#tfa tutor bot
turbineface · 4 months
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lit rally just whipped this up now i’m unleashing it on the greater population…
just wantid to doodle them giggles steps on a land mine explodes IMMEDIATELY XD
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I love Tutor Bot :]
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invadergia · 5 months
I kinda have a first contact scenario about mtmte soooooo,,,,
Imagine the robots in tfa like the tutor bot getting misplaced and ending up on the lost light. Just lil guy is lost and needing to find his way back but can't, he's wondering around untill megatron, ultra magnus or rodimus finds him. They can just treat him as a pet or like a little toy.
Idk what made me think of this but I love it. Any thoughts? @skylarkking @starscreamhasdied @callsign-relic
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sketch-mer-6195 · 9 months
A Recharge (TFA Optimus Prime x Livia Vesperine [OC])
A/N: Okay so... I've just gotten back into writing and lo and behold I am in love with my mechs and bots. And yeah, enjoy! Tag List: @mysticboombox @saberstars
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It had been at least 6 months since the Autobots came to Detroit and became the cities new heroes. Sari had deemed them her new found friends and addition to her tiny family. And of course, Sari's nanny and only human tutor had added the new friends into her own life and circle of friends. Livia sat on a bean bag chair that she had purchased and perched on a raised slab of concrete so as not to get squished or accidentally kicked across the peds of the Transformers. It was her little spot where she would keep an eye on Sari and be able to talk to any of the bots that were close by or offered to sit with her.
With Bumblebee and Bulkhead playing with Sari, Prowl was meditating in his room leaving Prime and Ratchet at the computer researching on some updates about some small localized accidents of traffic stops and keeping an eye for Decepticon activity. But Prime had his attention split to the screen before him and the small human sitting in her bean bag chair. He averted his gaze from the screen before him to Livia. Her dark hair tied back in a high ponytail and dressed in her usual jeans and lavender button down shirt. Her sneakers kicked off and sitting next to the chair and cozied up under a fluffy blanket the bots had found for her as a slight housewarming gift of sorts as she was accepted to the team not long ago.
Ratchet, who was watching the young bot in silence, rolled his own optics before ex-venting. The sound caught Optimus’ audials making him look over to the older bot.
“Something the matter, Ratchet?” He asked in genuine concern.
“Not particularly, no. But I was wondering when you will stop lollygagging and talk to Miss Livia instead of just wistfully watching her from a distance.” Ratchet grumbled before smiling slightly.
The Prime blushed a tint of blue before clearing his throat. “I have no idea what you're talking about.”
Denial? Oh yeah, Ratchet thought, Optimus had a liking towards her.
As did most, Livia was one of the few organic's who not only treated them equally, but taught them much about Earth Customs. Especially if Sari wasn't clear enough with her own description. Not only that, but she was available to answer any questions from the ‘Bots. And in return, they answered any of her own questions about their technology, culture, and language. As well as self defense just in case. But Prime had a particularly soft spot in his spark for the girl. Livia always had an “open door policy” where she allowed the team to call her anytime. Though sometimes it was while she was dead asleep, she always waved away any concern and always offered her assistance.
In the end, she was really a sweet person to be around and mingle with.
“Oh man!” Livia voiced in shock.
Jumping from her seat and sliding on her sneakers, Livia began to ramble and look around in a tizzy before looking over to Sari.
“Sari, sweetheart. I need you to stay with the Autobots and stay out of trouble, please. I forgot I had an appointment today and I'm running late.” Livia said in a rush before slinging her purse across her chest. 
As Livia went down to the ladder to get to the ground, she heard the ped-steps of one of the mechs and looked up to see Optimus standing before her.
“Is everything alright, Miss Livia?” He asked as he watched her begin to walk out of the factory.
“I have a doctors appointment and I totally forgot about it. I'll be back as quickly as possible to pick up Sari.” Livia exclaimed before turning to start walking backwards. “I am so sorry, Optimus.”
“Why not one of us drive you to your appointment?” Bulkhead offered.
