#tech wishlist and history
hydralisk98 · 1 year
Personal wishlist (2023-05-31.1)
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Sharing mid-night thoughts and patterns with you all. (Got my previous version Ctrl-Z-ed out of nowehere again...)
Constructed world ideations to manifest:
CLADO and its cladograms (classic file system, file servers and minimal tree structured operating system)
DIS, distributed integrated (operating) system, mixture between DOS and ITS
SASS interactive ledgers and hot-swap live scripting compilers
PERSEUS standard (similar to POSIX)
Solarium, Portal, Vanguard, 2020s contemporary operating systems
Synod educational agentive desktop environment (Microsoft BOB + Shimeji-ees)
Macroware Xenia
Utalics PacoLisp
ICL PanLisp
CDE Plasma + Liquid and it plasmoids
Lightfall CRPG
Vixen Softworks' DAO multi-user domains for Prospero game
Reichbürger raycaster multiplayer game
Existing works to study / learn / derivate or develop / reimplement myself:
KDE Plasma with Liquid shell
Fish + Tmux + Emacs (with Astro-Vim key-bindings) terminal workflow
Intersil 6100 & 6120 processor family lineups
Hypercard & Hypertalk
Bel, the Lisp dialect
Layer (Unix machine learning inferences CLI?) + Vicuna + ControlNet (& FastChat?)
TinyLisp (with the mal tutorial aka make-a-lisp)
Common Lisp with CLOS
Paradise, Parade, Oscean, Lain & other Uxn-related works from Devine Lu Linvega (XXIIVV)
fe, little, lite & microui from rxi
Unix, Multics, CTSS
XEDOS, Xenix, MS-DOS 5+ (7-9 major versions too)
CSCO, Counter-Strike Source
Godot + Qodot
Clip Studio Paint EX
Blender 3.5
HTML5+CSS3 with experimental features
Minecraft 1.16.5 with Biomes'O'Plenty, SereneSeasons & ComputerCraftTweaked
Corel WordPerfect & CorelDRAW
Monero + cash online store
Kate, KDevelop, Okteta, K3B, GitLab
Krita w/ G'MIC
Inkscape + Karbon
Neocities + Hexo
VPS + self-hosted backup server + proxies
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elgaberino-mcoc · 1 year
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parting shots for #BHM #BlackHistoryMonth 
• some characters will probably be delisted soon, but will be reconsidered later if they become more important.
• Heather Hudson is high-priority for @MCOCwishlist, and her Exiles variant (however unlikely) is a black superhero
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filmnoirsbian · 6 months
i'm trying to write a cover letter for agents to look at for my book. what do you suggest i add to the cover letter? i have attempted to look at the resources available but they didn't provide enough detail.
Look up what other authors that agent represents and what genres are on their wishlist (this info is typically public on their business pages) and then sell your book based on that. If the agent is asking for historical period romances and your book is a futuristic sci fi adventure then no matter what you put in your cover letter they probably won't even read it. So make sure you seek out agents that represent the kind of books you've written, and then just mention those same things (the genre, narrative themes, etc) that you already know they're looking for. The trad publishing industry leaves very little room for changing things up, and agents typically don't want to try to sell something they've never successfully sold before--also the fact that they've never sold something before adds the risk that even if they do sign you on, they won't be able to sell your book at all. You can query as many as you want, I just wouldn't waste my time sending in to an agent that isn't already in my wheelhouse. Cover letters don't have to be long, two or three paragraphs at the most. Include personal information if it's relevant (if you're writing tech based sci fi and you work in a tech field, that's relevant. If you're writing an afrofuturist book and you are Black, that's relevant. Etc) and include any previous publishing history so they know your work has successfully sold before (if this is your debut work that's fine), but mainly stick to just the bare bones of your book. What would the blurb be on the back/inside cover? That's basically what you need to write. You are trying to sell them on you as a writer and on the story you've written, but they don't want to read a thesis.
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If you have boobs, listen to them.
I’m not great about listening to my body - chronic pain and working manual labor jobs for thirty years mostly make me want it to shut up, because pain is very loud sometimes.
But last June when I was at the doctor for something else (which we still haven’t figured out) that hurt a lot more, he asked if I was having other problems, because he doesn’t often see me.
‘Eh, my left breast has been kind of uncomfortable for a little while?’
Fortunately, he not only listens, but takes things seriously. Diagnostic mammogram, several years before I should have needed them for routine testing.
‘Hmm,’ said the mammogram techs. ‘Let’s biopsy that.’ (‘That’ was an abnormality in my left breast that appeared to be shaped like a piece of macaroni. Amused concern about boob noodles abounded.)
As much as I try to ignore my body is roughly how successful my body actually is at ignoring lidocaine. The biopsy - which was mammogram guided and from a medical technology standpoint, really cool! - hurt like blue blazing fuck.
‘Hmm,’ said the folks who examined the biopsy. ‘That’s weird but doesn’t appear to be cancerous, at least?’
(It still hurt. It continued to hurt worse as time went on.)
It turns out - because there was a history of ovarian cancer from my father’s side of the family and gene testing was done to check for other factors - that I’m also positive for a BRCA 2 mutation that increases my lifetime risk of breast and ovarian cancers to roughly stratospheric levels.
Thanks, dad.
So. Boobs off? Boobs off.
As it turned out, boobs off was going to take a length of time that was becoming increasingly unbearable since the pain in my breast was continuing to get worse.
‘Can we just get the noodle out?’ I asked, rather despairingly, and apparently we could!
Having a section of my boob the size of half a deck of cards excised did not hurt at all, despite my worries following the biopsy.
It did, however, show that I had cancer.
So, boobs are coming off - in a week and a half, actually, which is engendering very complicated emotions (none of them about gender, funnily) followed by chemo, possibly radiation, then reconstruction, since I’m getting it done with my own tissue rather than implants.
It’s going to be a really long year.
So, yeah, listen to your boobs, regardless of sex and gender. Breast cancer hits plenty of men, too.
And if anyone wants to help make my recovery a little easier I have a wishlist?
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new novel The Bezzle! Catch me TONIGHT (Feb 27) in Portland at Powell's. Then, onto Phoenix (Changing Hands, Feb 29), Tucson (Mar 9-12), and more!
