#tf scout x reader
namranii · 21 hours
scout x very chatty reader? one that yaps as much as him
so happy, will listen to you for HOURS on end.
however, hes very confused when you listen to him talk about his favourite Bonk! flavour for almost 3 hours. nobody’s listened to him that much before.
sniper needs earplugs because of the two of you
kisses you to shut you up sometimes, doesn’t matter if you’re dating or not.
you guys keep each other entertained for HOURS on end, it’s fantastic for the rest of the team because they don’t have to babysit scout.
has only gotten angry ONCE due to your yapping behaviour, but he apologized with cuddles and a giant blanket.
unlike him, you know how to control your behaviour sometimes. he’s a bit louder than you.
you are both a literal menace duo, the rest of the team are shaking in their boots.
deadass starts contests with you to see which one is more of a talker.
tries to be mysterious and fails so hard it’s funny.
“baby don’t you think too much?”
“the hells that supposed to mean?”
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prettyboypistol · 1 year
TF2 Mercs Reacting to You Telling Them You're Autistic || TF2 x Reader (shitpost kinda)
(dw i can write this i got the 'tism)
IMMEDIATELY regrets saying the r slur in front of you a lot.
Will beat up anyone who makes fun of you for not being social.
As soon as you start listing the symptoms of autism everything makes a lot more sense.
Is a lot more accomidating for your meltdowns.
"lmao same, you think a neurotypical could get 11 PhDs?"
Kinda already knew you were autistic, but waited for you to tell him to actualy speak about it.
Likes listening to your hyperfxations like a podcast while he works. (if he pays full attention he can't help but kiss you until you stop talking, god, you're just so cute when you get excited!!!!)
"tf is autism"
"oooh ok i thought you were just cooky." /pos
honestly doesn't really react or care, but he keeps it in mind when he does things that might cause an adverse reaction.
Tavish just treats you like another human, which is honestly a breath of fresh air.
"tf is autism" pt.2
probably doesn't understand what you mean, but gets the jist of it.
likes watching you stim/hyperfocus natural geographic style
has narrated over you without you noticing.
that mf autism incarnate
makes the most offensive jokes about being autistic that only you two would understand.
they're so happy you understand their texture aversion to anything but thier suit.
"damn, you're gay AND autistic? pick a struggle"
after getting it explained "THAT'S NOT AN ISSUE, EVERYONE ACTS LIKE THAT"
ADHD/Autism friend dynamic fr
He gets frustrated easily with aversions, but will be understanding.
"I could tell the moment you walked into the room for the first time."
can 100% read your needs when you can't verbalize.
he doesn't surprise you and likes the fact the he knows vaguely where you are at all times because of your routines.
"oh shit me too"
hyperfixates on your hyperfixations
highkey wants to study you
Doesn't really get it, but is mindful of it, def picks up books from the library to read up on how to make someone feel more comfortable when they have autism.
understands social aversions, he completely gets it.
picky eating is the biggest vibe, snipes wouldnt care if he ate the same meal every day for the rest of his life.
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normansnt · 3 months
Just a mad gay person ranting don't mind me😌🫶
Why tf is it literally impossible to find x male reader fics for fandoms that are either a bit older or aren't in the gay spotlight rn😭 Like I have been scouting every corner of the word wide web for a crumb of X-Men x male reader or GoT x male reader and the little I found I red and there is NOTHING, I kid u not NOTHING☠️☠️☠️
No cuz even though X-Men for example is older (cuz we only like the old movies) I think it was in the gay spot light at some point like COME ON Erik and Charles???? HELLO?? Like it's literally the found family then everything falls apart trope we EAT THAT SHIT UP USUALLY. But nothing. I cannot find anything NOT EVEN ON AO3
If you guys find something PLS LET ME KNOW.
Anyways, how are u guys? Ya'll like X-men? First gen? Where are all the gay Logan fans at?
Ok I'll stop.
Love u🫶🏳️‍🌈✨
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goofyahhchicken · 10 months
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Winter King x Present-Time Reader!
(confusing name, ik.)
Reader is from 2020s, pretty much around 2023-2025, lemme know if you want me to continue!
im a new writer so feedback and support is much appreciated-❤️
Warnings: Light swearing, y/n not used, fainting and wounds?
Your POV
You were snowed in your house, looking for a way out to work since your boss is a douche- then after multiple avalanches coming through your windows and doors you decided to just kick the ice out of the way and take the day off.
you slipped
blacked out, last thing you saw was blue sparkles forming around the (now mushy) snow you kicked
Somehow instead of waking up and seeing your sweatpants and band tee whilst blasting music through your bluetooth headphones, you were covered in blankets in all shades of blue and your headphones were nowhere to be seen
A man the same shade of blue as the mattress you were sitting on waltzed into the room
After the blue guy introducing himself and mansplaining how you got there (he doesn’t know either.) your nervous system got the suprise of a floor made of ice!
He ordered his “Ice Scouts” to get you fluffy slippers
much.. better?
Still not level-headed due to the fall, you tried to run and escape this odd little dream
your arm got caught on a little spike of ice
not a dream.
aw shit
The blue guy stopped you and introduced himself as The Winter King, but he said you could just call him winter.
He glided around you, (almost examining your outfit) talking about how excited he was to have a guest after all these years.
Feeling judged, you decided to return the favour and make fun of his outfit with some witty comebacks
He just chuckled-
He started asking where you were from as you were derealising and being the normal human you were you just said your country
His mouth was agape, you started to wonder if this was the past or the future, cus you don’t fw time travel
Neither does he by the look of it.
After a blissful voyage across the snowy mountains he noticed a large blue luminous circle under the abundance of snow.
Could this be a sign of new magic source? he was in need of something to fully demolish the crowns curse (cus bro was sick of Candy Queen.)
He started digging with his bare hands and jumped in nose first like a fennec fox.
He felt something warm, so warm that it feels cold at first.
a hand?
He dragged the human(?) by their collar in fear of melting, honestly he was just too excited to have a tight enough grip and the human rolled all the way down the mountain.
Flopping like a fish
He glissaded down the mountain, trying to keep his composure to not alarm his ice citizens.
Realising he forgot the whereabouts of a human heart, he felt your back and started to freak out.
until you made a faint shiver
He demanded his Ice Scouts to take you to his castle and dry you off.
He merrily sang about having a “new friend” around the streets of his winter wonderland and headed back to the castle.
When you woke up he NEEDED to know where you came from, but not before making a good first impression!!!
He didn’t pay much attention to your outfit as it was overshadowed by the fact you were a human!
He meticulously examined your clothing once you had woken up, he didn’t understand the silly little things you were saying about his outfit, however the insults and slang sounded slightly familiar.
When he found out you were from his time he freaked out, were you a magic holder or was this actual time travel?
He needed to know MORE!
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modelbus · 28 days
TAKE TWO ON A SHORT REQUEST. (I have no clue how long this will be as I’m writing it.)
Ranboo x Fem!Reader (Platonic)
AU: Apocalypse
Word: Perception
OKAY so,
Y/N was visiting her best friend Ranboo, when the internet started blowing up with speculations of a ‘zombie apocalypse’. A growing number of ‘strange incidents’ near the center of the UK seemingly being the cause. Basically the incidents are entire towns going nuts and trying to kill EVERYTHING. Plant? KILL IT. Animal? KILL IT. Person..? Spread the disease.
The disease transmits through infected wounds, if you bleed in a highly contaminated area, bleed from being bitten or scratched by a diseased, something contaminated comes into contact with an open wound, things like that. If it gets in your blood stream you’re fucked basically. Some reason you can eat contaminated food.. as long as its not like, been bleed or drooled on by a diseased.
The incidents keep spreading and a few days later all planes coming in and out of the entire UK aren’t anymore. (NO MORE PLANES FOR YOU.) The disease also prolongs ‘life’ meaning the diseased can survive more than strugglers. blood loss isn’t a problem for the diseased, the only way to kill them is substantial damage to the brain or heart. (They can lose their fucking stomachs and be chill abt it.)
On average the disease spreads slowly for the first few days but becomes more de-habilitating as it progresses and by day 5 you can’t walk or anything around day 7 its incurable as it takes control of the brain, beginning to move again. (Its assumed consciousness is lost by the time they can stand, as they no seem to understand any languages, despite being physically able to speak in most cases.)
The internet is fine as its just in the UK, but staying in one place is dangerous as some of the diseased seem to have common sense. (Opening doors, using weapons, breaking down doors ect.) there are a very small amount of guns because its the uk, so most groups don’t have any.) Also just for shits and giggles, make the cure some random thing that makes no sense. (Example: Apples, pinecones, applying grape juice to the infected wound.)
Because of the smarter diseased, the two don’t stay in one place for so long, rotating between their four ‘bases’.. which are just Ran’s house, a small abandoned store they reinforced, a campsite in the woods and a store (like a costco if you know what that is) housing a larger group of survivors. (Ran and Y/N don’t have guns but the bigger group has like two and a small amount of ammo cuz one guy had a license for something, don’t ask me, he’s nice but kinda suspicious.)
I was thinking a brief look at each base and then the main idea. for the main idea, while travelling from the group of strugglers to Ran’s house (their favourite base they would probably stay at all the time if they weren’t paranoid af), they hear something.
its a struggler, seemingly very hurt judging by the tone of voice, frequency of voice cracks and the gravelly sound of MAJOR overuse. Surprisingly the voice is familiar, the group had mentioned the person it belongs to not returning from a recent scouting session, the person they were with saying the got split up and couldn’t find the other.
Y/N and Ranboo quickly stop complaining to each other about the long (like half a day) travel, at the sound of slurred screams for help. However once they reach the sound, slowing to a halt, they don’t find the missing struggler.. not really.
ran and y/n be like; wait why are they just standing facing away from us there and not like on the ground or something.. and why do their eyes look so unfocused.. and why aren’t they saying anything other than ‘help’ ‘please’ or ‘help me’.. OH SHIT WHY THEY LOOK LIKE THAT, THEIR FACE IS ALL BLANK AND I CAN SEE THEIR FUCKIN RIBS.
They then basically have to get tf out of there as this super smart diseased chases them and isn’t dumb or anything. (Bonus if the diseased was me and had the first name star middle name Star and last name Moon teehee)
ALSO ITS NOT EVEN MY ANGSTY ASSES FIRST IDEA.. In the first idea we were never there ran was just imagining us as a survival mechanism to motivate him to keep pushing, but then I was like oh wait thats a wee bit too dark-
NEXT TIME I SWEAR TO THE SUN IT WILL ONLY BE THE THREE WORDS. (And me celebrating that its so short-)
-✨🌌🌙 NOT Anon
I’ve learned to stop trusting you when you say “short”… this was SO hard to write for no reason 😭 I’m so sorry. This is so long it broke my tumblr too so…
Pairing: Cc!Ranboo x Fem!Reader
Apocalypse AU - Perception
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You swore it happened overnight. Logically, you know that couldn’t have been true, but still. It felt like it. One day you were streaming, excited to be visiting Ranboo, and the next you were hiding in his house with a stockpile of kitchen knives.
Well, that’s not the official name for it. The official name was some type of disease, a scientist’s attempts at a cure for some virus gone wrong. According to the news, they thought their cure worked at first. Then their patient started biting people.
The world exploded.
Mostly the UK, as other countries were quick to shut down their borders, but the internet saw the chaos and ran with it. People started posting “survival guides” as jokes, but as the death toll rose the jokes slowed.
It wasn’t the so-called infected that were dying, though. No, those creatures live forever, even without 80% of their limbs. It was humans killing themselves (so they wouldn’t turn into an infected) or killing the infected to survive. Murder, maybe, but it wasn’t like anyone was going to jail.
Really, how can any government enforce laws during an apocalypse?
As most people said: shit hit the fan. Quick.
You and Ranboo got your shit together quick. Was it a bad thing he had anxiety through the roof? Yes. Was it extremely helpful during a fucking apocalypse? Hell yes.
The only good thing was that the infection only spread through open wounds. As long as you didn’t let a wound get contaminated, you were fine. The bad news? The infected practically wanted to maul you to create an open wound to infect.