“Oh no, you guys have more important issues than me.” Livia waived off the kind offer.
But it was ignored as Optimus transformed to his alt-mode and opened his driver side door for her. “Nonesense, we're here for eachother.”
Livia looked at Optimus’ cabin before nodding and accepting his offer. Climbing into the cabin and closing the door behind her, Optimus waited for her to fasten her seatbelt before driving to her doctors appointment. Ratchet and Bumblebee, along with Sari on Bee's shoulder watched their boss and Livia drive off. Sari squealed in glee causing both bots to panic at her new found excitement.
“What is going on with you, Sari?” Ratchet barked.
With a cheshire smile, Sari giggled. “Isn't it obvious? My Nanny and Optimus have a crush on each other.”
“Yeah Ratchet! It’s so obvious!” Bumblebee agreed before looking at Sari with a questioning look. “What's a crush?”
As Optimus, with the help from Livia giving him directions, got her too and from the doctor's office he was driving her back to the base at a comfortable pace and asking questions.
“So you have specialized auduals that enhance your hearing?” He asked.
“Soon, not now. I've had hearing problems since I was a baby from constant ear infections and surgeries. Slowly I lost my ability to hear clearer and clearer, hence why I wore hearing aids. After school and getting the job from Mr. Sumdac as his daughter's nanny and tutor, she was loud enough that I didn't need a new prescription and ultimately losing them by accident.” Livia explained as she watched the city pass by them.
“Then, how can you hear us so clearly?” Optimus added as he slowed to a stop light.
With a small smile, she patted the steering wheel. “You all are rather loud. But it's just enough for me to hear you all pretty well.”
That began to worry the Prime, he never meant to be so loud around her or the other humans. “Am… am I really that loud?”
Livia giggled softly before shaking her head. “Not really, but I can read lips pretty well.” She added.
It took Optimus a moment before he too began to chuckle slightly, a little embarrassed, but glad to know he wasn't as loud as she made it sound like. The rest of the drive was comfortable silence as Livia slowly nodded off and Optimus drove a little more carefully as he could hear her steady and slow breathing. He adjusted his rear view mirror to reflect Livia's relaxed face as she napped in her seat. He had always seen her up and about with Sari, awake in the late nights helping him and his team, and always answering questions. Seeing her recharge was a sight to behold and a moment he could feel proud to witness and offer her.
Slowly driving into the base and not transforming, Optimus rolled into the main living area and to an empty portion of the warehouse that was dimly lit. Ratchet and the rest of the team followed in utter confusion at his odd antics.
“Prime! What exactly are you doing rolling around in here like a-”
“SHHHH!!!! Livia is recharging.” Optimus said in a loud whisper before quietly opening his door to reveal the said girl.
The other bots carefully peeked in to see Livia curled up on the long seat and sound asleep. Sari soon popped her head in and was about to squeal with joy only for Bumblebee to keep a servo over her mouth to keep her silent.
“I'll take her to her guest room so she is more comfortable.” Prowl offered and reached in to carefully pick up the sleeping girl.
“It's okay. I'll… stay like this until she's awake. No need to stir her up while she recharges.” Optimus reassured before clearing his throat quietly.
He thanked Primus himself that his alt-mode hid the ever burning blush on his face plates. Closing the door to his cabin and quietly shooing his team away from him, Optimus sighed and began to warm up a little at the thought of Livia sound asleep inside him. It was odd, but he enjoyed the silence and her presence. Though usually while she was reading or monitoring Sari. But this was better as he kept her in a safe environment while she took a much deserved recharging. No matter what, he wasn't going to ruin this moment.
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Anyone wishes to be tagged, please comment and lemme know!
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maryvioletique7708 · 1 year
Made a TFA x TSSM Hc List Fanfic cuz there was no internet when I did it. And decided to share~
Ft. Oc's bc what would Spider-Man gonna do when no one helps.
Part 1
-Groundbridge starts to malfunction causing decepticons, Autobots and others to shift into the spectacular verse.
