#tech savvy alastor
nunalastor · 2 months
Tech Savvy Alastor since it was said to have been liked and I have no impulse control.
Whenever Alastor is bored or Vox pushes his buttons just a bit too much RD (radio demon cause I think in funny) Electronics releases a new phone, music player whatever and it's better than anything Voxtec has recently produced (I see them as an apple like company that produces the samething over and over. Including sending out a kill switch to force people to buy new ones).
As such Voxtec stocks plummet and Vox has to spend hours upon hours updating everything to release a new product to get sales back up. The worse part is that he's busy updating that he can't figure out who owns RD electronics.
RD electronics mostly sell the the other rings cause the Pride ring obviously doesn't understand quality if Voxtec is the number one company.
Bonus points is that it's very obvious that Alastor owns the company cause the logo is a stylized deer head with giant antlers that branch out but it can't be Mr. I hate all modern technology Alastor right?
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shizukasobsessions · 16 days
Noticed that you seemed really interested in that little tech savvy Alastor au I wrote and just wanted to say you made me want to write a part 2 despite already having so many other aus past their due date, just saying that I was planning on leaving at that but since you didn't like the cliffhanger I decided to write another ask. Might take some time but bear with me here. Thanks for your reblogs!
Hello there!
I'm very happy that I made you wanting to add more to this AU! And I'm very excited to read what you come up with.
But please don't feel obligated to. I've been in fandom long enough, so I can deal with cliffhangers by now xD
My interest in your AU was further fuel, because I had similar thoughts weeks prior. In a nunalastor ask another anon mentioned Alastor's relationship with tech as a side note but somehow I zeroed in on that and even wrote a little headcanon myself. That was before I was aware your AU even existed. So finding the tag and your asks only added fuel to my smouldering coals xD
If you're interested you can read it here:
But mind you it contains shipping content for implied two-sided radiostatic. So I can understand if you don't want to engage in that content.
Anyway thank you again for contacting me. I'll be patiently waiting for your next ideas when you have enough time!
Have a lovely day/night! <3
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jyoongim · 4 months
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Themes: posessiveness, slight yandere behavior, mentions of cannibalism, softcore smut,
After 7 years the Radio Demon is back!
But things arent how he left them…
Vox has taken it upon himself to be in charge of all things media
Radio has turned to Video
And Alastor’s little darling aint in her place…oh that just wont do
Your relationship with the Radio Demon was like a match made in Hell.
Alastor was a wild card by himself alone, but you? You never failed to keep him on his hooves?
You had been in the media world looong before Alastor popped up in Hell, having the title (ironic) Media Demon but somehow he managed to bring back the old themes that were once appreciated.
Not those podcasts or vlogs the youth were so prone to do
But things from the good old days.
Things that were considered ancient in the sense of modern tech.
Radio; Talk shows and actual live broadcasts.
Alastor and you quickly rose in popularity in the media realm [(you had a sneaky suspicion it was because he was terrifying and people honesty clung to an overlord’s word)]
You and Alastor had separate broadcasts, but you worked perfectly in sync with one another. Until one day…the Radio Demon disappeared, leaving you to run your show alone.
You did what you could, but the people seemed to miss the charismatic broadcaster as much as you and soon you were approached by Video.
“C’mon y/n, This will be a great improvement to your brand.” Vox smirked as you sipped the tea you were offered. You frowned. You were aware that media came in all formats but you enjoyed the ‘old’ way. “I dont know Vox, i prefer to be out of the camera’s eye” you said. Vox had been begging for years for you to join his team and claiming it would ‘boost’ your reputation. You didnt need a boost. You were THE Media Demon. If anything, you knew it would boost HIS popularity.
“Radio is so old-fashion, video is the future! You should be up to date with these things” he said. You grimaced “i am well aware of the trends, but not everyone likes this new savvy way, it is good to have a little variety”
Vox was getting annoyed.
Having you on the Vees would not only boost his claim to fame, but it would boost his power.
“The people would love to see the Media Demon in the public eye. You use to sing right? How about music production? You would kill sales with that voice of yours”
He was trying to butter you up.
Everyone knew you were a renown singer. A popstar once. You only showcased it a few times broadcasting when it was late at night and were in a mood.
Alastor loved to hear you sing.
“If you made videos people, your image can skyrocket” he continued.
You set your cup down, standing, having heard enough.
“I appreciate the offer Vox, but I will decline. I quite like stereo” and with that you left.
You made your way to the Hazbin Hotel.
To Alastor’s radio tower.
You sighed as you sat and stared at the station.
Maybe i should take Vox’s offer you thought as you collected your topics and put your headphones on.
You turned on the radio and did a count set
“How ya doin tonight folks? Its your favorite radio host and tonight you are in for a treat!” you gave the daily Hell gossip and opened the line for discussions. Letting out a laugh from a few of the responses you finally sighed “I have been offered the damning chance to retire from radio” you started. “I am sure you are all aware that I am fabulous of course, but i mean reverting to video can you imagine? And the audacity of Vox to even suggest just a thing. I think i do quite alright for a media connoisseur” you giggled.
As you chatted away you were unaware of the dark presence manifesting in the tower.
“Dial in im opening the lines to hear your opinions”
You listened in
“I think it could be good to switch it up!”
“Youre the Media Demon you could crush anything!”
“Y/n youre incredible!”
“Video kills the Radio star!”
You were about to chime in when a deep static like voice sounded
“I think you mean Radio killed the Video star”
Your eyes widened and spun around to see Alastor
His devilish smile sharpened as he pressed a button to cut the lines and removed your headphones “its been a while darling”
You couldnt help yourself as you launched at him for a hug.
You quickly recovered and let him go, stuttering “oh oh im sorry but w-what are you doing here? I-i thought you were gone”
Alastor grinned, bringing your hand up to his lips to press a kiss to it
“Ooooh mon cher i could never stay away from you”
You blushed.
