#tell me if yall want more
Gave up on the sketching after doing the full body ones but meet one of those ocs I mentioned last week!
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This is Subira (Sue) the Shoebill. She and her little pal there [ill do her later I'm tired] help the restoration gather resources and refugees from towns messed up from battles with Eggman. She's the leader of this team and would probably have gone to the bunker and helped gather intel about Starline and stuff but those plans got foiled by Kit absolutely burying a buncha shit
Translation to the sign language in the alt text. Tell me if I got any signs wrong I'm still learning asl and would like tips if yall got any
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First meetings part 2
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In which Sun has a panic attack and Y/N tries their best to help.
Sun and Moon do not share the same memory pool, if they are "sleeping" when the other is active they do not automatically know what happened in that time. Though they do usually tell eachother everything imidiatly after "waking up". They often stay awake when the other is active though to keep eachother company.
But yea seems like Moon was the last one active before, well, whatever happened to them, while Sun had a lil nap.
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shibusawaz · 11 months
have you ever wanted to know who YOUR soulmate in bsd would be? even if you haven't, i think you should still take my quiz. nudge nudge.
31 questions and 28 results, enjoy :))
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jadewritesficshere · 1 year
Modern!Eddie Munson x Female!Reader
Contains: nudes, mutual masturbation, phone sex
18+ only
Eddie flopped face down onto his mattress with a sigh. After working all day, playing at the Hideout, and then hauling all of the bands' equipment, he was wiped. He wanted nothing more then to smoke and go to sleep. His phone pinged with a notification. A contact under the name "Loser" had messaged him, causing a split second of confusion before a lazy grin spread across his face when he realized it was you (he had forgotten he changed it when high). You had been unable to come see Corroded Coffin play tonight as you had made previous plans.
Loser: How did it go?? Good?? Bad??
Loser: Was that one chick who wants to be a groupie there??
Eddie: went ok. Y u jealous?
Loser: just curious lol
Eddie: sure. Wbu?
Loser: Good! Robin and Nancy came. We had a nice dinner. We did paintings! Robin's looks better then mine. Mine looks like shit 😔 now just taking a bath and relaxing.
Eddie: show me?
Loser: lol no???
Eddie: y not? I'm sure it good
Loser: you sure?
Eddie: yes
Loser: fine
Eddie doubted your painting looked bad. You always tore yourself down, even when you did amazing things. He always wanted to throttle you, but knew he would be a hypocrite if he did. Eddie rolled onto his back and looked at the ceiling. He would convince you one day that you were awesome, but until then he would just have to keep reminding you. His phone dinged with a new message from you. He opened it and saw a picture attached and-
Immediately dropped his phone. His heart picked up speed. His eyes widened and face flushed. Eddie dove for the phone as if it were a life preserver and he was drowning. He couldn't believe his eyes. He licked his lips and stared at his phone.
A picture from your neck down. Bubbles in the bath around you. Water was running down your collarbone towards your tits. Your nipples barely covered by the bubbles. One boob having no bubbles around it at all, but your hand flipping him off blocked him from seeing more. He was greedy. He wanted to see more, and had never imagined you would send him this to begin with. Eddie looked down at the tent that had formed in his boxers.
Loser: ask nicely next time 😤
Eddie groaned and his dick twitched. You had totally misunderstood him, he had wanted to see your painting- of course he was more then glad for this outcome. However, he couldn't quite unsee what you had sent, nor would he want to. Eddie reread your text. Next time means more than just this once. Means maybe he could see more. Means maybe he has a better shot with you then he thought. He already overthought things with you many times, and now his brain had just switched to overdrive.
A million thoughts ran through his head as his hand traveled south. He paused briefly," Oh fuck it." He grabbed his dick over his boxers, causing the outline to be very noticeable. He took a pic before sending it to you. He would have felt bad about not sending a message with it, but he would have sat there for ages trying to think of a response. And he couldn't find it in himself to care as he pressed lightly against his dick.
