#testing tumblr has become a hobby of mine
doylldonmagar · 2 years
Ninjago headcanons. A couple years ago I posted a bunch of headcanons on Pinterest, so I decided to copy all the ones I could find over to Tumblr. So these are all mine, you may notice quite a few are about Zane, that's because I was a major Zane fan. I may reblog this with my more recent ones later. Hope you like them!
Lloyd is constantly finding stray cats and dogs and the little kid in him falls in love and he constantly brings them home and begs Wu to let him keep them. Wu always says no, but Lloyd secretly feeds them, and the Ninja find out and help him.
Jay and Zane have a lot of inside jokes. All the ninja have inside jokes with Zane bc Zane sees everything and makes everyone feel good about themselves so when Jay falls in the parking lot and Zane sees, it becomes a joke between the two of them and Zane will never tell anyone that Jay fell in the parking lot bc he is hecka loyal.
Zane is one of those people who are inzanely (did you see what I did there?) good at telling stories and reading books aloud, so he sometimes reads books to the ninja, and Lloyd loves it and it takes him back to when he was a kid and on nights when Lloyd can't sleep he'll go wake up Zane and Zane will tell him stories until he falls asleep. And some of the ninja complain about Zane reading to them bc they can't play video games while he does, but they all secretly love it.
Lloyd and Zane are super close.
Lloyd really doesn't like pictures of himself, so he avoided family pictures whenever he could, but he managed to get that one with just his dad and him, and he didn't really like it until his dad was banished and then he wished he had more pictures of the two of them.
Lloyd talks to himself when he's alone and once Zane was in the next room, and Cole overheard Lloyd talking to himself so Cole asked him about it and Zane covered for him saying that Lloyd was talking to him.
When Lloyd was still a kid, he would wake up in the middle of the night and wake Kai up and they’d go out onto the deck of the bounty and just talk, sometimes read a comic together. Then when Lloyd would fall asleep, Kai would put him back in bed.
Zane has perfected his cooking and can look at a picture of food or read the name of a dish and make it. If one of the other ninja follows the recipe and Zane doesn't, Zane's will still taste better.
Zane is always the butt of the jokes and the straight man bc he always falls for it.
Zane always covers for everyone. Jay breaks a vase while dancing? Zane will fix it/buy a new one/or say he broke it. Kai breaks the TV after losing a game? Zane will fix it or say he broke it. Sometimes people are sure he didn't do it, but he won't say who did.
Zane is the cool parent figure, Cole is the protective but responsible oldest sibling, and Kai, Jay, Nya, and Lloyd are the reckless younger siblings.
Lloyd will skateboard at 2am.
Lloyd loves cooking and Zane loves helping him, so Lloyd's like, one hobby is cooking and is pretty good at it. edit: Lloyd is terrible at it. Loves cooking but can burn anything, might burn down the kitchen while he's at it. But he's really good with spices, and always knows the right combination and amount.
Zane drinks whatever. He'll be busy will something and ask one of the others to bring him a drink and they bring him whatever they want. Once, Kai wanted to see how Zane would react to alcohol so he brought Zane vodka (don't ask me why they had it) and Zane just drank a lot of it and moved on so they always test him with random things: soda with hot sauce in it, bourbon, fruit punch, whatever. They even take turns choosing what to give him.
Zane never gets mad at ANYONE. Not even Wu when they find out he was hiding something again. He is easy to talk to, so when one of the ninja messes up something of his, it's easy for them to apologize and he always talks them through whatever they're going through.
Lloyd watches Zane cook and so Zane offers to help him learn so now they cook together and for Lloyd's birthday Zane gets him a purple apron.
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isoraqathedh · 3 years
Using notation to understand the world
This post was originally an article in my Gemini capsule. You can read it in its gemtext form here. Note that since Tumblr does not like Gemini links this actually goes to the HTTPS mirror.
Notation is the idea that an arbitrary object can be represented by some other abstract object. A specific type of notation, which is the one most people would understand in the conventional sense of the word “notation”, is when the object doing the representing is written. Commonly seen examples of notation include those that represent maths, music, electrical circuits and even lists of key-presses. In this article I discuss how notation has shaped my understanding of things, and also propose a notation-oriented way of understanding something.
How to understand something
There was an xkcd comic that goes something like this:
My hobby:
Sitting down with grad students and timing how long it takes them to figure out that I'm not actually an expert in their field.
In the end, the protagonist of the comic managed to find a field of study where he successfully made inroads into a community by producing words in the right order to pass for genuine knowledge.
This made me think about how someone would go about successfully fake knowledge of something. Eventually, I came up with this two-step process:
Understand the language, and how to recognise something as a correct statement.
Understand how to combine statements together to form a correct third statement.
I brought this up with someone, and he noted that by the time you have done both of these things, you aren’t faking knowledge of something, you now understand it.
In my opinion that isn’t strictly true, but it does come a lot closer than other processes. A studied reader might recognise this as reminiscent of a Chinese room, where someone can fake knowledge by reading in written text (i.e. a question) and responding according to a translation book.
While it may look like a Chinese room at first, a critical difference is that in a Chinese room, the translation book is something external to the operator, whereas the situation I came up with requires you to memorise it. While a rote memorisation would result in something almost entirely identical, a common occurrence with human minds is that it like to take shortcuts, and it is there where the situation becomes markedly different, as the shortcuts are now a form of understanding where you can now produce correct statements without memorising any translation book.
Additionally, a second form of understanding is to be able to generalise from the words you are given. A translation book can give you some rules, but when a human reads it the experience is that he will try to generalise from the existing rules and make up new ones in the vein of the ones he was given. This is expressed in a number of ways – notably some of them are quite distasteful – but the key here is that there is a point where a human would try to expand the rules that he was given and apply it to something unrelated just to see if it works. (Though, in some cases, “just to see if it works” is replaced with “and assume it works”, leading to all kinds of consequences that are beyond the scope of this article.)
Let’s now move away from dry theoretical explanations and show how this applied to me by way of example.
Making your own – the C. C. F. D. N.
The problem statement
When I was 17 I was very bad at Chinese. I am still fairly bad at Chinese, which we’ll get to later.
The main problem with writing Chinese is that sinograms – what the language is written in – are taught badly to me. I could not really understand any of the logic behind writing these unusual things, and what real information was given to me was not well-organised. What that means effectively is that I was stuck writing in a language where I have to reason about strokes from first principles, and just like trying to write a program in assembly language, it means that I missed out in understanding other parts of the language, particularly the things that are in the curriculum, which means that I failed many tests.
Then one day a friend of mine started learning Japanese, and then he had to deal with sinograms as well. But since I’m familiar with them already, I decided to help a little bit. This amounted to looking up the character in Wiktionary and then reporting on its pronunciation and its graphic etymology, both of which are helpful in understanding why a character is written and pronounced (some of the time) the way it is. However, looking up many of these characters realise that a lot of the information is repetitive and redundant. So I then built a little notation to condense it down into something that cuts away all of that.
The notation itself
The result is the Chinese Character Form Description Notation. The exact form of the notation is not needed to make my point, but we’ll discuss it as an aside here anyway. The notation describes the graphic etymology of the character by breaking it apart into its components. For instance, the character “to think” 思 is derived by combining a meaning-carrying component of “heart” 心 with a sound-carrying component of 囟, which was later simplified into the unrelated character 田. Putting that together, the notation would write the above sentence as:
思 = <心|囟→田>
Which summarises all of what I just wrote in an appealing string of symbols. Additionally, this separates it from an existing notation in Unicode called the ideographic description sequence, which instead describes how a character can be broken down in its current form.
Consider now another character, “small, narrow, fine”, which is 細. If I now provide its C. C. F. D. N., you would easily be able to figure out what its graphic etymology is, even without me spelling it out, if I mentioned that the meaning-carrying component 糸 means “fibre, rope, string”:
細 = <糸|囟→田>
But look now that 細 and 思 don’t look too alike, as their corresponding IDS would make explicit. I had not expected that the two are related quite like this – their pronunciations are also quite a bit different – and now that I have made that connection I realised that I had something in my hands that is valuable.
Ultimately, the notation I have invented for myself made everything click together in my head, and it cleared up almost everything that had been blocking me from being able to move away from focusing on what I write and instead focusing on what the writing means on a more abstract level. It wasn’t enough to eventually make me pass my exams, but I feared the language a lot less than I had before I built the notation.
(In a sense, while it was helpful it would never have come on time; reflecting on what I did in my secondary school years it was fairly clear to me that this was a thing that would have troubled me for as long as it did no matter how I did it, and I would have rejected this notation if it was handed onto me the same way that all those other explanations have.)
How the notation changed the way I think
The key to the notation’s success is, in my opinion, the following:
First, it is general. It can break apart a large number of characters and describe their etymologies in a succinct manner. There are very few sinograms where it cannot handle it at all, and in those cases it is typically because the character has an unknown graphic etymology and therefore can’t be described, though undoubtedly there is going to be a couple that would slip behind the cracks. I can’t take full credit for this one, as it is based on an existing method of classifying sinograms.
I will however say that the way I designed (?) this notation allows me to grasp the recursive nature of this classification and furthermore allow me to gain a foothold in scripts that use things that resemble sinograms but are not, such as Sawndip.
Second, it is manipulable. What you can change and in what ways are easily read out by looking at the notation. Whether or not it describes an actual character is another question, but you can basically always produce a valid formula for generating a character and hint at its meaning and pronunciation using the notation. This will prove invaluable if I were to build a script that has similar properties to Chinese characters, this is exactly how I would start approaching it.
Third, it is not clever. The key to a proper notation is that it represents the thing that it does straightforwardly, in such a way that allows one to verify that it is in fact representing what it claims to. This allows me to hook onto it and adapt myself into seeing the notation at the same time I am presented with the character.
Finally, it is flexible. Notice that in the above examples the sinograms are described in terms of other sinograms. There’s no particular reason why those sinograms are chosen. In fact, you can replace those characters with their descriptions, allowing a full drill-down of the character and describing how every little bit came to be in a simple manner. This property allows you to hide away details when such detail is not needed but still permit an exhaustive description if it is.
Reading an existing notation
In real life sometimes an existing notation is already available, and if it is it would probably be better than any notation that you would be able to make when studying it, as it is referencing the entire body of knowledge that it is built on rather than just what a student might learn as he builds it for himself. With that in mind, if one were to understand something by its notation it is prudent to understand an existing notation first before trying to make one’s own.
To this end, I would say that it is helpful to learn something by referencing its notation. Specifically, the question to ask is “how do you write this down, and why do you choose to write it this way?” This question can be asked in multiple contexts and expect multiple answers. What “this” in the question is differs depending on the exact thing you are studying, and the “why” could be surface-level “why this symbol over another” or a deeper “why arrange the symbols in this way”.
Once you learn the notation, the next step is, as hinted at earlier in this article, to learn how to combine two true statements written in that notation into a third one also written in that notation. In a sense, this task is much harder than the other two; if we apply it to, say, English, the first is “reading and spelling” and the second is the entirety of English grammar and literature. The key to this is not to complete the task, but instead to basically learn the subject “the normal way” but using the notation as a centrepiece to unify everything you learnt into it, so that you have a way to relate everything to everything else.
Consider how this can be applied to chords and music theory: you learn what notes correspond to which chords and how to write down changes to those chords, and then you can combine the chords together as simple letters on a page to form music. This is an iterative process: you learn what chords go together nicely based on existing theory, mirror it in the notation, and then generalise it in the notation before turning it back into notes and seeing if it appeals. Doing this correctly, you will both increase your understanding of music theory and also have a nice way of generating music.
Another example where the idea of learning by notation has been successfully applied (but not by me) is site-swap notation in juggling, where someone wrote down sequences of digits to describe how balls are thrown in. The inventor eventually discovered a new way of juggling (called “5551” in the notation) just by looking at the notation.
It is only fair to discuss situations where notation-oriented learning is not the approach to take when learning something.
Sometimes there is no existing notation, whether because the experts have decided that writing bits of ink on a page is not sufficient for the field, or no one has thought of it, or even that all the existing ones have failed to gained currency because it doesn’t perform or there are too many competing ones. In most of these cases you can get around it by attempting to make your own. You can make this work if you know yourself well, and perhaps even present it to the community as as a way to understand the field itself.
Some people don’t take kindly to writing things down, especially in the more artistic field of study where notation might be perceived as constraining to a creative mind, and even knowledge of the existence of some notation is considered harmful because you’re always supposed to learn things “the hard way”, i.e. without any aid whatsoever, much less written ones. Whether one chooses to heed those warnings or proceed anyway is up to individual preference, but in a notation-averse community – for any reason – perhaps it would not be the best idea to show that community your new home-grown notation.
One of the ways that I have learnt something is to create a notation system for it. This involves figuring out how to write existing facts in that notation, and then how to create new things by altering the notation and seeing what the results in back in the original object that the notation depicts. I found this to be a greatly useful way to understand topics in general and a central point from which to handle unknown fields of knowledge from, while also acknowledging that there are some fields and probably some would-be learners that may not be suited to this way of learning.
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okay-victoria · 3 years
I’ve been reading your Tanya fic since like chapter two of Listen to Your Lies, and it’s crazy to think how much time has passed since then. Never posted anything on SB but just wanted to let you know I literally love everything you write. I even redownloaded tumblr again since like idk 2018 just to follow you. I think I read somewhere that a reader thinks Tanya might get a hobby and I just wanted to ask if that piano scene or something like it will appear again in Our Own Devil, was my fav scene 😄
I can’t believe it’s been two whole years, I have so many questions for myself from back then. I honestly thought this would be over in a year, and to be fair, if I’d kept to my original barebones 2k word chapters, it probably would have been.
Thanks for the love :) I’m having so much fun with this, I always hated writing but this has become a little obsessive project of mine.
It’s funny, when my beta reader noticed I’d split off the piano section from the chapter it was originally a part of, he was worried I wasn’t going to include it at all anymore. It was actually just a wordcount issue! The scene will appear again, though hopefully in an improved form, and quite soon, I’m currently working on a mega-chapter that I’ll probably have to split in half and it is scene #3 out of 7, so likely it will make the cut for the next chapter.
...At the beginning of the pandemic when all my siblings and I retreated to the suburbs/my mom’s for a bit, I ran an experiment on all four other people in the house for the express purpose of testing my theories on how quickly people can learn to play piano when they start from different experience levels. I can’t let it go to waste!
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polyamorouspixie · 6 years
on age gaps
Right, we gotta talk about this. Elsewhere on the internet I saw an 18yo asking for advice regarding a man in his forties and his girlfriend in her twenties, who had approached the 18yo on Tinder and were intending on her losing her virginity with them. 
I was the only one commenting who did not encourage her to go through with this.
There is a lot to unpack here. 
I’m going to start by saying, teenagers of Tumblr, I know you’re not going to like a lot of what I say. I’m 31, but I remember being your age and that’s how I know this stuff. I don’t mean any of it as an insult, simply a fact. I want you to be armed with the information to be able to make informed choices about your life. 
I want to quickly point out that because it’s the most common occurrence, I’m going to mostly refer to older men trying to get involved with younger women, but of course people of any gender can be abusers and people of any gender can fall prey to that. If you’re a 17yo boy who has a woman in her fifties chasing you, this definitely all applies to you.
So where to start. In the original post that inspired this one, she said “what’s so wrong with two adults wanting to teach another adult about sex?”
Now, an 18yo is an adult. But there are different kinds of adult. 
An 18yo is a BABY adult. Adulthood isn’t achieved in one day; it takes time to become one.
Here is a list of things you generally learn between the ages of 18 and 25, probably the most important growing up stage (you know how they say “you really start to learn to drive once you’ve passed your test”? You’re out on your own now, the real learning begins): --how to keep a home liveable, clean and stocked up. --how to support yourself financially --how to physically pay bills, set up services and organise money --how to solve financial problems, DIY problems, emotional problems, and other issues without involving a Grownup --how to cope with illness by yourself --how to cope with a financial Disaster like losing a job --how to talk to Adults who are not your peers without subconsciously seeing them as an Authority Figure --how to have authority figures without subconsciously resorting to obedient child or rebellious child headspace --how to be independent from your parents --how you feel about alcohol, and if you want to use it, how to use it moderately --how to cope with the end of a relationship --how to tell a partner what you want from them, reinforce boundaries, tell them you’re unhappy with some of their behaviour without being afraid it will end the relationship
Those are the things that separate a young adult from a general adult. A lack of confidence and skill in many of those areas makes a person vulnerable to abuse, especially from someone older with an established career and home. Simply put: if someone has resources and you don’t, you subconsciously feel they are an authority figure, and you are not practised in reinforcing your boundaries in relationships, you are not in a position to consent to a relationship with them. 
