beevean · 26 days
Have you ever stopped and realized that Lanolin just kinda sucks as a leader?
No, I don't even mean her being an insufferable know-nothing know-it-all to everyone around her, because that's obvious to everyone not distracted by "HURR-DURR LOOK THE LADY SHEEP CHARACTER HAS BIG TITS!1!!11"
What I mean is that this comic is trying to paint Lanolin as a wise, tough-as-nails, no-nonsense straight-man in a group of action addicted fighters who need to be kept in check by her leadership... and yet, things get resolved and conflicts get dealt with far more effectively when people DON'T follow her orders.
Hell, Team Dark being there to solve the problem wasn't because of anything the writers tried to pretend Lanolin had any part in; they just happened to detect that shit was going down at Eggperial City, and so they tried to stop it. And they do. All without Lanolin being there.
bro what do you think I've been talking about until now 😂
Lanolin is objectively incompetent, the most obvious sign being that she fell for Duo contradicting himself in the span of a minute - he told her "I did everything I could to save Silver", and then he told Silver "I was trying to get some help" in front of her. girl. girl c'mon. do you have wool in your head too or
Her ruling with an inflexible iron fist is sloppy leadership. She doesn't trust anyone but herself and her judgment. She won't even talk with her teammates, like when she rudely snatched Tangle's toy instead of simply asking her to stop. She escalated the situation with Whisper to the point of violence and then had the balls to tell her "control yourself". All of this creates a climate of resentment and fear. And, as shown, Tangle is scared of telling Lanolin the truth about PR because she is scared of her leader. What could she do, objectively? Nothing terrible, it's not like she'd attack Sonic on sight. But that's the climate she created, so now Tangle and Whisper are sneaking behind her back.
Which is fairly realistic for a newbie who was kicked in that position and who was traumatized into becoming a control freak: she has no natural charisma, so she overcompensates by playing tough and sticking to rigid, simple rules. But I'm genuinely not sure how much of this was intentional.
As usual, people don't hate asshole women because they hate women "with an attitude": it's when said women are given much more charte blanche than anyone else in the story that it gets annoying. Whisper spent the last arcs getting beaten into submission without doing anything that could warrant it (she got literally gaslighted, in the dictionary sense of the word!), so forgive me if I'm not quite charitable to a sloppy condescending disdainful wannabe leader whose only role in the story is making things harder for everyone and I'm only meant to be seen as flawed, not an actual bully.
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cursedonyx · 11 months
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Seriously, this amazingly cool gent just up and showed us all we needed to know about magic before we even thought about travelling to Hogwarts, telling us all the basics of the magical world (if you HC your MC as muggleborn, if not you drank tea and shit and talked quidditch teams) and being right there every step of the way.
Even before Papa Fig stands up to Ranrok in Gringotts (a powerful and dangerous murderhobo with hair envy) he learns a secret about his dead wife that only the new student can unlock then gets barrel rolled by a dragon and sees his mate noshed on by said dragon and then gets portkeyed into a random place (by the way he's so calm when he's falling through the air with no parachute) and this badass motherfucker takes it all in his stride, barely a hair out of place, using it as an opportunity to teach us while going on an adventure! Keeps us safe and calm and treats it all like a normal day, like HOW BADASS must his life have been to go through all this in half an hour and go "I know, I'll use this as a chance to teach my protegee stuff!"
Father Fig doesn't even bat an eye when we go through the Gringotts trial, just going "Oh there you are" when he gets teleported to some other dimension or some crap and pops up again when we get the memory, then after being nearly stomped on by a shiny wannabe Iron Giant he just goes WOO and oh, Hogwarts is this way.
Man is so unruffled and unbothered by things that would curl a kneazle's fur it's mad. He's there for us through every trial, he's guiding us and supporting us and helping us above all else, and THEN Professor Dad just goes and hands over a bottle of polyjuice potion that'll turn us into Headmaster Black that he just HAPPENS TO HAVE (like when did he get his hair?) and encourages impersonation and espionage with a lil smile on his face like AAAA he's the absolute best!
Professor Dad deserved better than the ending he got. He's just so FIG.
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gaykarstaagforever · 8 months
The 1999 Mystery Men movie is now free on YouTube, I guess because Universal finally realized that if no one paid to see it when it came out and so no one remembers it, no one is going to pay $3 to rent it.
Which is a shame (for the people who made the movie, who gives a shit about Universal), because it's good. Based loosely on the Flaming Carrot / Mysterymen indie comics of the 1980s (I'm only familiar Cerberus the Aardvark, which the same company published around the same time), it is meta superhero parody in the style of Gunn's Suicide Squad / Peacemaker, just 20 years before any mainstream American audience would give a crap.
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This is a universe where there is one real superhero, who is so effective that crime is basically non-existent, so that the sole superhero himself is getting bored. When he comes up with a scheme to give himself something to do, it goes badly, unleashing a notorious supervillain on Champion City. When the Mystery Men, obnoxious wannabe heroes with virtually no powers, try to help, they typically fail, but so badly this time that now they are the city's only hope. Will they put petty grievances aside and learn to work together before Cassanova Frankenstein destroys the entire city?
Well, of course they will. It's a superhero movie. The point is watching fun wacky characters bounce off each-other for 2 hours, and this certainly delivers on that. The cast is a who's-who of 1999 charisma, with notable turns by Geoffrey Rush as the scene-chewing, disco-themed Frankenstein, Wes Studi doing Batman if Batman was doing Yoda, and Tom Waits as a benevolent mad scientist with a grandma fetish. Paul Reubens doing a lisp and Kel Mitchell in blonde Sisqo hair are especially fun as a team within a team, farting and getting naked on their path to victory.
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Ben Stiller is the lead, playing a typical Ben Stiller-is-the-lead character, the kind of well-intentioned but self-absorbed incompetent that is charming when Ben Stiller plays him in movies, but everyone would despise in real life. And if you are a person who also isn't a fan of him doing this in movies, you'll also not like it, here. I like Ben Stiller doing this, but Roy here really is a useless pain in the ass until the very end.
There are lots of Gunn-type sitcom jokes about superhero tropes and general goofiness, and similar tonal shifts between slapstick comedy and people being slowly melted. Fans of The Boys will enjoy Greg Kinnear as a G-rated Homelander, complete with product placement on his costume.
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It is about 20 minutes too long at 2 hours, and has way too many annoying closeup 90s fight scenes with mediocre choreography. More scenes of just the cast improving should have replaced a lot of this, because this is what the movie is really about. And there is some amazing 1998 CG that is used well, but man. It looks like what it is, certainly.
Props on someone greenlighting a superhero parody movie in a world where the only things to make fun of were the Schumacher Batman movies (Blade, the first "real" Marvel movie, came out the same year as Mystery Men). But it is obvious that only hardcore comic book nerds were going to connect with this, and there were not enough of them, outside of the big mainline "event" comic speculator market of the 90s, to make up for a $68 million budget.
This was made specifically for a movie-going public that has fallen in love with good superhero movies, then gotten sick of them, and appreciates someone making fun of them in a smart way. That is a thing we barely have now, in 2024. Mystery Men the big budget movie really is a thing that was just 20+ years ahead of its time. Watching it feels like watching an episode of Peacemaker that is intentionally aping the style and production design of Batman Forever. I suppose it is worth seeing, just for that.
Also the 90s Hollywood cameos. Dane Cook shows up, unfortunately. No, he isn't funny. He is a "superhero" who burns people with a waffle iron. I realize that may sound funny, but believe me, it isn't when Dane Cook does it.
See for yourself. That scene is in the original Smashmouth video for "All Star". Because that song being from the Mystery Men soundtrack before Shrek is literally all most people know about this movie.
And that's not fair to it. Go watch it.
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xxstraykidsaikoxx · 1 year
• 𝕄𝕒𝕜𝕟𝕒𝕖 𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕖
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➷ HAN (HannieKo)
• Comedian Duo
• Simps (minhoandhyunjin)
• Her contact name: Simp #1
• His contact name: Simp #2
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Han is always there to make Ai laugh whenever she needs comfort but doesn't wanna admit it. The two are always making jokes and laughing with each other. They are also major simps for their respective partners, those being Minho and Hyunjin. They don't have many interactions but when they do it's always hilarious.
During the recent fanmeeting, when Hyun and Minho did the "Troublemaker" dance cover, Han and Ai can be seen hitting each other trying to contain themselves while also losing it like middle school girls. When it was over they said "It should've been me"
During the camping episode of SKZ CODE, when Han made shrimp for the group and asked someone to try it, no one payed him any mind. Ai noticed this and said she'd try it, to which he reminded her that she didn't like shrimp, to which she replied, "But you made it" which made him very happy
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➷ FELIX (AiLix)
• Platonic Soul Mates
• GalaxyRacha
• Her contact name: Moony🌙
• His contact name: Sunshine☀
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Lix was her first bestie when she got accepted into SKZ. His elimination was the first time Ai cried on camera, and which STAYs like to reference whenever Ai comforts Lix to this day. Both very touchy people and are hugging eachother constantly, which sparked the rumor that the two were dating, but Aiko quickly debunked it. They sometimes game together, althought Ai perfers more quiet and calm games, they always have fun together.
The name "GalaxyRacha" comes from a SKZ CODE episode where they were paired up together and had to pick a team name. Ai suggested team "MoonSun" since Lix is often referenced to the sun, and Ai is to the moon. The name stuck and during a live with the two and Hyunjin, Hyun asked what he would be, and Ai said the stars, which made them all happy, and thus 'GalaxyRacha' was born, consisting of Felly, Hyun and Ai.
During a concert on the MANIAC tour, it had started to rain a little heavy and instead of canceling the concert, Ai and Lix went out and performed "Rain on me" by Lady Gaga and pretty much played in the rain. Lix later messaged on Bubble that they had gotten a little sick but it was worth it.
Their iconic TikTok cover to "Moonlight Sunrise" by TWICE was liked by all since it was considered ironic
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➷ SEUNGMIN (MinniKo)
• Loves Teasing The Old Man™ duo
• Savage Duo
• Her contact name: kuromi wannabe
• His contact name: Minnie🐶
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Another pair that doesn't have a lot of interactions, but when they do its golden. As previously mentioned, they both love teasing Channie about his age, which have surfaced some amazing clips and moments. Although they aren't as close, Minnie always notices when Ai is upset and does his best to offer his presence as comfort.
