#tfw you get cucked
MAY THE BEST BAIT WIN! propaganda under the cut:
grace blackthorn and christopher lightwood:
Okay so basically in Shadowhunters there was this family tree, and on it it stated that Christopher and Grace got married and had a kid. And in the book series they were just good friends. Cassandra Clare (the author) has said it’s inaccurate. But like cmon you said they were going to get married 😭😭
kwan and win:
This is a Thai teen drama that focuses on many teens going through hardships and it's very dramatic and very fun I love it so much THESE TWO. They circled around each other for two whole seasons and the tension was there!! He was a bad boy, she was a good girl, every time they spoke there was something in the air. They were both arguably the leads of an ensemble cast and it really felt like they were being set up to get together but then it just... never happens. This show has been out for 10 years and I'm still mad about it. THE WASTED POTENTIAL OF IT ALL
neo, mew, and shin:
Before the show aired there was all this speculation over who Neo (a boy) was going to choose, Mew (a girl) or Shin (a boy). A lot of people suspected that Neo and Mew would get together and even though the trailers seemed to imply that there was something between Neo and Shin, that it wouldn't end well for them. Turns out the show went a completely different direction and ended up with polyamory with all three dating each other. This song from the show released before the show came out and there's a lot of comments from people before the show came out trying to figure out who's going to end up together (with some people saying that they hope it'll be poly but are sure that it probably won't be) https://youtu.be/5w-nDbr2fxY And here's the famous kiss scene (there's no subs in this clip but the general vibe is that they're telling Shin (the shorter guy) that even the two of them have feelings for each other, they care about him too) https://youtu.be/Gr4fTrXqL8k https://64.media.tumblr.com/80a1b4441645c65825f221a42d2e88ed/36e07bb804d7de75-59/s540x810/bd1bb49d299d904c8ffe9a26b970caf9567eaae3.pnj
fitzroy angursell and pali avramapul:
I’m pretty sure even the author thought they were straight and endgame when she started writing them. Although initially Pali is portrayed as the love of Fitzroy’s life so that you think you’re going to have to put up with this straight relationship, she’s later canonically confirmed aroace with a lot of subtext around two other women, while it becomes clear in later books that Fitzroy has a growing interest in another man. Tfw you are sure they’re going to kiss by the end of the book and then it turns out that previous marriage proposals were plausibly about friendship in the first place
naoko takahashi and shouta oohara:
this “show” is a 2 episode hentai so I can understand if this doesn’t get in the brackets lol (I would not recommend watching this hentai for the sex scenes, I just remember reading about Oohara getting cucked for a girl and thinking that I had to see this) So, it starts off with Takahashi being in love with Oohara and they do have ghost sex in the first part of the episode 1 but what happens is that even though they have the opportunity to be together as ghosts, Takahashi pretty much IMMEDIATELY forgets about Oohara because she becomes completely infatuated with this ghost girl named Sakurako to the point where even when Oohara turns into a tiny penis in episode 2 but Takahashi doesn’t give a fuck
the joker and harley quinn:
They were a thing. She left his toxic ass for a cool plant lady. Good for her.
good luck! now go vote!
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bewitchedboyfriend · 4 months
Tfw you get repeatedly sneeze cucked by your spouse 🤬🤬🤬
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caeciliam · 2 years
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“You are tearing me apart, Lisa!”
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lolly-d-art · 5 years
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Some cutesy little sticker-y quote thingies I've been making of my demon boys. They started out as memes for friends (that middle one is an inside joke between @blue-bean-exe and I) but I like this squishy art style so I wanna keep doing 'em to practice inking.
Please do not repost or use my art without permission. Reblogs and likes are very much appreciated!
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chit-a-to · 2 years
tfw that moment when you realize both Inuyasha and Naraku were the only actual decent guys left in the series.
I must say, it was VERY Chad of both Inuyasha and Naraku to only be interested in either women their own age or older, an extreme power move that they didn’t somehow manage to get ruined by Sunrise and regress into a cuck lolicon like Pedomaru became. Poor Pedomaru has become such a pathetic cuck, he had to resort to grooming his ward as soon as she bled Jaken alerted she was legal. Can no longer pull actual adult women his own age since Kagura kicked the bucket, my how the mighty have fallen.
Good guys that Inuyasha and Naraku. (Miroku and Koga aren’t included in here because Miroku once hit on an 11 year old and Koga had Sunrise invent him Ayame, but even they at least didn’t make advances at a girl they fucking raised!)
damn anon........
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you're so goddamn right! I've never realized that 🤯🤯
I told y'all shitrise is too lazy to design a whole narrative for another OC that's why they gotta make do with the only left character that could be turned into a cash grab 🤣🤣 inadvertently making him a pedophile LMAO what a fucking disgusting shit they pulled.
btw im so so so so sorry for the late reply anon pls don't be mad at me ☹
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rapono-writes-stuff · 2 years
Tfw you wanna write but you get cucked by brain fog, stress, and depression.
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rainbow-reilly · 3 years
tfw you get cucked by rumpelstiltskin 😔
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arrow-dodger · 4 years
Tfw no big tiddy Hannah playfully bullying me 😔 why live
Okay so this has been sitting in my inbox for like, weeks, maybe months now, and I find it so fucking irritating. Like, there are I think three of you who send me “anons” with your really specific fetishes, hoping I’ll play along. I know exactly which accounts you are (and I know who two of you are on instagram too for the record), and one of you follows me on Onlyfans and messages me there now because I ignore all your messages here lmao. Not the person who sent this one, I’m pretty sure, but one of you.
