#technically fic things but shhhh
hellboundhimbo · 2 months
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DOMESTIC KUWAMESHI IN THEIR 40S RAHH 💥💥💥💥 ft Fat Bottomed Girls by Queen!! they only just got together so they’ve been making up for lost time,,, ignore kuwabara spontaneously having his sleeves rolled up in the last panel i didn’t realize it until it was too late
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bonus: yusuke’s daughter miho being a professional hater/teenage dirtbag, just like her dad when he was younger
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spiderh0rse · 4 months
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nostalgia-tblr · 11 months
The dark world thought. Loki keeps calling thor brother (mostly to annoy him) in the movie. idk why but i was hoping at least once thor would scream at him and say "STOP CALLING ME THAT"
Note to self: watch Thor 2: The Dark World. See, I think it's the other way round, and my answer involves thoughts I had about the thorki fic I inisist I will never write so fair warning for that BUT of the two it's Loki who's far more likely to insist they're not really brothers and shouldn't call each other that. A thought I had from the first film and then failed to post (I don't post ALL my thoughts on tumblr! Just most of them!) was that the 'worthy' aspect of Mjolnir is very vague and Loki would spend hours and hours trying to pin down 'what does worthy mean,' and utterly convinced that even if he isn't going to fit the criteria there must be a loophole somewhere in the wording that he can use. Whereas Thor probably hasn't spent much time worrying about that - either you're worthy or you're not and the magic hammer just knows which it is. Somehow.
Similarly I don't think Thor cares much about whether he and Loki were technically born to the same parents or even if they're the same species, because they are brothers, they've always been brothers, how can they not be brothers? Meanwhile Loki's upended life largely revolves around the fact that pedantically, legally, whateverly, they aren't really brothers and they never were. Which is why he's open to things getting incestuous now while Thor is still repulsed by his own unbrotherly yearnings. Don't be daft, Thor, we're obviously not brothers, stop calling me that it's not true you're just repeating someone else's lie! But what else would Thor call his brother? It may have been a lie to begin with, and it still might be a lie to other people, but having spent centuries thinking they were brothers and acting like they were then how is that relationship not them being brothers? Had Loki actually been his brother by blood it wouldn't have made a difference so in practical terms how are they suddenly not brothers just because Loki turned out to be a Frost Giant?
Thor wants Loki to stop causing problems and to stop being a dick, but he doesn't want him to stop being his brother (were such a thing even possible in his mind). Whereas Loki's life of crime or even just life on the run would be a lot easier if he didn't have a brother to worry about and who insists on worrying about him.
tl;dr: I got lost about halfway through my answer, sorry. I have more thoughts on this matter than my usually flippant comments might suggest D: D:
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bored-platypus · 3 months
Where There's A Will...
Part 1 here!
Here's part 2 of my time-traveling Will AU. It's also posted on my Ao3!
Will breathes shallowly, hand clenched around his recurve bow. The halls are practically empty, eerily silent. His footsteps don't echo, but Horace's definitely does, and Will grimaces, picking him up. Horace protests for a few seconds, only pausing when he sees Will's face. He internally cringes, running what he hopes is a comforting hand over his younger friend's back.
"I'm not angry," he reassures, and Horace rolls his eyes, staring at him unimpressed. There should be servants running around, diplomats murmuring in halls, scribes with their nose buried in books. Or at least, that was how it was in Araluen back at home. Here, in Clonmel, the palace is quiet and haunting. Will has never reveled in silence- it was always his wardmates running amok and talking, then Halt and his comforting, albeit at the time imposing presence, and then cold and well. He hadn't enjoyed it.
"You always do this weird thing where you freeze up when you hear Clonmel or something. And you accepted their offer to meet, even though you always turn down everybody's requests, even King Morgarath's."
Will internally cringes once again. Ah yes, that is because I suspect he knows you killed him in one-on-one combat at the mere age of fifteen and that man was the main reason I was sold into slavery. Telling Horace that would go over wonderfully.
At the very least, he was meeting Halt. Who he really didn't want to see, because it wouldn't be his mentor, his father. It would be yet another unattached, blank face and Will doesn't know if his heart can take anymore, especially after Gilan—
Nope. Bad thoughts. He makes a turn and meets two guards, standing vigil at ornate doors. Will squeezes Horace in an admittedly self-soothing gesture, heart pounding at the prospect of seeing Halt. The guards scan him, and he makes an effort to not disappear where he's standing; everything about the open palace and beauty makes him feel oddly vulnerable, especially with the guards checking his weapons.
"Please show proof of your documents."
Will already had them checked at the gates, but he doesn't protest. He hands his weapons over without protest too, although his throwing knife stays carefully hidden on his body. It was unfortunate that he would be without his saxe knife, but it was far too big to hide. Horace squirms next to him, ever the impatient swordsman- while his friend was brilliant at practically any form of combat, Will didn't even know how he would handle all the paperwork that would come with being king.
"The child has to stay behind."
Will pauses. "I can't. He's my charge, and I promised to take care of him."
The guard somehow exudes the air of being unimpressed with him behind the helmet.
"If I can't go in without Horace, I will turn and leave right now. He's but a child, what can he do to the king anyways?"
Right. He and his big mouth. Will resists the urge to facepalm, lest he give the guards even more.
One of the guards sighs, then calls over another.
"Your charge will stand at the edge of the room with another knight to oversee him. He will not move, nor will he interrupt the proceedings."
Will nods, turning to impress the rules to Horace once again. Once he's done, the guards open the door, leading him to the throne room.
He breathes, and holds his head high.
The king of Clonmel stands before him; the prince sprawled across another throne. Will cannot tear his eyes away. Surely, the earth must be shaking, for it cannot be him. The king's eyes reveal his disdain. Ferris expects Will to kneel, and Will thinks of whispers and rumors, of Halt being restrained and without sarcasm or a mottled green-brown cloak.
Will kneels in front of the disgraced prince.
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ineffable-kelpie · 9 months
Rating: G
Wordcount: 1,604
Michael didn't think anything could be worse than working under Gabriel. She's about to be proven wrong.
(Full text below the cut)
The Metatron still hadn’t told the archangels whether they’d done anything wrong, but the fact that he had called this meeting to introduce them to their new Supreme Archangel, and it wasn’t any of them, was suggestive. But it seemed monstrously unfair for Michael to be lumped in with the rest of the archangels. Even if she’d done something wrong, which she hadn’t, she was the obvious pick for Gabriel’s successor. She had been for millennia. Since before Gabriel needed a successor, if they were being perfectly honest. Here she’d thought her day had finally come, and then the memo from the Metatron had arrived like a slap in the face.