I get it. Teenage and early twenties boys are crap. They’re morons. They love farting and videogames and they treat women like prizes. I accidentally fell into relationships with men all my adult life, but I didn’t know I was attracted to them until I was in my late twenties, and I suspect before that maybe I wasn’t. But if you’re looking for maturity, you won’t find it in a man past his early twenties who is okay with dating teenagers. 
Adult men do not just happen to run into young girls all the time. If you see an older man on any dating website or app: he has deliberately set his preferences to show women of your age. My Tinder range is 24-40, and I tend to go “eurgh” at the under 25s anyway. Because those people are in the same period of their life as me, they have similar knowledge, understanding and experience. I have friends who are in their early twenties and they are awesome people. But they also have extremely poor relationship skills simply due to lack of experience and I would not like to date them. And when I talk to people at work who are that age, (once they realise I’m not the same age as them, I’m really babyfaced): they treat me as if I know things purely by being older than them. I’m not a higher authority than them, but if I give them commands, they do it. They ask me questions on the assumption that I know everything a manager would know. I bet they don’t even realise they do this; I didn’t when I was their age. So we know that any older man finding young girls on dating apps is deliberately seeking them; we know if he meets them in the workplace there is a serious power imbalance. Other than that the most common way these guys meet women is by seeking out hobbies and social groups that attract teenage girls, so guess what? Predatory behaviour. 
Some of the reasons adult men seek teenage and early twenties girls and women: --younger women probably don’t know what good in bed looks like so they won’t call out the fact that he’s lazy and inconsiderate --they’re easier to groom into putting up with the kind of bad or even abusive behaviour a woman his own age would dump him for --they fetishize youth and innocence because they’re gross creeps who find the idea of willing consent a huge turnoff --they’re sexists who think women are prizes and objects that “expire” at 25 and are somehow soiled by having relationships instead of seeing that woman are beautiful, interesting and fascinating people throughout their entire lives --they are vile people who don’t give a toss about consent or having a relationship with someone who understands what that means and is his equal, and who wish they could date younger but don’t want to go to prison
If anyone dares come to me with some absolute guff about how it’s “just biology” to be attracted to teenage girls no matter your age, consider this: 1) humans can become pregnant up to and including during their forties and they aren’t “most fertile” at 15; they are still GROWING up to 25 and pregnancies in teenagers are dangerous 2) there are millions upon millions of people out there in happy relationships that cannot result in biological pregnancy for a multitude of reasons, and they are attracted to one another anyway 3) if you’re a man who uses Viagra and you’re making this argument I hope you stumble into an unexpected mine shaft.
I think once you get to your late twenties, the gap narrows between you and much older people because you’re experienced at being an adult, and I’m not going to judge a 50yo dating a 30yo unless he only dates 30 and under exclusively. At that point the power difference is minimised and the younger person can hold their own in that relationship. I’m not against age gaps as a concept; I’m just deeply worried about people who are the target of people who are attracted to them BECAUSE they are vulnerable, and don’t realise how unhealthy sexual and romantic relationships with older people are.
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mythicamagic · 5 years
Ulquihime Week: Day 6 (chapter two)
Tumblr media
Pairing: Ulquiorra/Orihime (UlquiHime) fanfic, Chapter One: Here. 
Rated M  
Summary: Orihime has an imaginary friend, who happens to be a terrifying creature living in the woods behind her summer home.
Due to tumblr restrictions, this might be deleted, so know that you can also read this fic here: on Ao3 or Fanfiction.net
For Ulquihime Week 2019 Day 6: Possession 
Eldritch: Chapter Two
Warning: Smut
Living with Orihime felt extremely alien and uncomfortable at first. He wasn't used to the hardwood floors that made the long claw-like nails of his toes scratch and drag on the surface, the plush bedding he sank a good two-feet into, the stifling warmth of a heater. His wings were entirely too large and cumbersome in the small apartment no matter how neatly he folded them.
One morning Orihime gasped and caught a lamp before it hit the ground- knocked over by a long tail. Again. He glanced at her and coiled it closer to himself, awkwardly perched on a barstool at her kitchen counter.
"Look at you. I really gave you random features when I was a kid, huh?" She sighed. "I'm sorry, they must be uncomfortable."
"You asked me to get the features you desired and I obeyed," he muttered, sipping some water. His claws clicked on the glass, dragging and leaving faint scratches as he adjusted his bent knees. "Since I'd received sight and other useful things from you, I had no grievance with changing my appearance. It's inconsequential."
Orihime righted the lamp and bit her lip, wandering closer and brushing a gentle hand over the black feathers on his back. Lean muscle tensed. Every nerve ending pricked and burned, anticipating her touch on his bare skin. It never came.
"Do you dislike it?" Escaped him.
She twined some lengthy wisps of fur that mingled with the softness of the feathers around her fingers, smiling nostalgically. "No, you're still mine, silly. It's kinda like looking at a drawing I made when I was younger."
Bitterness rose in his throat, clogging like mud- even as his body flared alive with her admission of ownership. "Yes," he muttered. I am yours. "You seem unexpectedly fine with talking to a 'childhood drawing.' Most humans don't exhibit this kind of behaviour."
He'd tried and failed to keep the hiss out of his words, the sting of being referred to as a figment of her imagination.
Orihime pried out a few leaves that had tangled in the dark fur, brushing out some dried dirt. "It's just like I told you, I've always been bullied for being a little strange," she giggled. "Daydreaming too much, eating weird things, thinking about stuff differently from other people. They mistook me...and thought I saw myself as better than them for not fitting in. I don't know why," the gentle note to her voice became quieter. "Just shows I haven't changed after all this time if I'm still talking to and seeing you. I mean most people would probably be fine with their brother's death after so many years."
He wasn't entirely sure how grief worked but did not know enough about the subject to object. His body stiffened and sighed as she touched a leathery wing. "Anyway, not to change the subject but I think you need a shower, mister."
Ulquiorra blinked slowly.
That was how he found himself being playfully shoved into a shower cubical. Orihime turned on the water, which hit the expanse of his back at full blast. He made a noise of surprise, claws reaching out and dragging over her waist and slicing the material of her nightgown. She merely laughed and tried to bar his escape from the cramped space by blocking the exit, "just calm down~ I promise it won't hurt you!" She giggled, gasping as the water soaked her as well.
He grit his teeth. Realising he was acting childishly to the unfamiliar situation, he held himself rigidly still.
Reaching for the shampoo, Orihime lathered her hands and worked slim fingers through his hair. Ulquiorra stared, watching as the material of her blue clothing became sodden, leaving it fairly see-through. It showed the suggestion of skin laying just beneath, the shape of her full breasts as the material clung to her, rose-pink nipples hardening slightly.
"Close your eyes."
Ulquiorra flicked his curious gaze up, but she was merely smiling, having not noticed. "The shampoo will sting if it gets in them."
And then he realised; she was not looking at him as a man. It made sense, since to Orihime he was not real. If she were attracted to him she'd never be able to bathe him so thoughtlessly. Intense green eyes slid shut, tail sliding to wrap around her leg. A security measure to prevent her escape.
As soft palms slid over his fur, wings and arms, washing the splashes of dirt away, Ulquiorra sensed reluctance the second her hands met his chest. "You didn't have this before," she murmured, voice barely heard over the sound of the spray. His eyes cracked open, breath hissing out of mismatched lips. Her fingers glided around the hollow hole.
Heat hooked low in his stomach. "No, I did not," he thought for a moment. "But it's always been there, beneath the surface."
Orihime's brows drew together, "I really should have given you a heart. This is just cruel."
She continued bathing him, her body occasionally pressing and dragging lightly, torturously against his. Ulquiorra didn't know why his gut kept tightening but something was happening to him. It was like he'd flown for miles in a single few seconds, limbs burning, breath quickening.
"Maybe you could get a heart," she was musing. "Like a pig's one. They're meant to be similar to a humans. Oh! Dummy," she knocked her head with her fist. "You could get a heart from the hospital. There are organ donors, that's a thing."
"You told me never to steal," he pointed out, panting a little. Sweat on his brow mingled with the water running down his chin and brow. It was becoming difficult to think of anything else but pulling her body closer and moving against it. For some reason he wanted to taste her.
Orihime was biting her lip in that maddening way- and he drew closer, leaning down until they were nose to nose. "And I do not want just anyone's heart."
Her cheeks reddened, lush body stiffening against his. Those captivating eyes widened, roving over his face questioningly.
Good, he thought. Look at me.
Orihime broke the moment by giggling a touch nervously, patting his arm. "I-um...better leave you to it. You've got the hang of things now and I need to dry off if I'm going to make it on time for school."
The thin tail shifted and tightened around her leg, holding her in place. Ulquiorra stared, catching the moment she noticed.
"Let go, Ulquiorra." Her voice was soft.
Reluctantly, he obeyed, watching as she eased away and flashed a smile that said she'd already forgiven his slip.
Ulquiorra felt the cold attack his skin much more brutally than any rainstorm or blizzard he'd experienced before. That same hunger returned, causing him to place a hand over the gaping emptiness in his chest.
During the hours that she went to school, Ulquiorra couldn't help his curious mind. He opened draws, tested light switches, read the food magazines she'd stored, brushed up on sex education and puberty, learned how some electrical appliances worked, watched documentaries, found her diary and a stash of chocolate hidden under the bed- took a bite- and decided chocolate tasted too sweet.
The evenings were his preferred time of day. He wasn't sure why.
Orihime always came home in the late afternoon and would teach him new things he'd overlooked about the human world. Namely, hobbies. Video games, board games, painting, cooking, sculpting.
Sometimes he could hear her speak with school mates outside the door. When they questioned why she was suddenly being so secretive about her apartment, Orihime would deflect or say renovations were being done.
Ulquiorra's lips twitched at the corners.
One day, his curiosity prompted him to lean down and peer through the blinds of the apartment. The window looked down onto the street, sunset bathing everything in warm colours, including Orihime as she stood talking to her friends.
There was a girl with short dark hair who looked like an athletic type. The other, a young man. He stood tall and slightly lanky, with light orange hair. His expression told Ulquiorra that he was complaining about something. None the less, Orihime laughed, a blush colouring her cheeks.
Something pricked in the depths of his chest. His hollow hole thrummed, the edges biting. He grunted, touching it lightly. It had never done that before.
When Orihime returned and she called out her standard 'I'm home!' Ulquiorra met her eyes. Whatever she saw on his face had her instantly quieting, the happiness fleeing to be replaced with worry.
The creature blinked and wiped his expression clean, ensuring it was blank.
"Welcome back."
Ulquiorra learned what the young man was called, and it was the very name that Orihime had filled her diary with.
"...Do you desire Ichigo Kurosaki's heart?" He asked randomly during supper. Her cheeks bloomed with that same colour which churned the blood in his veins. She stuttered and waved her hands, laughing it off.
Ulquiorra glanced away, moodily continuing to eat the pickles in custard she'd prepared.
When night fell he would fly out into the world, trying to find answers.
There were sometimes different pressures in the air. Sensations fleeting in the sky like if he just let something click inside him- he'd be able to pierce the veil between the human world and the unknown beyond. Since he was neither human nor animal, he wondered if he were originally from such a place. If, perhaps...he was supposed to belong there.
Ulquiorra didn't understand why he hesitated. It would surely provide answers, possibly about death, resurrection and Orihime's brother.
When the hours crawled towards morning he'd return to her.
Orihime lay on her side in a sprawl of limbs, firey strands of hair dishevelled and splayed around her pillow in loose spirals. Her lips were slightly pursed, a small snore occasionally disturbing the quiet, the covers thrown back from her habit of kicking them off in the night. It left the contours of her figure exposed to his assessing gaze.
Ulquiorra swallowed, wondering why his mouth had filled with saliva.
Tonight she'd worn a loose tank top and shorts, which had ridden up on her thighs, the curve of her ass and exposed stomach causing a similar sensation he'd felt while in the shower. Arousal, most likely, from what that book had described.
Because of what he'd read about human behaviour, Ulquiorra was aware of how inappropriate it was to watch her sleep. Others would find his fascination frightening, creepy. He didn't care. He only desired to know what Orihime's reaction would be, as she was the only human who mattered to him.
The matress quietly groaned under his weight as the creature knelt onto the covers, crawling up the bed. He braced himself over the sleeping woman, staring with unblinking eyes. Despite what he knew about humans, reading about them, about touch, lust, sex...all of it was cold. Facts and figures.
Being so close to Orihime was warm. Images began to invade his thoughts, of his tongue gliding over her skin, nails dragging, cutting that ripe flesh open to lick and suck at her wounds and blood. Maybe bite down with the blunt, adult teeth she'd blessed him with. The fine hairs at the end of his tail glided up her thigh, tracing the shape.
And if...if she touched him in return, it would undo whatever control he had and spout lightning into his nerve endings. Just to see her looking up at him with want and open desire-
Instincts hazed, gut tightening as he heard a soft noise that caused his cock to stir.
Green eyes immediately located the tears sliding down her cheeks. Though she remained asleep beneath him, the woman trembled. Her lips pressed together, wobbling, more sounds escaping.
"S-Sora..." she sobbed, turning her face into the pillow.
Ulquiorra watched silently. He then achingly, carefully drew away from her, grasping the covers and lifting them to settle over her shoulders.
The creature then escaped into the vast reaches of the night, plunging himself through the resistance of the world and falling into an unknown one full of white sands, dead trees, and a crescent moon hanging in the sky.
"I found him," he said the next evening.
Orihime looked up from her cup of hot chocolate, eyes refocusing from her clouded thoughts. She did that sometimes, slipped away somewhere he couldn't follow. Slowly, the words registered, and life was breathed into her features once more.
"You have?" She whispered, voice thin.
He glanced away, discontentment churning. "He is not the same person you once knew."
"I don't care," she stood from her chair, gaze bright. "Oh Ulquiorra," she breathed, hurrying to him and taking his hand prisoner within her own. "Thank you. Thank you so much."
Green eyes slid back to her as though they loathed to look away too long. "Why is it so important that you see him?"
Orihime bowed her head, glancing at Sora's picture. She'd explained before that the display in her home was a shrine to her brother, one that she prayed to every day.
She then raised her hand and touched the blue hairpin's securely clipped into her locks. "We had an argument the day he died...about these. I keep feeling like he got into the car accident because he was distracted. And no matter how much I pray and try to assure him not to worry about me, I feel guilty. Like I can't move on. Or maybe something won't let me. Hehe, maybe I won't let myself~" she giggled in the light, nervous way she usually did to try and dispell sombre moods.
"And you feel that if you speak with him, you will move on?" He struck into the heart of the matter, undeterred by her attitude.
"I-I don't know," she murmured. "He did so much for me. Raised me as his own since he was 18. I repaid him by being a brat on his last day alive."
Ulquiorra shifted, fingers twitching. Slowly, they curled around her own. "He is called Acidwire now."
"Acid...wire..." the name sounded cold and cruel, completely at odds with the vision of her brother.
"I'm not human, therefore I can't say what is best for you. Your desire to see him is most likely misguided and will shatter the idea that you have of your sibling. Do you still want to go?" He asked, not curbing his acerbic tongue. Ulquiorra theorised that was exactly what would happen, but she raised her head, taking him by surprise.
Her eyes were hard as flint. It was a rare thing to see Orihime glare. "If he's different, then that just means I'll have to adapt and accept it. Nothing changes the fact that it's him. I don't care if he's not human, I'll still love him."
The gears in his mind rusted, stilling. His entire being felt anchored to the blazing passion he gazed into. Ulquiorra inclined his head, grabbing her close.
Orihime squeaked, holding on around his shoulders as black fur glided under her thighs, his arms supporting her. He then walked briskly to the window and squeezed out of it with her- leaping into the air.