During a concert during the MANIAC tour, Ai and Seungmin were 'arguing' about which accent is better, since Ai and Seungmin share the same american accent, and the Aussie boys have their accent. Ai and Seugmin are one of the main english teachers in the group, and have a bet with Channie and Lix to see if the other members get the American or Aussie accent.
When Seungmin was upset at something, Ai noticed and went to hug him, and he immediately melted and couldn't stay mad for long with the maknae hugging him.
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➷ I.N (Ainnie)
• Platonic soulmates
• Maknae's on top
• Her contact name: Aiki🐾
• His contact name: Fox boy🦊
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From the moment they met they were attached at the hip. Ai liked having someone so close in age to her and she often referred to him as her saving grace. Being the maknae's of the group, they have a lot of the same interests and mannerisms such as always getting what they want and being complete menaces together. Similar to Minho, Ai refers Jeongin as the brother she never had.
During "Two Kids One Room", Aiko was talking about how Jeongin felt more like a brother than her actual brother, since he's been there for her more than anyone else in her family has.
During the camping episode of SKZ code, when Jeongin layed down to nap, Ai layed down next to him and rested her head on his back
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rscroogedraws · 1 year
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Team Lightning was a group of El Tigre fan character superheroes. They're pretty much a B team that have their own set of villains and parts of Miracle City they cover and sometimes they team up with Manny, Frida, and others. (I originally came up with the characters on the left in high school. I've been upgrading/tweaking their designs and general characterization off and on since then.)
The team is led by Zeo (far right), otherwise known as Lightning Livewire. He wears an Iron Man style suit of armor that helps regulate his electric powers and to fly. He's cool, laidback, and does his own upgrades/repairs on his mech suit. He's fun to hang out with and generally well liked. Much to Felix's chagrin, Zeo regularly gets called for help by El Tigre himself and invited to most big Miracle City hero or villain parties. Zeo/Lightning Livewire belongs to @zeolightning
Serenity, otherwise known as Electron (far left), is the inventor/troubleshooter of the team. She's the go-to tech for issues Zeo or Felix have with their equipment and can't solve on their own. She uses a belt modeled after El Tigre's to emulate electric powers and the ability to fly. Serenity is also a huge math nerd and an unrelenting nerd in general. Her eccentricity is either endearing or annoying. At this point in her life, she's confident enough to own the weirdness.
Felix, otherwise known as Conflagration or Config, is the most street smart of the three. He points the team in the direction of heists, robberies, and other low-key villainy. When fighting, he likes using a jetpack and busting out flame throwers, but it's usually just hand to hand because he doesn't want to cause any third degree burns. He's a wannabe cool guy and self-proclaimed ladies' man, but he's actually a bigger dork than Serenity, can be really obnoxious, and a general goofball.
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anthonybialy · 1 year
United Front and Back
A lack of internal criticism sadly isn’t as popular as giving up on printing money.  You never hear liberals condemn any of their own, whether it be failed policies or shady allies.  It’s the only discipline displayed.  I wish talking points fans could be as fervent while running a corporation, as they could create things customers want enough to buy.  Practitioners might be able to run a commercial enterprise if they could balance a payroll the way they ensure creepy unanimity.
Make sure you’re on a side willing to tell dirtbags ostensibly on their side to get lost.  Grudgingly accept their contempt for increasingly unfathomable debt without pretending they’re delightful individuals.
The naturally and delightfully suspicious already loathe politicians on principle.  They hold office, after all.  Foes of compliance scowl at candidates reluctantly backed as the less worse option should get extra scrutiny for verification.  The elected can claim to be undermining the system from the inside.  But they’re still collecting paychecks, which makes their claims of sabotage worth scrutinizing.
Being loathed for the wrong reasons is the abnormal normal from Joe Biden’s defenders who can’t understand why everyone seems so bummed.  Woke purveyors are calmly conditioned to treat anyone not on their team as minions of Hell’s supervisor paired with wannabe residents of Germany at its naughtiest.  Hating everyone and everything else connected to thinking differently is how to spread love.  Issuing welts to the other dodgeball team during gym class is school lesson that sticks.  Sports are icky savage meritocracies.
Democrats don’t grasp what to criticize just to be consistent.  Venomous seething furthers their type of goals.  Focusing on their opinions of individual personalities instead of ideas is a natural outcome in its way.  Mocking Scott Baio’s post-Charles in Charge career is easier than explaining why your money is better spent by Biden.
It’s always disappointing when Republicans halfheartedly copy whatever Democrats endorse lustily, from unfathomable spending and dole pittances to a refusal to criticize anyone tangentially affiliated.  Renounce from within instead of remaining partners with those who aren't.  Trumpology lieutenants show how much they loathe the other faction by acting as stringently.  Sean Hannity’s heart remains broken, while Kimberly Guilfoyle remedied that problem by marrying into her political dream.  All-time sellout Ann Coulter is undefeated in a way.
Some representatives who have backed things I back still shouldn’t be standing in for unfortunate districts.  I would change subway cars if Marjorie Taylor Greene started reading her tweets in mine.  And I wish I could get a restraining order against Matt Gaetz just in case.  Meanwhile, George Santos showed Jon Lovitz predicted the future.
The all-time example won’t go away.  A longtime Democrat who often acted as such provides equivalence.  Donald Trump leads a dwindling yet annoying faction that claims to adhere to the rulebook.  But nobody ever played his board game.  It’s easy for principled members of his ostensible party to oppose a comeback worse than Subway rehiring Jared because he’s an all-time dirtbag who dreams of again using federal power like a strongman to compensate for not being a strong man.
Persistent fans of the area cast in darkness by the Iron Curtain get deserved heroes.  A more objective analyst might want to point out that, say, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was the sort of bartender who’d complain when she finally got around to serving you a rum and Coke made with vodka and orange juice, Bernie Sanders likes the wrong directional Korea, or Rambo isn’t Richard Blumenthal’s life story any more than Elizabeth Warren tweets from a longhouse.  Lunatic ravers create a quandary when you need their votes.
The concepts are their problem.  Liberals should really be decrying their ideology, what with the way it punishes people for earning and behaving.  There may be kinder ways of reaching equality than making everyone poor.  At least having no money distracts from international chaos spurred by presuming America makes everyone hate us by being mean.
The most zealous fans never criticize their own team.  I didn’t say cheering was healthy.  Rabid followers flaunt unity in the wrong way.  Noticing who’s getting a little Khmer Rouge-y or taking corruption beyond typical cartoonish levels might prevent implementing coerced joy.  Dissent ruins collective dreams.  They may not be yours, but personal identity is presently out of vogue.  Enthusiastic enrollees are not big into deviating from unity.
Defending everyone wearing the same insignia is a byproduct of commitment to delusion.  We cope with a rather zealous show side who feels they’re saving kids from being hunted by bloodthirsty NRA executives, the poor from being dumped out of wheelchairs into snowbanks by heartless health care executives, and the planet itself from greedy capitalists who are in favor of a climate-controlled civilization.  The occasional fundamental fib or personal phoniness means nothing relative to the true cause.
The cultish quality of the hive’s beliefs conforms to communal identity.  Our leviathan’s lovers are not interested in individual achievements, what with punishing success, wishing guns could be prosecuted for crimes, and scoffing at rights confiscated in order to not stop a virus.  The most ardent adherents maintain government can cure all ills, including medical ones.  I double-checked and they’re referring to this government.  Don’t laugh.  Actually, go ahead.
It’s natural in a sick way to conclude politicians who want to impose sweet order must be legends.  Deranged believers don’t distance themselves from purveyors of glorious mandatory cooperation.  Policing one’s own is too reminiscent of law enforcement for Democrats to embrace.
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Count on It
Title: Count on It
Pairing: 40’s!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1285
Summary: Y/N isn’t too impressed with the Infamous Sergeant James B. Barnes, however Bucky is definitely interested in her.
A/N: 40′s Bucky just does things to me! This is my first Bucky fic! Please be kind. Tell your friends! Feedback would be greatly appreciated! Also, if you LOVE Supernatural like me, follow me on my SPN page: @squirrel-moose-winchester. I also write fan fiction there as well.
Disclaimer: Gif Not Mine.
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The party was in full swing and through the crowded room, you managed to spot the infamous Sergeant James B. Barnes standing near the wall. The past few weeks, he had been coming around you, chatting you up, and flirting shamelessly. Tonight was no different. He’d been stealing glances at you as he sipped his drink, talking to his best friend, Steve Rogers. Whenever you saw Bucky with Steve, it was like he was a different person. If only he was that Bucky all the time. Steve-Bucky was a pleasant Bucky.
When it came to Steve, Bucky always had a soft spot for the fella. He was always keeping him out of trouble, reassuring Steve every time he felt discouraged. Overall, Bucky always acted like an overprotective, yet encouraging, big brother. It was admirable and – dare you say – your favorite thing about the man. The protective, humble, compassionate, and selfless part of him were all traits that made him extremely attractive. Not what he was most of the other times.
Not long after, as to be predicted, Dot came swarming around like a mosquito, causing you to roll your eyes. It was to be assumed that if Bucky was around, Dot was not far behind. The dame was obsessed.
Once Upon a time, she had been the affection in Bucky’s eyes, but when he suddenly stopped pursuing her, in favor of you, she started fawning over him, trying way too hard to gain back his attention. It was sad… and cringing to watch, even more so than having Bucky flirt with you.
Turning in your seat, you asked the bartender for another round, giving him a sweet smile as thanks. Swirling the amber liquid in your glass, you didn’t notice that you had company.
“What’s a rare dish like you doin’ all alone in a place like this?” Some Sad Sam slurred. You rolled your eyes inwardly, ignoring him. “Oh, c’mon. Don’t be like that. I can show you a real good time,” he continued to pester you.
“Look here, dogface. I ain’t interested, so scram,” You hissed.
“Playing hard to get?” He snickered. “I like a good ch—”
“I believe she made it clear that she wasn’t interested.” Your eyes widened slightly, surprised to see Bucky defending you, however you tried to keep your composure. You weren’t phased by Bucky Barnes. Not one bit. His charms weren’t going to affect me like all the other dames he’s accumulated under his belt.
“Tch. Whatever Barnes,” the guy scoffed and walked away without much of a fight.
Bucky shook his head disapprovingly before dropping his attention on you. “Are you okay?” He asked, his expression portraying real worry.
“Yeah. I’m just peachy. Thanks for that, but you really didn’t need to. I could have handled it.”
“Oh, Doll, I wouldn’t doubt it. I’ve seen you around. You’re quite the capable woman, but chivalry isn’t dead yet,” he winked.
