#team bareil
temporal-mechanic · 2 years
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nacho475 · 29 days
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“Kiss me goodnight
like a good friend might
I’ll do the same
Won’t mean it”
“Cause love is a cage
these words on a page
Carry the pain
They don’t free it”
“In another life I wouldn’t need to
Console myself as I resign to release you
Cause I would die to make you mine
Bleed me dry each and every time
I don’t mind, no I don’t mind it
I would come back a thousand times”
“You can make me wait forever
Push me away tell me never
I don’t mind no I don’t mind it
I would come back a thousand times”
1000 Times Lyrics
By Sara Bareilles
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larissa-the-scribe · 8 months
Terrarium Lights, Pt. 2.5
Last time on Terrarium Lights: the boi is struggling with the reality of having a hole in his memories. Gail is struggling about whether or not she should tell him that he is, in fact, a ghost. (Next part >>here)
The ghost agreed to go with Gail to the cemetery the next afternoon.
"I think it might be good," he said. "I can see more places, and maybe something new will help. Somehow."
"And a good walk can be just the thing to clear your head," Gail offered as further reasoning.
It was the anniversary of her parents' death, and she was going to leave flowers on their graves, her uncle’s grave, and David’s grave.
When she had been younger, cemeteries had fascinated her. Now, with more sadness associated with them, her enthusiasm was tempered somewhat—and yet, despite that, she still quite liked them. They had character, and history, and she had friends there. Sometimes, she told Michael that she was scouting the place out, so she could be familiar with it when she ended up there herself.
She gathered an assortment of flowers from her garden (daffodils, drift roses, and gerbera daisies) and arranged them in bundles in a basket. There was no direct path to the cemetery, but she didn't mind. It was a lovely spring day, the sun was shining, and the wind brought hints of seasalt with it.
The lad followed along behind her, in one of his quieter moods. His hands were in his pockets, and he mutely observed the world around him with attentive eyes. Those didn't seem fully brown today, but he still seemed aware of what was going on around him.
As they went down the road, they passed an open space where, looking seaward, one could see the lighthouse lifted against the sky. The lad stopped. Noticing his absence from her side, Gail turned to find him focused on it intently.
"Is that the one you've been telling me about?"
"Yes. The coastline hereabouts has a lot of shoals and shallows and salt marshes, and pokes out into the sea some, so the lighthouse is there to guide the ships into harbor without them running foul of those, at the mouth of the bay. Some good spots for oysters, though. Not as good as further South or East, but you get a decent harvest."
He took the information in without comment, standing and staring with his hands in his pockets.
"Does it… perhaps remind you of anything?" Gail hazarded when he didn't move for another minute or so.
"I… I can't quite tell." He looked away, down at the ground, kicking a shoe against the ground. "There's something about it, that feels closer than the memories, but I don't know what that might be. Newer and older than all of it. And try as I might to make something of it, the piece that would make it make sense is missing."
Gail hummed sympathetically. "Maybe it will come to you as we walk? If not, we can visit it sometime later. If you're up to it, maybe today, after our visit to the church."
"I don't know if today," he said, squaring his shoulders. “I…I’m really still not sure about going new places. But I think… I might like to try going there. I don’t know when. But… I think I should. Someday."
"Very well then," Gail patted his shoulder as she led the way onward. "We should plan for it. Maybe in a couple of weeks. We can see how you’re feeling then."
He murmured something in agreement and trudged after her.
Past the salt marsh, up the road, into a forest of oaks and Spanish moss, then the church.
It was a small chapel, of wood, and whitewashed. Its steeple rose up to bear its cross, but not higher than the trees surrounding it. Gail had always found it charming—large enough for those who met there, with rooms to spend time together in fellowship, a carved cross on the wall behind the pulpit, a smell of wood and polish and old books, and simple but lovely stained glass windows. Certainly there were larger, grander chapels and churches deeper into Santa Juliana, but those were far away, and—to her mind—less pleasant. Besides, this was where her friends were, and Pastor Jeremiah was a good shepherd to his flock.
Before heading to the graveyard, Gail went inside the church to pray, sitting on one of the back pews. It was quiet, soothing, and cool after the trek through the woods. She prayed over her family—alive and dead—and their works in all their different places, for Mrs. Oberson and her growing sickness, for the lad, for wisdom in helping him, for her congregation and pastor.
It all took longer than she had planned, a calm, unhurried peace seeping into her as she sat and laid her people and her concerns before the Lord.
The lad sat beside her.
She didn't know if he was praying, too, or just waiting for her to finish. He seemed to sense something of her mood and the silence that lay unbroken in the sanctuary, and made no attempt to interrupt or hurry her, or even question her. Gail supposed he was likely to do so on the return journey.
On the seat beside them was a hymnbook, open to the beginning of "Rock of Ages." He seemed to be reading that. To Gail's surprise, when she looked back at him after her prayer time, she found that he had turned the page, and turned it back again, holding it gently as if prepared to scour both sides of it.
It was, as far as she could remember, the first time he had directly interacted with the physical world in a way that moved it.
He noticed her watching, and put the page back. "Is it time?" His voice was hushed, little more than a whisper.
She nodded, and picked up her basket of flowers.
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acecykes-dono2 · 2 years
Pokemon Aim To Be A Pokemon Master Episode 6
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sofarsofastmp3 · 5 months
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you know what? when things suck, there’s always bundt cake!
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Did my brain need to mix OFMD with Only Murders...? No. But after OFMD S2E3 now I have Meryl Streep singing when I think about those idiots. Can you blame me with these lyrics?
