#tf parsec
pluralsword · 2 years
One More Post: Choose a Prime Poll (we'd choose all of them if we could of course) 2023
We love them all and honestly want a team-up of the whole lot so bad but choose one XD we know it's not an easy choice
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churino6 · 22 days
Reboot time!, after all this time away, I've changed the image format and revamped the lore. Notably, this project now has a name, transformers from a to z! (The name is only in honor of the original idea, im no longer doing characters in alphabetical order)
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Note: Pre reboot stuff (anything that doesn't use the character sheet format) is being kept around for archival purposes. None of it is canon anymore
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60parsecsrevive · 2 years
Emmet: *Holding a bottle* Is this whiskey or perfume?
DeeDee: *Chugs entire bottle*
DeeDee: It's perfume.
Tom (to Emmet): Man, I only ever see you awake. Do you ever shut down or stop running?
Emmet: Oh, I'm always running
Emmet: The question is from what
Tom: *Kicks the door down looking panicked*
April: What did you do?
Tom: Nobody died!
Baby: *Accidentally hits Tom in the face; Trying to decide between saying "I'm sorry" and "Are you okay?"*
Baby: Are you sorry?!
Tom: What's wrong with you?!
Baby: I turned out perfectly fine! 
Deedee: Baby, this morning you thought a ghost made your toast.
April: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them. 
Baby: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
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dystopicjumpsuit · 8 months
Hi!!! I come with a FMK in return, if you want to give it a go. Let's call this "Husband" Edition. Mayday, Cody, & Rex.
Love & Wrecker Hugs 😉
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OH DAMN. That's some expert-level revenge 😭😭😭
How TF am I supposed to do this?! Seriously, it's not just the "kill" that's breaking me; they ALL are made of 100% husband material! Buuuuttttt since I have to choose, I'm going to make it NICE and controversial.
Fuck: Rex. No way I'm going to turn down an opportunity to ride him into the sunset. He already has a line of spouses a parsec long anyway.
Marry: Mayday (he's already gotten fucked and killed by canon; it's time for my man to have nice things, and I'm a service dom 😏). @moonlightwarriorqueen and I can be sibling spouses.
Kill: Cody BUT ONLY BC HE'LL BE FINE and @wings-and-beskar will be there to rescue and marry him!
And now I'll sit back and wait for everyone to tell me how incredibly wrong I am 💀
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trilobi-te · 1 year
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Otto (pre-orb) and Cider circa the late 80s/early 90s? I haven't put together a timeline. Someone get this man a hairbrush please. Mm I am annoyed because Otto is my favorite character (along with Cider) and I cannot draw him in orb form to save my life. Why is he so difficult to draw. This whole concept was funnier in my head.. oh well
Transcriptions below the cut. Also I must infodump about Chipspeech characters' MBTI so that too.
Otto: This human form is limiting Cider: Otto please calm tf down
Okay it's MBTI time. I go from fandom to fandom finding the weird scientist characters and then I observe them with my little autistic eyeballs. The fact that both Cider (ESTJ) and Otto (INTJ) are high Te makes me (also high Te) very happi because usually scientist characters end up being high Ti. Cider especially because I often find xSTJ science-related characters to be unlikeable and he is decidedly not. I am an ESTJ-adjacent creature and I must scream
My opinions on Chipspeech characters' types: Cider: ESTJ (TeSiNeFi) Otto: INTJ (NiTeFiSe) Dandy: ESTP (SeTiFeNi) Dee: ISFJ (SiFeTiNe) Vosim: xxFJ (high Fe) Bert: ExTP (aux Ti, tert Fe) Rotten: ENFJ (FeNiSeTi) Spencer: ESFP (SeFiTeNi) Lady Parsec: ENTJ (TeNiSeFi) Sam: idk man, probably on the Ni-Se axis Pedro: ESFP (SeFiTeNi) Voder: ISTJ? Maybe? Definitely somewhere on Te-Fi and I think Si-Ne but I'm open to being wrong. Terminal: ESTJ? He's said his personality is low priority in his system and it's not always running, so idk if he's even really typeable.
One day I might make a post with an in-depth analysis of each character's cognitive functions because every fandom needs a typology nerd that everyone else politely ignores but that'll have to wait until I can actually figure out everyone's stacks in full.