A cry sounded out as she gripped him hard, and Ulquiorra felt frustrated with the subsequent leap in his gut. Large wings flapped and took them higher into the sky, the wind lashing at their hair and mixing charcoal black with fiery orange locks.
As stated, Sora had changed. However, the full scope of how much he'd changed could have been better detailed.
The...being towered above her in size. Orihime stared up at it with wide eyes, breath catching in her throat. A bone-white mask hid its facial features, dark hair framing the ghoulish face. It's more human-like red arms and torso disappeared into a snake body, supporting itself upright by coiling its tail behind it.
Those red eyes were the most jarring, filled with no light or hope, much like the sands and bleak landscape surrounding them. Every fibre of her being screamed at her to run, to leave the terrible, desolate place that gave an odour of death.
Setting her shoulders, Orihime stepped away from Ulquiorra's side, brows pulling together. "Brother?" She said gently.
Acidwire made a low, guttural noise. Dark locks hung forward as he bent over her, teeth glistening.
"It's me, Orihime. Do you remember?"
Her grey gaze roved over his face as his shadow swallowed her.
She felt small before him but took another step. Her childhood ability to look past imperfections and create something friendly reared its head, and Orihime found herself smiling despite the situation, filling up with happiness.
The creature's jaws pried open- lunging down toward her.
Orihime gasped, a loud thudding sound filled her ears, sand kicking up into her face. The sound of bone cracking soon followed. Realising that she was unharmed, she shakily pried her eyes open, coughing, the sand caught in her hair and lashes. A strangled noise chocked her throat the second her mind registered the figures before her.
Ulquiorra stood between them, hands gripping Acidwire's upper and lower jaws as they bore down upon him. Her friend's foot was planted in the ground, no sign of strain on his face as he looked up into the second pair of teeth within the pitch-black mouth.
"...Trash," he muttered lowly.
"Ulquiorra!" She quickly moved out of the way, eyes wide. This wasn't going anything like she'd imagined, and if this was all in her head why was Sora- why had he tried to hurt her?
To her surprise, Ulquiorra grunted, shifting his stance and lifting the snake-like creature's jaws back over his head- before tossing its large body into the air. The creature sailed away, landing a good distance away in the white dunes. A distant thud could be heard, followed by a roar of outrage.
Black wings unfolded, tail swishing with agitation. Orihime grasped his arm suddenly. "Why...did he try to hurt us?" She murmured.
"I told you he was changed," was his dispassionate response, features cold and blank as ever. Except for those eyes. They burned with a colour more vibrant than she could recall seeing before, leaking into something new. "He's...like me now."
Orihime's heart lurched and she gripped tighter. "You're nothing alike!" Her voice became sharp even as she thought of the hollow holes in their chests. She couldn't accept the idea of her friend she'd played with in the woods turning on her in such a way. To try and devour her. "Don't say that."
"Sister!" White sands were spitting up into the air, something beneath them racing towards them at a breakneck speed. "Orihime, come with me. We can be together now! Die. Stay with me!"
She turned to Ulquiorra with wide eyes, "run away! I don't want you getting hurt!"
"The first order is quite impossible, but I'll endeavour to follow the latter," he muttered evenly, just as jaws burst forth from the ground aiming straight for Orihime.
A black wing swung out, slamming into Acidwire's neck and pushing the attack off course. He then leapt into the air after it.
Ulquiorra hit the ground standing, skidding on his heels and looking up at Sora Inoue as he followed, snarling with bloodlust. Sensing energy beneath the sand- Ulquiorra thrust his talons into the mound, gripping bone and yanking it to the surface.
Another creature like them was revealed, shrieking in horror. With a hard twist and yank- Ulquiorra broke off one of its porcelain horns and pressed it to the side of his skull.
Bone weaved and connected itself, it's twin building on the other side of his head until large horns appeared. They struck out towards the heavens- in time for Sora's body to impale itself upon them mid-leap. The horns pierced through tough scales, causing him to cry out loudly.
Ulquiorra's gaze brightened, something collecting into his index finger. Raising it, he needed only to let instinct click into place, before black energy burst forth. It consumed Sora Inoue's form, sending him sailing away and hitting the ground with a heavy slam, arms lulling at his sides.
This time he did not rise.
Orihime trembled from where she stood, slowly padding over the sands and approaching the body.
It trembled and shook a little, coughing. Her hand flew to her mouth, tears collecting in her eyes.
The mask had broken in half, revealing her brother's face beneath it.
"I-I'm sor...ry...sis..." blood curdled, escaping the corner his mouth. He coughed, some drops landing at her feet. A gaping, singed hole from Ulquiorra's power had devastated his chest, leaving his arms and neck barely connected to his torso.
Orihime knelt next to him, leaning down and hugging his lifeless jaws.
When she heard footsteps approaching behind her, the girl turned, cheeks stained with tears. Her eyes were hazy as she looked at the thick black tear marks on his own morbid face. The hollow hole on his chest now gaped wider, what looked like black oil spilt out from it to leak down his chest and abdomen. With the new addition of nightmarishly large horns, Orihime felt drenched in the shadow of a predator once more.
Instead of fearing for her soul, all that wobbled out was: "Why...did I imagine something so terrible?"
Those irises had leaked into blazing gold, scleras dark green. His tail whipped out, sliding around her waist and yanking her to stand, pulling her against him.
"Does it not occur to you, woman, that this may be real?"
Orihime shuddered, pale and cold. His taloned fingers were biting and hard on her waist. It hurt. She wasn't sure what was real or fantasy anymore. The things she'd imagined had always comforted her from the pains of reality, and yet they wounded her now?
Biting back a whimper, she steadied herself against him, palm resting against his abdomen when she suddenly noticed it. Wet, dripping noises coming from his right side. Orihime shifted and gasped, seeing nothing but a stump for a right arm. Black blood trickled from it.
"Ulquiorra! Y-you're hurt," she shakily switched gears.
His steady, penetrative gaze slid down to it. "Yes. Seems I couldn't follow your orders. It doesn't matter, I can-"
"No this is terrible!" She fussed, moving around him, hands fluttering up. "Oh no...this is all my fault," she grit her teeth, shuddering violently.
"The fault lies in my second of hesitance."
It didn't matter what he said, she wasn't listening, his calm voice a dull roar. Light sparked from her fingers, an orange glow hovering over the space his arm used to occupy.
Ulquiorra's eyes widened, attention ensnared. Gradually, bone, skin and fur collected from thin air and reconnected. They solidified into his arm, muscles rejoining. When the light died, he flexed his sharp fingers. Good as new.
"You can regenerate," he quietly mused.
"I-I guess so," she croaked, gaze dulled as she turned to look at the fallen body of her brother. "I just imagined fairies over it and the light followed. This is...so confusing."
His tail tightened around her waist. "You're like me," he said in a soft monotone.
Orihime raised her head to look at him, flesh ghostly pale. She slowly drew in close and slid her arms around his waist, hugging him.
Those deadly hands rested on her lower back, dragging up her spine and causing the girl to shiver. She was aware of him smelling her hair, but felt no disgust from it. "I need to heal him," she murmured, drawing away and gently prying his tail off around her hips.
Kneeling once more, the orange light spread over the gaping hole in her brother's chest. When it faded, his inhuman flesh shivered, a groan sounding out. Orihime gave a tremulous smile, recalling their argument as she touched her hairpins.
"I'm sorry, please be safe, brother," the words she'd wanted to say all those years ago flowed out.
Returning to Ulquiorra's side, she rubbed at her cheeks and took a steadying breath.
"Let's go home."
He considered this for a moment. "...Did you do everything you came here to?"
Hands drew into loose fists at her sides, "no," her voice wobbled. "But I guess this is what happens when you try to live life backwards. Try as I might, and no matter how happy I was..." she glanced at Sora. "I-I can't go back to those days at the summer house anymore."
The dead trees, sand dunes and crescent moon in the sky were the only witnesses to their silent departure. By the time Acidwire had drawn himself up, the mask over his face restored, Orihime and Ulquiorra were gone.
Everything lay quiet and undisturbed in the apartment as they entered. Ulquiorra had to break his horns in half, lest they scrape the ceiling. Orihime broke away from him and shakily made her way to the shower in her ensuite, disorientated. After stripping, she sat under the spray for what felt like an hour, legs going numb. Disengaged from her body, Orihime rested her cheek against the glass.
All at once however, she realised Ulquiorra wasn't with her. Panic erupted in her chest, and she stumbled out, grabbing a towel and half-heartedly drying herself. Changed clothes in her bedroom, she hurried out in her nightgown.
She stopped half-way to the couch upon bumping her nose into a pale chest. Glancing up, she found his eyes had yet to return to emerald green hues, remaining watchful, bright, burning gold.
"You're still here," rushed out, a sigh of relief soon following.
Feeling a little silly now, Orihime brushed damp hair behind her ear. Seeing his steady, expectant look, a lightbulb went off in her head. "Oh...right!" She forced a smile, squeezing his arm. "What was it you wanted in return?"
Dark lashes dropped slightly, stare becoming half-lidded. It took her a moment to realise Ulquiorra was staring at her mouth. That gaze then slid down, fixing on a certain spot that his fingers soon rested against.
Orihime swallowed, feeling talons drag over the material of her night-gown, the pads of his fingers a hard pressure against her chest.
"My heart?"
He stroked the area with an almost reverent, yet firm touch. "I lack one, and yours is elevated above all other humans."
She became quiet, not screaming or running away, though he hadn't expected her to. The woman was strong. Her heartbeat drummed a little faster, but not at break-neck speed like those others he'd harvested limbs or organs from.
Emboldened by her lack of aversion to his touch, his free hand found her cheek. Claws dragged lightly over her chin, cool digits soaking up the warmth beneath them. "You won't resist?"
It pleased him immensely when she leaned into his hand. "You're so silly," came the faint mumble. "Or maybe it's my fault, for not teaching you everything you'd need to know about humans. I was a child though."
Fire spouted into his palm the moment soft lips brushed against it, heat blooming up his wrist. "There's more than one way to hold a person's heart in your hand. Not everything has to be literal."
Ulquiorra backed her up into the wall until her spine protested. His nose brushed against hers as he inhaled her exhale. "You're referring to sentimental emotion, aren't you? But there's no physical proof the metaphorical heart you speak of exists."
"The proof is in what humans feel for each other," she said softly. "What I feel for you."
Slit pupils thinned. His body became rigid.
"...Ichigo Kurosaki," he reminded her stiffly.
Something conflicted entered her gaze, honest as ever. "Ichigo is...like the summer house," she murmured. "I like him. I've always...liked him, but he doesn't see me, and I don't even know what would happen if he suddenly wanted me. The idea of him has always been so comforting. But what I imagine and want, it's just my idea of him. A prince on a white horse instead of his usual stubborn, short-tempered self. I know that. I've always...known that. But he was something nice to imagine, so that I didn't feel so alone."
Ulquiorra's wings unfolded, hands finding her thighs and hooking beneath them, lifting, forcing her legs to wrap around his waist. His breathing hitched, nose and lips finding her neck and gliding without really pressing down. He hovered on the precipice of something that threatened to ruin him.
"How do you know I'm not like the summer house?"
"Because I see you clearly now," she muttered. And it was there. It was there. His reflection glinted in those silver eyes. The first pair he'd ever looked into. "You...your wings, your tail, your tongue...I understand now, I got it when I saw you rip those horns off that creature and put them on yourself. You didn't get those other features from me, but you had to get them from somewhere, just like how you wanted my heart."
The image of him wavered and swam, waterlogged by tears. "I'm sorry I didn't help you live as a human. I could have given you a normal life."
"I'm not human," he uttered. "And any life with you wouldn't be normal. We have curry and wasabi together, topped with strawberries."
Orihime burst into a tearful giggle, smiling at him.
Ulquiorra leaned in, unable to hold back anymore, mouth crashing to hers. It was clumsy and hard, and to his surprise, she yielded after a brief noise. She coaxed his lips to move against hers, something wet and soft hesitantly sliding against his dark upper lip. Slowly, he opened his mouth, tongue meeting and brushing against her own.
Claws nicked at the sensitive skin of her thighs, and Orihime jolted- hips bucking. It caused a groan to hiss out, tail sliding, winding around her chest and squeezing the air from her lungs. Her breath puffed out and he gulped it down, kissing her hungrily.
"Your skin is soft…"
Ulquiorra's hair caressed her collarbone, causing Orihime to shiver in his arms. Her cheeks reddened as an appealing scent floated into the air that he hadn't smelled before. He broke away from the kiss slightly, "tell me what you're feeling."
"N-no!" She gasped, face scarlet. Ulquiorra dragged his lips down her neck, palm sliding to set on her navel and teasing lower. "The scent is coming from down here. Show me.." he breathed, nipping her ear.
When she shook her head again, teeth tugging on her plump bottom lip, he sank to his knees and dragged her down with him. Orihime squeaked as she was turned, falling backwards- landing not on the cool hardwood floor but cushioned by leather. Wings shifted beneath her back as she was laid down, the creature leaning over her and impressive wingspan rising up, containing them in their own personal cacoon that blocked out almost all light.
Clawed hands came up to settle on her hips, before one smoothed under her thigh, lifting her leg up for a better angle as he leaned down. Orihime made a noise of surprise, squeezing startled eyes shut and rolling her hips instinctively despite nothing pressing against her yet.
"You're unexpectedly wanton," his monotone sounded lighter, almost as though amused.
Her nightgown was hitched and yanked up, leaving her bare sex exposed and vulnerable.
He experimentally drew his tongue out and licked the glistening folds, soon sucking on her clit, talons biting into the nightgown. Gasping, Orihime threw her head back, arching into his mouth. Her ankles locked behind his head as frantic hands descend to black locks. Ulquiorra started and paused, unused to such a place being touched. His hair slid like soft feathers through her fingers, and ultimately he continued sucking, grunting quietly and shoving his tongue inside her. The woman in his grasp makes a curious noise, hips bucking up.
He watched her almost obsessively from his position, waiting for the moment she begged him to stop. The scent was impossibly strong, an intoxicating taste coating his tongue.
"Please, more," she whispered, startling him. For once, Ulquiorra disobeyed, leaning back and away from her sex and touch, dark satisfaction curling inside him as she made a weak noise of protest. His tail brushing up against her clit instead, sliding between her legs. Orihime didn't notice, too consumed by the sensations. The firm glide of his tail became a harder pressure against her sex, rubbing.
His hand slid up her torso to cup a full breast, barred from complete touch her clothing. "...It's firmer than I thought," he tilted his head slightly, squeezing with perhaps too much force. Her body sang beautifully with its honest reactions, her groan signalling her enjoyment as she rocked her hips against the pressure of his tail.
"I'm so close..." Orihime whimpered, squeezing her eyes shut tight. Grabbing his horns without seeming to think about it, she writhed and squirmed like a woman possessed. It made a low rumble build in the back of his throat.
Careful hands became impatient- tearing the material over her chest. A hungry mouth clamped over her breast, sucking and sinking blunt teeth in, causing her to spout gibberish, words and moans blurring into one another. Fur slid against her hips and navel, parting her legs wider as his tail rubbed quicker, gliding on the outskirts of her folds and flicking against her clit.
Writhing for a few moments longer, a loud cry filled the room, pressure snapping like a string. Her back arched, core quivering. Ulquiorra watched with undisguised fascination, sucking at the wound on her flesh.
The thin tail coiled, pulling away and coated in her wetness. Ulquiorra lifted his head and licked it clean with a swipe of his tongue, witnessing the moment her eyes cracked open and registered what she'd done. Orihime flushed deep red, glaring a little in her embarrassment. His lips twitched, rubbing his knuckles against her sex in reward.
Orihime panted, letting hazy eyes slide shut as she took in a few breaths. He then leaned over her, impossibly close. Those slit pupils pinned her in place the second she met his gaze.
"So this is lust..."
He braced his weight on one hand, the tail suddenly gripping her around the waist lifting, causing her back to arch, head dipping back.
Orihime sat up instead, fighting it- wrapping her arms about his neck. "May I touch you?" She asked quietly.
