#technically a cockatrice
spacerockband · 7 months
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winter dragon, baby basilisk, and american hoop snake
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bloodyrhinestones · 11 months
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There’s few things I enjoy more in this life than a decent deviled egg
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highlifeboat · 7 months
Huh, I actually did not knew about cockatrice :o
I was thinking of Basilisk from the Worm Ouroboros by Edinson or one of the artworks by KingOvRats :p
I know i brought up TOH Basilisk first, but I don't really count it as one. No idea, why they name it that :p
(Not mutant Mia related. Just my general thoughts)
I think they called them Basilisks because their basic form is that of a Basilisk (aka... Giant fuckin Snake/Reptile creature). Plus I believe in the lore of the Owl House Basilisks are considered incredibly dangerous creatures that can kill you at a glance. Which is the lore of actual Basilisks. Just Owl House changed the lore for their own universe.
Kinda like the werewolves in The Quarry. They don't look anything like werewolves, aside from maybe some basic ass lore, and then they just take a bit of creative liberty. (Whether or not they do it well is debatable)
A Cockatrice is considered a Basilisk, for some reason, but not all Basilisks are Cockatrice. From what I understand.
Like.... A Cockatrice is hatched basically the inverse way of a Basilisk. Rather than a cockerel hatching a reptile egg, it comes from a cockerel egg hatched by a serpent. The fact they're under the guise as the same creature though is, frankly, kind of weird and dumb.
But generally when I hear the word "Basilisk", I think of serpents. Like Roko's Basilisk. Or the Basilisk from Harry Potter. Or Owl House.
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chocodile · 10 months
Apologies if you've answered this somewhere: for your Amaranthine 'verse, are there any "hybrid" animal folk? On one hand, kwillow's Theo has a rat and a stoat as parents, but Theo himself is a rat (with his mother's coloring, but still a rat). On the other, Ambroys very clearly looks like a cross between a horse (father) and Something Else (Celestial mother). In the middle is Hayden's one night stand with the cat barmaid, which resulted in a child with a bunny's snout/tail, a flatter catlike face, and bunny ears a biiiit too wide and pointed to be 100% "bunny."
I'm super curious about the genetics of it as well as the social aspect (i.e. is son considered a bunny/cat/both by his peers?). It's one of my favorite bits about anthro worldbuilding!
Hybrids exist, but are pretty rare!
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Typically, children will just inherit their species from one parent or the other. Hybridization is very unusual and typically is limited to one or two very minor traits--like the child of a rabbit having slightly longer ears, the child of a weasel having a noodlier build, the child of a carnivore having fangs, etc. In almost all cases, the dominant species of the child is very clear, and the hybrid traits tend to be very recessive--rarely preserved beyond one generation.
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Particularly in the Western Kingdom, though, hybrid children do have a reputation for being unlucky, an ill omen, or even outright cursed (depending how superstitious the person you're asking is). There are a few reasons for this… the simplest is that hybrid traits are sort of a "birth defect" that can sometimes present along with other health issues. Though not all hybrids are frail and sickly, any concern about a child's susceptibility to illness was a huge deal in rural peasant villages that already tended to have high childhood mortality rates.
Over time, the perception of hybrid children = ill omen became warped and exaggerated. Western Kingdom folktales sometimes cast hybrids as vaguely supernatural trickster characters, such as tales of mysterious changeling babies whose hybrid traits eventually revealed them to be half Infernal.
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For this reason, the actual frequency of hybrid traits is probably greatly under reported… anyone who can hide or ignore or lie about their hybrid traits probably will. Though most Western Kingdom superstitions fell away after the collapse of the old kingdoms, some degree of stigma in Post-Fall society remains. No one seriously thinks a sheep with fangs is half Infernal anymore (most don't believe that Infernals and Celestials even exist), but it will still probably be passively assumed that a hybrid is less fit for difficult labor, among other things.
