#techincally a wip!!!!!!!!
goldammerchen · 1 year
332 words
on a sunny day, alfred goes to east berlin for a super spy mission—actually just sent as a spy to find anything that could be useful. wandering around, he ends up next to one of berlin lakes. only after he sees a bunch of naked people sunbathing he realizes that he's in a FKK zone.
nothing useful to discover there, alfred thinks while turning around. as he walks, he has the hunch of being followed. whenever he stops to look behind him he doesn't see anyone, but the feeling returns as soon as he walks again. this keeps happening until:
"oi, mister american spy, why don't you and me have a talk?"
alfred recognizes that voice from when he was a young nation fighting for his independence, with the same pitch used to mock him. now he sees prussia—or more exactly, the still fairly new in countries age gdr—wearing nothing but a pair of zeha sneakers, instead of an impeccable military uniform.
"dude! what's wrong with you?!" alfred fixes his eyes on his former mentor's eyes, to avoid looking down again, still having trouble to believe what he sees: someone seems to have lost his marbles.
"nothing! i'm better than ever!" says, but gilbert's smile twitches. "and if there was something wrong, i don't give a fuck anymore."
gilbert starts chasing alfred. before alfred outruns the older yet "new" european nation, he hears gilbert recriminations:
"i fucking died, you damn kid!"
with his cover blown, knowing gil would alert his people, alfred aborted the aimless mission. he didn't say a word about the incident to ludwig, but despite that, weeks later during a cloudy day, ludwig showed himself acquainted with what happened ("how?!")
"i told you."
"i told you what?" alfred asks, confounded.
"about the nudists."
alfred couldn't wait to go back to his home. as much as he has fun when he works in europe (finding the action he needs), he dearly misses the sun being more present in his life...
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piebank · 1 year
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thisteaistoosweet · 11 months
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Some sketches of Girl if she escaped or was raised by certain people. ;p
(In order: Cahara, Enki, D’arce)
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shatterinseconds · 3 months
tagged by @jupiters-junipers (thank you!!!)
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like).
“You.” Keith growls, gaze hard and unyielding.
tagging @spazzcat @badsongpetey and @autumnignited (sorry if any of you have already been tagged! feel free to ignore)
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disastersteps · 3 months
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a still progress of the finished art i made the other day!
the first one was a really old wip i didn't even continue on it more- since i think this was drawn two to three years ago which is why i decided to redraw my unfinished wip, hence the drastic style change with my current style!
the original idea was supposed to be for the broken window shards that comes from when Sidestep fell through, and using these shards around where Anita's scars were at because it was how they got these scars (and yeah the original scars used to be a lot but i make it more simple with current design)- and yes the original idea was to just have plain blue/grey window texture but now, i had decided to go crazy with its green theme for obvious revelations reasons and you know, they're Harbinger so why not? wheezes
and yeah, the framing was only added like. during the progress of it and i'm glad i did it so
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secretaccountlol · 2 years
here take this snacks to hold you over, sorry for starving you for months lol.
I have three different flavors for you today
warning!!!!! 🔞these are smut pieces!
(also if anyone wants to be a test subject for my writing and wants to help me edit hmu! I swear I’m friendly <3)
These are all posted now! Check pinned post
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bluebell-winter · 1 month
WIP Folder Game
Thanks for tag @wordspin-shares I techincally don't have a WIP folder, but these are the docs that I have open:
Left Behind
Darkest Before the Hope
Never Good Enough
Moonlight Rendezvous
My Town's Weird (Part 1)
In The Name of Love
I Can Be Your Everything
We All Got Secrets
The Best of Me
Tag List: @arrthurpendragon, @noratilney, @bi-ologistofthehills, @eddysocs, @mariedemedicis, @dreaming-for-an-escape, @nixdragon
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sleeplessdreamer14 · 1 year
here’s a lil WIP no one asked for but I’m actually pretty happy with feat. @hntrgurl13 ‘s oc Adeline Marks. Why? I just think she’s neat.
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I’m gonna go to bed now, but I’ll clean it up in the morning (techincally it’s 2 am up but you get it)
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bunnyshipper2001 · 1 year
Rant incoming, beware. No seriously, it‘s just me kvetching for a hot minute about my inability to get my ideas out properly.
