#tempted to watch the movie basically just for him although it does look good
giuilily · 23 days
"But I'm not gonna complain if it gives us the possibility of getting her back in Part 3 lol" <- agree haha I was totally ready to accept her death (tbh i did not even consider that she wouldn't die this time until people were speculating about it before rebirth's release loll) but I am happy that we may get her back and also intrigued to see how they try to tie all of this together...
I think my overall feelings on Rebirth in general will depend a lot on how game 3 ends up going. Remake I feel can stand on its own a bit better since it is so contained. But truly why did we literally fight destiny at the end of Remake if things are just going to end up the same lol what was the point of all this! It also feels quite a downer to be like well you actually cannot change fate sorry lmao nice try though.
Something that concerns me with the defying fate/destiny thing is 1. Biggs dies anyway despite being saved 2. Zack ends up facing a firing squad no matter what (when he goes looking for hojo or when he goes after Biggs, although ofc in that case he chooses to throw himself into the void instead which i suppose could be seen as a change lol) so it's like... their fate is repeating itself in these different worlds, can it be changed? (I'm still confused as to the big rainbow flash on the Biggs path when Zack chooses to go to Hojo, does that mean theres a universe where Biggs goes to the reactor and Zack doesn't follow him so Biggs.. lives in that one?)
"I'm gonna hold the devs to that since no one asked them to add in new themes to an almost 30 yo game lol." <- lmfao for real. One of my biggest concerns about this whole thing was that they were going to waaay over complicate it (looking at you kingdom hearts) and I am reserving full judgement until things are complete but I def have not had my worries assuaged yet lol
Oh yes! I forgot we saw a chihuahua/spitz plush during the date. So the terrier-verse is still around but im pretty sure Zack is no longer alive in it lol unless he got sent back there again since it is the most relevant other universe. I wonder if Aerith and Cloud will ever wake up there... (maybe Saved Aerith will wake up there? if that did not create a New stamp-verse).
I agree with you on Rebirth. I did enjoy it gameplay-wise (except the moogles they can go to hell lol) and the battle system should definitely become a staple in future numbered FFs, but narrative-wise, because it's the middle part of game, there were a lot of new set-ups along with the OG story beats that we're still waiting for the pay offs in part 3, and I think they need to make it good, otherwise, if they did all of that in Rebirth and it's just gonna be the same as OG, then they just dangled Aerith's fate for suspense and marketing and nothing else. That would be pretty disrespecftul for both the character and the fans tbh.
Hmmm... I think Biggs's situation is kinda tricky in both Pug and Terrier verse because he sorta put himself in a situation where he's tempting fate. I'm kind of leaning on him dying in Terrier too since he's already at the Mako reactor already, but maybe Zack not being there to distract him puts him less at risk of getting caught by Shinra?
Biggs' death and Zack getting pulled in situations that mirror his OG death kinda reminded me of Final Destination, but I hope Nojima wasn't watching those movies while writing the Re Trilogy lol.
I think as long as they keep on putting themselves in those situations, serving their OG purpose in the narrative and facing exactly what got them killed the first time, they're basically tempting fate to finish its job. Idk how this will all play out or how they can avoid it if they need to take action.
And I'm sure Aerith will wake up in Terrier, but I'm worried about Sephiroth hunting her down in every world she's in. Cloud might find himself waking up there as well after he falls into a coma in the main world, and probably will have dreams of the place like in Rebirth, but I'm unsure if they'll wake up at the same time or not. Ngl, I would LOVE it if we form a party with him, Aerith and Zack. The potential awkward conversations would be SO funny lol.
Honestly the new worlds are so fascinating to me because the writers aren't constrained to OG in those parts. I know they'll all eventually merge, but I can't wait to see how they'll handle them and how the game will conclude!
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bukojuiice · 3 years
— genshin boys as your late night study buddy
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ೃ ft. childe, diluc, kaeya, zhongli, xiao and albedo x gn! reader
ೃ 200-299 words per character!  (they are your bfs in this! bc MAN do i desperately want one of the genshin boys to cram school works with and shower me with luv and affection.) ♡
ೃ tags: college au, modern au, and lots of fluff. 
ೃ thank you so so much for 1k notes on my very first batch of genshin hcs! i appreciate all the luv it received and i can never thank all of you enough 🥺 i’ll be making a genshin masterlist soon to compile all of my current and future works so pls stay tuned for that!
ೃ if you want to be a part of my taglist, answer this form! ♡
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– Zhongli would be a very chill study partner. He will always keep his cool and focus, never letting his attention stray away from less trivial things. If he can focus, he’ll focus. There’s always this sense of comfort surrounding him that brightens up your mood and productivity. The both of you are sat in this long table, papers, books, and cute matching pencils are sprawled about. You lean your head on his shoulder, as he serenades you with his deep and butter voice, explaining all the formulas to you. Being able to study in peace and quiet with him is always a blissful experience. He never fails to brew you green tea (as it helps the brain function) even if that meant going down to the kitchen at 2 in the morning. He always brings a small humidifier and some essential oils with him that can help brighten up the study mood and that emits a wafting vanilla pinecone scent to keep you happy. (He’s just fancy like that.) When he doesn’t understand the concepts right away, he’d turn to you, his sharp amber eyes gazing at yours with nothing but innocent and love, and asks: “(Y/N)... what reference is this supposed to be? pepe the frog? kermit the frog? here come dat boi? aren’t they all just amphibians? what are the differences between them? I am very intrigued.”
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  – Childe loves a challenge. An academic challenge. He loves the thrill of finishing school works the night before the deadline, he loves studying for a pop quiz twenty minutes before the bell rings, and most importantly, he loves to pretend he doesn’t know how to solve point a to point b if that means getting to spend time with you as you tutor him on how to do so. He’s at the top of the class, He’s popular and friendly, He’s the captain of the Archery Team, and one of the vice council members of the Fatui Club. But, no other title will ever come close to being your study buddy. You and Childe always chill on the bed whenever you study. Especially when the both of you have the sudden urge to just laze around. Well, it is the wee hours of the night, so just lounging around and trying to resist the urge of sleep is pretty understandable. Sometimes, the two of you would take power naps in between study sessions. This meant cuddle times! Childe will always cuddle with you, (he’s the big spoon and you are the smol spoon) and often times you would be immersed into your textbook while he’s scrolling through his phone and looking for some of the current and popular memes. He’d poke you on the cheek and show you what he’s found. It was quite annoying sometimes and you would reprimand him for it, but it never fails to make you laugh. You jokingly suggested one time that the two of you sneak in the library after closing hours, and your chaotic boyfriend turns to you with the biggest smirk plastered on his face. “Let’s do it baby. I know the law.”
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–You and Diluc are the cutest pair of night owls. So, studying late at night is never a problem with him because with the help of each other, the both of you are unstoppable. An actual power couple. Batman and his love interest who? I only know (Y/N) and Diluc. Mondstadt University should be giving you the title of #NoSleepGang for the “Campus Cuties” awards because the two of you are able to ace every test still despite lack of sleep.  You and Diluc are very very organized. The both of you own matching couple planners (that the both of you had gifted to each for Christmas) and have your entire study schedule planned out already. Since the two of you prefer to study at night, your dates are usually done during the day. Which meant never having to worry about the upcoming finals whilst you’re at a cute little café with him. The both of you have respective desks whenever you study together, but you never fail to gaze at your crimson-haired boyfriend with the cutest pout and biggest puppy eyes. He always gives in and next thing you know, your swivel chairs are practically glued next to each other and the both of you are cuddling in your seats. One thing that Diluc never fails to do is pamper you with comfort food or little gifts that you love after a long and tiring week of hell (aka exams) It’s such a sweet gesture and the blissful relationship that you have can’t get any better than this.
“I got you some boba and that necklace from Pandora that you’ve always wanted. I-I’m so proud of you (Y/N). You did great, my love.”
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- You are the Lawful Good to Kaeya’s Chaotic Evil. Kaeya is always tempted to ask for answers from your professors. He’s quite the teacher’s pet, but with good intentions. That’s just how he rolls. Every time he jokes about going to the faculty to help out and the answer sheets are just out in the open, waiting to be snatched, you always glare at at him and punch him softly on the arm, every time he tries to bring up the idea. To which he would always reply with, “I’m kidding. Just kidding my love.” You and Kaeya have amazing study hacks. He is always able to find a movie that is somewhat related to the topics that the both of you are currently studying about. For example, when the topic was an introduction to different branches of science, Kaeya chose Big Hero 6  as the “Educational Movie Of the Day.” He is always able to find something fun and informative for the both of you to watch. Well, Kaeya does find fun and interest in everything. Another effective strategy that both of you do is every time you or him get an answer right, you reward each other with either a kiss on the cheek or a bear hug. Both of these affectionate gestures give you butterflies in your stomach anyway, so it doesn’t matter which is which. With the ideas that Kaeya constantly makes up every single day of your study sessions, there’s a high chance that you’ll never fluke a test ever again.
“Oh. That’s pretty cool of you (Y/N). You got 30 correct answers! If we count everything, so I basically gave you 15 forehead kisses and 15 bear hugs. Congrats! I know we’re going to ace our finals!”
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– Xiao is extremely intelligent and talented in a myriad of things. However, he lacks self-confidence. You’ve sworn to your boyfriend that you’d help him gain confidence in his academic abilities. Which is why you became study buddies in the first place. It served as dates with him too! Although he stubbornly refused at first, his reasons being that he can do things by himself and he doesn’t need any help. You continued to encourage him that this was going to help the both of you and it was a way for the two of you to bond, and Xiao hesistantly agreed right after. As the captain of the soccer team, “The Liyue Adepti”, The only free time that Xiao has was during the evening which is the reason for your scheduled late night studies with him. This brought so much more intimate and sweet moments with him though! It meant sleepovers with him, midnight snack runs, and casual early morning strolls in the park. It became sort of a routine. Your hand interlaced with his, the crisp morning air, the little chirpings birds, and the tranquil swaying of the trees brought so much comfort to the both of you. Xiao would be the type of student to not speak up unless he’s called. Even if he knows the answer. The both of you sit on some floor pillows whenever you would study. So, whilst you read aloud, Xiao always hugs you from behind, resting his head on your shoulder.
“I don’t deserve the patience and love you give me, (Y/N). I am eternally grateful for everything you’ve done for me. I hope you know, that I’ll always be here for you.”
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- Being the university’s library assistant has it’s perks. Access to infinite knowledge, quiet solitude within the library walls, and being able to hang out with your boyfriend. It was truly a perfect deal. After classes, Albedo would be heading straight over to the library to do his work. You’d meet him there and wait until he gets his work done, and then the two of you head home together or have dinner. Albedo likes to plan things in advance. He’s quite busy, being a part of university’s alchemist group and as a library assistant, but, he will always study with you. He even brings Klee with him at times too! She’s always an energetic and cute addition, + she tattles on and on about how in love Albedo is with you and how he would never shut up about you at home. Albedo puts a lot of effort into creating review materials for the both of you. He makes very intricate drawings of modules, dioramas of certain science models, and has all the formulas memorized for him to list down. He’s a genius after all, and although you’ve constantly told him time and time again that he doesn’t have to make a review paper specifically catered to you, he still insists. He always gifts you one whenever it’s exam week (he adds extra detail to them during your finals) The cutest thing about these papers are scribbled about in all of the pages. The cutest doodles of the two of you with hearts and flowers drawn all over. Albedo + (Y/N) is even written in the last page, along with a heartfelt message: 
“I put all my faith and belief in you, (Y/N). I know you can do this. I’m proud of everything you’ve reached so far, my beloved. and I know you’ll reach greater heights. Let’s continue to excel and thrive together. I can’t wait to spend the rest of this journey with you.”
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hongism · 3 years
1:58 am - c. jongho 18+
↣ pairing: jongho x fem!reader ↣ genre: fluff, smut ↣ wc: 2.0k ↣ for @ppersonna​​: “HELLO MY BESTIE RATTY PLS JONGHO WITH 25 - Being somewhere you’re not supposed to be 34 - “It’s 2am. Go back to sleep.” ↣ warnings: language, oral sex: f
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In your defense, Jongho is both a maniac and insatiable. What started as a lovely movie night between the two of you, with his roommate Yeosang curled up in the armchair by the couch, has quickly devolved into leagues of stress for you and endless amusement for Jongho. Yeosang is (thankfully) off in dreamland and fast asleep despite the movie still going in the background, although that does nothing to quell your current nerves as Jongho’s hand is moving further up by the minute. 
It started at your kneecap, two fingers tracing mindless patterns into your skin under the blanket. Then he slipped to the inside of your knee and clutched tight at your flesh before pulling up the inside of your thigh.
Now, he has a hand basically over your crotch, close enough to make you sweat but far enough away to have you refraining from squeezing your thighs shut over his fingers.
And being a cocky little shit, of course Jongho knows exactly what he’s doing to you — if the smirk curling over his lips is any indication at least. You aren’t about to scar yourself or Yeosang by fooling around on the already stained leather couch in their apartment, as much as you really want to give in to his lingering touches.
You haven’t been paying attention to the movie on the screen for at least an hour, maybe longer than that because you don’t even recall the name of the damn film at this point, and all your focus is honed in on the fingers pressing into your thigh. Jongho won’t stop teasing with his touches either. Every few seconds, he squeezes just enough to startle you into sitting up straight just when you’ve recovered from the last touch. You’re certain he’s trying to seem interested in the movie given the way he keeps making interested noises or scowling at the screen, but then his smirk returns and you know what he’s really up to.
In short, you have had more than enough of his fun and games, growing increasingly frustrated with each passing second. Your body is so pent up and overheated that sweat is pooling at your brow, and that’s what makes you nudge his hand away as a last-ditch effort to save yourself from this teasing hell he’s trapped you in. Yet this isn’t your apartment and you can’t very well escape to his bedroom without looking suspicious to Yeosang. As far as his roommate is concerned, you and Jongho are still just friends, even if there is an ungodly amount of sexual tension lingering between the two of you like this.
Water. Yes, you need water. And where can you get water? The kitchen of course. Perfect plan. You should be safe from Jongho’s antics there, no?
“Feeling alright, Y/n?”
As it turns out, you are very much not safe in the kitchen.
You nearly throw the glass in your hand at Jongho’s head out of sheer shock when he sneaks up on you, creeping into the kitchen behind you like a damn ghost. You manage to hold back from doing that, but a small yelp escapes your lips instead. Jongho laughs at that, continuing to chuckle under his breath even when you try to level him with a sharp glare. He has the audacity to look absolutely delectable at nearly two o’clock in the morning wearing nothing but a stupid black t-shirt and stupid grey sweatpants with his stupid hands shoved deep in the pockets like he wasn’t trying to practically finger you on the couch moments ago.
“I don’t know, am I?” It made sense in your head, although that might be because of the haze of arousal over your brain because once it actually comes out, you’re wondering why the hell you said that.
“Well, you felt more than alright just a few minutes ago.” He’s smiling again, another lascivious grin that has you sinking your teeth into your lower lip.
“Not here,” you hiss back as a last-ditch effort to talk yourself out of this (again).
“Because Yeosang is in the other room? Come on, Y/n, you know half the fun is in the risk of getting caught.”
A scoff passes through your lips, loud enough to resound through the small kitchen.
“You’re insatiable.”
“And you’re painfully aroused. Are we done stating the obvious?”
Throwing this glass at his head is a lot more tempting now, but that would certainly cause a ruckus and Yeosang would wake up in a heartbeat.
“Only because you were fucking feeling me up on the couch like it’s your goddamn job!”
Jongho crosses the kitchen in three seconds flat, suddenly so close to you that you can’t breathe your own air without feeling the heat of his breath against your lips. You stumble back and hit the edge of the counter behind you. Jongho doesn’t give you a moment to recover, catching your wrists in his grip and pressing them hard against the surface of that same counter.
“Careful there, doll, you wouldn’t want to wake anyone up, would you?”
“No, that’s not what I want,” you exhale. It’s not enough to quell the desire in your gut, especially not when Jongho’s fucking thigh is pressed between your legs and leaving you squirming. He knows how you feel about his thighs thanks to an unfortunate admission on your part one night when you had too much alcohol (and unfortunately Yeosang knows too since he was an unwilling participant in that conversation).
“What do you want then? Although, I’m fairly certain that I know.” Again, Jongho’s gaze flicks down over your body, enough to be obvious about the way he’s checking you out from head to toe, but he returns to staring you in the eye after a second.
“Shut up and eat me out already,” you hiss under your breath. In the same sentence, you free your wrists of his grasp and push down hard on his shoulders. It’s nothing compared to his strength — he’s more than strong enough to resist your futile efforts, but he goes along with it anyway and lets you push him to his knees in front of the counter.
“You’re lucky I never make you beg, baby. If I did, you’d never get to cum.”
Tempting, you think, but right now you aren’t in the mood to be edged or teased anymore. Jongho did his fair share of that for over two hours, so all that is on your mind is a release under his skilled tongue.
“Please, Jongho, I’d like to do this before Yeosang wakes up…”
His hands are already curled around your pajama shorts, taking the soft fabric into his grip and pulling down with no resistance. A sharp inhale follows as the cold air hits your nether regions, and Jongho lifts one of your legs up to his shoulder as he bunches your shorts into the palm of his hand.
“Be glad I didn’t take you on the couch right in front of him then.”
Then Jongho is smiling up at you from between your legs, and you would be lying if you said that isn’t one of the hottest things you’ve ever seen in your life. You brace yourself on the counter, knuckles white from the effort of clinging to the marble, and the man beneath you takes his teasing a step further. Soft lips caress the inside of your knee over the spot he clung to for the better part of an hour, then he follows the same path his hand took as well. He doesn’t stop until his nose is flush with your folds, and even then he exhales against you in a way that has a chill rushing down your spine. Your curl away from the counter, unintentionally pressing your hips closer to his mouth in the same fluid motion. It’s enough to make his nose hit your clit dead-on in a way that has a strangled moan escaping your lips. You fling a hand up to your mouth (too late as it does absolutely nothing to conceal the sound).
“Now it sounds like you’re trying to wake Yeosang up, doll.”
“I’d like to see you stay quiet when I’m sucking you off next time.” You manage to smirk a little, just enough to be playful and throw him off a little. He’s just as quick to retaliate, which is both a good and bad thing for you because his next move is to hoist your other leg onto his shoulder, and it takes every ounce of your willpower not to clamp your thighs around his face. You have to bite the side of your thumb to quell the noises bubbling up your throat; your remark seems to have been enough to spur him fully into action, his tongue brushing between your folds until he reaches your hole with practiced ease. You can’t count on one hand how many times you’ve indulged in this — his tongue pressing at your entrance like he has no other purpose in life, eating you out with more enthusiasm than ever, drawing so many noises out of you that it’s getting difficult to keep quiet.
The man between your legs freezes but doesn’t move away from your cunt, staring up at you from between your legs without blinking for so long that you think he’s truly stuck like that. Admittedly, you’re stuck where you are too, both because he’s got your legs around his face and on account of Yeosang’s sudden intrusion on your otherwise intimate moment. Your gaze goes straight to the archway to the kitchen. The kitchen island is tall enough to block the view of your lower half, but if Yeosang steps even one more foot into the room, he will certainly see what Jongho is up to. There’s no telling how long it’ll be before he does enter, and you’re watching with peaked anxiety as Jongho sidles up your body into a standing position again.
His hands find your hips, and next thing you know, he’s moving you around and pushing you until your back hits the kitchen island. It protects you from possible exposure to Yeosang, which proves to be a good move on his part because Yeosang pokes his head in the archway a second later. Jongho moves to the side enough to avoid suspicion but you’re still quite nude from the waist down and screwed if Yeosang decides to come further in.
“Oh, there you two are. The movie’s over?” Yeosang says, easing his weight against the doorframe.
“Yeah, you fell asleep pretty early on honestly. But it’s 2 am. Go back to sleep. We’re just picking up some snacks we pulled out while you were asleep.”
You think that excuse is far too easy to see through, especially if Yeosang decides to even so much as glance around the kitchen to see that you are certainly not doing any cleaning whatsoever. You squeeze your eyes shut. Looking at Yeosang right now would be a mistake and you would probably give away what you and Jongho have been up to in the blink of an eye.
“Yeah, yeah, okay. I’m too sleepy to help you anyway. See you in the morning.” Yeosang stifles a yawn, lifting the back of his hand to his mouth, then lets his arms fall into a stretch. He lingers for only one more second before disappearing from the archway. You exhale the second he disappears, shifting to stare Jongho down as your heart continues to race rampantly in your chest without relent.
“That was a fucking mood killer,” you mutter before crossing your arms over your chest. Jongho huffs out a sigh and puffs his cheeks full of air. He stretches a hand out to touch your bare hip again.
“Let me make it up to you?”
