hollered from behind the door. “Mr. La Roux wants to talk with us in his room.”
“I’ll be there in a minute!” I hollered back.
I sighed. Michelle placed her forearm on her chest before she propped herself up.
“Duty calls, I’m guessing,” MJ said, voice raspy from slumber.
“Life as a superhero,” I replied.
A couple of minutes later, we were in Scott’s room. While I was still dressed in my t-shirt and grey sweatpants, MJ put on one of my pairs of jeans and a long sleeved shirt under my blue plaid button up.
“I hope all of you were able to rest well,” Scott said as he looked around at all of us.
“Surprisingly, yeah,” Craig replied. He then smirked devilishly. “How did you and Joanna rest?”
“Very well,” Joanna replied. She leaned her shoulder into Scott’s. “He’s quite good with his hands.” All of the American Idiots, myself included, looked straight at Scott with wide eyes. Scott, himself, looked like he would have turned bright red had it not been for his dark skin. Joanna chuckled. “Relax, everyone. He just gave me a backrub – one I really needed.”
“You should feel special,” Kitty commented. “Scott doesn’t give backrubs to any lady.”
At that, Scott cleared his throat. “Can we please get down to business?” he asked as Ned and Betty smothered a laugh behind their hands. “Anyway, we have a lead. Joanna, if you will.”
“I shall, sweetie,” she stated, prompting Scott to give her a glare. She chuckled a bit before a serious expression came over her face. “In all seriousness, though, I reached out to some of my contacts still within the area. There is a bar slash night club outside of Palm Springs, not too far away from here. A lot of people – especially Spring Breakers – flock to this place since they’re not really strict on checking the ID of their patrons. One of the regulars there is Doug Johnson III.”
“Is he a friend of yours?” I asked. At that, Joanna scoffed.
“Hardly an acquaintance, if that. He was recruited as part of Hammer Industries’ security team along with me. Like me, he has a military background – U.S. Army, in his case. Allegedly, serving runs in his family. He’d brag about how his grandfather was a part of the U.S. Air Force back when it was The Army Air Corps and that said grandfather even ran some missions with Captain America back in World War II. Doug The Third and I worked together for a little bit before he was reassigned. I didn’t think anything of it. He was rather forward about wanting to get into my pants, and I was this close to literally ripping his junk off, so I was glad he was gone.” At that, every guy in the room shifted in their spot uncomfortably. “But, unless he’s a jetsetter, he probably lives in this area. And, according to my contacts, he’s still employed with Hammer Industries.”
“Interesting,” Scott commented. He looked up towards the ceiling in thought for a moment. He then nodded. “Well, we can play it two ways. Plan number one, we go to this bar, we wait around until he shows up, and we get him to let his guard down. Plan number two, we try to find his address and do a stakeout. Either way, we’ll have to capture him and get some answers out of him.”
“The bar is the safer bet, I think,” Kitty spoke. “We can go to the bar and blend in. But depending on what neighborhood he lives in, driving through could put some unwanted attention on us.”
“So I’m guessing we’re using quick change outfits tonight?” Craig asked.
“I believe that would be best,” Scott confirmed.
“So what do we do?” Betty asked.
Scott stared at Betty for some seconds. He took in a breath. “…I’m tempted to tell you guys to stay here. But we’re on a trip together, and it’d be rather contradictory to our cover story if you three stay behind.”
Ned smiled. “Does that mean…?”
“That means you’re on a short leash,” Craig interjected. “And it also means if anything goes left, you guys haul.”
“We got it,” MJ replied.
“I do have my laptop with me,” Ned added. “I can stay in the SUV and be The Guy In The Chair, as per usual.”
“I’ll have Edith sync up with your laptop, in that case,” I stated. “Between your VPN and Edith, you should be able to help from outside.”
“Okay, we have one hour to get ready,” Scott declared. “I expect you all at the vehicle at that time. Understood?”
“Crystal,” Craig replied.
An hour later, we were in the SUV heading for the bar. We had to make a short stop, though – we were in need of gas. So, when we pulled into the gas station, everyone but Joanna and I filed out. With my glasses on, I had Edith shutdown the station’s surveillance system. After that, I quietly sat in the second row. Joanna was in the front passenger seat. After a couple of minutes of quiet, Joanna turned in her seat and looked at me.
“You can talk, you know?” she said with a smile.
I chuckled nervously. “Sorry,” I apologized. “I guess I’m just focused on the mission.”
“No worries. Um…” She tilted her head. “I have to ask, though. Are you a mutant?”
I shook my head. “I’m not.”
She raised her eyebrows. “Interesting. So how did you end up as an X-Man?”
“…It’s a long story.” I went quiet for a bit. Joanna looked at me. She then raised her hands.
“Okay, I get it. I’m still the outsider here.”
“It’s not that. It’s just…” I paused for a moment. “…When they found me, I was in a very, VERY bad place.”
“Did it have to do with Mysterio?” Joanna inquired.
I nodded. “It had a lot to do with Mysterio. Because what of he did, I was in a situation that I handled very badly. I… I was trying my very best to pick up the pieces and stupid me thought that it would be best for everyone, myself included, if I just cut ties with everyone and self-isolate and… the X-Men helped showed me that it was the opposite of best, you know?” I paused again. “…Everyone you see here with me? They basically saved my life – figuratively and probably literally, too.”
“A good support system is usually good for that,” Joanna stated. “I know I don’t know you that well, but I don’t think someone has to be mad close to you to know that a New York without Spider-Man is a worse place.” She gave me a smile, which I returned. “So, on a different note, what’s Scott’s deal? I feel like Craig’s been pushing me towards him hard. Now that I’m complaining, but…”
“Scott hasn’t dated anybody since he and his wife broke up,” I replied. “I don’t want to go into any details since it’s not my place to say, and I just got the SparkNotes version of what happened. But I can say they split on very good terms.”
“I see.” Joanna nodded as she slowly looked off to the side in thought. “Good to know.”
I smirked. “Do you like Scott? Like, you know, like-like.”
She looked back at me and returned the smirk. “MAAAAYBE.”
As she said that, the others returned. As Scott started pumping the gas, the rest of the American Idiots filed into the vehicle. MJ moved into the seat next to me. She then dumped a lot of protein bars into my lap, along with three bottles of Gatorade Fit and three cans of Celsius. I looked down at the stash, then at her.
“Eat, nerd,” she ordered.
After the short stop at the gas station, we made our way to the bar. The place… it looked rather shady. It was a decently sized brick and mortar building with tinted windows. It was two stories. There was a balcony, where two scantily clad women danced suggestively to the rhythm of the song that was blaring from inside. The only sign I saw was a neon sign that portrayed a martini glass and a music note.
“What is this place called, anyway?” Scott asked.
“It’s just called The Bar,” Joanna replied. “Not exactly the most brilliant name, I know.”
We pulled into the parking lot. There were people on the outside in the line to get in. All of us X-Men were in quick change outfits with our masks tucked away. Joanna, for her part, was dressed in pair of tight fitting jeans, a black halter top, and a pair of black flats. Betty wore a navy blue evening gown. MJ wore the same clothes she was wearing during the meeting in Scott’s motel room.
As Scott cut the ignition to the SUV, Ned had his laptop ready. Craig handed small communicators to everyone, and I used Edith to synch them all as we put the communicators in our respective ears. Ned passed around his laptop once he had Doug Johnson’s picture up. He had blond hair and blue eyes. He had quite the lantern jaw. In this picture, he had a smirk on his face. Honestly, he reminded me of B.J. Blazkowicz, minus the scar.