I have new multi-chapter fic ideas for South Park -with like SOT, domestic life, and curses— all angsty/tragic w/ a good amount of comedy/romance to boot, ofc, because both angst and tragedy are my best genres followed by romantic comedy- but I feel as if I can’t write any of them until i’m at least halfway done with the one that’s currently a wip on ao3 (mainly due to the fact I can’t concentrate on more than one story at once). The issues is, however, that i’ve only published the first eight chapters- and that’s not covering even 1/4th of my outline! I’m literally stuck in this enternal paradox of endless ideas and being unable to write them due to my own inability to concentrate on multiple tasks at once (tasks being writing multiple ple multi-chapter fics at once). There’s also just the fact that I hate starting something and then being unable to finish it -which tends to be a habit of mine if I try to work on multiple projects at once- because I feel like i’m failing everyone and myself as well. I’m already doing it now by once again abandoning my sp comic on insta to work on the written story via ao3 due to mental health issues and weird comments/asks/etc. from followers via that account. I don‘t know if I should techincally count that, since I’d probably continue if people stopped being disgusting, but it falls in the same “abandoned” category, unfortunately.
Now granted, I also have some adorably fluffy concepts (of my top two sp ships: Style and Bunny) I want to write as well in like a one-shot series, but we still have the same issue but for a different reason: that I can’t stand working on small projects while in the midst of a larger activity. I might try and do that though, only to maybe clear up my mind a bit. I feel like my heads going to explode from the clusterfuck of projects I want to do 😤😫🤬!!!
If there’s any other fanfic writers on here who have some insight , i’d very much appreciate it 😅.
Anyways, sorry for the rant. Just needed that out of my system 😅
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mossychaos · 3 years
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“You owe me fifteen credits,” the girl seethed as Finneas erased the trip from the pod’s system.
“If I make it to the spaceport,” Finneas muttered, entering the coordinates for the Richeport Interplanetary Spaceport, “you can give me your dex number, and I’ll show you a time worth more than fifteen credits.”
send me a 🌹 and i'll post a random line from my wip!
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
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✧・゚:*  Toons for the ages!  * :・゚✧
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demoncatlady · 5 years
When your art program crashes and it backlogs past fresh saves at least 24 hours
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magicbyhalves · 5 years
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(I was gonna post this when I was still working on it as a sneak preview, but I never did. I still had it saved on my PC and decided to share.
For anyone curious, I draw the actual line art in Paint Tool SAI and color it in Photoshop. I’ve used them both for all my drawings, really. =) )
(Aaww, she looks so dang cute. :P)
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markoftheleviathan · 6 years
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It’s almost four in the morning, and I’m too busy drawing our favourite murder empress to sleep, but I can’t even be mad. Things are starting to look like... well, things. Kas, you’re a fucking writer, come up with something better than “things look like things.” I don’t care if you’re sleep deprived.
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disastersteps · 7 months
wip (not) wednesday
its thursday where i am right now, but its techincally wed in other places soo yeet!
i got tagged by @idlenight and ure lucky bc i actually have some wips- some are on hold and others are scribbles to get the ideas out the way so i get work on them later!
as for tagging, uhhhh, errrrr, im blanking and idk how many had already done wip wed game already so uHHUU tags anyone reading this! (you dont have to if u dont!!, also putting here bc at the bottom, i had a little relevations spoiler sketch jhdsgh)
...lets start with the ones im currently had them on hold-
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^ these are together actually in the same file! its my fake covers im kiiiinda going back and forth- the lines are done, so coloring them is gonna be. a while :')
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^ these are scribble sketches, for now, are something that i'll work on down the road! its cheshire and harbinger! left one is more of just wanting to draw their armors in the same canvas, the right one is a redraw of a old comic i made years ago wheezes
and now the REVELATIONS SPOILERS BELOW this is a wip i drew after i finished that short demo sooo yeet! (putting it under readmore sdgjsh)
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just your typical 'breakup' scene (dw they're going to talk. i believe this in my heart wHEEZES)
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