#terrible tutorial
togamicchi · 9 months
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HKEGDUSHDGDGD okay this is gonna probably be really overexplained since i talk a lot BUT ITS VERY EASY tuto under cut
What i personally do is start on picsart with a blank canvas (make sure its a perfect square, anything like 700x700, 400x400 whatever), What i do is use some of the cute stickers i can find by using certain search terms and rotate/move it to each frame id want it to be, picsart lets u see where its centered or not so its a lot easier than just winging it
this would be so much easier to explain if picsart allowed me to take screenshots on this DAMN PHONE!
But anyway save each frame to whatever ur using and go to Ezgif.com's gif maker to combine those frames together :3 theres a delay option on the bottom of each frame u saved, i usually set that from around 50-80 so it doesnt go too fast
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Once u set that and u have ur frames in order, remember to set THIS option
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And then u click "make gif" at the bottom and horray :3 u can still edit things on the page if u might not like it
Once u get the finishing gif, u can save it as the original size (if youd like to have an extra), and go to Resize at the bottom
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U should get to this, what i do is make the width and length 60x60 or 80x80 but it doesnt really matter tbh, if u want it bigger or smaller then go ahead
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Disregard everything else after that and click Resize image :D and boom we did it
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Both original and teeny size IF I DIDNT MAKE SENSE THATS TOTALLY MY BAD but i hope this helps😅😅😅 maybe..
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prinz-vassago · 3 months
ok but howww are you so good at night time / dark lighting ur paintings always look so atmospheric and moody and i STRUGGLE with it. any tips?
Sorry for the late reply bro. I was wondering how to formulate this as I just do things without thinking about "steps" lol. Keep in mind that I do everything in Paint Tool SAI ver.2 so: -First do your drawings as your normaly do, with background etc. I always use dark, dull palettes so I have no idea how this is going to work on lighter, colorful palettes for example. - After that, I usually just play with the lighting and shadows on an extra layer above the finished drawing. I always use "Overlay" mode on that layer
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-For the shadows I never use black, but a very dark gray. For the lighting I use pure white or any shade of light color. This will always depend on the color you want the lights in your drawing (I use the airbrush to distribute the color where I want it).
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-You can create a lot of new layers with the overlay mode, and keep playing with shadows and lights until the result is to your liking. Remember that you should always try to adjust a bit with the "color changing" options, and also always adjust the opacity until it's harmonious.
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-Then I just merge all the extra layers together with the original drawing (from bottom to top) and make final adjustments. In these final adjustments, I usually decrease or increase the contrast and brightness in this option:
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-After that, I just finish by adding textures over the drawing. Another tip is that I usually darken the canvas' edges with the airbrush, creating a vignette effect. This should also help with the "atmospheric" feeling. Remember that you can go wild. I hope this tutorial was helpful in some way, even if it was very poorly planned lmao
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unfinishedsweaters · 6 months
Ocker’s Circular Cast-On.
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Make a loop near the yarn end. (I have the tail under the loop here, but I don’t think this is vital.)
Using a crochet hook, *chain one into the loop with the working yarn. (The first chain looks the worst, having no firm structure yet, but only temporarily.)
Chain one into the new chain stitch. Leave the stitch on the crochet hook and continue.*
Repeat * to * until you have the number of stitches you need.
Transfer stitches to DPNs (or another knitting needle as called fro by whatever you’re working on; sometimes I use this cast-on as a really short/gathered cast-on for flat knitting, and in those cases, the pattern instructions will call for you to work flat). Incidentally, this step can be made much easier if you’ve got crochet hooks that are built like a straight smooth stick, with no ergonomics or ornamentation—you can just slide the stitches off the non-hooked end to transfer to the relevant needle.
Once that’s done, pull the tail drawstring-style (be kind of gentle with a delicate yarn) to draw the center together, and you’ve got a nice beginning for work from the center out!
