tegary-blog · 5 years
not sure why i was thinking about ragnarok in the shower, but an au concept (which i would love to turn into fanfic but we all know about how bad i am at actually committing)
this turned in to a whole plot synopsis/ramble so be warned lol. i needed it out of my head.
loki lands on sakaar in a very similar fashion to thor (albeit a few weeks earlier). he is captured by scrappers and fitted with an obedience disk, the shock of which is powerful enough to force him to drop his aesir glamours. (remember, the disc is enough to knock him flat on his back later in the movie, so i don’t think this is much of a stretch).
the grandmaster is elated at having found a frost giant (having never had one on sakaar before). instead of sending loki to fight, he traps him in an exhibit-style enclosure where he keeps “rare” and “exotic” beings. every so often he’ll bring the rich spectators through to ogle his “collection” (even more colonialism commentary!! with the added benefit of not having loki, who is a direct victim of odin’s colonialist vision, be a participant himself. it was played off as a joke, but during his time disguised as odin, loki did maintain non-interventionalist policies. it always sat weirdly with me that he would participate in the grandmaster’s shit, even if it was to save himself [[which now that i think of it, could have been commentary in and of itself. hm]] but i digress).
during this time (i think i read somewhere that loki was on sakaar ~2 weeks before thor fell?) loki does try to recover his glamours, and succeeds two or three times before he is shocked again and forced to return to his jotunn form. (scene where he’s only partially successful and ends up half-jotunn half-aesir anyone?) this sends him into a pretty bad spiral—he’s trapped on a strange planet, with no discernable escape, and forced to take on a form that he hates and has never truly come to terms with before. (plus, he likely believes that thor is dead during this time).
this sets up a storyline for loki that runs parallel to thor’s own. he begins to form connections with the other beings in this “exhibit” (running the possibility of bringing in some bonus characters from the comics that we haven't seen in the mcu yet, but i’m drawing a blank for specifics atm). through these relationships and some more introspective moments where he examines himself (has to come face-to-face with the blue skin and red eyes in the reflection on the glass of his enclosure), loki begins to grow more comfortable with himself. throughout the span of the events of ragnarok, he starts to realize that his jotunn form is beautiful, powerful, and nothing to be ashamed of. that it can be a part of him, just as his aesir form is. (and his masculine form, and his feminine form, and everything else that he feels and performs and is).
he and the other “exhibit” prisoners plan and execute an escape (probably by using loki’s newfound frost powers. the complex suppresses most of loki’s magic, but the grandmaster didn’t account for loki’s natural jotunn abilities). this is right around the time that thor and bruce escape, and their groups end up colliding. loki sees thor first, and is stunned by the fact that he’s still alive. he makes a split-second decision and shifts back to aesir form before thor spots him. he’s become more comfortable with his jotunn form, but is afraid of how thor will react. the rest of loki’s group looks confused, but they don’t question it. 
cue the revengers shenanigans of the movie. loki never gives anything besides vague, noncommittal statements, but as thor interacts more with loki’s ragtag group of beings, he begins to understand where exactly loki’s spent most of his time on this planet. this leads to a few poignant, brotherly (or, in my case, less-than-brotherly) scenes in which thor and loki finally get to have some genuine discussions about their family, loki’s past, etc. there’s even a part where loki looks down at his hand, where his fingers are starting to tinge blue as he recedes his glamours, but they’re interrupted by someone and the moment disappears.
the whole heist thing happens and thor and loki are still partnered up, they still kick major ass, and there’s still a genuine moment between them in the elevator, though probably a bit different in tone. in the hangar, thor and loki meet up with loki’s group, who have already commandeered a small ship. torn, loki ends up telling thor that he wants to go with them and try the rest of the galaxy on for size. thor, though sad, is proud of his brother, and they bid each other farewell.
of course, loki has a change of heart and he and his group go back to grab the freed contenders and arrive on asgard to assist thor and the others. and then baby boy gets his badass moment where he’s kicking absolute ass and someone (hela maybe) snarls “what are you?”
and loki just smirks at them and drops his glamours and starts decimating with his ice powers.
cut to thor, who looks so damn proud of his baby brother (in, of course, a parallel to my favorite moment of the movie. cue immigrant song.)
well that ended up a lot longer than i had originally intended. if only i could do that much writing for my current projects, lol. anyway, i was just trying to come up with a way that the movie could have gone that would have allowed for loki to come to terms with himself (and, you know, have thor finally see loki in his jotunn form) because i feel we, the fans, have been robbed of jotunn!loki content. plus i just feel like a deeper dive into loki’s jotunn heritage really would have added to the movie’s anti-colonialist message? loki realizing that he’s been seeing himself through the eyes of a conquerer this whole time and learning to think of himself as beautiful and powerful and worthy of love?
but, i digress. kudos to you if you read this whole thing. i’ll tuck this neatly into my pile of prompts that i would love to write but will almost certainly never get around to 
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iamanartichoke · 6 years
ooh, did someone just get in line for the thorki express? ;) just a warning: once you get on, there's no getting off! (i've been on since 2011. pretty sure there are not exits on this train)
I’m at the ticket counter, waffling over prices, haha. :P (helpme.) 
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iamnmbr3 · 3 years
Loki Fic Recs 5
No Return by illwynd (words: 1,331 | rating: G | Gen | Major Character Death)
Thor deals with the aftermath of loss and choices, when half the universe is gone.