I just don’t get it. PERSONALLY if I had a fetish for being bullied or cucked or sissified I would not feel comfortable approaching total strangers asking them to engage in scenes with me, especially when that person doesn’t share my fetish and gets nothing out of it. There are websites like Fetlife where you can talk about this shit, ya know. Or sex workers who you can pay to enact your fetishes with, for that matter. I don’t do that kind of stuff! I’m sorry! Except I’m not even sorry because I’ve been way too nice thus far!!
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carnivaldisasters · 4 years
tfw you get cucked by a vase
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thisonesforkawoshin · 5 years
Tfw you get turned into orange juice because a depressed child wont get in the robot cause his father is a cuck lmao
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somnilogical · 6 years
tfw someone "doesnt know who you are contextually" and insists on knowing this after youve already been talking with each other for 39 minutes
^ heres one of my blogs i just realized this is a #valid way to get context on me
i /like/ being able to cognitively access different parts of me in different places and everyone asking 4 ur visa and being a fucking neophobic cuck destroys that its really hard to think in significantly different ways when everyone has the same expectations. i dont know if you track this or care but yr fear of interacting with people without context erodes the ability of people to be different.
so ppl u meet will all be speaking as they would to the median person in their default context. unless they work really hard to resist these pressures and that is an /enormous/ cognitive load 4 a lot of people.
i dont understand why you want the people you talk with to be narratively cohesive with things you have seen before. this urge kills so much creativity in this world. putting ppl in some sort of simplified framework so u can stereotype them and they are more predictable, easier to control simpler to parse.
i fucking hate that pattern so much. (i dont hate people who house the pattern for being scared but they are like complicit in making the world a more boring place, something thats easier for people to swallow. abd that does SO much damage. i... dont understand why?? people cant sit with the prediction error until it makes sense and beg others to snap something in to a top-down pattern they have seen before. you lose out on seeing anything new. and just see "female 5'6" brown eyes blue hair" (these are not my stats) or whatever the fuck your ontology is. why would you /want/ that? )
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zzariyo · 6 years
I'll post a bit about some of my OCs- these ones are in a d&d kinda verse that I share with @nyainou and I hope that if I somehow do become a writer, I'll polish them and make a proper story for a YA series. or. or something.
also keep in mind that..these drawings were made over a course of ten months...and a lot of it was before I figured out how to draw some things properly...and about a year ago I gave up on drawing and stopped trying so a lot of these are. Hm.
Thatcher is a wee little mousefolk boy who's the son of Ordic, the Chief of the Western mousefolk tribes. He's the most optimistic little thing you could ever meet, and he's always in high spirits even after bad things keep happening to him. He's innocent, sweet and naïve to a fault, mainly because he believes that everyone is inherently good- even if they do evil things.
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here is him as puss in boots in a shrek AU jskdghagskjhgkj
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human Thatcher
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Long story short, Ordic vvvv reluctantly comes to an agreement with the Chief of the Western mousefolk tribes to have their children marry to hopefully spread peace among all the clans. He hires the well-known mercenary/bounty hunter duo Galumir and Kreet to take his son Thatcher to the Western clans to meet his betrothed and future family. 
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Galumir is a big ol’ fucking softie of a half-orc. Similar to Thatcher, he’s also an optimist and always tries to look on the bright side of things. He’s extremely jolly, loud and sort of obnoxious, which draws unwanted attention sometimes. Honestly, he’s just a huge dope that just cares too much. I won’t get into his backstory, but it’s a thing. lol 
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young Gal is fun...
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Kreet....is an ass. A real big ass. He has 0 patience and 0 tolerance for anyone. He has a tendency to hide in the shadows which is very off-putting. He’s very stern, gets angry easily, and barely ever smiles. Being a Kenku, he isn’t able to speak coherently and communicates with sign language...but that isn’t to say that he won’t scream if something makes him mad. That being said, he really does care about the ones he’s close to. I also won’t get into his backstory, but in a nutshell, he gets routinely cucked lol.
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Also he keeps falling in love with the worst ppl. y’know. cuz he’s an idiot.
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Here is a baby Kreet for your viewing pleasure
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Here’s him in an 80s AU lol....tfw ur a fucking bird
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Here’s him carrying Thatcher in a...thing
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Kreet and Galumir, even though they’re polar opposites,  have a strong connection. They’re kinda like platonic soul mates.
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Yi Yi is...a total gremlin. She’s very smelly and chews on rocks. Originally, she was hired to killed Thatcher but became more of a pest than a threat...and eventually was fired. After that though she still stuck around, messing up Thatcher’s life. Thatcher is insistent on making her his friend though, and while she acts like she hates him, she actually really enjoys his company.
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Also she’s a huge lesbian
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Here’s Nola. She’s Thatcher’s betrothed but is a couple of years older than him. She’s creepy and a bit of a grouch. Her interests are especially creepy...she has a fascination with death and likes to embalm small animals...she also collects bones, skulls, cadavers, and other weird things. I don’t have a lot of pictures of her...
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there’s more characters in this verse of course, as well as more story but. ehhhhhhh
r u happy now u god damn animals
note: there’s an AU where everyone deals with their trauma differently and Thatcher is evil. And uh evil adult Thatcher?
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he’s fun
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wyrmguardsecrets · 6 years
tfw you get cucked by a futa orc
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mrseifuzu · 7 years
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tfw you get cucked by a black drone
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lilirulu · 7 years
tfw you get cucked from getting your 4* waifu by a 5*
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oyasumi-eri · 7 years
Tfw you play Hanzo really well, get POTG, make the enemy team really pissed, then tell them to calm down bc it’s just a game, and you unironically get called a cuck.
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