#tears of themis soft
mysweetgirl2-love · 2 years
After A Long Day… - Artem Wing x Reader
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Please, this one is maybe the simplest and, honestly??, it was kinda my favorite write so far.
At least, he started heading in a positive trend writing wise. Very much enjoyed describing this small shared moment between you and the best lawyer in Stellis 🙈 Live, love, Artem.
Warnings: None, this is pure soft. Very sweet interaction :)) don't let the prompt deceive you, I promise ^^" Prompt #10: Undressing Word Count: 2.8k
“You’re doing WHAT tonight?!” 
Cringing slightly at how Kiki’s voice screeched over the phone’s receiver, you found yourself panicked in the middle of your boss’ living room, wondering if you just should end the call before he could hear your co-worker yelling at you on the line. Even when she wasn’t on speaker, the voice was just a little too loud for the setting you found yourself in.
“Yes. Yes! Now, if you would just shut. UP. Maybe! Maybe my cover won’t be blown.” You growled over the phone, causing your tone to be more intimidating than possibly need-be but knowing it was better that way if it got the message you needed relayed across to your excitable friend. 
It was late on a Friday night where you found yourself infiltrating the space you were just starting to grow more accustomed to. You and your boss, also known as the youngest and most successful lawyer of his time, recently had started seeing one another. Not like you were just hired and your boss was starting to notice your hard work-kind of seen, no. In all honesty, to your unbeknownst self, Mr. Wing had been noticed truly since the day you started working at his firm. A spunky, up-and-coming young woman in his office was hard to miss for anyone, and the talent in which you displayed in a courtroom wasn’t unforeseen by him either. Arguably, he had grown to be enamored with you before ever having the chance to ask your name.
He wasn’t invisible to you either, obviously. Being someone of his status in the world of law, along with his undeniable looks and physical beauty, it was hard to turn a blind eye to him for those reasons and more. If not you trying to keep your head in the game of the work field, and not hopelessly falling for your boss, both your co-worker and the firm’s executive woman were quick to point out the tension around you both whenever you had interacted. It was increasing in complication with every passing day you both came into work, and finally both Kiki Bennett and your bosses boss, Celestine Taylor, ultimately convinced you to approach the man and profess your growing crush before it “became too much of a distraction”.
Thus, taking the Artem Wing by surprise, a relationship formed from business turned into that of involvement. Something he didn’t quite know how to handle, or if he should feel good about indulging in anyway. Another personal note in himself, he truly did find himself to have a certain infatuation with your person, he ultimately said yes because of words from Ms. Taylor. Whereis, in a previous conversation, the woman had talked you up and your teamwork on the floor of the firm, claiming you to be a strong, independently willed person, who always knew what they were doing. 
That, on top of the silent praises Artem held internally for the lawyer you were turning out to be, was what reassured him that saying yes wouldn’t halt his work… and that it was alright to indulge in what fate was kind enough to give him a chance with.
So, he agreed to your asking of grabbing a bite to eat after work—the time now being two weeks since your first outing with one another. Where drinks were shared, drunk talk maybe too quickly came off of your tongue, and feelings were no longer able to be denied as he asked the details of how you felt about him, the intoxicated haze your drinking had put you in making it hard to have any filter. Admitting to things like how you admired the broadness in his shoulders, and lovesick words centered around how “the blue of your eyes makes me feel like I’m drowning in an endless ocean of sight,” and maybe how he should be a glasses model.
All to which you were very apologetic and embarrassed for the following morning, he reassured you over the phone by saying it wasn’t a big deal. That he found your ramblings “endearing,” and wouldn’t be opposed to hearing more when eventually given the chance. 
It had at least a month since that night out, and though it wasn’t the only time you both had reserved time one another outside of work since then, nothing had yet to compare. You blamed your endless babbling on how great of a boss Artem was in your eye’s, but Artem had claimed it was because his workload had since spiked over the course of that month and it was hard to find time for something quite like it again.
With that in mind, and having recently acquired personal access to his penthouse of an apartment, you took it upon yourself to maybe help relieve some of the tension from a work day by surprising him with a night in together. Now, was entering his apartment without outrightly telling him you’d be there when he got home a good idea? Arguably, no. You were never great at giving surprises, and with Kiki’s reaction to where you had bustled yourself off to after work… you could only hope Artem wouldn’t find this incredibly invasive. 
