#terry tong
gwydpolls · 9 months
Lucian's Library 6
Feel free to suggest never written books you wish you could read.
Some items suggested by impatient readers for still living authors.
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olivierdemangeon · 2 years
THE LINGERING (2018) ★★✮☆☆
THE LINGERING (2018) ★★✮☆☆
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some preliminary statistics
(based on the first 102 polls)
we’ve had 10 majority-YES results so far
the highest result by far is J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit (76.5% YES), followed by Maggie Stiefvater’s The Raven Boys (60.4% YES) and Terry Pratchett’s Going Postal (59.5% YES). this mirrors the pattern of overall results by age demographic.
there is a clear and dramatic divide between books published in English by Big 5 imprints, which have an average YES rate of 21.3%, and books published by independent publishers, academic publishers, self-published books, or books not published in English (average YES rate 3.1%). this is unsurprising, considering the market dominance of Big 5 publishers, especially in fantasy and science fiction.
age demographic
adult books
there have been 70 adult book polls so far, of which 4 have had YES results (5.7%). the average YES rate for adult books is 13.6%, the lowest for any age demographic — unsurprising, I think, for a number of reasons.
there have been 14 teen/YA book polls so far, of which 2 have had YES results (14.3%). the average YES rate for teen/YA books is 20.4%, ahead of adult and behind children’s. this makes sense to me, since tumblr users mainly came of age during the YA boom of the 2010s.
there have been 17 children’s book polls so far, of which 4 have had YES results (23.5%). the average YES rate for children’s books is 24.5%, and it’s being dragged down by a) Frances Hardinge’s books, which were mostly published a little late for the tumblr userbase, and b) a bunch of non-anglophone children’s books that either haven’t been published in English or were published in English a little late for the tumblr userbase. if we exclude non-anglophone children’s books the average jumps up to 31.4% (even with the loss of Tintenherz / Inkheart), and if we exclude Hardinge it jumps to 41%. I expect this trend will continue at least for anglophone children’s books published before ~2010.
publication date
average YES percentages are on something of a bell curve centered on the 2000s (’m excluding everything before the ’70s because there’s only 1 book for each of the earlier decades):
1970s: 8.5%
1980s: 12.2%
1990s: 18.5%
2000s: 21.2%
2010s: 15.4%
2020s: 10.7%
this also makes conceptual sense to me but I can’t explain why.
sadly but unsurprisingly, books by white authors have an average YES rate of 19.7%, versus 4.8% for non-white authors. I expect this trend will continue — if N.K. Jemisin’s The Fifth Season, one of the most highly acclaimed books of the last decade, can’t get a majority YES result (which it’s currently not on track to), I doubt anything else will be able to. the one other thing that seems possible to me might be Mo Xiang Tong Xiu’s webnovels, which have been submitted but aren’t yet queued. we’ll find out eventually!
books by men (17.9% YES average) are slightly more likely to have been read than books by women (15.9% YES average). there are two few data points for nonbinary writers for that average to be meaningful as yet.
books from the Europe (read: almost exclusively the UK) are slightly more likely to be read than books from North America (read: almost exclusively the US) — average YES percentage 20.5% for Europe vs. 16.1% for North America. the average for the rest of the world is 5.6% — no other single continent has enough data yet to really be meaningful.
this attests perhaps to the relative prestige of British fantasy — the percentages are being skewed upwards by Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, J.R.R. Tolkien, and Diana Wynne Jones.
books originally published in English have an average YES percentage of 17.9%; books originally published in other languages average 6.5% (2.2% excluding Tintenherz / Inkheart)
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nonobadcat · 1 year
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For @oklolnoty
Down the Rabbit Hole - Five Chapters - 20k words - Yandere Shigaraki Tomura x Rabbit Quirk Female Reader
Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5 🐇 Ao3 Mirror
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Whole story TW: Noncon, yandere with kidnapping, severe quirk based discrimination, binge drinking, canon typical threats of violence (reader directed), canon typical death (nonreader directed), oral (give/receive), PnV (doggie), breeding, and expensive designer clothing everywhere.
Rating: 18+ readers only - Minors DNI
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Chapter 2: Nomination - 3.4k words
TW: Drinking, quirk discrimination, Incel Tomura being a massive jerk for "reasons", author makes a Javascript joke but only understands html Special thanks to @krystalwithakay for laughing at the aforementioned joke and programming the much more complicated Javascript joke yet to come.
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“You have a nomination.”
Plastering the bandage to the back of your bleeding heel, you slipped your pumps back on. Your manager stared down her beak at you. You blinked at her before rising to your full height.
“A nomination? I thought Azuma-san canceled our Thursdays permanently after that fight with his wife?”
“It’s another client.” Blue plumage fluffed as she whipped her fan open. “An important client,” she stressed, narrowing her amber eyes.
“So this is the ‘best bunny behavior’ speech?” Tossing a floppy ear back behind your neck, you pitched your voice an octave higher. “Okay! I’m super duper excited to meet him, Mama-san.”
The fan snapped shut. She cocked her head and beckoned you towards the front desk. You tailed her, watching embroidered folds of black taffeta sway back and forth with every calculated swing of her Coke bottle hips. With all the grace of a prima ballerina, she dipped below the countertop and headed for the towel warmer. “You’ve met him before. Briefly. Last Friday.”
Your eyes rolled to the creamy plaster ceiling as you wracked your brain. “But Usagi is back, right? Wouldn’t Tano-san rather have her?”
“It’s not Tano-san.”
A cold sweat broke on your neck as memories of a tooth-and-nail conversation slammed into you like a loose brick. You staggered under the weighty realization. “Wait… you don’t mean—”
Long tongs placed cozy terry cloth on a small silver platter. Leaning over the counter, she snatched your wrist and foisted the tray into your grip. “I don’t know what you did, but you’re the first hostess he’s asked for by name.” Her glare could cut iron. “His sponsor is very well connected and I’m running out of staff. Do not fail me.”
“Yes, Mama-san,” you agreed, shrinking under her heavy expectations.
Just past the ratty leaves of the money tree, slouched in the center of the entryway, the slender-man of Nyanko’s nightmares looked just as bored as you remembered. Poor posture ruined the flawless lines of his expensive wool suit. Dull eyes and a flat expression looked better suited to a mummy than a man of twenty something. His dry, shrunken lips only enhanced the impression. However, the moment you slid into view, he lifted his chin.
It was hard to contain a confident smirk as red eyes rolled over your outfit from top to bottom. The sight of a real, live bunny girl in a halter neck, sleeveless tuxedo shirt and black leather miniskirt slaughtered most men on sight. Though conservative compared to usual club attire (read: T&A: on display), delicate ruffles drew the eye to pearl buttons trailing between sculpted cleavage. Chunky Mary Jane platforms elongated your legs until they could stop traffic. Add in a flash of thin garter belts holding old-school silk stockings at mid thigh and the entire collection could be classified as a weapon of mass erection.