“That’s him,” Joanna confirmed. “I already made arrangements for us to have a table. It’s not VIP, but it’ll get us inside quickly.”
“Can’t ask for much more,” Scott replied. “Once we’re inside, we’ll keep our eyes open for Doug. Then we’ll work from there. Preferably, I’d like to isolate him and get him to talk.”
Joanna tapped her chin with her index finger as she pondered. “Um, isolating him won’t be too hard, I don’t think.” She looked at us. “Doug’s been fiending to get in my pants. Let’s make him think he’ll get his fix. When I see him, I can charm him. And when I get him alone, we can corner him.”
“…Okay, where are we going to corner him at?” I asked. Everyone else looked at me with a slight glare. I glared at them back. “I’m sorry, do I look like someone who goes to a bar or nightclub?”
Kitty sighed as she shook her head. “The bathroom, sweetie. We’ll be cornering him in the bathroom.”
I blushed as I looked down at my lap. MJ patted my shoulder consolingly.
“It’s not your fault Peter,” she cooed gently. “Not everybody is willing to have sex in public places like Ned and Betty.”
“Dude!” Ned exclaimed as Betty gave MJ a glare. Craig covered his mouth with his hand as he tried to hold back his laughter.
“Are you sure you want to go that route, Joanna?” Scott asked. “I don’t mind going with that plan, but I don’t want you to do something you’re not comfortable with.”
Joanna looked at Scott and gave him an earnest smile. “I appreciate your concern, but I wouldn’t have suggested it if I wasn’t down.” She then leaned over and whispered into Scott’s ear and whispered. “Besides, it takes a lot to get on this ride, and you’re the only one with the ticket.” I don’t think anyone else could hear it, but I heard it clearly. She pulled away and winked at Scott, leaving him with a blank expression. He then cleared his throat awkwardly.
“Well, it’s settled. Let’s go inside. Cover identities from here on out, okay?”
“Got it,” I replied. I then patted Ned on the shoulder. “Don’t get too bored.”
“I won’t,” he assured. “Let’s just get this guy.”
We made our way out of the car. Following Joanna, we made our way to the front of the bar. After a small chat with the bouncer, we were let in. We were met by a hostess up front, who led us to our table. As I had Edith scrub footage of us, I looked around and scoped the place out. It was dimly lit by lamps hanging from the ceiling. The air smelled like alcohol and tobacco. As we moved through the crowd, I noticed a lot of people giving us looks of interest. I didn’t know how to feel about that – I was still amazed that I managed to have MJ as my girlfriend. I still wasn’t used to being desired.
On the walls were random murals. I came to a stop when I saw a mural of myself – Spider-Man – with the word “Murderer” branded on my chest. Suddenly, I didn’t want to be here. I felt someone nudge me in the shoulder. I turned my head to see MJ smiling at me.
“Whoever painted that is definitely not earning an art scholarship,” she commented.
I raised my eyebrows briefly. “Yeah, but he definitely feels some type of way about Spider-Man.”
At that, MJ scoffed. “Fuck ‘em.”
I chuckled as we walked to catch up with the others. We ended up at a round table. As we took our seats, I used Edith to search through the surveillance system to find anyone that looked like Doug. But, there was no luck.
“How long are we going to be here for?” I asked.
“Probably one or two o’clock in the morning,” Scott replied. “It could be a while.” He looked at Joanna. “Are you sure he’ll be here?”
“My contacts are rarely wrong, Erik,” Joanna assured. “And even when they are, they’re only slightly off. He’ll be here.”
“So what do we until then?” Betty asked.
Joanna smirked. “Well… when in Rome…” She waved down a passing waitress. “Sweetheart, would you kindly get us a round Coke and Hennessy.” The waitress nodded before she walked away.
“Tempo, sweetie,” Scott whispered. “Need I remind you that – ”
“We’re blending in, aren’t we?” Joanna leaned in and rubbed her shoulder against Scott’s. “It’s going to look a bit suspicious if we’re at this table all night. Let’s all have drinks and have some fun as we keep our eyes open.”
“She kind of has a point,” Ned added, his voice sounding only slight distorted from over our communication devices. “Even with me and Edith, spreading out and having more eyes covering the ground couldn’t hurt.”
Scott paused for a moment. He then nodded. “Fine,” he conceded. As the waitress returned with our drinks, he held up his index finger. “But only one drink, you hear me?”
Joanna gave him a grimace. “You’re going to be that guy?”
“Yes I am.”
“Okay, Bloodsport,” Craig snarked. The waitress placed our drinks in front of us. After we gave her our thanks, Craig grabbed his glass and raised it. “To the safe rescue of Carmilla.”
“To the hell we’ll probably have to both go through and unleash for that to happen,” Joanna added as she raised her glass.
Betty raised hers. “To the extra cramming for finals I’ll have to do after this adventure,” she stated.
“To the X-Men kicking Scorpion and Hammer’s asses next time we get our hands on them,” Kitty chimed in, raising her glass well.
“To the aneurysm Jonah’s going to have when that happens,” Ned chuckled over through our communication devices.
“To being the girlfriend to both the dorkiest and most wonderful guy I know,” MJ said, raising her glass as she smiled at me.
Finally, I raised my glass. “…To finally feeling like I have all of the pieces picked up off of the ground.”
We brought our glasses together as we all muttered a nigh-collective “Cheers”. I then took a sip. I grimaced a bit. MJ laughed as she leaned against me. All of the others drank their respective drinks with no problems. Deciding to suck it up, I downed the rest of the drink before I placed the glass down.
“Alright, let’s split up,” Scott said. “Tempo you’re with me – shut the hell up Clayton – Michel, stick with Mary. And Reine and Clayton, you two stick with Elizabeth. I’m pretty sure Roderick would appreciate it.”
“Got it, Mr. Le Roux,” Craig replied as he pulled out a few bills and dropped them on the table. “Let’s make moves.” At this point, a song started to play. Craig smiled as he stood up. “Ah man, they’re playing a song from ho-, er, I mean… South Florida.” It took me a moment to realize that Craig forgot that we’re supposed to be from Houston. I gave him a pointed look, but listened to the song anyway.
“What is this?” I asked.
He smiled at me. “I’m So High by Grind Mode.”
“Dance with me nerd,” MJ demanded as she stood up and grabbed my hand. She pulled me up to my feet and dragged me to a spot on the floor that wasn’t occupied by people that were already dancing. She moved to the beat, and I soon followed suit. Using Edith, I kept tabs on the others by way of the security system, having her scrub the footage when I felt the need to. Joanna and Scott were off to the side, speaking with each other and looking like they were having a good time in each other’s company. Craig, Kitty, and Betty were dancing off to the side, just enjoying the music. This left me to multitask – to both have a good time with MJ and try to stay on the lookout. This was hard considering that MJ had her back against the front of my body as she grinded against me. I froze for a moment. MJ grabbed my hands and placed them on my hips.
“Move with me, will you?” she encouraged. I took in a breath.
“Edith, please alert me if anyone matching Doug’s description is seen on surveillance,” I ordered.
“Will do, Michelangelo,” Edith replied. “While I have you here, do I have to be concerned about your rising heartrate?”
I cleared my throat. “No, I’m good, Edith.”
