#techno supremacy
metrixnos · 6 months
I just wanna see a drawing of a huge techno before smol tommy. Tommy is like: schmol angry bebe.
Tommy: he asked for no pickles!
Techno is just huge, he's behind tommy, menacingly with a burger that has pickles in his hands
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Bedrock bros
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justcallme-ange · 10 months
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I see no difference
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odinsblog · 11 months
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Elon Musk is using Twitter to elevate bigots, racists and white supremacists, while targeting progressives with his stans. If you still believe Elon Musk is a champion of free speech, then you’re either a willfully ignorant sucker, or a racist—those are your only two options.
Twitter is slowly becoming a right wing Parlor.
👉🏿 https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2023/07/13/twitter-creators-payments-right-wing/
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
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Chapter three of Mandatory Family Reunion is up baby! Featuring Techno braiding Tommy’s hair, Wilbur’s jealousy issues, and fancy family dinners! Every day they feel more like a family to Techno, which is pretty bad given, you know, the whole ABDUCTION thing. Techno swears up and down he’s not going to get ensnared by love again, but that doesn’t stop his protective instincts going overdrive around Tommy.
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twinfanatic · 1 year
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brightert0mb · 2 years
Glare/Allay/Copper Golem!Reader Part 3 Announcment
I'm sorry to do this to you all, but I've come to a realization tonight. I was procrastinating on the Reader writing due to wanting more lore for the Anarchist Commune since I wrote up to the most recent lore at the time for the Glare. Unfortunately, with the passing of Techno and what I've gathered from Twitter, that's not going to happen anymore, or at least not any time soon.
I've mostly got stuff for the Allay and Copper Golem, and I will write about saving Micheal for the Glare, but I'm going to be splitting them into separate stories like the rest of the individual stories.
I'm not stopping writing for them and I'll have something for the Copper Golem out hopefully sometime this week. I'm sorry that there's no part 3 anymore, but you will get more writings of them.
Thank you for your understanding. And I'm sorry again.
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melymigo · 3 months
One of the things I loved the most about the last episodes was that they finally stated openly what motivated Crosshair: loyalty.
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Anakin said it: "Loyalty means everything for the Clones." It was one of the main themes around the clones in The Clone Wars.
Crosshair also mentioned too, “You weren’t loyal to me. I was one of you. You may have forgotten, but I haven’t.” . I mean, his main theme is "Weren't Loyal to Me."
I know that a lot of people who dislike Crosshair still don't understand it. They think it was naive and selfish of Crosshair to believe in the Empire. Even they think he was motivated by "supremacy", and no matter what he says or does, it will never be enough. They would find it hard to believe that all his past actions were only motivated by loyalty; But if you give a little bit of attention to his character since his first appearance in The Clone Wars, when they went to rescue Echo from the Techno Union, for Crosshair, loyalty means everything. That's why he was so harsh to Rex, because for him, Rex left behind Echo. Rex wasn't loyal, and he knew how to push Rex's buttons.
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I mean, the Clone Force 99 motto was "We don't leave our own behind." 
Crosshair was in a difficult position; he made bad decisions. Made mistakes. He felt abandoned by the ones he loved the most. He thought his only value was as a soldier and tried to prove his worth to the wrong people, and maybe if he succeeded in doing this, he wouldn't be left behind. They would be loyal to him. And I'm not trying to justify him either, but I think it was not about needing to "feel special." It was the overwhelming anxiety that if he wasn't useful, whatever, he wasn't valuable. 
Going back to my main point, in the series, they finally acknowledged Crosshair's true feelings. And I'm happy that we had the chance to see at least Howzer give Crosshair this understanding. I know a lot of clones feel the same way as Cross, and they have shown us before, like Mayday in the outpost, but by that time Crosshair was on the way to discovering that. Howzer was after that, and like Howzer or any other clone that continued serving the empire, besides chips or not/or by "choice" it's pretty difficult to assimilate that the only purpose for which you were created doesn't matter anymore. 
