#technically i COULD make a s/i but I'm not going to bc its like ... i dont fit into that world fbfjdl
dandyshucks · 4 months
every now and then i think about hera from w.olf 359 and ... my wife .....
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thegeminisage · 2 months
it's star trek update time. last night* we watched, well,
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pics taken moments before disaster ^
sighing deeply. ok. *i'm typing this at fuck o clock so technically it was earlier today but this post will go up while i'm at work. anyway here we go:
dark page (tng):
i don't want to talk about it.
rules of acquisition (ds9):
me having to watch this after dark page must count as some kind of cruel and unusual punishment
i was hoping ds9 could make me like the ferengi. i think whoever wrote this episode was trying. dax's little pro-ferengi speech. sure. and here's this ferengi woman, fighting for acceptance and change in her own way. yeah. fine.
unfortunately i think the episode undercut its own message a little in two ways: firstly, by having kira and dax getting groped nonstop without kira getting to break any fingers. like, non-ferengi women won't and shouldn't tolerate that, but for some reason in this episode they do...? i was especially steamed on kira's behalf; at least dax didn't seem to care as much. like, shouldn't the point be that that behavior is UNacceptable, instead of "oh it's not so bad once you get to know them"? and secondly, i think the impact pel made on odo was a little understated. the only real hint we got at him seeing a new way of things vs just him trying to protect himself was him offering pel the money to start a new life with, for free. you could tell because of his acting chocies there was a lot happening under the surface - like, he's always trying to get his own ass out of the fire, but he seemed protective of PEL rather than his own interests in several scenes there, particularly ditching his bar - but we didn't get to see most of the stuff that could ACTUALLY have been interesting bc we were too busy watching the nagus feel people up and eat bugs ha ha quirky fun! now THERE'S a guy that belongs on tng! extremely unendearing. you can win me over to um. some characters. but not this guy.
i was VERY surprised they let quark and pel kiss when quark was under the impression pel was a dude. not only was it a really funny "i thought i was GAY ping" moment, it also feels weirdly...progressive...? for 1993. along with dax assuming pel's in love with quark while ALSO still assuming pel is a guy. even though they kind of ruined it later
actually, the more i think about it the more pel reads as a trans man. is it right to categorize someone as trans when really they're just trying to get out of horrifically oppressive gender roles? maybe not, but the way quark managed to be super homophobic and misogynistic to pel at the same time ("you didn't kiss me" ok self-gaslighting king) feels so much like transphobia, and the way quark utterly rejected pel because of what she (he?) IS even despite the bond and chemistry they'd formed, AND dax, also trans, seemed to clock pel pretty quickly as being Some Kind Of Queer Like Me...i am Seeing
like, pel is all, hey we can run away together! fuck gender roles, who cares if i wear clothes! and quark is straight up like I Would Care. his internalized Whatever is keeping him from being happy with someone he clicked with, whether that's for a single night or an entire lifetime. there WAS a queer theme here. it was almost more about being queer than it was about sexism, except it wasn't actually about either of those because they fumbled the landing a little bit plus i feel like some censorship was probably happening and so the whole thing wound up being muddy. i did like quark's lisa simpson stare at the end though. girl, mood
TONIGHT: tng's "attached" and ds9's "necessary evil" I KNOW IT'S AN ODO EPISODE i'm very excited
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nereidprinc3ss · 4 months
If ur gonna continue only writing for CM I wouldn't mind. I mostly like to see BAU!Spencer x nonBAU!reader, but I also like Professor!Spence. I may be the outlier here but prof!Spencer x TA/Student!reader is pretty boring for me lol. Now don't get me wrong I can DEVOUR an age gap fic from time to time, but those seem a bit over-written imo. Are you apart of any other fandoms and would you write for those on this blog? (totally not asking bc I'm in love with Peter Parker and have been craving stark!reader fics for months 👀)
ok unpopular opinion i'm not super into professor!spence x student reader either... i just think that man is way too ethical to even consider getting involved w one of his own students so its just not super believable for me
but omfg random uni student x spencer i could read/write FOREVER.... it just makes so much sense to me. he was a late bloomer and when ur as smart as he is age becomes so arbitrary, but i don't think he'd ever pursue someone BECAUSE they were younger than him yk? like he's not one of those 'get em while theyre young and easily manipulated' weirdos. in my vision for my fics he doesn't really think about the fact that he's older than his s/o, its just not that important to him and its not why he's attracted to them--so i don't really consider my uni!reader fics as "age gap" fics because even tho they technically are, bc its not really the focal point for me. but its my go-to bc im in university lol
as for other potential fandoms i'd write for, i tend to hyperfixate on one character at a time and get complete tunnel vision. for a while it was javier from narcos lmaoo and yes peter parker but spencer reid is by FAR my longest running fictional crush. maybe one day i'll diversify but for now this will likely remain a strictly criminal minds blog (but iron man is my fav superhero movie in case anyone wanted to know) (you didn't)
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kiynania · 8 months
Ranking every ninjago season and why :3
(Yall are gonna 100% hate me for this)
(Spoilers for Dragons rising kinda)
I hate it sm, it literally could've been one of the best seasons in ninjago history, but there was WAY too much filler and was so underwhelming and predictable. Didn't even feel like a Zane season during the second half it felt more like a Lloyd season. ALL of the ninja should've fought Zane + Pixal, and she should've come as well. AND THE FACT THAT ZANE'S TRAUMA WAS NEVER BROUGHT UP. LIKE HUH????? I will forever hate this season with a passion no matter what anyone says.
18. Forbidden Secrets of Spinjitzu
17. Prime Empire
I really can't care for it at all it just feels like the ninjago writers ran out of ideas(which I completely understand, but still) you could literally skip the entire thing and the whole plot line would STILL make sense. The only time I genuinely rewatch this is if I'm THAT bored. Really should've stuck the to idea with Jay's mother running away from something(which they 100% should've done in the first place)
16. Skybound
Before yall come to my house and beat the shit out of me, HEAR. ME. OUT. Kinda the same situation with Prime Empire. You could skip it, and the show would still make sense. It's never addressed after the season, and all of it is just...wack. Nadakkan is a fucking creep towards Nya, like mf BACK OFF. And Jay isn't any better. He's constantly disrespecting Nya's boundaries throughout a majority of the season, and I do NOT understand how Jay fans justify that. And the amount of sexism in it??? I just don't like this season in general and would very much like to stay away from it.
15. The Island
It felt like it was just there for the purpose of being there. It's important to the plot the next season but I felt like that could've been resolved with a little b plot. Ik it's technically not a season but idc. That's it. Nothing else I can say abt it.
14. Crystalized
It had sm potential, but the second half felt so rushed. The first 12 eps were really well paced, but the last 18 felt like a whole other season. The entire ending was rushed, and it was so hyped as well. I was at the edge of my chair waiting and waiting but....nothing. I never really believed that Pixal was gonna die, but I 100% expected Wu to die or SOMEONE to make a huge sacrifice. The original ending wouldn't have been much better bc at that point, there would've been only 2 eps left. AND NO ONE BROUGHT UP THE FACT THAT ZANE DEFEATED THE OVERLOAD. NOT EVEN LLOYD???? "Third time's the charm," MF ZANE DEFEATED HIM THE THIRD TIME FOR WAY LONGER THAN YOU DID AND NOT EVEN THE OVERLOAD MENTIONED IT LIKE WHAT??? AT LEAST REFRENCE IT OR SUM.
