#telling me that I got a summer fellowship I applied for
waugh-bao · 1 year
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benetthewriter · 1 year
chapbook progress, new publications, fellowships | Writing Update
Hi y'all! It's been a while since I've posted on here (this semester was busy!), but I'm back with some exciting news!
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Your Body is a Hungry Thing
My first chapbook finally has 25 poems in the manuscript! It's a mix of introduction poems, dealing with body dysmorphia and trauma, and living in a Black female body. (It's a lot of body talk)
My plan now is to fully edit all of these poems, and then start organizing my manuscript so it will be ready for submission next year. I'm really grateful to all these poems and I hope I'll get the chance to share them with you all.
New Publications
"The Day I Learned to Garden"
I actually submitted this to a rejection contest and didn't win. But the editor enjoyed my poem so much, they requested it be accepted to their spooky zine.
You can read this poem on finally accepting the end of a broken friendship in Onwords Press' 'Things That Trouble Us' issue, here. Make sure you check out all the other awesome pieces in the issue too!
"The Ghosts of Summer"
This little poem is apart of Unstamatic's unconditional acceptance issue! There were 400+ submissions in this issue and you can click on random to generate a random poem from the massive collection. You can read my poem here.
"A Pantoum For Altar Call"
My last publication update is forthcoming in FEED Magazine! This was a tough poem to write! I'm not well-versed in form poetry, but I wanted to challenge myself to write a pantoum and this poem just blossomed into itself. There is a slight tw for hanging. It's implied, not necessarily an actual hanging. Once it's published, I will update this post with the link.
Poetry Fellowship
I recently applied to my first poetry fellowship through my school. It would be a big step in my writing career and would help me better my craft! The theme is reclamation, which a lot of my work centers on. Keep your fingers crossed for me please!
That's all I got for now. I know this was a bit long, but it's been a while since I've updated here.
How’s your writing going? Any new publications or ideas? Tell me all the good and bad! Until next time, peace.
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tuuliii · 3 years
The Lord of the Rings, Turku 2018 Part1
Watching the musical stream yesterday got me very sentimental about this play the Turku City Theatre did back in 2018. I saw it three times and it ran from February till December with a two month summer break. Opening night was February 15th on the big stage of the theatre.
The running time of the show was about four hours, with two 20 minute intermissions. It was LONG, but honestly, the time went by so fast you really couldn't tell it was that long.
I've consumed all the media I have been able to find about this thing so let me tell you a little about the production.
Director Mikko Kouki had had a dream about doing LOTR for years so when they decided to apply for the rights, they had no expectations of actually getting them. Then, Tolkien Estate answered "Yeah sure go ahead" and they started planning big time. Apparently they also got the rights for the Hobbit, but the upcoming production has been very secretive so far. They've only shared a couple of Easter eggs on their social media.
The set was huge. Like, the width of the stage is not that great, but it has a lot of depth, so they were able to make awesome things with it. The Black Gates and the Ents for example. I visited the back stage once, and the amount of stuff that was in storage there was mind-blowing. The cast also wasn't that large in number, so pretty much everyone but the main characters had multiple roles. Mainly playing orcs and minor characters.
Here's the cast:
(Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, Aragorn, Gollum, Boromir/Mouth of Sauron, Gimli/Underhill1, Legolas/Tom Bombadil, Bilbo/Gorbat/Haldir/Gatekeeper, Arwen/Goldberry, Galadriel/Vhispering voice, Saruman, Éowyn/Rosie Cotton/Underhill2, Isildur/Shagrat/The voice of the Black Rider, Wormtongue/Barlyman Butterbur/Elrond, The Witch King, The Black Riders, The voice of Treebeard, The voice of Sauron, Elves/Ents/Orcs)
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Let me just fangirl about Sam for a second. He was ultimately my favorite hobbit. Hannes Suominen did an amazing job and was perfectly suited for the role. The other hobbits were very good as well. Frodo was adorable and I really liked how they casted the hobbits according to their ages in the books.
Lets start from the beginning now.
The play began with a quick prologue about the history of the ring, how Bilbo found it and of the Last Alliance. The fishing scene with Smeagol and Deagol was also in the prologue. Then we move on to the Shire.
This is Bag End. Bilbo's party was mostly cut, but he leaves and gives the Ring to Frodo. Meanwhile Merry and Pippin spot a black rider and run to Bag End to tell their friends about it.
Gandalf arrives and snatches Sam through the window and sends Frodo on his way. This was very quick, but understandably so. It got the job done and Merry and Pippin were hilarious. (In the actual production, a picture of Tolkien was hanging on the wall of Bag End btw)
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Next, they are being chased by a Black Rider and decide to take the shortcut through the Old Forest. The riders looked amazing. They were puppets with a rider standing in the middle on stilts.
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This production had TOM BOMBADIL! I really loved that, cause he's usually the first one to get cut, or like in the musical he only got a name drop in the end.
Here he is saving the Hobbits from Old Man Willow. And yeah, there were A LOT of pyrotechnics involved.
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I think this scene with Gandalf and Saruman was next. I really loved Saruman, and Gandalf got slammed onto the wall. It was cool. (sorry about the quality)
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Then there's Bree and the Prancing Pony, which rose from the firkin floor. I got such bad chills every time. This was the only pic I could find, but this was an amazing scene with lively folk music and lots of drunken people, that kept harassing Frodo. Aragorn ominously smoked his pipe in the corner, till Frodo put the ring on.
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Here, the Hobbits are trying to decide weather to trust the Strider or not. (From left to right: Merry, Pippin, Frodo, Sam)
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Then, Frodo is stabbed at Weathertop and Strider sets a couple of Black Riders on fire. Like...he actually set their clothes on fire...
Anyway, they reach Bruinen with the help of Arwen, who conveniently replaces Glorfindel again. The black riders get swept away and Frodo is rescued. Also the elves of Rivendell had colorful hair and I'm all in for that:D
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Then becomes this sus scene with Aragorn and Arwen. Aragorn is in love with her (obviously), but this Arwen is a little reluctant to give away her immortality and marry him. Aragorn proposes to her and she literally says "No❤️". Aragorn is heartbroken for a second but then we move on to the council of Elrond.
Here's the Fellowship. Arwen and Elrond on the back with Bilbo.
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This is where act 1 ended.
Act 2 starts in the snow storm in the mountains and the Fellowship decides to go through Moria. Here are the gates. Very bad picture, but that was the only one I could find.
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Moria goes pretty much according to book. Pippin does dumb shit and the orcs are woken. Their cave troll looked like a literal Michelin man, but the Balrog made up for that. Pity there aren't any pictures of it, but it was super cool. There was fire everywhere and the puppet looked really scary. I petted it, when I visited the back stage; from close up, it was very cute.
Apparently only 10 pics are allowed per post so part two and maybe three are needed. Part 2 starts with Lothlórien.
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hear your heartbeat
happy birthday to the incomparable @elisela!!! just for you, please enjoy a good fake-dating au with plenty of idiotic and family members abound.
12.5k - on Ao3
“I’m telling you, Scotty. New York has been good to me. Maybe we should just renounce California and stay here for the summer.”
“Don’t joke about that, dude.”
Stiles laughed as he shouldered his phone, taking in the city air as he strolled along the streets of Manhattan.
Needless to say, Manhattan was far from home—while the city certainly was his vibe, Stiles was no stranger to tamping down the champagne tastes that clashed with his tapwater budget. The little shitbox apartment he got through NYU’s housing program was almost a thirty minute train ride from school, but Stiles figured that when he was more or less trapped on campus for nearly fifty hours a week, he could justify spending his breaks wandering the streets of Manhattan and really taking in the city.
On today’s agenda, Stiles was looking forward to wandering around a farmers market that literally stretched on for city blocks. There were fruits and vegetables literally as far as the eye could see, spices and roots and mysterious tubers of all shapes and size, but Stiles didn’t give a flying fuck about the food—his real interest were the vendors and the shoppers.
He had learned early on that open air markets like this were perfect meeting grounds for mythical beasts of all shapes and sizes, so, what better palace for him to do some… field work, so to speak?
There were nymphs who had full bouquets of beautiful flowers that lived suspiciously long in their vases as long as you complimented the blooms on a regular basis. Dryads who sold the most delicious fruit he had ever tasted, even if they charged six bucks for a pear.
Stiles had learned early on to avoid the fae—basically, any stand that sold crystal or metalcraft. His first time at the market, he had somehow wound up spending nearly four hundred dollars on quartz; the moment the money had left his hand, the stall had all but vanished in front of him.
“The people are good here. They’re fast. Blunt. Sarcastic. My kind of people.”
“Uh huh.”
Scott liked to call their whole situation lucky.
When Stiles applied to NYU’s doctorate program, he expected rounds and rounds of interviews, lists of deadlines he needed to memorize, and some less-than-subtle digs at his proposed field of study (which was fair, honestly—he knew that criminology and mythology rarely mixed).
What he didn’t expect was Scott, though, the bro of all bros. When Stiles told him he was applying to NYU, Scott had cheered him on, helped him prepare, and then immediately applied to different veterinary positions through the state.
(Scott was golden, obviously—he had years of training, letters of recommendation from everyone he had ever met, and him being a werewolf basically made him the animal whisperer.)
At the end of the day, Stiles got to pursue his passion thanks to a hodgepodge of grants at NYU, and Scott was awarded a fellowship in veterinary medicine through the Bronx Zoo. What kind of weird twist of luck would let the best friends wind up together across the country like that?
So, yeah, Scott called it luck.
Stiles called it karmic retribution for their supremely fucked-up years at Beacon Hills High, but even he could admit that ‘luck’ sounded nicer... and if Stiles was being honest, ‘luck’ was definitely the best way to classify his meeting Derek Hale.
Derek Hale was smart, he was sarcastic, and he could go toe-to-toe with Stiles over completely obscure things for literal hours. He was a first-year professor at NYU, who had the tiny office right next to the broom closet Stiles had managed to shove PHD desk into, and he was probably the only other person in the program that took mythology seriously (meaning he was the only person who didn’t make Stiles want to put his head through the wall).
He was also hot as fuck, but that was beside the point. Stiles had a little bit of a massive crush, but that was also beside the point.
They had built up a fast friendship based on a series of arguments about the Necronomicon, of all things, and Stiles loved the thought of being friends with someone who didn’t know him as the weird kid in high school who knew way too much about ritual sacrifice and circumcision.
He had evened out a lot through undergrad. He was still awkward, sure, but he was awkward with a refillable prescription for Adderall and some sort of brain-to-mouth filter.
(Honestly, the fact that Stiles had managed to avoid making a single joke about the werewolf who was stuck teaching Mythology 101 really did speak volumes to his newfound maturity.)
Speaking of Derek, though…
“Stiles! Hey, Stiles!”
Stiles almost jumped a foot in the air as he heard his name called, doing a spectacular near-drop-mid-air-catch of his phone as he regained his footing, turning on the spot to see a taller woman with jet black hair waving him over.
She was… okay, she was gorgeous—dark hair, smooth skin, someone who looked like she just stepped out of one of the windows on Fifth Avenue—but Stiles was decently distracted, because standing beside her was Derek Hale, the object of his extremely private affection for the past few months. Who, for whatever reason, was standing there looking like he wanted the sidewalk to open up and swallow him whole.
“Scotty, I’ll see you tonight, yeah? I gotta go.”
Stiles pocketed his phone as he cautiously made his way over to the pair—trio, he corrected, because there was another woman with them, looking incredibly more invested in the conversation now that another party was joining them.
He hiked his canvas a bit higher up as he smiled, trying to remember where he had seen the two before… students, maybe, but if that were the case, they would know Derek, not Stiles. They weren’t faculty members, he was sure of that. Donors to the program, maybe?
Well, if they were donors, Stiles sincerely hoped that Derek would have tried harder to wear literally any expression other than his current ‘bitter and miserable’.
And if they were donors, why were they so fucking happy to see him?
“I’m Laura. This is Cora.”
The taller of the two women extended her hand confidently as Stiles got within arms reach, and he instinctively reached out to take it, Cora following suit. “Derek has told us all about you. I have to say, I figured there was at least a ten percent chance you were made up, but… here you are!”
“Here I am!” Stiles was officially lost, but he kept his smile up, cheeks pinking up a little bit as he turned back to Derek. “You’ve been talking about me?” he asked, his voice on the line between flattered and teasing, nudging Derek playfully as he tilted his head.
“Stiles, I—“
“Of course he has! Derek’s a private guy, sure, but you can’t be surprised he told us about his new—“
“Lord, Derek, calm down. You already had your big bisexual awakening, I’m allowed to be excited to meet your first boyfriend.” Laura shot back, her glare rivaling Derek’s absolute best ‘listen to teacher’ look, and Stiles could see the muscle in his jaw start to twitch. He probably would have done something, but… he was basically short circuiting, brain trying to keep up with whatever the fuck Laura had said, because Derek now had his arm around Stiles’ waist.
Derek had a big bisexual awakening?
And a boyfriend, apparently?
How had Stiles missed that??
“Stiles, these are my sisters, Laura and Cora Hale.”
Okay, great, they were Derek’s sisters. Stiles didn’t even know that Derek had sisters, which was a little sad if he thought about it.
Thankfully, he didn’t have long to think about it, because Derek—
“This is Stiles, my… my boyfriend. Now stop bombarding him. Give him half a fucking second before you go a thousand miles an hour.”
Oh—oh God. Stiles was the boyfriend.
He had seriously missed something, then—he didn’t think he had confessed his feelings for Derek anytime recently, or he probably would have died from embarrassment. Scott was really good at hiding his phone when he was drinking, which ruled that entire scenario out. Stiles could be forgetful at times, sure, but he thought he would remember if he had managed to score himself a boyfriend.
He looked up at Derek, trying to ignore the sudden burn of contact where their bodies were pressed together, but his brain was extremely focused the moment that he caught the look on Derek’s face, there and gone in a flash. He felt the hand squeeze at his waist, and the message was clear enough.
Ah, well. Stiles was always good at bullshitting, and this was no exception.
“No, no, Der, it’s fine! It’s good to meet you both, sorry, I wasn’t even expecting to see Derek until… uh, later, let alone meet anyone new,” Stiles said, his voice 100% betraying his nerves as it picked up an octave.
Laura’s voice was much more evenly toned, even if it was a little teasing. “Oh? You two have big plans tonight? We aren’t interrupting anything, are we?” she said with a grin, giving the distinct impression that even if they were interrupting, she and her sister wouldn’t be leaving until they were good and ready. Stiles felt his mind kick into overdrive, waving the question aside.
“Oh, nothing like that. We were going to meet up with my friend Scott for dinner, introducing the boyfriend to the best friend, you know how it is,” he continued, hoping his little chuckle wasn’t too terribly fake as he reached up to pat the lapels of Derek’s jacket, letting his fingers linger a little too long on Derek’s chest as he nodded.
He hoped that she knew how it was. Hell, Stiles didn’t even know how it was. He hadn’t exactly been rolling in romance since moving across the country.
“Well, if you say so,” Laura mused, raising a perfect brow, head tilted to the side. “You look like you’re about to pass out, Stiles. You alright?”
And, okay, Stiles knew enough to know what that meant. It meant that her super-sonic ears could hear his heart trying to break through his ribs with a staccato beat, typically a tell-tale sign that someone was lying, but… maybe he could work that to his advantage. He swallowed, voice a little tight as he laughed, waving the concern away.
“Sorry, I just wasn't… planning on meeting the family today,” Stiles said, probably the most truthful thing he had ever said. “Usually I’d try to prepare a little more, you know, make sure I’m wearing something nice and avoid putting my entire foot in my mouth. Maybe just a toe or two,” he said, relaxing minutely as Cora snorted from her position near Laura’s elbow.
Okay, so self depreciation was a good way to avoid suspicion with all the Hales. Got it.
“Well, if you both have plans, I’ll make this quick,” Laura said, her voice deceptively charming as she sidled up next to Stiles, though he certainly wasn’t going to complain about the way Derek’s hand tightened around his waist. “The semester is up soon, what are your plans this summer? Never mind, move them back. We’re having a family reunion the week after finals, and everyone is dying to meet baby brother Derek’s new boo after all the stories he’s told.”
He looked up to Derek again, who was now blushing up to the tips of his ears, which—okay, cute—but which told him absolutely nothing and offered him exactly zero defense.
“Actually, I already have a flight booked as soon as my spring contract is up. Heading back to Beacon Hills for a few days, and—“
“Wait, did Derek already invite you?” Laura asked, her expression pleasantly surprised, and Stiles was speechless for a half second before Derek stepped in.
“No, I didn’t invite him because I’m not even going, Laura. Besides, he has his own plans with his own family,” he said, and Stiles blinked as he tried to keep up. “And what do you mean, they’re excited to meet him? I was very clear that the further I can keep him away from you and Mom, the better.”
Laura only rose a brow as she turned back to Cora, who took a beat before looking up from her phone, her expression halfway guilty as she clutched the device. “I uh—I may have just sent a picture of you two to the family group chat.”
Stiles choked on a laugh as Derek gasped—actually gasped—and pulled his phone from his pocket, making the mistake of releasing Stiles’ shoulder to unlock the device, looking absolutely scandalized as he glared at Cora.
It wasn’t long before Stiles had a similar look on his face, though, as Laura took advantage of his free arm, linking her own with his as she started to walk. “Alright, Stiles, here’s the deal.”
“Cora, you little—hey! Laura, get back here with my boyfriend!”
“Calm down little brother, the adults are talking.”
“He’s younger than I am!”
“So, Stiles, like I was saying,” Laura started, oblivious or ignorant to the way Stiles' mind had absolutely reeled when Derek had called him his boyfriend for the second time. “Derek hasn’t been home for more than a day visit since he moved out to this dump, and no one has raised a stink about it in years. This year, though, is… important,” she started, and Stiles nodded idly as he mentally ran through the calendar in his head.
The semester was over in just over a week, with finals crammed into three days after that, and then—oh, the full moon.
No, Stiles corrected himself, the blue moon. The first blue moon in May in probably… thirty years, if he had to guess. He nodded up to Laura as that clicked into place, a flicker of curiosity crossing over her face as she continued talking.
“We won’t take up that much of your time—it’s only like two events, I promise, and I also promise Derek will personally take care of whatever flight changes you have to make so you can still get some time with your family. After all, it’s not your fault my bonehead brother tried to exclude you until now.”
“I’m not a bonehead!” Derek said, his tone of voice just exasperated enough that Stiles sighed, carefully extracting himself from Laura’s grasp as they slowed to a stop near the curb of Fifth Avenue, the noise from the farmers market blending in with the sound of traffic as he turned back to Derek.
“Alright, hang on, hold up,” Stiles started, his tone firm enough to stop the three wolves in their tracks, Derek and Laura wearing matching expressions of surprise as they stopped in their tracks—even Cora was peeking over her phone, clearly interested, and Stiles couldn’t blame them. It had probably been a long time since either of them had been stopped by a human.
“Laura, Derek is not a bonehead. He’s smart, and he’s sweet, and he’s very kind, and it’s okay that he’s a little more private. Yeah, he’s also a stubborn asshole, but… well, that’s one of the reasons I like him so much,” Stiles said, the first genuine smile in the entire conversation gracing his face as he looked at Derek again. “But you know your brother. Did you really think that catching him off guard across the country in person was going to be the best way to convince him to visit?”
He was fine taking their silence as an answer, honestly.
“Now, Derek, that being said, I… if you are comfortable with it, I can rearrange my plans and come down with you. If you’re not comfortable with that, that’s okay too. Meeting the family—at least, the rest of the family—is a very big step,” he continued, his words very pointed.
(Yes, Derek, meeting the family would be a very big step for someone you weren’t even dating, please pick up on the subliminal messaging here.)
“But even if you’re not comfortable with me being there, I think you should still go down. I’ll get to spend plenty of time with my dad, you shouldn’t have to be all alone up here while I’m gone.”
Moving to smooth over the lapels on Derek’s jacket again, Stiles only barely tampered down a noise of surprise as Derek intercepted his hands, pleasantly shocked by how easily Derek’s warm, smooth fingers slipped between his own lanky digits.
Stiles felt his cheeks pinks up as he cleared his throat, doing his best to act normal, because he was… well, he wasn’t lying. He had absolutely thought about Derek being alone here in New York while Stiles was gone, but that was more in the sense that Stiles would miss him.
He just didn’t know that Derek might be missing some family, too.
Besides, he may not have known that much about the intricacies of a normal, family pack, but Stiles knew enough to know that a big event like this would probably be good for Derek, even if he didn’t want to admit it.
Even if Derek was going to reject his offer and go down alone.
…because Derek was going to reject him.
Derek was going to reject him, right?
Stiles had been fairly sure of that when he offered, but judging by the way Derek couldn’t meet his eyes after something as simple as holding hands, Stiles might have just fucked himself over. Derek opened and closed his mouth twice before he finally let out a huff of air and looked up, doing a remarkably good impression of a guilty animal as he looked at Stiles.
“…you’re sure you don’t mind?”
“Derek, I wouldn’t have offered if I minded,” Stiles said, and that much was at least true—but before he could say anything else, Laura was squealing in his ear, wrapping both of them up in a hug so tight Stiles almost had to remind her that he was human, but he was able to breathe again as the car next to the curb chirped.
“Thank God, Stiles, thank you for getting through to him! Oh, Nana is gonna flip out when she hears who’s coming—Derek, you know you’ve always been her favorite—Stiles, do you have any dietary restrictions? Derek, send me his number, and—no, Cora, you are not driving us back to the airport, move your ass—“
Stiles looked up to Derek, his expression somewhere between bemused and fearful as Laura rambled on, but… well, the apologetic look that Derek had on his face wasn’t much reassurance.
“—and Stiles, you’re going to love Beacon Hills. Bye boys! See you in two weeks!”
