#tgd headcanon
sebscore · 1 year
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pairing: kimi raikkonen x driver!reader
warnings: mention of jumping off a moving bus. mention of max.
author’s note: THE ICEMAN !!! this might be my fav headcanons posts, cause the dynamics are too good :)
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:: The unexpected fan favourite duo that no one saw coming.
:: grumpy x sunshine
:: People thought her outgoing personality would be too much for the Iceman, but they were strangely compatible.
:: Kimi is always fond of the many stories she tells him and the other drivers, cause she doesn’t expect him to say anything back- him listening is enough for her.
:: He doesn’t always understand her humour.
:: For example, when they were on the driver’s parade bus, she joked she was going to jump off, because Max was starting behind her in the race and said that jumping off the bus would be an easier death.
:: Y/N grabbed the railing and pretended to jump off, and Kimi immediately stuck his hand out to her, because he thought she was being serious.
:: Unlike Sebastian and Lewis, Kimi is very subtle about taking care of her.
:: He doesn’t necessarily gives her advice, but will open her water bottle or save a seat for her in the driver’s briefings.
:: The Fin began to like the briefings more once she joined the grid.
:: She always has a weird story to tell that has him (everyone) laughing or flat out worried about her personal life.
:: There is no in-between.
:: Y/N likes how Kimi treats her like she’s any other driver. He thinks she’s talented and that’s all that matters to him.
:: She’s his daughter’s favourite driver and only started karting, because she wants to be like Y/N and not because her dad is a race car driver.
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Well. That episode hurt me xD
Accidentally wrote scared instead of hurt because I was thinking about how they were one of the couples of my shows I was most scared about and here we are xD but scared is also accurate lol. Scared me for weeks and here I am now lol xd. All throughout as well xD. Anyway!
Time for the. . .
Not as official as my 911 or tgd ones but yk, just saying that format for fun and because it deserves it :))
I really enjoyed this episode!! It genuinely was a super good episode, even if it did cut me deep in a way that will never heal :). xD But seriously, there were a lot of funny moments, as well as genuine emotional ones, and I had a lot of fun watching it :').
Now, first of all, to get it out of the way (aka it's the longest section, and I still probably won't say everything I want to, but I also want it the freshest in my mind): Jacob and Zach breaking up. I think I've made my feelings in that pretty clear lol, but just in case you missed anything: I hate it. I hate it I hate it I hate it I hate it and how could they do this to me 😭. But genuinely, the reason wasn't awful (like nobody cheated or anything, thank goodness), we got to see Jacob's growth and non-growth through his being honest and his avoidance, and we got some super funny while also super heartfelt moments (mostly separate). I just really wish they didn't break up xd.
A big thing for me is that most of the time, especially if it's something that happens earlier in a show, and that show is still airing, I don't like not following canon. I like to think in ideas mostly canon compliant. But here's the thing: I probably won't really write anything with them broken up, at least right now I don't want to. But if there's ever something I want to write about in the future, I'll want to put them in there as together, and that changes things, and it's just a whole complex thing that I'd rather not deal with. It's a lot of emotional work for me for some reason and it's just annoying lol.
Because like, I have WIPs about them. I've written about them and just never finished or posted anything, and I want to continue writing about them. But it feels weird now, especially because of the anger in the breakup xd. Sometimes I process ways to make me feel better about decisions I don't like through fic, by writing how it works out in my head. I might do that for a getting back together fic, because I really think they deserve not to break up :((.
Anyway, about actual canon now: I am glad they can be happy on their own now. But I still really wish they were together xd. I also saw someone mention how the headcanon that Jacob's parents didn't like each other (which I agree with and have as a headcanon as well, maybe even because of that person lol) seems to fit his whole "honeymoon, hell, married and die" stages thing, and I think that if I do write a getting back together (cough cough coming to your senses-) fic that'll be a big part of the breakup reasoning. Anyway, right, canon xD.
I still really loved this episode, it just hurt me beyond compare lol. Sighh, I honestly don't know why, I just really loved them :'//. I'm honestly still in denial about them breaking up at all, it doesn't feel real and canonical yet xD. I really started to convince myself it would be okay, despite being scared :') xd. But, that's how it goes sometimes. I really do hope that some day they get back together, but I think the writers kind of burned that bridge (maybe purposefully - also, I say the writers because Jacob and Zach could become more amicable in the future lol).