Letting out a soft giggle at his ridiculousness, you looked up at him through your lashes. “With men like you, Sergeant, I’m sure it never will.”
Bucky smiled with pride, sticking his hand out. “Care for a d—”
“James! Is she alright?” Dot came barging in. The tramp had impeccable timing. “Y/N, are you okay? We saw what happened.”
“Oh, I’m doing swell,” you forced a smile.
“It’s a good thing that James was around to save the day,” she flattered, clinging to his arm.
“I sure am one lucky dame,” you grinned. “If you’ll excuse me, nature calls.” Bucky laughed, nodding his head before giving you some space to move.
“James, let’s dance,” you heard Dot say from behind, making you scoff in annoyance.
After freshening up a bit, you literally ran into Steve. “Whoa!” He jumped a little. “Hey there, Y/N!” He beamed, once he knew it was you. Steve wasn’t the smoothest guy when it came to dealing with women.
“Fancy meeting you here, Rogers,” you joked.
“Uh, yeah. Bucky invited me. Said I needed to let loose. Meet a nice girl…”
“Sounds like Barnes… but I have a better idea. Instead of waiting around for a nice girl, why don’t you ask a good friend to dance?” you quirked an eyebrow at the scrawny man. Steve may have not been the manliest looking man, but even with your heels on, he was still a tad bit taller than you.
“Um. Yeah. Of course,” he stammered apprehensively.
You couldn't help but laugh as his face went red, the poor guy getting nervous. “Rogers, we’re friends. Relax,” you cooed, giving him a warm reassuring smile.
He returned the gesture, the edge of his lips curling upwards, and nodded. “You’re right. Sorry. Y/N. W-would you like to dance?”
“I thought you’d never ask,” you beamed, assertively taking his hand and dragging him onto the dance floor.
You and Steve were having a great time, swaying and twirling to the jazzy music, and laughing between conversations. Steve had just twirled you under his arm when Bucky popped up beside the pair of you, with Dot in his arms.
“Mind if we join you?” Bucky asked with a wide grin. You noticed Bucky lean in slightly towards Steve, whispering something in his ear. “Punk, trying to steal my girl?”  If Bucky was trying to be discreet or subtle, he was failing. Even with the music blaring, you could here the words he spoke. Glancing over at Dot, her glare was all over you.
“Shut up, will ya? You and I both know that Y/N’s too good for you,” you watched Steve retort back, smugness spreading through your facial expression. Steve was right. You were too good for him. You deserved better than some womanizer, no matter how handsome or charming he may be.
Bucky laughed loudly, his head flying back before he patted his best friends shoulder. “Damn right she is.” He was whispering to Steve again, still loud enough for you to pick up on. “But that’s why she’s my girl. I’m gonna prove to her that I’ve got what it takes!” Bucky expressed passionately, a huge smile adorning his manly features.
Steve smiled, never seeing or hearing Bucky talk about a woman that way before. Bucky had never referred to a girl as his, not even Dot, and the man had proclaimed that he was in love with her, that is until you showed up. That first meeting was one he and Bucky was never going to forget. How could they?
It was at a bar in downtown Brooklyn. Someone tried to steal your purse, but you managed to not only stop the perpetrator, you knocked him out. He’d never seen a woman so fierce and fearless as you. It was even more of a surprise when they found out that you were the Command Sergeant Major’s daughter! But ultimately, it was your right hook that made Bucky fall.
In support of his friend, Steve decided to do Bucky a favor. You’re only as good of a wingman and you are a friend, so… “hey, how about we switch partners for a bit?” Steve suggested to the trio in front of him.
Dot looked like she was about to protest but Bucky jumped at the idea before she could, seizing the opportunity, he had no doubt, Steve had set up.
“Steve, you punk! You know I love you right?” Bucky hugged his friend before taking your hand in his. “Shall we?” He beamed. His smile was so contagious that you couldn’t help yourself. You’d give him an A+ for trying.
“You haven’t won yet, Sergeant Barnes,” you smirked, shaking your head at him.
“But I will, Doll. I will… you can count on it.”
A/N: Hope you guys liked it! If you did, feedback would be awesome! I’d really appreciate it. Also, thank you for reading. I really do hope it wasn’t terrible.
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captain-kelli · 5 years
Hey can I please be tagged in your new series, Renaissance? But could you tag my marvel blog, @team-iron-wannabe-man. Please and thank you!!
Absolutely, m’dear. I’ve got you down! 💕✈️
Catch up with Call Sign: Renaissance
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notyetneedcoffee · 2 years
Author Update and TAG Notifications
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So, I’ve been MIA for a while. Been working on some personal stuff and preparing a novel for publication. I think I’ve finally got my schedule reset to something close to normal and have been spending time also writing fanfiction again for fun!
Since it’s been a long time, my TAG LISTS are likely way out of date.
To make it easier on my time, I’ve created a sub-blog NotYetNeedCoffee-Posting to manage everyone that wants personal notification of a new story or an update. I am no longer going to add individual tags to the ends of the story posts.
If you want direct notification, please go to NotYetNeedCoffee-Posting, follow and then chose to get notifications. (for those who don’t know - it’s under the triple dot button!).
I will post when I update, and include all relevant links to the updates!
Thank you all for your support, likes, reposts, and comments! I cannot express how much they mean to me!
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simplysummers · 3 years
Hannah and Bea watch Star Wars
A few weeks ago, my bestie @floatyteabag (Hannah) and I (Bea) watched Star Wars: Attack of the Clones together. I, being a lifelong Star Wars nerd and a lover of all things Obi-Wan, somehow managed to rope this awesome human into watching the second sequel with me, keeping in mind she had never seen them before.
This is some of our live commentary, lacking in any context, which I felt needed to be shared with you all. I’m also leaving absolutely no indication as to who said what, to make it even funnier.
“R2 rolling about, he don’t give a fuck.”
“The face of a man who was WRONG.”
“Imagine R2 but as a hoover/vacuum. Perfection”
“‘He wouldn’t assassinate anyone’ 0-0 bro anyone named Count Dooku ain’t a good bro, bro”
“I don’t trust this man.” “I won’t spoil anything but you really shouldn’t lmao.”
“Captain Tofu?”
“Ooo someone’s in trouble. It’s me, idk why I said that”
“It’s better than my croissant attempt.”
“‘She’s a politician and they’re not to be trusted’ THAT IS THE BEST QUOTE”
“Ew look at the centipedes”
“How is she asleep like that. I would’ve had cramp in my wrist after 5 minutes.”
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“Anakin is me driving.” “Obi-Wan is me in your passenger seat.”
“We’d be a menace to society but that’s their problem, not ours.”
“He fully skydived out of the car.”
“Obi-Wan is so chill. He’s just ‘>_> hate it when he does that’ like he’s done this before??? Aight”
“‘I want to go home and rethink my life’ same babes.”
“Omg Bea that is legit us, me being Anakin, the underage loser.”
“Bestie we ARE Anakin and Obi-Wan.”
“ITS BOBA FETT. No it’s not. YES IT IS. Hmmm.”
“Boba Fettacini.”
“Yoda floating around on the wii fit board.”
“Padme who let you lead a country.”
“Rocking up to space McDonalds” “I’d order a milkshake.”
“I stg if I become attached to this Cody dude.” “I’m VERY attached to the clones and it never ends well in Star Wars, so I’m dragging you down with me.”
“Look at the Pixar lamps!”
“He VIOLATED him for no reason!”
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“All I see are some cotton earbuds”
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“So there’s like 50 clones of the same person running around?” “…..much more than 50.”
“Anakin, many things are smooth on that planet and you are NOT one of them.”
“Padme was over it before it had even begun.”
“Absolute kings. They deserve their own show….wait they have their own show….they deserve MORE Then.”
“🎵 the hiiiiiiilllss are aliiiiiiiive 🎵”
“Anakin’s a communist confirmed-“
“Yes. Step on Anakin”
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“Calm down Harry Potter with your floating Pear.”
“Anakin thinks he’s Shakespeare.”
“An extract from The Prelude: by Anakin Skywalker 🌺”
“I want a jet pack.”
“Ohh kick him!”
“Love how Boba, who is like ten, is just *shooty mcshooty*”
“‘Oh not good’ BABES LET GO”
“Hmmm yes ship is flying away *activates glowstick*” “it’s for the aesthetic.”
“Hey Ani, uh I kinda sold your Mom to some rando but hey we’re still cool right??”
“Boba: hehehehehe 😄”
“‘Get him dad, get him, FIRE’ this isn’t CALL OF DUTY, BOBA.”
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“Mothman wannabe.”
“Obi-Wan: I’m an international…superspy. SUPERSPYYYYYY.”
“Why is Tom Jones there?”
“she can’t die! I’m actually crying…..never mind I started laughing at Anakin’s face.”
“Lmao I love how Obi-Wan was talking for a straight minute and R2 was like ‘I’m busy sir, the audacity.’”
“‘It’s all Obi-Wan’s fault!’ Babes Obi-Wan isnt with you.” “Anakin take a chill pill!”
“‘R2 what are you doing here’ that’s fucking rude. Let him be.”
“Poor Jar Jar he just wants to make friends.”
“Don’t speak of Qui-Gon you HOE.”
“Count Dooku, turning on his voice chair: I want you on my team, Obi-Wan.”
“Parliament would be so much better if they floated in those pods.”
“Padme: maybe I can find a diplomatic solution to this.’ Anakin: *grabs glowstick*”
“‘Obtuse’ 3PO HOW DARE YOU.”
“Someone put Padme on total wipeout.”
“‘I want to go home’ ‘what did I do to deserve this’ 3PO is too relatable.”
“Padme chose the wrong day to wear white.”
“‘Obi-Wan’s gonna kill me’ priorities dude”
“‘Good job’ sass king.”
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“Obi-Wan- the king of puns.”
“How is Padme not crying.” “Legit. I bang my hip on the bed frame and it’s like almost waterworks.”
“Ahhhhh my kings they are coming.”
“Oooo a purple wand.”
“Jango doing the spiny gun thing. Show off.”
“I know he did NOT just decapitate jango.” “And his son was just 0-0 off to the side.”
“‘I am beside myself.’ I WISH I WAS THIS QUICK.”
“I care too much about the clones I swear to god.”
“Ooooo hamster wheels.”
“Anakin you pleb.”
“If he has a red glowstick you know he’s a bad guy.”