The Price Paid by Lunik (words: 1,286 | rating: G | referenced Loki/Svaðilfari | norse mythology setting)
The gods agreed that he must have counselled this who is wont to give evil advice, Loki Laufeyarson, and they declared him deserving of an ill death, if he could not hit upon a way of losing the wright his wages; and they threatened Loki with violence. But when he became frightened, then he swore oaths, that he would so contrive that the wright should lose his wages, cost him what it might.
Chaos War by astolat (words: 34,203 | rating: E | Loki/Thor)
It was never easy to find Loki when he wanted to hide, but he wasn’t doing a particularly good job of it at the moment. Probably he didn’t think anyone from Asgard would be wasting their time hunting for him while the shining ones churned their way steadily through all the realm.
The Girl Who Was Happy And The Giant Who Was Not by Lunik(words: 2,210 | rating: G | Darcy Lewis/Loki )
Once upon a time there was a girl who was happy and thought she knew how to remain so. And there was a giant who was miserable and thought he knew the way to happiness. They were both wrong.
Better Days by days4daisy (words: 1,489 | rating: T | background Loki/Thor | fic set in the afterlife)
Thor sees the sun. Then, he sees nothing.
Chances Lost by marchingjaybird (words: 980 | rating: E | Loki/Thor | Comics Universe)
Loki falls into old patterns again.
one of a kind by days4daisy (words: 2,525 | rating: T | frostmaster)
“You’re sick,” the Grandmaster says.
Loki hears something new in the Grandmaster’s voice. Something…curious?
Born to be Kings by Kadorienne (words: 66,618 | rating: T | Thorki)
When the princes of Asgard made their ill-fated jaunt to Jotunheim, Odin arrived to fetch them before the frost giant grabbed Loki’s arm. Odin was able to carry out his plan to make Loki his puppet king of Jotunheim. But how long will Loki remain an obedient puppet?
Möbius by tegary (words: 3,131 | rating: G | Gen)
Thor is unprepared for the pure, unadulterated rush of emotion that he receives when his feet land solidly on the palace floor.
A missing scene that I would have liked to see in Avengers: Endgame.
worthy by days4daisy (words: 3,506 | rating: T | Loki/Thor)
“You are from another life. Another time.” Loki nods. With a weary chuckle, Thor sits again upon the grass. “Even so,” Thor says, “the sight of you from any age brings me joy, Loki.” He offers a weak smile. How old he looks, this shade of Loki’s proud brother.
part 1 / part 2 / part 3 / part 4
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memyficsandi · 5 years
Title: Hold Me Tight (Or Don’t)
Author: tegary (AO3)
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Thor
Word Count: 35.1k
Series: A Bottled Star - 102.7k - Complete
Summary: Less than a month after the destruction of Asgard, Loki goes into heat.
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thorkizilla · 6 years
While we wait for fic writers to stop screaming about feelings re: Infinity War, here HAVE SOME MORE LEAD UP TO IW FEELINGS (especially some really great RAGNAROK-based fic!). ✦ Laughing and Not Being Normal by etymologyplayground, thor & loki & valkyrie & cast, ragnarok spoilers, 5k     The Revengers bum around. ✦ How Far Away The Stars by Ren, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 4.4k     "I can't be your brother. More than that, I can't be your lover." Loki still won't look at him. "Yet I can't stop myself from wanting to be both. You asked me why I am as I am, Thor: this is the madness that consumes me." ✦ i brought a knife to a gunfight by paperclipbitch, valkyrie & bruce, 2.3k     “I have questions,” Valkyrie says. “I don’t want to answer them,” Bruce replies. ✦ The History of the Aesir by what_alchemy, thor/loki & valkyrie & heimdall & cast, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 8.5k     "This Thor niggles at Loki like a forgotten word on the tip of the tongue, like a tooth hanging by a stubborn thread, like the skin around a wound that refuses to die." or Loki gets a hobby. ✦ the real banishment is the family we made along the way by scioscribe, loki & hela, 5.3k     Hela did not ask for company in her sealed-up world, but evidently Odin is economical in containment strategies for his misbegotten children. ✦ How long we were fooled by Ark, thor/loki & frigga & valkyrie & asgard & cast, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 28.2k     Loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let Thor kiss him, since Thor still tastes of sizzling lightning, like gathering rain, like a desire so fierce and so awful to him that when released it could bring Asgard to its knees. ✦ Say it right by yourfearlessleader, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 1k     They don't talk about it. They've never talked about it. ✦ Intermission by tegary, thor/loki & hulk, ragnarok spoilers, 1.8k     Loki tends to Thor after his fight with the Grandmaster's Champion. ✦ victory runes by spookykingdomstarlight, thor/loki, ragnarok spoilers, 3.3k     A snake couldn’t change its colors, try as he might, trust his own intentions as he wanted to. At this moment, legs braced on either side of Thor’s lap, he couldn’t imagine doing anything to undermine Thor’s rule, his wants, his needs. But tomorrow was another day and Loki’s whims were mercurial. ✦ Crossroads by kyrilu, loki & heimdall, ragnarok spoilers, ~1k     As Loki leaves Sakaar with a shipload of former prisoners, Heimdall decides to 'visit.' ✦ rebuild all your ruins by Lizzen, thor/loki, nsfw, ragnarok spoilers, 2.1k     A simple expression of something, something like love. Post-Thor: Ragnarok, Hug Scene ✦ The opposite of love by ravenbringslight, thor/loki, ragnarok spoilers, 1.1k     Thor is weary. ✦ a land flowing with milk and honey by LadyCharity, thor & loki & valkyrie & cast, ragnarok spoilers, 11.7k     After Asgard is destroyed, Thor is crowned king, and he cannot stop being afraid. ✦ "Oh my god, your brother pulled you off?!" by Foxleggs, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 1.8k       On Sakaar, the brothers goad each other into a public sex show. Starring: Loki 'I'll do anything if you chant my name 3 times' Laufeyson & Thor 'I'll do anything as long as I can do it better than Loki and rub his dumb face in it' Odinson ✦ Here and Always by mokuyoubi, thor/loki, ragnarok spoilers, 1.1k     Or my take on what happens during that cut scene in Ragnarok. You know which I mean. Where the brothers hug...and then some. ✦ How soft your fields so green by ravenbringslight, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 4.3k     The Asgardians' ship stops for supplies. The price is not what Thor and Loki had expected; the aliens demand nothing less than a public royal fucking. Ok, it's not like it's the weirdest thing they've ever done. ✦ Illuminate by j_gabrielle, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoiler, ~1k     Thor catches Loki in a kiss. A press of lips that becomes a parting of mouths, a brush of tongues and soon devolves into wet sloppy heat. A mimicry of what Thor wants to be doing. ✦ Some of the Stories are True by BlackEyedGirl, thor & loki & valkyrie & hulk & cast, ragnarok spoilers, 8.8k     "Thor is used to his people speaking of him". Thor, Loki, Asgard, and the stories told after the fall.