Kiki’s whine resounded again from your speaker, your name being dragged out in a tone that all too nagging, “I didn’t think you’d be so quick in getting a spare to his apartment!” 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s crazy, no I don’t think we’re moving too fast, the place is great, yada, yada, yada,” You threw another throw pillow up on the couch in trying to make the place more homely. When you first had come over, the apartment barely looked lived in; even the bedroom had crisply pressed sheets and just all around smelled like fresh laundry. Before ultimately returning this evening, you had run to a department store—purchasing a few seasonal appropriate decorations that you thought would fit his space. “Are we done here?”
“No! No way are ‘we done here,’ I need details!” You rolled your eyes at your phone, then moving to just hold the device against your ear with your shoulder, hands too busy with the pillow details.
“Look, Kiki, as much as I love being your friend and gossiping about all the good, bad, and the ugly—“
“This isn’t even that!” She interrupted, much to your very irate dismay, “This is BIGGER than just gossip! You’re—“
There are approaching footsteps you can distinctly hear from outside the apartment, and you’re suddenly bounding back up the stairs to your boss’ bedroom to hide from the incoming man himself. Only when you were in the securely out of sight from the 
“Look. Kiki. I have to go.”
“Wait—“ you heard just the beginning of your name leave her mouth as you hit the end call button and cut her off. Further turning your cell on do not disturb, you placed it face down on Artem’s dresser and planned on leaving it there to avoid any bombarding texts you were bound to receive in plenty after your phone would send Kiki to voicemail each time she tried calling back.
You eased your body against the frame of the bedroom as you intently listened to what was happening beyond the room, clearly hearing Artem now moving into the space and going through his evening routine. The shoes clicked on his tiled entry as he slipped out of them, knowing this is where you would ultimately be found out.
There was a pause in noise from beyond his doorway, maybe a light shuffling as you imagined him looking over the familiar dress shoes also by his step. A beat or two more, and slowly you heard him step into his living room with a weighted pause.
Softly, not quite a whisper but lower than his familiar ‘inside-voice’, he hushed your name. Breathed it into the space, and upon its calling, you step out from behind the wall and found him already to be peering up at the balcony over his living room, anticipating you. 
It was subtle, but you swore you saw his eyes brighten with your appearance from the room. Bubbly giddiness guiding you back down the stairs and back to the first floor of the penthouse. “Hi…” 
Artem barely gives himself time to breathe at your greeting before he’s already pacing your way, arms extended and open for you if you chose to accept them. And, you were not going to be the person to deny his welcoming hug.
Taking your own step forward, you pressed into his chest and let his arms wrap fittingly around your shoulders, pulling you in and pressing you to the fabric of his dress shirt—his comforting smell of mixed cologne and office smell calming any senses previously heightened by the interaction with Kiki.
“When’d you get here?” His voice is still quiet, hands curling gently around your shoulders and holding you in place. 
You shake your head in starting to respond, “Not too long ago… maybe a half hour?”
“Ah,” Artem shifts, and suddenly you’re pulled away from his front and instead held at a distance, his eyes giving you a once-over, “were you alright getting in on your own? The doorman didn’t give you any problems?”
“He saw I had the key and didn’t question twice. Artem, please.” Your own hand reaches and gently wraps around his wrist, giving the larger man a reassuring squeeze, “You worry too much.”
Artem’s eyes warmed with the comment, a light shrug shifting through him, “I would like to argue that it’s almost my job to keep worrying…”
“Sure, but not about me!” You giggled, shaking your head gently before your eyes fell on the tie he always wore. The sleek fabric almost shining in the warm overhead lights of his apartment. Slowly your hand fell from his wrist and, with the other, reached for the accessory decorating his center—slipping your finger in its knot and pulling down. “You shouldn’t feel so responsible at home.”
“I—Well, yes— But—“ Mr. Wing was suddenly a stuttering, stumbling mess as you continued in your actions, “When-When it comes t-to you—“
“Please, I feel like me being here should be your biggest relief,” You openly teased as the tie slipped out of its bonding and simply laid around his collar. “I don’t think there’s a place safer in Stellis for me to be.”