I focused on dancing with MJ. As the songs continued to play – from 90’s/2000’s R&B hits like Say My Name and Jumpin’ Jumpin’ by Destiny’s Child, to more modern EDM songs like Revolution by Diplo, and even Afrobeats tunes like Peru by Fireboy DML – MJ and I continued to dance with no space between us. I couldn’t help but think of how quickly we’d get reprimanded, if not kicked out, for dancing the way we were if this was a Midtown High function. But, for the most part, I didn’t care. I was enjoying my time with MJ. The more we dance, the bolder I got as I my hands roamed her body, though I made sure not to get TOO brave with my exploration. At one point, I started kissing the side of her neck as she gently held my head against her shoulder.
We eventually took a break, sitting back at our table. She leaned against me and had her head on my shoulder.
“So, was it the alcohol that got you all touchy-feely, or do I bring that side out of you?” MJ asked in a mischievous tone.
I gave it a bit of thought. I then tilted my head briefly. “You know what?” I replied. “I think it may be both. But considering how quickly my body can metabolize alcohol, I’d say it’s more of the latter.”
“So you can’t get drunk?”
“Not even if I wanted. I know this because I tried once.”
MJ raised her head and looked at me. “…When?”
“It was two weeks or so after the You-Know-What.” Of course, I was referring to The Spell. “I had a particularly bad night of patrolling. I had to deal with this one idiot who think 5G towers are part of some worldwide conspiracy. So, of course he drove up to this tower in a truck fitted with enough C4 to make Fiona from Burn Notice rethink her life decisions. I couldn’t disarm it in time, so I had to drive this truck through the streets of New York and send it off a harbor. I dived out of the car before it went over, but it exploded before it could hit the water.”
“I remember that,” MJ stated. “There wasn’t any footage, but the witnesses were surprised you weren’t dead.”
“So was I,” I replied. I frowned. “I remember hiding out until I could heal enough to swing home. Once I did, I had to stitch myself up. It was painful. All I could think of was how I missed everyone and how’d they help me if they were there. So, I grabbed the cup of moonshine I was using as disinfectant – I ‘confiscated’ it from a mafia-ran hideout – and I downed the whole thing, trying to drown my sorrows. All that happened was me wondering if my urine would be flammable.”
MJ raised her eyebrows. “Um, full disclosure, you didn’t…?”
I scoffed. “No, MJ, I did not try to pee over an open flame.”
“That’d be one interesting way to improvise a flamethrower, though.”
“If by interesting, you mean painful, then I agree.”
“I’m sorry to interrupt everyone,” Edith spoke up. I turned my head off to the right. “There are a group of seven men who just entered. They’re making their way to the bar. One of them matches the picture shown on Ned’s laptop. I do believe it is Doug Johnson III.” I looked towards the bar. Sure enough, a group of six muscular men were making their way to the bar, dressed in jeans and white t-shirts.
“Oh would you look at that,” Craig commented. “If ‘Vitamins and Prayers’ was people.”
“Wouldn’t that be Hulk Hogan?” Ned pointed out.
“There is a list of Hulks and and list of Hogans I acknowledge. Hulk Hogan is not on either one of them.”
“Looks like it’s time for me to do my thing,” Joanna stated. There was a pause for a moment. “Erik, don’t look at me like that. I’ll be fine. Just, stick to the plan, okay?”
“Okay Tempo,” Scott said quietly. “Just… be careful.”
“You know I will. Anyway, let’s see if I can get this guy to charm me.”
I felt MJ’s hand wrap around my own. I looked at her and gave her a reassuring smile. I then looked forward and watched the surveillance footage. Joanna walked up to the bar and took a seat. It didn’t take long for her to get their attention.
“Hey guys, look at what we got here!” one of them stated with absolutely no tact.
“Looks like we got ourselves a tall drink of water!” another one replied.
“Men,” Kitty commented with a sigh.
“Well, excuse us!” Ned replied.
I didn’t say anything. I just continued to focus on the footage. Finally, Doug spoke up.
“Hey, why don’t you let me buy you a drink?” he offered.
“Tempting,” Joanna stated. “But I only drink with those who can go on this ride with no issues.”
“Oh, I’m more than fit for that ride. Problem is, once I go on it, I’ll make sure it’s closed down for a while.”
“…This guy’s game is almost worse than Flash’s,” Betty commented. At that, I had to smother a snicker.
“Is that right?” Joanna responded to Doug. “Well let’s skip the pleasantries. If you can break me off something proper, then I’ll buy you and your whole crew a round. And then we can leave and really go on a rollercoaster.” At that, I blushed, because Good Lord!
“You’re on!” Doug grunted out. “You want to take it to the parking lot or…”
“If you’re as good as you say you are, then I shouldn’t be able to walk too far.”
At that, Doug chuckled. “Alright, bathroom it is.”
I watched as Doug and Joanna stood up from the bar and made their way to the bathroom. Edith, without asking, changed cameras, switching to a feed that showed the bathroom area. Joanna and Doug slipped into the men’s bathroom. About thirty seconds later, two of Doug’s entourage was standing outside of the door, keeping watch.
“Alright, baby, I’m going to show you what Big Doug is working with!” Doug boasted.
“You know, as appealing as that sounds, I’m more interested in why Big Doug is working for Hammer all the way out here,” Joanna replied.
“…Um, what?” Doug muttered out.
I heard a crash over the audio, followed by the sound of something being dunked in some water. After some seconds, there was a sound of something being slammed, followed by some gurgling.
“I know who you work for Doug,” Jade muttered threateningly. “The people I’m currently working for have some questions. You’re going to answer them.”
“I don’t know shit!” Doug replied with a strained breath.
“…Well, you never were that smart.”
I heard the sound of a slap followed by some moments of silence. After that, Joanna spoke up. “So, Doug is out cold. How’s it looking out there?”
“There are two men outside the door, and I’m sure his friends that are still at the bar are ready to move in.” I sighed. “How do you want to play this, Erik?”
There was a brief silence. Then there was a sigh. “…Reine, I need you to get Temp and Doug out of there,” Erik ordered. “Clayton, Reine will need a distraction.”
“Got it,” Craig replied.
I watched from the security footage as Craig approached the bathroom. As expected, he was stopped by one of the men.
“Sorry, bathroom is occupied,” the man said.
“Look man, I’m just trying to deliver some of Granny’s peach tea,” Craig responded in protest.
“And I’m telling you, kid, this bathroom is occupied.”
“I ain’t got time for this, bro. You either let me through, or I’m pissing right here.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” the other man said. “Get out of here before you get folded.” And then, for good measure, he stepped forward and shoved Craig. Craig was forced to take a step back. He then chuckled as he nodded. Before the larger man could react, Craig sent a kick in between his legs. As the man buckled, the other guy tried to grab Craig. Craig was quicker though, turning before he cracked the larger man in the face with a rather nasty looking forearm, knocking him to the ground. Craig huffed out a breath before he looked over his shoulder. He then casually stepped aside. From off screen, I saw other bodies slide into a heap as if they all slipped on ice.
“Guys, I got Tempo and Doug out of there,” Kitty spoke over the frequency. “We need to move now.”
“I’ll meet you guys out front,” Craig muttered. “I need to dip.” He ran off. I looked towards the bar to see him hop over the counter and run into the back. During this, Betty quickly walked up to me and MJ.
“You guys ready to go?” Betty asked.
“Let’s go,” I stated.
