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turbineface · 1 month
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lit rally just whipped this up now i’m unleashing it on the greater population…
just wantid to doodle them giggles steps on a land mine explodes IMMEDIATELY XD
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payaso-gomi · 8 days
Sari Sumdac really is the embodiment of 'im a healer but-' huh
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theslimydude · 8 months
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Sari Sumdac Halloween Costume as Tutor Bot
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evilmilf · 7 months
my mom being like you’re brother is failing his classes…okay what’s that gotta do with me…
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mmeskywalker · 4 months
|| teachers pet
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summary: HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN is your professor. a couple of weeks ago, he assigned you to tutor a student who had to retake his class. dylan was a sweet, attractive guy and you had no problem tutoring him. however, noticing the shift in the two of your behaviors, professor christensen began developing a problem. he wanted you to himself.
a/n: i made a janitor ai bot on this au, let me know if you’d like it love, xoxo.
warnings: possibly DDDNE, porn WITH a plot, jealousy, possession, no protection (p in v), biting, choking, age gap, cream pie.
you were a wonderful student; always writing notes, listening intently to your professors lectures, your eyes glued to his lips as the information stuck to your skin like a thick coat of glue. the same skin you wanted your professor to suck, and nip until it bruised a pretty purple.
inhaling, you watched the clock strike two. the class had ended and your peers were packing their belongings, heading toward the door, as PROFESSOR CHRISTENSEN wiped the chalkboard off. his fingers wrapped around the eraser, his arm swiftly moving across the space as he waited for you to walk up to him. earlier, he requested to speak to you in private after class. of course, you were nervous, but you replied with a simple, “whatever you want.”
with a deep inhale, professor christensen cleared his throat, the subtle sound resonating through the empty classroom, “thank you,” he said, setting down his eraser. he leaned against his desk, his eyes traveling sullenly your way, and when he finally spoke, there was a noticeable hint of vagueness in his usually direct tone. "there’s a student i’m concerned about, and i believe you would be the perfect tutor for him.” his voice lowered slightly, careful and demanding all at once.
“straight to the point,” you muttered, trying to hide your disappointment with a laugh as you sat in front of him, “so,” you blew out a breath, “who would i be tutoring, professor?”
"dylan grimes. he’s new here, started some time ago," he began, "very bright, but has trouble keeping up with the pace of the class. i thought, seeing as you were so kind..." with a sly grin, he reached for your hand, his thumb caressing your palm, "...you might help him out a bit."
you couldn’t resist the tantalizing scent of his cologne mingling with the familiar scent of chalk dust, cigarettes and paper. it made your head spin. you could rarely tell him no anyway, thereforth you found yourself accepting his offer, “i’d be delighted.”
professor christensen chuckled softly, tilting his head back slightly in appreciation of your response. he stood up straight again, crossing the few feet separating you to stand loom over your frame, his cologne becoming stronger now. placing his hands on your shoulders, he leaned closer still, his plump lips brushing against your ear as he spoke in a husky whisper, "i knew you wouldn't let me down." his warm breath grazed your sensitive ear canal, causing goosebumps to form on your neck once more.
dylan grimes was kind. he wasn’t angry that the professor wanted him to have a tutor, rather he was grateful. he was grateful that someone would give him the time of day he needed to pass, because he never experienced that at home; he always had to figure things out on by himself. you tutoring him was a blessing, and he made sure to let you know how much he appreciated you.
“thank you, really,” dylan exclaimed, closing his notes, “i don’t know where i’d be without you.”
his brown curls bounced off of his forehead, hitting his freckled skin as his glimmering green eyes peered graciously onto yours. they were shining from the glimpse of sunlight that shone through your dorm-room window, and god, you couldn’t look away. he had you captivated. “don’t mention it,” you smiled, “i’m glad i was able to give you that extra push. you’re doing great!”
it had only been a week since your professor assigned you to the task of tutoring dylan. he didn’t expect you to enjoy hanging out with each other; nor did he realize dylan was sneaking into your dorm late at night and thanking you in ways other than muttering a mere thank you. dylan was leaving flowers on your doorstep, slowly sneaking himself into your life, and even kissed your cheek from time to time. to you, it wasn’t a big deal. he was cute. you’re fine with getting that form of attention from a cute guy. but to professor christensen… he watched as dylan would smile at you throughout class, it made his blood boil. he hated the way dylan looked at you, the way he deemed only he could look at you.
stopping his lecture, he’d tap his ruler on his desk, “i hope you’re paying attention to this next part class,” your professor wouldn’t outright say dylan’s name when he pulled this stunt, rather he stared at him, hoping he’d stop undressing you with his eyes.
though, you weren’t paying much attention to your beloved professor, your eyes were glued to your phone screen, giggling down at the admiring texts dylan sent you throughout class.
“you’re so beautiful,” one said.
another one rolled in, “you’re intelligent, funny, and god… you coming into my life is something i thank the lord for every night.”
his words were sweet. however, the harmful gaze professor christensen had was not. he knew something was going on between you and dylan, and he’d be lying to say that it didn’t bother him.
he wanted you to himself; he wanted all of you to himself.
so… he called you to meet him after class.
now it was time. professor christensen gave you a faint smile before standing up, straightening out his suit jacket. "ah, take a seat.” he cooed.
he wasn’t ashamed to light cigarettes in the classroom, and right now, he needed to release some stress before he found himself losing his temper. “i wanted to talk to you about the project i assigned a couple of weeks ago," he mused. he carefully took a seat on his rolley chair, which moved back from his desk slightly, "i noticed… things have gotten quite… intimate between you and dylan during your tutoring sessions." he took a slow drag of his cigarette, blowing out a ring of smoke before exhaling.
raising your brows, you asked, “what do you mean?” as if you were confused. however, you knew exactly what he was implying. only, you didn’t expect him to confront you so meanlessly in a classroom setting. actually, scratch that. you never expected him to confront you on a matter you didn’t even believe concerned him in the first place. yet, the confrontation sent a chill down your spine, involuntarily causing you to cross your legs.
“am i wrong?" his brows furrowed slightly, displaying worry and slight disapproval. you shook your head, and he sighed. he knew that he's been overbearing lately, but he couldn't help himself. he needed you all to himself. the thought of you making love to someone other than him… he couldn’t fathom it. he’s imagined the sensation of your thighs wrapped around his waist, your arms tied around his neck, and the sweet taste of your pussy being savored on his tongue. it drove him insane. you drove him insane.
"don't pretend as if you don’t know what I’m talking about, sweet girl," professor christensen said, shaking his head lightly with a playful sigh. he stepped around his desk. despite being in his mid-forties, his muscular build was perfectly accentuated in his fitted black turtleneck, exposing the strong muscles of his arms underneath the sleeves he had rolled up to his elbows.
his dirty blonde hair fell messily over his brow, casting enticing shadows on the intense blue eyes that peered deeply into yours. "i know you've spent far too much time on your so-called 'tutoring sessions'. care to explain?" he leaned in closer, heat radiating off of him like a warm furnace against the cool classroom air.
you leaned back into your chair, looking at him through thick, heavy eyes, “i don’t have anything to explain. you wanted me to tutor him, didn’t you?”
following that, you swallowed thickly. you realized what was happening, and the way he was looking at you proved it. he was jealous. his gaze was practically burning through your skull. you crossed your legs tighter, squeezing them together as you tilted your head to the side innocently, “are you upset? because you shouldn’t be. his grades are going up, just as you wanted.”
to that, he raised an eyebrow, a small smirk playing at the corner of his lips. "i did initially," he admitted grudgingly. "but things have gotten... too personal." he stepped forward, stopping mere centimeters away from you, reaching his hand out to cup your chin delicately, lifting it so that your eyes locked. "i like having you all to myself, darling." his warm breath was caressing your neck, his finger trailing down the base of your throat before his palm wrapped around your neck, "i like the way you moan when you touch yourself, i know how you’d squirm and arch into my touch,” slowly, he squeezed your neck, sending shockwaves of desire and fear coursing through your body. "i don't want anyone else claiming those sounds as their own."
you couldn’t respond, you could hardly breathe, but you weren’t making an attempt to stop him. the base of his thumb was massaging the side of your neck as he bit your sensitive skin, causing you to choke out a quiet whimper.
