#team india fine
schumigrace · 14 days
Hi i have to ask
Are you like an all-round AM fan (like including Lanxr stroll)
Or just an Alonso fan and everything that comes with him?
I am merely a ferrari hater
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disappearinginq · 1 year
You know, it’s a good thing my new job pays $1400 a month more than my previous job, because I did not sign up to be in the middle of Drama Llama Central. 
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pinkcarsupremacy · 3 months
Okay in all the drama of yesterday's race I feel like we overlooked the F1 movie teaser and we need to talk about what the hell was going on in that.
So we start with 60yo racer Brad Pitt telling the audience and uh someone else that their car is beat on the straights by "Red Bull, Ferrari, Mercedes, Aston and now Mclaren" (as an Alpine fan I understand the plight) and that their only chance of beating the other teams is to battle in the turns and I quote "we need to build our car for combat" (never underestimate Americans and their ability to turn something into a war analogy)
After that bizzare statement the following exchange occurs:
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Yeah fuck safety!! The FIA is actually involved with the making of this film if you're wondering.
From here on there isn't actually anymore dialogue and it's just a bunch of racing and track team shots set to 'We will Rock You'. It was here that it dawned on me that this movie is gonna be super bizzare. Despite all the noise about them filming on track at live race weekends it never occured to me the other drivers and teams would actually feature in it. I'm not even sure what I thought they were going to do but I assumed it would involve a lot of CGI.
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But nope turns out this is actually just a strange self-insert film where an 11th team featuring 60yo Brad Pitt and his younger teammate will compete against real F1 drivers? The $300 million budget is starting to make sense - maybe they had to pay the other drivers a salary. I think one glaring problem with this is that it means there won't be other characters in the movie (excluding team members of the fake team) because the other drivers and team members are uh real people? Now that would be fine if it was a biopic like Rush where everyone are actors but here we have 2 actors and 20 real drivers (who are quite literally at work btw) and any interaction between them and the actors is gonna break the immersion of the film so badly.
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Sidenote here's one of the Apex cars abusing a Williams - not the kind of behaviour that endears me to either of the fake drivers ngl. Probably should have picked a more disliked team to clown on.
Now I actually went and read an interview with the 2 directors to try and work out what is going on. At one point in this interview, Jerry Bruckheimer says: "It’s the only sport where your teammate is also your competitor, and that’s great drama in itself. Just think about that; you’re fighting with your own teammate for a place on the podium. And everything we use in the movie actually happened in an F1 race. Nobody can say: ‘That would never happen.’ It happened."
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So in other words the teammates will fight and it will be based on real life events? Yeah unfortunately I'm getting Perez and Ocon in Force India vibes from that (those 2 shots pretty similar huh).
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There was also this in the interview which is... I mean I don't really know what to take from this but it's certainly interesting. As an Ocon fan this quite literally strikes fear into my heart (why was he of all drivers named...) but we'll have to wait and see I guess.
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bringbacktim · 9 months
sebastian vettel x reader where y/n comforts him after his difficult time in ferrari. fluff to smut maybe hehe x
Red to green
Sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted , I got carried away with the dialogue as I usually do , it does have a sexual ending but not quite smut as I just wanted to get this out
Not edited or proofread
Warnings: mentions of sex and sexual things , sad seb ig , probably incorrect use of German words , a crap ton of dialogue
Wc:738 words
You're replacing Checo at force India and I had to find out through the f1 Instagram page" Y/n asked storming into the room where her husband sebastian was
"It's Aston Martin now , but yes I am" he said not daring to move out of his chair as she seemed calmer than she should be and he was scared she was going to try and hurt him if he got up
" Still doesn't answer the question of why you didn't tell me you're own wife" she said crossing her arms over her chest as she stared at him waiting for his answer
" I didn't want to tell you Schatz because of how bad my ferrari season went , if I told you everything would've went bad" he explained hoping for sympathy
" I thought I was your good luck charm though?" She fake pouted and wrapped her arms around his shoulders as she sat sideways on his lap
"Don't give me that face , you know what I meant leibling" he laughed
" It's just like when you start dating someone so you don't tell anyone cause once you do they start to not like you anymore , I get it seb. I just wish someone atleast told me so I could've stopped buying ferrari merch"
"You look so good in red though" he teased as he traced up and down her arm ( I literally don't know how you describe it )
"Flattery will get you very far with me mr.vettel" she tried not to cringe as she said that but with of them both laughed
"You can go back to being mad with me how" he told her as he gave her a flirty push
"Well daniil isn't there anymore so you don't have to fight him , but bottas is and he did basically cost you the championship lead , but I'm sure you'll do great" y/n said holding his face and kissing his cheek
"Such kind words , you forgot when me and Lewis had contact in Belgium 2018 and I dropped to the back of the grid" he said looking sad at remembering the memory
"Didn't want to bring that one up since lewis is becoming a bit more of a madman when it comes to having contact with people"
As sebastian sat looking like a kicked puppy Y/n couldn't help but feel bad I mean she did bring up some of the bad things that had happened while seb was in ferrari but she was trying to uplift him in a joking manner , which clearly hadn't worked.
He assured her he was fine but even stevie wonder could see he was anything but .
Y/n tried to mention some highlights in his career like his red bull prime, but seb would just hit back with two other mistakes that happened whilst he was in ferrari as if everything bad that happened was his fault
"You know not everything is always your fault right? You tried your best in ferrari but it wasn't the right fit for you and that's okay"
"But ferrari is one of the best teams in the world and I was terrible, Charles even outnumbered me in Japan" her husband answered head in his hands
"Thats not the end of the world , you even said yourself that charles has a gift and Japan is only one race so why does it matter. Plus I wasn't there to give you any of my good luck"
"So it was your fault I did so bad?" He questioned half a grin showing
"I guess so yes all the bad things we're all my fault" she said with a michevous twinkle in her eye hoping they were on the same page
"Oh yeah ? Guess we're going to have to do something about that then aren't we" oh they were definitely on the same page , same sentence even
"What're you going to do ? Punish me for being so bad or something?" Y/n said stading up and walking slowly backwards towards the stairs that lead to their room
"Don't start something you can't finish" he warned stalking after her
"We both know I can make you finish, just depends where you want to" she giggled as she increased the speed she was walking at as he was hot on her heels
He only ever mentioned his sad ferrari memories after that if he wanted to either annoy his wife or get some
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anangryloaf · 2 months
if nothing else, the idiots tagging their dumbass 'uwu poor widdle baby ollie how tewwible to have meanie tewwowist ocon as your teammate' posts with esteban's name provide a handy instant block list
babes. you can like both drivers in a team. your imaginary scenario literally happened to esteban at force india with checo, ollie is super talented and tough (and optimistic!) give him some credit, they'll both be fine.
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lizzie-queenofmeigas · 5 months
this is not meant as an anti \ hate ask, but the idolization and worship of team black of the Targaryen is very ... not understandable to me.
because it's all in the name , targARYAN. you know - the blond people who believed that they're the superior race and conquered many countries?
the targaryan conquered westeros by force, killing thousands in the process. the fact that they converted to the faith of the seven is irrelevant and does not excuse their war crimes. i'm really baffled that people in 2024 justify colonialism because it "benefited the people of westeros"? even though the targaryans brought many civil wars, disasters and horrible kings. and the colonizer will always say that they're coming to "fix" the problems of the land they conquered.
we have the show vikings where our main cast of beloved characters also go off to conquer places, and yeah we love them and they're super cool but what they're doing is still pretty horrible.
so yeah, i like rhaenyra and daemon and rhaenys and dany, but that doesn't contradict the fact that the targaryans are colonizers. the characters themselves of course don't and shouldn't recognize that - because their house idolizes the act of conquering through "fire and blood" - but we as viewers are meant to recognize the problematic aspects of the targaryans and understand the problematic subtext of "fire and blood" and a house that prides itself on being "conquers".
liking the targaryans is fine. i like them. they're super cool. but i'm really weirded out by the targaryan worship and the fact that some of you guys genuinely seem to believe that the targaryans were right and justified when they conquered westeros and proceeded to colonize it for 300 hundred years.
I don't even know where to begin with this.
First off, for what I know "aryan" is a term the nazis appropriated, they didn't invent it. "Aryan" was a term used for people that lived around Ancient Iran and India (anyone can correct me here because I'm not very sure).