Alastor pulled you into an embrace, his grip a little tight
“So what it is i hear of you forsaking radio?”
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kevin-ibw · 4 months
So Vox is an angel, does that change anything about him on an emotional level ? (Like when he sees religious imagery, does it make him feel anything ‘inexplicably’?) Does his one sided rivalry with Alastor stay the same ? What’s the relationship like between the three Vs? Whatre his thoughts on Velvette’s church?
Angel’s in charge of the family mafia huh? So he must be pretty powerful… Does Val still have power over him or are they on more equal footing ?
So Vox is an angel, does that change anything about him on an emotional level ? (Like when he sees religious imagery, does it make him feel anything ‘inexplicably’?)
- Any mentions of religious imagery, especially christianity, make him a bit.. twitchy, but never the less, it doesn't bother him as much.
Vox can often come off as one; "oblivious" to the fact that he's an angel It essentially became a rule in hell to not mention that fact around him. Two; "passive," but everyone associated with him knows it's a bunch of horseshit and loves to mess with people once they realize it.
Does his one sided rivalry with Alastor stay the same?
- There's still a rivalry, albiet for different reasons.
Alastor: "People always say that I strike fear in everyone's soul, *cue laugh track* Hahaha! If only I knew what it felt like, correction if only I knew what anything felt like anymore! *cue laugh track*"
One of Hell's punishments that was inflicted on Al was the inability to feel anything because he was enjoying his time a serial killer a little too much. Because of this, he becomes severely bored years to come since what's the point in causing a lot of chaos when you can't feel anything from it? Now, don't get me wrong, he's still a heavily feared overlord, but now he's just so bored with a lot of things in Hell.
But then Vox came along. He essentially puts dread in everyone's stomachs because it's very likely he's a one-way ticket to getting yourself permanently killed without a cleanse happening. Alastor actually gets intrigued by him and thus starts their rivalry, it focus less on. "Radio vs TV" and more on, "He's very dangerous and could end me for good, he's the only one the peaked my interest and perhaps maybe give me the ability to feel fear."
Sure, there are exorcists, but all of them evenually leave anyway, too squirmy and skitterish for Alastor's taste.
But Vox just strides in everywhere like he owns the place, without even a little smidge of fright and treats everything like a game.
What’s the relationship like between the three Vs? Whatre his thoughts on Velvette’s church?
- Vox & Valentino: Both have been married for fifty years and it's still counting, as seen in the show it's implied that Vox has to calm down Val a lot of the time when he has a temper, this AU switches that. SHAU!Val isn't dumb enough to let Vox's temper get the better of him, because how knows what would happen if there's a pissed off angelic overlord. (Thank the lord it doesn't happen often.)
OG!Vox butters up OG!Val
SHAU!Val does it instead
OG!Val intentionally withheld information about Alastor coming back so he could push OG!Vox's buttons
SHAU!Val doesn't even entertain the idea
Yeah, Val can be a bit trigger happy, but he's not outright suicidal.
Valentino & Velvette: Both of them hold each other in high regard but aren't as close with one other since Val doesn't focus much on social media. Valentino is a very direct guy. The only Voxtagram posts you're getting from him are photos of sinners with holy bullets in their skulls as a warning to whoever crosses him. Velvette and her little cult of followers take a step further to spread the message, too. Essentially, she's on top when it comes to information around social media.
Velvette & Vox: Both being tech savvy, they get along quite well. While Vox controls all of the internet and anything tech in hell, he's more focused on the business side of things and selling products, when a new product sells, Velvette makes it so the message spreads further.
Angel’s in charge of the family mafia huh? So he must be pretty powerful… Does Val still have power over him or are they on more equal footing ?
Since the church is used a ploy to lure more sinners into their power, Vox finds a lot of assumentment in it and often times indulges in entering the church to heighten her claims and further reel sinners in.
If anyone wants more info, please send an ask! :)
- Sadly, Angel is still under a contract with Val, fortunately though they more-or-less have respect for each other. Angel finds it hilariously ironic that he's right-hand man to a moth when he's the spider here.
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crazedear · 3 months
No one asked for this…but I can sense my desperate brothers and sisters through the screen and have decided to quench their thirst through…
Ever since I’ve finished watching Hazbin Hotel, I’ve been absolutely obsessed with these two and their dynamic, as a result, I have been researching and stocking up on good (dare I say exquisite) fanfictions about these two psychopaths…so why not share my library with people who want it (ik there are some out there 🫵)
Also some things I need to mention:
Most of the fics recommended are gonna be very Vox and Alastor centered (Ofcourse with background and/or side pairs)
This list is not in any particular order and is also based on what I find good and satisfies my personal preferences when it comes to these two, so some of these may not be to your liking, but I still hope you can find at least one that you can enjoy!
all fanfics mentioned are sourced from Ao3
Most are either incomplete, ongoing, or just haven’t updated in a long time, BUT THEYR ARE STILL SO GOOD AND WORTH READING 🙏
Static Shock
Rated M
Chapters 10/?
Alastor, Altruist, Died for his Friends. That was the headline. Vox made sure it was plastered all over Hell the moment he'd seen that demon flee for his life. After he remained missing, Vox accepted that he really was dead. Dead and gone. No rival. He and the Vees were now free to rule Hell as the Overlords they'd always dreamed of being, and the plans were finally in motion.
Then Vox went out for donuts, and everything came crashing down. Because Alastor wasn't dead.
He was barely alive.
That one Tuesday
Rated E
Chapters 35/38
A chance encounter leads to new developments between Alastor and Vox, and things escalate far beyond anyone could have predicted.
Remote Access
x-UsoTsuki-x (its_not_reael)
Rated E
Chapters 12/?