full details + recs under the cut!
✦ Laughing and Not Being Normal by etymologyplayground, thor & loki & valkyrie & cast, ragnarok spoilers, 5k     The Revengers bum around.     I really enjoyed this fic for being exactly what it sets out to do--the Revengers just kind of bum around the ship, because there's not much to do on a long journey and they're all stuck with each other. There's a nice touch of humor and something almost a little off the wall, in the way that fits with the movie's tone, and it's a great slice-of-life kind of piece, where it's just the characters hanging around and playing cards and being so themselves. The fic also really, really won me over when Thor got his moments to be the most obnoxious older brother just about ever in a way that was absolutely 100% Thor. It's a team piece, but it's got some great Thor moments and that is all I ever ask! ✦ How Far Away The Stars by Ren, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 4.4k     "I can't be your brother. More than that, I can't be your lover." Loki still won't look at him. "Yet I can't stop myself from wanting to be both. You asked me why I am as I am, Thor: this is the madness that consumes me."     Yes, more satisfying and hot porn, thank you! It's also more about the hug scene, it's more of that intimate drama that I vibe so well on, the touches and feelings between these two characters that have such weight and heft to them that they cannot be ignored, that there's something almost larger than life about them even as this is a quiet, personal moment for them. It's very intimate, it's face-touching and hair-touching and quiet words that they wouldn't be able to say elsewhere, it's all that history between them, and then it's satisfying resolution through sex, where it's almost easy to slide into Loki, to open him up with fingers first and then push into him, that mix of something almost soft now and the harder way they treat each other. It was a lovely piece that just hit the right notes for me for what I wanted from it! ✦ i brought a knife to a gunfight by paperclipbitch, valkyrie & bruce, 2.3k     “I have questions,” Valkyrie says. “I don’t want to answer them,” Bruce replies.     I loved this relationship in the movie and I'm sad I haven't seen more fic for it, but this one was absolutely delightful and really captures that sharp, funny tone from the movie! It's such a great buddy dynamic (but also I would totally be down for seeing them smooch) and there's such an irreverance and dark humor from both of them (even as Bruce is still kind of twitchy, in the way he should be after everything he's been through) that just worked beautifully, it's a great piece. ✦ The History of the Aesir by what_alchemy, thor/loki & valkyrie & heimdall & cast, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 8.5k     "This Thor niggles at Loki like a forgotten word on the tip of the tongue, like a tooth hanging by a stubborn thread, like the skin around a wound that refuses to die." or Loki gets a hobby.     I really, really enjoyed this fic a lot, it was beautifully in character and there's a great sense of a building something within Loki, something complicated and difficult to name, but that suited his character so very well, especially as he was maybe kinda sorta nice to the other Asgardians and didn't stab them in the back immediately and maybe even liked some of them, that his feelings on pregnancy (and his relationship with Thor being tangled up in that) and what he can even do for the future of Asgard was all nicely mixed together. I really loved the details of Loki's magic here, the limitations of it and the various uses of it, the sense of nostalgia for what they've all lost, but what they need going forward as well, the sense of Loki and what parts of him are Odin and Frigga's, what parts of him are Asgardian, and what always will be, versus what parts are Jotunn. It's a really beautiful look at the complications in all of it, as well as some very nicely done fleshing out of the Asgardians left on the Ark. ✦ the real banishment is the family we made along the way by scioscribe, loki & hela, 5.3k     Hela did not ask for company in her sealed-up world, but evidently Odin is economical in containment strategies for his misbegotten children.     I did not expect to become so engaged with a fic centered on Hela and Loki's relationship, as I'm more of a Thor fan, but, oh, this one worked so beautifully well. There's such a mutual bitterness here and the fic doesn't shave any of that off them, so much as it gently adds something else, bit by bit, nasty comment and broken bone by nasty comment and broken bone. What really got me--aside from that Loki wouldn't shut up about Thor, yes, give me all of that--is that they're not the same person, that there's something soft to Loki that's not there in Hela, yet even she comes around, but not in the same way as Loki. For all that they're themed similarly, they're very different characters, and this fic really gets that. But also it's just SUPER HILARIOUS as they spend years and years together in a magical prison that Odin tries to make kind, but it really isn't, and they swipe and snipe at each other, in that way that siblings do. It's a really, really fantastic piece! ✦ How long we were fooled by Ark, thor/loki & frigga & valkyrie & asgard & cast, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 28.2k     Loki is not a good man, he knows; there is something rotten in the core of him; and even a much better man might let Thor kiss him, since Thor still tastes of sizzling lightning, like gathering rain, like a desire so fierce and so awful to him that when released it could bring Asgard to its knees.     