13. Hands of Time
To get something out of the way, the animation reminded me of Miraculous Ladybug.(IM SORRY) The season felt odd but in a good way. And knowing that Pixal was in that Samurai X suit makes her personality in s7 10× more funnier. I don't hate it but I don't love it at the same time. It's a 50/50
12. The Pilots
Since it's the start or it all, it's going to get a decent ranking. I really like it and it did just fine for a pilot ep(s) But other seasons are just better :3
11. Master of The Mountain
It's a really nice season to get back at I fricking LOVE the little flashback of Cole's mother. But at the same time it's a bit forgettable.(don't come for me) That's it. :3
10. Legacy of The Green Ninja
One of the classic seasons. It's good enough to make it to the top 10. This was where ninjago was originally supposed to end. Its really nice and seeing Lloyd battle his dad was sad :,) All the episodes are really fun and entertaining but other seasons are just better :3
9. Rise of The Snakes
The first season of ninjago where it all truly started. Much like s2 all the episodes are really entertaining. It's really heartwarming to watch all the ninja grow up and change throughout the rest of the seasons. It's always a classic you can come back to. But other seasons are still just better
8. Possession
It's a really nice season and the pros outweigh the cons but I really don't like Morro(atp yall finna hate me) He's like Kai if his "I'm supposed to be the green ninja" phase never left. His redemption arc was so fricking boring and forgettable that I don't even REMEMBER what happened and i'm too lazy to go back. But the episodes are also really entertaining and a bit funny.
7. Rebooted
TOO MANY PPL DONT LIKE THIS SEASON AND IDK WHY. Okay the love triangle was extremely unnecessary and didn't help progress the plot at all. But all the good really outweighs it. It's the birth of the best Canon ship(which is pretty much all I post abt here) Really entertaining. AND HAS ONE OF THE BEST SCENES IN HISTORY. Ik yall were in TEARS after the last ep.
6. Dragons Rising
It's a really well paced season and MASSIVELY improved from crystalized. THEY ACTUALLY GIVE ZANE A PERSONALITY AND I AM HERE FOR IT. It gives off a really well based story, and it's really entertaining. Ik a majority of Jay fans were upset bc he only got like 14 seconds of screen time if that, but with everything going on and at that point there were 3 eps left. The story pacing would've been extremely rushed, so I'm kinda glad that happened. Nothing else to say.
5. March of The Oni
Really great season. Just really hits you in the feels. Nice season you can always rewatch. I love the Pixal/Cole/Zane interaction in the first ep really funny. The rest of the season is pretty self explanatory
4. Tournament of Elements
This season is one of the best in the show. Like S10 it's pretty self explanatory. Introduces us to a bunch of new concepts. GARMADON SACRIFICING HIMSELF WAHHHHHHH. The only thing I genuinely have a problem with is the Zane amnesia part. I really wanted it to last the whole season like make Zane have little flashbacks bit by bit. That could've been really interesting. The rest is amazing.
3.Sons of Garmadon
SO MANY PPL WHO STOPPED WATCHING AFTER THE REDESIGNS MISSED OUT OMG. It's so good. Good characters. Good villains. Good story concept. GREAT execution. Just mwah. Crystalized kinda ruined Harumi's arc. Like I would've been fine if she stayed dead. HER ARC WAS PERFECT. I love her sm. Also has one of the best outfits/weapons. THE REDESIGNS DID THEM JUSTICE THEYRE SM BETTER THAN THE OLD ONES(don't find me pls.) It's great would recommend :3
2. Seabound
ONE OF THE BEST SEASONS JUST MWAH. Nya's arc was really nice, and her merging with the ocean pulled on my heartstrings istg. HER INTERACTIONS WITH HER MOTHER JUST...*cries forever*
1. Hunted
MY FAVORITE SEASON OMG EVERYTHING ABT IT IS FUCKING PERFECT. The music. The characters. EVERYTHING. Has one of the best intros in ninjago. I love how Lloyd was trying to cope with his friends being "dead" and being so relieved that they're actually alive. The designs are so good. The story progresses really smoothly and just...*chefs kiss*
Okay bye now.
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antisociallilbrat · 1 year
Been a while since I invaded your inbox with the intention to feed your brain worms lol- ANYWAYS-
I'm not exactly sure if this will be entertainig enough to answer but I've been thinking of this concept for a while now and since I consume your takes on a daily basis, here I am presenting it to you. This involves both The Party and The Losers Club.
So I've been in love with MrHalloween's AU where Mike Wheeler has Pennywise's power and another artist or writer ( I cannot remember who they are and I am ashamed )'s AU where The Losers Club are all adopted by Pennywise for a very long time now and I really REALLY like those kinds of AUs. Now that got me thinking...
What power of Pennywise do you think suit each Party members? And why?
Like we- as in, the IT fandom- knows that Pennywise can do a lot of things. Expected since he's basically an eldritch horror. He can shapeshift, know your fear, control a whole ass town, can probably go toe to toe with Maturin, and he has the deadlights. So similar to Vecna's curse without the bones breaking and immediate death if not countered ASAP. Pennywise has a wide range of abilities that suits him and I am really curious of what you think each of the Party members would have if Pennywise gives them a portion of his abilities.
This ask is mildly inspired by the Mike fanart that I am currently sketching where he is surrounded by the deadlights and by the AU thay I shared to you back then where the Losers are Numbers and their abilities are their Neibolt selves.
Allen I am so sorry it took me so long to respond to this 😭 I fell down the sims rabbit hole and didn't know how to crawl my way out of it
I want to answer your question simply but we all know me and we know I am not capable of that. Also plz someone send me the link to the post where it talks about Mike having Pennywise's power- I wish to dissect ⛏️
So to answer this question it depends on how you're coming at It- literally. Like we know It is an alien but what's the classification of It beyond that? Humans tend to point at creatures that are below our 'intelligence' and call the creature an 'animal' but what do we call something that is obviously beyond our intelligence and even our understanding but it's not humanoid? This was not part of your question at all I'm sorry but this in itself is worth a conversation, I just love talking about the Dead Lights.
Because I believe It acts with animal characteristics, It only fights to ensure It's survival and It hunts 'weaker' prey- children. Yes I know it's bc their fear tastes better blah blah you know what I mean.
Back to your question at hand- for real this time:
To put it simply I don't think It could just give one specific power to each Party member if It turned them all into little Its, little deadlights so I'm going to have to give you a nonanswer.
Unless It was making Neilbolt versions of them but even then I don't think the Neilbolt versions get It's 'power' per say because technically they are still part of It as a whole.
I'll raise you this though Allen: the Party members having a handful It's power, becoming little deadlights. The reason why It did that is up to you, I'm speaking of all of this in a hypothetical.