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#15yrsago Amusement park offers surveillance footage of you as a souvenir https://web.archive.org/web/20090401000000*/https://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article1198732.ece
#10yrsago Report from Trustycon: like RSA, but without the corruption https://www.cnet.com/news/privacy/trustycons-rsa-conference-rebels-promise-more-to-come/
#10yrsago King no longer claims to own “candy,” still claims it owns “saga” https://www.techdirt.com/2014/02/26/king-backs-off-ridiculously-broad-candy-trademark-will-still-be-obnoxious-other-ways/
#5yrsago #FixItAlready: EFF’s wishlist for fixing tech’s worst privacy and security choices https://fixitalready.eff.org/#/
#5yrsago The “Reputation Management” industry continues to depend on forged legal documents https://www.techdirt.com/2019/02/28/pissed-consumer-exposes-new-york-luxury-car-dealers-use-bogus-notarized-letters-to-remove-critical-reviews-update/
#5yrsago Pentagon Inspector General reveals widespread retaliation against whistleblowers with impunity for the retaliators and the wrongdoers https://rollcall.com/2019/02/25/pentagon-harbors-culture-of-revenge-against-whistleblowers/
#5yrsago Amazon killed Seattle’s homelessness-relief tax by threatening not to move into a massive new building, then they canceled the move anyway https://www.seattletimes.com/business/amazon/huge-downtown-seattle-office-space-that-amazon-had-leased-is-reportedly-put-on-market/
#5yrsago Bad security design made it easy to spy on video from Ring doorbells and insert fake video into their feeds https://web.archive.org/web/20190411195308/https://dojo.bullguard.com/dojo-by-bullguard/blog/ring/
#5yrsago London’s awful estate agents are cratering, warning of a “prolonged downturn” in the housing market https://www.bbc.com/news/business-47389160
#5yrsago Yet another study shows that the most effective “anti-piracy” strategy is good products at a fair price https://www.vice.com/en/article/3kg7pv/studies-keep-showing-that-the-best-way-to-stop-piracy-is-to-offer-cheaper-better-alternatives
#5yrsago EFF’s roadmap for a 21st Century antitrust doctrine https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/02/antitrust-enforcement-needs-evolve-21st-century
#1yrago VW wouldn't help find kidnapped child because his mother wasn't paying for find-my-car subscription https://pluralistic.net/2023/02/28/kinderwagen/#worst-timeline
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cricksmaidiene · 2 years
My Realistic Predictions for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (BOTW-Sequel) 🏰
Spoiler alert
I'm gonna list down what I think are realistic predictions, and not a wishlist of what we're gonna get on the new game in May 2023. This is based on
Some promo videos already shown to us by Nintendo
Building on strong fan theories by some awesome Youtube channels and blogs
Past history of Zelda games
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Predictions ☑️
Time Travel ⏳
The odds of time travel being a part of this game are quite high.
We have seen two versions of link in the trailers, and one seems particularly different and a lot more like the hero of ancient past from 10k years ago.
The premise of the game from promos certainly veers towards fixing the present based on lessons from the past
Lack of sheikah tech in the promo videos
Incorporation of Zonai who are regarded as an ancient tribe, and not topical
Time travel is a main part of most Zelda games. Ocarina of time, A link to the past are directly based on time travel, and skyward sword and twilight princess had alternate dimensions.
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Three Maps 🗺
We have seen sky-islands in the trailers, as well as both Link and Zelda underground. This might be expanding on BOTW's map by adding the "heavens" and "netherworld" so to speak, so there would be 3 layers to explore.
A lot of folks have commented how it would not be ideal that the "earth / hyrule" map from botw would be copy pasted into the new game. This will likely not be true as this could be hyrule from eons ago.
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Dungeons over Shrines 🦇
BOTW had a lack of traditional Zelda dungeons and instead filled them with atomic shrines, albeit a large number of them. TOTK will likely have traditional dungeons and not shrines. These shrines may not be "themed" shrines like in previous zelda games.
Ganondorf over Calamity Ganon 🐗
Calamity ganon from BOTW indeed looks like a puppet and it looks like we will face the actual ganon / ganondorf that is the source of evil / malice in hyrule only in this game
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Zonai 🎣
The Zonai, which were a mysterious ancient tribe in the Faron region will likely make an appearance in this game. We never saw any Zonai in BOTW but we saw multiple evidences of their footprint all over Hyrule.
Create a Cyclical Zelda Timeline 🕰
TOTK's Ouroboros theme looks like it will wrap the zelda timeline into an endless cycle. There have been some speculation that this game will be the one to break the cyclical timeline (likely created by Demise's curse in Skyward Sword) but I think it will end on a dark note.
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Zelda Dies & The Appearance of Hylia 🌬
Hylia might make an appearance in this game and we may see some form of merge between Zelda and Hylia in order to save the world.
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Likely not gonna happen ❌
Playable Zelda 🎮
Pretty sure Nintendo experimented with this in Age of Calamity, and while it's great to build lore - it also takes away from the enigmatic nature of zelda's character. So, no playable zelda - although some form of co-op might still happen.
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Breaking the Timeline Cycle 🌀
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TOTK would focus from a lore POV to close the zelda timeline and not break it apart. Nintendo have spent the last decade doing their best to provide closure for zelda lore, which went haywire with the release of OOT. They added Skyward sword as the very first game in the timeline, released the Hyrule Historia book with the forked timeline AND released BOTW at the very end. This means TOTK would would somehow cycle back to Skyward sword or the like.
I hope to be right about some of these and wrong about others.
Check out these youtube channels:
Triforce Trends
Hyrule Gamer
Nintendo Black Crisis
Mr A Game
And remember to vibe to:
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thrythlind · 1 year
Urban Fantasy Video Game Concept
Time to ponder another video game concept.
Start with a first person sequence, playable prologue, length, maybe five to ten minutes. traveling through a darkened room of classical Greco-Roman columns and old broken statues and deep deep shadows, trying to avoid being spotted by something that you never get a good look at while also trying to get closer to it. Distorted voices, echoing sounds, no visible hands or legs in the character. When they get to the mark, a reflective surface starts to rise up, showing them an indistinct huddled figure hunched over a firelight.
Then wake up.
Third person perspective, focus on the protagonist waking up from the nightmare.
Most likely a specific character. Even if character generation, have a set surname (Greek probably, even if char gen results in a different presented ethnicity) and a non-binary given name (Alex, Morgan, Riley, Bryce, etc)
If character creation, default is a woman. 18-23 range but unspecified. If voiced, maybe six options, two with typical feminine mannerisms, two with typical masculine mannerisms, two without gender-associated mannerisms. Perhaps three voice actors. If tech available and doesn't sound terrible (we're doing a wishlist here so let's go for it.) then ability to pitch the voices up and down. Alternately, all three voice actors do variations of all six scripts.
Back to story.