We all made our exits, meeting Scott at the front door as I ordered Edith to delete any recorded footage the bar has and to shut down the whole surveillance system until we were gone. By the time we made our way to the SUV and entered it, Craig was already in the driver’s seat, Kitty was right behind him next to Ned, and Joanna was in the back. MJ and I took the seats in Joanna’s row. Scott took shotgun as Betty took the seat next to Ned. I looked over my shoulder to see Doug’s prone body. Not wanting to take any chances, I turned my body until I was on my knees. I brought my right hand out and shot a burst of webbing towards Doug, webbing him down. I then sat back down. During this, Craig started the SUV before he sped out the parking lot. Once we hit the open road, Joanna spoke up.
“So, whereto?” she asked.
“I think I saw an abandoned gas station on our way here,” Betty spoke up. “I think it is… or was… a Vons.”
“Is that right?” Scott replied. He then nodded. “Let’s take him there.”
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apompkwrites · 2 years
Eyyy i saw the black sheep expansion pack! So how abt platonic Kingscholar!Name and what would happen once Leona found out their sibling ran away from home after the event of kingscholar!name's pt 2?
the two kingscholars || black sheep expansion pack
masterlist characters: leona, falena (platonic) genre: angst contains: reader is not present, falena has a panic attack, short fic, more of an extra for the main series :) summary: leona hears of (name)'s disappearance. notes: so this is a part of my 2k event but is technically a part of the main series? just wanted to have a little leona being a big brother before i finish the next official part of the kingscholar series :DD parts: [og post] | [the lesser kingscholar (1)] | [the broken kingscholar (2)] | [the two kingscholars (2.5)] | [the runaway kingscholar (3)]
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when leona heard of (name)'s sudden disappearance, his immediate response was to come home. he couldn't care less about NRC, about his education. all he cared about was his precious little sibling that left home without a word. his brother urged him to but the elders did the opposite. they commanded the second oldest kingscholar to stay at NRC.
"stay," they ordered, "because this is a matter for us to handle."
"i'll be damned if i don't come home now," leona muttered to himself as he stood in front of the mirror. the headmaster bid him goodbye with a simple nod and a promise of his continued enrollment in NRC as he walked through the glass, quickly finding himself in the familiar mirror room of his former home.
"leona!" falena was the first to greet him, tears still brimming the corner of his eyes. he rushed towards his brother, ignoring the shouts from his attendants behind him about "keeping professionalism".
for the first time since leona had become of age, he gladly welcomed his brother's suffocating embrace. before, he would try his best to push his older brother away, grumbling under his breath. it was during those times that he remembered.
(name) always followed suit. they always came charging towards him, their arms wrapping around his torso despite his protests. they always laughed off their older brother's huffs of annoyance.
that is until their lessons began with the elders.
"(name)... they just... i don't..." falena's breath were quick as if he were unable to breathe. actually, that was the case as leona realized. his older brother was struggling to breathe.
"leave!" leona announced, not sparing the attendants a look as he pointed towards the door. the sudden echo of his voice rattled the attendants to their cores, prompting them to scurry out of the mirror chamber.
all that was left was falena and leona, the former continuing to gasp for air while the latter simply supported him in silence.
they felt incomplete at that moment. their precious little sibling whom they have neglected for so long was no longer by their side and they had no clue where they were. their toothy grin and wagging tail were no longer present, vanished into thin air.
"i can't... i don't... they're gone..." falena sobbed into his hands. "leona, they're gone... i don't--"
"sh," leona's shush was sharp just as it always had been. his tone was of annoyance but falena knew better. he knew his younger brother better than anyone (or did he? he didn't know his youngest sibling as well as he thought he did).
"sh!" leona placed a hand on falena's shoulder, keeping his eyes trained on the carpeted floor. all he could picture was (name)'s chubby face staring back up at him, their eyes sparkling as their ears twitched with excitement.
why couldn't leona remember what they looked like now?
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taglist: @brokenncrown @help-meplz @destinationdesignation @rainys-personal-garden @kalims @minteaspoon @kitty-chan33 @hornehlittleweeblet2 @letskeepitsimpleshallwe
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Oh This Should Be Good | Sakusa Kiyoomi
Pairing: Sakusa X Reader (female) 
Genre: fluff, comedy?
Author’s Note: @makeusfreefromthisfandom and I are doing a seasonal challenge where we give each other prompts! You can read her’s here to the prompt I gave her! and here, you can obviously read mine with the prompt she gave me: 
“Ahaha this is random but imagine his daughter asking him where babies come from 😭“ 
Also note: I like to write Sakusa as if he’s getting help with his germaphobia like slowly over time, as challenging as it is, he’s trying to change and be better with people he loves and cares about like his partner and perhaps offspring. Even though this would be kind of out of his canon character, I like to write him like this so he’s a more flexible character to write for.  
Warning: Timeskip spoilers ah ha ha, parents, kids, married characters 
D/N = Daughter’s name
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gif from @rivaillerose​ 💛
“Daddy!” Sakusa and your little girl ran towards her father, grabbing a hold of him around the waist as he stepped into the living room, finally getting a rare day off now that baby number two was on their way
“Morning, pumpkin,” he stifled a yawn as he patted her back, messing with her hair up before she let go of him in a fit of giggles, following him
“Will you play with me today?”
“What do you mean, I always play with you,” he slid down on the wooden floors, making himself comfortable as he leaned back against the couch, now at the same eye level with his precious jewel
All she could do was smile as bright as the sun, her laughter echoing throughout the living space as the sunlight poured in
She truly was such a little angel, it amazed Sakusa still to this day how far he and his growing family was coming
Naturally, his smile matched hers
He relaxed as he let the day go by, his daughter playing around him, playing with her toys, occasionally watching the cartoons
“What are you doing?” She leaned into his side as he wrapped an arm around her to make sure she didn’t fall or slip in any way as she peered at what he was doing
“I’m just-“ but before he could answer, his phone rang as he faced himself in his pwn phones reflection
He could see the visible relaxation and smile disappear as soon as he saw the contact names
“Don’t answer #1, Don’t answer #2, and don’t answer #3”
Despite their contact names, he still answered, internally praying that he wouldn’t regret this call
“Oi Hinata, you were right, I owe ya five bucks since he answered,” Atsumu’s accent sounded over the call
“Sakusa, hey hey hey!” Bokuto the bright star called through the phone
“Uncle Bo!” Your daughter jumped against her father as she held onto his wrist until Sakusa lowered the phone, letting her see her “uncles”
Though he never agreed to let them be her uncles
“Oh! Mini Sakusa!” All three of their eyes twinkled as they all beamed looking to your guys’ daughter as if she was their own
“What do you guys want?”
“So cold, Omi~” Atsumu whined. “You haven’t been at practice for so long, the scrimmages haven’t been the same.”
“But it’s also nice not to worry about blocking or trying to dig Sakusa’s nasty cut shots cause of his wrists…” Hinata smiled looking relieved
“Oh! How’s Y/N’s pregnancy? Did you guys find out the gender yet?” Bokuto chimed
“She’s doing alright and no, we wanted it to be a surprise..” Sakusa replied
“Hm?” Sakusa looked to her as she now made herself comfortable in his lap as he leaned forward, putting the phone down
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close
“Where’s mommy?”