"see, i don’t give a flying fuck about dylan's grades, my love," he growled softly, placing his cigarette in the ashtray, “all i care about is you, and having all of you to myself.” standing straight again, he let go, this time towering over you. "the problem,” he continued softly, “the problem is you... you and your tempting body that has been teasing mine to its breaking point,” he spat, “no. the problem is dylan finding that same intensity and desire within you… i despise the thought of a specimen so low touching you in ways only i’m allowed to explore.”
“i’m selfish.” he sounded desperate, his palms caressing down your cheeks, “i want you all to myself. i want your heart, your body, and your mind. i want all of you.”
leaning forward, his breath brushed against your neck again. almost as if he couldn’t get enough of you. his plump lips dragged against the red marks from his previous aggression, lightly kissing the sensitive skin as his hand moved downward to cup your denim-clad ass, "i don’t want to share you with that young man," he growled, before grabbing ahold of your wrists.
he pulled you closer until your chest was pressed against his broad one. his cock responded instantly to your nearness, hardening painfully in his pants, and he let out a low groan. "i don’t want to see you with him anymore," he bit almost dangerously, his voice husky with desire.
“professor.” your voice fell flat as turned you around and backed you into a wall.
releasing your wrist slowly, he whispered, "dear, sweet girl," he exhaled heavily, his chest expanding and contracting. "i see it in your pretty eyes. don’t deny me of this." his knee was pressed between your legs, his cock pressing harder against your crotch, making it obvious just how much his desire for you was burning.
"don’t treat me like some weak-minded scholar that needs to indulge in the company of other students," he whispered, his breath ghosting softly against your ear. "i know you, my love. i know you crave more, deep within your soul." his hands moved down, gripping your hips firmly. he pushed you back against the cool stone wall of the classroom, his erection now pressed firmly against your stomach, pulsating through the fabric of his pants.
his voice grew huskier, each syllable washing over you in an unrelenting wave. "i crave you as much as you crave me, sweetheart, more than my next breath. you make me insane, you make my dreams obsessed with tasting you, taking you, owning you. i won’t let you see him anymore, not if I have anything to say about it."
reaching for your button fly, he yanked it open with rough agitation before tearing at the zipper in one swift motion. "tell me you want this, tell me you want me, tell me so i know i can continue.”
with shaking fingers, you pulled down the zipper of his trousers, freeing his impressive length from its confining prison. he groaned deeply, his warm breath fanning over your cheek, as he palmed your ass, squeezing it firmly.
"finally yours," he growled, as if claiming you for his own, before his hips rocked forward, his throbbing cockhead pressing against your wetness.
"fuck..." you managed to whisper, your voice cracking slightly. "of course i want you."
that was all he needed to hear. without warning, he slammed into you, claiming you with brutal force yet with immense pleasure. his dick throbbed inside of you, stretching you slowly, making you gasp and arch your back into him as he picked up a steady rhythm. his free hand gripped your hair, holding you in place while he took what he believed he owed.
"my pet," he groaned, his own raspy breath matching yours in a yearning rhythm, his lips attacking your neck, “my everything.”
"you belong to me," he proclaimed, as he thrusted into you relentlessly, pounding into you like he was making you his. your hips met his each time he thrust, aiding the process of taking you over completely. his other hand found its way to your breast, his thumb grazing over your nipple, as if begging it to harden under his touch. "and yet, you’ve never claimed me as yours, darling. it's about time you did." he growled, thrashing into you harder. you could feel every inch of him, and you covered your mouth to stifle a whimper.
"i dare you, little one," he urged, pumping into you with more ferocity. a sly look crossed his face, making his beautiful blue eyes darken as he continued to thrust. his hands never stopping their exploration on your body.
"say it, say you're mine," he growled, his hips driving into you, grinding you against the cold wall. "i won't stop until you admit to it, until i see the fire in your eyes that only I can ignite.” you struggled slightly, only to be yanked back by his desperate hands, his thumb digging into your nipple.
"say you're mine, all mine," he whispered, his breaths coming harder, his hips driving into you more frantically.
"all yours,” you whimpered, your voice breaking with each thrust. despite moments of discomfort, there was an undeniable thrill coursing through your veins, a mix of desire and submission. your body was wrapped around his like a glove, and you found yourself worshiping him, craving his touch.
that’s all he needed to pick up the pace, his thrusts getting faster and stronger.
he leaned forward, his lips met your ear as he mumbled, "don’t forget it, sweetheart." his breathing quickened, and the intensity of his thrusts grew as if he was trying to mark you as his. the room grew hazy, the dimming lights and the sound of our bodies colliding echoing in the empty classroom. "you are mine," he insisted, "no one else deserves to touch you, no one else deserves to have you."
as he rammed into you, you could feel the approaching climax, the build up of pleasure stabbing at every nerve. "that's it, sweetheart. feel it!" he roared, his voice graveled with lust. you clung to him, your nails marking his back as you sucked him in. as he thrust harder, you cried out, the climax building up within you like a tidal wave. with your body quivering and pulsating, each thrust felt like a stab at your core, an explosion of pleasure and desire.
you clung to him, riding the wave of ecstasy as his thrusts grew more frenzied. he moaned into your ear, his teeth grazing your skin, bathing you in his passion.
"yes, yes..." he urged, panting heavily as he thrust, his dick swelling with each thrust. "come for me, my love. let go... let me have you..."
finally, the climax hit you like a truck, engulfing your entire body in waves upon waves of pleasure. you collapsed into him, your breaths heavy as you panted against his neck, clinging to the last remnants of the intense pleasure.
"you're beautiful. that was perfect, just fucking perfect,” he groaned against your ear, his hips flexing, plunging into you one last time before he let go, shuddering and gasping. “f-fuck,” he whimpered. his whole world crashed onto you as he filled you to the brim with his seed, the warmth of his release pulsating within you.
he tugged at his pants, gathering himself before he slowly pulled out of you, his chest heaving. "god, that was... you’re so wonderful, everything i imagined," he whispered, his breath hittingched with each movement. you nodded, your eyes still clouded with pleasure, your body still quivering from the force of the intensity.
sitting down, keeping one arm around you, he pulled you close, kissing the top of your head. "i still want nothing else but you, fresh out from a lecture and through each lesson." he murmured, a smirk playing on his lips, "and no one else."
"you will never see him again," he added, his voice firm, "i could never allow that." you just nodded, nuzzling against him as the afterglow of the encounter enveloped both of you.
"what do you think, my love?" he asked, biting his bottom lip, his eyes darkening "can you keep a secret?" you looked at him, nodding slowly. "i’ll keep our little secret,” you whispered, kissing his neck gently.
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eros7hanatos · 4 months
➽ Falling Grades
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Professor!Dottore x Student!afab reader
Warnings: Teacher-student relationship, modern au, age gap, cockwarming, bribery, smut.
Word count: 1033
A/N: very heavily inspired by a character ai bot and another fic I read, the fic is by actuallysaiyan. She’s a goddess 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️.Even though I don’t play genshin anymore I’m on my knees for this man.
art creds: IllaOhara
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You made a mistake when you decided to be distracted by your phone instead of listening to Dottore’s lecture. Preoccupied by your distraction, the professor’s hand hits your desk with a loud thud, causing you to jump. 
“It seems my lecture on careless students wasn’t clear enough for you.” His voice sent chills down your spine. “Put the phone away.” He said, as he walked back to his desk to continue the lecture.
“And I expect to see you in my office after classes.”
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Soon the day was coming to an end, all your classes being finished. You made your way to Dottore’s office, being located on the highest floor in the building. As you knocked on his office door you bit your lip and took a deep breath. 