“Welcome back, Shigaraki-san! ♡” Voice stuffed into a falsetto, you dipped into a bow while holding out the hot towel. “I’m soooooo excited that you requested me!”
Hair bristling silence was your only reply. He lifted the wipe up using only two fingers. With all the enthusiasm of a robot, he washed his hands one digit at a time before replacing the cloth on the tray.
Ouch. Like smacking your forehead against an iceberg.
"Please step this way." You gestured to one of the open booths like a variety show host.
He shuffled past, paying less attention to you than one would pay to a stray soda can laying on the pavement.
You hoisted the brown, leather bound menu. "Would you like me to recommend something? There’s a super taste cham—"
He rested his head on his palm, long fingers denting his cheek. "Cassis Orange."
An error has occurred. See error log for details. Java.lang.NullPointerException Error Log: Shigaraki.drinkorder cannot be defined 0: He is joking 1: He cares ≤ 0
1= True
“Oh, yummy!” you cooed, flagging the bartender for one of the sweet cocktails. “Most guys won’t order that drink because of some weird macho complex.” You leaned into your palm, mimicking his stance. “It’s nice to drink with a man who is confident in himself.”
Unblinking eyes stared you down. “What do you want to drink?”
Sake bomb.
You tapped your chin. “Um… I think my favorite is a mimosa with Dom Pérignon.” The tinkling laugh you faked grated on your own nerves. You glanced away, curling inwards to fake lady-like shyness. “Champagne goes straight to my head though…”
Liar. In this profession, drinking skills made bank. Champagne was pricey. Pricey drinks lead to better bonuses. A little white lie here, a coy seduction there and while he was chasing bubbles for a chance to paw you up, you could rake in the cash.
“—so I should probably stick with something like a—”
Sake bomb.
No. Stick to the brand. Frufru girly-girls drink frufru girly drinks. No man picks the adorable bunny to have her drink him under the table. Way too emasculating.
“—lemon sour.”
Shigaraki rolled his eyes. “That’s lame.”
Says the guy drinking the cocktail equivalent of a pink polka dot ribbon?!
You scratched your cheek to cover the wince. “Well, it’s what I can manage. After all, it wouldn't be much fun for you if I got all silly and clingy, right?”
Perfect delivery. If that didn’t make him order you a champagne, the man was a eunuch.
He huffed, scratching his neck. “That does sound gross,” he agreed.
Excuse you?! What kind of man comes to a HOSTESS CLUB and says “ew… I hope hot women DON’T cling to me.” What was he?! Afraid of catching cooties?
You flinched into a fake grin. “I-I know, right? I try very hard to manage myself so I’m fun to be around.”
Ugh. You needed a sake bomb.
Shigaraki’s bored stare cut through you like a knife. You whipped your head around, flashing the waiter the sign for a lemon sour. With a deep breath to soothe your ruffled fur, you turned back to your new arch nemesis.
Game on, crusty boy. Let’s show you what max level charm can do!
Sliding smoothly beside him, you dragged one calf up your thigh until your tight little skirt nearly broke public decency laws. His eyes flicked to your legs. You schooled your expression into a peaceful smile more relaxing than a shiatsu massage. 
“So Shigaraki-san, Mama-san mentioned you have a mentor. What is that like?”
“Pretty much the same as anyone with a mentor I guess.”
“What type of things does he teach you?”
“This and that.”
“It sounds like a well rounded education then.”
“I guess.”
Give a girl something to work with, you tight lipped little snot!
“What’s the favorite thing you learned so far?”
He leaned back in his seat, eyes rolling to the ceiling. The edge of his lip twitched upwards for one heartbeat. “Not to judge people at face value. To always assume they’re hiding something.”
You giggled. “Well, that’s good advice. He sounds very wise.”
“He’s done a lot of different things over the years.”
“How eclectic.”
Crap! You let your bimbo face slip. Dial it back. Dial it back.
“Just something I heard Mama-san say once. She says people who have many interests are eclectic.” You raised one finger and put a bubble-gum pop into your words. “I guess that means they have a lot of energy or something since it sounds like electric!”
Perfect. Now he can “well, actually…” you and feel superior. Men love that. Nice save. 
“You’re lying.”
You cocked your head and stared at him with the bald-faced bemusement of a proper airhead. 
He leaned forward, resting his elbow on the table. Red eyes bored into yours. “You used the word correctly. You knew what it meant.”
When the waiter set the drinks by your elbow, you could have hugged him. You broke off eye contact with Shigaraki, clasped your hands together, and let out an excited squeal. “Oh my gosh this looks so cool! They cut the orange in the shape of a star. How fancy is that?!”
The deadpan stare continued.
You inhaled to puff your chest before carefully placing the drink before him. Steady hands kept the sunset colored gradient exactly as the bartender had prepared it. Then, you gripped your glass, being sure to twist your wrist and show off baby pink nails with tiny glitter bows.
See crusty boy? Nothing here but an empty headed bunny doll made of rack and back. 
“Toasties?” you asked, holding your cup up for the clink.
Never breaking his gaze, your client lifted his drink with his pinky out and tapped your glass as if the sound repulsed him. He stirred the gradient away before sipping his fruity cocktail.
With a long suck, you drained half the lemon-sweet mixer in one go. “Yummy!” you cooed, licking your lips. “How does yours taste, Shigaraki-san?”
“Apparently, not as good as yours.”
You rubbed the back of your neck. “Ah! How embarrassing. It’s been a long time since I met a guy like you. When I get nervous I drink more.”
Peeling lips cracked into an amused sneer. “Oh really?”
“Being with someone like you is so exciting.” You took another sip, glancing at him from under mascara coated lashes. “It makes it hard to hold back.”
He laughed. “...and therefore you’ll be blowing through your drinks pretty quick, wracking up a big tab at my expense, right?”
“Maybe…” you teased coyly, tracing the rim of your glass with one finger. “I mean, it’s your fault for looking so good.”
He snorted. “How do you say that stuff with a straight face?”
“Huh?” You cocked your head the other way and pointed at your underbust. “Straight lace? No, my corset is a criss cross.” You leaned forward, angling your torso for maximum ‘round mound’ effect. “See? It’s all back and forth.”
Shigaraki looked you up and down, the smile dipping back to a frown. “That’s pretty boring though.”
Boring? Oh screw off. You try holding up a one sided conversation, douchebag!
“You don’t like fashion? But you’re dressed so nice!”
“No, what I don’t like is—” he gestured to all of you. “—this. Whatever this is.”
Hair bristling, you sat back in your seat. “I’m sorry. I don’t understand.”
“The lines are pretty good lies but that—” he waved at the whole of you again “—is messing it up.” 
Your throat tensed, leaving a touch of gravel in your voice. “I’m sorry, but you’re talking too complicated for a stupid bunny girl like me. Can you dumb it down so I can understand?”