“Right here~” you waddled down the hall, your hair and clothes disheveled, unknowingly disrupting sakusa
“Mommy!” Your little girl sprung from Sakusa’s lap, making her way to you, latching her arms around your belly as best as you could
“Careful, D/N,” Sakusa worried seeing how she ran up to you, trowing your arms against her belly
“Why?” She held onto your hand as you walked toward the couch Sakusa leaned himself against before you lead her to sit down in his lap once again
“Oh, the Jackals. Hi guys,” you waved as you laid yourself down on your side on the couch, your head
“Y/N!” They all chimed, as if they all shared the same brain cell
this only confirmed Sakusa’s theory the more they said or did things simultaneously
“How’s pregnancy?” Atsumu chimed as he clearly lounged about in his own apartment
“Tiring,” you spoke just loud enough for the phones mic to catch what you said as you looped your arm around his shoulders, reaching for his hand to which he linked together
“But a lot more manageable since we know what to expect,” you yawned into your shirt, a habit you picked up from being with Sakusa
He used to cringe and shy away at your touch but now he didn’t even think twice about yours or D/N’s
“Hm, we’ll be uncles for more kids,” hinata beamed
“We didn’t even say-“
“The best uncles,” you nudged Sakusa’s shoulder playfully to which he just sighed, squeezing your hand in return
“Speaking of tired, why aren’t you sleeping in bed?” Sakusa turned his head, letting it rest on the edge of the couch as you brought your hand through his hair
“I didn’t want to sleep alone, plus it sounded so fun out here, how could I miss out on all the fun?” You reached down, booking your daughter’s nose as she stared at you
And then your belly
“Daddy?” She stood in between his legs as all the adults watched, curious at her next words
“Where do babies come from?” She stared with her wide eyes at Sakusa as you snickered, burying your head into his shoulders, eyes heavy
Atsumu choked on the water, doing a small spit tic as Hinata paused his game to laugh
Bokuto erupted into a big fit of laughter, enough to wake Akaashi beside him before he shushed him, cuddling him back to sleep but this is a different story
“Oh this should be good..” you laughed as all eyes fell upon Sakusa, the laughter dying down and being held in his teammates’ mouths as they awaited 
“Uh...” Sakusa’s mind raced as he panicked 
he knew this question would come up at some point 
but not like this 
at least not now 
your eyebrow raised naturally as sakusa’s breathing picked up 
“Next question...” he changed the subject, not ready to answer 
“But what about babies? How did one get in mommy’s tummy?” 
“Yeah, omi, how?” you joined in on the fun only to be on the receiving end of Sakusa’s famous glare that only softened for you after a second 
Now sakusa really regretting answering the call 
“It’s a secret, you’re not old enough to know yet,” Sakusa evaded 
“Aw, but-” 
“Next question, pumpkin,” He looked to her as if pretending it was just the two of them, parting her raven hair, ticking it behind her little ear
“Oh Omi, your ears are so adorably red and hot,” you teased, brushing your finger along the back of his bright red ears, purposefully pointing them out as the jackals laughed too 
the day continued with good memories as were made
He never thought he would feel this way in his life but
If he told himself 4-6 years ago that he would be married, let alone go on a date with someone and actually tolerate them, he wouldn’t have believed himself
but now he was grateful that you had crossed his path
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
ALSO! Reference meme I made: this tik tok sound
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04  @fortheloveofbakugo @tsumtsumsemi @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes @differentballooncollection @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction @euphorihan​ @turquoiselace​ @macaronnv​  @oxmaddy​ @mrkoala4prsdnt​ @curiouslilbeast​ @plantisnotplant@therestless101 @abcdaichi @oyasenpai @kaaidalupita @lovinnoya @wisepandaslimeland @killuaking @kattykurr @bbymilkbread @tsumtsumland @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @amandahh626 @nabisonyeo94 @wntrmn @dai-tsukki-desu @peteunderoos @ohyoumakemelive @aka-a-shii @shinhiromi @wompwomphq @lollypop-lam @isentsworld @blue-melody @u-wakatoshii @moondriplets @lovinnoya @yuueisteria @humanitysbiggestsimp @cjphoenix135 @inarizaki-captain @closetfurrytsukishima @chibichab @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh @lavearchives @sweet-sour-devil-ish @daichis-kitty @creepyproxies @itsmarziapei​ @skyh20​ @yehetstudies​ @that-chick212​ @proherotheflamehashira​
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Leonard "Bones" McCoy x reader - Blundering Infatuation - Words: 787
A/N: This was requested by my BFF @rebelscum44 😄😄 The prompts were: "For purely scientific purposes" & “Stop fighting! You’re acting like children!”
You woke up slowly, pain shooting through your skull as you tried to open your eyes. As your head cleared, you heard two people arguing in hushed voices.
“Over half our injuries are from the engineering department,” Bones hissed. “Just look at Y/N! This is the 5th time she's been here in as many weeks!”
“While your concern is valid, Doctor, considering your rather personal interest in Lieutenant Y/N, your point is invalid. When you consider the field of work that the engineering department works in and compare that to the science, medical or command departments, the ratio of major injuries to accidents is comparatively small.”
“To heck with your ratios, Spock!” Bones cried. “I don’t want to see Y/N getting hurt like this anymore!”
“So you do admit your entire argument is focused on Y/N and not on the department in general?” Spock asked, a smug grin not shown on his lips but clear in his voice. You slowly opened your eyes, groaning lightly as you tried to sit up.
“Stop fighting! You’re acting like children!”
"Lieutenant Y/N, you've woken up," Spock commented.
"Thank you for that insightful analysis Mr. Spock," Bones huffed. Walking over to you he smiled and checked you with the tricorder. "How're you feeling, darlin?"
"Like I've been run over by a truck," You groaned.
"How would you know-"
"3 missions ago, Spock," You interrupted him. "I literally got run over by a truck then. The old Earth expression suddenly made sense." Bones ran the tricorder over you, worry evident in his face. “If it makes you feel any better,” You groan. “I was planning on asking for a transfer anyway.” Bones lets out a breath of relief he didn’t know he was holding. “Mr. Spock?” You say. “I trust you can make the necessary arrangements for me to be in your department?” Spock nods, turns on his heel, and leaves.
“Thank you, Y/N,” The Doctor smiles at you. You sit up carefully and take his hand in yours.
“I know you worry about me, Leonard,” You sigh. “I just wish I could promise I would never get hurt again. But it’s the nature of our job. I worry about you too.”
“Well,” He said. “At least you’ll be safer with Spock. He may get on my last nerve more often than you’ve been injured, but he’ll take care of you.”
A whole month goes by without any disasters. But of course, that can't last forever. "Dr. McCoy," Spock says, calmly walking into Medbay carrying you. "Lieutenant Y/N requires medical attention."
"Hi, Len," You smile weakly.
"What in blazes happened, Spock?" Bones yells.
"Remember that exploding plant from Oliza 6?" You ask. Bones nods nervously. "Yeah, we blew it up," You laugh, immediately clutching your sides in pain.
"Why would you do that?" Bones hisses, carefully taking you from Spock and laying you on the bed.
"For purely scientific purposes, I assure you Doctor," Spock pipes up.
"Scientific purposes," Bones grumbles, standing toe to toe with Spock. "I'll tell you what you can do with your scientific purposes!"
"Excuse me! Just got blown up here!" You interrupt. Bones quickly turns to help you, an apologetic look on his face.
"Would you consider transferring here?"
"To work with you?" You smile. "Yeah, I guess that wouldn't be too bad."
2 months later both you and Bones were happy to realize how accident free you were while working in Medbay. "Darlin', I couldn't be prouder," Leonard smiled at you. You chuckled and took the box of new supplies to the stockroom to put them away.
"Oh for-argh-darn it!" You yelled a few minutes later after a particularly loud clatter.
"What happened?" Bones yelled running into the room. At seeing your situation he couldn't hold back a laugh. You had stepped up on the lowest shelf to put the box on the top shelf. Everything, of course, came crashing down, including yourself.