-Sari, Bulkhead, and Bumblebee got trapped in the tssm verse, making Prowl, Ratchet, and Optimus still in the tfa verse.
-Sari is somehow calm in the situation, while Bulkhead felt anxious, and Bumblebee Freaked out.
-Meanwhile for the decepticons, Seeker clones, Blackarachnia, Blitzwing, Lugnut, Soundwave, Swindle, and the Constructicons appeared there. (Lockdown is also there)
-Anyways Communication isn't cut thankfully, just to be fair cause yes.
-The SUV, aka Society of Ultimate Villainy, also appear there somehow. (has something to do with Slo-Mo's Weapon of choice)
-The other things started to appear every 5 minutes and chaos happens.
-Jameson gets pissed as always (man has issues), and George Stacy gets puzzled at the newcomer, Captain Fanzone.
-Sari calms both of them down as they try to act as normal vehicles for once.
-Meanwhile for Spider-Man he saw Slo-Mo stealing some set of cash. So he fought her.
"Now, Now Lady, Are you a new Member of the Sinister six or something?" Spidey question as he dodged her attacks
"I don't know what you're talking about, but meeting this sinister six maybe right up my alley for the SUV." Her interest piqued from that mention.
"SUV? Like the car?" Spidey quips
"Could be the vehicle, but the Society of Ultimate Villainy." She said as she threw an attack at the web head.
-Meanwhile Bumblebee caught the commotion, NOT trying his best to blend in the city.
-Sari tried to stop him, but typical Bumblebee fashion, he didn't give a sh*t.
-Bumblebee transformed and Spider-Man was bamboozled. In which Slo-Mo escaped and he tried to stop her.
-Spider-Man started to fight Bumblebee, but thankfully it ended quickly when Prowl stops him and Corundum(Oc #1)came along as well
"Cut it out you two!!" Corundum pulled Spider-Man aside. Corundum gets surprised at the two bots.
- Bulkhead came in, and the bots thought Corundum and Spider-Man is a threat (His red Monocle did resemble someone). But Corundum quickly cut that thought off.
-Corundum bring them to a large warehouse with Spider-Man along, and explanation and discussion was made. And in that process, Peter and Aster unmask their selves and greeted them.
-The bots were astonished and at the same time puzzled to why Peter and Aster looked or act strange.
"Apparently... In this world, or universe. Things get from unlikely to likely. Whether you get betrayed, get some deal with the big man, or turned into a volt of Electricity after accidentally bathing with eels." Aster said in his explained.
-The bots had to now make themselves at home in this warehouse, but in the meantime Bumblebee will be Peter and Sari's partner, and Aster with Bulkhead. Aster is also going to take care of sari for a while.
-Else where, the S6 met the SUV and a fight happened. Such like Electro electrocuted Angry Archer, Shocker stunned Nanosec, Sandman and the Vulture caught Powdered sugar and Professor Princess, and Doc Ock catching Slo-Mo with his Actuators.
-Basically S6 won the battle against them. But as a pity to their defeat they were healed in the sinister six base, and they have a discussion.
"You can stay for a while Ms. Lomow, as long as you don't mess with any of my men." Doctor Octopus or Doc Ock quietly snared to her as a warning.
-Now with the decepticons... They're Clueless as frag. Until Megatron and Shockwave came to the rescue in the coms stating that they should take shelter somewhere for a while.
And also saying there's a certain 'business' they have to do during renovation and their short stay.
-Later on it was Night, and action takes place.
-Peter is going to go out to tutor his classmate, Liz Allan, at some café for a while. And yes Bumblebee and Sari is there to pick him up.
"I never ride a car before..." Peter stated.
"Well, Make this your first time." Bumblebee whispers to him.
'Great, I have to be taken care of for a while.' Sari quietly pouts.
-Peter reminded Aunt May that he'll be back before curfew. And gets in Bumblebee, driving off. Then Bumblebee and Peter talk for a while in the car.
-Peter got anxious when Bumblebee mentions that he and his team are in a war with Decepticons.