Second, there is a character in the asoiaf universe whose name is "Arya" do you think she is a nazi because of the letters in her name?
Third, every single Andal and First Men are colonizers, and the Rhoynar. Thousands of years before the Targaryen came these three "races" nearly extinguished the actual natives of Westeros. I don't see as many people calling them colonizers even though that term fits them better than it does the Targaryens.
Last, unlike all the other colonizer houses, the Targaryens actually did good for the common people. While the Targaryens had civil wars they also had decades of peace, before they conquered the Seven Kingdoms there was a war each year.
"they conquered Westeros and proceeded to colonize it for 300 years"
This may sound like a dumb question but, can you colonize a country of colonizers?
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Is making progress on its rover for a joint mission with India to the south pole of the moon. JAXA and the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) agreed to the cooperative project back in 2019. ISRO, which recently made India the fourth country to soft-land on the moon, will build the mission's lander, while JAXA will be responsible for the launch and a lunar rover. The mission is slated to launch no earlier than 2025 on Japan's new H3 rocket, according to JAXA. The agency is meanwhile in the basic design phase of the rover with teams running tests in sand designed to simulate lunar regolith, the fine dust that covers the moon's surface. The tests will verify that the vehicle can perform its key science objectives on the moon.
Continue Reading.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
hee hee. piarles + 15 🤭❤️
15. Con Artist and the person who saw through their grift.
'This is the last leg, focus, so all you need to do is-'
"Shut the fuck up," Charles hisses at Lando through his teeth. "I can't be seen talking to myself, and I can't focus with you talking into my - hello, Pierre," he says with a wide smile. He can feel sweat gathering on his forehead, but he refuses to acknowledge it in any way. He's trained himself out of those ticks a long time ago, and the harsh lights and his three-piece ridiculous suit are enough to justify the sweat.
"Hello, cher," Pierre says. He looks lovely, handsome and hot in his tuxedo under the casino lights, like a movie star from those old movies his maman likes to watch. "You look dashing," Pierre continues, and Charles hates the fact that his blush is real and not a ruse. He thanks all the gods no one on his team can see him, because he's sure they'd all know.
"Thank you, Pierre," Charles replies. "Do you want a drink?" He leans back on the bar and gives Pierre his honest, shy smile just as Lando says 'He's so fucking gone on you, it's hillarious'.
Charles is going to punch Lando as soon as the job is done. He sips his martini so as not to grit his teeth. Pierre steps closer to him and Charles can feel the heat of his body as he leans half over Charles to signal the bartender for a drink.
"Of course, Renard," Pierre says. "Do you want a refil?"
Charles does his best not to flinch as he shakes his head. Every time Pierre uses Charles' fake name, Charles wants to scream. It wasn't supposed to be like this. None of this was supposed to be like this.
"Suit yourself," Pierre says. His knuckles brush over Charles' hand and Charles supresses - everything. He's a professional. He can get through this without getting attached.
Liar, he thinks. You stupid, pathetic liar. Get yourself together. Pierre isn't the first pretty mark you've worked with.
He is the first and only one that seems to genuinely care, though, a traitorous thought escapes him. He squashes it with a big sip of his martini.
'I think Ricciardo is on his way,' Lando says. 'Seb will be with you in some ten minutes, and then-'
"My boss is on his way," Pierre says. He's close enough to touch Charles and with the way Charles is leaning against the bar, he's forced to look up at Pierre. "So the contract should be signed very soon."
"Good." Charles makes himself smile. "My boss is on his way too." He raises his glass. "I'll just be glad when it's over."
Pierre taps on his glass. "Hmm," he hums. "Yes, I suppose you will." He clinks his glass to Charles'. "You will be going as soon as we're done?"
Charles swallows around the lump in his throat. "Yes," he says. "I need to oversee the development of the compounds we are building and prepare everything for when Mr. Ricciardo comes for the tour."
Pierre hums again. "Yes, indeed." He looks at Charles, and Charles doesn't know how to interpret that look. It's intense, and it feels like Pierre is searching for something in Charles' face.
Except, you're not Charles, he thinks. You're Renard Deveraux, head architect for the seemingly sustainable water filtering factories in India. You're honest, and outgoing, and you're about to seal the deal that will cost Daniel Ricciardo millions and set you up for the next year so you won't have to work. Seb won't call you last minute because he needs a grifter, and you won't have to work with Lando, and you'll never see Pierre again.
Fuck, Charles thinks just as Sebastian walks up to them with Daniel, both of them laughing. "Gentlemen," Seb says in an exaggerated German accent that isn't that far away from his own accent that comes out when he's roo tired to keep up his accent-less English. "Everything alright here?" His eyes flash in Charles' direction but Charles ignores him. He's fine. Everything's fine.
"Of course, Mr. Schmidt," Pierre says. His hand touches Charles' as he moves a bit. He doesn't move it away. It doesn't even occur to Charles to move at all.
"Please, Pierre, call me Johann," Sebastian says with a wide smile. Charles smiles at Daniel, because he's not Charles who is disgusted with the blatant, dark desire he sees in Ricciardo's eyes. He's Renard, who has been flirting with Daniel since they met. Renard, who allowed Daniel into his personal space and hooked him just enough to make the fake deal that Sebastian came up with for the con a certain success.
Pierre inclines his head. "Of course."
Daniel laughs that uncomfortably loud laugh of his. "Alright, alright, we're all friends here, yes? Now let's go sign the deal and then we can party. Right, Renard?"
Charles smiles and hopes it looks seductive enough. "Of course, Mr. Ricciardo," he chuckles. "But business first."
"Just the way I like it," Sebastian adds, and follows Ricciardo towards his office.
Charles is about to follow them, when Pierre grabs him by the arm. Charles tries to keep his breathing steady as Pierre speaks.
"Renard, I-"
Charles can't - he just can't. He steps closer, all the way into Pierre's space, and leans in.
"It's okay," he murmurs, forces himself to smile. "I'll see you in South Africa in a month, okay?"
Pierre looks at every inch of Charles's face, and Charles is in a full three-piece suit but he's never felt as naked as he does now.
"Yes," Pierre finally speaks slowly, meaningful in some way that evades Charles. "You will."
They sign the contract. Daniel transfers the millions into an offshore account Lando had set up. They drink a toast, and as soon as it's possible, Charles and Seb excuse themselves and reaffirm the plans of meeting Ricciardo and Pierre in a month. When they finally say goodbye, Charles forces himself not to look back, deapite being able to feel two pairs of eyes on him the whole time, only one of which didn't make him want to either throw up or take a long shower.
They take a cab to the airport together. When Sebastian opens his mouth in front of the terminal as they're smoking a cigarette, Charles shakes his head. "Don't," he asks. "Just... don't." He inhales deeply, the smoke burning his throat and making him dizzy. "Please, Seb. Just... not now."
Seb doesn't try to speak again. His eyes, when they look at Charles, are uncharacteristically sad. He throws away his cigarette, hugs Charles close for a moment, and leaves without another word.
There is nothing left to say. Charles knows who Seb is thinking of; which mark he's thinking of. Charles was there when they conned... well, no matter. It's history, just like this con will be history.
Just like Pierre will become history. Not the man who listened to Charles talk about architecture like it's the most interesting thing in the world when Charles let his guard down and forgot to be Renard. Not the man who told Charles about his own passion for clothes, and the man who shared Charles' interest in old cars and fast cars. Not the man who looked at Charles like he saw him, saw Charles under all the layers his character demanded. Pierre will not be that man; he'll be just another mark in a list of people that Charles conned out of their money and left behind.
Charles smokes three more cigarettes before he goes inside and buys a one way ticket to Panama under the name Peter Freeman. He vowes to punch Alex the next time he sees him for that little dig, then boards the plane and gets just drunk enough to sleep most of the way to Panama.
Panama is beautiful, and warm, and colourful, and Charles hates it.
It's been three weeks of sun and sea and alcohol and beautiful people that wanted Charles. The only problem was that the sun burned Charles' skin, and the sea made him feel sad, and the alcohol didn't tase good, and Charles didn't want all those people.
He was pining, and he was annoyed, and he was bored, and he didn't know what to do or how to get over it.
He's sitting at the beach bar, deciding if another cocktail is worth it, when someone sits on the stool next to him.
"This seat taken?"
Charles turns so quickly, he's pretty sure he pulls a muscle in his neck.