Stiles was left, partially shellshocked as Derek’s hand slipped from his own, the need for the facade no longer essential as the shiny silver rental car pulled into traffic.
“… Derek, since when the fuck are you from Beacon Hills?”
“Scotty, stop laughing, this isn’t funny.”
“Dude, are you kidding me? This is hilarious.”
Stiles groaned as he shoved another slice of pizza into his mouth, ignoring the burning sensation that spread across his tongue as he tried to pack as much melted cheese as he could into one bite.
Scott’s apartment had been their go-to for the entire time he and Stiles had been in the city—not because it was huge and glamorous, not by any means, but Scott’s shoebox had a door between the bathroom and the living room, and therefore it was the best place for bro-time by default.
Stiles had loudly complained about the entire situation when he and Derek showed up on Scott’s stoop, firmly planting himself in his favorite of Scott’s chairs—the ‘old man’ recliner next to Scott’s little television, the game on screen forgotten as he recalled their harrowed tale.
“Stiles, if you weren’t comfortable with it, why even… okay, no, don’t you dare answer me until you swallow,” Derek snapped, and Stiles rolled his eyes as he swallowed a few times, sticking his tongue out at Derek once his mouth was empty.
“Good. Thank you for pretending to be an adult. Now, why did you even offer if it wasn’t something you were comfortable with.”
Because it was supposed to just be a gesture, Derek. Because I didn’t realize you would take it as a serious offer, Derek. Because you were supposed to say no, Derek.
… because I didn’t want you to be alone, Derek.
Honestly, as surprised as Stiles was that Derek took him up on his poorly-timed moment of goodness, he was even more surprised that after Laura drove off, when he numbly asked if Derek wanted to come over to Scott’s for some pizza, Derek actually said yes.
Derek Hale was being social. Alert the media.
(Well… maybe ‘social’ was stretching it a bit—Stiles didn’t know if it was a territory thing or what, but Derek had turned hilariously, awkwardly stiff the moment he stepped inside Scott’s apartment.)
“I offered because I’m nice, dick, but don’t even think that you can turn this on me. Derek, they knew my name. They knew what I looked like. And yeah, I mean, I’m a complete catch and all—oh fuck off, Scotty—but what in the actual, literal fuck?”
Stiles didn’t think it was possible, but somehow Derek got even more tense, shoulders tightening up toward his ears as he looked down. It took a moment before he answered, but Stiles knew by then that Derek usually had to… wind himself up to talk about some things.
“My mother lives on the opposite end of the country, and even then, she still managed to set up twenty four blind dates for me last year. Twenty four, Stiles. That’s basically one every other week. Do you have any idea how much small talk that is? And how much I hate small talk?”
Yes, Stiles thought, to both of those questions. He would never admit this out loud, of course, but thinking about one of the most intensely private people that he knew stuck at some shitty little coffee shop trying to chat with some random female on behalf of his mother was hilarious to a degree he couldn’t fathom.
It definitely wasn’t a redirection of his own… personal feelings that may or may not be directed at Derek. Not at all. Nope.
“So, around the time the spring semester started, when my mother let slide that she had passed along my number to yet another perfectly eligible barista, or something, I panicked and told her I had a boyfriend. And then she asked for a photo, and the most recent one on my phone was that selfie you sent miming your own death in the stacks, so…”
“Oh fuck, Derek,” Stiles started, downing the last of his beer. “Your big bisexual awakening wasn’t just you trying to get out of your mom setting you up on dates, right?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, ass,” Derek said, rolling his eyes as he shook his head. “The two events were completely separate.”
Stiles laughed at the thought, but even then, his mind was reeling. If this wasn’t a recent discovery, how in the fuck did Stiles miss that for so long?
“Well, you’re lucky Scotty and I had a flight booked anyway. I won’t let you face them alone, not when you have a picture perfect boyfriend to show off now—what role should I take on? Doting, love struck fool? Rebel without a care? Some sad forlorn loser who… okay, no, that one is too close to home.”
Scott stood up and laughed as Derek glared at Stiles again, but it didn’t take a genius to see the tiny smile on his face, or the way his shoulders eased as he leaned back into the couch.
“Alright, this is getting too intense a conversation while the game is on. Want another beer, Stiles? You, Derek?”
Stiles made a vaguely affirming noise as he wove his hand in Scott’s direction, eyes drawn back to Derek yet again as the other wolf politely declined, his own attention affixed to the television as the game picked back up.
Derek was… not a particularly expressive person, Stiles knew, and part of that was because Derek had what Stiles affectionately called ‘resting grumpy face’; at least, he did privately, because the one time he said it out loud Derek had thrown the Encyclopaedia of Demomorgons at his head.
So, to the outsider looking in, Derek might have just seemed uninterested in the game; but Stiles had been watching Derek work for the better part of a semester, and he knew perfectly well how to tell when Derek’s resting grumpy face formed an actual frown. Which it did. Because apparently, the Mets had personally offended him.
“I’m sorry, are you seriously glaring at the Mets? While they’re winning?”
Derek leveled Stiles with the most unimpressed glare he could as Scott laughed from his kitchen, walking back into the living room with two beers. “God, I hope he was. It would be nice to have someone with taste in the apartment for once.”
“Scotty!” Stiles gasped, clutching his heart as Scott handed him a beer, extending the claw on his thumb to pop the top off before he handed the bottle over. “The Mets are a treasure, okay? If God lived in New York, she’d be a Mets fan. I have suffered much for my Mets in my lifetime, and they—woah, Derek, you okay?”
Stiles’ charming cliches would have to wait, because when he looked over to Derek, his humor dropped immediately. Derek had gone white as a sheet, jaw slack as he stared at the beer in Stiles’ hand.
He stared back and forth between Scott and Derek, trying to figure what the hell had just happened; it wasn’t until he watched Scott pop the top off of his own beer, looking between the two of them, did Stiles put two and two together.
“Derek, you… you had to know that Scott was a were, right? Like, you had to. He—Scotty doesn’t do subtle.”
“Me?! Stiles, you called me a wet dog for like a month after I fell into the Hudson.”
Derek let out a sort of choked noise as he shut his mouth, coming back into himself as a bit of pink dusted his pale cheeks, hands moving in front of his face. “Of—of course I knew, but—you knew?!”
“Dude, I’m studying mythical lore and criminology. I’m the one who taught this furry fucker how to control himself. Of course I knew, I... oh my god. You didn’t know that I knew—uh, that I know.”
Matching looks of realization dawned on Scott and Stiles’ face as Stiles stood up, putting the beer down on the coffee table. He moved next to Derek as he sat down on the couch, keeping his movement slow, reaching out to pat Derek’s leg like he was a frail old lady.
“Derek, I know.”
After what felt like an age and a half, Derek melted into the couch, a huge sigh leaving his lips as all the tension in his body bled out like a string had been cut, burying his head in his hands.
“We’ve had arguments about wolves in pop culture. I’ve offered to help you out with your coursework every full moon for, like, the entire semester. Dude, you had to know that I knew, there’s no way I didn’t—Derek!” Stiles felt his giddy laughter bubble over as Derek shot him a red-eyed glare through his fingers, his scowl somehow less intimidating now that everything was out in the open.
Okay, Derek wasn’t just a wolf, he was an alpha. That was… interesting.
“God, you two really are perfect fake boyfriends. Two halves of a whole idiot. Derek, are you sure you don’t want a beer? Or maybe something stronger, if you have to deal with Stiles?” Scott said easily, laughing as Stiles immediately protested, though the way Stiles eased himself next to Derek wasn’t exactly subtle, either.
Scott may have been joking, but by the time finals had come and gone, Stiles had accepted the fact that he would have to forgo booze and opt for a mainline of caffeine to keep up with Derek. How one person remained so meticulously organized, Stiles would never know—but in the amount of time it took for Stiles to wrap up his grant work for the semester, Derek had given four exams, proctored three more, cleaned out his office, and shared the updated flight itinerary with Stiles.
“Wait, wait, hang on,” Stiles had said, tripping over an empty box in his tiny office as Derek handed him his updated boarding pass. “Why do we have to change our flights? Scott and I are already booked, you can probably just join us, right?”
Derek rose a perfectly sculpted brow as he tapped the ticket again, shaking his head. “Hey, I promised you’d spend as few days as possible with my family, and I intend to keep that promise. The sooner we get in, the sooner we start that clock, the sooner you get to spend the rest your time with your dad.”
Stiles blinked as he looked down to the itinerary, eyes scanning over the earlier time—and it was non-stop too. That would be a bit killer on the legs, but Stiles could handle that, maybe he could take some time to sleep or pester Derek for...
“Uh, Derek... this ticket is for first class.”
“I know, Stiles, I booked it.”
“Dude, there’s a reason Scott and I booked an economy ticket with a layover in Bismarck. There’s no way I can pay you back for this.”
If looks could kill, Stiles would be... maybe not dead, but at least set on fire. Derek sighed, as though the weight of the world was on his shoulders as he rolled his eyes.
“You’re not paying me back, dumbass. You’re already doing a ton for me with this little... charade, the least I can do is make sure your frail human body—“
”—is comfortable in a lie flat seat.”
“Look, I appreciate that, but I’m not leaving Scott alone on his flight in coach just because of our... fake... whatever.”
Stiles’ voice trailed off in curiosity as Derek sighed, his cheeks pink as he pulled the paper out of Stiles’ hand, pointing to the second half of the sheet—where MCCALL, SCOTT had been printed in big, bold letters, that Stiles had completely ignored.
“... you got Scott a ticket too?”
“Of course I did. He’s your best friend, I wasn’t going to ask you to leave him behind just for me. Besides, who do you think I got your information from to book the flight?” Derek said dryly, as though his deadpan delivery could cancel out the ruddy color to his cheeks, or the way that Stiles’ stomach flip flopped when the reality of that sunk in.
It was nice that Derek acknowledged the importance of their friendship, in the way that tugged at the little space right beneath his sternum, but something about the way Derek so quickly dismissed himself was... concerning.
Stiles couldn’t help but play that little bit of their conversation over in his head as he packed, as he hopped on the train, as he met up with Scott and Derek in security.
Scott, bless his heart, was absolutely elated—his excitement was almost tangible as they dropped off luggage, walked through security, and stood around at the boarding gate. Derek had to smack the both of them to get them to stand up when first class was called to board, and Stiles idly wondered if Derek regretted associating himself with them when he and Scott managed to trip in sync as they went down the jetway.
Derek and Stiles were seated together, of course, and once Stiles got over the novelty of not having a middle seat on a plane, he liked to imagine he fit right in—easing back into the seat, enjoying the comfort of the little blanket he had been given, grinning at the flight attendant as she checked in with them.
(Scott was one row ahead and across the aisle, close enough that Stiles could lean forward and smack him if he wanted to... but the moment Stiles saw his seat mate, a pretty woman with dark hair and impeccable eyeliner, he knew his best bro would be on a different planet for the entirety of the flight.)
His grin slipped a little bit, though, as he thought back to the conversation surrounding the tickets, and he looked up to Derek as he settled in a bit further.
“So, we never went over what role I should be taking on.”
“Stiles, just be yourself. You’re funny enough, and you generally mean well, they’ll love who you are.”
Yeah… who he was. Well, who he was was someone who was going to be dangerously invested in a fake relationship that would probably end terribly for him, so that was fun. He sighed as he settled into the seat, opening and closing his mouth a few times as he debated on where to go from here.
No time like a non stop plane ride to have a potentially awkward conversation, right?
“Dude, we’re friends, right?”
“We’re fake boyfriends, don’t call me dude.”
Derek’s tone was teasing as he flipped through his SkyMall, a small smile on his face, and Stiles felt a little bit of the tension ease out of his shoulders as he buckled in.
“First of all, I have called many boyfriends ‘dude’ before,” Stiles started, ignoring Derek’s snort of laughter, “and I’m being serious. We... we are friends, right?”
Be it his words or his awkward energy, Derek looked up, surprise on his face as he closed the magazine and stowed it away as the plane bumped down the taxiway.
“Of course we are, Stiles. You’re like... the only person I talk to at work outside of teaching, that’s light years ahead of most of New York as a whole.”
“I mean, I’m glad to hear, I just...” Stiles chewed on his lip as he turned in his seat, weirdly soothed by the roar of the engines as the takeoff roll started. “You know about my dad, and about my school, and about Scott, and those are basically the three important things in my life,” he started, letting out a sigh as Derek just stared at him blankly.
“It’s fine that you’re a private person, I can respect that... seriously, I may not understand it, but I can respect it,” Stiles said, grinning as Derek shot him a look, lowering his voice again as he leaned over the divider between them. “But I didn’t know that you were from my hometown, too. Or that you had sisters, let alone other family. I should have asked, I guess, but... you know you can talk to me about things, yeah? Even after all this is over, you’ll always be Derek to me. Not just another Hale.”
Stiles’ was smiling as he gently bumped Derek’s shoulder with his own, watching the way different emotions warred over his face, biting back on the urge to babble on so he could give Derek the time he needed to respond.
“We’re... we are friends, Stiles. We are.” Derek insisted, looking down to his linked hands as the plane continued to rise. “Sometimes, I just... I’m not great about talking about myself.”
For a while, Stiles thought that was all he was going to get, and honestly, he was fine with it—it wasn’t until the fasten seatbelt sign chimed off and the flight attendants passed out little bottles of water that Derek spoke again, his voice low as he cleared his throat.
“My family is huge. Like, big enough that we need spreadsheets and flowcharts to organize family events like this. I know they love me, and I love them too, of course I do, but I made some really, really stupid decisions when I was younger… I know they forgave me for it, but...”
Derek sighed, taking a deep breath as he ran his hands through his hair.
“Sometimes it’s hard to be around them and still be okay with myself, you know?”
No, Stiles didn’t know. He only had his dad and Scott growing up, but he nodded his head encouragingly as he took a sip of his water.
“I actually have four siblings. Mark is the oldest, and then Taylor, and I’m right between Laura and Cora. They’re betas, like my dad; my mom and I are both alphas, her mom, too…” Derek continued, and Stiles smiled as he settled into his seat.
By the time the flight landed, Stiles’ head was full to the brim with Hale family trivia, names, faces, teasing stories, and the warmth that had danced across Stiles’ chest for the past year or so had bloomed into a full-on fire.
Would it lead to his downfall? Probably.
But when he saw how Derek smiled when he remembered Mark’s graduating medical school, or heard the pride in his voice when he talked about Laura’s charity work, and the genuine joy he got to see when he heard another story about Derek’s childhood… well, that was all more than worth it.
“I think you should kiss me.”
Stiles had to stop himself from laughing at the look that Derek shot him, doing his best to keep his body language casual as he leaned against the gas pump at a tiny station outside of Beacon Hills, though he knew his heart was going at about a million miles a minute.
“Derek, I’m an affectionate dude, in case you couldn’t tell from all the hand holding. And if you’re going to freak out if I kiss your cheek, then you should freak out now, not when we’re in front of your family.”
Stiles knew full well his heart betrayed his confidence, but seeing Derek’s ears go pink as he dumped the armful of snacks Stiles had asked for into the back seat was a welcome sight—it was always nice to know that Derek’s cool and controlled exterior could be ruffled up once in a while.
Somewhere between the rental kiosk and the gas station, Stiles had decided that he was going to go all in on this. His little crush was already stuck right in the back of his throat and would be unlikely to dislodge any time soon, so he figured that indulging himself in the fake relationship Derek had set up for him… well, it wouldn’t do any good, but it was unlikely to make things worse for him than it already was.
It was a little weird being alone with Derek—Stiles didn’t realize it until now, but between meeting Derek’s sisters and meeting the rest of their family, this was the first time they had been alone together. They had other staff members at school, or strangers around the city, or Scott (who had politely declined a ride back to Beacon Hills with Derek and Stiles, choosing instead to split an Uber with his pretty new friend, Kira).
“You know, as far as first kisses go, usually they’re a little more romantic than just a demand. You’re supposed to woo me, Stiles,” Derek said, his sarcastic tone betrayed by his shy little smile as he pulled the nozzle out of his tank, closing the gas cap as Stiles gasped in mock offense.
“Hey, I said you should kiss me, not the other way around. Why should I have to be the one to woo?” Stiles started, sliding into the passenger’s seat as Derek followed suit. “After all, this relationship wouldn’t have even happened without your instigation, so why should I… uh… Der?”
Stiles’ voice trailed off as Derek’s hand sunk into the soft crook at the juncture of his neck, effectively cutting off his entire train of thought as Derek’s thumb pressed against the hollow of his jaw.
“I’m going to kiss you now.”
For a minute, all Stiles could think of were those cheesy old rom-coms, where fireworks would go off, or bells would chime, but kissing Derek was nothing like that. It was the comfort of wrapping yourself in an electric blanket, instead of the shock of jumping into a frozen pond; the familiar buzz of goosebumps over his skin over a bolt of lightning. He felt a surprised little noise leave his chest as Derek’s tilted his head to deepen the kiss, his tongue flicking out instinctively to drag along Derek’s bottom lip, hands coming up to rest against the wolves chest.
Stiles could feel his heart beating through every inch of his skin as the kiss broke, struggling to remind himself how to breathe as he opened his eyes again, his nose brushing against Derek’s as he let out a little huff of a laugh.
“Was that enough woo for you?” Derek asked, his voice barely more than a whisper, and Stiles smiled as he nodded his head, savoring the way that neither of them moved back. Derek’s hand was warm against the crook of his jaw, his own palm flat against Derek's chest, and it was natural, it was so nice, it was—
Fake. It was all fake.
Stiles sighed, closing his eyes as he gently leaned in and pressed their foreheads together, that mantra playing through his head as he pulled himself back. He buckled himself in easily as he took in a deep breath, his goofy grin still in place as he looked back up to Derek.
“See? Now you can honestly tell your mom we had our first kiss at a gas station and that it was magical and I totally rocked your world.”
“Is that what happened, though? I mean, if you wanted me to kiss you so badly, you should have just asked,” Derek said, the sarcasm thick in his voice as he started the car, and Stiles laughed as they pulled out of the lot, his hand finding Derek’s easily once again.
Their silence remained comfortable as they left the city skyline behind and basically blew through Beacon Hills, the trees inching closer to the road as they wound through the preserve.
Finishing off a bag of M&M’s, Stiles cleared his throat as he crumpled up the wrapper and chucked it in the back seat, sucking a little bit of melted chocolate off of his thumb. “So. Is this regular introducing-the-boyfriend-to-the-family nerves I’m looking at here, or is this introducing-the-fake-boyfriend-to-the-family nerves? You don’t have any weirdos in your family, do you? An ex-felon auntie? A cousin who doesn’t quite get personal space?”
Stiles grinned as Derek laughed, oddly comforted by the sound as Derek shook his head. “Nothing exciting. A weird uncle, I guess. Lots of cousins, you should basically abandon any idea of personal space as soon as we walk in, and plenty of human family, too—so you won’t be alone in that. As far as felons go, well… none of us have been caught?”
“Hey, game recognizes game, it doesn’t count if you don’t get caught. And I can work with a weird uncle.” Stiles laughed at the sheepish look that Derek shot his way, his fingers still happily wrapped up in Derek’s warm hands. He could almost feel it when they crossed over onto the Hale land, the huge, white house as much of a giveaway as the shrieks of joy that even Stiles could hear from the property.
“They’re gonna love you, you know?” Derek’s voice was soft as he pulled the rental into a long row of cars, nearly lining the road leading up to the house, and Stiles felt the snarky remark die on his tongue as Derek caught his eye, his expression somewhere between grateful and wistful as he turned the car off.
“Maybe, but…” Stiles sighed as he popped his door open, chewing over his next words carefully. “But if they do, it’s because they already love you.”
He took it as a personal victory when Derek turned away, his ears pink again, and Stiles couldn’t help but grin as he followed the werewolf up the path to his family home.
The Hale House was probably as huge and impressive as the Hale family itself from the outside, and Stiles did his best not to gape like a fool as Derek opened the door for him, his hand finding the small of Stiles’ back as they stepped into the house. Polished floors, huge, high windows, a grand staircase that was the definition of grand, and—
—and another unfairly attractive Hale moving forward to greet them. Tall, broad, dark hair with just a splash of salt around the temples and the goatee, shining a million watt smile on Derek and Stiles as he wiped his hands on his probably-uncomfortably-tight jeans.
Jesus, was everyone in this family gorgeous? Stiles was going to get a complex.
He looked up as the stranger and Derek briefly hugged, watching the halfway-subtle way they scented one another, Mark’s head buried in Derek’s neck for a half moment before they pulled away. If Stiles strained his ear, he could have heard something along the lines of ‘be nice’ as Derek pulled back; if the situation weren’t so funny, Stiles probably would have blushed.
“Don’t listen to him, I’m always nice. I’m Mark, and you…” Mark started, his million watt smile back in place as his eyes dragged over Stiles’ body, “... you must be Stiles.” Stiles snorted as Mark pulled him into an easy hug, catching Stiles just a little off-guard as he was wrapped in another pair of arms.
Apparently Derek’s family was an affectionate bunch. Stiles didn’t know if it was a wolf thing or a Hale thing, but either way, it was good to know.
“Mark, uh, Seattle, right? You’re the surgeon?” Stiles asked, clearing his throat as the hug carried on just a bit too long, regaining some footing in the introduction as he pulled back. “Derek’s told me a lot about you.”
That was… mostly true, Derek had told him enough about Mark to thoroughly embarrass the older male, and Mark looked like he expected nothing less as he laughed, holding Stiles’ shoulders as he stood at arms length. “Yeah, I’m sure he did, but it’s probably all garbage. After all, how can you really describe a wonder like me in words, huh?”
He actually winked, and Stiles honestly couldn’t believe that this dude was for real.
“Der, nice job with this one. He’s cute. Kid, is my brother treating you well? Cause, you know, if Hale is your taste, you can do much better than—”
“Oh, lighten up Der-bear, there isn’t enough Botox in the world to get rid of those scowl lines. It was a joke. Now come on, everyone’s out back.”