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f0rlorn · 2 months
when he sees me → logan howlett
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logan howlett (x-men) x female!reader
notes → in which jean and ororo set you up on a blind date with a wolverine. in honor of deadpool and wolverine throwing me back into my x-men phase full force, i nabbed this from my wattpad. fair warning, it was written in 2021.
i stick with real things, usually facts and figures. when information's in its place i minimize the guessing game. guess what? i don't like guessing games.
you had always been a logical person. opting to plan things out rather than diving right in, so when jean offered to set you up on a blind date, you were hesitant to say yes. you always needed to know when and where things would be going down, and most importantly who would be there with you. this blind date contradicted most, if not all of your morals.
or when i feel things before i know the feelings. how am i supposed to operate when i'm tossed around by fate? like on an unexpected date! with a stranger who might talk too fast. or ask me questions about myself before i've decided that he can ask me questions about myself. he might sit too close! or call the waiter by his first name. or eat oreos but eat the cookie before the cream! but what scares me the most... what scares my the most...
it was clear that you were anxious about this, you were waving your hands around like a maniac, ranting to jean about things that didn't even make sense. "y/n, could you stop moving? i really need to finish up on your hair." jean pleaded, struggling to style your hair. you sighed and slouched in your chair, fiddling your thumbs.
"...what if he hates me?"
what if when he sees me, what if he doesn't like it? what if he runs the other way and i can't hide from it? what happens then? if when he knows me, he's only disappointed? what if i give myself away to only get it given back? i couldn't live with that!
jean turned your chair around so that she could look you in the eyes. "you are a smart and talented girl, y/n. any guy would be lucky to have you. if logan can't see that than he's just stupid." her comment was reassuring. it calmed you down, yes. but you still couldn't stop the nervousness bubbling within you.
"now go get dressed, storm is in the other room picking out an outfit for you." you thanked her and walked out of the bathroom, into your bedroom, where storm was rummaging through a pile of laundry. she smiled and pulled out a blouse for you to wear. she turned towards you and tossed you the shirt.
"the rest is on the bed. i need to go grab one last thing from my room and then you'll be ready to go!" she cheered, excited for you. you had never been much for dating. the few folks you did bring back turned out to be a bunch of douche bags, or had been scared off by some of the other mutants. when jean proposed the idea to the team, they were even more excited than you.
  you pulled off the top you were wearing and threw it in the corner of your room. you took the blouse that ororo gave you and put it on. next you put on the skirt and tucked your shirt into it. storm returned from her room with the item she retrieved. it was a gorgeous necklace with a gold chain and a jewel hanging around it. storm clasped it around your neck. "jean, c'mere!" ororo called for jean to come and see the new and improved you.
  "you look absolutely stunning!" jean praised, her hands on her hips. "let's head on downstairs, we still got some time before we need to get you out the door." jean led the three of you into the kitchen, you starting pacing the room as they sat down at the kitchen island.
  "do i have to do this?" you whined, not at all prepared for what was soon to come.
"there's no point in backing out now! it took me almost an hour to get you ready, you will be going to this date." jean said.                           
"why did i agree to this? i'm perfectly fine here! i'm surrounded with the people i love, i have my dream job... i don't see why i need a new guy in my life. and if life taught me anything, it's that men are garbage." you reasoned, trying to find an excuse not to go.
so i'm just fine inside my shell-shaped mind! this way i get the best view. so that when he sees me, i want him too...
  you were deep in thought, making a list in your head of the pros and cons of going on this date. the truth is, you were actually quite lonely here, and your friends were starting to notice.
   don't you think you're bein' a little, i mean, just a tad-
  ororo started before you cut her off.
  i'm not defensive! i'm simply being cautious. i can't risk reckless dating due to my miscalculating. while a certain suitor stands in line. i've seen in movies, most made for television, you cannot be too careful when it comes to sharing your life. i could end up a miserable wife!
  jean and ororo both gave each other a look. you continued on about how he could be some sort of criminal of psychopath. jean sighed and looked at her watch.
  "y/n, we gotta get going" they got up and ushered you to the car. ororo and jean got in the front seat of ororo's car, and you sat in the back. the entire car ride was filled with you going on and on, with 'what if's' and 'could be's'. there wasn't a single moment where you weren't complaining. jean was starting to think that maybe this wasn't the best idea after all. when you finally arrived at your destination, the three of you got out of the car. they pointed in the direction of the infamous wolverine, pushing you his way. he leaned against his car, lighting a cigar. you walked up to him, a little intimidated.
  "you're logan, yea?" you asked shyly, not really knowing what to do or say.
  "that's me, i'm assuming that makes you y/n." he replied. you nodded awkwardly.
  "shall we head in then?" he asked, looking down at you with raised eyebrows.
"yes, yes we shall." you answered, smiling slightly.
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ravenclawerised · 2 years
Rewatching DS9 again and I am just so interested at how an average Bajoran would view Kira by the end of the series. How an average Cardassian would? We know that a lot of what she does is known to the Bajoran people. Shakaar mentions Furel and Lupaza bragging about her whenever they get news of the station. But lets actually take a look at this:
She is the highest ranking Bajoran on DS9 outranked only by the Emissary
Most times Sisko did anything in the capacity as the Emissary, Kira was one step behind and to the right
She was with Kai Opaka, the most widely loved and respected Bajoran, when she made her journey through the Celestial Temple and “answered the call of the prophets”
She was highly respected (and loved) by Vedek Bareil who was hugely popular on Bajor (he could very well have been Kai if he hadn’t taken the blame for Kai Opaka’s actions during the Occupation)
She and Kai Winn had a well known feud and after Kai Winn’s fall from grace at the end of the show, Kira must come out pretty great to everyone else
She is the one who found and saved the great Bajoran hero, Li Nalas, from a Cardassian work camp and then within a week saved Bajor from a civil war that had been encouraged by Cardassians.
