hiveswap · 2 years
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I'm free! Goodbye fuckers
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the main thing I’ve gathered from the Pacific Rim director’s commentary is that, even though a lot more of PacRim was done with CGI than I had realized, it still holds up almost 10 years later because of how intentional Guillermo Del Toro was with building in details, flaws, weathering and environmental factors, and, primarily, love and respect into every single model.
He helped animate every single creature and robot by hand on his tablet, he praised the animators for every single shot and talks about how brilliant they are, how hard they worked on every detail, he treats all of them like human beings, like geniuses, just as integral to the film as himself and the actors. The animators themselves talk about how intentional and detailed his ideas were, how helpful and insightful he was when he spoke to them about changes, when he came to them with new ideas.
There’s also a hell of a lot of practical effects woven in, which add to the believability, but the CGI holds up first and foremost because he saw it as an art form to be cultivated and loved just as fiercely as everything else, not a ‘wow’ effect to be slapped in for budget cuts.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 2 years
I think most stories could benefit from having two characters whose relationship is just "those two guys" (gender neutral). Most of the time if you look for one of them you'll find both of them. They can hate each other or be the best of friends or something in-between but they just can't find that same spark with anyone else. Their relationship is best described as "do not separate them". They are fully fleshed out characters individually but if either of them are left alone without the other for any reason it feels so wrong.
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pattinsonsupremacy · 3 years
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simu liu used to model for stock images and now he’s using them as reaction pics- THIS MAN IS TRULY SOMETHING ELSE I LOVE HIM
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bebx · 3 years
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Marvel and their secrecy are scary
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ilya-halfelven · 2 years
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This flashback in ATLA, Azulon becoming enraged with Ozai for disrespecting Iroh and the recently deceased Lu Ten, is usually interpreted as Azulon then ordering Ozai to kill Zuko. I disagree with this for two reasons. 1: We don’t actually hear Azulon say that, it’s only referred to by Azula (who was around seven or eight at the time and might have misunderstood what she heard) and by Ozai, years later, when he is taunting Zuko on the Day of Black Sun. Neither Azula nor Ozai are reliable narrators. 2: Azulon is, at the time of this flashback, the ruler of the Fire Nation who has just lost one of his only two grandsons and heirs. What kind of monarch loses one heir and then turns around and demands the death of another, especially when losing Zuko would hardly bother Ozai? My interpretation of this situation is Azulon ordered Ozai to give Zuko into Iroh’s care, replacing Lu Ten as Iroh’s heir, neatly removing any argument Ozai had about Iroh’s line having ended. Ozai of course would never accept this. He either lied to Ursa, claiming Azulon wished Zuko dead, or outright told his wife he’d kill Zuko before seeing him get ahead of him in the line of succession, thus manipulating Ursa to help him assassinate Azulon. I think this theory makes far more logical sense than ‘Azulon ordered the murder of his nine-year-old grandson’.
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ofpd · 2 years
linguistic descriptivism <3333
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jupitertheegg · 2 years
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gravity falls 10 year anniversary in a few days 
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callmearcturus · 3 years
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ID: tweet from dashiellwood - “Why aren’t there more LGBTQ+ dating games” the community says, after savagely tearing down a game that couldn’t meet an impossible standard to which no straight media is ever held
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hiveswap · 2 years
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wingsmould · 2 years
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👆baby luigi
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frodo-sam · 2 years
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“When you’re dealing with the fantastical, it’s always a big challenge to try and make these things look real, so you’ve got to try and echo reality as much as possible and lean into that so that there is enough familiarity there that the audience sort of buy it a little bit more easily. […] The attention to detail is just so much fun to go back and look at. Bringing these characters to life, almost as much work goes into it as a hero character. It’s beautiful stuff.”  — Christopher Townsend, visual effects supervisor on SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGS (2021) dir. by Destin Daniel Cretton 
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reachingfortheday · 3 years
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And this means that after half the population got dusted, Lil Nas X was like you know what people need? A hip hop country song about a horse. And he was right
h/t @roslyntalusan on Twitter
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modmad · 2 years
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I swear i tried to prevent myself from posting this today i just have no patience ;;
anyway Nimbasa Trio are badass and dorky in equal measure and I love that
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gentil-minou · 2 years
Good morning to Loid Froger and Loid Forger only who saw Yor's excitement for Anya's dodgeball game and instead of making it his mission to train her and get the stella he put all his faith and trust in Yor. We stan a supportive fake husband
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hiveswap · 2 years
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Trigun propaganda compilation
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