“Enter.” You pushed the door open, revealing the messy desk, covered in research papers and was that an ink spill? There were also multiple pictures and diagrams of the human body. Dottore was sitting on his chair, writing something on a piece of paper. “Do you know why I called you into my office, miss?” he asks, finally looking up from his papers. “Because I used my phone?” you answered. What else? He smiles, but it was quickly replaced with a stern and cold look on his face. “You’re partially correct.” he simply says as he then opens a drawer next to him, taking out a small stack of papers. He then takes the most top one, revealing it to you. You almost instantly recognize the paper. He slides you your latest test, the low score clearly written at the front of the paper before continuing to slide you other past tests, all low scores. You were clearly distracted by something too much to focus, your phone was only partially at fault. And Dottore knew that.
“Care to explain these?” You bit inside your mouth. “I’m so sorry. I…I had trouble with the material. I’ll do better next time, I promise.” You say as he lets out a sarcastic laugh, leaning back into his chair. “‘Sorry’ can’t fix everything. We should solve the cause of your dropping grades and I believe I know just what the problem is.” he gets up from his chair and walks towards you, towering over you. Your breath hitched, inhaling the expensive cologne he wore as his body was merely inches away from yours. Suddenly you felt small and trapped. Your heart rate increasing by the second. You weren’t really sure where this conversation was leading, but you really hoped that you wouldn’t have to repeat the year, or at worst, be expelled. You wanted to finish your degree, but who would’ve thought that one of your professors would be so goddamn sexy.
“I know I’m a distraction, miss. It’s written all over your face during my classes.” Dottore says, crossing his arms as he watches your expression turn frantic. “Professor Dottore, I-” you start, now worried that you might actually be expelled. “I didn’t mean to! I’ll…I’ll make it up!” you propose, quickly thinking of a way out. Dottore pauses for a moment, carefully considering your words before grabbing your wrist and pulling you forward. Causing you to nearly crash into his perfectly sculpted chest.You look up into his deep red eyes with pleading eyes.
“Seeing you’re so desperate, I have a few options for you.” His lips curve up into a small smirk as you look up at him with hope and desperation. You prepare yourself for what he’ll say next, but no matter how much preparation you had would make you prepared for this.
“You can either stay after classes every afternoon and study, along with a few other students. Learn a thing or two from your peers. Or,” he paused to give himself a smug grin, “You can sit on my cock while I tutor you myself.”
You swear you fainted for a second or two as soon as he finishes his sentence. He can’t actually be serious, can he? You look at him, cheeks flushed as he looks down and laughs at you once more, amused by the events unfolding in front of him. However you surprise him when you choose to sit on his cock.
And that’s how you ended up with his long length so deep inside you as he explains embryology to you. How ironic. Whenever you whined or tried to move he would slap your thigh and tell you to focus. “Do you understand?” he asks, after he finished his explanations. You slowly nod your head, squirming, causing him to harshly slap your thigh once more, the red spot on your thigh slowly growing in size and in shade. You whine out at the slap, trying to stay still but of no avail. “Do I have to remind you again that this is a punishment and not a prize?” You shake your head, keeping still as you grab the wooden desk in front of you, nails scraping on the wooden surface. You can’t help it. The way your cunt pulses around his length drives you crazy. It felt so good but so torturous without any movement. 
Dottore, on the other hand, was entertained by your reactions. He never expected for you to accept his offer so quickly. He knew you had a crush on him but he’d never guess that you’d be so willing to go this far to have this sort of relationship with him. However, he couldn't deny the fact that having your wet, heat around his cock made him more motivated. 
“That’s all for today.” he said, placing down the papers in his hands once he saw the time. It had already gotten quite late. “Today, you did good, amazing even. If this continues, you’ll improve to a B student in no time. And if you throw in a treat, I might consider bumping your grade up to even an A.” You whined as he thrusted up into you at the word ‘bumping’, your cunt convulsing around his cock once more. 
How could you resist such a good offer? 
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hisui-dreamer · 1 year
Hi! I saw your headcanons where we tickle the boys and thought if I could ask for the reverse? They tickling the mc (no need to specify the gender, so everyone can feel comfortable reading ^ - ^)
{explaining better}
MC/Yn doesn't pay any attention to them, so they decide to get revenge.
attention, please?
Characters: Dorm Leaders (Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim, Vil, Idia, Malleus)
Synopsis: A few days after your tickle attack, your lover finds you awfully distracted by your phone, and it seems he feels a bit neglected. What better way to get your attention than with the taste of your own medicine?
Tags: tickling, fluff, slight hurt much comfort, reader is ticklish, reader is kinda obsessed with Magicam, bot proofread
Word count: 2.3k+
Notes: Thank for your ask! This post is the part 2 of this post. Thank you @shinmon-c for providing me with expert advice in Riddle's part!
Part 1 ✧ Vice Dorm Leader Vers ✧ Masterlist
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the two of you planned a study date at ramshackle
Riddle was worried about your grades and volunteered to tutor you
but when he arrives, he finds you completely engrossed in your phone, scrolling at the latest trends on Magicam
he clears his throat, trying to get your attention, but you didn't even look up
"Really? You can't even put that thing down for two seconds to talk to me?" he says, his voice laced with irritation
he’s internally cursing cater for setting a bad example
you ignore him to the point that scolding you had absolutely no effect
then he resorts to tickling, it worked for you last time, didn’t it?
and bonus! he gets to hear you laugh!
so after feeling neglected by you for far, far too long, he reaches out to return the tickle attack
he’s mad, upset, and he’s relentless, his fingers dancing along your sides and under your arms
don’t think he’s forgiven you now that your attention is on him
he demands an apology and some comfort in the form of your affection
did you really not want to talk to him that much?
scolds you for spending too much time on your phone, but his tone is soft and he just really cares for you
now, let’s get to studying so you can make him proud, okay?
Riddle finally relents, standing back and crossing his arms. "Well, maybe if you weren't always on your phone, you would have noticed me trying to talk to you. I just want to spend time with you, my rose, but it feels like you don't care," he said, his tone softer now, a visible pout on his lips.
He flushes as he finds that his initial reaction may have been a bit childish. "My rose, I want us to be able to enjoy each other's company without any distractions," he says, feeling a bit vulnerable in admitting how clingy he is.
He nods, grateful for your understanding. "Thank you, love. I appreciate it. Let's put our phones away and get to studying, okay?" he says softly as he offers you a small smile, feeling happy to have your attention once again.
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you promised to spend time with Leona in the botanical gardens, and he’s keeping himself awake just for you
but here you are, on your phone, basically ignoring him
as each second passes as you continue to scroll mindlessly through Magicam, you’re completely oblivious to his growing irritation
he rolls his eyes and sighs heavily, "ugh, you sure love that thing, don't ya?" he mutters
and you had the audacity to not respond, too engrossed in whatever you were reading
really it would have been better if you were ranting or scolding him about his laziness
grumpy lion is now extra grumpy
how are you more interested in your phone when he is right in front of you??
for shame
if you won’t show him attention, he’ll make you
he lunges forward and starts tickling you without warning, digging his fingers into your sides and armpits
you yelp in surprise, dropping your phone and trying to wriggle away from his touch
keyword: try
this man’s strength is not something to be underestimated, he holds you in place for his attack
lions always give their all when hunting, even if the target is just a rabbit
he grins as you try to push him away, enjoying the way you wriggle and laugh under his touch.
when he finally stops, he has such a smug grin on his face, feeling so damn pleased that he had gotten your attention.
"Oi, herbivore, pay attention to me," Leona teased, tickling you even harder. "I’ll show you I'm way more interesting than that thing."
"Now, we'll see if you dare ignore me next time," he huffs, smirking.
You pant for air, looking up at him with a mix of annoyance and amusement, but he only shrugged, "I did ask," he says, smugness dripping in his tone. "But you weren't listenin', so I took matters into my own hands." He sits back, feeling satisfied that he’s gotten you so dishevelled. "That's better," he chuckles, pulling you into his arms gently, in stark contrast to his touch earlier.