Half Celestial and Half Infernal offspring work a bit different… they're always technically "hybrids", but specifically hybridize in such a way that they take the form of mythological creatures (unicorn, dragon, cockatrice, etc). I'll let Kwillow talk more about this when she discusses Ambroys' mother since she's been the one working on this section of the lore, but Half Celestials are most certainly seen as a blessing. Half Infernals… well, fear of them is part of the reason hybrids are stigmatized in the first place, so suffice to say they have it rather rough. How severe the stigma is varies across cultures and tends to be worse in the rural West, better in cities, and pretty much completely absent in much of the Eastern Kingdom.
In the Post-Fall present day, nobody believes Celestials, Infernals, or their offspring exist anymore... aside from those who know about The Kingdom of the Sun.
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Also, once in a while, a hybrid is born whose traits are so blended that their parent species are difficult to determine. These very unlucky individuals are referred to as "chimeras" and tend to have shorter life expectancies, among other things. We may be seeing a character who fits this description eventually. :P
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ink-flavored · 24 days
Urban Fantasy Animals
I couldn't resist adding a small zoo of magical animals to this WIP, most of which are specifically for the joy of having a little magical pet. Here I have outlined the favorites of mine that I'll be including in the various anthology stories! You can find this and more world-building details on my Neocities site! Unnamed Urban Fantasy Anthology Taglist (Check out my Google Form to get added): @foxys-fantasy-tales @auroblaze @thelaughingstag @auntdarth @damageinkorporated
European and Eastern type, drakes, wyverns, wyrms, etc.
Can be as small as a ferret, or the size of a Great Dane
Are kept as pets regularly
Depending on the species, dragon behaviors can vary from "lazy cat" to "purebred working border collie", so it's very important to research the kind of dragon that's right for the home
Originally a lion and an eagle, but can be any combination of cat and bird after years of selective breeding and the influence of magic in different regions
The larger species’ are big enough for an adult to ride comfortably, but there are also smaller breeds kept as pets
Can be any horse with a horn glued on it
Are particularly picky about who they allow to ride them
Basically just a magic horse, so it's used for transportation, sports, pets, animal therapy, etc.
Can be any horse with wings glued on it
Incredibly skittish, even compared to a standard horse
Basically just a horse with wings, so it's used for transportation, sports, pets, animal therapy, etc.
The upper body of any horse with the lower body of various fish
Used in water rescues, sports, and short-distance water transportation and recreation (think of them like living motorboats or jet skis)
Modern day mimics can copy standard mimic objects (chests, rocks, etc.), but also modern-day objects, like music boxes, safes, microwaves, etc.
Most of them are wild animals, but can be kept as exotic pets
As they grow, they mimic bigger and bigger things, with the treasure chest size being the biggest. Technically, they never stop growing, but as they age, growth and mimicry become a larger and larger burden. Nearly every mimic dies of old age before it can even begin to mimic something bigger than a chest.
Imagine a venus flytrap crossed with a hermit crab
Carved from a special magic rock that comes alive when crafted
Behave like magic pigeons, flying down from buildings to beg for pebbles
Are also kept as pets. Some are even specially commissioned!
Created by a chicken hatching a reptile egg
Giant serpentine creature with chicken features, poison breath, leaves a trail of venom wherever it slithers, and is able to kill with a glance
Often confused with a cockatrice
Created by a reptile hatching a chicken egg
A giant chicken with serpentine features, with similar powers to the basilisk, including being able to kill by glancing at its targets
Often confused with a basilisk
Classic phoenix, the bird that dies and comes back to life from its own ashes
Although it appears to be "coming back to life" it's actually how the phoenix reproduces in stressful situations—the new baby bird is a genetic clone, not the same animal
A well cared for phoenix should NOT be regularly bursting into flames
Bunny with antlers <3
Often kept as pets
“The most widespread description portrays the Wolpertinger as having the head of a rabbit, the body of a squirrel, the antlers of a deer, and the wings and occasionally the legs of a pheasant.” (thanks Wikipedia)
Often kept as pets, but are much more temperamental than a jackalope.