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fatehbaz · 8 months
[In] the making and unmaking of amphibious urban modernity in Recife in the Northeast of Brazil [...] the transformation of the city was predicated on [...] [a] notion of whiteness that required the enclosure of wet, amphibious space to make dry land. [...] Racialised groups – of black, indigenous, and mixed heritages – and the houses, marshlands, and mangroves where they lived, were subject to eradication [...]. [F]rom the 1920s to 1950s, during the rise to hegemony in Brazil of [a form of nationalism,] [...] [the] idea's heartland [was] the Northeast. This period gave birth to Brazilian urban modernity [...]. [F]orests, wetness, and the spectre of commonly held land were understood as threats to whiteness and its self-association with order, purity [...]. To answer the question of why the racial division of nature was so important, [...] turn to the hygienic, boundary-making practices of the Brazilian Estado Novo [...] [and its] eugenic visions [...].
Nature is deeply imbricated in the processes of white supremacy [...]. Recife is one of the largest cities in Brazil, and one of the oldest. [...] Recife is also a centre of Brazilian black culture [...]. One of the key sites in Brazil's slave and sugar trades [...], the city was [...] [a] hub. Many of these people lived in what came to be called mocambos, a word that designated an informal dwelling, but came to mean much more. The population of the mocambos included not only black Brazilians, but sertanejos from the backlands, black and indigenous caboclos, and others [...]. Enclosure was the crucial mechanism of this division.
The Recifense geographer Josué de Castro contended that the mangroves were a kind of commons [...]. Zélia de Oliveira Gominho (2012) characterises the city's transformation [from 1920 to 1950] through the oscillation between its twin faces of “mucambópolis” and Veneza Americana (the Venice of the Americas). [...]
Mocambos were seen as [...] the place where exploited labour was kept out of sight. [...] They were also [...] the inheritance [...] of the quilombo - the community of escaped slaves. [...]
Gilberto Freyre was perhaps the single most influential figure in producing this defining national myth in Brazil. In 1936, he wrote a book on the Mucambos do Nordeste [...]. Josué de Castro wrote very differently about the mangroves and mocambos. [...] He analysed Recife as “amphibious”: built half in and half out of the water [...]. When Josué de Castro [...] [wrote] in the early 1930s, the city was in the midst of political turbulence. As land values increased, the city expanded, and [...] [oppressive] politics intensified [...].
With the installment of the [...] [oppressive] Estado Novo regime in 1937, and its project of creating a “new man,” hygienist modernisation gathered speed. In July 1939, the proto-fascist administration [...] of Agamenon Magalhães, put in place by Getúlio Vargas' repressive Estado Novo, launched the Liga Social Contra o Mocambo (Social League Against the Mocambo, LSCM). The League emerged out of a tellingly named “Crusade” against the mocambos. [...]
Mocambos were characterised as repellent, unhygienic, and dangerous: “the mocambo which repels. The mocambo which is the tomb of a race … a sombre landscape of human misery … which mutilates human energy and annuls work [...].
The LSCM couched its civilisational, modernising mission in the conjuncture of techno-scientific discourses of medicine and planning with clear eugenic tones [...]. [T]he LSCM commissioned a fresh census of the 45,000 mocambos in the city. They brought the mocambos/mangroves into being as objects of knowledge on behalf of the economic elite and local, national, and international capital. In the 1923 census in Recife, “of 39,026 dwellings surveyed, 51.1% were considered ‘deficient’ mocambos.” [...]
These were the decades of the embranquecimento of the Brazilian population through public policies of immigration, miscegenation, and sterilisation [...]. This white supremacist ideology was inseparably a politics of nature. Magalhães wrote:
The idle life, the life that the income of the mocambos provides, is a life without restlessness and without greatness. It is a life of stagnant water. … [that] generates in its breast the venom of larvae, which are the enemies of life. Enemies of life, as are the mocambos and the sub-soil of cities, where the polluted waters contaminate pure waters, which come from the deepest layers of the earth. (Magalhães, 1939c, n.p.)
Attempts to “cleanse” the city functioned through a distinct process: aterramento, the making of land. [...]
Or as 1990s mangue beat [mangrove beat] musicians [...] put it, “the fastest way also to obstruct and evacuate the soul of a city like Recife is to kill its rivers and fill up its estuaries” [...]. This racial division of nature - in alliance with, bound up with, a racial division of space - facilitated the production of spacialised white supremacy.