Now the grin was back but it was… pointy? Yes. That was the best way to describe it. All sharp lines and shadows like some creepy monster hiding in the closet. 
“I want that.”
You blinked at him. “Come again?” 
He leaned forward. “That. You. The real you. Not the act.”
“Act? I don’t understand—” 
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t play stupid. I want the girl from the alley.” 
In an instant you were on your feet, shaking hands flat against the glossy table top. Manicured nails raked the surface until the glass shrieked under your sweaty palms. The room went silent. Dark shadows obscured your face. With a crack, your head snapped up to reveal a mechanical smile.
“Shigaraki-san, I am having difficulty hearing you over all the noise in this room.” You jabbed a thumb over your shoulder towards the back corner. “If we’re going to continue our little chat I think we should move to a private suite. The champagne room is lovely for cozy conversation. There is a 200,000 yen cover charge and the first bottle of Dom Pérignon is included.”
Curious eyes from all corners of the room stared at the show. Good. Now that he was on blast, he’d have to put up to save face or shut up and clamp down on his prying. Your chest burned with bated breath as you awaited his response.
Shigaraki groped into his pocket. With a flick of his wrist, a black, leather wallet arced through the air. Wide eyed, you caught it with both hands. He slid out of his seat and onto his feet.
“Sure. I’m game for a bonus stage.”
You glanced down at the thick billfold only to see a hefty clump of 10,000 yen banknotes sticking out the top. Your mouth ran dry. Shoving the wallet back into his hands, you gestured to the bouncer. He bustled over, tapping his key card to the electronic lock. As Shigaraki strolled past you into the private room, you glanced back at Mama-san. Her inscrutable expression disappeared behind the fluttering fan with a sharp snap.
Welp, hopefully that meant she wouldn’t fire you for what you were about to do.
Beyond the tufted leather door, the two of you entered a shrine to leisure and pleasure. Mirrored walls reflected soft, glittering light from the teardrop chandelier above. Upon plush, red carpet, overstuffed sofas crafted from butter soft, ivory leather begged for only the most pampered backsides. On the far wall, a massive television complete with jumbo speakers and a full karaoke set waited patiently for any party sized two to twenty. Glowing copper trim on the seating matched the metal frame of the oversized coffee table. Shigaraki flopped down on the low-backed loveseat. The waiter carried your chilled champagne in on a silver platter before quickly bowing out of the room.
As the door clicked shut, Shigaraki draped his arms across the back of the sofa and flashed you a sneer. "Got something to say?"
Sashaying across the floor, you smoothed the sofa and took your place next to your guest. Graceful as a swan, you lifted the bottle and sliced the foil with your thumbnail. A few quick twists freed the cork from its wire prison. With a roll of your wrist, his flute dangled between your digits. 
The speeding cork grazed his ear.
Golden bubbles arced from the bottle. When his glass was nearly full, you twisted the flow to a stop. Leaning forward flashed him a glance at your cleavage. A naughty smile hovered just above it. You set the bottle by his elbow and stroked the stem of your glass like a porn actress.
"Fill me up, Shigaraki-san?" you teased.
He flushed.
So crusty boy liked it a little dirty, huh? File that away for future reference.
Your guest sloshed the expensive liquid into your flute. The bottle clanked onto the table. He stared at you with a raised brow.
With a sweet smile, you hoisted your drink. The delicate tinkle of crystal on crystal accompanied a syrupy salute. "Toasties~!" 
You shot the champagne like a middle aged manager whining about his alimony payment. The glass hit the table with a hard CLANK. 
"All right, listen up," you growled. “First, I’ve spent a long time pretending 'Miss Sugar-Tits' is my personality and outing me in front of the clients is a dick move. If my regulars see me act like this—” you whipped your hand across your face “—my happy tail doesn’t get paid and you better believe I am all kinds of nasty when I can’t afford to eat.”
Shigaraki sipped his drink with a vulgar grin.
You crossed your arms and scowled. “Second, what is your deal?! You’re bored with the girls, you barely drink the booze, and you don’t want to talk. Why drag yourself out here night after night just to be a massive jerk to a bunch of women who you are paying to suck up to you?!” You huffed and turned your cheek. “Heck of a fetish if it is one.”
“I need to level up my coercion.”
You blinked. “Excuse me, what?”
Cracked nails scraped his neck “Sensei told me I needed practice handling people I don’t like. Hostesses are top tier at that skill. It was useful to learn but pretty boring until I saw you whaling on that dumpster. Not something I expected from the fluff-for-brains bunny girl you pretend to be.” He folded his hands in front of his face, resting his pointed chin on top. With a smirk he added: “The part about tearing down society was pretty interesting. Do you call that ‘hare razing’?”
You grabbed a floppy ear and shook it at him. “I’m a rabbit, not a hare, douchebag.”
He leaned back into the chair, arms open wide. “Whatever. The point is that I like that version of you much better than the act.”
You snorted. “Well literally everyone else disagrees with you on that one. Trust me.”
“That’s because society values sappy platitudes over the straight truth.”
“And what truth is that?”
He reached for his glass, knocking back the drink like you had only moments ago. Though he wasn’t a particularly tall man, when rose to his feet and leered down at you, you felt oddly small by comparison. Something about the glowing gaze left you rigid in your seat. Your breath hitched. Scarlet eyes burned as they rolled over your face.
“That the game is buggy and needs a hard reset.”
You shifted in your seat, looking away from his searing stare. Shaking hands balled in your lap. Ringing filled your ears. Voices from the past cried out from painful memories.
“No need to push yourself sweetie. We’re just happy to have you be our team mascot.” 
“Aw… look at you trying so hard. How cute.”
“Don’t act like such a prude. We all know how you got this internship.”
Bile bubbled up your throat. You choked it down. A weary scoff puffed from quivering lips. “Not wrong there,” you muttered.
He blew out a long breath, as if he’d been holding it. “I knew you understood.”
Shaking off a prickling at the back of your neck, you forced a laugh. “But I’m just a bunny girl. I can’t do something as grand as change the world.”
Your guest narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue. “Chcc. Boring.” He groped into his pocket, pulling out his phone. One glance at the screen and he shoved it into hiding again. “I have to leave anyway.”
Liquid rage poured through your body. “Excuse you!? What did you just call me ‘Mr. couldn’t-carry-a-conversation-if-it-had-a-handle?!’”
He raised his chin and sneered at you. “You’re boring when you’re like that. I’m just calling it like I see it.”
Sharp nails pricked your palms. “Oh!? Is that so?! Then, pray tell, when am I not boring?”
Shigaraki scoffed. “When you’re the real you.” 
Bristling with fury, you stomped your heel. “Fine! You want the real me?! Screw it.” You jabbed a finger at his face. “You. Me. Paid date. Wednesday at 2 PM. 25,000 yen per hour.”
“Two? Isn’t that early?”