So the Party members become little deadlights, maybe they favor certain aspects of the powers that come with that. Like I can see Mike really enjoying augmenting reality and manifesting anything at his whim. Lucas would enjoy the physical transformation aspect and Dustin would enjoy being able to get into people's heads in his quest for knowledge. Will would love having the ability to protect himself now (especially if this in an au where the UD is still a thing) and Max would love the ability to subtly control people. She could make sure no one like Billy could ever hurt someone again.
And El? This goes back to the 'is this au set in one where the UD is still a thing'. If Henry is a thing, El would make a deal with It to get It's power, albeit only a little of it, to take him down. She would make a deal with the devil. In fact- I think all of the Party would in a quest to protect the ones they love and there's you're motivation right there for the Party. Just need to decide what It gets out of this deal.
But here's the thing, if the Party essentially became little deadlights...would they need to feed on fear now? Feed on humans? Do they know about that before they make the deal?
I'll let you decide that ;)
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Hi April!! ^-^/🎫 <- is for you
~ @botanists-little-cookie
Okay, I've held onto this for a while but I'm gonna finally gush about Zayne hehe :3 I honestly don't even know where to start since my brain's usually just !!! a lot when I think about him.
Like everyone usually sees him as cold or stoic, but he has such a teasing, playful side too. It's a lot more subtle (and honestly kind of sarcastic) but it's there. And he seems to go along with a lot of the mc's antics if they're harmless (like the mc told him to talk to a plushie and he did and in the secret fairytale card they had like a little roleplay session lol) -- and also teasing her for thinking that he mostly hung out at museums by bringing it up again playfully and all that
But he's like the sweetest ever?? All super gentlemanly and caring and just <333 (like I don't have it unlocked yet bc it requires affinity level 70 but there's something of him helping the mc with dealing with her period cramps and whatnot and he's so caring about it and <333)
It's so obvious (to me at least) just how much he cares about me (gonna start saying that instead of the mc bc my s/I is technically not her) but like helping me fall asleep, taking care of me if I'm ever feeling sick or stressed out just <333 he'd also be the type to do good morning/goodnight texts if he's able (aka not in surgery at the time) especially if he knows that I like it
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(exhibit a :3)
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(exhibit b ^^)
Also the way he works me into his schedule - like with the new memory and all that "when would we be able to meet up again" and he literally pulls his phone out that second to check his schedule and say that he's free next Sunday - like he's so eager to see me again and it's just the cutest (also that last line before the kiss scene kills me - "if I'm able to see you Sunday, I'll start getting excited Thursday." like aaaaaa that's so cute
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(like look he literally pulled the phone out so quick to check his schedule <3)
And his voice is so soft and lovely when it comes to me (not to say I don't like the cooler, more stoic tone either but the softer whispers kill me) and I love that you can save your favorite lines to relisten to bc I have so many that are literally because of how soft he is or because he's laughing in the audio and it's butterflies every time <333
Also he's so pretty like it's unfair at times. I have so many screenshots of this man bc I just can't help it and he makes me feral I swear (like the medical rescue memory all I could think about was biting him like help me) and I seriously get so giggly and giddy over him, it's silly (he'd find it cute though… hehe)
Might do a picture dump just because!!
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Like aaaa!!! he's so pretty!!!
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(to the left - the medical rescue one i mentioned aka i wanna bite him | to the right - the new card absolutely KO-ing me with this!!!)
And like I didn't touch on the Myths stuff (the Foreseer thing) but that lore is so angsty and everything - it honestly will deserve its own post once I get all the cards necessary to go through the entire thing - all I know is I'm going to think of it every time I think about jasmines and all that
Anyways I think it's evident I just adore him so yeah :D And i give you a cookie if you read all of that hehe
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nocturnalghoul · 1 year
EEEEEEEEEEE yay :D (I hope this is okay to publish bc I got excited and talked a lot and now that is everyone's problem). Also I am kissing you on the forehead for asking, like thank you so much.
I'm gonna try my best not to get overly technical. However, on top of being a deep interest of mine hematology/transfusion medicine is literally my occupation so... we will see :)
Okay so there is two main tracks of thought that my brain tends to go down with that. Either they are same/similar to human blood types (boring, but also super technical in my mind what the tiny differences would be, like how the fuck would ghoul hematology work?! I have thoughts) or the idea that I like A LOT more which is blood types related to element.
Quick actual blood primer: People know the concept of ABO blood types (A/B/O/AB) but those are just specific types within the ABO group. Fun fact, there are lots of other groups/systems on blood that each have their own expression on cells.
I think that element related ghoul blood types would either work within one system like ABO type, or each be their own group. Them each being their own group makes a lot more sense though especially for the existence of multi ghouls.
I think it would be did you inherit two copies of type (a) of the gene which would be no expression of that element, type (b) full expression, or both (a,b) which is muted expression or only potential to express that element. At first I thought that might make multis too common, but I think that most of the time one would need that full (b+/b+) typing to truly be that element, otherwise you would just sort of have a general feel for that element (and be able to get transfusions from them but also how likely would the ghouls need blood).
So like for multis like Swiss he just would either have full expression of multiple elements, or just be lucky with them tending to express well (or hes just really good at pulling at that partial element within himself as it ties to magic).
However in Dew's case, I like to think the process of him flipping from Water to Fire would be more like how bone marrow transplants work where afterwards you have the donor blood type but your original type can still be seen on tissue cells so you wouldn't react negatively to your original type. Like he probably had compatible fire grouping genes but now that fire is just the predominant element within him.
Anyways as far as ghoul blood transfusion would go, which I will spare you long thoughts about that but will get technical again, it would simply be do you have any expression of that element in which case you would be fine, or if you didn't at all would you make an antibody to it I guess. Real world example again: for other types outside of ABO, antibodies to the types you don't have on your cells are only made after exposure to that antigen and even then sometimes you don't make an immune response and would be good in theory to be transfused that blood again and again until you developed an immune response (some systems are more responsive than others and that would not be done fyi).
If ghoul elemental blood types acted inside the same system though, you would need to transfuse type compatible (in which case multis have more options for blood to receive) or you would need type specific. In that case though I think that Quintessence ghouls would sort of act similar to type O people irl in that they would be a universal red blood cell donor and any element could receive quintessence red cells.