Stiles laughed again as Mark put Derek in an easy headlock, ruffling up his hair as he led them outside, immediately filing ‘Der-bear’ away for future use as they stepped out into the backyard.
The backyard, which was absolutely filled with Hales.
He felt his heart do a funny little lurch as he was hit with the sheer family of it all—all dark haired, all gorgeous, and for just a moment, he wanted to smack Derek upside the head. There were probably generations of Hales here; Derek had all this family, this built in support group, and he was just going to spend the summer holed up in New York?
“Alright, Siles, we’re gonna keep you in with the main family and keep you away from the cousins,” Mark started, artfully ignoring the way Derek was swatting at him. “Uncle Peter all but insisted that Mom come pick him up, so you’ll get to avoid them until later tonight, but who you really want to watch out for is—“
“Is that my grandbaby?!”
Mark stiffened as Derek perked up, and Stiles couldn’t help but snicker as a bony hand shot up, grabbing Mark by the scruff of his neck, pulling him off of Derek with a flourish that would probably seem overly dramatic if Stiles didn’t know just how much werewolf strength was packed behind it.
“Hi, Nana.”
Stiles couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as Derek leaned in to wrap his arms around the older woman—she was a good foot shorter than he was, her movements loud, with light skinned with the same tell-tale black hair that the rest of the family had. What caught Stiles’ eye, though, was the way Derek scented her—it was the same way Mark scented him, a familial nudge that Stiles read easily as a sign of deference.
Whoever this Nana was, she was clearly the woman in charge here.
“You know, we’re all technically her grandbabies,” Mark started as he reappeared at Stiles’ shoulder, rubbing the back of his neck, his childish pout painfully obvious as he pointed his words. “But you wouldn’t know it with the blatant favoritism she shows for Derek!”
“Mark, don’t be such a baby,” Nana Hale said as she pulled back from Derek’s hug, patting his cheek affectionately. She raised a brow in a spectacularly unimpressed fashion as she turned to look at her eldest grandson, sighing in mock disappointment. “Not that I thought a career based off of liposuction and face lifts would have brought you some maturity.”
“That’s—I don’t just do—Nana!”
“Now, who do we have here? Derek, are you going to introduce me to your special friend?”
Ignoring Mark’s protests easily as she turned her attention, Stiles felt his heart pick up again, his eyes flicking to Derek as he beamed; Stiles wasn’t sure if he was happy to see Mark get smacked down, or if he was happy to introduce Stiles, but Stiles would have literally killed a man to see Derek smile that brightly on a regular basis.
“Nana, this is my boyfriend, Stiles Stilinski. Stiles, this is my grandmother, Ger—“
“Nana Hale will do just fine, thank you very much,” she interrupted, pulling a face that made Stiles grin—he could absolutely relate to someone who would rather set their birth name on fire than own up to it. “Now, come here, let me get a look at you.”
Stiles stepped forward and hesitated a half moment, not sure if he should try one last time for a handshake or wait for her to initiate a hug, but before he could make up his mind she had her hands clasped on his elbows, a grip like iron stopping him in his tracks.
“Scrawny little thing, aren’t you? We’ll take care of that, don’t you worry. It’s good to meet you, sweetheart, let’s get you some food.”
“It’s good to meet you too—and some food sounds great,” Stiles said with a laugh, ignoring the fact that he was still full of junk food as Nana Hale all but preened beside him. Her grip was gentle but unyielding as she dragged him to a table that was piled with food, giving a half wave to Laura and Cora, who were stationed beside a punch bowl the size of a fish tank as he kept himself a half step behind Nana.
Stiles wasn’t dumb, okay? He knew how to make nice with wolves, and more importantly, he knew how to be subtle.
(He didn’t like it, but he knew how to do it.)
“Uncle Derek! Get Uncle Derek!!”
Thankfully, the moment was over in a flash as Stiles heard a familiar name called out in a high pitched squeal, looking back out to the yard where a hoard of kids had just caught sight (or scent?) of Derek, immediately abandoning the rough-and-tumble games they seemed to be wrapped up in to run toward Derek as fast as their little legs could carry them.
Derek immediately tensed, a manic grin on his face as he prepared to run, body twitching as he caught himself before taking off. He sent a look Stiles’ way that was somehow both apologetic and asking remission, and Stiles sighed as he smiled.
“You better run, Uncle Derek. They’re gonna get you,” Stiles said mock-seriously, only barely keeping a straight face as Derek instead ran straight to the kids, making all sorts of comedic noises as they mobbed his legs.
Fuck, he was cute.
Stiles’ attention was pulled off of Derek as he felt eyes on him, subtly scanning the yard before he made eye contact with another adult in the family, who was very shirtless, and very sweaty, and very much walking toward them with a bright smile on his face.
Okay, Stiles was definitely getting a complex.
“You must be Stiles!” he exclaimed once he was closer to their little group, and Stiles had never been as thankful for a child as he was for the tiny body perched on top of the other males shoulders, because he was just about at his ‘hugging gorgeous people’ limit. He was still sweating, for fucks sake, but Stiles supposed that even a wolf got tired out when they had eight kids hanging from their body until Uncle Derek stepped in.
“I am, and…” Stiles was about to assume this was the firefighter sibling, but as soon as he opened his mouth, the kid on top of his shoulders smiled, and Stiles was absolutely smitten. “And who is this little guy?”
The distraction was apparently a welcome one, because shirtless dude’s smile grew even wider, reaching up to pat the kid on a mop of curly hair before he lifted him up and over, holding him at chest level. “This is Isaac. Isaac, can you say hi to Stiles? He’s your uncle Derek’s special friend.”
Stiles literally felt his heart melt as Isaac gave a shy little wave, looking up at him with big blue eyes. He couldn’t have been older than three or four, and Stiles smiled and waved back as Isaac was set down on the ground.
“You wanna go play with Uncle D?” Any hint of shyness was forgotten the moment the question was asked, taking off toward Derek as fast as his little legs could carry him, which… wasn’t very fast, but was very, very cute.
“They all yours?” Stiles asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked over to Derek, who now had at least six kids hanging off of him. He smiled as the other male shivered, shaking his head quickly.
“God no, just the three. Erica and Boyd, and Isaac too, now that the adoption has been finalized. Those kids basically run the joint, Derek included—as long as you don’t mind the occasional toddler mobbing, you’ll fit in just fine.”
“Thanks, random shirtless man, I really hope so.”
Stiles grinned as Laura choked on a mouthful of punch, the weirdness of the situation apparently just now visible to her as she sputtered, punching her brother in the arm. “Oh god, Taylor, what is wrong with you! Go put on a shirt, you can’t just—you didn’t even introduce yourself, I swear—Stiles is a guest, you weirdo!”
They kept bickering back and forth as Taylor pulled an undershirt on over his head, the whining turning into background noise as he poured himself a glass of punch. He knew perfectly well what Laura was trying to say—Stiles is a human—and he was pretty sure he was mostly flattered by everyone trying so hard, but any coherent thought left his head as he took a bite of the ribs, watching Nana Hale grin out of the corner of his eyes as he groaned in delight.
“God, they really do have Derek wrapped around their pudgy fingers,” Cora mused, and Stiles nodded his head, swallowing. It was honestly hilarious to watch Derek try to manage all those kids by himself; they seemed determined to pile themselves onto his head and shoulders, and he could almost see Derek sweat, trying to make sure he didn’t drop anyone as Isaac managed to wriggle his way into Derek’s grip.
He tilted his head in consideration, taking a sip of his drink before he spoke up.
“Yeah, he always did strike me as that kind of Alpha.”
He couldn’t help but savor the way the conversation ground to a halt around him, Laura and Taylor both sucking in a deep breath as Mark shattered the glass he was holding. There probably was a better way to acknowledge that he was in on the secret, but as funny as it was watching Derek’s siblings tiptoe around the fact, he figured it was best to rip the bandaid off in one go.
Even if it meant he had the attention of the Hales closest to him in one second, flat, Nana’s burning red from where she stood with a plate piled high with food.
He probably should have been nervous, but as he looked back at Derek, he could tell it was the right choice—Derek was all smiles, waiting only a beat before he popped his fangs and playfully snapped at one of his little nieces, the air soon full of squealing laughter once again.
Keeping his gaze even, Stiles smiled in thanks as he took the plate of food Nana offered to him, watching as her eyes melted back into their darker, human color. She was staring at him like he was a particularly complex puzzle, and she wasn’t alone—Cora looked hilariously outraged that she didn’t realize sooner, and even Mark was looking over him with renewed interest as his hand healed.
“I knew you were a smart boy. He told you?”
Nana’s question was accusing, but not unkind, and Stiles shrugged it off easily as he popped a chip into his mouth.
“He didn’t have to. My best friend was bitten when we were both fifteen. He didn’t have… anything, no alpha, no pack, just me and my mad Googling skills, and we’ve had plenty of supernatural run-ins over the years. Derek didn’t tell me because he didn’t have to tell me—I’m not anything special, but I’d like to think I can spot a non-human from at least fifty feet. Maybe more on a good day.”
“Well, that’s where you’re wrong.”
Stiles jumped as he heard Derek’s voice from behind him, and it truly was a credit to his poise and sophistication that he only blushed a little as Derek’s arm snaked around his waist. His body was warm, far warmer than it had been ten minutes ago, and Derek’s breath came a little heavy as he kissed the back of Stiles’ head.
“You are definitely something special.”
“You—you absolute cheeseball, what is wrong with you—” Stiles managed to get out as he shoved at Derek’s shoulder, his entire face burning red as Laura and Cora both gagged. Any residual awkwardness melted away as Nana’s sharp laugh cut through the air, the sound putting him back at ease as he leaned back into Derek’s warmth.
Somewhere between the fortieth round of storytelling and the gathering moving back into the house, Stiles needed a breather. Derek’s family was huge, and loud, and honestly, Stiles loved it—but it wasn’t long before he felt an itch beneath his skin, his fingers buzzing against his thigh, the muscles in his jaw a little too tight.
Stiles had expected Derek to be pretty popular in the family—what he didn’t expect, though, was that he would be anything more than an introduction and the same polite questions that everyone gave the new boyfriend.
“Wait, no fucking way did the two of you take down a Kanima, Stiles, I’m calling bullshit right now—“
Derek’s siblings were great, but they were also the worst; the minute they found out that Stiles had his own supernatural background, they were pestering him for stories, demanding his opinion of things, getting more and more exasperated with his entire life the more he shared.
Stiles knew that his life was crazy, okay? He didn’t need the constant reminders or the slack-jawed shocked expressions to reinforce that fact.
“Jesus, we didn’t even know that there were any wendigos in the state, and you knew an entire family of them?”
The only stories he flat out refused to talk about were the… issues he had had with hunters through high school—this was a party, after all, and he didn’t want to be the one to bring the vibe down by talking about the one time an assassin held a gun to his head to try and draw Scott out.
Fun times.
“What do you mean, you just know a banshee? And set her up with a hellhound? Dude, who are you?!”
Kissing Derek had, oddly enough, only exasperated the situation. In less than a day, they had gotten better at trading little affections back and forth; but instead of helping Stiles calm down, they only increased that thrumming nerves that bounced around at the base of his skull.
Which sucked, honestly, because kissing Derek was… really, really nice.
Stiles waited until another cousin who’s name he would never remember caught Derek up in a conversation about another tradition he couldn’t follow before he squeezed Derek’s hand, taking the opportunity to stand up from his spot on the couch and slip away.
The Hale House was huge, and outside was no exception; Stiles soon found himself on the porch, a huge wraparound wooden structure with built-in benches that let you enjoy the kind of view that made Stiles remember why he loved home so much. He treated himself to a few pictures of the sunset over Beacon Canyon before he flopped himself down on a bench, rubbing at his neck.
“Stiles? Everything alright?”
He had half expected Derek to follow him out after a few moments—but to his surprise, it was Nana Hale that sat beside him, her cheeks still pink with laughter as she tucked a jet black flyaway behind an ear.
“Is—oh, no, it’s great! Just wanted to, uh, snap a few pictures of the view.”
Another half truth—he was full to bursting with those lately.
“I know that our family can be… a little overwhelming,” she said, her tone even as she rose a brow, keeping her gaze forward as her fingers drummed a pattern into her knee.
Stiles hummed in agreement, his own smile a touch more genuine as he looked over to her. “Maybe, but that’s not a bad thing. When I was growing up, I spent so much time wondering what it would be like, to have siblings, and cousins, and… well, it might be a lot, but it’s a lot of love, too. I’m really glad Derek has that kind of support.”
Nana’s fingers stilled against her knee as she turned to face Stiles, and for the first time, Stiles was really able to get a good look at her properly. He could understand why she was the matriarch of the family, and how she had kept that title so long; even if he hadn’t witnessed her taking Mark down less than four hours ago, there was a whole other kind of strength that she was showing here, radiating off of her in waves.
“He does. But he doesn’t just have us for love and support... or was I reading the way you look at him wrong?” Her tone was teasing as she rose her brow, and Stiles felt his cheeks pink up spectacularly as he coughed, his eyes flashing back to the window for only a moment before Nana patted his knee.
“Don’t worry, the house is completely soundproof. Those nosy little pups can’t hear a word we say. Now tell me, how long have you been in love with my grandson?”
Now fully, beautifully red, Stiles groaned as he hid his face in his hands, Nana’s laughter ringing strong and clear as she stood up and walked toward the railing. “Oh don’t be so dramatic, I have no intention of spoiling that surprise until you’re ready to really woo him with it. And you’d better woo him! You know as well as I do that he deserves the romancing.”
Her tone softened as she chuckled, trailing off with a sigh and a sort of wistful smile as she shook her head. “New York has been good to him. You have, too, I think. California was… a rough part in his life.”
Something in the way she phrased it got the investigative side of his brain thrumming, his curiosity piqued as he remembered what Derek said on the plane.
‘I know they forgave me, but… sometimes it’s hard to be around them and still be okay with myself, you know?’
The nosy part of him wanted to pry, to dig a little more, but his eyes flicked back to the window again, where Derek and all four of his siblings were doing a terrible job at acting like they weren't trying to stare him down.
“Whatever it is, I’m sure he’ll tell me when he’s ready.”
Apparently, that was the right answer—Nana’s face softened again as she smiled, nodding her head, beckoning Stiles into standing up. She put her hand in the crook of his elbow easily, steering them back toward the house in a way that allowed no room for compromise.
“You are going to be good for my Der-bear, I know it.”
“Oh, I mean, I hope so. Derek deserves that, and I definitely—“
“Just let him be good for you, too.”
She reached up and patted Stiles cheek as he stared at her, dumbfounded, automatically opening the door for her as she walked back into the house. His expression was mirrored in the matching expressions of slack-jawed shock from all five Hale siblings, all staring at Stiles as Nana started in on another family story that would be sure to embarrass Mark, or Laura, or anyone who wasn’t Derek.
He meant what he said, of course. Derek deserved someone who would be good for him.
Somehow, that was the problem here.
“Stiles, you reek of nerves. All I can smell is nerves and bell peppers. It’s not a good smell. Are you going to tell me what you’re freaking out about, or what?”
Stiles jolted as Derek called him out so effortlessly, pulled out of the trance he had fallen into as he watched Derek work, pushing around some of the barbecue from the night prior with some fresh chopped veggies into a delightful spur of the moment stir fry.
Derek was also as dressed down as Stiles had ever seen him, in a light grey henley and a dark pair of jeans, and that was even more delightful than the stir fry.
“Wait, you—that’s just something you can do? Oh god, your entire family must have known how nervous I was yesterday, did they—“
“Stiles. Breathe.”
Right. Breathing. He could do that.
…. maybe.
The truth was, Stiles could honestly say that he was having a great time back in Beacon Hills.
Derek and his family were great, no lie, and fake relationship aside, the researcher in him was absolutely thriving seeing how a huge, well-established pack worked with one another. They were literally a well oiled machine, the personification of the old ‘it takes a village’ metaphor, and the only thing that amazed Stiles more than how well they worked together was how well they adapted to Stiles being there.
Of course, he thought a big part of that came from having the Alphas on his side—not just Derek, but Nana too.
(“I can’t believe she hugged you,” Laura had hissed after yet another glass of infused punch. “When she met my last boyfriend, she threw him off the porch.”
“Well, Stiles is a fragile little human,” Taylor had snorted, ignoring the way Stiles smacked his arm, “and Hank was a major, prolapsed asshole.”
“Well yeah, but that’s not the point!”)
As great as Derek and his family was though, getting to come home and surprise his dad early… well, there was no place on the planet he would rather be than wrapped in a signature Stilinski hug, the kind of hug where you held on just a little longer than you needed to so you can pretend you definitely weren’t crying.
He got to watch a game with his dad, he got to sleep in his old, lumpy-ass childhood bed, he got to make breakfast in his mom’s kitchen.
So yeah. Great time.
Or at least, it had been, until a text rolled through after he kissed his dad goodbye that morning.
der-bear: Do you want to come over for lunch? Nana has everyone out of the house, Mom and Uncle Peter showed up this morning and he’s already driving everyone crazy.
sent: sure man. want me to bring anything? :)
der-bear: Don’t worry about it. Besides, I figure we should talk before the bonfire anyway.
And just like that, something brought around a cloud to rain on Stiles’ parade.
“Is it about tonight?” Derek asked, and if Stiles’ hadn’t been so laser focused on his cooking technique (his arms, okay, he was staring at Derek’s arms) he probably would have missed the way Derek hesitated when he asked, like he was afraid of the answer.
He picked himself up off of the barstool at the island in their gigantic kitchen, leaning against the counter closer to Derek, reaching in to pluck a chunk of onion out of the pan, skillfully avoiding the swat from Derek’s wooden spoon. “What do you mean?”
“Well, you… You know we’re looking forward to having you with us, right?” Derek asked, spooning some of the food onto two separate plates, using his claws to rip two fresh chunks of bread off of a loaf. “But if you don’t… I mean, I just don’t want you to feel like you have to be there if you don’t want to.”
Stiles frowned as he accepted one of the plates, pulling the smaller chunk of bread off of one of Derek’s claws, mulling his next words over. “As long as you want me there I’ll be there,” Stiles said slowly, because there really was no way to politely say that Stiles would rather throw himself into the sun before his mythical lore studying ass missed out on observing pack activity on a blue moon.
“Why would you think I didn’t want you there?” Derek asked, looking like he was offended at the very notion, sliding a fork to Stiles as he sat down at the countertop, that offended look only growing as Stiles snorted.
“I dunno, I thought you might have changed your mind about it. Dude, you sent me a ‘we should talk’ text. I’m no expert, but I know that nothing good follows a ‘we should talk’ text,” Stiles said around a mouth full of bread, but any degree of playful levity he had gone for was sapped out of his voice the moment he saw Derek look back down at his plate.
“That, uh. I do think we should talk, but not about that. Stiles, I...”
Ah, fuck. Derek’s ears were pink again, and for once, Stiles thought that was a bad thing.
Stiles did his best not to panic as he thought through things, wondering what he had fucked up, because he just knew he had fucked up a little something. Maybe he had come on a little too strong last night, maybe he had gotten too comfortable with his crush, maybe—
“I was thinking that maybe… we shouldn’t be faking this anymore.”
—or maybe, he had fucked up a whole lot of everything.
Stiles felt his heart sink through his shoes as he swallowed his bread, his appetite suddenly gone. He brushed his hands on his jeans, giving a few short nods, swallowing again as he pushed back from the table a little bit. He thought for a moment that he should argue against it, but Derek had a sad puppy expression splashed across his face, and Stiles wasn’t strong against that on a good day.
He could feel Derek’s eyes tracking him as he started to move, standing up and starting an easy track around the kitchen, flexing his fingers before he rubbed his palm with his thumbs, an old habit he had thought he had kicked back when he graduated from Berkeley.
“I think, uh, maybe you should wait until you’re back in New York to tell your family?” Stiles started, missing the tiny smile on Derek’s face before it melted into a look of confusion. “You should tell them I broke up with you, not the other way around, I don’t mind being the bad guy,” he added, staring down at his hands.
“Wait, Stiles—“
“No, seriously, it’s fine,” Stiles interrupted, putting a smile back on his face, because he knew this was going to be coming at some point. Derek had made up their entire relationship, and Stiles had worked hard to remember that the reality of it was… that it wasn’t reality. He was the one with the inconvenient crush, he was the one who had gotten stupid. This was all on him, and taking the high road to bow out gracefully would be too.
Or, at least, it should have been. But Derek had abandoned his seat as well, halfway following Stiles in his trail around the kitchen, putting his arm out against a countertop to stop Stiles at a turn.
“I said I wanted to stop faking, Stiles.”
Hell, when had Derek gotten so close to him? Stiles blinked as he backed up against the counter, Derek’s arms closing him in, and suddenly he was getting an up close and personal look at Derek’s lips, and his eyes, and the way the blush was going back up his ears, and—
...why was Derek blushing?
“I never said anything about wanting you to leave.”
But why would Stiles be staying if… oh. Oh.
Realization dawned on Stiles’ face as Derek blushed and looked down, moving his hands a little bit closer against the counter, and Stiles felt a shiver run down his spine as he felt Derek’s thumb settle right along his hip. He had to clear his throat before he could speak, swallowing down the hope that was threatening to bubble over, chewing on his lip as he put one hand on Derek’s chest, the other gently tipping his head back to look him in the eye.
“Dude, if you’re saying what I think you’re saying, you gotta spell it out, I’ve had a crush on you for like forever and if I’m mis-reading this—”
“I told you. I’m your boyfriend, don’t call me dude.”
Stiles laughed again, elation making him feel light and giddy, finally breaking eye contact with Derek as he felt his own blush burn through the back of his neck.
“Stay, Stiles. You belong here. With me.”