This is definitely a Loki story at its heart, but Thor has a really solid presence in both Loki's thoughts and when he's in the room! It's a fic that starts from when they were children in Asgard to when they were growing up to the events of the other movies, all the way through to Ragnarok, and it's so easy to read, I practically read the whole thing in just two sittings because I barely noticed time passing. It lovingly works on their powers, makes them truly gods in this galaxy that they live in, that Loki's magic is immense, but also, oh, Thor and his lightning, it's truly this heavy, huge thing that looms in the story, that shapes their lives because of the sheer power of it, of Thor. It's also a fic that's very much about being a little softer to these characters, that Loki's not ever really going to be a good person, he never was, but Thor loves him and Loki loves Thor and they do find their way towards something good here. And, oh, the sex is so satisfying, the first time they have sex on an alien world and what it says about the way they've finally come together, the brief moments they have together over time, and then when they finally come together again after Ragnarok, when Thor is both a storm and almost kind when he fucks Loki, when he holds him and thrusts into him, it's beautifully written sex that's as satisfying emotionally as it is pleasing to the id. Such a good, long, kind-hearted, warm, satisfying read! ✦ Say it right by yourfearlessleader, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 1k     They don't talk about it. They've never talked about it.     This is pretty much what it says on the tin--a rough sex pwp that's about the undercurrents of something better, something more put to rights, while Thor's hand his heavy around Loki's throat as he fucks him and it satisfying something in both of them. A nice bite-sized fic to help with that resolution we all want and give us some very pleasing sex to go with it. ✦ Intermission by tegary, thor/loki & hulk, ragnarok spoilers, 1.8k     Loki tends to Thor after his fight with the Grandmaster's Champion.     Another fic where Loki tends to Thor after the fight in the Arena while also having to deal with both the Hulk and his own feelings . It's definitely on the softer side, but in a way that I can see fitting with the movie, and I'm always, always here for Loki fussing over Thor in a way that I can absolutely see happening, too! ✦ victory runes by spookykingdomstarlight, thor/loki, ragnarok spoilers, 3.3k     A snake couldn’t change its colors, try as he might, trust his own intentions as he wanted to. At this moment, legs braced on either side of Thor’s lap, he couldn’t imagine doing anything to undermine Thor’s rule, his wants, his needs. But tomorrow was another day and Loki’s whims were mercurial.     I was initially wary of this fic, as the tags made it seem like it might be brutal on my poor delicate flower soul, but I didn't actually take it that way, as completely, fundamentally unhappy! It's more that there's all this tension brewing between the characters, they're in a difficult situation and while much of the animosity has been cleared away, there's still going to be some and there's still mistrust and they are still who they are. There's a really solid weight to the characterizations of both of them, I love that it's a Loki POV but Thor has such weight and presence in the room, and that the fight really felt like one they'd have. I took it as a stop along the way rather than the epitome of the whole journey, and it really worked for me that way! ✦ Crossroads by kyrilu, loki & heimdall, ragnarok spoilers, ~1k     As Loki leaves Sakaar with a shipload of former prisoners, Heimdall decides to 'visit.'     This was short but absolutely perfect for what it was, a couple of little missing moments between Loki and Heimdall and all the history between them and how Heimdall watches over his charges. It's got a hilarious sense of humor that fits with the movie, enough that the flow towards the lines from the movie wind up really working for me! Just a fun little possibility of a fic! ✦ rebuild all your ruins by Lizzen, thor/loki, nsfw, ragnarok spoilers, 2.1k     A simple expression of something, something like love. Post-Thor: Ragnarok, Hug Scene     Not quite a pwp, but not quite plotful either, this was a lovely piece that sated my need for them to just kiss already --well, to just fuck already, too. It's all about the immediate, intimate drama rather than bigger scope, and there's this really nice feeling of kissing and kissing and kissing that really satisfied me, because sometimes a kiss is just as satifying as sex for when it comes to resolution and exploring what's between two characters. ✦ The opposite of love by ravenbringslight, thor/loki, ragnarok spoilers, 1.1k     Thor is weary.     One of the things I really enjoy, after watching a movie that I'm deeply invested in, is coming to fandom to find these quieter moments that pick up on important scenes, that deliver me a sort of intimate drama and resolution, which this fic does very nicely. It's not about resolving everything, but instead about showing how much they've both lost and how that's drawn them back together and stripped so much else away that they no longer need. It's almost a tired piece, but a very hopeful and warm one, which fits the end of the movie perfectly! ✦ a land flowing with milk and honey by LadyCharity, thor & loki & valkyrie & cast, ragnarok spoilers, 11.7k     After Asgard is destroyed, Thor is crowned king, and he cannot stop being afraid.     I really enjoyed this piece a lot! The way it worked for me is that it's set immediately after the film, the long days of nothing to do but think and wait for them all to get where they're going, so thoughts of Asgard and Odin's history are darker than they were in the film, this Thor is harder on Odin than we saw from him in the movie, but it's a piece that's about exploring Thor's grief and loss, along with the relationships between the Asgardians who have to come to terms with everything they've been through. It's a heavier piece--not a soul-crushing one, it's not unhopeful, it's not dark, it's just heavier and in a more sombre place, but appropriately so for all they've been through. The writing is smooth and clean and I just zipped through the whole thing, it was a very lovely fic to read for that emotional aftermath I crave so much! ✦ "Oh my god, your brother pulled you off?!" by Foxleggs, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 1.8k     On Sakaar, the brothers goad each other