He dropped his phone on his stomach. All Eddie could think about was you as he pulled his dick out of his boxers. Your soap covered tits. How beautiful they looked.. He licked his hand before slowly grasping his dick and squeezing the base, causing the tip to flush more. The pressure causing him to moan. He slowly stroked up and down his length. He picked up the pace, canting his hips up to meet his hand. Part of him wanted to go slow, but the rest of him wanted to get this over with quick so he could do it again and again and again. His chest heaved and sweat started to form on his brow. A sigh fell from his lips that quickly turned to a moan at the thought of it being your hand wrapped around him. How small your hand would look on his dick. How-
His stomach tensed and he jolted as his phone started vibrating and your ringtone played. The vibrations on his lower stomach felt so good, he was tempted to let it keep playing, but the urge to hear your voice was stronger. With his free hand he grabbed the phone and answered. "H-hello?" Eddie asked, panting into the phone. "Oh fuck, Eddie," your voice higher than normal sounded like music to his ears. Eddie moaned and your response was a whimper. "Fuck babe, see what you do to me?" Eddie's voice felt like sandpaper, he was surprised he could even find words. "Uh-huh." The sound of water splashing caught Eddie's attention," holy shit. Are you touching yourself?" "Wish it were you."
Eddie's mind went fuzzy as he picked up speed. The schlick noise picking up, his mind filtering out everything except your moans. "Sound so good. Wish I was there." Eddie mumbled, feeling his tip leaking generously. He was so close. "Fuuuck Eddie I'm gonna-" your sentence was cut off with a moan and he lost it. His hips bucked without rhythm and cum spurted everywhere. He never understood the phrase of people seeing stars behind their eyes until now, but they were more like fireworks. He had never cum this much in his life, not even when he had first found porn.
He slowly came back down, a euphoric feeling enveloping him. A warmth spread in his chest as it heaved, trying to catch a breath. He looked down and saw his shirt covered with his release. Your chuckle pulled him back to earth. "Uh so that happened...so whatcha gonna do about it Munson?" He hummed," Think i should ask you for a date." "You should."
Eddie had the biggest grin when you finally got off the phone, date planned for Friday night. He looked down at your contact name before changing the s to a v. He was going to find that painting you did and make sure it hung over his bed, so he could remember this night forever.
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sketchy-tour · 8 months
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I just wanted to quickly say thank you guys!! Like... LIKE REALLY!!! THANK YALL SO MUCH!!!! The amount of constant love I receive for my work has been overwhelmingly wonderful to experience. I don't even know how to put it all into words. BUT IM GONNA TRY!
FAIR WARNING! I'm about to be really really sappy under the cut. So feel free to ignore that if you wish. But I got a lot of emotions I'm about to try to say.
Hi hello and hi. Um. Well, it's hard to explain how much this has meant to me. How much your kind words have sent waves of joy through my heart. How much every like has made me smile. How every reblog has made me feel a rush of pride. Every person who spammed me with likes when finding my blog, every person who talks in the tags when reblogging me, every person who shows up constantly in my notifs, every mutual who interacts with me even in the smallest of ways, every other artist I interacted with who has been kind to me.
All of it. Every single notif has made me smile in some way and I cannot thank you enough. I was so genuinely shy about sharing Dandy with Tumblr because I began drawing Dandy at a very turbulent time of my life. My WH art and oc had become a place of comfort for my mind and I had wanted to interact with the community for a long while but I'm skittish by nature so it took a LOT of mental prep for me to start posting this stuff here.
And the fact I have so much positivity in my notifs! I really needed that. Truly, I did. I still don't see myself as a big artist by any means, but I know I'm so lucky to have the bit of engagement I do from yall!
I feel like I'm rambling. Needless to say...it means the absolute world to me that the art that brings me joy is given such love by yall. Even if hyperfixations change, even if time marches us all in different directions, I'm thankful to have this. Right now. When I needed it.
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ofbreathandflame · 1 month
Elain stans have such a weird relationship with Nuala and Cerridwen and I genuinely can't tell if they just choose not to look at the optics of that dynamic or what...