ANYWAYS, sorry this was so long but it's like the basics of ghoul blood thoughts I have sometimes cause I think its fun to hypothesize about. If anything didn't make sense or if anybody has follow up question(s) let me know :)
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franstastic-ideas · 8 months
Actually, you know what the funniest thing about shipping Leaf or any of the first four gen girls is? THEY'RE ALL WAY OLDER. You'd think the biggest complaint fandom would have is going nooOOO they're ELEVEN. Except for the part where Gen 1 and 3 happen at the same time. As do Gen 2 and 4. With a three year timeskip. And then a TWELVE year timeskip. Two more; BW2 and XY happen at the same time. Add another year for Alola. Red and Blue are stated to be like. I think it was 31 in the S/M/USUM games last I checked. Leaf would be almost 10 years older than Leon (his Charmander could've been a child of Red's Charizard for all we know! I actually like to write Kantrio visiting Galar and inspiring the next gen of trainers in game-verse.) Instead I'm mostly meddling around in the anime-verse which is mostly a found-family fic so all my ships are really just joked about. Doesn't mean I haven't recycled through a ship or two as I was playing around with the fic though lol, but alas the interest wore off and I need to stick with my themes. I'm curious though, is Leaf and Green endgame for you? Also LOVE whatever you're doing including Mizuki in your Au. With the aforementioned "Kanto kids are millennials" my Leaf (game-verse) has lowkey adopted the Alola kids (with them completely unknowing she was One of The Famous Kanto Trainers From The 1996(7?) Indigo League, until Red and Blue come to Alola and hugs! reunions! tfw your mom is super friendly with your idols and your world view is flipping upside down) what's your version :D also YES shaking your hand Red and Leaf siblings trueee. out of all the protags, they look the most like twins to me. Even Hilda and Hilbert have diff eye colors, May and Brendan literally have diff parents and skin tones. Probs the only character other than Kris and Gen 2 Gold who doesn't appear as an NPC. Also, I like Thundra as a name for a Raichu! I think it fits :) laughing at you going with Kaminari as a name tho, bc I legit did the same thing with the Jolteon I give her in pre-anime fic AU (its a whole mess) or Denki (yes bnha lmao) until I saw someone spell it was "Denshi" as a nickname and thought that was cute and made it less like an obvious reference. Also considered Raijuu.
I think the funniest thing about the core series timeline topic is the fact that technically, according to several developers, there actually IS no true canon timeline.
Masuda: It starts to get a little complicated if you pay too much attention to timelines. Like, there might be a professor that appears, and it wouldn’t make sense at all if we applied that kind of timeline logic. So we try not to apply it too rigorously.
Matsumiya: Elapsed time is secret. Imagine freely!
I certainly will imagine freely, Mr. Matsumiya.
I stated this in the last ask I answered, but Sisterhood operates under a different timeline than the "canon" one. For example, the events of SwSh take place after HGSS/DPP and before SM/USUM, which takes place before B2W2/SV. BW also takes place at the same time as XY, and between FRLG/ORAS and HGSS/DPP.
I do have a visual guide, for reference.
As for Leaf and Green being endgame, I've considered Sisterhood being somewhat similar to an otome game, in the sense that the protagonists have a selection of boys they could date in a series of alternate story paths. However, for most of them there is someone who I consider their "true" love interest in Sisterhood.
For Leaf, this is Green. For Touko, this is N. For Haruka, this is Steven. For Hikari/Akari, this is Volo. And so on.
Some of the male protagonists are the sibling of the female protagonists in Sisterhood: Leaf is Red's younger twin sister, Touko is Touya's older twin sister, Gloria is Victor's younger sister by two years, and Juliana is the older twin sister of Florian. As a sidenote, Gloria and Juliana are first cousins.
Even when they normally wouldn't appear in canon if not chosen as the protagonist, every character has a role in Sisterhood somewhere. Kris is Kotone's friendly (but still tough) rival!
And speaking of Leaf's Raichu, 'Kaminari' was sort of a beta name until I found something else I liked better.
This ended up being 'Lumine'.
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arlecchno · 1 year
lmao the blonde parts are supposed to be teal but i havent had a chance to redye them in foreverr … also yes ! my xiao jacket ! its not the only one out there though LOL
the wall youre seeing is actually my best friend roofs long lost sibling , wall /j
BEFORE 6 !? i could never i always go to bed at like 12am …. im so sleep deprived on school days lol
ME AND THAT FRIEND DID SO MANY SILLY THINGS IN OUR MATH/STEM CLASS LMAO we used to play genshin wish sim (im very young T_T) and say weird things to summon characters (i told the computer id help make kaeya dilucs brother again to get diluc , and BOTH OF THEM CAME HOME IN THE SAME PULL) tbh ive always complained ab stairs so ,,, i cant even take the stairs in my building anymore bc i live on the 9th floor itd take way too long 😭
we have a lot of the same top 5s , kaeya , diluc , and scara share #1 because … yes . my favorite gal is fischl i love her sm -
i have 11 5*s (not including aloy) , and im currently pulling for sir acting grand scribe himself ! im at around late 30 pity , if he does / doesnt come home i will make self ship art because i dont think he would like that >:)
GOOD TO KNOW ITS GOING WELL im actually making notes for a fic i wanna write on call w my previously mentioned friend roof LOL ive had the idea ever since the nilotpala cup event , i really wanted to make like an actual fic based off of it bc that girl from the yae publishing house was supposed to or wtv HAHAH but im procrastinating on a title so im just . UGH - yk ?
i did have a good day both the day you replied and today ! i am injured but its not bad (only hurts when i move certain ways) , i went on a field trip for school today and got to go in a ✨stream✨ and pick up a little crawfish >:D i hope youre doing good as well !! its so nice talking to you lmao youre so cool
i might start sending doodles every ask , so heres a sketch of my genshin oc !!
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my “question” issss guess what region theyre from ! or who they live with LOL the hint is that there are already playables from their region , and there are technically two regions theyre from ?? you can guess just one though ill give you the answer next ask :P
- jellyfish
i think it's because i'm already used to waking up early... even tho i'm a very sleep deprived student that sleeps at 12-1 and wakes up at 5 😔 i'm fairly a light sleeper so no matter what time i sleep, whenever my alarm goes off i'm always up by the second 🥲
and LMAOO i've played a ton of those wish sims to prevent myself from rolling whenever i'm saving up for a character, it works wonders
i didn't really expect you to like fischl!!! i like using her in events where we have her as a trial character lol using oz in her burst and flying around is so silly but i always have fun with it!
seems like we're both on the run for alhaitham :D currently have 72 pity and he still has yet to arrive... i do not have a guarantee whatsoever so the next time i pull i'm gonna be praying for him to come home 😔 i've already explored most of the new area for him
and that fic idea sounds interesting! i briefly forgot about that event so when you mentioned it i'm suddenly reminded of how fun playing with the fungi was!! hope you'll find many inspiration for your supposed title, and who knows, next thing you know you're hitting the post button for your fic 🤭
hope you're healing well from your injury also!! have lots of rest and don't overexert yourself too much, resting is very important hehe
it's nice to know that you went on a field trip :O i haven't been to one in a while so hearing it from you reminded me how fun it always is to go on one and escape school (tbf i think we can agree at least half of the students that volunteer on field trips only do it to skip classes LMAO #guilty)
i think if i had to guess, it's a mix between mondstadt and sumeru, maybe? i'm either really wrong or really right since my basic skills of knowledge on each regions' outfits are very minimal 😵‍💫
a question for you; how was your week? tell me all about it!! hehe i honestly like hearing people talk about their day and week because it's undeniably so interesting to know what others have been up to and how different some people's lives can be from ours! hope i'm not rambling too much... i just really like listening to people talk and talk about their life
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The animosity between Kinn and Vegas is started by Vegas (technically speaking, his Dad, 'cause we all know Vegas is just another one of Gun/Kan's puppets like Kinn is Korn's).
Kinn has no intention of being an inciter or causing a war between the families, mainly because it would threaten his position and generally make his life harder. We see this when him and Gun/Kan talk in episode 14 with Porsche pointing a gun at Gun/Kan and him pointing it back at them.
Vegas' hatred is entirely one sided and Kinn only retaliates because when buttons are pushed, obviously he's not going to let it slide. There's really no reason for Kinn and Vegas to "talk"...