Little blips of magical essence where intense spells have left remnants
Can be any animal or combo of animals
Soul-spirit created through magical willpower that calls the latent magic around you into a fully realized form, bonded to your soul and devoted to helping you
Looks like an animal (standard or magical)
Follows you around like a wisp—you can barely see it out of the corner of your eye, but it lights up and becomes more immediately visible when you’re in need of magical aid
Created by a magic user in an intense emotional state, most often completely by accident. You can attempt to call a familiar on purpose, but it’s not common
Can also be created from two or more people having an intense emotional/magical experience together/when their spells interact. The resulting familiar will be loyal to all parties involved
In the event a familiar has to help more than one bonded individual at once, it can fracture into less powerful mirrors of itself, and snap back together once aid is no longer required
When not in helper mode, the familiar will remain in a quantum state, everywhere and nowhere at once, until one of its soul-bound partners needs its assistance
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astraskylark · 5 months
Okay I am still reeling at the fact that Falin is dragon chicken??
What exactly happened? Is this like the cockatrice sitch where she's 1/3rd dragon 1/3rd chicken and 1/3rd Falin? So she kinda fused with the dragon....is this an fma type thing where she's a chimera? But where did the chicken come from?
So now she's looking for the king that was besties with the lunatic magician but said king is said to have already died in chapter 1 (?)
Okay theory time. The lunatic magician is loyal devoted to delgal. He's also a magician. Does he realise the different life spans of elves and humans? Freaks out that he'll outlive the king? So he makes a dungeon that's doesn't let anyone die hence the king and the kingdom are made immortal but something happens and king calls quits and he manages to escape and dies as soon as he leaves the dungeon space. And now he wants someone to defeat the lunatic magician to free everyone else?
But also there were no other people there. Are the old citizens the spirits they used as a fast freezer to make ice cream? Is this the citizens of xerexes stuck in the philosopher's stone in fma type deal?
How does Falin tie into all of this tho. She became a part of the dungeon temporarily when she was brought back but probably retained some dragon traits......was falin just collateral damage cause the lunatic magician wanted that dragon back and at that moment Falin had the most percentage of red dragon in the dungeon? I mean technically the party ate the red dragon so there were also some percent dragon meat....
Why Falin man? Is it because she has traces of whatever dark magic Marcille used? Is this a Greek tragedy where she loved her so much she sentenced her to death for the price of bringing her back? So many questionsssss
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dopscratch · 5 months
ok well it looks like there's a little more than five of you
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so uh
i started writing a little bit and yknow when i said laios is literally me?
yeah i think i was born to write him
anyway here's a treat for you all, the very first draft of the first few paragraphs of A Culinary Guide to the Barbaric Archipelago
feedback is much appreciated this will probably look fairly different once i end up actually publishing :)
also keep in mind i've only watched the show so if anything seems inaccurate just tell me (preferably spoiler-free/spoiler-light) ___
Laios had no idea what these monsters were, and the thought only excited him. They had shown up as he and his party were traversing a high-ceilinged region in the fifth floor, and everyone was fumbling to fend them off. They were large, frighteningly fast, and were constantly in motion, enough that they were nothing but a near-indecipherable blur as they screeched through the air. 
Marcille had tried exploding them to no avail, the spells hitting nothing but a crumbling wall. Not a single swing of Kensuke had managed to so much as clip them, and fabric shreds floated through the air like autumn leaves as they tore through the party’s items with their talons. Chilchuck was screaming as he ducked and weaved, dodging the masses with some success. Meanwhile, Senshi busied himself trying to recover all of his fallen ingredients after one of the creature’s claws had torn off his pot and ripped open his supply bag, scattering its contents among the bricks. He didn’t even flinch when one sent sparks flying from his helmet. The only things that Laios could make out through the streaks were shimmering scales and sharp talons—either a reptilian or bird-type monster. Well, he’d read once that birds technically were reptiles anyway, but that was certainly besides the point, plus, monsters of either type generally still had their differences...though now that he thought about it, they often were encountered together—Basilisks, Cockatrices, and Coatuls were all combinations of snakes and birds, and white dragons had bird wings—wait, maybe that was why Falin had feathers! He’d thought it greedy at first, to have so many cool features together, but when he really considered it, regular birds had always had scales, on their legs at least! So then, maybe the feathers were just a natural part of it after all! Maybe...