In the aftermath of Alastor and Vox's electrifying on-air showdown, Vox finds himself unusually rattled. His usual suave demeanor is slipping, much to his cohorts' amusement – and concern. Velvet can do little more than roll her eyes at his antics. Valentino, on the other hand, is convinced that all Vox needs to do is get fucked and relax.
or, alternatively...
The tech-savvy overlord manages to snag a virus from a porn site and finds himself in the arms of his worst enemy.
5 Times Vox Flirted With Alastor and 1 Time He Did Back
Rated M
Chapters 5/6
A tiny series of continued one shots dedicated towards Vox's "unrequited" tomfoolery and how he was so horrid at expressing it, only to progressively get better at it over time.
You’re better than "paradise"
Rating none
Chapters 7/7
Based on the one shot 'better than paradise!' With permission!
Vox gets redeemed and sent to heaven but he doesn’t want to be there at all. And he will do whatever he can no matter how long it takes to get back to hell.
Vox gets redeemed after sacrificing his life to save Alastor in the middle of extermination day.
Pushing Your Buttons
Rating T
Chapters 6/19
After his crushing defeat at the hands of Alastor, Vox decides he needs to take a more hands-on approach in order to destroy the Radio Demon.
Of course, his best course of action is to exploit the other’s weaknesses… if he has any.
The only problem is that means Vox might have to get a bit closer to Alastor than he previously thought (in more than just one way).
Or; Vox finds out the Radio Demon’s true weakness — affection.
etched into your bones
Rating M
Chapters 13/14
Vox has never danced much, and certainly never with another male. He’s a little nervous, but Alastor’s here. He looks at the man’s face, and they’re about the same height. He’s still smiling. He smells like rot and decay and blood, but everyone does, at least a little. Vox can hear the static cackle in the air.
He wants to kiss him.
He doesn’t, not yet. But he wants to.
Throughout the years, things change with Vox and Alastor, and they stay the same, too.
Meant To Be Yours
Rating M
Chapters 3/3
He loves him, he loves him, he loves him. Vox has loved Alastor through all the decades they've known each other. And, in a moment of pure, drunken stupidity, he tells Alastor how he feels.
Five Times Vox and Alastor Danced and One Time They Didn't
Rating T
Chapters: 2/6
“I say, good fellow, what are you doing on the ground like that?”
The voice was perky, cheerful, and bright. It had a crisp mid-Atlantic accent, the kind Vox remembered being all the rage for stage and film performers back when he first entered the broadcast industry. The diction was crystal clear with every sound enunciated separately to maximise clarity, the consonants clicked and the vowels were broad. It was a performer’s voice.
A voice for radio.
Five times Vox and Alastor danced and one time Vox and Alastor didn't.
From their first meeting through their friendship, to their enmity and fighting. From infatuation to yearning to animosity. Dancing is a partnership, is it not?
Oh shit.
Rating T
Chapters 1/1
Vox decided to make a little gift and drop it off anonymously. But there's always an option to figure it out.
Video missed the Radio Star
Rating G
Chapters 1/1
Vox is haunted by his choices years after the fact. Nights when the static in his head got too loud, when he couldn't breathe, however artificial it was, where he grabbed that radio by his bedside and fiddled with the dials, looking for any present shows, any sign of his voice.
This absence was killing him, again.
Rating M
Chapters 1/1
Vox has been absent for two weeks. Alastor comes to the recently abandon Vs Tower to investigate.
To Please You, Deer (5 +1)
Rating M
Chapters 2/7
5 times Vox tries to court Alastor and one time Alastor courts Vox back~
Soul Safe
Rating T
Chapters: 17/?
Once Alastor’s back made contact with the brick wall and he had nowhere else to go, his smile more of a gruesome snarl with the corners of his mouth still tipped up in a mock smile and eyes radio dials, Vox was able to get close enough to notice a slight shade difference in his red shirt, just below his shoulder. His lower lip looked more swollen than normal too- no, Vox would not be admitting to knowing what shape it usually was to anyone besides himself- causing him to frown.
"Who did this to you?"
One-Sided Date Night
Rating T
Chapters 2/2
“You’re a great friend,” Vox said sincerely, placing a hand over the one on his frame, leaning into the touch. “Thank you, Alastor.”
“You’re welcome, Vox.”
This would be fine.
It was supposed to be fine.
Why did it feel like heartbreak?
Vox's Reality TV Special!
Bee-nut (wellthizizdeprezzing)
Rating T
Chapters: 9/?
After Sir Pentious fails to spy on the hotel Hazbin staff, Vox decides that in order to get back at Alastor he's going to offer to film the hotel for his new “reality TV show''. Charlie, wanting more sinners to flock to the hotel, accepts his offer. Vox is in for his reality check as the show reveals things about his feelings towards Alastor he didn’t expect.
Chaos abounds.
Rating T
Chapters 1/1
Alastor was a virus. A malware he couldn't erase, and it occupied his every thought.
And yet-
Rating M
Chapters 4/?
The image of Alastor trying to crawl on his wounded stomach, those delicate fingers curling helplessly in air, reaching towards Vox — a smile stitched-up and eyes that screamed — the essence of a soul that twisted on the palm. Help, the fragment of Alastor’s soul had pleaded. Please. Help. Help. Help. Pleading with his enemy. Alastor couldn't even recognize him. Vox hadn’t even paused to think as he grabbed Alastor's hand, and the smallest bit of his own soul twined around, deep deep deep, merging fully with that fragment of Alastor, anything to steer him away from the awful finality of nonexistence. Vox's mind rejected the notion. His conscience exorcised the option from reality.
Post-Finale. The Hotel finds Alastor right on the front lawn, unconscious and bleeding, still injured from Adam's blade. While he recovers, all of Hell scrambles to find out who his mysterious rescuer is.
Meanwhile, Vox tries not to freak out that he might have accidentally made a soul bond to save that deer asshole's life. All he had wanted to do was to scope out the ruins of Alastor's radio tower. Fuck him for being curious, he supposed.