"Hopefully, they didn't come in this universe." Sari said optimistic.
"Ye-yeah, hopefully..." Peter scratched the back of his neck.
-Meanwhile Professor Princess destroyed an arcade, and everyone in the area got terrified.
*sigh*, A Mysterious figure called the cops, and started to change themselves.
"No more Boy toys, No more violence, No more!!"
-As Professor Princess was about to destroy it more, a bonbon hit her straight in the back almost falling her over.
"Ow! Who hit me?!" She cried, when she looked back she saw a silhouette with the moon shining in the back, coming right at her.
-.Professor Princess try fighting the figure with her wand, only to be 'gently' kicked off Powdered Sugar on top of the building.
"Aren't Feminists supposed to 'respect' the actual equality of both Boys AND Girls?" The shadowed figured walked towards her, carrying their lollipop shaped mallet.
"Who are you to question me, 'Peasant'?" She roared at him.
"Well... It's nice to meet you Professor Princess." The figure revealed to be Candy Floss(Oc #2), who was once a Villain called Sugar Crash.
-An almost epic fight erupted between the 'princess' and the 'jester' (not a Spider-Man Villain reference-). However it quickly ended cause he thought that she's to petty to fight. (She is, but she isn't harmed. Only knocked out by Candy's mallipop.)
-Back to Peter, Sari, and Bumblebee, they arrived at the Cafe and as expected Liz was there, just in time apparently. Sad news, Bumblebee and Sari gets bored easily, Good News, They're still in touch in coms.
-And luckily, he was parked in the alley way cause cars talking makes it suspicious.
-Bulkhead was apparently back in the warehouse, and luckily the renovation process was smooth. They managed make the communication devices, the Groundbridge planning, and else more that they manage to get from the teleported things.
-Bee then asked of how's Ratchet and Optimus doing back in the base. Sari also tell to them to tell her dad that she miss him.
"Everything is going alright. So you manage to build the communications there huh?" Ratchet asked Bulkhead.
"Well, we got it from the things that were teleported here... But then again I feel like something wrong is about to happen." Bulkhead worried.
"You have the right to feel that way. After all, there's something off about the Groundbridge." Ratchet spoke.
"So what's more likely going to happen?" Bumblebee questioned.
"I'm afraid that the world you all are in is in constant danger. Both worlds is going to collide, and that's something we didn't want to happen."
- As Bumblebee talked in the coms, the scene switched to Peter and Liz. That's when the lights randomly turned off. Everyone were alarmed, questioning of why the electricity is stopped working.
" Now this is wrong timing. " Liz mumbled.
'Max?' Peter thought as usually this is what Electro more likely does.
-That's when a suspicious vehicle happens to drive by. Strangely Peter felt bothered by it's presence, then it rang into his skull. 'SPIDER SENSE...!'
-As Peter expected it to be the vehicle the sounds of static electricity is heard in the Distance. Everyone and Liz panicked, Peter knew that it could be Electro so he ran off to change.
-'What's that?!' Bumblebee noticed the commotion, then he saw Peter running up to him.
"It's him, It's him!" Peter quietly yelled.
"Who!??" Bumblebee whisper shout.
"Electro, formerly known as Max Dillon. He's the guy who got electrocuted by eels turning him into the Sinister Six Villain, Electro." Peter said as he webbed his bag filled with clothes to the wall.