“Maybe dragons aren’t just reptilian monsters, but a special type of bird monster!” Laios didn’t even realize he’d said anything aloud until Chilchuck turned his ire to him.
“What? How does that even matter!? Get a grip, Laios! We need to get the hell out of here!” the half-foot yelled. He grabbed onto Laios’s arm, but before he could try to tug the larger man away, he ducked to avoid an incoming blur. Marcille was having similar issues.
“Forget the food, we need to go!” She shrieked, trying to dissuade Senshi from the Sisyphean task that was collecting his things. Every time he made any sort of progress, a passing monster would swoop in to take a swipe at him, the passing wind sending everything flying once more.
first person to guess which httyd dragon is harassing them gets a doodle of your choice from me :)
ALSO, i am debating when in the books i want to set it. on one hand, setting it after the events of all the books could create some interesting dynamics with the main httyd gang and the touden party, though on the other hand that'd make it a lot less accessible for non-httyd readers and also just a massive spoiler fest. so i think setting it sometime before book 8 would also be fun and be able to accomplish what i want it to. and maybe even setting it before/during book 1 could be cool so i could play off of the interactions with the green death, though of course that would also be sacrificing the other httyd characters's development.
either way i think the main plot is that the touden party eats their way across the barbaric archipelago and hiccup horrendous haddock the third the hope and heir to the tribe of hairy hooligans just wants to find out why all the wild dragons are getting so agressive
also ziggerastica is just having a fit
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adobe-outdesign · 22 hours
Pteri or grarrl review when you have the time? Whichever out of the two you most feel like doing
(I can do both in two parts, but for right now I'll do the Pteri.)
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The Pteri is one of several bird Neopets, but surprisingly all of the other birds are specific, distinct species (penguin, owl, etc.), making the Pteri surprisingly unique for just being a normal songbird. Another thing that's unique is that the Pteri has a long non-feathered tail, almost like a Zafara; a very unique addition for a bird and one that gives it a lot more flavor than it would have otherwise.
In terms of design, the Pteri uses a simple three-color palette; base color on top, creamy accents on the underbelly and inside wing, and a complimentary shade of yellow for the beak and feet. The eyes also have these unique fire-y markings to them that accent the underbelly. My only real issue with the design is that the two head feathers don't share the same shape as any of the other feathers, and look both too long and too thin to be read as just fluff. Otherwise, it's a solid design.
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The Pteri hasn't changed much through conversion, outside of gaining more distinct chest fluff and slightly longer, fuller wings. I like the overall rounded shape of the original a bit more, but I also really like the 3/4s few the converted is in; having it be front-facing in the older artwork makes the details of the design harder to see. (Also, a moment of appreciation that they just subtly cupped the converted Pteri's wing instead of trying to give it hands or something. Hissi, take notes.)
Favorite Colours:
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Faerie: The Faerie Pteri is simply beautiful, and everyone knows it. Instead of having butterfly wings tacked onto it, it instead runs with the bird idea by adding extra feathers to the tail, kind of like a mini peacock, and also adding more to the head and wings. It uses a gorgeous yellow as its primary color and accents it with white, orange, red, and purple, with the colors radiating outward in layers. The design also compliments the natural eye markings with additional markings around the entire eye as well as on the head and tail, and adds some lovely eye spots on the tail as well.
The converted version technically follows the same design as the original, minus the additional eye markings, but honestly the UC/styled pose shows off the markings better and has more flow to boot, making it far superior by default.
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Darigan: Unlike Faerie, the converted Darigan Pteri doesn't look that great. The design is technically accurate to the original, but trying to make those features work on the default body shape just isn't happening, and a lot of detail got lost in the shading and highlights in the process.
However, the UC/styled version is really cool. It's one of the few tan Darigan pets that I don't wish were purple, with black accents for the finest feathers and red eyes for contrast. The long feathers and more raptor-like body shape really work well, and the talons on the hind feet are accented by the beak and various spikes. I also appreciate the subtle spotting.
