#teen wolf 3x12
forbescaroline · 10 months
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TOP 5/10 CHARACTERS PER SHOW (as voted by my followers) ↳ teen wolf edition #10. Cora Hale portrayed by Adelaide Kane
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lycoperdales · 29 days
Media References in Teen Wolf (pt. 1)
I’m thinking of starting a series about the stuff I’ve read or watched that were shown in the series that were relevant to the themes of series.
Starting with the first thing I read:
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
The cover of this book was given a close up in season 3 episode 12 when Rafael McCall is sitting in Scott’s room while the kids are trying to safe their parents from the Darach.
It is one of the books Scott read over the summer which I think greatly impacts his views on ‘justified’ violence and righteous dogmas that perpetuate throughout the entire series but especially here through Deucalion and Julia Bacchari.
This book represents the theme of cyclical violence that pervades the entire series but especially season 3A. Specifically how such violence only escalates, leading to more pain, strife and casualties. The book being in Scott's room serves to illuminate our understanding of him and the realisation he has of the violence around him.
(Take a shot for every time I say violence)
To be rudely brief, this book tells a tale of the French Revolution (it’s origins and motivations), but centres around the people caught in the cross-hairs.
The main characters (relevant to this analysis) are:
Doctor Manette (The face of the French Revolution, a former prisoner of the Bastille. Incarcerated for 18 years due to a false allegation given by Marquis St. Evrémonde)
Lucy Manette (A devoted daughter, recently reunited with her father, Dr. Manette, after his incarceration)
Charles Darnay (A former French noble who relinquished his titles and wealth to live peacefully and frugally in England. He later marries Lucy and they have a young daughter together)
Marquis St. Evrémonde (Uncle to Charles Darnay. A tyrannical noble responsible for the death and torture of many working-class french citizens and the reason for Dr. Manette’s incarceration)
Madame Defarge (An unassuming yet crucial member of the revolution. She experienced the death and torture of her family under St. Evrémonde’s hands and uses her pain as fuel to enact revenge. Her and her husband nursed Dr. Manette back to health after his imprisonment)
Sydney Carton (A listless, depressed legal aide based in London with an uncanny resemblance to Charles Darnay, and in love with Lucy Manette)
The revolution consists of two waring parties, the nobles, and the working-class revolutionaries. Both parties used their own ideologies to justify the violence they caused.
The marquis thought it was his god-given right, and that inciting fear was what secured him to his power, wealth, and safety. Whenever something bad happened to them, nobles used it to argue for the necessity of their violence.
This mirrors Deucalion and his pack who use Gerard’s actions to justify using fear as a means ensuring their safety, but also have no qualms about threatening, maiming and killing for their entertainment/benefit as they think it is their right as powerful beings.
The revolutionaries, specifically Madame Defarge justifies her violence as part of an uprising. It is the accumulation of the violence she and the other revolutionaries have faced and they feel that the only way they can be recompensed is through bloodshed. You agree with them after hearing their stories but quickly grow horrified as they begin sacrificing working-class servants, helpers, nannies and children. It is seen as the "lesser evil" against the powerful nobles.
In their quest for liberation, they end up jeopardising the life of their own hero, Dr. Manette, and his family. Madame Defarge does this by orchestrating the incarceration of Charles Darnay and plans to execute him for his noble blood, Lucy for marrying him, and finally to execute their young child (for her noble blood).
She mimics Julia Bacchari almost entirely as they both sacrifice innocent, blameless people in their quest to defeat their true oppressors.
Just as the revolution (as depicted in the book) is perverted into senseless propaganda which ultimately endangers the victims of nobility (the Manettes), Julia’s motivations turn void as she begins endangering the lives of the Alpha Pack's other victims (Boyd, Isaac, Derek, Scott, and Melissa).
The pinnacle of this parallel occurs when Derek says to Julia (after her big sacrifice yap-fest):
“Stop talking to me like a politician. Stop trying to convince me of your cause.”
As for the others, they are not a part of the war. Doctor Manette (though face of the revolution) only seeks peace, quiet and recovery with his newly reunited family. This reminds me of Derek, who is seen by Julia as a partner though he wishes no part in the conflict. Like the doctor towards the nobles, Derek hates Deucalion, but cannot use his hatred to fully take part in Julia’s destruction. Though he stands by Julia at some point, it is more that he is trapped due to Julia’s idealisation of him (just as the Revolutionaries idolised Dr. Manette).