Because of how quickly the infected could learn and adapt, you and Ranboo took to staying hidden. Mostly in his house, as it was huge and the most comfortable, but also in a few other places. It’s always better to be on the move, never letting the infected have a chance to sneak up on you.
“Ready to move to the store?” Ranboo asks, watching you kick dirt over the campfire the two of you had last night.
You had spent the night at your least favorite hideout: an old campground. There were fences that you and Ranboo had made certain were repaired, but sleeping in a tent in the outdoors wasn’t ideal.
Hence why the two of you only stayed there for one night at a time.
“Never been more ready.” You answer, glaring at the offending tent.
You shift the bag on your shoulders around, following Ranboo as he leads the two of you out of there.
The next base isn’t too far, it’s just a small convenience store that’s a day’s walk. All of your bases are in a circle formation so you can make a full loop back around. Also, so you don’t have to be walking for more than a day.
Neither one of you wants to be roaming at night.
“I vote that we have anything but beans for dinner.” You suggest, hurrying your pace to keep up with Ranboo’s long legs. If you have beans again, you’ll vomit.
“Soup?” He offers. “We’re running low.”
“Maybe we can skip dinner tonight and meet up with the big group a day early.” It’s not smart to break from your pattern, you know, but you’re dying here. Besides, the big group of survivors at the third base always had good food. They took shelter in a Costco, meaning they had all the food they needed right where they were living.
He gives a worried look, hesitating. “Should we break from routine? The routine has kept us, like, alive.”
“But what if the infected are catching onto the routine?” You counter, stepping over a rotted log.
“What if going early disrupts the balance of the world?” When you look at him, he’s grinning.
Of course, that’s right when a branch snaps out in the forest. Both of you halt, with you crouching down to grab a long and pointy stick. You’ll use it like a stake if you have to.
Nothing pops out after a few tense moments of silence, but both of you know better than to talk. If there’s even a chance an infected could hear you…
“We can skip dinner.” Ranboo whispers to you.
The rest of the walk is done in silence.
When you arrive at the convenience store, the two of you split up. You check for infected, poking around in every single dark corner. He gets the job of shoving empty metal shelves in front of the doors, just like you always do.
The infected might be strong enough to get past them, but the noise of it will at least wake you and Ranboo up. And, speaking of sleep, you can’t wait to crash on the pile of blankets in the store’s tiny bathroom.
When you two had originally found the store, you both deemed that the bathroom was the safest place to be. As such, it became the “bedroom” too. Not in the stalls, of course, and only in bathroom, so the toilets could still be used.
You head past the portable stovetop, shining your flashlight through the storage room. No food tonight, so you didn’t need to worry about heating it up.
You make your way through the empty shelves, double-checking the total lack of infected. Beneath your shoes, the linoleum is covered in dirt and mud.
“Coast is clear.” You announce.
“Door is barricaded.” Ranboo calls back, wiping his hands after drawing a smiley face in the dust. You can’t help but laugh at the sight. “Let’s get to bed early.” He adds on.
“Smart thinking. More energy from sleeping.” You nod. Thank God you had him, otherwise you would’ve been dead a long time ago.
Like the campsite, the two of you never stayed long at this store. It just felt sketchy. Like the infected would pop out of thin air.
There and then not, that’s the best way to survive. Eventually, some country will figure out a curse, and this will all be a crazy thing to put in history textbooks. Until then, you’re stuck migrating from Ranboo’s house, to a campsite, to a little store, to a Costco, and back to Ranboo’s house.
Anything to survive, right?
By the time you and Ranboo make it to the Costco with the larger group of people, your stomach is growling loudly. You wonder what they’re making. Chicken? Mashed potatoes? Oh, what you wouldn’t give for those little meatball things.
The red Costco sign is still bright above the main entrance, and you glare at it as you walk past. How dare it be so normal? How dare it remain the same, even when everything about your world has been turned upside down?
He leads the way to the back entrance, pausing with his fist raised. There’s a secret knocking code to get in, one that changes every few weeks.
“You remember it, right?” Ranboo asks you nervously, eyes flicking between the door and you.
Oh fuck. All you can do is stare blankly at him.
“Oh. Oh okay. Guess we can’t get in today, that’s fine, that’s really—“ he starts, lowering his hand with the same expression.
“Three knocks!” You blurt out. You knew it was in you somewhere!
He relaxes, nodding. “Three knocks.”
You step up, knocking for him. After a few seconds, the door swings wide open, revealing a woman with ripped jeans, a baggy shirt, red hair, and a bat.
“Oh, it’s you two.” She sighs. “In.”
Ranboo and you glance at each other before you step in. Normally they’re happy to see you’re both still alive, but maybe it’s just been a long day.
“Hungry? We’ve got burgers, made a few extra just in case.”
“Fuck ye—“ you start, only for Ranboo to elbow you.
“Yes please.” He says politely.
Screw him, there’s no time to be polite in the apocalypse.
The woman leads you to the food court, where everyone is gathered. You can already see a few people you remember the names of, including Sketchy Sam. Sketchy Sam wasn’t his actual name of course—it was just Sam—but it seemed to fit the man. He’s the one who supplied weapons to the group back in the beginning. And although he’s always seemed nice, you just can’t trust him.
Never trust a man with random weapons, that’s your motto.
“Is it just me, or do they see disappointed to see us?” You whisper to Ranboo. He nods slightly, leaning down.
“Oh yeah.” He agrees quietly.
The two of you grab some food and refill your water bottles quickly. There’s something tense in the air, like everyone is on edge. But you can’t figure out anything wrong.
“Hey.” You greet Sketchy Sam, sitting down across from him. Ranboo gives you a panicked look, but reluctantly sits too.
Listen, you don’t want to engage with Sketchy Sam, but he’s the most likely to know what’s going on. And he’ll be willing to tell you. For as odd as he is, he’s friendly too.
Sketchy Sam jerks his head upwards in a greeting.
“Is everything okay?” Very tactful question. Not too pointed, not too—
“We were hoping you’d be Star.” Another woman jumps in. She pops a chip into her mouth, crunching loudly. “They went out on a scouting mission, then vanished.”
“Vanished?” Ranboo repeats urgently. “Where?”
“Fuck knows. Thats what vanished means.” The woman rolls her eyes. “We haven’t heard from ‘em.”
“I’m sure they’re around somewhere.” You quickly say. “I mean, they’re smart, right? Everyone in this group is.”
“Won’t last without a weapon.” Sketchy Sam grunts.
“Star is smart, Sam. They’ll be fine out there, they’re just making their way back.” The woman insists, turning away from Sam to appeal to you. “They’re a good survivalist. Smart. No infected would get them, and everyone knows it. They’ll be back soon enough.”
You didn’t have the most hope, but you weren’t going to voice that. For all you knew, this woman was friends with the Star person. And maybe they actually are just fine.
Ranboo seems to have the same thoughts, because he knocks his knee against yours in a silent request for you to not say anything. Sometimes people need to cling onto their hopes.
“Right.” Ranboo nods at the woman. “And we can look for them too, when we’re traveling.”
She smiles—practically beams—back. “That’d be great. Our scouts keep looking, but you two go much farther than them. You’ll find them.”
Christ. Lying to this woman and saying you’ll look for her probably-dead-or-infected friend seems low, even for you. So instead, you stuff your face with food, changing the subject to the weather.
Leaving the Costco is the worst. It’s like departing from a utopia, just to be stuck trekking through the real world again. And it took forever to walk back to Ranboo’s house.
The two of you had stayed a few days with the others, but left right on schedule, per usual. Their missing person still hadn’t shown up though, which only served to convince you they were definitely dead.
“We should get electric scooters.” You tell Ranboo. “I bet we’d get places so much faster.”
“Where would we get one of those?” He asks, and you can practically feel the eye roll.
“Don’t know, but we should. It’s so hot and this walk takes forever.”
“What if we started running?”
“Does it look like I’ve got lanky ass legs?”
“My legs are not that—“
The two of you are cut off by a piercing shriek. You suppose it depends on your perspective, but that definitely sounded human.
“Help!” Someone shouts, and you tense. “Help me!”
“Is that a survivor?” Ranboo asks. “Are they alright?”
“Do they sound alright?” You don’t wait for an answer, instead sprinting toward the voice.
“I need help! Someone save me!”
Their voice cracks, and you wince at the sound. They sound like they’ve been dehydrated for days, or maybe they’ve been screaming for days.
Could this be Star? From the group?
“Help! Somebody! I need you!” They call out.
You crash through some bushes into a clearing, Ranboo hot on your heels. He practically trips over you when you stop abruptly.
There, across from you, you can see a person. They’re hunched over, arms hanging oddly. For a second, nobody moves.
“Uh, hey, we’re here to help?” Ranboo says, confused. “You good?”
“Please…” They whisper, turning slowly.
The air in your lungs freeze.
The person—the infected—has glazed over eyes, practically white. Their jaw hangs open: what’s left of it at least. And their stomach is ripped open, pearly white ribs shining in the daylight as you spot long trails of intestines wrapped around them.
Star was infected.
Star was infected, and you just ran right into them.
“Go! Go!” Ranboo shouts, grabbing your arm and pulling you along with him.
You can hear Star running after the two of you, making low groaning noises. “Need help… help…” they groan.
It was a trap. You got fucking baited.
From your perspective, it had only seemed like someone who needed help. You should’ve known not to trust something like that in the apocalypse though.
“We’re close to home.” Ranboo calls to you, ducking under a branch.
You push him toward a bush, hoping that the infected will get caught in it. It’ll take longer, but it’ll be worth it.
Except, when you emerge from the other side, the infected is staggering toward you from the side. It went around the bush. It knew to go around the bush.
What the fuck were you up against?
They—it?—grabs your arm, and you scream in surprise. When you try to tug yourself away, its grip doesn’t budge.
Ranboo grabs a branch, swinging it into the infected’s face and sending it staggering back. The second it’s stunned, he’s back to dragging you while running.
You can see the house through the trees, tall and safe.
“Stop. Need help!” The infected screams at you, making your ears ring from the sheer volume.
Ranboo bursts into the backyard, heading for the ladder leaned against the side of the house. That’s your way in, because the infected typically don’t have enough limbs to climb. Or the coordination.
“You first.” He orders, and you don’t waste time by arguing. Besides, you have the shorter legs so you’ll take up less space on the ladder.
Quickly, you scale the ladder, fumbling with the window latch. Your hands are slick with sweat, and you fumble with it once. Twice.
On the third try, it pops open, and you throw yourself in headfirst. Not wasting time to scramble to your feet, you turn to grab Ranboo’s hand and haul him in.
But after a moment, it doesn’t appear.
You lean out the window, fingers gripping the windowsill tightly as you look down.
He’s nowhere in sight.
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Scout, Demo, and Sniper with inexperienced reader
- i combined these two cuz they both had the Aussie on them. NS/FW stufff ahead so caution -
Jeremy may act like he’s God’s gift to women, but let’s be honest, aside from some trysts and a girlfriend he had for three weeks in the tenth grade, homeboy ain’t got no experience either
He wants so badly to be a good boyfriend! He tries so hard to be nice and to be a gentleman to you, often times putting on such a fake persona that you have to remind him that you like Jeremy because he’s a loud, fast-talking jack ass from south Boston. Not those words exactly, but you get the idea
Tries the classic dates like fancy restaurants and romantic movies, but chances are if you liked Jeremy enough to date him, you probably hate that stuff too. Good dates are outing to parks, watching action movies, going to bars, etc. fun, not stuffy dates.
Jeremy has SOME idea of what he’s doing, but its more so getting himself off than trying to get his partner off. It takes some re-learning on his part to figure out that sex is supposed to be mutually fun. If he suck at it, tell him! Boy needs to learn!