Have character move around living space (house/apartment?) some basic interaction tutorial. Looking in the mirror (if character creation is present, this would be wear that happens... with the lead up being a first-person cutscene of person moving to the mirror and then pulling back to third-person after character creation).
Some environmental storytelling implying college life, maybe something subtle to imply that magic is not unknown in the world... or at least that the protag believes in such things. Brouchures for a fortune teller, books on occult history, etc.
Looking in the mirror trying to shaking off nightmare (maybe more confused than scared). Yawning and leaning in to wash face... close up to see eye shift from human pupils to slitted reptilian and then back again. Blink, pull back, hesitantly wash face go about the rest... shift focus to going out the door and grabbing keys and wallet at the door.
Above sequence also 5-10 minutes (+ possible char gen).
Options - if action happens all in one city, then have a "day-in-the-life" sequence showing some key locations like restaurant, shops, clinic, library, etc. Maybe hub would be the college campus.
If there is a tour section, allow it to be skippable for replays into the first encounter. However, this idea is a pretty set storyline so might be low replayability.
First encounter
The protagonist is somewhere in transit, subway station or the like. Public, but a place they travel through frequently. Gets ambushed by unknown assailants. Human, thugs. Start the fight and pause, give player options:
Option 1 - Fight them off, provides combat skills. Option 2 - Run, provides movement/traversal options. Option 3 - Call for help, provides social skills.
Whichever option is chosen produces an appropriate objective on screen and HUD options leading in that direction. (perhaps mild, immersive HUD elements like in Hellblade where her health and power ups are subtly part of her char model)
All three objectives will probably still provide opportunities to try out basic fighting, traversal, and social skills.
Fighting Option - traversal for tactical advantage, social with police or witnesses after the fight Running Option - social to get someone to open a gate for you, fighting to shove loan thug that appears ahead of you Social Option - running to get to other people, small fight with one loan thug, followed by getting help from onlookers.
Possibly the player can complete any of the three objectives... But the game won't signpost those objectives (like you'll only have an exact count on enemies if you go for fighting option) and the skills you get will make the chosen objective the easiest.
Regardless of how the encounter goes. After basic tutorial of fighting/traversal/social mechanics, have a supernatural event happen. Perhaps a monster attacks. Reactions of any witnesses will determine if this is a world where magic is known but rare or if the protag is just into weird fringe stuff.
At end, the protag's eyes switch to snake-ish eyes again, but don't change back this time.
Cue Act 1 - Trying to learn what's happening to the protag and dodging attacks. Eventually come to the conclusion that the protagonist has inherited a curse and the thugs are part of a cult or secret society that is trying to track down and capture people with said curse. Perhaps from seeking out and talking to experts or tracking down the cult headquarters and either sneaking in to get lore or else beating the head of the local group and getting info from him.
Once again, signposted objectives are based on actions taken or dialogue choices, but other objectives can be completed but aren't made obvious and choices made will add skills to make the signposted objectives easier.
Skills are gained both when completing objectives and when choices signpost an objective.
IE in first encounter, if you choose to look for help, you'll get social skills, but if you get out of the encounter by running, you'll gain a traversal skill. The signposting making it easier to find objectives tied to the choice means that you're less likely to mix and match like this within one objective but is possible.
Supernatural skills come slow and come with changes. In the first supernatural skill in each track it is going to be related to vision and provide a HUD element, perhaps ability to read enemy health (which might also cause hostiles to stand out from neutrals and friendlies) or adding context to dialogue choices or highlighting parts of terrain that can be grabbed for traversal.
Supernatural skills come when encountering supernatural threats.
same pattern though, one skill gained when you choose how you plan to deal with the encounter, one skill gained when you actually complete the encounter. Major encounters only.
Minor encounters can provide skill advance over time but not in a single event. Connect this to achievements. Optional, not particularly connected to either supernatural or mundane. More number boosts or cosmetics (or love interests)
Doing a bunch of traversal stuff to get collectibles will get you traversal bonuses on each collection completion.
Doing social stuff will get you some bonus if you play them through.
Doing combat stuff will also get you bonuses when you hit certain optional milestones.
Traversal stuff could be urban exploration, collectible acquisition, rescuing people from fires or other emergencies, etc.
Combat can be random ambushes from the cult, saving people from muggers, random appearances of monsters, etc.
Social stuff can be romance options, matchmaking (if you don't want romance yourself), a mix (if you want polyamory), normal friend stuff like board game nights, negotiating job stuff, starting a business, dealing with college professors, etc.
Makes for six total skill chains:
Mundane Combat
Mundane Traversal
Mundane Social
Supernatural Combat
Supernatural Traversal
Supernatural Social
Each supernatural skill comes with a physical transformation. In act 1 this is mild.
Supernatural Skill tree is invisible, you see the skills you have, but not what's coming up. Replay and wiki of course would get around this quickly, but build into the feeling of not knowing what's going on with your changes. Also, allows for a mix of plot-relevant skill-gains and leap-frogging the "tree" when narratively convenient.
Maybe about a 3 to 1 ratio, maybe 5 to 1. many Mundane skills vs a few story-important supernatural events.
End Act 1 with character sitting down at night after this revelation and going to bed.
Act 2
prologue, another dream sequence, first person again, hands and feet are visible, Grecian woman, aristocrat, chained to a wall overlooking a rough sea. There's something vast and dangerous in the water, maybe occasional flashes of scales and coils. storm clouds make it hard to see. Play through trying to unchain themselves from the wall. Flashes of smaller figures in the clouds and spray flying around the big monster. Again, no clear image. Player gets free and starts trying to walk down a path. Sudden sound of crashing and what looks to be a massive wall of stone crushing down at them when something rushes by and pulls them up into the sky... last view of fluttering white wings and dream end.
cue the bulk of Act 2, tracking down the cause of the curse.
more encounters with the cult, perhaps more subtle threats, people in high social status. Analyzing why the cult wants people with this curse. What their plans are, getting names, etc. Near the end of Act 2, a supernatural skill will result in the protagonist's hair becoming snakes. Have this essential to final objective (whether the character completes the final "boss" fight via a traversal obstacle course, a social dialogue-tree puzzle, or a traditional boss fight).
Give suggestion that the cult is working for Stheno or Euryale.
Act 3
Act 3 begins with another dream. The player's sitting in front of a fire with partially scaly hands and hearing sounds of motion in the darkness around them. On the initial sound, stand up with a nervous sound and scanning the darkness. Distorted greek dialogue, can't be understood (actual speech but distorted) Keeping the fire between the character and the sound, flickering shadows and light against columns and statues. Then a final sound and turn to see a young Greek man becoming visible as they take a helmet off. They're looking into a reflective shield and have a strange carved blade (the Harpe)... dream ends
Act 3 is the character trying to track down and get to the gorgons that are apparently behind the cult. In the mean time, continue the minor side plots for the minor bonuses.