“What’s the matter?” A cruel smirk twisted on your lips. “Ain’t got the stamina?”
He scratched his neck. Red heat crawled across his skin.
You reached towards him, palm out. “Give me your phone.”
You rolled your eyes. “So I can put my number in it?”
He dragged out the device and tapped in the unlock code. “This better be worth it,” he declared, dropping it in your palm.
“I’m always worth it.” You zeroed in on his texts, stabbing in your number to the recipient line. There were only two words in the message: “crusty boy”. Pressing “send” so hard it nearly cracked the screen, you shoved the phone back in his chest. “What’s your first name?”
He squinted at you suspiciously. “Why?”
You put your hand on one hip. “You want me to spend the entire date calling you ‘Shigaraki-san’?”
After a long pause he muttered, “Tomura.”
You tapped the name into your contacts. “Got it. “I’ll drop you the details later—” Fluttering lashes accompanied a smile more sadistic than seductive. “—Tomura.”
His breath hitched as the warm flush tipped his ears. 
You hummed, craning your neck. 
His lips curled in a feral snarl. Snatching up the door handle, he nodded to the bottle. “It won’t keep. Finish it yourself.”
“How generous—” you licked your lips “—Tomura.”
As the door slammed shut, you giggled and picked up the champagne. 
Maybe you could trade it in for a sake bomb.
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Chapter Navigation: 1|2|3|4|5 🐇 Ao3 Mirror
Next Chapter Expected: July 15th, 2023
Expected Completion Date: Mid-Aug 2023
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Taglist: @bat-eclecticwolfbouquet-love @shig-a-shig-ah @castershellwrites @smilinghowever @krystalwithakay @iris-goddess @ss-syche @mortallysparklyfun @meameows @magnificentclodpiezonk @betterfettered @utena-akashiya @ventdavi154 @st4rrust @imaginedheroine @the-lady-writes-what @shiggysimp69 @toughbook @naughteehee @tampon-earrings @alotofpussy @derobsawiempleh @jadke-bean @saintvinny @cookiecrumblemoonster @curlyangelsblog @hurthermore @prehistoricfreak @insomniamoth22 @celesterdzc18 @sasuqahs @gloomysel @ohnoitsthatonekid @tracksuit-goth @cinnatwisted @anteabelle @unlikelytrio @meru-the-succubus @diawh0re @linastired @mikeyrights @headmastermephistopheles @omisdolly @nochedeodio @starstruckvega @laurelyna @shiggysimp69 @certainlygay @rxyno @ventdavi154 @patch-workk @paranormal-dude @grenosethino @fancylardbucket @utena-akashiya @toughbook @oklolnoty @zombiegr1 @shyyykat @ushi-uri @flamme-meuf2-shiggy @vampirec0w @perpetual-fangirl900 @nekolover93 @saskenma @betterfettered @thread-knight @st4rrust @sparrowwritesforop @aphorditeslust @pindelighted @tadokorochann @usaggii
@beeandtrees @justineangelrococo @aaangeliii
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0venatrix · 7 days
Think it’s about time I introduce you to Sekka.
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Nocturnal Sekka These are the most common species of Sekka, nocturnal Sekka. They stand about a meter high and as their name suggests they are nocturnal, primarily scavenging and rarely preying on sleeping animals. As an opportunist they’re drawn to bushfires, snatching anything that didn’t make it.
The feathers are simlar to emus feathers and beaks pseudotooth.
Sekka are the closest living relative to Rikeuninerd.
They really like sweet stuff. They like eating a nectar equiverlant to honey and have a long tong for this. The tapered snout is good for digging into nests.
Their big eye brows and eye lashes are to prevent sand from getting into their large eyes.
Sekka use their modified wings to stab prey, however nocturnal sekka rarely kill with them, so their wings are small.
The species has been domesticated.
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Domestic Ssca Sekka Ok so imagine if you crossed a crocodile and a pug. Then made it big. That’s pretty much it.
A domestic species of Nocturnal Sekka originally domesticated by Ssca to clear tunnel systems. The breed is particularly aggressive and highly fire adverse, this is because fire was heavily weaponised by Ssca in early wars and having your dogs go into feral hunting mode while on patrol isn’t very useful.
There the same size as a wild Sekka, but there proportions are different. The breeds stockier and favours strength over flexibility, and has a short tail cause they’d get caught in things.
They have a very strong bite, but still like eating honey.
The particular individual depicted is Hi-ruh, who belongs to counter ops section 171. Hi-ruh ended up here cause Carl left Ssca and took Hi-ruh with him. Hi-ruh likes to eat bees wax crayons.
There are feral populations around Ruka.
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Diurnal Sekka My favourite Sekka. Look at this creature.
Diurnal Sekka are in a subfamily all my themselves and are the only Sekka to be diurnal. To cope with Scayikra’s UV they have small red eyes and thick black skin.
They take the whole fire thing to the next level. Activity seeking out and spreading bushfires, there rough mottled also dark skin helps them blend in with the burnt environment. They lack feathers to prevent catching fire and use a lot of energy keeping cool.
Often in small family groups, they can gather in large hords during fire season however.
There fast runners, there long legs also keep them off the hot sand. To hunt they’ll strategically scare prey with fire, sprint up to them and jolt out there wings to impale them.
They are very culturally significant in Scayikra, representing the Scayiaa Fire deity.
Diurnal Sekka are friendly because there an apex predator. They don’t have a need to attack/fear anything, unless it’s attempted to harm them.
They are intelligent, equivalent to a crow.
This particle individual is Hy-dada-ko, who was picked up by Terry while wandering around in the desert, or more so Hy-dada-ko picked Terry. Stays with the counter ops section and also really likes Eleanor (they can commit arson together on Ssca).