Rather than even try to form a coherent response, Stiles dropped one of his hands, cheeks still a ruddy color as he looped a finger into one of the belt loops on Derek’s designer jeans, pulling him just that much closer.
“I’m going to kiss you now.”
“Oh, thank God—"
Yeah, Stiles thought hours later, still feeling the warmth of Derek’s smile against his lips as howls sounded off around the Hale House, moonlight swirling around him from the vantage point he had on the porch.
This was exactly where he belonged.
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pricklerick · 3 years
Okay, let’s talk about Beth.
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I think the fandom tends to forget how fucking young she is.
Beth got pregnant with Summer when she was seventeen. Canonically, Summer is seventeen. That means Beth can’t be more than 35 in the pilot. At the risk of sounding like an old fart: dude, she’s just a baby. 
Let’s see what we can infer from this information. 
Did you guys know that the prerequisites for veterinary school and medical school are pretty much identical? Basically, it’s four years of undergraduate biology and chemistry, with maybe some math and physics thrown in for fun.
With this in mind, ti’s likely that Beth still planned to go to medical school after she had Summer. We know that Summer is Beth’s favorite child (Morty’s Mindblowers). On top of that, there’s evidence to support that Beth had a pretty big hand in raising baby Summer, while Jerry may have had more of an influence on Morty. Remember this little exchange in Raising Gazorpazorp?
Morty: What do I do if it cries?
Beth: Then you put it down and let it cry itself out.
Jerry: Yeah, right, we tried that technique on Summer, and she's gonna end up stripping, isn't she? Yes, she is. She's gonna strip for attention because she was denied it.
Beth: Stop filling it with your own insecurity! You're gonna turn it into Morty -- uh, mm -- more  -- more of you!
This suggests that Beth kept baby Summer at hime during the day while Jerry worked. It’s easy to imagine Beth taking night classes as the local university, studying like mad to keep a competitive GPA, and justifying her indifference to Summer as “good parenting.”
Beth has Morty when she’s about twenty. This falls a little into headcnon territory, but I think that Beth was a year ahead if her peers academically and probably started college at seventeen. Based on this headcanon, I’m going to say she’s a junior in when Morty is born. 
I think the show makes it pretty obvious that Morty is a mistake. If you really want to get dark, I kind of like the idea of Jerry sabotaging Beth’s birth control in order to get her pregnant because he’s resentful fo her desire for a career in medicine. He sees it as abandonment or some shit, and he also can’t handle the ego-blow of his wife being a doctor. But that’s just a personal theory. Regardless, I think it’s clear that Beth Smith didn’t want to be saddled with another kid.
She probably didn’t want to be saddled with the first. 
Making it through medical school with a toddler is a fucking challenge. Making it through medical school with a toddler and a baby, with a husband who is nebulously supportive at best; well, Beth is a smart woman. She knows an impossibility when she sees one.
Beth is twenty years old, and her dreams have been shattered by her husband and children. I’m sure Jerry makes her feel pretty guilty about how much their family would sacrifice if she continued to pursue her goal of being a surgeon.
Four years, Beth, and the five more years of residency! And you’re talking about fellowship after that! The kids would be teenagers! And how are we going to pay the bills??
Beth settles on vet school for several reasons. First of all - and you better believe she tells Jerry this - what the hell is she going to do with a bachelor’s degree in biology? Teach high school? Even Jerry knows that’s off the table.
But Beth’s already got the prerequisites for acceptance into vet school. Unlike medicine, there’s no residency required to practice as a vet, just four years of graduate study. Some of that is clinical rotations, a much better schedule for balancing family life and academics. Beth tells herself that being a vet is the same as being a doctor; after all, humans are just primates. Besides, there are less than one tenth as many vet schools as there are med schools in the United Staes - it’s just as competitive, more competitive, vein, to become a vet than it is to become a doctor. Sure, she’ll take a pay cut, but she’ll rack up considerably less debt in the process. 
Beth convinces herself that it will all balance out in the end.
She’s a competitive student with a stellar GPA. At barely 22 years old, Beth is accepted into one of the top veterinary promos in the nations, no problem. Jerry pretends to be proud. They don’t even have to move far from Muskegon, but Jerry takes a lower paying position that allows him to take care of the kids while Beth attends class. 
Summer is five years old and startlingly independent. Already, she despises her father. Jerry tells himself that he’s always wanted a son anyway. Morty is young and impressionable, and Beth is never around. 
“It’s just you and me, buddy!”
Beth finishes school in four years. She’s 26, Summer is nine, and Morty is five. She takes a job in a clinic, and for a while, things are okay.
But when she turns 29, something inside Beth snaps. Her twenties are gone. Here she is, mindlessly writing antibiotic orders and spaying cats. Summer is a preteen, Morty is whatever he is. Jerry got a promotion at work, despite his useless civics degree? And Beth?
Beth is bored. 
She briefly entertains the idea of returning to medical school, but dismisses it instantly. Her classmates would be so much younger. They’d find out about her background as a vet and they’d laugh at her. Jerry would whine incessantly. It feels too much like starting over.
So, again, Beth settles for the next best thing.
“I’ve applied for a residency program,” she tells Jerry one evening over a glass of wine.
Three years, she promises. Three years, and then I’m done for good. Equine Surgery, she gushes to Jerry. It’s prestigious, the highest paying specialty in veterinary medicine!
“We’ll have to move!” Jerry protests. Beth justifies it by saying that the salary for horse surgeons is highest in the northeast.
It’s surgery, she tells herself. It’s what you’ve always wanted to do. Horses are big mammals, just like humans are big mammals.
They move to Washington. Jerry takes yet another pay cut. Beth is 30. Summer is 13. Morty is nine.
Washington State’s equine surgery residency is tough. Beth is challenged. She wakes int he wee hours of the morning and falls into bed, exhausted, in the wee hours of the night. 
And for the first time in years, Beth feels alive.
Rick shows up on the doorstep on Morty’s thirteenth birthday. It’s a day of dual-celebration. Morty is finally a teenager, and Beth is finally finished with school.
Beth already feels like she’s in mourning. She’s 33, and she’s at the peak of her career  (you’ll never be smarter than you are in this moment, her favorite mentor had reminded her the day before boards). She starts a job and the horse hospital next week. She’s signed a contract, already received her hefty sign-on bonus.
Then Dad shows up, and all of Beth’s accomplishments fall hollow from her lips. 
She thought he was dead, for christssake.
She introduces Rick to her family: Jerry, her loser husband (cringe, cringe, cringe); Summer, basic teenage bitch (does poorly in school because the would rather be popular than smart); Morty, the fuckup with some learning disability that Beth had never bothered to pay attention to (the real reason that I never lived up to the potential you saw in me, Dad).
It’s enough to drive any woman to drink.
I don’t think I’m too far off the mark here. Beth is so tetchy and self-conscious about her job because she’s relatively new at it - remember the “we’re losing him!” scene in the pilot? She’s incredibly resentful fo Jerry, for all of the reasons. Summer is her favorite child because Beth spent more time with Summer when she was a baby, and she is independent and self motivated - traits that Beth values. She regards Morty with vague disdain, to the point that she hardly remembers his existence, because she was absent for the majority of his childhood. Beth view Morty as “Jerry’s child,” and Summer as hers.
(Quick headcanon that Beth thinks of Morty as looking like Jerry, which just adds to her aversion, when actually, he looks a lot like young Rick. Beth has no way of knowing this, though, because there are no photos of kid Rick Sanchez).
I don’t mean for this post to sound sympathetic toward Jerry, because I’m really not. He’s a hot mess, too. I just wanted to flesh out Beth a little bit, and maybe justify Rick’s choice to clone her. Beth is young; she still has a whole life to live, and she never got the chance to be the woman she wanted to be, or the mom that her kids deserved. 
Rick chose to give her the opportunity to succeed at both.
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octaviansummers · 3 years
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Not another nerd with a bunch of period drama resources played by me... but yes meet Octavian Summers, PhD. Or just Tavian works. Flora’s older brother, wants to know everything about everyone, the personification of Tyrion Lannister’s “I drink and I know things” quote. I will update this with more as I go along, but here’s the basics about him.
Full Name: Octavian Eric Summers
Nicknames: Tavian
Date of Birth: December 21st, 1989
Place of Birth: Crescent Harbor, Washington
Nationality: American
Ethnicity: African-American, White
Religion: Agnostic
Western Zodiac: ☼ Sagittarius | ☽ Libra | ↑ Scorpio
Sexuality: Yet another hetero
Relationship Status: Married to his work Single
Education: Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Minor in Environmental Health (University of Washington); Master of Science in Clinical Psychology (University of Washington), PhD in Clinical Psychology (UC Berkeley)
Occupation: Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Crescent General
Height: 5′ 11″
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good
Myers-Briggs: INTP - The Logician
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Enneagram: Type 1 - The Reformer
A boy with the last name Summers born on the night of the winter solstice, and then given a fall-themed name. First of two children, older brother of @florasummers​. Takes big brother role very seriously. Family is everything, loves his parents and sister to pieces and always has. 
Was named after Octavius Catto, was conscious of his unusual name growing up but has thus far come to own it. But quickly adopted the nickname “Tavian”, doesn’t care who calls him what. 
Spent all his childhood at Second Chances, even though the business wasn’t his calling it was what reminded him of his family and it was the Summers’ pride and joy
Always wanted to go to college, but knew that while his family wasn’t poor, they didn’t exactly have money lying around for education. Had accepted that he’d either be in debt from student loans or go to community college to save on the costs, until he was told to apply for the Starlings’ scholarship as a young bright mind from Crescent Harbor. He was awarded the funds on the same day he got his acceptance letter for the University of Washington.
Moved to Seattle for school but came home almost every weekend. Didn’t want to ask his parents for money, so he worked while studying to offset living expenses: worked as a research assistant for his favorite professor on some days, and then as a barista on others. 
Met a fellow student in his final year and fell in love, stayed at UW to do his master’s while waiting on her to finish her degree. They then moved to California together, where Tavian began his PhD at UC Berkeley.
Proposed to Amy on their fifth anniversary, but the engagement didn’t last because both of them were too focused on everything but their relationship. They parted ways and Tavian finished his doctorate. Made the surprising choice to return to Washington for his postdoctoral fellowship, even with more prestigious institutions having wanted him. Plain and simple, he missed his family. 
Currently a postdoctoral research fellow in Crescent General’s behavioral health department, in his final year of his fellowship and hopes to apply for his license to practice when it’s complete. 
He’s in Crescent Harbor to stay: he wants to give back to his own community. Hopes to focus on mental health in men of color once he begins practicing on his own. Also might join Gerard and Abigail on a future project, time will tell 
His entire family lives downtown and he also works there, but he lives in Hemlock Docks. Still goes by his parents for dinner all the time, though. Invites his friends sometimes, and his parents are more than happy to welcome them. 
Overall a decent guy, has a bit of a superiority complex after years in academia and has a bit of tunnel vision when it comes to his research and work. 
Could afford to live in Downtown or Bywater Park, but chooses to live in Hemlock Docks because he finds the people there more enthralling. Has a perfect view of Fear Knot from his apartment and loves to observe the patrons when he’s not one of them himself.
His go-to drinks are stout and porter beers, though he does enjoy whiskey when he’s feeling indulgent. 
Getting a pet soon - idk what but that’s a future plot point/thread idea (who am I kidding it’s gonna be a cat who he can be a clown with)
Doesn’t care when people don’t refer to him as a doctor, unless their reasoning is that he’s not “a real doctor”.
Psychoanalyzes everyone and gets a bit too intense about it sometimes
He was in CH all his life, and up until he left for his PhD he was in between CH and Seattle so he can have a bunch of connections - friends, frenemies, enemies, exes, neighbors, classmates, etc. 
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md-admissions · 4 years
2019 in review
Yes I’m ALIVE, I’m BACK after several months of being buried in research, applications, and whatnot. So by tradition, it’s time for my annual review!
1 - What did you do in 2019 that you’d never done before?
Apply for a masters program, take a spin class (guys. It was...weird.), finish my first year of fellowship, go to IDWeek, bake a ton of new recipes 2 - Did you keep your new years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
I kept my resolution for packing lunch 3-4 times a week!
I will definitely make more resolutions for the upcoming year, including hitting 5000 steps a day or more for 5 out of 7 days.
3 - Did anyone close to you give birth?
No but next year I have like three close friends who will be giving birth
4 - Did anyone close to you die?
Yes, my grandma :(
5 - What countries did you visit?
 Hong Kong, a couple parts of China
6 - What would you like to have in 2020 that you lacked in 2019?
Improved confidence and skill in infectious diseases (I said it last year but I’m saying it again) and I’m adding infection control to that. More confidence in my intuition, more time to care for myself 7 - What date from 2019 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
4/17/2019. The day I delivered my big fellowship presentation and immediately got on a Lyft to go to the airport to get on a plane for my grandmother’s funeral. The fact that I was forced to stay an extra week to do this presentation is something I’m never really going to be okay with. 
8 - What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Completing a 6 week biostats bootcamp over the summer
9 - What was your biggest failure?
Not putting my foot down sooner when I had concerns about my research project, which resulted in a several month delay and drag on getting things going 10 - Did you suffer illness or injury?
Little things, like the flu but otherwise I was okay! 11 - What was the best thing you bought?
My new MVMT watch. It’s professional, classy, and a little rock n roll. Just my style. 12 - Whose behavior merited celebration?
The female leadership in academic ID. I heard and went to some phenomenal talks by women in academic ID. It was, at most times, hard to hear about the things they’ve endured. But also educational and inspiring. 13 - Whose behavior made you appalled or depressed?
14 - Where did most of your money go?
Plane tickets and rent
15 - What did you get really, really, really excited about?
The Witcher, His Dark Materials, the Game of Thrones finale, the NADDPOD live show I went to, IDWeek, the cookbooks I bought, the finale of TAZ: Amnesty 16 - What song(s) will always remind you of 2019?
Marry Me--Betty Who 17 - Compared to this time last year, are you: I. Happier or sadder?
Happier. II. Thinner or fatter?
Thinner, by 15 pounds!
III. Richer or poorer?
18 - What do you wish you’d done more of?
Take time for mindfulness and centering myself. 19 - What do you wish you’d done less of?
Let my anxiety and imposter syndrome overrule my judgement 20 - How will you be spending/spent Christmas?
Watching Disney+, making food, napping
21 - Did you fall in love in 2019?
Nah 22 - How many one-night stands?
Zero. 23 - What was your favorite tv program?
The Great British Bake Off, probably. If only gauged by the sheer number of times I watched all the seasons and spin-offs
24 - Do you hate anyone now that you didn’t hate this time last year?
Yeah, that’s natural. Of course. 25 - What was the best book you read?
Guys. Guys. Gideon the Ninth. Go read it. Go read it NOW. I STILL THINK ABOUT IT. Slow burn romance between space lesbian necromancers exploring an ancient, kinda-abandoned palace. GO GO GO. So that I can cry with someone about it. 26 - What was your greatest musical discovery?
The Band Camino.  27 - What did you want and get?
To save money, explore my new surroundings, lose weight that was making me feel physically exhausted and sick 28 - What was your favorite film of this year?
The Farewell.
29 - What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
31. I did biostats and epi homework. No joke. 30 - What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
Less negative self talk
31 - How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2019?
Office wear with punk and rock details 32 - What kept you sane?
MBMBaM podcasts, GBBO episodes 33 - Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Keanu Reeves. Listen, I’ve loved him since I was twelve years old. I still love him.
34 - What political/social issue stirred you the most?
Healthcare access in the corrections system, anti-vaccination, women in medicine 35 - Who did you miss?
My grandma and my best friend. 36 - Who was the best new person you met?
The new associate hospital epidemiologist
37 - Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2019:
I can trust in myself.
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shielddrake · 4 years
The Monomyth in Video Games (AKA My Longest Rambling Ever)
Tell me if this sounds familiar:
 A person who comes from humble beginnings is called to go on an adventure to accomplish something great. He (it’s usually he) may either jump at the call or initially refuse it, but finally goes with the help of a mentor figure. He meets various amazing people and faces a myriad of challenges to achieve his ultimate goal. He confronts the main obstacle, overcomes it, and is rewarded for it. He returns to his home a wiser person, and bestows upon his fellow people the lessons he has learned, to the benefit of all. The End.
 Anyone know this? Anyone? Yup, that is a short, short, very short and simplified version of the monomyth, also known as The Hero’s Journey, a narrative device observed by many people but popularized by Joseph Campbell.  It has been studied and used by storytellers of various media, ranging from oral tales to books to movies to, yes, video games.
 It is one of the most common narrative devices out there, if not possibly the most common, at least historically. I’m sure a lot of us were exposed to Greek myths such as The Odyssey in school (at least, in America we are). JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings has many of the steps in the early parts of the story, before drifting in other directions once the fellowship separates. Each individual Harry Potter book has its own cycle of The Hero’s Journey. Every. Single. One. Star Wars is still a popular franchise (the more recent criticisms aside) and George Lucas has admitted repeatedly he used the monomyth as inspiration while he was writing the scripts for the original trilogy. So even if you are not intimately familiar with The Hero’s Journey in detail, high chances are you’ve been exposed to it simply through consuming various media.
 That’s not to say that using this narrative device is always intentional. I would find it incredibly surprising if Hiromu Arakawa or Hajime Isayama were purposely trying to include monomyth steps in their creation of Fullmetal Alchemist and Attack on Titan, respectfully, or that the creators of the 2019 anime version of Dororo meant to put Hyakkimaru through the paces of The Hero’s Journey, but sure enough, all these have some aspects of the monomyth in them!
 Does this mean a story, whether it’s a novel, TV show, movie or video game, has to possess all these steps in order to be considered using the monomyth?  No, definitely not.  On the contrary, it would actually be a good thing for stories to not require use of all these steps.  Telling a story by just crossing items off from a list is bound to create a rather stale experience. What I’m saying is simply that stories will borrow aspects of The Hero’s Journey to make the story compelling. The same goes for order and magnitude. The monomyth is usually presented in seventeen steps, but I don’t feel like they necessarily have to show up in the story in the listed order, nor do the steps have to take up equal amounts of the story-telling experience. Steps four through ten usually are the longest, while the last five or so tend to be rather short.
 So, in my apparently endless determination to apply the same techniques used in literary theory and film theory to video games, I would like to go over a couple of video games and how they do or do not apply the various steps of the monomyth.  I will go over four video games, noting whether each step is present, how much it adds to the story by its presence or absence, and how well the game represents the step.
 I’ve decided to review Final Fantasy VII (because its remake it coming out relatively soon), Dragon Age Inquisition (for another RPG, but not made in Japan), Bioshock (to show this isn’t just an RPG thing), and Psychonauts (because I’ve still got Psychonauts on the mind from my last post). I will also be comparing this to the monomyth found in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone, The Lord of the Rings, and the Star Wars Original Trilogy.
 There will be spoilers for these movies and games, on the off chance that anyone who hasn’t seen or played them doesn’t want them ruined. Do I need to keep putting spoiler warnings on older games? Or for the books/movies? Although I’m also kind of writing this with the idea that you have at least a passing knowledge of these movies, books and games…Oh well, just to be safe: Spoilers Ahead!
 This is a really, really long one, so beware. Readers may want to take this in phases.
  Let us begin.
 1.) The Call to Adventure
 First, there needs to be a little backstory established. The hero’s journey usually begins in the home of the main protagonist, more often than not showing the protagonist’s life in its everyday normalcy, which is often put in a negative light, ranging from boring to outright dangerous.
 The hero will generally come from rather small beginnings, which is probably why orphans are a common origin story. Luke is an orphan who lives with his aunt and uncle, oblivious to the fact that his father is Darth Vader. Harry Potter is very much the same, living with a borderline abusive family who force him to sleep in the cupboard under the stairs. Frodo is also an orphan taken in by Bilbo, his second cousin (hobbit family trees are confusing). Please note that this does not preclude a hero from learning a parent is alive later in the story (looking at you, Luke).
 In addition to this, the hero is rarely someone with much power, authority or money. Being a moisture farmer on Tatooine is apparently not the most noble of professions (though on a desert planet I’m a bit surprised by this), and the Dursleys appear to be middle class at best. Bilbo and Frodo are wealthy by hobbit standards and seem to be higher on the social hierarchy in The Shire, but remember that hobbits mostly reside in the Shire and immediately surrounding areas, so they aren’t considered to be important players in the world of men or elves. They are small both in stature and in society.
 For our chosen video games, it’s a little bit up to interpretation of the word “orphan” and what the player decides, but the humble beginnings idea still applies. Cloud from Final Fantasy VII (FFVII) is half-orphaned at a young age when his father dies, but doesn’t become a full orphan until he’s a teenager, when his mother dies during the Nibelheim Incident. We only see this in a flashback, and adult Cloud is a full orphan by the start of the game. By this point, Cloud has fallen from a SOLDIER First Class to a mercenary. So he’s rebelling against the more powerful people in Midgar, or at least is being paid to do so.
 The Inquisitor of Dragon Age Inquisition (DAI) may or may not have living parents, depending on origin and player choice. A human Inquisitor probably has living parents, but it’s a bit debatable if an elf, dwarf or Qunari Inquisitor does. At the beginning of the game the Inquisitor loses any prestige they may or may not have had (especially the human noble), and a Carta dwarf, Dalish elf, and Vashoth Qunari don’t have much in terms of power or rank in Thedas anyway. Whatever the case, the Inquisitor ends up being just a simple prisoner for the early prologue part of the story, before being raised up to the Herald of Andraste and eventually to Inquisitor.
 Jack from Bioshock is an interesting case. He’s sold by his biological mother, “raised” by Dr. Suchong and Brigid Tenenbaum, and later smuggled out of Rapture to live with adoptive “parents.” He is also an outsider in that he is kind of an unknown factor, given his upbringing, so by the time Jack arrives in Rapture at the start of the game, he is basically nothing but another body that happens to be there. Without Atlas directing him, it is very possible he could have just become another splicer, the crazed and deformed human remnants of Rapture’s human population. Either way, he doesn’t have much in terms of money, power or authority by the start of the game.