He gets that you have almost no experience, and that just adds to the pressure for him; he’s already so insecure and this is just another are he has the potential to disappoint you in. First time together is gonna be real awkward and slow, as neither of you wanna fuck up
After the two of you get more experienced with each other, oooooooooh boy, Jeremy is insatiable. Partially because he’s never had a steady s/o who lived in the same building as him. He is always dtf; like, come in while he’s regaining one of his (dramatized) wins, give him a “look” and he’ll stop talking mid-sentence and follows you to wherever for a quickie
Jeremy’s favorite position is probably doggy style. He gets to give all his love and also gets to hide his face of he starts to feel embarrassed; its easier to have the macho sex god persona if his partner can’t see his face all flushed and pinched in concentration
Tavish has had plenty of date mates, but when he starts his relationship with you and learns that he is your first ever boyfriend? Fuck, it might as well be his first relationship too (the Scotsman is soft lbr). He knows that each relationship is different from another, even minusculy, but since you have no reference point, he’s gonna start from square one and work your way up to normal relationship things
By that I mean this man has, like, an itinerary. Week one: holding hands, Week two: eating meals together, etc. Tav is THOROUGH! He wants you doing lame couple things and wants you to be comfortable with them asap. He’s like one of those high school girls who are like “we need to be dating for six months before we can kiss.” It’s not that he isn’t ready, he just wants to make sure you are
Dates with him are weird and varied. One night he takes you to a nice bar, the next date is helping him set off about to expire explosives. A very lovely evening of him playing piano with you, then it’s Loch Ness Monster hunting. Suffice to say that your dates are never boring.
Tavish sets the relationship at a slow pace so that you’ll feel comfortable; introducing sex into the relationship is no different. He’ll let you know when he’s comfortable with it and is fine waiting until you are ready for it and won’t do jack shit without your permission.
When you are ready, be prepared for the cheesiest seduction ever. You’ll walk into Tavish’s room one day and there’s a trail of rose petals leading to the bed where the Scotsman lays, naked, with a rose between his teeth and a heart shaped pillow covering his junk; candles EVERYWHERE. It takes every ounce of willpower not to laugh (plz laugh, Tavish is trying so hard to make you relax before doing the do)
Despite the fact that the man likes his drink, Tavish refuses to fuck drunk. Sleeping with you is an honor, and he 1. Doesn’t wanna not remember it, 2. Doesn’t want to do something dumb while he’s drunk and hurt you, 3. Doesn’t wanna do something embarrassing in front of the gang while trying to seduce you. He’s a good boy who knows better
Mick has had plenty of short term date mates, considering his job keeps him moving around. Before Teufort, he never bothered trying to keep a serious relationship because he would be gone by the end of the month. Then our favorite Aussie meets YOU and the whole game plan changed. He couldn’t be a “love ‘em and leave ‘em” man anymore, and he didn’t want to be with you. You’re special
Mick’s not 100% sure exactly what dating him would entail. You two go out to the local bar to drink, you spend your meals and down time together, you haven’t moved into the truck camper yet but you sure do spend a ton of nights there. Mick doesn’t have domestic experience so he tries to do what his parents do and what they told him to do, so it’s a lot of laundry together, movie nights at the local drive-in, reading the same book and talking about it, etc. Mick skipped right into the “old married life” kind of relationship
The Aussie is happy to take things slow with you, considering THIS kind of relationship is new to him too. You’re a special person the Mick wants to keep in his life
BAAAAAAAAAAAAAABES, I KNOW everyone’s like “oh, Sniper is an awkward loner with social issues” but listen darlings; Mick is a businessman, he used to have to talk to tins of people to get jobs; had to have connections, had to be charismatic, he to be willing to hang out in seedy bars and joints to eat gigs. What I’m saying is, aside from Spy, Sniper is probably the one who can manipulate the room to his advantage best, cuz he’s been doing it since he started. The point of this rant is to say SNIPER CAN GET IT! Homeboy’s got tail game! You cannot change my mind! He’s probably had more quickies than a rabbit hutch; he’s attractive as hell and knows how to talk to people to get what he wants and how to clock people at the bar who wants to get laid too! He came, he saw, he didn’t call he next morning. Okay end of rant and back to the original purpose of this point
So! Mick has plenty of sexual experience, and rather than see you as some sort of delicate flower, he sees it more as an opportunity to let you experiment ON him. Whatever you wanna try, he’s done it like 9 times. You wanna do some nasty shit? Okie dokie than, he’ll get the “Camper’s a-rocking, don’t come a-knocking” sign up and clear his schedule. Aussie knows what he’s doing
Plz bring up riding to this man, he’ll fucking propose to you. He thinks riding is the best position because he has all the access to your fun areas, he’s able to bury his face into your chest or neck, and its minimal movement for him
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Couls I please request Pietro Maximoff dating Frank Castle's/The Punisher's daughter headcanons <333
Pietro Dating the
Punisher's Daughter
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reader: female | Frank x reader (Platonic) | Pietro x Reader (Romantic)
type: headcannons + Drabbles
notes: I may be back at it idk, I do know that I've been bingeing stranger things so you guys may get fics for that soon
Warnings: none, I mean, spying? Uh. That's it? Slow burn ig
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The first question to ask is how did you even meet Pietro?
On the battlefield? While teaming up with the Avengers?
He spilled hot coffee all over you: you're two cups of hot joe and two pastries splat, right on your fannel
"oh no! no! No!"
"Ah- I. Sorry, sorry, does it burn?"
"This is my dads-"
He's immediately trying to rub it out with you, luckily the fannel's dark, and it looks like a wet stain with the jelly from the pastries gone.
"I think, yeah, you look brand new."
"Yeah, thanks haha."
"Pietro." He stuck his hand out.
"I'll buy the coffees for you again."
"No. No, don't worry about it, really."
That was it too, you weren't the prettiest girl that's for sure, Pietro opted out for a more "girly girl" make-up, dresses
and you were, well you were stocky, no makeup, with a fannel, jeans with military boots.
You weren't the girl Pietro would look for or even go after
So when you both kept showing up at the small coffee shop it was a nice little friend to say Hello too
And soon that turned into sitting together
Just a quick how your week was and that usual bs
10-minute chat turned into 20, and 20 to thirty, 20 to an hour
You both often see each other with cuts and bruises but never asked
simply because you know you don't wanna be asked and he doesn't wanna be asked, so you both just knew better it seemed.
Franks fucking annoyed
Also, it's cutting into bitchin with each other over "breakfast"
Finally, he has enough one day and just drives down to go get you.
Low and behold: there the two of you are: like some romantic couple, smiling and laughing at one another over
Pietro would admit if you asked, he had it wrong, looks aren't always everything
He enjoyed the conversation with you: you two could talk about just anything and have a smile on his face, and the same with you.
Frank, reeled back at first: he was gonna let you come to him with cold coffee...again.
"Cold again, they must be getting real busy in there as of late."
"Yeah, unfortunately." Y/n chuckled.
"So who's the boy?"
"The coffee guy? Robert? or Angelo something like that." Y/n told.
"Hm. We'll just go somewhere else then-"
"What!? No!" Y/n complained, "I. I just really like the pastries here. Maria makes them from scratch."
You'll never admit it to Frank
But he knows already,
Involves Matt and Curt, on "research" fuck he even pulled Karen and Madani in
"Who's this kid?" Frank argued.
"Kids from Sokovia," Matt spoke slapping papers down on the desk
"Twin brother to Wanda Maximoff,"
"The Scarlet Witch?" Midani asked picking up the papers, "Newest addition to the Avengers."
"What do you got on him?" Frank asked Midani.
"Came here with his sister, sponsored by the one and only Tony Stark."
"He lives in the Avenger's complex." Curt added, "Securities a bitch, but was able to find a good place to scout."
"Yeah they pretty much cleared it up, yet if he's on the Avenger's he has to have some type of power: some type of enhancements or powers," Karen added.
"Well. Yeah, Here."
Karen took her own pages out and spread them out, "Captain America: chemically enhanced, Ironman: has technology beyond our age a full suit of armor, Hulk: chemically enhanced, Thor: A literal god from a different world, Black Widow: though not know it's easy to say she too had been chemically enhanced and the same for Hawkeye."
"So?" Curt asked, "It's a Weirdo's club."
"Yes, Curt, it's a Weirdo's club, a Werdio's club where they could end the whole country if they truly wanted to." Matt spoke up, "But better yet if Frank could be normal and introduce himself, I'm sure the country would end..."
"What's that suppose to mean Murdock?"
"Let's be honest, if you just introduced yourself to Mark, Y/n and him could have been very happy, even if it didn't last long," Matt spoke, obviously throwing shade at Frank.
"How do you know about Mark!?"
Ah yes Mark, you're only "boyfriend" previously, that Frank scared away.
Karen's point was that if these people had super powers, Pietro Maximoff most likely had powers as well and he should tread with caution
He didn't: he never does
But Matt had a point even tho he didn't want to admit it
So there he is knocking on the doorframe to your door.
"Hey old man."
He smiled, "Hey kid."
He walks over as she moves her feet as he sits down: "Still wondering what you're ordering for dinner?"
Frank chuckled, "Chinese?"
"Sounds good." Y/n smiled he smiled back shortly just to look back down between his legs at the floorboard below.
"Look, Kid, I know. I know you're good with this independent study crap, and I know you're responsible, you can handle yourself."
Y/n let the book fall into her lap, her hand on her temporary bookmarker, "uh, yeah thanks."
But was never good, Y/n gulped: did she have to go back to school? Ew. Did she have to stop patrolling with him?
"I. I gotta know who this guy is." He told her.
"Guy?" Y/n questioned.
"At the coffee shop, white hair, from Sokovia, Name's Pietro Maximoff?"
"Pietro? The guy I talk with at the coffee shop? We're friends-" Y/n started, but soon stopped, "How'd you know his name?"
"That's not important-"
"You spied on him!? Didn't you-"
"Who'd you'd involve in it!? Curt? Midani?!" Y/n argued, "What you get Karen and Matt too!?"
Frank was quiet as Y/n fell quiet too; "You...involved Matt and Karen..."
"I get Curt and Midani! But Matt and Karen!? And they helped!?" Y/n argued, "You all tell me to trust you but then instead of just asking you just get the government on them!?!"
"And you!? You lied to me!"
"Last time I was hanging out with a boy you scared him shitless I lost my only friend!" Y/n argued.
Well, you did have a point there.
And next time you see Pietro you apologize for it, he laughs and actually says he's wondering why he saw someone on a rooftop
wow, Curt real stealthy
Anyhow he says don't worry about it: but the only way he's going to forgive you is going with him to a Tony Stark Party
You agreed, shit why not
You guys spent the day talking: now that you know he's an avenger you tell him about you're own dad.
"The Punisher? Hm, this bagel is really good- That's the guy who kills criminals right?"
"Yeah...I'm his 'sidekick' I suppose."
Jaw dropped actually as you said that
Shit you're even cooler to him
"No way-"
"So like...if I'm bad you're gonna pull out a gun- do you-"
There's sudden a pistol between the two of you
OH SHIT YOU DO CARRY A GUN WOAH- wait. where were you hiding it?
"I'll forget everything if: you come to the party with me and show me how to work it."
"Fair enough."
That's a total ten in his books, you're a ten now.
You're happy that he's okay with it
Also glad he's so...overly excited about it.
So you give him your address, and he promises not to tell anyone.
and you go your separate ways after about two more hours of just PURE blabbering on to one another.
Also exchanged numbers
When you get home: franks not there, and you're in your room looking at your limited clothing
What do you wear to a party?
You went with dark jeans, and a flannel you tucked into you're jeans and went to steal a belt from Frank.
Okay....a few buttons undone with no bra? Play it a little Billy Hargroves style...yeah...yeah you can do this.
Okay...yeah... yeah...
You hear a knock on the door and there's pietro.
"Too manly?"
Y/n waved a hand in front of Pietro, "Uh? hello?"
Pietro exe has stopped working
It's funny really
Finally, he reboots though, and says you look like some sexy lumberjack that fights bears in a forest
Thank you?