Tracking down Euryale and/or Stheno and working their way into their home/lair. Reveal... they're NOT behind the cult... and the cult used the protagonist to get through some of the gorgon-only security measures. Last encounter. Again, options are social, traversal, or combat to resolve Act 3. Difficulty in figuring out how to make each of the three equally exciting and make sense... alternately, act 3 could involve all 3 regardless...
End act 3, the cult gains blood from one of the two immortal gorgons (Euryale and Stheno) protagonist escapes. Immortals may or may not escape depending on player choices and level of success.
Revelation... "Your not cursed"
Act 4
Dream sequence, switching perspectives... start as a person with scaled arms and bronze wings, traversal heavy, getting up into a Greek fortress or castle... switch to a young man with a harpe fighting many warriors... switch to a young woman giving a speech to people outside the fortress and rallying support.
Dream ends mid conflict.
The protagonist now has to deal with being a descendant of Medusa, Perseus, and Andromeda.
Also now trying to figure out who is really behind the cult and why they want gorgon blood.
Also, meet cool great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-(many more greats)-aunts Euryale and Stheno.
end act boss is Polydectus who is now an animated statue after Medusa petrified him in the ancient past but he somehow is back to being able to act. Polydectus was given animation by the real main villain... Polydectus is basically a vain, arrogant, petty serial killer. Very smart, certainly a capable lieutenant, but not a true mastermind.
Act 5 prologue should confirm that Perseus/Medusa/Andromeda were a polycule/throuple. Deals with final mastermind... many options:
Athena or Poseidon
Other Greek God
Human seeking immortality
Witch Hunter seeking to create an anti-supernatural plague
Overall, I think each Act should be about 1-3 hours for basic story (creating a run time of 5-15 hours... Act 1 and 5 maybe the shortest acts.) With minor subplots maybe can take that to 4-8 hours per act. For a run of 20-40 hours. I know I said low replayability, but possibly having alternative big bads (with alternative minion strategy sets) and alternative side-plot stuff means it might take replays to get 100% completion. Perhaps New Game+ will give more context to the Perseus/Medusa/Anromeda romance.
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rjhreview · 9 months
What Are Amazon Prime Deal Days? Unveiling The Secrets To Mega Savings
Get ready for some mega savings! Have you heard of Amazon Prime Deal Days? They are like the Black Friday of the summer, where you can find incredible discounts on all sorts of things. Whether it's gadgets, toys, or clothes, there's something for everyone. But what makes these Deal Days so special? In this article, we'll uncover the secrets behind Amazon Prime Deal Days and how you can save big. Get ready to discover a world of amazing deals. What are Amazon Prime Deal Days? The basics of Amazon Prime Deal Days When do Amazon Prime Deal Days happen? The history of Amazon Prime Deal Days Preparing for Amazon Prime Deal Days Exclusive Deals and Discounts Finding the Best Prime Day Deals Tips for Successful Shopping Prime Day Deals on Amazon Devices Electronics and Tech Deals Home and Kitchen Deals Fashion and Beauty Deals Other Exciting Prime Day Categories What are Amazon Prime Deal Days? Amazon Prime Deal Days are annual shopping events exclusively available to Amazon Prime members. It is a special occasion where customers can find incredible deals and discounts on a wide range of products. From electronics and tech gadgets to clothing, home goods, and beyond, Prime Day offers something for everyone at discounted prices. It is a great opportunity for Prime members to shop for their favorite items and save a lot of money in the process. The basics of Amazon Prime Deal Days Amazon Prime Deal Days are two-day events filled with exclusive discounts and deals. They are held worldwide, allowing Prime members from different countries to participate. During these days, Prime members have access to countless products at significantly lower prices. Many of these deals are time-sensitive and may only last for a few hours, so it's important to act quickly and grab the items you want before they're gone. When do Amazon Prime Deal Days happen? Amazon Prime Deal Days usually take place in mid-July each year. The exact dates vary, as Amazon likes to keep it a surprise until closer to the event. However, Prime members can expect them to happen during the summer season. It's a time when many people are on vacation or looking for great deals, so Amazon takes advantage of this by offering exclusive discounts and incentives to its Prime members. The history of Amazon Prime Deal Days Amazon Prime Deal Days started in 2015 to celebrate Amazon's 20th anniversary. It was initially a one-day event filled with amazing deals exclusively for Prime members. The success of the first Prime Day prompted Amazon to turn it into an annual tradition. Over the years, Prime Day has expanded to two days, allowing even more deals to be offered. It has become one of the biggest shopping events globally, rivaled only by Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Preparing for Amazon Prime Deal Days Becoming an Amazon Prime member To take advantage of Amazon Prime Deal Days, you need to be an Amazon Prime member. If you're not already a member, you can sign up for a Prime membership on the Amazon website. Prime membership offers numerous benefits throughout the year, including free two-day shipping, access to streaming services like Prime Video and Prime Music, and of course, the exclusive deals and discounts on Prime Day. Setting a budget for Prime Deal Days Before diving into the excitement of Prime Day, it's important to set a budget. With so many deals available, it can be easy to overspend and end up with items you don't need or want. By deciding on a budget beforehand, you can prioritize your purchases and ensure you stay within your financial limits. Creating a wishlist To stay organized and focused during Prime Day, create a wishlist of the products you are interested in buying. You can add items to your wishlist throughout the year, so when Prime Day arrives, you'll have a clear idea of what you want. This will help you avoid impulse purchases and ensure you prioritize the items that are most important to you. Installing the Amazon app To have the best Prime Day shopping experience, consider installing the Amazon app on your smartphone or tablet. The app provides quick and easy access to all the deals and discounts, allowing you to browse and purchase items conveniently. You can also enable push notifications to stay updated on the latest deals and limited-time offers. Exclusive Deals and Discounts Prime Member Exclusive Deals During Prime Day, Amazon offers exclusive deals that are only available to Prime members. These deals often feature significant discounts, limited-time offers, and special promotions. Prime member exclusive deals are a major highlight of Prime Day and can include a wide range of products, from electronics and gadgets to home goods and fashion items. Lightning Deals Lightning Deals are time-sensitive offers that are available for a limited time or until stock runs out. These deals often have a limited quantity of items at heavily discounted prices. To make sure you don't miss out on Lightning Deals, keep an eye on the Prime Day page and be ready to act quickly when you find a deal that interests you. Early Access Deals Prime members also get early access to some of the best Prime Day deals. This means that you can start shopping for certain items even before the official start of Prime Day. Early access deals give you a head start and a better chance of securing the items you want before they sell out. Deals by Categories Amazon organizes Prime Day deals into various categories, making it easier for you to find products that