Between her saving Li Nalas and his fellow prisoners AND finding the Ravinok and saving the Bajorans (and Cardassians and Ziyal) from the Breen mines, was she the person Bajorans turned to when searching for their lost love ones? Was she a symbol to those who kept looking for their loved ones because Kira Nerys found those thought to be lost?
She prevented ANOTHER Bajoran Civil War and helped elect Shakaar as the First Minister of Bajor. Again being associated with a widely loved and respected member of Bajoran society.
Kira was in charge of DS9 during Dominion Occupation and started up the station’s resistance cell
She was permitted to use the Orb of Time, one of Bajor’s most sacred objects
She was the chosen by a Prophet to be their vessel during the Reckoning with the Pah-Wraith...and the KAI was on the same station. But it was KIRA who was chosen
She plays chicken with a Romulan fleet...and wins!
She was a key figure in the Dominion War. She started as a resistance fighter who was assigned to a falling apart, unimportant old Cardassain station and becomes the Colonel of the single most important port in the Alpha Quadrant. She is the right hand of the Emissary. She is widely respected by many beloved figures in Bajoran society.
And this list is just the most public things that have happened to her. This doesn’t even take into account any of the stories about her that involve her dealing with whatever BS the Star Trek universe decides to throw at the characters that week. Klingons beam in and fight? Gets stabbed and keeps fighting. Emissary is transported to 2024? Kira is on the team that pulls him out.
By the end of season seven, do politicians on Bajor hold their breath or breathe a sigh of relief if Kira gets involved? Do Vedeks seek her out to ask her about being possessed by a prophet? About her experiences with the Orbs? About Kai Opaka’s last words? Do families still grieving those missing from the Occupation petition her to look for the lost?
And how about the Cardassians?
The Cardassian government would probably never publicly admit to any time she foiled their plans, but Tekeny Ghemor tells her that she has her own section in the Cardassian Central Archives and is a public figure on Cardassia
Would the Cardassians in the Breen mine whisper their thanks among their family that Kira Nerys found them?
Tekeny Ghemor, someone who was respected enough to be considered as the face for the Cardassian resistance against the Dominion controlled Cardassian puppet government, publicly considered her his daughter/family by asking her to participate in the Shri-tal ritual and give her all of his secrets prior to his death (something highly valued in Cardassian society)
She was a part of Damar’s resistance. She helped them fight the Dominion and was with Damar when he died for Cardassia. In the story of how Damar was martyred for Cardassia’s freedom from the Dominion, Kira Nerys, a Bajoran, is heavily featured.
In all Bajoran/Cardassian relations, do Cardassians seek to involve Kira as a woman of her word who will treat in good faith or do they cross their fingers and hope she is nowhere near their business?
Can you tell I think about Kira Nerys a lot?
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a-simple-gaywitch · 2 years
Amidst the Chaos
Spencer Reid x Reader
Summary:  Spencer and (Y/N) didn't get along, and it annoyed the whole BAU. But when a traumatized (Y/N) shows up at Spencer's apartment late one night, their whole relationship shifts
Warnings: PTSD, trauma, references to torture, other canon-typical topics
Word Count:  3827
Author’s Note: not necessarily my best fic, but i’ve been working on it for over a year so... here it is
Orpheus - Sara Bareilles
AO3 Link
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“Don't stop trying to find me here amidst the chaos. Though I know it's blinding, there's a way out.” ~ Sara Bareilles, Orpheus
“Guys, I want you to meet our newest team member,” Hotch said to the BAU as they settled around the table. “This is Agent (Y/N) (L/N).”
You gave a shy wave to the group in front of you, but your smile was bright enough to light up the entire room. “Hi.”
“She’s coming to us from Organized Crime. I trust that you’ll all welcome her to the team.”
“Honestly, I’m just happy to be given a chance to work with all of you. It’s been my dream to work at the BAU for years.”
“We’ll have time to get to know Agent (L/N) better on the plane. But for now, we have a case,” Hotch said. “JJ?”
“So,” Derek said, taking a seat next to you on the jet. “What was Organized Crime like?”
“Honestly? Boring as all hell. It was mostly stopping money laundering and drug cartels,” you said. “Not as glamorous as Goodfellas makes it seem. Besides, the BAU was always my end goal anyway.”
He chuckled a bit. “Yeah, I get that. We’re glad to have you on our team. ” The conversation between you and Morgan flowed easily and before you knew it, you had become like brother and sister. The rest of the team grew to love you too. Well, most of the team. 
Spencer seemed icy and cold toward you, and no one could offer a valid explanation. By all accounts, you should have gotten along. You loved Halloween just as much as Spencer did and you always had at least 3 books on your person at a time. You had a borderline unhealthy addiction to caffeine and sugar and spent more time in the office than your apartment. But for some reason, you and Spencer just seemed to constantly be at each other’s throats. 
In your defense, Reid had started it. 
For whatever reason, Reid disliked you right out the gate. He tried to be civil toward you, but something about you just bothered him. 
He originally just tried to avoid you when he could, but with the nature of the team’s dynamic, that didn’t work out well. 
Spencer found himself doing small, petty things to annoy you, like putting your favorite mug on the top shelf where you couldn’t reach it or borrowing your pens and “forgetting” to return them. Something about seeing you mildly inconvenienced and annoyed as opposed to your normally happy and bubbly self made him feel better. He knew it was fucked up of him. 