In the book, Charles Darney is in the middle of the two parties, yet fundamentally separated from both of them, very similar to Scott.
Darnay is noble by blood but abhors all that it represents. He loves and marries into the Manette family, and even teaches french in London due to the love of his country, yet he cannot sit by as the Revolutionaries try to execute his former family servant.
Though Scott is not yet an alpha, he is regarded as one. He also has responsibility over others as an alpha (*cough* noble *cough*) does. Despite this, he is fundamentally against everything the Alpha Pack represents and his unwillingness to promote the system acts as a threat to what the Alpha Pack preaches.
On the other hand, he, like Julia, is a victim to the cruelty of alphas, yet does not use his victimhood as a justification for more violence, rendering Julia’s ideologies just as sloppy as Deucalion’s as she also fails to proselytise him. In the end Scott is basically shoved into Deucalion's corner as Julia jeopardises his family (just as the revolutionaries jeopardise Darney's family).
Now for my beloved Sydney Carton (this is going to be the most reductionistic analysis of this character, but alas, this meta is about teen wolf). This man, for his love of Lucy's happiness and all that it represents, bribes his way into Darnay's prison and forcefully changes their places so that he can die in Darnay's stead. His execution serves as a distraction to ensure the Darnay and Manette family's safe passage back to England (much like Scott distracting Julia until the lunar eclipse fades to save the lives of the parents). He represents true sacrifice and (though it sounds cheesy) the power of love. It is his love that spurs him into action after a life of passivity. It is his sacrifice that ensures that peace (the conciliation of the Manette's and the St. Evrémonde blood line) can exist, that violence in spite of pain can be rejected.
Derek willingly loses his power, status and safety for the love of his Cora. Scott thrusts himself upon mountain to save the parents, essentially sacrificing himself (Remember when he says: "I did it once, but it almost killed me"). The kids actually sacrifice themselves to prevent more, irreparable blood shed.
Scott (and essentially his entire pack + Derek but I want to focus on Scott's book in Scott's room), is a victim of the war in which he really should have no part in. But unlike Deucalion- and Julia's other victims, he willingly sacrifices himself in the hopes of, like Sydney Carton, ensuring a better future with the redemptive powers of love.
I believe that if Scott had died then, he would've, as Carton, “see[n] the lives for which [he] lay[s] down his life” (435)
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louisbxne · 10 months
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TEEN WOLF 3x12 - "Lunar Ellipse" (2013) Dir. Russell Mulcahy
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unspokenstydia · 2 years
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days seven and twelve: favorite season and storyline(s)
THIS MIGHT HURT. | You won’t be able to see it, but you’ll feel it every day for the rest of your lives. It’ll be a kind of darkness around your heart. And permanent. Like a scar.
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quillsparkle · 11 months
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For liliaeth.
Derek watching Scott becoming a true alpha in 3x12, Lunar Eclipse.
Requests still open for anyone who wants a gif set, an image/graphic or fanfiction. See here for what I'll take.
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winnie-the-monster · 7 months
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
Dude literally just dove in and just stuck the baseball bat there and SAVED THE F*CKING DAY!!
Also this new running joke of the baseball bat is seriously my favorite thing. XD XD
"I always said aluminum was better than wood."
LET'S F*CKING GOOOOO!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Yes, I did notice that is only a temporary solution, but it just needs to last us through the lunar eclipse until the werewolves get their powers back.
So it'll be FINE, okay?
It'll be fine.
Anyways here's the Stilinskis being the best.
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teenwolfiedit · 7 months
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TEEN WOLF (2013) Lunar Ellipse - 3x12 dir. Russell Mulcahy.
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haletostilinski · 6 months
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aceofwhump · 2 years
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Stargate SG-1 2x05 | Hawaii Five-0 4x19 | Merlin 5x12 | Arrow 7x20 | Torchwood 2x12 | Game of Thrones 8x06 | Teen Wolf 3x12 | Sanctuary 4x11 | Krypton 2x09 | Hudson and Rex 2x14 | Stargate Atlantis 5x01 | Lost 1x07
@whumptober @whumptober-archive
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
(contd) Like the twins want in on Scott's pack and Derek literally asks them if they'd be willing to die for him because to Derek anything less is just not gonna cut it.