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mariacardenas162002 · 6 months
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TFA-WH: Tutor Bot está en otra dimensión 💚🩶💙💛💙❤️
Tutor Bot vio algo que alumbraba mucho y decidio salir de pronto el portal lo absorbe llevándolo a otra dimensión el lugar en dónde el se encontraba era diferente a la suya de pronto BG wally darling lo vio decidió esconderlo ya que el lugar es peligroso así que decidió llamar a su amigo BG optimus prime cuando el le contó lo que el portal había absorbido el no podía creerlo no tenía palabras se acordó que el tuvo un robot con ese mismo nombre incluso sari está preocupada por el ya que no lo ha visto miraron las cámaras y se dieron cuenta que un portal lo absorbió ahora los autobots tienen que encontrar la manera de rescatarlo pero no saben las consecuencias
BG wally darling:BG optimus estás bien te veo algo pensativo??????🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
BG optimus prime:Bueno la verdad es que conozco ese nombre hace mucho tiempo tuve un robot llamado tutor bot pero no lo veo desde que me uni a prestar el servicio militar 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
BG wally darling:Que?????????😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Tutor Bot: No puedo creer que este conociendo al optimus prime de la otra dimensión 🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢
BG optimus prime:Me recuerdas a un amigo que hace mucho tiempo no lo veo 😏😏😏😏😏😏😏😏
Tutor Bot: Enserio lo dices????????😱😱😱😱😱😱😱🫢🫢🫢🫢🫢
Tutor Bot tiene un mensaje y es que sus amigos van a rescatarlo pero BG wally darling y BG optimus prime están preocupados
BG optimus prime:Eso no puede ser posible el lugar es muy peligroso además no saben lo que les espera 😱😱😱😡😡😡😡
BG wally darling: Escucha BG optimus tu estás siendo buscado por el enemigo de tu jefe el punto es que si ellos lo llegan a ver es probable que lo retiren hasta hacerle daño no lo digo por el sino por sus amigos 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😒
BG optimus prime: Tienes razón si quieres puedes ir tu yo estaré con el 😒😒😒😒😒😒😒😡😡😡😡😡
BG wally darling habré el portal y los autobots lo traspasan y se dan cuenta el cambio tan grande que tuvo la ciudad de detroit 😱😱😱😱😱😱🏙️🏙️🏙️🏙️🏙️🏙️🏙️
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Since it's October how about a Halloween one. Tfa Sari has a new tutor/babysitter that she actually likes. But to the bot's horror Saris new friend matches the description of an infamous serial killer that made themesleves known on morning news stations to a tee. (They're not the killer by the way.) How do they react?
You better believe that that Optimus is on the case and the moment the description of the serial killer comes out and he realizes that it matches Sari’s tutor he brings them straight to captain Fanzone himself. If Sari objects and tells him that she is their alibi and that they were somewhere else when the murders happened he might hesitate for a second but in the end he will still bring them in. He wants to believe Sari but she’s young and it might just be that she’s trying to defend a person that she looks up to. That’s why when it’s finally evident that the tutor is NOT the killer that Optimus starts to feel ashamed. He doesn’t regret bringing them in but he shouldn’t have dismissed Sari so easily.
Record scratch. Dramatic zoom-in. Aw hell no! Ratchet immediately separates Sari and the tutor from each other and calls the police. Doesn’t listen when Sari tells him that it can’t be them because they were with her at the times of the killings. He will be incredibly suspicious of the tutor up til the moment it’s revealed that they are not the serial killer. Now Ratchet feels a tab embarrassed and he will apologize to Sari’s tutor. He doesn’t regret his actions though as it’s always better to be on guard than just let things go. Cause what if they had really been the serial killer and he had just ignored it? Ratchet would never have forgiven himself if anything happened to Sari.
Bumblebee sees the news and there’s this moment where he stares at the TV then stares at the tutor, stares back at the TV, back to the tutor and back and forth for a few more times before it sinks in and he fucking jumps off the couch, grabs the tutor and holds them away from his body like they are a rabid dog. Sari desperately tries to defend her tutor and while Bee knows that she wouldn’t lie about these kinds of things he still calls for Optimus and ends up bringing them to the police. Feels really guilty when it comes back that the tutor is innocent and he does apologize to both them and Sari for believing the worst.
Now, Bulkhead always wants to believe the best in people and while he does think that the tutor is innocent (they are very nice and Sari talks to well about them) he knows that the responsible thing to do is to bring them in to the police station for questioning. He does this but not before actually confronting the tutor and telling them what’s going on. So honest and forthcoming that the tutor comes with him willingly just to put his mind at ease. Bulkhead is relieved when the tutor is revealed to be innocent. Apologizes to them for everything.