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gyuluster · 3 years
txt as boyfriends
requested : yes, thank you @engenemoa-forever​!
words : 1.23k words
genre : fluff, just a lil suggestive but hella hella fluff, bitsa crack too
a/n : hi good evening thank you and sorry for writing this so late ))): i hope you and all u sexc mfs enjoy <3 special mention to @soobmint for helping out with this!! her ideas are too cute not to include <3
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this man would never stop thanking his luck stars that he’s dating you
a total lovebug - he is at his best when he’s in a relationship, so he just can’t stop smiling or simply be happy in your presence
is extremely shy so when you show him affection he has to hide himself so you can’t see him blushing like a churchboy
on the other hand, would always want to show you the love he’s too embarrassed to accept - would never be too proud or too shy to tell you how beautiful you look every morning or whispering sweet nothings to you in the night to help you sleep
would randomly cook meals in the night to show his commitment to you - even though he works extremely hard he would immediately take over the housework if he sees you tired
the PERFECT listener - you could rant about anything and everything for HOURS and he would not even fidget, listening intently to your problems
also gives insane advice so you always turn to him - basically your free therapist
endearments galore - “my love” is his utmost favourite 
dates always include romatic-lit dinners somewhere intimate, and always end with the two of you, hand-in-hand, looking at the stars in your home
in short, this man is wholly dependent on you - you become the beacon of his life, and are every way his missing puzzle piece 
you both are fucking WILD
honestly no one even doubts the two of you are going out it’s literally so OBVIOUS
this goon is the most flirtatious little fucker known to man
WILL make you sososososososo flustered all the time 
he is so bloody shameless - like he would happily argue with another over how his girlfriend is the prettiest, and not someone else’s 
a lot of contact !!! so much contact on god!!!
HAS to have his arm around you all the time, perhaps the sneaky hand lingering on you all the time
ADORES to kiss you - honestly could kiss you all day, whether it be on your forehead, nose, lips, other places
would show you the whole world - spontaneous trips to either the streets of Paris or the mountains of South America, he’s ready to take you anywhere
y’all might not agree with me on this, but i don’t think he’d be jealous at all concerning you - in fact, he’s so confident in his abilities as a great-as-fuck boyfriend that he doesn’t mind you having boys as super close friends - he knows you’ll be in his arms by the end of the night
you are his only “darling” - his muse, and the love of his life
beomgyu as a boyfriend would be the best thing of your life yet the bane of your existence at the exact same time
constantly playfighting 
like you both are at each other’s NECKS at ever waking moment - whether that be over you purposefully taking the last chip to you threatening to burn his neighbourhood down
teasing!!! the teasing never stops!!! this man will have you blushing all the time - he loves seeing you flustered so he can make fun of you which then only gets you pissed
his head is ALWAYS on your shoulder - sometimes he just falls asleep when he’s a little tired and despite you tempted to toss his head off and into the wall, you let him rest upon you
the two of you don’t have particularly loving endearments - i mean, if y’all think “prick”, “dickhead” or “cumshot” is affectionate
a massive brat - either his way or the highway homie you’re gonna have to submit to his movie choices
KING of pouts — one of those bad boys being whipped out and that’s it you’re the victim of emotional manipulation
jealous !!!! this mans gets soooooo annoyed when other guys are bantering around with you — always results in you poking fun which then leads to him sulking in the corner
super late messages at night where he sends voice notes of him singing or playing the guitar which help you fall asleep
basically he’s a massive pain in the ass but it’s a pain you don’t really wanna get rid of
okay so this man is quite different from the others because he’s not instantly comfortable
it takes him time to truly mould into the idea of a relationship, but when he does it’s literally seventh heaven
the realest — he is the one who tells you the hard truths or any upsetting news he has — even so, you only want to hear it from him because he would never sugarcoat anything from anyone, least of all you
deeply emotional — his greatest wish is to see you happy and will go to great lengths to fulfil it whether it’s just going out to get your favourite snack or helping you through a more serious problem
HATES !!!! absolutely DETESTS to see you upset — if it’s anyone specific that’s it they’re getting their shit ROCKED
super observant !! this man picks up on how you’re feeling, whether you need help or simply want to be in his presence — either way, he senses and comforts you in the best way
LOVESSSS to sing to you — for him it’s one of the most intimate acts he can offer, so at any time when you both are alone, he will play with your hair as he sings a soft melody to you
is actually kinda clingy — once he’s most himself with you he always wants to hold your hand or at least be closer to you, even in certain public areas — it makes you MELT because it means he fully accepts and sees you as his own
basically, you could not live without this man — he is the epitome of collected, trustworthy and deeply affectionate goodness
oh my goodness
hyuka would literally never stop screaming about you
some goon could be talking about the presidential elections and hyuka will still manage to slide you into the conversation — eventually someone will tell him to shut the fuck up (he won’t listen though)
HUGS GALORE !!! this man would never stop he NEEDS to have his arms around you or how will he survive ??!?!
is never too shy or proud to declare his undying love for you — one time he shouted it a little too loud and it resulted in him getting a warning from the neighbours
no barriers !!! this man would tell you EVERYTHING about his life it does not remotely matter how insignificant it is he will report it to you
spontaneous as fuck !! wanna go midnight shopping for instant noodles in your pjs?? travel to another city on a whim of a decision? hyuka’s the one you seek
super emotional — not like taehyuns, where it is more suppressed — his is an all out spectacle — if you guys have a fight, he WILL cry his eyes out
sleepovers ALWAYS have to include the both of you making pillow forts in your bedrooms while watching some fantasy adventure — you both end up sleeping in your creation
although you will grow up, hyuka is the man you can still be a child with and enjoy yourself
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infinitegalahad · 3 years
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"This is just me formally submitting a request for that gk boys offering their own forms of comfort fic/ headcanon/ thoughts wtevr. Lol just as a reminder. 😀"@theboardwalkbody
Gif Credit: @ymagor
A/N: You're wish is my command, homes❣️ Here's a little change of pace! @theboardwalkbody inspired this post (and asked it!), so thanks for the Inspo friend! 🤩 I'm doing this for BoB and TP because I'm going through a slight writer's block and instead of thinking about long descriptions, I just wanna so head canons that get a little out of hand. I hope this isn't too ooc😔 Reader has *inserted mental illness* btw, it's up for interpretation! ALSO GN! READER! Enjoy!
Taglist: @theboardwalkbody @contrabandhothead
Nate's a calculated person. He can see the patterns in people, things, etc. Like how his father's eyebrows wrinkle when he's excited, or when his mother likes to prep a meal from vegetables to the main course. So when you're happy, sad, whatever-he knows it, and you don't even have to tell him.
He'll come home and see you. He knows that you've heard him calling you're name, but you don't move. He looks all over the house and finds you inside of your tub, just sitting there with no response. The water is running, and your clothes and hair are soaked.
So in an attempt to not disrupt your peace, Nate climbs in and sits next to you. You look over and he's stares at you. Just as your about to speak, he beats you to it.
"I'll get you a towel and some clothes."
And then, he just leaves. You hear the door quietly shut, and you blink for a few seconds. What the hell just happened? It snapped you out of your depressive trance. Now instead of feeling sad-you just were confused.
So you hear the door lightly open again and then close. After a few more minutes of soaking, you get out and see a towel and a set of clothes that are most certainly not yours. It's Nate's Dartmouth Lacrosse sweater and a pair of underwear-he knows you too well.
So you exit the bathroom and you see Nate, putting two cups down of you're favorite tea
And he's got that face. You know the face were he's like ☹️
"Hey, c'mere."
The two of you climb into bed with eachtoher. He throws one of those ugg blankets over you. You rest his head in his chest and he pats your head. There's a silence, until Nate says, "Do you wanna walk about it."
Normally, you'd say no and he'd read you a book you're reading or hold you as you cry, but this time, it's different.
"Yeah, I do. You won't judge, right?"
Nate tilts you chin up, and he's got a tired smile on his face.
"Why would I?"
Brad may appear horrible with emotions and reading the room...in which he isn’t
Okay, scratch that. He tries to understand them, it’s just hard for him to give advice and use words to comfort you. He feels like he’s walking on glass, But sometimes, you just need him psychically more then anything.
When you storm out of a room when Chaffin makes a comment on your weight, Brad takes a few minutes to think what he should do.
Normally, he’d just leave you be, but he’s gotta do something. Getting up, he follows you down the hallway. You’re not far, and he’s calling you’re name.
You stop in the hallway, wiping the tears coming down toye face. Brad turns you around with his hands on your shoulder. He’s got a blank face on as he looks at you, seeing your red face and the tears.
While you sob and stutter, he fixes the collar of your shirt, tucks your hair behind your ear, which is normal. He likes to neaten you up to make you feel better.
But he starts to use his thumb, wiping the tears coming down your face. You shocked as he cups your face, making you look into those icy cold eyes. He looks like the Iceman, cold and emotionless, but what he says very Brad.
“You’re beautiful.”
Then he pulls you into a tight grasp. He’s a whole foot taller then you, and you like the way he snakes his hands around his waist and slightly lifts off you your feet. His sheer presence is intimating, but for you; comforting. 
THIS MAN. although a hick with a big mouth, he does know when to shut up and can read you’re emotions like the back of his hand.
He can just see the sadness swelling in your eyes and the way you pick at the foot at your plate and avoid all of needs for cuddles in bed. Heck, it’s making Ray sad.
So he does what he does best-not shutting up, well-about things he likes about you.
“Man! Look at my hot girlfriend/wife! There reading books by the liberal media, total smartie here! Oh! And they have a degree from-“
Ray will also beg for to your attention and follows you around like a puppy. Like you’ll be sitting on the couch and he’ll come rest his head on your lap. You ignore him, but he starts to twist and quote random movies so you finally give in.
Is Ray annoying? Yes. But did he make you smile? Also yes.
Also Ray is a cook, and knows all of your favorite meals. Of course, he sets the table, lights a few Mantown candles (yes there real google them), and comes to serve your meal with two plates.
“The most beautiful man/woman I have ever seen, the love of my life, the apple of my eye, the Avril to my Bizzy D-you’re hot pockets.”
It makes you laugh, which makes Ray happy. He feeds off of that attention. You sit in Ray’s lap, eating hot pockets, and watching The Best Damn Tour. You lean on Ray’s shoulder, and he leans right back.
Alexa play Whatta Man’ by Salt-N-Peppa BECAUSE! WHAT! A! MAN!
Poke is one tough mofo. He embodies the meme of “Good morning to my beautiful wife/husband and child everybody else get fucked”.
But like every baddie; baddie’s gotta have soft spots for there bitches. He has two; you and his daughter. And oh god he’s love the two of more then anything in the world.
Poke knows you and his daughter well enough. His daughter first notices that your not as enthusiastic and bubbly, and then she tells Poke. But Poke already knows because he’s observant and very in touch with his emotions.
So when he’s a work; he thinks and does a lot of self reflection. He wonders why you’re upset. Did he cause it? What can he do to make it better? He asks all the guys for advice, and even his own daughter.
An idea strikes! Poke’s got a lot of anger, so his therapist told him to express his emotions by journalling. But Poke learns that it helps him get everything out of system, so he’s a secret writer. Heck, he even likes poetry; and would kill anyone if they’d find out.
While off at work, small letters start to appear across you’re house. Some are long, some are short, but there sweet and make you’re day.
“I held the stars in my arms wen I held you”
“I can’t wait to kiss you.”
“Your eyes stole all of my words away”
And the covers of the notes are done by Poke’s daughter, covered in glitter and Lisa Frank stickers.
You confront Poke about this “mysterious pen pal” and Poke is like “I mean, your lips do sound tempting”
You know it’s Poke, and he knows it, but there’s something about the mystery that is very romantic.
Here comes our favourie country pumpkin
Now let me say. This man LOVES you more then anything the world
Doesn’t wanna show you off (but he does)
So when you’re the slightest bit sad, Walt is even sadder then you are
Walt is someone that lives to receive attention, and also he’s someone that likes to give it. Especially to the love of his life!
Walt gives you things you actually need, and nothing that is materialistic. Growing up, his parents had a healthy relationship, and the apple clearly doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Waits on you hand and foot. A back massage? Done. A fuzzy blanket? Right on it! A specific burger from a joint that is thirty minutes away at three in the morning? Walt’s driving like a manic just for you. You have the man’s undivided attention.
He stops whatever he’s doing and runs over, getting on his knees, “Yeah, what’s up baby?”
“Can you sing the song? Y’know, our song?”
Walt nods his head, now an eager puppy, and gets his gutair to play the song he wrote especially for you. And this is making me realize how painfully single I am oh my
Rudy has an iv of respect woman/men juice. He always understands the assignment-and desires extra credit.
So whenever you’re down in the dumps, Rudy will drop everything and drag you into the car to go walk on his favorite trail. It’s ten miles long, but Rudy is a fitness freak.
First, you hate doing it. But the more you talk these long walks, the more you begin to enjoy it.
Sometimes there silence. Rudy won’t speak force you to talk. Talking is stressful, and Rudy will wait until you’re ready. The two of you holds hands, and Rudy has such a calming presence. It’s really hard to get angry at him.
You finally speak and tell Rudy you’re problems, and he listens and doesn’t interrupt. He’s got a hand on you’re lower back, or on your thigh. He’s basically you’re emotional support teddy bear and will always be a lending ear, or a total cuddle monster.
Rudy has the best advice as well. It’s always some yoga shit, but damn, those breathing  exercises do actually help.
Oh Q-Tip. My feral goblin son😭
I love him, but sometimes-things can fly over his head.
But when you start to ignore him and hide away from him, he begins to notice. And he HATES IT.
Like Christianson will ask him if he’s okay and he’ll literally quote a 2pac song and be like,
“I would drop all my girls for you, Walk barefoot 'round the world for you, Fly around like the birds for you, Thats why I wrote these words for you..”
Lilley is like “Brah we gotta help a homie out”
So the three stooges create Lovegate. The mission? to make Q-Tip’s partner happier.
Q-Tip is very artistically inclined. So with Christenson’s editing skills and Lilley’s camera, Q-Tip writes you a song and does a whole music video.
The man rents out a movie theatre venue just to show you. Of course, you’re blown away. It’s horrible and you can taste the autotone, BUT IT’S THE EFFORT THAT COUNTS. and q-tip has that smile on. you know what i’m talking about!
Doc Bryan walks in on the two of you making out and is pissed since all he wanted to do was see the re-screening of Bridemaids but NO, Q-Tip just had to rent out a theatre to show his partner a music video about them and then make out.
He see’s Lilley, who’s recording and asks to interview what Doc’s opinion on the music video, and this is what he’s says.
“I think my ears bled, but thank fuck those two aren’t acting like emo’s.”
The gif has a purpose. Trust me. SPEAKING OF THE MAN OF THE HOUR
Bryan, like Poke, is a very observant guy. He’s an angry motherfucker, and even a little insensitive, but ever since dating you; he’s tried to change.
He hates the world. People are shitty, and it makes him feel shitty that you’re sad because when you feel shitty, he’s in a shitter mood then he’s usually in
Knowing that his words might sound a little harsh, Byran knows how to distract you. Without words. After all, he didn’t work out for nothing.
Long hugs are you’re thing. The two of you will run into eachother, find a private place, and he’ll just wrap his arms around you. His big arms are protective, and he’s warm, and you just sink into him.
Sometimes, you’ll fall asleep. Byran sometimes will fall asleep with you, other times he’ll gently lay you down and put a blanket with a gentle forehead kiss.
When you cry in his arms, he’ll wipe the tears away. He can feel them against his arm, and he doesn’t know what to do. Crying girls/guys are not his speciality.
But when you squeeze his arm back, to let you know what your there and that you love him, Byran will freeze. He has no idea what to next with words. He’ll put his hand over yours, and turns out; it works well.
After this is all over, he’ll check up on you and ask you simply if you’re okay. You respond with a smile. Byran isn’t one for smiles, but for you, he shows a subtle smile back. Just to let you know.
115 notes · View notes
katnissmellarkkk · 3 years
Okayyyy here comes the next chapter ! Number .... lemme look. Okay, number six! 🥳🥳🥳
And yes, my thoughts as usual will be a messy, very Everlark-biased and full of typos. Letsss gooooo 🥰🥰🥰
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Is this the first time Katniss and Peeta have been to their floor or is this just the most opportune time to explain and introduce the Tribute Center living quarters?
Also why are they called tributes anyway? That word suddenly seems weird to me after nine years... 🤔🤔🤔
“I've ridden the elevator a couple of times in the Justice Building back in District 12. Once to receive the medal for my father's death and then yesterday to say my final goodbyes to my friends and family” .... 😶😶 so only good memories and connotations to elevators then, huh?
“The walls of this elevator are made of crystal so that you can watch the people on the ground floor shrink to ants as you shoot up into the air.” My mind is just imagining the elevator in Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone’s Spider-Man movies 🤗.
“It's exhilarating and I'm tempted to ask Effie Trinket if we can ride it again, but somehow that seems childish” this is so cute and innocent omg. Katniss, like I said in my last chapter blog, still has some childlike innocence left in her 🥺🥺🥺. I’m a sad.
Also excuse the unnecessary extra gif use but 🤭🤭🤭
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Oh wow, so Haymitch hasn’t been around since they were on the train? No wonder neither Katniss nor Peeta fled they could trust him for basically the entirety of the first book. 😐😐😐
You know it’s bad when Effie being around feels like a blessing to Katniss. Girl has more restraint than me, I’d have ripped off this woman’s janky wig by now without remorse. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Effie acts like they’re her purebred show dogs. I know I know how is this news, that’s a blatant fact. The movies really softened her up tho for the general audience. And I bleed the movies and books together more than I should 😔😔😔
Well at least she’s made herself useful, trying to get Everlark sponsors ... even if it’s ultimately to benefit herself above anyone else .... 😤
Effie calling Twelve barbaric while she’s preparing them for the slaughter isn’t even ironic it’s like literally just brainless. Johanna probably had the nickname floating around for a lot of people before she officially knighted Katniss with it 😭
“Everyone has their reservations, naturally. You being from the coal district.” Is this how they refer to Twelve? So basically if a district makes a better item, it’s a more worthy one in the Capitol’s eyes? So essentially, if District Eight made like diamonds or pearls or whatever then it would be more worthy? So are the districts assigned their numbers (one, two, three, four, etc) based on their order of importance to the Capitol’s lifestyle? I always thought it was based on their distance in relation to the Capitol? Okay so I didn’t really pay much attention to these facts previously when I read these books ok look away I’m an idiot
Omg 😭😭😭😭 Effie is such an idiot. But the coal turns to pearls thing is my favorite line from her only because it serves as the cutest inside joke when Peeta makes a callback to it in Catching Fire and Finnick is just like “why are these two teenagers so stupid who did I ally with? 🥵😳🥵😳🥵”
“I wonder if the people she's been plugging us to all day either know or care.” After reading Songbirds and Snakes, I’m sure they don’t have a clue, boo. 😑😑😑😑 although not everyone was an idiot back then ... maybe Snow is putting lead in the drinking water?
“But don't worry, I'll get him to the table at gunpoint if necessary.” I know she’s trying to help and I know we say this kind of thing today, but considering this is two kids she’s well aware will be heading into a death match this is just bad wording I know surprise surprise 🙄🙄🙄😬😬😬😬
“Although lacking in many departments, Effie Trinket has a certain determination I have to admire.” Katniss really does see the best in people. What’s sad, y’all, is I think Katniss unconsciously really tries to like people and that’s why she has her guard up so high. Because the softer you are, the easier people will step all over you. Terrible phrasing here, Samantha, I’m so sorry to any of my readers ... okay now that sounded arrogant, implying I have readers 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤣😅🤣😅🤣😅
“My quarters are larger than our entire house back home.” Omg? I mean, yes, I knew this already obviously no duh but like also. Just the fact that three people live in a space smaller than a bedroom and bathroom arena is saddy sad sad. Also do they have indoor plumbing in the Seam or is their backyards just full of—okay, I’ll see myself out. 😶🤭😅🙃
“The shower alone has a panel with more than a hundred options you can choose regulating water temperature, pressure, soaps, shampoos, scents, oils, and massaging sponges.” I’m just imagining a Spongebob scene ngl.
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I’m sorry there’s so many gifs this time around it’s probably taking us out of the reading headspace I’ll never do it again 😩😩😩😩 I talk like I have a class of people listening to me 🤭🤭🤭
“Instead of struggling with the knots in my wet hair, I merely place my hand on a box that sends a current through my scalp, untangling, parting, and drying my hair almost instantly” I need this someone invent this NOW my brush is yanking out my hair 😔😩
“I program the closet for an outfit to my taste.” ‘Yes, Alexa, I’d like a hunting jacket, some boots and a green shirt. Yes, it can be brown.’
“You need only whisper a type of food from a gigantic menu into a mouthpiece and it appears, hot and steamy, before you in less than a minute.” I like this idea because it means that Peeta could order hot choccy to comfort Katniss after her nightmares in Catching Fire from the comfort of her their own bed. 🤗🤗🤗 also I want this for myself. The bad people are giving my greedy self ideas look away everyone 😬
“I walk around the room eating goose liver and puffy bread until there's a knock on the door.” 🤢🤢🤢🤢 Of everything you could have chosen, child, this is what you decided on? Someone help my girl and her rotten tastebuds now.
“Effie's calling me to dinner. Good. I'm starving.” Baby, you were just eating. She’s so nutritionally messed up. 😔😔😔
Katniss trying wine 🥳🥳🥳 she’s so funny, trying to find a way to improve the taste 😅. She’ll make a good taste tester for her baker husband one day.
Hahahaha Katniss not liking the feeling and judging Haymitch for always being tipsy. Also this is sad because she ends up addicted to morphling later one which is far worse than a little wine.