“That clone just wanted an excuse to go home”
“He just straight up lost an arm. Hope he’s not right handed.”
“Bet Yoda’s glowstick is green……BAM.”
“‘Without the clones it wouldn’t have been a victory’ too fucking right. My boys deserve recognition.”
“The clones carried this.” “The clones carry everything these losers do.”
“It’s like a Vegas wedding. ✨ spontaneous ✨”
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This was genuinely the most fun I’ve had watching a Star Wars movie with anyone. Han’ is hilarious and together we destroyed the movie while ironically loving it. We’ve watched ROTS, up next is Solo. And I actually cannot wait for that trainwreck.
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caffiend-queen · 2 years
Book Cover Reveals!
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I’ve been working myself stupid, trying to get all my vampire Steve and Vampire James books out in time for Halloween. Thanks to the stern editing of @nildespirandum​ I’m finally finished! Blood Brothers is both It’ll Be Good For You and Feed, or Fuck? together. 
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The Birdcage was so much fun to put together, I think you’ll love the book edition if you’ve read the story here. Aren’t these covers freaking gorgeous? EEEE!
Both books are live on Amazon.com! 
Alerting mutuals who I think might be interested, please let me know if you’d like on or off this list. Thank you!
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Cryogenics and Kidnappings
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3,  Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
Part 10
At Avengers Tower, the Avengers and Y/N’s team had both moved into the briefing room to try and find Y/N.
“Listen guys,” Spider-Man started, “if we’re going to have any hope of finding Y/N, you need to clue us in, what’s been going on?”
Iron-Man replied first
“That’s classifie-“
“Come on, Tony” Captain America interjected, “They deserve to know. They just want to help their friend. I think it’s commendable.”
“Breaking into Avengers Tower and demanding information from its inhabitants is ‘commendable’ now, Cap?” Tony retorted.
“If one of my friends were suddenly taken from me by a group I looked up to,” Cap continued, “you can bet I’d be looking for answers.”
“And if you did that, Cap,” Tony said, “you’d probably get labeled as a war criminal.”
“Can we get back to the point, boys?” Natasha asked sharply.
“Yes, the point.” Ghost-Spider added, “Why did you guys take Y/N and where is she now?”
“The first part I can answer,” Cap said, “we took Y/N for her own safety.”
“We had reason to believe that Y/N had become a target for HYDRA.” Natasha added. “And now, her sudden disappearance is no coincidence. I have no doubt that HYDRA is behind it.”
“Wait,’ Miles said, “HYDRA? As in-”
“Yes, as in the Nazi offshoot from the 40s.” Hawkeye finished.
“Their leader, Viper, has plans to make an ice age that would set civilization back a few thousand years, leaving HYDRA as the only group left in power.” Tony explained.
“Not according to my new best friend,” Hawkeye said, kicking the door open and dragging someone in.
“Meet my dear friend, Hydra-Agent-that-was-dumb-enough-to-hang-around-the-Tower-in-a-SHIELD-uniform,” Hawkeye said.
The agent looked pretty banged up, with bruises here and there and a painful-looking black eye.
“Why don’t you tell them what you told me?” Hawkeye looked to the agent.
“Cut one head off, and two more shall-” The agent started.
“That is definitely not what you told me” Hawkeye whacked him with his bow, knocking him out cold.
“Whoops. oh well, I’ll just tell you guys myself.” He shrugged. “Viper is planning to use Y/N as a catalyst to unleash an ice age, yes, but not to rule the world. Apparently, this ice storm is going to be powerful enough to destroy the entire planet. HYDRA and its supporters will be the only ones left from within their protective base. They plan to rebuild the world from scratch.”
“Great, another Ultron wannabe” Tony quipped.
“Or a Thanos wannabe” Gwenpool added.
Everyone stared at Gwenpool.
“Too soon?” She asked.
Deadpool leaned over so only Gwenpool could hear him.
“Pretty sure Thanos hasn’t been established in this universe yet” he whispered.
“Hey, speaking of people established in this universe,” Gwenpool whispered back, “don’t you have a man on the inside?”
“Who, Bob?” Deadpool asked, “Good idea, Gwennie, let me ring him up.”
All chatter between Avengers and Y/N’s team stopped as Deadpool’s phone rang loudly across the room. They all turned to look at the source of the noise.
“Staring is rude, you know.” Deadpool commented.
After what seemed like an eternity, someone picked up.
“Hello, you’ve reached the number for HYDRA’s HR department, this is Bob speaking.”
“Bob! My favorite HYDRA agent, how are you?” Deadpool asked in a sing-song voice.
“Oh no”
“Oh yes. You didn’t think I forgot about you, didja? Now listen, Bob,” Deadpool started, “I’m just here hanging out with my best friends, the Avengers, and well, your people stole someone the Avengers stole from my other best friends, the younger Avengers. So would you mind telling me where that someone is?”
���Wade, I’m not supposed to-“
“Ah ah ah, Bob,” Deadpool waved a finger, “do you want me to tell your wife where you were September 16th?”
There was a moment of silence over the phone.
“Which ‘someone’ did you want information on again?”
“Oh, good choice, Bob! I’m looking for a girl with pale skin and ice powers. Goes by Y/N, though I normally just call her Freeze-Pop. Probably wearing something blue.”
“Have you tried Disneyland?” Bob asked.
“Now is not the time for games, Bob.” Deadpool warned, “Where’s the kid?”
“ugh, fine.”
There was a sound of rapid typing over the phone.
“I got a file for a ‘Y/N’ pulled up. Says here she’s being held at our base in the Alps.” Bob said. “Looks like she’s pretty important. Her file says, “top secret, do not share, especially over the phone”… Oh no.”
“Thank you, Bob! You’ve been most helpful!”
Deadpool hung up the phone and shoved it back into one of his many pockets.
“Who the heck is B-” the Winter Soldier started.
“Now now, Mr. Winter,” Deadpool interjected, “Bob wishes to remain anonymous. Well, as anonymous as he can be with you all knowing his first name-”
“So Y/N is in their base in Austria?” Natasha said, standing up. “Then there’s no time to lose. We’ve got a base to infiltrate. Clint, meet me on the Quinjet.”
“Hang on, Widow,” Cap said, also standing up, “we can’t just barge in without a plan. You of all people should know that.”
“You want a plan, Rogers?” Natasha replied, “here’s the plan: get in, get Y/N, get out, burn the place to the ground. Simple.”
Natasha was almost out the door when Banner piped up.
“Widow, I know you care about the kid, but, don’t you think-”
“Nope. I don’t.” Natasha interrupted, “less thinking, more action. Isn’t that how your friend would handle it?”
“Even Hulk listens to reason sometimes, Natasha.” Bruce said quietly.
“How about this,” Tony spoke up, “We all get on the Quinjet, and come up with a plan on the way. Sound fair?”
Natasha thought it over for a moment.
“…Fine.” She said reluctantly.
“We’re coming, too.” Miles said.
“Kids-” Tony started.
“Don’t try to stop us.” Spider-Man retorted; his lenses narrowed.
“Let them come, Stark,” Natasha said, “we need all the manpower we can get.”
“Alright,” Tony relented, “but you guys have to do exactly as we say. Understand?”
“You got it, boss,” Squirrel-Girl chirped.
The conversation over, the Avengers and Y/N’s team made their way to the Quinjet. The rescue mission was a go.
Part 11
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nastybuckybarnes · 2 years
Hello beautiful! It’s @team-iron-wannabe-man and I’m just dropping by to say I miss you. I hope you’re doing well and taking care of yourself. It’s been a while since you posted so I know it must be life. I hope you’re taking your time and not stressing out too much. I’ll be here when you’re ready and I’m gonna fan girl so hard because I love your writing and your stories! Remember to take care of yourself! You are important! Love ya!!
Thank you, darling! I love you loads and loads and I hope you’ve been well!! You and my babe @americasass81 keep me going on this app, I swear. You’re some of my biggest supporters and I love you guys to the moon and back.❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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nicka-nell · 3 years
HQHQ Collab - First Choice
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Pairing: Atsumu x reader, mention of Bokuto
Words: 6.822
Warning: mention of unnamed cheating ex-boyfriend, angst if you squint really hard, fluff, friends to lovers
Beta-reader: thank you for beta reading the fic @xmyshya
Summary: You’ve been living with your best friend for a few weeks, crying to him about your ex-boyfriend cheating on you. But Atsumu no longer wants to see you sad and offers himself as Wingman once more when he tries to set you up with his teammate.
This story is part of our HQHQ server collab with the prompt: When will I be someone’s first choice? Tell me, when? You can find the other stories here. So check out all the other wonderful writers.
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“Y/n now go on and get up!” Atsumu’s loud voice wakes you up. With swollen eyes you turn to him, your hair still ruffled, left and right of you lie the crumpled handkerchiefs with which you have cried yourself quietly and secretly into sleep.
You’re tired, your head hurts, and Atsumu’s loud babbling doesn’t help your headache to settle. Reluctantly you pull your blanket over your head, but in vain. Because even before you can get used to the darkness and the warmth underneath, to the calm without the voice of the dyed blond-haired man, he pulls the coat off your body with a jerk and confronts you with the cold morning air, through the open window in your room.
“Tsumu, you idiot, give me the blanket back!” You whine, but he doesn’t even think about it. “Why does your bed look like a mess again? It’s been two months, and you’re still crying after this asshole? It’s enough with moping around.” Before he can finish his sentence, you can feel his hands curling around your ankles and how your legs were jerking forward, setting your entire body in motion.
“Tsumu what are you doing?” You scream and try to hold on to the upper edge of the bed. For a few seconds you manage to resist his tug, but you soon realize that he is stronger than you.
But Atsumu has apparently forgotten to calculate that you would let go and pulls you off the bed with so much momentum that you both land on the floor.
“Ah, Tsumu you airhead! Now my ass and feet are hurting. Why did you do this?” You want to know while you’re rubbing your butt, which you landed on a few seconds ago. Sulking, you look over to your best friend, who is also sitting on the floor, supporting his weight on hands behind his back.
“Sorry, I forgot how weak you are.” He teases you with a grin. “But you seem to be awake now, eh?”
“Yeah, awake and angry…” You quickly add to his statement and look at him with a wrinkled forehead. “Don’t look so evil. That wannabe look doesn’t suit you. I told you before, if you want to talk, I’m just a room away. No need to cry yourself to sleep.”