God he's weird, but you love it- Like it, you like it
you guys walk till you find a cab
and the cab takes you away
Then Frank comes home, and you're nowhere to be found: he figures you're still mad at him, and he knows you come in through the window often, so he'll just chill out
and totally not become paranoid as he looks at your room.
your usual backpack is right there, just in arm's reach
That's being a bad father: But...in his defense he is worried
He decides to give it till nightfall
so he goes through it literally when nightfall is barely upon but there's really nothing there to make him worried.
Where could you be?
But he finds the number on your desk, with Pietro's name written on it and a game of tik take toe
Oh. He knows his best chance now
He makes his way over and sneaks in easy peasy
but oh guess who pins him to the wall, it's Matt Murdock.
"The hell you doin Murdock!" "What do you think!? Keepin' you from making a huge mistake." "Dress all up all fancy" "Had to dress the part, here put this on."
He does as forced.
"Why are you here Murdock?"
"Watchin' out for my dear niece."
"She's not you're niece."
Anyways so you stick out like a sore thumb you feel like, but Pietro keeps calling you the prettiest of the room.
You find that really hard after meeting Black Widow.
But everyone's super nice
And thor wants to challenge you: friendly of course
Pietro says you could win easily.
He's very much complimenting you all night, telling you how easily you could kick ass easily: and look like a hot lady that fights bears in the forest
Odd compliment, but it's sweet and adorable.
So you start complimenting him back.
Shameless flirting
Even Clint and Steve are gagging at it from the couch across from you
Like you were literally having a conversation with the two a second again: and then all the sudden you and Pietro were flirting with each other
"Oh but we're just friends" Steve's ass
Scott comes out and just blatantly tells you two you're a cute couple and then proceeds to sit between you two and introduce himself to you
"I'm Ant-"
"Ant-Man, I know. You're my favorite back street hero."
"I like her, keep her."
And suddenly you're talking to Scott the whole party
Talk about a cock blocker
You figure it's a good way to tease Pietro anyways, giving full divided attention to Scott's story on how he stole his superhero suit.
Okay, wait the whole store is actually unnecessarily entertaining.
"What about you? You know? Superpowers? Cool suit."
"Uh...normal, you know as a 19-year-old on independent study."
"So...no cool suit-"
Y/n pulls out a gun, causing Steve and Clint to spit out their drinks back into their cups out of shock.
"Pistol's all I can fit on me."
"Its warm..." Scott spoke, "Where do you fit this- WHY IS IT WARM-"
"May I have my date back?" Pietro asked.
Cut to Pietro literally stealing you back.
because he wants to "show you something"
and Frank's hidden in the crowded walls and sees Pietro pull you along.
someone will be getting an ass beating rn
"This was the plan earlier," Pietro admitted, a small table with flowers in the middle, and a few coffee pots sitting on hot plates along with pastries, creamers, and a few sugars.
"I don't know what you drink. So. I made, a few."
"Is this what you were working up to Maximoff?" Y/n chuckled, "It's cute."
"I never did pay you back, for the coffees."
Y/n smiled, "Much obliged,"
It was amazing to say the least, maybe not the coffee, oh no Y/n didn't believe Pietro actually knew how to make coffee, but the thought of it was sweet, and changed the bitter-tasting coffee to sweet and non-burnt. They laughed back and forth in the chilly night air.
"Yes, Scott...he uh." Pietro chuckled, "Nice, but, needs more than a hint sometimes."
Y/n smiled, "I think he's...cute"
"Oh? Cute?" Pietro chuckled leaning against the railing with her, "Maybe I should help a friend out and set you two up?"
"Oh please, he's a bit too old for me, worth it for the storytelling though." Y/n teased, "plus...boys who spill coffee on me seem to be my type."
Pietro smiled at her as she smiled looking down at her mug.
"It's a bit chilly out-" Y/n spoke looking back at him, "feels better than..."
Y/n paused her cup being taken out of her hand, she let it slip from her fingers and cleared her throat looking away, "Feels better than inside, so stuffy with all those people."
"yeah..." he admitted.
It was silent, "Fuck it?" y/n asked.
"Agreed." He answered as she quickly kissed him, pressing her lips to his roughly.
it's Frank and his boyfriend matt
You pulled away so quickly and pointed your pistol at him and he did the same
Reflexes and all
But you and Frank continue to argue at gunpoint until Matt has to Daredevil kick that shit out of your hands.
"Oh, is this? Spy dad." Pietro asked
"Watch it, Pretty Boy," Frank argued
"Okay. let's calm down." Matt cut in.
"Shut it, Murdock!" Y/n and Frank shouted.
"Please," Y/n added in a softer tone.
Literally becomes the mediator for you three, Pietro is stuck between it.
Oh, he got himself into a dysfunctional family? yeah, he was in love with Y/n for sure
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lazypanartist · 2 years
May I let my cringe flag fly and request headcanons of Psimon x smol protective fire bender reader? Also would you be ok with doing one shots of this same reader later? If not totally ok I thought I would try to shoot my shot 😁
This isn't cringe at all! Not to me at least, lol. And oneshots later on under the same premise are totally fine ^-^
Tiny Flame - Headcanons
Psimon x Small! Protective! Fire-Meta Reader
When you first join Onslaught, he.. doesn't really take notice
Why should he?
You're just another partner; another of Queen Bee's disposable pawns
Smaller than anyone else on the team, though..
Before you go on the first mission, he's keeping an eye out for you
But all he's really getting from your head is "protect"
Assumes that you need protected
Boy, was he wrong
It registers later that he should have known how powerful you were; not just ANYONE is picked by Queen Bee
Watching you fight, though?
He watches the way your body moves, shifting to control your flames
And during missions, you make it your duty to run (or burn) circles around your team, sanding aerial attacks up in smoke
When he finally approaches you?
A power couple in the most literal sense
He scouts out enemies
You burn them down
When you two have free time, it's typically spent doing a whole lot of nothing
He asks you to show of for him sometimes
Loves being in your head when you're using your power
He can feel every mental shift, and watches as your flame responds
Come winter, if he ever gets cold, he'll (begrudgingly) ask to cuddle
You're a human space heater
Curl up with him under some blankets,
You're both insulated asf, ready to hibernate
The rest of Onslaught seems to think that y'all are pretty cute together
Especially when you tag-team an enemy twice your size
Queen Bee.. doesn't care. As long as you both do what she tells you to, you can date whoever tf you want
Which you're both grateful for
IDK where I was going with these, but yeah
All in all, great couple, v good for each other
THAT'S where I was going! Anyways-
Spoilers for season 3 ig, but
He gets bonked pretty good on the head durring a mission
You'd never allow that
(Bug off, canon!)
If Icicle Jr. starts ticking either of you off,
One quick flame his way and he's apologizing
Devastation love you, too
I mean, fr
If you yourself ever need protection, she's got you
Helps you kiss Psimon goodbye sometimes
Not really in a cutesy way, but if one of yours sent on a mission and the other isn't,
She's holding doors, railings, whatever to make sure y'all can say goodbye
I love this concept, thank you nonnie ^-^
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botboots · 3 years
"please don't leave" [smokescreen x reader]
hi!! sorry for the massive inactivity, life got busy and i didn't have much motivation - but i went through one of my first tf fics and edited it a bit, so why not post it while i work on requests (thank you for those, btw!) hope you like it :) sorry for any errors in this, it was initially written a while ago but i tried to fix up everything i could lmao also, this was inspired by a prompt i found
warnings: non-graphic injuries word count: 930 (GN, cybertronian!reader) continued under the cut
You were laying on the medical berth as your optics flitted about the room. Restless and in pain, you had been left to your own devices after the last of the team had left you alone, as per Ratchets’ constant nagging. You ex-vent, replaying the day’s events in your processor.
A misstep had earned yourself a blast in your side when an energon scouting mission turned sour – it wasn’t exactly life-threatening, but it still hurt like the Pits. Smokescreen, who’d been assigned to go with you (and was promptly panicking), contacted Ratchet for a ground-bridge once you had both finished off the last of the Vehicons. Just because you were injured meant in no way that you couldn’t still blast the enemy halfway to the Allspark, right?
As soon as the two of you had gotten through the ground-bridge Ratchet patched you up, all the while chewing the both of you out for “unnecessarily engaging Decepticons on a mere scouting mission” and “putting yourselves at risk”. Once the old medic was sure that you were stable, he shooed the others away so that you could recharge.
Not that you were doing much of it.
You perk up at the sound of pedes making their way across the hangar, hoping it was a ‘bot you could actually have a conversation with. While you beyond respected him, small talk with Optimus Prime isn’t exactly what you would define as fun. Relief washes over your form as Smokescreen peeks his helm around the corner.
“Hey, Y/N? You still awake?” The mech not-so-quietly whispers. You shake your helm.
“No, I just have my optics online while I recharge.” You reply, mouth quirking into a smile.
He chuckles, bashfully glancing to the side as he lifts a servo to rest behind his neck cables, “Probably could’ve figured that one out myself, huh?”
“Probably.” You grin as he makes his way over to you, wincing a bit when you prop yourself up. The still-healing wound didn’t want to lose your attention, it seemed. “What’re you doing in here, anyway? Shouldn’t you be recharging?”
He shrugs, picking up one of Ratchets’ tools and aimlessly fiddling with it in his servos, “Couldn’t.”
One of your metal brows quirks up, but you brush his answer off. It wasn’t uncommon for him to have a hard time falling into recharge, having spent many lunar-cycles staying up with him until you were both worn out.
“How are you feeling, though? Ratchet said it would still hurt for a bit.” He nods to the covered gash in your side. When you look at the wound it seems to only hurt more, as if it was something sentient and knew it had your attention. You ex-vent.
“It hurts, yeah, but other than that I’m fine.” You answer, the corner of your mouth curving into a smile as you bump a fist against his shoulder plating, “C’mon, you know it takes more than a few ‘con scouts to get rid of me, Smokes!”
The mech swats your servo away, the smile that stretches across his faceplate making your spark flutter.
“Only because I was there to save your aft.” He taunts. The statement sends your optics rolling; but a laugh still bubbles up through your chassis. It was beyond tempting to shove him from where he sat, but you simply wave him off with a scoff and a flick at his armor. Once the laughing subsides, he perks up to look at you, “Seriously, though – you really did a number on those ‘cons. It was kind of cool.”
“Did you just compliment me?” Obvious mock surprise lines your tone as you lift a servo to the side of your helm, “My audials must be malfunctioning.” Smokescreen rolls his optics.
“Whatever, smartaft.” He shakes his helm, “I better get out of here, Ratchet will scrap me if I bug you for too long.”
Nervousness prickles through your chassis. Your wound still hurt, and you knew that if Smokescreen left you would be alone again, unable to recharge with thoughts running through your processor. You hated being left on your own.
When he pushes himself up, panic grips you - and without thinking you reach out with your servo to stop him.
Both your optics widen, and the mech shifts to look back at you, questioning optics searching your faceplate. Your servo is stilled on his forearm as you stare back at him. What were you thinking?! Yeah, go ahead and grab the mech without any warning; I’m sure that will make him want to stay!
“I’m sorry-“ You blurt out, snatching your servo away from him before you glance down. Embarrassment burns your faceplate, “I just- please, don’t leave me alone.”
His brows raise, and for a moment you think you over-stepped. Before you can say anything, though, he lets out a soft laugh.
“Alright, if you like my company that much I guess I could stay.” He lightheartedly teases. “But you’re taking the heat if Ratchet gets on my aft about this.” Your body relaxes as he sits back down, and you choose not to point it out when he shifts the chair closer to the medical berth.
“Think I can’t an old bot on?” You joke, despite both of you cringing at the memory of getting laid into by the medic after your scouting mission. Smokescreen chuckles, and you both drift into casual conversation with an abundance of back-and-forth teasing. As the minutes tick by, you already feel better than before; your wound temporarily forgotten in the presence your closest friend.
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theg0dsyst3m · 3 years
Genshin as elementary kids
Contains : Bennet, Kaeya, Childe, Xiao, Amber
A/N | This was so cute to write for no reason, I am labeling this as an x reader for clout.I am desperate.