“Not a word,” You growled. Leonard chuckled, shaking his head, and helped you up.
“Darlin’? How’s your foot feeling?”
“Kinda numb. Oh no! I didn’t break it did I?” You cried, not wanting to look.
“No, no, nothing seems to be broken. But you have an anesthetic hypo stuck in it.” You groaned as he helped you sit on the bed and plucked the hypo out.
“I can’t believe it. Maybe I would be better off working in navigation.” Bones laughed heartily and hugged you.
“I love you, Y/N. And I would much rather have you here with me where I can take care of you.”
“Aw thanks, Len,” You smiled, hugging him back.
“And besides, with your luck you'd probably crash the ship.”
Star Trek TOS/AOS
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hellototty · 3 years
Head cannon/Scenario #1
(Prompt sent in by bunniesugarie, prompt being: wanting to surprise boyfriend with kiss but accidently kissing one of the other NEETs instead)
(Y/n) just won big at Pachinko and so being a good partner they decided to share the money with their pervert boyfriend, Osomatsu
When they got there they had knocked on the door three times but seeing as no one responded they decided to just go in
When (Y/n) entered they decided to head to the living room, half because they felt their boyfriend would be too distracted reading his p*rnos to answer the door and half because they wanted to sneak kiss him
When they came into the room they saw that the Matsuno's got a new green sofa and they also saw their "boyfriend" sitting on it with his face looking down
Suddenly however he looked up upon hearing them entering the room and that was when they decided to strike
And so they kissed their "boyfriend"
They heard a voice from behind them and immediately recognized it as being Osomatsu’s
But wait if Oso is behind them then who's...?
They immediately pulled away and noticed that they had accidently kissed Choromatsu, and that Choromatsu was surprisingly redder that the pine on their boyfriend's sweater
"Ah, sorry Choro-ppi. Shoulda noticed the lack of cowlicks."
However he was too shocked to answer back
Osomatsu went up to his brother and put his arm around his brother neck
"Yeah, but it's okay that you didn't notice, (Y/n). Anyway I gotta go make Fappymatsu into Fappydeadtsu."
And with that he carried Choro out of the room.
(Y/n) had started to take guitar lessons from their “cool” boyfriend, Karamatsu
And so they walked up to their door and knocked on it five times
On the fifth knock (Y/n) decided to enter by themself and came to the thought that maybe he was waiting on the roof to serenade them when they came but simply didn't see them
Well they simply couldn't have this; I mean he already did a lot for them, they felt
So instead (Y/n) decided to go to the roof and surprise him instead
When they got to the roof as they expected they saw their “boyfriend” sitting there
Yet going to the roof maybe wasn't their smartest plan, as due to their fear of heights they started to stager around
And that's when they accidently fell on him in turn smashing their lips together
'Well not exactly the way I wanted to surprise him but I guess this works.' (Y/n) thought actually being half right as they certainly did surprise their gray and blue clad boyfriend
They heard the distinctive deep voice of their boyfriend behind them, and with that they immediately pounced off of the brother they accidently kissed, very cat like
However that wasn't the only thing that was very cat like as the guy they kissed turned out to be Jyushimatsu who had his trademark cat eyes
"My little Jyushimatsu, what were you and MY belle Karamatsu darling doing?"
He asked with a bit of a possessive voice, before sighing
"No, that came out wrong, just (Y/n) what were you doing on the roof, if you missed me then that's okay, just don't do something reckless, okay my Karamatsu bunny, I just don't want you to be hurt. And bruzzah, we'll talk about this later."
(Y/n) had just bought tickets to Nyaa-Chans newest concert, and while they were alright on the singer they knew Hashimoto was a particular favourite of their otaku boyfriend, Choromatsu
They just arrived after the purchase of said tickets, '6000 yen just for some tickets?! If only Choro-ppi's interests were less expensive!'
They knocked on the door of their house four times, before deciding to just enter and get swarmed by the brothers
However when they entered, there was nothing of the sort
This somewhat relieved (Y/n) as at least they wouldn't have to deal with their tomfoolery like usual
And so they decided to head to their bedroom/personal living room and wait there for them to come back
However when they did go there instead of a bare room like they expected, they did actually see that one of the boys was still home
(Y/n) assumed that it would've been their boyfriend as he wasn't the most sociable and they knew that he had just recently bought a new issue of OPM, so he may have decided to stay home to read that instead
And (Y/n) really liked seeing his adorable embarrassed blushing face so what better way to be privy to that look than surprise kiss him?
So they did just that but they must have been too distracted by kissing their "boyfriend" to notice the loud bang of two doors opening, one being the house door, and the other being the bedroom door
"Jeez, what an asshole! He really lit my ass hair on- (Y/n)-Chan?"
(Y/n)'s ears immediately picked up on the annoyed but cute voice of their boyfriend coming from behind them and so they shot up like a rocket and looked rather bashful and ashamed of their mistake
"Ichimatsu… anyway wanna go to the pub, (Y/n)-Chan? Akatsuka knows I could do with a drink."
This immediately brightened their mood and soon after they went out of the house to go to the aforementioned pub, while Ichimatsu passed out from excessive blood loss
'I miss Ichinyah!' (Y/n) thought whining, as they had not seen their boyfriend since Monday (provided Monday was yesterday)
(Y/n) was on their usual walk when they looked to the left of their and saw an alley way
Now in the alley way, they saw someone with a bowl haircut and a hoodie on feeding some adorable little stray cats
However, the alley was much too dark to pick up on anything else apart from that
So with those distinctive clues they decided that it must have been their anti-social boyfriend, Ichimatsu
'Ichinyah? Ichinyah!' They thought as they ran up to their "boyfriend", loomed over him, and planted a kiss on his lips
They heard Ichimatsu's dreary voice from behind them say, causing them to turn around and say happily, "Yes?"
However immediately after that they realized that if Ichimatsu was behind them then who did they just kiss?!
"Karamatsu?" They said looking at the man's face and immediately noticing the shades that only he would wear in a dark alley
"Akatsuka-damnit, Shittymatsu! First you steal cats from me and now this?!"
Ichimatsu shouted more than peeved off, and this was (Y/n) knew they had to say something before this escalated like it usually does
"Wait it was my fault! I accidently kissed Kara-Kun!" (Y/n) said and Ichimatsu's face immediately softened
"Oh… Well, what were you even doing here? I thought you preferred dogs." Ichimatsu asked with a raised eyebrow
"Ichinyah, just cause I prefer dogs doesn't mean that I don't like cats, I mean that's like me saying that just cause I prefer you as my boyfriend means that I don't like your brothers as friends." This caused Ichimatsu to blush as he was happy to know you preferred him over his brothers
(Y/n) decided to take their dog out for a walk and decided to go to the park, as they hoped they would be able to run (most likely literally) into their happy-go-lucky boyfriend, Jyushimatsu
After taking a walk around the park maybe six times, they decided to go find a bench to sit down, when to their surprise and joy they saw their "boyfriend"
'Huh, weird that he isn't wearing his usual training gear but maybe he decided to go to the park for some other reason.' (Y/n) thought but they was certain it must've been Jyushi as they never knew any of the other brothers to enjoy the park
And so they went to walk over to him but last minute decided that a fun way to say hi to him was to surprise him with a kiss
And so before they sat down next to him they closed their eyes, puckered their lips, and went in for the smooch
They heard a voice from behind their shout as it came closer and closer, they knew that voice to be Jyushi's, but if that was Jyushi then…
"Huh, Totty? (Y/n)-Chan why did you just kiss Todomatsu? Well… I guess it's okay cause we do look similar from behind! Especially when we're wearing the same colour!"