As for Porsche, Vegas has extreme envy of everything Kinn has, caused by his extreme inferiority complex and his need for validation and love from his father. In the book(s), Vegas fucked all of Kinn's past lovers and people he had sex with. I'm actually sad the show didn't dive into that. Vegas was attempting to do the same with Porsche, and we see that he succeeded with Tawan. He wanted Porsche to choose him over Kinn especially knowing his importance to Kinn simply to one up him because if he can't take away his empire, he'll go for the next big thing, his lover.
That being said, what could they possibly talk about?
That's not to say I don't hope that they both realize, especially Vegas, that this rivalry they have isn't real, its created by the generation before them, and work together to bring down Korn, but I don't think they'll ever get to the point where they could even get to see each other as acquaintances after the attempted coup, kidnapping and nearly killing Porsche and Chay, sleeping with Tawan, kissing and pursuing Porsche relentlessly, and costing him Big and Chan's lives and others, plus sending in Ken as the mole.
I just don't see it, and to be honest, I don't want to see it next season (provided we actually get one). That doesn't mean I want to see them as enemies, I really, really, don't, but it just isn't realistic to have them be more than business partners. And so, the question remains, what could they possibly talk about?
but what problems do they really have? bc all it looks to be its the pressure their parents have put on them. kinn can't lose to vegas/the minor family bc he has a face to keep, otherwise people will call him unfit to lead, he has to win he has no other choice. vegas always comes second bc vegas lost to him in the business side of things more often, he got obsessed. in the end, isn't it just prejudice they both inherited from their fathers?
i did say the exact same thing in the previous post, maybe in not so many words and english is not my first language. i guess i am not as articulate as you are. i couldn't get my message across. let me try again.
i am not trying to discount any of the things that went down between them, all i was saying the dislike they have for each other is mutual but it's clear for kinn it's mostly business which later turned personal bc of porsche and vegas is obviously jealous [edit// but i believe vegas has pretty good reasons to hate the main family, who knows what papa korn has been doing to the second family behind kinn or justifying to kinn, he can be pretty cruel in the name of 'it had to be done']. what i really meant to say is exactly what you said, they are both their father's puppets. in the end, it all boils down to generational trauma. how do you fit all that into a 'heart to heart' between kinn and vegas?
so yeah, i have the same question really, see the first line^. it's my wishful thinking that they'd talk and patch up, it just favors papa korn so much if they are divided you know? vegas has a lot to make up for, kinn was even remotely interested in hearing him out. at the stage currently kinn's at, even porsche can't point out the faults the family has without him getting defensive. it'll admit it's unlikely to happen but never say never.
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golbrocklovely · 2 years
I hope im wrong for their sake but i really dont see S & K as end game. While his career is taking off right now, hers is on stand by meaning she barely releases any music, or merch, doesn’t have a proper label or management,doesn’t perform, she play sims on twitch and does tiktok and even then they are struggling to make time for one another. I mean she literally has to go with him on a work trip, and invite her friend just so she wont be alone and have time with him, the only way she was able to go home was by being included in another work trip which further puts a pause on her career.
What if she suddenly gets signed to a major label and actually makes a successful album and tours. Shes traveling, hes traveling, and yes long distance relationships can work but again, she moved in and barely gets attention from him now. Which leads to another point, i dont know if shes pushing the idea of marriage to get more clicks, or if she’s serious but that wont fix the problem, if anything it’ll make it worse and lead in a divorce or annulment. I think they’re in a very my first love stage that honestly feels like its barely now getting somewhere because it was just last year that he started taking her on work trips where as before hed leave for months with tfil and with Colby and she was just expected to be understanding. Just now she moved in and weeks before moving in still expressed worry of not having a place even though he co owns a 4bd mansion i mean to me it would have been a given after 6yrs, she didnt even have a key, she said it. So again i hope they do last but given certain statements made by both i think this is a first love, first real relationship type of situation and if they end i hope to god they remain cordial and friendly and the fandom respects them.
i'm not entirely sure what the future will hold for sam and kat. my hope, of course, is that they stay together AS LONG AS they actually want to. i hope that they know if things were to ever go south for them, and they just can't fix it, that breaking up is okay. and i also hope they know that sticking together for the sake of the fans is not a valid option. no one would want to see them not happy with one another. plus… fuck the fans lol they're not important in the grand scheme of things.
i think kat just jokes about marriage a lot bc fans have basically been asking them to get married for couple years now. so she knows she gets views when she hints at marriage. but i don't think they plan on getting married anytime soon. plus, they are both so young and they have plenty of time to settle down. plus, marriage is a HUGE commitment. it's not just an easy decision to make.
and you bring up an excellent point that in so degree, they might have to learn to live without each other physically. i think they could do it, plus, sam has enough money that if kat was on tour and he wanted to see her, he could technically drop everything and fly to her. but again, if that was ever to occur, they'll have to work thru it. and so far they've been doing okay for themselves.
while this is both their first loves, i don't think that means its doomed just bc they haven't really had experience before this. before this, they were literally teens. so lack of experience is expected. but i think they'll be able to work it out, as long as they want to. and as long as they try to.
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mozzaroni · 1 month
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hallooooo everyone!! i started reading jjk a little over a week ago hehe ^_^ !! i'm onnn ch 53 now? i just finished watching ep 2 of the anime a few minutes ago. i rly adore the animation <]!! i think i prefer the manga but i might just be biased LOL
anywayss yeah i know it's all gonna go to shit - i've been spoiled on a few parts - but i'm still gonna read it anyways. a friend has been rly into it recently and i need an excuse to get out of op LOL i'm getting kinda bored of it ngl 😓
also if u noticed i've been reblogging more stuff ab csm recently and that's bc i've kinda been on a csm kick HAHA i caught up w the manga relatively recently? i started reading last november but then went back to op and then i read until the latest i think a little over a month ago? not sure how this whole "time" thing works tbh /j
aaanyways since i got caught up with csm, i was tempted to get back into op, but i think i'm starting to get tired of it and its horrible pacing and bigotted caricatures. like not even joking it's. awful. and hard to look past. also op is just rly long and the pacing is just so insanely poor i think it's making me crazy 😭 i MIGHT get back into it later just to see what happens but i don't think i'll be too big into it again. sry to all the ppl who followed me for op 😓
uhh yeah! OH jjk opinions so far. it's rly cool and i love it HAHAHA it's a bit hard to keep up with the lore, and gege's explanations of things in extras are. also hard to keep up with LOL but he's self aware ab it and that makes me laugh. one small thing that's a bit bothersome though is that it's kinda hard to see what's going on in action scenes but ig that could be intentional or add to the scene? either way my gripes aren't rly too bad and they don't bother me too much so nbd.
(one of) my fav chara(s) so far is toge :3 i may kin him ☝️ not too sure yet. i heard he's the main chara in jjk 0? i haven't read it yet so i'd have to see for myself. friend recommended i read it after a certain arc so that's what i'll do!!
otherwise i adore yuji, megumi, and nobara of course :3 junpei i loved she deserved better. umm. ik i haven't technically met her yet (just her evil clone (or smth)) but i loooooooove geto. she's so beautiful and awesome. OH NANAMI he's cool :3 !
anyways ya that's all i really got for now i'm not even gonna mention the guys i dislike bc i will start shaking with rage (I HATE THAT BLUE HAIRED PIECE OF SHIT AAUUAUUAUAUIGUGH) so i will update later. i am NOT looking forward to the havoc but i guess my fate's already been decided 👍 oh well
see u guys laterz :3!!!!!!