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Valentine: Not as fancy as the other two, but the Valentine's Pteri is quite nice; a mostly pink body with a subtle white gradient that transitions into heart markings. Like most good Valentine pets, it subtly integrates hearts into areas like the chest feathers, head feathers, and eye markings, and doesn't feel overly cluttered. I do think that the tail should've also been a heart, and something about the face reads as faintly sunburned to me, but it's still a nice color overall.
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BONUS: The mutant Pteri is one of those mutants that's just a little too busy to be one of my all-time favs, but I do like it a lot. The cockatrice-esq body shape is super distinct and looks appropriately mutant-ish, and the teal, yellow, and red palette works great; not to mention the actual art quality is really good as well, with some lovely shading and linework. I do feel like the details should've been trimmed back—lose the long arm fingers, lose the red things on the tail (maybe just keep the final cream segment red instead), drop the patterning, maybe even make the wing feathers cream to break up the design a bit. Still, pretty good overall.
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morgana96 · 10 months
My Oddly Specific FFXIV Cooking Headcanons
Morgana (my WoL): A master culinarian and hardcore gourmet. Her father is also an accomplished chef from whom she gained most of her experience. People have literally had "Ratatouille moments" while eating her food.
Haurchefant: A decent cook who's been improving recently thanks to tips he got from Morgana. But honestly, his real specialty is beverages — he makes the best hot cocoa in Coerthas, as well as several other drinks and cocktails.
Alphinaud: A reformed rich kid™ who can't cook to save his life. He's quite embarrassed to have gone this long without knowing how to even make simple meals. But recently, he's started taking occasional lessons from Morgana in an attempt to improve.
Alisaie: Another reformed rich kid™ who can't cook to save her life. She's also very embarrassed about it and is now taking lessons with Morgana, but she's managed to turn it into a race with Alphinaud to see who's first to make something edible.
Thancred: Technically a better cook than Alphinaud and Alisaie. He mainly knows bare minimum recipes from growing up on Limsa's streets, and he's not very good at seasoning food. He actually got motivated to improve a little while taking care of Ryne.
Urianger: Actually alright at cooking, but his tastes can be EXTREMELY weird. He'll make a perfectly normal meal one day, but then the next day he'll make one of those unhinged recipes you'd find in a vintage 70's cookbook.
Moenbryda: Not the best chef in the realm, but way better than Thancred and the twins. If she practices a recipe enough, she'll eventually get the hang of it — much like when she taught herself how to make cockatrice meatballs for Urianger.
Y'shtola: Got banned from Matoya's kitchen as a child and hasn't been seen cooking since. She also refuses to elaborate on what exactly she did to get herself banned.
G'raha: Has specific dishes he's good at making, but is well aware that he can't bake for shit. Ask him for a sandwich and he'll make you one with just the right amount of each ingredient. Ask him for a cake or a batch of cookies and the kitchen's at risk of going up in flames.
Tataru: A very talented culinarian. She and Morgana love to make food together — especially baked goods and sweets to share with their friends and Scion colleagues.
Krile: Doesn't cook much, but she's not too bad at it. She's memorized a handful of good recipes that she used to enjoy with her grandfather and other Students of Baldesion.
Estinien: People who don't know him well jump to the conclusion that he can't cook at all. But he's actually quite competent, especially compared to several other Scions. He learned from childhood how to build a fire and cook over an open flame, and while his skills in the kitchen aren't perfect, he can follow a recipe and make something at least decent.
Ysayle: Thinks she's not a very good cook, but actually isn't that bad. She was genuinely surprised when her soup was complimented during the journey to speak with Hraesvelgr, and once she gets a new start with the Scions, she asks Morgana to help her recreate some recipes her family used to make before the Calamity.
