#team piano
goldenfrog144 · 6 months
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omg splatfest this weekend!! which team is everyone joining??
the category is actually good this time so picking was definitely harder! 🥁🎸🎹
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raining-anonymously · 6 months
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Another day, another trip to their Boss’s Office to be chastised for all they’ve purportedly done wrong. The threat of being fired doesn’t bother Employee #432. At this point, they’d welcome it! Still, these meetings are always a chore…
Tuning the yelling out, they let their eyes drift over the room’s decor. Perhaps they’ll “borrow” a book sometime. Might be nice to vary the painful monotony of endless workplace life. What they wouldn’t give to listen to some music!
Now 432’s gaze falls on the piano, tucked in the corner of the room. It’s a lovely piano, with a smooth black paint job and glossy keys. A beautiful instrument like that must make wonderful music, but… Gosh, they don’t think they’ve seen anyone touch that thing, in, well, ever! Does the Boss even know how to play? They doubt it. To have such a lovely object and never let it fulfill its purpose—what nonsense! How sad for the piano to be capable of so much, yet denied completion of the very task it’s made for! Unbearable.
Me too, piano, thinks 432. Me too.
The only way, they think, to resolve this tragedy, was if the piano could achieve greatness in some other way. If only there were people out there who saw the piano and met its unrealized potential with recognition—who admired it in spite of forced shortcomings. Yes, 432 is sure of it! That would give the piano meaning. But how to do it? Hmm. Maybe, 432 decides, if there was to be some sort of competition: a chance for all the best minor locations of this office prison to prove their worth. Surely, the piano would reign supreme. Surely, it would have its time to shine.
432 pulls their eyes away from the piano, looking back at their Boss’s reddened face, and then at his desk.
(There’s a pencil on it. They imagine what it would feel like in the palm of their hand.)
Surely, surely one day, a melody will echo down these looping halls, intertwined with a sharpener’s whir and a tick-tick-tick. They can almost hear it, if they try…
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azuries · 3 months
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we all know they’d have the best synergy but i feel like their victory screen could be very funny
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todayontumblr · 1 year
Thursday April 13th.
ffs neil will you stop banging out those damn tunes. it's the morning, for pete's sake
We won't ask you again, Neil—we have work first thing tomorrow and it is a big day at the office: we are presenting a keynote pointpower slideshow for the big cheese over at HQ to increase optimum brand synergy across all departments ahead of this upcoming 5th annual quarter in review, and we are getting pretty sick and tired you and that f*cking keyboard playing Clair de Lune (badly) on what you have apparently decided to be your very own live IRL ten-hour loop from early evening through the night until the break of day, because you are a rat, and rats are, of course, nocturnal!! 
It all began on April 13th, 2006. Neil's alarm went off at around 7:30pm, just as the human world was winding down for the day. He sat on the edge of his bed, yawned, stttrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetcchhed, cracked his fingers, and got to work. He tucked his tail beneath him and took his place at his grand, multi-colored piano, and began to play. And my goodness did he play. As if possessed by the spirits of the maestros of old, Neil's claws flowed up and down the keys in a manner not dissimilar to the ebb and flow of the oceans themselves. No one could believe their ears on that day, almost 20 years ago: after so much early promise, so much self-destruction, torment, and pain, Neil finally accomplished what so many knew he could do if only he could find it in himself to achieve it: he began banging out the tunes.
Only this was something of a pandora's box. It is, as we saw, nearly 20 years later—and Neil continues to bang them out with a vengeance, regardless of whether we have to be up early for work in the morning.  
It is April 13th, 2009. Neil continues to play, enraptured by the majesty of the melody expressed by the delicate touch of claw on key in primary-colored plastic. As Neil reaches the end of the day's performance, a young man stands in his bedroom. It just so happens that this is the young man's birthday. Though it was thirteen years ago he was given life, it is, inexplicably, only today he will be given a name.
His name is John. As was previously mentioned it is his BIRTHDAY. A number of CAKES are scattered about his room. He has a variety of INTERESTS. He has a passion for REALLY TERRIBLE MOVIES. He likes to program computers but he is NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. He has a fondness for PARANORMAL LORE, and is an aspiring AMATEUR MAGICIAN. He also likes to play GAMES sometimes. 
As day dawns, Neil closes the fallboard upon the keys of his instrument for another year. John goes to retrieve his arms. And the rest, as they say, is history.
It's April 13th, folks. You know what that means: it's time for #homestuck and #neil banging out the tunes.  
Go bananas x
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carlyraejepsans · 9 months
Do you think the skeleton brothers would enjoy playing chess together or is it like the junior jumble vs. crosswords where one is more partial to checkers than chess and vice versa
one game of chess following skelebros comedy rules would make a grown man insane before the third turn
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the-iron-shoulder · 3 months
I challenge you to a game of Spy Cards!
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Pattern credit: @allegroart here on Tumblr!
I love this pattern so much! Bug Fables is probably my favorite game I played in 2020, and Leif is just a fabulous character. (If you enjoyed Thousand Year Door, PLEASE go play Bug Fables, it’s MADE FOR YOU)
size 4 yarn, size D (3.125 mm) hook. I didn’t measure him, but you can see my hand for scale in some of the photos.
this was my first time using proper crafting wire to make an amigurumi posable! The instructions said you can also put wire in the wings and the antennae but I couldn’t figure out how to do that, so I just put it in the arms and legs. Still works okay, I think! (I’ve used pipe cleaners and scrap wire and stuff before but I’ve never used proper wire before.)
anyway just for thematics, here’s also the cover of Team, This One’s Stronger! I recorded last year.