 Raz from Psychonauts doesn’t fit the orphan archetype, as he clearly has a rather large family, but he is estranged from his father at the very least. We don’t know his relationship with the rest of his family, but perhaps we’ll see more of that in the sequel. Raz definitely fits the humble beginnings archetype though, seeing as a circus performer profession is looked down upon, especially if you ask Kitty or Franke.
 The Call to Adventure itself can come in many forms, either through circumstance, a person begging for help, the hero learning about their origin they previously didn’t know, the hero’s own desire for a better life, and so forth. “Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.” Yeah, that one is pretty clear. Harry Potter gets his letter to Hogwarts delivered by Hagrid, and Gandalf says that Frodo must deliver The One Ring to Rivendell (although in the book Frodo takes a few months just thinking about it before actually leaving the Shire).
 For Cloud, the call really comes from both Barret and Tifa, with Barret paying him to help destroy the Mako Reactors, and Tifa pretty much calling in the promise Cloud apparently made to protect her during their childhood. The Inquisitor is basically blackmailed into working with Cassandra and Leliana to rebuild the Inquisition to close the Breach, which the player can either go along with willingly or unwillingly.
 Jack…doesn’t exactly have a call to adventure so much as he’s thrown into the adventure by way of mental conditioning and circumstance. The player doesn’t really get how the plane he’s riding crashed and why he ended up in Rapture until later in the game, but he’s basically told by Atlas/Fontaine what to do to help him save his (Atlas’) family. And things just go from there. For Raz, he receives a pamphlet for Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, and being a psychic himself Raz decides to run away from the circus (in an inversion of the normal run away to the circus trope) to attend the camp. I would still like to know who it was that gave Raz that pamphlet to begin with. I’ve heard a lot of different theories. What do you guys think?
 2.) The Refusal of the Call
 When the hero receives the Call to Adventure, in whatever form it comes in, the hero often refuses the call, saying he or she is not cut out for whatever the adventure calls for or they have something else more important to do.  This can be saying you have to help your uncle on the moisture farm, saying you can’t possibly be a wizard, or trying to give The One Ring to the wizard who reveals the danger you’re in. The Refusal is of course short-lived and the hero goes along with the call anyway, otherwise there would ultimately be no plot, or at least a very, very boring one.
 Cloud’s Refusal of the Call is short-lived but repeated. He tells Barret that Shinra sucking Mako from the planet isn’t his problem, tells Biggs he’s gone once the job is over, proclaims to the entire AVALANCHE group that he doesn’t care about the planet, and tells Tifa he’s going to let AVALANCHE deal with Shinra and that he’s no hero. It isn’t until Tifa reminds him of a promise he made to her that he actually sticks around the group. All this occurs in roughly the first half hour of the game.
 In DAI, a Refusal of the Call is optional based on player choice. The Inquisitor can reject being the Herald of Andraste basically from the word go, with repeated rejections scattered about the entire game. Later, the player can refuse the idea of leading the Inquisition, including for race or religious reasons.  All this doesn’t matter, however, as the game continues on with the player’s character being referred to as the Herald/Inquisitor anyway, so the refusal is kind of a moot point.
 Bioshock and Psychonauts don’t really have any Refusals of the Call. Raz actually jumps at the chance of going on an adventure, away from the circus, away from his family, who he thinks doesn’t understand him.  If anything, the refusal comes from his father, Augustus, who destroys the pamphlet for the camp and forces Raz to practice acrobatics instead. But Jack’s story is the most interesting to me in terms of the refusal, and anyone who has played through Bioshock knows why. Not only does Jack not refuse the call, but also he also literally cannot refuse it. His “Would You Kindly” mental conditioning keeps him from doing so, and I love that it is buried in the gameplay in a way that the player doesn’t even realize the mental conditioning is there until much later. Story and gameplay integrated!
 3.) Supernatural Aid/Meeting the Mentor
 I’ve seen this step be called alternatively both Supernatural Aid and Meeting the Mentor, depending on who is describing The Hero’s Journey. Campbell called it the former, while the more recent Christopher Vogel calls it the latter. Personally I think these should be separate steps, but they often have to do with one another in some way, so I guess they can go together.
 The term “supernatural” is just vague enough that it can mean many things.  It can mean magic, divine intervention, magic, genetic manipulation, magic, psychic abilities, magic, aliens, or Force magic, to name a few. Harry Potter and Fellowship of the Rings all have some form of magic (of course), while Star Wars has the Force. FFVII has magic, the ancient spiritual race of the Cetra, and, strangely enough, the alien invader Jenova. Psychonauts has psychics (again, of course).  DAI has presumed divine intervention from the Jesus-like figure of Andraste, at least until the Inquisitor enters the Fade and learns it was actually Divine Justinia, who is basically the Dragon Age version of the Pope. The Plasmids that Jack uses throughout Bioshock is more scientific than magical, but it still serves the same function.
 As for mentors, some of those are pretty obvious for the books/movies. Luke has Obi-Wan, Frodo has Gandalf, and Harry has Dumbledore. For our chosen video games, it’s a bit less clear.  Cloud’s “mentors” might actually be his love interests Aerith and Tifa, depending on how far in the game the player is. Jack has both Atlas/Fontaine and Tenenbaum, for better or worse. Raz actually has several, which is no surprise considering summer camps have to have several camp counselors, but the two major ones are Sasha Nein and Ford Cruller, since those are the ones he spends the most time with and Raz clearly looks up to Sasha as his hero.
 For the Inquisitor, that’s where it gets a bit muddy. It would seem like Cassandra starts as a mentor figure, giving the Herald advice and trying to direct them, but quickly takes a backseat once the player character becomes the Inquisitor proper. She doesn’t even show up at the war table anymore, whereas in Haven she does. Is Leliana a mentor? Kind of, but only in the sense that she acts as an advisor, roles that are also played by Cullen and Josephine.  Solas? Well, he would like to think so, and you even get minor boosts in approval if you listen to him. Or you could ignore him entirely and piss him off.  Andraste? Sure, if your Inquisitor is devout. It’s more up to the interpretation and choices of the player.
 4.) Crossing the First Threshold
 This is the step where the protagonist basically goes, “I don’t think we’re in Kansas anymore.” (Yes, MGM’s Wizard of Oz also has its own Hero’s Journey!) It is the point of no return, where the hero finally decides to go with the Call to Adventure.  It is also in this step that the hero first encounters some of the real world outside of his or her comfort zone. So, this is another step that is kind of more like two steps.
 Our movies certainly have this two-part step. Luke decides to go with Obi-Wan to Alderaan after his aunt and uncle are killed by Imperial soldiers, and the cantina scene is his first real interaction with the tougher people that exist in the galaxy, including the skeptical Han Solo. Frodo (eventually) decides to take the One Ring to Rivendell, and The Prancing Pony in Bree exposes the hobbits to full-sized people for the first time, other than Gandalf. Harry Potter also has two, once at the Leaky Cauldron (pubs and inns seem to be a trend) leading to Diagon Alley and again on the Hogwarts Express.
 Psychonauts has an obvious Crossing of the First Threshold: Raz enters Coach Oleander’s mind, the Basic Braining level, the first mind Raz ever enters…presumably. It’s possible he entered another mind before then, but it’s not likely.
 Jack’s first sight of Rapture kind of acts as a first threshold, for both Jack as a character and for the player, but I also kind of like to think of it as the scene where Jack first sees a Big Daddy defend a Little Sister from a splicer. It gives a bit of foreshadowing that nothing is what it looks like down here, and Jack (and by extension, the player) should be careful about who he trusts.  A Little Sister is not a small, innocent creature after all, because there is always a dangerous, hulking Big Daddy somewhere nearby. Atlas is not who he appears to be, and ultimately Jack isn’t either. Instead, they are both people wearing masks, one intentionally and the other completely obviously.
 The first attempt at closing the Breach in DAI is a clear crossing, because it is from there that the Inquisition is reborn and the main character becomes the Herald of Andraste. Nothing is the same for the player’s character from that point on. The same goes for Cloud and the gang after the pillar holding up the upper plate over the Sector 7 slums collapses. Most of AVALANCHE’s members are killed and Aerith is captured. It’s not about saving the planet by this point. It’s about saving Aerith and getting revenge. Things just domino on from there.
 5.) Belly of the Whale
 This step coincides with the previous one. It is the final separation from everything the hero knows and moving into the unknown. Oftentimes it overlaps with a step called Loss of the Mentor, but it doesn’t have to. Consumption by a whale is optional, though use of a metaphorical whale is the more common approach.
 Speaking of metaphorical whales, what’s a bigger one than the Death Star? The same place where Obi-Wan dies, leaving the last connection to anything Luke had to his previous life and the one who would help him step into the future. He’s aboard the Millennium Falcon with two other people, two droids and a Wookie, but in reality he’s completely alone.
 Another such whale is Moria, the underground kingdom previously ruled by dwarves, but by the time of The Fellowship of the Ring, it is overrun by goblins, orcs, and the Balrog. The fellowship is swallowed by the earth and needs to get out. The price of that, however, is losing Gandalf. Another mentor lost. An even bigger whale is seen later in the books once Frodo and Sam reach Mordor itself, and they have to face even more challenges to get the One Ring to Mount Doom.
 For Harry, the whale could be a couple of things. It could be Hogwarts itself, the Forbidden Forest, the Hogwarts Express, the forbidden room on the third floor, or perhaps the trapdoor under Fluffy and the passage underneath…Lots of options here.  Now, the mentor figure for this book, Dumbledore, doesn’t leave Hogwarts until near the end of the story, and thankfully he doesn’t die, unlike the previous mentors who happen to be old, bearded, wizard men. He waits until book six to do that.
 FFVII kind of has an opposite whale. On one hand, it could be argued that the Shinra, Inc. building could be the whale, and although it certainly could be, I think a more poignant one would be the greater world itself. Once Cloud and the gang escape from Shinra, they leave Midgar and head out into the world, and they don’t return to Midgar until the end of the game. This could also be considered a Crossing the First Threshold.
 Again, DAI is about choice, but there are two events that are pretty big whales. The first is trying to recruit either the mages or the Templars to the Inquisition to close the Breach. Whether the player ends up facing Alexius in a dystopian future or fighting an Envy Demon for control in the Herald’s own mind, the main character ends up delving deep into a dangerous situation they have to climb out of. The second time is during the quest line to fight the possessed Gray Wardens and the Inquisitor ends up falling into the Fade. Quite a whale there, the Fade. A giant world that is only supposed to be accessible either to mages or in dreams. This is even more intense of an experience for a dwarf Inquisitor, since dwarves do not dream and cannot be mages in this universe.
 Bioshock…well, besides the idea of Rapture itself being a whale (during the game’s opening scenes, we even see a whale swim between Rapture’s towers), I would consider the most likely place to be Rapture Central Control. It’s here that some of the most important game events happen, after all. Jack kills Andrew Ryan, there’s the reveal of Jack’s “Would You Kindly” mental conditioning, and Jack learns he’s actually Ryan’s illegitimate son. Not to mention learning that Atlas, who has been guiding Jack and the player throughout the game thus far, is actually Frank Fontaine, the big bad. He has actually been using Jack this whole time just to one-up Andrew Ryan in their little power struggle. And then Fontaine betrays Jack and sends security bots to kill him, leading to yet another loss of a mentor. That’s a lot to take in during such a short time.
 Psychonauts doesn’t have a whale, but it does have a Hideous Hulking Lungfish. Raz has to do battle with her beneath Lake Oblongata, and then enter her mind so Raz can release her from Kochamara’s control. By then, Sasha and Milla have already been kidnapped, under the ruse of “Official Psychonauts Business,” and Ford Cruller is forced to remain in his underground lair near the psitanium so he doesn’t fall into one of his many personalities. So much for help there.
 6.) The Road of Trials
 The Road of Trials is the meat and potatoes of the story. It’s all the challenges the hero must overcome in order to reach the ultimate goal, whether it’s a big or little one. The challenges themselves may also be large or small, and according to Campbell often occur in groups of three. These challenges prepare the hero for the final encounter at the end of the story.
 …Do I really need to go over these in detail for each movie and game I’m reviewing here?  It’s basically the plot all the characters go through during the course of the story, ranging from battles, dungeons, travel, magic classes, camp activities, puzzles, and so forth. I’m not going to list each one here. This post is long enough as it is.
 7.) The Meeting with the Goddess
 This step involves the hero meeting with another character who helps them in some way, whether it’s as part of the hero’s group, by giving an item that is helpful, or just giving good advice. More often than not, this character is one of high ranking: an actual goddess, a princess, a queen, or something of that sort. She may or may not be a love interest, and more modernly she may not be a “she” at all…our examples here though do happen to be female, but I’m just saying this doesn’t have to be the case.
 Star Wars is obvious. Luke meets Leia, the Princess of Alderaan who hides the plans to destroy the Death Star in R2D2, first in her hologram and then in person aboard the Death Star itself. Frodo meets Galadriel in Lothlorien, where she allows him (and Sam, in the books) to glimpse into the Mirror of Galadriel to see the possible future of the Shire should his quest fail. She also provides him the phial containing the light of Earendil’s star, which is vital to fighting off Shelob later on. I wouldn’t exactly say Harry Potter has a goddess to meet, but I like to think it’s supposed to be Hermione, since she knows so much and often is the only one who actually knows what’s going on.
 Let’s see. FFVII has Aerith, whose big “gift” to the story is giving her life while she prays for Holy to stop Sephiroth’s Meteor. Bioshock has Brigid Tenenbaum, who assists Jack throughout the game if he spares the Little Sisters, and removes part of his mental conditioning so Jack can resist Fontaine. Milla is one of Raz’s teachers at Whispering Rock Psychic Summer Camp, teaching him the Levitation ability, which is arguably the most useful ability in the game.
 As for DAI, there are plenty of characters that can play the role of the goddess, but I would argue the most important one might be Morrigan. She tells the Inquisitor about the eluvians and theorizes Corypheus is searching for one as a means to reach the Fade. Although she ends up being wrong, Morrigan also is a candidate for drinking from the Well of Sorrows, and if she does she helps the Inquisitor by fighting the red lyrium dragon during the final battle with Corypheus.
 8.) Woman as Temptress
 Here’s another misleading title. The Woman as Temptress originates back from Campbell’s research of Greek myths, where the hero is enticed by a female figure: Circe, Calypso, the Sirens, and so on. Today, the “woman” is really just anything that tries to drive the hero away from the path of his journey. This can be power, money, promises, or threats, for some other examples. It can still be a person, but lately that hasn’t been the case.
 There is always the temptation of the Dark Side of the Force, although Luke doesn’t really encounter this in full force until The Empire Strikes Back. The One Ring is the temptation itself, and it actually does succeed, since Frodo doesn’t throw the Ring into the fires of Mount Doom. It isn’t destroyed until Gollum bites off Frodo’s finger, reclaims the Ring, and falls into the Crack of Doom while doing a happy jig. Voldemort tries (very briefly) to get Harry to join him and hand over the Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone at the end of the book (it’s a bit longer in the movie) but that doesn’t last very long.
 There’s not exactly a temptation in FFVII, although I guess Jenova manipulating Cloud into bringing the Black Material to Sephiroth at the North Crater is the closest thing. I feel that goes more into the manipulation category than temptation though, but it still functions in a similar way. Bioshock has the temptation of harvesting the Little Sisters to receive more ADAM from them, and thus allowing Jack to obtain more abilities. This can be really appealing from a gameplay perspective, and results in the bad ending of the game if you kill every Little Sister. Alternatively, Tenenbaum compensates you if you spare the Little Sisters, so it’s not the end of the world to resist the temptation.
 …Raz doesn’t have a temptation to stop trying to become a Psychonaut. At all. Oleander never convinces him, Loboto doesn’t convince him (their interaction is actually incredibly small in the main game), none of the other campers dissuade him, and he faces all the obstacles in all the different minds with determination. The closest thing I can think of is Lili, who really just tries to give him a realistic view that the Psychonauts are not as important as they once were. I guess the “making out” scene kind of fits here, since Raz is clearing distracted by the idea of kissing Lili and doesn’t pay any attention to what she’s saying immediately after. Linda interrupting them puts an end to that though.
 As for DAI…yeah, I have trouble with this one.  There really isn’t anything that tempts the Inquisitor in a way that distracts them from the danger at hand. Romance doesn’t do it, power doesn’t do it, money doesn’t do it, blood magic doesn’t do it, demons don’t do it…Yeah, I’ve got nothing. Readers, please help me with this, if possible!
 9.) Atonement with the Father
 This is the step most people know even if they don’t know the concept of the Hero’s Journey itself, because it is such a common trope used in all kinds of story telling. This can be a father or father figure, and honestly it’s not unusual for this to be replaced by a brother in video games, and less commonly with another relative. This step may or may not be related to the next step, Apotheosis, depending on if the “father” is the source of the main conflict, but it is still one of the major obstacles the hero must overcome. Another thing to note that this step does not have to involve the death of the “father” either.
 Let’s face it: Star Wars is one of those films that normalized the father-son conflict dynamic in movies. Sure, it existed before then, but it became a huge thing after the iconic scene between Luke and Vader in The Empire Strikes Back. The conflict doesn’t come to a head until The Return of the Jedi, when Vader finally redeems himself by killing Palpatine and saving Luke’s life, giving his own in the process.
 That being said, it’s interesting that the other two movies we’re looking at have more distant aspects of the Atonement with the Father step. It’s not Frodo who has to deal with his father’s displeasure, but Faramir. Is there anything worse than hearing your father admit that he wishes you had died and your older brother had lived? Denethor doesn’t appear to care about Faramir until he appears to have died. This is less apparent in the book, but it’s still there.
 Harry Potter has the same thing. Obviously since Harry doesn’t have a living father, it’s kind of hard for him to have a conflict with him. I guess there’s kind of atonement with Severus Snape in the last book, but you have to really, really squint to make it that relationship one of a father-figure and son. …No, that doesn’t work for our purposes. There are issues with fathers with other characters, like Ron, Neville and Draco, but those relationships aren’t really elaborated on until later in the series.
 Video games often follow a similar pattern. Conflict with a father or father figure is incredibly common. Raz and Jack both have big issues with their dads, although Raz’s resolution is obviously more positive than Jack’s. Raz actually does atone with his dad, right before the final battle with a giant two-headed father monster in Raz and Oleander’s combined mental world. (If you don’t know Psychonauts, it makes sense in context, I promise.) Jack meanwhile…kills his biological father, although perhaps not willingly considering his mental conditioning. Andrew Ryan is a pretty terrible human being though, so maybe Jack/the player would have wanted to kill him anyway. Maybe.
 It should also be no surprise that the father issue doesn’t have to surround the main character, especially since being an orphan is a common backstory, as mentioned in the Call to Adventure step above.  The Inquisitor doesn’t really have issues with his/her father, presuming the player thinks the father is still alive, but Dorian certainly takes umbrage with his father trying to use blood magic to change his sexuality. It’s up to the player to either encourage or discourage Dorian from reconciling with his father, so this step is up in the air in that regard.
 Another similar conflict that occurs in DAI that isn’t with a father is between Morrigan and Flemeth, although I would hesitate to consider it”atonement,” especially if Morrigan is the one who drinks from the Well of Sorrows, thus tying her to Flemeth’s command. Of course, with Flemeth out of the picture and Solas taking over, I wonder how that connection stands now.
 The father conflict is also not related to the main character in FFVII. Red XIII, aka Nanaki, has issues with believing his father, Seto, abandoned his mother and his tribe during an attack by the Gi tribe. In truth, Seto actually sacrificed himself to prevent a backdoor invasion, turning to stone after being hit by several petrifying arrows. Once Red learns the truth about this, he proclaims that his father was a hero and he will protect his home, Cosmo Canyon, just like he did.
 And that’s not even getting into all the father issues present in the other Final Fantasy games, plus others in FFVII. Maybe I’ll do another post about that topic another time.
 10.) Apotheosis
 This is the point the quest has been leading up to. The final challenge. The final battle. The final countdown. The hero takes all they have learned over the course of their journey and applies it to this final challenge. If there’s a main villain of the story, this is the time where the hero confronts them.
 This is pretty self-explanatory. Luke Skywalker trusts in the Force, which allows him to blow up the Death Star. Harry Potter decides he wants to obtain the Philosopher’s Stone, but not use it, and that’s what allows him to receive it from the Mirror of Erised. And Frodo has to throw the One Ring into the Crack of Doom to defeat Sauron. That last one is interesting in that Frodo technically fails to do this final task, which is not something we historically see in Hero’s Journeys, but such a failure is becoming more common.
 Applying this step to video games feels a bit like cheating considering that a large majority of them have a final boss battle of some kind, and our four games are no exception. Most of the resolution of the main character’s stories coincides with the defeat of the final boss. Jack’s story ends when he is able to reverse his mental conditioning (with Tenenbaum’s help) and he defeats Fontaine, and the Inquisitor’s conflict with Corypheus ends, of course, with Corypheus’ death. The Trespasser DLC for DAI adds more conflict involving what happens after and what the Inquisitor is going to do about their Mark that is slowly killing them, but I feel that’s another story, so it’s beyond The Hero’s Journey of the main game.
 However, despite having final boss battles, I feel that Psychonauts and FFVII also have an Apotheosis step in terms of the characters themselves. Raz has to defeat the two-headed mental amalgamation of his and Oleander’s fathers, but he is able to do so because his real father breaks into his mental world and lends Raz his power so he can fight the monster. That reconciliation is more important to Raz’s story than beating the monster. Honestly, Raz probably wouldn’t have agreed to use his father’s strength if they hadn’t reconciled literally just prior to the final fight.