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 year
I'm curious, what would NM and Dream look like if they had wings? (Dragon balance au)
Also, Hi :D
(Hi!! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧)
You gave me many many thoughts thank you very much. Sorry for the wait but here’s my info dump—
For Nightmare, I’d have changed his design a little bit. Three sets of front legs AND wings is a lot, so off with one pair. He’d obviously have webbed wings, and Passive wise, doesn’t do much to the design itself. But CORRUPTED Noots…
I imagine they’d not only have no webbing, but also just… be very sticky. The fingers get gooped together a lot, and he always has to stretch em out to make them less irritating. Not that it lasts long, but he does his best to keep ‘em from globbing together again!
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Dream, meanwhile, he’s honestly a lot like Winged!Dream. Not a lot changes, aside from maybe throwing in a few feathers here and there for funsies, like on his chest. (I also put some on his elbows/wrist as a fun nod to my next point…)
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There… technically already IS a winged version of Dream ehehehe. I think I’ve talked about Dreamswap once before in an ask?? But I’ve never nailed down his design, and I really wanted to do that, so! Bonus!
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Boi’s got two pairs of wings, with one set that’s connected to his paws and the other just on their own (which he got after eating the golden apple). Think Stormcutter in HTTYD. He’s bigger than TTS!Dream, has longer, more tree like horns he constantly has to trim down, can stand tall, and no, I did not desperately want this design to work out purely so DS!Nightmare and his crew (and probably Blue) can call him a duel-winged-cockatrice absolutely not I am FAR more mature than that—
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mushangaa · 8 months
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2024/01 Figured I should throw up the rest of the gang at some point too so I wipped something up.
Frist we have Jen and Angie and they are certified gremlins, the youngest of the bale. Agents of Chaos. Squishy cheeked darlings. Will use their big blue eyes to get what they want and take no prisoners. Both are very creative both in terms of art and chaos so keeping a baseline awareness where they are at any given time is very important and also might save one from being pranked. Second is Raph, he is so gentle, very patient, raised a Cockatrice on accident to the horror of any Yokai who sees him handle Sissi because Cockatrice are temper- and ferocity-wise the unholy children of Cassowaries and Canadian geese and that this creature is docile with him makes people think he is probably worse to tame such a critter. But nah Raphie has just so many gremlin siblings to juggle he can handle a Cockatrice easily. He is also lowkey a gremlin. Third is big sis Frida. The og gremlin that only chilled out because somebody has to be an adult in this household and handle the bale. Well, she and Raph share the biggest sibling spot and team up frequently to wrangle the younger sibs. Technically she doesn't need a shotgun to handle herself in dicey situations. But she has shotgun privileges by virtue of Donnie absolutely not being allowed to get a gun.
Last but not least, Lou, or Splinter, single Dad of six and very proud of the fact that he has not grown bald from stress already. Former Western Star who also adopted a lot of his Co-actors (the horses) which he brought along to the Yokai world when his new looks did not lend itself well to dwell among humans. Taught all his kids how to ride.
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camillathe6th · 6 months
In the Live of Night — Chapter II: The Poison Tree
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to Larian Studios, especially since I'm stealing Astarion's POV this time. What to expect: Rancid behaviour from all sides, a little bit of blood spilled here and there, and a visit to the grove that turns... well. I already said blood was being spilled, you get it. About the fic: this story follows my Tav Hero, who's a bitchy bard; the first chapter is here if you need it.
Three sorts of serpents do resemble thee: That dangerous eye-killing cockatrice, The enchanting siren, which doth so entice, The weeping crocodile—these vile pernicious three. The basilisk his nature takes from thee, Who for my life in secret wait dost lie, And to my heart sendst poison from thine eye: Thus do I feel the pain, the cause, yet cannot see.
You are free. Tonight and every night you are free. As long as you do not sleep or remember or think or tremble you are free. As long as you are fed you are free. Shut your ears, open your eyes, sharpen your blade. In all the ways that matter, in the only way that matters, you are free.
Free, you stalk the forest. Free, you lift your face, and breathe the heart-pumping heat of life, blooded rich with wildlife. Free, you hunger, you gnaw, you salivate.
Despite the crash, despite the goblins, despite the fear that make thinking creatures quake and flee, the underbrush around here still teems with vermin—blissfully unaware, ruled only by habit and need, and ripe for the taking.