(I’m going to pull mine apart. You may be able to see why. It’s completely unfinished yarn, but it’s been on the bobbin so long the twist is pretty inert.)
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loudclan-clangen · 5 months
Thinking abt how the kits would have absolutely zero grasp on the concept of mortality and death and how they'd be really confused on why their parents are upset and where Mothtree wen't :^)
Hi friend, I don’t want to be like a major downer but… Rosehipkit is VERY sick. She and Dogwood, more than any other kits, absolutely understand the concept of mortality and death in a way that they should not have to.
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chaoticentropy · 4 months
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tmntkiseki · 9 months
There aren't a whole lot of tutorials online for drawing the turtles 03 style and that is just a tiiiiiny bit frustrating
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leixo-demo · 11 months
how do you draw goopy stuff? like tentacles or whatever. Idk how to do it... squishy like stress ball
my bad, I dont think i draw very goopy looking stuff?? i think i do more like grunge, pasted like of shit liek when u add to much acrylics on top. But I tried to do a mini guide because IM TERRIBLE at explaining thigs.
Unlike other people I dont have a systematic way of drawing, i just leave my brain on automode while doing something else, when im done I usually end up with good results, I recommend you do the same, just follow your instincts and train them.
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townofcrosshollow · 2 years
HEY, YOU! Yeah, you, amateur artist! Have you ever seen a digital artist with really good fucking colours and wondered "HOW DID THEY GET THOSE REALLY GOOD FUCKING COLOURS?!" Is it experience, talent, and an eye for colour? FUCK NO. I'm here to tell you what the pros don't want you to know, which is that right within your very art program (assuming you're using Clip Studio Paint) is a single button that will MAKE YOUR ART GOOD*
* or like, marginally better than it was before most of the time
Let me show you how I took this BORING, UNGOOD Slime Rancher painting I did as a final project for my traditional art course from BORING...
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You'll have to put everything on the same layer (I recommend putting it in a folder, duplicating the folder, and then collapsing all the duplicate layers together so your original work is still untouched), but after that, you can open the Gradient Map menu and go hog fucking wild.
This is what you're gonna see:
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Basically, what gradient maps do is they map the darkest colour in your piece to the darkest colour in a gradient, and the lightest to the lightest, and then VOILA. All of your colours have been changed to the colours of the gradient. Neat!
You can use this to do things like automatically change skin tones or hair colours, or in our case, colour the whole painting!
You can download sets off the asset store and load them into your program by selecting the wrench icon and picking "Add gradient set."
All you need to do is load a gradient in the tool and voila...
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...okay actually that looks like shit. (The gradient I'm using is #11 from the Yunywave set on the asset store! Go download it! It's a good set!)
So, our solution here is going to be different depending on the goal, the gradient, and whether it's a colour piece you're trying to zhuzh up or a B&W piece like this.
For this one, I duplicated the original layer and set the second one to Overlay at 100% opacity, then applied the gradient map to it.
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Here are some other examples of how I've used gradient maps...
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See, Overlay is a really good blending mode to use for this kind of thing, especially if you painted it with "normal" colours and just want to give it a little kick! But you should experiment with other modes, too. For a pastel piece, try Screen. For a subtle change, try Soft Light. For a moody or dark piece, try Multiply.
And you can also add even more details over the gradient layer to add that extra punch to it! In the example painting, I wasn't happy with the foreground tree's highlight being so dark, so I painted over it with an orange colour picked from the background, duplicated it, recoloured it to a dull yellow, and set the layer to 60% Glow Dodge.
Digital art gives us so many tools to make SICK FUCKING ART with, and gradient maps are like, the most powerful tools of all! USE THE SHIT OUT OF THEM AND GO MAKE COOL STUFF!
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badolmen · 10 months
Actually it really fucking frustrates me as a disabled person how ‘controversial’ video game accessibility is, how contrived it is to find actually useful accessibility mods for even popular games, how abled gamers try to distance themselves from us because we’re the ones without social lives, who don’t leave the house, who can’t work.