You're on the Air
rillo (rillyrillo)
Rating M
Chapters 15/?
A series of short, daily conversations between a radio host and his avid listener, as the two learn more about each other’s lives over the air.
Set in the late 90s/early 2000s.
[HUMAN AU] [There's art included for the human designs]
Alastor, Altruist
Rating E
Chapters 5/?
When his microphone breaks, Alastor realises far too late that he may have underestimated the danger he was in.
Alastor's fight with Adam goes horribly wrong, and Charlie and her friends have to deal with the aftermath of a defeating loss. But is everything truly as it seems?
I Just Wanted to See Your Face
Rating none
Chapters 3/?
When you fall, you fall hard. Be that Hell or Love at first sight.
This is a story of how Vox met Alastor, their relationship and their falling out, before Alastor disappears for 7 years without explanation.
Rating none
Chapters 1/1
The idea of romantic affections and love never piqued Alastor's fancy.
In fact, the radio demon was sure he wasn't even capable of such emotions.
So when an unfamiliar ache starts blooming in his chest it catches the man quite off guard.
Especially considering it's directed towards his outspoken business partner.
Knife Through the Heart
Rating T
Chapters 13/?
After being grievously injured by an angelic weapon, Alastor unwittingly finds himself teaming up with Vox. Unfortunately, emotions are a bitch, and Vox still has some unfinished business with Alastor nearly fifty years in the making.
Rival Frequencies
Rating none
Chapters 2/?
Vox really didn't know what he was playing at. Watching the optimistic little idiots rebuild their pathetic hotel was not his idea of a good time, and he definitely wasn't watching for a flash of red and camera distortion, no, not at all.
misery meat
loveronmayday (nariaein)
Rating T
Chapters 1/1
Alastor offers a slice to Vox, who readily tries it. Savory and rich, with an underlayer of cognac.
If Vox didn't like it, he wouldn't lie, but he would never be rude. No, instead, he would propose his own liver to perfect the flavor. Anything Alastor wanted.
or: Alastor and Vox share a meal.
Radio Healed the Video Star
Rating M
Chapters 49/?
Alastor comes across an unconscious and battered Vox while out on one of his strolls. He feels compelled to bring him back to the hotel.
Bluest Monday
Rating E
Chapters 14/16
The year is 1989; Vox and his closest friend Alastor have maintained a strong allegiance for decades. Thus far, Vox has been the Radio Demon’s biggest admirer and protégé, always more than a few steps behind; always wanting more than friendship.The 80s bring with them a new era for televisual media; TV is finally becoming king, threatening to cause a rift between the two friends. Vox, desperate to keep Alastor in his life, doubles his romantic efforts. Alastor, desperate to maintain control and power, decides to indulge them.
A story in which Vox finally gets the man of his dreams; a flighty wicked demon who loves to push his buttons. A story about true friendship, true love, even; but also about how it eventually has to end in tears. A story about how there may be potential to salvage it, after all. Only time can tell.
Im definitely gonna keep updating whenever I find more, or if I recall any! Please give the authors and writers of these fics much love and support! They did amazing jobs and deserve so much! (Also please feel free to recommend fics to me or ones that you think should be added to the list!)
Love yallll!! 💕💕✨
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Do you think with both Royal Guard AU and Dadstaticradio Au, wouldn't Charlie be a bit influenced by her dad/s? I mean Canonly she is just a more sweeter ver of Lulu. Could you imagine in RoyalGuard she got influenced by her father figuer Alastor to love Radio and some of her clothes reflect 1920. While in Dadstaticradio AU her clothing is both a mix of business with 1920's flare, some blues pop here and there, and she is bit cool headed since well she is raised by two Overlord Ace Gay dads.
Like Dadstaticradio AU Charlie is waaay more tech savvy and inherits Alastor's more radio charisma.
Dadstaticradio dads be qwq *wipes hanky on eyes* when Dadstaticradio Charlie sweetly roasts Katie Killjoy to the point she can't talk back.
She would absolutely be influenced, early on in dadstaticradio's discussion we figured Charlie's fashion sense would be affected to at minimum make her suit pinstripe like both her parents. Charlie would probably have a little more of a realist perspective rather than pure hope and optimism, though obviously she still believes in her good cause either way
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Alastor my favorite, but Vox is not close behind. (Story of Vox afterlife amrite?) I just find this guy intriguing. Mostly his dynamics with the other overlords.
I would like to share some ideas I have on this guy. I only know Vox from the one episode he appeared in. Some of these ideas might have been said by someone else. I haven't been following anything, so as far as I know, these are been unsaid and I figured to share my ideas. I already mention my thoughts about his and Alastor dynamic last week so I won't go on with that in this post.
Vox seems to be the most level headed, patient, mild one (Alastor trigger aside) out of the three Vs that we seen so far. Val is volatile and violent. Velvette is rather level headed but she also a bit hot headed as well. Granted we haven't seen too much about the V's, but Vox seems to be the "nice" one out of the three. We seen the other two yell and berate their employees. Vox, we haven't seen lash out at anyone but Alastor. I'm sure Vox is guilty of cruelty. He did climb up to become an overlord in Hell after all, so he screw over A LOT of people to do so, if not straight out disposed of.But I think he went about it more strategically and intelligently over brute strength or force.
I find his relationship with Val interesting. They are definitely friends with benefits. But Val being...well..Val-volatile and violent. I have no doubt Vox had been a victim during those moods. I'm really curious on the dynamic of that. Val is use to taking his aggressions on weaker demons. So I wonder how it goes with someone own power level. Why Vox just let it keep happening? I do think Val does get Vox hooked up on the same "poison" as Angel Dust but Vox has a greater immunity by being an overlord so the affects are dampen or its just used sparsely on him.