She remained perfectly poised, of course. Whoever this new Supreme Archangel was, she would make a wonderful first impression. Not like the other archangels, who all looked extremely uncomfortable with the idea of a new Supreme Archangel who wasn’t any of them. She’d have to ask for a moment of her new superior's time after the meeting to apologize for the others’ attitudes, and assure them that she was fully on board with this change in management, and could be relied upon.
It wasn’t even a lie. She was completely on board with any change that removed Gabriel from office—Thank goodness she didn’t have to take orders from that imbecile anymore—and nobody was more reliable than Michael.
“Ah, good, you’re all here.”
Michael turned to see the Metatron striding towards them, still fully corporeal. The traitor followed behind him, hands clasped behind his back, a smile fixed on his face. Michael tried not to stare. If the Metatron had brought the traitor back into the fold, that was, of course, cause for celebration, as long as Michael didn’t have to see or talk to him. Hopefully the Metatron would put him in Sandalphon’s department. Sandalphon could always be counted on to invent an adequate punishment, no matter how serious the crime.
“Sorry we’re late,” said the Metatron. “Our departure was somewhat delayed. But now that we’re here, I’d like you all to meet your newly-appointed Supreme Archangel.” He patted the traitor on the back.
Oh, so the Metatron was handing the traitor over to the new Supreme Archangel for punishment. Now it made sense. Michael looked around for whoever it was, but there was nobody else nearby. They must have missed the meeting invitation.
Sandalphon stiffened and said, “No.”
“I’m afraid so,” said the traitor, that smile still fixed on his face as if it was carved there.
Michael glanced at Sandalphon, who was doing a poor job of not scowling. She turned back to the Metatron, who did not look at all concerned that his guest of honor had yet to make an appearance. Perhaps they were standing behind Aziraphale? Michael craned to see.
“Is this…a joke?” Saraqael asked, slowly and carefully.
“Why?” said Aziraphale, turning towards her. “Do you find it funny?”
She shook her head, averting her eyes.
“Your grace,” Uriel began. “Respectfully, if I may ask…why…him?”
Why who? What had everyone else figured out that Michael was apparently too slow to understand? And why was the traitor still standing there smiling like—
“It’s quite simple.” The Metatron patted Aziraphale on the back again, pushing him a step forward. “I think some new ideas and a fresh perspective is just what Heaven needs.”
A fresh perspective? A fresh perspective? Michael gritted her teeth to keep from screaming. If the Metatron wanted a fresh perspective, fine. If he wanted to pass over the four perfectly qualified candidates right in front of him, including the one who had near-single-handedly kept Heaven running in Gabriel’s absence, fine. But there were plenty of other angels who did not have an extensive criminal record, a history of intentionally ruining Heaven’s plans, and no leadership experience whatsoever. What kind of “new ideas” did Aziraphale have to contribute, anyway? Was he going to have them all handling material objects and eating gross matter like humans?
“Well, if there are no other questions,” said the Metatron, “I’ll leave you all to help Aziraphale get oriented. Let’s all give him a nice warm welcome, shall we?”
After an awkwardly silent moment, Uriel started clapping. The others hurriedly joined in.
“That’s very kind, thank you,” said Aziraphale, stepping forward, still with that exact same smile. “This is quite an honor. Er. It’s all happened rather fast, and I’m afraid I didn’t have time to prepare a proper speech. But, er…if we may get right down to brass tacks…Speaking of new ideas, I do have one already that we can start with.”
Great. Great. Now Michael was stuck working under another idiot who said things like “get down to brass tacks” and never stopped smiling.
Aziraphale snapped his fingers. A small box appeared in his hands. “This is a suggestion box. Do I need to explain how it works?”
Michael stepped back from it in alarm. Uriel raised their arms as if to shield Sandalphon and Saraqael.
“It won’t bite,” said Aziraphale, holding the box out to them. “Perfectly harmless. You write your suggestions on a piece of paper, and put them into this slit here.” He pointed to a slit in the top. “And then the, ah, well, the management…that would be me, I suppose…unlocks it and reads the suggestions.”
Perfectly harmless? He was an even bigger idiot than Michael thought.
“It’s completely anonymous,” Aziraphale went on, “so nobody need worry about—” Something spasmed across his features before they resolved back into the same smile. “Nobody need worry. Does everyone understand?” Aziraphale looked around. “Good. I want these posted all over Heaven. Quick as you can, please. While you’re busy with that, I’ll familiarize myself with…with our agenda for this upcoming project. And perhaps write that speech.”
It took a moment for the fact to sink in that Aziraphale was giving them orders. “Right,” said Saraqael, recovering first. “You heard him.”
Sandalphon bowed, sneering. Uriel curtseyed, and Michael did the same a moment later. The four of them dispersed.
Michael followed Uriel. “Can you believe this?” she hissed, glancing back to make sure Aziraphale was out of earshot. “I didn’t think anyone could be worse than Gabriel. We’ve got to do something.”
Uriel turned and gave her a look. They didn’t say anything.
Michael flushed. This was just petty of them. “What?”
“Who do you have in mind to replace Aziraphale?”
“Anyone else!”
“Although I think the best choice is obvious.”
Uriel nodded, as if to say, There it is.
“You can’t possibly think I’d be worse than him,” Michael snapped.
Uriel shot her another look and walked away.
Michael watched them go helplessly. Now what was she supposed to do? Sandalphon would definitely be on board with ousting Aziraphale, but he didn’t have the subtlety to plot a secret mutiny. Saraqael did, but probably wouldn’t be willing to take the risk if it was only the two of them. The archangels couldn’t even get their act together to get rid of one incompetent angel who had already made all their lives measurably worse, multiple times. And, in the meantime, said angel showed no sign of stopping.
“Pardon me, Michael!”
The voice made Michael stiffen in barely-repressed fury. Speak of the devil. Composing herself and arranging her features in a smile, she turned. “Yes?”
“So glad to have caught up with you,” said Aziraphale, a bit winded, but still holding that stiff smile. “I'd hate to get off on the wrong foot. So, before anything else, perhaps we ought to talk about how you recently threatened to erase me from the Book of Life.”
A stab of fear ran through Michael’s heart. She wondered if Hell had ever dreamed up a torture as painful as having to grovel and make nice with Aziraphale. “A misunderstanding,” she said sweetly, raising her hands in a shrug. “Congratulations on your promotion, Aziraphale. I look forward to working with you.”
“I very much doubt that,” said Aziraphale. “I understand, of course, if you have some resentment towards me, after the business with Gabriel. And Armageddon before that. Heaven knows I’m not especially fond of you, either. And you probably expected to get this promotion yourself—Believe me, I’m just as surprised about that as you. In your place, I’d probably be plotting an overthrow right about now.”
Michael was frozen. She could navigate all manner of political machinations, but such frank honesty was not something she knew how to deal with. Working with Aziraphale was going to be even harder than she expected, and she already expected it to be impossible.