 Cloud’s Apotheosis really has to do with coming to terms with his false memories. He never actually joined SOLDIER, instead becoming a grunt in the Midgar army. He was experimented on after the Nibelheim Incident, escaped with Zack, and basically imprinted Zack’s life, experiences, mannerisms and skills after Zack was killed right in front of him. Cloud and Tifa have to sift through Cloud’s memories to figure out what really happened during the Nibelheim Incident, thus returning Cloud to his normal self. Essentially, Cloud has to realize that he is not as strong of a person as he previously believed, and that there’s nothing wrong with being weak. What you have to be is true to yourself. That’s more important than being strong.
 11.) The Ultimate Boon
 So if the Apotheosis is the final challenge of the journey, then the Ultimate Boon is the reward for overcoming it. This can be material or not, and likewise may or may not be what the hero initially set out to receive or accomplish. The boon can be large (such as saving the world) or small (earning a medal), and it can be public (again, saving the world) or personal (winning a love interest’s heart).
 Harry and Frodo both set out to accomplish a task, preventing the Philosopher’s Stone being stolen and destroying the One Ring, respectively, although Harry’s realization that he must do this thing is later on in the story compared to Frodo. They both succeed and are both rewarded. Harry and his friends are basically handed the House Cup at the end of the school year for thwarting Voldemort’s plan, and Frodo and the fellowship save the world, and more importantly for Frodo, save the Shire.
 However, Frodo does end up having to leave the Shire and go into the east due to the wounds he acquired throughout the journey as well as the strain of carrying the Ring. In a way, he is rewarded for his journey, but also punished because he didn’t actually accomplish the task he set out to do. He ends up leaving the Shire, his home, which he wanted to save to begin with.
 Luke is kind of the same way. He doesn’t set out necessarily to find his father and bring him back to the light. His Call to Adventure had to do with going to Alderaan with Obi-Wan to help Leia, and he is rewarded with a medal at the end of A New Hope for destroying the Death Star. However, his boon really has to do with reconciling with Vader, a conflict that doesn’t begin until The Empire Strikes back, later in his Hero’s Journey. However, this is just a good example of how the boon does not necessarily have to relate to the call.
 The boons for both FFVII and DAI are saving the world. It’s good for the world to not be destroyed, after all. Raz’s boon is a bit more personal: He is allowed to join the Psychonauts, which he set out to do, but his relationship with his father is also significantly improved now that the two of them understand one another better.
 For Jack, he saves Rapture…sort of. If the events of Bioshock 2 indicate anything, it’s that things really haven’t gotten better for Rapture following Fontaine’s defeat. However, presuming that the player spared the Little Sisters and gets the good ending of the game, Jack returns to the surface world with the cured Little Sisters, who essentially become his daughters. In the words of Brigid Tenenbaum, “In the end, what was your reward? You never said. But I think I know…a family.”
 Jack is given the short end of the stick in terms of family and future. His parents are not his real parents, his biological father Andrew Ryan didn’t want him, his mother sold him to Tenenbaum and Suchong as an embryo, and he has no control over himself or his own destiny. Considering it turns out everything Jack knew about himself and his family is a lie, a real family is the best thing he could have received. Jack basically has nothing at the beginning of the game, so the fact that he is able to still build a life for himself and the former Little Sisters is a great reward. Of course, this is thrown out of the window if the player harvests the Little Sisters and gets the bad or neutral endings, so there you go.
 12.) Refusal of the Return
 We’ve reached the point where the hero has accomplished the goal he/she has set out to do, has received their reward, and now has to go back to normal life that was left behind at the beginning of the story. What? The hero doesn’t want to return to normal life? They prefer the world they’re in now? Yeah, in a strange reversal of the Refusal of the Call, the hero no longer wants to return to their previous life, having earned the boon and learned the lessons they have.
 Can anyone really blame Harry Potter for not wanting to return to his aunt and uncle’s house once the school year end? Yeah, let’s go back to the house where he’s treated horribly, has a literal hand-me-down bedroom, and is not allowed to perform any of the magic he has grown to love. Plus his owl is forced to stay in her cage the whole summer. That sounds great! Let’s do that.
 Frodo, on the other hand, does return to his normal life in the Shire, but later has to leave because of his wounds and from carrying the One Ring (see The Ultimate Boon step above). It’s not so much that he refuses to return, but rather he is forced to leave again. Luke is kind of the same way. He doesn’t really refuse to return to his family and their moisture farm, it’s that he can’t return to it, because that has been destroyed. His previous life can no longer be. Even if we stretch the timeline to the end of The Return of the Jedi, Luke never goes back to just being a moisture farmer.
 Psychonauts only has a half-hearted refusal. At the end of the game, Raz acts like he’s going to go back to the circus, but only for a moment. Once the opportunity to go on another rescue mission comes up, Raz turns to nonverbally ask his father if he can go. It’s more like he’s asking for permission to not return rather than refusing outright.
 The Inquisitor of DAI doesn’t return to their previous world either. The life of running the Inquisition doesn’t end when Corypheus is defeated. It continues on until the Trespasser DLC, which even at the end of that the Inquisitor continues their adventure to stop Solas from basically destroying the world in a few years. I’m actually pretty eager to see how the Inquisitor fits in the next Dragon Age game, although the developers have given a 2022 release date, last time I checked.
 For Bioshock, Jack really does not refuse to return, symbolically indicated by him leaving Rapture and returning to the surface world. Regardless of whether he brings the cured Little Sisters to the surface to have a normal life or he becomes the splicers’ new leader and brings them to the surface to destroy mankind, he peaces out of Rapture at the first opportunity he has. There’s no refusal to return on Jack’s part at all.
 FFVII…okay, I’m again having trouble with this step. Cloud doesn’t really act like he refuses to go back to his previous life. His previous life is actually up in the air, with all his messed up memories and near lack of anything connecting him to his past, either as himself or with his false memories as an ex-SOLDIER. The only person really connecting him to his life before the story is Tifa, and I’m not going to get into the shipping wars about whether he should be with her or the now dead Aerith. That’s a different post. Regardless, by the end of the game, Cloud is more interested in moving forward than going back.
 13.) The Magic Flight
 In the process of returning to normal life, the hero will often have to flee from some kind of danger. This happens after the hero has received the boon, but before they are able to bring it to the people. If there’s a bad guy that needs to defeating or a task that needs accomplishing, this step often takes place immediately after. Actual flying is not required, but don’t be surprised if it does. The Magic Flight frequently merges with the next two steps, Rescue from Without and The Crossing of the Return Threshold.
 Let’s see. Luke escapes the Death Star on a shuttle with his father’s body. Frodo and Sam fly with the Eagles back to safety as Mount Doom is erupting. Harry is knocked unconscious and rescued by Dumbledore from the room containing the Mirror of Erised. Whew. Managed to keep that short.
 DAI doesn’t really have this step, because again, the story keeps going even after Corypheus’ end. However, I could argue there are other parts of the game that have a Magic Flight, such as escaping from the dystopian future after defeating Alexius or escaping the Fade after fighting the Fear Demon. These events just don’t happen at the end of the game. FFVII also only kind of has this step too, in the form of the Highwind bringing the party out of the North Crater following the defeat of Safer Sephiroth.
 Raz has to escape from his own mind, which is intertwined with Oleander’s in the last stage of the game, and his brain has to be detangled in order to return to his normal self. He’s not really conscious for the process though, so the player doesn’t really see it. As for Jack, this step is really kind of merged with the next two, so we’ll get to those.
 14.) Rescue from Without
 During the course of the Magic Flight, the hero will be unable to escape the danger they are trying to flee from on their own. Someone (or multiple people) will need to come in and rescue the hero. This is especially true if the hero is injured or weakened in some way, particularly after a rough final battle with the big bad.
 As stated before, this one often overlaps with the previous one and the next one. Vader saves Luke from Palpatine’s Force Lightning. The Eagles rescue Frodo and Sam from the erupting Mount Doom. Harry rescued from the attack from Voldemort/Quirrell by Dumbledore and brought to the Hospital Wing for treatment. Yeah, that sounds about the same as before.
 The closest thing the Inquisitor comes to being rescued from without, at least at the end of the game, is with the red lyrium dragon, where either a dragon-shifted Morrigan (if she drank from the Well of Sorrows) or the Guardian of Mythal (if the Inquisitor did). However, the red lyrium dragon defeats either Morrigan or the Guardian, and the Inquisitor and the party have to fight it anyway. So it’s an attempted but ultimately unsuccessful rescue.
 Raz is rescued by his dad, Augustus, from his own brain, and I imagine Cruller, Sasha and Milla all played a role in separating Raz’s brain from Oleander’s and rebraining him, even though this isn’t shown on screen.  Several Little Sisters stab Fontaine to death with their ADAM-collecting syringe, saving Jack from his final blow. It’s a wonderfully satisfying scene and I absolutely love it. FFVII has a rescue of sorts in that Aerith has to basically make the Lifestream rise up to help her Holy spell stop Meteor from destroying the planet. How she manages to do this from beyond the grave is never explicitly explained. It must just be a Cetra thing.
 15.) The Crossing of the Return Threshold
 So, this step is the final of the triumvirate of the return steps. The hero actually returns to their normal life or their previous home, and distributes the boon they have received upon the rest of the world. This is basically anything that happens after the climax of the story. Exposition explaining what exactly has happened may or may not be included.
 Luke returns to the rest of the characters on Endor to celebrate the destruction of the second Death Star, bringing the teachings of the light side of the Force with him. Harry Potter boards the Hogwarts Express to return to the Muggle world. And the hobbits all return to the Shire, although in the books they have to deal with Saruman and the Scouring of the Shire once there.
 For Psychonauts, there’s kind of a Return Threshold, but only if you stretch it, and not in the sense that returns Raz to his normal life. Quite the opposite actually. Raz and the gang levitate into the Psychonauts jet that just happens to show up from the ground. Hmm, didn’t Raz say he suspected that Cruller had a jet hiding in his lab somewhere? Oh look! More setup and payoff!
 Finally, we come to Jack. After defeating Fontaine, he is finally able to take a bathysphere to the surface again. The player sees this almost immediately after defeating Fontaine, and it occurs regardless of whether the player gets the good or bad ending.
 As stated in the Refusal of the Return step, neither DAI nor FFVII really have Crossing of the Return Threshold. FFVII just sort of ends and DAI doesn’t show the Inquisitor returning to their home origins, either in the game proper or in the DLC.
 16.) Master of Two Worlds
 This step is no so much of a step, but rather a final result of the hero’s journey. It is closely related to the next step, Freedom to Live. We see the hero basically in their final form, having achieved what they set out to do, whether that was the original intention or not. The hero is able to live in both their old and new worlds.
 In our chosen movies, Luke is really the only one who is the Master of Two Worlds. He recognizes the darkness that exists in him, but he can overcome it. Frodo, on the other hand, literally can’t become Master of Two Worlds due to his experiences. He has to leave one world (the Shire) permanently for the east.
 Harry…really has to compartmentalize his wizard and Muggle experiences, but that has more to do with his family not being willing to accept that magic is a part of him. Obviously his aunt and uncle do not care for his boon (magic) that he brings with him, forbidding him from using it, even without the Statute of Secrecy in place. He can’t really master both worlds in that regard, not until the last book and he reconciles with Dudley. (I’m really annoyed they cut that from the final release of the movies. That badly needed to be shown.) Harry does become a master of two worlds, the living and the dead, in the last book, but we’re looking at the first book alone, and this step isn’t really possible for him due to his circumstances.
 Now I have to admit, the only game (on our list anyway) that has this step is probably Psychonauts. Cloud steps away from his false life as an ex-SOLDIER when he admits that it was all in his head, choosing instead to continue to live as himself. Jack either returns to the surface with the Little Sisters and stays there (in the good ending) or becomes the master of Rapture and new leader of the splicers, rejecting his previous life. And The Inquisitor, well, I guess you could say they become the master of both the real world and the Fade, especially since he/she gets progressively better at controlling the Anchor and closing Fade rifts. However, they he/she still remains in the real world as the Inquisitor, until the events of Trespasser at least. These three games have the main character choosing one world over another, so it’s hard to pin them down as “masters” of two.
 Psychonauts, however, shows Raz accepts both parts of his life, as an acrobat and as a Psychonaut. This is illustrated excellently during the last platforming part of the game, during Meat Circus, with the rising water and Raz needing to keep up with his mental image of his dad. He uses both his acrobatic skills and his psychic powers to reach the top of the area. And as stated previously, Raz gains his father’s blessing before running off on another mission. Raz succeeds at being a Master of Two Worlds, and this kid is only ten!
 17.) Freedom to Live
 A follow up of the previous step, Freedom to Live is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. Having mastered both worlds, the hero is allowed to live, as he or she wants, without worrying about any more conflicts…until the story sequel at least. This is the happy ending of the story, presuming the story has a happy ending.
 All of our protagonists, both movie and video game, manage this step in one way or another. Luke no longer has the threat of the Sith looming over him, and he can be at peace knowing he helped to redeem his father (and, for now, I’m going to ignore the stuff that happens in the New Trilogy, because that starts up a whole new set of the monomyth). Harry is given the opportunity to go back to Hogwarts for more schooling, and even though his Muggle family disapproves, he knows who he is now and has answers for things he couldn’t explain before. Overall, the end of the first Harry Potter book gives him a new lot in life, and the series continues on with that from there.
 And Frodo. Poor Frodo. Perhaps it’s hard to say he has “freedom” to live since he does end up leaving the Shire, but considering that his goal was to save the Shire (and by extension, all of Middle Earth), he succeeds. Frodo had to leave his home, but the other hobbits, including Sam, his closest companion, were able to live without a care. It’s a sacrifice, but one Frodo seems content to make.
 As for the video games we’re looking at, well, now Raz has the freedom to pursue his dream of being a Psychonaut without worrying about it alienating his family, his father in particular. Cloud is able to put the past behind him and move forward as his own person, rather than trying to live up to a standard he forced himself to before. The Inquisitor has challenges ahead to be sure, but without the threat of Corypheus breathing down their neck, they have a bright future to look forward to (at least until Solas decides to tear down the Veil, but we’ll have to wait for Dragon Age 4 to see how that turns out). And finally, Jack finally has answers to any questions he had about his life, and with his mental conditioning removed, he is finally allowed to choose his own fate, whether as a despotic leader of the splicers or as a father to the cured Little Sisters.
 So there you go. The Hero’s Journey in a bunch of movies and video games. As I said at the beginning of this extensive diatribe, the monomyth is not the only way to tell a story well, and it certainly is not mandatory to make a story good. However, whether intentional or not, parts of the monomyth somehow find their way into the stories we share in our various media. It’s worth looking at for any kind of story, if only to analyze how the presence or absence of the monomyth affects the story, for better or worse. And yes, video games can be a great form of story telling, if developers take the time to create it and players take the time to experience it.
 Okay. This post has gone on long enough. To anyone who managed to make it all the way here, thank you for your patience and commitment to reading my ramblings.
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hunnywrites · 5 years
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Arcade Dreams: Chapter Twenty One
Summary: There’s a new girl working at the Palace Arcade and Hawkins’ Family Video. Billy can’t stand her, and the feeling is mutual. No matter what everyone else seems to think.
Pairing: Billy Hargrove/OFC
A/N: It’s a Thanksgiving miracle I’ve finally finished the chapter. I’m sorry this is so late! We’re heading into the summer of ‘85 now, but don’t worry! I’ll be writing a few chapters of Chasing Yesterday to fill in the spaces between Billy and Teddi moving in together and now. I just didn’t want things to feel too clunky. This chapter also ends a tad awkwardly, but I’m breaking it into two parts so the chapters don’t get too long. Hope you enjoy!
The Hawkins public pool was packed to the brim with people. As Teddi hopped out of her van and made her way through the parking lot, the sound of splashing, kids yelling and laughing and the Power of Love playing on someone’s boombox nearby grew louder and louder. Today was her day off, but since everyone she knew was working Teddi decided laying out by the pool was probably a better decision than staying home and watching Star Trek reruns all day. 
Teddi made her way inside the gates, passing the bulletin board that read “Meet our ‘85 swim season lifeguards’ in large yellow letters. Teddi’s photo was between Heather and Billy’s. Her hair was longer than it had been when she moved to Hawkins and no longer platinum. Heather had helped her dye it a more natural, golden, honey blonde at the beginning of the summer. The silver ring that had been through her right nostril had been replaced with a thin gold ring that Billy had gotten her simply to match the small gold hoop that was in his ear now (the silver dangly earring Billy had been wearing before was now in Teddi’s ear). Teddi was smiling brightly at the camera, which was a stark contrast from the cool, almost bored expression that was on Billy’s face in his photo. 
“Hey, Katie.” she said with a smile as she passed by the front desk. Katie was sitting with her feet up on the counter and a magazine in her lap. Katie threw a wave in Teddi’s direction, not bothering to look up. Heather was perched up in the lifeguard’s chair, glaring down at a group of kids who were running over to the diving boards. Heather waved at her before blowing her whistle at the kids loudly. 
Teddi walked over to the tiny snack bar window, smiling tentatively at the girl on the other side. Cheryl Burns had gotten a job at the pool at the beginning of the summer. Initially she had applied to be a lifeguard, but had quickly changed her mind. “You mean if someone totally disgusting starts drowning or whatever I have to like...give them mouth to mouth? Gross. No thanks.” were her exact words. So Freddy had stuck her at the snack bar. She of course hated it. 
Cheryl’s strawberry blonde hair sat high up on her head in a ponytail. She brushed her feathered bangs out of her eyes, her eyebrows raising expectantly at Teddi. “...Coke, please.” Teddi squeaked out. Cheryl was an intimidating girl, and she knew it. Sometimes Teddi was certain that Cheryl enjoyed making her nervous. 
Cheryl set down the can of coke in front of Teddi, sneering at it in disgust. “I don’t know how you drink that shit,” she jabbed one of her long, painted nails at the “New Coke” logo. “They totally ruined it.” she held her out towards Teddi. 
Teddi dropped her change into Cheryl’s hand. “It’s not that bad...you get used to it.” 
Cheryl rolled her eyes. “I’d rather shove old man Myers’ speedo in my mouth,” she scoffed, tossing her ponytail over her shoulder. Cheryl was also the most dramatic person Teddi had ever met. Cheryl looked back at the red clock on the wall behind her, a smirk forming on her lips as she leaned forward. “Here comes lover boy,” she said in a sweet, sing songy tone, nodding her head towards the locker rooms. 
Teddi turned just as Billy was walking out. While Teddi enjoyed the summer time, Billy came alive in it. It brought out the Cali boy in him like flowers that bloomed with the warm weather. His sandy blonde hair had turned a few shades lighter in the sun. His skin was a deep, golden bronze. Billy had gotten a new air of confidence about him ever since he’d move out, but now it was something different. Something that Teddi wasn’t the only one to notice. 
Karen Wheeler and a few of the other moms showed up to the pool every day around mid afternoon for Billy’s shift. They weren’t very secretive about it either. Heather would climb down from the lifeguard chair and each of them would start adjusting their swimsuits and makeup while they waited for Billy to come out. 
“Look at them,” Cheryl scoffed. “It’s so gross how they’re all drooling over him. I mean, Karen has a kid his age. And like he’d want some dried up old hag anyways,” she said with an eye roll. “You should go over there and like french him or something and tell that tacky bitch to back off. I mean, who the fuck wears a pearl necklace to a pool?” 
Teddi couldn’t help but laugh. She pulled her eyes from Billy, turning back to Cheryl. “Cheryl, do you always have to be so...blunt?” she asked, taking a sip of her coke. 
Cheryl pursed her glossy lips. “I’m a leo. It’s what we do,” she said matter of factly. Teddi coughed on her soda, sputtering loudly. “Jesus, Larsson. Say it, don’t spray it.” Cheryl frowned, leaning away from Teddi. 
“Sorry,” Teddi cleared her throat. “Sorry...I’m gonna go. Always a pleasure chatting with you, Cheryl.” she gave the blonde an awkward salute, wincing at herself as she spun around on her heel and heading over to Billy. 
Billy smirked down at Teddi as he watched her approach him, pushing his sunglasses down his nose to look at her. “You stalkin’ me, Larsson?” he teased. Teddi stepped up onto a bar at the bottom of the lifeguard chair, balancing carefully as she reached up to kiss Billy. She laughed when she felt his fingers slipping into the back of her cut off shorts, smacking his hand away. No doubt a show for the group of eyes that were glaring a hole into Teddi behind her. 
“Aren’t you a little over dressed for the pool?” he asked, his hand resting on her lower back. 
“Cool your jets. I’m gonna change,” she rolled her eyes. “Are you busy tomorrow?” 
Billy looked at her cooly. “...Depends.” 
Teddi let out a huff. “Depends on what?” 
“On what you’re gonna ask me to do...and which bikini you’re wearing under there.” he was smirking again.
Teddi pulled a face, popping her hip slightly and raising an eyebrow. “Who says I’m wearing anything under this?” 
Billy’s smirk twitched just slightly before he looked over the top of his glasses at her again, his eyes trained on the white crop top that was covered in little daisies that Teddi was wearing before looking back at her. “...Where am I going?” 
Teddi laughed. Sometimes it was just too easy. “It’s El’s birthday tomorrow. Hop’s having a party for her at the cabin and then she and Max are sleeping over at our place.” dinner at Hopper’s cabin had become a regular weekly thing for Billy and Teddi. He’d started to invite them over after the fight between Billy and Tommy. Billy had of course been closed off to the idea at first. Teddi had gone to the cabin alone for about the first three weeks before she convinced him to join her. 
“You want me to go to some 13 year old’s birthday party?” he asked.
“She’s 14 now.”
“Oh come on,” Teddi huffed. “It’ll be fun. There’s cake. How can you say no to cake?” 