Anyway, I'll probably have more feels later, but that breakup scene was raw man 😭. Honestly, I'm glad the jokes were there to lighten to the mood, but at the same time, I'm like "they deserve to have seriousness for their breakup". This was a four year relationship, man, you know? And they did get some genuine emotion, joke-free, which I appreciate <33. Speaking of, their ACTING was phenomenal!! They really gave us that :D. Their emotions were so real and accurate, it was just really good overall :). Also, if it must be his exit, that was on awesome exit for Zach/Larry xDD (as I saw someone say). Lol, I love these two idiots <33.
I do really hope one day they'll get back together, but like I said, I'm not holding my breath. I mean, I probably am anyway because I love them so much and I want them into be okay, but nonetheless lol. Especially with the anger in the breakup - it's hard to get past that narratively xd.
Anyway, long story short: I wish they didn't break up, but I'm glad they got the focus they deserved when they did. An episode titled for their storyline, an actual breakup scene and no cutaway, the entire conversation, and not even at the very of episode! Still, I already miss them so much <33. I love my boys 😭😭😭😭❤️💔💔💔❤️🥰🥰 <333.
Anyway!! Seeing Gregory be there for Jacob was really sweet :'DD. If we can't have Zach and Jacob, and least we have Jacob and Gregory's bestiesm :DD. They are so sweet and adorable y'all 😭😭😭❤️🥰. I love them going out together <33.
Janine and Melissa were great this episode xD Oh my gosh, I loved Janine this episode xDD. It was so good lol, so many funny moments. Also I loved the nonbinary sub 🥰🥰. Just that little bit of representation was so nice 🥰🥰 :'D.
Mr. Johnson being jealous and angry about Gregory and Jacob spending time together was great xD. Poor guy lol xd.
Ava helping Barbara out this episode SLAYYEDD :DD!! Also I'm so proud of Barbara for standing up for herself :').
The feeling of being ostracized a bit because of being too progressive is one I know and will probably know even more in the future xD. Also her saying a part of it is being friends with "some of the more colorful people" at Abbott 😭. I'm so not okay <33. She's talking about Ava, Jacob, Melissa, even Mr. Johnson, Gregory, and Janine to a point. I know that feeling as well and it is a scary and isolating one. I'm so proud of Barbara for standing up to them, and showing what she believes in, and I'm so happy for her :'D. Also she SLAYEDD that performance :D. And even though it sucks the shade the church ladies were throwing was good. But anyway, I loved the Ava and Barbara friendship :DD!! It was really great, and interesting angle to look at things from :). Also, Mr. Johnson being ex LDS is not what I was expecting on my bingo sheet for today lol /lh. Wild xD, but funny lol.
I am very tired lol, sorry if not all of this makes sense. Probably more later too, don't you worry :)
Overall, I really did enjoy this episode. It had some super great moments, and even though it broke me, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. Whether I'm happy with the decision they (characters and writers) made or not lol xD. Still, super amazing episode :)). I loved it :D.
So, yeah! I loved this episode. It hurt me, but I'm still so excited for the next one. This has been my review of. . .
Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 5: Breakup
It absolutely killed me - wiped me out. But I am interested to see what happens next time, and what stays relevant from this episode. I'll be back next week for my review of. . .
Abbott Elementary, Season 3, Episode 6: Willard R. Abbott
See you then!!
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teafiend · 6 months
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Thoroughly enjoyed and loved “Through the Darkness” and the production quality ⭐️ Fabulously performed, written and executed ✨👏🏽 (Special kudos to the actors performing the serial killers! They were skillfully villainous and horrifying!) 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Especially loved the filter/colours and the angling of the shots - which reminded me quite a bit of “The Guest” in terms of angles and staging choices - and how wonderfully they utilised that technique to make scenes more intimate and poignant, to highlight the stark - or stoically accepting - emotions of the characters❣️ The clean and “simple” framings were simply fantastic!