(Y/n) was really happy that due to the adorable naivety of their boyfriend he just saw it as a mistake which, in fairness, it was
"Ah, Kiiro don't jump on him I thought I told you about this."
(Y/n) was currently in a Sanrio shop as they had a love of all things cute just like their devious boyfriend, Todomatsu
That was when they passed by the Hello Kitty section and saw a boy who looked exactly like their boyfriend
And so (Y/n) walked over to him and decided to wait until he turned around to around to surprise him with a kiss
Now, they figured that this wouldn't be a problem as Totty was never the type to mind PDA, in fact he enjoyed it and was happy to have a person as attractive as them show publicly display their love
Well let's just say today was different…
Anyway, as their "boyfriend" turned around they smashed their lips together
They heard Totty's catty voice from behind and with hearing that they immediately pulled away from the person they just kissed, and saw it to be Osomatsu
"Oso? I'm sorry about that."
(Y/n) apologized while Osomatsu's face became smug and flirty
"Oh please, if you can do that again it would make my day."
He said causing the youngest to shoot a death glare at the oldest
"Hehe, you're soooo funny Nii-San anyway, what are you even doing here?"
He asked with a scowl and raised eyebrow, well that was before (Y/n) turned to face him and his face immediately went to his usual expression
On the other hand Oso was nervous about explaining the reason why he was their in the first place
"Uh… Well, I guess there's no point hiding it, I'm a huge fan of Hello Kitty."
However instead of the deriving laughter he expected he instead got a smile from (Y/n) and a shrug from Totty
(Whelp, there you are my first ever scenario thing, I tried to make (Y/n) as gender neutral as I possibly could, and I would again like to thank bunniesugarie for sending the prompt in, but I would also like to thank you for reading it, well until next time feel free to request away, and Imma start working on memes)
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littlepadika · 3 years
P may you please please do a blurb with a little reader who hates the sight of blood and gets nauseous of the sight of it (as someone who gets nauseous with blood) you can choose the daddy or daddies
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hi sunny bunny 💕 i have loved getting to know you and watch you thrive. I hope this year holds many stuffies and huggies for you. I think this prompt is perfect for you because of your healing spirit. I ship you with Javi! He needs your sweetness in his life!!!
Papi's Strawberry Jelly l Javier Peña x f!Little
Warnings: DDLG, mention of blood/nausea from blood, fem reader, reader is described
Javi was a very attentive papi. He never let you out of his sight when you were out of the house. Your room was completely little girl proof and covered in soft edges. He, however was not as careful with himself. Some days he came home from work with aches and pains. He tried to not let you know this, but you always found out. Like when you'd want to rough house and he'd wince with discomfort. However, today he came home with a big cut over his hand from scaling a barbed wire fence. He had it gauzed up before coming home. However he was worried how you would take it. You hated to see him injured.
"Papi what's that?" You pointed it out immediately when he walked in the door.
"Oh it's uh... just a little scratch, conejita." He explains, hiding it behind his back. "now come here I missed you!" He hugs you towards him and kisses each freckle on your face. "I love these freckles. It shows papi the proper path to kiss you."
"Papi!" You squirmed as he tickled you with his mustache.
"My little sun spot. What do you want to do this evening?"
He manages to keep you away from the hand until later that night, after you'd been tucked in, when he goes to change the bandage in the bathroom.
"¡Puta madre!" He cursed under his breath as the cut started oozing blood again. He ran his hand under the water.
"Papi?" He whirled around to see you standing in the doorway in your hello kitty pajamas. You were looking right at his hand. "What's wrong?"
Javi pressed a towel to the wound. "Did you need to go potty, bunny?"
"Mhmm." You sit on the toilet and go potty with Javi's back to you, working on the cut. "Papi why is your hand red?" You ask once you were done
"It's a little ouchie that's all." Javi explained gently. "Sometimes it turns leaks some red stuff, called blood." Javi pulls your pink stool under the sink so you can stand on it and wash your hands.
"Can I see?" You ask after drying your hands.
"Are you sure?" Javi didn't understand the appeal. He didn't really love the sight of blood though he saw it frequently in his job. He held down his hand to you and you saw the bit of blood pooling around the skin.
You feel yourself get nauseous, swaying place.
"Papi... I feel weird!" You warn him, holding his shoulder for balance.
Javi is quick to lower you to the ground gently. He held his injured hand away from you and covered it with a clean towel.
"Oh i'm sorry, conejita. You don't like the look of blood, do you? Papi hates it too"
"You hurt papi I don't wike it." You sniffle, shutting your eyes to the blurry room.
"Respira, respira. I'm okay. Think of it- think of it like Papi is full of strawberry jelly and i have some strawberry jelly leaking out."
"But it's not strawbewy!" You retort.
"I know but just pretend, okay?" He kisses your forehead. "Breathe for me, breathe for papi."
You obeyed the best you could, the room coming back into focus.
"I'm sorry, papi- I'm sorry i'm not stwong enough-"
"Hey..." He quiets you with the brush of his hand across your face. "You don't have to be a big strong tough girl with me. Just be yourself, and that is a special kind of strong."
"Really?" You blink up at him, wanting to seal that little praise into your memory.
"Really, bunny." He nods. You curl into his warm chest, leaning up and kissing his neck. You hated thinking something bad happened to your papi but you didn't know how to express it. So you just kissed him. Javi returned the kiss. Then you yawned,
"Good girl." Javi cooed, his worried expression softening. "You're a sleepy bunny, aren't you?"
"Why don't we tuck you in and Papi will come in with another bottle." Javi suggested.
"But I already had my bottles." You pointed out, knowing Javi liked it when you remembered the rules.
"Yes I know." Javi smiled, heart melting at how cute you were. "but i think we should have a treat tonight to settle the stomach."
"Okie!" You grin and hugged him. "I'm glad you're okay, papi."
"Me, too." Javi guided you back to your room and tucked you in under your sanrio blankie. "One sec, baby girl. Papi will be right back." Javi kissed your forehead again.
Javi quickly wrapped his hand up again and prepped your bottle. He looked back at your room feeling a little guilty. He should be more careful now that you were in his life. If something happened to him he hated to think what would happen to you. How sad he'd be. He wanted to make sure he'd be with you for the long run, always able to play when you wanted. You shouldn't see even a hint of the harsh world outside on his hands.
"Bebita... Papi's back." He sits down next to you, holding the warmed up bottle to your lips.
"Are you better?" You lift his bandaged hand to you. In the dim light of the bedside table you could barely see a little red.
"Why don't you give it your magical healing kiss, bunny. Then i'll be healed in no time."
You kissed the gauze lightly before locking your fingers with Javi.
"mmm I wuv you papi." You whisper before latching onto the tip of the bottle. He made it your favorite flavor!
"I love you too conejita..." Javi squeezed your small hand in his.
1k drabbles
Littlespace taglist: @lafresamilk @dobbyjen @mamacitapascal @prettypedros, @marstheplanet @takochansugoi @oceanablue @iwishtobeastorm @dincrypt, @bac-1, @spacenerdpascal, @cranberrypills @punkerthanpascal @breezythesimp @djarinsimp @mylittlesenaar @bbybunbun @phnyx @xwalltoast @dreadwolfxoxo @xwalltoast @mswarriorbabe80 @bearcina @lokigirlszendaya @pedroslilbitch @star-wars-fan-2005 @din-jarhead @hillgoth @m4ngoj3lly @crabbae @im-a-mcsimp-for-mchotties @girlofchaos
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tare-anime · 3 years
7.  A winter decision…..? (AO3)
Prompt: “The amount of drunk that I was has no correlation to the bad decisions I made.”