Billy held up his hands. “I’ll go. But don’t expect me to play pin the tail on the donkey or whatever the hell those little dorks do at parties,” he grumbled. Teddi rolled her eyes. “Speaking of birthdays...what do you wanna do for yours?” 
Teddi let out a groan. Her 18th birthday was in a week and she’d been trying her damndest not to think about it. “I don’t know...do we have to do anything?” 
Billy shot her a look. “If I tried that with my birthday would that work?” 
Teddi sighed “No…”
“What’d you used to do back home?” he asked. 
Teddi thought about it. Birthdays in her family had never really been a very big deal. Her parents hadn’t even celebrated their own unless you counted the fancy new purse her dad would buy her mother every year. “...Me and Hannah would drive into the city and we’d ride the Staten Island ferry back and forth for a few hours and smoke weed.” she finally said.
Billy laughed. “Jesus, Larsson. As fun as that sounds, you got any other ideas?”
“Well what did you do for your 18th birthday?” she asked with an irritated sigh. 
Billy smirked. “Cheryl.” he said with a snort. 
“Ugh. You’re disgusting,” she groaned, Billy chuckling at her. “As fun as that sounds, I think I’d rather just go to the movies or something. Maybe we can go to Starcourt and bring Max and El.” she suggested. 
Billy’s smile faltered for just a moment. “Whatever you say, Birthday Girl.” he said cooly. 
Teddi frowned slightly, pulling away from him. “...I’m gonna go find a lounger and read for awhile. You gonna come see me after you’re done up here?” she asked. Billy’s smile was back as he nodded and leaned in to kiss her again as if nothing had happened. Teddi hopped down, not looking at Karen and her friends as she passed them and headed for an empty chair by the pool. 
She started to wonder almost obsessively about the look on Billy’s face when she suggested going to the movies as she peeled her crop top and shorts off. She knew that he was watching her strip down to her bright green bikini, but didn’t turn to look at him. Had he maybe planned something different? Was it because she wanted to go with El and Max? When it came to Billy there was really no telling what was going on in his head.
Teddi let out a heavy sigh, plopping down onto the white lounger and pulling her copy of the Fellowship of the Rings out of her bag. With her sunglasses on, she allowed herself to peek back at Billy as she pretended to read. He was watching her with a sort of confused frown before his jaw set tightly and he turned away from her. 
He was definitely up to something. 
Teddi was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, chewing on her bottom lip as she carefully folded the bright purple wrapping paper around the stack of books she’d gotten El for her birthday. Teddi had picked them out carefully. There was the Princess Bride, Alice in Wonderland and the Last Unicorn; each bound in intricate covers with a short message that Teddi had written inside each of them. 
The phone started ringing as she scrawled From Teddi and Billy on the little tag she’d stuck to the wrapping paper. “I got it,” Billy called from his room. Teddi didn’t pay much attention to him. She grabbed a smaller present, wrapped in the same purple paper, and set it on top of the other, larger present. “Yeah?...Oh, yeah hi,” Billy threw a look over at Teddi before he turned from her, lowering his voice to speak to whoever was on the other end. 
Teddi watched him with a frown. She grabbed the TV remote, muting the Starcourt commercial that was playing so she could hear a little better. “Just give me like...an hour. I’ll be there. Yeah. Alright, I’ll see you then.” Billy hung up. He turned, going still when he met Teddi’s eyes. She crossed her arms. 
“Who was that?” she asked. 
Billy shifted awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Nobody...uh, look Ted, I know I said I’d go to El’s party…”
“You’re cancelling? Billy, we were supposed to leave like ten minutes ago.” she huffed. Teddi stood, scooping the gifts into her arms. 
“Something came up is all. I gotta…” he shook his head. “I just gotta be somewhere, okay? El’s not gonna give a shit that I’m not there.” his tone was starting to get a little colder. Like Teddi was accusing him of something. It only made her more suspicious. 
“You know that that’s not true,” she argued. While Teddi and El had grown significantly closer over the last few months, Billy had also (begrudgingly) bonded with her much to Teddi’s surprise. “What’s going on here? You’re acting really weird. Why can’t I know where you’re going?”
She was trying to keep her tone light, playful. She even let out a little laugh at the end like she was teasing him. Billy’s jaw clenched, and Teddi’s stomach dropped. “...I gotta go. I’ll see you later. Tell El I said happy birthday.” he muttered, grabbing his keys and quickly walking out. 
Teddi glared at the door. The Camaro’s engine rumbled in the distance, slowly disappearing as Billy drove off. “Of all the nights to pull this shit…” she mumbled to herself, nearly stomping over to the kitchen counter and snatching up her keys. She spent the drive back into Hawkins going over theories to herself. Teddi found herself feeling ashamed when she wondered if maybe there was someone else. 
She liked to think that if Billy was cheating on her he’d hide it better. Or maybe that was just her ego. It was Billy after all. Teddi let out a heavy sigh. It had to be something else. She just had absolutely no idea what it could be. 
When she arrived at the cabin she pushed Billy from her mind. She wouldn’t let this ruin the party. Teddi grabbed the presents, hopping out of the van and heading up the porch, her boots thumping against the old wood. Hopper answered when she knocked.
“Hey, kiddo,” he grinned down at her, his eyes immediately looking over to the empty space beside her. “...No Billy?” he asked, his eyebrows raised. 
“Something came up last minute,” she explained, trying to keep her tone neutral. “It’s probably for the best. I’m sure he’d complain about the cake ruining his physique or something.”
Hopper chuckled and stepped aside to let Teddi in. He’d traded in his uniform for some jeans an old plaid button up. Teddi always thought he looked less intimidating in his own clothes. More like a dad that liked to tell cheesy jokes...which was exactly what Hopper was. 
The kids were all already there aside from Dustin, who was off at summer camp. They were all crowded around the dinner table playing a game of Candyland. The cabin was decorated with colorful streamers, balloons and a big banner that read Happy Birthday! was hanging above the kitchen. There was a small cake sitting out on the counter waiting for it’s candles. It was a soft yellow color with bright pink piping and Happy Birthday El scrawled in shaky lettering that Teddi assumed belonged to Hopper. 
“Teddi!” El said, smiling brightly at her before pushing her chair back and hurrying over to the blonde. Teddi set her presents aside before wrapping her in a tight hug.
“Jeez, Ellie Bean. When’d you get so tall? I don’t have to bend down to hug you anymore.” she laughed. All of the kids had hit a growth spurt over the summer. Teddi no longer towered over them. She wasn’t really sure when it had happened exactly. It was like one day suddenly Mike was taller than she was and she’d nearly had an existential crisis. 
El let out a small laugh. “Hop says I’m not allowed to get any taller.” 
“He’s right.” Teddi muttered. 
“...Where’s Billy?” El asked, peering out one of the front windows as if she expected to see Billy smoking out on the porch.  
Teddi winced a little at her disappointed expression. “He’s not gonna be able to make it. Something came up, I guess. He told me to tell you happy birthday.”
That had gotten Max’s attention. The redhead looked away from the board game, looking at Teddi suspiciously. “What do you mean something came up? Did you guys break up?” she asked.
Teddi let out a sigh. “No...it’s a long story. I’d rather not talk about it.” she mumbled, heading over to the fridge to grab a drink. El and Max shared a knowing look. They’d agree to drop the subject. For now. 
“Hey, how come we can’t go to the sleepover?” Lucas asked as Teddi pulled a seat up to the game. 
Max rolled her eyes. “Because it’s a girl’s night, genius. None of you are girls.”
“That’s pretty sexist of you guys.” Mike argued. 
Hopper scoffed loudly from his spot on the couch. “Quit while you’re behind, Wheeler.” 
“What do you guys even do during a girl’s night?” Lucas asked, looking between the three girls. 
“Summon demons.” Teddi said with a straight face.
Mike, Lucas and Will all shared a look. “...I’m pretty sure she’s kidding.” Will finally decided. 
After the game of Candyland (Mike won, but Lucas had accused him of cheating) they all crowded around El to sing happy birthday and eat cake. After the presents had been opened, Teddi held up the smaller gift she had wrapped earlier, motioning to El to follow her out to the porch. 
She handed the small, but long box to the teen with an almost embarrassed look. El smiled at her, making quick work of ripping the paper open. Inside the white box was quite frankly one of the tackiest necklaces Teddi had ever seen. It had a clunky, golden chain and a deep blue stone at the end of it. In the stone there was a constellation that was almost crudely carved into the stone. 
“When I was little and my dad started working for the city, he took me and my mom to this state fair so he could make himself look good for his bosses. There were all these game stands, and one of them was this little pool that had these little rubber ducks in it. You got to pick three of them, and if you picked the right one you got a prize. So I begged him over and over to let me play and I ended up winning that horrible necklace,” she said, her and El both laughing. “It’s how I found out I was a gemini. The girl that worked at the stand was a total hippie and gave it to me when I told her my birthday. The stone is supposed to be our birthstone and then that’s the gemini constellation...I don’t know. I found it again after I moved in with Billy and I thought you should have it. It’s ugly in kind of a cool way.”
El held the necklace up, smiling up at Teddi. “I love it.” 
“Yeah?” Teddi asked, letting out a relieved sigh. “Good! Here,” she took the necklace from El, twirling her finger to tell her to turn around and clasped it around her neck. El turned back towards Teddi, taking the small pendant between her fingers. “Perfect. Come on, we should go get Max and head out before Hop tries to kill Mike.” Teddi snickered. 
The two girls headed inside, El hurrying over to Max and pulling her to her room to grab their things. Hopper looked so relieved Teddi thought he might cry. He stood up from the couch, waving his hands at the door. “Alright, boys, the party’s over. You don’t have to go home, but you have to get the hell outta my house.” 
“This is totally unfair!” Mike complained. “I can’t spend time with my girlfriend on her birthday because of girl’s night?” 
“How ‘bout you complain to someone who cares, Wheeler. Let’s go.” Hopper said, herding him towards the door. El and Max came running back out, arms full with their bags and sleeping bags. Lucas and Will wished her happy birthday again before practically dragging Mike out to their bikes. 
“Don’t worry chief, I’ll take good care of them,” Teddi said, placing her hands on El and Max’s heads. “We’re gonna make crank calls and break out the ouija board.”
Hopper smiled thinly at her. “Funny. You two be good, alright? No boys or ritual sacrifices,” he leaned forward, hugging El and placing a kiss on her head. “Happy birthday, kid.” he said, smiling down fondly at his daughter. 
Once the three girls were in the van and headed back for the apartment, Max spoke up. “So...what’s going on with Billy? Is he being an ass again?”
“What happened to not talking about it?” Teddi asked. 
“Why not? The boys aren’t here. So, what did he do? What was this thing that suddenly came up?” Max asked, leaning forward excitedly. 
Teddi looked at the two girls in the rearview mirror before letting out a sigh. “...I’m not really sure yet. Someone called right before we were supposed to leave for the party and he said he had to go. And when I asked him what was going on he got all...weird.” 
Max and El looked at each other. “Weird how? Like weird weird, or Billy weird?” 
“Billy weird. He’s been acting like this all day. Like he’s keeping a secret or something.”
“We should find him.” El said with a firm nod. 
Teddi laughed. “Find him and do what? Spy on him?” 
Max looked at her as if the answer was obvious. “Duh. If he’s with someone else you can catch him in the act and dump his ass.”
Teddi actually considered it for a moment before shaking her head. “That’s insane. What about the sleepover? And how would we even find him? You want me to drive all around Hawkins all night?” 
“We can still have the sleepover later,” Max shook her head. El shot her best friend a brief, knowing look. Max looked back at Teddi with an unsure expression. “...El can find him.”
“Oh yeah? How?”
El smiled at Teddi sheepishly. “...Long story.” 
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a-mountain-of-atoms · 5 years
College Storytime:
I’m really lucky in some ways, I grew up in a community that made me feel like my voice mattered. When I came to college (3000 miles away from my home town) I was incredibly lost, all the sudden I was in a new academic hierarchy that I didn’t understand and I was at the very bottom rung. I felt like nothing I would do in college had any impact outside of my very small radius.
So I decided to apply for everything. I got my first job a month into my freshman year, working for a science outreach program that funds undergraduates to teach middle school science at low-income schools. This experience was so incredible to me because I had a wonderful mentor that shared her story with me and made me feel like I actually did have a voice in such an overly suppressive system. Flashforward to spring semester and I was leading teaching teams (not a common role for a freshman). I loved this, it was so incredibly challenging in all the right ways. 
Then came my next job where I was hired by my department (chemistry) to essentially rewrite the curriculum for introducing coding in general chemistry lab. I felt like such an imposter. My first time coding was less than a year ago and suddenly they wanted me to find ways to teach that same language to my peers. It was a hell of a summer. I ended up writing an interactive coding workbook that is used as the first lab assignment in intro chem and I am really fucking proud of it. 
After that, I became my college’s equivalent of an RA. This brought on a whole field of new challenges and I still struggle a lot with this role but it has also taught me a lot. I learned how to use my voice to advocate for myself and others. I’ll be returning to this role this upcoming semester and I am both excited and nervous about how it will impact my academic career. 
The following summer (after my sophomore year) I learned that essentially writing curriculum for intro chem labs makes you a pretty desirable candidate for working in a professor’s research lab. This actually really surprised me in some ways. I’m genuinely not the best student, I work really hard in all my classes of course but if you can’t already tell I have a bit of a problem with saying no and so time management has always been a struggle of mine and my GPA definitely reflects this (RIP O-Chem). Regardless of this, I was offered a fellowship to work in my top choice lab and I have been in that lab this whole summer.
I’m so excited for this upcoming semester because the roles I will carry with me have grown so much from the voice that I felt I had in my hometown. I guess the reason I wanted to type all this out is that I am learning my most important lesson this year: I get to be proud of myself, and I found my voice again. I want to be able to look back when the semester gets tough and remember exactly why I picked this path: to make quiet things heard. 
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mandelene · 5 years
How do you get your internships? Can you please explain how it works? Your being able to travel around the world due to it seriously amazing and something I'd love.
I’ve talked about it a bit before in the past, but I’m part of this fellowship that I had to apply for. Admission is based on grades, involvement on campus, some essays, and letters of recommendation. I can’t give the specific organization away because it would reveal a lot of personal information about me like my name and where I go to school, but it’s exclusively an NYC thing and only available to a select number of colleges in NYC. However, it’s not the only fellowship that allows students to travel for work/internship. If you’re in college in the U.S. and finishing soon, I would recommend applying for something like the Fulbright which is another fellowship (usually spent teaching English in another country), or even a Rhodes Scholarship, which would let you study in the UK basically for free. There’s a lot of similar stuff out there and different cities/states have different opportunities, so definitely do a Google search and see what you’re eligible for. Again, I can’t go in-depth but basically, I get funded for 3 summers to intern. I either choose to find the internships myself or work with one of my fellowship’s partner organizations. (Either way, I have to go on interviews and have to get an offer from the organization and then have it approved by my fellowship). The organization offering me the internship doesn’t pay me, my fellowship does, and so that makes me look more appealing because I’m a free worker for the organization, lol. The first year has to be spent interning in NYC. The second can be either somewhere else in the U.S. or abroad, and the last one must be abroad. I get a set amount of money that is supposed to technically be my “income” for the internship, but I get all of this money about two months before I leave -- so it’s like I’m getting paid in advance, but then I don’t get any more money on top of that so I have to stay within that budget. This year, I got $6,000. I have to use that money for housing (you have to find your own housing, the fellowship doesn’t do it for you) and all other living expenses for my 10 weeks in Australia. I also had to use a chunk of that money to pay for my Australian work holiday visa (which was goddamn expensive, jesus). 
The only things I don’t have to pay for with that money are my plane tickets -- my fellowship pays for that. They also purchase basic travel and medical insurance for me so if I get sick or injured, I can see a doctor/go to a hospital or clinic. 
And, oh boy, let me tell you that $6000 is not enough to find decent housing in Sydney + have enough leftover money for everything else. Regardless, that’s what my contract gives me and I’m not allowed to ask for more. I could have made it work, but it would have been tough. Thankfully, because my family is too pure, they told me they’d help me pay a little extra for my housing so that I could have an apartment to myself instead of suffering with a roommate again like I had in London (my shared London flat was smaller than the apartment I currently live in with my parents in NYC and that’s saying A LOT lol). It’s their graduation gift to me xD So I’m gonna have a nice 1 bedroom apartment in Surry Hills WITH AN ELEVATOR/LIFT, an actual kitchen with an oven (I only had a small stove in London), a living room with a TV (which I also didn’t have in London) and a queen-sized bed (I slept in a twin bed in London). The place is also a 15-minute WALK to work. I have never been so close to work/school that I’ve been able to WALK in my entire life, lmao. In London, I was a 25-minute bus ride from work and was pretty much forced to take the tube if I wanted to go anywhere because I was staying in Finsbury Park and worked in Clerkenwell.
So I’m gonna be living reeeeeally comfortably this summer. And I promised myself I’m taking a taxi from the airport to the apartment. I suffered too much in London and Paris to make that mistake again. No more dragging my suitcase onto the train and then walking with it for 10 blocks and pulling it up multiple flights of stairs until I wanted to cry and die xD (LOOKING AT YOU, GARE DU NORD IN PARIS). Shoutout to the nice gentleman at Gatwick Airport in England who helped me get my suitcase onto the Thameslink, lol.
It’s amazing how much my attitude toward traveling and all of the fears I had the first time around have disappeared. The only things I’m really worried about with Australia are the long flights. Traveling by oneself teaches a lot of good life lessons, especially when you’re young and dumb like me. xD I’m super grateful to my fellowship for flinging me out into the world. (I should note that they do not allow for other people in the fellowship to be geographically close to you or live with you. This is supposed to be a totally independent experience. Family and friends are strictly prohibited from visiting during the course of my internship. It’s not like study abroad where you are with a group of students. I will be on my own.) Edit: the reason I got to spend time with my fellowship friends last year in Paris was because we had all finished our internships and had extra money leftover. We're allowed to see each other once we've completed our 10 weeks).
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wanderleave · 6 years
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This is nothing but pure crack, but it’s also the first thing that came to mind upon seeing that per a certain book, Nancy Wheeler is a member of the Hawkins Presbyterian Youth Fellowship. I apologize in advance.
She really had gone, in the beginning.
But youth group was never really the same without Barb, and every time Nancy had planned to go, after, something had always come up; homework, Steve, monsters. Eventually she’d left it behind, just like so many things.
The only thing is, her mother didn’t know that.
Her mother believes, still, that every Thursday from 5-8, Nancy Wheeler is down at Hawkins Presbyterian, doing some good in the world.
Mike knows, bought off with the promise of a ride to school in the mornings once it’s too cold to ride his bike instead of enduring the bus, which, in the grand scheme of things, is not too great a price to pay.
She’s not sure if her father ever knows where she is.
She looks forward to it all week, the chunk of time with no responsibilities, no obligations. Which isn’t to say she isn’t responsible, she’s done more than a few hours of studying while she’s supposed to be down at the church. But for three hours (plus travel time) weekly, Nancy Wheeler is gloriously, unreservedly free to do whatever she pleases.
Which, these days, is Jonathan.
“Can you come straight home after school, Nancy?” her mother calls to her one morning from the kitchen, as she slides into her seat at the table, her father hidden behind a newspaper, Holly drinking her orange juice, Mike gnawing on a piece of toast. “I want to plan our college visits for this summer. Mike, you too.”
“You’ll be applying yourself in a few years, and this way we won’t have to visit them again.”
“I have to go to the arcade after school,” Mike protests, “Max beat my score on—”
“Michael Wheeler, that is not a good excuse and you know it.”
“Oh, I can’t.” Nancy blinks, and smiles apologetically, glancing over at Mike, who’s fuming. “It’s Thursday, Mom.”
Karen sighs. “Right, of course. That is more important. Well, this weekend then.”
“What’s Thursday?” Ted asks, uninterested.
“Youth group. You know that, Ted.”
Nancy keeps the smile on her face, pretends she’s the good daughter her parents believe her to be.
Her father makes a noise of acknowledgement. “And what does one do at this youth group, anyway?” he asks, but Nancy can tell the question is rhetorical.
“Youth group?” Mike scoffs, eyes rolling, clearly still annoyed that her fake excuse carries more weight than his video game-based drama.
“They do good things in the community, Ted,” her mother supplies, standing once more to refill Holly’s orange juice.
“I thought it was when Nancy and Jonathan discuss God, repeatedly, in the backseat of his car,” Mike mutters under his breath.
Nancy chokes on her cereal.
She throws a glare at Mike, followed by a swift kick to his shin, which he reciprocates.
“What was that, Mike? Did you say Jonathan joined too?” Karen calls, oblivious to the silent fight taking place at the kitchen table behind her back.
I will murder you, Nancy says with her eyes. Agree with her right now.
“Drive me to the arcade and we’ve got a deal,” Mike hisses.
Her father reads on, unconcerned.
“Fine,” she hisses back.
Mike grins.
Karen turns around, an eyebrow raised.
“Yeah,” Mike says, managing to keep the satisfaction out of his voice. “Jonathan joined too.”
“Oh that’s wonderful! It’ll look great on his college applications.”
“Oh yeah,” he continues, and this time some sarcasm creeps in as he starts to grin once more. “He’s really into it. Very passionate.”
Nancy turns her glare back on him, which she cuts short as her mother comes back to the table.
“You must be happy, Nancy, that you two have something more to do together.”
“Mm-hmm,” Nancy agrees, blinking, and then turns her gaze back to her bowl.
“Jonathan!” Karen exclaims as they walk through the foyer later that evening. “I didn’t know you were joining us. How was youth group?”
“I’m not,” he says, frowning slightly, as Nancy’s stomach drops. She’d completely forgotten to mention it to him during their hours parked in the woods. “I’m just getting a book I left here—big essay this weekend. And um,” he glances over to Nancy, as she stares at him, eyes wide, willing him to read her mind. “It was . . . ”
Nancy cuts in. “It was fine. We both,” she stresses, with a significant glance, “find it very fulfilling, doing these things together.”