That one Minecraft kid with the creeper lunchbox
Licks stuff off his fingers in public places
Probably bullied :(
Eats pb&j everyday, his dad's probably give him a lil note inside.
Can't tie shoelaces yet, probably has Velcro (I FIND THIS SO ADORABLE WHAT)
Water bottle flips, never landed except for one time no body was looking.
His grades lie at C's and B's but he's trying his best.
The teachers think he's a sweetheart though
iPad kid
The cool kid
Probably comes to school with a bag of chips, (something spicy too, Hot Cheetos, takis, etc)
Diary of the wimpy kid, he always gets them first somehow?
You never see him do work but his grades are perfect
He probably has fruit roll ups in his lunch box too
Sir why are your folders ripped
Probably also had braces for abit
One of "da boyz 😈🥶💔"
Annoying kid
He grew out of it, kinda
Reminds the teacher about homework
Grades are A's
Snitch, a fucking snitch
Everyone hates him but teachers
Probably helps carry the chairs or some shit
Maybe wash off the white board?
He just wants adult validation okay? Leave him alone
He wore those adidas pants with a t-shirt, he was also abit chubby before puberty
Sir is taking all the after school and in school clubs
Ayo how tf you get in the Girl Scouts
Choir, band, orchestra, soccer, basketball, I could go on
Straight A's across the board
Teachers adore him
Walks home alone? Where are your parents???
Really quiet but nice when you get close to him type beat.
Drinks chocolate milk at lunch.
Idk he just strikes me as the type to get school lunch
Sits alone during recess.
Wolf Girl
nobody can change my mind
Walks around on all 4's
Demon /angel/ immortal /wolf/ depressed /lost princess /dark past/ super powers /has crush on jake-
Barked at random kids, probably Bennet .
Tried to get elementary school Jean to join her wolf pack
Try hard tomboy also
Probably tried to hangout with Kaeya then got ignored
Had pudding cups in her lunch:)
Average grades
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meettheprivate · 3 years
How They Handle "That time of the month" [TF2 x S/O]
What if the merc has a S/O who has periods?
**This is written with the context that all the mercenaries are cisgendered males (except Pyro who is always a they/them in my writing). Reader is still gender neutral. <3**
Scout: Poor boy has 8 brothers, not a uterus in sight (most likely). He is terrified when he finds you crouched in pain for the first time. He thinks you're dying until you explain the situation - to which he still thinks you're dying. After a good talk between you, Scout, and Medic, he calms tf down and does his best to take care of you. Expect a butt-ton of chocolate (or whatever you crave) and he will not hesitate to literally run to a corner store if you are out of pads/tampons/cups.
Soldier: Absolutely no clue how to handle you. When he sees you in pain, he tells you to be strong, but when you explain why you're in pain he just stares at you like a deer in the headlights. He will do his best to be supportive, but he never fully understands the situation. If you blatantly tell him "my body wants me pregnant" he will misinterpret this and strip right in front of you. Don't worry, he will put his pants back on when you explain that is not what you meant. He'll be more confused by the end of this, but he'll eventually catch on - hopefully.
Pyro: Sweetbean will have a freak out when they see you're in pain, but they know just what to do before even being told! They will get you a ton of sweets from their "not-so-secret" stash and cuddle you to keep your body relaxed. Lots of soft and warm things will be given to you and they will make a bed purely made out of pillows and plush for you to sleep on. Once a month you will have an extra-on-guard support Pyro!
Demoman: He's got a blind mother, he knows what he must do the moment he sees you in that specific kinda pain. He'll make sure you're stocked up on your craving foods, pads/tampons/cups, and that first day he sees you in pain he will prepare a bath for you chalk full of bath bombs (lol). He may drink just a wee bit more though during that time, especially if your period is the kind that causes mood swings (like mine).
Heavy: Three sisters and a mum, 'nough said. He knows what to do with you and takes good care of you. You're not allowed to use your legs/wheel chair until your period is over, he will carry you everywhere. He will also cook meals he knows his sisters appreciated during their time, lots of Russian soups and sweets.
Engineer: He's not inexperienced with periods, and he knows that each person deals with it differently. When your first one with him starts, he will take ample mental notes to know what to do for next time. Lots of verbal and physical comfort, he'll takes a page out of Pyro's book and prepares a comfy bed with lots of pillows and a teddy roosebelt (ofc). He is absolutely the kind of man who writes on the calendar to make sure he knows when you're due so he can be prepared with your craving foods and sundries.
Medic: Also not inexperienced with periods. Though he finds them to be so fascinating. A little too fascinating. He will observe your various behaviours and physical responses - but eventually he'll realize that it would be nice to comfort you. He already has ample stock of sundries for you, and insists that chocolate won't help so he won't buy any - except maybe a bit of swiss chocolate. He will know when you're on your period before you do - even your first one with him.
Sniper: mundee.exe has stopped working. Poor boy has no clue what to do, arguably harder to teach than Scout. When it finally sinks in, he at first is a little distant, worried about making a mistake and hindering you rather than helping you. Eventually he'll figure it out and will do a 360 and be protective of you; making sure you're always as comfortable as you can be.
Spy: Absolutely knows exactly what to do. He's got everything set for you from sundries, to chocolates, to candles of your favourite fragrance. He will make sure to prepare a bath on the first day every time and won't be afraid to offer you a massage - in fact he'll do it frequently. He just wants to make sure his petit(e) is taken care of.
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qingxin-dream · 4 years
Confrontation - Levi x Reader
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a/n | Okay, so my fiancé finally convinced me to watch another anime and we binged tf out of Attack on Titan. Absolutely loved it. AND LET ME TELL YOU – I have been reading Levi one-shots every chance I get now lol. So I figured I’d give writing one myself a try. ;)
warnings | n/a
genre | slight suspense, fluff
word count | 1.6k
pairing | Levi Ackermann x Reader
⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙ ⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚⁺‧͙⁺˚*•̩̩͙✩
          Blinding white sunlight began to seep through the large oak trees nearby and fluffy clouds littered the sky. Often in the brief moments you are enamored with the sight, it’s hard to imagine that there are enemies and Titans roaming the earth distantly below. To your distaste, the loud echo of laughter and roughhousing from your fellow cadets interrupts your fantasy and brings you back to this hell. Despite the destruction of the Titans, you had your friends and colleagues to rely on as you all strive to eradicate the existential threat humanity faces.
           Problem is – you find yourself desiring more than just a friend. It’s only natural to want to feel close with someone, to feel cared for, to feel loved in a way no-one else could ever love you. Unfortunately, your heart has a sadistic sense of humor with its hopeless romanticism. Who do you pine for, you might ask?
         “Alright, brats, that’s enough. We’ve got some training to do,” a deep voice orders, instantly catching your attention.
         “Yes sir, Captain Levi!” you and your teammates reply with a unified shout and salute.
         None other than the man known as Humanity’s Strongest, of course. The cold, brutal, and majorly talented leader of the Levi Squad somehow melted your heart with his hard exterior. You weren’t sure at what point you realized your feelings for him, but you were terrible at hiding it. You were practically an open book to him without even saying a single word. To make matters worse, Levi’s stoic countenance gave you little to work with in those situations.
         “(L/N)!” Levi commanded, practically nose-to-nose with you while you were in the middle of recovering briefly from training. “If you’ve got time to laze around, you got time to do 100 laps tonight, right? Come to my office when you’re done, cadet.”
         “B-but—” you huffed in increasing exasperation. The look in his eyes washed any protest you were going to say right off your tongue. “Ah, yes sir.”
         He loved to push your buttons, too. Special treatment from Levi certainly did not mean any lenience in work. In fact, it was more like the opposite. His inclination to push you even more to your limits was one of the few crumbs of evidence you had that Levi had feelings for you too—or maybe he just hates you. At this point, you were too lost in the possibilities to care. You loved Levi, and he was probably using it against you.
         You regained your composure, continuing to train with the other members of the Levi Squad. It took you a long time to rise the ranks in the Scouts, and to think that maybe the love of your life was sitting right there at the top in charge of the best damn squad known to the walls? You had it bad, but you couldn’t let it show in your performance. After effectively working out for another hour, your dinner hour was replaced by those cursed laps Levi ordered you to do.
         Knock, knock!
         “C-Captain Levi, sir,” you spoke through the door to his office. Your knees were jelly, dying for a place to sit.
         “Come in.”
         Upon opening the door, you spot Levi sitting at his desk immediately locking eyes with your sweaty form. He motioned to the seat in front of his mahogany desk, undoing his official Scout cloak and resting it on the back of his chair behind him in one swift motion. Most of your body swelled and ached in several places as you sat down in front of Levi, but thanking you for finally giving it more of a rest.
         His normally rigid eyes and firmly frowning lips were replaced with a softer look as he leaned forward slightly, bringing his hands together on the desk. “(Y/N), you’ve been distracted lately. What’s the deal?”
         Oh, boy.
         Your face flushed a shade of red and you sheepishly avoided eye contact with your captain. You felt so childish. Why couldn’t you force yourself to be closer with him? Why did you always melt into a puddle before him?
         “Tomorrow is the next expedition. I expect you to be able to handle your job.”
         He’s right. Anything could happen, and we needed to be prepared to attack if necessary. The Scouts couldn’t afford to lose any more cadets than they already have. You couldn’t afford to not tell Levi your feelings, either. With your mind clouded by physical exhaustion, it also dawned on you that these vague inklings and contradictory words between the two of you were tiring. At least you hoped it was contradictory and that Levi actually did reciprocate your feelings. All of the sudden, it was now or never to you.
         “Captain, I apologize,” you begin hesitantly. “I have been keeping something from you. I don’t want it to affect our ability to work together as a team or my performance. I-I-I—”
         “Tch, I know, (Y/N). It’s painted all over your face.” He brought his hands together intertwined, resting below his nose and sighing quietly. His eyes pierced your heart and soul in this moment, and your cheeks were hot to the touch from embarrassment. “You… you don’t think I haven’t noticed?”
         “Heh,” you breathed. There was no keeping anything from Levi, and you were a terrible liar anyway. “I’m sorry, sir. I understand if you—”
         “No. I don’t think you understand.” Levi thrusts himself out of his chair abruptly, pacing around the fairly candlelit room with his arms crossed tightly against his torso. “You should know that our line of work above anything else does not permit time to entertain love.”
         You were hanging onto every word he spoke into the darkness as he was turned away from you, peering out the window dotted with raindrops. The slowly increasing frequency of little patters of rain against the room echoed into the silence. Your heart was swelling from anxiety. Levi was going to reject you. You knew this would happen. It wasn’t good for the team. Getting too attached is the biggest mistake anyone could make in this dangerous crusade against the Titans. Nevertheless, you couldn’t help yourself.
         “Sir…” you spoke softly, trailing off.
         “Levi.” he corrected immediately, not moving an inch from the window.
         “L-Levi,” you continued, mind slightly rattled by a singular overlooked fact. “Are you not denying it?”
         The slow roll of thunder sent shivers up your spine. Levi turned his head toward you, sword-silver eyes glimmering through the scattered onyx strands of his hair and a small smile threatening to be known in the corner of his mouth. He would never show much emotion to the cadets or anyone else, but here he was with a rare smile. To be honest, he knew romance was never an option as a Scout—especially as the highest performing member. It was never appealing to him, really. Why would you get attached to someone only for them to tragically die in the hands of Titans? But somehow Levi found himself in a cocktail of mixed feelings about you.
         Finally, he faced you. The glimmer you saw in his eyes revealed itself as tears when lightning struck outside nearby. “No, (Y/N), I can’t.”
         Your heart was practically leaping out of your chest, pulling you from your chair despite your aches.
         Did you actually make the captain cry? How?
         You carefully stepped forward and brushed your hand against Levi’s that rested next to his hip. He let you envelope his hand in yours, and you squeezed it reassuringly. You fondly rubbed your thumb on the back of his hand.
         “I’ve felt this way for a long time, you know,” you faintly smile, admiring his features up close. Your other hand found his, and you held them both firmly with passion. “Can… Um, can I…?”