I think Val alive is very similar to how he is in Hell. A abusive pimp and a slew of criminal activity. He just a lot more successful in his after life. It's easy to see why he's in Hell.
Vox on the other hand, I don't think he really committed any crimes. If he did, it was white collared stuff. But he did sin, Either by pride or greed or both. I think Vox lied heavily while alive which may lead in why his motto is "Trust us with..." with whatever service he selling. Sadly, when someone ask you to trust them, its usually someone you shouldn't outside of someone you know well.
I have a few ideas what he may be doing while alive.
We know he died during the 1950s and its life was more likely involved with tv. With his charisma, Vox screams showman or salesman, since he seems most concern about the Vs brand.
My first idea is he a Tv salesman. Think sketchy car salesman but with Tvs. He lies, he bait and switch. He knowingly sells knock offs for brand name prices...etc. The deceiving and the greed can easily land him in Hell.
My 2nd idea is he's a appliance repairman, mainly tvs. His business model is similar to example one but a bit more honest work. But having knowledge to repair items might explain his interested keeping up and ahead on the technology field. I like the idea having a more tech savvy trade job while he alive but in the 1950's I think tech support knowledge was rather limited for common folk.
His death was accidental electrocution fixing a faulty tv.
Now my last idea and one I lean heavily one over the other two is, he was a tv host. Which would add another level to his and Alastor rivery. Both being host of a program on their preferred media.
I'm not entirely sure what played during the 1950s. But from the top of my head, his hosting choices would be news anchor, Talk show or game show (possibly game show announcer). I'm going with, he was a very popular game show host, going by the game winning noise he emitted when Val guessed correctly.
It would fit his showmanship. It would also explain his salesman side as well. Back in that era, game shows was basically huge advertisement.
"Bobby, tell him what he won!"
-"He won a brand new kitchen! Complete with 'brand name here' wood cabinets and mint green appliances! Above is 20 feet of smart modern cabinets of maple covering the full length of the kitchen. Which includes a new 'brand name here' 13 cubic foot refrigerator freezer....etc"
I'm guessing his sins would be lying and stepping on anyone to get to the top to where he is. Maybe he committed some low fraud or embezzlement etc... for his show or his personal life.
He seem youngish/prime of his life 30s to have a natural death. Not that he exempt from that but lowers the possibility. I'm guessing he had a quick random accidental death. I'm still going with electrocution to help explain his powers. I have no idea what the 50's electric grid on stage is like but I'm sure they're not always OSHA approved. Or maybe a stage light fell on him, who knows?
That's all my thoughts and ideas on the Tv man. Hopefully it seems logical and interesting.
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another-lost-mc · 4 months
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THE BRAIN ROT IS REAL! Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are both amazing in their own ways.
I've thought about a HH x OM crossover before and I treat it the same way I do the other demon/hell-based crossovers with selfships/characters I like. I could go into a whole tangent about integrating those different power structures into the existing OM universe but I should probably leave that for another post.
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Let's pretend that Alastor has a similar rep in the OM universe as he does in Hazbin Hotel - he's charismatic and mysterious, yet the rumors about his ruthless and power-hungry nature are alarming at best and terrifying at worst. He can be quite monstrous, like any proper sinner demon should be.
Of course, the rest of MC's acquaintances/friends/lovers would be concerned if MC suddenly started hanging out with a demon like him. Alastor is kind to MC - too kind, perhaps. Why is he suddenly interested in befriending a random human like MC, when he could just as easily try to win Solomon's favour instead? It's all very suspicious at the beginning, but the more time they spend together, the worse it seems. MC doesn't understand why their other friends don't like him no matter how much they reassure everyone that their impressions of Alastor are wrong or misguided.
Even if Alastor's motives for being close to MC are platonic only, the other demons in MC's social circle still question whether or not he can be trusted.
KARASU: Alastor doesn't like TV and I can't see him liking the D.D.D. or internet technology either. He might use it sparingly if necessary, but I think he'd prefer to remain disconnected from it as much as possible. He probably doesn't even have his own D.D.D. and that makes it more challenging for a tech-savvy demon like Karasu to learn about him or monitor his activities. He'd be extremely suspicious of Alastor befriending MC, especially since Alastor rarely uses the D.D.D. to communicate, but he doesn't know how to articulate his concerns without potentially upsetting MC in the process.
AZRA & ZEE: They've done horrible things in the past and they know all of the Devildom's most dangerous demons. The thought of MC spending time with Alastor bothers them both. Azra can be just as charming and lays it on thick when Alastor's around. The Fall even plays jazz music from the human world as a novelty event when Alastor and MC visit together. It's all a pretense to be a gracious host even though both demons know their smiles and friendly platitudes are acts they put on for MC's sake.
While Azra is doing his job and actually running his club for once, Zee's solution to the Alastor problem is more covert. He spends a lot of time monitoring MC when they spend time with Alastor in the Devildom. He also tries to track Alastor when MC isn't present, but the Radio Demon is more cautious when he's alone. He's a slippery demon to spy on, and Zee suspects he knows he's being followed.
TENEBRIS: He's one of the OCs that doesn't really hide his dislike of Alastor. He downplays it a bit for MC's sake, but he makes it perfectly clear that he's not buying whatever wholesome BFF act that Alastor is trying to sell. Alastor thinks all of MC's other demon friends are ridiculous to treat him the way they do - not that he blames them exactly, but it gets tiring dealing with their antics. Tenebris is one of the few demons that warns Alastor directly that he'll regret it if he should ever do anything to harm MC. He has the Prince's favour to protect him from potential consequences and the magical strength to follow through with his threats. Alastor actually respects him more for that, and he might consider whether or not some sort of deal with the wayward mage might be beneficial to him in the future...