I’m glad to know Baked Alaska survived the apocalypse 😅🥳
Katniss just constantly trying to decipher the recipe of every meal and how to recreate it reads cute on a surface level but it’s actually so tragic because everything to this girl is based around food. Like even more than is typically noticed. They really should have given a hint at this in the first movie. Good thing she marries a man who can always keep her full.
I’m just forever side-eyeing you, Gare Bear.
That’s Gary Ross for the confused kids in the back.
Why does Katniss yelling mid-sentence, “oh! I know you!” add to her innocence? 🥺 it’s because she was overwhelmed by all the food and new luxuries she’d never even been able to imagine ... and also this is pre her first games so she’s still got some childhood left in her 😩😔
I wonder how Lavinia felt seeing Katniss volunteer and knowing she’d be her Avox? I wonder if she, like Cinna, somehow volunteered to be her Avox?
I mean ... talk about convenient placement that this specific girl was assigned to Katniss’ district—oh wait, y’all, I just caught myself. She’s from Twelve. She was assigned to Twelve’s tributes because she’s from there, duh. I’m such an airhead omg just call me Effie.
Don’t you actually dare.
“When I look back, the four adults are watching me like hawks.” Meanwhile, Peeta is just like 😬😬😬 eating his dinner.
Actually, ngl, this could be such a reach and it probably is but like maybe Peeta sensed a confrontation coming and, because of his implied upbringing, he naturally becomes silent or makes himself invisible when trouble starts looking like it’s gonna arise. 🥺🥺🥺 I don’t know why I say these things I’m just hurting my own feelings but ya know the drill. I thought it so I said it.
Why is Effie yelling at Katniss for saying she knows the Avox girl like omg overreaction much? And I know, the sky is blue 🙄🙄🙄 she’s prejudiced against basically everyone, I know, I know
Rip her wig off, Katty Deen 🤗🤗🤗
Oh I stupidly forgot that Avoxes are supposedly known by everyone to be traitors or criminals. So I suppose this isn’t Effie’s worst offense but I’m keeping a tally anyways
Katniss is blaming her stuttering on the wine but my girl just has social anxiety 😔😔😔
Peeta coming in with a save 😭😭😭 he’s already trying saving his girl 🤧
Alsoooo the unspoken friendship, the covering for the other and teaming up against the adults, is still riding high and going strong here 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 look away, y’all, the shipper comments are coming in strong
Also why is this the first real interaction with Peeta in this chapter yet? My baby needs more page-time 🤭🤭🤭
“Delly Cartwright is a pasty-faced, lumpy girl with yellowish hair who looks about as much like our server as a beetle does a butterfly.” Now why did Katniss just tear Delly to shreds for no reason at all 😭😭😭 this was a surprise assault on the poor girl 🙃🙃🙃🙃
“She may also be the friendliest person on the planet - she smiles constantly at everybody in school, even me.” Okay not to tie absolutely everything back to Peeta ... but to tie absolutely everything back to Peeta ... this description of poor, sweet Delly is actually indicative of Peeta’s character? Since Delly, we find out in Mockingjay, is Peeta’s childhood best friend, her personality being this sunny, kind, good-natured person tells us Peeta has always probably been somewhat like her and perhaps not as much like the other town kids Katniss implies to be stuck up or snooty. Maybe Katniss is just shady and deflects onto others 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️.
Also the fact that she gives this like ... mean description of Delly but saw Peeta as popular, even though surely Delly and Peeta spent time at school together, implies further that Katniss did indeed harbor a secret crush on Peeta even before the reaping. A very mild comparison of his on her though, of course 😅😅😅
“It must be the hair” “something about the eyes too” their piggybacking on the other’s comments really is just chiefs kiss 😘🤗🥰🤧 FYI I know the saying is chefs kiss but I made the typo once a long time ago and decided to add it forever to my brand 🤗🙃🥳
Also though this Everlark interaction is reminiscent of when two kids get caught by their teacher goofing off in class and covering for each other 🥰 only it’s a lot more deadly stakes
“A few of the other couples make a nice impression, but none of them can hold a candle to us.” She’s so modest 🤧🤧🤧 her narration here and during the Tribute Parade just has the vibes of ... well .... sorry in advance
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Haymitch’s comment “Just the perfect touch of rebellion. Very nice” leads me to think he and Cinna and maybe Portia were always in cahoots about the rebellion even before Katniss and Peeta came along and well ... lit their match on fire 🥁🤗🤣🤭
Katniss is like “rebellion??? Rebellion where??? What’s that you old people speak of???” And yet, girlfriend goes out to the woods and hunts illegally every day of her life 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
“But when I remember the other couples, standing stiffly apart, never touching or acknowledging each other, as if their fellow tribute did not exist” too lazy too look it up but there’s a quote from Ballad about Lucy Gray and Jessup being distinguished by their visible friendship too that set them apart from the other tributes.
Either Suzanne thought of drawing a nice parallel showing what a failed Everlark attempt looks like, because I firmly stand by the fact that without their real feelings behind their act, even Katniss’ unconscious ones, they wouldn’t have pulled it off, or Suzzie just reused her own content. I prefer the former but I think it’s probably the latter 🤭🤭🤭
“Now go get some sleep while the grown-ups talk." I know Haymitch is being facetious here but this quote reminded me of the fact that the movies would have hit differently if they’d cast actual sixteen year olds in the roles.
“When we get to my door, he leans against the frame, not blocking my entrance exactly but insisting I pay attention to him.” This is such a flirty, high school boy pose, you cannot convince me otherwise 😭😭😭
Also I definitely feel like Peeta is getting more and more confident here because he’s oblivious to Katniss’ inner monologue as much as she is his actually we all are his sadly and he probably thinks she’s starting to like him 🤧🤧🤧
“So, Delly Cartwright. Imagine finding her lookalike here." 🤣 He honestly cracks me up idk why this line isn’t even special or that great. He’s just so ... subtly nosy / funny. Which brings me to that quote from Mockingjay where Katniss talks about his sense of humor because it’s one of the things she loves most about him 😭😭😭
But he’s like, “I can keep a secret, Katniss, tell me who that tongueless chick is to you 😬”
Katniss stop talking about debts, friends cover for the other all the time 🙄🙄 I know it’s in her character stop yelling at a fish for swimming that’s not a real phrase I know that too
Okay first of all, they’re about to share a secret 🥰🥰🥰🥰. My shipper goggles are on tight and obstructing my vision. I know this and am proud 😬🥳🤗
And secondly, “Maybe sharing a confidence will actually make him believe I see him as a friend.” Hey, butthead, you two are already friends. She doesn’t even recognize that the girl who constantly sits with her, talks to her, eats with her and trades with her is her friend either though, I’m shocked she calls Gale her friend
Does Peeta get to know Cinna too? I don’t think so but it’s mentioned now a couple times in this chapter alone that Peeta has interacted with Cinna. Katniss never interacts or has a conversation with Portia.... then again, is that even surprising? Katniss isn’t ... what you would call ... social. Hashtag relatable.
Awww, they’re communicating so effectively together 🥰😭🤧🥳
Also rooftops belong to Everlark only 😍😊😉 I mean, seriously, Katniss never goes up on a rooftop with anyone else. Besides Haymitch in the first movie but we ignore.
“Electricity in District 12 comes and goes, usually we only have it a few hours a day.” Earlier she said the Seam didn’t often have electricity, in particular, so either she’s not specifying her section of the district anymore or Suzanne is backtracking.
“But here there would be no shortage. Ever.” I’ve had two power outages recently so clearly the Capitol isn’t based on us currently today then 😐😐 I’m just joking ok
“I asked Cinna why they let us up here. Weren't they worried that some of the tributes might decide to jump right over the side?” .... boyfriend, where does your mind go sometimes? Peeta’s darker than we realize, y’all 🤭🤭🙃🙃
“He holds out his hand into seemingly empty space. There's a sharp zap and he jerks it back” between this and Catching Fire, Peeta is addicted to getting shocked by forcefields 🤧🤧🤧
“I wonder if we're supposed to be up here now, so late and alone.” If this was a romantic drama or comedy, that line would have meant something a lot more fun 😒😔😬😉😏
“On the other side of the dome, they've built a garden with flower beds and potted trees.” Is this meant to resemble Snow’s grandmother’s garden???? Like he had them put a garden there to like ... put a piece of his Grandma’am in the games? Idk this made zero sense it was a stupid thought
Two people in a garden at night, with wind chimes, sounds romantic in any other context. 🥺🥺
Ummm does everyone in the entire district know Katniss and her father used to hunt together?
Oh nevermind, Lavinia is not from District Twelve. My bad, guys. I should go up and edit my previous thoughts but that’s a lot of work. 😅😅😅
Katniss, stop being so hard on yourself. You and Gale were kids. 😣😣
Ummm, Katniss for a girl always complimenting Peeta’s storyteller, you’re pretty good at painting a picture yourself...
Peeta noticing she’s shivering 🥰🥺
He gives her ... his jacket 😭😭😭😭 such a romantic troupe Samantha, get over it there’s literally children dying
Oh wow, Lavinia was from the Capitol originally. Hmm, it is sus now that she got District Twelve this particular year.
But also 🤧🤧🤧 “he secures a button at my neck.”
His hands .... are .... often .... at her .... neck .... 😶😬 .... look away, y’all
Oh wow, Katniss is over here thinking, “who’d leave the Capitol if they were from here???” And Peeta’s like instantly, loudly, without hesitating, “well I would 🙋🏼‍♂️”
Hot take, y’all ready? Peeta was a bigger rebel than Katniss from the start. At least internally.
Awww, Peeta is so jealous 😭😭😭😭 and kind of nosy 🤭🤭🤭
Katniss : “me and Gale are not related” Peeta : “😬🙃😭😩😶”
“I'd set out to tell her I was sorry about dinner. [...] my apology runs much deeper. [...] I let the Capitol kill the boy and mutilate her without lifting a finger. Just like I was watching the Games.” I feel like this is actually a good comparison though, because of you grew up in a society where you have to watch kids die, your whole entire life you’ve watched it in a glorified television show, you would be really desensitized to it...
“You don't forget the face of the person who was your last hope.” Here she’s talking about Lavinia but it applies to Peeta too. Katniss was Lavinia’s last hope and she feels like she let her down but Peeta was her last hope once and he came through. And, as she said in chapter one, she’ll never forget him for it. And for other things too. Later on. 😏
Of course my last bullet point was focused on Everlark 🤣 is anyone surprised you shouldn’t be we all knew who this post was written by right? 😅
And once again, if too made through this marathon, congratulations 🥳🥳🥳🥳 maybe next chapter I’ll talk less not likely though so don’t count on it 😅
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Thoughts on everyone in the realms?
"Short Answer; I made a chart. Not a well drawn chart, mind you, but a chart. Sometimes you don't wanna put effort into drawing 50 something faces"
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"Long answer, uh....well lemme go down the list"
Claudette: My Starflower~!! She's so sweet and kind and amazing in trials and every time I see her I swoon a little- I love her so much~ Dwight: He's cute- And he's a good leader, despite his nervous personality, he knows how to bring a group together. Final guy potential. Ash: ....Don't...Tell him I said this? But uh....Evil Dead was one of my biggest comfort series, the thing that got me through losing both my parents....the thing that helped me transition, pick my name, and fueled my FX hobby. And I'm still attached, even realizing he's a real person and all- But...it's weird to just, be upfront with something like that, so I'm just...burying it as best as I can. David: He's a little rough around the edges but he’s good to have in a trial, plus when you can get past the walls, he’s nice to talk to. Kate: Her music by the campfire is calming and she’s such a sweetheart. If we were in a better situation I’d love to learn Guitar from her, but, it’s hard when you’re a moment away from a trial at any given time. Amalthea (@askthewidowstars OC): She judged my entire vibe but jokes on her I’m the one who snagged a cutie for life- Meg: If I had a dollar for every time she left me for dead I would have enough money to paint the entire campfire in solid gold. The only time we’ve ever properly talked was about SAW traps and 90% of it was her admitting she could beat every single trap because she was ‘built different’  Jeff: He’s a sweetheart and really nice to be around. Sometimes when we’re by the campfire in our downtimes I’ll let him draw on my arm. it kinda makes me want a tattoo, honestly. If we ever get out of here, I might get one. Steve: Bros!! We kinda make up team ‘Altruistic Himbo’, Plus the ‘Babysitter/Brother’ Vibes mesh really well. I kinda wanna re-style his hair though, mostly because it looks fluffy, and nice to play with.  Quentin: Bros!! We’re gonna make matching T-Shirts about committing Arson on Freddy in particular. He’s fun to hang around in our downtime, and I hope there’s a chance he can get some actual rest, even in here. He deserves it. Adam: If Dwight wasn’t the leader I feel like he’d take over the Reigns. I feel like he’s the calm type that doesn’t handle energetic types well though. Which, y’know, makes things hard.  Nea: Anytime I see her she’s either sneaking around the map and watching everyone get killed, or doing something stupid to get herself killed. I’d get grey hair if We were actually friends.  Feng: Gamer bros- I got to find out we actually played a lotta the same stuff before we were taken by the Entity. We get a chance to nerd out in between trials- Laurie: Best Final Girl hands down. I kinda hope she can teach me Decisive Strike one day- I feel like its also just a little awkward since again, still a fan of Myers Nancy: She doesn’t agree that Demo’s a good boy, which makes sense, but we but heads over it. Also I’m pretty sure she wants me dead for touching the bones around the map one too many times. They’re just too tempting.... Jake: He’s pretty quiet, but he’s helpful in trials. I heard he’s been to a convention a few times, but I don’t think he’s actually into it as much as I thought...Which kinda sucks. I’d love more cosplay buddies y’know? Yui: Kinda makes me want a motorbike. We don’t talk but she seems really cool. A little too cool to me around if that makes sense.  Yun-Jin: She benefits off of throwing everyone else under the bus. And 90% of the time she will throw everyone under the bus. Even if she needs actual help to escape the trial.  Cheryl: Cheryylll!!  She’s really cool and honestly would add her to the ‘Can kill god if she was not nerfed’ Squad. Especially since y’know, she has- I bet if we got enough of the kids together we could just beat the Entity’s ass. I know she could.  Tapp: Always been a fan of Tapp before I was taken, although I feel like he’d wanna arrest me if we weren’t in the Entity’s Realm. I might be a little too excited for my own good about Kramer’s work. I don’t think he’d believe the fact its a movie either.  Ace: He’s kinda like the Uncle of the group around the campfire, but, coming into trials, He’s still for saving his own skin- You can also only stand dad jokes for so long. Especially in an eternity like this.  Leon: He’s cool!!! I got so excited first realizing He and Jill were here, and I wanna get a chance to talk to him about everything that went down, but Haven’t got the chance. He’s nice inside of Trials though, usually doesn’t leave anyone behind. Not a fan of getting blinded though.  Jill: She knows how to lead the trials well, and I look up to her a lot. She’s always been such a badass!!  Bill: If Bill gets his hands on a weapon the entire Realm would be fucked. Badass as hell and Kinda scary. Another one on the list of ‘Entity needed to Nerf’ Felix: You’d think a Childless Father and a Fatherless son would be able to bond a bit more, but, I think we each kinda get the same vibe of homesickness from one another. He’s kind though, and it’s neat to see his work whenever we’re by the campfire.  Elodie: She’s better at helping out than most of the others, but she’s still in a survival of the fittest mindset. I loved hearing about her studies from before she was taken though. I feel like if we had more time we could dig deeper into this whole world and what its about. But we don’t get that- Zarina: We just don’t really click as much, honestly. I’d love to get to know her better but I think she’s more into digging into the killers and what she can find out about this place. Which y’know, could be better done with a team. Sage (@askthewidowstars OC): HUSBAND!!! My husband. I love him to the Moon and back. He’s amazing and I miss him even when we’re five feet apart-  ...I need a hug now-  Amanda: Best girl hands down!! We vibed a lot in between Trials talking about her traps and old designs, she was impressed by my knowledge, and we hang out in Gideon sometimes!   Ghostface: He’s pretty cute- Also fun to be around, even if he’s kind of a dick when he’s actually at work, it’s better when you’re outside of a Trial. It’s also neat to see he’s not just two idiots in a halloween costume and his own person, as much as I love the Scream Series, too-  Leatherface: Bubba!!! Honestly I’d handle being chainsawed. Fuckin Love Bubba-  Huntress: I wanna learn how to throw hatchets but I know I never will. She’s kinda scary, but also I feel like if she could adopt some of the others in the Realms, she totally would.  Oni: The only times I’ve ever really seen him is just before my skull gets bashed in. All I really have associated to him is the splitting headache.  Twins: I’m gonna punt Victor into the sun. I haven’t been good around kids beforehand and this tiny gremlin motherfucker just makes it worse.  Pinhead: I was so excited to see him!! He’s one of the few that talks more often than not in a trial, and he’s always had this air of elegance about him which makes it so much cooler! I’d be tempted to grab the box to solve it, but, at the same time Dwight’s already been hunted. I just...want to see how it works, really. Maybe if I ask nicely? Nah, probably not.  Pyramid Head: He’s so fucking COOL!!! He’s always just been really fucking cool and I still get stars in my eyes. I wanna re-create his weapon one day.  Joey: Joey’s one of the chill killers to be around, probably my favorite amongst the legion. Also Cosplay gang?? Hello? Susie: She’s cute!! I like her vibes whenever there’s not violence involved. I wonder if she’d ever get into costume making, she has the artistic eye for it. I also wonder if she’d ever dye other people’s hair...I’d kinda want green tips one day- Frank: Still wanna throw a palette at him. He’s one of the more serious of the Legion, and usually the one you’d find with a Mori. Not as Serious as Julie but only because he has the cocky god complex to go with it.  Julie:  She’s definitely the most serious out of the Legion. There’s no real rest whenever we’re in a trial against her. Scary as hell and less of a bastard than the other three.  Hillbilly: I know he deserved a lot better than this, especially after hearing more about him. I...Haven’t gotten to see much than the end of his chainsaw though.  Blight: This dude’s singlehandedly bringing back my fear of needles and I thought I lost that with HRT- Also like, dude spits up orange fuckin everywhere.  Michael: My Mans!! I always get a little excited knowing we’re up against him. It’s habit- It’s kinda weird to see him easily affected by like, palettes or flashlights though.  Spirit: She seems like she could be nice when there’s some downtime. I’m also one of the few that can understand her well enough, which probably makes things easier. I found out she’s basically my age when I survived a trial by myself. I’d hope to hang out more sometime. Nemesis: God he’s so fucking tall. Kinda surprised it was Nemesis out of everyone that could’ve been brought, and also, kinda terrified? Still am kinda terrified. I’m surprised he hasn’t just torn up an entire map yet. His zombie minions are also annoying. Wraith: All this motherfucker does is roll up to pull me off Gens and Exist as a problem. I don’t see much of him outside of a Trial. Trapper: Motherfucker Incarnate. If the Entity lets us throw hands I’m fighting him first.  Freddy: ....Gross. I liked the Nightmare on Elm Street series a lot, but...Freddy as a person? Ew. Especially this iteration.  Demogorgon: Demopuppy!! He’s a good boy and he deserves to get treats. Even if the Treats are flesh....I wonder if he likes candy though. Trickster: Pretty!! He also Gives me DIO vibes because of the Jacket and the Knife throwing...Imagine if a killer could stop time...that’d be terrifying. Deathslinger: I wanna sit down and look at his gun more but I also feel like if I ask I’d just get shot on sight. Intimidating as hell but also cool. Mary: ....Still on the very complicated ‘Ex Girlfriend that murdered me’ State. It’s hard to avoid her though. Especially since she wants to get back together since we’re stuck here. Nurse: She does not help my fear of Hospitals, honestly. While she’s easy to go up against, it’s still eugh. Plague: I really, really hate her power. The Sickness and the Vomit is just- Eughhhhh- It just hits every bad sensory issue at once.  Clown: ...I get killers are Killers and aren’t supposed to be good people but also like....Disgusting. Please Remove from the Realm. He’s just- ...Ew.  Doctor: NOPE. NO. NEVER. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO.
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struwwelzeter · 4 years
Ok, here it is. This is one of my all time favorite interviews. It doesn’t really contain anything new, and I am still convinced it has been translated before, but that is beside the point. He is so chatty, and I get the impression he was quite at ease with the interviewer, and he’s just and adorable dork. I gave up on trying to capture his “voice” pretty fast because it’s impossible. Maybe it’s because I know how he sounds when he speaks english, but he’s ... a bit of a hazard, in that he sounds dumb one minute and sophisticated the next, and some of the things he says are actually not translateable, so I just concentrated on trying to get what he says across and gave up on the how.
Interview with Richard Kruspe of Emigrate and Rammstein
by Marcus Schleutermann of Rock Hard Magazine, August 22, 2008
Richard, where and in what kind of circumstances did you grow up?