“M-Maybe,” finally lifting a hand, Artem cleared his throat and leveled his emotions, getting ahold of himself, “but, you didn’t want to wait for me to also get off work?”
You couldn’t help but grin at the question, promptly shaking your head, “No. That would ruin the surprise.”
“Surprise?” Suddenly then Artem lifted his gaze to peer around the room, his eyes falling on the throw pillows separately adorned in both fall leaves and gourds, looking to find a candle lit in the center of the coffee table, quickly turning once over his shoulder to the table where he kept a few framed photos and seeing the grouping of differing-colored pumpkins bunched together. He let out an easy chuckle with now having lasting touches of you affecting his apartment, finally peering back towards you with a gentle nod. “I see now… very nice.”
You grinned so hard it caused the skin on your nose to scrunch and it gave your smile a new pureness in excitement, happy to be here, physically, emotionally, with him. His approval just made your enthusiasm all the more prevalent, like he could feel it radiating off you in waves.
“So, you like it?” You ask carefully, reaching up and then pulling the tie out from under his collar. He seemed to shiver at the sensation of the silk slipping out, maintaining his smile this time.
“Mhm.* He slowly nodded, his attention now fixated on watching the tie gently fall through your fingers, “I don’t think ‘like’ is the right term…”
You raised a brow lightly up at him, your head falling on its side to emphasize your curiosity, “Oh? You’d call it something else?”
“I love them,” he answered swiftly, and you were taken by such a meaningful word falling from his lips, your cheeks then feeling warm on your face, “it’s like a little touch of you can finally stay in the apartment.”
The increasing beat of your heart then faltered, and you gasped as if it would help restart its beating. Artem’s warmth quickly fell with a panicked look creasing into brows, his hands hovering around your elbows.
“Did I say something wrong?” He suddenly asked, worry etched into his brow that he might’ve taken it a step too far, “I didn’t mean to overwhelm—“
“What? Oh! No, no, Artem,” You lightly laughed and let your hand not preoccupied with his tie fall lightly on his shirt’s breast pocket, “you’re totally fine. I just wasn’t expecting such a… poetic statement.”
“Poetic?” He spoke the word with an awkward, “I don’t believe I’ve ever been associated with the word.”
“You’re a lawyer, you’re not supposed to be.” You grinned with your joke, “Hence my surprise~” 
Artem laughed gently through his nose, his head leaning in and allowing the bridge of his nose to gently press against the skin of your forehead. You melted at the point of contact, the smile hurting your cheeks with how wide you were continuously beaming.
“Thank you, by the way,” He murmured softly, his breath washing over your face and lulling you further into this hazy comfort, “I’m very grateful for this surprise.”
“I appreciate your feedback,” You chimed, your hands slipping now under his topcoat and pushing the article of clothing from his shoulders, it sliding down his arms just from its weighted material, “but it’s not even the highlight of the evening?”
“Really?” He’s now eager to shrug himself of his outer layer of clothing, get comfortable, “What else would you have planned?”
“Does a movie night-in sound fun? Something easy for the season?” You both gave each other some distance to keep admiring the other, not seeming to be able to stare long enough in being able to comprehend just how attractive the other was. You felt corny in that moment, but the giddiness you saw in him at the suggestion of a movie was clear.
“You truly do know the way to my heart.”
It wasn’t a secret to you that Artem had a certain appeal when it came to watching films—both asking you with your co-workers what you all thought about recent films that had come to theaters, and ones that had already existed for an extended period of time. Being able to give him the space for something comforting like a movie night, as well as listening to his ramblings about certain choices behind one’s film-making, was certainly a good outlet to provide him with after a day at work.
“I try to pick up on things,” You relent afterwards, grabbing the jacket which finally slipped from his wrists and clutching it around one arm. You held it between the both of you, nodding at Artem with your chin, “Hurry up, then. Go get comfortable and I’ll start making popcorn.”
“Do you have a movie in mind?” He asked while watching you step away for the kitchen.
“Thought I’d give you the honors, silly.” You chimed while reaching one of the many cabinets over his counter, reaching up for one of the handles, “It’s your surprise.”