Vague surprise flit over his face, hand coming up dazedly to rest against her heart. It thrummed strong and sure against his palm. His touch then glided up, lifting claws to her cheek and touching the soft skin there.
Ulquiorra looked at her hands. "I haven't been touched before, not by anyone else except you."
He grasped her under her thighs and lifted her onto his lap as he sat on his heels, feathers and fur caressing her under her thighs.
"Me neither," she whispered like it were a closely guarded secret. She then smiled, causing him to blink. That smile brought him back down to earth. He held Orihime Inoue in his arms, hollow hole pulsing and aching with all that that meant, and for a few blind moments of pleasure, he'd forgotten how much that really meant to him.
Orihime kissed him on the lips, running a hand down his back to stroke the fur. His muscles tensed under her touch but soon relaxed. He dipped his head to her shoulder, just resting his forehead there a second, inhaling. Catharsis washed over him, arms tightening around her.
She felt so good.
Her needy hips squirmed against his, dragging one hand down his chest, the other lacing their fingers together, palms intimately meeting as she kissed down his neck. He inhaled sharply, the power seeming to make her giddy. It was a very nice sensation, having someone respond to your touch. Orihime experimentally sucked on the skin of his collarbone, squeaking when he rut his hips up. Ulquiorra then lifted his head- catching her mouth with his own. Growing more adventurous with his tongue, he moved it against hers and brushed it inside her mouth, running it along her teeth and grunting.
Something hard started to rub in between her legs, now showing from under the furs. A shaky moan escaped her.
"Feeling you respond, I think I quite enjoy it," he said quietly, wings shifting behind her, the thin leathery feel of them slid against flushed skin. Silver eyes glanced down, widening a little at the sight that greeted her. Orihime reached down, grasping his cock, skimming lithe fingers over the skin.
Ulqiorra jolted and hissed, resting his cheek against hers and breathing out.
"Does it feel nice?" Came her innocent question, cupping the tip and smoothing her fingers around the shaft. He rutted up into her hand in response, shoving her down onto her back, wings cushioning her and completely enveloping her with himself.
"More," he breathed. She was happy to oblige, stroking him harder, enjoying his enjoyment of it in that usual selfless way of hers.
Golden eyes practically glow, staring at her. Her hand pumped his base, lips finding his throat and sucking. Ulquiorra shuddered, leaning his forehead down and grunting. His eyes widen at the sensation, hips shifting forward continually. Orihime made a small noise, quickening her strokes. Her thighs rubbed together needily, getting squirmy due to his rapid panting and low noises.
Blunt teeth clench, eyes squeezing shut- before they snapped open and he shifts his hips back to drag his erection out of her grasp. A second later, and her wrists were pinned above her head via his tail, a pale chest braced tightly against hers as his cock rubbed hard against her sex.
"We're starting now," he said in a harsh whisper of sound.
Orihime's mouth opened to encourage him- but twitching hips are already ramming forward, forcing his length inside her. Due to the wetness, he managed to slide in quite far, but soon her tightness had him stopping and panting. One of his hands gripped her under her thighs, the lower length of his tail manoeuvring to spread her leg out wider with her ankle hooked on it.
Their breath mingled, everything seeming to stop.
Orihime's lips were frozen mid-gasp, eyes wide. Nothing to quell the invasive, full sensation. Sweat broke out on her forehead, which he caught on his lips, kissing it away.
The oddly sweet gesture had her smiling weakly. "I thought..." she gently panted, bucking her hips experimentally, "that we were starting."
Ulquiorra snaps his hips forward again the second those words were out, managing to thrust deeper. He liked the sounds of her moans he decided, watching as her eyes flew wide, head tossing back. Her full breasts bounced, damp, auburn hair clinging to her skin.
His tongue brushed along her bottom lip as he thrust, before pressing his mouth hard against hers. She suckled his tongue, arms straining against the tight clasp of his tail wound around her wrists. She moved her hips with him.
"Harder," she pleaded against his mouth, a mindless order. If she weren't drugged on pleasure she'd be blushing like a maiden. Ulquiorra panted, her demand only serving to heighten his lust. Grabbing her hips, he angled them up, ramming his cock inside her so that the full length sheathed inside. Her subsequent loud cries only encouraged his ferocity.
His clawed toes dig harsh rivets into the wood of the floor as he nipped her lips, moaning. Rosy lips press against his again, and Ulquiorra realises that his right hand is still being held captive, had been all that time. Her fingers squeezed over his, watery eyes remaining locked with his.
The creature had to fight the urge to utterly and completely consume her.
His clawed hand cupped her breast, sharp nails digging in slightly to the soft mound as he squeezed, rubbing a thumb against her nipple and leaving red scratches on her flesh. He drank in her moaning and high, keening sounds, their kisses becoming sloppy as he thrust erratically, harsh slapping sounds filling the room. The black fur and feathers of his lower half had become soaked from their combined juices.
Her wanting tongue licked against his, a string of saliva connecting them. "Please, Ulquiorra, more," she whimpered, eyes hazy.
"Your greed will be your undoing, Woman." He let out a groan, eyes darkening. He suddenly grabbed her hair and tugged it back, slamming inside her quicker and quicker. Orihime screamed, feeling his length hit a sweet spot deep inside her.
He has no scruples about slamming harder into her, his hips hitting her own with the ferocity of his thrusts before gnashing his teeth together, making a low noise as he released, shuddering. Orihime soon followed, crying out and trembling against him, legs going slack around his waist.
"You...you came inside," she murmured dazedly.
"If you're r-referring to the orgasm and possible procreation, I think it's unlikely," he muttered, catching his breath, lips brushing her neck. "There is nothing else like me," he thought of Acidwire and those other creatures in the dunes. Maybe there were similar things, but whatever he was, Ulquiorra did not think he was meant to feel this way.
"...You're not alone though. I don't think there's anything else like m-me either. I don't know what I am."
Ulquiorra blinked and shifted back. It felt somewhat like torture to pull away from her, the loss of heat almost unbearable. He hated the sting, that he knew no cave would ever be a comfort from the rain again. His tail released her wrists, leaving purplish, tender rings."I suppose you're right," he said, back to his monotone voice. Black wings slid out from beneath her, folding behind him as the creature lifted her against him and crawled onto the bed, placing her on it. "Or perhaps you're exactly what I thought you were when I first saw you. My creator."
"But you're real."
"It doesn't change your part in my quality of existence," he said, making to go. The bed was her space.
Orihime grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him down, cradling him to her. "Don't leave," she mumbled tiredly, eyes already slipping shut. "Whatever we are, I know that you're the only thing left that makes sense to me."
Ulquiorra stiffened, head pillowed to her chest as he glanced up at her. "Never mind your species or powers, I don't understand you," he said slowly but settled against her, body sprawled against the soft curves and dips of the woman's body as she quietly giggled.
For once, Ulquiorra drifted into sleep first, lulled by her fingers stroking through feather-soft hair. Giving an extinguished sigh, the creature surrendered himself to her.
When the first rays of the morning sun crept through the bedroom blinds, a thin rectangle of light fell over Orihime's lids, urging them to crack open. Wincing, she raised her arm so that it blocked out the harsh blaze. Glancing down at the weight on her chest and stomach, her eyes briefly widened, before gentling.
Orihime hugged the man closer, smoothing her hand over the filled expanse of flesh where a hollow hole had once been.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/mars-enters-aries-a-rush-of-hot-passion-fiery-ambition-the-warrior-rises-once-again/
Mars Enters Aries- A Rush of HOT Passion, Fiery Ambition, The Warrior Rises Once Again
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Mars Enters Aries- A Rush of HOT Passion, Fiery Ambition, The Warrior Rises Once Again
By Astromomma
On June 27th, Mars, the planet of: aggression, passion and purpose, enters his home sign of Aries. Whenever a planet enters the sign its rules, it becomes: very powerful, directed and fruitful. Since we have had no fire within the planets, since the Sun was in Aries, this will feel like a huge wave of increased vitality and energy. Aries, the 1st zodiac sign, is all about: initiative, action, innocence and innovation.
Mars in Aries is here to bring back spunk and action to our lives, with an ushering in of fiery ambition. Mars, for the last 6 weeks,has been in the sign of Pisces and struggled to show his strength and prowess in the murky waters of the fish. Now, as he enters his home sign of Aries, he is ready to rock and roll and light sh@t up, lol! He will have an extended stay in Aries until January 2021, as he will be going retrograde from September- November 2020.
While Mars is home in his home sign, this is a great time to be energized to risk it all and to feel empowered to go after your goals and ambitions. The flip side of Mars in Aries will be: aggression, irritation and fighting. He also represents our sex drive. This could get a real boost during this transit! It is all how you transmute his energies. Many great accomplishments that take courage and will power will be honed in during his transit, but this can also raise our tempers and hot headed tendencies. Anyone with Aries, as their: Sun, Moon or Ascendant, will be most affected by this transit. We will all though, have our libidos raised to maximum capacity and will have to be responsible for these increased energy levels.
As Mars transits through Aries, he will make tense aspects to: Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto, all in Capricorn. Saturn, is the planet of: obligation and restriction, Jupiter, is the planet of: expansion, wisdom and finally, Pluto, is the planet of: death/rebirth and regeneration. Capricorn, the 10th zodiac sign, deals with: authority, government, big business and control. Mars in Aries square to Saturn, Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, could produce epic fighting and conflicts among, the people vs. the established orders that prevail. Aries is about freedom and liberation and Capricorn is about order and control. You can see the big clash of energies. As much as I don’t want to predict war, this aspect sure signals the potential for it. This will be especially true around election time in US here in early November. This year of 2020 is giving us many tests and these aspects certainly will play a pivotal role within these lessons and trials.
Mars in Aries is here to bring back the passion and drive that might have thought disappeared for quite some time. As the warrior planet dives home to fight for his right to party, our internal flames will be ignited. Remembering to keep a sense of grounded calmness and peace, might be more difficult during this transit. The best way to utilize the warrior planet in his home sign, is to use the extra boost of passion and purpose into a: hobby, project or life style transformation. Mars, within his home dwelling, is here to: ignite you into action with loads of energy, bring back the courage and will power to achieve and light a fire under you ass to get going and to make it happen. If you have Aries as your: Sun, Moon or Ascendant, as well on your: IC, DC, MC, then this transit will be most potent and noticeable for you. Mars will remain in the sign of Aries, until January 6, 2021.
For this HOT transit of Mars in Aries, I am doing an extended sign horoscope on my Astromomma Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma
These horoscopes, which are channeled from spirit, give you: practical, tangible and enlightening advice on how best to navigate this transit according to your individual sign.
Patreon is a huge supporter of mine, and is a subscription based model of a $4 or $6 USD monthly contribution, that gives you access to all my special extended horoscopes and articles. In addition, you receive discounts on my astrology and tarot readings. Your support is always appreciated but even more so now with all that is going on. Thank you for your trust and love, be well my loves!I
© Astromomma, 2020
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spacenintendogs · 4 years
i've been thinking lately about the way i look at star fox and how i make my headcanons and art and what i share with my writing and stuff.
i notice i... tend to be a lot more... "light hearted" (i can't think of a better word) than most people, i think. basing off what i see on twitter, on tumblr, on discord, from fanfics and fanart or to the current independent projects going on such as afis, ppl like diving into the "darker" side of things for one reason or another, whether it's for personal reasons or just emotional potential if sf was made to be more than nintendo's testing ground for new game mechanics they want to try, or bc it just sounds cool.
i see it a lot, and while not one thing is a universal headcanon, i always can't help but feel like
i'm missing smth.
everything i make the majority of the time is a shitpost (i'm hilarious) or when i do something more serious it's nothing extremely deep or has layers, nor do i ever truly go into the "dark" territory (dealing with complicated or sensitive subjects). my "serious" stuff will be vague art or it'll be extremely straightforward or not the most devastating thing in the world.
i question myself as to why i have a habit of shitposting so much, of why whenever i'm constantly thinking of scenarios i see sf and sw being more relaxed with each other when they're not fighting or whatever or that they'd even eventually become friends and sargasso becomes star wold and star fox hq with the great fox being their main transport and fox and wolf are both in charge and work together- anyways
i constantly worry that the more genuine stuff i make is ooc. constantly. it's smth i can never truly shake and if i will, it's going to take a while. i've been trying to hard to not go and delete all of my fics from ao3 bc of that fear. i fear me projecting onto wolf so much has skewed me being able to see him for the character he is. i fear that i'm so off with my portrayals with everyone bc i tend to be so silly that when i try to be more serious no one will take it... seriously.
i don't hate deeper stuff or thinking abt the potential of there being layers or a darker side to things or more serious stuff. i have my own hcs and stuff i haven't shared, mostly out of again, fear. i have a bunch of stuff abt wolf, fox, all of them i haven't shared bc i'm scared, and i also don't see a point in me sharing my personal thoughts beyond simple things (except when ppl ask) or simple hcs bc.... mine?? in the grand scheme of everything i think don't... matter.
and ik i need to stop thinking that.
but?? darker stuff isn't my strongsuit. i can think and visualize in my head like no tomorrow, but putting everything into words when asked, i'm AWFUL. i always feel bad whenever i reblog those ask memes asking my opinions bc my mind blanks and idk how to explain. but when no one asks i can write a whole fucking essay with details that don't matter
i think the reason i tend to do more light hearted stuff is bc... i want to make ppl smile. that's rlly all i want. and i want to have fun doing my hobbies like drawing and writing and i want to extend the fun to others. even my more serious stuff, like my most recent fic i posted to ao3 wolf and fox have ptsd, i can never ever dive ALL the way in, i can never have a sad ending with what i post even if i think of a thing and it had a sad ending. bc of that, honestly my most recent fic's writing feels super choppy and ooc to me.
i like being optimistic, but i don't want to come across as naive. i don't want to come across as a stupid, happy go lucky idiot. i don't want to come across as annoying. and if i stop being optimistic on here, then my cynical nature will be here full force. i'm more pessimistic irl, i rlly am. i'm not all doom and gloom but i tend to dwell on the negative and that's probably why i hate everything i create despite enjoying creating
but if i'm so happy in my portrayals and everything's fine.... but everyone else tends to look deeper, not even all dark and stuff, but more layers and more meaningful, either my critical thinking skills are shit or i'm just missing smth. i'm not sure it's a bad thing bc my friends enjoy what i make and they say they love what i do.
but i don't want my silliness with sf to make my serious stuff have less meaning to it bc all i do is be ridiculous.
so am i missing smth?
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httpjeon · 6 years
— ᴍ ᴀ s ᴛ ᴇ ʀ ʟ ɪ s ᴛ
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welcome to my masterlist! please do not take and repost any of my fics to other websites. i have an ao3 at httpjeon and a wattpad at jvngukk. they are my only writing accounts outside of tumblr.
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updated: 2/14/20 | latest fic
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o n e s h o t s
key ↯
a — angst f — fluff s — smut
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kim seokjin
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— change of pace | pornstar!au | s | 3.2k — read here ↳ synopsis: hardcore porn star Kim Seokjin begins his dabble in the world of vanilla porn. You’re his first co-star. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴄᴋᴘɪʟᴇ
— folia | alien!au | a, f, s | 9.5k — read here ↳ synopsis: stressed from work, you’re sent on vacation to the beautiful, tropical planet of Liana where you meet a beautiful Folian man named Seokjin, who makes your vacation 10x better. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ᴏғ sᴛᴀʀᴅᴜsᴛ
— mine for today | dating serivice!au | a, f, s | 6.1k — read here ↳ synopsis: as part of a special valentines day sale, you make a bid in hopes to get a special discounted date with one of the dreamy bachelors of club ardor. you decide to choose The Romantic. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴄʟᴜʙ ᴀʀᴅᴏʀ
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min yoongi
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― love birds | pornstar!au | s, f | 6.5k — read here ↳ synopsis: being an adventurous couple has led you down a strange path of  amateur pornography with your boyfriend Min Yoongi. you’re dubbed the  Love Birds. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴄᴋᴘɪʟᴇ
  ― clientele: cheat | escort!au | s,a  | 3.1k — read here synopsis: in your little black book, min yoongi is your client tonight.