Even if he annoyed you earlier, you realize in his words that he’s worried about you. It’s been two months since you saw your boyfriend… No Ex-boyfriend with another girl. Just “saw them” is wrong. He had kissed her, touched her, and you were sure that if you hadn’t confronted them directly, more would have happened.
Atsumu was there for you, caught you with open arms and told you that everything would be fine. Because that’s how he always was. Back then, when the kids at school had teased you, when the girls had blasphemed you because you had always gotten along better with the boys. He was also the one who comforted you at your first lovesickness.
Ironically, you had a crush on his brother, who at the time had no thought of such trifles as love. The first time you were really in love with someone, it was Atsumu who tried to set you up with that person. Because it was none other than his volleyball teammate Suna who had twisted your head.
The fake blonde had really tried everything to make you as interesting as possible for Suna, had always invited you and Suna to ‘learn’ and then left the room for hours to leave you alone. But in the end, it didn’t work out because Suna told you he had feelings for another girl.
When your heart broke into thousands of pieces for the first time, it was Atsumu who had carefully tried to pick up all the shards and cautiously glue them back to the right place. He was always there for you. And even though you know what your heart wants, you shut yourself away from it. Because Atsumu is your best friend. The man who will always stand behind you to give you a push forward so you can finally find your happiness. Without him.
“That’s enough sulking! What do you say you come to practice with me today? Get to know my teammates and friends? Maybe there’s someone in there who piques your interest, eh?” He grins mischievously and wiggles his eyebrows before he straightens up and stretches his hand forward to help you up.
“Mhm… You’re not gonna leave me alone before I say yes anyway, are you?” You mumble as he pulls your body upward.
He still grins as he nods and lets go of your hand just to bring it to your hair. “But before that… you go take a shower and make sure that this nest on your head becomes the normal beautiful hair you actually have. All right?” He laughs as he pulls a scrap of a handkerchief out of your hair.
Oh God, how embarrassing you think and at the same moment you have to laugh. No matter what you look like, even if you are wrinkled, with greasy hair, mustard stains on your top and swollen eyes, Atsumu still likes you. After all, he sees you as a buddy.
“Well, I guess… I’m gonna get ready. Can you make breakfast, Tsumu?”
“Are you nuts? There is no more time for breakfast. I can heat the last slice of pizza from last night’s movie.”
“Oh, you’ll be such a good husband someday, Tsumu.” You answer him sarcastically as you shake your head and pass Atsumu.
“Sure, and you eventually become a good wife Y/n.” He calls after you, but you already lift your middle finger and slam the door behind you with a smile on your face. “Tze… Tsumu you idiot.”
The knife slices the butter with ease as Atsumu greases the butter on a toasted slice of bread to put your favorite cold cuts on top. Because he was just joking. Your first meal shouldn’t be a piece of old pizza.
When you’re with Atsumu, you forget all the things that made you sad. You’re happy and glad to have such a good friend by your side. And even though you said it sarcastically earlier, you still meant it like this, that he would make a woman very happy. Just with the thought of him and another woman, you feel a short sting in your chest, but you are sure that deep down you have to think about your ex-boyfriend and that you still miss him.
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“Ready to go! Give me that slice of pizza or I’ll eat your friends.” You shout out to Atsumu as you enter the hallway through the doorstep. Once in there, you can hear his muffled voice calling out to you while his voice comes closer and closer.
It is only a second where Atsumu stops in the doorway, looks at you before he continues his walk and pushes the slice of bread and an apple into your hand. “I can’t let you smell like tuna and garlic the first time you met my friends.”
With rolling eyes you take the bread from him, push it into your mouth before putting on your thin cardigan and place the apple in your jacket pocket. According to your phone, the weather today is anything but cool and gray.
But just as you want to pull your zipper up, you feel something heavy landing on your shoulders, looking confused from left to right before your gaze sweeps up from the yellow fabric on your shoulders to the fake blond-haired man.
You don’t need words, your gaze is filled with the question of why he gave you his jacket. But again he just lay down his arms against his hips, grins casually. “Well, you’re with me or not? Not that they’ll think you’re a paparazzo at the gym entrance and not let you in.”
With the words ‘you’re with me,’ your heart gives a beat. “Don’t you think your friends will think we’re together, Tsumu? That this is more such a friend-girlfriend thing?”
The entire car ride is quiet, but it’s not an unpleasant silence. Only the radio rattles quietly, while Atsumu complains about the careless drivers or cyclists, and that there is never a parking space in front of the gym.
“Ah, don’t talk such nonsense. You can tell we’re just friends, you dummy.” Another bang, no stab, making your chest heavier. “Sure… right.” You just mumble quietly. So quietly that Atsumu cannot understand it as you breathe in the fine fragrance of his harsh deodorizer as you walk past him and leave the flat.
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You have to admit you’re a little nervous standing outside the hall with Atsumu. You can hear voices from inside. Probably his friends. As if Atsumu understood your feelings, he puts his arm over your shoulder to give you more security, and enters the room freshener smelling hall with you.
It doesn’t take long for all eyes to be on you until the first person beckons Atsumu and the next one goes on you. A boy with orange hair that you remember very well. Atsumu’s school team had a game against him. They lost and Atsumu was talking to you for weeks about how he wanted to play with this little boy sometime.
Behind him stands a dark-haired man, hands in the pockets of his jacket, while he lingers in place, watching you only from a distance. That should be Sakusa. The guy Atsumu always talks about, how clean and special he is when it comes to hygiene.
Just when you want to turn to Hinata again, as he is still waving towards you, another man runs towards you at an incredible speed, shaking your hand vigorously with sparkling eyes. Your whole body is shaking, you’re getting headaches, but somehow you find his overactive anticipation cute.
“Hey, hey, hey! I‘m Bokuto Koutarou! I’m a super ace and I’m really successful!” He grins proudly, which makes you giggle. Of course he is. After all, he plays in the same team as Atsumu.
Yet Bokuto does not remain long in his proud posture. His shoulders collapse after a few seconds, while his gaze wanders to Atsumu. “Hey, Tsum-Tsum, why didn’t you tell me you were coming with your girlfriend today?” He wants to know from the fake blonde one.
Irritated, you look over to Bokuto, wanting to clear up the misunderstanding as the voice of an older man interrupts you. “Miya, the next time you bring someone, please report this to me first. Now, warm up and let’s start training.” The man you consider to be the coach says to Atsumu, who nods in agreement before pointing at a bench where you should sit, before he goes to warm up with Bokuto and Hinata.
Although you talk little to people, you’re not bored watching them train. It pleases you to see how everyone is with full passion. From time to time the man who introduced you as Bokuto grins at you, waving a little awkwardly before Atsumu admonishes him and turns his attention away from you. He’s kind of cute.
“Oh Tsumu…” you mumble quietly while chuckling unconsciously as you watch Atsumu reprimand Bokuto for being so easily distracted, and how Bokuto lets his shoulders drop apologetically.
“You seem to have had a lot of fun today, eh?” The question is rhetorical, because of course you did. He recognized that in your face. With the rest of yesterday’s pizza and a salad with smoked tofu, he sits down next to you at the dinner table.
The training passes, and your attention on Bokuto grows. First a few glimpses you exchange, then words and sentences, up to such long dialogues that he completely forgets his break and is called back to the playing field by Atsumu to finally finish the training.
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“You could have introduced me to your friends earlier. Especially Bokuto. He’s kind of cuddly.” You babble while you are in your thoughts about the cheerful man.
“So, so… Bokuto, huh? Looks like I got a new job as a wingman, eh? Give me a few days to figure something out. Operation Lovebirds begins.” His eyes are narrow and playful, while his face is only a few inches away from yours.
As Atsumu had said, a few days pass. Days in which you were always at his training, always with the yellow jacket which makes you feel much safer and more comfortable. Days when you often talk to Bokuto during breaks.
Your heart gives a quick blow as the warmth of his breath hits your lips. From the excitement? Excitement to see Bokuto again soon, right? With an unnaturally bright laugh, you slap him on the shoulder, turn to the pizza, before you both go to your own rooms and get ready for bed.
Atsumu has the idea to take Bokuto to Osamu’s store, like he’s doing almost every Saturday to eat together. Sometimes the other teammates come with him, but this time he will only ask Bokuto.
He wants to lure him to the store and write to him shortly before, so that he has no time. You would sit already in the store and then pretend after a few minutes as if you had randomly noticed Bokuto. You could eat, talk and maybe even exchange your numbers. The idea was perfect.
As agreed, you sit at a table near the kitchen, looking at the menu while watching Bokuto from the corner of your eye. How he reaches for his cell phone and how his cheerful look is slowly getting sad, because he probably reads the message from Atsumu that he will not come.
You consider going straight to him, but your vibrating phone prevents you from it. A message from Atsumu with the words ‘Mission lovebirds can begin’. An unconscious grin spreads across your face as you read the message before a voice makes you shrink.
“Has someone also dumped you?” You hear Bokuto’s sad voice and make a brief shout when you see him standing right next to you. “Bokuto!”
You laugh a lot, seem to have a lot of fun and get along great. At least that’s what Atsumu can see from his brother’s kitchen. Because of course he didn’t want to miss out on seeing if you two really come along well with each other.
“Ah! I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you! Uh… mind if I sit here?” He asks clumsily, pointing to the free chair opposite of you. Nodding, you invite him to sit down before quickly putting your phone in a pocket and start talking to Bokuto.
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“Why are you here, Tsumu?” His brother’s voice makes him look away from you.
“Eh? What do you mean, Samu? I want to see if I’m successful with my mission.”
“Sure, stop lying to yourself.” Osamu quietly talks to his twin while he continues to prepare the Onigiri for his guests. But his brother doesn’t answer him, just looks out of the round kitchen window at the table where you talk to Bokuto with a smile on your face.
“You know I didn’t reject Y/n back then because I had no interest in girls. So finally get some balls in your pants.” With a full plate of Onigiri, Osamu crosses his twin, passes the plate to his server at the counter, before he enters the kitchen without a word.
“If she’s happy, I’m happy for her too. Why don’t you understand, Samu?” He now turns his gaze away from you, instead looking at the unfinished rice that Osamu had prepared for the next order. It annoys him that his brother has to address this topic again and again. It’s not up to Atsumu to decide what you want. After all, it’s up to you.
“So? So you don’t mind if I invite her on a date if it doesn’t work out with Bokuto? As long as she’s happy, it shouldn’t be a problem for me to taste her lips.” He deliberately tries to provoke his brother, and for a split second he sees Atsumu twitching his eyes, his cheekbones sticking out from his clenched teeth before looking his brother in the eye.