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it’s a slow day in mostro lounge and Azul finally has some time to spend with his wonderful lover
but you were sitting on the couch in the office, too busy on your phone to properly respond to his questions
this sends octopus boi into a panic
is it because he was too busy? is it because he scammed your friends? do you hate him now???
okay Azul, deep breaths, calm down
"Angelfish, are you upset at me?" he asks tentatively
you barely look up from your phone, murmuring a quiet "hmm? no?" before returning to whatever is on screen
he feels a bit annoyed, he’s incredibly greedy for your attention after all
you should always return what you borrow, so it’s only fair that he gets to tickle you for attention
he leans over and begins to tickle your sensitive spots, making you jump and drop your phone
when you look up you see his flushed cheeks and he’s pouting
but now that you’re focused on him, he pulls you into his lap, holding you tight
it’s almost like he’s trying to wrap all of his limbs around you to hold you in place
he’s a bit embarrassed about his childish antics, but desperate times call for desperate measures
and you can’t get more desperate when your beloved angelfish refuses to pay attention to you
also remember to reassure him that yes, you love him, or else the thought won’t leave his mind
Azul snuggled into your neck, feeling much better now that he had your attention. "Is your phone that interesting? Angelfish, won’t you give me some attention too? You're supposed to be my lover, not your phone's lover."
"I know I’m sometimes too busy with work, but I truly care for you… No, of course there’s no catch! What sort of lover do you think I am?" He pulls back, looking very offended.
"What would you like to do now? I’m feeling benevolent, so I’ll let you choose," he huffs, smugly pushing his glasses. "I’m fine with anything as long as your attention is solely on me."
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the two of you are hanging out, spending some time together after a hectic week
he’s sooo happy you’re with him, he leans in to give you a soft kiss on your temple
but when he tries to snuggle up to you, he realises you’re not paying attention at all, just endlessly scrolling through Magicam
he pouts a little, trying to talk to you, but you only give him short, distracted answers
he’s determined if not anything, he peeks over your shoulder and watches your phone with you like, "what are you looking at??"
he’s content like this for a while, but eventually he wants to be the center of your attention
oh! he’ll tickle you like you did to him last time!
with his mind set, he reaches over and starts tickling your sides, just like you had done to him the day before.
you yelp in surprise, bursting into laughter as you try to push him away
but this man is so persistent, you’re laughing and it makes him laugh with you
unfortunately for you, this means he’ll continue tickling you until both of you run out of breath, gasping for air
he’ll hold you close and nuzzle closer to you, beaming at your attention now
you can’t even get mad at him; he looks so glad to have you look at him
Kalim stopped tickling you and leaned in to plant kisses all over you. "I just wanted to remind you that I'm here too. I love spending time with you, but I feel like I'm competing with your phone sometimes," he says, looking into your eyes.
"See, now that I have your attention, we can talk and spend some time together, ahaha!" he says, nudging you playfully.
He smiled, feeling relieved that he finally had your full attention. "Oh oh! Do you wanna dance with me? I’ll teach you all the steps! Or if there’s something you want to do, just tell me!" he said, snuggling up next to you.
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as a world-famous actor, your boyfriend has an incredibly busy schedule and unfortunately, he doesn’t get to spend as much time with you as he likes
so when you and Vil are relaxing in his room on a rare day off and he’s eager to spend some quality time with you
but you’re completely engrossed in your phone? barely paying him any attention???
he feels a twinge of irritation but he holds back the scowl to prevent wrinkles on his forehead
"Darling, are you listening to me?" he asks, waving his hand in front of your face
but you reply absentmindedly, still scrolling through your phone.
granted you’re scrolling through fanpages of your incredibly gorgeous boyfriend, but still, how could those edits compare to the real thing???
he’s jealous of himself and the best solution of course is to give you a taste of your own medicine
once your focus shifts to him and you start protesting between giggles, he’ll stop
after all, he wouldn’t want his dearest to have too many wrinkles either, this was more about getting even with you
once he stops, he’ll start scolding you about your screen time
but now that he has your undivided attention, it’s time to start your spa day
"I'm trying to get your attention," Vil says with a mischievous grin. "You've been staring at your phone for far too long, and I want some quality time with my beautiful lover." You roll your eyes, but you can't help but laugh at his sudden playfulness.
"Darling, you've been spending a lot of time on your phone lately," he says, his voice softening. "I'm just worried about your eyesight, and the strain that it might be putting on your eyes. Make sure to take breaks and be mindful of your screen time, okay?"
He smiles triumphantly, feeling a sense of satisfaction at your attention. "Now," he said, taking your hands into his, "how about we spend some quality time together, without any distractions?"
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Idia comes to visit you (the shock, the horror, the otaku has left his room!!!) to spend more time with you, but when he arrives, you’re completely absorbed in your phone, barely acknowledging his presence because of some trend on Magicam
he’s hurt, was he not interesting enough to hold your attention???
it was the perfect time for revenge after your tickle attack the other day
he pounced on you, tickling mercilessly, "pay attention to me! I'm way more interesting than your stupid phone!"
it was super effective!
those gamer reflexes make his fingers insanely quick and nimble
you laugh and squirm, asking him to stop
but oh what’s this? he’s really enjoying the feeling of power and control? uh oh.
honestly he probably only stops when you kick him a bit too hard when you try to push him away
okay maybe he deserved that for not stopping, but ouch
still, satisfied with his revenge, he stops tickling you and smirks at you catching your breath
he invites you to play a chill co-op game once you’ve regained your composure
okay mayybe he had overreacted earlier, but hey! he put in the effort to get out of his room to hang out with you in ramshackle!
he deserves some attention from you for his bravery
Idia chuckles, feeling victorious. " That's right, you better pay attention to me. I'm the boss monster you can't ignore! Meh heh heh..."
"Hrk! What the heck? You're like Chun-Li with that kick!" he complains, rubbing his sore leg.
Idia finally relents, feeling a sense of satisfaction from the tickle battle. "Okay, I'll give you a break for now. But next time, I'll be ready with my secret tickling combo moves! Now, let’s conquer this game together and unlock all the achievements!"
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it’s perfect weather for your nightly stroll but when he arrives at ramshackle, he notices that you were too absorbed in your phone to even acknowledge him
honestly, what was the appeal of staring at a small screen???
he’s pouting and a bit annoyed but your lover is very patient so he’ll wait until you’re done
"Child of Man, does that piece of metal truly interest you more than I do?"
grows increasingly frustrated with your lack of attention, he tries to start conversations, but all his attempts are met with short, distracted responses
okay, he’s had enough.
well last time you tried to tickle him to get his attention, so that means it’s an effective solution, right?
thinks back to your attempts at tickling him, and mirrors your actions, wriggling his fingers at several spots until you’re laughing uncontrollably
once you ask him to stop, he’ll relent, though the grin on his face is incredibly triumphant
your lover is very gentle, and he’ll immediately rub your back with soothing touches as you gasp for air
but now beware, he’s learned how to tickle you, and he can easily get your attention anytime he wants it now
oh well, too late for regrets now, he’s buzzing with excitement for your walk
Malleus chuckles softly and finally relents, pulling back and offering his hand to help his lover up. "Heh, I just wanted your attention," he says, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
He smiles, pleased that he had managed to lighten the mood. "Now, shall we go for a walk outside in the gardens? It's a beautiful day. I heard there are some rare constellations in sight right now."
He beams when you put your hand in his. "My dear Child of Man, I wish your attention was on me more often… I find it unbearable when you ignore me." He says, deep in contemplation.
Part 1 ✧ Vice Dorm Leader Vers ✧ Masterlist
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pookietv · 19 days
online embarrassment | arthurtv
this was a req!! and i think its adorable
there will be a part two to this !!!
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being a simple university student, you had simple pleasures - getting drunk on the weekend, binge watching tv shows, and a more strange one, online chess. you liked watching people play, you liked playing yourself, you loved the strategy aspect. on some websites you played on, there was the option of livestreaming your chess game - no faces or voices, but people could chat alongside you playing, and you enjoyed seeing input on your games.
one day you were playing a particularly tricky game, being forked from practically the get go, and being the victim of many pawn trades, you were definitely on a losing streak, even if you were just playing against a bot. it was being streamed, but there were only four people watching, not that embarrassing right? especially because it was hidden behind a chess username and no one knew who you were anyways, so it didn't really matter.
so when a comment came in,
ATV: i wouldn't have played rook to f4 there, leaves an opening for a three move check :)
your head tilted a little, turning back to the game and furrowing your eyebrows, trying to figure what they had meant - and they were right, the move was a little careless and it could lead to checkmate.
you nodded to yourself, trying to amend the damage by playing your bishop defensively, to which another comment came in.