Ripe. That’s funny. You don’t remember ripe, do you? The sweetness of fruits, of good wine, of bleeding meat or yielding flesh. What you still have is its abstract idea—its bursting, its melting. The colors you can’t quite reach. The mess it leaves behind, delicious enough to lick clean.
Tonight will not be ripe, because it never is. It won’t melt, and won’t delight. But it will struggle and whine, mindless though it is, it will split and fuel, paltry though it is, and is that not enough of a substitute, this bleeding, this excruciating pain, inflicted on what is leaner and emptier than even you are?
Is that not joy? Wild joy? Technically, you don’t remember joy either. But close enough.
And closer still the prey, smelling you as you smell it. There. One step to the left, silent foot on the forest floor. Here, just here—it hides, it lies. It’s wounded. It leaks already—the scent of life, the reek of dread. Shaking with it. Throbbing with it. You are—throbbing, you, you are—a rhythmical beat of need, gushing wet, pulsing viscous, drip-drip-dripping thirst in your heartless flesh. You are—FAST, despite the starvation, FAST enough to catch it as it leaps, and GRIP.
Grip it. Grip it. Grip it. It’s yours. It’s yours to control. It’s yours to kill.
Look at it. Just one second, before the bite, look at it.
(Continued here)
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littlemkara · 5 months
ᴛʜᴇ ʙɪᴏʟᴏɢʏ ᴏғ ᴍᴀᴋᴀʀᴀ:
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Thought it'd be fun to put in a post how she works as a draconic being and the likes for others to use as a ref for the future in case!
Placed under 'Read More' !!
I'd like to put it out there that I have taken some inspo from the live action maleficent and video games. ANYWAYS.
Dragons in Makara's colony are weak to a multitude of things such as: Magical Items / weapons, alchemical metals, and general material produced through alchemy, certain botany found / ores found within their homeland, Things inflicted by other monsters and, surprisingly, Standard things the Fae are often weak to themselves.
Although this ranges depending on who you ask and so do the side effects. Here are makara's own:
IRON : The standard weakness of the fae and Makara. Although, to her, it's more of a REALLY bad case of hives breaking out and itch than anything. Occasionally suffers from skin burns.
DRACONIWM : A type of metal that is made from a mixture of steel and a dragons blood. Soldiers of the order use this as its common to use against a dragon, and inflicts devastating piercing damage on targets. Can easily penetrate the hide, shattering the dragons scales.
COCKATRICE VENOM : Not lethal, technically, however renders makara in a state of stupor at first. This does, however, escalate to complete paralysis for a period.
Makara does NOT actively wear enchanted items or wield enchanted weapons. Usually, it breaks into hives, or it may burn the skin in the same vein that Iron does, ALSO impacting her resilience / strength significantly. Harmful effects vary from one to another.
Makara has a flame breath, which can be utilized to produce either a stream of fire or explosive blasts. Additionally, it is also able to release a cloud of flammable dust and set it alight. The fire does not come naturally to her funnily enough. Whenever she attempts to utilize this ability, you can hear the first few chk's as if someone is trying to use a lighter. You can also visually see the bright hit glow on her chest flicker, with her usage attempt, too.
Makara runs hot VERY often and most times radiates the heat. It is said that the heat is to the extent of melting through armors / weapons / burn others alive. Makara CANNOT handle her own body heat and often suffers from heat exhaustion.
Mostly noted by the trafficker, Cedric, but there is a chance that Makara possesses an extraordinary extent of self-recovery, potentially even extending even after being killed. Cedric has since placed a bounty on her head, although not as high as the one placed on her by the order.
Wearers are known to disappear mysteriously without a trace or even die if armor made from her scales is worn for too long. Someone who wears armor made from makara's scales will be cursed to become the next host and become a dragon of her magnitude, obtaining her memories and the likes. Maybe even extending to the prior reincarnating via this newfound control?
Makara has a LARGE wingspan, and her wings are FAR too heavy on her back. She can do as much movement as she could before her wings become exhausted. Has yet to build enough strength as to fly at the moment.