"I - what are you doing here?" is all he can say, because he hasn't been this surprised since that job in Azerbaijan ended up with him and Sebastian having to improvise their way out of a drug kingpin's villa. Maybe not even then. Seb always makes risky plans.
"It took me a while to find you," Pierre says. His sunglasses are perched on his head, and his shirt is unbottoned just enough for Charles to see tha cross glinting in the middle of his chest.
Charles swallows. "How?"
Pierre's eyes twinkle. "You know, before I worked for Ricciardo, I had another employer. Nico Rosberg?" he says, and Charles' eyes widen. "Yes, I thought so." He chuckles. "Anyways, long story short is - I quit my job before Ricciardo realised he signed over fifty million for compounds that don't exist, I called Nico, and then I got out of Italy. The worst part was tracking down Schmidt - I mean, Vettel," he said, and Charles was finding it pretty hard to breathe. "Convincing him to talk to me was even harder, but in the end I managed to convince him to give me your location."
"Seb didn't know -" Charles starts to say, then bites his lip at Pierre's chuckle. "Well. You found me."
"I did."
They stare at each other for a moment, and Charles is pretty sure that it isn't the heat making him uncomfortable. He clears his throat.
"So. What now?" he asks, because he doesn't know what to think, or what to feel. Pierre is standing in front of him, after tracking him down to Panama, and he looks like sin and he doesn't look like he's mad at Charles.
Pierre slides off his chair and steps closer into Charles' space. "Now, well. Everything I have planned requires your explicit consent, actually."
The way his eyes roam over Charles' skin is enough to light a fire inside Charles unlike any he's ever felt. He clears his throat again, then remembers something.
"I - I think I will consent to anything you want," he says, cheeks burning under Pierre's gaze. "But I think you should know, well, you probably guessed, but my name isn't Renard."
Pierre makes a final step and Charles can't move. "Oh, I know. I guessed that a long time ago, and I know you probably want to know everything, how and why and all that, but for now," he raises his hand and trails a finger down Charles' arm, leaving goosebumps on Charles' skin, "I think I'd like to do something I've wanted to do ever since I met you." Pierre raises his gaze to look straight into his eyes. "Charles."
Charles doesn't wait a moment more; he can't. He pushes forward and kisses Pierre with everything he's got, and when Pierre's arms wind around his waist, holding him up, he allowsh himself to smile into the kiss and then deepen it, like he's wanted to ever since he first saw Pierre.
They'll figure it out. Pierre is capable, and Charles... Charles is a grifter. He can figure out anything, and right now, he needs to figure out how to make Pierre make that sound again.
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drstonetrivia · 10 months
Chapter 207 Trivia
The Nanami family has about as much backstory as the Ishigami family does at this point… What does this all mean… 🤔
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Two half adders make a full adder, which can carry values to the next adder and so on. Eight adders would allows sums up to 8 bits in length, the maximum of which is 11111111, which is equal to 255 in binary.
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Xeno's got his gamer chair back, complete with the headset! I bet he's pleased.
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Rather than writing E=MC^2 or choosing another scientific option, he chooses… Poop.
This is rather hypocritical of him, as he is now around 5 years older than when he was when he called Taiju immature for doing a similar thing.
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The printing paper they make is called thermal paper, as it contains dyes that change color with heat. The paper uses the zinc sulfide from sphalerite as a developer, which is used to improve the color of the dyes.
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The fax machine Senku makes is a rudimentary implementation of a rather advanced fax machine, in that the paper and overall design is modern, but lacks the fine details in the final prints that you can get nowadays.
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There's several potential issues Senku could be mentioning here depending on how they built the fax machine, but here are 2 likely options:
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Mechanical alignment of the two fax machines.
If the sliding of the pin is uneven, you could end up with some lines that are squashed or stretched. It may help to imagine this as pixels on a screen, but some have rows of pixels that are rectangular rather than square.
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Data loss.
If the information for a dot is lost, the pin won't move. Instead, it'll print the information for the next dot in its place. This results in the whole image shifting left.
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I'm still very impressed by Sai's active ambidexterity, though I'm not sure how he organizes how he writes since he's writing on even lines rather than one being on the odds and the other evens…
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Still no update on Joel's arm since the bottom half is hidden, but everyone looks so happy to be in the picture! I wonder if Minami was the one to take it since she's not shown.
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The faxed image isn't what it would look like with their setup, since it can only print a black dot or leave it white. In their image, there seems to be several shades of grey.
I altered it so that the dots were more uniformly dark which also brings out the misalignment.
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Ryusui goes silent upon seeing the photo, but from the flashback he seems to care more about how Sai feels rather than feeling left out.
What's sad is that Ryusui was missing from the group photo in chp. 99 as well, hopefully not because he feels bad being in one without Sai.
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Gen planned on only needing two cups for his casual interrogation of Sai, but then Chelsea happened, so Gen had to go get a third.
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Ryusui and Sai are both quite tall, and Ryusui himself is 187 cm. If we take that as the average height of an adult male in the Nanami family, that means that this man here is over 3 meters tall.
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Sai & Ryusui weren't born to the matriarch of the Nanami family, meaning they must share a father for them to be brothers. Since Sai looks half Indian and Ryusui doesn't, this likely means they have two different mothers, and that their father has had kids with at least 3 women.
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At long last, Sai has formally joined the Kingdom of Science, and team 1 is ready to leave India.
…Or are they? We still haven't seen the "Math city founded!" label, so they may still be traveling around India.
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This was a really good chapter. It feels like a classic: we have science, both fun and emotional character interactions, Gen doing important Gen things, poop jokes…
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the-offside-rule · 1 year
Carlos Sainz Jr - It's Always Been You
Requsted: on wattpad
Prompt: Y/n and Carlos were friends but when they become more competitive it turns into bickering etc
Warnings: nada
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Carlos Sainz and Y/n Y/l/n. They had known eachother their entire lives. Their father's were both racers and childhood friends and theur mother's were friend too before they met the drivers. Naturally, they spent a lot of time with the eachothers family, even though she lived in Barcelona and he lived in Madrid. They visited each other for the weekends but then things started to change when they were eight. She began karting and so did Carlos. Now, for the first few races they were friends and they got along fine, but then then during the last race of the season, he cut her off and she went spinning, making her lose the championship and ended with Carlos winning it.
She stormed up to Carlos after the race. She threw the helmet at his feet. "You son of a bitch!" A gasp escaped her mother. "Y/n! Language." She yelled. "You took my championship! You made me spin out!" Her father grabbed her hand. "No! You just aren't good at racing! Girls cannot race and I tried to tell you but you wouldn't listen! Girls.cant.race!" The statement felt like a stab to the heart. Tears poured down her cheeks as she ran by him to hide under the table in my tent. She had worked so hard for this, she worked so hard only to end up crying. Carlos walked in and knew she'd be under the table, it had been her go to when escaping family. "I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that. I think I forgot what I was doing and just-" he slapped his two hands together, indicating them colliding. "Yeah." She sniffed. "It was dumb. You shouldn't have done that." He put his arm around her shoulder as a form of comfort. "I won't do it again. I promise. Oh, and-" he paused taking something. "you left your helmet." She believed his promise. She shouldn't have but shs believed it.
Formula Renault. Y/n was about to become the first girl to win the competition. Final three corners of the final lap, he bumped into her rear wheel and off she spun. There was nothing she could have done to save the car, she could only brace herself. She felt the front get hit, then the back and that was it. The car came skidding to a stop. She un buckled herself and hopped out of the car without a scratch. Y/n took her helmet off and walked back to my team. Carlos was up on the podium with the Spanish anthem baliring. She stormed over to the tent again and booted the helmet across the ground. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's always the fucking same with this sneaky bastard!" Y/n was finally done with him and his stupid promises.
Her first race in Formula 1. She wasn't the first woman in formula one but was still a woman none the less. Y/n was driving along the straight of Australia in 2016 and yet again, that pesky Madridsta hit the car but this time, it took both of then out of the race. She hopped out, actually finished with him now. She was not going to pretend like it just happens. He was out of his car, observing the damage and taking off his gloves. He turned around to be faced with her, the small catalán girl, in a Force India suit, about to rip his head off. "What's your fucking problem?" He was speechless. "Do you have a problem with me at all? If so just say it so I can stop trying to be nice to you."