“But I want you to understand something,” Aziraphale went on, taking a step towards her. This close, Michael noticed something in his eyes, a frenzied, desperate determination bordering on madness. “I gave up everything to be here,” he said, his face still fixed in that cold smile. “Everything.”
Michael had never seen anything more terrifying than Aziraphale in that moment. She’d misjudged him. He wasn’t the soft, stupid failure she had taken him for. He was dangerous.
“And I do not intend to let that go to waste,” Aziraphale went on. “Do you understand me?”
Michael understood.
“Lovely. Then I see no reason to hold onto any hard feelings between us.” Aziraphale waved in the direction she’d been walking. “Carry on, please.”
She nodded unsteadily, turned away from him, and walked away. Her hands shook, just a little. She clasped them together and folded them in front of herself to hide it. She was actually starting to miss Gabriel.
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freelancearsonist · 2 months
so scarlet, it was...
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➔ post-outbreak Joel Miller x afab!Reader - series masterlist
➔ 1.3k words
➔ “Go ahead, yell your fucking head off. That’ll make everything okay, won’t it?”
➔ Rated MA for dark fic kinda, a/b/o themes (alpha joel, omega reader), established... situationship? i guess, pregnancy/contemplation of termination, contemplation of self harm, reader is not in a good headspace. one instance of vomiting, joel is not very nice, this fic in general is not very nice. takes place three years post outbreak. [please let me know if i missed any warnings so i can add them in :)]
➔ thank you so much to my darling @bitchwitch1981 for the prompt, i'm so sorry this is probably very much not what you wanted 🤣 extra special thank you to @perotovar for making this wonderful joel gif for me, if ur reading this ily <3
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You’ve never actually used one of these things before. You’ve only read about them in books or seen them in movies from years ago, and they’ve only ever been an object of abject horror.
You understand why now, looking down at those two little lines on the stick cradled in your hand. You’ve never been quite so terrified in your life.
You never should’ve pocketed this test when you found it in that miraculously untouched drug store. You could’ve stayed blissfully unaware. Better yet, you should’ve been more careful. Three years of living like this has been more than enough to make you firm in your decision to never bring life into this broken world. This isn’t a place for a child, this is barely even a place for you. Every day is a fight, every waking moment is a nightmare. But you’ve been so careless with him and now it’s all crashing down, this blissful bubble where you can pretend that everything might be okay because you have the pack and, more importantly, him. 
You won’t have him for much longer when he finds out about this.
You wonder what it’ll take to right this wrong before he finds out about it. It must be pretty early, so maybe it won’t take much to reverse it. Maybe all you’ll have to do is bump into something just right, or trip over the right log.
The thought makes you sick–more stomach bile than anything else coming up because you’ve hardly had more to eat than stale beef jerky and some precarious berries in the past few days. Resources have been so slim; another reason this can’t be happening. You hardly have enough to tide you over, much less a child. And it’ll be even worse once the pack abandons you.
You bury yourself into the haphazard nest of blankets and his worn clothes, letting the heavy, musky scent of him soothe your wracking sobs. 
Maybe you should just accept your fate now, sacrifice yourself for the good of the pack. Everyone is going to die eventually, after all–sooner rather than later in this world. You’ve only been postponing the inevitable. They never have to know why you do it, and it’ll be one less mouth to feed. Two, technically, but they’ll never have to know that. He won’t even really miss you, it’ll be one less burden on his hands. On all of their hands.
You don’t hear them return early from scavenging–maybe because the volume of your own sobs drowns out any other noise. Or maybe because he can sense something is wrong as he enters the run-down little shack you’ve been holed up in for the past few weeks, and he softens his approach because of it.
Joel has never been quite as tender as he is when he takes you into his arms, pulling your face out of the pile of fabric to wipe at your tear-streaked cheeks.
“My omega, shhhh, I’m here. It’s okay,” he murmurs, wrapping you into his big, strong, safe arms. He doesn’t know. Maybe he thinks you had a nightmare, or you just missed him, or a million other things except the truth. But he doesn’t know, and you know he doesn’t know because you feel the moment he connects the dots. His eyes drop to the little white stick clutched tightly in your fist and his entire body stiffens like a board. Suddenly there’s no more warmth or comfort to his touch, nothing soothing about the pheromones drifting from him. He pulls away like you’re infected, and maybe you are. Maybe the thing that’s taken root in you is worse than cordyceps could ever hope to be.
You’ve never been terrified of him before. Joel is dark and brooding and imposing, but he’s only ever fought to protect you. His omega, who wormed their way under his skin despite him fighting it every step of the way. His omega, who’s been the only source of anything remotely close to comfort he’s had since outbreak day. His omega, who’s given him purpose in this dark world.
His omega, who’s betrayed him in such an unforgivable way.
“What the fuck.” There’s nothing but venom in his tone–he looks at you with pure disgust and your resolve crumbles.
Maybe there was a little, tiny, miniscule part of you that hoped it would be different. That he would be excited to be a father, or at least be understanding. But that hope dies so suddenly when you look up into his scowling face. He towers over you, dark eyes flashing with anger, and for the first time since you met him two long years ago you’re scared.
“You were supposed to be careful.” His voice rises further and further with each syllable, as if this isn’t partially his fault too. As if he wasn’t the one in such an uncontrollable rut last month that he kept you in bed all week, losing the willpower required to pull out with each powerful thrust of his hips. As if it isn’t his seed blooming in your womb as you speak.
“What do we do now, huh?” He growls, eyes darkening, fists clenching at his sides. “I’ve fucking marked you, I can’t turn you loose! And we barely make it by as we are! How the fuck are we supposed to handle this?”
He rants for what seems like hours and you flinch with every booming word, curling tighter around yourself in a desperate attempt to simply disappear; to not have to deal with this any more because your heart shatters with each irreversible word he throws at you. You shrink and shrink and shrink in hopes of vanishing because this is undoable. No matter what happens, nothing will ever go back to the way it was and that’s the knowledge that crushes you completely.
Your voice is so small when he finally quiets enough for you to speak. “Go ahead, yell your fucking head off. That’ll make everything okay, won’t it?”
Joel stops in his tracks, white knuckles unclenching for the first time in minutes. He sees the fear and regret in your eyes, and he almost lets it soften him. He loathes himself for this look on your face–for making you scared of him.
His omega. So small and fragile, curled in a pile of his clothes because his scent brings you comfort. He’s dedicated two years of his time and effort to keeping you safe and comfortable, if not happy. He’s supposed to protect you, not hurt you. He’s supposed to give you children and raise them with you, be a family with you. That’s what being your alpha means, and he has so sorely failed you. 