― show | boyfriend!au | s | 2.1k | ft. ot6 — read here synopsis: yoongi decides to show the boys how he makes his girl cum with his mouth alone
― keep the change | convenience store!au | s, a | 5.3k — read here synopsis: typically an old man works the night shift at Greg’s Place. however, it seems there’s a new cute guy working the register at night now. and it just so happens it’s finals week…
― from the ashes | mythical shifter!au | f, s, a | 12k — read here synopsis: you perform a spell to meet your familiar; what you don’t expect is a centuries-old phoenix to be the one attached to your soul. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴏғ ʙᴇᴀsᴛs
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jung hoseok
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― barbarian | viking!au | s, f | 2.5k ― read here synopsis: your husband, hoseok, comes home from a raid with the need to make you pregnant with his child
― velvet | porn star!au | s | 4k ― read here synopsis: wanting to burn off some stress, you apply to attend a session at a kink dungeon. hoseok is your master. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴄᴋᴘɪʟᴇ
― beleaguer | e2l, neighbor!au | s, a | 2.4k ― read here synsopsis: your neighbor is a pain in the ass.
―  hot bot: test | sex bot!au | s | 3.1k ― read here synopsis: as a product tester, you have one of the most sought after temporary positions in Hot Bot Inc. ⇢ ʜᴏᴛ ʙᴏᴛ sᴘɪɴᴏғғ
― hypothermia | griffin shifter!hoseok | s, f, a | 10.4k ― read here synopsis: lost while wandering, you find your life on the line when you begin to suffer the effects of hypothermia. as you collapse, near death, you swear you see an angel… ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴏғ ʙᴇᴀsᴛs
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kim namjoon
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― tell me more | pornstar!au | s | 2.4k ― read here synopsis: as an up and coming porn actress, you jump at the opportunity to debut on Kim Namjoon’s Casting Couch. ⇢  ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴄᴋᴘɪʟᴇ
― good to me | date-for-hire!au | a, s, f | 10.3k ― read here synopsis: club ardor holds a special raffle for a free night with a man who will supposedly be the boyfriend of your dreams. you definitely don’t expect to win. ⇢  ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴄʟᴜʙ ᴀʀᴅᴏʀ
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park jimin
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―  busanbaby95 | cam boy!jimin | s, f, a | 4.8k ― read here synopsis: your friend and co-worker does cam porn. After some unfortunate events, he asks you to join him in his…hobby. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴄᴋᴘɪʟᴇ
― casual clothes | sex therapist!au | s, f | 4.2k ― read here synopsis: seeing a therapist for your sexual troubles is one thing but to land yourself in bed with the very man who knows your problems is a whole other thing.
― the hunt | white stag shifter!jimin | a,f, s | 8k ― read here synopsis: every decade, your village holds a hunt to find a legendary white stag which live in the surrounding forest. in recent years, the hunt has become harder as the population of white stags have declined. this year is your first time participating. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴏғ ʙᴇᴀsᴛs
― make me hot | ceo!jimin | s | 2.3k ― read here synopsis: you messed up a presentation in front of your boss. he calls you up to his office.
― blowing dandelions | f2efl | a, f, s | 7.8k ― read here synopsis: as a child, you met park jimin. as an adult, the same jimin is much different.
― collateral damage | wild west!au, outlaw!jiin | f, s | 5.2k ― read here synopsis: you’re a simple bank teller and you certainly didn’t expect to be taken as collateral for outlaw bank-robber park jimin.
― hot bot: fear | android!au | f, s, a | 5.2k ― read here synopsis: fear is primal and causes one to make stupid decisions. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ʜᴏᴛʙᴏᴛ
― lovebug | hybrid!au | f, s, a | 12k ― read here synopsis: hybrids are lovable companions for humans. unfortunately, most people simply want a cat or dog with which they can cuddle and love on. while looking for one to adopt, a lonesome hybrid of an unusual breed catches your eye.
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kim taehyung
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― 1-800-music-street | homeless!tae | s, f, a | 13.2k ― read here synopsis: you’re enchanted by a street performer and then he saves you, resulting in multiple meetings one can only describe as fate.
― work of art | pornstar!au, tattooed!tae | s | 3.1k ― read here synopsis: when you first meet porn newbie Kim Taehyung, you didn’t expect much. but once the clothes come off, you’re in for a wild ride. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴄᴋᴘɪʟᴇ
― hot bot: gift | sex bot!tae | s, f | 3.8k ― read here synopsis: your parents have a gift for you, however, there’s been a mistake ⇢ ʜᴏᴛ ʙᴏᴛ sᴘɪɴᴏғғ
― tattooed two | tattoo artist!au | s, f | 8.5k | ft. jungkook ― read here synopsis: your boyfriend’s best friend joins you for a night you’ll never forget.
― warm | roommate!au | s, f | 3k ― read here synopsis: you return home to see your roommate jerking off on the couch
― king of the clouds | royal!au, arranged marriage | s, f, a | 4.7k ― read here synopsis: you were in an arranged marriage with a man you’re convinced isn’t fit to be your husband. he’s got his head too high in the clouds.
― witch’s brew | witch!tae | s | 3.1k ― read here synopsis: after a year of trying to get pregnant, your husband makes a special brew to make sure you get pregnant this time.
― blacklisted | dom/sub!au | a, f, s | 21.4k | ft. jungkook ― read here synopsis: after departing from your dom, you’re assigned to two incredibly powerful men.
― a piece of you | abo!au | f, s | 13.9k | ft. jungkook ― read here synopsis: your alpha boyfriend does cam porn and convinces you to join him one night. somehow, there seems to be a fan of the two of you on campus.
― sehebon | alien!au | a, f, s | 16.5k ― read here synopsis: you find yourself on izo huen, home to the sehebon. luckily for you, you’ve arrived at an interesting time.
― by chance | hybrid!au | a, f, s | 11.8k ― read here synopsis: on an adventure, you stumble upon a jackalope. the creature ends up saving your life, leading to an unexpected turn of events. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴏᴏᴋ ᴏғ ʙᴇᴀsᴛs
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jeon jungkook
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― try out | pornstar! au | s, f, a | 6.6k ― read here synopsis: dating a porn star wasn’t easy. jealousy can run rampant if there’s no communication. ⇢ ᴘᴀʀᴛ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏᴄᴋᴘɪʟᴇ
― simply.cute97 | cam couple!au | s, f | 6.5k ― read here synopsis: you’re popular camgirl simply.cute97. domjeon09 is your biggest fan.
― tattooed two | tattoo artist!au | s, f | 8.5k | ft. taehyung ― read here synopsis: your boyfriend’s best friend joins you for a night you’ll never forget.
― floods in a flame | dragon!jk, mermaid!reader | s, f | 7.1k ― read here synopsis: getting trapped beneath ice leads to an unexpected opportunity.
― sinful knight | knight!jk, princess!reader | s | 2.4k ― read here synopsis: even though you’re due to be married to Prince Jimin, you can’t help letting your Knight, Jungkook, into your bed.
― blacklisted | dom/sub!au | a, f, s | 21.4k | ft. taehyung ― read here synopsis: after departing from your dom, you’re assigned to two incredibly powerful men.
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s e r i e s
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key ↯
✓— complete ✎ — in progress ⊗ — hiatus ✗ — discontinued
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― talk | f2l, sex worker!au | yoongi/reader | s | ✎ ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 02
― take the throne | vampire!au | yoongi/reader | f, a | ⊗ ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 02
― bunny blues | hybrid!au | yoongi/reader/jungkook | a, f, s | ✎ ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08
― something’s not right | possession!au | a, s, f | ✓ ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 02
― hot bot | sex bot!jk | s, f, a | masterlist ― ⊗ ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
― risk it all | hybrid!au | jungkook/reader | a, f, s | masterlist ― ✓ ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05
― together | couple!au | jungkook/readre | s, f | masterlist ― ✎ ɪɴᴅᴇx: smokin’ | gamin’ | drinkin’ |  tattooed | first time
―  y is a crooked letter | hybrid!au | | jungkook/reader | a, f, s ɪɴᴅᴇx: 01
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m i n i  m a s t e r l i s t s
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― book of beasts | mythological shifter one-shot series ― club ardor | dating service au one-shot series ― hot bot | android au series ― made of stardust | alien one-shot series ― risk it all | hybrid jungkook au ― the cockpile | porn star one-shot series ― together series | couple jungkook one-shot series
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20K notes · View notes
imagine-loki · 6 years
Magic Potion of Mischief
TITLE: Magic Potion of Mischief
Authors :latent-thoughts & lokilover9
Notes: Hello everyone. My lovely tumblr wife and I have come together again to offer you another laugh on our behalf. We hope you enjoy it. 😘
Rating: Teen
Original Imagine: Before Thor’s Coronation, Loki had a secret hobby of making potions. Or so he believed. Odin learned of it and went to him for a ‘specific’ remedy. Loki strengthened the dose and trouble ensued.
Loki arrived in his private chambers within the palace via a portal generated by his magic. He had kept himself consistently concealed from Heimdall, for no other reason than having his privacy. Ever since he had entered his youth, the fact that Heimdall could see all of his activities had rubbed him the wrong way.
And the Gatekeeper had not shown a shred of regret in giving Loki a piece of his mind on whatever activity he had seen Loki participating in.
Needless to say, Loki’s desperation to avoid Heimdall’s gaze had proven to be fruitful.
Loki quickly settled in his study then, ordering dinner to be sent to his chambers. He wasn’t in a mood to dine with others, especially not his dunderhead brother. He had much to accomplish before the night would be over. Night was his favoured time to work on his projects.
When the servants came by with the dinner, he was nose deep in an ancient tome about potion mixing. They asked him very pointedly if he’d remain in his chambers only. This most likely his mother’s doing, asking after him through the servants.
He dismissed the servants after stating that he would retire for the night early, claiming exhaustion after hours of riding amidst the woods.
Finally, the servants were gone. Blessed silence…
After eating his dinner, Loki promptly returned to his study with the aim to finish his reading before heading for bed. He was only halfway through it when his head servant hurriedly approached him with a most surprising news.
“The Allfather wishes to see you, my liege. He’s at the door.”
Loki faced the servant astonished, noting it well past midnight. “What could be so pressing, it couldn’t be spared until morning?”
“I’m uncertain, your highness. The Allfather didn’t explain.”
Odin appeared in the doorway of his study, politely dismissed the servant and Loki curiously observed ‘him’, wait until the servant was gone. Then rising to his feet, he bowed to Odin in a slightly mocking manner, earning a frown. "Good evening, father. How may I help you?”
“We must speak.”
No shit…. “Regarding?”
“Recently, I sought to remedy an ’ailment’, which Eir hasn’t the means to resolve, by discreetly searching the black market for potions.”
Loki feigned innocence. “And?”
“As a result, I was steered back to you.”
“Me? Whatever for? I assure you, father, you’ve been led astray.” Loki gave him his best wide-eyed expression of innocence.
He knew very well that his seidr practice was frowned upon by the royal council. A potion business on the side would be open to even more ridicule. Thus why he kept the potion business in secrecy.
But trust the Allfather to find out about it. He must have sicked his ravens on him.
Odin gave him a stern look of disapproval. “Oh, put a sock in, son. Word is out, you’re Asgard’s best kept secret where potions are concerned and I’m desp–I need aid.”
Loki sighed in defeat. “Very well. What do you require?”
“It has come to mine and the entire palace’s attention… that your mother is quite irritable as of late.”
Loki’s pursed his lips and nodded. “I’ve noticed it as well. Perhaps it’s midlife hormonal changes. Certainly Eir could…”
Odin raised his palm to stop Loki mid-sentence. “She recently went through all the relevant hormone tests at the healer’s and all is well…” The Allfather hesitated a moment. “…Yet the mood swings have only become more pronounced.”
Loki was at a loss for a solution, as the problem seemed non-existent. “Norns, then what could be ailing her?”
The king squared his shoulders and cleared his throat, looking stricken. “Certainly not mine, that would be preposterous”, he stated, struggling to contain eye contact.
Loki was truly intrigued now, yet still perplexed. If anything, Odin looked even more uncomfortable than before.
The realization then struck Loki like a lightning bolt, causing a smirk to grace his lips. “Have you come to me because you’re lacking the ability to raise your sword in glory, father?”
Odin’s eyes narrowed. “Should I hear any word of this beyond these chambers, that same sword will cut your royal allowance in half.”
Loki’s nose crinkled in disgust. “Should I disobey, I’d prefer you used another.”
“Loki Odinson!”
“Calm yourself father, I’m merely jesting.” He chuckled inwardly when Odin breathed a sigh of relief. “How much do you need?”
“You’re the master of unethical potion making, shouldn’t you know?” Odin’s tone was quite patronizing as he said that, which irked Loki to no end.
“Fair enough.” Loki conjured a small potion bottle, the size of his pinky. “There you are. It works instantly.”
Odin took the bottle from him and inspected the blue liquid inside. “How much do I consume?”
“Everything,” he replied with a shrug. “As a safety precaution, I never offer more than a single dose to start.”
“Wise choice, son. Thank you and remember…” Odin raised his finger in warning. “You are to abide by the rules of utter discretion in this matter.”
“You have my word, father.” Loki clasped his hands behind his back and solemnly nodded.
With his problem now sorted, Odin dispersed.
Loki didn’t really want to picture it, but was certain his father would seek his mother quite soon. He snickered loudly once alone, having controlled his amusement for so long. The reason being, that Odin had just received the strongest potion Loki had ever concocted for this particular purpose. Thrice as strong as the usual dosage.
“That should earn you some accolades dear father.”
Loki went back to his half-finished tome and waited for the ruckus to begin.
The potion made Odin’s erection last over a day, forcing him to consult Eir for a remedy to ease it. All in all, it had been a most embarrassing experience, one which rendered the Allfather red-faced.
Loki had gotten the wind of it through the palace staff and their rather loud whispers. It had been a well executed prank, though, he did feel apprehensive about the backlash from his father. Regardless of Odin’s anger, there were always those dark paths between realms through which Loki could readily escape and not return for the next fifty years.
He hadn’t, however, added the variable of his mother’s fury into the equation.
He was made aware of it by none other than Odin himself, who burst into his chambers, looking haggard and sleep deprived. “I should have you quartered for that trick! What in Valhalla were you thinking?“
Loki crossed his arms and gave his father a knowing smile as he swiftly diverted the topic off himself. "You sly old dog. I heard mother was trapped in your chambers for hours, if not more.”
That made his father halt in his tracks, a smirk of pride replacing his scowl. This was delightful to Loki, for Odin chose to let go of his anger in exchange for focusing on taking pride in his restored manly prowess.
"I won’t deny it was entertaining. Especially when Frigga held me tight and…” He coughed and caught himself at the last moment, much to Loki’s relief. “…right. Presently, your mother is giving me the silent treatment.”
“Yes, well, and I must warn you. Do not laugh or even think of making the slightest comment of mockery upon seeing her.”
“Oh my…” Loki pressed a palm to his chest. “Dare I ask?”
Odin coughed again, though a chuckle escaped through as well. “She’s walking rather ‘peculiar.’”
Loki cackled at that. “Shall I conjure you a second dose?”
Odin suddenly glared at him. “Shall I feed you to a bilgesnipe? I guarantee you if I took another dose and touched your mother afterwards, that would be my fate, son.”
Loki shrugged, trying not to cackle again.
Seconds later, though, his father seemed to perk up at that thought. “Let me think about it. Perhaps in a few days time.”
Loki clasped his hands together at the possibility of yet another prank. “Well, you need only ask.”
Odin banged at Loki’s door and angrily shouted. “Loki, you incorrigible cad! It’s time you were fed to a horrid beast! Open up!”
It was morning, and Loki wasn’t a morning person. Hence, it took time to present himself to his furious father. That just seemed to fuel his anger, more.
Odin stomped inside as soon as Loki opened the door to his chambers, smacking it closed with a flick of his spear–the Gungnir. “You deplorable wretch!”
“Good morning to you too, father,” Loki responded, his mouth stretching in a long yawn. Still mentally asleep, his father’s invectives weren’t really registering. “What has you in such a pleasant mood?”
“I’ve knocked up your mother!”
Loki’s yawning was immediately cut short and he was suddenly wide awake. “What?!”
Odin glowered at him. “You heard me!”
Loki’s jaw dropped in shock. “At her age? How is that even possible?”