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akalikestodraw · 1 year
Nickle with a bit of cockatrice traits mixed in
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I mean he technically still dont got arms since those are wings
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planeswalker-umbral · 9 months
Welcome to the 2023 Atog Awards!
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Every year creature types are created and creature types that go unused. So what are the rules for what counts for these calculations?
The creature type has to have at least 1 Black-bordered card that either is, produces a token of, or mentions the creature type.
Reprints don't count. Only new cards being produced.
Creature types of older cards are based off of their current creature types as of Lost Caverns of Ixalan. (There are creature types like Thalakos that have been errata'd onto older cards but have technically never been printed on a physical card)
Changelings / Mistform Ultimus obviously don't count.
Arena exclusive cards do not count.
Silver bordered / Acorn Stamps / Play test cards don't count.
Types that have gone 5-9 years without print are Bronze (Born of the Gods - Guilds of Ravnica)
Types that have gone 10-14 years without print are Silver (Conflux- Theros)
Types that have gone 15-19 years without print are Gold (Darksteel - Shards of Alara)
Types that have gone 20+ years are Cadaverrific. (Mirrodin and older)
So what are our new types?
Time Lord
Cockatrice (2014)
Lammasu (2014)
Processor (2015)
Scion (2016)
Survivor (2018)
Homarid (2018)
Surrakar (2010)
Blinkmoth (2011)
Sable (2013)
Bringer (2004)
Slith (2004)
Pincher (2004)
Zubera (2005)
Atog (2006)
Aurochs (2006)
Camarid (2006)
Nephilim (2006)
Triskelevite (2006)
Spike (2006)
Graveborn (2006)
Nomad (2007)
Rigger (2007)
Noggle (2008)
Tetravite (1994)
Wombat (1994)
Oyster (1995)
Serf (1995)
Caribou (1995)
Ferret (1995)
Orb (1996)
Deserter (1996)
Prism (1996)
Splinter (1996)
Soltari (1998)
Thalakos (1998)
Licid (1998)
Monger (1999)
Nightstalker (2000)
Volver (2001)
Flagbearer (2001)
Mystic (2001)
Pheldagrif (2001)
Mongoose (2001)
Metathran (2001)
Orgg (2002)
Pentavite (2003)
Broke free
Aetherborn (2017)
Nautilus (2015)
Rebel (2007)
Spellshaper (2007)
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draconesmundi · 1 year
Since you’re considering having “insect” dragons in Dracones Mundi, I wanted to mention that insect dragons are a thing in mythology: namely the pyrausta! Technically they’re not outright said as dragons, but they apparently have four legs and they live in fire, and they’re often portrayed as dragons when they do appear in media (which is sadly pretty rarely)
But yeah, you don’t have to worry about “fairy dragons” not being a thing in mythology and this not fitting in Dracones Mundi
I do like that there is also a genus of butterfly called Pyrausta so I can base wing patterns on that...
I'm not certain I'll make my bug dragons (if I make them) based on pyrausta as their main thing is 'insects living in fire' and my dragons are not fireproof - I'd love to have a speculative evolution stab at insects with a life cycle tied to fire (probably basing it on something from Australia, there are so many cool organisms in Australia that are built to recover from wildfires) and I would go on a different direction entirely if I designed a pyrausta - in my mind pyrausta are not dragon-y enough for me to make them into dragons.
In a similar way, phoenixes, which are very dragonlike and often a type of dragon in many dragon field guides (a type of feathered serpent or coatyl in Dracopedia, for example, and a close cousin of dragons in Dragonology, and I think they are also a small feathered dragon in @saint-nevermore's world, or related to dragons as dragons are dinosaur creatures and birds are also dinosaur creatures...) Like it'd be easy to make a Dracones Mundi phoenix as a relative of the cockatrice, but it has too much 'it's a bird' vibes in my mind, and so it would be easy to make a pyrausta into a Dracones Mundi dragon but it has too much 'it's an insect' vibes in my mind
If I change my mind and make the bug dragon a pyrausta, I will thank you for connecting the dots! Very cool idea! But at the moment they aren't the same critter in my mindspace :)
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