"Why would I have a problem with you?" he asked, scratching the back of his ear. "You are fucking joking! You always hit me off the track! Now look! Karma is a bitch isn't she?" She threw her arms up in the air. "I didn't mean to-" she shushed him by placing her finger on his lips. "No, no, no. I'm in a silver, orange and green car in the middle fo the day! You can't miss it! You made a promise when we were eight that you would stop crashing into me and here we are again Carlos!" He still doesn't say anything. "Just come find me when you want to talk because I'm not doing this right now!" She tried to walk away but he grabs her hand to pull me back. "Get off me!"
"No. We are talking now." He leans into my ear. "The cameras are on. Just pretend at least." She scoffs and walk away with him reluctantly. "Explain why you won't stop being a douchebag." She says coldly. "Ooh. That hurt. It's almost as if you haven't called me that before." he replied in a mocking tone. In all honesty, she had called him that a couple of times but it was true. "Yeah? Well don't feed the bullshit excuse of 'I didn't mean to, I didn't see you' cause that what you always say and I played along but now I'm in Formula one! You can't miss my car! Look at it Carlos!" he looked back at the car stranded. "That wasn't my excuse this time."
"Aha, but you had an excuse!" She laughs. "Yes. My brakes weren't responding. They just, stopped working. You can go have a look now if you want but they don't work." That...that actually made sense now. "Oh. Sorry I guess." That apology sounded so ingenuine. "I should be saying sorry. I ruined your first race." Damn. He was actually apologising for something that wasn't his fault. "Can I do anything to make it up to you?" he asked. That took her by surprise. "No, no. It's fine. Brakes well, break sometimes and there's nothing we can do about it really." I reasoned. "How about dinner? It's the least I could do." She stopped dead in her tracks. "Dinner? Like a candle lit dinner? At night?" He nodded with a smirk growing onto his face. "What time?" His smile grew as he heard my response. "Eight or seven. Up to you really."
"Half seven. Would that be alright for you?" He slung his arm around my shoulder. "Definitely. Can't wait princesa." Y/n looked at him again with a smirk. "Princesa? Since when was I princesa?" She asks while being in a state of nervous giggles. "It's always been you."
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david-goldrock · 2 months
הודו דרום אמריקה זה הכי ישראלי
Why is it always the ones that take the most time? XD
India South America is the most Israeli The Out Kids (reference to the out kids band) in the kibbutz is the most Israeli Pugs (an old israeli game), tokens, Shluks (an Israeli sweet), an economic night [I speak but] (in english) not enough is the most Israeli Sing!
Bamba Bamba, Alma gum, from Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion (airport) Shekel Schenkel (nickname to a 2 shekel coin), oh kapara (an endearment), the great Aric Einstein Haida Haida, Haida Hi-Tech - for the police - 1-0-0 (100 is the Israeli 911) Checkers, checkers, Matka, Matka We love you Shimon Peres
A new evening, a cold watermelon It is this and nothing else (referencing the show "This is it"'s theme song) Paratroopers course, Araq Ayalim No, no, we don't have another country Red Sea, Dead Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Sea of ​​Galilee Tiredness of start of week from Sunday on Saturday that comes and returns Traffic jam on the holiday with a collection of Kaveret Another World Cup but without the (national) team
Bamba Bamba, Alma gum, from Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion (airport) Shekel Schenkel (nickname to a 2 shekel coin), oh kapara (an endearment), the great Aric Einstein Haida Haida, Haida Hi-Tech - for the police - 1-0-0 (100 is the Israeli 911) Checkers, checkers, Matka, Matka We love you Shimon Peres
From Givat Halfon to Eskimo Lemon (Old Israeli Movies) Who's messing around, it's Miko? (A quote from another old israeli movie- Charlie Vachetzi) Give me hummus, chips, salad and radish But with Diet (coke) or Coke Zero And don't forget applause upon (a plane's) landing And if the line is long, please perform a bypassing Right, they promised that we would grow up and there would be no more army Everyone is on their feet for the singing of Hatikva (the national anthem, also a part of the band's name)
Turkish coffee and Belgian waffles are the most Israeli Also, French kiss and Greek dancing Swedish key Scotch whiskey Spanish burger Nachman From Uman (an important rabbi) is the most Israeli - Goveina
Bamba Bamba, Alma gum, from Tel Aviv to Ben Gurion (airport) Shekel Schenkel (nickname to a 2 shekel coin), oh kapara (an endearment), the great Aric Einstein Haida Haida, Haida Hi-Tech - for the police - 1-0-0 (100 is the Israeli 911) Checkers, checkers, Matka, Matka We love you Shimon Peres
[end segment] It will be fine - I am unloading goods It will be fine - Waze if there is no choice It will be fine - Obama will help It will be fine - and God will protect It will be fine - we will try It will be fine - there is an iron dome It will be fine - the whole song is original It will be fine - only that the tune is a folk tune It will be fine
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
A 50-year-old American woman was found chained to a tree and left to die in a forest in India, police said.
The woman, identified as Lalita Kayi Kumar, was rescued after a shepherd heard her cries on Saturday evening in Sonurli village, located about 450km from India’s financial capital of Mumbai in the south-western state of Maharashtra.
Police registered a case of attempted murder against Ms Kumar’s former husband based on a note scribbled by her at the hospital.
The authorities ascertained her identity and residential address from photocopies of a US passport and a national identity card recovered from her.
”Based on the note written by the woman at the hospital, a case has been registered against her former husband on charges of attempted murder, act endangering life or personal safety of others and wrongful confinement under the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS),” Saurabh Agrawal, superintendent of police of Sindhudurg district, said. BNS is India’s official criminal code.
She was transferred to a hospital in the neighbouring state of Goa, Mr Agrawal told the wire agency Press Trust of India. She is “weak” and “not in a position to give her statement”, he said.
Officials do not yet know how long she was left tied to the tree. “The area where she was found had experienced heavy rain,” Mr Agrawal said.
“We have found that the woman, who appears to have been born in the US, had also resided in Goa for some time. We are trying to find out whom she was in touch with in the past few months,” he added.
Police say she appears not to have eaten for several days. The husband, whose name was not disclosed by officials, allegedly hails from Tamil Nadu. Forest inspector Vikas Padve told The Hindu newspaper that while doctors told the authorities she was doing “fine”, Ms Kumar was “suffering from psychiatric issues.
“She is unable to speak and remains under observation,” Mr Padve said.
“She reportedly left her husband after a quarrel,” a police official was quoted as saying by the outlet.
The victim was believed to be living in India for the past ten years, reported the Hindustan Times, quoting officials from the local police station. The authorities have sent a team of investigators to Tamil Nadu and Goa to trace her relatives.
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beasiannow · 6 months
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Meanwhile, in an upscale suburb of Seattle, Washington, the Sharma Sisters from Hyderabad are still running their successful line of clothing stores.
At first, a small affair known as The Sharma Sisters' Indian Apparel Boutique sold sarees, where they sold sarees, dhoti kurta, salwar suits, and other items of Indian apparel.
Not a business fated for grand success in your average upscale Seattle suburb.
Then, as fate or karma would have it, they came into possession of something they came to call The Threads of Karma Cloth.
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This, though super-science they didn’t understand, caused those who wore it (picked from a selected few) to become physically and psychologically attuned to the land of India. This, in turn, led to a much larger clientele in search of other less “esoteric” Indian apparel.
That's why they renamed their shops, which now had four in Washington state, to “You Are What You Wear Fine Indian Apparel.”
Which at last led them to branch out again with the opening of a shop in Boise City, Idaho.
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To run it, they hired experienced local sales manager Pamela Sheridan, whom they insisted she and everyone she employed in their name dress in East-Indian style while doing so.
Pamela played along, being a go-along-to-get-along sort of person; plus she really needed the job. However, she had to ask.
“I’m sorry, but isn’t this cultural appropriation?” “Not to worry,” said the Sharma sister, who had helped her get dressed in her first saree. Trust me, wear what I’ve given you, and things will work themselves out before you know it.”
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A week later, Pamela Sheridan was surprised to find this to be more true than she could have imagined.
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A month later, Pamvati Shiravadan was reassuring her four new Western women hired for the coming opening day that they, too, would soon be as comfortable in their new free sarees as she was.
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The four young ladies just hired, Vivian, Chloe, Lydia, and Willow, did not greet this news with much excitement.