interest you. Whether you're looking for electronics, fashion, home goods, or toys, you can navigate through the different categories and explore the deals available within each one. This makes it simple to shop for specific types of products and discover new items within your preferred category. Finding the Best Prime Day Deals Exploring the Amazon Prime Day homepage The Amazon Prime Day homepage is the hub for all the deals and offers available during the event. It highlights the featured deals, current promotions, and popular categories. By regularly visiting the Prime Day homepage, you can stay up-to-date with what's happening and discover new deals. Using search filters and sorting options To narrow down your search and find the best deals for you, use the search filters and sorting options provided by Amazon. You can filter by price range, customer ratings, discounts, and more. Sorting options allow you to arrange the products according to popularity, price, or relevance. These tools will help you navigate through the vast selection of deals and find exactly what you're looking for. Utilizing deal tracking websites and apps Several websites and apps track Prime Day deals and provide notifications when products you're interested in go on sale. By utilizing these tools, you can stay updated on the latest offers even if you're not actively browsing the Amazon website. These tracking services can help you save time and ensure you don't miss out on any fantastic deals. Watching out for Preview Deals Leading up to Prime Day, Amazon often releases preview deals. These are early glimpses of the deals that will be available during the event. By paying attention to these preview deals, you can get an idea of what to expect and plan your wishlist accordingly. Keep an eye on the Prime Day homepage and Amazon's social media channels to stay informed about any upcoming preview deals. Tips for Successful Shopping Create a game plan With so many deals and limited-time offers, it's important to create a game plan. Plan ahead by making a list of the products you want to purchase and set a priority order. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting overwhelmed by the vast selection of deals. Compare prices and read reviews Before making a purchase, compare prices across different sellers and check customer reviews. This will ensure that you're getting the best deal and purchasing a quality product. By taking the time to research, you can make informed decisions and avoid any potential buyer's remorse. Get alerted with deal notifications Enable deal notifications on the Amazon app or tracking websites to stay updated on the latest offers. This way, you won't miss out on any time-sensitive deals and can take advantage of discounts as soon as they become available. Check for bundled offers During Prime Day, Amazon often offers bundled deals where you can save even more by purchasing multiple items together. Keep an eye out for these bundled offers, as they can be a great way to maximize your savings and get more value for your money. Prime Day Deals on Amazon Devices Discounts on Amazon Echo devices Prime Day is an excellent time to purchase Amazon Echo devices. The Echo range includes smart speakers, displays, and accessories. These devices can play music, provide information, control smart home devices, and much more. Look out for discounts on popular devices like Echo Dot, Echo Show, and Echo Flex. Deals on Amazon Fire Tablets Amazon Fire Tablets are affordable and versatile devices that are perfect for entertainment and productivity. During Prime Day, you can find great deals on Fire Tablets, making it an ideal time to upgrade your tablets or purchase them as gifts for family and friends. Special offers for Kindle e-readers If you're an avid reader, Prime Day is a fantastic opportunity to find deals on Kindle e-readers. These devices offer a lightweight and convenient way to carry thousands of books with you wherever you go. Look out for discounts on Kindle Paperwhite, Kindle Oasis, and other Kindle models. Prime Day deals on Ring and Blink devices Home security devices like Ring doorbells and Blink cameras often see significant discounts during Prime Day. These devices enhance the safety and security of your home, allowing you to monitor and protect it even when you're away. Keep an eye out for deals on Ring doorbells, Blink cameras, and other home security products. Electronics and Tech Deals Televisions and home theater systems Prime Day is a great time to upgrade your home entertainment system. Look out for deals on televisions, soundbars, and home theater systems. Whether you're looking for a large 4K TV or a compact soundbar, Prime Day offers an array of options at discounted prices. Laptops, desktops, and accessories If you're in need of a new computer or accessories, Prime Day is an excellent opportunity to find deals on laptops, desktops, monitors, keyboards, and mice. Whether you're a student, professional, or casual user, there are options available for every need and budget. Smartphones and wearable devices Prime Day often features deals on smartphones, smartwatches, fitness trackers, and other wearable devices. Whether you're looking for the latest smartphone or a fitness tracker to help you stay active, Prime Day offers a chance to find these devices at reduced prices. Gaming consoles and accessories Gamers rejoice during Prime Day, as it brings fantastic deals on gaming consoles, controllers, headsets, and games. Whether you're a PlayStation, Xbox, or Nintendo fan, there are plenty of gaming deals to choose from. It's a great time to upgrade your gaming setup or expand your collection of games. Home and Kitchen Deals Appliances and kitchen gadgets Prime Day offers a wide range of deals on home appliances and kitchen gadgets. From blenders and coffee makers to vacuum cleaners and air fryers, you can find amazing discounts on products that make your life easier and more convenient. Furniture and home decor If you're looking to upgrade your furniture or spruce up your living space, Prime Day offers exciting deals on furniture and home decor items. From sofas and beds to rugs and wall art, you can find options to suit your style and budget. Cleaning and organizing products Prime Day is a great time to stock up on cleaning and organizing products. Look out for deals on cleaning supplies, storage containers, and organization systems. Whether you need to declutter your home or enhance your cleaning routine, Prime Day has you covered. Bedding and bath essentials Upgrade your bedroom and bathroom with Prime Day deals on bedding and bath essentials. From soft and cozy sheets to luxurious towels and robes, you can find high-quality products at discounted prices. It's an opportunity to create a more comfortable and relaxing environment in your home. Fashion and Beauty Deals Clothing, shoes, and accessories Prime Day offers fantastic deals on clothing, shoes, and accessories for the whole family. Whether you're looking for everyday essentials or special occasion attire, you can find a wide range of options at discounted prices. From trendy styles to classic staples, there's something for everyone. Makeup and skincare products Beauty enthusiasts can take advantage of Prime Day deals on makeup and skincare products. From popular brands to niche favorites, you can find discounts on cosmetics, skincare sets, and beauty tools. It's a great time to refresh your beauty routine or try out new products. Watches and jewelry Prime Day offers great deals on watches and jewelry, making it the perfect time to add a new timepiece or accessory to your collection. Whether you prefer classic designs or trendy styles, you can find options for every taste and budget. Haircare and grooming essentials Keep your hair and grooming routine in top shape with Prime Day deals on haircare and grooming essentials. Look out for discounts on hair styling tools, grooming kits, and personal care products. It's an opportunity to elevate your self-care routine and pamper