All above text by: Archie Davies. "The racial division of nature: Making land in Recife". Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers Volume 46, Issue 2, pp. 270-283. First published 29 November 2020. [Bold emphasis and paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for teaching, commentary, criticism purposes.]
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anarchy-and-piglins · 2 months
Following up on what anon said about grian and techno being siblings it would be hilarious if he was apart of the skyblings (Grian,Jimmy and pearl) and being babies by them. It would also be hilarious if they all invited him to the life series and see him absolutely decimate everyone. They would be so proud of him
Baby techno
Baby techno
Baby techno
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drmnoblademybeluv · 3 months
I know very well that c!techno is canonly nonchalant guy
But jealousblade supremacy.
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nympippi · 1 year
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C!Rivals Pride!! Also aroace c!techno supremacy!!!!
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endbie · 2 months
hello i find your art quite delightful 👍👍 would eat as a meal 👍👍
uhmmm hcs …..
-dream is honestly just a guy. he has scars and missing fingers and white streaks in his hair but he’s completely human under that mask and Also he’s probably painfully *young*. like. 25 or smth,,,,
-wilbur is phil’s bio kid -> phil is an avian -> wilbur had wings, but they were blown off in The Explosion and didn’t come back after the revival. phil is only missing one wing but for the same reason
-too much angst. techno wearing lots of gold jewelry and giving phil + ranboo a bunch too because gold is very significant in piglin culture
-sapnap has a lot of physical reminders of his friends / finances (q, karl, dream, george) because they’ve all ditched him in some way or another, and he misses the feeling of having them around :[
-dream was always really close to the lava wall in prison, because the warmth reminded him of sapnap & the fact that his hugs were almost painfully hot (because he’s a fire demon )
ok ill stop angsting your inbox now < 3
AHHH! Thank you! I'm happy it looks edible. Most of the time while I'm cooking it feels like the tubbo toaster fire.
I kind of have this headcanon, too. I like the idea people freak out when Sam tells them Dream doesn't have his mask in prison and then they see him and they're like "oh. Oh. I'd... pass that guy on the street and not blink twice."
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He misses wings sometimes because they were warmer, I imagine. Phil has balance issues and Techno jokes it's because he's old because neither of them want to deal with that shit.
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3. AW.
I imagine Ranboo loves this. They flip out at the attention and get more piercings just to show off what Techno gives them.
Phil is calmer. He just keeps a hardcore heart clip on his jacket and that's about it. The rest he hangs up around the house.
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4. Sapnap!
Wasn't really sure exactly what kind of reminder you meant, so I went for stuff he keeps on his person!
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5. Quackity stops burning Dream after he realises he's pretty desensitised to it.
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Maybe that's why Dream kept walking into the lava.
He missed being warm.
And to all the other people who have been sending requests, working on them now! I love them, they're so awesome!!!
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odinsblog · 1 month
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You can take the racist out of South Africa, but obviously you cannot take the racism out of Elon Musk
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hermit-that · 5 months
I just (like 2 hours ago) finished @dorylinae-supremacy 's latest chapter of the henchman au and lowkey have brain rot, so enjoy wilbur discovering and putting himself and techno into instinct, WHOOPS!
(imagine phil off to the side exasperated asking Wilbur to hand back the prisoner lol)
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rywritten · 2 years
Headcannon that Dream is the only one that can truly remove his mask, and that even though Quackity tried to pry it off he can't because its so heavily enchanted.
But that never stopped Q from smashing Dreams face in with the force of the mask unfortunately.
But when Techno rescued Dream, and let him stay, kept him safe and plotted their next move on Quackity.
But after months of being there, months of protecting each other and taking hits for one another, taking care of each other. Perhaps even growing feelings for each other.
Dream called Techno into the room adjacent to the living room, shutting the door. Locking it.
On this twilight, with the chilly ice creeping in the windows seeping into their bones.
Does Dream take off his mask, lets Techno see his viridian green eyes and freckled face that had a hint of stubble after being able to shave finally.
Techno was awestruck, heartfelt even. Because no matter how much Quackity smashed Dreams face, kicked him, hurt him. He never, ever saw his face.