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However, a year later, the four, now known as Veha, Kavuri, Lakshmi, and Wishi, were more than happy on winning the outstanding sales team with accompanying big bonuses.
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moody-alcoholic · 3 months
Unwavering Promises Chapter 5
I'm still working my way through posting full chapters of my finished fic. I should be posting my OC's POV but Simon's POV is just so much better for this chapter.
No content warnings, 5.7k words.
Previous - masterlist - next Rosaly POV
Enjoy <3
Price’s alarm woke me from my sleep. I opened my eyes the room was still dark I could hear Price getting out of bed but he still had not stopped the alarm. 
“For the love of God Price please.” I hear Rosaly say her voice still sounds sleepy. I smile. Price turns it off then turns the room light on. I hear her groan and shuffle around in her bed.
“It’s like basic all over again.” I hear her muffled voice say.
“Well aren't you a joy to be around?” Price says stretching. I get up looking for my trousers on there is a knock at the door instinctively grab my mask pulling it on. I hear Price open it and say morning to whoever is on the other side. I hear a voice tell Price the mess hall closes at 8 for breakfast. I hear Rosaly grumble again as I pull on a shirt. I hate how close she is and we can’t even touch. Knowing she is on the other side of the wardrobe to me is somewhat of a comfort. I pull my shirt on just as Price comes round the corner. He nods at me, I guess just checking to see if I’m awake.  
“You should come get some breakfast with us Williams then come watch the shooting.” Price says. I throw my jacket on. 
“Yeah maybe you will be able to pick up some tips.” I say walking round the wardrobe to see her head shoved under her pillow. I sat on the end off my bed pulling my boots on. 
“Meet you down there LT.” Price said.
“‘Course.” I said hearing the door close.
“The light Price!” Rosaly called. I chuckled I tied my boots up and went to see here taking the pillow off her head. I squinted was she wearing my shirt, I thought I was missing one I assumed I had just left it at the house. I smile as she looks at me with her eyes half open. 
“Could have told me you were pinching one of my shirts.” 
“It smells like you,” She says smiling. I want to kiss her for that. I look at the door, anyone could come in, I’ll find time for her later. 
“You going to come for some breakfast?” She seemed pretty wake now. She nods. 
“I’ll see you down there then.” I say leaving.  I found Price in the canteen it was pretty empty considering it was 5:30. I grabbed some food and coffee and went to sit with him. 
“What’s the word then? They still got the go ahead?” He nods, spreading butter on his toast. 
“Hopefully we should be out here before the end of the week. There is one team in India they can maybe pull back if not we would have to wait for the team doing training in Australia to come home.” I push my mask past my nose and take a sip of coffee. 
“Have the Americans been sniffing around this?” I ask.
“Laswell’s keeping an eye on things. So far it seems like everything’s going well. The only thing that could stop us is MI5 cancelling the mission.” Marines were starting to come in for their breakfast now lining up. 
“Whats the plan for today?” I ask. 
“Marksmanship, accuracy under pressure these guys have one week left of training they should be fine.” 
“Easy day then,” I smile, Price rolls his eyes. 
“Hopefully.” I smile spooning more eggs into my mouth.
“Is Williams going to be joining us?” Price asked sipping his tea. I nod. I finished eating as the canteen started to fill.
“Ready?” Price asks finishing his tea. I nod pulling my mask back down. We make our way to the outdoor shooting range at the bottom the the hill. It’s cold and the fog is staring to roll in if it gets any worse we might have to move inside. It reminds me of Scotland. I see a group of marines being led over by another officer. The officer introduces us then Price takes over. I’m barely listening to what he is saying. I wonder when Rosaly would show up. Nope I can’t be thinking about her now work time. 
“So who want’s to go first?” Price asked. No one moved he sighs and picks a random person.
“You, what’s your name?”  
“Taylor, sir.” He says getting up. 
“I want you to pick one of your teammates, someone who you could trust to have your back and cover you.” I smiled the amount of times I have seen Price do this and it always riled people up. Accuracy under pressure though, that was the plan. Taylor looks around at the people behind him. Price looks at me raising an eyebrow. More pressure? I raise an eyebrow back. He looks back at the troop. 
“Wright, I would pick him.” He says as he sits back down. The other guy gets up. 
“Okay, lets see what you’ve got.” He follows him down to the pit. 
“5 rounds, 100 meter target, no pressure but if you miss that’s Taylor dead.” Price pats him on the shoulder and moves so he is not in the way. Wright stands for a few seconds then fires of the rounds pretty quick one after the other. Price looks over as Wright clears his barrel. Then he turns back to the troop. 
“Taylor’s dead who want’s to cover for Wright?” Price says. Wright does not look too impressed, I can’t see his shots well enough from over here but Price does not sound happy. I fold my arms watching the next guy get up. This continues for a while each one trying and failing, I hear Rosaly walk up beside me. 
“How’s it going?” She asks. I look over she has her hands round a coffee mug. Price came over shaking his head and took it out her hands. 
“I’ve seen better shooting from you.” I replied loud enough so the marines could hear. Rosaly took her cup back from Price. The latest marine had just finished shooting. It was bad Price had been pacing ever since the third person tried. 
“Okay stop!” He said. “LT get up here.” I sighed going over to him and taking one of the training rifles. They’re so light and not what I’m used to at all. Now I was under pressure, and there was no way I was going to show Price up. I see Rosaly move down out the corner of my eye. I stand in position, Price explains what I’m doing as I fire when he tells me too. Okay these shots were easier then I thought they were going to be. I fire off 3 more then hang the weapon back up. I go back to stand with Rosaly, she’s smiling. 
“Nice shooting,” She says leaning in. I smile crossing my arms again. 
“Not really fair to put us up against a world class marksman.” The next marine says getting into position. Price stops him from stepping in the pit. 
“Williams!” He shouts, she passes her cup to me and heads over picking up a weapon and checking the mag. 
“What cos she’s a woman?” He says, I hear her chuckle.
“Worse, I’m navy.” He scoffs and I watch her fire the rounds off. All on target, not as compact as mine but better then we’ve been saying today. She clears the weapon hanging it back on the rack. She smiles at Price walking back over to me taking her cup.
“Nice shooting,” I say to her. 
“Shut up,” I can hear her smile as she nudges me.  
 “It does not matter if you’re an expert marksman or a Navy medic, your shots should be hitting on point. This is your final week of training and you’re shooting like this is the first time you have a weapon in your hands. Shooting straight could be the difference between life or death, or the life and death of your brothers.” Price says. I feel Rosaly pat me on the shoulder and I hear her leaving. I watch as the next marine steps up and fires, again it’s all over the place. Price walks up to me squeezing his temples.
“What do you think?” He asks leaning into me. I look at him. 
“Want to run them around inside for a bit?” I suggest shrugging. 
“If they can’t hit standing targets how do you think they’re going to do with moving targets?” He says.
“Hopefully better.” I respond. He smiles. 
We walk them to the classroom Rosaly has set up in for the medical lecture, she smiles at us as we arrive but we don’t stick around Price insists I join him in this meeting. We make our way to another room with Major Bryan and two other people I was introduced to as Major Russ and Colonel Morris. Price shook the Colonel’s hand.
“Good to see you again, you’ve got old.” He says, Price really does know everyone. 
“You too captain.” The colonel replies smiling. He looks past Price to me. “And who is this?” 
“This is my lieutenant, Simon Riley.” I put my hand out to shake his. 
“Ah yes, I’ve heard about you.” He says looking at me like he’s expecting something. 
“Only good things I hope.” Price says sitting in a chair. I sit down next to him while Bryan turns on a projector. The wall lights up with pictures of satellite images, looks like some kind of compound. 
“We’ll get started then,” Russ walks over to the laptop. 
“These are images from a compound in Urzikstan we believe to be the main base Noah and his team are working from.” He switches to another image. “This was two days ago..” Price leans forward looking a figures highlighted in white. “This was yesterday..” Another image of what looks like the same too people standing armed outside the compound. 
“We believe that is Noah and Makarov. These images were sent to us by the ULF today..” Photos of people moving in and out of the compound with boxes flash up on the screen. One of them is Makarov, I sigh, so we know where he is. 
“The ULF sent you these. Have you been in contact with them?” Price asks. 