Also obligatory PSA: if you want to take an MBTI test that has a pretty good likelihood of typing you correctly, the best one out there imo is Mistype Investigator, or Jung's Igloo if you want results that are easier to read. 16Personalities is not actually MBTI (Neris is closer to Big 5), and Sakinorva and Keys2Cognition both tend to overestimate Ne so probably avoid them. MBTI is not real science but it's fun to apply to fictional characters, just don't take it too seriously. I feel the need to say all of this because I've had problems in the past where this information would have been useful to have, maybe it'll help someone else. Idk
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cleverthylacine · 2 years
Thoughts non-Christian Transformers fans might be having this time of year...
You are allowed to write whatever self-indulgent bullshit you want, because that is what fanfic is for, but if you want to make your “Transformers doing Christmas” fics 5000% less annoying to grumpy non-Christians, here are some thoughts on how they would be less annoying to me, personally.
1. Transformers are aliens.  They have their own religions.  It would be very, very odd for Transformers to care about Jesus. It’s fine if OP puts tinsel in his windows because all the other trucks are doing it, lol, but I’m talking about TFs actually celebrating Christmas in any serious kind of way.
2. If the Autobots who are living on Earth pick up human customs as an excuse to have a party, let them be hilariously ignorant about it. Despite being the Designated Good Guys in all non-Shattered Glass continuities (except possibly Earthspark), they are just as prone to being colonialist and ethnocentric as the Decepticons. Let them be embarrassing and offensive as well as cute. I’m thinking about the level of cringe involved in Christian attempts to throw Passover Seders with no actual Jews involved, or the Japanese department store that crucified Santa in a shop window.
3. In continuities like TFA, TFP and IDW, Decepticons are have experienced the way religion is and can be used to support and spread systems of oppression, because the Primacy has used it against them that way. If they bother to pay attention to human holidays, they’re going to recognise Christianity as a religion that is frequently used this way.
4. Decepticons are not out to destroy all organic life in every continuity, but they are usually ethnocentric and frequently colonialist. Their opinions of humans vary from “unimpressed” to “annoying Autobot allies” to “gross but it’s funny when they pop” to “organics always create mechanoid life and oppress it, and we have to stop them before they get there” and you even get the occasional “If form and function don’t matter, why should we care whether people are organic or not” Decepticon, but those last ones are a minority and they know it. They’re unlikely to adopt human holidays.
5. I do love IDW Starscream’s appropriation of Christmas customs because a) he made it all about himself because he’s Starscream and b) in his post-Decepticon life as Emperor of Cybertron he IS trying to find ways to subvert the mess that is Cybertronian culture in order to consolidate power. That is one example of Doing It Right (tm).
6. Consider characterisation.
6a.  Ratchet is often a militant atheist.
6b.  Soundwave is usually a militant atheist. In IDW he’s also a master of inciting and manipulating class warfare and he would recognise what evangelicals are doing in American culture from a distance meaasurable in parsecs.
6b1. There is no canonical evidence that Soundwave’s deployers are pets or children except one IDW panel where Starscream makes a sarcastic comment, despite it being IDW canon that Ravage saved Soundwave’s life and helped him learn to manage his disabilities. There is no evidence that they are anything other than adult Cybertronians. Ravage has been with him so long that some people (like me) ship them.
Rumble and Frenzy act like kids in fanon, but in canon they act like gross army boys (affectionate) who like to blow things up and pull pranks for fun and are no more children than Tailgate is.  The beastformers are not animals except in Cyberverse, where Laserbeak and Buzzsaw are trained sentient but probably not fully sapient trained birds and “cat” and “wolf” are just alt modes some mechs happen to have instead of “car” and “aeroplane”.
6b2. Soundwave playing Santa to his deployers as if they were children and/or pets personally makes me nauseous.
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009isdrawing · 2 years
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Nautica, except it's her Titans Return toy so she's a Headmaster, with her partner/head Parsec. A companion piece to that Windblade I did.
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Last post before 2018 actually ends
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eliasdrid · 6 years
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“I mean...  what are they gonna do, keep me here against my will all night?"
Decided to draw some human!Parsec because I haven’t drawn people in a while
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culturevulture73 · 7 years
WTF at Rian John described Han and Leia's relationship as unrequited love in Vanity Fair? Are they now trying to retrograde it so that Han never loved Leia and that's why he left?
Hi Anon,
I hope it’s a bad translation and he really meant during Empire...