Eventually, the animosity became mutual. You and Spencer were rarely paired together on cases because Hotch couldn’t stand the constant arguing between the two of you. Mostly, Hotch tended to pair you with Derek who you began to see as a brother. 
Spencer would never admit it, but seeing you and Derek be as close as you were stirred some kind of jealousy in him. He figured it was just because he had been friends with Morgan first, that was all. 
Local cases were always extra stressful on the team. Something about unsubs being so close to home made the cases more personal. As such, tensions were running high and no one had slept in over 24 hours as the team worked to nail down a profile. 
“This doesn’t make sense,” you muttered as you looked over the crime scene photos. “The crime profiles as disorganized but the victimology and timeline profile him as organized.” 
“How you doing there, Pretty Girl?” Morgan asked, setting down a carrier of coffee cups. 
You sighed and picked up the cup with your name scrawled on it. “There’s discrepancies in our preliminary profile and I can’t…”
“Did you try comparing notes with Reid?”
“Derek, I love you, but are you insane?”
“I’m serious, (Y/N).”
“So am I. Any time I try to have any kind of civilized conversation with that man he turns it into an argument.”
Thankfully, Hotch came into the room at that point, stopping the conversation. “We have two potential leads. Morgan, you’re going with Blake to the first address. (L/N), you and Reid are going to the second.” Hotch tossed you both keys for SUVs. “Reid and Blake have the files. They’ll fill you in on the drive.”
“Yes, sir.” You grabbed your coffee from the table, along with Reid’s, and headed out to the car. When you got to the parking lot, Reid was already leaning against the car, flipping through a file folder. “Reid. Here.”
As you handed him the coffee, he said, “What, was everyone else busy?”
You rolled your eyes. “I don’t know. I’m just following Hotch’s orders.” You unlocked the car and climbed in. “Where are we going?”
“21 Rock Creek Road, Somerset. We’re interviewing Linda Walsh, the neighbor of our first victim, Savanna Curtis.”
“Great. Can you type it into the GPS?”
“Why? I can just give you the directions.”
“Because the GPS is more accurate.”
“(L/N), I have an eidetic memor-”
“Eidetic memory, I know. But you’re telling me your memory can predict traffic patterns? I don’t think so. Just use the damn GPS.”
“Fine.” Spencer typed the address in, muttering under his breath.
“Thank you. What information do we have on Walsh?”
“72 years old, she was reportedly in the house when Curtis was attacked and taken to the secondary location. Hotch wants us to interview her and see if she noticed anything that might help us with the profile.”
Soon enough, the two of you pulled up to the witness’s house. Before even getting out of the car, you felt like something was wrong. 
”Wait, Reid.” You grabbed his arm as he reached for the door handle. “Something about this doesn’t feel right.”
“What do you mean?”
“Look at the windows. All of them are dark. Not even a television glow. Something’s off.”
“I hate to say it, but you’re right.” 
You hopped out of the car and pulled your gun from your side, following Reid up the path to the house. He knocked on the front door. 
“I don’t hear anything from inside.” He knocked again. “Go around the back, see if you can get in that way.”
You nodded and walked around the house. You could hear Reid continuing to knock as you went around. As you rounded the corner, a sharp pain entered your shoulder. You yelled and turned around, but not before a blunt object hit you in the temple and your vision faded.
Spencer was panicking. You were missing, and it was his fault. He was pacing in the front yard of Walsh’s home while the team and the local authorities worked to catch up. 
“Reid, what happened?” Hotch asked. “We need everything.”
Spencer relayed every detail from the moment the two of you pulled up to the house, still pacing. “I shouldn’t have told her to go off on her own, it’s my fault-”
“Kid, breathe,” Morgan told him. “You didn’t know this would happen. What’s important now is finding her and bringing her home safe.”
The team did a thorough inspection on Mrs. Walsh’s home and learned a good deal. Mrs. Walsh wasn’t home, as was reported. However, her son, Devin, was clearly staying with her. It didn’t take the team long to figure out he was the unsub. 
When you awoke, you were in a secondary location. Your head was throbbing behind your eyes and your shoulder was in agony. Your arms were tied behind your back, but that was the only restraint to your mobility. You looked around, trying to figure out where you were. It was a large, open space, you guessed a warehouse, probably abandoned. It was dark, except for the glow of the streetlights outside and an industrial lamp in the center of the room. You didn’t have much time to assess your surroundings, though, because Walsh was waiting for you to wake up.
You knew the facts of the case. You saw the photos. He kept the women for 24 hours, torturing them until their bodies were barely recognizable. Then, he’d kill and dump them.
But you also knew your team. They were relentless. And they would save you.
“We’ve seen what he does to his victims. We’re in a race against the clock here,” Morgan argued with Hotch.
“But we still have to keep our heads and follow the law. If we don’t get a warrant, any evidence we do find goes right out the window.”
“Guys, Garcia found something,” JJ said. She put her phone on speaker. “Go ahead, Garcia.”
“So, Walsh’s dear old dad was the owner of a warehouse in the 80s. The warehouse is still in his name but has since been abandoned. And before you even ask, yes, I sent you the address.”
The SUVs pulled up to the warehouse and the team jumped out. The plan was to enter the building slow and quiet, but that changed when they heard you scream, followed by a gunshot. Then, everything went silent. Completely silent.
Everyone rushed into the building. The team was terrified of what they were about to find. What they saw, no one could have expected. 