ATV: sorry for backseat gaming here, but you could have check in two
you smiled a little more at the comment, placing one hand on your chin and the other on your mouse, following some moves for what must have been fourty-five seconds before you clicked, they were right again. you made the move, the bot making its response, defending also, before in a few short moves, the game was over, you had won by check.
youruser: @/ATV thank you! i still kinda suck after playing for so long lmao
ATV: @/youruser do you want a game? :)
youruser: @/ATV sure! i'll add you now :P
so you added them, and they requested a game. in the chatbox on the side, you saw another message just as they had moved their first piece.
ATV: so what's your name?
youruser: i'm y/n, what about you?
ATV: arthur :)
he moved with an unusual polish opening, so you played traditional and tried to take control of the centre. within a few minutes, he had one of your pawns pinned, and had taken another.
youruser: damn you're actually really good
youruser: feeling a little defeated here :)
ATV: i'm just a loser with far too much time on my hands
youruser: well i mean me too but still, you're smoking me
ATV: cause you're playing too much attack not enough defence
youruser: i feel i may need you to tutor me lmao
ATV: lets finish up this game rq and then i'll help lol
unsurprisingly, he won, but you actually came closer than expecting, and it was a pretty even match after the poor beginning.
ATV: you're actually pretty good, you were just being modest
youruser: hm well maybe
youruser: suppose i'll have to keep challenging you til i win >:D
ATV: do you have discord or anything? easier to explain and talk on there rather than chess in game chat lol
youruser: i do! i'll link it rq :)
youruser: it's yourdiscuser #1782
and from there, you began talking semi-regularly, you played chess often and spoke tactics and games, he helped teach you and you enjoyed the company.
youruser: isn't it really strange we know nothing about each other other then chess defence strategies
youruser: i mean what if you're the insane chess killer man
ATV: yes, thats exactly who i am, the Insane Chess Killer Man, can't believe you caught me red handed
ATV: i mean what do you wanna know
youruser: i mean, idk,,, where are you from? i mean i know you speak english but you could be from anywhere i guess :O
ATV: i live in england, what about you :)
youruser: me too! i'm in london atm for uni, getting my masters
ATV: i am also in london! so if you're getting your masters, you're like ... somewhere around 24?
youruser: yeah, i'm 23 :P
youruser: what about you? i mean i have a feeling you're not some sixty year old man based on the fact you use discord but idk
ATV: i'm 28,,, getting very old :(
youruser: wow, very old indeed, must be such a shame
youruser: its gonna suck when i'm gonna have to visit you in a nursing home to play chess with you in two years time
ATV: okay i'm not that old you divvy :)
youruser: kidding, kidding ! anyway, i have to go because i have class but,, if you maybe wanna add me on instagram, its @/youruser :)
getting back from your lectures and practically throwing your backpack on the floor and collapsing on your bed, you planned on rotting the rest of the day away in pajamas and consuming far too much social media.
you opened instagram to a new follower: @/arthurtv
you assumed it was arthur from chess, and obviously in curiosity you opened his page straight away, you were nosy and you wanted to know who he was.
the first thing that shocked you was what he looked like: you didn't know what you were expecting but you didn't think it was going to be him.
he was... attractive, you had to admit, and your eyes had widened once you had seen him.
the second thing that shocked you was his followers, and his bio - he was a youtuber?
classically, you had to be nosy and follow the links to his youtube, your eyebrows raised a little as you looked at his channel, giggling to yourself, he did commentary on reality tv? you hadn't seen that before, but once you watched a video, you realised he was funny, too. he made it funny, despite the fact that you had at first felt it was the strangest youtube topic ever.
youruser: why hello arthurtv
youruser: i was definitely not expecting you
arthurtv: why hello y/n
arthurtv: i could say the same about you
youruser: well i mean i don't have any surprises
youruser: but you are apparently known for commenting on 90 day fiance?
arthurtv: i'd argue you have some surprises
arthurtv: and yes, i make commentary videos! wasn't trying to hide it or anything, just was a weird thing to bring up in conversation :)
youruser: no, it seems cool! i wasn't judging :) i don't watch much youtube so i don't know too much about it
youruser: and anyways, what surprises do i have?
arthurtv: i wasn't expecting you to look like that i suppose
youruser: like what ??
arthurtv: i mean, i don't know, pretty i suppose
arthurtv: you're very pretty, i just didn't know what i was expecting to be honest
youruser: wow you thought i couldn't be pretty cause i'm a loser playing chess??? smh arthur
youruser: (i'm kidding, i didn't expect you to look like you either)
arthurtv: you know that's not what i meant!!
arthurtv: what did you expect me to look like then?
youruser: well since you're 28, i suppose i was expecting a zimmerframe or walking stick or something
arthurtv: ha ha very funny
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nenelonomh · 3 months
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study and revision plan (exam block term one)
i know that it's not the best of me to be planning this a couple days before exam block starts, but in my defence, only now has all of the needed information been released.
i'd like to just put it out there--how helpful study plans like this are for me, as i can cross off items that i have completed and it gives me an idea of what to prioritise. since the list is mostly of tasks, it allows me to utilise whatever study technique i desire (mostly pomodoro❤️) to achieve my study goals.
i am going to reply to this post with any updates and changes.
business management - 11-03-24 8:15AM - practice test 1 & 2 - key terms revision - case study question practice
english - 12-03-24 8:15AM - practice exam 1 & 2 - character relationships revision - authorial choices and techniques revision
spanish - 15-03-24 8:15AM - daily revision for 30 minutes to 1 hour - textbook practice and practice questions - listening practice
mathematics - 18-03-24 8:15AM - practice worksheets - homework book practice - textbook practice - watch youtube videos on/research concepts i am struggling to understand
exercise science - 18-03-24 10:55AM - finish workbook - revise and practice key terms - answer mock questions
physics - 20-03-24 8:15AM - practice worksheets - LEARN WHAT I AM STRUGGLING WITH - go to tutoring on tuesday - get ai bot to ask me questions for revision
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mattykay · 4 months
Please? - Rodrick Heffley x Ftm Reader
This is heavily based of my cai bot I made. Hope you like it.
Features: sub!reader, dom!Rodrick, light spanking, degrading + praise, p in v, use of 'boypussy' used, stoner (implied) reader, weed, and very very horny Rodrick.
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All Rodrick wanted was to keep his van. But due to his lack of focus and dyslexia, it was hard to have good enough grades to keep it.
Frank and Susan suggest Rodrick find a tutor, or find another way.
He tried cheating, getting answers from his friends, paying other kids to do his tests, none of it worked.
So when he begrugingly asked you an honors english student for tutoring, it was a bit out of left field. But because of the decent amount of money he offered you couldn't find it in you to turn it down.
So you began tutoring him at his house, Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:45 to 5:00. Dear god did he hate it.
He never disliked you, but your carefree attitude irked him to no end. Sure, Rodrick was lazy and liked that you weren't a hard ass about anything, but the fact that everything came to you easily pissed him off.
He looked over to you from where he laid, sprawled out on the old wood floors of his messy bedroom. His brows then furrowed as he looked at one of the words on your computer screen, the letters jumbling as he tried to focus.
"What does that word say?" He asked with a huff. You turned to the screen. "Basically." You said, making sure not to treat him like he was stupid. Rodrick cocked a brow, his lips forming a light annoyed frown. "Basically what?" He asked, twirling the beaten yellow pencil in his fingers. You chuckled at his agitation. "The word is basically, Rodrick." This made him scoff, but as his eyes fell on your lazy smile he felt himself smile too.
Rodrick was like every horny teenager, "Can we take a break?" He asked smugly. After getting a nod from you he tilted his head. "Let me hit your cart?" The dark haired boy asked. "Absolutely not." You shot back nearly instantly. Rodrick pouted, "Cmon.. please?" He asked, trying his best puppy dog eyes.