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wondereads · 3 months
Achillean Book Recs for Pride 2024
The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater
Young Adult, magical realism, 4.12 star average (my rating: 5 stars)
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Young Adult, high fantasy, 4.52 star average (my rating: 5 stars)
Ace of Spades by Faridah Abike-Iyimide
Young Adult, mystery thriller, 4.27 star average (my rating: 5 stars)
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
Young Adult, contemporary fantasy, 4.34 star average (my rating: 4.5 stars)
Winter's Orbit by Everina Maxwell
Adult, space opera, 4.07 star average (my rating: 4.5 stars)
Scum Villain's Self-Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Adult, fantasy romance, 4.29 star average (my rating: 4.87 stars)
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Adult, fantasy romance, 4.44 star average (my rating: 4.7 stars)
Heaven Official's Blessing by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Adult, fantasy romance, 4.5 star average (my rating: 4.67 stars)
Blood Debts by Terry J. Benton-Walker
Young Adult, contemporary fantasy, 3.88 star average (my rating: 4 stars)
The Buried and the Bound by Rochelle Hassan
Young Adult, contemporary fantasy, 4.07 star average (my rating: 4 stars)
So This Is Ever After by F. T. Lukens
Young Adult, fantasy romance, 3.93 star average (my rating: 4 stars)
The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
Young Adult, contemporary fantasy, 3.87 star average (my rating: 4 stars)
The Foxhole Court by Nora Sakavic
New Adult, sports/thriller, 3.85 star average (my rating: 3 stars)
The City of Dusk by Tara Sim
Adult, high fantasy, 3.72 star average
The First Sister by Linden A. Lewis
Adult, space opera, 3.93 star average
Lord of Eternal Night by Ben Alderson
Adult, fantasy romance, 3.43 star average
The Husky and His White Cat Shizun by Rou Bao Bu Chi Rou
Adult, fantasy romance, 4.37 star average
A Dowry of Blood by S. T. Gibson
Adult, gothic fantasy, 4.12 star average
Darker by Four by June CL Tan
Young Adult, contemporary fantasy, 4.11 star average
Once & Future by Cory McCarthy and A. R. Capetta
Young Adult, sci-fantasy, 3.57 star average
Hell Followed With Us by Andrew Joseph White
Young Adult, post-apocalyptic horror, 4.2 star average
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dailylesliec · 9 months
[TRANSLATION] Art and Piece Issue 16 - Stanley Kwan about Leslie Cheung
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“Seeing Leslie with my own eyes made me realise there really are some guys in this world who are truly beautiful.”
Stanley Kwan - Director of "Rouge"
I am Stanley Kwan. I directed the film “Rouge, " where Gor- gor and Mui Jeh (Anita) starred. I really miss having these old friends around - just watching their movies or listening to their music brings all the memories back. Leslie and Anita both had their Unique Elegance and were a perfect match for Rouge. I saw Leslie’s most beautiful side, and at the same time bore witness to the trembling of his two hands.
I first worked with Gor-gor in “Nomad” directed by Patrick Tam. I was the assistant director. Seeing Leslie with my own eyes made me realise there really are some guys in this world who are truly beautiful. I was initially not attached to “Rouge” - Golden Harvest had initially set Terry Tong as the director and even the cast had been finalised, with the actors being Anita, Adam Cheng, Andy Lau and Cherie Chung. But the script took too much time, and Director Tong had other projects to attend to. Excluding Anita, the whole cast left one by one as well, and I took over the film. I thought long and hard about who could play Master Twelve. At the time Ekin Cheng was just starting out. After seeing him work with Lawrence Ng, I wondered if I should cast Lawrence for the role. Ah Mui saw me struggling and suggested, “What if I tell Mr Ho (TN: the film producer & founder of Golden Harvest) that I’ll do a movie for Cinema City in exchange for Leslie doing this film?”
Leslie was very creative. As an example, he and Anita were really close, so in a scene where they were smoking opium, he put his hand on her chest. He knew she wouldn’t object or say anything, and she too thought that was what the scene needed. I could feel the tacit understanding between the two of them - it was easy to see working on “Rouge”, and I found that they didn’t even need to discuss much. In 2001, I began work on a film titled “Scenery Against the Light”. Both Leslie and Anita expressed their interest in the story and contents of the film, but I’ve never been efficient in working on scripts. By 2002 when I reached out to both of them again, they both had their own issues even before the script was ready. I was shocked.
I usually saw Leslie on occasions where a few of us were doing a gathering at his house or an event arranged by Florence, but we’d always talk. We had a lot in common to talk about, not necessarily deeply personal things like family, but we talked a lot about our personal feelings and thoughts about living, including our careers: Leslie also “suffered” a lot to get to where he was in his career. The first time I found out about his hands trembling was at a dinner gathering too. Originally, “Lust, Caution” was going to be directed by Edward Yang instead of Ang Lee. He thought Leslie was really suitable for the role, so I arranged a dinner gathering for him in late 2002.
The dinner was very casual and we kept talking even after the meal had ended. Leslie tucked his hands under his thighs. His whole body was trembling. He was paying attention, but his attentiveness... it was almost like he was in a trance. After Director Yang left, I asked Leslie why he was so nervous. Leslie said he wasn’t scared of Edward Yang, but I still saw his shaking hands. He never explained why.
That incident is nowhere near my most unforgettable memory of Leslie though. The most vivid picture in my mind is the scene in “Rouge” where he turns around and smiles after walking up the stairs. When I watched the playback, a voice behind me suddenly asked, “Really pretty, right?” Before I turned around, I could already tell it was Leslie’s voice. It really was very pretty - that elegant, playful feeling was really something else. He was brilliant.
His brilliance remains unchanged even throughout these 20 years. Be it Leslie or Anita, fans are still willing to see them as friends. I, too, don’t think they’re that far from us. It’s just like they went abroad to study, to live, to spend their days. When the 4K restored version of “Rouge” was broadcast in cinemas earlier, I went to go watch it again. It really feels like I didn’t film the movie thirty-something years ago. It’s like I was still filming last week.
Translated by me (@dailylesliec on Twitter/Tumblr), do not repost without credit. If you like this translation, consider following me or buying me a Ko-fi. For the formatted PDF version of this article, click here.
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The wooden floorboards creek and croak under the clickety clack of your newly acquired gilded leather boots as you make your way up to the deck, over vast hordes of fortune, past engorged piles of gold and spice, doubloons and silks, navigating mazes of stacked chests brimming with books and boundless scrolls. You tip- toe around your comatose crewmates, satiated by plunder and ransacked stores of rum, to the mast of your ship, and look out onto the horizon.
Heliotrope hues of dusk creep up behind the melting sunset, calming the raging gusts of the sea to caresses of the breeze. Wisps of ghostly silver swirl hazily amongst sporadic speckles of spangling starlight like a stewing soup in the sky, its delicate marbling mirrored on waves that twinkle under the moonlight. Skull and crossbones whip in the wind and the ship rocks lazily as if lulled to sleep by the cradle of the sloping sea. You sigh, contented, and pray to avoid a watery grave for many moons to come.
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randomvarious · 2 months
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Today's compilation:
Balearic Beats (The Album Vol 1) 1988 Balearic Beat / Disco / House / Industrial
Man, this is such a momentous fuckin' album that was compiled by legends Paul Oakenfold, Pete Tong, and Trevor Fung back in '88. Here they deliver the first compilation to *ever* attempt to encapsulate the sound of the wide-ranging 'Balearic beat,' a dance phenomenon whose home was in the party capital of the world, on the Spanish isle of Ibiza, where plenty of Europeans would visit and end up drawing inspiration from. And with this album, these three guys appear to have finally successfully broken through, able to bring this very quirky vibe into the UK to coat its own exploding dance music scene during the historic 'Second Summer of Love,' which saw the Chicago-born genre of acid house reach critical mass among the youth and spawn a first generation of ravers.