Until I was seven I lived in a small village called Weisen. That was a beautiful childhood with alot of nature, cats and dogs and a big family with two siblings. Then the big break came unfortunately, with the divorce of my parents. My father was gone from one day to the next, and we moved in with my stepfather in Schwerin. We didn’t ge on at all. The situation between me and him escalated quite a bit and I often ran away from home quite often. Sometimes I slept on park benches or in a friend’s basement and was looked for by the police. When there was the chance to start an apprenticeship somewehre else I jumped on it right away and went to Hagenau. Since there was nothing there other than a big army base, I did nothing but spend two and a half years worth of sparetime playing guitar. Looking back, I have to say that my stepfather at least taught me basic discipline. I profit from that by now, because as a musician there is no outside obligation to sit down and compose every day.
Where would you most like to live?
At the moment, I live both in Berlin and in New York. I like that duality. New York has a unique energy that drives me. I never really warmed up to Berlin on the other hand. When I first came here, the negative attitude of the people here totally spooked me. It’s always a no at first. Apart from that it’s pretty cold here. But by now quite a few things have changed for the better, especially this refreshing multiculti-thing, which of course doesn't only work between germans and turks, but between all sorts of nationalities. I would most like to live in Cape Town. You have the mountains on one side and two oceans on the other. The people are open and friendly and there is a very beautiful light that is good for my mind. (I feel obligated to say that he uses the word «Gemüt» which could also mean mood or soul and kind of means all of those 3 things at once.) I can imagine that as a retirement retreat.
Were you more of nerd or a bruiser in school?
I think that goes without saying - quite a bit of a bruiser.
So you did end up in brawls now and then.
Certainly. At the age of 10 to 14 I got into situations all the time where I - lets say - could let loose physically. But when I started wrestling I learned how to chanel my aggressions. I trained 5 times a weekand had competitions on the weekends. Unfortunately I was way too offensive most of the time and had no patience while fighting. I wanted victory right away, like tyson.
Are your parents proud and of you?
I think my biological father is very proud of me. My mother always wanted something else for me, but by now my muscian’s life is okay for her. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what you do, as long as you are successful. Especially for the post-war generation of my parents materialistic value is still held above evrything.
So what does money mean to you?
Essentially, only the freedom to be able to do what I like to do. Money means independency to me most of all. The problem with that is of course that you get used to a certain level of luxury and lifestyle. When I earned the first bit of money with Rammstein I was in seventh heaven and thought I would never need more. With my two apartments in London and Berlin and the constant travelling I need a bit more nowadays.
How do you define success?
Success is relative. With Emigrate I got great reviews, sold a good number of albums worldwide and got releases in America and Australia. Therefore, I could assess my solo project as a success, but in comparison with Rammstein, who sell millions, Emigrate are small fry.
What was the most miserable job you ever had?
The worst job was window cleaner, because I suffer from vertigo a bit [laughs]. Initially I was a truckdriver, but I lost my license after an accident. After that the company deemed I was supposed to become a window cleaner and climb up the Schwerin television tower. No way! I just put up the ladder for them and told them: See you later! (He actually uses english for the see you later. More impactful, you see.) To get by, I made shoes myself and sold them. Espardrilles and the likes. That is funny, because I am actually not talented in crafts at all. But I am streetwise and inventive when it comes to survival. I always had to improvise to get by because I couldn't handle authority at all. As a teenager I apprenticed to be a cook/chef (Same word in german. Probably more a cook than a chef to be honest here.) That's a tough job going off the tough hours alone. Apart from that it gets quite hot by the stove after a while.
That is not that different with Rammstein’s pyro show.
Quite true, hahaha! I believe cooking and making music has so much in common anyway. I have always cooked without a recipe. I just take what is there and conjure up something delicious. Some things maybe don't fit that well in the beginning, but you learn that quite quickly and then you develop an intuitive sense. That is the same with composing.
What would have become of you, if you hadn’t become a musician?
Hm, good question. I would like to produce a band some time - so kinda switch to the other side. Other than that I love to write and could imagine screenwriting would be a suitable job for me.
Speaking of Hollywood, how about being before the camera? Are there characters you would have loved or love to play?
Two characters I find brilliant: Taxi Driver and Leon the Professional. And those gangster flicks are cool. Goodfellas and Reservoir Dogs for exemple.
So more the underdogs and the villains - not the heroes.
Yes, they just have more potential. After I shot some erotic scenes for a video the other day I could also imagine doing an entire film in that direction. I was quite nervous in the beginning, but the longer we were shooting the more fun I had. Erotic, mind you, not pornographic.
So, you’d undress for Playgirl?
Not anymore [laughs]. Although probably not before either. I do have a pretty easy going relationship with my body and run around naked in my apartment alot, but then I am not that exhibitionistic that I'd strip for some glossy magazine.
So you’re a at-home nudist.
Yeah, that's an east thing, I think. When I opened my apartment door in New York naked once when the door rang while I was in bed with my then wife, she was completely bewildered. The shameless ossis (east germans) and the prudish americans - that was a meeting of the worlds. [laughs]
Are you vain?
Unfortunately, yes. I'd like to be more above that because vanity is a negative quality that has something to do with insecurity and ego. I work on myself and as I got older I luckily developed a more casual attitude. At some point you start to accept the degredation of the body.
Theoretically you could counteract that with plastic surgery. How about an appointment with Nip/Tuck, hm?
That's not something for me, but I don't have anything against plastic surgery. If people are unhappy with their body and gain new self esteem and sense of life through an operation, they should go through with it. I do see a problem in the danger of it getting exorbitant and to develop some kind of addiction like with tattoos that goes far beyond the reasonable. The body won't go along with everythig after all, and such things as calf implants are pretty crazy.
Speaking of crazy, what’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done?
That must have been asking a woman to marry me two days after meeting her. She said yes, and the rest is history. (They are divorced at this point, as the article points out here - in brackets too.)
Cue: Woman: What type do you prefer?
Like almost everyone I do have some sort of type. You need a relationship that mirrors yourself and to develop. So in that sense you're looking for a partner that drives you forward in certain aspects. To have a good relationship you need to keep a balance of passion and friendship - if it's just one it will overturn at some point.
What do you think of groupies?
They just belong to it all. This symbiosis of star and groupie is like theater. The relationship between both has of course nothing to do with reality, and is just an illusion, but you shouldn't destroy that. I'm personally not really tempted by groupies because I like it when I have to fight for a woman. But I like the glamour their presence emenates.
Do you believe in god or reincarnation? Are you spiritaully inclined?
More and more. I don't believe in god in a church sense, but I'm a spiritual guy and believe in a form of justice; that the things we do come back to us in some way eventually. Karma, so to speak. I also have the slightly feminine habit of using astrology to understand people. I use it as a tool to decipher characters. Once you know how someone's house is build, it's easier to place their actions. To be clear: I don't mean horoscopes or such nonsense. There's alot of maths in astrology and you can't compare that with the usual star-sign pulp in TV programmes.
Could you live without television?
Nah. I have a huge beamer in my New York apartment's bedroom. I love lying in bed, smoking and watching good movies more than anything. That is the only thing where I can really switch of other than sex. Lots of both, please. [laughs]
Reading isn't your thing?
I used to read alot, but now I'm unfortunately too lazy for it most of the time. Even on the plane you get a monitor and a huge selection of movies since a while now. But I still have a good reading recommendation: The New York trilogy by Paul Auster.
What's the most important invention for human kind?
Each century has it's own big invention and right now that is clearly the internet. Before that it was electricity, which made everything else like the light bulb and the elctric guitar even possible.
To which era would you most like to travel if there was a time machine?
I guess the sword and blade time as I always call it. Knights templar, 11th century. I can answer that this well, because I like to watch even stupid movies when they deal with that period. I just have a huge affinity to it somehow and would love to find out how things were going back then.
Do you have a phobia?
Other than the aforementioned fear of heights I have a phobia of snakes.
When did you cry the last time?
Now you got me. That is a huge problem of mine because I just can't cry. I think that is a pity myself, because crying is an outlet with which you let grief go. Maybe that's why my music is so important to me, it's like my tear duct and helps me to live out my feelings.
- sorry for any spelling mistakes but I’m dyslexci and I can’t be bothered.
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hunflowers · 4 years
Fine Line
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Word Count: 5k
Requested? Nope, but you always can here :)
A/N: This fic is for the lovely @hsogolden​ ‘s #FineLineFicChallenge and I’m so happy and honored to be apart of it! It gets a bit angsty up in here, so sorry if it tugs at the heartstrings. And there’s a brief wank so enjoy! *nose boops*
No one ever really realizes how long a minute could be. 
Or an hour. 
Or a day. 
Or a month.
Sometimes it seems like time can fly right by, just in a blink of an eye. But, some other times it seems like every second of every minute of every day can go by agonizingly slow. 
This is what life was like for Harry these past ten months. He had his fast days, where he felt okay and like nothing could ever break him down ever again. But, he also had his slow days, where he felt like staying in bed, unmoving, hiding under the sheets was his only option to move forward and on to the next day. It was an internal battle these past months on how to go about his days. Because sometimes the feeling of wanting to do something and wanting to do nothing blurred together and he was stuck on how to live his life.
And it was all because of her.
His sunshine.
His Y/N.
They met a little over two years ago. A mutual friend’s birthday party and the two got a little too drunk and although nothing crazy happened, they still were attached like glue the entire night. When Harry first spotted her across the room, she had this energy radiating off of her that drew him towards her, that tempted him to walk over to her and find out who exactly she was.
After that night, they exchanged numbers, and from then on they’ve been inseparable. Except for now that is. This ten month gap of disconnection was like starting a whole new life, a whole new reality and Harry hated it. But for that little over a year of dating, you could hardly get one without the other.
To the naked eye, anyone could clearly see that they were in love. It was a love like no other, as cliche as that sounds. Harry always had this feeling that this was it. This is what the universe intended, that she was what the universe intended for him to have. It didn’t matter what else fate had in store, just as long as he had her.
Because they were in love.
Well, he was at least.
About six months into the relationship, Harry dropped the L bomb because it finally felt like time for him to address his truest feelings. When she stared at him in shock and silence he should’ve taken that as the biggest sign, but he knew not everyone was the same and that maybe she just needed a little more time to repeat the three small words.
He knew she loved him. He could tell in the way she looked at him and the way she held him when they were sleeping. Heck, she practically said it without ever really saying it. He figured it was just the word that scared her, but that she did love him back. Harry thought that eventually, Y/N would overcome her fear and she would be able to say it and kill the worrisome thoughts that lingered in the back of his subconscious. 
Seven months later and he got tired of waiting. He thought he knew her and that she loved him just like he loved her. But, every time he said those small words, Y/N just nodded her head in return. Every time he said it, he saw something flash across her eyes, like a flinch reaction as if those words hurt her many times before.
He thought he knew her. He thought he knew everything about her and what made her his Y/N. But, it turns out he didn’t. And the only Y/N he knew completely was the one who made no second guesses into spreading her legs, welcoming him to consume her physically.
He felt used. Like the year and one month of being together really meant nothing at all and she was using him as a distraction from whatever happened in her past. He hated it so much. That year and one month Harry devoted his life to this girl, opening up to her about every little thing that changed him into the person he is, yet she didn’t have the decency to do the same, and deep down he hated her for that.
Now he saw himself as this pathetic guy that fell in love so easily with a girl he hardly even knew and he hated her for that too.
But, the thing he hated most was that he really didn’t hate her. All he felt for her was love and it sucked that it wasn’t reciprocated.
So, on February 9th, he confronted her about it. He just had to know what was going on inside that mind of hers because it was eating away at his soul that he thought* he knew his girl, but it seems he didn’t know her at all.
Harry was pacing their apartment for the better half of the last hour. Y/N should be coming home soon from work and he had been nervous to talk to her about this issue all day.
He cowered away a lot, telling himself that he didn’t have to worry about it. But, he knew that he just had to get it done with already, that he had to rip the band aid off eventually. And when he finally heard the keys jingling outside of the front door the nerves in him skyrocketed. His breathing picked up and his hands become clammy as this sense of trepidation washed through him. Harry was afraid of what was bound to come and he figured he would be able to shake this soon, but when the front door creaks open and her figure walks through the door, his anxiety meets a whole new level.
Without even so much as a greeting, Harry asked the impending question, ripping that band aid right off.
“Do you love me?”
Y/N’s smile faltered as she stopped in her tracks, letting the door close gently behind her. She tilted her head slightly, eyebrows scrunching in confusion as she watched her boyfriend stand in the living room portion of the open plan apartment, eyes wide with worry and jaw clenched as he tried to hold back his tears.
Placing her bag and keys down softly on the table, Y/N was at a loss of words as he continued to stare her down.
“It’s a yes or no question, Y/N. Do you love me?”
“It isn’t that easy… I- I don’t-”
“Then make it easy. I told you seven months ago that I love you. Seven months! And this whole time I thought that you just needed some time to say it back because I- I think you love me, but seven months!”
Y/N’s own eyes started to swell with tears as Harry slowly started raising the volume of his voice. She’s seen Harry angry before, but it never had been directed towards her. This time was clearly different as Harry stood in front of her, frustration laced in his features, and anger headed her way. She felt small under his gaze, and Y/N wanted nothing more than to hideaway before this would get out of hand.
“Every time I say it, it looks like you get scared for a split second before basically just shrugging it off. And th-then I realize that there’s something you’re not telling me and then I again realize you’ve hardly ever talked to me. I don’t know you like a proper boyfriend should! I know your favorite color, your favorite movie and your favorite song, but there’s something you’re not telling me about why you don’t love me. And… I can’t put myself in another relationship where I-I’m taken for granted. I’m sorry, Y/N, but I just can’t.” By the end of his speech Y/N could tell he was getting choked up and that hurt Y/N more than anything. 
She wanted to hold him and reveal her deepest and darkest secrets because he deserved to know. He was the proper boyfriend he needed to be. He was everything she wanted and then some. But her past often clouded her judgement and her life and she didn’t know what to tell him or how to tell him, afraid he would run away.
But, it seems to be, doing the complete opposite is what’s driving him away.
Harry observes Y/N, looking for any sign of her finally opening up to him. But, she stood frozen, hands clasped together as tears finally escaped down her cheeks, bottom lip trembling. It seemed like she was fighting some internal battle with herself yet she didn’t say break, just staring back at him.
Harry let out a sigh, hands gripping his hips as his head dropped and his attention was focused on his tattered shoes. All he wanted was something, anything that would indicate this past year and a month wasn’t all a waste. 
But, silence was the only thing that was in the air.
Running his shaky fingers in his hair, Harry looked to Y/N once again, nearly falling to his knees as he saw how heartbroken she was because they both knew what her silence would lead to. He nodded his head in acknowledgment, turning his body away from her and walking to the front door. The spacious apartment suddenly felt really small and Harry just wanted to get out of there.
He heard her follow after him, but she didn’t even call out his name to stop him. He grabbed his own keys from the front table, and quickly patting his pockets for his wallet and phone before he grabbed the handle of the door. Y/N reached out, putting her hand over his, hoping he would stop and let her gather her thoughts and finally speak to him.
She knew it wouldn’t happen, but she hoped.
He looked down to their hands before looking back at her face one last time, speaking one last sentence that tore Y/N apart down to her core.
“I thought you were different.”
The last ten months were brutal. Technically it was because of him that timed moved slow, but he knew in the long-run that staying in that relationship would’ve drained him more. He hated thinking that being with Y/N would drain him because he did- does love her more than he can comprehend, but he couldn’t help but feel less exhausted from the loss all of his worrying and stress of being in a relationship.
Except, last night that pit of anxiety resurfaced when he saw her face for the first time in ten months. He couldn’t tell if that was a good thing or not because maybe he didn’t want to see her face again or maybe the feeling in his gut was butterflies at the sight of her face again. It was a fine line between the two.
They were attending the same mutual friend’s party, like when they first met two years ago. It was as if it were fate trying to remind them Hey, remember when you met the love of your life in this exact room exactly two years ago, and now everything’s fucked up?
Harry’s jaw clenched as he tried not to break down right there, and he quickly knocked back the rest of his drink he had been sipping the whole night. He wasn’t in the particular mood to let loose the entire time, but now, he felt getting wasted was going to be the only way he wouldn’t think about her.
Although, drinking would most likely make him think of her more. But, he still got the drinks in.
He couldn’t take his eyes off of her, just like when he first saw her. She lit up the room the moment she walked in, her usual sunshine radiating off of her as she bounced around from person to person, indulging in conversations with everyone that wasn’t him. He knew she wouldn’t talk to him because he can only imagine the pain he put her through when he walked out, but something inside wished she would at least glance in his direction. Maybe something so minuscule would give him the closure he needed to move on with his life.
Harry got more than what he asked for though when he was in a conversation with the said mutual friend, Jason, and Y/N came bounding over, practically a skip in her step. Mid sentence, Harry stopped talking when Y/N embraced Jason, wishing him a happy birthday. When they separated, Y/N’s eyes met Harry’s, and to Harry it felt like time stopped completely.
“Hi, H.” The two syllables that fell from her delicate lips sent shivers down Harry’s spine, and he didn’t know how to respond. The easy way clearly would be to just say Hello. Curt and straight to the point and simple enough to hide the quiver in his voice. 
But, he was an idiot and he didn’t say anything. He pursed his lips, fingers gripping the glass he was holding in a tight hold, as his mind swarmed with memories revolving around this angelic woman. She sent him a small smile before walking past him, gently patting his shoulder as she greeted the next person she laid her eyes on.
Once she was out of his sight, Harry let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding in, looking to Jason and quickly regretted it as Jason gave him a weird look. “Dude, what was that?”
Harry shook his head and shrugged exasperatedly, trying to think of an answer for himself. “I have no idea.”
Silence dawned over them despite the fact that there were plenty of people chatting amongst them and music echoing around the house. Harry looked to his feet, slowly closing his eyes in disappointment, wallowing in self-pity as he’s thinking of all of the things he should’ve done or said in those few seconds because he was sure he would never get the moment again. 
“Listen,” Jason spoke up, gaining Harry’s attention, “these past however many months, Y/N’s been… working through a lot of shit. I think it would mean a lot to her if you talk to her and I think it’d do both of you some good to talk. She hadn’t told me directly what’s been going on but I’ve heard stories and… it’s a lot. Go talk to her.”
Jason grabbed Harry’s shoulders, turning his body in the direction of his ex-girlfriend. And in that moment Y/N started laughing at whatever this girl said, eyes crinkling, eyebrows scrunching, and dimple forming as the biggest smile beamed on her face. Harry determined that feeling in his stomach to be those butterflies as he stood completely entranced by her and her heavenly laugh.
He took a deep breath and made his way over to her, trying his hardest to not make a fool of himself like tripping over random furniture. When he got closer, Y/N could see him through her peripheral, and for a moment, she wanted to break down.
These ten months were hard for Harry. But, it didn’t compare to how rough it had been for Y/N.
Walking in to the party, immediately her eyes had locked on to Harry’s figure and it took everything in her to not walk right out. Seeing his face was hard, considering the last time she saw it, she felt anger and sadness all in one. She couldn’t forget the fact that he left her and it was fucking rough to see him again. She was surprised at herself for greeting him like she did, because the rational part of her wanted to ignore his existence for the whole time they were there. But, she supposed her subconscious and the also giddy feeling of seeing Harry again took over.
When he stepped next to her and her friend, she tried her hardest to keep her composure, looking up at him through her lashes. Y/N’s friend got the message immediately, walking away once she sensed the tension between the two.
“Hello, Y/N.”
Y/N bit her lip, bringing her arms up to her chest and crossing them, feeling exceptionally small stood next to him. She waited for him to say something else, not having it in her to start up a conversation. Despite being in a year long relationship, this ten month separation made it as though they were strangers meeting for the first time.
Harry raked his fingers through his hair, which it seems had been cut since the last time she saw him. Little curls started developing at the ends of his hair, and if they were together, Y/N would be drooling at the sight and running her own hands through the soft brunette hair.
“Can we talk?” He questioned, gesturing outside to the back patio that overlooked the vibrant pool in the backyard.
Y/N huffed, glancing down to her shoes and softly kicking her foot up, shaking her head mildly before looking back up at him, a small scowl on her face. “No.”
Harry’s eyebrows shot up in surprise, but he really wasn’t all that surprised. He knew this would be a long shot, but he would hate himself more if he didn’t at least try. He nodded his head slowly in acknowledgement, not wanting to dwell on this any longer and turning around to walk away.
“How’s tomorrow?” Y/N said softly. Harry whipped back around, now really surprised at this. He almost didn’t hear her because of the speaker that happened to be right next to them, but it was as if his ears were in tune to her voice, hardly ever missing anything she said.
“Uh- yeah… Tomorrow works for me. Tomorrow’s good,” Harry rambled, not able to stop nodding his head. 
These nerves suddenly shot through him at the prospect of sitting down and finally getting to talk to Y/N. But, he couldn’t deny how happy he was either. When he turned around to walk away, he couldn’t help the small smile that etched onto his face.
And because of the thought of seeing her again, she was all he could think about for the rest of the night. Whilst still at the party, even though they stayed out of each other’s ways, Harry couldn’t help but look in her direction every so often, admiring her, now no shame in his body.
He felt he was going crazy, but he again didn’t have any shame. Not when it came to her.
He especially didn’t have any shame later on, when he was alone in his apartment, moonlight cascading into his dark room being his only source to see anything in front of him. He hastily pushed his jeans down his thighs, falling backwards onto his bed, his back flopping onto the soft surface of his mattress as his hand crawled down his abdomen and into his red briefs.