yourself. Other Exciting Prime Day Categories Books and e-books Book lovers rejoice during Prime Day, as there are often deals on physical books, e-books, and audiobooks. Whether you're a fan of fiction, non-fiction, or self-help books, you can find discounts on a wide range of titles. It's a great time to expand your library or discover new authors. Toys and games Prime Day offers exciting deals on toys and games for kids of all ages. From popular toy brands to board games and puzzles, you can find options to keep everyone entertained. It's an opportunity to stock up on birthday presents or find new ways to have fun as a family. Sports and outdoor equipment If you're into sports and outdoor activities, Prime Day provides discounts on sports equipment, outdoor gear, and fitness accessories. Whether you're a hiker, cyclist, or fitness enthusiast, you can find deals on gear that will help you stay active and enjoy the great outdoors. Health and fitness products Prime Day often features deals on health and fitness products, including fitness trackers, exercise equipment, and nutritional supplements. Whether you're looking to kick-start your fitness journey or upgrade your current routine, Prime Day offers the chance to save on products that support a healthy lifestyle. In conclusion, Amazon Prime Deal Days are annual shopping events exclusively for Amazon Prime members. They offer incredible deals and discounts across various categories, from electronics and tech gadgets to home goods, fashion, and more. By becoming an Amazon Prime member, setting a budget, creating a wishlist, and utilizing tools like the Amazon app and tracking websites, you can make the most of Prime Day and find the best deals. Whether you're looking for Amazon devices, electronics, home and kitchen essentials, fashion and beauty products, or other exciting categories like books, toys, sports equipment, and fitness products, Prime Day has something for everyone. So mark your calendars, prepare your wishlist, and get ready to save big on Amazon Prime Deal Days! Read the full article
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
OFF GRID: Stealth Hacking game that is totally moddable
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OFF GRID: Stealth Hacking game is available to Wishlist on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Which is the result of the work and dedication of developer Semaeopus. Working to make its way onto Steam. OFF GRID: Stealth Hacking is a 3rd person stealth hacking game where data is your most powerful weapon. While gameplay forgoes combat for hacking tools and ingenuity. Plus it is also totally moddable on Linux. Gameplay utilizes unique mechanics that allow you to shape the world. Which also includes the people around you using the data they unwittingly leave behind. It’s a stealth game where the player can truly hack. As well as shape objects in the setting. Which we introduced with an article back in 2014.
We don't have a firm release date yet.
Reaching out to Semaeopus via email, this is their reply. So far, we have a Steam page, but no release date for the Unity 3D game. Still, the gameplay has my attention with the familiar in-game terminal windows.
OFF GRID: Stealth Hacking Preview Trailer
The normal looking OFF GRID world is a dystopia. One that is also governed by an overreaching state. One that is always seeking to know more about the daily movements. Including the thoughts and search history of the general public. You play a non-tech savvy single dad, Joe, with no clue about the prying and spying. All due to the corporate sponsored government. But in this surveying state, you must figure out how to game the system in stealth. OFF GRID also supports Steam workshop. So players, modders, and hackers will be able to use the game to create. Coming up with new and unique levels with stories. So you search and hacking the Internet of things. Mod the game with full Steam Workshop support and a customized Unity editor. See how the dev's built OFF GRID using our maps, assets, and code.
Stealth and hacking gameplay based on the use of data and settings. Rather than weapons and combat
Hack into lifelike simulated networks and data in OFF GRID. Along with realistic hacking methods and tools. Including SSH, side jacking, and social handling of the AI
Modern storyline and missions related to real world events. All following data privacy and mass scrutiny
Fully moddable content letting players create new and unique levels. Whether complete fantasy or mimicking hacking in the real world
Amazing audio and original soundtrack from Jonas Jensen and Lyndon Holland. The BAFTA winning composer from the game Virginia
OFF GRID: Stealth Hacking game is available to Wishlist on Steam. Due to offers support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC.
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ianthedisastrous · 2 years
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Task 30 -- SWYNRP Character Wishlist: A list of 10+ characters you’d like to see in the RP (for you to play or someone else!)
Patricia “Trixie” Schaal
So, here's the thing. This is a newer skeleton, yes, but also? The want I have for this character to exist is fully selfish and I already have such a strong plot idea here. Just the skeleton alone! Do I absolutely need a mysterious rival/friend to Hiro who he has interacted with online for so long and is absolutely probably a crush, actually showing up and busting him on his sneaky illegal online activities? Yes! Do I need this person to be someone with a crush on him from his online persona? Yes! Do they share the same 'i am so much cooler online' people anxiety? Absolutely! Could it potentially be even funnier if she's a uni student and Hiro had talked about his own college exploits with her, outing himself as lying about basically everything in his life now? Also yes. 
Please someone bring me some weirdness and awkwardness because I truly need more tech characters around with Hiro and this one caught my eye the minute it was posted.
Ichabod Crane
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is, in fact, my favorite old horror story. I absolutely have devoted so much time learning about that story and the history to it and I love it very much. So I need, not want, need, some to pick up the character for three reasons; I have some very big plot ideas with Zero here, Ichabod is just absolutely amazing and making him a writer is such a good choice, and lastly…someone needs to pick him up so I won't. Because I shouldn't, but I want to, very badly, and I want very badly to see what the very creative people here would do with him. There can never be enough spooky characters; I stand by this. 
Miriam Mendelsohn
Again, this is another potential tech kid I want to see for reasons. (if I can't have BH6 characters around I will steal connections with any tech character from any franchise, yes) But even beyond how much I love 'the living a life online, having to adapt to a real social life' vibe (obviously given Hiro), I also love the possibility for diversity! Miriam was easily my favorite character in Turning Red and I can fully see some room for gender diversity here!
James “Zurg” Zetterburg
I loved Lightyear, it's right up there with my favorites now and Zurg's skeleton just brings me such intense pain, in the best ways. I think he would be an excellent addition to the older demographic of town and I love a good sympathetic 'villain' story so I'm so wanting to see him around. Just the desperation of spending your life trying to find the one thing you think will fix everything but the world moved on without caring about what you were trying to do? It's especially poignant with an older character who feels their voice is going unheard. We get that dynamic with some of our teens because it's a very common teenage issue, but it's overlooked that that sort of dismissal can haunt people in any frame of life.  Honestly, I can see so much potential with this character and need to see it play out, so badly. 