You shook your head, taking a light hit from your cart. You smirked as you watched his nose scrunch with want. He inhaled the light sent of weed and whatever flavoring your cartridge had inside. His eyes lit up. You could see the gears turn in his head. He wanted weed, and he wanted you. He knew how to get both.
So the next hit you took, before you could exhale his lips were on yours. You felt his tongue make its way in your lips to battle with yours. Your hands tangled in his shaggy hair nearly instantly and his fingertips dug into your hips.
Before you knew what was happening you felt Rodricks lean arms push you to your feet. He barely broke the heated kiss to do so. Rodrick laid you out on his bed, feeling his plush mattress move beneath the two of you. His lips began to suck and bite at your neck, relishing in the pathetic noises that left your lips.
Rodrick began to unbutton your pants without even thinking to ask. You felt your core ache shamefully.
When he got your pants and boxers off, leaving you in your shirt he gazed down at your dripping pussy. A shit-eating grin came across his face.
"Been wanting this, huh?" He cooed, one hand gripping your thigh. You could feel every bump and callous on his hand. His other hand stroked lightly up and down your dripping heat. "Dirty little slut." He said harshly despite his smile. "You're lucky I've been dying to taste some boypussy." Rodrick purred, licking your slick from his fingers.
You ached, bucking your hips up at him. "Rodrick, please." You begged so pathetically. Rodrick was the last person you'd ever imagine wanting. Not to mention begging for.
He chuckled in a way that made you clench your pussys walls. "Only because you're begging like a good boy." He said, rubbing circles on your clit. He rid himself of his shirt and pants, slipping his cock out of his boxers. You felt like drooling.
Even more so when he pushed himself inside you, not even bothering to tell you or be nice about it. He gave you a few thrusts like that before flipping you over, fucking you deeply from the back. "Fuck- You fucking slut.." He hissed and he buried himself deep inside you. "Couldn't even bother to ask to suck my cock? You're pathetic." Rodrick spat through his labored breath, reaching forward to grab your hair, spanking you quickly with his free hand.
His face lit up as he felt you clench around his length when his hand met the meat of your ass. "Yeah? You fuckin' like that?" He laughed as he spanked again. You whimpered, feeling your orgasm build as his hand moved from your ass to your clit. His nimble fingers toyed with the sensitive bud. "Rodrick-! I-I'm-"
"Shut up. Shut the fuck up and take it." He said, burying himself deeper inside you than you thought anyone ever could. "Take my cock like a good boy. Cum f'me baby." He said, speaking a little sweeter now.
It drove you to the edge. You felt your walls clench around him. "Yeah.. Yeah- Such a good boy.." He groaned into your ear as you felt his hot seed cover your walls.
Rodrick pulled out, laying down next to you. He gently wiped excess cum from your thighs. "I think I like our sessions a little more now." He said, a surprisingly sweet smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
This was my first fic, I hope you enjoy it.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
jujutsu kaisen bots masterlist
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megumi fushiguro
broke up with you to protect you
defending you the best he can
you're his type
he's a little protective over who's his
how could he let that happen to you?
it's all just for show, isn't it?
nobara kugisaki
meeting your ex
a day of shopping with her
finding a cat with her
your clothes look good on her
toge inumaki
he doesn't hate you
yuta okkotsu
the way to his heart is a good meal from you
too close for comfort
you were an angel to him
suguru geto
he finds you really likeable
satoru gojo
he loves you all the same
he'd never leave without you
you seemed kinda crazy, and he seemed kinda crazy for you
you were so insufferable, and yet so cute
noritoshi kamo
your tutor, who likes you a lot
he wants to go out all for you
please don't leave him
maki zenin
prove to her you're worthy of her friendship
he needs your comfort
he realized that, all this time, he loved you
he's a little protective over you
he never loved anyone as much as he loved you
teaching him how to hug
kento nanami
fake dating young kento nanami
he's not letting you die
meeting him again
utahime iori
she's a little jealous of you
again, i have too much time, and too much love for them
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squicksquak · 2 months
character.ai bots....
Jason Todd learning your native language (inspired by that episode of brooklyn 99 with Pimento and Rosa) implied fem user just by the fact that his tutor is a woman but the greeting can be edited!
The "Accidentally" calling him your husband tiktok trend with Jason Todd gn user
Girldad Jason Todd doing his daughter's hair gn user
Girldad Jason Todd meeting his daughter's s/o gn user
Jason Todd has a problem with his girlfriend's 3am singing fem user
Lucifer (Obey me!) enjoying a rainy day with you. gn user
(still adding more!)
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doremimosasol · 10 months
Masterlist ⋆⭒˚.⋆
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡. c.ai bots
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡. headcanons
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡. oneshots
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡. moodboards
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡. some other stuff
Find my c.ai account by clicking here <3
Find my Wattpad account by clicking here <3
Find my TikTok account by clicking here <3
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Character.ai bots .𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。
• Mattheo Riddle (hp)
Found him by the astronomy tower
Death Eater meeting at your family’s house
An unexpected encounter in the common room
A walk through the woods
Seeking for some quiet at the Black Lake
Ghostface au (requested)
Seven minutes in heaven
College au (requested)
Made him mad
Divination class (requested)
After Quidditch practice
Hunger Games au (requested)
Brother’s best friend (requested)
Jealous (requested)
Enemies to benefits (requested)
A cat? (requested)
Destroying horcruxes
Professor Riddle (requested)
Let it (not) snow (requested)
Happy New Year!
The flu (requested)
Little lion (requested)
Arranged marriage (requested)
Don’t talk to him
Valentine’s Day
Death Eater mask
You belong to me
He got into a fight (requested)
Cuddles (requested)
Violent books (requested)
Big boss (requested) (yet to come)
Three Broomsticks (requested) (yet to come)
Academic rivals (requested) (yet to come)
Icy (requested) (yet to come)
Too young (requested) (yet to come)
Toxic (requested) (yet to come)
Soulmate (requested) (yet to come)
Just a bet (requested) (yet to come)
• Theodore Nott (hp)
Cleaning his wounds (requested)
Jealous (requested)
Friends with benefits
The red string (requested)
A little bit older… (requested)
Little (golden) snitch (requested)
Ghostface au (requested)
Academic rivals (requested)
Player (requested)
• Lorenzo Berkshire (hp)
One kiss?
Ghostface au (requested)
Quiet common room
Piercer (requested) (yet to come)
His muse (yet to come)
• Tom Riddle (hp)
The ring
Tutor (requested)
The Chamber of Secrets
Ghostface au (requested)
• Professor Tom Riddle (hp)
• Blaise Zabini (hp)
Late night snack (yet to come)
• Draco Malfoy (hp)
Written in the stars (requested) (yet to come)
Sleepy (requested) (yet to come)
• Regulus Black (hp)
Partners in class (requested)
• Slytherin boys groupchat (hp)
(yet to come)
• Minho (tmr)
You’re a med-Jack
• Niragi Suguru (aib)
The new nurse
• Coriolanus Snow (thg)
(yet to come)
• Finnick Odair (thg)
Quarter Quell training
• Luke Castellan (pjo)
Hot summer training (requested)
• Simon Ghost Riley (cod)
(yet to come)
• Drew Wrigley (tml)
(yet to come)
Headcanons .𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。
Pain(ed) - Mattheo Riddle
Christmas - Mattheo Riddle (requested)
Ravenclaw!reader - Mattheo Riddle (requested)
Hufflepuff!reader - Mattheo Riddle (requested)
Slytherin!reader - Mattheo Riddle (requested)
Gryffindor!reader - Mattheo Riddle (requested)
A little bit older… - Theodore Nott (requested)
She’s off-limits - Theodore Nott (requested) (yet to come)
Just to make them jealous? - Draco Malfoy (requested) (yet to come)
Stay over for the Holidays - Draco Malfoy (requested) (yet to come)
Filthy mudblood - Draco Malfoy (requested) (yet to come)
Oneshots ˖˚☽˚。
Pain(ed) - Mattheo Riddle
Pain(ed) - Mattheo Riddle blurb
Pain(ed) - Mattheo Riddle pt2 (yet to come)
Through the years - Mattheo Riddle
Marked - Tom riddle
To heaven and back - Theodore Nott
Drunk promises - Mattheo Riddle
Roses in silver lining - Tom Riddle
Little secret - Mattheo Riddle
Drabbles ˖
#1 - Mattheo Riddle
Gifs .𖥔 ݁ ˖
Mattheo Riddle | Marcus Lopez
Moodboards .𖥔 ݁ ˖
The Slytherin boys are pretty but…
Harry Potter characters
Harry Potter pets
Dating Mattheo Riddle
Dating Theodore Nott
Dating Tom Riddle
Dating Lorenzo Berkshire (yet to come)
Dating Remus Lupin (yet to come)
Dating Regulus Black (yet to come)
Dating James Potter (yet to come)
Dating Draco Malfoy (yet to come)
Dating Sirius Black (yet to come)
Dating Barty Crouch Jr (yet to come)
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erospandemos · 11 months
Boyfriend Tutorial
Sieun x Male Reader
Length: 3.2k
Sieun has to teach you how to be her boyfriend.