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xxuso-tsukixx · 3 months
Remote Access: a radiostatic fic
Plot Summary: In the aftermath of Alastor and Vox's electrifying on-air showdown, Vox finds himself unusually rattled. His usual suave demeanor is slipping, much to his cohorts' amusement – and concern. Velvet can do little more than roll her eyes at his antics. Valentino, on the other hand, is convinced that all Vox needs to do is get fucked and relax.
or alternatively…
The tech-savvy overlord manages to snag a virus from a porn site and finds himself in the arms of his worst enemy. ♥️💙
Chapter 11 is out now. :)
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pokelolmc · 1 month
One of my new favourite Hazbin Hotel fic AUs is this weird crossover niche of "Alastor is/was a character from another fandom, before he snapped and became who he is today" AUs, eg. "Harry Potter becomes Alastor", and one random "Tim Drake becomes Alastor" fic I found on AO3. Because I find it interesting to try and figure out how to meld the other character's backstory, powers or personality with his.
And that inevitably led my traitorous brain to the idea of "Danny Fenton becomes Alastor" (because now DP and DC are forever associated in my lizard brain, curse you Phandom!).
Which is just...the weirdest thing ever, because they're just so different—like, how the fuck do you set up Danny to become Alastor, of all people?! It feels like the most unfitting character to do this with...
And that's exactly what my brain has decided to see it as a challenge.
Added caveat: this is an AU!Danny specifically from a generic angsty dissection fic scenario, where he's been traumatised by his parents and fucked over by the world (and he has no healthy way to cope)—then he's sent back in time, lost and completely alone
-Danny falls through a natural portal to 1900's Louisiana with no way back (something something, Clockwork's-out-of-the-picture, something something)
-Alastor being a mama's boy? Danny gets taken in by a loving mother figure after getting lost in time—a kind woman familiar with the supernatural who accepts his ghost half right off the bat. He sees her as his family. After a year or so, though, she dies. He spirals again. He dyes his hair brown and starts wearing glasses when he runs away to New Orleans to change himself and cover his tracks.
-Alastor feels like an interesting name for Danny to choose because it means "the avenger", and can also mean "defender of the people" (a meaning more apparent in the Scottish version "Alasdair/Alastair"), but could also have a negative connotation of "persecutor"; the character symbolism writes itself
-the normally tech-savvy Danny who finds old-timey stuff boring would be forced to find something to entertain himself in the 1900's. So he gravitates towards radio, with it being the closest thing he's got to modern tech. Give him several years or so to grow attached to it and enjoy the idea of working in it. He goes from fantasising of radio comms at NASA to a public radio host, playing with all the fancy knobs and dials.
-his ghost half is the reason Alastor's powers/magic in Hell is green
(also I heard someone say the typical human!Alastor design has the "Timmy Turner hairstyle", which I can't unsee now. And it's Danny's hairstyle too. Because we know how well Butch Hartman and originality mix. Male protagonist? There's only one hairstyle for that!)
-he becomes a serial killer because he's snapped over the years after all the shit that's happened to him; he's developed a bitter, cynical and self-aggrandised ego and thirst for justice and revenge, and he's all alone with no one to keep him out of the dark echo chamber leading to villainy
-a serial killer with ghost powers plays cat-and-mouse with cops, and never leaves a trace; before he starts killing, he's already made deals with and intimidated the ghosts that come to New Orleans through other natural portals (it's a portal hotspot) under a new ghostly persona. He has both sides of the city fearing or respecting his power. Every ghost who goes to New Orleans knows whose territory it is. They just never link the ghost and human together. He becomes like an even worse Plasmius. It sets him up for Overlord stuff in Hell from the getgo
-the cannibalism was a...happy accident. On a whim, he decided one guy's crime was too insufferable to die without torment, so he took the guy back and...tortured him the way his ol' folks knew best. He starts cutting people open as if trying to relive what his parents did to him, but from the other end—as the person with all the power. Taste-testing what he cut up came incidentally, but he decided he didn't mind it and made it a routine.
I can imagine a villain!Danny with more narcissistic tendencies, but my main trouble is where the overblown confidence and charming/manipulative skills come from. After all, Danny's pretty socially awkward. How exactly does he grow into that?
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justanotherhh · 3 months
wonder about early days angel and the way eternity stagnates development in hell. by earth numbers he's older than valentino and probably husk (i am not 100% on the ages they were meant to be when they died but 1940s-1970s is a good long gap regardless), but he feels younger in part because of the voice acting, in part because of whatever vibes have been chosen for the different characters. he's tech-literate, he's culturally up-to-date, he even has an undercurrent of that youthful burnout naivete where you go as hard as you can until you crash without quite believing in the crash (and that's probably because there's no such thing as dying of an overdose in hell, so can the crash ever occur or do you just chase more and more vicious cycles of self-destruction?? forever???)
I wonder what he was doing for the 20-odd years he was in hell before valentino was around, and how that also plays a little into not knowing anything about alastor (or, for that matter, husk later on). whether the average sinner isn't paying attention/able to really conceive of who the overlords are unless they're explicitly making themselves very visible (the vees perhaps being considered somewhat tactless for doing so to the extent that they do?) -- how he got into sexwork, which was pre-valentino from what little I've seen beyond the show, and I'm guessing was not endorsed by his family/was a post-death development probably? I mean, maybe not, we'll see. and whether his being a sexworker was in any way an (outwardly) glamorous glitzy occupation until the porn industry of the 70s came along
what his situation was so that he thought signing with valentino might signal a potential step up in his fortunes, despite possibly having the itch in the back of his head that nothing good could come of it, and how his permanent stagnant "youth" might play into impulsive decision-making and his particular coping mechanisms (as holdovers from his lifetime, but updated to fit different eras)
who was angel when he first came to hell, and who was he when he met valentino, and how much difference was there between those two people?
actually this post was meant to be "I wonder how valentino got a hold of angel, considering you'd think angel might be a little savvy to the cruelty that is hell, and that perhaps val at the beginning played very nice, and genuinely seduced him, and whether all of that was 100% a ploy or not," followed by the real question i had which was "when did val gift angel with fat nuggets, and what was the context? was it part of getting him under his thumb, was it after signing away his soul, was it as an "apology" after treating him badly the first time...?"
but yeah. all of the above plays into it. think angel has perhaps been looking for kindness in hell for a very long time, before valentino was ever in the picture, and the way he treats fat nuggets and sticks with cherri is a sign of who he is when he's not performing long before he turns a corner with the hotel
but mostly this post was inspired by my brain going
fat nuggets
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i too would search through the rubble for you. valentino did... one (1) accidentally good thing for angel. that'll do pig
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nunalastor · 2 months
Tech Savvy Alastor
The only one who knows that Alastor is any form of tech savvy is Vox but he doesn't matter, and Zestiel.