You were lying unconscious on the floor, in a pool of blood. Also on the floor, with a bullet hole through his forehead, was Devin Walsh. Standing with a gun in her hands was 72 year old Linda Walsh, tears running down her face. 
“I had to,” she said, looking at Hotch. “He was gonna kill her.”
“We need a medic!”
The team was sitting around your hospital bed. The doctor had said you probably wouldn’t wake up for a while, but they were determined to have someone there with you when you did. 
“We should take shifts,” JJ suggested. “That way there’s always someone here and the rest of us can get some rest, too.”
“That’s a good idea. Dave and I can take the first shift,” Hotch said. “We’ll do four-hour rotations in pairs.”
They talked through who would pair up and take what rotations before Rossi shooed the rest of the team out.
Eventually, Reid and Morgan were on their “shift.” Morgan glanced over at Reid, who was staring at the same page of a book. 
“You ever gonna flip that page?”
“What if she doesn’t wake up?”
“Kid, you heard the doctor. She will.”
“But what if she doesn’t? It would be my fault. I’m the one who made her go off by herself. We were supposed to be a team and I couldn’t see past-” He cut himself off, shaking his head.
“Hey,” Morgan put his hand on Spencer’s shoulder, “it’ll be okay, Reid. I’m gonna go grab a coffee. Want one?”
“Sure.” After Morgan left, Spencer looked at you and sighed. Your body was wrapped in casts and bandages. “Hey, (L/N),” he said, reaching out and resting his hand on top of yours.
One thing you didn’t expect about being in a medically induced coma was to still hear everything going on around you. You could hear the doctors and nurses moving about your room. You could hear your teammates. You heard Hotch and Rossi talking about the paperwork they’d have to file on the case because an agent had been seriously injured. You heard the music Penelope insisted on playing, and you heard Spencer. 
“Hey, (L/N),” you heard him say. “I don’t know if you can hear me but,” he took a deep breath, “I’m sorry. Not just for this. I mean, obviously for this. I never should have split us up, I never should have sent you around the back of the house, I never should have-” he stopped himself. You could hear the tightness in his voice. Was he crying? No, Reid wouldn’t be crying over you. Would he? But he continued. “I was awful to you. I mean, I was an asshole,” he said with a dry laugh. “There’s no other word for it. I was an asshole to you and there was no excuse. I’m so sorry, (Y/N). I-”
“One cup of sugar with a splash of coffee,” Derek said, coming back into the room. 
“Thanks.” Reid took the cup in both his hands, grateful for a distraction from his guilt. 
“Any change?”
He shook his head. “None.”
Derek sighed. “You know, part of me was really hoping she’d wake up in the five minutes I was gone.” He gripped your hand that wasn’t casted up. “We miss you, Pretty Girl.”
Your coma lasted for about 3 weeks. The doctors kept you in the hospital for observation for another full week before finally letting you go home.
During your recovery, your apartment was practically a revolving door. Just about the entire team came by to check on you and keep you company, with the exception of Spencer. You couldn’t say you were too surprised. However, something about it upset you. Hell, even Hotch and Rossi took the time to stop by and check on you. 
Derek and Penelope were probably your most frequent visitors. You were honestly grateful for their visits, and for the help it brought. With your injuries, simple day-to-day tasks were more difficult for you, and Penelope and Derek were more than happy to help you out. Derek took your grocery list and all your other errands while Penelope helped around your apartment. You were even more grateful when they forced you to attend a dinner party at Rossi’s. Penelope was at your apartment, helping you pick out a dress for the event.
“I don’t know, Pen.”
“(Y/N), I’m telling you, purple is your color.”
“Yeah, but I don’t want my dress to match my bruises.”
Penelope just rolled her eyes and tossed the dress on your bed. “Do you really think I’d pick out a dress that didn’t make you look good? Let’s go, you haven’t had a proper shower in a week.”
Penelope helped you get ready for the dinner party before getting ready herself. She helped adjust the strap of your brace when your doorbell buzzed. 
“That’ll be Derek,” you said. Penelope answered the door to Derek standing outside, leaning against your doorframe. 
“Well, look at these pretty ladies. You ready to go?”
“Yeah, I need to get out of this house,” you said. “I haven’t seen anything but these walls in weeks.”
When you pulled into Rossi’s driveway, you were more than excited to see the team. The team, in turn, was excited to see you. You were smiling and laughing, more and more of your normal self. 
When Spencer saw you walk through Rossi’s front door on your crutches, a lump formed in his throat. Ever since seeing you in the hospital, he’d been wracked with guilt. It was the main reason why he hadn’t visited you like everyone else. He tried to avoid you the whole night. Thankfully, you were so happy to be with the others that you didn’t seem to notice. But Blake did. 
“Okay, what’s going on with you?” she asked Spencer, handing him a drink. 
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re avoiding everyone tonight. Why?” When Spencer stayed silent, Blake followed his line of sight. He was watching you talking with JJ. “Ah. Why don’t you go talk to her?”
“I can’t, Alex. Believe me, I’ve tried. For months. Any time I try and have just a normal goddamn conversation with her, what comes out is sarcastic and cruel. I-I don’t know why it happens.” He ran his hands over his face and groaned. 
“You’re in love with her.” Blake wasn’t saying it as a question. Seeing the panic in his eyes, she said, “Don’t worry, it’ll stay with me.”
The heavy sheets of rain outside pounded against the apartment windows. It was the kind of cold rain that seeped into your bones, despite a warm home. It was late, but Spencer was still awake, reading. He couldn’t sleep, which wasn’t unusual for him. He heard a knock on his door. Spencer set his book down on his coffee table before walking to his door. He glanced out the peephole and took a step back in shock. Spencer opened the door to see you standing there, soaked and visibly shivering, in only your pajamas. Your eyes were bloodshot and you were sniffling. 