But he knows he can never do that again. That’s never what this was supposed to be. He didn’t mark you out of anything but necessity–if he had let your uncontrolled scent waft every time you went into heat, every alpha in the country would be targeting your little pack of four. You’re his omega out of biological necessity–a warm hole to fill when his rut threatens to tear already strenuous ties with his brother and Tess. That’s what he tells himself because the alternative is so startlingly incomprehensible that he won’t allow himself to even consider the fact that he might care about you; that the urge to care for you and protect you is more than primal, biological instinct; that you mean more to him than anyone ever has.
Not just his omega now, but his mate. His unborn child is growing and growing and growing with each passing second inside your womb and he’s powerless to stop it.
“We’re thirty-seven miles from the Boston QZ,” he growls from somewhere deep in his chest. “We leave at first light.”
You don’t get a chance to argue or plead your case before the door slams shut behind him. 
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➔ beta: @beskarandblasters and @fhatbhabie
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affectionatelyrs · 6 months
Seven Sentence Sunday🌟
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Thank you @kiwiana-writes and @firenati0n for the tags! :) I'm early for once, so I get to post more than seven sentences as a treat
I'm back with more of Gonna Give You Something (So You Know What's on My Mind) aka the white elephant fic aka what's low key crack treated seriously aka me back on my roommates/friends to lovers shit (despite this being my first time writing that trope technically but shhhh) - here's a part that makes me grin... let the quote unquote seduction begin
“But you're—” “Hot? Charming? Real fuckin’ sexy?” Alex slings an arm over Henry’s shoulder. “Roguishly handsome with an ass you could bounce a quarter off of?” While Henry doesn’t disagree with these things, the pressing attribute he meant to raise remains. “Straight?” Alex scrunches his nose as if Henry said something deeply offensive and tilts his head to the side. A stray curl falls over his eye, and his expression falters when he twists his lips to blow it out of the way. The action shouldn’t be as attractive as it is, but Henry has always been a weak, weak man when it comes to anything involving Alex, no matter how simple it may be. “Mm, try again, sweetheart,” Alex retorts, pushing Henry’s knees apart and crowding further between his legs. “I know you’re smarter than that.” Henry, honest to God, gulps. “Are you not?” he asks, voice reduced to a meek whisper.
I get to tag so many of y'all omg - @anincompletelist @read-and-write- @happiness-of-the-pursuit @inexplicablymine @welcometololaland @whimsymanaged @everwitch-magiks @tintagel-or-cockleshells @leaves-of-laurelin @littlemisskittentoes @saintlynomenclature @matherines @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @dustratcentral @myheartalivewrites and @rmd-writes (no pressure and also an open tag to anyone who sees this)
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sagesolsticewrites · 1 year
Today Was A Fairytale | Austin x fem!reader
You decide to surprise your boyfriend in Australia on Valentine’s Day! ❤️ 
a/n: Happy (belated, oops) Valentine’s Day! This is a week late, I know, and I’m so sorry y’all! But thank you guys so, so much for your patience 🫶 I do have plenty more WIPs that I’m working on, and I hope to have those out sooner rather than later for y'all. And my requests are open if y'all want to send anything in! ☺️ For this fic, covid doesn’t exist for Plot purposes lmao
Word count: 2k (technically 1,999 but shhhh)
Warnings: some allusion to sex towards the end (might qualify as fade-to-black smut??), I think that’s it? As always, please let me know if I missed anything!
Please like/rb if you enjoyed! 🤍
Masterlist | add yourself to my taglist!
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As you stand on the escalator, hands firmly gripping your carry-on to keep yourself from shaking with excitement, you scan the area near baggage claim as it appears bit by bit, keeping your eyes peeled for a sign with your name on it.
Your sweeping gaze finally snags on your name, the flimsy paper in the hands of an older, very fashionable woman, with a bright smile and cheerful eyes peering through cat-eye glasses. Your smile widens, and you wave to get her attention as you step off the escalator onto the polished concrete floor. You still can’t quite believe that Catherine Martin herself was the one meeting you here.
You greet her, a little starstruck, before she sweeps you into a hug.
“Darling! It’s so nice to finally meet you!” She smiles, “You know Austin honestly hasn’t stopped talking about you since we started filming,” she teases as you made your way over to get the rest of your things.
You laugh shyly, “Well, that’s very sweet to hear, and I apologize on his behalf.” Laughter fading, you continue in a more sincere tone, “And thank you so much for letting me come on set for a couple days, I can only imagine how complicated it must be to organize that.”
Catherine waves the compliment away, helping you get your suitcase off the carousel with ease.
“It’s nothing, sweetheart! It’s very sweet that you want to surprise him, and I’m so glad we could help.”
Catherine explains the plan in the Uber on the way to your hotel: take a few days to recover from the jet lag from the 19-hour flight, and on Friday — Valentine’s Day — you’d be taken to set to surprise your boyfriend. 
After Catherine makes sure you’re safely in your room and assures you that you can call her if you needed anything — “absolutely anything, darling!” — before tomorrow, you finally allow a grin to overtake your face as you collapse onto the bed. As Valentine’s Day gifts go, you were fairly certain this wasn’t a bad choice.
You and Austin had been dating for almost a year, since March of 2019. Originally just your childhood friend, a friendship born of proximity when your family moved next door to his, your feelings for each other had blossomed into what was honestly the healthiest relationship you had ever been in. You had been with him when he was auditioning, when he was cast as Elvis, you had watched as he practically lived and breathed Elvis in the months leading up to the moment he left for principal photography in Australia. He was crushed that your first Valentine’s Day together was doomed to be long-distance, and as he kept saying how much he wished the two of you could celebrate together, the idea dawned on you.
And now here you were in Australia, on the opposite side of the world from your home in Anaheim, getting ready to surprise your boyfriend who was currently playing one of the most famous men in history.
You spend most of the first couple days of your trip sleeping, your body insisting on ten-hour naps to recover from the flight through seven time zones. You’re able to pencil in some sightseeing, too, though by the time Valentine’s Day rolls around you’re even more anxious to see Austin; you’re the closest you’ve been to seeing him in a month but the distance between your hotel and his set seems impossibly far.
Catherine is your escort once again, and on the way to set she explains the plan to you, detailing the scenes they’ll be filming and where you could fit in, and making it incredibly clear that pretty much everything you’re about to see is strictly for your eyes only; they couldn’t risk a leak only a month into filming.
Admittedly, you’re a little starstruck being on a movie set, and it’s all a bit of a blur as Catherine rushes you over to hair & makeup to get you ready for the scene. The crew slips you into one of their many spare dresses, and they get to work making your hair and makeup era-appropriate. As one of the hair stylists — a kind woman whose name you learned was Gail — is in the process of getting your hair into pincurls, the door to the hair and makeup trailer sweeps open. Every eye in the room swings towards the motion as Baz steps inside.