Harry tried to pleasure himself the way Y/N used to, inching her fingers down his navel until they grazed over his pubic hair, the tips of her fingers gently touching his length before her dainty hand would fully encompass his girth.
Small whimpers began to move past his lips as he continued to imagine Y/N was doing this and not him, but again, he had no shame. But, perhaps that was the alcohol running through him.
That was a lie. It wasn’t his first time picturing Y/N when wanking, and he was sure it wouldn’t be the last either. 
Feeling extremely restricted, Harry hooked his fingers into his briefs, pushing those and his jeans fully off his body and then grabbing the edge of his shirt and pulling it over his head, all in three seconds flat. 
His cock slapped his stomach and he hissed at the sensitive feeling of the cool air hitting him, contrasting the heat he felt inside his body. Again wrapping his hand around his girth, he slowly jerked himself, spreading the precum that leaked from his tip down his head. He pictured Y/N hovering over him, giving him soft eyes as she worked her hand quicker, then putting him inside her warm mouth, running her tongue over his tip, lightly sucking him deeper into her mouth, eventually getting him to graze the back of her throat.
The idea had Harry a squirming mess, hips thrusting into his fist, his other hand tugging on the roots of his curls as his moans increased in volume. 
He should have an ounce of shame running through his body. But he doesn’t. And at that moment, as the familiar feeling of his balls tightening courses through him, he definitely didn’t.
Harry also finishes a lot quicker than normal, so he should feel shame. 
But he doesn’t.
❊ ❊
They met at a diner the next day. Sort of a brunch ordeal.
Harry got there first, which wasn’t surprising at all. Y/N tended to be late for everything and anything, sometimes even for work.
The waitress came over a total of three times asking if his plus one would be there soon or if he just wanted to order already. He denied every time, sipping on his coffee, glancing between his phone and the door every few seconds.
About fifteen minutes had gone past their original time and Harry slowly started losing hope. He didn’t want to lose hope, but even this was beginning to get too late for Y/N and he figured she just didn’t have the guts to tell him she was backing out.
Just when he goes to put his jacket on, he hears the bell chime over the door sound once again and he looks up to see if it were actually her this time. 
It was.
She looked out of breath as her hair was all askew from the wind outside. He saw her eyes dart around the room before finally landing on him, more towards the back. 
Watching her take a deep breath, she held eye contact with him as a tiny smile planted on her face and she quickly walked over to his table.
“I’m so sorry,” she rushed, plopping down onto the chair across from Harry. “I managed to oversleep past my alarm. I know I look like a wreck but I literally woke up ten minutes ago before I drove like a maniac to get here, so keep your comments to yourself. Also, I forgot my phone in my rush to get ready and... I forgot my wallet… But! I will pay you back I promise. I’m literally such a mess right now.”
Watching her ramble on and on had Harry feel like nothing has changed between them. She was a talker, Y/N, hardly ever keeping her mouth shut, and that was one of the reasons Harry adored her so much. But, the reason they are where they are is because she just didn’t talk about anything important.
“Don’t worry about it. I was gonna push to pay later anyway,” Harry shrugged, taking the final sip of his coffee before his cup was empty.
Y/N gave him an unimpressed look, before rolling her eyes and opening up her menu. The waitress came over now for the fourth time, a smile on her face as she saw Harry was finally accompanied by someone before jotting down their orders and walking away.
Harry and Y/N attempted to make small talk but when that didn’t really work out for them, the tension around them slowly started to strengthen, which was weird for them. But, neither of them had any idea of how to go about this. 
Y/N fidgeted with the ends of her hair before sitting up straight in her seat, hands slapping down against the table, panicking Harry as she gave him her dirtiest glare. “I’m gonna rip the band aid off, and start this off with a fuck you.”
“Look, I know what I did wrong, I didn’t… talk to you like a girlfriend should do with their boyfriend, and I get that you must’ve been frustrated with me. I get why you left. But, you didn’t even try to hear me out–”
“Do not! Interrupt me, I’m on a roll. Harry you made me feel like that year was completely wasted because I was going to talk I just… needed to do it on my terms. Not yours. So, fuck you.”
Harry was stunned to stay the least at her sudden outburst. He must’ve looked like a fish out of water, mouth opening and closing as he tried to think of what to say back, and then he snapped back.
“How was I supposed to know you were gonna talk? You didn’t talk to me so how was I supposed to know? I get how I left was shitty but… I couldn’t stand by anymore and feel like you were using* me–”
“I wasn’t–”
“Hey! I don’t interrupt you, you don’t interrupt me. I told you I love you and seven months after that I still got nothing. It honestly felt like talking to a brick wall and I couldn’t do that to myself anymore. I’m sorry but it’s true.”
It was Y/N’s turn to go mute, processing his words through her mind as rapidly as possible, all while trying not to break down in this small diner, a few people around them already staring at them.
Y/N blinked away the tears threatening to spill, biting at her bottom lip, trying to gain her composure a little bit before she finally gets to talking and answering the many questions he has. 
“I– Please, don’t think I didn’t love you. I did– do? I don’t really know right now but I fully did then. I knew I loved you about three weeks into the relationship actually because… well in those small three weeks you had proven to be so completely different from my previous relationship and I felt so, so safe being with you.
It’s just, my ex he told me he loved me and I believed him but his love wasn’t… love. It was abuse and I fell for it. I put my heart and soul into loving him and he spit that back in my face every time he laid a finger on me in the wrong way or when he said something so awful.” Y/N took a shaky breath in, eyes falling to the metal table between them, not having the confidence to look Harry in the eye anymore.
“W-when you told me, I wanted to scream it back in your face, but my mind held me back because I managed to convince myself that no one was going to properly love me like I-I deserved and all I deserved was the pain my ex put me through. I was so scared you were going to take advantage of my love like he did so I never had the courage to tell you. And – And I’m so sorry Harry.”
Taking her hands into his own, Harry could feel the way her body was slightly shaking and his broken heart almost shattered into millions of little pieces at the sight. “Y/N… you don’t have to apologize to me. I’m sorry I was an ignorant prick.”
“No, no, you didn’t know because I didn’t want you to know. You don’t have to say sorry. I’m saying sorry because even though I felt so safe with you, at the same time I didn’t feel safe enough to want to tell you anything. I’m sorry I put you through that pain and for not telling you and making you think I was using you.
I went to therapy for a while, really figured my shit out and put my ex behind me and learned to love myself again. My therapist she’s… she’s an angel; she really knew how to put me back together.”
Harry gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, using his other hand to wipe away the tears that began to cascade down her cheeks. Without realizing, Y/N leaned her cheek further into his touch, relishing in the familiar feeling of his comfort.
Y/N definitely was different from ten months ago, and he could tell that therapy had worked wonders for her. It was one thing to open up to him, but the way she was so comfortable in doing so, not worrying about what he was thinking at all made Harry feel at ease.
It was clear he was still so in love with her, it made him sick. He can’t tell if he’d ever stop loving her.
Sniffling a little, Y/N retracted her head from his touch, eyes boring into his once again, and this time felt different. This time they weren’t strangers who hardly knew one another.
They were Harry and Y/N again.
“I didn’t mean to start this off so aggressively, by the way. I take back my fuck you’s and I’m replacing them with thank you. If it weren’t for you leaving my ass, I don’t– I don’t think I’d ever get better, or become the person I know I should be. Thank you, Harry,” Y/N spoke softly but sincerely, now giving his hand that was still connected to hers a small squeeze.
Harry shook his head, countering her statement, “There’s literally no reason to thank me. You can say fuck you, I can handle it. I’m a big boy. All of that. . . bettering yourself is because of you not me. I’m just happy you’re happy. It’s always been a good look on you.”
Y/N laughed slightly, shrugging her shoulders while feeling a slight twinge of heat dance across her cheeks.
Soon their food was placed in front of them, and they both looked like they could eat for an entire village. All negativity was washed away, all tension was thrown out the window, and there was nothing in the air but love as they laughed over stupid shit, shoveling food into their mouths.
Both of them could tell deep down, that despite their past, they were gonna be okay.
They’ll be alright.
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365days365movies · 3 years
February 7, 2021: Emma. (2020)
Another late one, people! Tomorrow might be a bit later, too, full warning. Like I said, school’s back in session, and I got students to teach and class to prepare!
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When I was a kid, I was a pretty avid reader, mostly due to my mom’s drive to get me to be an avid reader. I read Shakespeare from an early age, which might be why I like it so much, and why I remember it so well. 
I also read Jane Austen’s Emma when I was 10 years old. On a related note, I remember none of Jane Austen’s Emma. On another related note, I’m fairly certain that I saw its most famous adaptation, Clueless, and I don’t remember that either.
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I’m tempted to rewatch that one, since I don’t remember it AT ALL, but I figure that I’m going to place a more direct adaptation of the work first on my list of priorities. And so, one of the ONLY movies to come out last year is one my list, starring an up-and-coming “it girl,” Anya Taylor-Joy.
From what I can tell, this is a fairly popular movie on this platform, so I’m looking forward to watching it, despite knowing NOTHING about it, other than the fact that it’s a romance drama, and based off of a classic British novel by Jane Austen. Shall we? SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
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Emma Woodhouse (Anya Taylor-Joy) lives in the 1815 English countryside, with her father, Mr. Woodhouse (Bill Nighy), and her caretaker, Mrs. Taylor (Gemma Whelan). However, this is about to change, as she is to marry Mr. Weston (Rupert Graves) that day.
Emma is a sweet girl, who seems to be ale to predict things to pass. She also set up the present marriage, although she seems not to want one for herself. However, she also seems interested in the whereabouts of Mr. Taylor’s son, Frank. He never shows up, though.
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Meanwhile, the Woodhouses are visited by George Knightley (Johnny Flynn), whom her father favors, and whom Emma seems to clash with. And Imma call it now: they totally end up together in the end. I mean, c’mon.
Emma’s trying to replace Mrs. Weston nee Taylor as a governness, despite the fact that her father doesn’t want it. Emma finds Harriet Smith (Mia Goth), a young women whom she goes to school with, and apparently might be the illegitimate daughter of a nobleman. She’s also interested in setting Harriet up, as Emma prides her skills as a matchmaker.
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However, Harriet’s already interested in a local farmer, Robert Martin (Connor Swindels), but Emma’s trying to set her up with a local vicar, Elton (Josh O’Connor). They go to meet Mrs. Weston, and Emma introduces herself to Elton, who she believes likes her in return.
The next day, Emma and Harriet go to the store, where the gossipy busybody Miss Bates (Miranda Hart) comes to speak with the VERY unwilling Emma, and the considerably more interested Harriet. Miss Bates is speaking up her niece, Jane, although Emma certainly doesn’t seen to care nearly as much as Miss Bates thinks she does.
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On the way home, Harriet and Emma encounter Robert Martin, and Emma's definitely not a fan of that potential relationship. Instead, she regularly puts down Mr. Martin, and talks up Vicar Elton.
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As Elton and Harriet begin getting closer, and Emma seems to be vindicated in support of the relationship she set up, Knightley’s...not impressed. In a conversation with Mrs. Weston, he basically says that she gets high on flattery, and while she isn’t necessarily a true narcissist, she still NEEDS approval from her peers and others. That’s why she’s setting up Harriet, who feeds her constant flattery.
In addition, her whole “never going to get married” thing doesn’t seem to fly with George, here, who’d like her to fall in love with someone who isn’t...well, a simp, let’s be honest here. And honestly, this is already an interesting character dissection, and I can dig it.
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Knightley complicates matters for Emma, when he convinces Martin to write a letter, asking for Harriet’s hand in marriage. However, due to Emma’s subtle manipulations, she convinces Harriet to refuse the proposal, despite the fact that she clearly wants to say yes. And while Emma might be beautiful, and quite smart...yeah, she’s a bitch. Or, at the very least, she acts like one for her own benefit.
Knightley, pissed off about this whole thing, confronts Emma about her manipulations, and states that Martin might be the ideal match for Harriet. After calling her out, and warning her that Elton miiiiiiight be a bit of a ladies’ man, and that he’s certainly the wrong match for Harriet in the end. Emma admits that she mostly wants to keep Harriet for herself.
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Autumn turns to Winter, and Emma’s older sister Isabella Knightley (Chloe Pirrie), and her husband John Knightley (Oliver Chris) (and George’s younger brother) come to visit Emma and her father for the holidays. George and Emma make amends, although Emma still won’t admit that she may have been wrong.
Christmas Day comes, and Harriet is sick, while Frank Churchill once again neglects to appear at the house of his father and new wife. George berates his neglect of his familial duties, while Emma argues in his favor, obviously harboring a crush on him still.
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At dinner, Elton makes a remark about snow, causing LITERALLY EVERYBODY to leave the party prematurely, and Emma’s father accidentally leaves her behind. Elton, however, offers to give her a ride in his carriage. And in the carriage, he reveals that not only does he actually love Emma, but that he doesn’t care for Harriet at fucking ALL. Fuckin’ WHOOF.
Looks like Elton’s misread EVERY POSSIBLE SIGNAL, and Emma FUCKED UP SOMETHING FIERCE. Harriet is quite saddened by this, and is about to destroy a portrait of herself that Emma made for her. However, Emma instead keeps it. Elton disappears for a number of weeks, just as the niece of Miss Bates, Jane Fairfax (Amber Anderson) suddenly reappears.
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At dinner, it’s revealed that Jane appears to know Frank Churchill, as they live in the same place. During a piano performance of Jane’s that’s WAY BETTER than Emma’s performance, it’s also revealed that Emma’s been compared to her all of her life, giving her some fat, fat insecurities!
After an awkward encounter with Mr. Martin, Harriet goes to the Martin household to visit his sisters. Meanwhile, the long-awaited arrival of Frank Churchill (Callum Turner) comes, and Emma is unsurprisingly smitten with him. He asks her for a dance at an upcoming dinner, and she accepts.
Knightley is, of course, not impressed with the worldly gentleman. Meanwhile, someone has apparently delivered a pianoforte to Jane Fairfax, and it’s pretty goddamn obvious that it was Frank Churchill. Although, it’s possible that it was George Knightley, who’s been matched to her by Mrs. Weston.
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And it’s at this point that I should point out that GODDAMN THIS IS A SOAP-OPERA OF A MOVIE. The hyper-detailed intentions and events, all happening within the confines of high society and etiquette are both overly intricate, while also managing to be...weirdly enrapturing.
The next morning, after a six-week absence, Elton’s come back to town with brand new wife, Augusta Elton (Tanya Reynolds) in tow. Augusta matches Emma’s passive-aggressiveness measure-for-goddamn-measure, which, yeah, PISSES EMMA OFF.
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But it’s still good news on the horizon, as Frank’s appearance has prompted the Westons to hold a ball. While Emma and Frank seem to be getting along, Elton is prevented to opportunity to dance with Harriet, only to refuse LIKE AN ABSOLUTE TAINT. On the verge of tears, Harriet’s rescued by George, and they dance alongside the rest of the partygoers.
Emma shows his appreciation for this, and Knightley returns his appreciation for her friendship with Harriet, who’s way goddamn better than Augusta. The two decide to dance together, and the two basically fall in love RIGHT GODDAMN THERE AND I AM GODDAMN HERE FOR IT.
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Which sucks, because I’m, what, a little more than halfway in? No way it’s this easy.
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And as Knightley and Emma realize their feelings the next day, they actually run towards each other, SEE each other...and then get iterrupted by Frank carrying Harriet post-her being attacked by muggers GOD FUCKING DAMMIT REALLY?
Plus, it looks like Harriet might be in love with Knightley now, after the previous night. HowEVER, since the previous night, Emma is now in love with Knightley, and believes that Harriet’s feelings are directed towards her rescuer, Frank Churchill. But Frank’s in love with Jane. Like, for sure he’s in love with Jane. And Knightley’s in love with Emma, although Mrs. Weston believes that he’s in love with ane, as he leant her his chariot the previous night, although he DIDN’T do that, and the chariot (and piano) must’ve come from Frank, who’s actually in love with her, not Harriet, as Emma believes. YOU GOT THAT? BECAUSE I’M ASTONISHED THAT I DO
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Summer comes, and there seemingly no major changes to the love lives of our main characters. Can’t say that for George’s mansion, as he’s unveiled all of the paintings in the place.
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Might be wrong about the progression of relationship thing, as George and Harriet appear to be getting along, and Emma and George suddenly...aren’t. And THEN, Jane tells Ema that she’s feeling super down at the moment, and leaves. Which is when Frank shows up, which Emma appears to not be super happy about.
Later, at a luncheon, Emma takes out her emotions upon Miss Bates who, while kind of annoying during the film, doesn’t deserve the insult lobbied her way by Emma. Afterwards, George DESTROYS her, and she...she gets it. She’s been an asshole.
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After a good cry, she goes to apologize to Miss Bates, who immediately forgives her, as she tends to do. It’s also pretty quickly revealed after that that we find out that Frank has ALWAYS been engaged to Jane, since he arrived to Highbury. AND, Emma finally findss out that Harriet’s in love with George, not Frank. Which...yeah, Emma’s not a huge fan of, for obvious reasons.
However, Emma points out that George might have been trying to get Harriet involved with Mr. Martin, but also tries to step back. However, Harriet RIGHTLY calls her out this time, bringing up the fact that Emma fancies George, and that it’s because of Emma that she refused Mr. Martin. And Emma finally gets it. ALL of it.
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George, hearing of Frank’s engagement, goes to comfort Emma in her time of distress. And after railing out Frank for his lying ass, he starts to confess his true feelings to Emma. But she tries to stop him, but THERE AIN’T NO STOPPIN’ LOVE BABY
And as he STRAIGHT-UP PROPOSES to her...her nose bleeds and she says no.
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Finally, it’s confirmed that George was speaking on Mr. Matin’s behalf, not his own, and Emma pledges to make things right herself. She delivers the painting of Harriet to Mr. Martin, and he proposes to her. Harriet accepts, and has also finally heard from her father, who isn’t a nobleman at all, but a shoemaker. Emma still invites them over to their estate, and the two make up as friends.
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And speaking of making up, George and Emma also make up, and the two are officially engaged to be wed. And it’s honestly...quite lovely. Which describes the whole film, which comes to a close.
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WHEW. Now THAT...was a Recap. See you in the Review!
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revchainsaw · 3 years
Demon Wind (1990)
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Demon Wind (1990)
Greetings and blessings upon you my flock! Welcome to the Cult of Cult. I am your pastor and priest of pop culture, ordained minister of genre films, the good reverend Chainsaw McGraw. You may just call me Reverend Chainsaw. Come and accept our sacrament upon the altar of online internet reviews. Our first holy offering is an absolute treasure, 1990′s Demon Wind. An offering ripped from the blood inked pages of the Evil Dead’s Necronomicon Ex Mortis, Demon Wind is not quite an unofficial entry into the world of Ash and the Deadites, but if you have exhausted the Catalogue of Sam Raimi Horror flicks (and let’s be honest, if you’re reading a Tumblr review of Demon Wind, you probably have), then Demon Wind will scratch that itch for sure.
The Message
Our anointed offering opens upon a boarded up farm house owned by simple country occultists George and Regina Carter. There’s a Mean Girls reference to be made here. George and Regina are defending their homestead from an unseen force (A Demon Wind some might say) through a Christian/Witchcraft combination of gospel music, a set of holy daggers, and a diary full of Regina’s spells. Unfortunately it’s not very effective, and George is possessed. George kills Regina, drops a snow globe, and for some inexplicable reason the farmhouse explodes bringing the films epilogue to a close. 
With that we are brought to the year 1990 where our rag tag group of heroes converge upon the supernaturally supercharged Carter farm with one mission in mind, helping a homie sort out his shit. What a great group of friends; I can barely get the crew together for a game night but our protagonist Cory has a group of friends so tight they are willing to drop everything and drive untold miles to nowhere in particular just because he had a bad dream. Speaking of “tight” friends, of our doomed party, no friends are so tight as Chuck and Stacey, but we’ll get to that, in short order. Let us meet the fellowship of ding dongs who will battle the blustery bogeys of Demon Wind.
Cory is the star of the show. A fairly blasé everyman who’s so caught up in his chosen one journey that he can’t even bother to be slightly interesting. He is the grandchild of the oh so fetch (see I got to it) Regina/George pairing from earlier in the film. Cory is haunted by mysterious dreams, and a tragic reunion with his demented father, which draw him to the Carter farm. There is however more to meets the eye, you see Cory is from the planet Namek. Watch the movie, you’ll catch my drift. 
Elaine is Cory's girlfriend and wants nothing more than to pull her pants down in public to bring a smile to his face. 
Dell is Cory’s friend? Bully? Enemy? it’s not entirely clear. It seems Dells role in this story is to be an unabashed asshole and chauvinist to every character that interacts with him. He is also perhaps Elaine’s brother, or someone's brother. Listen, you’d have to pay wayyyy more attention than this movie warrants to parse out all the relationship dynamics in this flick. Let’s just say, Dell is here, and despite how he acts, the other characters seem to be ok with that fact.
Terri is Dell’s girlfriend and a good friend of Elaine. Despite being on the arm of a typical 80s teen flick bad guy, Terri seems to be the most eligible bachelorette on the Carter farm. Or so it may seem, but as I’ll explain later I think there is a truer love than can be expressed that really keeps Terri from leaving Dell.