But given everything else that’s been perpetrated against Han and Leia and Luke, I would not be surprised in the least. Why not? Why not say they never really loved each other?
For example, from the same article - the writer states:
“You’d have expected Luke to have shortly thereafter found a nice girl and settled into a contented existence on a tidy planet with good schools and dual sunsets, no more than a couple of parsecs from the Organa-Solos and their little boy, Ben. But no. Leia and Han’s romance didn’t last, and something heavy went down with twin bro. The result: the cloak, the hood, and monastic isolation of the damaged, Leonard-Cohen-at-Mount-Baldy variety.”
So I guess that Endor was exactly the last moment the three of them were happy in any way, and then Luke just took off, as he’s barely mentioned in the new books and his “story” will be told in the “Legends of Luke Skywalker” - they won’t even cop to whether he was at Ben’s birth or not. 
Why? Who tf knows? Oh, wait, I do know! Because they can’t make something new without tearing down the old. And that means, despite nearly every article I’ve seen today about Star Wars talking about Han and Leia’s epic romance, they decided that they never would have made it and it would be “right” and “brave” to tear them apart and kill Han because he’s “luggage.” 
And Luke? Well, you know those Jedi Knights! With their sabers which now leave wounds that keep burning (well, if you’re not an angsty dark lord who needs his scar moved). Who don’t fix their prostethic hands and instead cover them in gloves. And commune with puffins (can anyone draw Luke with Opus of Bloom County???)
The only comfort I get out of all this is that I’m beginning to see people coming around in the wake of all these articles, especially the one that seems to declare there’s no plan for all this....
But it still doesn’t make up for the awful things done to those three characters just because they needed a villain and a plot. 
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60parsecsrevive · 2 years
Emmet: I found a note in one of my old word .docs that said ‘Note to self: Get revenge on Tom’
Emmet: Except I can’t remember what I was supposed to get revenge for
Emmet: But I trust my own judgment, so here we are
Tom: Hmm... I don't know either
Emmet: I can only assume you got what was coming to you. Not 100% sure, though
Tom: Well, whatever I did, I guess I deserved it
Emmet: Let this possibly be a lesson to you
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eliasdrid · 6 years
if u don’t mind I would like to know more about parsec bc they seem pretty cool
Oh well I don’t have that much on them unfortunately but for starters, here’s more art ( holo/humanform: x )( them: x - x )Now, actual stuff and context. Back when I got myself into the Transformers fandom 100%-no-return-chance (special thanks to @bioluminosity​ for it) I saw a lot of people doing TF OCs and I was like! hey! I love that! I want in! So I made Parsec and then Brass who is supposed to end up being their partner. 
Parsec used to be a pretty common cybertronian and they were actually not into combat at all. As a matter of fact, Parsec used to work with computers and databases which is kind of why they have no people skills. When everything started going south they used their skills to leak information that compromised the gov. Sadly they got caught and were punished for it. With things escalating they decided to learn how to defend themself and eventually joined the Decepticon forces (they proved themself with their hacking skills and they believed it was the right thing to do). A lot of their personality was developed in those years then and they got really cocky since as much as they were performing non-violent duties before they were a combat model from start. 
Once war was over they turned themself in and were eventually let out (they can behave sometimes!) but they just... keep getting themself in jail because they have like 0 (zero) idea what to do now that there’s no conflict and all their friends are either dead or won’t talk to them. So they basically frequent bars far too much and get themself in trouble for the hell of it. At some point Brass saves their sorry ass and ends up becoming their “escort” because she doesn’t like conflict and the autobots have no idea what else to do with her since she has a lot of issues with getting into dangerous situations. 
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eliasdrid · 6 years
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long time no see -
holo/humanform Parsec & Brass doodle!
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eliasdrid · 3 years
I love your art, and miss your tf stuff! Do you have anything in the works, or are you not into it anymore? (I don’t blame you if you’re not)
Aw thanks! I'm afraid I don't think I'll be working on anything TF related in the near future, perhaps one day my love for it will reignite but since mtmte/ll and sotw/lsotw ended I've not been really interested in it much anymore 😔
I kinda miss my TF OCs (Parsec and Brass) and I'm a little nostalgic for it but not enough to revisit it.
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eliasdrid · 8 years
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Edgier Parsec Theory (also known as “I forgot half my TF OC’s frame and went with an old sketch I found as reference”)
March Of Robots 3/?
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