“Then, I’ll be right back.” He cleared his throat, you having to laugh before shooting him an amused look. Finding it almost hard to believe you allowing his choice made him flustered, and yet you still found the tips of his ears were certainly brighter in color than the rest of him; such was the truth.
Artem didn’t hesitate any longer, quickly pacing up his stairs and turning into his bedroom leaving you down below. The greeting was sweet, and being able to relax in his arms seemed like a great way to end your night, end off the busy week at Stellis Law Firm. You couldn’t ask for a better outcome.
Artem suddenly called your name from the room, you promptly turning and widening your eyes to find the man with his shirt now halfway unbuttoned. White, broad shoulders further showing themselves to you along with the dips of his collarbone. He was focused elsewhere, though, and you quickly realized he was dangling your phone out in your direction.
“Ms. Bennett seems to be calling…?”
You groaned, your head falling into a facepalm, deciding then maybe the lack of Kiki could make it better. 
“Don’t worry about it,” you waved your hand back up at the balcony, placing the microwavable popcorn into his microwave, “just… her trying to get the details about tonight.”
“I see…” You could hear the smile in Artem’s voice as he retracted back to his room, “Well, she’ll be glad to hear about it from me, personally, on Monday.”
438 notes · View notes
actualbird · 19 days
getting to know luke pearce meme dot jpeg
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rikumorimachisgirl · 2 years
Luke's parents 💖
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dilfiesz · 2 years
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further apart, the closer that we are.
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psychopomparia · 7 months
tot spoilers for new card in cn server:
artem is increased pathetic with those puppy eyes they gave him in the new sss card for cn server.
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peak wet pathetic puppy energy
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calqlate · 1 month
me: gonna delete tot to reinstall hsr and save for moze
tot: not so fast
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scintilans · 1 year
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kitties <3
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peachgea · 11 months
rosa: do i? want to marry marius? huh? i don't know how i feel yet!!
marius: *puppy eyes up to max*
rosa: gdi he's cute. i can't fight against that.
rosa: but how do i feel about him???
marius: i want to spend more time with you, here is the date i already planned for us. you'll come with me, right?
rosa: sigh he got me good again
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lycosaro · 1 year
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The fact that Luke and Rosa know his reality is grim, but they're still holding on for hope, even thinking as far as when they're probably old enough to have grandkids... (and they've basically already raised 2 kids at their age).
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worms-i-think · 2 years
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The chibis keep getting cuter and cuter, I think I’m gonna die. Look at their tiny stubby socks. Look at the sweaters. They are sipping so peacefully. (If anyone wants to know what I look like it’s just this—I am a tiny comfy being drinking a lil bevvy and knitting) they’re so scrumptious and I wanna pocket them and shoplift them and keep them in my home. I will tuck them into a blanket and kiss them goodnight. I will take them on a road trip and buckle them up w a seatbelt on a baby’s booster seat. I will—
70 notes · View notes
culxiaa-fn · 1 year
Mo yi goes from
"I have to show her perfection only" to " all of me is yours to see, from my perfect sides to my imperfections" is just a huge 🥺🥺🥺
He went from pretending he knew how to fix Rosa's pipe and secretly learning how to bike for Rosa to openly admit he is sick(albeit a bit reluctant) is just 😭🥺🥹🥹
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mysweetgirl2-love · 2 years
Elated Breath - Vyn Ritcher x Reader
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Mmm, and here we have my second favorite Themis character. Terrific sgjfk please. This was an interesting one to write, because the direction didn't sway from where I wanted it to end, but the trip of writing it took to get there? Different story.
If it's a little too uncomfy, I apologize--but I promise that it stays strictly in the fluff category. Vyn is just a more intimate man when it comes to getting something out of you... and, my god, is he an odd person to characterize.
Regardless, please enjoy! Ily Vyn and... the fear in which you instill in me ^^" <3
Prompt #4: Breath
Word Count: 2.4k
It had been already a little later in the evening when Vyn first sent his message—right before dinner, a little after 5:30 p.m. The text was sweet, maybe meaningless to the unknowing eye. To you, it spoke volumes, and the invitation was hard to ignore.
Evening. I was tending to my flowers this afternoon and found myself rushed to the office. My day may feel long, but I’m curious if I can hear about yours?