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You wake up thanks to your phone ringtone, blasting the default bell jingle in your right ear, with a humid pool in your notebook and a huge pain in your back. Certainly falling asleep at your desk wasn’t a good sleep position for your spine, and not a comfortable one either, but literature was so powerful, it knocked you out in less than thirty minutes. That said, behind that loud ringtone, you were already sensing an upcoming pain in the ass.
Your phone was almost demanding to be answered, it was as if the notes were screaming in your face. You take a deep breath and pick your phone up to see the person who was calling: “Puppy”. Now, you would’ve never saved anyone with such a name on your contacts but you were forced into it, by the same person that was calling you now, your girlfriend.
Once you slid the green button across the screen, her filtered voice came blasting at full volume.
“Good morning sleepyhead! I bet you had the most profound, warm, dream-inducing, fairy-like sleep ever, right? Must have been so heavenly!” You could already tell it wasn’t a “good” morning for her and it wasn’t supposed to be one for you either. Her voice was already cracking your speaker, she must have been fuming mad.
“Good morning, Sieun…” you said softly, testing the ground.
“Wh—first of all, Sieun? We’ve already discussed this before, baby, say it.”
“Well done. Second, good morning? Babe, it’s 2 pm!”
“Well, you said it first and I—”
“It was sarcasm, you idiot. Can’t you even tell?” she complained. The large sigh behind the speaker gives you a moment to rest then Sieun starts again. “Gosh, I don’t know how I’m the girlfriend of such an airhead… Anyways, listen here mister.”
You lean back into the chair and look to the ceiling, calling the help of the gods, the angels, the deities above but you know nobody could rescue you now. She said the phrase, Sieun’s mom mode was activated and you could not escape.
“Not only I didn’t receive a good night text, which we have agreed on, not only I didn’t receive a good morning text, but you didn’t say anything to me all day! Wh-what am I? I’m your girlfriend, not a random friend you talk to only when you feel like it.”
“Sieun—honey, I…”
“Go ahead, give me your excuses. Like you always do,” Sieun scoffs. You don’t even dare to sigh, if she heard it, she’d go on another rant about you not caring enough or whatever she had in mind—you didn’t know. Next time you should ask your friend to code you a bot to send her texts or remind you to do it, because at this rate, it was only a matter of time until she’d kill you.
“Nothing, honey, I’m sorry.”
“Well, you’re unforgiven. You better make up for it, alright?”
“Okay, tomorrow I’ll—”
“Not tomorrow! Right now. We’re going on a date. We’ve been a couple for two months and you’ve only taken me on one date when you confessed. I’m tired of waiting, you’re taking me on one right now. Think of a place while you come to my dorm.” When she was done talking, Sieun closed the call without giving you time to say anything else.
You go back to your normal sitting posture to think. Sure, you had to prepare for your test but that was in a week and even if it was a lot of material, it was a threat in the future while Sieun was a very close threat. Putting things on a scale of importance, your girlfriend seemed to be a bit further up. Fine, the date was already decided, you might as well go. 
Being Sieun’s boyfriend was, in a lack of words, demanding. You’ve known her for a long time before getting together with her: you were her personal tutor. In the past, her character was definitely rougher and you had to take a long time before she trusted you, but after that you got to see her sweet side. In a mix of hormones and surprise, you eventually asked her out and in a even more surprising twist, she liked you too.
Unfortunately, it was right at the start of your midterm so you couldn’t spend much time with her. Frustruation must have gotten to her too and she was more irritated than usual.
Anyways, you don’t ask yourself anymore questions as you drive the car away from your dorm and drive to your Sieun. While on the road, you looked around thinking of where to take her. She was a very energetic girl and bringing her to watch a movie or to a café would have been very stupid of you. Something like a bowling or an arcade was more fitting. Yeah, you should go to the arcade.
You arrive at her dorm in probably 10 minutes. You knock on the door of her room and another girl opens the door for you. You know her, she’s Sumin, Sieun’s roommate. She comes out of the room like the priest of the Oracle of Delphi, ready to give you one of her prophecies and it wasn’t going to be a good one.
She looks at you with a mixture of fear and worry but politely gives you a smile. “You got Sieun real upset, she’s been complaining all morning,” she says.
“Sorry about that,” you reply apologetically, rubbing the back of your head and bowing. 
“It’s okay, I’m used to it,” she chuckles. “Anyways, she’s in her room, she’s still changing so you can wait in the living room. I’m gonna go buy some groceries.”
“Thank you, Sumin.”
“Good luck,” she says and runs down the stairs. Now it’s only you and Sieun. 
“Honey, I’m here!” you yell at a random direction and Sieun yells back, “You can come in, I’m pretty much done!” You come into her room like a soldier on a battle field. There is stuff everywhere on the floor: clothes, make up, bags, magazines, and if you ever dared to step on one of them, it would be over for you. 
Sieun was sitting in front of a mirror, touching up her lips. She raises an eyebrow, looking at you through the window, then continues to put on her red in a comfortable silence. You limit yourself to looking at her and thinking about what you’ll do later.
She was done. Sieun got up after clicking the lipstick and grabbed her bag. 
She wore a beautiful white dress, simple in appearance but full of little decors up close, it narrows just a little under the chest, not to show too much of her curves but let completely uncovered her shoulders and collarbones, where your eyes went the most. Her pink wavy hair adorned her face perfectly, making her face look smaller and sharper. 
The moment she got up, the air inside the room was pushed out, and a sudden void was left in your lungs as you couldn’t master up any coherent word. You stutter a bit, and turn around to shield yourself from a too strong beauty. 
“Uhm… so, I was thinking of going—” you can barely start when Sieun interrupts you.
“Really? Is that what you’re going to say?” she scoffs. You turn around and see her rolling her eyes, folding her arms, and leaning back on one leg.
“You’re really useless, aren’t you?” she starts. “You’re lucky I’m an understanding person, the other girls would have left you already, but you have a lot to learn.”
“What did I do wrong?” “Well, I made myself this pretty and you’re just going to ignore it?!” Her voice suddenly increases in pitch and in volume. “A good boyfriend has to give a lot of compliments, you know that? I have to teach you everything apparently.”
“It’s just that… I do think you’re very pretty but I didn’t know what to say. You were so beautiful, you made me speechless. You don’t know how much I want to kiss you right now,” you say honestly. 
Sieun is flustered, her cheeks become as pink as hair and she starts to look for a place to hide, without finding one, she covers her face with her hair and storms out of the room. “You said you got a place already, right? Let’s go,” she declares with a mighty voice and then with another almost inaudible voice, she whispers to herself, “What an idiot. He could’ve kept it to himself…”
You can hear her from the other side of the room and sigh at her hypocrisy but whatever, she was cute.
After you told her what you planned and made sure she approved of everything, you went down the dorm and started walking, it was just ten minutes from the building. You start talking about college and the upcoming tests but most of all, you let her rant because she always a lot on her mind.
Things were too smoothly to be true and after five minutes Sieun stops walking. You took a couple of steps before realizing and turn around.