Yor came home a bit wobbly that afternoon. She had attended her office's small holiday celebration where she’d been persuaded to drink a couple of glasses of alcoholic drinks. 
She had complied because she knew she’d felt bad if she didn’t do it. 
And now she had to walk home carefully through the snowfall and slippery sidewalks, or else she might trip. 
Of course, she could always call Loid, but there was no way she would trouble the man. Especially not on his rare day off, where he and Anya would spend their afternoon at the mall. 
When Yor was close to their apartment, suddenly her keen hearing picked the distressed call of a cat. 
Puzzled, Yor tried to look around to locate the source of the sound, and determine whether it was an actual cat or just her drunk mind playing games on her senses. 
She spotted the brown fur ball soon enough. 
The poor thing was trapped, standing, and shivering in the middle of a frozen pond. 
Yor immediately set into action. She easily jumped to the bridge railing, and after a short calculation, she leapt down. The cat was startled, but before it ran away, Yor easily caught it by its collar.
“There… there…. no need to be afraid. We’ll go home soon….” 
Looking around, she made a small calculation and started jumping from one rock on the pond to the other, until she missed the last footing, and took a dip into the freezing cold water.
“You did what?!” Loid bewilderedly repeated his question, while at the same time rushing in to make warm beverages.
“I…. I…. he.. help … th… thiiiss…. kitty…” Yor tried to form coherent sentences through her cackling teeth. Even though she had shed her wet (freezing) cloth, and was now bundled underneath multiple layers of towels and blankets, her body still shivered terribly. 
“Who in their right mind would jump into a freezing river during a snowfall??” Loid groaned as he poured all the necessary mixtures into a pot of boiling water. “Why didn’t you just use a stick?”
“So… Soooo rrrryyy…….. I didn’t ….. th … think…. ssss…. stttrrraight…..”
Soon there were sounds of a scuffle, followed by Bond’s growling and the cat's snarl. 
“Bond!! Leave the poor kitty alone!!” The patriarch berated their hound.
Of course, that didn’t work. 
Bond really hated the pompous and curious behavior of the cat. The noble hound had tried to control his behavior as best as he could, but that cat had crossed the line. 
He dared to scratch and wander into Bond and Anya’s territory, jumped into the living room table, and even shed his fur at Bond’s nose. 
Bond really hated him. He needed to show the cat that he was the owner of this territory. 
Thus the hound growled and chased the cat through their apartment. 
“Bo… Bond…. ple… pleasee… stopp……” Yor tried to call their hound and stopped him from demolishing everything. 
Soon after, Loid came near her with the warm beverages, which Yor accepted gratefully. She clasped her hand around the warm cup, while Loid returned with new warmed blankets, and changed the one she used before. 
After taking two cups of coffee and cocooning herself inside warmed blankets, finally, her trembling started to dissipate. 
Loid meanwhile had caught the cat, holding it high above Bond’s reach, in hope of saving their apartment's state.
Suddenly a jingling of the key could be heard, followed by the cheerful tone of Anya.
“Anya found the owner!!” the child entered the apartment followed by an old lady. Loid recognized the woman as a widow staying on the 4th floor.
“Oh, my Brownie!!!” The old lady exclaimed, and soon the cat squirmed loose from Loid’s grip and jumped into the lady’s arm. 
“I’ve been searching for him for hours!” The lady told the Forgers.
“Mama found him by the pond,” Anya gestured at the cocooned Yor. 
"Oh thank you, thank you for saving him," the old woman smiled brightly. 
"No problem," Yor smiled back. 
Bond's growls and the cat's hisses were the cues the lady needed to excuse herself after thanking them profusely. 
Yor was so happy for the cat, but her happiness didn't last long when she saw the state of her apartment and the scowl on Loid's face. 
"I'm sorry, Loid……" Yor cringed as soon as their daughter took their hound to her room, most likely to simmer Bond's uneasiness. And at the same time let her parents do the necessary adult talk.
Her husband sighed, and replied, "It's okay. You were drunk…." 
“The amount of drunk that I was has no correlation to the bad decisions I made," Yor gestured to their living room in shame as she hunched down and sipped from her cup of coffee. 
Loid's brows shot up when he heard that. The man then sighed and slowly sat beside her, "Next time, please don't hesitate to call me when you're drunk. That's what a husband is for." 
Yor looked at him and blinked several times trying to understand the meaning of his words.
"I mean if we want to look like a real married couple to other people….." He added with a flushed face. 
"Ah!" Yor nodded at that. 
"Right," the husband cleared his throat, "Now you better take a hot shower before you get sick." 
"Okay……" Yor slowly moved from her position, "Thank you, Loid….."
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noforkingclue · 3 years
please can we get #26, #31 and #66 for thomas thorne please? :D
26. “How long were you standing there?”
31. “Give me a kiss, you beautiful idiot.”
66. “Oh, this will be fun!”
Link to prompts:  LIST
"Oh, this will be fun!" Kitty exclaimed as she clapped her hands
You smiled at the excited ghost as she swiftly ran away, calling over her shoulder for no one to follow her. The other ghosts groaned as they were forced to stand up and join in on the game. Alison had mentioned hide and seek in passing and Kitty wouldn't stop mentioning it until everyone gave in and agreed to play.
"Alright," said Alison, "You guys all know the rules. I'll count to one hundred and come and find you. No cheating!"
"How can you cheat in a game of hide and seek?" asked Pat as he picked up Humphrey's head
You didn't hear Alison's reply as you made a swift exit out of the room. You quickly climbed the stairs and let out a sigh of relief when you found that you favourite spot was still free. You knew that it would be the first place Alison would look but you didn't care.
You sat down on the window seat and looked out at the grounds. Even in its current state Button House was still beautiful. When you were alive you loved walking around the grounds, enjoying the countryside with someone close to you.
"I wonder if he ever thinks about me?" you wondered aloud
You jumped at the sound of Thomas's voice. You looked over at him and you froze at the disappointed look on his face.
“How long were you standing there?” you asked
"Not long," he moved slightly towards the door, "I understand that you might be wanting the company of someone else. I shall take my leave and find another hiding spot."
"No, wait," you said, "I don't mind the company."
Thomas walked over to you and looked out the window. You let out a soft chuckle as you spotted Robin running around the side of the house.
"You didn't answer my question from earlier."
You glanced up at Thomas out of the corner of your eye. He was looking pointedly out of the window as he said,
"Who were you talk about?"
"Oh," you quickly glanced away, "No one in particular. Forget about it."
"And if I can't?"
"What do you mean?"
Thomas let out a heavy sigh. He spun on his heel and turned his back to you. You stood up, worry and excitement bubbling in the pit of your stomach. You had feelings for Thomas but you never believed that it was possible that he might return them. Unless you were completely mistaken and-
"Did you hear what I said?"
Thomas was giving you an affectionate smile. You stumbled over your words as you shook your head. Thomas walked over to you and put his hands on your cheeks. He tilted your head so you were looking deep into his eyes as he said,
"I told you that I love you."
"You love me?"
"Yes and," he suddenly looked nervous, "There was a phrase that I overheard Alison say to Mike the other day."
"Which was?"
Thomas cleared his throat and leant towards you. He said, slightly awkwardly,
“Give me a kiss, you beautiful idiot.”
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