         Levi leaned in closer and closer, dark silky bangs nearly tickling your face. You could feel the thick tension stuck in your throat and wanting lips. While you rarely got this close to the captain, you noted his intoxicating scent of tea and pine. It wasn’t overwhelming, but certainly surprising. Suddenly, his hands were no longer yours but gently holding your waist.
         It felt like an eternity had passed.
         “Please… kiss me.” you pleaded. He was right there in front of you, mere inches away. You’ve waited for this moment forever, and he actually feels the same way.
         Lightning struck again followed by the shattering crack of thunder outside the window, causing you to bound into his arms in a hug. You weren’t normally like this, but the pressure and suspense of the moment had you over-alert and sensitive to such loud sounds. Levi reluctantly returned your hug, folding his toned arms behind your back securely.
         “(Y/N), you know we can’t do this.” Levi mumbles regretfully, beginning to grit his teeth and grip you tighter.
         “But, we can. It will be okay. We don’t have to tell anyone.”
         “It’s not that. I just… can’t afford to lose those I love anymore.” He steps away, letting you go from his arms. “It wouldn’t work.”
         “Levi, I don’t want to lose you either. But, I don’t want to live my life in fear. I would rather to have loved someone special like you than no one at all,” you say in the hopes of convincing him otherwise.
         After a brief moment of contemplation, Levi sighs. “Fine.”
         How you managed to successfully pull this off is beyond you, but it doesn’t matter. You loved Levi, and now you could finally show him that. You stepped into his space again, holding his face in your hands as you leaned in to kiss the captain. He met you halfway with lovely soft lips and an unexpected tenderness nothing like the harsh exterior he projects. You both practically melted into each other like chocolate and poured a million secret thoughts and unspoken words into this chaste kiss like it was your last.
         The swift strike of lightning once again startled you and broke you from the blissful kiss. Levi laughed softly, sending butterflies into your stomach.
         “I love you.”
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4haechie · 4 years
son of apollo!donghyuck
pairing: son of apollo!donghyuck x child of athena!reader genre: fluff, comedy, some adventure/action, pjo au, e2l au words: 3,173 warning: couple of curse words here n there a/n: i reference a bunch of pjo characters in this so if u haven’t read pjo *crowd booing*
so donghyuck’s the son of apollo right
there’s like no arguing when it comes to that
he’s extremely talented at singing and making music, dancing, rapping, songwriting, so he’s no doubt apollo’s offspring
and he’s naturally gifted at archery as well
you can’t spell haechan without ACE teehee
u on the other hand
you’re athena’s child
you love to read and write you’re incredibly smart ofc
you love competing and winning and taking part in strategy making to bring your opponents DOWN 💅🏼
athena’s the goddess of wisdom as well as warcraft so needless to say you’re exceptional in both fields
you’re not just textbook smart, no no, you’re able to apply all the knowledge you learn…well…irl
not to mention you’re good with all kinds of weapons
ur fave weapons include swords and spears :D
you’re okay w knives too!!! and daggers!!! you’re not picky
but you’re better w longer blades just cuz u have more experience w them
fun fact: you’re the head of the athena cabin and donghyuck’s the head of the apollo cabin
you’re both great leaders, always doing your best to make the best strategies to win capture the flag, the chariot races, and other fun activities chiron plans for the campers 😁
but . you guys are Sworn Enemies
actually the better term to use would be “rivals”
you guys r So competitive to the point where you actually developed a rivalry during your first few years at camp half-blood
donghyuck LOVES to win but so do you… so obv he’s gonna go out of his way to make sure he/his cabin wins
that doesn’t mean you’ve ever backed down from his challenges…
if he’s competitive you’re twice as competitive
one day after breakfast during your fifth year at camp when you’re both about 18, chiron decides to host a good old game of capture the flag
u know . for old times’ sake 😼
once he makes the announcement you immediately turn to your cabin mates
“we have to win no matter what”
“y/n, it’s just capture the flag. we’re not fighting gaea”
“bitch are u in or not”
the entire dining hall is buzzing with excitement
nothing makes a demigod’s day like a capture the flag announcement 😌
chiron suddenly grabs the megaphone again and calls out “this time however there’s a little twist,” he chuckles as everybody goes silent
you raise an eyebrow
“you’ll be in teams of course. everybody has to play. there’s twenty cabins, so there will be ten teams of two cabins each. i’ll pair you guys up myself. each pair gets a flag–so there’s ten flags in total. the game will be won by the pair who manages to collect all flags and brings them back to their base before anyone has the chance to steal their own flag.”
the demigods burst into intense chatter and discussion once more
you turn your head back to your siblings and tilt your head in slight confusion
you’ve never played capture the flag in teams before
“anyone but apollo. i’m literally begging. sam, pray to athena right now”
“y/n RELAX”
“i think if we’re partners with apollo’s cabin i’ll actually jump into tartarus”
“what? percy and annabeth survived” 🙄
chiron pulls out a scroll and calls out the pairings one by one
poseidon and demeter, hades and ares (good luck to them), so on and so forth
your heart keeps racing . athena’s name has not been called out yet
and just like that your worst fear comes true
“athena cabin with apollo cabin. the game will commence in thirty minutes, which is how much time you have to prepare. good luck and stay safe!”
you drop your head into your palm (aka head in hands meme jpg)
“this is the worst day of my entire life”
“y/n, you’re hands down the most dramatic person i’ve ever met”
maybe it’s just you–bc your siblings seem fine with the apollo kids
they have so many apollo cabin friends :(
curse u and donghyuck’s little rivalry that the entire camp and chiron knows about
so him putting yall together definitely was not a coincidence cough cough
can u blame him
🌤🌈 he just wants all of u to get along 🌈🌤
he’s seen w his own two centaur eyes what happens when demigods fight between themselves
it’s not healthy
he needs u guys to get along bc u and donghyuck are some of the best demigods at camp rn
ur quick wits and amazing sword skills
his position as the camp’s best archer
imagine how powerful yall would be if u two worked together
if only you got along from the start.. but nooooo
ur egos r just too high F
but anyway, back to the present
you’re sitting there, head in your hands, dreading this already when some of the apollo kids swagger over to your guys’ table
donghyuck is in front of them as he scoffs after seeing your dreadful state
“why the sad face, y/n?”
you lift your head up to see him hovering over your seat and roll your eyes
you get up and your siblings follow
you’re just gonna have to make do. you don’t have time to complain
the thing is
you’ve only lost capture the flag once 👎🏼
a few summers ago the apollo cabin defeated the entire camp leaving everybody speechless
it’s true they didn’t defeat JUST you but somehow you thought it was personal
you had the PERFECT record 😕
zero losses . only wins
but bc of the apollo kids your cabin’s record was tarnished
which is sorta why you started hating them (esp donghyuck their leader) so much
donghyuck caught on immediately and made it a point to compete just as hard as u
so yea. that’s how you became rivals
he knows how much ur gonna hate working with him but u don’t really have a choice now do u :/
so he knows exactly why u have a sad face
but this is donghyuck we’re talking about
just bc yall r “rivals” doesn’t mean he’s not gonna tease u 😂😂😂
(or maybe he teases u bc he thinks ur cute and he hopes one day u realise him teasing is actually donghyuck for flirting 🤭)
“you know damn well why, lee donghyuck”
“oh c’mon i think it’ll be fun! if we combine our skills, we definitely have a hundred percent chance of winning”
you cross your arms and glance at your siblings who just shrug in agreement
you sigh loudly
“don’t even think about fucking this is up, donghyuck. and just so we’re clear, i’m in charge”
he laughs, “yup! got it”
so you start talking strategy
you only have 30 minutes so you need to make the best of it
you divide the two cabins into pairs so that an athena and an apollo kid will be paired together and in charge of smth diff
you have plenty of people on your team – 5 in athena’s cabin and 5 in apollo’s cabin
some will handle weapons and safety gear, some will handle mapping out the playing area which was basically the entirety of the woods, some will be setting up traps near your team’s flag to prevent others from coming close
30 minutes quickly pass and after dividing the work and planning your strategy with donghyuck and friends you turn your attention back to chiron who has his megaphone in hand
everyone’s told to gather outside the dining hall at the open field before the game commences
you, donghyuck, and your teammates briefly talk strategy once more . just to make sure everybody knows what they’re supposed to do
“let the game begin!” chiron blows a loud whistle and the demigods scramble out of the field, going to their designated flag locations
your spot is near a little creek, but the forest around your flag is quite dense so u figure it’s relatively hard to locate
it’s not that late so the afternoon sun makes your skin glisten with sweat
“damn, can you tell your dad to chill tf out for a while,” you tell donghyuck jokingly
he just rolls his eyes but on the inside he’s kinda glad you’re being casual with him rather than 😡😡😡😡😡 like u normally are
u don’t know what it is about him today but u swear he’s acting different around u
he wasn’t… as annoying while discussing strategy ????
he actually ?????? listened ?????? to what u had to say 🤔🤔🤔🤔
he didn’t argue, he didn’t even throw around witty burns like he usually does w/o hesitation
u were like… is he ok
little do u know!!! he actually l*kes u 🤭🤭🤭
well… it’s not a 100% fact that HE himself knows as well
but his siblings caught on to his weird behaviour n figured smth was up
mark being one of hyuck’s closest friends n siblings in the apollo cabin, realised he was acting weird ever since yall got grouped together
he seemed nervous ⁉️ which he never ever is
he’s like the most confident person mark’s ever known
so mark was like *thinks*
after putting two and two together mark came to the conclusion that he might have a small crush on u
bc hyuck kept glancing over at u, kept talking abt how ur a good leader (he’s never gonna tell YOU that tho. he crossed his heart on that one)
mark was like i didn’t even ask but ok
mark was confused at first tho cuz everybody and their mom knows about your guys’ rivalry so why tf would hyuck have a crush on someone he considers his rival
mark decides not to get ahead of himself bc hey!!! maybe he doesn’t have a crush, maybe he just thinks ur a good leader
like that’s it u know?
so anywayz where was i
ah right
the flag
OK SO ur team’s flag is yellow ! :D
it’s like the colour of sunflowers
you and donghyuck r in charge of guarding the flag while ur team members scout around for the other flags
easy peasy
you and donghyuck are at your base now, weapons drawn just in case
the flag is hung on a poll couple feet taller than you
you’re dressed in ur usual training clothes – a pair of washed out shorts, a very old orange camp half-blood shirt; your sword’s sheath hanging from one of the belt loops of your shorts
donghyuck’s dressed similarly – a pair of blue ripped jeans, the same orange camp shirt tucked into them, but he has a purple flannel on, which he takes off and ties around his waist
“it’s so freaking hot,” he says, mentally agreeing with the comment u made about apollo earlier
“tell me about it”
there’s a silence that follows, the only sound heard is the subtle flow of the creek water
you’re thankful for the silence
it’s easier to keep an ear open for opponents on their way to steal your flag
just as you think about it, an ares and a hades kid approach your base
they’re on the other side of the creek, less than ten to fifteen feet away
“hi y/n,” the hades kid you’re kind of close to says
you shoot him a fake smile before holding your sword in front of you
donghyuck pulls out an arrow from his quiver and nocks it in his bow, aiming for the two demigods in front of you
the creek isn’t that deep, so the two demigods cross it with ease
they have their weapons drawn; they’re now a couple of feet away from you and more importantly the flag
no words are said as donghyuck lets his arrow fly and knock the hades’ kid sword out of his hands
he didn’t use an arrow with a sharp tip, you note
the hades’ kid stumbles backwards, imbalanced after he gets unarmed
you stand your ground as the ares’ kid scrambles forward, attacking you with her sword
your blades clash defiantly
you continue to spar with all your might
from the corner of your eye you see that the hades’ kid, sword back in hand, is battling donghyuck on your left
the flag is right behind you and donghyuck; you can’t let the two demigods get near it
you and the ares kid are still battling each other, putting all your strength into making sure she surrenders
but u should know better
ares and athena kids have many similarities like their love for winning, their confidence in battle, etc.