Okay, so maybe not even an invitation to those who knew how Vyn worked. It was more so a comment that let you know he was thinking about you. And, with nothing to look forward to in your night besides the idea of rewatching your favorite T.V. series? You were inclined to make the effort a visit him on campus. Fill the loneliness he looked to be feeling, or so you thought.
What resulted in your effort of kind thinking was you leaning over a stack of his paperwork, merely tasked with the job of sorting through “cases” and “reports” based on titles. All had covers, you weren’t snooping through private information—still, something felt wrong with being given this kind of job. With or without Vyn’s reassurance.
It had to be nearing nine at this rate, your eyes felt stale staring at the type-writing pasted on each cover. Words were beginning to mend with one another, and now you didn’t know if names were consistent. It was the same thing stated twice, so they definitely had to be… your tired brain was just wanting to poke fun at this point.
Your stomach growled, and suddenly it all snapped at you in forceful realization. You were starved, having been up since seven that morning, and Vyn was still not back with any form of sustenance since he had left a half hour ago, or so.
It was like the universe was finally listening to you when your brain decided to sit back in your head, and the lab doors carefully swung open in giving entrance to Dr. Ritcher. You turn lightly over your shoulder, the bright light from the hallway making his figure stark against its provided background. 
Once the doors swung close, you quickly came to realize his warm yellow eyes were all centered on you. The gentle smile you secretly swooned for ever-present on his features. “It almost looks like you missed me…”
Catching yourself in your own stare, you quickly scoff and face back forward—a helpless effort to ‘calmly’ hide your warming cheeks. He was always right, but all be damned if you were going to let him know that much.
“That’s hardly true, I was only missing you because of food.” You scoffed in an effort to follow up, shaking your head to yourself. “Which, grab anything good?”
Vyn merely chuckled at your response, and you wanted to kick yourself in the inability to hide quite literally anything from him. Remaining resilient, you refused to look back at him. Even when the sound of a bag being hoisted into the air crinkled itself into acknowledgement. It dropped back at his side, and you could almost feel Vyn’s stare boring into the back of your head.
“If you looked with your own eyes, you could be the judge of that…” He hummed, the sing-song voice almost intimidating in this sense. 
“I trust yours enough.” You merely sighed, another paper going in one of the stacks before you, “I almost don’t need my eyes when we’re together.”
“Ah, your trust runs that deep?” 
The question seemed so forward, and you thickly swallowed against your own saliva to make room for words. “Yeah… there a problem with that?”
“Not at all. It’s, quite honestly, my best case scenario.” He made the answer seem so simple, and the tremors in your heart immediately made you feel otherwise. 
You weren’t entirely sure if letting yourself be this close to Vyn was always the right decision. Yes, you would trust him with your life if the situation boiled down to such a thing—but, with each effort you made in getting to know the man, you could feel yourself falling harder. At first, you had welcomed it, appreciated the tickle in your chest at the thought of you being together; now it just turned to a growing thorn in your side.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to fall in love, but that was exactly it at the same time. Love held so much weight nowadays, so much excitement that could also be bound to befall so much pain. More pain than it was worth. All the horror stories of broken hearts and grudges never bothered you, not until you had let yourself become this helpless towards someone like the doctor. The idea of being rejected, or worse him be uncomfortable with your confession? It was enough to keep you silent, no one could suade you from that.
Vyn’s footsteps sounded from the other end of the room, his a resonating approach that made your hair stand on all ends. You didn’t dare budge, stiff in knowing that his eyes would be glued to you regardless of your shared surroundings. Unfortunately, in this instance, you really were spotlighted by the room with there being not much else to look at. It was like it wanted to make you the center of attention, highlighting you to the oncoming doctor.
You knew your face must’ve looked blown out with your expression, scared senseless when this might as well be the safest place you could ever find yourself. Apart from the looming truth you had yet to reveal to the professor—which, ironically, made it almost just as dangerous than too.
He was behind you now, inches left between the both as he stood tall. Arguably looming over your shoulder, you felt like the flame of a match with how hot your being burned, knowing he was just standing. Something so harmless sending you even faster into this downward spiral of a flustered state. 
The silence was suddenly vast and muffled any concept of sound you might’ve once had. It was like a deafening blow into nothingness while Vyn remained over your shoulder. It was like he knew that you were acutely aware of his movements too, seemingly using that to his advantage. No surprise there either.