“(L/N)? What are you-”
“I’m sorry. I know you probably don’t want me here and I don’t even know how I ended up here, I just started walking and-”
“Wait, wait, you walked here? In the torrential downpour?” When you nodded, Spencer opened his door wider. “Here, come in. You must be freezing. What happened?”
You stepped through his door and began to ramble, “I don’t know. I woke up from a nightmare and I knew I-I couldn’t stay in my apartment alone so I just started walking and somehow I ended up here and I’m sorry.” Your teeth were chattering as you continued to shiver. 
Spencer grabbed a blanket off the back of his couch and draped it around you. “No, no, it’s, um-” Spencer cleared his throat. “Do you want to talk about it? I’ve found that sometimes just saying it out loud helps.”
Once you nodded, Spencer held his hand out and led you over to his couch. You were silent for a few moments, staring out the window at the rain streaming down. 
“I was back… there,” you said when you finally started talking. “In the dark. I-I couldn’t see anything but I knew he was there. Then I felt his hands on my throat and-” You cut yourself off, shaking your head. Your whole body was shivering, but Spencer didn’t think it was from the cold anymore. 
Spencer moved to put his arm around you but stopped, dropping his arm back to his side. “I know how you feel,” he said. “After Hankle, I couldn’t handle looking at the crime scene photos because I knew what the victims were thinking right… you know… right before.”
“Do they ever stop? The nightmares?”
“I don’t know. Mine haven’t.” When he saw the defeat on your face, he added, “But it does get easier.”
You nodded, still staring out at the pouring rain. You cleared your throat. “Well, uh, I’ll, um, I’ll call a taxi and get out of your hair.”
“You don’t- uh, you can stay, um, if-if you want,” Spencer said. 
“Reid, I don’t want to impose-”
“You wouldn’t be!” Spencer assured you. “I could use the company, actually. I’ve been trying to find someone to watch Stardust with me. Penelope says I need to watch more pop culture and I know you’re a fan of Neil Gaiman.” He gave you a soft smile. “Please, (Y/N), stay. I promise, you’re not imposing.”
When he saw your face crack into a small smile, he felt a swarm of butterflies rise in his stomach. “Okay,” you said. 
About halfway through the movie, Spencer felt you slump against his shoulder. Before he knew it, you were fast asleep. He was frozen there, not wanting to disturb you. He knew how rough the past few months had been, and it was obvious to everyone you weren’t sleeping. Maybe it was the guilt, maybe it was more, but Spencer felt like it was now his responsibility to take care of you, if you would let him.
The whole team noticed the shift between you and Reid. Where you would previously stay as far from each other as possible, you were now actively seeking each other out. You chose to sit next to each other in the briefing room and on the jet, something you had never done before. On the trips back from cases, you would rest your head on Reid’s shoulder and sleep while he read a book. But, no one said anything about any of it. No one wanted to burst whatever weird bubble was surrounding the BAU team. 
That was, until Blake, Derek, and JJ spotted you knocking on Spencer’s motel door one night during a case. The two were sitting up in the lounge going over the case files yet again when they spotted you, in your pajamas, sneaking out of your own room. 
After watching you slip into Spencer’s room, JJ said, “You don’t think they’re…”
“Reid and (L/N)? No, there’s no way. They can’t stand each other.”
“Well, they do say there’s a thin line between love and hate,” Alex noted, turning the page in her book. 
“I don’t know about you two, but I need to know what’s going on,” Derek said, getting up from the couch. 
“I’m coming with you!”
“Guys, I really don’t think that’s a good idea,” Alex warned. “Just talk to them about it in the morning.”
“Do you know something, Alex?” JJ asked. 
“Even if I did know something, it wouldn’t be my place to tell you.”
The next morning, you felt eyes on you as you drank your coffee. You looked up from the case file to see Derek staring at you. 
“Were you going to tell me about you and Reid or…”
“What are you talking about? Me and Reid?”
“(Y/N), come on. You two are practically attached at the hip when just two weeks ago you couldn’t fucking stand each other.”
You shrugged. “We worked out our differences, I don’t know what to tell you.”
“Alright, what about you sneaking off to his room last night?”
Your face paled. “It’s not what it looked like.”
“Care to explain then?”
You sighed, looking around to make sure it was just you and Morgan. “You know I haven’t been sleeping since, well, everything.” Derek nodded. “Well, a few nights ago I ended up at Reid’s apartment in a panic. It was pouring out so he let me just stay and I slept better than I had in years. And, you know, he’s not too bad to hang out with either,” your face flushed with your last statement. 
“You’re not too bad to hang out with either.”
You jumped, turning around to see Spencer in the doorway with cups of (good) coffee in his arms.
“Spencer, when did-”
He handed you a frappuccino. “Just now. I take it you weren’t as sneaky as you thought?”
“Shut up,” you whined, nudging him with your arm as you stuck a straw in your drink. Spencer just laughed and took a seat next to you.
“So, you’re just, like, friends now?”
You and Spencer looked at each other, seemingly having a conversation without speaking.
“I mean, I’d say we’re a bit more than just friends,” you admitted, smiling at Spencer. He kissed the top of your head. 
“Damn, I owe JJ 10 bucks,” Derek muttered before saying, “But seriously, I’m happy for you two. It’s about time you realized you were perfect for each other.”