it’s like looking in a mirror
you don’t have anything against this particular ares kid, though
“c’mon, y/n, give up already”
that REALLY makes your blood boil
you never give up, no matter what
with one final blow of your sword, you knock her sword out of her hands, making her think she distracted you with her words
she goes flying back, half her body landing in the creek water
her sword lies in between you and her, but you doubt she’ll have the courage to fight again
the hades kid sees this and quickly scrambles away from hyuck, picking up the ares kid’s sword and giving her a hand up
“this is why i hate you and your siblings–your huge ego always gets in the way,” you hear the hades kid grumble to his partner as they run away from you, shame written all over their defeat
hyuck laughs and wipes sweat from his forehead
you can’t help but laugh either
you love it here at 🧡 camp half-blood 🧡
a few moments pass as your teammates emerge from the dense woods, each pair with a different colour flag held between them
you smile in victory
you quickly bring down your flag from its pole and give it to hyuck
“me? it was your plan…”
“yeah, but i couldn’t have done it without you, hyuck”
he almost passes out at your choice of nickname
back at the main hall, chiron announces your team as the winner, and that the prize yall being excused from doing chores all week long!!!!
it’s not much, but hey, at least you and hyuck ended up working together and winning the game, right?
later, hyuck pulls you aside from your cabin mates, and walks you to the lakeside
you two sit at the deck, side by side, watching the water doing nothing in particular
you watch as hyuck swings his feet lightly, his toes barely touching the water
“y/n, do you hate me?” donghyuck asks out of the blue
you’re like 😳 what
now that he asks you that . like straight up . it makes u think
do u REALLY hate him
or do u just hate losing to him
“why would i hate you?” you question back
“i don’t know? i guess because of our, um, rivalry thing i thought you can’t stand me”
you play with the beads of your camp necklace
“i don’t hate you, donghyuck. i just hate losing. i guess it’s the athena in me,” you laugh at how lame you sound
“i hate losing too, but i don’t hate you, in case you’re wondering.”
he takes a deep breath
“i know we started going against one another ‘cause of that one time my cabin won capture the flag, but i don’t want things to stay this way,” he pushes his hair back
“i guess what i’m saying is… i like working with you.” he pauses
“yeah,” he says, as if more convinced now, “and i would really like to get to know you better,” he clears his throat, very clearly embarrassed
you laugh at his flustered state
“stop laughing at me,” he stretches the last syllable as he lightly shoves you with his shoulder
you’re trying even harder to not laugh now, but for his sake, you hold it in
“that’s probably the cutest thing you’ve ever said”
he crosses his arms, “i’m always cute”
you’re like. THE NERVE?????? 😒😒😒
“how ‘bout we go slow? i mean, we just became un-enemies, we’re gonna need to be friends first, right?” you poke his shoulder
“you make a good point”
“i’m literally athena’s child, but okay”
“shut up!”
✨ time skip ✨
both u and hyuck stay at camp over the holidays which means more bonding time!!! yay!!!!!
a year has passed and u and hyuck r basically bffs, attached at the hip, and everybody except mark is surprised as fuck
rmb the days when hyuck thought u were “cute”?
welp 🤭 he’s at that point where everything u do makes his heart flutter
yeah… he likes u Like A Lot
u have no clue abt his feelings for u and he has no clue abt ur feelings for him either
exactly a year after the iconic capture the flag game, ur both seated at the deck by the lakeside, side by side, again
“y/n…there’s something you need to know”
“if you’re gonna tell me about the mixtape you’re dropping with mark, i literally don’t want to hear it”
both of you burst into fits of laughter
after calming down, he shoves your shoulder lightly with his shoulder, like he always does (only to u tho)
“no, seriously, i need to tell you something”
“what’s up?”
“i,” he pauses, clears his throat, “like you. a lot–i have for a while now.”
you swear your heart stops beating and your brain explodes
HE? LIKES? U?????????
he continues, “i don’t know if you like me back, but i’ve been wanting to tell you this for so long–guess i didn’t have the courage until recently,” he lets out an airy laugh
you’re looking at him in the eyes now; a subtle shimmer of the afternoon sun sparkling in his eyes
“hyuck, i like you too. how could i possibly not?” you chuckle at his shocked expression
he goes :O
he’s genuinely speechless when you lean forward and press your lips ever so softly onto his
you literally feel him freeze, which worries you for a second, but your worry is washed away when he slowly kisses you back
you melt right then and there
he takes your hand in his, interlocking fingers, as you pull away, a faint pink blush painting both your cheeks
“really, y/n? that’s all you have to say? what happened to being wisdom’s child, huh?”
“donghyuck, i SWEAR to ALL THE GODS–!”
your sentence is cut off when he presses his lips onto yours again, you smile into the kiss which causes him to smile with you
he kisses you again and again, and then again, until you’re both a giggling mess
“let’s stay like this forever, yeah? what do you say?” he says, bringing his lips to your forehead, lingering there for a moment before pulling back and looking at you
you look at your intertwined hands, and then back up at him, “i’d like that”
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Yandere Sniper and Scout fighting over Male! Reader
- HAHHAHAHAHAHA I love yandere shit!-
Jeremy didn’t mean to catch feelings for you, really. You were a teammate, a bro, a friend. But the more time he spent with you, the more he got hooked on you. Soon Jeremy wanted to spend all his waking moments with you; from battles to meals, he even convinces you to have tons of sleepovers, anything to be around you, to have your attention
Mick used to watch your back on battle because you were a versatile player on the field, and soon he starts watching even when you were perfectly safe, when you’re on base,still safe. He doesn’t go out of his way to spend time with you, but you feel safe around him and gravitate towards him; because that’s all Mick really cares about, you being safe
Jeremy is wary of Mick first, but as the sniper doesn’t vy for your attention, so he allows your scattering of interactions. Mick doesn’t particularly like you hanging out with Jeremy, he’s too reckless and could drag you into danger on the field, but Jeremy make you marginally happy, so
They unfortunately become more aware of the other when you decided one day to start hanging out with both of them at the same time. At first, they didn't bother to hide their contemptment. Mick would openly call Jeremy a “reckless little ankle biter,” and Jeremy would instantly try to become physically violent. After only two days of hanging out, you apologize for making them be around each other when they obviously disliked one another. You say sorry for being selfish for trying to force them to be friends when you could already tell beforehand they probably wouldn’t get along
And doesn’t THAT just break their hearts! All Mick and Jeremy ever want is for you to be happy, and now you’re all sad because they couldn’t cap their dislike for each other for a few hours! The two come to an agreement to stop being hostile to each other around you, for your sake. Pretty soon they were great at lying to you about their friendship. You were happy, and at the same time, Mick and Jeremy had you in their presence, away from the rest of the team. Win win.
When they AREN’T around you tho… chaos. 
Mick, when he isnt covering you from his perch, is watching Scout. The sniper gets a case of “friendly fire” and sends Jeremy to the respawn room more than any other of his opponents do. He flashes his laser point at his hiding places, scare enemies into running into Jeremy’s direction, scare Jeremy into enemy filled spaces. If the Bostonian wants your attention so damn badly, he’s gonna have to bleed for it
Jeremy is used to pulling you along and covering you during matches, sharing his Bonk! supply with you to keep your energy up; but then, it’s like the antithesis of a guardian angel shows up and it keeps him separated from you. He soons pieces together that its Sniper from his hiding place, orchestrating your isolation from Scout. So Jeremy implements a lesson he learned from one of his older brothers. Don’t get mad, get even. 
Scout finds where Sniper hides and tells the enemy Spy. He sabotages Mick’s guns right before a match so they don’t shoot right. He hides you away somewhere inside of a building and convinces you to stay so Mick has no visual on you whatsoever. It made the Aussie anxious and jumpy, which made the Bostonian happy.
When they were out of a match and around you, they acted like the best of friends to keep you placiated. On the field, their violence towards each other just kept escalating. It was only a matter of time before one of them fucks with the respawn machine and try to off the other for good.
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[TF Cyberverse] Hot Rod x Technorganic! Reader: The ‘Thing’
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A/N: So, TF fans, who here watches TF Cyberverse? Because your author right here does! I actually watched its first season of it (because at that time, I finished watching TF Prime) and when I heard there’s going to be a second season, I am hooked even more. To be honest, I only watched TF Cyberverse because I had nothing to watch anymore. And I got more into it when I divulge myself with the MTMTE/LL comics (It’s Rodimus’s fault that I found out that he’s Hot Rod before and there’s a Hot Rod in Cyberverse so you know what I mean).
Anyway, so, I wrote this one-shot because I love Hot Rod (I might even do a Cyberverse Soundwave one, too, because I also love him). Before you attempt to read this, please make sure that you have watched at least Episode 3 of Season 2 because there’s a spoiler alert here. Otherwise, you may continue onwards.
Also, just imagine that you’re as the same height as Windblade (Cyberverse) because weird science.
And also, this one-shot is a cheesy one so, yeah.
“Moon… Cheetah?” you reiterated the same words that Bumblebee was also asking about.
“Yeah. A creature with yellow color and black spots,” Bumblebee clarified.
“I know what a cheetah is, Bee, but telling me that you saw one on the moon is highly impossible. No organic life survives there without a helmet. You’ve seen me wear a helmet even though I’m technically like you.” You crossed your arms.
The Autobot scout ex-vented loudly. “I swear I saw that creature…”
“Hey, (Y/n)!” a familiar exhilarating voice reached your ears.
“Oh, hi, Hot Rod,” you monotonously greeted back.
This flame-colored mech would be more tolerable for you if he wasn’t obviously trifling with you. Everywhere you go, he’s always there. He kept on blabbering random things; no offense, most of them you didn’t enjoy. Still, Hot Rod is a sincere and kind-hearted bot like Bumblebee.
“So, Grimlock’s having a party tonight. I was wondering if, you know, you’ll go?” he asked almost shyly (and you find that rather cute).
“Ummm… I guess so? Well, if Windblade’s going, I guess I’ll go.”
You and Windblade were like the best of friends. She was like a sister you never had. Everytime something bothers you, you share it to her secretly. Recently, you told her about your current predicament regarding Hot Rod. She just laughed on it and told you that Hot Rod probably has a ‘thing’ for you, which you actually believed. (You weren’t even sure if that’s a good or bad thing.)
“Windblade’s going!” Hot Rod assured excitedly.
“Oh. Alright. Then I’m going.”
Hot Rod wanted to squeal and jump for joy, but he remained composed and cool. “That’s great! I’ll see you around then!”
“Hey, Hot Rod,” Bumblebee caught his attention. “You didn’t really see the Moon Cheetah?”
“Moon Cheetah? You mean the creature that you told me that you saw on the moon?” He peered at you and you just shrugged your shoulders. He looked at Bumblebee again. “I was there, Bee, and I didn’t see anything.”
Bumblebee frowned. “Awww. I guess I’ll just have to ask Wheeljack. Thanks, you guys.” He transformed in his vehicle mode and sped off.
“I feel bad for him,” you remarked.
“I think he hit his head onto something. Anyway,” Hot Rod turned to you. “Wanna refuel?”
“Is that a date?” You raised a brow.
Hot Rod was flustered all of a sudden. “What?! N-No! I-I mean… Do you think it is?”
Again, just a shrug of your shoulder and you started walking. Hot Rod ex-vented. He felt his cheek plates warming a little and his rotors starting to spin. He didn’t expect you to confirm one of the biggest questions in relationships.
“You coming?” you called to him.
“U-Uh! Y-Yeah!” He jogged to your side.
30 minutes later…
There was a beep on Hot Rod’s communication monitor panel. Optimus Prime appeared on the screen, announcing, “Attention, all Autobots. Until further notice, you must keep your distance from Grimlock. He is currently not stable as according to Wheeljack. For the time being, be careful. Prime out.”
“Strange. What do you think happened to Grimsy?” you asked. (And yes, you and Hot Rod were still hanging out together.)
“Not really sure…”
You then heard metal feet fast running towards your direction. It’s Grimlock!
“Grimsy?!” you reached out.