The man behind you wasn’t bothered by the remaining quiet, he welcomed it in open arms wanting to mold it in a way where it would push you to talk first. He liked working in the quiet of someone else’s working thoughts, but specifically was always fond of making you, in particular, squirm. 
Gently, he lifted a single finger, slowly leaning his upper body further over your shoulder to where his finger was centimeters from touching your shoulder. The pages of his documents now peeking out from beside your head from where he stood, and his smile widened. You were always so attentive for him.
You flinchingly shivered at the soft whispering of your name he exhaled over you, leaning slightly forward as the tip of his finger was then able to brush against the back of your shirt. An indent you definitely didn’t let go unnoticed. “Does it bother you?”
His voice always pronounced your name in the smoothest of tones, always corresponded with the goosebumps that made themselves apparent along the length of your arms. You knew the following question was also more of his teasing, and you couldn’t help at glower at the very obvious intention behind his asking. It was clear you could no longer avoid responding to him, and you were forced to cave.
“N-Not at all.” You cleared your throat, beginning to readjust your posture when his finger finally prodded against the skin below your shoulder blade. A squeak chirped up from your throat, quickly trying to play off your tension, “Why? Should it bother me? Are you bothered?”
“Hm…” Vyn didn’t move his finger, instead opting to dig it in just a little tighter against your skin much to your dismay, “I guess my next question would be to define ‘bother’ in your terms.”
You were stunned at the arrogance in his tone—then again, not expecting anything less from the psychological mind that was his. He was skilled in worming specific details out of people, and you were just the unlucky target this time around.
“Would me avoiding to answer bother you more, instead?”
It was a counter that, arguably, neither of you were expecting—Vyn lightly snickering at your question back. “Touché.” 
Miraculously, somehow your avoidance worked. Then Vyn’s body leaned even more over your right shoulder, and his unwavering presence closed in. Trapping you between his front and the desk.
“Maybe a little…” His voice was even more hushed compared to when he whispered your name, you shuddered at the light tone almost threatening his impatience. Elated breath was all you could muster in waiting for him to continue. “I like it when you use your words.”
“I-I don’t have many left, it seems…” You swallowed frantically, grasping to any bit of composure you had left even if Vyn had seen through it the second he entered the room.
“Ah, what a shame…” His breath blew across the side of your neck, fanning out towards where your shirt still covered your shoulder, “On the topic of bothersome, though, I’m happy to share something that continues to irk me.”
It sounded like a suggestion, baiting you yet again. It wasn’t like you were ever smart and disregarding his letting on’s, though, falling right into his play. “What may that be, Dr. Ritcher?”
He snorted a light laugh, it surprised you with how much tenser it now sounded with him by your ear.
“Okay—two things. For starters, you shouldn’t feel compelled to call me by my teaching title. On the other hand,” His finger left your backside to promptly press against the top of your shoulder, applying another pressure that only amplified that forewarning you’d been feeling. “I wished you’d just give in.”
It didn’t let on enough, and your interest had been teased this far. With such a sudden drop off of in a comment, you were quick to counter in wanting to know more. Jutting up, you finally turned over your shoulder in facing the beast himself.
His eyes almost glowed in the murky shadows of his office, all confidence fleeting while you only managed to swallow hard in the new wake of his gaze. He quirked his head up on its side, gaze narrowing where you could’ve sworn you saw him analyzing you even further. This secret you so desperately wanted to keep from him was meaningless at this point, and you didn’t know how much of a fight you had left.
“…Give in to what?” You sighed defeatedly, Vyn’s mouth curving further.
“Give in and tell me.” The pause gave you little breathing room still, and when you were about to deny he was immediate in interrupting. “I know enough, love. I just want to hear it from you.”
Your cheeks were a sudden crimson red, most likely in color and feeling. There was no real assurance in yourself with how you were going to begin in responding to that. As tightly as you had wound it up inside, the consequence of trying to keep something under such wraps was that it was bound to burst. And so, inevitably, you did. 