Jack is a Big Ol’ Nerd. He speaks like the writers were convinced using a thesaurus was enough to convince us that the guy is existentially unfuckable. The guy is basically just Billy from Power Rangers, but instead of piloting a badass Triceratops Zord he just kids very mildly bummed when the love of his life is transformed into a very judgmental spontaneously combusting doll.
Speaking of spontaneously combusting dolls, the victim of that very unfair end is Bonnie. Bonnie clearly had way more confidence in the love of her bookish beaux than she should have. The betrayal is immense, not that Jack couldn’t save her, but just in the fact that when she meets her demise (despite the fact that he promised he’d protect her) he is not at all distraught. Poor Bonnie, she is by far the most human feeling of the cardboard cut out female protagonists in this film and she deserved better. Let’s be honest, Jack was looking for an out, and Bonnie was just too real for this movie.
And Now, without further ado, I’d like to introduce the greatest power couple in the history of B Movie Horror Cinema: Chuck and Stacy. If you think my introduction is a bit much, I promise that the film goes much further. Demon Wind begins it’s love affair with this bromance in delightfully extravagant style. There’s magic, explosions, opera, karate, beer and bunnies and a big ol middle finger to fucking Dell. Chuck had at once been romantically involved with Terri, but things went south somehow and he claims that he still holds a flame for her. Despite this continued insistence I think it’s plain to see that Chuck found comfort, magic, and a ride or die hunk in the arms of Stacey. Stacey is a suave, sharp, smooth talking guy, whose only desire in life seems to be whatever keeps Chuck around, and that seems to mean a lot of stage magic and martial arts! I could write about Chuck and Stacey all day, so I’ll move on from here.
The cast of this film is wild and honestly even the weak ones are fun to watch. There is no character on the roster who is easy to mistake for another. That is why it is so fun to watch them meet their demise and even more fun to see them return under the possession of the demon wind as oopy goopy caricatures of their human selves. And this does go on for quite awhile. Unfortunately even Chuck and Stacey are not enough to protect the surreal landscape in which they find themselves. At one point in the film a second set of friends drop by to add 2 more bodies to the massacre. Willy and Reena, a gangly set of clothing accessories who are given legs, but hey Ear Ring and Beret, I mean Willy and Reena are still fun to see torn to shreds.
The movie ultimately reveals that the madness was sparked by the fact that a cult worshipping a Demon God named Delos had actually built the homestead and the cursed ground they stand upon is the stage for the cult leader, a preacher named Anders to finally become the host of said Demon God. As interesting as that lore may sound on paper, it’s not particularly well executed, and Cory’s role to play in all of this is even more vague. All in all the 3rd act of this film feels a bit anti-climatic even if it does feature a demon superhero fight. 
All that said I’d like to move on to the next phase of our sacred liturgy. The sacred and profane, the highs and lows of this movie.
Best Feature: What the What?
The best feature of Demon Wind has to be how bizarre it is. It throws everything it can think of at the audience. Burning Skeletons leap from Crosses, eggs that hatch into piles of worms, EXPLODING BABY DOLLS, Cow skulls with long sticky tongues made of human intestines! They certainly sacrificed logic in order to insure they provided the audience with something they haven’t seen before.
Best Kill/ effect: A Cowmen Album Cover!
The best effect in Demon Wind is also it’s best kill. while investigating a barn on the Carter property, which is full of occult symbols, animal remains, and fun Texas Chainsaw Massacre style crafts. One of the crafts catches the eye of Beret, I mean Reena. You know by her hat that she knows a thing or to about fine art. This particular piece of barn décor is a human skeleton with a cow’s skull. As she is inspecting this “beautiful” piece, what appears to be a human intestine, flies from the mouth of the cow skull and wraps around Reena like a chameleons tongue. The intestine begins to retreat into the jaw of the skull bringing Reena’s head along with it. The skull chomps down into Reena, we get a satisfyingly bloody show, and Reena’s body winds up hanging limp from its mouth. 
Second place belongs to Bonnie, but we’ve already spoken to that bizarre spectacle.
Best Scene: I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Stacey!
Chuck and Stacey enter the scene. I know I’m inconsistent in how I spell Stacey/Stacy. This scene was mentioned above and you just have to see it. Watch until Cory intervenes.
Best Character(s): Stacey Cassidy and the Sundance Chuck
Stacey is the best character in this film, but as I’m sure he wouldn’t accept this honor alone I have to make it a tie. Chuck and Stacey are just so good. Every moment they are on screen is a treasure. The introduction of these two just received the honor of best scene, but they shine as Demons and in an even longer sequence leading to their demise. They take the watch at the Carter home and from the fog emerges a t!ddy ghost, my congregants will be familiar with this sort of creature, who attempts to lure them outside. Stacey puffs up Chucks confidence calling him “John Wayne”, Chuck proposes they go on a Tahitian vacation, but Stacey wisely wary of voodoo suggests Vegas. And there you have it, these two pure good boys are surviving this flick and they are getting married in Vegas. Unfortunately, they decide to speed things up a bit, and decide that although they are not tempted by the t!ddy ghost, that they can use their karate magic to defeat the demonic hordes. They march out into the woods, but we can add the power of love to the list of things that are no use against the Demon Wind. Our best boys meet their fates together like two old west heroes, guns blazing! Oh, oh, but they come back as demons and they eat Dell, so thank God for that. 
Worst feature: I ordered these Deadites from Wish
 The villains are not particularly interesting. It’s boring, goopy, bad mouth piece demons that have appeared in hundreds of demon flicks already by this point, and it really makes you want to go back to the unexplained paranormal happenings from earlier in the movie rather than fighting these dollar store Deadites. The fact that the film leans into this in it’s third act really makes the film feel incredibly front loaded. 
Worst scene: Cory in the House
Pretty much any scene that focuses on Cory is a bit weak. He’s just not fun. He gets to transform into an anime character in the end of the film and he’s still melodramatic and boring. This is often a problem with main characters in films, the writers don’t want them to be unlikeable or too quirky so the fun parts are always the supporting cast. 
Worst Character: Dude, you’re NOT getting a Dell!
 Don’t get me wrong, I hate Dell. But Dell is a big dumb goon who is just so fun to watch suffer and act like an utter meathead, and being hateable is not the worst thing a character can be. For this reason I have to give the worst character award to Cory; for many of the reasons I spoke about above.
How fitting that a B movie gets a B. But that’s really a great place for this movie to be. So many big Hollywood productions don’t deserve that spot. Though Demon Wind may drag in the middle, and the characters and effects may be quite corny, it is certainly not boring. Demon Wind is eye candy even though it looks so ugly. It has some of the most loveable murder lambs in the genre and one of my favorite bromances in all of cinema, If you are a fan of Gonzo Horror then Demon Wind is a must see. If you are not all that into that sort of thing I promise you’ll have a good time. I highly recommend it. 
Overall Grade: B
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soft-ris · 4 years
HI FRIEND, FOR THE CP: (such a cute idea btw!!!) let me see if i get this right...i cut it short but i have curly hair, dark dark brown but with some really cool natural blonde highlights. i have bluish-silver eyes and i think nice lips, and am around 5'7" (174 cm i think?). i am a WRITER to the core, super creative, ideas hit me 24/7. i really love history and would love to visit ruins someday. movie junkie. i'm sarcastic but like to think to think i'm also funny! I'LL BE 🐄 I HAVE ONE MORE 😫
OKAY ITS 🐄 AGAIN. as i said i really love making people laugh and writing poetry for people. i'm very selfless but often to a major fault lol, not very good at taking care of myself a lot. self esteem? DON'T KNOW HER. but hey, i kinda enjoy cooking, and i really love reading!! (IS THIS OVERSHARING) since we only have jojo in common my top 3 are risotto🖤, DIO⚰ and Jonathan🗡 :^) thank you AGAIN an i hope you have an absolutely wonderful day my dood
Cupid’s Pick for your match made in heaven is...
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I'm very selfless but often to a major fault lol. Not very good at taking care of myself a lot. Self-esteem? DON'T KNOW HER.
The MAIN reason I chose Jonathan was because of this. Jonathan’s a whole gentleman (I mean he basically strived to be one). Kind and sweet and positive and has a heart bigger than both his boobs and ass cheeks combined. He would be the best match up for you because his affirmations and positive attitude and sweetness would be like to honey to your tea, the sugar to your coffee, the whipped cream to your strawberry. He’s the best (out of the characters you’ve given me) in reassuring you. And because of his personality and disposition, you’d be well taken care of (physically especially). Your self-esteem would also flourish because there’s no doubt that he loves you and only you (romantically), and he’d remind and show you for as long as he’s with you. He’d also appreciate your selflessness the most because he’s always out there being selfless, so having it be done to him is just a big uwu for him. I feel like that’s how he shows his devotion and love, and so your selflessness is just top notch in catching his heart. But when you take it too far, he will reign you back in. He may scold you, but you’ll know it’s because he means well and he doesn’t want to see you hurt or exhausted. He’s sincere in that sense, and because of that, you know he means it when he tells you he loves you, when he calls you beautiful, when he says you own his heart and soul because you actually do. In the long-term, I see his personality just helping you improve your self-esteem and self-care and selflessness naturally.
While I was tempted to match you up with Risotto, Jonathan ultimately won out because I do not see him (Ris) doing as well with this aspect of yours (compared to big boy Jonathan).  He can translate your selflessness to either being a pushover (when you bend yourself backwards for others, and he’s disapproving of that because he believes you should respect yourself more and may even take you under his wing instead of his bedsheets lol) OR he can interpret this as either your loyalty to him (when you bend yourself backwards for him). With the latter, he may end up taking advantage of it sometimes. This is because I believe he’s so used to having things taken away from him or not having enough of something, so he may subconsciously demand more of you in some manifestation of greed. So you’d end up giving more, he’d end up taking more, and it’s just not a good balance. ESPECIALLY if you say you’re not good at taking care of yourself. I’m not saying he won’t take care of you if you two are dating, but I also think he needs someone who can essentially function well without him (since he’s so busy and has a lot on his plate and can’t always be there for you; I’m not saying you’re a burden bc you’re not, I’m just saying Ris has a lot going on and he doesn’t want to be the reason for your decline in health and mental state if y’all were dating bc he wasn’t there and he will beat himself up over it).
The biggest reason I didn’t pair you up with DIO specifically is because I feel like he would 1000000000000000000000% take advantage of this. He’s not above that and he most likely will not feel remorse for that. Hell, he would 100% enjoy utilizing your disposition to his advantage, and in the long-term (hell, even in short-term), that’s not good for you and your health at all. As shown countless times before, he relishes in power and does not enjoy it when people are of equal or higher standing than him. And because of that, I feel like he would not hesitate to use your low self-esteem and selflessness to further his ego and complex. DIO’s also surrounded by gorgeous people every day, and he wouldn’t bat an eyelash if you were to voice your insecurities to him. Although, he may end up also using sweet reassuring words to you just so you fall under his spell harder (which means it would be easier to manipulate u and ur selflessness) OR he may exploit it and make you feel more insecure but also manipulate you to be more mindlessly devoted to him (it’s easier to use that forehead bug thing but that’s removable). All in all, it would just breed an extremely dependent and toxic relationship between the 2 of you because you would never be his equal, even in a relationship with him. He’s not the antagonist for nothing lol (I’m well aware of his past and the implications/effects it has, but we’ve all seen how he has acted throughout his life and his thought process). 0/10 recommend.
I am a WRITER to the core, super creative, ideas hit me 24/7.
Jonathan would be supportive all around and would love to help you in any way he could. He’d want to read everything you produce too! Overall, extremely proud of your creativity and if you publish a book, he will throw a party, make Speedwagon buy a copy too, and cherishes the first copy you give him.
Risotto would gift you things to help you with this, like books, stationaries, & etc. Would help you out with proofreading and editing too if he has the time. He’s supportive like that and he’s attracted to how you’re so creative and can draw inspiration at all times.
DIO thinks your creativity is admirable. He would also love to read what you write, but is very critical. He’s read so many books, and while preference is subjective, he knows what good writing is (based on genre, style, & etc.). So if it’s not good, you’ll know why from A to Z. And if you get disheartened by him, he will look down on you and call your passion weak.
I really love history and would love to visit ruins someday.
Jonathan seems like he likes travelling in general, so he would love to visit with you too! Might not be super into history, but well, anything will interest this big puppy if you tell him passionately enough.
Risotto looks like he doesn’t mind? Not super interested, not super disinterested either, but will travel with you if he’s able to free up his schedule.
DIO can only go at night, but he looks like he enjoys history and ruins.
Movie junkie.
Jonathan and you would set up a weekly movie night date thing, and he’ll let you pick whenever because he just loves to spend time with youwu. He has some favourites, but if the movie doesn’t interest him, he’ll still sit through it but his attention would be on cuddling you.
Risotto? Kinda depends on the genre? But he looks like the kind to not have enough time to be a movie lover or sit through one for you, so not the best match.
DIO prefers books so he won’t indulge in this love of yours, but if it’s an adaptation from a book he would watch it. But he’ll be a raging bitch if doesn’t match up to the books. Honestly, if he’s uninterested, he won’t be watching it.
I’m sarcastic but like to think to think I’m also funny!
I see Jonathan as someone who enjoys it when his partner can quip back, so while he may not find sarcasm funny most of the time (when aimed at him), he does find it attractive. If you’re sarcastic to the people who give him a hard time, he would kiss you passionately afterwards and who knows… you might even get dicked down after oho. If you’re sarcastic to the people he cares about, he won’t mind if no one’s feelings are hurt.
DIO won’t tolerate being disrespected in any form, even if it’s a joke. I just can’t see him allowing that with that God complex of his lol, but he does find it amusing when you’re sarcastic to other people.
Risotto loves sarcasm, but he has an image to keep. So as long as you don’t undermine or disrespect him (you have to have a 6th sense with the boundaries), he’s more than happy to sass you back or chuckle at it.
I really love making people laugh.
Jonathan and Risotto appreciates this the most. Finds it lovely. Jonathan especially because he finds it so sweet that you want to bring laughter to others. Risotto enjoys a partner who would love to bring more joy into his life. But I see the shit Risotto laughs at as dry or dark or when its real stupid or boomer/dad-like, anything else he’s a little like ‘ok’. Jonathan appreciates the effort alone and would tease you a little if it’s a really bad joke (all in good nature of course).
DIO…he laughs mostly at other people’s demise or stupidity or cluelessness. That’s all I’m gonna say.
I really love writing poetry for people.
Jonathan would SWOOOOOOOOOOOOOON SO hard. He would show it off to Speedwagon and then keep it tucked somewhere safe so he can read it whenever he wants to.
God he’s just so in love with you and he thinks it’s just so romantic of you. He absolutely loves it. Hell, even if it’s not for him, he’s so proud and awestruck because poetry is hard and he’s just so proud whenever he brags about this skill/hobby of yours. He also thinks it’s so sweet of you to write poetry for others and love doing it. Man just has heart eyes all around and I can’t blame him.
DIO would be smug about it for all the same reasons but in a more…condescending way? Like ‘HA. Do you peasants see that? Their talent? You could never lmao’. But would get pissy if you write for others more than you write for him because he should be your #1.
Risotto would say thank you and give you a kiss. Outwardly he won’t show as much (unless you look hard enough and notice the way his eyes soften more, like the way he would smile too, and his cheeks might even have a touch of pink), but he will forever treasure the poem. He also keeps his favorite on him all the time, like a little good luck charm. He doesn’t brag about your talent, but he’ll proudly agree if someone brings it up. Of course, you wouldn’t know all this though (unless you accidentally find out).
I kinda enjoy cooking.
Johnathan has a refined palate because of his upbringing, but he also looks like he’d eat whatever you cook solely because you made it just for him. He’s a gentleman and a sap with a big heart, if he doesn’t like it, he’ll eat it. He might tell you what can be tweaked, but never in a way that makes you feel bad or inadequate. He also looks like he can’t cook for shit lmao, so teach him!! He’s always down to do anything if it means spending time with the love of his life uwu
Risotto and DIO would tell you straight up if they don’t like what you’ve made. The difference is, DIO (if he ain’t a vampire yet) wouldn’t even touch it (anymore after the first bite) lmao, Risotto too but he’d end up cooking with you to teach you how to improve the dish. Of course, he doesn’t do it to shit on you. He appreciates the sentiment, but he’s not going to subject himself to something he doesn’t enjoy if he can help it. Also would turn it into a cooking date with you. DIO would just take over the kitchen and make you watch LOL
I really love reading!!
DIO too! I see Risotto enjoying it as well, but not as much and probably prefers music related hobbies. As for Jonathan, he doesn’t mind it? He’s not the biggest fan of it, but if you read it to him, he’d happily perch his head on your lap and listen to you like an audio book sent from the heavens (but somewhere along the way he will fall asleep KSKSKSK)
DIO would engage in conversations with you on the books (also thoroughly enjoys if you can keep it interesting), Risotto would if he knew the book (but would then just listen and ask questions if he didn’t), Jonathan is just happy to have your attention on him, but would read the book and talk about it with you if you want that.
Your physical appearance description.
Jonathan would just love to play with and admire your hair 24/7, and if his attention isn’t on your hair, then it’d be on your lips. Kissing, brushing his tongue or fingers or **** against your lips, just absolutely loving the shape and feel of it.
And because you’re also tall(-er than average?), kisses are SO much more easier to access and that’s such a plus uwu. I mean regardless of height, he can always just lift you, but he also doesn’t have to bend too far when plopping his head on the crown of ur head too. And if u wear heels or shoes that give u extra height? Power couple goals😩🤘🏼💫
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marvel-lously · 4 years
Bittersweet Revenge
Genre:fluff with a tiny bit of angst and some good old family drama
A/N: Heyo, I’m finally back! I am so sorry I’ve barely posted any fics lately and I am so grateful for all of you who still stick with me. I got the idea for this story quite a while ago, but I’ve only just had the time to finish it now because being a senior in high school really be like that sometimes. Anyways I’ve got quite a few things in mind for the next part, so let me know if you want me to continue it. Now I know this has been said many times before, but, if you like my story please reblog and comment. It means so much and it really encourages and motivates me to write more.
I love you all and I really hope you enjoy reading this!
»C'mon Y/n, you have to go to this party with me!«  Your best friend begged you.
It was Friday night and you lay sprawled on a two-seat, mindlessly staring at the ceiling while trying to ignore the events of the past week.
»No, no I really don’t actually, in fact, I don’t have to go anywhere, so please, just let me wallow in self pity, while I watch some stupid rom-com and eat a pint of ice cream, AT HOME.« You protested, annoyed with how persistent she was.
»No, Y/n, stop it right now. I won’t let you do that, you know I won’t. They don’t deserve your heartbreak and they certainly don’t deserve your tears, so please, just go with me. I promise you’ll have fun, plus, you never know, you might even meet somebody.« She smirked, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively while you simply rolled your eyes at her statement.
»Seriously? You think I’ll go to a place full of sweaty, drunk people to get hit on by a bunch of guys who’ll barely be able to remember their own names, nevermind mine and who will only be flirting with me because it’s convenient, not for actually taking an interest in me?« You snorted in disbelief.
»Wow, you really have taken  it upon yourself to be miserable today, haven’t you?« She sighed, crossing her arms in dissatisfaction.
»Well, I try.« You feigned a smile.
»Okay, how about I promise to make you coffee every morning for the rest of your stay here?« She tried, knowing that you would go as far as to sell your own soul to satan just to get a cup of coffee when you wake up.
Coffee was basically your life fuel and her idea was tempting, but you had a really bad day and an even worse week and a cup of coffee just wasn’t going to cut it this time. You scrunched your nose in contemplation, letting out a doubtful hum.
»Ugh, you’re impossible! Fine, I will let you wear my favourite dress for your cousin’s wedding, if you just please come to this party with me.« She sounded exasperated.
You finally perked up at her suggestion.
»So… I get a cup of coffee every morning for the next three weeks aaand I get to wear your favourite dress?« You asked, now smirking.
»Yes, will you please go now?« She asked, frustration evident in her voice.
»Hmm, let me think…« you pretended to still be considering her offer, although you have already made up your mind »fine, I’ll go to your stupid party.« 
»Yes!« She started jumping joyfully. »Oh and it’s not some stupid party, it’s the best party in London and darling, you’re going back home in three weeks and I’m just worried that you’re not gonna get  the full experience while you’re here.« She smiled cheekily.
»Ha ha Y/b/f/n, really, hilarious. I’m here on praxis remember? If that doesn’t do for the full experience of London life, then I don’t know what does.« You chuckled, some of your bad mood already dissolving, seeing how enthusiastic she seemed about you going.
»Eh, whatever, get dressed, I’ll do your makeup and then we can go.«
You were glad she offered to do your makeup, because other than putting your mascara on, you were completely useless with it.
When you two finally arrived, the entire place was already drowning in the amount of people and you two had to elbow your way to the counter.
»First drink’s on me!« Y/b/f/n shouted to you.
You merely gave her an anxious smile, downing your shot of tequila. After the second shot, you started to feel the effect and you could feel yourself caring less and less about the crowd, and by the fourth one, you actually started enjoying the music.
Y/b/f/n practically dragged you to the dance floor and you two started to jump around like maniacs when the 80’s music begun to play.