“We were hoping you could help with that the ULF are… sceptical to work with us, you know Farah maybe you can convince them.” Colonel Morris asked. Price nodded. 
“So we know where Makarov is and wherever he is Noah is?” Price asked.
“Actually we don’t know where they are anymore.” Major Russ said. “They were emptying the compound we were able to track them west then we lost them.” 
“So he’s managed to slip the net within 24 hours?” Price asked. 
“You think you’re mad I have to decide whether or not to pull a commando unit back here for this or not.” Morris said. Price sighed.
“MI5 has still given the go ahead?” Bryan asked.
“They’re still under the impression that we know where he is.” Morris replied. This was not looking good. 
“Who else know’s they’ve left the compound?” Price asked. Everyone looks at each other, no one is saying anything. 
“We have to assume the Americans know, we don’t know if there are moles within the ULF, it’s best to assume we have another 12 hours before it’s fair game.” Morris said. Price looked back at me, I could tell he was annoyed. We’ve lost him again and when we were so close. 
“Even if we could get a commando unit back it would be at least another 24 hours before we could move.” Morris explained standing up Price sighed. 
“It would be fruitless anyway, if they Americans know about this they could already be trying to shut it down. They’ve been trying to weasel their way into this mission for months. If the CIA get one sniff of this they’re going to be here.” 
“Have we heard anything from them yet?” Price asked. The colonel shook his head. 
“Which commando unit is the closest?” Morris asked looking at Bryan. 
“45 are in India, 42 and 43 are in Australia.” Bryan says. 
“So if we want them back we need to call them now.” Morris said. Price stood up. 
“Let me see what I can do, I would assume Farah is keeping tabs on them, she might be able to point us in the right direction. What are the chances we can find them in the next 24 hours?” Price asks. They all look at each other sombrely. 
“Let’s just hope we find them before MI5 cancels the order.” Price said heading for the door. I get up following him. As soon as we’re out the door I hear him curse under his breath. He stops at the end of the corridor. 
“Go get some rest, I’ve got calls to make.” He says sounding defeated. 
“Sure you don’t need help?” He sighs.
“I’m good LT I’ll come find you when I’m done.” I walked back down to the dorms I guess I could use a nap. I felt annoyed we’ve lost him again. Now we have to scramble to try and find him. Price would know what to do, he always did. I walked past the classroom Rosaly was teaching in, she was leaned up against the desk with her hands folded. Maybe I should go in and join her. I pushed the thought away. A nice nap would be good before Price comes back with more bad news.
I went to the dorms as soon as I got in the room a wave of exhaustion washed over me. I kicked my boots off pulling my mask and jacket off and laid on the top of the bed. I looked up at the ceiling wondering what was going to happen next. If MI5 found out we had lost Noah and Makarov the mission would be cancelled. I closed my eyes hoping Price would be able to come up with a solution. He always does. I must of fallen asleep cos I woke the the room door being opened. Price stepped round the corner. He looked tired as I stood up pulling my boots on. 
“Any news?” I asked. 
“Farah is tracking him west, said if anything we will know if he crosses the border at any point.” He sighed. I reached over and pulled my mask on standing up. 
“What about Laswell.” I asked.
“If she know’s anything she’s not saying.” He shakes his head. 
“Come on I’ll catch you up.” Price said heading out the room. He told me about his conversation with Farah. She’s been busy sounds like she’s got her hands full. The Americans have been nice enough but she’s still sceptical about them, understandably. Now she’s trying to keep track of Makarov and Noah. We ended up in the canteen but I wasn’t hungry, Price was still talking and ended up filling my try up too. I let him complain about how we should have been out sooner, then he turns to the training this morning and how bad it was. I nod as he leads us to a table I sit down as he picks at his food. I don’t even see Rosaly come up to us until she puts her tray down. 
“I don’t think I can do 3 more days of this Price.” She says shaking a salt packet. I look at her she looks tired her cheeks red from being in a hot classroom all day. 
“It’s all downhill from today.” He replies sipping his tea. That was true if these marines are passing out next week God knows what the lower ranks were going to be like. 
“Where is Gaz anyway why foes he get to not be here?” She asks shoveling food in her mouth. 
“He’s doing training he’ll be here tomorrow.” Price said. She looked at me. 
“LT?” She says I can hear the frustration in her voice. I smile. 
“Could be worse could be training the navy.” She pulls a face at me throwing the packet of salt at me letting out a fake laugh. 
“Can I help you?” Price said. I turned to see a recruit stood behind me.
“Captain Price sir. Major Bryan asks to see you in the ops room, Captain I will take you there.” He gives an awkward salute, he’s shitting himself. I look back at Rosaly smiling at him as she eats her salad. 
“It’s okay I know the way.” Price says as he gets up. I sit back in my chair folding my arms. I watch him leave with the recruit following behind him.
“10 says we get to leave early.” Rosaly says with that cheeky grin on her face. 
“15 says we get a radio in the next 20 minutes.” I respond.
“It’s a good job I don’t have my radio then.” She smiles continuing to eat.       
“Excuse me?” A voice at the end of the table says. I watch her roll her eyes as she turns to look. 
“Yes?” She says sounding slightly annoyed to be interrupted. 
“Is it true you can hold your breath longer then the admiral of the fleet?” I chuckled, this is how all the rumours get started about her. 
“I don’t know I’ll ask him next time I see him.” She was smiling. I saw another group come over.
“Can we sit?” they ask. 
“Sure,” she said shrugging. I look at her as they sit down. I would much rather be able to spend a little time with her alone even if it was in the mess hall. 
“20 says they ask about the mask.” She says quiet enough so only I can hear it.
“25 they make fun of you for being a navy brat.” That wipes the smile off her face. I turn to look at them looking back at us. 
“What’s with the mask?” One asks. I sigh reaching into my pocket. 
“He was actually born with it, his first words were boo.” I roll my eyes handing her the money. 
“Double or nothing we leave tonight.” She says raising an eyebrow and I take it back. 
“Whats marine training like then?” She asks, they chuckle.
“You’ve seen the obstacle course down there.” They laugh.
“That thing I could do that in my sleep.” She replies. I love that determination she has in her eyes. She has such a fire in her belly when it comes to things like this. I can’t help but smile. Gaz was right she would have made a great marine. 
“That first pull up is at least 6 foot.” Someone scoffed. 
“So? I’ve dragged bodies over walls higher then that.” I frowned at her. I don’t think that’s entirely true. 
“100 says you can’t complete it.” Some one from the end said. I looked at her, this was a bad idea. I looked at her, her eyes were serious now. This was a challenge to her. 
“What’s the record?” She asked. She looked at me for a second, I looked down at her hoping she would get the idea without me having to stop her. Instead she just smiled.
“200 and I can do it in 15:12.” She says. Some of them scoff some laugh. Now this really was a challenge for her. There was that spark in her eyes the determination in her voice she stood up.
“You’re still recovering from a gunshot Williams.” I say getting up too. 
“I know.” She replied throwing her tray in the trash. “That’s why I said 15:12.” I rushed out after her hearing people follow after us. She was quick practically skipping down the hill. She stops and I catch up with her.
“This is bad idea.” I say taking her sidearm. 
“You going to stop me?” She asks. I see the fire in her eyes, hell I can hear it in her voice she want’s to do this for herself. She never imagined she would be here now she is. I smile I know she can do this, but she needs to prove it to herself.
“Be careful.” I say I watch as she goes to the starting line. I look at the group of marines who have come to watch. All of a sudden there was this pit in my stomach. 
“You better be timing, I want that money!” She calls over. I watch her take a breath in setting herself up for a run, she presses the button on her watch and runs to the first wall. She pulls herself over landing on her feet, good start at least. She throws her body on the floor crawling through the tunnel portion. I hold my breath until she is completely out of the tunnel. Next is the rope climb, a fall from that height could land her in serious trouble. She pauses wiping her hands on her legs before she jumps on the rope. I hold my breath again watching her pull herself up.
I move a step closer as she is almost at the top. I see her smile when she has realised she’s made it. She slides back down the rope and runs over to the next part. She climbs the steps to the rope pull over water. I see he look over at me. She’s beaming, she’s enjoying this. It makes me relax a little as she grabs onto the rope pulling herself across. This is the slowest part maybe she’s tired or maybe she just really does not want to fall into the water. She made it to the end swinging her body down. She definitely was not trying to be graceful now. She kept going to the last wall pull. She ran up to it pulling herself up and throwing her body over. This time it was not a good landing.