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hi again!!
hot cross buns my beloved <33 ive only had fresh ones once because im too broke 😭 but they're soo good i hope yours turned out great!!
and you have no idea how much you pinning the asks helps me 😭 its literally the most helpful thing ever so thank you so muchhh
how long have you been a swiftie?
i would say like 13 years? i learned about her from quite a young age because of my sister and u listened to her quite a bit but like a proper proper obsessed swiftie would be 4 years? fun fact: my first taylor song was teardrops on my guitar <3 what was yours?
would you rather be able to fly or to breathe underwater?
ooh this one is hard i suck at decision making ajshhdjsd but if i were to choose id say fly? bc a) i can fly to my family at any time since im quite a bit away at uni b) i grew up watching my little pony and my favourite character was rainbow dash (SHE PLAYS ELECTRIC GUITARRRR) so do with that what you will and c) flying seems fun and i cant swim so i would probably never step in water... howeverrr if i do drown the breathing underwater would help and if me flying was w wings they would weigh me down... but lets not focus on the bad ansjrjsnsbf
what about you?
and i have a question for you: tea or coffee? and how do you drink the one you prefer?
goodbye 'til next time <33
-swiftie spring exchange anon
I used to hate hot cross buns, funnily enough XD I was lucky that the only thing I needed to get was some yeast for them, cause a while ago I got a bunch of flour etc...also I'm glad pinning helps! I reblog so much that I was like...hold up, would I wanna go scrolling back that far...no? Ok assume they don't either XD
I've literally been a swiftie for like 2 years XD I was so new to it all that when people were talking about Taylor's Version of things I had no idea what they were on about, and was confused by how some versions of some songs sounded different lol. My like...very first song was technically Story Of Us because I found it on an anime amv as a kid and was like D:
But the first one that started making me a swiftie was I think Cruel Summer. I saw a random youtube short about songs from TS that needed music videos and watched it on a whim. From there, got really into the Lover album, then tried Reputation, and then proceeded to listen through every album she had lol.
See I too cannot swim, so breathing underwater would just be me stuck alone at the bottom of the water...bit nightmarish for my liking. If I could swim then I'd love to breathe underwater. But since I cannot I am forced to pick flight as well XD Also I love My Little Pony, and Rainbow Dash is an excellent choice for favourite pony XD
Ah tea easily. Coffee ranges from "bad texture" to "bad taste" to me...! But with tea I always go for herbal tea (usually peppermint or chamomile cause I can get those cheaply). I used to put honey in it, but even if I weren't vegan now I also just got lazy about it. I only used honey for tea, and at some point was like "is it worth the money" and decided no XD What about you?
Another question (my workplace does "question of the day"s and so I have many of these random things): Would you rather be able to master any instrument you wanted to learn, or any sport you wanted to play?
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guardians-of-blood · 6 months
As promised, some things I found while looking back on my Twitter account.
1. The worst Bloody War names
- Kayda (and his nickname Kay) is meant to be pronounced like KAIda. I dont know why I didn't just go with that because KAYda doesn't look like it should be pronounced that way.
- Veridis should technically be Viridis but Viri is the nickname for Virineya so I guess I changed the first i to an e so he could be Veri instead.
- Tamesis is apparently ALSO the name of a water goddess and not just a gender neutral name meaning dark one (I probably found it by looking up cool names or something). The only watery thing about Tamesis Regalia is that he lives on the Gemsea Isles which is the water + gem/mineral themed country and goes to the water themed school
- My way of naming countries and places within them usually involves google translating words that fit the theming into the language(s) of the cultures they are
inspired by but its also fucking google translate and I'm Fucking Stupid so I misread or some shit half the time (see the next section) and Acallmagi is combined from magic and  'acall', which i thought was french for lull.
It's not. Accalmie is lull. So It's close enough even if its missing an extra c + unfortunately it feels too late to change it because Acallmagi has been said so many times and its always been spelled that way.
Bonus: Names that I fixed.
- For some time I spelled Rayden as Raydon (after I made a typo and like confused myself) but I realized I hated it so I changed it back.
- Vetersvist, which it was originally written down as, somehow got an extra s in there (Vestervist). I probably need to go back and edit things to remove that s. It may be because the two dont look too different but Accalmagi looks weird to me compared to Acallmagi which ive been looking at forever. I guess removing 1 letter doesnt make autism brain that hates change angry but changing a letter and swapping its place does.
BONUS 2: Fun Vian Fact
I wanted to be called Via when i was younger (my full name is Victoria so I just like removed the ctori from it) and I made a genderbent version named vVan who became his own character. (This is who Cicely's brother Nettle is loosely based off of) Vian was made during the rp BW was inspired by and I just wanted a guy named Vian so Vian was his name. He was a lot more mean and aggressive and had more common sense back then but I love my silly dense naive fool now <3
2. The 'TLDR' backstory of Rene Lyon and Lukariah 'Luk' Durand, featuring Aether Lightseeker
Rene and Luk were besties during elementary school. During middle school, Luk had a bunch of anger issues and they got into a fight. They decided that they hated each other, and got it physical until they both had to be tutored by Aether at the same time. Aether made them talk shit out and then they did things as a trio. (Luk mellowed out during it)
In high school, Luk and rene started dating and Rene got obsessed with money and also become the most annoying person ever (to the rest of the magic school gang - which is Mars, Pluto, and Seraphim).
Rene proceeded to also mellow out during the summer before going to Frost's Guidance. He's still chaotic and a little annoying but less so. And also he dies of cringe when he thinks of anything his younger self did ever. This may continue on in his life. Just Like Me.
3. Kenny's scar (Old. Funny?)
Azelf: How did you get that scar on your hand Kenny?
Kenny: I fought a teros with my bare hands!!!
Kenny: Hey Frey! Do you think I can catch this knife if I throw it in the air?
*He could not.*
Present Tori's thoughts: Honestly I'd replace Freyja with her sister in being the one Kenny asks but it also leaves room for interpretation of it being very recent if it's Freyja because well... Severa's dead.
4. The origin of the characters with Pokemon names
This is stupid. I wanted to use a faceclaim with blue hair and I joked about naming him Azelf bc I was max lair hunting for a shiny Azelf in Pokemon Shield at the time. A friend said to do it - but give him the most normal last name ever. So I did and it was so funny to me that when I added him to the story and made Shaymin, Mesprit, Uxie, and their families, I stuck too it. Though, Mesprit's surname was made fancier because he's nobility now. (I should figure things out about nobility because really they're just rich and prominent families at the moment, save for the Spooks.)
5. Various comic / doodle ideas
I can't anatomy or color well but these are funny doodke ideas I've had.