»Oh my god, I can’t believe they’re playing the 80’s!« You yelled, excited. You much prefered rock to techno and pop and it seemed that this club was perfect for you.
»I’m getting myself another drink, want anything?« You asked Y/b/f/n, heading back to the counter when she shook her head no.
Sipping on your pina colada, you suddenly felt someone standing behind you and immediately recognized her perfume. »Oh god no!« You thought to yourself.
»Y/n, hi, so good to see you!« Her high pitched voice somehow managed to outdo any other sound in the room.
»Hi Charon, I can’t believe I’m seeing you here.« You offered her one of your famous fake smiles, reserved especially for her, your cousin.
»Oh, yeah, you see Tim and I came here ‘cause he’s looking for a place for his bachelor’s party and he heard a few good words about this place, so here we are.« She giggled as if she’s just been told the most hilarious joke of all time. God you hated her guts.
»I think Tim should be here any moment now, he just went to the man’s room. You know, you guys should totally catch up.« She smiled innocently, as if she didn’t know she was putting daggers in your heart by merely being present.
»Abort, abort, abort!« Your mind was telling you.
»You know, I’m actually here with a friend and, uh, I should probably head back so she doesn’t get too worried.« You already started backing away, hoping to get to Y/B/f/n as soon as possible.
»Oh okay, some other time then.« She shrugged nonchalantly.
You pushed your way through to Y/b/f/n, only to see her dancing with a handsome guy. You decided to at least let her have some fun and opted to get some air instead, sending her a quick text not to worry before leaving the club through the back door.
You sat on the stairs just outside the door, playing with a straw. Why couldn’t you enjoy one single night out without her showing up and ruining your life over and over again. You wanted to cry, to scream and possibly throw something at her, but of course, you didn’t. You’d never let her see how much she really hurt you, you wouldn’t give her the satisfaction.
»Bad day?« A husky voice interrupted your thinking.
»I’ve had better.« You mumbled incoherently, but the man somehow managed to understand, seeing as he chuckled and sat down next to you.
»I’m Tom, by the way.« He introduced himself, offering his hand.
»Y/n.« You replied, wiping your sweaty palm on your thigh and shaking his hand.
»Nice to meet you Y/n.« He smiled kindly. »So what got you in such a bad mood?«
»What, I can’t be in a bad mood just because?« You retorted, raising your brows in question.
»Sure you can, but then you wouldn’t be here. You would probably be at home, eating chips while criticizing some cliche movie that you found on a random chanel and complaining about it to your friends.« He smirked.
»True.« You said after a while, shrugging your shoulders.
»So?« He prompted.
»So… what?« You took a sip of your drink.
»So, what got you into this mood?« Tom rolled his eyes playfully.
»Why should I tell you anything? I don’t even know you.« You asked, sassiness clear in your voice.
»Well you don’t have to tell me anything, however, I think you would definitely feel better if you did.« He smiled.
»What are you, my therapist?« You snorted, almost choking on your drink in the process.
»No, doesn’t mean I’m not still trying to help  and make you feel better.«
You gave him an unsure look before giving in.
»It’s my cousin.« You sighed.
»What about them?« He questioned, a wrinkle forming between his brows, confusion clear on his face.
»She’s marrying my ex.« You explained, your shoulders sinking.
»Oh, oh wow.« He said, taking a swig of his beer, trying to come up with a right response. »How long after you two broke up did they start dating?«
»Oh no, they didn’t bother waiting, my ex cheated, so basically they started going out before Tim and I even broke up, and they’re now getting married, less than five months after he officially broke up with me.« You chuckled bitterly. »And now she just had to be here to ruin my night out with a friend.« You added, taking another sip of your pina colada.
You didn’t even know why you were telling him this. I mean, he did seem like a nice guy, and a bit familiar too, was it possible you’d seen him back in the club already? Maybe it’s all just alcohol.
»Damn! Wow! Just, I don’t even know what to say except that your cousin and your ex are like the shittiest people alive.« He commented, a shocked expression on his face.
»Yeah, tell me about it.« You sighed. »What’s your story?«
»Well, you’re not inside partying either so… what’s your story?«
»What are you, my therapist?« He repeated your line from earlier, earning a chuckle from you.
»I don’t know, just, my job I guess.« He shrugged his shoulders, fidgeting.
»What about your job?« You inquired, a curious expression on your face. He seemed to be deeply troubled by this, so it couldn’t have been just a nosy colleague or a  fallout with his superior.
»I have this major opportunity that would really change my career…« He trailed off.
»But?« You prompted.
»But my friend’s been trying really hard for the past year to get this same opportunity and I don’t know how he would react if I took it.«
»Yikes, that sucks mate. Maybe you could talk to him about it?« You suggested.
»And say what? Hey mate, listen I know you’ve been trying to get this job for the past year or so, but you see, they just offered it to me and I’m actually thinking about taking it, no hard feeling tho k?« He pulled on his hair in frustration.
»Yah okay, I see what you mean.« You looked to the ground, not really knowing what to say.
»Damn our lives suck.« He chuckled bitterly.
Before you could reply someone busted the door open, nearly tripping over you two.
»Move!« The man grumbled.
»Dude, you have like at least five feet of the stairs free to walk on on your left, just leave us be.« You hissed back.
»Wow, feisty are we? Don’t talk back too much babe, you don’t want to get hurt now do ya?!« The man slurred, trying to sound threatening, but nearly tripping on his own feet in the process.
»Oh really? And who’s gonna hurt me? You? Oh I’d love to see that.« You pushed his buttons.
»Okay I think that’s enough alcohol for you.« Tom said dragging you away from the man.
»What? No! Tom, let me go! Let me go, right now!« You yelled when he literally had to carry you away from the scene.
Once he thought you were far enough from the ‘charming’ man, he let you back down.
»Why did you do that? He was piss drunk, I could have taken him!« You pouted, crossing your arms.
»Yeah, you’re not in a much better condition love. You would get hurt.« Tom replied, trying to reason with you.
»Would not.« You didn’t back from your statement.
»Sure you wouldn’t.« He rolled his eyes, not really feeling like fighting with you. »Do you need a ride or do you want to go back inside?« He asked, pointing at his car, parked across the street.
You weighed your options for a moment. You really didn’t want to go back inside, not as long as there was a possibility of meeting Tim and Charon again, but you also couldn’t help yourself but think whether Tom was perhaps one of those strangers who act nice at first, but turn out to be murderers in the end. You decided that being murdered was, in fact, still better than meeting the devil’s couple, also, Tom didn’t really give off the 'murderer vibe’.
You took the passenger seat, now smelling Tom’s cologne for the first time. It was a really good cologne and you suddenly felt the need to lean closer, to get more of the intoxicating smell.
»Okay so where do you need me to take you?« Tom asked in a kind voice.
»Narrow Street.« You answered curtly.
Tom started driving and soon the combination of the passing city lights and the slow pace of the ride made you feel drowsy. Without even realizing, you fell asleep.
»Where to exactly?« Tom asked, not yet taking notice of your unconscious state.
»Y/n?« He turned to face you, only to see your head leaned on the car window, your arms falling numbly against your body.
»Y/n?« He gently shook you by the shoulder.
»Five more minutes.« You mumbled incoherently and Tom had to suppress his laughter.
»Y/n, I need to know where exactly to take you.« He tried again.
You slowly started coming to your senses.
»Just around the corner.« You told him. You really didn’t plan on taking him to your exact address, at first, but currently being too tired to care, you decided to just fuck it, if you got killed tonight, at least you didn’t have to go to your cousin’s wedding right?
»Here.« He said, stopping right in front of your entrance.
»Ah shit.« You hissed, rummaging through your handbag. »No, no, no!« You started to feel like crying.
»What is it?« Tom wondered, witnessing your sudden outburst of emotion.
»I forgot to take my key.« You sighed in frustration. »I thought I was going home with Y/B/f/n and I didn’t take my own key.« You explained.
»Well, you can try and call her?« Tom suggested.
You took your phone out, dialing your friend’s number.
»Great. Straight to voicemail.« You sighed, burying your face in your hands.
Tom was silent for a while, then, after a minute or two, he spoke up: »Okay please don’t think I’m a creep because of this, but you could come and sleep over at my place?« He fumbled nervously with the sleeves of his shirt, waiting for your response.
You weren’t going to lie, you were a bit shocked at his offer, but considering your options, there really wasn’t much point in contemplating it.
»Okay?« Surprise coloured his face.
»If you’re really okay with it too, then yes, I’d like to sleep over at yours.« You offered him a nervous smile.
When Tom pulled over at his place, you first thought he was joking. His house was huge, as in, almost villa huge. You only started believing it really was his house, after he unlocked the door.
»Holy shoot!« You exclaimed, seeing the beautifully furnitured inside.
»Are your parents like crazy rich or something, or how exactly are you able to afford this luxury.« You asked bluntly.
»Oh no, I’m actually a bounty hunter.« He said in the most serious tone possible.
You looked at him incredulously.
»I’m joking, obviously, jesus Y/n.« You laughed nervously.
»Hah, good joke.« You said, hoping to relieve the somewhat awkward atmosphere you’ve just created.
»No, it was a horrible joke really. I don’t know why I said that.« He rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks turning a bright pink.
»Yeah it was.« You smiled, this time sincerely. »Listen, I know you’re already offering me more than I could ever ask for, but if you don’t mind, could I borrow one of your tees? This dress is killing me and I don’t think I’d ever be able to sleep in it.«
»Yeah, no of course, let me just go to my room and get it for you.« He said, hurrying upstairs.
You took a look around. The house was beautiful, so warm and cozy, yet modern and sophisticated. There were photos hung on centre wall of the room and you were just about to go take a look at them when Tom came back, holding a grey T-shirt in his hands.
»There, I picked the most comfortable one I could find, I hope it suits you well.« He handed you the soft material.
He showed you to the bathroom so you could change,offering to get some blankets for you to sleep on the sofa in the meantime.
You took your dress off and unhooked your bra, the lush cotton of Tom’s shirt felt so much better on your skin than the tight fitting artificial leather. You washed your face with cold water, wondering what the hell were you doing in a stranger’s apartment. You seriously wanted to cry. Why didn’t you just insist on staying in, you could be at home right now, drinking hot chocolate in the company of your good old telly. Instead, you were here,standing in the bathroom of a man you did not know, gathering the courage to deal with the shit that’s happened to you. You decided to head back to the living room, you really didn’t want to get any suspicious looks from Tom.
»Wow you look miserable.« Tom outed before he could stop himself, quickly covering his mouth after he realized what he had said. »Sorry.« He added, grimacing.
»No, I happen to agree with you, although I do wonder how you would look after such an event.« You scoffed.
»I’m sorry, you’re right. I didn’t mean it like that. Want me to make you some hot cocoa? And we can watch some lousy TV while drinking it? I can’t sleep after drinking so much alcohol anyways.« He suggested.
»I’d actually like that.« You smiled, following Tom into the kitchen.
»No, no, no don’t go in there. Gosh! Do you think people really are that stupid?« You asked Tom, watching how the girl in the horror movie you and Tom decided to watch entered a dark room.
»I would normally say no, but then again I’m sitting next to a girl who decided to blindly trust a stranger, willingly go to his house and drink something he made her-you know I could’ve put poison in there right?« He chuckled.
»Alright, alright.« You hit his shoulder playfully. »Although I don’t think poison is necessary in this case. I should’ve known better than to drink milk on top of alcohol.« You scrunched your nose at the unpleasant feeling in your stomach.
»Hey can I ask you something? You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to tho.« He said, looking very nervous and a bit uncomfortable.
»Sure, go ahead.« You replied.
»Are you still in love with your ex?« He uttered, playing with a zipper on his hoodie to avoid your gaze.
You were a bit shocked by his question. Everyone who knew about the situation so far just gave you a pitiful look, changing the subject as quickly as possible. You cleared your throat before answering. »I wouldn’t say I’m still in love with him… I actually think I stopped being really in love with him even before we broke up, I uh, probably sensed something was wrong somewhere deep inside, I was just too afraid to consciously acknowledge it. I am still very hurt by what he did though and by the fact that they both have the guts to invite me to their wedding.« You laughed bitterly.
»They invited you to their wedding?!« He literally almost dropped his jaw in shock.
»Yep, and my mum won’t allow me to ditch it, lecturing me how I’d come off as weak if I don’t go and how I have to show them I’ve moved on.« You sighed.
»Well you could go and ruin her wedding if you really, truly must go, you know?«
»How? By destroying her cake? Don’t you think that’d be a bit pathetic?« You rolled your eyes.
»No, but what you could do is, you could get engaged at her wedding and ruin her big moment.« He suggested.
»And how do you propose I do that, I’m very much single at the moment.« You laughed at his incredibly ridiculous idea.
»You ask a friend of course, you make up a story about how you two met and immediately clicked and fell in love and whatnot, you know how it is in the movies, and at the wedding, instead of making a toast to the newly weds, he asks you to marry him and voila, her big moment is now yours. And what’s great about it is that you don’t have to go through with it, you can keep it up for another few months and then say you decided you worked better as friends instead of lovers and the situation is solved.« He seemed very proud of his master plan.
You couldn’t help but just stare at him incredulously. »Are you serious right now? You’re not serious are you?«
»Why not? It’s a great revenge plan.«
»No, it’s a horrible revenge plan! If my family ever found out about it, they would have me disowned!« You nearly yelled now.
»So, you don’t let them find out! It’s not that difficult!« He contradicted.
»Yes, it is. Especially if your parents already know all your friends! Who would I even ask? You?« You scoffed, laying back on the sofa, defeated.
“Maybe?” He now sounded much less confident. Look Y/n, I was just trying to help, but clearly all I’ve done is make you even more upset, so just forget I said anything okay?« He said, genuinely sorry for making you feel bad.
»It’s fine. I’m sorry, it’s been a rough week and I just don’t feel like dealing with it all yet.« You apologized, covering your face with your hands and sighing in frustration.
»Hey, it’s all good, honestly. Do you wanna watch this movie and bet who gets killed next?« He challenged, wiggling his eyebrows.
»Sure, what’s the prize for the winner?« You asked, intrigued by the idea.
Tom seemed to be deep in thought for a moment before answering. »Okay so I have this huge chocolate bar in the kitchen, so how about whoever makes the best guesses, gets the entire bar-sharing is completely up to the winner.« He suggested, offering his hand for you to shake.
»It’s a deal.« You shook his hand firmly.
You two spend about another hour watching the film, shouting at the TV and yelling frustratingly at the characters’ choices. You won somehow, but for some unknown reason you ended up doing shots instead of eating the promised chocolate bar, each having to do as many shots as wrong guesses, and although your number was considerably smaller than Tom’s, things you remembered happening after that were a bit blurry…
You woke up, feeling like you were about to ignite from how hot you were. You wanted to move, but you found yourself unable to do so, seeing as someone’s hand was wrapped around your upper body.
»Holy shit!« Your heartbeat fastened. »Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!«  You thought to yourself. How could you let this happen? Tom lay naked behind your back, wearing nothing but his boxers, and somehow you ended up not wearing any underwear under his T-shirt. Carefully, you lifted Tom’s arms, slowly wiggling your way away from him. Standing up, you finally took a note of the mess you two made last night. Yours and Tom’s clothes were all strewn carelessly on the floor, along with crisps’ wraps, empty, plastic shot glasses and was that a lemon peel? You miraculously managed to find your underpants in this mess quickly putting them on. You made your way to the bathroom, grateful to have correctly remembered where you left your dress. With much wiggling and jumping, you were finally able to put it back on, but your sweaty skin made it fairly difficult to move in it. You folded Tom’s shirt neatly, putting it on the washing machine. You made your way back to the living room, picking up your phone, ready for your walk of shame out of Tom’s house.
You have just closed the door, when you noticed a taxi driving down the street. You ran, still barefoot, down the driveway, hoping that the cab-driver would notice you waving at him. You got lucky, the cab stopped just in front of you and you jumped in, hoping you would never have to deal with the consequences of what happened last night. You opened your phone, ready to call Y/b/f/n to ask her if she’s already in you apartment. You nearly had a heart attack when noticing you had 40 messages and 10 missed calls from her. Shite, you must’ ve left your phone on vibrato, you usually do that because you don’t hear the phone ringing in the club anyways, but you do feel it vibrating in your pocket. Apparently though, you slept through it all. You took a deep breath before calling your friend, preparing yourself to be lectured.
»Where the fuck are you?« Came Y/B/F/N angry voice from the phone.
»Good morning to you too love.« You replied.
»Oh don’t you dare be offended Y/n, you nearly gave me a nervous breakdown, I was just about to call the police, hadn’t you called me right now. Do you have any, ANY idea how worried I was? The last message I got from you was that you went outside and then nothing, for 12 hours nothing!« She continued yelling.
Twelve hours? Shit was it really 11 am already?
»Y/b/f/n I am sorry, I really am. I ran into Charon last night and you know I can’t stomach her, so I went outside and then I met this guy, and he was about to take me back to our place, but I forgot my key because I thought I was going back home with you, and I nearly lost it at that point, but fortunately, he offered me to stay at his place, so I did and…« You were about to continue when she interrupted you.
»I’m sorry you went home with a stranger?« She asked, surprise colouring her voice. »Is this really Y/n on the phone?«
»Ha ha. Yes, I went home with him, what was I supposed to do? Sleep on the street?«
»No, it’s just… very uncharacteristic of you.« Her voice sounded calmer now. »Okay you have to tell me everything! The devil’s in the details love.«
»Oh so now that I’ve got a story you suddenly aren’t angry with me anymore?« You joked.
»No, no, I’m still mad at you, you’re just lucky I’m one of the most curious people you will ever meet in your life and my thirst for a good story overpowers my anger.« She chuckled.
»Fine, I’ll tell you everything once I get home. You are at home right?« You asked, desperate to get back to your apartment, to shower and put on something comfortable.
»Yes I am home, wait, why can’t you just tell me now?« She asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.
»Because I’m in a cab and it’s an embarrassing story to tell.« You tried to explain.
»Embarrassing how?« She snickered, then after a while the realizaton seemed to hit her. »Oh my gosh, Y/n?! Did you sleep with the guy?« She asked, gasping.
»I’ll tell you, at. home.« You were a bit agitated now.
»You did! You nasty!« She laughed loudly into the phone.
»Okay, goodbye now.« You hung up, letting out a groan. She wasn’t ever going to let this go.
»You bitch!« She greeted you at the door, punching your shoulder.
»Ow!« You cried out before being pulled into a bone crushing hug.
»Don’t ever scare me like that again!« She said, her voice carrying a slight tremble.
»I won’t, I promise! I am so sorry.« You said, tightening your embrace.
»Y/n? Can I tell you something?«
»Please don’t be mad, but you smell like you just spent three hours at the gym and it is not a pleasant smell.« She laughed, slowly letting go of you.
»Ugh, I know, and this dress isn’t really helping the situation either.« You laughed, relieved to be back at your place.
»Okay so how about you go take a shower, while I make us some coffee?« She proposed, already pushing you towards the bathroom.
»Yes please!«
»Fuck!« She outed, mouth hanging open.
»Yep.« You took a sip of your coffee, shifting uncomfortably in your chair.
»What the fuck?« She repeated, still in shock. »Okay so let me rewind that. You left with a guy you knew absolutely nothing about, except his name, and you willingly went to his house and spent a night there, got wasted with him and even slept with him?«
»No, I said I might have slept with him, I can’t really remember, all the tequila hasn’t really been good on my memory, on that note-remind me never to drink a single sip of it again…«
»I’m sorry, I thought you were joking earlier, but no, you really did the dirty with that guy.«
»Okay it’s not like I’m the first to do it with a stranger from a club,since when did you get so judgemental?!« You were a bit offended by her reaction.
»No, no I am not at all judging you, I am just really shocked because I’ve known you for years and it’s so not like you to do something like that.« She tried to reassure you.
»You promise you’re not judging me?« You asked, unsure.
»Of course not!« She leaned across the table to hug you. »How about we just spend a day in today, just the two of us? We can do face masks and catch up on Friends?«
»I’d love that.« You said, already getting up from your chair.
You had just turned the TV on, when there was a commercial for a new film called Chaos Walking.
»Holy… Y/b/f/n!« You yelled. She was still washing the cups.
»Hmm?« Her head peaked from the kitchen.
»That, that is the guy I was with last night.« You stuttered.
»She looked at the screen then at you, a laugh escaping her lips. »Yeah right, Y/n you can stop pulling my leg now.« She snorted.
»Y/b/f/n, I am not! Seriously, this is the guy I spent last night with.« You swallowed anxiously.
She stared at you, gawking.
»You slept with Tom Holland?!«
You looked at her, still in disbelief yourself. »I slept with Tom Holland?«
Tags (because I need validation): @starksparker @zophora @screamholland @peachyhollands @stardust-revengers @buckybcrnes @mandatheredpanda @parkeret @spokenforunicornism @purespidey @spidergirlwanab @ryleighisapanda @beautifullydisconnected @slut-for-fandoms @anxieteandbiscuits
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mysteryofren · 4 years
welcome back
part 8 of so happy together
Part 7
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  The days after new years felt like a dream. You and Ben texted non stop. You learned a lot about him in the past few days. The more you knew about him the more you liked him. You told him more about your relationship with his parents, and he tried giving you the best advice he could. You wanted badly to ask if he wanted to hang out, but you knew his parents were home. Even if he acts like it you feel like deep down he missed them, and that he’ll miss them when school starts up again so you never brought up hanging out. 