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ratbastarddotfuck · 1 year
A tip for all you tutorial-maker types out there: explain why you're doing shit, especially if your tutorial is aimed at beginners!
It would help the viewer discern things like "do I actually need an overlocker to do this sewing tutorial, or can I manage without it?" And more importantly, it helps actually develop the viewer's understanding of the skill - instead of saying "the next step is to sew on three layers of elastic [because i said so]", say "I'll be sewing on three layers of elastic, because that provides better stability than just one thick layer". This way i actually understand why the hell I'm using three layers of elastic, and I can put that knowledge to use in the future!!
If you're doing a "how to make a gathered skirt" tutorial and one of your steps is "do a gathering stitch" and you don't explain what the fuck a gathering stitch is or how to do it, your tutorial is useless, because learning how to work a gathering stitch is kind of the entire point of watching a gathered skirt tutorial.
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hellboys · 8 months
I LOVE your colouring!!! do you have a psd / tutorial?
wow thank you so much!! and because you asked so kindly here's a simple tutorial on how i color gifs 💜
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(to save on time i won't be showing how to create a gif or how to sharpen them)
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first things first is to create your gif and sharpen it to your liking. i'm using the latest version of photoshop just so you know
when coloring, i immediately start with a levels layer. obviously these settings will differ depending on the scene you're giffing. however, my goal is to balance the colors so that the highlights and shadows aren't color tinted. ultimately i want the whites to be white and not off-white - and i want the blacks to be evenly black.
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this scene is already pretty bright so i'm not going to lighten it in the RGB channel. instead, i want to wash out the yellow in the whites with the blue channel.
when increasing the blue highlights, the shadows will become blue tinted as well so its important to balance the shadows by dragging that far left dial inwards
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repeat that process with the green and red color channels until your satisfied
also important to note that you want your skin tones to be even, meaning not too green/yellow and not too red/blue. play around with the individual channels until you find that sweet spot
⭐ brighten your scene in the RGB channel if needed!
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next is to saturate the reds in the scene and further dull the yellows with a 'selective color' layer
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at first your gif will appear to be very discolored. you'll want to go to the 'opacity' tab in the 'layers' channel and set the percentage to 30% for this layer. like so ↴
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time for the second selective color layer. this time the opacity will stay at 100%
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again, just adding saturation to the reds and pinks and dulling out the yellows
i added a bit to the blacks to darken the shadows more
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this is an optional layer i sometimes add when a gif is lacking in color. in this case it definitely needed it
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i just want to add that i don't always color my gifs this way. it changes with every scene i work on. a lot of the time my colorings are more complex and i end up with like 10+ layers. i wanted to keep this simple. hopefully it helped you a bit. but if you're looking for a more specific tutorial, please feel free to send me another ask 🩷
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alexaloraetheris · 2 months
I've been considering if I should make video tutorials about makeup for people with low spoons who just want to learn how to use concealer without having to trawl through the dumpster fire of the current makeup trends, which is a very bold idea for someone who considers deleting her Tumblr blog every time one of her posts blows up and has, in fact, done exactly that in the past.
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Make a smoothie with Caretale!
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Orange juice (I'm out of Oranges)!
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Put a handful of ice into the blender!
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Cut the tops off of strawberries and put one or two handfuls into the blender!
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Add about half a tablespoon of protein!
Continue in reblog!!!
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onebizarrekai · 10 months
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I've been playing beta minecraft for reasons
bonus: windowed mode obliterated color glitch
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triocat · 1 year
Hey, do you have any drawing attention for drawing Worker/Dissessembly Drones from Murder Drones?
Ok, first tutorial I ever made so sorry if it sucks
Worker Drones
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rubbersoles19 · 8 months
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had a revelation:
Gosalyn with textured hair
i am not even close to being done exploring this FYI
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