As in, Baz Luhrmann.
Legendary, acclaimed director.
In the hair and makeup trailer.
And he walks right over and gives you a hug (as best he could with you in the makeup chair trying to stay as still as possible, at least).
“Y/N! Happy Valentine’s Day, we’re so glad you’re here.”
“Thank you so much for helping organize this, Baz!” You smiled. “I really hope I’m not disrupting the schedule or anything too much.” You had gotten to meet Baz a handful of times as Austin was prepping for the role, and he was one of the sweetest people you knew. 
“Oh, it was nothing.” He waves away the compliment, “I love a good surprise, and I’m glad I’ll get to see you two crazy kids back together. I just wanted to say hello and make sure you were doing okay. You guys take care of her, alright?” He directs the last part to the crew, and bids you farewell with a “See you on set!”
Soon enough, your hair and makeup are the best they’ve ever been, and you’re almost afraid to move for fear of ruining the gorgeous blue gingham dress they’ve given you as you’re escorted to set by an assistant.
You take your seat in the front row, trying your hardest to hide your excitement as you catch a glimpse of Austin talking with Baz just offstage.Your breath catchesin your throat as you take him in. After not seeing him for a month, seeing him in person is in itself a bit of a shock, but underneath the slightly baggy pink suit and effortlessly disheveled hair, you see the sharp focus in his eyes that's something entirely Austin. Time is a blur as the rest of the scene is set up, and the last thing you hear before Baz calls “action!” is his suggestion to Austin to find someone in the audience to focus on. 
You holdyour breath as he, Xavier, and Adam walk onto the stage, the smudged eyeliner bringing out the blue of his eyes as he scans the crowd. You fight to keep the smile from your face in anticipation as his gaze sweeps past you, then snaps back as he does a double take. The Elvis facade fades, the anxious fidgeting and nervous manner he’s put on entirely forgotten as he freezes, his eyes locked on yours.
You nod, unable to hide your grin any longer as you give him a playful wave, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Aus.”
In a flash, the guitar that had been looped around his shoulders is set carefully on the stage and he jumps down to the floor to greet you, the cast and crew cheering him on.
You let out a breathless laugh as you’re swept up in his arms and spun around in a circle, his grip strong and secure and safe as always. As your feet finally hit the ground, Austin’s gaze sweeps over you, taking in your light blue gingham dress and 50s pin curls, before his eyes meet yours again and you’re finally, finally pulled in for a kiss. 
It’s a sign of how much you missed each other that by the time you pull away your carefully-applied, no doubt expensive, movie-star-quality lipstick is smudged beyond repair, and Austin’s artfully disheveled hair is a mess. Some part of you cringes slightly at the thought of messing up the hair and makeup crew’s hard work, but a much larger, much louder part of you — the part that had been missing him since the second he’d left — couldn’t care less.
“I— Sweetheart,” Austin laughs with a tinge of disbelief, still holding you tight as though you might slip away at any second, “What are you doing here?”
“I missed you.” You say simply, grinning. “And I knew how upset you were that we’d be missing our first Valentine’s together, so I thought I’d surprise you.”
“You flew all the way to Australia to surprise me?” He asks, as if to make sure he was hearing you right.
You nod, cheerfully humming an affirmative.
He laughs, shaking his head in disbelief. 
“You’re ridiculous,” is all he says before pulling you in for another warm hug, lips brushing your ear as he whispers, “I love you.”
“I love you, too” you whisper back, tucking your face into the crook of his neck to hide your growing smile, toes curling at the familiar smell of his cologne — something warm and woody that you had gotten him for Christmas last year.
After what seems like not enough time at all, your very professional boyfriend regretfully pulls away — after all, he is here for a job. Baz is kind enough to let you stay and watch them film several scenes, but after seeing how distracted Austin is (he’s trying to stay professional, he really is, but you’re here and he’s missed you so much) he cuts the day short, offering everyone a chance to celebrate their Valentine’s Day properly. 
You’re glad you brought one of your nicer dresses with you, because that night Austin takes you out on the first non-Skype date you’ve had in a while. The two of you end up at a fairly nice restaurant, talking for hours as if you haven’t been apart at all. In lieu of the typical red roses, he gives you a paper rose to add to your collection back home; a tradition that began with your very first date, and one that you hope continues for as long as possible.
You spend a romantic evening together, followed by an even more romantic night, and the contentment you feel waking up the next morning in Austin’s arms is incomparable to anything else on earth. You don’t open your eyes at first, content with the feeling of your head on his chest, legs tangled together, his arms pulling you in closer, but you can’t help but smile up at him as you feel his eyes on you, and the softness in his gaze as you meet his eyes nearly takes your breath away.
Your hand, from its resting place on Austin’s chest, works its way up his neck to cup his cheek, almost as if you need to confirm that he’s really there, solid and warm next to you. You bite your lip to hide a smirk as your eyes catch on the marks scattered across his skin — proof of your, er, very enthusiastic reunion the previous night. He leans into your touch as you whisper a soft “good morning” to him, and he returns the greeting, mumbling it against your lips as you’re pulled in for a kiss.
He glances quickly at the alarm clock on the nightstand, making a note of the time: barely 9am. “What time is your flight, again?”
You mentally file through your sleep-scattered brain for your flight information. “My flight leaves at 1, but I wanna try to be at the airport around 11, maybe 11:30ish?”
He nods, seemingly incorporating that information into whatever idea he has brewing in his head. “I don’t have to be on set until noon,” he says, taking on a suggestive tone as he moves to hover over you, “Any ideas on how we could spend all this time?”
Grinning, you pull him down into a bruising kiss, making a mental note to send flowers to the hair and makeup crew as an apology for the marks they’re going to have to cover on him after this morning.
All in all, not a bad Valentine’s Day.