Then the twins want to run bc of the Nogitsune and Derek has his whole speech about what an amazing leader Scott is.
Derek and Scott's heart to heart at the hospital has Derek going all "yeah you have the same place as protector of this town as my late mother and family and everybody needs you and you have taught me so much."
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It always mystifies me when I read certain people's criticism of Teen Wolf: The Movie. These criticisms fall into three main categories.
Too much attention is paid to Scott and Allison's relationship.
How can you bring the nogitsune back without bringing back Stiles?
Derek's death and its aftermath was pointless and unfounded.
Rebuttals of the first two criticisms deserve their own metas, but I'll give them a brief summary. If you carefully watched the first three seasons, Scott and Allison's relationship was the foundation of the show, not in terms of consuming romance, but in terms of how it helped Scott and Allison define who they are in the face of exterior forces, which is a key part of growing up. While Stiles was the focus of the action in 3B, the story was still mostly about Scott's maturing as a leader by giving him a Kobayashi Maru: a no-win scenario pitting his desire to protect others against his love for his best friend. But it is the third criticism that I'll address in this post.
Derek's death at the end of the movie is a tragedy. This can't be stressed enough, but it is also a culmination to his entire character arc. The end of Season 3A saw him renounce the fear of loss and desire for power that almost doomed him that season, made him an antagonist in Season 1 and a villain in Season 2. His departure at the end of Lunar Ellipse (3x12) symbolizes both that renunciation but also indicates his arc for 3B: what will he become?
He starts with a journey to the past. "But that's not the only reason I left. I needed to talk to my mother." He finds Talia's claws, coerces Peter into using them, and then emerges with a new vision of himself. In Riddled (3x18), he acknowledges the passing of the alpha mantle to Scott (and I would argue begins to act as Scott's beta) with "This town needs someone to protect it, someone like you." but it's very important to note that while he is inspired by Scott, he does not emulate Scott. Following another person doesn't require the obliteration of self. Derek works with Chris Argent and he doesn't take killing Stiles off the table the way Scott does. He physically attacks him. He doesn't rush to Oak Creek, because he can be more helpful rescuing the twins from what will turn out to be Kate.
We see that in the way he talks about Scott throughout the season. It may look like he wants to join the Scott McCall Fan Club, but he rejects that, even in his big speech in The Divine Move (3x24). This is the key line: "You've had it wrong the whole time. You don't fight for a leader. You fight for a leader's cause." He's going to work with Scott, protect what Scott decides needs protection, and even be Scott's beta, but he's going to be his own person while doing so. He learned this from Scott who was willing to work with him in the first three season but who wasn't willing to simply do as he's told. He learned this, in a negative way, from Peter who manipulated him repeatedly, in Visionary's flashback (3x08), in Wolf's Bane (1x09), in Battlefield (2x11), in Alpha Pact (3x11).
Unlike Scott, who chooses to place the most value on life (but not above everything), Derek's more than willing to kill victims like Stiles in order to protect the town, as he tried in De-Void (3x22), but unlike his attempts to kill Lydia in Season 2, he's not doing it out of fear. In addition, as he says to the twins, he also believes he should be willing to die to protect what he cares about as well as kill. This manifests in his willingness to die in Season 4, and that willingness allows him to evolve. However, it's a reaction to what Kate did to him, not a decision to die in order to achieve an end. In the movie, however, it is an active choice. The nogitsune will never stop coming for his family, his alpha, his friends, and he makes the decision to sacrifice his life in order to prevent that. He doesn't do out of a reaction to the horrific memories of the Hale Fire; he's does it because he values family and pack; that's virtue. He's not doing because he's mindlessly following Scott or being manipulated by Peter, but out of own conviction that it is the right thing to do, which is strength of character. He faces fire, the same terror that destroyed his first family, without fear, which is force of will. He didn't mimic Scott's path to a new set of red eyes; he forged his own.
As tragic as it was, how could it be anything but satisfying?