“How is…you’re asking me? Your damned potion caused it!”
“Yes, but–”
“And your mother was in her fertile phase!”
Loki opened his mouth to speak, but no words could come out. He acknowledged that this was one of those very rare moments when his silvertongue was utterly inept.
Odin banged the Gungnir against the floor, making it shake. “Your mother is in distress! I’m horrified and disappointed in your actions!”
“What is Eir saying?” Loki gulped, worried that perhaps this time his prank had gone too far. “Is it a hazard to mother’s health?”
Odin stared at him aghast. “What? No. She’s a resilient woman. A warrior and queen!”
Loki breathed a sigh of relief. “Then… the baby?”
Odin gave him a withering look. “The babies are fine too. It’s just… a shock!”
Loki did a double take. “Babies?”
Odin lost it again at that, picking up a book lying on the mantle to throw it at Loki’s head, who narrowly avoided it by ducking. “Yes, you fool! Babies! Your dastardly potion caused me to sire triplets!”
That was when Loki undoubtedly knew… he’d fucked up.
“My heartiest congratulations, father.” As soon as he said that, he dashed out the door. Odin gave chase for a while, but couldn’t keep up which Loki had already predicted.
Just when believing himself free from parental reprimanding, his path crossed with Frigga’s, who looked none too happy about carrying three children of Odin.
“Are you responsible for this, God of Mischief?” She came at him with her royal dagger drawn, making him back away in fear. “Rumor has it you’ve a side career!”
Loki saw Thor bounding towards him from another corridor and realized he was trapped. He nervously laughed, raising his arms to depict surrender. “I love you mother! You know that.”
“You’re going to pay for this, Loki!”
“Looks like I already am,” he muttered, “but really, where’s the bad side here. You’re going to get a gaggle of children, and that’s going to keep you quite pleasantly busy.” And keep you off my back…
“Loki,” Thor’s voice boomed. “What is this I’m hearing of? Is mother–”
Just then, Frigga lurched forward, dropping her dagger to the floor. Both the sons hastily grabbed each of her arms, trying to hold her steady her as she swayed.
“Mother?” Loki looked at her in concern, trying his best to ignore Thor’s perplexed and angry gaze.
“I’m fine, you cad! It’s just… morning sickness.”
She lurched again, hurling the contents of her breakfast in the direction of Thor’s cape.  
“Norns!” He screamed, all high pitched and full of terror, falling victim to her projectile.
Loki narrowly missed getting it on him and at least he didn’t scream like a distressed maiden. He tried his best then, to help her to her room, while Thor trailed them. “There, there, it’s going to be fine.”
Frigga glared at him. “I have half a mind to slap you senseless!”
That’s when Loki knew that he had overstayed his welcome at his mother’s side. “I’ll see you soon, mother!” She tried to grab his arm but he slipped away, opening the portal to his secret potion lab. “Until we meet again!” He knew he may just have saved himself by a hair’s breadth, as his mother yelled and cursed him until it closed.
“I know magic too and will find you, you little shit! You’ll pay for this, I swear!”
Some time later, when feeling like herself again, Frigga approached Heimdall and demanded to know Loki’s whereabouts.
“Forgive me, my gracious Queen” he replied with a straight face. “Magic has concealed him from my sight.”
“And the King?” She asked with a scowl.
Valhalla help me should I offer you congratulations… he thought, just about keeping himself from cringing.
“He has taken shelter in the armory.”
She smiled in a way that made the watcher almost shudder in apprehension. “Thank you, good Heimdall. Your services shall be rewarded.”
She stormed off then, heading towards the armory and Heimdall could only hope that the king knew how to calm the queen’s anger… hopefully without needing a magical potion.
Once she was out sight, Heimall snickered at Loki’s plight. “Enjoy your new lodgings, God of potions and deceit. You may be there a time. Payback for my 'two’ sets of triplets.”
Ten months later, Frigga went into labor, spewing profanities at Odin. “Your days of quim wedging are over, you beast! Raise that sword to me ever again and I'll…”
She doubled over with a strong contraction and recalled the main culprit behind her predicament. “BILGESNIPE LOKIIII!”
Balder, Vidarr, Hermod.
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wackygoofball · 6 years
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Moodboard: Jaime x Brienne - Pacific Rim AU
Jaime Lannister could not be any less pleased when receives a phone call from his younger brother Tyrion to make yet another attempt to convince him to return to the Pan Blackwater Defense Corps by calling him up when the younger man should know that Jaime is busy being miserable. While Jaime left the organization after the incident, his brother remained as one of the leading scientists doing their best to find a way to keep the Kaijus from pouring out of the Breach in the Narrow Sea.
But Jaime quit, he quit for good reason. After all, he is being called “Kingslayer” for that very good reason that no one beside him is ever going to comprehend.
“… But we need you here, Jaime. You know we are short on pilots, and by that I mean pilots who can do more than just climb into a Jaeger and not pee their suits.”
“I don’t care,” the older man retorts. “And even if I did, I can’t do this anymore, Tyrion, you know it. You ran the tests. I can’t bridge with anyone ever again. That time was over when Aerys was done for.”
“The big boss wants to see you regardless of that circumstance.”
“Well, then tell the big boss that he can fuck himself,” Jaime snaps.
“… I don’t think he would appreciate you saying that.”
The older brother pinches the bridge of his nose. “He is in the room with you, isn’t he?”
“Indeed, Mr. Lannister,” Marshal Selwyn Tarth confirms. “And since you are still enlisted as a Ranger, you are under my authority, which means that asking for a meeting should be within your capacities, even if you decide to turn down the proposal I mean to make.”
“I kind of liked the big boss before you. He was more laid-back,” Jaime huffs.
“And he is also dead now,” the Marshal points out drily.
“I am aware.”
“I will see you at the Red Keep in an hour.”
“Yes, Sir.”
And so, Jaime finds himself back in the PBDC’s headquarters after all this time. If it weren’t for the circumstance of the meeting, he would even feel honored to meet the infamous Selwyn Tarth, one of the Jaegers of the first hour, and the first to operate one all by himself. The second one being Jaime himself.
Though that was not entirely by choice.
Jaime is less than pleased to hear about the recent losses of able pilots and that recruitment is going slower than anticipated, though the former pilot can’t really fault anyone for not wanting to jump into a gigantic robot suit and fight sea monsters on a daily basis.
“I already told Tyrion, and I hope you told you as well: I went into a Jaeger again after that, even though I didn’t want to, and whoever they teamed up with me, I could not create a Drift with. I am out of service.”
“I want to suggest a different approach than what was done previously, which is to have a tryout, to see whether there is an able co-pilot you can bridge with.”
“Now, you make me feel special.”
“We have a Jaeger we can’t use because it is an old model that our newest crewmembers can’t operate without supervision.”
“Then you need to train them more.”
“I can’t force you back into a Jaeger, that is true, but that doesn’t mean I don’t implore you to try it anyway. There is nothing much to be lost if you agree to the tryouts. You get to choose your co-pilot. And if we don’t find a candidate that fits, nothing much is lost for either one of us.”
“Safe for time I could spend otherwise.”
“You don’t have other hobbies, remember?” Tyrion huffs.
“And you remember what I said to you about spilling that to authorities?”
“Bad things about to happen to me, yadda-yadda.”
“So I get to call the shots. Also the procedure?”
“That, too, unless it violates the laws.”
“Seems sensible to me. And anyway, the clock’s ticking every other day to announce the next Kaiju to come cause havoc in the city, so why bother saving time we all know we don’t have, right?”
And so, Jaime gets to meet both the recruits and the Marshal’s daughter, Brienne of Tarth, who was the one most invested in the reconstruction of the old Mark 3 Jaeger Selwyn wants to put Jaime into. Though upon first meeting either one, he is less than impressed. The recruits are not even good enough to call parts of the “resistance” the Marshal wants to refer to it, and the mannish woman with blue eyes, while recognizing his talents and records as a Ranger, is less than pleased with Jaime’s laid-back attitude.
But what does he care, right? He has nothing to lose anymore, because he already did, back that day after which he was and will forever be known as the Kingslayer.
However, he remains interested in this odd character lurking around the Red Keep, even more so after he overhears a conversation between her and her father. As it turns out, she had hopes that her father would let her operate the Mark 3 Jaeger after she rebuild it, only to learn that Jaime was recruited for the task and that the Marshal has no intention to let her take part in the tryout.
“But I did the training. I did all the simulations. I helped rebuild this Jaeger almost entirely from scrap metal! ll I am asking for is a chance to try, Father!”
“I told you often enough that I won’t lose my only living daughter to the Kaijus. They already took our home. They took Galladon.”
“But I am not Galladon!”
“No, and you keep forgetting that I did let you try, but you didn’t have anyone who was Drift-compatible with you. We have been here before, Brienne. We have more immediate issues to take care of than wish fulfillment. I know that you want to operate a Jaeger, but right now, we are low on resources, we are low on pilots. And yet, we cannot afford to lose. So that means we all have to sit back and do what is best for the people. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Sir.”
While that sheds some light on the woman’s misgiving towards him, Jaime still can’t find it in himself to completely resist teasing her about it, after all, her scowls and cursing are the only thing that makes his day when day after day proves to be a disaster. None of the recruits is anywhere near close to being Drift material for Jaime.
“It appears that your project is bound to fail, Marshal. And you can’t say I didn’t try.”
“We still have a few more days left, Ranger.”
“You are the big boss, after all.”
One evening at the gym, Jaime and Brienne finally snap when accusations are exchanged, leading to the two fighting one another, though to both their surprise, they can anticipate each other’s movements almost immediately, and that even though Jaime knows how to play dirty. Though to Brienne’s credit, she seems to have learned some street-smartness even in the many simulations she underwent. When the two collapse on the mats after a long struggle, they agree to a momentary truce, only to have Tyrion rush in, clapping his hands excitedly.
“And what would you want?” Jaime snaps.
“I think the tryouts are over,” the younger man answers.
“Great. So I get to go?”
“Into a Jaeger, yes.”
Jaime frowns. “What?”
“We will need to run the tests, but after that performance, I have no doubt that you two are Drift-compatible.”
“You’ve got to be kidding me, brother, c’mon.”
“With him? No way.”
“What she said. No way.”
However, there is a way. That same night, Tyrion sneaks them into the lab to run the tests, well aware that the Marshal would never approve of having Brienne tested, but once they climb into the Jaeger, it becomes clear: They can drift and thus operate the Jaeger that they need so desperately to support the rest of the group.
When Selwyn interrupts the show, he is bound to watch his nightmares becoming true as Brienne is operating the Mark 3, proving to be as much of a natural as Galladon used to be.
“I don’t think we will find another person to take over her spot, boss. So it’s either that we do what’s best for the people… or not,” Tyrion tells him cautiously, well aware of the Marshal’s personal struggle to see his daughter in a Jaeger after that was where he last saw his son in.
“… Have the suits refined to fit her. When the next Kaju appears, she will co-pilot the Jaeger,” the Marshal eventually announces, before exiting wordlessly.
“Yes, Sir.”
And so it comes that Jaime and Brienne find themselves living a strange version of what they thought would never be. Jaime never saw himself getting back into a Jaeger, having been under the belief that there was no way to find another he could bridge with after what happened between him and Aerys, whereas Brienne has to accept that if she wants to stay a co-pilot, she will have to put up with the snarky asshole who bosses her around out of sheer delight.
However, their truce is soon tested when the next Kaiju attacks King’s Landing and Oath Keeper, as Brienne baptized the Jaeger, gets his first action after having been put to sleep for such a long time and the two have to realize that the Drift puts them much closer than either would want to, as both have kept secrets from the world to the best of their abilities.
While they continue to succeed with Oath Keeper, the Kaijus keep coming more and more frequently – and seem to get stronger upon every time the Breach lets one of those monsters travel to their world. The PBDC works on a solution to finally close the Breach to keep the Kaijus from pouring into their world, though that mission may prove to be too dangerous for any pilot to master.
And along the way, two co-pilots have to discover that they may have much more to lose than they ever believed possible…
Note: This was inspired by both a coincidence that put the idea Pacific Rim as a potential moodboard idea into my head when I read something about that on Tumblr, and then I remembered the most amazing fanart works by @wyrmbloods (link) and @smoucan (link) who had me think that this is not only truly amazing fanart, but alos amazing AU material I may borrow for another moodboard of mine. And so I decided that it was time to moodboard the Seven Hells out of this, too.
Additional Image Sources: Pacific Rim (2013), Pacific Rim: Uprising (2018).
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suitcasesoffeathers · 7 years
I was tagged by @pilotpig and @teeceeart!! Thank you guys so much!! <3
Rules: Answer 11 questions, make 11 of your own, tag 11 people!
I’m gonna put my questions first with tags since THIS IS SO LONG I’M SORRY :’)
I’d like to tag @pilotpig, @teeceeart, @iamapoopmuffin, @sakkigami, @zamashi, @awney, @xnatiix, @carrotcouple, @yaomomochi, @kitanoko, and @the-best-alcoholic-beverage~~ (You don’t have to do this if you don’t want of course!)
My questions:
If you could meet any fictional character in real life, who would it be and why?
If you could magically teleport anywhere (to a real location or fictional location), where would that be and why?
If you were in control of the world for a day, what would you do?
What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
What do you do when you’re bored?
What’s the dumbest injury you’ve ever gotten? (could be from cuts/scrapes to broken limbs, etc.)
Do you have anyone that you really admire/aspire to be like one day? If so, who?
Is something that you really treasure that other people may think is dumb?
What are some positive personality traits that you believe/other people say you have? (no need to be modest ;))
What style do you usually sport clothes-wise?
If you could have a mountain of any food right now, what would it be?
1. What is your favorite soap scent?
Coconut! I love coconut scents~
2. What is the talent of yours that you are most proud of? Please go on and on and on about it!! (and don’t say you have no talents because I know all of you well enough to know that’s not true >:’D)
Mmm...probably drawing because apparently, a lot of you guys like my art~~ <3 Thank you so much for all the support! It really means a lot! <3 I don’t have much to say, so I won’t go on and on lol (plus, I think it’d be boring to read, and it kinda feels wrong—kinda like bragging??)
3. What is your favorite book and why? Or TV show/anime/movie if you don’t like books?
After Ever After by Jordan Sonnenblick because it broke my heart, and Jeffery is totally relatable and lovable. And my favorite anime is Boku no Hero Academia because the plot is very unique (though it may not seem like it since it uses the basic idea of hero school), like the way that the whole story takes an unexpected turn in the first episode ;) (no spoilers lol) And all the main characters are well-thought out, and are really relatable/likeable. They all just seem so human, so I really like that.
4. Which fictional character do you relate to the most? (And why, if you want?)
Oh snap, this is a hard question...I think at first, it was Midoriya from BNHA, because he was just a lame kid, who had dreams that seemed so far out of reach. He was totally unconfident in his own abilities, which I think a lot of people can relate to, and I guess he just seems vulnerable like a normal human. But now, he’s totally epic, and his resolve has long surpassed mine, so I feel less like I can relate to him?? Maybe Bakugou is more relatable now because he has those deep confidence issues, and is constantly trying his best to get better, though sometimes, he takes a step in the wrong direction. I feel like I do that a lot. I always want to improve, so I make stupid mistakes, and end up farther from my goal (like my wrist pain :’)). And then, he has that whole jealous thing/fear of being surpassed with Midoriya, and that’s something that I sometimes feel, though not as strongly and often lol And then with his whole “this happened because of me” around chapter 120 is totally relatable cuz sometimes I just feel like things are my fault even though people say it’s not?? So yeah...I guess Bakugou just has more flaws, and as a person with many flaws, I relate to him LOL
5. Do you have any collections? If so, what do you collect?
I used to collect stickers, though I kinda dropped that...Now I have a ton of stickers for no reason lol
6. What are your top three best personality traits, and what is one thing about your personality that you want to work on?