But Balearic beat is not something that one can easily describe, because its most defining trait is that it really only has one rule: so long as there is some sort of tangible beat that's danceable, it'll do. Essentially, Balearic beat represents an extremely expansive coterie of a whole bunch of different genres: pop, rock, house, disco—pretty much everything that ranges between James Brown funk records and industrial music, and with blends of psychedelia, Italo flavor, plenty of leftfield experimentalism, guitar rock, and chunks of world music too. It's probably the single-most unique dance music scene that this world's ever borne witness to, and it not only allowed, but actively encouraged DJs to take unprecedented levels of risk in their own selections, as a culture of decadence, hedonism, freedom, and acceptance was nurtured and fostered.
And Oakenfold and co. really tried to bring this vibe and approach into the UK's own dance consciousness a couple times between '87 and '88, after returning from summers spent on Ibiza and opening up a couple nightclubs. But things finally started taking hold with Oakey's own Monday club night called Spectrum at gay superclub Heaven in Westminster, London. And this comp, with liner notes provided by Boy's Own's Terry Farley, represents those Spectrum club nights, as well as stuff from Shoom, which is the club where the UK's acid house movement first originated. Shoom was founded by Oakenfold compatriot Danny Rampling, whose own first trip to Ibiza with Oakey and others is what inspired him to open up the club in the first place. And Rampling took ecstasy for the first time on that Ibiza trip too 💊😁🥹.
So, from a glance, by looking at this tracklist and not having any familiarity with what Balearic beat entails, you might see this list of songs and inevitably scratch your head: Italo-jazz saxophonist Enzo Avitabile?; pop starlet Mandy Smith, who's unfortunately best known for having an underage relationship with former Rolling Stone Bill Wyman and then marrying him 🤮?; San Francisco avantgardists The Residents taking the bassline from "Billie Jean" and fashioning a cover of a Hank Williams honky-tonk tune out of it?; EBM group Nitzer Ebb?; industrial act Fini Tribe on a weird, cocaine-fueled tribal disco tip with ringing and clanging bells??? What on earth is this?!?!?
But don't worry, now that you have a proper frame of reference, it'll all make a whole lot more sense when you actually put this album on 😎.
And we gotta make special mention of this release's opener too, "Jibaro" by Oakenfold and Steve Osborne's Balearic electronic project, Electra. Yesterday I posted about an Italo comp that was put out by this same Pete Tong-run FFRR label called The House Sound of Europe - Vol. V - 'Casa Latina', and I remarked that although the Electra track on there really had no business being included—because it was neither Italian-made nor really a house tune—it was still the best track that that comp had to offer, as it was the pure ultimate in 80s Ibiza silky-chillness. But this "Jibaro" track, a cover of a mid-70s Spanish psychedelic disco-funk tune, and whose own 12-inch art inspired the album art for this comp itself, represents a different branch of that girthy Balearic tree, because this one's a full-fledged house jam; slower than a typical house tune, but a house tune nonetheless; and with a richly patched-together sonic quilt of different sounds that *majorly* diverges from all the black, queer, and acid-jacking beauty that'd been emanating from Chicago.
So, ultimately, this was a very important album in the grand scheme of things. Balearic beat brought a very elastic dimension to the acid house movement writ large in the UK, and if you'll now all allow me to unveil my corkboard-and-yarn setup here to give you all a parting glimpse of just how intertwined all of this got within the UK's own vibrant, fluid, and interconnected music landscape, let's bring all of this full-circle by talking about legendary Manchester new wave band New Order.
New Order once took a two-week trip to Ibiza that had such a profound effect on them that it yielded their fifth studio LP, Technique, in 1989. And they also owned a very popular club in Manchester called The Haçienda. In '88, The Haçienda would launch its own Ibiza-themed club nights, which then played an integral role in the development of the city's own Madchester scene, a style of alternative dance music that saw indie bands mesh their sound with psychedelia and acid house beats. And one of Madchester's biggest landmarks ended up being 1990's Pills 'n' Thrills and Bellyaches, an album by a group called Happy Mondays that was co-produced by none other than the Electra boys themselves—Paul Oakenfold and Steve Osborne! 🤯
Electra - "Jibaro" Code 61 - "Drop the Deal" Beats Workin' - "Sure Beats Workin'" Enzo Avitabile - "Black Out" Mandy Smith - "Mandy's Theme (I Just Can't Wait) (Cool & Breezy Jazz Version)" The Residents - "Kaw-Liga (Prairie Mix)" The Woodentops - "Why Why Why (Live)" Fini Tribe - "De Testimony (Collapsing Edit)" The Thrashing Doves - "Jesus On the Payroll"
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mappingthemoon · 9 months
Movies/TV Watched 2023
The Postman Always Rings Twice / Bob Rafelson (1981)
Secretary* / Steven Shainberg (2002)
Spirited Away* / Hayao Miyazaki (2001)
Watcher / Chloe Okuno (2022)
The Talented Mr. Ripley / Anthony Minghella (1999)
Pride & Prejudice / Joe Wright (2005)
Moonage Daydream / Brett Morgan (2022)
Volver / Pedro Almodóvar (2006)
Belfast / Kenneth Branagh (2021)
The Last Picture Show / Peter Bogdanovich (1971)
I, Tonya / Craig Gillespie (2017)
The Postman Always Rings Twice / Tay Garnett (1946)
Rocketman / Dexter Fletcher (2019)
The Unholy / Evan Spiliotopoulos (2021)
Mara / Clive Tonge (2018)
Frogs / George McCowan (1972)
Prometheus / Ridley Scott (2012)
Men / Alex Garland (2022)
All the Right Moves / Michael Chapman (1983)
Poseidon / Wolfgang Petersen (2006)