Declan Twaddell
This skeleton fascinates me and I love the take on this character! Although it's pretty open-ended as to what sort of Fae he is exactly, since we do have Changelings that are Seelie or Unseelie, the skeleton leans more to the Unseelie side and I'd like to see how that plays out. Or, what I would really like to see is something beyond our High Fey and a totally different sort of Unseelie. There are so many that could be referenced or adapted to the idea and the Fae are so broad; someone please pick up this outstandingly good skeleton before I do because my brain is already working out the possibilities. Help. 
For real tho, this is my favorite recent skeleton and this character needs to exist! Someone! (Also Declan is a great name so there's also that.)
Sigh. I want this one so bad. 
Reginald “Rex” Barnum
I very much feel this guy is just made to be buddies with Isaac. Their Magick and Mundus inclusive classrooms? The vibes with that are just too good. Rex is too good. Someone please bring me this adorable dragon and give Isaac a work buddy he can be a total nerd about how excited he is over his job. This is fully a pitch because I want more Swynlake Primary folks around, yes, so I can have more work friends for Isaac, but come on, really? Rex is great! We need more sunshine around town! Pls? Someone? Plus, he's a dragon!
Marin MacGill
Yet another someone get this character before I do because this concept is just so good. Mirror world? That just sounds like such a great idea and so much fun to play with. Genius. I love strange magic and this is one that strikes me as particularly unique; I would love to see it fleshed out! Also, as always, I love to see more gender diversity and I could see some real potential here to like the idea of mirror world to some of our existing lore relating to non-human Magicks. I could probably ramble on about this too long so I will leave it at someone really should get Martin, it feels like a travesty that they aren't around yet! (Yanno, before I do because I really don't need to be thinking about it.) 
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elgaberino-mcoc · 2 years
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Series: Characters Not Yet on the Wishlist Nor in a Tournament /sub-series: International Women’s Day/Women’s History Month /sub-series: Theme Day: Females Likely Too Obscure for Wishlist
Captain Peace
mash Justice Peace & Cap Marvel
Immune: Invisibility, time, Limbo
Weapon Peace
(add Weapon Hex) Mystic
Secret Wars warps characters were cool but short-lived.
Bio: https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Justice_Peace
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augurhound-a · 3 years
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- MORE FRIENDS. PLEASE GOD MORE FRIENDS 02 has the least amount of people he considers real, true friends of in everyone in his family. i genuinely struggle to count more than four. i want my son to have friends so he’s not a little pissbaby all the time - POSITIVE ROLE MODEL/PARENTAL FIGURES DEAR GOD. i’m not joking when i say that if a parental figure he looked up to hugged 02 he would instantly shatter. give him. dayud. mom. i dont care he just needs a role model - SOMEONE DRAG HIM TO A DOCTOR. 02 will resist treatment for his faulty code and his mental illnesses tooth and nail somebody’s gotta force him to go - MAKE HIM CRY. 02′s never cried before ever in the history of this blog (i would know, i went back and i fucking looked not ONE tear. not ONE) and i think that would be good for him :) - FIGHT HIM. loser nerd scientist needs to fight more stop backlining you worthless twink - THIS ONE IS EXCEEDINGLY SPECIFIC but i want someone to interface with 02′s positronic brain and perceive his subconscious the way he does it--a weird simulant tron data landscape of sapient code and shifting executables. think the geth server mission from me3. please give this to me please. - did i mention get him a therapist yet - HAVE FUN WITH HIM? JUST HAVE FUN WITH HIM!! help him get out of his agoraphobia. take him for a night on the town to a club or to a restaurant or museum just do something fun with him so he stops being so wound up all the time. go hiking! go camping! just do something fun with him he’s so work steady and sad all the time :( - I WANT A “WE KILLED SOMEONE AND HAVE TO HIDE THE BODY” RP. let me weekend at bernies this - HEY SO DO YOU WANT A FRIEND that has extremely rich and powerful friends that are crime lords, tech CEOs, military spec ops traitors, or master thieves? do you want to meet 02′s inner circle? i want someone to :]
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webmeridian · 2 years
Project: Cheaper Cartridge
Our case
Cheaper Cartridge
The website’s primary focus is cheap compatible cartridges. The UK-based store offers a wide range of office and printing equipment at great prices as well as provide free next day delivery, lifetime guarantee and personal account management.
Industry - Tech Services - Magento Support and Maintenance Technologies: Magento, PHP, CSS, less Team: 1 Backend developer, 1 Frontend developer, 1 QA, 1 PM
Task & Solution
WebMeridian team has implemented front-end customisations and a new flow for ordering new products for the printing equipment site. In a nutshell, our experts had to handle deep customisations in the online shop’s layout, adjust the front-end part, and carry out customisations for a product selection and display.
The site has the following features:
Advanced Search
Personal Account Manager
Shopping List
Orders History
Our clients set out with the intention of expanding their eCommerce platform, increasing sales, and propelling the company to new heights. By combining their efforts with their desire and utilising Adobe and Magento 2, they made ground-breaking breakthroughs.
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agentmanatee · 4 years
AOS 30 Day Challenge
Day 30: Free day: Season 7 wishlist
Mackelena ballroom dancing (longshot, I know)
FitzSimmons secret child, credit @agl03
May and Daisy to find closure with LMD Coulson
Philinda bottle episode, or seeing the fabled Glasgow mission at the very least
Deke and Jemma to have family moments throughout the season
Deke to have family moments with Fitz once he rejoins the team
Bus kids team-up
Fitz and Daisy to bond
Fitz and Coulson to have a long overdue talk/farewell
Fitz and May talking about watching the other die
Daisy and Yoyo to restart the Secret Warriors at season's end
Mackelena to adopt Flint
Mackelena to adopt Lunella Lafayette, who is played by the same girl as Hope
An appearance by Vijay Nadeer
An appearance by Mike Peterson
Bobbi and Lance! A fool's dream but, hey, it's a wishlist
A cameo by or mention of Polly and Robin Hinton
May leading the Operations Academy
Fitz and Simmons tag-teaming between running the Science and Tech Academy and caring for their children
LMD Coulson what to do with himself after the mission is over, whether it be decommissioning or teaching Shield history
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cogentranting · 4 years
Arrow Season 8 Wishlist Checkin
I made a wishlist (here) so here’s my check in to see what did and did not happen
Tommy and/or Chase to be in more than one episode - 2 episodes for Tommy AND he came back to life!