“So are you not gonna do it?” she scoffs.
“What? What should I do?” you ask with confusion. 
Sieun stands there with her fist rolled and her lips curled in an annoyed frown. She doesn’t look so much of a princess anymore. “Gosh, you’re so dense, what do I do with you…? Hold hand! You have to hold my hand!”
“Look around, dear,” she says and sways her arms to show you, “All the couples are holding hands because that’s what couples do.” Sieun then stretches her arm out, holding her palm open to you. She flicks her chin, without watching you in the eyes, “So?”
You sigh and take her hand. “There.”
You start to walk again and this time Sieun's steps are wider, with more bounce in her shoulders. You chuckle to yourself, if she really wanted to hold hands, she could have just asked nicely. But that wasn’t really in character with her. 
“You know,” you start and she turns to look at you. “Your hand is really soft. Your skin is so nice.”
“Is that so?” she almost whispers and turns the other way. “Well, your hand is all rough and shitty.”
“You really got a way with words, honey.” “Walk faster.”
On your way to the arcade, a small sandwich house catches your eye. It was one of those small shops that students usually buy their lunches from, and you know it was good from how worn the tables were. Sieun sees it too and mentions how she always wanted to try it. Come to think of it, you always bought her food as a prize for studying when you were her own tutor. 
The arcade is just two from there, you’re already thinking of what games to play: maybe the racing games or the street fighter, it’s been a while since you last tried it. 
Sieun stops again.
You almost slap your face but you can’t let her see too much of your annoyance because that was another trigger for her.
“Is anything bothering you, honey?” you ask carefully. This time you chose your words more wisely.
“Do you know what girls like?” Sieun asks you back. “Everyone should know it by now.”
“Bags? Make-up? Kai?”
“Other than that.” She rolls her eyes.
“I don’t know… Money? Everyone likes money.”
“It’s food, you dumbass! Girls like food. If you want a girl to like you, you must offer her food.”
“What does that have to do with— ah… you want me to buy you a sandwich?”
“I don’t want you to buy it. I’m expecting you to do it. Like, I have never seen a boyfriend not offer his girlfriend food. I shouldn’t even have to remind you, you should already know it…”
“Okay, let’s get you something good to eat,” you say and enter the shop while your girlfriend happily hops behind you. The shop was just like how you thought, warm, comfy, and traditional. The person working there was an old woman, with a beautiful smile, that Sieun immediately greeted with excitement even if she never saw her. 
You order the food and your bad mood is completely gone while you watch Sieun gulp down the sandwich with her cheeks full.
“This is shoooo good!” she barely says. Even if she was a rich kid, nobody has ever taught her manners. No, actually, they did teach her manners but she just chose not to follow them. 
“Do you want a bite?” she then asks you. Leaning on one of her hands she watches you sideways, brushing you with her gaze, “You’re blushing.”
“No, I’m not.”
“So do you wanna try?” You nod. Sieun smiles and offers it to you with both her hands over the table. You lean over and take a bite. It was delicious, the eggs and the mayonnaise worked perfectly together and the bread wasn’t too mushy either. But most of all, you two must have looked like one of those couples from the korean dramas Sieun always watches. 
She giggles while you clean yourself.
“Damn this is great.”
“I know right! It's so good!” she replies. “Okay, now let me try a bite of yours.”
 You give her the sandwich. Yours was way too messy to be fed to her like she did. You take some extra napkins and you swear you hear a “nom” coming from her. 
“Whoa! Yours is even better! Why didn't I choose that one?”
“Wanna switch?”
“No, it’s fine.”
 When you were done eating, you finally reached the arcade, while holding her hand of course. The flashing lights and no windows really contrasted with the sunny outside. The AC was turned on, because there was no other ventilation, and it was more chilly than outside. Sieun had goosebumps all over her arms and was stroking her skin to warm up.
You give her your flannel shirt. She looks at you with surprise at first then happily puts it on.
“Oh… looks like you’re finally learning,” she smugly says. Sieun is like a little kid in a candy shop. She runs around the machines being easily impressed by every little image she sees on the screens. All that with your big shirts around her, it makes you so proud and happy. It was the dream of every boy come true.
The first game you chose to play together was Street Fighter. You got a couple of tokens, inserted the first one, and chose your characters. You take Ryu because you just liked him more while Sieun takes Chun Li. 
Sieun only knows to spam the buttons and slam the machine out of anger whenever she gets hit.
“Sieun, you’re supposed to get out of the way when I punch you, not stay still.”
“Well, I don’t know how to do that!”
“Just move your joystick.”
“It’s easy for you to say it,” she yells and starts pressing random buttons again. After a long beating, it only takes you one final hadouken to beat her, for the fourth time. Sieun stomps her feet like a little kid, she’s fuming. 
“Don’t you know you’re supposed to let your girlfriend win?” she yells at you.
“Who says that?”
“Everyone knows that!” she says and leaves you alone to find another game, all while throwing you every insult she knew. 
You let her cool down for a couple of minutes then went to search her. It took you a while but then you found her in front of the claw machine, the one with the stuffed animals, as she didn’t have any interest in football balls. She looks at you. You look at her.
“Let me guess, you’re going to say boyfriend always get stuffed animals?”
“Tell me, I’m wrong, I dare you.”
“You’re wrong.”
“Damn you— you already know what I mean.”
“Yeah, I know. I’ll get it for you, okay?” you say. You put in a token. 
Flash forward, you already wasted 5 tokens and you still haven’t got it. Some machines are design to have weak-ass claws so you can’t ever get the thing up, some others have adjustable weights to keep a win-to-profit ratio but the thing that infuriated you the most was how close you were getting—it was just a couple of centimeters from the hole.
“Ooh! You almost got it that time!”
It took you another ten minutes of wasted tokens and swearing to finally get the giant plushie bear. Sieun celebrated so loudly she attracted the eyes of everyone in that room, but you didn’t care, you were too tired.
“Thank you, baby!” she says. “It’s so soft and it’s as big as me.”
“It looks like you.”
“You mean I’m fat?” Her eyes pierce through your heart and you suddenly felt a bullet into your chest.
“No! No no no no no. I mean it’s cute as you.”
“Be careful, mister,” Sieun comments and starts walking on her own. She stumbles upon an air hockey table and challenges you. 
You sigh and go along with her. She just wants to have fun, air hockey is too easy anyways.
She destroyed you.
11 - 1. How did she even do that? She was way too fast, you couldn’t even see the pluck and she already scored. She didn’t even celebrate, she already knew she won from the first few seconds. You never saw anyone play as good as her, with impenetrable defense and flashy attack.
“Whatever,” you say, defeated.
“Not so cocky anymore huh?”
“It has gotten late, let’s go.” But Sieun doesn’t let you go. She holds your wrist. 
“Are you not gonna say I did good? Boyfriends always—”
“Aish, shut up,” you shut her up and placed your hand on her head. Despite your disappointment, you handled her hair with a lot of gentleness. Feeling her grouchiness come back to her after her momentary confusion ceased, she opened her mouth to grumpily tell you to stop touching, but suddenly felt a very pleasant spark on the top of her head. Her words died a little in her mouth. 
Sure enough, you were head patting Sieun, giving her little scratches behind her ears on her scalp. From the way you were doing it, Sieun wouldn’t be surprised if you owned a lot of cats. 
She had never gotten petted before, but the feeling was so pleasant it felt like her head was being clouded up with warmth, barely able to focus on any thoughts under the overwhelmingly nice sensation. She felt herself lean into the touch, his grumpiness completely forgotten.
You looked at her amusement and chuckled, “You kinda look like a cute cat.”
Sieun’s face burned red when she realized she was totally enjoying it as if she was touch-deprived and desperate. 
“You were really good, really good,” you say at the end and let her go.
“...Mh… thank you,” she whispers.
“So did I do good too?”
“Maybe.” Sieun storms out of the building, like always. 
You laugh before running to reach her. Looks like the date was successful, maybe she’ll start treating you nicer next time. For now, she looked so cute, you didn’t care at all.
Written, 27 July 203 - 29 July 2023
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