Karen smiles.
“Oh. Oh,” he says, and Nancy can see the moment it clicks. “Right. Yes. We had . . . fun.” His tone goes up at the end of the sentence, almost turning it into a question, but her mother doesn’t seem to notice.
“That’s wonderful. Are you sure you won’t stay for dinner?”
“Oh, no,” he protests, “I should really get . . . ”
“Nonsense,” Karen says, talking over him, ushering him into the dining room. “I insist, I made far too much.”
Grimacing over his shoulder, he follows her, mouthing, Youth group? as Nancy gives him an apologetic smile.
Nancy thinks they’re in the clear, her mother having turned her attention to her younger siblings, asking after Mike’s afternoon as she spoons carrots onto Holly’s plate, until she turns back to Jonathan.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Did you want to say grace?”
The look on his face is something that, if Nancy wasn’t complicit in its cause, she would remember with glee until the end of time. As it is, she feels the blood drain from her face, even as she finds herself suppressing an irresistible urge to laugh.
“Um,” he says, eyebrows raised, blinking.
Karen goes on, “Mike was just saying this morning, how passionate you were about it, I thought maybe . . . ”
Nancy chances a look at her brother, whose urge to laugh seems to be less repressed than hers.
She kicks him again. Mike sobers instantly.
Her gaze flicks back to find Jonathan staring at her, accusatory, as the silence drags on. She plasters a pleasant look on her face, turns to her mother.
“Mom, he . . . he’s only been going for a few weeks, and that’s not really the point. We’re just trying to help out the community— ”
“Okay, okay,” Karen says, putting her hands up. “I just . . . I was just thinking . . . ”
Jonathan shoots once last dagger at Nancy, before turning back himself. “Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler,” he says, and his tone of ingratiation almost causes Nancy’s composure to break, a single giggle escaping before she rearranges her face into something resembling benign interest. “Maybe next time.”
When they’ve finally escaped to her room, he shuts the door with a snap, folding his arms, leaning against the wall.
Nancy gives him a hopeful smile.
He shakes his head at her.
Her smile turns apologetic. “Sorry?”
“What was that,” he asks, eyebrow raised. “Youth group? I thought you stopped going?”
She takes a step toward him, pulling his hands into hers, pulling him close, wrapping his arms around her, tilting her head up to look at him out of the corner of her eye. He looks down at her, his expression skeptical at her actions.
“I . . . did? But I didn’t tell my mother?”
Jonathan frowns at her, his gaze still wary.
“So I could hang out with you! Why else did you think we had a standing Thursday date?”
She watches as the information sinks in, watches the smile spread across his face, as the arms wrapped around her tighten of their own volition. “Oh.”
“And then Mike,” Nancy says with a snort, finally allowing the laughter she’s been pushing down all night to the surface, “at breakfast this morning, said it was when—” She tries to get the words out, fails.
“What,” he asks, wary again.
Nancy raises her eyes heavenward. “He said . . . it was when we discussed God, repeatedly, in the backseat of your car.”
He blinks, and Nancy thinks this may be the first time in a long while she’s seen him actually speechless. “He what?”
“I know,” she says, her mouth open in remembered astonishment, her eyes meeting his as she continues, “I just about murdered him at the kitchen table, but luckily she only heard your name, so um, looks like you’re going to be joining me at youth group for the foreseeable future.”
His expression turns considering as he leans back against the wall, pulling her with him. “I mean,” he says, sliding down so he’s on her level, “I wouldn’t mind having another theological discussion.”
Nancy scrunches her nose up at him.
“Oh God,” he says with a grin, teasing, and she covers his mouth with her hand before he can get any more words out.
“Shut up!” she hisses, cocking her head toward the door to try and detect any of her family members on the landing.
“Oh Jesus,” he goes on, muffled, his eyes mischievous.
She gives him a withering look. “Keep this up and there won’t be any discussing for a week, heathen.”
That shuts him up.
“Now,” she says, extricating herself from his embrace, “take your book and get out of here before you blaspheme any more.”
Jonathan sighs, off her raised eyebrow, shaking his head, but takes his book from where it rests on her dresser. “Are you sure I can’t change your mind?”
“Yes,” she says with a grin, taking a step toward him, tilting her face up toward his. “But, I wouldn’t say no to a . . . conversation tomorrow.”
His smile grows to match hers, and as he leans down to kiss her, says, “Thank god for that.”
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rileymcdaniels · 5 years
my school email just changed to my full new name and !!!!!! that’s exciting
and my Rule 9 card (which is very fancy and says that the Washington Supreme Court admitted me to limited practice on it) has my full name on it and it’s very very nice and exciting
work was good today. i used the men’s bathroom and the world didn’t end. i got to tell a client some good news, and she was so happy and relieved. i’m making progress on a couple of projects. i’m REALLY excited to start this one project next week. i scheduled a time next week to talk to one of the attorneys about education and outreach efforts that she/other people have wanted to do for ages because i’m considering applying for a fellowship and tenants rights workshops (particularly for first-time renters like college students) is part of the project i would need to design for that. so that’ll be interesting. and this attorney is so great!!! she’s so nice and i’m teaching her gamer terms to use around her kids to make them cringe ahahahaha. she’s just so nice, tho.
my supervisor is so nice, too. so is the other attorney who i work with. the legal assistants and paralegals are so nice and welcoming. it’s a pretty relaxed atmosphere, too, and my supervisor emphasized how much she wants me to feel like i can say something if i’m feeling overwhelmed by how much work i have to do and that i can come to her for help with prioritization. she has some really cool projects for me to do this summer, too. 
AND i’m getting to write some court documents for her. i need to get in contact with the client, but i’m working on that, and soon i’ll have everything together and we’ll get everything filed :D 
so. it’s exciting. and a little overwhelming. and kind of scary. but exciting.
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Creative Circles – A Retreat for Those Striving to Serve Humanity Through Art
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I had the privilege of assembly the fantastic Gordon Kerr on the current Ink of Mild Baha’i Writers’ Pageant, and he informed me about an superior initiative he’s began within the UK referred to as ‘Creative Circles’.
Creative Circles is a small retreat for those striving to serve humanity via artwork, and it’s a gathering where artists of every type come together from around the globe for every week of masterclasses, workshops, shows, and the sharing of experiences. It’s also a chance for artists to explore their pursuits and nurture their artistic skills in an atmosphere of fellowship and help.
I absolutely love the thought of Creative Circles and I needed to know more, so here’s what Gordon had to say about this great initiative:
Baha’i Blog: Hi Gordon, are you able to tell us just a little bit about Creative Circles and what it’s all about?
Creative Circles are a collection of small scale retreats meant to attraction to artists from throughout the artistic spectrum. They bring about collectively writers, painters, musicians, filmmakers and performance artists who attempt to hold spirit on the centre of their apply, no matter their self-discipline. They are distinctive within the distinctive welcoming spirit we attempt to foster and concentrate on personal and social transformation via the follow of artwork.
Baha’i Blog: What was your motivation in beginning Creative Circles?
I consider that art is important for our private and social improvement and that encouragement and help is important if artists are to fulfil their position as torchbearers of a brand new world civilisation. I was privileged to work for the Nationwide Assembly of the Baha’is of the UK for some 18 years, the place as supervisor of the Baha’i Publishing Belief I used to be in a position to work with writers, artists, photographers, filmmakers and musicians from all all over the world. Since shifting to China in 2000 I’ve continued to work within the subject of schooling, publishing and arts administration, operating summer time arts camps and packages in artistic educating strategies for native faculties and universities and serving as director of several arts and educational organisations.
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Gordon Kerr, Creative Circles founder.
Over four many years I have seen how we frequently wrestle to value the contribution that artists could make to the event and enlargement of the Baha’i group. I have additionally witnessed how many gifted and sensitive souls who sought in several ways to supply their art as a response to the Revelation, have been typically ignored, had their motives impugned or have been even abused in several methods. This is typically a results of inexperience or unrealistic expectations on the a part of artists, but in addition due to slender mindsets, cultural ignorance, or insecurity within sure sections of the Baha’i group. Sadly, this resulted in many of those gifted souls, including lots of my closest associates, leaving the Faith or turning into marginalised inside the Baha’i group. The state of affairs has significantly improved, but many souls nonetheless bear deep scars which prohibit their potential and others still find it troublesome to play a fulfilling position within the Baha’i group. I needed to do something about that and so spent several years consulting buddies, mentors, establishments and learning related steerage.
Baha’i Blog: How are they organised?
Creative Circles are organised and sponsored by the Dazzling Spark Arts Basis. This privately funded foundation was started in 2013 in Edinburgh to commemorate the centenary of Abdu’l-Baha’s visit to Scotland. The purpose is to create a everlasting legacy to these “never to be forgotten days” by encouraging and supporting artists who use their skills in service to humanity.
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This yr we are organising three Creative Circles in Northumberland, UK. Every residential program lasts for 3 days and has a slightly totally different focus, Literary Arts 16-18 July, Music & Performing Arts 19-21 July and Visual Arts 22-24 July. We hope to host other Creative Circles at other occasions of the yr in several venues and are exploring the thought of rolling packages in Europe, North America and Asia which can scale back costs and travelling distances and permit more artists to participate.
We nonetheless have a couple of places left on this yr’s program however we attempt to hold all our Creative Circles quite small in order that we will keep an intimate setting where everyone has the prospect to share and turn into absolutely engaged. As a non-profit company we attempt to maintain prices as little as we will and supply subsidies to those on restricted incomes. Tickets might be be booked instantly although this hyperlink.
Baha’i Weblog: Why do you assume it’s essential to have one thing like this?
We talked to many artists and educators, additionally researching arts organisations, help networks and funding businesses. Our conclusion is that we’d like a particular area for artists to receive encouragement and feedback in a mutually supportive surroundings. Creative Circles meet an necessary want by providing alternatives for artists to come collectively to explore the challenges of the artistic process in a loving and supportive environment which encourages reflection, shared learning and collaboration. Although at present a lot of the members are Baha’is, our aim is to appeal to any and all artists who attempt to converse the widespread religious language of art and who’re interested in the betterment of the world via individual and social transformation. We also hope to prolong our networks and study from working with other organisations and businesses who share comparable objectives. Through co-sponsorship and joint administration of tasks we will strengthen our expertise, help extra artists and ship higher outcomes for the communities we serve.
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Our work is on a modest scale, but thus far we’ve got sponsored and supported artists from throughout the artistic spectrum, commissioned items and performances, offered journey grants and assisted places, helped with grant writing and offered practical publishing and advertising recommendation. Last yr we additionally instituted the Dazzling Spark Awards which give recognition to artists and organisations who have made outstanding contributions in the fields of private and social transformation. Considered one of our most visible and profitable packages has been our Creative Circles.
Baha’i Weblog: Are you able to describe these Creative Circles in more detail?
These retreats are fairly small scale in nature, however convey collectively three teams of individuals: established artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers and artistic professionals of each background, plus a second group of rising or aspiring artists and thirdly an equally necessary group of supporters and arts lovers, comparable to family, pals, colleagues and club members. This mixture of skills and energies when rigorously nurtured will help produce an intimate and supportive surroundings for deep and meaningful dialogue. This has proved really transformational and a magnet to those with comparable aspirations to use their skills and assets for the betterment of the world. Many long-term Baha’is have described the Creative Circles as probably the most empowering and joyful expertise of their lives and urged us to host comparable occasions all over the world, something we’re actively researching and contemplating.
Our Creative Circles are still evolving but after a few years of trial and error we’ve established a successful model which could be adapted to totally different places and communities, typically in partnership with other organisations. So perhaps in future we will probably be hosting a Creative Circles close to you. In case you are interested by exploring this additional please do get in contact. You possibly can attain us through e mail: [email protected]
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Baha’i Weblog: How do you see them creating in future?
As with all studying course of, consultation and reflection are both essential. One of the fascinating observations we now have made, is that our unique idea of “aspiring artists” as a gaggle of primarily youthful, inexperienced artists proved to be restricted. Modifications in demographics and life has meant that many who retire from full-time work are faced with a new set of challenges. Whereas retirement prior to now might have meant a number of years put out to pasture or spent in leisurely pursuits comparable to crafts or hobbies, now many individuals are being pressured to consider some type of lively employment to help meagre pensions or lack of household/group help. Whether driven by monetary need, a want for private fulfilment or commitment to service, giant numbers of people at the moment are actively reinventing ourselves as artistic professionals/ academics/consultants in a second or third profession which as life expectancy increases might stretch 20-30 years into the longer term. We now have come to realise subsequently that retirees getting into new careers as artists should not be seen as mere hobbyists or fanatics, however probably as critical professionals investing appreciable time, assets and experience into perfecting their work. Perhaps you’re one such worthy soul. It’s never too late to start.
The humanities are often a good way to meet new individuals and type new friendships so maybe you possibly can be a part of an present group or even start one in your home or group area. Most arts are a form of religious language the place individuals are comfortable to interact in meaningful conversations.
Baha’i Weblog: How can we study extra about Creative Circles?
Info is repeatedly posted on our Dazzling Spark Basis’s Facebook page and we hope to relaunch our digital platforms and websites in the subsequent few weeks. Finally, for those of you who is perhaps here is a link to a brief film we produced of last years Creative Circles within the north of England by award-winning filmmaker Lou Armitt. It conveys something of the unique spirit of Creative Circles, so please have a look and share.
Baha’i Weblog: Thanks so much, Gordon for taking the time to do that interview, and thank you for creating such an exquisite initiative! We hope this yr’s Creative Circles proceed to be enriching and fulfilling for all.
Ebook tickets to attend this yr’s Creative Circles, but hurry because it starts in a couple of days, so register now!
The post Creative Circles – A Retreat for Those Striving to Serve Humanity Through Art appeared first on Android Blog.
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lovefuturisticmgtow · 5 years
Creative Circles – A Retreat for Those Striving to Serve Humanity Through Art
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I had the privilege of assembly the fantastic Gordon Kerr on the current Ink of Mild Baha’i Writers’ Pageant, and he informed me about an superior initiative he’s began within the UK referred to as ‘Creative Circles’.
Creative Circles is a small retreat for those striving to serve humanity via artwork, and it’s a gathering where artists of every type come together from around the globe for every week of masterclasses, workshops, shows, and the sharing of experiences. It’s also a chance for artists to explore their pursuits and nurture their artistic skills in an atmosphere of fellowship and help.
I absolutely love the thought of Creative Circles and I needed to know more, so here’s what Gordon had to say about this great initiative:
Baha’i Blog: Hi Gordon, are you able to tell us just a little bit about Creative Circles and what it’s all about?
Creative Circles are a collection of small scale retreats meant to attraction to artists from throughout the artistic spectrum. They bring about collectively writers, painters, musicians, filmmakers and performance artists who attempt to hold spirit on the centre of their apply, no matter their self-discipline. They are distinctive within the distinctive welcoming spirit we attempt to foster and concentrate on personal and social transformation via the follow of artwork.
Baha’i Blog: What was your motivation in beginning Creative Circles?
I consider that art is important for our private and social improvement and that encouragement and help is important if artists are to fulfil their position as torchbearers of a brand new world civilisation. I was privileged to work for the Nationwide Assembly of the Baha’is of the UK for some 18 years, the place as supervisor of the Baha’i Publishing Belief I used to be in a position to work with writers, artists, photographers, filmmakers and musicians from all all over the world. Since shifting to China in 2000 I’ve continued to work within the subject of schooling, publishing and arts administration, operating summer time arts camps and packages in artistic educating strategies for native faculties and universities and serving as director of several arts and educational organisations.
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Gordon Kerr, Creative Circles founder.
Over four many years I have seen how we frequently wrestle to value the contribution that artists could make to the event and enlargement of the Baha’i group. I have additionally witnessed how many gifted and sensitive souls who sought in several ways to supply their art as a response to the Revelation, have been typically ignored, had their motives impugned or have been even abused in several methods. This is typically a results of inexperience or unrealistic expectations on the a part of artists, but in addition due to slender mindsets, cultural ignorance, or insecurity within sure sections of the Baha’i group. Sadly, this resulted in many of those gifted souls, including lots of my closest associates, leaving the Faith or turning into marginalised inside the Baha’i group. The state of affairs has significantly improved, but many souls nonetheless bear deep scars which prohibit their potential and others still find it troublesome to play a fulfilling position within the Baha’i group. I needed to do something about that and so spent several years consulting buddies, mentors, establishments and learning related steerage.
Baha’i Blog: How are they organised?
Creative Circles are organised and sponsored by the Dazzling Spark Arts Basis. This privately funded foundation was started in 2013 in Edinburgh to commemorate the centenary of Abdu’l-Baha’s visit to Scotland. The purpose is to create a everlasting legacy to these “never to be forgotten days” by encouraging and supporting artists who use their skills in service to humanity.
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This yr we are organising three Creative Circles in Northumberland, UK. Every residential program lasts for 3 days and has a slightly totally different focus, Literary Arts 16-18 July, Music & Performing Arts 19-21 July and Visual Arts 22-24 July. We hope to host other Creative Circles at other occasions of the yr in several venues and are exploring the thought of rolling packages in Europe, North America and Asia which can scale back costs and travelling distances and permit more artists to participate.
We nonetheless have a couple of places left on this yr’s program however we attempt to hold all our Creative Circles quite small in order that we will keep an intimate setting where everyone has the prospect to share and turn into absolutely engaged. As a non-profit company we attempt to maintain prices as little as we will and supply subsidies to those on restricted incomes. Tickets might be be booked instantly although this hyperlink.
Baha’i Weblog: Why do you assume it’s essential to have one thing like this?
We talked to many artists and educators, additionally researching arts organisations, help networks and funding businesses. Our conclusion is that we’d like a particular area for artists to receive encouragement and feedback in a mutually supportive surroundings. Creative Circles meet an necessary want by providing alternatives for artists to come collectively to explore the challenges of the artistic process in a loving and supportive environment which encourages reflection, shared learning and collaboration. Although at present a lot of the members are Baha’is, our aim is to appeal to any and all artists who attempt to converse the widespread religious language of art and who’re interested in the betterment of the world via individual and social transformation. We also hope to prolong our networks and study from working with other organisations and businesses who share comparable objectives. Through co-sponsorship and joint administration of tasks we will strengthen our expertise, help extra artists and ship higher outcomes for the communities we serve.
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Our work is on a modest scale, but thus far we’ve got sponsored and supported artists from throughout the artistic spectrum, commissioned items and performances, offered journey grants and assisted places, helped with grant writing and offered practical publishing and advertising recommendation. Last yr we additionally instituted the Dazzling Spark Awards which give recognition to artists and organisations who have made outstanding contributions in the fields of private and social transformation. Considered one of our most visible and profitable packages has been our Creative Circles.
Baha’i Weblog: Are you able to describe these Creative Circles in more detail?
These retreats are fairly small scale in nature, however convey collectively three teams of individuals: established artists, writers, musicians, filmmakers and artistic professionals of each background, plus a second group of rising or aspiring artists and thirdly an equally necessary group of supporters and arts lovers, comparable to family, pals, colleagues and club members. This mixture of skills and energies when rigorously nurtured will help produce an intimate and supportive surroundings for deep and meaningful dialogue. This has proved really transformational and a magnet to those with comparable aspirations to use their skills and assets for the betterment of the world. Many long-term Baha’is have described the Creative Circles as probably the most empowering and joyful expertise of their lives and urged us to host comparable occasions all over the world, something we’re actively researching and contemplating.
Our Creative Circles are still evolving but after a few years of trial and error we’ve established a successful model which could be adapted to totally different places and communities, typically in partnership with other organisations. So perhaps in future we will probably be hosting a Creative Circles close to you. In case you are interested by exploring this additional please do get in contact. You possibly can attain us through e mail: [email protected]
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Baha’i Weblog: How do you see them creating in future?
As with all studying course of, consultation and reflection are both essential. One of the fascinating observations we now have made, is that our unique idea of “aspiring artists” as a gaggle of primarily youthful, inexperienced artists proved to be restricted. Modifications in demographics and life has meant that many who retire from full-time work are faced with a new set of challenges. Whereas retirement prior to now might have meant a number of years put out to pasture or spent in leisurely pursuits comparable to crafts or hobbies, now many individuals are being pressured to consider some type of lively employment to help meagre pensions or lack of household/group help. Whether driven by monetary need, a want for private fulfilment or commitment to service, giant numbers of people at the moment are actively reinventing ourselves as artistic professionals/ academics/consultants in a second or third profession which as life expectancy increases might stretch 20-30 years into the longer term. We now have come to realise subsequently that retirees getting into new careers as artists should not be seen as mere hobbyists or fanatics, however probably as critical professionals investing appreciable time, assets and experience into perfecting their work. Perhaps you’re one such worthy soul. It’s never too late to start.
The humanities are often a good way to meet new individuals and type new friendships so maybe you possibly can be a part of an present group or even start one in your home or group area. Most arts are a form of religious language the place individuals are comfortable to interact in meaningful conversations.
Baha’i Weblog: How can we study extra about Creative Circles?
Info is repeatedly posted on our Dazzling Spark Basis’s Facebook page and we hope to relaunch our digital platforms and websites in the subsequent few weeks. Finally, for those of you who is perhaps here is a link to a brief film we produced of last years Creative Circles within the north of England by award-winning filmmaker Lou Armitt. It conveys something of the unique spirit of Creative Circles, so please have a look and share.
Baha’i Weblog: Thanks so much, Gordon for taking the time to do that interview, and thank you for creating such an exquisite initiative! We hope this yr’s Creative Circles proceed to be enriching and fulfilling for all.
Ebook tickets to attend this yr’s Creative Circles, but hurry because it starts in a couple of days, so register now!
The post Creative Circles – A Retreat for Those Striving to Serve Humanity Through Art appeared first on Android Blog.
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