Lot’s of mentions of Felicity and Oliver’s kids even if he’s not seeing them- Yes they did so good
Seeing at least a couple different Earths- Earth 2 and a couple in Crisis so I guess
The Oliver/Diggle bromance moments they promised at comic con- YES
Lots of callbacks to past seasons- So many, so good
Smoak Tech taking shape on the periphery of the stuff that Oliver is doing- No but that’s fine
Oliver to be back to killing people- I think he did. Sometimes it’s unclear. In my head, he’s killing people. 
Oliver fighting off hordes of people on his own and it not even being hard- You know it
Russia callbacks- YES. Good. 
A lot of talk about how important and impressive Oliver is. Just lots of praise for Oliver.- So much. Season 8 knows who the king of the arrowverse is.
Dinah and Rene friendship stuff- Not really. 
Future Roy babysitting Oliver’s grown children- No but it wouldn’t have made sense
Some nice moments between Oliver and the team in the present (especially Oliver and Roy)- Nothing huge, but pretty good.
Discussion of the public’s view of Oliver/The Green Arrow- Some in the finale
Mia to start going by either Mia Queen or Mia Smoak Queen- YES
Adequate explanation for why, while Oliver is hopping around with the Monitor, he’s unable to even contact Felicity- Well no. Though it’s not 100% clear whether or not he’s in contact. 
If Oliver dies, then a real big emotional funeral with all the superheroes paying their respects, some old family friends, public figures, and then everyone from the frenemy group chat (Slade, Anatoly, Nyssa, Talia, Chien Na Wei) either coming in fake mustaches or hiding in the rafters or something. And Walter better be there.- Walter, Slade, and Chien Na Wei did not get to attend (Slade was there. we just didn’t get to see him. You can’t convince me otherwise) but they did right by my love in terms of memorials and speeches and people honoring Oliver. 
I think it would be kind of cool if there was something weird going on with time and the season was longer for Oliver than for the rest of the team. Like for them it’s real time, for him it’s like 2 years or so.- no
Characters I’d like to see return (whether in the present, future, alternate versions or flashback)
Thea- YES
Slade- No. I suspect because of either scheduling or DC not allowing it
Moira- Yes. Better than I hoped for. 
Emiko- Yes!
Walter- No. :(
Young William- Yes. Not as much as I would have hoped for though.
Huntress- No
Tatsu- Yes!
McKenna- No
Ben Turner- No
Quentin- YES
Shado- No :(
Lyla- Yeah some good Lyla stuff
Rory- YES
Evelyn- No :(
Nyssa- Yes though not as much as I would have liked cuz scheduling
Big Picture End of the Show Desires
Oliver and adult Mia to meet- YES SO MUCH WONDERFUL ABOUT IT
Oliver’s legacy as the Green Arrow to be repaired- Heck yeah baby! First hero, savior of Star City, savior of the multiverse, tributes all over the place. That’s my king of the Arrowverse
Thea and Roy to have their happily ever after- My babies are getting married!
Mia to fully adopt a superhero identity either as BlackStar or Green Arrow- Green Arrow #2 in the house!
Mia and Connor to get together (unless there’s going to be a Blackstar spinoff, then they can wait)- No but if GAC gets picked up we’re good
Future Star City getting fixed somehow (or never broken….) (again, if there’s gonna be a spinoff, this doesn’t need to happen)- Oliver said “here have a utopia” 
Oliver to literally save the entire universe by himself- Yes. I mean technically the paragons too, but mainly Oliver.
If Oliver does die saving the universe it better get talked about by ALL the other shows on their episodes following the crossover. More than once on Flash and Legends.- No idea whether or Supergirl or Batwoman talked about it. Legends... talked about him dying and had everyone but Sara and kind of Behrad not care so now they’re all on my bad side. Flash talked about it a little but not enough.
An ending where all that Oliver gave and all that he did for the world and how heroic he was is acknowledged and embraced by more than just his close friends and immediate family. I want to know that the history books are writing about Oliver Queen.- YES. They did good by him.
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uxmealux · 3 years
The Magic Radio and the Suspension of Disbelief
The Magic Radio OB-4 is Teenage Engineering’s latest contraption. The Swedish tech house has a history of creating curious musical instruments, gadgets, and home goods. Prefigured by a product line developed for IKEA, the Magic Radio is a Bluetooth speaker with aspirations of eccentric grandeur.
Inside an obelisk that would have Dieter Rams covetous is a Bluetooth receiver, FM radio with digital scanner, analogue audio input, and dream machine. It presents as a speaker — and it sounds quite good — but it is in the curious Disk mode that this device betrays is surreal raison d’être. Here we find a metronome with speed controlled by a multi-purpose motorized wheel, a meditation setting with looped recordings of two dozen variations on shamanic incantations (yes…), and a hypnagogic real-time radio remixer where the motorized wheel now allows you to control how deep you want to slip away into the void.
The build quality is superb. It was built in Romania in a flourish of European engineering capabilities and a move away from the diminishing returns of Chinese manufacturing. It has sharp (very sharp) 90º edges. The volume control is motorized as is the ever-turning Tape wheel. The latter records all audio played through the unit and can be turned backwards to repeat anything it has heard over the past two hours. It can also create audio loops from its input, and these can be further manipulated with various key/wheel combinations.
Some design decisions yield challenges to the user. With a limited interface consisting of only two button and two wheels we are forced into unintuitive button combinations to access most features. Input and Play buttons have the same size, shape, and surface. Though they are positioned side by side, a tactile point of differentiation would be useful. The volume wheel’s protrusion makes it susceptible to being moved accidentally when scrolling the always inviting tape wheel. Since the wheel is quite sensitive and as the system is capable of reaching high volumes, this can yield an unpleasant surprise. There is no speaker cover. While this makes for an elegant appearance, it exposes the soft cones to damage.
The radio has a rigid handle that can be rotated to lay it at a slight angle. However as there is no footing and no lock position, the handle can kick out and send the unit falling on its face. When set down on its handle, it seems the unit should go speakers down. This muddies the sound and hides the text labels of the buttons and knobs. If set down the other way, all of the text is upside down but visible…
A deeply felt gap is the omission of an audio output. With so many sound creation features and so much emphasis on meditative states, it is strange there is no way to isolate this experience within headphones or to reproduce it elsewhere.
Output jack
More spacing between the two wheels
Another button or two for more intuitive control
Speaker grills (magnetic face — why not?)
Better orientation of the button labels
Allow the handle to move in but one direction (whichever direction the speakers are intended to be)
Power jack on the side rather than in back
USB-C as power source
Teenage Engineering promises the small, strange set of Disk mode features is just the beginning. It has me curious as to where they intend to take this device in the future — and if they haven’t already designed their Magic Radio into a corner of amusing quirks and limited usability.
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