There was no time to process what was going on as both of you weren’t able to get out of his way. You both got ‘magnetized’ as Hot rod got stuck on the Dinobot’s back strut while you were only beside the former. It was like laying on the berth together.
“Whoa! This is awkward!” Hot Rod was nearly yelling.
You were almost blushing as you shifted your head to the side. Your current positions are indeed embarrassing.
“Grimlock, stop!” You heard Windblade’s voice.
The femme bot activated her wings out and sent a flurry of strong winds through her thrusters. Grimlock, however, was slowly moving forward, not attempting to halt. She was, though, interrupted when she, too, was ‘magnetized’ and got stuck at the Dinobot’s back neck cable.
“Heya, Windblade!” Hot Rod acknowledged her happily despite their current situation. “Going to Grimlock’s party later?”
“I was thinking about it!” she answered nonetheless.
“Heard that, (Y/n)? She’s going!”
“Hey, (Y/n)!” Windblade hailed your presence. “Wow, didn’t think you two are a ‘thing’ now.”
You tried to scowl at her. “No, we’re not! Shut up, Windy!”
“We’re not a ‘thing’ yet? I was hoping we are!” Hot Rod was finally going over his confession.
You could just do a facepalm right now. “Now’s not really the time! How are we getting out of here?”
A radio just came into Hot Rod’s chassis and another one at Windblade’s upper shoulder blade. “I’m not really sure! Hopefully Wheeljack knows!” the red winged femme exclaimed.
A small cube box came onto contact on your upper arm (because you’re still made of metal in the inside). “Really now?!” you irately yelled.
“Remind me why we’re all made of metal?!” Hot Rod bemoaned.
Windblade finally instructed Grimlock to get out of the Ark and the latter couldn’t agree more.
A blaring alarm went off: “A BLACK HOLE HAS BEEN DETECTED!”
The gravitational pull of the mini black hole was strong as Grimlock tried to keep moving forward. Hot Rod was finally pulled out of the Dinobot, but he was slowly being dragged by the mini black hole.
“Hot Rod!” You and Windblade desperately reached out.
“(Y/n)! Just so you know, I really like you!”
Your eyes only widened whist Windblade screamed, “No!!!”
That was a close call. Optimus saved the day, though you and Windblade were still stuck on Grimlock who was still running nonstop inside a force shield. What’s more shocking is that you two would be stuck with Grimlock for the time being until his hyper energetic self wears off by the next day; much to Windblade’s dismay.
“I guess you’ll be stuck there for a while. So, what about an actual date tomorrow?” Hot Rod hopefully grinned, talking to you while you’re still glued onto a running Grimlock inside a force shield.
“Hot Rod, are you-“
“Oh, come on, (Y/n)! He already confessed! Just say yes!” Windblade chided. She knew you liked the flame-colored mech, too. You just didn’t want to admit it yet until you’re sure that he’s ‘the one’.
“Y-Yes! Tomorrow! You pick me up at Wheeljack’s lab,” you finally said.
“Yes!” Hot Rod cheered as he raised his arms ups. “Finally, (Y/n) and I are a ‘thing’ now!”
“Hey, don’t get too excited! I haven’t said anything yet!” you defended.
Optimus only smiled. Wheeljack guffawed. Bumblebee gave his friend a thumb’s up. Now everyone’s happy.
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jaaebear · 6 years
pairing: lee jeno x reader
set out: bulleted scenario , supernatural
warnings: none
authors note: doing this with @alienjisung aND IM SO EXCITED. HAVE 10 DAYS TO FINISH THIS. LET’S GET ITTT
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so here we go
ever chosen a class because it’s an easy grade? yeah, you have because you did this semester.
everybody was telling you that dance was an easy A and nobody could fail unless you never went to class. 
and you, you were having trouble with math so you decided ‘let’s take dance! that way if i fail math, i’ll still get an A and keep my score up!’
that was way too enthusiastic 
anywhooo, everybody had failed to mention the infamous duo group project during the semester
and your luck, you were paired up with the smiley boy who strived for the best in dance.
lee jeno
not that you had any problem, you had never spoken to the boy but it was rumors.
he was a boy with the most bright smile in the school but you were told if you didn’t put in enough work in a group assignment, he would end you. 
not that you knew how. 
anyway, it’s halfway through the semester and jeno and you are in the middle part of your written part of the project.
you’re both sitting in the library exchanging small talk about the paper.
flash forward an hour and you are getting ready to leave.
you volunteered to talk home the loose leaflets of paper this week.
putting them in your bag, one slices the length of your finger, creating a small opening 
“y/n- your finger...” jeno’s eyes are trained on your finger, his warm eyes flash a hue of red but it’s gone before you can make sure it’s there. his voice is heavy and you squint your eyes at him.
“It’s fine, just a small cu-” but you’re cut short when jeno grabs your your finger and places it between his lips. 
he’s literally sucking the blood. this is some twilight shit-
and you’re like tf jeno?! but not really. 
“are you a- uh...” you don’t even know what your asking but after watching the whole twilight saga, you think you know a lil something something about vampires
jeno, now, sees no point in hiding his second life  so he just stares at you mumbling a “maybe”
and your brain is like “mAYBE what does MAYBE MEAN”
and when you don’t answer he’s like “i done fucked up man” but instead he asks you “are you gonna run away?”
and you’re like “uh, no... should i?”
and jeno panics so he snaps his head towards you and is like “ no no no”
so you’re like “okay, see you next tuesday?”
and jeno nods, “tuesday.”
so you leave the library in a flash because your mind is SO confused and jeno just sits down in a chair with your blood still on his tongue. and all he can do is mumble “shit.”
so for the next couple of weeks, you and jeno were in the library every tuesday and every tuesday was a repeat of the past week.
“so y/n”
“no jeno, you’re not getting any more of my blood, for gods sake”
“That’s not fair!” he whines
“you know what’s not fair? having the living life sucked out of me”
and then he pouts
so when yall are getting ready to leave, jeno asks “tuesday?’
and for the first time, you’re like “i can’t, i have another project with jiyoung”
and jeno is pISSED
“don’t do it”
and you’re like “mccuse me?” but not really. in reality you’re like “huh”
“don’t do the project”
AND YOU’RE AN INDEPENDENT PERSON WHO GOES “ha, who are you to decide that”
and jeno walks towards you frowning “but you’re my tutor, y/n”
“i’m not anyone’s person, cut the bullshit jeno” and now, for the last hour, the tension between you two in unbreakable
when you meet up with jiyoung next week, you’re awfully tired and you don’t know why.
“are you okay, y/n”
“yeah i’m fine jeno-”
“im sorry y/n but i’m not jeno.”
“oh my god i’m so sorry jiyoung.” 
after your hour with jiyoung, you accidentally stumbled into jeno.  
“I’m so sorry...”
“y/n, it’s okay. it’s been weeks since we last worked on the project, do you have time now?” and you nod
you guys sit in an empty classroom, working on the project, laughing and teasing like nothing had changed. 
“y/n i really don’t like you tutoring that guy”
“not this again...”
“i’m being serious y/n! out of everybody just not him!”
“why not?!”
you had walked over to lean across the wall now, not caring to be near jeno but after you said that, he stood up and in a flash, his arms were on either side of your head, closing you in.
“because, you’re mine.”
his eyes flashed a dark red and fear only just started to close in on you.  “no... i’m not?”
it came out as a question. 
jeno’s fingers lifts your chin up towards the roof, him towering over you. “really now?”
“wait what are you doing?”
his lips ghosted over your cheek, then jaw bone, slowly hovering over your neck. 
your nails dig into your thigh, not feeling anything due to fear. you know what he’s doing, or planning to do, when you hear a sharp inhale of air.
“please don’t do this. stop it, jeno, please”
 when each second passes, your knees grow weak, wondering what he’ll do next.
it’s the sharp graze of your neck that snaps you out of whatever dizzy trance you’re in , pushing him away.
“what the fuck jeno?!” the red from his eyes disappear and his body visibly shakes.
“i don’t remember agreeing that you had some vampire claim on me!” 
“no, that’s not it. y/n-!”
“not now jeno. don’t talk to me.”
it’s been days since you’ve last seen jeno so you decided to focus your attention on your project with jiyoung. 
everything’s peachy until jiyoung brings up jeno.
“he’s pretty attached to you y’know?”
“shut up jiyoung, you don’t even know hi-”
then everything come crashing down in realisation 
and jiyoung notices it.
‘whoops it seems like i’ve been exposed”
you try to scout away from jiyoung but he grabs your wrist
“you’re scared. I’m the same as that boy! why are you scared?!”
“because, jiyoung, you’re not that boy.”
you make a move to stand up before being slammed onto the wall behind you, jiyoung’s red eyes coming face to face with you. 
“you know, y/n, i so happened to catch a little smell of your blood once and oh my, it’s infuriating. rare.”
“we all love rare things, now let me go.”
“no can do love.” his hand grasps your jaw, forcing it to one side, letting your neck be explored. shit bitch is gonna die
his mouth nuzzled into your neck, tongue swiping across a patch of skin, giggling against it. you whimper when you feel a sharp graze across your neck and they sink down on your neck, a cold sensation dripping down onto your shirt.
and you try to summon the only person you know. “jeno...”
like magic, jiyoung is ripped away from you, your body dropping to the floor as you look up to see jeno standing there, chest heaving up and down.
“bad timing, jeno, i was just having my fun.” jiyoung smirks towards the boy. 
“don’t touch them!” jeno shouts.
“wow what irony jeno.”
at this jeno’s posture slumps, his eyes wondering towards you. 
it doesn’t stop jeno running towards jiyoung. you covered your eyes, only hearing the sounds of glass breaking and tables and chairs being moved. 
you didn’t uncover your eyes until someone lifted you up carrying you. “are you okay y/n? i’m so sorry, i’m so sorry.” you learned the voice to be jeno. “it’s okay, i’ve got you.”
when he puts you down, you meet his eyes first the first time today. his eyes travel down towards your neck and you cover it with your hand
jeno looks away, licking his lips. “go home y/n” 
and with that, he speeds away. 
it had been two weeks since that day
jeno didn’t come to school and niether did jiyoung but you didn’t care about him 
one night when you sitting at your desk you noticed a flash across your window
scared, you poked your head outside the window to see a figure sitting on the ledge of your roof
“you got time? wanna go somewhere?”
ten minutes later jeno and you are running up the side of a sky scraper builiding.
“lee jeno this is not what i was thinking!”
when you reached the top all you could do i try to breathe, that had hit the wind out of you. “fuck you.”
after a minute or two of no talking, you turn to jeno
“thank you, for saving me.”
“if you really wanted to that me-”
“okay, go for it”
“what? y/n i was asking to drink your blood?!”
“i know”
now jeno is like tf?! this bitch cray
“did that little shit get any of your blood?”
“no jeno, it’s fine.”
“ha, okay, i’ll do the honours of being first”
jeno’s hand rises from his side, brushing your hair from your neck as you move your head so your neck is more exposed
jeno smiles, his hand sliding across your waist as he places a small peck on your shoulder
his hand rises to cup your cheek tenderly, stroking it.
“make sure to tell me if it hurts”
his mouth rests on your neck, waiting for you to nod in reassurance 
you gasp loudly and tighten your hold on jeno’s bicep when he settles his sharp teeth impale your neck but continues when you dont say anything
jeno’s arm tightens around your waist when he tastes the first drop of blood. the action doesn’t go unnoticed by you as you grow dizzy from lack of blood. your breathing increases and it feels like a long time before he moves away
“oh god...” he groans, arching his head back
“shut up!”
he lets out a laugh before settling into a smile, eyes still on you
“what? is there still blood on my neck?”
“no it’s nothing...” 
he leans forward hand returning to cup your cheek
“it’s just...”
he shuts the gap, lips soft on yours, his eyes slowly shut and you do the same, both of your hands lift up, one on his neck and the other resting on your cheek.
when you part, your eyes open slowly to see jeno still close to you, his eyes still closed.
“jeno, next time you do that, make sure you kiss me before almost killing me!”
“wait did you just invite me to do that again?!”
“i mean, there’s always the future”
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