I rushed over to her as she was bracing her hands on her legs sucking in air. I could see her hair stuck to her forehead. I wanted to brush it away, instead I handed her her gun back. 
“15:12” She panted still smiling. When she took a step forward I could see how unsteady she was. Her hand instantly went to her side where the wound is. I look at her with concern in my eyes as she looks at my face, her smile fades a little and I grip her arm trying to support her. She moves out my grip though. I can see her trying to hide the pain as she winces with each step. I need to get her inside. 
“You guys owe me 400!” She calls over to the marines still watching. I guide her back inside she walks straight up to the dorms without complaining, or saying anything. As soon as I push the door open and she sees the bed she flops down sighing. 
“Let me see.” I say untucking her shirt and pulling it up. I hear Price come in.
“15:30. Nice job gave those marines a real kick up the ass.”
“15:12!” She protests, I move her on her side so I can see the back.
“Yeah, and I’m father Christmas.” Price says. I hear him flop on his bed. His meeting must have been worse.
“She good?” He asks.
“She’s good.” I say pulling her shirt back down and standing to look at Price, his arm over his eyes.
“What was the meeting about?” I ask.
“Paperwork, admin bullshit.” He says. He sits up. “I’m going to start sending you as my proxy soon LT.” I hear Rosaly giggle and I shake my head.
“Hum I’m sure Gaz would love the experience instead.” I crossed my arms looking at him he seemed tired.
“Gaz will be here tomorrow.” Price said. I took my jacket off throwing it on the end of my bed. I looked at Rosaly typing on her phone smiling. I go round to my bed to change my shirt it was wet from the rain outside and I didn’t feel like taking a shower yet. I looked out the window the sun was starting to set but I could see a group of marines hanging around the rope climb. I guess she really had given them a kick up the ass. I watched as they raced each other up the ropes. I hear Price come behind me.
“Let’s go have a chat.” He whispers. I nod following him looking over at Rosaly curled up in the bed eyes closes. I shook my head I have no idea how she can fall asleep so quickly. It must be a navy thing, ships are loud right? 
“I bet it’s a medic thing.” Price says from ahead of me.
“The way she can fall asleep so quickly, have you heard how loud hospitals are.” Price says. I get shivers, I was lost in my own thoughts. I meet with him at the end of the hall he turns into an empty room. I follow turning the light on closing the door behind me. 
“Farah found them.” He says looking at me. I fold my arms.
“Let me guess you’re the only one who knows.” I sigh.
“It’s worse then that.” He says.
“What do you mean?” I say confused. 
“There is a deal going to go down. I don’t know when or where but Noah and Makarov will be in the same place. The US wants to let it happen and catch them in the act. MI5 want to stop it before it gets that far…” Price trailed off.
“You want to get them now?” I say raising an eyebrow. 
“We know where they are, we could do it…” He trails off again. 
“What? Price spit it out.” I felt like I knew what he wanted to say I could see it on him.
“It would be a suicide mission.” I sighed. 
“The other options?” I say.
“We wait see what the CIA or MI5 decide to do, keep tabs on them basically what we’ve been doing for the past 6 months.” I can tell he’s tired. I am too we’ve been chasing them for so long. It always feels like we’re so close and so far at the same time. If we missed them again it could be months before we find them. They were right under our nose in Syria, now we have credible intel and we can’t move on it. At least not without putting our lives and jobs in jeopardy. 
“When is this deal?” I ask. Price shakes his head. 
“Has to be in a few months, Noah will be in Ibiza soon for the summer season. We hope.” He relies.
“Just Noah?” 
“Maybe, I don’t have much intel if any on his operations. Laswell is looking into it but its slow processes.” 
“You think MI5 will retract the order?” I ask. He nods. Fuck, so we’re going to be waiting for the next few months. 
“He’s getting away again.” I say. Price reaches into his coat pocket and passes me a cigarette.
“He’s not going to get far. If he crosses the border we will know, if he moves anywhere in Urzikstan we’ll know. Jesus if he fucking sneezes Farah will tell us.” I take the cigarette. 
“So what's the plan?” I say. 
“We’re going to play dumb see what happens, who moves first then I’ll decide. Best case CIA and MI5 will be too busy fighting we can just slip by and deal with this ourselves.” 
“And worst case?” 
“We lose them again.” I close my eyes taking it all in. 
“Fucking bureaucracy.” I say taking the lighter from Price. 
“Let’s just ride this out for now, give it a day at least before we start doing anything we might regret.” I nod and he pats my shoulder.
“We will get them, I promise.” I look in his eyes I know he means it. I sigh as he walks out the room. I look at the cigarette in my hand. I could really use this now, ‘son of a bitch Price you know me too well.’ I laughed at the thought making my way outside to smoke it. It was cold now especially since I left my jacket inside. I tried not to think about the fact that we were basically going to be doing nothing but twiddling our thumbs for another month maybe. I finished the cigarette, I really did feel better, calmer at least.
I went back up to the room. Price was not there but Rosaly was, she had changed back into my shirt and her hair was wet she must have gone for a shower. I wanted to go over and kiss her but I was scared I would wake her. Instead I went round to my bed pulling my clothes off and getting under the covers. I close my eyes and try to relax. 
Price wakes me in the morning and we head to breakfast. I try to ask him if there have been any updates but he seems distracted. The morning runs pretty much like yesterday the shots are horrid with added attitude. Price screams at them a bit then has them trying again. I don’t know why I was so distracted today. I hadn’t seen Rosaly yet she went to the gym before we woke up and when Price took the recruits up to her when I went to get lunch. She was going to be meeting Gaz at the station when she was done. Price came and found me in the mess hall. I could tell something had changed with the way he sat down. He put a piece of paper down I picked it up reading it. 
“So they cancelled the mission.” I say reading the order from MI5. He sighs. 
“Look at the reason.” He said. I read the line. ‘Operation to be continued by United Kingdom’s allies.’ I scoffed.
“CIA? Did Laswell know?” I ask.
“No idea you can ask her she’ll be here in a few hours.” He sounded mad. I looked up at him handing the paper back.
“Where we going?” I asked.
“Urzikstan, the compound they were moving supplies from.” I nodded.
“We’re going to raid it for intel.” He said.
“Farah helping us?” I ask raising my eyebrow. He shakes his head. 
“She’s busy out west, besides we need someone we can trust to keep an eye on Noah and Makarov.” He explained I nodded. 
“Who’s the general we’re answering to this time?” Price scoffed.
“Anderson. Before you ask I have no idea I just saw his name on the new order we got.”
“What time does she get here?” I asked leaning back in the chair as Price folded the letter up. 
“3 hours.” He said checking his watch. Turns out we didn’t need to wait that long only about 40 minutes had past when Price got a message she had picked up a chopper from Heathrow. Price seemed to have calmed down a bit by this point and we headed back up to the dorms. 
“Full kit now!” He barked as he pushed the door in going over to his bed. Okay maybe not quiet so calm anymore. I nodded at Gaz as I went over throwing my vest on and packing the rest of the stuff in my bad. 
“What’s going on?” I heard Rosaly ask, I looked over at her. 
“Laswell is coming to pick us up we’re leaving.” Price explained throwing his bag over his back. 
“Price want to explain?” She asked still sounding shocked as she fastened her vest. 
“Noah is in Urzikstan we think Macrov is there too if we move fast we might be able to catch them.” He said with a sigh. That was the half truth I guess. She looked at me and I stepped to follow Price out the room. She grabbed my arm. 
“What happened to waiting?” She whispered. I didn’t have time to explain everything that had been happening over the past 48 hours.
“Price know’s what he’s doing.” It true he does. She nodded and I left the room. We waited by the helicopter landing pad. It was not long before a chopper showed up and Laswell stepped out shaking Price’s hand. 
“Nice to see you again captain, there is a plane waiting for us at Heathrow!” She shouted over the blades as we all climbed in. I was in last and closed the door. 
“Sergeant Williams this is Laswell.” Price said I saw Rosaly shake her hand.
“Nice to meet you.” She replied adjusting her headset. 
“I read your file, impressive work.” Laswell said. 
“Thank you.” Rosaly replied smiling. 
“What’s the plan in Urzikstan?” Gaz asked, he was sat opposite me. 