Saint Maud / Rose Glass (2019)
Monstrous / Chris Sivertson (2022)
Wander Darkly / Tara Miele (2020)
Howl’s Moving Castle / Hayao Miyazaki (2004)
Iris / Albert Maysles (2014)
Lamb / Valdimar Jóhannsson (2021)
In Fabric / Peter Strickland (2018)
The Elephant 6 Recording Co. / C.B. Stockfleth (2022)
The Visitor / Justin P. Lange (2022)
Smile / Parker Finn (2022)
Yellowjackets [szn 1-2] (2021-2022)
It Comes at Night / Trey Edward Shults (2017)
Everything Everywhere All at Once / Daniel Kwan, Daniel Scheinert (2022)
Black Bear / Lawrence Michael Levine (2020)
mother! / Darren Aronofsky (2017)
Weird: The Al Yankovic Story / Eric Appel (2022)
X / Ti West (2022)
I Heart Huckabees* / David O. Russell (2004)
The Right Stuff / Philip Kaufman (1983)
Goliath Awaits / Kevin Connor (1981)
Poltergeist* / Tobe Hooper (1982)
Doctor Who [TV Movie]* / Geoffrey Sax (1996)
Earthstorm / Terry Cunningham (2006)
Lake Eerie / Chris Majors (2016)
Fantastic Planet* / René Laloux (1973)
Synecdoche, New York* / Charlie Kaufman (2008)
Flight of the Navigator* / Randal Kleiser (1986)
NOPE / Jordan Peele (2022)
Women Talking / Sarah Polley (2022)
Striking Distance / Rowdy Herrington (1993)
Vivarium / Lorcan Finnegan (2019)
Saw* / James Wan (2004)
A Peculiar Noise / Jorge Torres-Torres (2016)
In the Earth / Ben Wheatley (2021)
Cats 2 / Jake Jones (2023)
Bringing Out the Dead* / Martin Scorsese (1999)
The Last Blockbuster / Taylor Morden (2020)
The Dance of Reality / Alejandro Jodorowsky (2013)
In the Mouth of Madness / John Carpenter (1994)
The Chamber / Ben Parker (2016)
Tenet / Christopher Nolan (2020)
Synchronic / Justin Benson, Aaron Moorhead (2019)
Paprika / Satoshi Kon (2006)
The Menu / Mark Mylod (2022)
Sunshine / Danny Boyle (2007)
Devil’s Island / Sean King, Taylor King (2021)
Benedetta / Paul Verhoeven (2021)
Scotland, PA* / Billy Morrissette (2001)
The Cook, the Thief, His Wife & Her Lover / Peter Greenaway (1989)
The Color of Pomegranates* / Sergei Parajanov (1969)
Face/Off* / John Woo (1997)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial / Steven Spielberg (1982)
The Gilded Age (PBS American Experience) / Sarah Colt (2018)
Aniara / Pella Kågerman, Hugo Lilja (2018)
How the Grinch Stole Christmas* / Chuck Jones, Ben Washam (1966)
The Quake / John Andreas Andersen (2018)
The Guilty / Gustav Möller (2018)
The Muppet Christmas Carol* [VHS] / Brian Henson (1992)
M3GAN / Gerard Johnstone (2022)
Caught / Jamie Patterson (2017)
Shot / Jeremy Kagan (2017)
A Charlie Brown Christmas* / Bill Melendez (1965)
Body at Brighton Rock / Roxanne Benjamin (2019)
Trancers / Charles Band (1984)
Higher Power / Matthew Charles Santoro (2018)
*Asterisk = rewatch
Favorites first watched in 2023: Men, In Fabric, Yellowjackets, Everything Everywhere All at Once, mother!, NOPE, The Dance of Reality. (ETA: Vivarium and Aniara, which I wouldn't necessarily call "favorites" but they've stuck with me.)
Favorite rewatches: Secretary, I Heart Huckabees, Poltergeist, Bringing Out the Dead
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First Quarter 2023 Book Reviews
Hummingbird Salamander, by Jeff Vadermeer
Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao
Last Exit by Max Gladstone
Galatea by Madeline Miller February
The Bright Ages by Mathew Gabrielle and David M. Perry
Hell Bent by Leigh Bardugo
Empress of Forever by Max Gladstone
Raising Steam by Terry Pratchett March
Forge of Darkness by Steve Errickson
The World We Make by N. K. Jemisin
The Comanche Empire by Pekka Hamalainen
Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation Vol 1 by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
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thefreelanceangel · 6 months
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"Just because you've lived alone ever since Dad died doesn't mean you should keep living alone, Mother." Coriline crossed her arms, thumb absently toying with her eternity ring, and scowled at her placid parent.
Bug set her teacup down on the saucer and fought back a laugh. "Cori, dear, I've been handling myself fine for over sixty years now. Just because my knees are bad does not mean I require a caretaker, hm?"
"That's how it starts, Mother." Coriline squared her shoulders. "You're all the way out here, away from Marius, and now that I've got Terri to care for, I can't spend all of my time here with you."
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"And you're concerned that I can't manage on my own?" She made a conscious effort to keep herself on the 'ladylike' behavior that Coriline preferred. Bug knew her children well enough to be very aware that Coriline couldn't be reasoned with when she was too busy scolding her mother for her foul language.
Coriline's eyes narrowed. "I'm concerned," she emphasized, arms shifting into a tighter, more defensive posture, "that you live alone and there's no one available to help you if something were to happen to you."
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China clinked as Bug turned the saucer in her hand, wiping a drop of tea off the edge with a fingertip. "I live alone, I prefer to live alone, and I'm over sixty, Coriline, I can make reasonable decisions. Particularly when it comes to my own safety."
"Are you going to point to that ridiculous axe of yours again?"
Bug's eyes narrowed, an expression echoed in her daughter's face. She would've laughed, seeing her own reactions on Coriline, but she'd come to the end of her patience. "For fuck's sake, Cori, I'm sixty-two, not ninety-seven," she sighed. "And I've been keepin' idiots alive for forty of those years, and I retired 'cause you and your brother kept insistin' on it. If I want to live alone without somebody's ass fartin' in my bed and stinkin' up the house the way your father always did, then I'm gonna live alone!"
"Cori, don't be such a damned priss. Just get me a fresh cup of tea and get the tongs out of the drawer so we can yank that stick out your ass."