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Sara Bareilles, Cyndi Lauper, Hoda Kotb’s ‘Truly Brave’
Hoda Kotb teamed up with Cyndi Lauper and Sara Bareilles, who mashed up their hits 'True Colors' and 'Brave' to create a song to raise money for the fight against pediatric cancer. The music video for “Truly Brave” features young cancer patients from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.
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dragontamerno3 · 4 months
DS9 S3 E14 - Heart of Stone
I really liked this episode. I admit that the Kira and Odo part of this episode started out very slow, got interesting, made me upset and then was boring again but parts that were interesting made up for the rest of their parts. It was Nog's storyline, though that I fucking loved.
Starting with the Kira/Odo stuff. It was an awkward and boring start to me because Odo hadn't gone 2 feet before Kira was suddenly trapped in something. I had wondered at one point if there was some kind of shape shifter situation going on in the cave, like the crystal taking over Kira, but I didn't imagine Kira herself was a Changeling given how hard it is for Odo to copy faces so I mostly ignored that thought.
I enjoyed the bonding they seemed to be having and how Odo was trying his best to keep Kira calm/entertained. I especially thought his story about how he got his name was sad but sweet. What I didn't like was his confession and how Kira seemed to admit the same in the immediate episode right after Bareil died. It was ultimately not her, so that part is fine, but it ended up being just the Dominion hanging around to monologue at him and I was bored again.
Nog, though! I love him.
The scene where he asks to be Sisko's apprentice? He was so damn proud of himself! I felt so bad for him when everyone who was looped in on this doubted him. Nog has caused some trouble and isn't exactly the first person to come to mind as Sisko said, but the *instant* doubt that he could ever make it in Starfleet was sad. It hit home in some ways when adults/authority figures in my life have told me similar things, and showed certain doubts about how far I'd go. I was on team Nog the whole way.
And the moment he breaks down in Sisko's office to explain how he wants to do more with his life so he doesn't end up like his dad? I just wanted to hug him.
My favorite moment, though, was how Rom became his number one cheerleader the second he broke his news. How Rom stood up again Quark and told him to fuck off because Nog can do what he wants. He's not the best dad but he's trying and I love him for it.
7/10 - think it would have been an 8 but the Kira/Odo stuff was sloppy
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drreidsconverse · 1 year
Love song.
Spencer Reid x reader
Summary: reader accidentally lets her secret hobby slip out, now spencer wants the reader to write him a love song.
(a/n): this is my first imagine! The reader is also a profiler, takes place around season three! Spencer is 25, reader is 24. I literally just named some of the artists that popped in my head.
Warnings: cursing and alcohol, but that’s it!
Saturday April 8th 11:31 pm: i’m releasing this to determine wether i want to keep writing for criminal minds or if people would be interested. life, school, sports, and work have been a lot the past two years, i’ve mostly been lurking rather than writing.
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(Y/n)´s pov:
Saturday 12:13 am. “Okay okay, i get it! I know when my opinion isn’t wanted!” Derek laughed.
“Mm, okay. Would we all have been friends in high school?” Penelope asked with a smile. We were at a bar after a long case, and for once it felt like we were having a normal night out. My boyfriend, spencer, was sitting to the left of me and Emily was on my right. We had been at this bar for three hours now, I was on my fourth beer of the night, and some how we’d managed to convince Spencer to drink which was a rare occurrence.
“That is a tuff question penny.” Emily chuckled leaning forward in her chair. “Maybe.” I hummed, “i mean it kind of depends on when, how old, and who? There’s a chance I would’ve either talked to you or ignored you because I really didn’t talk to most people at school.” “ Honestly? Probably not not most of you. (Y/n) and Morgan maybe.” She smirked sending a wink to Derek and i. “Considering our friends were determined by social ranks, who you knew in middle school, and what classes you had? Probably not.” Rossi shrugged Finnishing off the last of his whiskey.
“Actually, school friends are mostly locational, if you didn’t live where you did would yours friends be the same?” Spencer piped up.
“What was...your job in college?” Hotch smiled leaning back in his chair. This was a game we played anytime we were really drinking we’d ask each other questions we wouldn’t during a normal work day, basically a drunken 20 questions. “Retail.” Almost everyone groaned reminiscing on what was probably their worst jobs ever. “Coding apps, also doing people’s homework for a pretty penny!” Garcia shouted over the music, which wasn’t that loud, i think. “I ghostwrote for a good bit of artists.” I mumbled what I thought was hardly a whisper. it wasn’t. “You did? Like who?” Jj chirped. Eh, gotta tell em’ sometime. I thought to myself. “Uh, you should’ve asked me this sober jj.” I snorted trying to think of names. “Sara bareilles, jojo, avril Lavigne, maroon 5, fall out boy..and that’s all I can come up with.” Everyone’s faces read ‘shocked’, but to me it wasn’t even that big of a deal. It was just music- my thoughts were interrupting by Penny and Emily dragging me and jj to the dance floor with the guys trailing behind us.
2:13 am Drunk, that was definitely the word for how I was feeling at the moment, attempting to get back to my seat with the rest of the team. Being buzzed wasn’t a feeling a endured often but i know a buzz when it hits and it had definitely hit. Spencer was swaying in his seat with the goofiest grin on his face. “Hey, did you know I love you?” He giggled wrapping his arms around my waist. “Yup!” I laughed wrapping my arms around his neck. “Awww, look at the love birds.” Morgan sang with a chorus of ‘awe’s’ flowing behind him. “Speak-ing of loveeee.. could you maybe write me a love song?” I laughed at how he accentuated certain words and sped the latter half of his sentence up. He was adorable sober or drunk, however drunk spencer a bit had more courage than sober spencer did and I loved it. “What was that, love? Couldn’t hear you!” I whispered in his ear hoping over the loud music my voice could be heard. “I said, could you maybe, you absolutely don’t have to if you don’t want to, write me a love song.” He was fiddling with his fingers in his lap a nervous tic of his. “Ask me when I sober baby!” I kissed his cheek smiling at him.