 Your grandfather went back to working again, so you only saw him at breakfast, and dinner. Some days he stopped working early so you two could go out, or watch a movie before he went to sleep. For a moment it felt normal. As normal as it could be. You felt like you were a regular teen with a regular parent. Well grandparent. He made time for you instead of constantly working and brushing you off. You were originally supposed to stay for christmas eve, christmas, and the next day. That first night was amazing, and you refused to leave. You would stay too if your school wasn't so far. It made you love your time here even more. 
 Gideon and you spent your days exploring the forest and playing games at the house. You learned a lot about the old dog in the days since you got him. One day there was a rare winter rain. You set up by a window and listened to music. Gideon saw you sit and sat next to you putting his head in your lap watching the rain fall down the window with you. He followed you everywhere. If you walked to the kitchen he went with you. You went to bed and he would follow you and sleep next to you. One day you decided to take a bath and he sat in the tub with you. The sentiment was nice, but bathing with a dog wasn't exactly sanitary. Your grandfather had chosen the perfect dog for you. You loved Gideon as if you had been his owner for his whole life. 
 Although they felt like a dream. The days went by fast then next thing you knew you were packing a bag to go back to school. Most kids just went back on the first day classes resume, but you wanted to get back early and enjoy the peace there before the chaos began. Your grandfather helped take your bag to your car. The worst part about going back was leaving him. You had so much fun being at his house the past 2 weeks it made you sad to think you had let yourself get so busy you were only seeing him every few months. He made you a copy of the house key so you could go by anytime you wanted to. You added it next to your dorm keys, and pulled him in for a hug. What were you going to do without him or Gideon. At least you would be with Elaine again, and you would get a chance to see Ben more. 
  The whole ride back you felt a strange emptiness. Like you were going away for good. You knew you werent. You and your grandfather had made plans for the following weekend to get lunch. Either way going back felt weird. Eventually you pulled into the parking lot for your dorm. You parked and got out looking around, and taking in the silence. You grabbed your bags out of the seat and walked to your room. You opened the door and set your stuff down on your bed. You grabbed your headsets and put them on. You started unpacking your bag and putting all the clothes you had used in a basket. You took all your unused clothes and put them away. You picked up the basket and headed to the campus laundry room. 
The next day came fast. You woke up early to get ready making sure your makeup was just right. The one thing you definitely didnt miss about the school was the stupid uniform you had to wear. It consisted of a dark green plaid skirt with a white button up tucked into it, along with a tie. You did have the option of wearing a blazer with the school's logo on it, but for the most part you went without that. The boys had to wear khaki pants, with a white button up, and a red and gold tie. Unlike the girls uniform it was required that they wear the blazer. After you got done getting ready you grabbed your backpack and books and headed to your home room class. 
 You walked in and saw all the familiar faces before sitting down next to Hux. Unfortunately he was the only friend you had in the homeroom. Elaine was always placed in another one. Once you sat next to Hux you said your hellos before your teacher had walked in.
“Welcome back, I trust you all had a nice vacation?” professor Windu asked. 
A hushed reply of yes’ went over the room 
“Good. we have a few things to go over before you go to your classes.” you listened as he went over basic stuff, updating everyone on fundraisers, upcoming events and future assemblies.
 You were close enough to Hux, that you could whisper to him without anyone noticing. 
“So how was the college?” you asked him
“It's amazing, everything is absolutely beautiful, I'm so excited to go at the end of the year.” 
“That's good, what are you going for?”
“I originally wanted to go for law so I could work with my father but they do have an amazing art program and I would love to be an art curator at the Met.” you never knew he was into art.
You two continued talking until the bell rang letting students know to head to their next class. The day went by fast and finally you arrived at your final class of the day. Computer science. You took your usual seat, and waited until your teacher gave you an assignment. A few seconds after arriving your desk mate walked in. You had completely forgotten Matt sat next to you. 
“So I heard you kissed brother, guess that means you’ll be with him now?” he asked as he sat down. 
“I mean maybe, I'm not really sure what's going on there.” 
“Well I consider you my friend so i know if anything does happen you’re cool, and you won't be mean to me like his last girlfriend.” 
“Hey! We are friends, and I would never be mean to you under any circumstance.”  then it finally hit you. How did he know you met his brother? Had he talked about you? Did Luke say something?
“So how did you hear about that happening? Did Luke say something?” 
“No he talked about when he got back. He seems to really like you.”
“I mean i kind of like him too so i guess that's good.” 
 You and Matt had been cut off by your teacher telling you of a new project. Automatically you and Matt looked at each other knowing you were going to partner up for it. She explained the project would be for artificial intelligence. She gave the rest of the period to make a plan and get started. You and Matt made an outline of your plans and started making the powerpoint. Near the end of class you two discussed a day to get together after class along with eating lunch together and working on it. When class was over you walked around campus for a while together you asked him about Hoth and what he did when he was there. He told you about how it was his first time seeing snow, and going skiing. After a while he told you he told you he was gonna go unpack his stuff from his trip. 
  You walked back to your room and saw that Elaine still hasn't gotten back yet. Your guess was that she was still coming back from classes. You set your bag down and laid out on your bed, when you realized you hadn't talked to Ben all day. You pulled your phone out of the pocket you had sewn into your skirt and sent him a quick text. You figured that the first day must have overwhelmed him, and it just slipped his mind. After about 10 minutes you stood up and grabbed your bag. Digging your books out you walked over to your desk and sat down to do homework. You checked your phone every 5 minutes hoping he would reply. After about 30 minutes passed and Elaine walked in and she was wearing her soccer outfit. 
“Dude you'll never guess what happened today!!” she said as she walked in. throwing her bag down. 
“Is everything okay?” you turned looking at her. 
“Yeah everythings fine, but there's a coach from NYU coming to the game next week!”
“Oh hell yeah! This is gonna be so good for you!” you stood up and hugged her.
“You're coming to the game, right?” she asked 
“Of course I come to every game!” 
“Well you were busy with a certain someone else.” she teased. That reminded you to check your phone again.
“Actually a certain someone has spoken to me all day.” 
“Maybe he's busy. It was his first day after all.” she said as she grabbed clothes and headed to the bathroom. She was right, maybe you were overreacting. Some reason it just felt wrong. 
  You decided to throw your phone on the bed so you didn't feel tempted to keep checking. About two hours later you finished your work for the week you even thought of some ideas for your computer science project. Once you were done you got up and grabbed your phone to message Matt about some of your ideas. Still no text from Ben. You sent Matt some of your ideas. Frustrated you asked Elaine if she wanted to go to Mazs place for dinner. She thankfully agreed and you two got dressed. As you walked out you got a message from Matt telling you he had some ideas too. On the walk back you talked back and forth about them before deciding on a few ideas. 
  When you got to the restaurant you saw Hux sitting alone again.
“Do you mind if we go sit with Hux?” you asked her.
“Sure, but can I ask why his name is Armitage and we all call him Hux?”
“He hates his name so we all kinda just started calling him by his last name.” you explained as you walked over to his table. She nodded her head and walked over with you. 
“Hey Hux, can we sit with you?” you asked him. He smiled and motioned for you guys to sit down.
“Of course you can, Phasma should also be joining me at any moment.”
“Cool, we can all hang out I Dont really hang out with Phasma outside of practice.” 
 You both sat down and started talking to Hux when Phasma arrived. You've known her since about middle school. Her parents and yours were friends. You would call her a friend, just not one you hang around a lot. You all stayed four a few hours talking, and laughing. Well most of you are laughing. Hux never really laughed. He kind of just smiled, or let out a breath. You figured that's why him and Phasma were best friends. They were serious as hell. Phasma had her moments of goofiness but for the most part. She was a bad bitch.
  When you decided to leave you all walked to the dorms together. After Hux walked off to his room. You, Elaine, and Phasma had walked to the girls dorm area. Once you and Elaine parted with Phasma you checked your phone again. Nothing. You sighed and put your phone up. You watched Elaine dig her keys out and unlock the door.
“Still no messages?” she said  walking in. 
“No, i'm sure everything will be alright.” you walked in and quickly changed into yours night clothes.throwing yourself on your bed you sighed. “Maybe if he doesn't like me i can just date Hux.” you said jokingly.
“Oh yeah that's something I'd pay to see happen. Can you imagine little red headed versions of you running around. It'd be like a nightmare I had once.” 
“Stars can you imagine. Y/N Hux. it kind of has a ring to it.” you both laughed. 
“I can see it now. You, an up and coming fashion designer, him, a big hot shot lawyer! Together you two strike fear into the heart of New Yorkers!” she dramatically fell onto her bed making it seem as if she had fainted. 
“Actually he wants to be an art curator.” you corrected her.
“Even better you both are art nerds.” she tucked herself in and turned off her lamp light. You did the same as she spoke out.
“I'm positive he’ll text back. He's got to, he’d be an idiot if he didnt.” she yawned out before falling silent. You stayed up a while longer. You searched through old texts looking to see if anything had been different the day before. Could you have said something that put him off? Did he indicate that something was wrong and you didn't notice? You searched desperately for an answer, until you eventually drifted off.
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thoughtfulpaperback · 4 years
Charmed 2x12 Review SPOILERS!!!!!!
Okay let's do this. Sorry I skipped one but times are hectic. For entertainment I give it an 8/10. Same format. Dislikes, likes and highlights
1. Macy Kneeling to Abby.
Let's just get this one out the way. I can see where they might have been going with this.
They maybe are trying to move away from the ambiguous route with abby (trying to make her sympathetic with her whole patriarchy thing and her dead mom) I mean she is progressively becoming more predatory with Harry so with that in mind, this was possibly one of the "abby is really a bad person not a feminist as she is only out for her own gain and not the empowerment of all women". And I can get that maybe they were also trying to show "look Macy is willing to do the most degrading thing possible just for the chance at rebuilding that power of three/charmed bond with her sisters for the protection of the magical community".
But listen.....
We all know Abigael isnt a star feminist. We already know (although we dont exactly know) that she has some sort of plan up her sleeve to be weary of.
There has been too much attempted ambiguity and the main characters letting her get away with terrible things that the message isnt coming across.
Plus Maybe yes showing Macy being willing to do something that really probably hurt all of us (epecially those of us who are minorities) to watch, may have been to drive home the differences between her and Macy and play up Macy's love for her sisters
But like we know Macy and Abby arent similar (as much as you writers tried to play that up at first). And you know just adding more sister bonding moment and just the fact that Macy was willing to go to abby after all the previous stuff was enough to show she was desperate? Maybe just add more sister bonding moments so we can see how dedicated they are to each other?
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Maybe? Just saying.
If the writers are finally going to commit to Abby being a full on villian then I guess the seen was worth cementing that she is horrible (sort of).
Here's my question though as I consider whether the scene was worth it. Who is this show for and what is it trying to show? I mean if it is for minorities and women then i can see how showing these historical and current issues (conflict of power and consideration among women where race is concerned) then I guess showing it and having that controversy makes sense. But like we live it.
As minorities we already know. I know I struggle between wanting my experience shown and also wanting to watch something where for once the minority characters arent subjected to that experience. Charmed did better at addressing controversy and women's issues in season 1. I dont care if it was "obvious" or "heavy handed" because when it is not you basically get the kneeling scene where you dont know what the point was, if it was necessary, and are left feeling hurt or bitter about it.
2. Hacy Kiss.
Listen Brenda/on, this is on my like and dislike list. I will mention what I dislike about it.
The first thing is that it was a fantasy. I mean yes I like that we get full on confirmation that Macy has romantic feelings for Harry and not just considering that she might have them, but I honestly hate the fact that they would tease us like that. Especially when Macy is at a low moment. Which I will get into.
They are kinda ruining Macy for me. Listen, at this point they havent given us enough insight into Macys feelings or thoughts to understand why she isnt pursuing Harry. We can speculate and infer based on previous seasons and some of what the writers or showrunners say on twitter, but this season itself hasnt done much in showing Macy's thought process and so it falls flat. It isnt her reluctance to let people in or not wanting to get involved with someone after Galvin since she does pursue Julian and gets serious relatively quickly. She, at least now we it is confirmed, has those feelings for Harry, but is still choosing to be with someone else inspite of those feelings. I hate that. Harry is obviously tempted by abby and is being naive with her, but he isnt pursuing her and has blocked her advances (except the kiss) so far which may change who knows, but the point is if Macy was just casually dating and enjoying Julian's company I would be like okay, still hate that she would lead someone on when she has feeling for someone else, but if its casual there is less of a chance of the other person being hurt.
I cant get behind Julian x Macy, not because of Julian (who so far is perfect and probably going to be a villian or some how connected to the villians because it is a common trope) but because of Macy. Julian x Macy isnt Healthy because Macy knows she has feelings for someone else. She is using him. That isnt to say she doesnt genuinely like or care about him, but at the end of the day she is using him. Which is crappy because Julian so far seems like a great guy and doesnt deserve being the "distraction". I mentioned this all the time but my least favorite love triangles are the ones where one person is using the other.
Healthy would be Macy and Julian being friends while she works through her feelings and then decides who she wants to be with. Not being with someone while having feelings for someone else.
Macy was shown in season 1 to be rational and could be rational to the point of compartmentalizing and coming off as cold. So maybe that is where they are drawing from, but again little effort has been made on the part of the writers to show what's going on in her brain other than that fantasy kiss. And again I am still like....okay so what does that mean in the long run you butts!!!
3. Helen's suicude
I am so iffy about how shows portray people completing suicide. Like on one hand I get that them showing her exercising free will, but suicide portrayed as a positive rather than a tragedy is just....ugh for me. I still am not sure how I feel overall about it.
Lore wise I hate that they use it to explain why Harry and jimmy couldnt kill each other, because in an interview rupert claimed Harry was immortal now because of the elder thing and the show said it in that first episode. So like are both true? So if harry tries to stab himself like Helen will he just end up back in the coffin and alive since she is immortal?
I mean we are 12 episodes in and have about 10 to go so we really should be working towards a cohesive lore and storyline not adding confusing or not well explained layers. The world building they did in the first half was a lot better which makes me wonder what they heck is going on in the writing room.
1. Parkerita
Let me explain. While I fancy Jordan x Maggie together. I'd prefer that be a slow burn and steady friendship first. Parker seems to be Maggie's first love. It makes sense that she is still grieving and holding on. While I kind of wanted to be done with Parkerita in fairness to all the season 1 romances that where tossed out, I like the nod to Phole. I felt the OG Phole relationship was not healthy, but I liked the tradgedy of it. I think if new Charmed wants to wrestle with that and do it better (although my faith in the writers is low right now) then I wouldnt be against it. I love a good tradgedy and I sat through Phole so I'll sit through this one.
2.Hacy kiss
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I love that the writers finally did something to show us what is going on in Macys brain. I need more (not necessarily Harry fantasies but I wont complain if we get more of those). I do hope a real Hacy kiss is a bit different because one one hand the fact Macy wanted to kiss harry when she was feeling down says something to me about how she feels about him and that she still trusts him (but it could, If I wanted to be cynical, just be more evidence that Macy skews towards using people when she is repressing or feeling down although she didnt actually kiss him, if she had I think I would have not liked it in that particular moment given it would have felt more like using him that expressing feelings)
1. Abby really thinks no means maybe 😒 . . .
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2. Mel is a lesbian magnet and I'd be fine with her just casually dating while all this other crap is going on as long as she is happy
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2. Helen
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3. These horror movie vibes though!!
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comradekatara · 5 years
Avatar abed? I’m intrigued please tell me more about this world
THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR ASKING! here is what i remember (orianne feel free to add on)
abed is from some kind of neutral city. his family doesn’t have particularly strong ties to their lineage, and would be hard-pressed to say just where they all came from. they’re mostly nonbenders, although abra, abed’s cousin, can bend water.
abed starts airbending young. a group of kids tries to muscle him into joining some game they’re playing and abed dodges them by hovering in the air on a spinning air ball
gobi walks outside and witnesses the spectacle only once abed has been at this for about an hour, watching the kids play their game from high above the playing field and offering snarky commentary the whole time
neither of abed’s parents has any idea which of them has air nomads in their family tree. it’s not particularly likely on either side. they start to discuss it in an… argumentative manner
despite the family issues, abed’s pretty relaxed about the airbending thing. it’s fun! he can evade the stresses of everyday life and look good doing it.
that said, there are challenges, and he won’t pretend he never breaks a lamp or two while gliding around the house in the pattern of his favorite iconic flight path taken by the m*llennium f*lcon
his parents continue fighting - sometimes about him - and alarms start going off in his head
then one day, he’s out exploring the rooftops (feeling a bit like b*tman) and he stumbles. as he falls, he just. grasps for the wrong element. instead of pulling up the air around him to slow his descent, he accidentally bends earth–extending a hefty stone handhold from the side of a building. he grabs it just in time.
then he swings there for a minute and realizes what he’s just done and what it means.
the next step is simple. he’s already caused enough distress in his family, and now he’s the avatar. he has to leave.
on the road, he meets a waterbender from the northern water tribe. she wields a big knife and seems to really want to use it
her name is annie
they get to talking and then they get to traveling together. it turns out they both have shitty parents!
the first time annie sees him bend multiple elements, she admits that she’s a huge korra fangirl and it’s an honor to meet her next life
abed’s like, “huh?” he hasn’t visited the spirit world yet, okay? slow down
annie gets very swept up in the ~ADVENTURE~ of traveling with the avatar and decides she’s his ally now. (not sidekick. never sidekick.) abed is glad to have her. she has a computer (abed didn’t bother to bring his) and can be persuaded to download movies 
they travel around for a while, visiting towns that have been in the news for matters requiring the avatar’s attention. they work odd jobs to afford lodging and transportation to the next place they decide to go. of all the avatars past, abed becomes by far the most skilled in food service
after traveling together for a while, they read about some abuses of power in the center of the fire nation and set out to investigate
at their destination, they meet an awkward, sensitive fire nation kid about their age who wants to help
troy barnes is a firebender who hates firebending. his parents are both firebenders and never used fire to do anything but hurt and terrify him.
abed is new to bending, but he’s pretty sure being afraid of a part of yourself isn’t very healthy
after they solve this particular problem in record time thanks to annie’s big knife, troy’s emotional strength and abed’s level head, they invite troy to join them. he’s awed by both of them and beyond grateful for a real solid chance to leave home. 
on their travels, while abed studies airbending, waterbending and earthbending, troy sits with him and genuinely listens to the spiritual foundations of the bending philosophies
he asks the masters smart questions – questions abed wouldn’t have thought to ask
troy refuses to use his own element to so much as light a match, but has nothing but respect and love for water, earth and air
(usually while this is happening, annie is out buying new weapons or murdering bandits or something)
she sort of kind of accidentally learns to bloodbend? she uses it for self-defense when she needs to, but finds the idea of controlling others morbidly tempting and there’s always a fear of taking it too far. through many long talks with troy, she learns to turn to him when she needs help to stay calm and in control
(though she doesn’t always turn to him. one day in a fit of rage, she murders this guy named jeff, who was a bandit with a teenage girlfriend. he didn’t seem to pose any real harm other than to the teenage girlfriend. an utterly insignificant man. but annie had to kill him)
all of abed’s masters are perplexed by his lack of a spiritual education. everyone agrees that the avatar’s main function is to connect with the spirits
abed has anxieties about accessing the spirit world, but troy is adamant that it has to be safe. it’s spirits! they look so cute and cuddly!
(troy has never met koh or he wouldn’t be so sure about that)
perhaps abed is closer to korra than he thought, because when he finally agrees to go to the spirit world, he does so with troy at his side. 
and by the time they return to the physical world, abed has decided that korra is definitely the past life he has the most in common with, because he too kissed his crush for the first time in the spirit world
as abed continues to master the elements, he and annie work on warming troy up (so to speak) to the idea of using fire. they know he isn’t comfortable attacking or destroying - in fact when they get into fights troy prefers to stay off to the side and keep their animals safe - but they remind him that fire can be used for light, warmth, healing, and other positive things
in the end, troy only understands after meeting the dragons. those rainbow flames cannot be denied.
after that, troy dedicates himself to becoming a gifted healer. and he does. (the truest repairman will repair man, you know.)
he and abed agree that fire is the worst element except for this one important gift. they respect healing. they respect life
annie respects nothing more than BIG SWORD, but she gets where they’re coming from
anyway. they live long and fulfilled lives with cameos from some other people you might recognize: britta, who runs a very disorganized criminal enterprise that has her constantly ending up on other criminals’ shit lists (and although britta pompously thinks of the avatar as her enemy, abed saves her life every single time they come into contact); frankie, who basically appointed herself earth king after everyone else in line for the throne died of incompetence; pierce, who is a decomposed dead body stinking up a cave they pass through at one point; shirley, who runs the earth kingdom’s most notorious illegal market - of the three of them, only annie is brave enough to venture in; and elroy, who lives in the woods with his cat. he doesn’t help them with anything. he just has the cat. 
also, they hang out with mako sometimes. he really hates their guts :)
the end!
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