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stillunusual · 1 year
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Boy's Own (issue ?) YEAR: 1989 CREATED BY: Terry Farley, Andrew Weatherall, Cymon Eckel and Steven Hall LOCATION: London SIZE: A4 WHAT'S INSIDE.... A zine from the last month of the last year of the 1980s.... By this time a gazillion fanzines had been published in the UK since the start of the punk rock explosion, covering a multitude of musical styles that had emerged in its wake. Football fanzines had also established themselves as an integral part of our national game. Boy's Own was started in 1986 by a group of young clubbers who were friends with DJ Paul Oakenfold and right where they needed to be as acid house began to take off in the UK. One of their inspirations was Liverpool fanzine The End, which irreverently mixed up music, football, poetry, fashion, humour, booze, drugs and politics (some of the zine's writers also ended up in indie-dance band The Farm). Each issue of Boy's Own contained a list of "uppers and downers", just like The End's list of "ins and outs". After sampling the club scene in Ibiza and discovering a new euphoria-enhancing drug called ecstasy, the Boy's Own crew became associated with London's first acid house clubs. Andrew Weatherall DJed at Danny Rampling's Shoom, and Terry Farley DJed at Paul Oakenfold's Future night at Heaven. They soon began hosting their own outdoor raves, helping to start a movement that would inspire any number of "Shock! Horror!" headlines in the tabloid press. They eventually formed their own record label and (if I remember correctly) also invented the phrase "it's all gone Pete Tong".... And in a similar way to the first punk zines, Boy's Own reflected the enormous changes in Britain's youth culture and fashion that were driven by house music and ecstasy in the late 1980s. This issue of the zine even includes the acid house equivalent of one of the most iconic expressions of the punk ethos (a picture of some badly drawn guitar chord charts accompanied by the words “THIS IS A CHORD - THIS IS ANOTHER - THIS IS A THIRD - NOW FORM A BAND”) that appeared in the first issue of Sideburns fanzine in January 1977 (although the Boy’s Own crew wrongly attribute it to Mark Perry’s Sniffin’ Glue). The acid house/ecstasy/rave scene was every bit as seismic as punk had been a decade earlier and also inspired a new generation of bands who were influenced by dance music (something that New Order had already pioneered since the early 1980s), the best of which were based in and around Manchester - which became known as Madchester at the time - and was also home to the Hacienda night club, which many people regarded as the epicentre of acid house. Some existing indie bands decided to completely change their sound and join the smiley/baggy/indie-dance revolution - most notably, Primal Scream. Andrew Weatherall's production work on their album "Screamadelica" helped the band to create an influential blend of rock and rave music, especially on the iconic "Higher Than The Sun" - a track that perfectly captured the mood of the era. This issue of Boy's Own features Flowered Up, a London band who managed to make a couple of half decent records while attempting to be the southern equivalent of Happy Mondays and The Stone Roses. Looking through the records in the Boy's Own charts, most of them would sound a bit lame today, with the notable exception of "The Sun Rising" by The Beloved. New releases include "Madchester Rave On - The Remixes" by Happy Mondays, which features a remix of "Hallelujah" by Paul Oakenfold and Andy Weatherall, and a remix of "Rave On" by Paul Oakenfold and Terry Farley. There's also cartoons, readers' letters, lifestyle tips, bouncer horror stories, girl's own nightmares, moody flyers, Viz comic, the Kray twins and much more. It's often true that the pioneers of a scene end up getting pissed off when it goes mainstream, and in an article titled "Paradise Lost", the Boy's Own crew also reminisce about the halcyon days of clubbing before the riff raff started jumping on the bandwagon. Click on the title above to see scans of all the zine's pages.... Andrew Weatherall was one of the greatest DJs of all time, and after his death in 2020, a group of fans created The Weatherdrive: a Google Drive folder containing hundreds of hours of his studio mixes, live recordings and radio shows. The complete collection of Boy's Own fanzines was published in a book called "Boy's Own, The Complete Fanzines 1986-92: Acid House Scrapes And Capers" but it's been out of print for years and I'm not prepared to fork out a fortune for a second hand copy.... my box of 1980s fanzines flickr
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ineffectualdemon · 2 years
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Ooo this is a good question but a difficult one to answer but I'm gonna do my best!
Also these are in no particular order cause I just can't rank them
1. Smoke and Mirrors by Neil Gaiman
It's a collection of short stories that I first read as a teenager. It created my love for short stories as a genre and how wonderfully weird they can be. More importantly though the story Changes was the first hint to me that gender wasnt a fixed binary. I read it over and over again on the floor of my bedroom and cried and didn't yet know why. It became incredibly important to me.
2. The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien (both books and the Peter Jackson films)
It's a story about hope in the face of despair and fighting in even when that glimmer of hope has faded. Because at least you can say you tried. At least you did not go quietly into that goodnight. It's a story about found family and companionship and compassion. And god knows I need that
3. Scum Villian's Self Saving System by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
It's in many ways very shit posty and funny and not for everyone but it's at it's heart a story about the cycle of abuse, of the need to communicate with the people in your life fully and honestly, and love. It's about stopping and listening and opening up your heart. It's also funny as hell and the main character is infuriating and the most queerphobic queer protagonist ever so your milage may vary
4. Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible (both manga and anime)
This is my soft comfort pick. It's such a soft story about highschool romance between two characters who take a long time to even realise their feelings. But it's also a story about a boy who has been extremely isolated and alone his whole life being pulled into the world. It's about friendship and kindness and the importance of connections with others as much as it's about the romance. It's extremely cute too and it's my current go to media when I'm feeling sad. The anime only just started so there is only 5 episodes out atm
5. Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (Book)
This is one of the most read books in the house. I fell in love with it as a kid and it's still one of my favourites. It's exciting and funny and an examination in a lot of ways on what it is to be human. It's also in a lot of ways a coming of age story as one of the main characters is a boy who is on the cusp of being a teenager. I love it but there are some bits that are products of the time that it was written and also if you want more of our Demon and Angel duo who carry the story then you might prefer...
6. Good Omens the TV show
It's got everything I love about the book but updated to more modern times. Also more development of Crowley and Aziraphale (the demon and angel) and their relationship. It's very true to the book and what's changed is still fitting to the original. Also reminded me in feel of the first Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy TV show. Which in my opinion is a plus
7. Taskmaster - TV show OG British version
British show where comedians do silly tasks. There are 14 seasons out and it's just very silly and fun and endlessly entertaining
8. Mashle: Magic and Muscles - manga
In a world where everyone has magic one boy doesn't. But he is swole as hell.
There are a lot of reasons I love it but I think I can capture the main reason why with one image:
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9. Yuri on Ice - anime
I love it one because I was there when we all realised this was canonically gay and lost our collective shit. I love it because the relationship between Victor and Yuuri felt very authentic and genuine. I love it because the antagonist was Yuuri's own anxiety/insecurities. And it still has one of the best twists I've ever seen in media. Also the music is amazing
10. The Goonies
This movie was a staple of my childhood and is still my biggest comfort media. It's silly and weird but it is like an old soft blanket that I wrap around myself when down
Hope that answers your question! This was fun to do :)
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owl-ghost · 2 years
Fanfic idea for someone who is not me. A "3 Men and a Little Baby" inspired fanfic but it's Lark, Grant, Terry and Nick watching Hero for the first time with 0 baby experience.
(Sparrow and Rebecca go on a vacation)
Grant: jesus Lark! What the hell is your brother feeding her? Oh God the smell :gags:, someone change her diaper!
Nick: :gags: Hell doesn't even smell that bad and it's filled with dead people!
Terry: Guys, it's just a diaper we-
Lark: Everyone move out of my way, I got this!
::walks in with a gas mask and kitchen tongs::
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squidspawn · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @suspiciouspopsicle ! Rules: in a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
Tales of Mystery & Imagination by Edgar Allan Poe, illustrated by Harry Clarke
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett
Mo Dao Zu Shi by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
The Discworld series by Terry Pratchett (I can’t pick one. I can’t even pick one group. How could I choose between witches & guards & Death? Just all of them)
Lord of the Rings (& Silm & everything else honestly) by JRR Tolkien 
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle
Colours of Nature by Sandrine Maugy 
The Decline & Fall of Practically Everybody by Will Cuppy
The Masterharper of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
Saint George and the Dragon by Margaret Hodges, illustrated by Trina Schart Hyman (I mean, it was the illustrations that rewired my brain in 3rd grade but I’m still counting it) 
tagging @spiraling, @hiruma-musouka, @roadgoeson, @redhothollyberries @fatcatsarecats, & @domokunrainbowkinz and anyone else who would like to do this one, have fun!
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