While they don’t seem like a coldblooded killer, Prowl knows full well that the most cruel people are those that hide behind honest faces and pretty lies. He does not hesitate to bring the to the police for questioning but he does however withhold his judgement and lets the evidence speak for itself. Does not apologize after it’s concluded that the tutor is innocent but only because he knows that he did the right thing.
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erimeows · 3 years
In TFA the robots depicted had certain jobs used to help humans living in Detroit. Examples being teachers, camera-men, traffic control, security, and cleaners.
If the Autobots and Decepticons were made by humans what jobs would they have or be marketed for? Like for domestic use, office application, or public service?
This is an original one! I've never thought about this before, and even if this is a rather small list, it was fun to make. Thanks for the request, headcanons (in the form of a list of aforementioned occupations) below the cut.
Optimus Prime: Assistant/clerk
Ratchet: Medical (so basically the same, but for humans)
Bumblebee: Transportation/taxi
Bulkhead: Repairman
Prowl: Yoga instructor
Sentinel Prime: News anchor
Ultra Magnus: Political figure (assistant/speech writer for a politician, specifically)
Blurr: Racer
Jazz: Musician
Arcee: Teacher/tutor
Megatron: Battle bot
Starscream: Airplane/flight
Blitzwing: Chef
Lugnut: Demolition
Shockwave: Lab assistant
Soundwave: Lyricist/author
Blackarachnia: Animal caretaker 
Swindle: Bank clerk
Lockdown: Police bot 
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pastelpaperplanes · 4 years
Can we know more about wildbreak?
Growing up in a Neutral hub meant that he had a lot of exposure to alien culture and entertainment, one day he happened to stumble across a ‘DVD’ thing called Monsters Inc. and it’s now his favorite earth movie
Bots that were semi close to his age when he arrived on Cybertron were the jet twins! He thought they were super brave and cool but never met them until he reached Academy.
Knockout and Breakdown did the best they could at giving him a proper education while at the hub, but when he found himself put into private tutoring with some nice lady named Arcee, he was really overwhelmed with what he missed and continued to struggle in schooling on Cybertron. He has a hard time focusing and keeping still, but he found that he was really good at math! He worked hard and passed his final tests with flying colors, Wildbreak was just happy that he’d be going into a more hands on field at Academy with his military training!
He fumbled with his words a lot. Especially when he’s flustered.
If he HAD to pick a favorite Creator, it would be Breakdown. BD was the one who spent the most time with him growing up since KO was out scrapping together as many credits as he could get off at the hub clinic. His Sire knows him the best, and was always there to make him his meals and put him to bed. Knockout was always sure to check on him late in the night when he eventually did come home though. As a kid he remembers how his Carrier would always seem so tired even during the day cycle and would do his best to play with him, but more often then not he’d accidentally fall into recharge the moment he sat down. Wildbreak joined him in napping on his lap, his Sire would sometimes carry the two of them to berth and take a snooze with them too.
He can’t handle energon that has any form of spice to it. WB will CRY
Wildbreak’s family calls him Wybie! KO and BD are kind enough to only call him that at home, Dominiza ofc is NOT and uses every opportunity available to mess with him in public. She even went so far as to try and get the Academy to announce him as ‘Wybie Prime’ at his graduation ceremony. Thankfully Jazz Prime knew Wildbreak well enough to know that he’d probably die of embarrassment if his graduating class knew his nickname, so it didn’t go through lmao
I personally headcanon his tfa voice to sound a lot like Hiccup fom HTTYD!! So still kinda squeaky like his voice in RID
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undergaster · 3 years
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My another tfa oc, Silvergear. She is one of the oldest cybertronians still alive, and is even rumored to be THE oldest cybertronian. She was one of the original founder and member of the Elite Guard, but left if after the end of Great War. She if often perceived as cruel and unpleasant, but that is mostly a side effect of her bluntness and not seeing a need to hide any of her opinions and views. But in private she can be a quite caring and friendly person, but this is a side of her she is comfortable showing only those she trusts. Silvergear also has a huge softspot for young bots, and while they can annoy her quite fast, she's not able to stay mad at them. Nowadays she's a teacher and a tutor, teaching young bots anything from Cybertron's history to self-defense techniques. While discretely slipping in a bits of knowledge and information that won't let young bots fully fell for autobot propaganda.