Reaching out, Techno cradled Dreams face, thumb brushing over his cheek, marveling in the softness. Eyes tracing the constellations of freckles splattered over his cheeks and nose.
They stayed like that for awhile, just basking in each other. Taking it all in.
But in the silence of it all, all that could be uttered, with a southern tilt.
"You're Beautiful."
And with that they shared a long overdue kiss.
Dnb supremacy >:333 <333333
dream laughs. of course he laughs at hearing techno's quiet confession because he thinks techno had been joking (because have you seen him? have you seen his face? he's learnt to find scars and pretend that they’re a good replacement for skin.)
dream stops laughing when he realizes techno hadn't been laughing the entire time and was still looking at him like that.
it's a strange look; one that dream isn't familiar with. there's something burning in the red of techno's eyes, but it's different from the usual rush of adrenaline and victory. this look is more subdued.
this is probably the first time dream has ever seen such an expression on techno's face.
it worries him, so he does what he does best, he deflects the attention on him and pretends that removing his mask in front of techno wasn't that big of a deal at all.
he tries to crack a joke then. he taunts the other man, telling him that he's being awfully quiet, and adds a self deprecating "do i really look that bad?"
he expected techno to go along with his quips, to snort out loud and tell him 'yes, you look awful' but techno doesn't. instead, techno steps even closer and slowly places both of his hands on dream's face, cupping his cheeks so that the green of dream's eyes are looking right at the red of techno's.
"i wasn't lying," techno starts, his voice so unbelievably quiet that dream thinks he'd imagined it.
"i don't like liars, dream." techno adds when he sees the disbelief flash across dream's face, and he slowly tucks a stray blond hair at the back of dream's ear before saying, "i meant what i said earlier, you're beautiful."
surprisingly, techno's lips had tasted like salt, but dream could chalk that up to the uncontrollable hiccups that began to wrack his body once the first tear broke through.
he doesn't know who leaned in first, but kissing techno was an experience dream had never dared to think about, let alone do.
the kiss itself was chaste, a quick brush of lips that has dream's heartbeat thundering inside of his chest. he was feeling so much and so quickly, and his mind couldn't keep up. everything was overwhelming him to the point where he was unable to stop himself from crying, no matter how much he wanted to.
it was awful to cry in front of someone, it made him feel week — powerless in a way nothing else could ever make it, which is why dream had made it a point to never cry in front of anyone, not even sam or quackity.
and yet here he was, shaking as tears kept staining his cheeks like a child while techno has his arms wrapped around him protectively. he should feel mortified, embarrassed beyond belief, and yet the only thing dream did was cling onto techno even tighter.
the warmth emitting out of the other man was a comfort dream never knew he would be able receive or to feel in this lifetime, and despite his earlier horrors of breaking down in front of someone else, hearing techno's comforting words (despite the awkwardness of it, as if the other man was just as unsure about how to tread such a strange predicament between the two of them) have started to calm him down.
many have called dream different names in the past, and all of them were made to hurt and cut away at his being. so hearing techno's remark in all his honesty had surprised dream to the point of literal tears, something no one has ever done or attempted to do in a long time.
strange enough, techno has broken the record for many of dream's firsts today. and dream fears this won't be the end of it.
but here, in the safety of techno's arms, dream is content to let techno keep holding him; to lean on the solid warmth of techno's chest, and feel the resounding thump of his steadying heartbeat.
dream closes his eyes and lets himself be lulled by it, lets himself succumb to the feeling of being held for once in his life by someone who had sworn to stay by his side, someone who dream has finally learned to trust, and maybe even start to believe.
(oh wow, look at that, i wrote something for dnb again!! im sorry if there's any typos, im sick with a fever and can't be bothered to edit anything right now lmao anyway, i hope you like this silly little drabble anon, and im so sorry it took so long for me to reply!)
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py-dreamer · 1 year
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Fanart for a fanfic by ifisayjess.
Drawn by yours truly
Also MOSS SUPREMACY. And I gave Techno a laurelette cause they're cool and a crown looked off. Can we pls use more laurelettes in designs pls they're so cool.
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