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Taglist: @queenslandlover-93 @anangelwhodidntfall @austin-butlers-gf @butlersluvbot @killerqueenfan @kittenlittle24 @beauvibaby @kingelviscreole @sweetheartlizzie07 @coldonexx @londonalozzy @annamarie16 @adoreyouusugar @djconde58 @mirandastuckinthe80s @luke-my-skywalker @tubble-wubble @apparently-sunshine @kisseskae @whotfatemywaffles @gyomei-tiddies @friedwangsss @shynovelist @sassy-ahsoka-tano @she-is-juniper @hallecarey1 @adoreyouusugar @iheartcbe @nora-nexus-34 @finelineskies @dontbesussis @fangirl-imagines
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ok unhinged asks time. i hate dainsleif from genshin impact so much but i didn't submit him bc i have literally never heard anyone else ever complain about him, but basically i was neutral about him until a friend mentioned that his dialogue was extremely manipulative and horrible and at the end of it all he basically coerced the player character into destroying (one of?) the last hope(s) for curing the cursed survivors of a genocide (his motive being that they deserved to die as a mercy because death was easier and better than living cursed).
and then like all at once i was like Wait you're right actually every single thing he says i can put an actual psychological manipulation tactic label on. every word out of his mouth is a false dichotomy or a red herring fallacy or negging or guilt tripping and i want you dead actually. so then i wrote my very first ever fanfic where i wrote the player character refusing to fall for those tactics and then killing him with a sword (technically he's immortal so that wouldn't kill him actually but shhhh it was my catharsis fic). i have not posted it anywhere because i think i would get slandered for this opinion on him. but this really was my actual first fic ever at around 600 words, just a tiny little thing where i rewrote how one scene went. crazy the things that hatred and spite can accomplish
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mikussabbath · 2 years
I’ve really taken my time with answering this because I have 400+ Sefikura fics in my bookmarks, and I ended up going through all of them. It was very hard to decide. This ended up becoming more of a rec list, because I really find it hard to narrow it down when there are so many fics with this pairing that have brought me joy. Here are my very most favorites—I hope you’ll enjoy them too.
One shots:
Without Mercy, Without Grace by BloodyWar2411 - Probably one of, if not my most favorite sefikura fic ever. The banter, the dynamic, the inclusion of Angeal, Genesis, and Zack… it’s just so wonderful. Angeal is the time traveler this time, and drags Cloud back with him, which changes many, many things. This one will never get old.
The Brightest Star in the Universe by modeoheim - (Technically a two-shot but shhhh). Sephiroth is an alien who crash lands in Cloud’s backyard. Cultural differences, shockingly wonderful emotional vulnerability, interesting world building, and really fun smut due to Sephiroth’s alien appearance—this one has it all. And lots of feelings. God the feelings these two develop for one another are so amazing.
Shelter From The Light by AsreonInfusion, TekkaWekka - I hesitated between putting this one here and in the pwp section, but there is a fair bit of plot, so I’ve left it here instead. Vampires are a weakness of mine, and this fic really does them justice. There’s something wonderful about the fact that the situation depicted here very much should be fucked up, and yet it somehow isn’t. One of those fics that has me imagining what would come after, how their relationship would continue to build. Lovely.
i’m bunkered with ashen soul by shivadyne - Very, very fun world here that’s been built. Cloud is a vampire, old and powerful, but Sephiroth, as a dragon, surpasses him in both respects. There’s something wonderful about Cloud willingly giving himself over to Sephiroth to be a part of his hoard, who immediately starts doting on him and indulging Cloud’s whims. One of those fics that makes you itch for more.
Alone Together by Up_sideand_down - This one has a super, super unique concept, in which Sephiroth and Cloud are both shoved into one body by Hojo. The hijinks that ensue with that are interesting, but the closeness they crave once they’re separated is wonderful.
That Deep Dark by modeoheim - Haunting and dark. Sephiroth really, truly feels like something very far from human. I like to interpret this one in a sappier light, but the ambiguity of it is amazing. Godly Sephiroth deciding that Cloud is His is really wonderful.
corsetry by silentsaint - I am not sure why this fic stands out so much to me. Or rather, I’m not sure how to describe the way I feel about it. One of the most beautiful uses of long, elegant descriptions and wordplay. The dynamic between these two, with Cloud all wrapped up in a wedding dress… there’s something about this that’s ethereal in and of itself, and it’s uniquely compelling.
Rushes and Reeds by corvidkouhai - Short but sweet. The vibes here are immaculate. This piece, and the energy it captures, really inspired my kelpie fic I wrote for Sefikura week. Always a sucker for mermaid/mermaid adjacent fics, and this one does such a lovely job with Sephiroth’s ethereal inhumanness.
Like Mother, Like Son, Like New by jukeboxhound - This is definitely more of a character study of Sephiroth, but it’s wonderful all the same. It all leads beautifully into seeing Cloud and Sephiroth together. I have a weakness for hair washing, so this is one of my favorites for that reason, but also for the softness that’s here in spite all of the acknowledged hurts Cloud and Sephiroth have caused one another.
Inter-Dimensional Life Strategy Seminars (Attendance Mandatory) by dustofwarfare - Crack but very fun and very amusing. Probably not as fun unless you’re familiar with all of the series that this plays with, but it’s quite funny if you are. My love for Sephiroth and Cloud hating Dr. Phil knows no bounds.
Longfic/chaptered fics:
Telling Time With a Broken Watch by CloudStrifeIsMySpiritAnimal - I wish I could provide you with a link to this one, but it’s sadly been deleted. I think about it all the time, though. I don’t think I’ve seen any other fic be able to go as dark and deep with the enemies dynamic and still somehow pull it back on track toward something resembling a healthy romance. The mental bond was amazing, the banter and humor was great. I miss this one a lot.
Rectify by unknownlifeform - Do I have to explain why I love this one? I kept up with weekly updates for around a year and I swear it was always the highlight of my week. Sephiroth is a God and Cloud is rather blasphemous, which is a wonderful dynamic in and of itself, but this goes so far beyond that. It’s. I don’t have words. (And also I still think about the Saferoth smut in this fic. We were truly blessed with that).
The Little Guy by TokiMirage - One of, if not my most favorite longfic for this pair. A time travel fic in which Cloud is Very Done and decides fuck it, he’s not getting involved at all. Time to be a janitor. And yet somehow, of course, fate brings him back to Sephiroth time and time again. Cloud’s personality and characterization here is great—he’s SO sassy and Sephiroth is drawn to him because of it.
What Is My Life by NightmareDaybreaker - This one is still ongoing and I’ve been following it since the very beginning, which has been such a treat. The story sees Sephiroth coming back to life post-AC, but there are so many twists and turns and the plot is so fun that it feels really unique. The characterization is wonderful, I love the banter, and the way the sexual content is written is to die for—awkward and silly in the best of ways, and it feels so very real and intimate and soft. I adore the way that feelings are portrayed in every part of this fic. There are also multiple pieces of art with each chapter, done by the author. They’re all really wonderful, and I love the way they draw Cloud and Sephiroth.
Cadet Strife’s Adventures in the Big City by Munchkin47 - Fun, sweet little soulmate AU. Cloud is so very sassy, and there is so much sexual tension throughout. It’s really wonderful seeing Cloud grow from half-rate trooper to SOLDIER Third. Very fun.
Patience is a Virtue by Iciseria - In which Cloud decided to work as a lab assistant instead of a trooper after failing the SOLDIER exam and everything changes. This fic is… so fucking soft. It’s crazy that it manages it in spite of the setting. One of those wonderful fics in which Cloud gets to know who Sephiroth really is, who in turn feels Seen for the first time in his life.