into a public sex show. Starring: Loki 'I'll do anything if you chant my name 3 times' Laufeyson & Thor 'I'll do anything as long as I can do it better than Loki and rub his dumb face in it' Odinson     What got me with this fic is that it's all about how they are such brothers, that they're such dumb assholes who will put on a public sex show because god forbid either of them back down from this game of chicken. And it's so perfectly done, that Loki bites off more than he can chew, that he thinks he's got this in hand, but Thor AS HE ALWAYS DOES surprises him and just flattens him--all through Loki blowing Thor and then Thor rimming the hell out of Loki. It's hilarious and hot, it felt spot on to what I wanted from such a thing and was a great, great read. ✦ Here and Always by mokuyoubi, thor/loki, ragnarok spoilers, 1.1k     Or my take on what happens during that cut scene in Ragnarok. You know which I mean. Where the brothers hug...and then some.     Another post-Ragnarok hug scene fic and it's that same sort of intimate drama that I've become fixated on, where it doesn't need much dialogue, it's all about the touching and what's between them, like the rest of the universe is at a distance and they're in their own space where it's just them. It's short but a very lovely read for when I'm craving even more resolution for these two! ✦ How soft your fields so green by ravenbringslight, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoilers, 4.3k     The Asgardians' ship stops for supplies. The price is not what Thor and Loki had expected; the aliens demand nothing less than a public royal fucking. Ok, it's not like it's the weirdest thing they've ever done.     I'm not sure what I expected when I picked this one up, but I don't think I realized just how much of a screaming delight this scenario could be--because the fic captures this really great balance between nicely hot sex (well, it's sort of hot, it's also kind of hilariously not hot) and the banter between these two assholes the entire way. Like, yes, it's got the perfect tone for "this isn't even the wierdest thing they've ever done" while also still just being a real pain in the ass for Loki because WHY IS THIS HIS LIFE. So, so delightful and joyful and I'm smiling again just thinking about it! ✦ Illuminate by j_gabrielle, thor/loki, NSFW, ragnarok spoiler, ~1k     Thor catches Loki in a kiss. A press of lips that becomes a parting of mouths, a brush of tongues and soon devolves into wet sloppy heat. A mimicry of what Thor wants to be doing.     Another short but very satisfying post-Ragnarok sex scene that gives some resolution, that balances both the rough edges of their relationship with the better place that they're finally in. A very nice post-movie treat, I enjoyed it a lot! ✦ Some of the Stories are True by BlackEyedGirl, thor & loki & valkyrie & hulk & cast, ragnarok spoilers, 8.8k     "Thor is used to his people speaking of him". Thor, Loki, Asgard, and the stories told after the fall.     I really, really loved this fic a lot, the use of story-versus-truth, how both are important and how one flows into the other, is beautifully done. It's a fic that balances a lot of things, that bit of meta aspect, the ensemble cast, the building of Asgard wherever they go from here, that it's not a smooth path in any direction or sense, but that it is building somewhere. It's a fic that's about Thor at the heart, the characterization as he tries to settle into his role as King and deal with everything this fic has put in his lap, the use of Loki throughout the fic, the moments with Valkyrie and Hulk and Sif and the Avengers, the way Thor relates to them all or the way he sees them, is all really true to the spirit of the characters and is such a satisfying read!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 5 years
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Pzpfsv
by tegary
Thor is unprepared for the pure, unadulterated rush of emotion that he receives when his feet land solidly on the palace floor.
  A few (Thor & Loki centered) scenes that I would have liked to see in Endgame.
Words: 3131, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon
Additional Tags: Avengers: Endgame (Movie) Spoilers, Missing Scene, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Rating May Change, Relationships May Change, Thorki-coded, Let the boys talk to each other
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2Pzpfsv
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thorvaenn · 6 years
I'm the "virgin Loki" anon. I was hoping for canonverse, if possible. I've read a few from the post Ragnarok tag (yet can't find them again) and got hooked. Thanks for your help!!
okay there you go:
This Love (Will Be Your Downfall) by tegary“So how many partners have you taken to bed?” Thor asks him over their shared breakfast one morning.Loki chokes on the tea he’s downing, and it takes him a couple moments of choking and sputtering before he regains his breath. “Why in the Norns would you ask me that?”
this is not a romance by Ark“Brother, we must agree,” says Thor, “if we are to do this together.”
To Err is Divine by ravenbringslightLoki accidentally gets served up as a virgin sacrifice. Whoops. Luckily he has Thor with him. 
Every Inch, Every Little Thing by needleyecandyLoki loves his brother. 
4 First Times by pukingmamaFour chapters for four first times from Thor and Loki’s youth, bound together by a Post-Ragnarok ‘on the ship’ narrative…of porn, where they reminisce about happy/sexy moments throughout their lives. So smut, nostalgia and a dash of fluff. 
Midwinter by AriaAll Loki has to do is say yes, go, and Thor will leave, and perhaps for some time things will be painfully awkward but they will be safe. Loki does not even have to tell Thor he doesn’t want it, does not have to make himself convincing. If he can just bring himself to say it – 
Twice The Bluff by ikoliholicLoki visits the lower wards of Asgard for the first time, with Thor and the Warriors Three. He plays along with a lie to impress his brother’s friends, but ends up getting more than he bargains for…Perhaps Loki is out of his depth.