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nerdyprudesmuststim · 9 months
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pete stimboard !!
⛧ with dark academia stims !
☾ self-indulgent !
[ x x x // x x x // x x x ]
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toastereno · 1 year
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here's my piano cover of "time to set out" from psmd!!
this is the first part of the game that had me in tears…i really liked serene village, and at this point i grew attached to its cozy atmosphere, the villagers, and the classmates. it all felt like a nostalgic memory that i knew wouldn't last. i view psmd as a story of growth, among many other themes. this moment was a huge turning point for the partner and hero, choosing the path of independence and adventure over the safety and innocence of childhood. as someone who was on the cusp of graduating from college, seeing how the game portrayed the bittersweetness of leaving your home/childhood behind really moved me.
and of course, the letters… :'^) simipour, carracosta, and nuzleaf's letters all hit so hard…
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astranauticus · 8 months
Link Click single "Prometheus" Fan Translation
translation under cut!
Let night swallow the last bit of light
Pretend this is all a dream
If I can't escape, then let everything go out of control
If you have a taste of my pain
Maybe you'll understand that there is no point to crying
Count down, three two one zero
You're still playing up your laughable emotions and desires
This world has already been turned upside down
不如和我一起跳到深渊感受这失重吧 Why don't you jump into the abyss to feel this weightlessness with me
Let their dreams evaporate
As simple as coldly tearing apart a stuffed toy
It's their fault they keep falling into my hands again and again
Because they can't learn to stay in line
I've long grown tired of this annoying chattering
Use despair to paint a splatter on the wall
Invite them to never, never speak again
[(LTX:) piano solo]
The hidden, blood-soaked midnight fairytale
Smothers all light in an instant
Steal the torch of the gods
Fall down the bottomless abyss
The ones with no home await the world's collapse
(最后的 狂欢吧
(The final carnival
最后的 狂欢吧)
The final carnival)
Steal the torch of the gods
Fall down the bottomless abyss
The ones with no home
Sleep peacefully now
I'll conceal my claws and scales for now
The demon hides in her black and white keys
Keep your talk of causality and repetition to yourself
Will I receive retribution? We don't know that yet
(LX:) They're all expendables to me
I'm dragging you along by the nose and you still can't figure it out
一个 两个 三个 四个
(LX:) one, two, three, four
The sound of a racing heart is just white noise to me
Prying away the layers of safeguards
Just to pass the time after a fine meal
You people who get hurt needlessly
Because you lack respect for the night
When you look at me, never blink
Lest you miss the scenes of carnage
I am the one who will alter fate herself
I am the god that extinguishes the light
The hidden, blood-soaked midnight fairytale
Smothers all light in an instant
Steal the torch of the gods
Fall down the bottomless abyss
The ones with no home await the world's collapse
The ones with no home
Sleep peacefully now
(bonus: my translation of 321!)
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tumbochka-does-art · 6 months
hello tumblr nation i come bearing gifts
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Scar doubles the lethality of the company
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connor-dioda · 2 years
team star composing penny's theme
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moonshine999 · 1 year
Old Money : AU (pt.2)
Aegon Targaryen
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One of the heirs to the Targaryen name and everything that comes with it. He always had trouble with his studies and responsibilities - making everyone raise an eyebrow- because compared to his siblings, he seemed to be the least capable of inheriting the business, despite being the eldest. But with support from his siblings and mothers, he managed to prove every critic wrong. He proved himself various times, he quit his earlier habits, and fully let himself just be with his family. He took too long to realise how much they meant to him and he is never going to repeat that again. His kids were the ones who convinced him that this change was necessary, their mere existence, seeing his wife holding them for the first time, it all came rushing to him and he could see the answer clear as day. Within his family. Usually he is seen pouring over work, playing one of the million instruments he has taught himself how to or lounging in his wife’s garden with a book in hand that he promised he would finish but never got through the first chapter. Some things just never changed.
Helaena Targaryen
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A quiet one since the beginning, and the second half of the inheritance. While there is not a single person who dislikes her, most underestimate her. Her soft appearance often make people forget that she was responsible for some of the Targaryens’ best financial decisions. She has made various, calculated appearances that not only boost her perception but her family’s. She was always aware of how everyone perceived her husband and the many a arguments she wished to start with the public right then and there. But she bit her tongue, kept quiet and finally let it go when she realised he had changed for the better. She always loved him throughout but this, their family, their kids, everything and how it had changed them both finally gave her some peace. She is often caught tending to her beautiful garden, or baking for her kids (obviously letting everyone else have any extras), embroidering various complex and simple patterns or playing melodies on the piano alongside her husband.
(Alicent, Rhaenyra, Criston, Aemond and Daeron are already posted)
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justfriendsbestthings · 2 months
Simon’s Month Day 15: Secrets
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hawleywilby · 1 year
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copia · 3 months
didn't get the chance to hear the future is a foreign land in the credits so i just listened for the first time and apparently haven't cried enough to ghost in the past 24 hours
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wigglys-dikrats · 2 years
matt dahan is my favourite character in the guy who didn’t like musicals
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