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
Some more things,,,, !! 💖🦩🙏(mostly friends yet again)
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(The Noise and Peppino one was based off of an irl moment)
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lomlhotchner · 1 year
i have some thoughts about bodyguard!hotch so here it is hope yall enjoy <3
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bodyguard!hotch who always make sure you are safe and sound cause its his job. but now he think its more than that.
bodyguard!hotch who will always watch over you as you make your breakfast. making sure you don’t burn the mansion down. pretending like he’s not ogling your thick thighs when you turned to him to check on him.
bodyguard!hotch who trains you in hand-in-hand combat. making sure you know how to protect yourself even if he’s not there.
bodyguard!hotch who never lets his wall down but gives into your pleas to dance with you while taylor swift is blasting on the speaker.
bodyguard!hotch who knows that he will not let anything happen to you because you’re way to important to him and there is absolutely nothing that will hurt you if he’s there.
bodyguard!hotch who tries to not stare at your glowing figure as you admire the sunset.
bodyguard!hotch who tries to fight a smile from forming on his lips by poking his tongue on his cheek when he listens to you spilling the tea with your friends.
bodyguard!hotch who will stand behind you for everything. physically and mentally. physically meaning that he will stare down anyone that even tries to disrespect you. and mentally because he will support you and tell you his honest opinion.
bodyguard!hotch who will never compromise his job, and i mean never. but you’re making it really hard not to.
bodyguard!hotch who is irrevocably head over heals in love with someone that he cant have.
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reblog for a kiss <3 || main masterlist
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xplore-the-unknwn · 11 months
I am so infuriated at the missed potential and opportunity for the AVP franchise!!!
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We already had Dan Trachtenberg’s Prey to show us how successful this concept can be if delivered perfectly. And now they had an animated show in production that was cancelled. AN ANIMATED SERIES COME ON!!
It would have fit so well for the AvP aesthetic and action scenes. It would also give the opportunity to expand more of their lore. Shouldn’t that be the goal? Its what the animated Clone Wars and Star Wars:Visions is doing for the Star Wars Franchise!! Do they even want to make films anymore at this point??
I am just disappointed on and on at the current decisions that Disney is doing- Shelving and cancelling shows before they even see the light of day, not giving proper environment for their writers and CGI/VFX artists to be able to create and craft a well-written story.
They’re not making films for the audience or making films for Art’s sake anymore. Its all CAPITALISM now.
I just hope with every fire in my heart that the AVPverse gets out of Disney’s greedy hands and in the hands of a Studio that would LOVE and care for its universe, respect its characters-
Give us a unique Yautja that loves art! And is amused when he sees some paintings in Paris or hears an opera house on his first hunt on Earth!
Give us an animated episode of a Yautja on a hunt for Bad Bloods during Edo Period Japan!
Show us Yautja brothers in the beginning of their training and how they learn the values of an honorable hunter!
Take us to their homeworld, give us an aspiring Yautja matriarch who is eager to learn about their culture and their history with the Xenomorphs!
I just wish someone with the power and money would give so much love to this franchise because there is so much to tell and expand!
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silent-sanctum · 20 days
Yes, listening to jotaro cover rock is cool and superb
But ever wanted to know how our gruff, stoic, secretly-soft marine biologist would sing a slow, romantic ballad for his s/o?
Now you can!
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turrondeluxe · 2 years
Do you think Breakdown has nightmares about what happened with MECH? I think Knock Out would be a nice thing to wake up to if he ever has night terrors
(P.S: Do transformers even have nightmares?)
Oh he definitely has
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nico-di-genova · 18 days
I’m gonna start paying people to get invested in palex I am so serious.
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Look at them, look at the boyfriendism happening right before your eyes. Barbie and Ken, right there, but queer. What’s not to love??
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weirdmageddon · 1 month
how do people even find partners. i dont want a bullshit answer, like really
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ashipiko · 1 year
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🫶 ace made her dance to one 1D (not that she’s complaining) #couplegoals FR
ANYWAY. fairy gala fits are like my new fave ashace matching fits cause THEYRE SO. MAN
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licollisa · 2 years
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And this includes artists who made their AUs centered around a sans or papyrus.
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darkgifted · 9 months
obsessed with the fact that in most rpgs, the "good" companion endings usually involve you helping them get what they want
whereas in bg3 the good ending for characters usually means steering them away from what they want, because it isn't actually good for them, even at the cost of them never feeling the warmth of the sun again
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