“Hear me say what? That ever since the day we’ve met, the day I was allowed to have someone brilliant as you enter my field of vision, I was unmistakably falling for you. And just getting to know you made it that much more worse, and I ultimately screwed myself by asking to be your assistant in all of these different projects of yours in order to stabilize a work relationship when it just made my yearning of you that much worse? How… how… this,” you quickly motion between both you and the doctor, not even taking a second to realize all he has done was smile at you since you started, “this is insane of me to even begin to fantasize about, because why on earth would it happen? You have so much going for you, and such a bright path ahead, I would just be getting in the way, and I can’t ruin your career path with selfish desires like that. I mean, what would that make me? A good for nothing—“
Silenced, a hand gently enclosed over your lips and muffled any other words that were now desperately wanting to be heard. Vyn had heard quite enough, his smile still present but his eyes having lost their light. They shone harder in your direction. “I think I’ve heard quite enough.” He calmly stated, his hand dropping and leaving you open-mouthed and nervous, the glare from the lamp in front of you causing his glasses to gleam in further masking his appearance. “As much fun as it is to hear you ramble, I won’t tolerate that kind of negative talk towards yourself. Understand?”
You blinked in disbelief, “O-Oh?”
Vyn’s shoulder slouched forward with a forgiving sigh, his head angling down so you were able to see him again. What you found was him now easily grinning in your direction. Seemingly happy with the other events that had occured.
“On the other hand,” He leaned back down, his forehead centering itself before yours and not giving you much room between your faces now. You hadn’t been given time to react to his readjustment, baring your warm cheeks back to him that he so admirably observed. “I’m glad you broke like that… see how easy that was?”
Your brow immediately hardened, a hand raising from your side which you shoved up into his cheek in pushing his face away.
“Now you’re pushing it, doctor. I don’t need your psychoanalysis to know how I’ve felt about you.”
“Haha, fair enough, fair enough,” Vyn easily chortled, raising both hands in a defenseless pose to show he no longer meant any harm. 
You turned back to the desk, promptly crossing your arms over your chest and huffing. “You happy, now?”
“Now that you know everything.”
He really wasn’t going to just let this be easy.
There was more rustling from behind you, the reminder that he was still holding a plastic bag with apparent food items within to be indulged upon.
“Let’s shoulder the rest of this conversation for later…” He mused, lifting the bag out over your shoulder and plopping it on an empty spot where you had yet to stack any papers, “I think it’s time we eat, first.”
Dumbfounded, defeated, there were many ways to describe how you felt about his dismissal of the topic you now were ready to hear more on. But, with the following growl in your stomach, and the aching hunger that revved its anger in the depths of your stomach—waiting til after a meal might be the smarter decision.
“Okay, fine.” You huffed, Vyn walking around to the right side of his desk and taking a seat in the empty chai he also kept there for visitors, “Eat then talk. You promise we talk?”
Vyn watched while you grabbed the food, and you were becoming convinced he was always only watching if it ever came down to it. He delicately nodded his head forward, chuckling lightly.
“Promise. Eat, please.”
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actualbird · 1 year
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got the chance to commission the incredibly skilled and talented @khickuwa again, this time to make my "luke using his punching bag" dreams come true, and bOY HAVE THEY REALLY COME TRUE!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH AAAAAAAAAA
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jelloia · 2 years
// tot cn server spoilers
they best be referencing marius' guitar sr omg pls rosa serenading him no more of the boys teaching her how to do stuff
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ok but seriously she's also an amazing violin player so i need a card with her playing violin!! please!! in fact i want all the boys with her in a quintet omg wait that would be so fun i can picture it:
1st violin - rosa (obvious choice hehe) (she would rock the solo parts)
2nd violin - luke (he picked up some tricks from rosa practicing)
viola - vyn (you won't dare make any viola jokes with this man playing!!) (also fun fact i am a violist :)
cello - artem (i can picture it he would have the most amazing posture, and he would never forget his rock stop/cello strap)
bass - marius (...i'm sorry for the bass slander but bass parts are usually a snoozefest and this man cannot play musical instruments so he needs those 20 measures of rest!)
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xelasrecords · 2 years
I headcanon Artem, as a film critic, rigorously took notes on that Crash Landing on You scene where Ri Jeonghyeok secretly arranges Seri's stuff on the lower shelf so she can easily reach them without climbing
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2truehearts · 11 months
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