- Pyrrhus works at KFC and vVan comes to annoy him
- Hibiki babysits a tamagotchi except it was designed specifically to torment him
- Various bodyswap shenanigans
- Lian as Big the Cat
- Celeste pushing Basil down the stairs
- Ray having a dream about Tsubasa growing around a foot and becoming taller than him, and waking up thinking 'Thank the Gods we're fully grown! No surprise growth spurts!' and then it either cuts to Tsubasa wishing on a star that he was over 6 foot and the star winks at him or there's a timeskip where all his friends, who were shorter than him, are at least an inch taller than him and Tsubasa has gone from 5'5" to 6'4". (Everyone getting taller than Ray after he prided himself on being the tallest throughout childhood is literally canon. Sorry Ray.)
6. Seidel siblings and avoidance
One thing that all 4 Seidel siblings have in common is that they will bottle things up until they can't anymore and, if able, avoid the root of a problem. But, when it comes to others and their problems, they wont stand by and will face the root for/with them if needed.
Ray's a very good actor - it's hard to tell how he's truly feeling but he is a crybaby and emotional so his tolerance for bottling things up is lower than the others'. Before the breaking point, however, only those really close to him can SOMETIMES see past the act.
Em wears his heart on his sleeve, so despite his insistence that everything is okay, it's not hard to tell when hes bottling something up because he's fidgety and his cheer is oftentimes forced.
Jo is less expressive, but when shes upset she does waver a bit, enough that its noticable to those paying attention. The longer it goes on, the more cracks start to appear. A sign is that she sighs a lot more and spaces out.
Leni, like Jo, isn't the most expressive, but she tends to be a bit more hotheaded when upset - she's a bit argumentative and defensive. At her breaking point she's prone to shouting and screaming in frustration. That said, if its extreme enough, she will sort of just shut down.
7. Should he kiss his boyfriend?
Hibiki: My boyfriend has poison breath, should I kiss him?
Miaki, his sister: It depends on how much control he has over his ability.
Mira, avid hater of the boyfriend: No. It might kill you, and to be honest, I really don't know what you see in him.
Rayden, his boyfriend: YES?!?!
Hibiki obviously goes with yes, kiss the boyfriend.
Rayden has good control over his powers.
Miaki is happy for them.
Mira still doesnt understand what's appealing about Rayden after she argues with him for nth time.
8. Ray facts
- Doesnt like to be touched without warning unless he trusts a person ir they are a small child. Trusted people include his family, KR-RA, some members of KR-RA's families, and close friends.
- Bites when not warned by people he isn't close to about being touched.
- Very affectionate person with those he is close to only.
- Actually a shy and emotional person, usually doesn't act unless someone he cares about is threatened. Very passive.
- When he's at a very low-low, instead of his looser clothes that reveal a shoulder, he covers himself up.
- Very hard to monitor because hes the type to act like everything fine - even his family and KR-RA have trouble seeing past the act until he cant hide it anymore
- Very anxious. not much self confidence
- Very very self concious about his looks and illnesses and being underweight
- Will neglect his own well being during low points
- Introverted
- Cannot stand being completely alone with his loved ones nowhere nearby fir prolonged periods of time
- Likes mmos and farming sims
- Alongside their whirlwind of a medical history, the Seidel family's teeth are very sharp despite being human and not creatura. Sometimes he bites during combat
- Heavy sleeper. Pain to wake up, even from a nightmare. Will bite if someone he isnt close to is waking him - especially up after a nightmare or night terror
- Soft spot for children
- Likes gardening, also likes painting + other arts and crafts
- 5 seperate medical professionals could tell him that it's okay for him to indulge himself and that he doesn't have to be so strict, especially since he's underweight and he would ignore it because he HATES medical talk. Even if they location of the conversation is far away from any medical facility. He's very afraid of death and losing his life due to his condition like Em and Jo.
9. A very sweet Tsubasa and Ray moment from the past
Sometimes Ray gets really anxious and shaky, though it's usually around the days the Em and Jo died or their birthday. It's not too hard to discern from whether or not its his sugar because when it happens he tends to cling onto those he cares about.
The twins were both 19 when they died, and Em died around Ray's birthday.
On Ray"s 19th birthday, Tsubasa comes over to the Seidel's house and had been planning on just giving Ray a gift and leaving. Ray's moms welcome him in but warn him that Ray might not want to see him and that he hasn't left his room ever since he went back upstairs. Tsubasa forces his way in, and there is no sign of Ray, save for the shivering form hiding underneath a blanket. Ray pokes his head out and Tsubasa sits by him and asks what was wrong.
It's obvious Ray has been crying before but when words start gushing out of his mouth, tears come too. He has been fearing getting older since he was little and after what happened to Em and Jo, it made those fears even worse because he's the same age as they were when it all happened and it's bound to happen to him eventually and so on and so forth..He rambles about everything he struggles with, especially with being extremely self conscious of his own body image and mannerisms
Tsubasa listenes. Ray hardly talks about how he really feels. If he does, it's usually because its obvious something is bugging him. But he's a great actor, and great at hiding things. so to hear him pour everything out like this, completely unprompted, with no prodding on Tsubasa's end, he knows that this has been kept inside for a looong time.
But he isn't good with words of comfort. Tsubasa dlesn't sugarcoat things unless absolutely necessary. He gives everyone mean nicknames. People are AFRAID of him! So, he doesn't say anything. But, if there is one thing he knows, it is that actions spoke louder than words. He may not know what to say, but he sure as hell knows what to do. He lies down, he wraps Ray in a hug, and tries to lure him into sleep.
It works, but against all the odds, Tsubasa also lures himself to sleep. Tsubasa Amanogawa, who has so much trouble falling asleep that sleeping medicines are oftentimes ineffective and many nights he just pulls an all nighter, falls asleep in his best friend's bed, cuddling him.
When he wakes up, it's to Kiku shaking him awake while Rin desperately tells her not to do so. She has a whole sob story about how she thought he was dead. Rin just sighs and apologizedls. They're cousins who are as close as siblings and Kiku is prone to overreacting, so he should have expected it, but Tsubasa can't help but feel angry at her for waking him up. The warmth of someone else is comforting and it is the best sleep he has had in years. But it's Kiku, so he holds back.
He doesn't want to leave but Adette wants him to come home for dinner, so he begrudgingly leaves Ray a note apologizing for leaving him so suddenly and promising to make it up to him when KRRRA (though not officially a team yet) gets together to celebrate both his and Renata's birthdays. Before they leave, Leni pulls him aside and thanks him, but she never tells him why before he leaves.
When Ray wakes up, he refuses to wash his sheets until Tsubasa's scent fades away because it helps him calm his anxieties and fall asleep. He keeps the note pressed in a highschool yearbook, and smiles every time he finds it while reminiscing.
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ravenintraining · 1 year
MAG 1- Anglerfish
I hate hearing the first episodes of anything over again because the voices lack all of the personality they grow into over time. Especially this posh prick I'm hearing right now.(/j)
(analysis under cut so i don't feel bad)
Anyways, let's get down to business.
I've spent many of the last few weeks trying to visualize the layout of the Archives(for fic writing purposes), and the part where he can see thousands just from where he's sitting (in a room with a door separating it from the rest of the area, as is mentioned later) really throws all of that off. I like to think he saw a bunch of boxes full of papers and assumed those were statements, even though in the event that his predecessor wasn't an eldritch horror they're probably be print-offs from seminars or audit logs or literally anything else. In my head all of them are actually mounds of scrap paper from a local school so that Elias has to deal with the information overload of creative writing classes.