“We found what we believe to be their former main base.” She handed a tablet to Price, we looked over to see the same pictures the ULF had sent to MI5. Price acted supprised. “Farah sent them, we think they’re moving more west but this place isn’t empty yet, they’ve been moving munitions but not computers or files. Right now its running on a skeleton crew, it would be easy to infiltrate and secure information.” She finished.
“What about the theory they’re using the Balearic Islands as cover?” Rosaly asked.        
“We’re almost certain they are, we know Noah will be there within the next few weeks due to the summer season starting, this raid will give us invaluable information and proof of their operations down there.” Laswell explained. So the Americans want proof, catching them in the act is not enough. 
“What about Makarov?” I asked before I could stop myself. There was a moment of Silence as she looked at Price.  
“If information on his whereabouts is going to be anywhere it will be in that compound, we know he has been involved with Joshua in the past it is most likely Joshua is hiding him until things die down.” Laswell said. Does she not know about the satellite images? I look at Price as he hands the tablet back to her. I watch as he sits back in the seat. We make it to the airport in no time and get on a cargo plane going to Sakhra.
I turn my brain off and try and get some rest. I listen to Gaz and Rosaly talk as Gaz tells her all about spending time with his family in London. She listens as he explains Farah and the ULF to her. She says it’s her first time to Urzikstan, at least she will get to see a new place. Eventually they both fall asleep. I let the plane rock me to sleep too.
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scbhagat · 6 days
GST Return Filing Services in Delhi By SC Bhagat & Co.
The Goods and Services Tax (GST) system in India has streamlined the taxation process, but it can still be complex for businesses to navigate. Accurate and timely GST return filing is crucial for businesses to avoid penalties and ensure smooth operations. If you’re looking for reliable GST Return Filing Services in Delhi, SC Bhagat & Co. offers expert assistance tailored to your business needs.
Why GST Return Filing is Important? GST return filing is a legal obligation for businesses registered under the GST regime. It involves submitting details of sales, purchases, output GST (on sales), and input tax credit (GST paid on purchases) to the government. Filing returns correctly and on time ensures:
Compliance with Regulations: Non-compliance with GST regulations can result in hefty fines and interest on unpaid taxes. Input Tax Credit: Proper filing allows businesses to claim input tax credits, reducing the overall tax burden. Avoid Penalties: Timely filing helps avoid late fees and penalties, which can accumulate quickly. Smooth Audits: Maintaining accurate records through return filing facilitates hassle-free audits. Types of GST Returns in India Different types of GST returns need to be filed depending on the business type and activities. Here's an overview of the major returns:
GSTR-1: Details of outward supplies of goods and services (sales). GSTR-3B: Summary return showing total taxable value and taxes paid. GSTR-4: Return for composition scheme taxpayers. GSTR-9: Annual return for normal taxpayers. GSTR-10: Final return when GST registration is canceled. Why Choose SC Bhagat & Co. for GST Return Filing Services in Delhi? Expert Team: SC Bhagat & Co. has a team of experienced professionals who specialize in GST regulations. They stay updated with the latest changes in GST laws to ensure compliance and accuracy in your filings.
End-to-End Service: From compiling the necessary data to submitting the return on time, SC Bhagat & Co. provides comprehensive GST return filing services. They handle everything, so you don’t have to worry about the complexities involved.
Customized Solutions: Every business is unique, and so are its GST filing requirements. SC Bhagat & Co. offers personalized services that cater to the specific needs of your business, ensuring that you only pay the taxes you owe and nothing more.
Timely Filing: SC Bhagat & Co. prioritizes deadlines and ensures that all GST returns are filed within the stipulated time frame, avoiding any late penalties.
Affordable Services: High-quality service doesn’t have to come with a high price tag. SC Bhagat & Co. offers competitive rates for their GST return filing services, making them accessible to small and medium-sized businesses in Delhi.
Common GST Filing Challenges Solved by SC Bhagat & Co. Errors in Data Entry: Mistakes in entering sales and purchase data can lead to discrepancies. SC Bhagat & Co. ensures that all data is accurately compiled to avoid errors.
Complex Tax Rules: GST laws are constantly evolving, making it hard for businesses to stay compliant. With their expert knowledge, SC Bhagat & Co. keeps your business updated with the latest regulations.
Delayed Filings: Late filings lead to penalties, but SC Bhagat & Co. ensures timely submissions, minimizing risks of fines.
Mismatch in Input Tax Credit: They help reconcile input tax credit claims, ensuring you don’t lose out on eligible credits due to mismatched data.
How to Get Started? Partnering with SC Bhagat & Co. for GST return filing in Delhi is easy. Simply reach out to their team, and they will guide you through the process, offering personalized assistance based on your business requirements.
Conclusion Accurate and timely GST return filing is essential for maintaining tax compliance and maximizing input tax credits. With SC Bhagat & Co.’s GST Return Filing Services in Delhi, businesses can enjoy peace of mind knowing their GST obligations are handled by experts. Save time, avoid penalties, and stay compliant by letting SC Bhagat & Co. manage your GST returns.
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brookspayroll · 1 month
International PEO Service Provider in India: Why BrooksPayroll is Your Best Choice
Expanding a business into India is an exciting opportunity, but it comes with its own set of challenges, especially when it comes to managing employees. This is where an International Professional Employer Organization (PEO) like BrooksPayroll comes into play. As a leading PEO service provider in India, BrooksPayroll offers a seamless solution to handle your HR, payroll, compliance, and other administrative tasks, allowing you to focus on growing your business.
What is a PEO and Why Do You Need One? A Professional Employer Organization (PEO) is a company that provides comprehensive HR services to businesses. When you engage with a PEO, you enter into a co-employment relationship where the PEO becomes the employer of record for your employees. This means that the PEO takes on many of the responsibilities of employment, such as payroll, taxes, and compliance, while you retain control over the day-to-day management of your employees.
For international businesses looking to expand into India, a PEO like BrooksPayroll is invaluable. It simplifies the complexities of Indian labor laws, ensures compliance with local regulations, and manages employee benefits—all without the need for you to establish a legal entity in India.
Why Choose BrooksPayroll as Your PEO Service Provider in India? Expertise in Indian Labor Laws: BrooksPayroll has deep knowledge of the Indian regulatory landscape. They stay updated with the latest changes in labor laws and ensure that your business remains compliant at all times.
Cost-Effective Solution: Setting up a subsidiary in India can be expensive and time-consuming. BrooksPayroll offers a cost-effective alternative by handling all employment-related functions, allowing you to enter the Indian market quickly and efficiently.
Comprehensive HR Services: From recruitment and onboarding to payroll processing and employee benefits management, BrooksPayroll offers a full suite of HR services. This ensures that your employees are well taken care of, which in turn boosts productivity and retention.
Localized Payroll Management: Payroll in India can be complex, with various statutory requirements and tax regulations. BrooksPayroll’s localized payroll management ensures accuracy and compliance, reducing the risk of penalties and fines.
Scalability: Whether you’re starting with a small team or planning a large-scale expansion, BrooksPayroll’s services are scalable to meet your needs. They can quickly adapt to your changing business requirements.
Dedicated Support: BrooksPayroll provides dedicated support to ensure that your business operations run smoothly. Their team of experts is always available to assist with any HR-related issues that may arise.
How BrooksPayroll Simplifies Your Expansion into India Expanding into a new country is a significant step, and BrooksPayroll makes it easier by taking care of the complexities involved in hiring and managing employees in India. Here’s how they can help:
Quick Market Entry: By handling all HR and compliance matters, BrooksPayroll enables you to enter the Indian market faster, without the need for lengthy legal processes.
Risk Mitigation: Navigating the legal and regulatory environment in India can be risky without the right expertise. BrooksPayroll mitigates this risk by ensuring full compliance with local laws and regulations.
Focus on Core Business: With BrooksPayroll managing the administrative burden, you can focus on what you do best—growing your business and achieving your strategic goals.
Conclusion Choosing the right PEO service provider is crucial to the success of your expansion into India. BrooksPayroll, with its extensive experience and comprehensive service offerings, stands out as a top choice for international businesses. By partnering with BrooksPayroll, you can streamline your operations, ensure compliance, and focus on driving your business forward in the Indian market.
Ready to expand your business into India? Contact BrooksPayroll today and discover how their International PEO service provider in India can make your expansion seamless and successful.
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