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assgardianroses · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
fanart promised long ago of the fic “The Take Over, The Break's Over” written by @tegary​ ( @kyberring​ ) which is a part of an amazing post-ragnarok series that has stolen my heart. Infinity war who? I DON’T KNOW HER.
In the second one Loki is singing to Noma (their daughter in the fic) on of the terrifying nordic lullabies, CAUSE OF COURSE HE WOULD. it literally translates to “Beeum, beeum, bambalow, Bambalow and dillidillidow. I rock my friend to sleep, but outside there’s a face in the window.” (Click on them for full resolution cause tumblr hates me)
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topthor · 6 years
For the anon who asked for LONG THORKI FICS. I put all the fics I finished, what I’m currently reading, and what’s on my to read list. Please check the warnings for non-con, mpreg, or underage in fics and wip. I hope there’s something to your liking here.
-Number One Contender For My Heart. sequel Heel to his Face by guardianinthesky, Thor/Loki, human wrestling au, 650k,
Thor is a wrestler. Loki has decided to become his manager. Together they do what they can to entertain the fans, all while trying to make their relationship work.
- One Hundred Steps by Icemaidenstory, Loki/Omc (non-con), Thor/Loki, forced marriage, 600k 
Thor and Loki are secret lovers,they've been in relationship for a while. One day a delegation from Vanaheim arrives, the old king sees Loki and suggest Odin an arranged marriage. Odin knows of his sons relationships but he offers them a bargain; if Loki marries the king, when said king dies, Loki can come back and Odin won't stand on the way of his and Thor's relationship.
-True Strength By: cookies. x3, Thor/Loki, long pre-thor fic that completely rewrite the events of the Thor and Avengers movies, 425k
"Thor smiles lovingly, then pulls him into a kiss. 'It is you and me.' 'Against the rest of the Nine.', Loki completes laughing mildly. 'Always.'" It could all be so easy with just the daily insanity of Asgard and the other realms to face. Going through Thor and Avengers. Now featuring the Infinity Wars. 
- Battle for the Bride by CandyassGoth, crossover (hellboy), Loki/Nuada (dub-con), Thor/Loki (non-con), Loki/omcs (non-con), dark!Thor, breeding sex, happy ending 240k, Note: I’m reccing this but would not advise if your otp is thorki.
The two princes, Thor and Nuada, must compete and earn Loki's hand in marriage with a twist neither of them are happy with, least of all Loki, who can't find it in him to accept the developments his father forces upon him. Slash, terrible fathers, angst, smut, and feels.
- First Dates and Diapers: A Tale of Teenage Angst (and Babies) by wicked_writings, Thor/Loki, high school au, mpreg, underage, 146k,  wip This wasn’t update since 2016 but it’s still worth reading
Thor knows everyone in his hometown. He doesn't, however, know the rather sexy new kid. Thor's pants threaten to spontaneously combust when he discovers this delectable new (distant) neighbour. Problem is, the new guy seems awfully wary... and appears to be hiding a rather pertinent secret.
- Vows from a Dagger by triedunture, Thor/Loki, post-ragnarok, 109k 
After Ragnarok, Thor and Loki must figure out how to lead their people into an uncertain future. There's children who need magic lessons, secrets, betrayal, more secrets, questionable science, operatic space adventures, wardrobe changes, a fake marriage, and the poetic edda of a trickster. 
-All for you, Brother. by Phandom_Doodles Thor/Loki, rape, dark!Thor, masochist!Loki, a bit of d/s, forced mpreg, suicidal attempt, psychological trauma, extremely dark fic, read all the warnings, 109k
After Loki is sentenced to be executed, Thor desperately wants to save him. He finds a way, but Loki isn't so sure.
- A Bottled Star by tegary, Thor/Loki, post-ragnarok, mpreg, 96k
Less than a month after the destruction of Asgard, Loki goes into heat.
- Naked in the Eye of the Storm by tenaya, Thor/Loki, Odin/Loki (non-con chapter 25), underage (in jotun culture), arranged marriage, this story contain dark theme with parent/child incest, 96k,
Loki is reveal as a Jötunn during the raid to Jotunheim. Considered underage on Jotunheim, Laufey demands him back, but Odin decides to marry him to Thor to keep him in Asgard. Loki faces many trials as he comes to terms with his new role.
-light in monochrome night by umakoo, Thor/Loki, jotun!Loki, mpreg, norse mythology, 88k,
Thor is young and reckless, eager to slay one of the ferocious frost giants and have the skalds sing songs of his mighty deed. He sneaks into Jötunheimr, but the giant he meets is nothing like the hulking, bloodthirsty creatures from the age-old stories they tell in Asgard.
-Waiting for the Moon to Rise by cavaleira, thor/loki,  jotun!loki, intersex!loki, hooker!loki, 77.8k
As the newly crowned king of Asgard, Thor's life is filled with stress as he as he navigates political intrigue and struggles to figure out what kind of king he wants to be. Desperately in need of a night of relaxation, he finds himself at a brothel he used to frequent in his youth. It's there that Thor spends an evening in the arms of beautiful courtesan named Loki, and his whole world changes in ways he never could have imagined.
-To Conquer by tobios, thor/loki + some loki/other + other asgardians + other marvel characters, some nsfw, jotunn!loki, pregnant!loki, intersex!loki, consent issues (with loki/other), 73.1k
When little Loki, son of Laufey king and his mighty consort Fárbauti was born a runt, they knew he had no home in Jötunheimr. In an effort to give their favorite a home, the kings only lost the heart of the realm. Thus, little Loki took it upon himself to take it back.
