#temperature reached
nando161mando · 2 months
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A Powerful and Prolonged Heatwave is Affecting Eastern Europe and The Balkans, With Temperatures Reaching Unbearable 42-44°C (~110°F)
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sunflawyer · 6 months
hi friends bad news i caught a cold :-( i haven't been sick for a long time and getting sick all of the sudden sucks so bad.
ill still post here !💗💗 but uhggh my head hurts really badly... stay safe you all
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ricopop · 3 months
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@superbellsubways hi
alts/doodles below
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reasonsforhope · 11 months
Do you have a tag specifically for stuff about the climate crisis/what is being done/can be done to help stop or reverse its effects?
Basically just read a post that was "I'm not trying to be alarmist but- *spends seven paragraphs about how climate change is inevitable, we will never possibly recover from it, it's not global warming anymore its global "boiling", none of the damage can ever be undone and we're all going to be dead in the next five generations*" and I'm trying.. very hard not to spiral from it.
Sorry for bothering you 🙏
The "climate crisis" "climate change" and "climate hope" tags should do the trick.
Of those, "climate change" is the one that has the most content by far, just because the others are more narrow and "climate hope" is a much more recent term, so to speak, because I keep forgetting about it lol
I don't post anything that's not good news, so you can go through the general "climate change" tag without fear
Also, while I'm at it, that person is wrong. For a lot of reasons, including that we're actively fixing a lot of damage to ecosystems literally right now. And also also, GLOBAL WARMING WILL BE AT LEAST SOMEWHAT REVERSIBLE
Why? Well, the rise in average global temperatures is caused by excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. As we keep fixing the planet, restoring ecosystems, and stop burning fossil fuels, nature will siphon more and more of the carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.
And if there's less carbon dioxide (and other greenhouse gasses) in the atmosphere, then more heat can once again escape the planet and radiate out into space
Will this be easy? Probably not! This planet's natural systems are incomprehensibly complicated - but that also means there are solutions out there that we haven't even discovered. There are some additional problems to overcome, like the fact that the oceans will be surfacing excess heat for a few decades after we stop CO2 emissions, and also "natural gas" and "carbon capture" are fake solutions/oil company traps.
But we can do it. I so, so, so sincerely believe that.
One term that I think we'll be seeing more and more of in the coming years is "Drawdown": "Climate drawdown refers to the future point in time when levels of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere stop climbing and start to steadily decline.[1] Drawdown is a milestone in reversing climate change and eventually reducing global average temperatures." (from wikipedia)
We can achieve drawdown. Will life in the future look very different? Yes, in both good and bad ways.
Climate change is the earth's "feedback" to humanity: "Fix your shit or die."
People are, in general, really, really, really committed to finding ways not to die.
I genuinely believe the rest of us can overcome the few dozen billionaires trying to screw the rest of us over. Money is powerful, but the remaining 7 billion plus people on this planet are more so. And the fortunes of billlionaires are made off the backs of the rest of us - which means we can make those fortunes run dry.
Sources for this answer (warning, these talk about the negative side of things a lot too, they're not the uplifting reads themselves. that's next): x, x, x, x, x, x, x, x
Other sources to read for hope: FutureCrunch, Project Drawdown and Project Regeneration good news websites in general such as Positive News and Goodgoodgood, which I think are the best content fits for what you're looking for. Make sure to check out Goodgoodgood's roundups specifically. And know that there are way, way more good news stories - and way bigger ones, too - than I've had time to post about lately, because work has been really hectic
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infogramika · 6 months
Trailer: When Your Temperature Reaches My Fingertips The Time of Fever Hereafter at My Fingertips Unintentional Love Story Spin-off
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bluebudgie · 1 year
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the weather's entirely too warm to focus on anything big so here's a super quick super self-indulgent 20-something years old lahpp
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spaciebabie · 1 year
the sky where I live has been so beautiful lately. full of the fluffiest clouds one can imagine. I can't help craning my neck ta look up at them. I haven't looked at the sky like this since I was a child and I can't help but feel I've been missing out on this. something that's been ever present for years. I love you sky. I love looking up and staring inta your deep blue
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evanbi-ckley · 2 months
ur minnesotan too? damn all the cool people are minnesotan.
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🫡 indeed i am a born and bred midwesterner from the land of 10,000 lakes
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legoprime · 9 months
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I'm working on a temperature project this year, and after a lot of thought I decided not to make a blanket. Instead I'm making… a temperature millipede! Shuttle the Shongololo by Projectarian to be exact.
I'm using Caron Simply Soft because of the huge variety of colors they have. The pattern calls for two strands held together and I wanted to use the high and low of each day, and with 20 colors I should get some good variation.
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Here's a progress shot seven days in! I'm halfway through the head, should finish it next week and move on to the body.