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lycoperdales · 4 months
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irrolyphant · 1 year
(thanks for tagging me, @savebytheodoresnonjosestuff 💐)
In alphabetical order:
1. The 10th Kingdom (2000)
Fantasy / Dramedy | 1 Season
Kimberley Williams-Paisley | John Larroquette | Scott Cohen | Dianne Wiest
Virginia Lewis and her father, Tony, get trapped in a fairytale dimension. They must travel across the 9 kingdoms, avoiding trolls, wicked witches, and the huntsman, to find the magic mirror that can take them home.
Favourite Episode: n/a (my DVD has it as one long film)
Favourite Character: Wolf
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2. Being Erica (2009 - 2011)
Dramedy / Time Travel | 4 Seasons
Erin Karpluk | Michael Riley | Reagan Pasternak
After a near-death experience, Erica Strange meets the mysterious Dr. Tom, a therapist with the ability to send his patients back to relive and ‘correct’ their deepest regrets.
Favourite Episode: 3x12 Erica, Interrupted
Favourite Character: Dr. Tom
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3. Justified (2010 - 2015) (2023)
Neo-Western / Crime / Drama | 6 Seasons + City Primeval
Timothy Olyphant | Walton Goggins | Joelle Carter
Enforcing his own brand of justice, Deputy US Marshal Raylan Givens is reassigned from Miami to his childhood home in the rural coal mining towns of eastern Kentucky.
Favourite Episode: 2x01 The Moonshine War
Favourite Character: Raylan Givens
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4. Merlin (2008 - 2012)
Fantasy / Drama | 5 Seasons
Colin Morgan | Bradley James | Katie McGrath | Richard Wilson
A young warlock named Merlin has come to Camelot, where those who study magic are killed under the King’s command, to fulfil his destiny of protecting the future King, Arthur Pendragon.
Favourite Episode: 3x03 Goblin’s Gold
Favourite Character: Gaius
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5. One Foot in the Grave (1990 - 2000)
Comedy / Sitcom | 6 Seasons
Richard Wilson | Annette Crosbie | Doreen Mantle
When Victor Meldrew is forced into early retirement, he has a lot more time on his hands to observe the world around him, and he finds it insufferable.
Favourite Episode: 4x05 The Trial
Favourite Character: Victor Meldrew
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6. Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 - 2003)
Fantasy / Teen Sitcom | 7 Seasons + 2 Films
Melissa Joan Hart | Caroline Rhea | Beth Broderick
When Sabrina Spellman turns 16, she discovers that she is a witch, and she must now learn how to control her powers.
Favourite Episode: 2x18 The Band Episode
Favourite Character: Salem Saberhagen
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7. Santa Clarita Diet (2017 - 2019)
Comedy / ZomCom | (criminally only) 3 Seasons
Timothy Olyphant | Drew Barrymore | Liv Hewson | Skyler Gisondo
Real-a-tor couple Joel & Sheila Hammond lived a perfectly normal quiet life in Santa Clarita with their teenage daughter Abby. Until one day Sheila suddenly died and came back to life. Now, her new diet is putting a tremendous strain on the family.
Favourite Episode: 1x07 Strange or Just Inconsiderate?
Favourite Character: Joel Hammond
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8. Stranger Things (2016 - 2024)
Horror / Supernatural / Drama | 5 Seasons (4 Released)
Winona Ryder | Millie Bobby Brown | et al.
The vanishing of schoolboy Will Byers leads his group of friends to uncover a terrifying secret about their hometown.
Favourite Episode: 4x04 Chapter Four: Dear Billy
Favourite Character: Steve Harrington
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This was fun! I know everyone else was just doing a list, but I’m nothing if not over-the-top 🙈
Tagging: literally anyone who reads this & wants to do it 🫶🏻
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rhcenyra · 4 years
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winnie-the-monster · 7 months
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kitkatwinchester · 1 year
"Who's gonna save them? Your friends?" "My pack."
...now that I've done my excited screaming.
Werewolf Isaac was the only thing keeping the ground from collapsing on top of all of them.
And the eclipse just hit.
And Jennifer vanished.
Anyways here's a gif of Scott to make me feel better.
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(I couldn't find a "my pack" gif, but...same energy. <3)
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