-Covenant by RobotSquid, thor/loki + others, intersex!loki, dealing-with-being-jotunn!loki, 72.9k
Frost Giants are ugly, cruel, and malicious creatures. Thor has always known this to be true. So then how can Loki, his beloved little brother, be one of them? 
- Black is the Color by cunninglingus, thor/loki, heavy dubcon, dark!Thor, dark!Loki, mpreg, 53k, wip
“Have you not thought about what it would be like to mount me?” Loki goes on in that mercilessly sinful voice. “About what is between my legs, now that I am unable to work my glamour to disguise my malformation?” 
-Had We But World Enough by Smuttysmutwriter, thor/loki, jotunn!loki, intersex!loki, pregnant!loki, arranged marriage, 52k 
 Loki and Thor have been married since they were little and they grew up sharing a palace wing. The boys never shared a bed because Odin and Frigga wanted to make sure nothing inappropriate could happen while they were still young. They also used to get chaperoned a lot so that there could be no hanky panky.
-Easily by proantagonist, thor/loki, single parent!Thor, post-the dark world, dubious consent, light d/s, 50k
It's not until Jane dies that Loki finally comes to Thor.
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tegary-blog · 5 years
//Two quick updates (if anyone actually reads these lol)
1. i graduate with my bachelor’s on sunday, and then go back home for my sister’s graduation on friday, and THEN i start a new summer job before grad school lol. so expect me to be scarce for at least a week.
2. i have like 80% of chapter 2 of möbius written and i kind of hate it. haven’t decided if i’m going to finish it as is or just scrap it and try again. guess we’ll find out eventually lol
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iamanartichoke · 6 years
6, 32 :)
6. describe your personality in 3 words or less. Oh boy. Empathic, sarcastic, pensive. 
32. 3 favorite girl names. So many to choose from, I love girls’ names (names in general, actually). I think Emily is my favorite name - if I ever spawn, I plan to use that name. I’ve also always been fond of Grace and Lainey.
Unusual asks. :) 
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delyth88 · 6 years
Ask About Me Tag
So I finally had some time to catch up on this. Thanks @trickster-grrrl for tagging me.
Rules: Answer the 20 questions and tag 20 followers
Nickname: Del
Zodiac: Leo 
Height: 169cm
Languages Spoken: Embarassingly monolingual.  I know a few phrases in German and that’s about it.
Favorite Fruit: Feijoas!  But most of the world doesn’t have them.  ☹  
Favorite Scent: Fresias, the naturalised variety with smaller not so fancy flowers but a glorious smell!
Favorite Season: In New Zealand Summer.  In Canada Winter.
Favorite Color: Green, particularly the multi shaded greens of spring leaves on trees.
Favorite Animal: Kittens
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: A decent flat white.
Favorite Song: I hate questions like this – my mind is drawing a complete blank!  It was an awesome experience to sing Spem in Alium (Thomas Tallis) in choir.
Average Hours of Sleep: Ideally 9, but more like 7. 
Favorite Fictional Character: lol!  At the moment it has to be Loki.  I’ve been enjoying digging into the movies and reading the fantastic fan fiction that is out there.  If anyone wants to recommend some to me that would be awesome! 
Otherwise The Doctor has to be up there,  Sam and Frodo, Sam Vimes, and the Masterharper of Pern.
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: One duvet.
Favorite Artist: I’m going to take this literally – I really like the art of around 1400 – 1600 in northern Europe, particularly the portraits that started popping up of middle class people in their finest clothing.  I love looking at the clothes and some of them are so realistic it’s like looking at photographs of the past. 
Favorite Book:  Lord of the Rings has to be up there, along with Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series and pretty much everything by Terry Prattchett.
 Feel free to join in or ignore as you like.  :)
@shine-of-asgard, @mastreworld, @yerafrostgiantloki, @tegary @starkravinghazelnuts, @starfleetavenger, @piccolaromana, @elenatria, @charlie-the-sparkling-angel, @ehehehehlokidbyhiddles, @starscreamloki, @the1weliveinnow, @circularfifths. @ladylokiofjotunheim, @silverloke, @lokiloversstuff, @lokirevenger, @lokisdeviouspurpose, @icyxmischief, @Lokiloveforever
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desieka · 3 years
Selalu ada "bekal" yang dibawa pulang setelah sharing bersama bapak (mertua). Bekal menjalani kehidupan yang tak sembarang bisa didapat.
Singkat dan ringkasnya, beliau berkata bahwa wanita itu lebih banyak mengedepankan perasaan dulu baru berpikir. Sedangkan laki-laki sebaliknya. Memang seperti itu, tapi kalau semua-muanya dirasakan ya bisa hancur. Kadang perlu juga "masa bodoh" dengan omongan orang lain. Yang penting kita tidak berbuat salah, tidak menyakiti orang lain. Kalau kita sudah berbuat baik tapi orang lain tidak berbuat baik ke kita, ya sudah biarkan, kita harus ikhlas.
Tentang ambisi atau bersyukur. Ada yang menyampaikan pendapatnya tentang bapak, "bapak itu jenjang pendidikannya tinggi, bapak itu lebih senior, tapi kok jabatannya tidak naik?". Tak ambil pusing, beliau memilih untuk mensyukuri apa yang telah tegaris untuknya. "Alhamdulillah saya bekerja bisa menyekolahkan anak-anak sampai selesai, bisa menikahkan anak-anak, setelah purna bisa usaha di rumah, bisa belajar mengaji. Coba kalau kita terus mengeluhkan yang terjadi, terus memikirkan ambisi yang tidak tercapai, kita bisa stress, bisa berujung sakit. "MasyaAllah, iya juga ya", kataku.