Call it Magic by kzam - All of kzam’s fics are just… so wonderful. This one plays with some very interesting dynamics in regards to the connection that Cloud and Sephiroth share. As always with kzam, the world building is really phenomenal, and is worth the read alone.
Deep Waters by unknownlifeform - Look. I’m a sucker for mermaids/mermaid fic. But this stands out even from my usual love of that sort of AU. Sephiroth is a big scary abyssal mer, and him and Cloud kind of hopelessly, awkwardly fall in love. The cultural + size difference is superb, and the plot itself is super riveting. Love this one.
Your Wings by WindsOfTime - Cloud is such a bamf in this one dear god. Takes the usual boring CEO premise and turns it on its head. Cloud is Sephiroth’s assistant, yet he is very much the one in charge. And then there’s the wings and the bigger plot and Angeal, Genesis, and Zack… this one is very, very fun.
Rumour Has It by AsreonInfusion - Saferoth tentacle porn and the very start of Feelings. Need I say more?
Reverb by Carressa - One of my favorite smutfics for these two. It plays with some really, really interesting dynamics in terms of how Reunion and puppet!Cloud can be used sexually, and yet somehow is still soft for it? There’s a lot of love beneath the surface here.
Mukbang for Monsters by Fictional_Nympho - This one is a really interesting combination of fun tropes, from camming to monsterfucking to top Cloud, oh my! Really just a whole lot of fun.
Blinded Love by Gregora - Starts off as anonymous sex, but then feelings get involved. Sephiroth has a tentacle dick which is very fun. It’s a source of insecurity for him and very appealing for Cloud—the dive from anonymous sex to feelings in this one is really lovely.
Hazy by esama - Even though this one is a pwp, the plot is super compelling. Time traveler (maybe?) Cloud who’s forgotten most everything except his instinct to kill Sephiroth. Which turns into fucking Sephiroth. Lots of humor, neat dynamic/setup.
The Plan, and How It Went Wrong by XpaperplaneX - While technically this is a bit bigger than what I’d consider a pwp, it is filled with wonderfully written smut, and that’s kind of what the whole plot revolves around. I’m a sucker for pretty men in pretty clothes, so I love the games Sephiroth and Cloud play with one another in that regard.
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Okay! There was a bit of a gap between when my requests closed (May 14th) and when they’re reopening (June first, at the very minute this event is being posted) but I’m making up for it with this event lol. I wanted to do something to celebrate summer and this is that. I’m doing something separate to focus on pride and that will be a bit more explained when the first fic with that comes out, but my requests are also, as usual, open to queer fics!
But, to refocus with this event as it is, it applies to the usual host of characters: Everyone from the Grishaverse (the crows, the triumvirate, Alina, Mal, and Nikolai) as well as Pin Hawthorne from Free Rein!
This event is the summer event but even though summer TECHNICALLY doesn’t end till september (and it also doesn’t start for another twenty days but it’s warm here and it feels like summer so shhhh) Requests are going to close on July 9th! 
I wanna love you til we’re food for the worms to eat- this one is summer fluff! Give me two activities/events you typically associate with summer, your character of choice and gender pref for the reader, and I’ll write 3000 words with that!
I’ll go anywhere you wanna go- this one is headcanons! It’s pretty much the shortened version of the first prompt--give me a couple of summer activities and a character, and I’ll use that to write headcanons!
I belong in your arms- ROMANCES!! This one has potential for sickeningly sweet fluff or absolutely gut wrenching angst, and it’s the dealers choice! These ones will probably be a bit longer too (it depends, but they’ll go anywhere from 3-8k most likely) and all of the details with this are up to the requester. Whether it alters my outlook on life or melts me into a heartsick puddle, send it in and I’ll see what I can cook up with whatever you send along
I’d find you in any world- I wanted to be creative, so this one involves a playlist! Pick a song from this one, give me your character preference and your gender preference for the reader, and specify whether you want it to be a song fic or a fic inspired by the vibes of the song of your choosing! These can be any genre at all, angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, anything!
If I could give you the moon, I would give you the moon- ships!! Give me your gender pref, fandom pref, a description of yourself and a summer-y thing you like, and I’ll ship you with someone and write a blurb!
I’d give up forever to touch you- moodboards! Give me a character and a summer-themed date idea and I’ll make a moodboard with it
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raccoonfallsharder · 9 months
Chapter 10/20+ Window Across the Galaxy (new 8/31)
girl falls first; raccoon falls harder.
And so this is how the space between Knowhere and Asgard unfolds: the coziest, rosiest nights she’s had in years - decades, probably, if she wants to waste time doing the math - and days spent cascading through jump-points like honeycombs and stardust like spilt glitter. Snacks tossed at her head by a grumpy copilot who she’s basically-desperately-in-love-with-shhhh, and the clinking of his inventions, and an uncountable number of golden-hearted flowers in her hair. And the fragile beginnings of - well, maybe they’d all still disagree and say Jolie, you moron, this is an uneasy alliance at best - but she’s going to call it a family and let the word curl up like a kitten in her heart.  She suspects that Groot, at least, would agree with her in this.  When they finally reach the pocket of starry galaxy that cradles the Realm Eternal - hung like an island in the sky, like a more-feral version of the Neverland she’d seen painted in books as a kid - Pete slows the Gemma Lynn to a crawl, and Jolie slides into the copilot’s seat.
Chapter X. Thin Fucking Ice. in which our heroes get fucked. Not in the good way.
action! too much action. i hate writing action (unless it's smutty action). uhhhh there's some violence and minor gore/description of wounds in this chapter but I don't think it's egregious?
General summary/notes + links to recently preceding chapters behind the cut. let me know via comment, message, or ask if you'd like to be added or removed from my fanfic/headcanon/doodle taglist ♡
General Summary~
Rocket is captured by a Ravager crew hoping to get rich off the excessively large bounty on his head. Throwing a wrench in everyone’s plans is the Terran girl they hired to do some freelance assessing on a recent haul of goods they’ve seized from a Xandaran luxury liner. Oops.
let me be real with you: this fic is really about wish-fulfillment. not just the eventual smut (but that too). mostly i just want someone to be nice to my best raccoon
Chapter I. A Delicacy. in which our reluctant heroes meet atop a crate of Sovereign porn in the bowels of a Ravager ship. Chapter II. Monster For A Pet. in which one hero wrestles with his inner Groot, and the other is quite possibly a moron. Chapter III. A Kindness.in which Rocket gets in his own damn way: not for the first time, and certainly not for the last. Chapter IV. Got There First. in which our heroes obtain an arsenal and street food. Chapter V. Things No-One Has Said Before. in which one hero refuses to babysit and the other refuses to leave. Chapter VI. Two and a Half Billion Units. in which we lean into the “they were roommates” trope. Jolie has misgivings, while Rocket has fantasies - about getting rich, of course. Chapter VII. I'm Here.in which we visit Knowhere. Chapter VIII. The Care & Feeding of Human Pets. in which our heroes practice breathing and we lean into a new trope: “there was (technically) one bed.” Chapter IX. Scrapmetal and a Dream. in which we redefine homemaking. Chapter X. Thin Fucking Ice. in which our heroes get fucked. Not in the good way. Coming Soon: Chapter XI. Let It Be. in which Xandar is saved and good lives are lost.
slight AU starting pre-GOTG volume 1 (but will hit most of the same major plot points). slooowww burn + eventual smut with a lot of pining in the middle. kinda enemies-to-lovers? (but only one of these idiots thinks they're enemies). elements of hurt/comfort because rocket is the saddest-angriest boy. rating will go up and tags will be added to as needed.
