#technicolor dreams
ratbodega · 1 year
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day 4: cafe/diner
rootin tootin fresh n fruitin
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dawnrider · 2 years
Hi! Ask Game for you babes.
“Technicolor Dreams”
7: Where did the title come from?
11: What do you like best about this fic?
7: Where did the title come from?
So Technicolor Dreams' working title had been Tri-Color Dreams for a very very long time. When it came time to publish, I realized I didn't think that was quite right. In layman's terms, technicolor means "vivid color" which I thought matched the theme but also sounded better!
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I guess the twist of what the dreams mean, or could mean? It's not the first time I've used dream sharing, but I think it's the first time I've used it this way. 😉
Thanks for the ask @heynikkiyousofine !
Fic writer asks
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nightinghoul · 9 months
Dream: I have a bird. A green parakeet. He is sweet, but there is a cat living here, and the cat has not been trained to live peacefully with a bird. There is a blue parakeet that is Green's friend. I'm not sure where Blue came from, but he isn't mine. He just comes and goes. I think, maybe one day he'll stay, and I can feel safe for him. The cat - I want to be kind to it, but it keeps trying to eat my birds!
There is a wild green bird who hates my green bird. There is a wild blue bird who hates Blue. They look like my birds, but with half molting feathers, and tufts on their heads. There is a black bird, the size of a grackle but with matte feathers and a short beak. Blackbird. It is wild, too, and angry. Someone says it was a neighbor's pet, but I'm sure they caught it wild.
I just want to keep my birds safe. I'm fighting with Wild Blue, and Wild Green - trying to get them on the outside of the cage where they belong, and sweet, domestic Blue and Green on the inside, where they belong.
Blackbird escapes, and goes into this giant greenhouse over my apartment. Now it's flying around there, and people are upset. I think, it's a bird - I don't think it's going to be too bad for all those plants. Maybe it will fertilize them? But people are upset, and I need to find a way up there so I can remove the bird. I learn that I technically own the greenhouse, but I don't know how to get in. Why is everyone so upset?
I have to go to work. I have two jobs. One in a consignment shop owned by this shady, intolerable old woman. One in a picture frame store with an old manager as my boss. I don't particularly like him. He used to always make fun of me when I stuttered.
I'm flustered. I left things at one job that I need at this one. I'm worried about those birds. There's this girl who says she knows more about framing than me, and I get mad. I keep wandering into the woods. The frame I made falls apart. How embarrassing! I left something important in that woman's shop. That blackbird is flying around in the greenhouse. That cat keeps getting into the birdcage. The cage is too small, but outside of it is dangerous. I hope no one hears me stutter.
Something about Batman. I wake up.
Well, most of that had some sort of metaphorical significance.
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chantelbeam · 1 month
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35mm Virginia City 2017
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annabelle--cane · 2 years
there is something so blursed about jesus christ superstar. the music is unimaginably catchy. it seems like every production is fated to have one element that makes it unrecommendable to all your friends no matter how much you love the rest of it. it is almost explicitly textual that judas is in love with jesus. mary magdalene is absolutely implied to still be working as a prostitute for the entire duration of the show. every year it makes a new crop of teens crack open ao3 to read jesus/judas porn. there's one section of a song that is just jesus getting whipped on stage for two straight minutes. I once saw a production where king herod was a drag queen.
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omegothic · 9 months
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i screamed
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bylrndgm · 1 year
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otp: it was a seven
recreating my first byler gifset.
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princesssarisa · 6 months
This is an aspect of this time-honored story that sometimes troubles me, and I know that different Biblical scholars as well as different lay people have very different views on it.
Note #1: Please don't reblog with answers that only relate to adaptations of the story. For example, "What he does is wrong, but his wife Asenath calls him out on it and urges him to forgive them." Not in the Bible she doesn't. No one calls him out in the original text.
Note #2: Christians are free to reblog and offer opinions – this is a Biblical subject after all – but please don't preach to me about Jesus. This story isn't about Jesus. It predates Jesus by many centuries. Besides, for the time being, I'm looking at it more from a character analysis perspective than a religious perspective.
Note #3: Please don't be antisemitic. The (arguable) moral grayness of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament heroes has nothing to do with either their Jewishness or the fact that they lived before Jesus.
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dilfaeneas · 5 months
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Currently reading Richard Hunter's translation of Jason and the Golden Fleece
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ratbodega · 1 year
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fun with screentones. i realize this can be done easily on the computer but doing it by hand was satisfying.
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albertayebisackey · 1 year
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Saturday 7th October 2023 - "Turn your mind into a technicolor dream."
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nightinghoul · 1 year
I've been having weird, vivid dreams lately, and I'm not sure why. Maybe it's a sign of health? I had dreams like this when I was younger, then stopped. Lately, I've been eating pretty healthy and exercising. Maybe that's just how my healthy brain works?
I have dreamed...
There's an evil sorceress that my husband and I must vanquish together. As soon as I started to mention it, I realized that the evil sorceress must be the negative aspects of my mental illness. And how they affect our relationship, because, uh... well they do. Negatively. And we're working it out together.
There is like, a tiny Lego town with real, tiny people living in it, maybe? And every day, I have to go out into the desert, where they live by a huge canyon, and check on them, and give them more Legos so they can expand. (Well, I am trying to flesh put a world for the characters of a book I'm writing. I'm not in a huge hurry.)
There is this whole city, but its... fake? An illusion? And the evil faction of people are using it to control everyone, I guess. But there's a glitch in the spell keeping it afloat, and if very specific, seemingly random actions are performed at a specific time, the whole thing will come crumbling down. So, I am supposed to ride a horse and have it jump across this bridge at a specific time of day, because that is one of the random events that could knock this whole thing over. The rebels have this plan to send me over as part of a show during a festival, because otherwise I might not have the opportunity. But I keep getting pushed back, because the people running the show don't think I look sexy or feminine enough for an audience. How annoying! I'm trying to save the world, but I'm not sexy enough!? Is my subconscious questioning my fashion choices???
In real life, I have two rabbits (both free-roam, both very spoiled and adored). But in this dream, I find two more! The first one is white with red eyes, and I discover that she has been living in a cage in my house, and is starving! The second one looks just like my Gilly bunny, and I realize there have been two of them all along! I rename my bunnies, because I want a theme: The one with the red eyes is Garnet, the new one is Pearl, and I rename Gilly and Stewart: Amethyst and Steve. If you know, you know. 🤣🤣🤣 Pet anxiety! I'm always worried that something will happen to my babies. Especially since rabbits can be so fragile. Extra bunnies = extra worry!
I've had a ton more, but those are the ones I remember at the moment. What is with these dreams? I used to lucid dream, but these, I 100% believe, and then feel silly when I wake up!
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wonkastarshine · 2 years
hello this is just a reminder that Wonka’s coat on the dvd was purple and therefore it is headcannon he owns the same coat in many colors
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chantelbeam · 1 month
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Self Portrait
Digital. Las Vegas 2017
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pinkragdolly · 1 year
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omegothic · 11 months
so if i am a tumblr girlie now,,,, does anyone here write joseph king of dreams fanfiction,,,, or joseph 1995,,,, or joseph and the amazing technicolor dreamcoat,,,, or literally joseph from bible,,,, i might have a hyperfixation that started when i was a kid
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