One time way in the early days after Alastor got rid of most of the Overlords he and Zestiel were having a meeting to decide on new Overlords when Al's hear keeps hearing this horrible screeching noise coming from Zestiels radio that was definitely way to expensive for the sound it makes. Al managed to last a good 3 hours before his sanity snapped and he grabbed ahold of the radio tore it apart and fixed the damn issue.
Then he return to the meeting like nothing ever happened. Zestiel then proceeded to commit it to memory. Now whenever Zestiel is having tech issues he and Alastor have a meeting over coffee. The broken device just barely visible. Alastor with his powers and ears always hears the issue. Always. The longest he managed to last is 5 hours and 12 minutes before tearing open the tech and fixing whatever issue it had.
Could Zestiel go to Carmilla? Technically yes but then he won't have an excuse to see his grandson 🥺.
Vox found out after Al got pissed about Vox's screen cracked and tore Vox apart and put his screeb back together back when they were friends. It traumatized Vox.
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yuki-yuki-daisuke · 3 months
So seeing all these swap aus is giving my ass ideas for my own.
Chaotic ones at that. Like instead of swapping Everyone let's swap a few of them.
The Vs:
Alastor is Valentino because of the strawberry pimp au. He's still aroace but he sees how lucrative sex work is. Still a cannibal and keeps his best toy in check with threats of becoming his next meal.
Nifty is Velvette because Radiohusk being her chaotic older brothers will never not be funny. Plus, Nifty being sassy and tech savvy kinda tracts.
Husk is Vox because the interaction between him and Angel would be hilarious. Plus, enemies to friends to lovers Huskerdust
The Hotel Staff:
Sir Pentious takes on Angel Dust's role. He is contracted to Alastor and receives a shitton of mental abuse and fears Alastor. He's at the Princess's hotel for free room and board and nothing else.
Angel Dust is the Radio Demon or The Black Widow in this AU. He has the same terrifying reputation as Alastor but factor in the fact that he doesn't look like it to that terror. He acts the same in canon just with a little 1920s mafia flair.
Vox and Valentino taking on Nifty's role as a duo was a little thought gremlin I had. Like, they probably started dating before both made a contract with Angel Dust and have been stuck in the spider's web for decades. They're both still assholes and the most cumbersome of the souls Angel possesses. He doesn't get rid of them because of the power they provide him.
Cherri being Husk was a no-brainer. Cherri/Sir Pentious loser baby, she'd behave like husk and call Angel out on his BS and talk to him the same way husk talks to Alastor in canon and the idea that she bet her soul to her best friend during a game of poker while they were both drunk has been in my brain since the show aired.
A Lot remains the same as in canon but with a little more chaos. Like Angel and Rosie being friends and spilling tea. Angel and Husk's hate boners for each other. Lucifer and Angel beefing over who is the best Dad (spoiler its not Angel).
I might do a part 2 because I have so many design ideas and interactions that are festering in my brain cavity.
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lowqualitygarbage · 14 days
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In a setting where technology has basically been hit with a reset button, the battle between new visual and old audio media isn’t really much of a fight.
Instead, Alastor and Vox represent two different approaches to life in the post-war Wasteland:
Alastor grew up in a very remote, rustic homestead in the swamps of the deep south. Self-sufficiency was paramount to survival - you couldn’t rely on purchasing pre-packaged food or medicine from traders, so you had to forage, hunt, or grow your own. Without easy access to new supplies, you needed to be able to repair and maintain your own clothes, shelter, and equipment. This, amusingly, makes him much more tech savvy than his canon incarnation. He’s still somewhat of a Luddite, though, with a disdain for robotics, power armor, laser and plasma weaponry, and even Pip-Boys and terminals. Give him some old radio equipment to tinker with and a proper projectile rifle over that fiddly nonsense any day. He has a whole library of almanacs, both pre-war and newer hand-written ones by Wastelanders, and his more normal talk segments often come with tips and instructions for repair and survival, encouraging independence.
Vox grew up in the ruins of Pentagram City, and began running with local organized crime at a young age, until an Overlord took him under their wing (that is, until Vox could gather allies and stage a hostile takeover of his mentor’s territory). He sees the value in consumerism and convenience products, peddling quick fixes and new distractions to the people of the Wasteland to build up his empire. He adores the latest, greatest shiny examples of Progress, being an adept programmer and wielding a decent understanding of mechanical engineering, despite most of his products being stolen inventions or re-engineered pre-war tech.
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katthyacinth · 4 months
✨Trust Exercises!✨
Hi! This is a fic that I had on Ao3 its just a small scenario where you yes u reader pitch Charlie a great idea for a hotel bonding activity. no romance or anything just a fun scene.