Kadang kalau kita silau melihat kenikmatan orang lain, kita bisa menjadi orang yang lemah. Kenapa yang kita dapatkan seperti ini? Menyesali, mengeluhkan apa yang sudah Allah berikan kepada kita. Padahal, yang Allah berikan itu sudah sesuai dengan porsi kita, berpikir positif saja. Kebahagiaan kita tidak bisa disandingkan dengan kebahagiaan orang lain. Pasti ada rejeki (dalam bentuk) lain yang Allah berikan kepada kita. Kalau semua orang jadi pimpinan, terus yang jadi pelaksana siapa?
Dalam bekerja, pasti ada suka dan dukanya. Disetiap tempat seperti itu. Gak ada yang suka cita terus, suatu saat pasti ada sulitnya. Pun sebaliknya.
Tak ada yang lebih penting. Tak ada yang lebih unggul. Setiap manusia di bumi ini memerankan perannya masing-masing. Menjadi pemeran utama atau menjadi figuran itu tergantung dari sudut pandangnya. Setiap manusia adalah pemeran utama dalam hidupnya, dan figuran bagi kehidupan yang lain.
Bapak, terima kasih telah menjadi teman berbagi penuh makna.
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5//12 Days of Fic Recs
Day 5. We ❤️Loki
Thorki / Thunderfrost - Thor/Loki
Hammer  by PhantomWriter 
For some reasons, Korg believes that the ‘hammer’ Thor was talking about is Loki.
Because who said he doesn’t understand metaphor?
The Breath Between Regrets by Vera (Vera_DragonMuse) 
The journey to Midgard should take a year and a day. Long enough for many things.
Out of the Shadows and Into the Night by tegary 
“Unfortunately, no one ever paid any attention to the good I could do.“
Thor’s hand comes up, lightning fast, and cups around Loki’s own on his cheek. “They are now,” He says, somber, face so earnest that Loki has to look away. “I am.”
Capslok / Frostshield / Ice Frost / Stoki - Loki/Steve Rogers
In The Realm of Ungrateful Cockroaches   by BigSciencyBrain  / @bigsciencybrain
Instead of returning to Asgard after the battle of New York, Loki finds himself in a time loop, repeating the events of the Avengers over and over again.     
The lines, here are written by dfotw
In a world where everyone has their soulmate’s name written on their wrists, Steve Rogers has quite a lot more… and Loki, a lot less.
(follows canon faithfully except for, y'know, the trope.)
Thawing by Vulcanmi 
Loki shows up in Steve’s apartment with an increasingly alarming frequency.
Loki’s supposed to be dead.
In The Land of Gods and Monsters by thisiswhatthewatergaveme 
Steve makes a mistake: he lets his guard down. He lets a momentary relief cloud his judgment. He doesn’t spring into action when Loki spins around and presses a tight-lipped kiss against his mouth. Doesn’t even move when it softens, slightly, Loki’s hands curling over his arms.
And then the god is gone and Steve realizes something important. He realizes, perhaps for the first time, that there are different kinds of war.
Winterfrost / Lucky - Bucky Barnes/Loki
The Spaces Between Seconds by Ignisentis 
Bucky and Loki are placed under house arrest in Avengers Tower and strike up a tenuous friendship. Bucky grows increasingly concerned when Loki’s reparations start making him sicker and sicker. He decides to take Loki on a road trip across the country to help him heal. But Loki’s not the only one who heals along the way, and their time together allows their friendship to blossom into something wholly unexpected.
Les Soldats d’Hiver by aurilly 
Stories that begin with banishment, brainwashing and imprisonment don’t normally end with coffee shops, moonshine and day-trips into Tuscany. But Bucky and Loki are hardly normal.
AKA, The one where Loki gets captured by Hydra. But it isn’t really about that. He and Bucky bust out of there by page two.
all we have we lose by Lise  / @veliseraptor
Bucky has two options: be refrozen for an indefinite amount of time until someone can pry Hydra’s hooks out of his brain. Or, go to space and see if they can do any better.
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ao3feed-thorki · 6 years
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GMJoFz tegary
by tegary
A collection of tumblr prompts I received from the following list: https://ift.tt/2J999oN
Words: 3396, Chapters: 5/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel)
Relationships: Loki/Thor (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Tumblr Prompts, Sibling Incest, tags change by chapter, fake married, love potions, Mutual Pining, king!Thor, First Kiss, Post-Ragnarok, Angst, hospital au, Human AU, Lady Loki, surprise boner, Underage Drinking, General Shenanigans, Bodyguard AU, Time Travel, Mpreg, Alternate Universe, Queen!Loki, cuddling for warmth
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2GMJoFz
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teamthorki · 6 years
i was tagged by @lokirevenger and @themyscriyas, thank youuu! <3
pick one and then tag 10 people
glossy or matte? matte
denim or leather? denim
favourite flower? lilies? lilies
pearls or gemstones? gemstones, i’m named for them i guess
favourite scent?  bakeries
barefoot or heels? heels but my feet will hate me for it
bath bombs or shower gel? bath bombs
eye colour? uhh does this mean my own? if so then blue
favourite emoji? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ 
body glitter or body shimmer? is there a difference? help me i’m basic
prada or miu miu? what does this mean
fireworks or lightning? hhhhh this is hard but lightning
hiking or swimming? swimming bc you can’t tell how gross and sweaty i am
night in or night out? night in
tagging: @notdoinggethelp, @buckeed, @talxns, @thorkie, @infinityywarss, @lesbiansassemble, @mooniesloki, @prblyindenial, @tegary, @mymarvelhell, and anyone else who wants to do this too~
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