Monday 8:03 am. I still had a massive headache from Saturday and slept all of Sunday. Spencer brought me my coffee just how I liked with a sticky note attached in his hand writing that read: “hope your feeling better :)” thank you! I mouthed at him.
a/n: I believe for now that’s where i’m gonna end this one, this was the first fic i ever wrote oml. Idk how to finish but i’m always open to suggestions!
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lulabo · 10 months
Molly Gordon post in the queue informational addendum: Sara Bareilles's song "Eyes on You" lists names of people in a meditation group she was in but also if you are enough of a Sara Bareilles enthusiast you can also just figure out who some of the other people are in the song based on context, eg, "Amanda had a baby" is Amanda Kloots who did indeed have a baby, also she told me personally at her Amidst the Chaos tour stop in Boston (along with the rest of the people at the show but mostly me) that "Emily moved away" was about Emily King, who moved from one part of New York to another, which is all to say that when I learned Molly Gordon is the daughter of Jessie Nelson, who was part of the creative teams of both Waitress the musical (wrote the book) and Little Voice (many things), I therefore divined that the lyrics "Jessie's doing backflips, Molly's doing so well" refer to said Jessie Nelson being jazzed at her daughter Molly Gordon's life going well, so congrats to Molly Gordon on her achievements professional and personal but mostly also on being in a Sara Bareilles song.
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stereopticons · 11 months
I’m a monster so I wanna hear about “untitled document (💔)” lol xoxo MJ/kiwiana-writes
I am not at all surprised by this information lol (jk ily)
So I’ve posted a couple of snippets from this because I got really sad a few weeks back and started working on this one in earnest. It’s an exes to lovers fic inspired by Manhattan by Sara Bareilles. David and Patrick started dating while they were both living in New York, but they break up and they both (separately) leave New York because they can’t handle all the memories, etc. Patrick starts driving back to Canada and ends up stopping in a small town with a funny sign. David needs a break from city life so heads to the stupid town in Canada that he owns. And of course they run into each other again.
I’ve shared this snippet before I think but have it again anyway:
Patrick has never liked New York. If pressed, he’ll say it’s because he misses Canada, misses his family. He misses chilly early morning hikes in the quiet wilderness, misses chatting with his neighbors and playing on the community baseball team.
But all of that is a half-truth at best. He does miss his parents, of course he does, but having some distance from their expectations has been freeing in a way he never thought possible. And sure, walking in Central Park isn’t the same as hiking the trails back home, but it has its own kind of allure. And maybe he doesn’t know his neighbors, but at least he doesn’t have to endure frequent nosy questions and less than helpful comments about the sad state of his love life.
No, the real reason Patrick hates New York, the reason he’s packed his meager belongings into two cardboard boxes and a duffel bag, is that everything here reminds him that for a brief, shining handful of months, he had something—someone—in this city that he loved. Because that’s what it was, what it still is, even if he never got the chance to say it.
Patrick is in love with David Rose, and that’s why he has to leave.
Wip ask game
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mundanemoongirl · 2 months
Favorite Song Tag
Thanks for tagging me @the-golden-comet and @willtheweaver!
Rules: Put your music library on shuffle, then list the first five songs that come up in a poll to let people vote for which one they like the most! Then, tag tumblr friends to keep the game going!
Since I got tagged twice, I'm doing ten songs. And since I have too many playlists, I just shuffled my favorites and picked the first song song from each.
Bottle it Up--Sara Bareilles
It's Alright--Mother Mother
Last Resort--Ayase
Harness Your Hopes--Pavement
Love Drought--Beyonce
Black Beatles--Rae Sremmurd, Gucci Mane
Nice For What--Drake (This is so embarrassing rn but I actually love this song. Anyway I'm team Kendrick)
Save Room--John Legend
Tagging @pixies-love-envy @elsie-writes @illarian-rambling
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friendlyfandomfairy · 11 months
Good Omens edits so far
Many of my videos aren't final versions on youtube yet, so I've put together a masterpost for finding them. I've hit a messy patch of IRL circumstances, so I'll probably be mostly uploading finished versions of old videos to youtube for the next several weeks. I'm still happy to receive requests, but there may be some very long gaps between me getting a request and getting something up. It's going to be a long hiatus though, so please do request away.
Basically done but not on Youtube yet:
Iris - Goo Goo Dolls
Sign of the Times - Harry Styles
Adore You - Harry Styles
Early versions of requests (finished versions to be published later):
The First Time I Ever Saw Your Face - Roberta Flack
Time After Time - Cyndi Lauper
All the Other Boys - Kwamie Liv (The music on this one is by a lesser known artist, please support the musician.)
On Youtube:
Madness - Muse
Wicked Ways - Halestorm
Rather Be - Clean Bandit
This is Gospel - Panic! at the Disco
Team - Lorde
Love on the Brain - Rhianna
Going in Circles - The Friends of Distinction
Faith - Marillion
Wish You Were Here - Pink Floyd
Sexy Back - Justin Timberlake ft. Timberland
Mixed Messages - Tom Cardy
Killer Queen - Queen
Dancing in the Dark - Bruce Springsteen
Brave - Sara Bareilles
For the Longest Time - Billy Joel
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