@evolvingchaoswitch ♡
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yorshie · 3 months
why hello there sweet raccoon. hmmm eyeing your timezine a bit but i wont tell shhhh. Alas, i must know! <33
🌵 🥑 🔪 🦷 ❄️ 🏜️ 🦋🐚 ☁️ 🐝 🎨🧩
Hi keisha! It’s only (looks at clock guiltily.) oh. Oh ok yea you are right it’s pretty late my bad lol. I will honk sho after this raccoon’s honor.
Share the link to a playlist you love
- hm I think I’m gonna link The Wolf Queen, which fueled a lot of my werewolf boyfriend stage of life. It’s very much “I chose the wolf over the hunter” vibes and very darkly romantic.
You accidentally killed someone, which mutual do you call to help?
- Let’s be honest I would incriminate all of you in a voice chat session panicking to figure out how to get rid of a body. I am sorry.
What’s the weirdest topic you’ve researched for a fic?
- Hm…….. you know that tag for TMNT fanfic on AO3 called ‘turtle anatomy’? Lol
Share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear by
- If you get stung by a wasp slap some mud on it. Tobacco works great too.
What’s your dream theme/plot for a fic and who would write it best?
- oh goodness. Honestly, I think it would be neat if the moots all wrote a chapter of the “same” story. Like a choose your own adventure sort of deal. It might be a bit difficult but I think it could be fun, if we picked a easy prompt.
What’s your fav type of comment to receive on a work?
- any type of comment makes my day. Literal keyboard smashes are great. Falling out of windows are hilarious. Play by play thoughts? Marvelous. Once a person just spammed the letter A for three lines straight and I laughed so hard I wheezed.
Share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
- I’ve had a lot of feelings worrying over friends. Hoping they’re doing ok and wondering how to navigate helping them when I technically don’t “know” them…but I hope they read this and they know I’m thinking of them.
Do you like or dislike surprises?
- *squints suspiciously* hm…. Is this a turtle grenade question? (Lol I usually like surprises unless it’s irl and the person drops hints. Not knowing but Knowing kills me)
What made you choose your username?
- so my favorite book is called “The Last Dragon” by Silvana De Mari, and Yorsh is a character in the book. It’s a very good book, sometimes I hear ppl refer to me as “Yorsh” and am confused because I’ll forget I named myself after him lol. But it’s about the last elf who goes on a quest without knowing it to find the last dragon.
Tag your biggest supporters and say one nice thing about them
The whole Turtle Fam including you Keisha just the fact that you all let me be crazy about turtles makes you all my biggest supporters. You’re all dear friends and I must say you all have excellent taste in fictional characters.
Link your favorite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
This one of bayverse Leo giving Mona a Gift by Tychou When Leo Met Mona is my comfort fic to read when I’m feeling down, but also I just love these two. I will never not go crazy over Tychou’s Mona and her dynamic with Leo always makes me soft and fuzzy inside.
What will make you click away from a fanfic immediately?
- I can’t read things in first person.
Thank you for the ask!
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hevanderson · 4 months
thank you @kurtsascot for the six sentence sunday tag !! this is technically five sentences but shhhh.. this is from my quinncedes summer fling s2 fic :-3
6:01 A.M., from the corner of Quinn's eye, she sees Kurt Hummel speed-walking towards them, his steps bouncy and a smile on his face. She pulls her hand away from Mercedes’. Kurt wouldn't care and she knows this– in fact, she doubted anyone would notice, much less care, that the two were holding hands, since that was an acceptable thing for friends to do, but Quinn's paranoia about being caught in this relationship overpowered her logical thinking– but she does it anyway. When Mercedes gives her a questioning look, she cuts her eyes over at Kurt. Mercedes follows her sight and understands immediately. She smiles at Kurt and he jogs to catch up with them.
i get nervous as tagging so ! feel free to use this as a tag if you want to participate ^^
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footballffbarbiex · 11 months
#and here i am not knowing where i am in the fandom anymore tbh.#just wanna write things which mean something to people again
I'm not saying this because we are friends, but I genuinely feel this. Your writing and your fics are part of that first category -you are a good writer. You have such a keen understanding of the athletes you write for and what makes them tick, and subsequently know how to exploit this in your writing. The entire structures of shhhh and Falling are just incredible, and then HEA as well, tying all those smaller plots together... And that's before we even get into the technicalities of writing, the word choice, the use of descriptive language, the characterisation of your ofc's
So yeah, your writing is good, you are so valued because of everything you offer your followers and I love you loads
i've held onto this since i received it and i'm still no closer to knowing what i can say that will do this ask any justice.
i agonise over the chapter flows and over whether or not my couple pairings have the ability to get people to root for them. are the male characters resembling the men that i'm basing my fics on? is the story reading the way it's playing out in my head?
when i see you leave feedback like this, it makes me realise i'm doing something right and that at least someone sees my writing. and i can't thank you enough for that.
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halfpintpeach · 1 year
12, 14, 18 for the choose violence ask meme!
12. Unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them.
hmmm...idk if I'd call her 'unpopular' but I don't think we see enough Abby appreciation. She's team mom and willing houses these kids in her house and cooks them meals. She's their nurse but she loves them all so much???? There are team nurses I've met who wouldn't be able to handle the stuff that Abby does with the Foxes and I think we need to talk about her more.
14. the one thing you see in fics all the time.
I've read so many fics it's not funny...one thing (and it's one that annoys me) ((even though this may technically be another question but shhhh)) is the room set ups after the book's end. Nicky and Aaron move out of the dorm and into Matt's room while Neil moves in with Kevin and Andrew. STOP PUTTING NICKY IN THEIR DORM ROOM!!! (just a teeny tiny pet peeve of mine since it's in the actual book that Nicky also leaves the dorm and they only have three in the dorm rooms the next year)
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
Allison's pink convertible.
I think we need to talk about it more and I need to see it in all the fics now. It's such an iconic thing and such a girlboss moment that I need it to be honored.
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