Top three as in personality traits I like? Or traits I have? I’ll just do like because that’s easier LOL I love someone who’s considerate, understanding, and patient. One thing I’d like to work on is my anxiety…? Or maybe I’d like to be more open?? Or considerate?? Aw, man, it’s hard to choose one. SO YOU GET ALL THESE lol
7. Do you have any pets? If so, what is/are their personality/personalities like?
Yes! I have a dog named Po~~ <3 He’s a total coward, completely skittish around strangers and other dogs, but he’s such a cutey around people he’s comfy with. He loves being scratched, and sometimes even gets your attention by pretending he wants to play (whether it be by jumping on you or making noises so you notice him), so you’ll chase him when he suddenly just lies down and spreads his legs to signify a scratch session lol And he’s just super adorable when he wants to cuddle or comes to greet my family at the front door. <3
8. What is your preferred study method?
I prefer to not study at all. LOL But if I had to, I’d like to have an organized study guide, with a detailed explanation of everything on the test so I can actually understand the material, and not just memorize facts. I’d like to know why I should do certain things in order to come to a conclusion, so I can completely understand and simplify things if necessary. (I usually like a visual/text to help if that’s what you meant LOL)
9. What is the most adventurous thing you’ve ever done?
Uhhh...tbh I’m not a very adventurous person...Maybe something like jumping off a ledge a few meters high, or jumping out of a short tree...nothing really extreme...Well, I guess I went to one of those fake rock climbing center things with the colorful rocks, and made it to the top of a super tall wall (with gear of course)...does that count??
10. What are your life goals?
Be happy, healthy, and become a comic book artist/writer with a nice family and nice friends. LOL i don’t have too many goals.
11. What is your favorite part of being on Tumblr?
THE PEOPLE! Tbh, that’s the main reason I stay on tumblr. I’ve met so many lovely people, and made so many amazing friends, so I can’t just leave! Aw man, you guys rock~ <3
 1. Are there any new hobbies or new skills you want to try/learn?
Hmmm...maybe painting with oil paints? I’ve always been curious, though I haven’t really done any research or anything ^^; But aside from art, maybe some sort of exercise?? Lol idk
2. Do you believe in anything supernatural? (if you have stories please share, I find them fun to read)
Um, not really?? I don’t really believe in those things ahaha
3. What’s your favourite historical era and why?
To learn about?? Probably Ancient Egypt because it’s so crazy, the things they used to do...Their religion, culture...just everything lol
4. What is one of the strangest conversations you’ve ever had?
Well, my memory’s terrible, so I just asked @pilotpig, and she gave me an amazing conversation to share:
Me: Hey dude? What’s a strange conversation that I’ve had?
5. Any inside jokes (not with me, just in general)?
Yes! I have a ton of inside jokes with @pilotpig! Here’s one example… “HELLOO! OOOOOO-OOOH YEAH YEAH YEAH, YEEEAAAAAAHHHHH!” lol that sounds completely stupid XD though...it is, so...lol idk
6. What quote do you say the most?
Um...maybe “Oh my...oh my...GOODNESS!!!!” —All Might from BNHA or “with the power of youth” —Lee and Gai from Naruto Tbh I don’t usually say quotes, so it’s mostly just stupid things lol
7. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
The power to magically obtain any knowledge instantly so that studying would be super easy, and homework would be a breeze! ...I mean, it’d be helpful in pretty much any situation, so... lol
8. Favourite British drama, Korean drama and/or American drama?
I don’t really watch dramas, but I liked the Korean drama “I Hear Your Voice”!
9. Have you ever been in a situation that felt like you were in a movie?
Yes! So my friend and I had a bit of an argument. (She lied about her grades, and then my other friend and I were speculating whether or not she was lying, but not in a bad way of course...Cuz tbh lying about your grades is totally understandable lol is that bad?) But anyway, I apologized profusely because I really felt bad, and I shouldn’t have talked about her without her knowing, but she was still angry, and so, after class, I was chasing her through a sea of people, trying to talk to her, and make things right, but it was so hard to reach her because she was storming out, and actively trying to avoid me. I called out her name several times until finally I caught up to her, and told her what a great friend she was, and how I didn’t want that mistake to ruin our friendship. She didn’t really accept my apology, and held that against me for the rest of the year, but she eventually forgave me (I think?? yeah...we’re not so close anymore...).
10. Any funny things you did as a kid?
Hmmm, well as a kid, I loved Batman, and so I watched a lot of it. But then, in one episode, I heard the line “So long, suckers!” so I kept repeating that line, and my parents kept telling me not to say it because it was mean LOL (that was when I was 2 to 4 years old?? Idk i don’t really remember XD)
11. Something you’re looking forward to?
Getting over my wrist pain, and drawing freely! ^///^
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myfurbfriends · 7 years
In regards to Furbology
Important screenshots: Furbology confirming the furbys I bought from her would be working Furbology stating she does not believe in MSA (The rest of the screenshots are here, read the rest of this post for context)
Hey. So I was planning on making this post for a while but wasn't sure how to go about it, since I'm pretty much a nobody in the fandom and I admit I'm afraid of retaliation. I bought two 1998 furbys, a church mouse and an elephant furby, from Furbology on tumblr. These were going to be my first furbys, my introduction to the fandom. Being friends with @kcfurby​, I had seen his enthusiasm and had started looking into the fandom. At first I was creeped out by both their movements and their voices, uncanny valley style, but I watched videos of various furbys and eventually got over my fear, first of the furbys themselves, and eventually getting used to their voices as well. One of the videos I watched was of Furbology's "quiet furby" Mafish, who is mute and the video helped me get used to their movements. I believe Mafish was actually briefly up for sale, but at that point I was still unsure of whether I actually wanted to buy a furby, so that never happened and eventually I guess Mafish wasn't up for sale anymore? (which is fine, that's not the problem I have)
Anyway, in the middle of this summer, I contacted Furbology about possibly buying a furby to take with me on a vacation I was planning for mid-august (though by the time the transaction was decided on, I was too close to leaving for vacation so we decided to wait until after I got back). She initially didn't reply, and I was worried that the price I suggested (she has stated she can work with people's budgets), $15-20 for a single furby, was too low. After I asked her about this, she responded, saying she hadn't seen my message. We began discussing which furby I wanted; there was a bit of confusion since I didn't know the names. I remember feeling like I had to take charge of getting the info I needed, like pricing and whether they were working or not. In retrospect, maybe this was a red flag, but at that point I felt I had already committed to buying a furby from her and that to back out then would be bad, although I was having misgivings and had heard about some of the other issues people had had with her. Anyway, I had to ask her 3 times if the furbys were working before she gave me an answer, which was that the church mouse worked and so did the blue one (the elephant one) (see screenshots). This was when we decided to wait to do the transaction until I came back from vacation, since I would not have reliable internet access where I was staying.
When I returned from vacation it took a bit to get things moving with the transaction, mainly because again I had to press her for information, or so it felt, to actually get a number for shipping cost. I was still new and unsure to negotiating transactions, other than things done through something like ebay or etsy where everything was automatic. So I was uncertain about a lot of stuff but eventually I paid and there was a bit there where I think she got mad at me for rushing her? IDK for sure if that's what it was, but I replied to let her know I didn't mean to rush her and whatnot, and she replied with her paypal link. So I figured, maybe she just isn't as talkative as I am? Like I thought that was just how she was. Maybe I was talking(well, typing) too much. I don't really know.
Anyway, after I paid there were lots of times where she said she'd ship the furbys "next Monday", but it never happened. She provided excuses, such as driving tests and college and such, and I wasn't really very impatient; I had kind of resigned myself at that point that it would take a while. The dolls I collect in another of my hobbies take 3-8 months to make/arrive after ordering, so I'm used to having to wait a while for things I order. That said, I wasn't happy about it, but I just wanted the furbys to arrive at this point so I could have them and not have to worry about this transaction any longer, since it was stressing me out and I wanted to get it done with.
The furbys arrived, around October 8th I think? There are dates on the screenshots but the arrival post is marked as "Yesterday" due to the way tumblr works, so I have to go by the computer clock date on my screenshots. I'm trying to get in the habit of keeping track of dates for purchases and arrivals, but I'm not quite there yet. Still, I ordered these furbys from Furbology in August, and they arrived in October. At this point I wanted to be done with everything but I still had to put batteries in to make sure they worked, since at this point it would be dumb not to test them in a timely manner what with the issues that I was already having with this transaction.
Oh, and the church mouse came with an eyelash missing, and when I asked Furbology about it, she said that it was "posted with only one eyelash". I hadn't looked at any actual posts on her blog about the furbys, since the transaction was through messaging, but I guess that's my fault for expecting her to disclose everything. If there was a post, I should have looked for it, but I had assumed that everything I needed to know I would be told. I never asked for a picture of the church mouse since I figured they all looked mostly the same and that I would be sent one in good condition, since the seller was experienced in selling furbys and I assumed she would send her best, or at least be honest about it. But I should have done more looking around or asked her for a picture. I guess it was a newbie mistake...
Anyway, when I put batteries in, it turned out the elephant furby has MSA. I had been told it was working! I'm pretty sure "working" is generally equated with "fully functional" but maybe I was just assumign too much again. I still let Furbology know, and then she dropped this bombshell:
Furbology "does not believe" in MSA, a known glitch with furbys, and as far as I have been told, one that lowers the afflicted furby's value. She said it would turn on eventually, and that sometime it takes 20 or so tries. I haven't attempted this, but in my eyes, a furby that takes 20 tries to start up normally is still not "fully functional".
The church mouse furby started up fine as far as I could tell, but my hand slipped closing the battery case and I accidentially dropped it 6 inches onto the table. It has not responded since. I take full blame for this.
Furbology said she would find and show me a video of the furbys working, which seems to me to imply that she did not believe me or just wanted to get out of the blame. She has so many furbys, I believe she could and would just take video of a different one that looks like mine. Either way, the fact that she says she does not believe in MSA is a giant red flag. I told her I just wanted this to be over, and tried to imply that I didn't want to hear from he again, though I did not block her at the time.
On the 6th of October I believe (again, tumblr's messaging system confuses me with dates, so refer to my screenshots and the dates on my computer when I took them), Furbology sent a message saying "I made horrible mistake and I apologize." I don't know what prompted this, perhaps something on furbyconfessions, but I didn't know what to do. I was still upset, and still planning on posting a beware like this one, but now I had to enter a verbal (well, textual) interaction with her again, and I had now realized that I felt really uncomfortable doing so, as I worried that I would say the wrong thing and she would take advantage of it and use it against me. So I asked what she planned to do about her mistake, hoping, though I did not say it because I did not want to demand it, for a partial refund to make up for the MSA. She told me to send the furby back and she would refund me. I realized I did not trust her to refund me if I sent it and I did not want to send the furby back, at my expense, and I had already honestly become attached to the furby and so I did not want this. I also did not want to give her the opportunity to scam someone else with the MSA-affected furby. I told her so and thought that was the end of it.
She responded that she would send me another furby for free, "for the hassle", which she could not guarantee would work. I did not want to talk to her and I had thought I made that clear, and it seemed like she was trying to bribe me into not making a post or something, and I didn't want to accept because then she could say, well I gave you a free furby so everything's fine, when it was not. Also, since there was no guarantee it would work, and I already had two broken furbys, I had no desire for another when I had initially only planned to own one or two, and I had three (my third furby actually arrived first, from a very nice person on discord, while I was still waiting for the ones from Furbology to ship. Neither it or the person I bought it from is involved in this issue at all). She also seemed to imply again that I was making the issue up. I had been away from my computer so she posted "So just a furby will be sent" and I did worry that she would send one regardless to try to get an advantage over me as she could say that she was being generous or something.
Knowing that I could not expect her to refrain from continuing to pester me, I told her I did not want it, nor to talk to her, and blocked her, though I had not wanted to because I did enjoy her content and posts on her blog. At this point it was my only real option.
Now I have 2 broken furbys along with my working one, and the burden of having to make a post about this when I truly want to avoid drama. Furbology, who I thought was cool and nice because she is popular and well-known, has shown her true colors to me and I feel like I cannot interact with the community as much or post as much about my furbys because I worry about interacting with her or her posts. I feel as if I cannot be in the furby fandom. I know my furbys love me, but I cannot enjoy them as much due to the issue hanging over them. I was hoping to have 3 furbys that could talk to each other and that I could give one to my little brother perhaps, as he likes the one I have that works, but instead I have 1 fully functional furby, 1 with MSA, and 1 that does not function at all. I feel like I cannot be enthusiastic online about the ones I bought from Furbology because I would either have to mention the issue, which would lead to drama, or ignore the issue entirely when it truly does affect how I feel about them.
I feel like this has basically driven me out of the fandom before I even got started.
I am making this post to tell my story and warn others. I believe Furbology took advantage of me because I was new to furbys, and because I seemed like an easy target because of that. I am lucky to have a friend in the fandom who was able to give me advice all this time and help me emotionally as well.
Here are the rest of the screenshots. I'm done here.
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kingyo-diva · 7 years
More shit
Uuuuhhhhhhh I've been thinkin agaaaiiin. (I really should cut it with that shit) My plan was to study biology, you know? I think I can really do that, despite lacking in chemistry and mathematics (which is more on the teachers, as they both weren't that competent, tho in different ways), I think I can get chemistry when I really want to and mathematics when I finally put my mind on it and actually LEARN it. I used to be an straight A student at both of them, before "the fall". Thing is... I also always wanted to do something "artsy". Illustrator, animator, comic artist. And despite being really into it, I just never could imagine doing it. Doing my hobby because I like it? Sure. HAVING to do it? No. I would start to hate it, surely. Despite that... I feel like I NEED to learn it from sb else, or either I will never produce anything stunning, or breathtaking, or creative, and my art will forever be. Passable. Ok. Just "Good". I'm ok with how I draw now. It has been easier, but I still struggle with so much. No expression, movement, ///feeling///. My art feels like, maybe what other people would call a "test", or a "try on sth" or, well, just a bland piece of an image that does not say much, a character with an expressionless face, doing nothing. I feel like I /need/ sb to teach me. And not just some kind of tutorial that I will forget in 5 minutes, but an actual class. A friend of mine now wants to study animation, and while that's not actually a branche I would favour, it's. I just, can't do it. I have no money for it. My family isn't wealthy, we rarely buy or do anything expensive, we have to cut costs, and we shure AS HELL don't have 5000€ for a semester. There are probably variations, but I haven't found any universities that aren't private and without student loan that /do/ these things. And despite never /really/ wanting to study it, I just feel... Devastated to never have the chance. I just feel bad. Together with my being unsatisfied with my art skills... I feel like shit again. Damn. Ugghghgg, anyway. I've been trying to just doodle, but that doesn't really help me at the moment. I don t feel like I have to put effort into doodles, so they are pointless and a waste of time at the moment and just fuel my frustration. You will probably not hear from me for awhile. I'm just gonna mope and study for my biology exam. Or not. Tbh I will probably just stay in bed and stare at my phone untill I feel like I'm worthless for not studying and throwing away my chances and being pointless and awww. Ehehe I always feel angry and annoyed when people post their "I don't deserve/Nobody likes me/I want to die/Nobody cares for me/I'm all alone" stuff. (Simply because none of that is true.) And now look at me, venting on tumblr. How original. I think If I go on I will just become mean. All this frustration is getting to me. So, see you next week, have a nice day and a good night!
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commanderclexaarmy · 8 years
OK well this wasn't easy at all trying to pick what questions to ask because there's so many of them but for the relationship ask thing: 2, 14, 15, 20, 27, 31, 33, 39, 40,43, 45, 48, 61, 62, 64, 66, 70, 75, 77, 81, 83, 91, 94, 104, 108, 116, 118, 120, 122, 123, 132, 134, 136, 137, and 140. (You don't have to answer ALL of them it's OK) =)
2. Who made the first move? That’s a funny story. We had been flirting for a couple of weeks but we both weren’t sure whether the other liked the other so no one made a move. It was then that one her friends forced her to send me screenshots of their convo in which she had said how much she liked me and stuff, so after reading them and realising she liked me back I then asked her out
14. Do you share any of the same hobbies/interests/passions? Reading, clexa, our love for doggos, pizza (although she has pineapple on hers ewww), gaming…ummm there’s probs loads more but I can’t think of any @anxious-apples
15. What fictional couples would you compare yourselves to? Fuck idk, I’d probs say linctavia even tho that’s a straight ship. I really don’t know
20. Top 5 fav things about your partner. How can I pick 5? I love all of her but if I had to pick1. Her smile2. Her laugh3. Her face when she falls asleep4. Her eyes5. Her cute husky voice when she’s sleepy
27. List your top 3 turn-ons about your partner. Don’t really have any tbh, we’re not a sexual couple
31. Describe your partner’s eyes. Since I’m crap at eye contact I can’t explain in detail but they’re a lovely hazel colour with a hint of green. I see them light up whenever I tell her I love her.