“And you never make me do anything with this lousy picture box again, this face was made for radio darling” You hear Alastor say to Vaggie as you catch the ending of their conversation that you were totally not paying attention to, although what he said made you have a thought. “Wait I just realized that means have you never played a video game Alastor?” you vocalize immediately as the thought leaves your mind. He and Vaggie turn to you lying on the couch on your phone, realizing they forgot you were there. “No darling that sounds like an awful experience since games should be fun and nothing concerning this piece of junk ever is,” he says whacking the side of the old TV. You make a face and sigh “Too bad I feel like you would love some of them, I'm trying to determine whether you'd be more of an fps guy or an RPG guy but I think an fps would be too complex for you to start on…” you pause rambling to yourself. Maybe something 8-bit because those are more old school, well to my time, like oh-” you shoot up from your seat your eyes almost sparkling as a great idea pops in your brain. Vaggie makes a concerned face as you stand up and dart out of the room. “I'M GONNA GET CHARLIE OMG THIS IS GONNA BE GREAT!”
You run through the hotel and find hells Princess doing… well actually you don't really know what she does on her off time but she answers her door to you panting and rambling kinda like how she does from time to time “wait wait slow down, omg is this how I sound? Wow Im sooo sorry but start again” she says chuckling slightly. You start over “ok so I was thinking an activity everyone could do is play video games, I loved them when I was alive and I thought about it because I realized they didn't exist when a lot of our group was alive and I think thats sad and their missing out.” you quickly blurt and take a breath to then continue your ramble. “I thought it might also be good for rehabilitation because we have games where there's horror and shooters and gore so people can indulge without like actually hurting people you know! Like I could go and get beginner-level games for everyone for their interests I think it would be great!” you finally finish taking a breath. You beam at Charlie expectantly as she processes your information and you slowly see her eye sparkle too. “That… sounds… like.. A GREAT IDEA WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR LETS GO!”
A few hours go by of you finding out how video games work in hell because as you forgot it's not one-to-one with Earth but after hours of aggressive keyboard typing noises you call everyone over. You stand in front of everyone in the lobby with Charlie as she explains what you explained to her as you antsy twiddle your thumbs as she ends with any questions. To which Alastor responds “I thought I made it clear I want nothing to do with your silly technology and TVs” he hisses “Well technically you're not going to be needing a TV and I think you’ll like the game so please everyone try for at least one hour and you can stop but I think you'll be hooked!” you state confidently “well then letssss do it! I'm exssssited!” Pentious states making you squeal. You walk over to him and hand him a phone, you had made sure to make the games easy for some of the less tech-savvy guests. “It's called Oppositions and Overlords, you tap the screen with your finger and you make your own battalion and fight other armies, you make whatever battle tactics you like!” you take a second to tap around and show him how to do it, it takes him a second and then you move to nifty. “Nifty it's called Community of Lambs and-” As you explain you realize she isn't picking up anything so you simplify “This button moves, this button stabs” She lights up snatching the controller from you as you sigh.
You proceed to show Charlie and Vaggie a game called pentagram valley that they play together and Husk a spooky card game called Engraving and Angel a dating sim called “Submit to me” which you open for him and he immediately whistles and shouts “Oh hello babes'' to which you giggle and suck in a breath to head over to Alastor at last, now this one was tricky. You needed something easy so that he wouldn't get frustrated. “Ok Alastor are you actually going to participate?” you ask meekly holding your laptop in your hands. He gives a small sigh and chuckles “Well my dear if you put all this effort in I suppose I will give it a shot then but I will not promise that your little screen will remain intact later.” you sigh, “ok then so it's called the underground fable. I loved the version of it while I was alive. It was actually revolutionary for games. There's multiple stories you can choose from. You're going to drag this to move and press here to do all the actions two buttons ok. There are two options which is save everyone or kill everyone and it's very sick and twisted when you kill everyone so I think you’ll like it ok and yeah I checked its very similar if not even creepier than what I played umm, yeah I cried anyway, have fun or not I one hour ok!” you ramble to him explaining. You really wanted to try your best to make him like this activity. Looking at his expression you couldn't really tell, well it was always hard because he never stops smiling. You stop trying to dissect his thoughts and slowly back away.
An hour passes and an alarm rings in your headphones. You begin to speak but then stop yourself as you look around and see that everyone is very much enjoying their games. Nifty is kicking her feet while lying on the floor yelling “Stab stab! Blood blood!” Pentious is mumbling something about glory and noble sacrifices or something saluting to himself in the corner. You're actually impressed when you see Vaggie and Charlie have made quite a pretty house and are raising a pact of hell goats on an impressively large farm. You then look at Alastor, inspecting him still not sure what he's thinking. You think you should probably tell him time is up or you think he might cut off your head for letting him be near modern tech for 10 seconds longer than he needed to. However, to your surprise and delight? When you walk up behind him you hear him chuckling slightly. “Alastor? Times up by the way you don't need to play anymore.” he turns to you slightly “Oh well then my dear I guess you're right look at the time a whole hour haha! How time flies!” he chuckles. “Although I would not like to admit you may have been right, seeing these little creatures explode into bits of dust is quite entertaining, and they yell at me too and plead as if they have any power over me it's quite hilarity” he chuckles darkly sending a chill down your spine. “Well, I never thought I'd see the day when The radio demon himself called modern technology entertaining! I think I have just won at life, well afterlife” you muse to yourself proudly “Haha yes dear I guess it seems so however, I think you should keep that one to yourself okay? A secret, my dear this information must not leave the hotel.” static fills the air as his eyes turn to dials, you know you should be intimidated but you chuckle.
“Ok, Alastor you got it it would be a scandal if you were caught cheating on the radio with video games oh the horror! GASP! The world would simply end” you chuckle sarcasm oozing from you. “Ha Ha funny my dear, now if you would be so kind I am keeping this device of yours to continue to slaughter these fish people” he muses chuckling darkly. A little sadistic you think but hey, you won they were all still playing. What did Charlie call it? A happy day in hell.
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cxffeeshxp · 1 month
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~ Alastor is very much tech savvy. you've got to know your enemy to destory them. He just doesn't like it because he finds it just as annoying as Vox.
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