"so the only thing in most of the files are the statements themselves" this is REALLY outing Jon for not understanding what an Archive does. Why, pray tell, would the research be down in long-term storage? When you have a whole section of this Institute called RESEARCH DIVISION? Obviously they'd keep their OWN RECORDS UP THERE. Probably digitized by now because you all had your own computers. Give me a BREAK.
"he's not likely to contribute anything but deh-LAYS >://" i think you should re-adjust that stick up your ass it's starting to effect your Brain. you've known this dude for all of an hour tops calm your tits. Technically speaking so far the only one that's delayed you was your inability to record something digitally and so it's You who is currently delaying the Archives. Chomp my dick loserboy.
Just remembered that these recordings are available to the public. Dog no college student gives a shit about you and your problems they're just gonna make fun of you on the internet. Actually I think a really funny socmed au could come out of the twitter commentary of someone reading the statements from the magnus institute bc the transcriber drops his drama ALL OVER them.
they must have gotten SO many statements in 2012. I mean, people thought the world was going to end. This of course is the largest part behind why I think the Extinction isn't real and is just a version of the End, because it would have manifested in either 1999 or 2012 when everyone was so worried the world would end. (which also, sidenote, i think could have been perfect explanations of end rituals that failed. i think end avatars would 100% try at least a few times)
sorry I haven't even gotten to the statement yet. idk this one really isnt even that interesting? like oooo dude trips on brick path, stranger ignores that he hurt himself and wants to bum a cigarette. i think it would be better if the anglerfish like actually got its hand(s?) on him and then he got away instead bc without that the only scary part is the implications the episode name gives you. it leads to a great reveal of what happened to the victims later on in the melanie statement (stapling her skin back on) but without that context it's just a dude who's talking to you without opening his mouth.
"el oh el" i bet tim and sasha took the tape after he recorded it just to hear how jon would pronounce 'lol.' i only think that bc that's what I would do.
it is interesting that the body doesnt show up in the images though. like i figured considering the way the stranger loves manipulating digital tech that it would get a kick out of the picture showing the guy just floating there boreing its eyes into your skull. like i get it was meant to be the "light" of the anglerfish creating the illusion of a harmless creature that then turns out to not be there but come onnnn is that Really a stranger thing to do. could be so much better. the stranger should get a suggestion box i have some thoughts.
okay that's all folks. catch you tomorrow for the same shenanigans
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radiotorn · 2 years
hey bestie this is definitely not tori please do the tf2 ask meme odds if you are okay with that pleas thx ^_^ *frolicks away*
ANSWERING THIS SOOOO LATE but i want it OUUTT!! so here we GO
1- Who are your favorite tf2 content creators? hmhmhmmmmm….in terms of entertainment videos im sorta looking for someone but i like Kostamoinen, Winglet, STBlackST, CrazyScoutFIN, ShorK, Jesse Baumgartner & plus ive heard good things about Hoovy Tube but donnt know yet…..in terms of art…well…check my fav tag 😏 and also all my buddies and pals they're correct and right whenever they say things about thhe video game
3- Who is your favorite side character? I think Miss Pauling isn't a side character soo….i really like Heavy's family they r very awesome mode….i also have a soft spot for Olivia Mann i think too much about her and then i cry (yes…u can ask if u would like to…giggle) or MAGGIE GASP…i love mags....im going to give her the world and then more
5- Who are your LEAST favorite characters? hmmmmmm….ik ive said it before but i guess cheavy huh. OR classic soldier and scout i do not like them (the classic ones that come with cheavy ofc)
7- How did you find out about tf2? answered in the last ask for these, but from a ytp audio used in a flipnote if u rlly want it lmk
9- How long have you been in the fandom? funny enough i have the exact date bc i keep a journal. May 2nd 2021 is when i played the game for the first time so it started then
11- Favorite voice line? a LOT of them are engies lines again bc. well. like "Start prayin', boy!", "im wolverine-mean, you son of a bitch", and "you look a mite tongue-tied, son" they. he. im ok. im ok. im alright
13- What’s your favorite thing about the fandom? i stay within my small bubble most of the time, but i do technically have fandom to thank for introducing me to some really awesome people and mutuals :] so that i suppose! also the savetf2 tag is really really awesome
15- Do you have a NOTP? if so then what? scoutpauling and spyscout, to the max. one is incxst and the other is just. not right lol both are nem jó for me. the majority of them are either nice or just not my cup of tea
17- An unpopular opinion you have? hmm….yes! not in the terms of ppl not agreeing but just bc it hasnt been talked about but Maggie is Hungarian! she is to me and thats it ok. like theres more backing it up but its burried under a personal hc that is intertwined with an oc so.shrugs. shes hungarian to me even outside of self indulgence
19- RED or BLU? red :] i like the look of red bases more than the blu ones
21- What is your favorite piece from the tf2 OST? ROBOTS ROBOTS TO THE.MAX I LOVE. THIS SONG SOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!!! I LOVE THAT!!! I OLOVE IT!!! it makes me feel so awesome
23- Who do you main? i kinda find myself maining someone different every once in awhile, but i'm mostly a demo or scout main! i try to at least know how to play every class a little (except spy. not yet i'm not ready)
25- What is your favorite ‘Meet the…’ video? meet the pyro i love that one…my favey….revolutionary for the time….
27- Which character would you get along the best with? OH HELL uhh hm hmmm hurm looks inside myself…realistically? probably scout or engie…but why must i choose…when we could all be friends….i have ten hands
29- Is there a character you loved at first but now you hate? nope! my love has only grown since i got into this game i find something to love in all the characters and those who i didnt like i still dont fuck with
31- Which character is overrated? i mean, i feel like scout obvs is but i also really like scout but ppl dont get him. they dont get it right u gotta get him right. i feel like that can be the case with a lot of overrated chars......spice it up with the portrayals and then it wont taste so bad even if theyre still overrated
33- Which character do you relate to most? (or as the cool kids say, “kin”) yknwo im not just saying this but i think a good blend of engie and sniper (moreso engie maybe) with like. seasoned with some pyro . like its the nonchalance with boiling autism rage and also. sparkle on. does that make sense
35- Best character design? FUUUCCKKKK U CANT ASK THATTTTT!!!….thats something i think that like. did something to me. like. getting into tf2 shaped my entire taste and outlook in a way. like. older ppl. older ppl swag is what i learned and all of them r so distinct and have their own silhouettes and outfits and AHGHGHHH its literally art to me….but ig if i HAD to choose its a tie btween heavy and demo
37- What is your favorite update? ok i have to make it clear i wasnt into the game for the time of the major updates but i think the very start of scream fortress..or ig the haunted hallowe'en special…is my favorite because i LOOVEEE scream fortress i love the halloween maps i love the season!!! I LOVE HELLTOWER MY DEAREST!!!!! I LOVE THE HALLOWEEN SEASON!!!!!! AND AUTUMN!!! …but other than that i think love and war is another aswesome one
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