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romanceyourdemons · 1 year
just got a folding fan. this shit rules. there’s like six different ways i can stim with it. i can smack my loved ones with it. it adds a certain spice to my constant wild gesticulation. what can’t it do
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greypetrel · 5 months
hiya! canvas, hair, favourite for all your gals? c:
Hullo! :D
But of course! (also thank you for sending the question about scars, I remembered I forgot a scar on the last piece up, jkasfneaksaf)
Tis the prompt list
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
Alyra: Sylaise vallaslin in blue, three long scratches on her left jaw and cheek, reaching to her clavicle thanks to the Archdemon, quite the set of scars around her body. She proudly displays everything, as a reminder for other people of what she is and what she did. Whether it intimidates them or fill them with respect is not her problem. Raina: Free Mages tattoo on her left bicep, in red. The widest set of scar of all around her body. She was never properly trained with daggers and things were messy at the start. The biggest one is the one from the Arishok on her belly. She doesn't really care about hiding them, she's self conscious on other things.
Aisling: Ghilan'nain vallaslin in teal, it spreads all over her body and she's very proud of it. She started hiding it in Haven, because it labelled her instantly as "different" and she wanted to blend in. It took her a while, but she's not afraid of showing it. Some scars all around, the more notable are one on the right bust, right below her ribcage. She got stabbed in Crestwood and she doesn't like it because it cut her tattoo. She minds scar because they disturb the tattoos, LOL. In the Whale AU she has a big one on her left calf: a shark bit her. As a form of greeting, of course, she found it cute. Radha: Dirthamen vallaslin, in purple. Broken nose if it counts as a scar. Long scars running on the bent betwen her first and second phalanges, and in the middle of her palm. She grabbed a knife from the wrong end trying to set herself free. She managed! Unfortunately getting rid of the knife owner and his friends took a while, and she reached the healer too late for the tendons to heal properly. "It's just a flesh wound". cit.
hair: How does your OC wear their hair? Does it have some kind of meaning?
Alyra: She's for practicality and cleanliness: she started growing her hair long in Amaranthine, when it was comfortable to do so and she had the environment and time to take care of it. She's proud of her hair, wears it braided. Appearance is another form of armour, she likes the handiwork. Raina: Short pixie/boyish cut. If it reaches her chin she chopped it off. She hates herself with long hair, doesn't feel like herself with long hair, it's impractical and she hates spending so much time taking care of it. So short? A piece of soap, some oil, ten minutes in the bathtub and she'd good to go. Aisling: She loves to braid her own hair and the ones of people she loves, she's pretty good at it. She expresses love in touch, and it's another version of it. It's tied to sweet memories: Deshanna used to praise her hair colour, and would most often braid her hair for her when she was a child, she learnt from that that braiding and combing hair is a treat, for yourself and others. Radha: Her hair is curly, and requires more care than she's comfortable about. She can be vain, but her hair gets in the way, and she doesn't like how she can't untangle it if not wet. She's the one that experiments the most with her hair: She had it long, braided, mid-lenght, tried five different undercuts. Going on in life, she'll just shave it off and go for a buzz cut, she can't be bothered anymore.
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
Alyra: A golden necklace with roses and a raven feather as a pendant. It's Morrigan's of course, we can assure no witch-bird was harmed to pluck the feather, she lost it on her own and Alyra picked it from the ground and refused to let it go. She wears it at every formal event when some statement jewelry is required. Raina: Malcolm's old gauntlets. She and the others split the armour, she got the gauntlets. it's her pair of armour gauntlets, she's not that careful in mantaining her things, but those gloves. They are always oiled and well kept. They were a little too big but she padded them on the inside not to alter them too much. Aisling: Cullen's coin, which she had Dagna mount as a necklace, with an enchanted harness and an enchanted strip of silk that can't be broken. She takes it off to sleep and bathe. She was pretty fond of a pendant Deshanna gifted her when she was adopted, it was enchanted and a good luck charm. She lost it in the Conclave. Radha: A pair of amethyst earrings that was the bonding gift her father gave to her mother. She rarely takes her earrings off, and that too. She took one off as a very unfortunate bonding gift to allegedly the wrong person, the earring had a little adventure in the Dreadwolf's pocket before it got back home.
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Trying to figure out how to digitize sketches ft. Doodles of Victor Freeze. I was thinking about how weird it is that “rule of cool” means he usually gets a much wider range of acceptable temperatures than an actual human. I don’t know, I find the idea of him having a human range but slightly lower is charming.
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slutforwings · 20 days
thought i figured out my oven because i succesfully made a pasta oven dish where i had to 1) precook the pasta 2) precook the potatoes 3) basically only needed to crust it up
today's attempt at making a chicken pot pie turned into. um. soup? and also potentially hopital
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finnickodaiir · 7 months
Autumn and winter save me....
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JOMPBPC | Feb 4 | Cover Lust
I have been sweltering through an Australian summer so walking through a snowy forest sounds amazing right now ☀️🌡➡️🌲❄
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magnusbae · 3 months
My talent is to drink precisely half a mug of a hot beverage, no matter the size, no matter the beverage— I always hard stop at half without fail or notice.
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