“If that’s what makes her happy. Then make her happy, damn it, understand?”
“What the hell, what’s wrong with you, Tsumu!” His brother yells at him, furiously stomping to him and grabbing him by his collar. He expected such an answer, but not this flat, indifferent response, which is supposed to hide Atsumu’s feelings.
Atsumu also grabs his twin by the collar, pushes him away from himself and continues the scramble. Again and again he tries to explain to him it is not Osamu’s problem and he should not interfere in his things and anew Osamu tries to convince him to finally listen to his feelings. Plates fall over, knives that lay on the work surface as the voice of the server stops the two men.
“Eh… I’m sorry, but at table four, the lady was asking what was in the spring drink because of her allergies.” Both let off from each other while Atsumu’s steps carry him quickly back to the round window to look at your table. Because he’s irritated that you’re asking that question.
The fake blond man hardly notices the voices of the two men in the kitchen. His heart suddenly beats restlessly. A young girl your age sat next to you and Bokuto. Atsumu’s plan to set you up with Bokuto seems to be failing.
“Nobody ditched me, Bokuto. Actually, I just wanted to drop by and leave Osamu a nice greeting when it becomes a bit quieter here. But it always seems to be full here.” You lie because you wouldn’t even have come here without this plan from Atsumu.
He feels bad that a small part of him hopes Bokuto finds the other girl interesting, but Atsumu quickly talks himself up that he just wants you to be happy.
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With a quick beating heart you hope that Bokuto does not see through your lie, but when he smiles at you, you are sure that he believes you.
“Oh sure, right! If you know one Miya brother, you automatically have the other on your back, don’t you? Especially when you’re so close.” He grins, and his words remind you of the incident in the gym. There, Bokuto said something similar. He wrongly portrayed you as girlfriend and friend, which was certainly due to Atsumu’s jacket. And just as you were about to correct him there, their trainer babbled something into the room.
You definitely need to clarify that you two are just friends, otherwise you can’t ask Bokuto for his number. Just friends…
“Uh Bokuto? I think there’s been a misunderstanding. Tsumu and I-”
“Y/n? Oh my God, is that you?”
Again, someone interrupts you. This time not Atsumu’s coach or Atsumu, but a person you haven’t seen for ages. Your old school friend, who was with you at the same club and with whom you really got along well.
Because of your ex-boyfriend, your paths somehow separated, but you’re thrilled to see her now. “Oh Mei, is it you? You’ve really changed, wow.” You smile at her before you greet her and sit down again.
“I don’t want to bother you guys, and I’m sure that��s rude, but is it okay if I join you? If I annoy you, I’ll leave!”
Mostly you’re just here to get a date with Bokuto, but sending her away now would be too suspicious. For a moment you think about how to best handle this situation, but Bokuto takes the decision off you by inviting her to join you and just stay as long as she wants.
You talk partly to Mei, partly to Bokuto for a while when you check if Atsumu has written anything to you. You’re surprised he hasn’t asked you how the date goes. Is he on a date right now himself?
“Y/n? Did you hear?” Mei’s voice gets you out of your mind again, before you look at her absent-minded. “I have to go now, but… I was really happy to see you again and I hope we can repeat that soon. And I was also pleased to meet you Bokuto.” She adds, before she smiles at you both and goes to the counter to pay her bill and leave the bar.
Just when Bokuto wants to say something, his phone rings and he apologizes to you for a moment. You take the opportunity to write to Atsumu, ask him if you should take some Onigiri with you from his brother’s shop and hope for a hint if he had a date. Because if he doesn’t want some Onigiri, he sure is having dinner with another woman.
Two minutes go by, four… Ten minutes until Bokuto comes back in, and you feel your phone vibrating at the same moment. A simple “No, I’ve already eaten.” is his answer. An answer that suddenly makes you feel so weird.
“I’m so sorry I kept you waiting. Akaashi, my best friend, called me. I have to see him. Is it okay if we postpone our meeting for another time? So… I mean this random meeting.” He smiles embarrassed, and scratches the back of his head as he puts his jacket around his shoulders and shoves the chair back to the table.
“Oh hm? Sure. I would be happy to meet you again Bokuto!” You answer him enthusiastically, even if you’re still on Atsumu’s date in your mind. Did he really go out with a girl? Why do you not know her? Why didn’t he tell you?
“Perfect! So, I’ll see you at practice tomorrow?”
“Sure, I’ll be there.”
“Then let’s talk about some meetings during my break. I’ll go to Samu and pay the bill for us.”
“Wa-!” You want to stop him, pay your own bill but Bokuto already stamps away from you and knocks on the kitchen door to lure Osamu out and pay.
He doesn’t know how fast he ran to be home before you. Good thing he didn’t tell you about the shortcut, or you’d have run into each other. Fully sweaty, he jumps into the shower, trying to get the smell of Osamu’s kitchen out of his hair as he hears your voice dull from the hallway in the bathroom.
Together you leave the restaurant, but then go your separate ways. Although this is not the first time you walk this path, even though you don’t need twenty minutes on the way, it seems like an eternity to you. Absorbed in your thoughts, you kick a round stone along the sidewalk, burying your hands in your trouser pockets while watching it roll. The long gray road matching gray walls on the sidewalk, no car to see. Everything is dreary and you feel odd, but also happy at the same time. After all, Bokuto seems as interested in you as you are in him. You can quickly overlook the fact that Atsumu is probably on his own date right now.
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“Tsumu? Are you home airhead?”
Hissing, he shakes his head, rubs his towel through his wet hair, ties it around his hip and glances into the mirror before he goes out.
“Tsumu! Put some damn clothes on!”
“I’m also pleased to see you. Got my clothes in the bedroom. Don’t worry, I’ll put something on. But first, how was your date?” The question was unnecessary. Of course he knew, because he was there, watching you. But you don’t know that.
Atsumu studies how you dance on your tiptoes, how you swing your body forward and backward, and tap your lower lip. You always do that when you’re nervous. But before he can even give another thought to you, your body moves forward in his direction.
Just a few seconds pass when your soft skin lies on his, your arms wrap around his neck and you hug him. Atsumu stops as if petrified. Because his heart beats fast, your body so close to his triggers so much in him.
Carefully, he pushes you away from his chest, hoping you didn’t hear his raging heart. Yet, your arms remain on his neck, your warmth on him, although this on his chest slowly fades.
Lovingly you look at him, a look that gives him an unknown sting. An expression that you would probably turn to a big brother, otherwise he cannot interpret it. But he cannot look away from your warm eyes. Those bright, happy eyes that captivate him.
“The date was really great and tomorrow at the training we want to make a new one! Bokuto is such an incredibly great guy, and he is so funny. He made me laugh so many times and it’s sweet how emotional he always is and ah! He is really fine. Thank you for introducing him to me.”
Silently you look each other in the eyes, speak with your eyes instead of words. Subconsciously, your fingers move, gently stroking his neck up and down, while your sugar-sweet laugh makes Atsumu even crazier.
His body acts on its own as it bends forward, coming to a halt just in front of your face. But his mind quickly catches up with his body, for his words wander down your cheek to your ears as he whispers to you quietly that he is happy for you.
“So mission complete, eh?” With a mischievous grin, he tries to distract you from his previous action, patting on your shoulders with his hands before he walks past you and strolls towards his room door.
“I’m gonna put some clothes on. You should take a shower and get some sleep. You stink and need your beauty sleep for Bokuto tomorrow.”
“Haha, very funny! I love you too, you idiot.”
Days go by when you talk to Bokuto a lot. At training, to the detriment of everyone else, eating ice cream after training or just sitting around in the park and doing nothing. You get along well, laugh a lot, talk a lot about his buddies - Akaashi and Atsumu. After your dates you always tell Atsumu how much fun you had and are sure that you deafen his ears with your Bokuto-talk.
Words that come so easily out of your lips, for they are meant amicably. Words that are so easy to understand, but leave a bitter heavy feeling in his heart.
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Today you both sit on a wall in the park again, fooling around like good friends. For a moment your shoulders brush against each other, when Bokuto twitches and stares embarrassed down at you. You too feel your body getting more restless, out of balance as you look into his golden yellow eyes. Both of you are silent, always opening your mouth to say something, but then close it again.
“So, eh… Do you… remember our first random meeting? In Osamu’s store?” Bumpy, he tries to find the right words, starts playing with the moss growing between the grooves of the stone wall.
Your chest suddenly stops moving. Out of panic you hold your breath because you are afraid that he has found out that Atsumu is behind this coupling action.
“I was wondering if… Well, there was your school friend there, and I was wondering if maybe you could… could give me her number?”
“Her number?” You realize how anger slowly boils in you, how an unpleasant feeling rages in your body and you suddenly feel so uncomfortable and stupid. With a bitter hiss you laugh up, turn your face away from Bokuto so that he cannot see your sparkling eyes. Eyes that don’t sparkle with joy, no. Eyes that sparkle with tingling tears and leave small wet spots, like those of rain, on the stone wall below you.
Of course he wanted her number, of course he did. After all, it was always like this. Whether it was Osamu or Suna, your ex boyfriend or any other man you found cute or attractive. You were always the second choice. You were always good as a friend, but not good enough as a girlfriend. There was always another who came before you, who had taken the place that you had so longingly aspired to. It was always like this.
So why did you think things should be different with Bokuto right now? Did you really think there was a man who had only you in his mind? A man who adores you as much as you do him?
“Why all the dates Bokuto? Why did you invite me to all those dates, get my hopes up if you only wanted my friend’s number, anyway? Why...? Never mind, forget it!” You sniff and jump off the wall to get out of here as soon as possible. Only Bokuto remains, sitting on the wall in confusion, trying to understand your last words.
With his cell phone in his hand, Atsumu scrolls through your messages, through your enthusiastic and joyful words about Bokuto while lying on the couch, the free hand behind his head. On the table is the last bit of a spinach-garlic pizza he ordered shortly after you went on your date with Bokuto. His thumb stops at a note in which you jokingly wrote to him that you also love him when he teased you with your crush on Bokuto. Words that hurt more every day, the longer you stay at Atsumu’s flat.
“Get your hopes up? H- Hey, Y/n wait!” He calls you, but your silhouette gets smaller and smaller. You’re not thinking of turning in his direction again.