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invadergia · 5 months
Aww, the little person sized tutor bot being scared and hiding on the LL surrounded by bots that are enormous compared to the ones in TFA is so cute. Maybe he gets corralled into a small corner and carefully picked up like a little bird by a big bot who seems friendly, but he’s introduced to the others and finds out that Megatron caught him!!! But — it’s a different one? I think it would be sweet if he quickly warmed up to them all because he’s programmed to teach/learn and he gets interested in the science of alternate universes. I have a big Megs bias so the two of them can give each other philosophy lessons and he can get gently patted on the little TV head or set up a little bed and office on his desk. Maybe he gets to have a little job as a teacher on the ship for anyone who wants to learn about Earth.
This is mushy and probably not what you meant at all but I saw Relic reblog your post and just got inspired :’)
OMG HELLO 👋 your actually my first ever anon
And that is absolutely adorable, megatron gets his little reading buddy 🥹
Also Megatron getting called into Rung's office and sees the little tutor bot sitting on Megs shoulder.
Rung: what is that?
Megatron: my lil friend
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gayautobotwolves · 3 years
Do you guys think vines are like considered important history in tfa?
Like, it takes place in 2050 right? Vine came out in like, what, 2012? Did Sari ever get a lecture from her tutor bot about great historical clips like “road work ahead” and “welcome to chilis”
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imababblekat · 6 years
Imagine The Tfa Bot’s Reactions To Sari Liking Her New Sitter
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"Sari, I'll be right back. I have to feed the neighbor's cat real quick. Oh, um, feel free turn the tv on if you'd like. The remotes on the stand.", you directed her friends with a soft smile before leaving the small living room space of your apartment.
"Okay! But hurry! I want to finish our game of Trouble!"
You giggled and waved, your apartment door closing behind you. In your living room, some sitting on the couch, and rest on the floor, Detroit's team of Autobot's stared at where you had left with wide eyes and open mouths, save for Prowl who was also silently astonished, and then towards the young girl sitting squished between two of them while kicking her legs back and forth. Feeling their burning gazes, Sari looked up from observing her key to look between all her friends with suspicious brows.
"What? Do I have gum on my face, again?", she questioned while touching her cheeks and around her mouth in a bit of a panic.
"N-no, Sari, you don't have gum on your face.", Optimus sputtered, still shocked by what he's witnessed.
"Oh okay. Um. . .then why are you all still staring at me?"
"Why don't you listen to us like that?!", Bumblebee suddenly blurted out, startling not only the young girl but everyone else around him.
"What do you mean?! I listen to you guys!", Sari shot up, glaring at her friend.
"We're just very surprised, Sari. You seem to really like your new sitter, and that threw us for a loop is all.", Prowl stated, clearing things up while also occupied with one of your house plants. "Hmm, they take very good care of their plants. I'll have to ask for some advice before we go. . ."
When Optimus and his team had arrived at the address, decked out in their holoavatars per Sari's excited instructions, they weren't expecting to see you. They were expecting to meet a family member of her's, perhaps an aunt or uncle, or some cousins, but not a new sitter that Sari had actually liked and most of all, wanted her friends to meet. Usually when it came to her sitters, she'd sneak out of their homes or hers, wherever she was being watched, within thirty minutes of meeting them, and would catch a tram straight to her friends to complain about what she disliked about her new "prison keeper". With you, however, Sari hasn't uttered one negative word about you. As bad as it is for them to think this, her mechanical friends had honestly thought that perhaps she had called them to come get her, and was merely waiting for the chance that you'd leave, but from the lax posture once you had left, the pigtailed girl didn't seem to have any plans of going anywhere.