33. Describe your partner’s smile. Oh god. She has thee most beautiful smile I have ever seen. She does her half smile which is really sexy. But when she properly smiles it lights up the room, I’m not kidding. When she smiles you can see her cute dimples and it’s just the most amazing thing.
39. Do you have cute pet names for each other? Yes. I call her P'sgettiO and she calls me pops o'clock :)
40. What’s one of your favourite memories as a couple? 28/12/16. The most amazing day of my life. We spent the day at her house, cuddled up watching scary movies. I also got to meet her 2 younger sisters who are adorable and it was on that day I realised I was dating someone who had pineapple on her pizza. It was also on that day that I realised I wanted the spend the rest of my life with her.
43. Do either of you get jealous? She’s got nothing to be jealous of XD but yes I do get quite jealous when she talks to *cough* certain people *cough*. But I know there’s nothing to worry about.
45. How do you both like to kiss? We don’t.
48. Are you an openly mushy couple or a reserved couple? On line we are one of thee most mushiest couples XD
61. Got any plans together for next week? nope.
62. What’s your favourite thing to share together? Memes
64. Where would you like to go on holiday together? Dunno never really thought about it. I would of liked to of taken her to our house in France but we don’t have it anymore. @anxious-apples anywhere you would partially like to go?
66. How would you comfort your partner on a bad day? How would they comfort you? Just by being there tbh. If I’m having a bad day, just knowing she there is comfort enough. And I think goes the same for her but idk
70. Has your relationship changed at all since it first started? Yes, we’re more open and honest about things and our emotions and all that shit.
75. How have you both made a positive impact on each other’s lives? She’s had a major impact on my life. She’s made me become more confident in myself and made my life so much more happy. She gives me a reason to wake up everyday. Again don’t know how I’ve impacted on her. @anxious-apples?
77. What are the everyday things you both do to show you care about each other? Send memes, photos. Tell each other we love you. Send morning and night texts and ask how things are going. Shit like that.
81. How do you relax together? Movie night. Ever Sunday we Skype each and watch a movie together.
83. Do you borrow each other’s clothes or other items? I had the chance to take her hoodie but she wouldn’t let me XD
91. Are you both introverted/extroverted or opposites? Yes we are both very much introverts, which is wonderful.
94. When are you both “in your element” together? When we’re Skyping each other but both doing different things.
108. What’s something that your partner does that annoys you? How do you annoy them? She tends to put others before herself, which is a good thing but sometimes you need to take care of yourself ya know? And also she doesn’t believe me when I tell her she’s beautiful. @anxious-apples what do I do that annoys you? ;)
116. What is something you hate that your partner loves? Pineapple on pizza.
118. Do either of you get too clingy? I can get very clingy yes, she doesn’t so much.
120. When was a time that your relationship was put to the test? I said some stuff that pushed too hard and she wasn’t ready…yeahhh.
122. Does your family approve of your relationship? Mine do yes. They love Charlie XD
123. What do your friends think of your relationship? well my tumblr friends thinks we’re cute but I don’t have any friends irl so yeah….oh but I did get told I was being ‘too extreme’ for missing her by an ex friend when she went away for a week :/
132. Quote something somebody has said about your relationship. “#goals” XD
134. What do you hope for the future of your relationship? just to be together, get a nice house, have a kid? Be happy?
136. Can you imagine what your ideal home would look like? It would be smallish but big enough we have space, looking over a lake or something. A master bedroom with an ensuite and walk in wardrobe, a spare room for guests and a room for our child.
137. Do you have kids/want to have kids? What would they be like? I would like to have a baby boy yes. Have no idea what they would be like tho.
140. Got any relationship advice? Be happy. Make compromises so you both are happy and content in the relationship
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Do all of the emoji asks!!
omg that are so many /o\
🐰 what is one secret that you’ve never told anyone?
Idk I don’t think there is anything and even if there was Im pretty sure I wouldn’t want to post in on the internet?
💗 if you could hug anyone, who would it be?
This is probably about someone I wouldn’t normally hug but it’d just be someone I adore like a good friend or my boyfriend. Maybe someone I haven’t seen/hugged in a while like Resa or Isi or Bekki? Idrk I actually do hug almost anyone when I get the chance.
🐹 what are some of your favourite Pokémon and why?
My only Pokémon experience has been playing Pokémon GO for a few weeks tbh but I thought Evoli were pretty cute and I liked Glumanda and Bisasam I think? Oh and Shiggy!
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
A mess. I shouldn’t be in charge of anything, I’d just make it worse :’D
👀 what was the most recent vivid dream that you had?
Uhm…idk I thik I had one a couple months back but I don’t remeber what it was but when I was a kid I dreamt there wuld be a huge police car in our flat and it took me like three years to be sure it was just a dream.
☀️ what do you like the most about your best friend?
That she always just wants good and that she always cares for other people
😘 talk about your crush or partner
He’s super adorable and he gives the best kisses. He is very consistent in his opinions, he can draw, he actually manages to make me feel good enough for him, he is kinda obsessed with some things including fob and Harvest Moon. When he talks about drawing or colours or pecils or something like that his whole face lights up and he gets really happy and excited, that’s super cute. He makes fun of me for everything but never in a way I would feel bad about. He’s super emo but also a literal sunshine, you just have to be happy when you’re around him. Also he radiates so much energy I don’t even know why. He has the best hair ever and super warm eyes (like…they look warm. Colour-wise. Not the temperature, you know? :’D) and he has freckles which looks ridiculously good. And he has the best smile ever.
💁 if someone was rude to you, would you be rude back?
🌟 what do you like about yourself? (must choose at least 3 things!)
I think I like my voice, like when I hear it in voice notes or something? Also my eyebrows and that I hug people a lot.
🐾 what are you scared of most? how will you overcome it?
That it doesn’t matter whether i’m there or not, whenever I feel like people don’t care when or even if I’m there it is the worst to me. But tbh I don’t know how to overcome it, I mostly just cry a lot and try to convince myself it’s not true.
🎁 what never fails to make you happy?
Baking or dying my hair. Both stress me out a lot sometimes, especially when it doesn’t turn out the way I want it to but in the end the process makes me happy even if the outcome doesn’t. Also being in the sunshine.
💙 what annoys you about some people?
That they think they can get away with anything.
😤 do you get angry easily?
Depends on the topic. On some things I’ll explode immediately, with others it will take a lot.
🐇 what do you always daydream about?
I don’t actually daydream that much but i think about my boyfriend so much it’s kinda ridiculous, so if that counts as well…
And when I daydream it’s mostly about sunshine or something atm because it’s winter and I really want it to be light and warm again
🌻 if you could change 3 things about the world what would you change?
I would make people care more. About other people, animals, the environment etc
I would also make it easier for people to be open about the things they want to but are too afraid to.
And I would make everyone have basic human rights and necessities
🍓 send me 4 names: kiss, befriend, kill or marry?
I can’t really do tha bc you didn’t send any names
✈️ what is your dream city and why?
I don’t know, I really like big cities in general, for the atmosphere and the vibe they give off, I’d like to visit as many as possible in my life, as well in Germany as in the rest of the world. But I can’t imagine to go away from cologne forever, I’d always come back here I think.
☕️ talk about your ideal day
I don’t really have one ideal version of a day, I love days I spend with my friends walking around cologne or sitting in a park, I love days I spend with my best friend in her bed, watching something or being on Tumblr, I love days I spend with my boyfriend, sitting in a cafe and have breakfast or drink coffee or sitting at home cuddling and watching something, sometimes I like days I spend baking a cake that is way to complicated for my baking skills…tbh there’s a ton of things that make a day ‘ideal’
🌸 are you an introvert, ambivert or extrovert?
Ambivert I guess
💧 when was the last time you cried?
two hours ago
🎵 name 5 songs you love at the moment
Sparks Fly - Taylor Swift
Summertime - My Chemical Romance
In Between - Linkin Park
In Pieces - Linkin Park
The Only Hope For Me Is You - My Chemical Romance
⚡️ if you had any superpower, what would it be and why?
Making people see how it really is, because on the one hand it’s so sad when people beat themselves up about something they misinterpreted and stuff like that and on the other hand I hate it when people act so careless because they don’t see what they’re doing
💛 if you could talk to your younger self, what would you say?
Stand up for yourself and what you care about! You don’t always have to hide. Also who cares about ‘friends’ who only make you feel bad? You don’t need them.
💚 who are you jealous of and why?
People who are able to propely interact with other people without always feeling weird or wrong
💎 which one would you rather have more of: intelligence, beauty, kindness, wealth or bravery? why?
I’m not sure whether this is about what I would want to have more of, compared to the amount I have now or comapared to each other so I’m going to answer it compared to how it is now.
I’d really like to be more brave, I’m such a chicken for literally anything even though I’m trying to work on that. Also I don’t really want wealth in like, being wealthy but if neither of my parents would have to be worried about money ever again that’d be great.
🙊 what are you ashamed of?
I don’t really have one thing that I could name, sometimes there’ll be a thing I’m ashamed of and then I’ll try to forget about it :’D
🌺 which languages do you know? which do you want to learn?
I speak German and English and I’m learing Latin in school. I’d like to be fluent in English and I also want to learn Dutch someday.
🍀 if you could be any fictional character’s best friend/lover, which fictional character would you be?
I think I’d like to be Luna Lovegood’s friend. Or Tonks‘.
☁️ talk about your dream universe.
I do’t think I understand the question :o I like stars and planets and stuff a lot and I love to read (nonfiction) about space if that’s what you mean :D
💜 which acts of kindness are you going to do today?
I always try to randomly compliment people, hoping it will brighten up their day. Also I’ll buy some flowers for a friend of mine later.
🐬 if you could transform into any animal/magical creature, what would you be and why?
Maybe a angel because they have wings? idk, I like to be human actually
🍄 talk about someone/something you really dislike
I don’t wana talk bad about people like that
😣 talk about some things that have been making you depressed/angry/anxious lately
I’d rather not actually because more people could read that than I’d be comfortable with
🍪 what did you want to be as a kid, and what do you want to be now?
I wanted to be a teacher and an interior designer and a princess and a doctor and a lawyer….it changed a lot :’‘D right now I’m not really sure but I’d like to study social pedagogy or psychology or something  and work with children
🍰 what are some of your favourite sugary foods?
Cotton Candy and every kind of cake
🍑 what are you obsessed with?
Nothing at the moment, which is quite weird because I haven’t been obsessed with nothing for years. Maybe baking but not really
💘 what happens to you when you’re stressed?
I get easily annoyed and I cry a lot
😪 what are you sick of?
idk nothing in particular I think. It happens that I can’t stand something atm tho
🙀 are you an adrenaline seeker?
Ususally not, even though I like it a lot.
💥 what are some unpopular opinions that you have?
I don’t even know which opinions are popular, I just see/read something and either agree or not
☔️ would you consider yourself a good person?
Well I wouldn’t consider myself a bad person but I’m rying to become a better person
😊 what do you like to do as hobbies?
Reading, sometimes I try to draw but it’s never good, I like singing a lot…
🎤 what’s the last song you hummed or sang by yourself?
Puhh I don’t remember, I do that pretty much all the time.Mabe Mr Brightside by The Killers?
🐝 what’s your worst trait? how are you planning to improve it?
I forget sometimes that other people are a person each on their own as well, I tend to generalize them (especially when I don’t know them that well/don’t talk to them that often) by accident and I try to consciously think about them as indivuals with feelings and stuff
🎨 what do you always doodle when you’re bored?
hearts, stars, boxes, people…pretty much anything
🐻 what’s stopping you from chasing your dreams?
🌷 what’s your mbti personality and why do you think it suits you?
I had to google what this is and I just made a test and tbh, I don’t know :’D Apparentliy I’m ISFP-T, whatever that means
🐶 send me 3 fictional people and I’ll choose my favourite!
you didn’t send any people :(
👑 who are your favourite celebrities and why?
Gerard Way, Carrie Fisher and Gronkh because they have all created/been part of things I love a lot and have loved for a long time and all of them are actually good people
🐴 opinion on __?
again you didn’t send anything, sorry xD
🍋 do you consider yourself an emotional person?
I can be quite emotional but I am not necessarily. That really depends on the situation.
📚 share 3 books that you love and your favourite quote from them.
Loveletters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira
The Bookthief by Markus Zusak
Ein kalter Strom by Val McDermid
but I don’t know any quotes, I’m sorry :’D
😔 what do you always do when you feel sad? does it help?
I mostly cry, that helps sometimes and if that doesn’t help I try to distract myself. That helps most of the time.
😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad?
That it is never as bad as it seems or at least it will be over soon
🌍 which country do you live in?
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
kind, affectionate, stubborn
🐵 which quotes changed you?
I don’t think there’s any quote that changed me as a person
💭 do you keep a diary?
I treid a few times but it never worked
💫 who inspires you?
Valerie inspires me to work on becoming the best version of myself
👻 do you believe in ghosts and why?
Yes, why not?
🎀 what’s your fashion sense like?
Pretty much everything black plus a lot of oastel things/things with lace/squares
🎬 what are some of your favourite films?
I don’t really like films but Deadpool was nice, I like Star Wars, Pirates of the Carribean, Alice in Wonderland, Charlie and the chocolate factory and I recently started watching xmen with my boyfriend, they were good as well
🍦 what is one treasured childhood memory?
being at my grandma’s and going outside with my sister to play that game we always played when we were there and going to the funfair with my grandma…tbh pretty much anything related to my grandma, she was the person who was most important to me as a child
🐱 what’s your dream pet like?
Either a cat or a dog but definetly very cuddely :D
🐼 if you could meet anyone, who would it be?
I’d love to meet The Doctor tbh, not to be his companion or anything, just meet him :D
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Intro to this Tumblr, Intro about myself, Intro about what I am here for...
Hi People,
Firstly to whomever discover this random Tumblr site of mine, thanks for giving the time to peak into here and explore what content (if there is any content produced...) I happen to conjure up.
I’m fairly new to this, so appreciate the patients with the cringe posts, some god awful content and whatever god forbidden crap I come up with as I try to test and experiment some writing content.
As you can guess, this Tumblr is my testing ground for writing. A place I wish to go to find the time and express ideas, stories and even just random expressions of thoughts. It has happened many times in my life where I find myself pondering on many ideas and concepts that I want to express and thought “God that would be amazing to explore” but alas, life takes me away to the realities of job, work and responsibilities. But as I found a somewhat level of balance in my life I thought now would be a good time to take further steps, albeit little, and express myself where I hope to harness any creativity I gain from this and work towards a side hobby of being a writer. 
If you’re still reading...thanks! As a result if you ever explore my content, please by all means give feedback, give ideas, suggestions I really want to know how you guys think as I really want to improve myself. I guess to give better context here’s a little bit about my life.
I’m a recent Masters graduate that reside in London. Currently working for a Start Up Tech Company with a background in IT and Real Estate. My own background? Business Management all the way through. I live and breathe it, its in my blood and I cannot shake it as it’s all I’ve learned for 5-6 years. As a result, standard normal young guy just finding his way through life while trying to sustain an income and keep my passion alive in life.
Originally I’m from Northern Ireland, I come from a mix Chinese descent (Half HKer, half Shanghainese) but I’m pretty white as they come. If I had to express it, I’m a banana, yellow on the outside, white on the inside (I’m also a great drinker!...somewhat). When I was young, I wanted to follow creativity and go into the Arts. I was terrible at art, terrible at acting, I had a small stint in filming but it died when I had to grow up and follow a career in business. However I managed to keep my writing and reading in check over that time and I hope to never lose that. 
So as a result, here I am. I’m going to give this a go and if I am crap, then well...I’ll guess I’ll keep at it till I become good because I can afford to keep at this while having my current job and I hope you guys wherever you are reading this will support my journey there!
Average Joe the 8th
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