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His gaze is focused on his cell phone, the thumb still on that one message as a new message covers it. Irritated, he looks at the name of his teammate, who sends him one message after the other. Although he hasn’t read the messages yet, he has a bad feeling. He doesn’t know if it’s worry or something else, but he must think of you directly as he opens the messages with shaky fingers and straightens up on the sofa.
>> Tsumu-Tsumu! Get on your phone! I think I screwed up! I thought Y/n is your girlfriend and today something weird happened, and! I screwed up, man. Tell her I- <<
Atsumu is still reading Bokuto’s incoming messages, can hardly keep up with them when the loud banging of the front door makes him startled. As if he has just been caught in something forbidden, he throws his cell phone in panic behind the couch and looks in the direction of the living room door in which you suddenly stand.
Your eyes are red, nose runny, and your words come to him only as a loud sob. In him everything hurts at this sight of you.
“Tsumu!” You sniff and want to make a step forward to your best friend, but Atsumu is faster. He takes you in his arms as you press your head against his warm chest. His fingertips glide slowly through your hair, calming you while his grip around your waist becomes firmer.
“It’s okay, I’m here.” His words that softly kiss your ears calm you down. He knows exactly that there is no point in questioning you now, because you are still too busy collecting yourself again. So he just keeps silent, caresses your head and listens to you as your sniffing gets less and less, your fast, hasty breathing gets calmer and calmer.
“You want to tell me what happened?” His muscular arm loosens easily from your waist, his hand stroking you, now raises your head and makes you look at him. With a loving smile, he wipes away your tears, puts his arms on your shoulders and waits for your answer.
Hard you breathe out, try to pull yourself together, but your voice remains shaky.
“Bokuto… He just wanted her number… He didn’t care about me.” You notice how your voice becomes unclear again, begins to tremble more and your sniffing is again to take over your voice. But Atsumu’s thumb, which caresses your shoulders, calms you down again and you try to spell your words back into clear sentences.
“He wasn’t interested in me. At least not so… Tsumu, it’s like that every time. Men always fall in love with other women. I’m always just the third wheel. Am I that ugly? Am I so unattractive that every man sees me as a buddy? Tsumu… When will I be someone’s first choice? Tell me, when?”
Your eyes glittering with tears, search for his eyes. His heart breaks with the sad look you give him. And although the answer to your question is on his lips, he would like to scream it out of himself, yet a big lump sticks to his neck and keeps him silent.
“Tsumu when?” Is the only thing that comes out of you broken, now that not even your best friend can give you an answer to that question.
It was probably his fault you’re so sad now. Because Bokuto didn’t mention that school friend of yours once. He probably only said that because he thought you were Atsumu’s girlfriend and he didn’t want to destroy the friendship of the two men.
It was Atsumu’s fault that when he introduced you to his team, he didn’t make it right that you weren’t his girlfriend. The fake blond had not done this on purpose. His words just didn’t want to come out of him back then. Only later he had understood why he had tried to make his friends believe that you are his girlfriend.
He’d have to answer his cell phone, read Bokuto’s messages to be one hundred percent sure he wasn’t serious about your school friend, but his body isn’t moving. Actually, he can’t move anyway, because you clenched your hands into fists and clutched them into his shirt.
Atsumu should set it right. But in him, Osamu’s voice pushes forward. The words Atsumu wanted to deny. ‘You’re in love with her… Stop lying to yourself… Finally, get some balls in your pants.’
Not even your best friend can answer your question. How could he if he met with others every time you were with Bokuto? But even though it hurts that Bokuto rejected you, it hurts more that Atsumu doesn’t give you an answer.
With a sad sigh, you push his hands off your shoulders and set your legs in motion to go to your bedroom and be alone. But you can’t take many steps, because Atsumu holds you to your wrist just to turn you back to him.
Slowly, without strength and without joy, you look up to him. In his face, which shows so many emotions at once, yet he tries to hide them all from you. You notice how he struggles with his words, not knowing how to begin. His grip on your arm gets tighter. It almost hurts, but you say nothing.
“You… You have always been… my first choice.” He says hesitantly, in such an uncertain tone which is unlikely for him. His words are so quiet that you don’t understand them, just look at him questioning.
“Y/n, you have always been and always will be my first choice. Shit, I know I’m gonna ruin our friendship with this, but I can’t do this anymore. I’m selfish, yes, I know. I didn’t correct the statement when Bokuto said that you were my girlfriend because I didn’t want to see you with someone else who would just hurt you again. Y/n I can’t see you sad anymore. I don’t want to see you like this anymore. It just doesn’t work anymore. Ever since you’ve began living here, swinging your sweet little ass around my apartment, eating with me, spending evenings, and almost all days, I can’t think of anything but seeing you as more than just a buddy. Do you understand what I’m trying to tell you? Shit, you airhead, I love you.”
His words become clearer and clearer, on the contrary to his expression. Then, as his tone becomes firmer, his gaze becomes more anxious. And now you understand. You always wanted the perfect boyfriend. Wanted to have a man by your side who loves you, who Atsumu gets along with since he is your best friend and had never noticed that he was always your second choice.
You always wanted someone who liked your friends, who understood you, and that person was always at your side. You knew why Bokuto’s words didn’t hurt you as much as Atsumu’s silence a few minutes earlier. You knew why you enjoyed wearing Atsumu’s jacket, and you knew why it didn’t bother you that Atsumu had not corrected the statement, and so the rumor arose that you two were a couple. Also you knew why you wanted to convince yourself that Atsumu met other women to not feel bad about going out with one of his friends. You knew, but you never wanted to face it. Because like Atsumu, you were afraid of losing the person you needed most.
You open your mouth soundlessly. If you say nothing now, you are sure that the man in front of you will immediately lose his temper with excitement and fear.
Although you have said the words many times, your heart is racing like crazy, your belly is tingling and your chest is almost painfully contracting. You’re nervous, nervous like when you had to introduce yourself to the big class full of people.
“I love you too, you idio-” Before you can finish your sentence, the warm lips of Atsumu, which lie gently on yours silence your last words. Full of pleasure you give a quiet whimper, trying to calm your loud throbbing heart in vain. Because your body burns, trembles, is numb and awake at the same time. Your thoughts are going crazy.
Atsumu also gives a relieved sigh, almost as if a huge load has fallen from his shoulders. His arms quickly wrap around your cheeks, stroking your face while his lips open a little and you feel his wet tongue on your mouth. You have the feeling that your body has just gotten warmer, reducing the last distance between you and giving off a gasp as you also open your mouth slightly to allow him to enter. His hand, which stroked your cheek earlier, seeks its way to the back of your head to bury itself in your hair and pull your head back a bit to kiss you better.
For a moment your tongues dance together, your bodies almost link as you interrupt your kiss and look into Atsumu’s excited face. His cheeks are reddish, lips slightly puffed up from your kiss, while his breath lands warm on your body.
“What’s the matter Y/n?” He whispers hoarsely, the expression slightly playful. But you just look at him with a slightly silly grin.
“Did you eat garlic, Tsumu?”
For a moment he looks at you, as if a fuse blew through him. He’s thinking about what you meant by that, before he starts sulking while stretching his head backwards, so that he’s looking at the ceiling.
“Ah shit, if I had known I’d tell you that I love you, that we would be kissing, I would have bitten into a rose and not into a pizza with extra garlic.”
Laughing, you put your head on his chest, looking up at him while he continues to stare at you sulking. “Is there still a slice, bunny?”
“One piece, but it’s already bitten, babe.” He grins and reminds you of all the nights you two sat on the sofa watching series and arguing about who gets the last piece of food. Once Atsumu had licked the last piece and thus reserved it for himself, sometimes you were faster. You were acting like toddlers, but you were having an incredible time. You just had fun with him, always.
“Your tongue was watching if all my teeth were still in my mouth a few seconds ago. Do you think it bothers me that the pizza piece is bitten?”
“Guess not. But give your sexy boyfriend a last stinky kiss. Okay?” He smirks and sharpens his lips playfully to tease you and brings his arms around your body so that you can’t escape. Only so you press his lips away from you, laughing until Atsumu finally gives you a fleeting kiss and you act as if you faint and lean against his chest.
Your loud laughter resounds through the room and your hands do not let go of the other until you are quiet and enjoy the moment in silence.
“I love you Y/n. You, my first choice.” He whispers to you as he gives you one last kiss on your crown.
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Title: Rambling
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2504
Summary: With Bucky trying to lay low, Steve sets him up to hide out at your house.
Warnings: Smidge of angst, but a whole lot of Fluff!
A/N: Another Bucky fic! I’ve already have so many WIPs that I’m having a hard time finishing one, because another idea always seems to pop up! But I’ve finally manage to get one done! I really hope you like it! Feedback would be appreciated, and please reblog and signal boost! This is a new side blog, so I’m still trying to get the word around :) I’d appreciate it! Also, I want to dedicate this to @pinknerdpanda because she’s the first and the only one who asked to be tagged in my Bucky fics, and that made me happy. Thanks Manda!!
Disclaimer: Gif Not Mine.
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Bucky was at his wits end. You were relentless and pushing him closer and closer to the edge. Why couldn’t you just leave him alone? All he wanted was to be alone, but no. Everywhere he went, everywhere he turned, there you were. And when he thought he could finally have some peace and quiet, you came skipping through with something to talk about. You were suffocating. He’d have to remind himself later to kill Steve for making him hideout at your place, which by the way too bright. White walls, large windows, and plants everywhere!
“Hey Bucky, you hungry? I’m thinking Mac and Cheese tonight. Have you ever had it? It’s really good. I make mines from scratch. Unless you want something else for dinner. I’m a pretty good cook, if I do say so myself…”
Bucky’s head was beginning to pound against his temple. There you go again, rambling on and on about nothing. Your multi-talents include: Able to talk for hours, holding your breath to do said talking, being annoying, giving him migraines, testing his patience, being insufferable, did he mention talking? If he already did, then he wants to emphasize that fact once more.
“What do you think? I could add bacon to it. Did you have bacon back in yours and Steve’s time? It’s so delicious. Maybe I can make bacon tomorrow for breakfast—”
“Jeez, do you ever shut up?!” Bucky finally snapped. “Your voice alone gives me migraines. Would you just shut your trap for five minutes?! I barely even have enough time to think!”
You were a little taken aback. Now that he mentions it, you have been rambling on and on quite a bit, but that was because you were nervous around him. He’s just so handsome and mysterious, and you didn’t really do well when it came to men. When you were set up on a blind date with Steve, thanks to Sam, he had been really sweet to you despite your nervous tendencies, and was able to go about it in a really sensitive manner. The only difference between then and right now, being here with the Winter Soldier, was that you weren’t attracted to Steve. Not then, not now, and not in between.