The group of mechs weren't sure why Sari seemed to like you so much. They've met a few of her sitters before, and they all seemed just as polite as you. You offered them drinks and some snacks when they followed you in, not realizing just who these friends of Sari were. To their surprise and appreciativeness, when Sari giggled to you why they couldn't have any of those, you didn't start bouncing up and down with star struck excitement, and instead apologized before thanking them for what they do for your city with a kind smile. Maybe that's why Sari liked you? Because you didn't view them as someone higher, but just as regular people? That could be it, but there had to be something more then your calm demeanor towards them for Sari to actually like and listen to you.
Ignoring Prowl's compliment about your green thumb, Sari made an o with her mouth before sitting back between Optimus and Bulkhead.
"Well yeah, they're really super cool. They don't treat me like a child and baby talk me, and get this, they actually make learning fun! With every other sitter, they'd just force me to sit down and listen to tutor bot drone on for forever. Not only that, but they'd either be over my shoulder like a doting parent who doesn't know anything about personal space, or they'd be on their phone with their friends like I don't even exist! But with (y,n), they actually try to help me with my learning and don't get mad or push me really hard if I don't understand something. They make my lessons into a really fun game or competition. Like there's this one quiz game we used called Kahoot and it's so much fun!!"
At this point, Sari had her friends smiling. Hearing her explanation as to why she enjoyed your company brought them their own happiness. Noticing Sari had suddenly gotten kind of quiet though, the bot's looked back to their friend to see her looking at the floor with a small frown. They were about to ask what was wrong, feeling like the positive flow was about to vanish and they were really going to hear what you were like, and it wouldn't be good.
"I. . .", Sari started before taking in a breath," I really like them, because they're nice to me. They don't treat me like how I told you my other sitters did. (Y,n)'s not constantly hovering over my shoulder, or acting like I'm just some kind of pet that needs to be checked on every once and a while. They've been very kind to me, and listen to me. They take what I feel into consideration instead of just brushing me off, because 'I'm a kid and I don't know how I feel.'. They. . .they treat me like a younger sister and it makes me so happy. I've always wanted a sibling, and (y,n)'s just that."
Sari's best friend's could not have been happier to have heard this instead of what they feared to hear before. You sounded like a very good person to them, and the bot's were so glad that you could be patient with their young friend and actually care about her instead of seeing her as just a mere child. The girl was a good kid with a big heart, and while she could be very stubborn at times, the Autobot's deeply cared for as well. They were immensely happy that she had found someone else who could be just as close, if not closer to her besides them.
All attention had been drawn to the creaking of your apartment door as you came walking through, fixing the ends of your sweater.
"Note to self, don't wear a sweater with strings on the end when feeding your neighbor's ca-"
You were suddenly cut off when Sari had jumped from the couch and came bounding towards you to give you a hug.
"O-oh my, I wasn't gone that long was I?", you chuckled while hugging her back.
"Nah, you're just my favorite sitter!"
You smiled, cheeks warming and eyes crinkling at the corners from the warmth this brought to your heart.
"Heh, well, let me go switch to a sweater that hasn't been used as a cat toy, and I'll come join you and your friends.", you patted her head and walked into the living room to get to your room.
"Sorry for keeping you all waiting, I'll just be a moment longer.", you apologized to the group huddled in your living room with a smile.
The bot's nodded, all smiling with nothing but patience.
"No problem. Take your time.", Optimus spoke with a raise of his hand.
You only smiled back before disappearing into your bedroom. Sari looked between where you had left to the boy in the red and blue jacket, a devious smirk etching it's way onto her face.
"You know, Optimus~", Sari drawled out, catching everyone's attention as she wiggled her brows at said bot. "They're single~"
Th young girl burst into a fit of laughter at the prime's flustered expression, Bumblebee and Bulkhead joining her while Ratchet only shook his head, and Prowl continued to smile at her mischief.
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