“S-Sorry,” you stuttered, not wanting to say more in case you made him even more angry.
When you turned and disappeared into the kitchen, Bucky felt an air of relief. You didn’t say anything more, and you didn’t pop up later. It had gotten late when his stomach began to growl. He was sure that you were cooking, the smell had his mouth watering, but did it really take that long to make Mac and Cheese?
He entered the kitchen to see a ceramic pot with a glass covering, but no signs of you. Shrugging, he opened the pot and was blasted with the thick savory aroma of cheesy goodness. His stomach growled louder, making him groan in discomfort. Next to the dish was a plate with a note on it.
“Eat as much as you want. I promise to give you more space and to not talk so much. Enjoy the meal and the rest of your night. I’m sorry.  – Y/N”
Bucky smirked, pleased with the promise of a little bit of peace and quiet. That’s all he ever really wanted.
Scooping up generous amounts of the cheesy pasta, he practically inhaled it, that’s how good it was. Now he only wished you were around so he could thank you in person and praise to you how delicious it was. He knew you’d appreciate the compliments. Steve did mention that you loved when people ate your food.
The next morning, Bucky made his way down to the kitchen where he’d usually find you preparing breakfast however, this time you were no where to be seen. The cute Iron Man apron was still hanging on it’s hook, the kitchen seemed to be spotless, but on the center of the table sat a plate of bacon, eggs with a sprinkle of melted cheese and scallions, toast, and a pitcher of freshly squeezed orange juice, most likely from the orange tree in your yard. He frowned. Everyday since he’s been with you, you had always joined him for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but then again, he couldn’t complain. He wanted silence, and he wanted space. You were simply respecting his request.
Throughout the day, he’s only caught glimpses of you. It almost felt like you were trying to avoid him, but he shrugged the idea off. You weren’t that kind of person. Steve had said that you were really friendly, inclusive, a little quirky, and that you loved having guests to entertain, all of which were true for the first two weeks up until now, but Bucky figured it was just to give him some space.
It was almost lunch time. Bucky was standing in the kitchen, looking out the window to see you hanging the linen on the line to air dry. It was a particularly windy day, and he couldn’t help the amused smile on his lips when he saw you slightly struggling to hang the sheets. Your hair kept getting in your face, and the gusts must have been strong considering you had almost fallen over a few times. Yeah, you were a little quirky.
By the time you hung the last pillow case, the basket went flying away, and you took off after it. He could hear you yelling through the glass, and this time he couldn’t help but laugh out loud to himself. Watching you was like watching the old sitcoms he used to binge late at night back in his time. Some comic relief from a long day’s work.
After catching your basket, you came stumbling into the kitchen, hair a mess, cheeks flush from your little chase, and panting breathlessly. Your eyes met his but was quickly averted. “I’ll start lunch,” you stated before vanishing into the other room.
Bucky sat at the dining table, eyes boring onto your back as you whipped up something quick, your Iron Man apron draped over you. He noticed the left over bacon beside you, some lettuce, tomatoes, mayo, and bread, all spread out through the kitchen counter. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to know you were making a sandwich.
Feeling a little bored, he stood from the chair, the legs screeching against the floorboard as he made his way next to you. “Need some help?” He asked, but you didn’t reply, at least not with words. You shook your head. “Are you sure? I don’t mind.” You shook your head again, and this time Bucky couldn’t help but frown, his lower lip jutting out. “Alright, just let me know if you do,” he stated before heading back to the table, reclaiming the chair he was previously sitting on. Once you were done, you set his plated sandwich in front of him, along with a handful of chips next to it. “Where’s yours?” He asked, noticing you’d only made one.
“I’m not that hungry,” you muttered, before gallivanting off.
The rest of the day, he hadn’t seen you or heard from you, but he could definitely hear the sound of the television in your room whenever he’d pass it. He was starting to think you were purposefully trying to avoid him.
Dinner time came around again, and there you were, mixing something that smelled delicious, in a pot over the gas stove. You were humming a tune he didn’t recognize, but the evenness of your tone was quite appeasing. Almost like a mom singing their child to sleep. A random thought popped into his head: You’d make a great mother. His cheeks went red at the contemplation, not knowing why exactly his mind had brought him there.
“It smells amazing,” Bucky complimented. You jumped, letting out a squeak. You whipped around, eyes wide and hand over your thrumming heart as you looked at him. Bucky couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to startle you.”
“It’s fine,” was all you said before returning to your task.
Two words. That all you said. Two words was unsettling. Bucky hated to admit it, but he missed having you around all the time. He missed your stories. He didn’t want you to avoid him, he just wanted you to tone it down a bit.
Bucky took a seat at the dining table, a hand tucked under his chin as he watched your back, getting lost in his own thoughts.
“Jeez, do you ever shut up?”
“Your voice alone gives me migraines.”
“Would you just shut your trap for five minutes?!”
“I barely even have enough time to think!”
Bucky flinched as the words he’d said last night resurfaced. At the time he didn’t even realize how harsh his words were. Now it all made sense – the way that you were acting… he was such a jerk to you. The right thing to do would be to apologize, but he had no clue how to start. What would he say? What could he do to make it up to you? How, how, how? Eventually, Bucky was swept away by his thoughts again.
“Bucky? Bucky? Hello? Anybody home?” you were calling him, his eyes seemed to look passed you. Checking over your shoulder, there was nothing there that you thought could hold his attention for so long, unless he enjoyed staring at blank walls… or… unless… he could see something that you couldn’t. Suddenly overwhelmed with paranoia, you shrieked, jumping behind him, but that brought him out of his trance.
Jumping out of his seat, Bucky stood in alertness, instinctively pushing you behind him. “What is it? What’s wrong?” He asked frantically.
“I-I don’t know. Did you see a ghost or something?” Your question baffled him as he looked back at you over his shoulder.
“A-a ghost?” He questioned, more than a little confused.
“Yeah. Can you see ghosts or something? I’ve been trying to get your attention but you kept staring at the wall, and so… I—umm…” Your face started to glow red as you began to listen to yourself talk. You sounded ridiculous. “I thought you could see ghosts and it kind of got paranoid…” you admitted sheepishly.
Bucky’s demeanor loosened, as his body relaxed. He looked down at you incredulously. It wasn’t until you looked up at him under your lashes, looking all innocent and embarrassed, that he could no longer contain himself. He started to laugh – hard. His whole body shooting back in a blundering chortle.
“Y-you thought – you thought I could s-see gh—ghosts!” he managed to say, cracking up. Your face turning crimson.
“I—I don’t know!” You shot back, thoroughly humiliated. “Stop laughing at me!” You demanded, punching him on the shoulder of his flesh arm.
Bucky looked down at you again, having felt the tap on his shoulder and noting the fist you were sporting. “D-did you just punch me?” He began to laugh louder because the impact didn’t hurt at all. “You’re so weak,” he spat, no longer having the strength to stand, plopping himself on the chair.
As much as you wanted to be mad at him, seeing him unraveling before you was more than amusing. It made your heart flutter and made your insides all warm. It was nice. Bucky was laughing so hard, and the whole exchange was so silly that you couldn’t help yourself in joining Bucky in his conniption.
By the time the laughter died down, you stomach, sides, and back hurt. It had been a while since you’ve laughed to hard, and you were sure it had been much longer for Bucky.
You noticed him staring at you with a smile, making you nervous… “What are you smiling at? Stop being so weird. I don’t like it when people stare, it makes me all nervous, and when I’m nervous, I talk too much. Ugh. I’m doing it right now, aren’t I? Oh god, please tell me to stop! Am I giving you a migraine? I am so sorry. I don’t know why I’m like this or why it happens… God, if you think about it, I’d be a terrible liar, and because of that, I’d make a bad Avenger, wouldn’t I?”
Once again, Bucky summersaults into another fit of giggles.
“Y/N, shut it would ya?” he wheezed, instantly shutting you up. Your confession was like an epiphany.
All the talking, all the smothering, it was just you being nervous. Now that he thinks about it, he’s sure that Steve had mentioned it, but he isn’t too sure. He zoned out during parts of Steve’s briefing.
“Sorry, it’s a thing I do. When I get nervous I–” she paused as Bucky pulled her closer by the hips, now standing between his legs. “I—uh—”
“Tongue tied?” He teased, smirking up at you.
“W-what? No. I never. You obviously don’t know who I am. I never get tongue tied. It’s the opposite really—” Another pause as Bucky pulls you onto his lap, your legs on either side of his hips… you gulp.
“What were you trying to say?” Bucky questioned, a tone of amusement and lighthearted torment in his gravely voice.
“I—I… what were we talking about again?” You breathed, eyes scanning over his face. He was so close, even more handsome with the new proximity. God, are you even breathing? Y/N, breathe! You gasped, catching your breath, causing Bucky to chuckle.
“Tongue tied, much? Or should I say, I’ve taken your breath away?” Bucky felt the lightest he’s ever been since running from Hydra and the other Avengers. He almost felt like he was himself again, the person he used to be way back when.
“Don’t be ridiculous! What are you even talking about? I’m breathing just fine, and like I said, I don’t get tongue tied. I never did and I never will. You’re just making up all sorts of assumptions—”
“You’re rambling again,” he grins smugly.
“Mr. Sergeant Barnes, if you don’t—” he chuckles.
“Did you just call me Mr. Sergeant?”
“S-stop changing the subject! You keep distracting me. Maybe you should be the one to shut your trap this time around and stop interrupting me. Don’t you know that’s rude—” you were cut off once again, this time with your eyes wide and lips pressed against Bucky’s.
“You’re really cute, you know that?” He muttered against your lips before pulling away slightly. “I’m sorry for being such a jerk yesterday. I was out of line. I took my frustrations out on you and it wasn’t right.”
Through his whole apology, your clouded eyes never left his perfectly, soft and wet, pink lips. Bucky watched as your tongue traced your bottom lip before they stretched into a smile, in turn triggering his own mouth to do the same.
“Kiss me again, and you’re forgiven,” you told him.
“Gladly,” he chuckled before pressing his lips to yours.
A/N: What did you think? Please leave some feedback in my ASK box! Also, please reblog and share with your friends. This is a new side blog and I’d appreciate spreading the word around. Thanks for reading, and thanks for existing! xx
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@team-iron-wannabe-man the feminine urge to end a piece of writing with an open-ended oneliner 😌
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