Loved all the characters and particularly supporting character journalist-Chae 😍🤩 So pretty and principled❤️‍🔥
But what is it with SBS crime dramas and their characters’ un-shippable vibes? 😅🤔 To paraphrase the title of a fascinating article, “Everyone is Beautiful and an ‘Aroace’ Super-workaholic”! (“Everyone is Beautiful and No One is Horny” by Blood Knife)
(Except for our illustrious Team Leader Kook, who was canonically, happily married - offscreen - with children! A rarity these days). Not saying that is an issue per se, but give this pathetic shipping fangirl some crumbs somewhere?!
I wanted to ship someone so badly - for headcanon’s sake - but they made it so difficult 🤪🧐 (Not that I watched these type of shows - I know there will be none - for the romance/chance at shipping but still…)
I encountered this similar problem with “Nobody Knows”, and I am quite sure the performers not being my preferences (or fanciable to me) is NOT the only reason I had a hard time trying to come up with shipping feels, because I had a bit of shipping fun - as ephemeral as it was - with “The Good Detective” and most of the performers were not inspiring much feels either, but I still definitively shipped them while watching the drama. That said, I much prefer TtD as a show than TGD though both are excellent in different ways.
Ah, made me miss “The Guest” and the feels - and fixation - they inspired and provoked ❤️‍🔥😭 Also made me appreciate and thankful for the production even more each turn❣️ (I love TG for the writing, commentaries and stories too, not just the “other things” 😅🥰🥹☺️)
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papasmistakeria · 4 years
Headcanon (or more of an AU): When they were residents, Lim, Marcus, and Melendez had the same dynamic as Claire, Jared, and Shaun with each taking up the same role as their present residents
Lim is the female voice of reason in their group but was still somehow more feral than the other two (also, I headcanon her being a transfer from Taiwan so there's a bit language barrier but later overcomes it)
Marcus is the crackhead of the group. Despite being the most uptight and mature in present days, he's Jared 2.0 but much more. His attending hate him for both being stubborn know-it-all and for being a feral crackhead
Melendez is the calm and cooler one of the group, sometimes acting as the more reserved and focused one, seeing how he came from a broken household. But when challenged, he would become Crackhead Resident 2 to everyone around him
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chiefdirector · 3 years
Submission: more Alex Park fics? 🤞
Random Alex Park headcanons
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He wears socks to bed
He got sick once and needed to stay warm. It became a habit afterwards to wear them
He doesn’t like it though but refuses to take them off.
He hates jazz music. And elevator music.
Will 100% dance in the rain, calling it romantic
He tried to be the best dad to Kellan possible and he has a lot of self hatred when he falls short on that front
He won’t date anyone that Kellan doesn’t like. His sons happiness with a partner is a priority
Orders way to much take out for a doctor.
Or anyone in general.
He misses his old life and job from before he became a doctor but he wouldn’t change it
Melendez’s death shook him. He denies shredding any tears though.
He is really good at solitaire. It’s supernaturally easy for him.
He can’t do sudokus though.
Masterlist | Buy me a coffee?
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yikesforever · 7 years
wait no i didn't know you liked the get down!!! change mine! ✨ + mylene cruz
headcanon: so i have a headacnon that mylene is bi and her and dizzee bond over it. like dizzee will bring weed and they go to the roof top and talk about how great guys and girls are. 
like it started with mylene needing to blow off some steam after zeke did something stupid (whats new poor baby). and so she goes to yolandas to talk about it but only boo-boo and dizzee are home. and dizzee is like ‘girl i know what you need’ and so they go up to the roof and split a joint
and mylene is like ‘so diz got any girl problems you want to share’ and he takes a drag and shakes his head responding ‘only got one guy in my views, he’s all the stars in the sky. why you asking me about girls and not anybody or everyone?’ and myelen lets out a hum and watches the smoke escape as dizzee talks. 
“i dunno sometimes i just think about how much better it’d be with a girl. someone who fucking understands, plus… we are just so soft.” dizzee nods along to her words as she talks and talks about how great girls are like it went on for like 15 minutes of her just talking about how soft aand nice and good girls are and dizzee finally looks over and is like
“my, now i know why everyone at the clubs thor and i go to love your songs, because we know your love is like ours. you should come with us sometime, its fun. i’m sure everyone would love you there maybe you could even sing your song for us. ‘the gays’ really know how to get a song to the top i hear” and he just takes another drag of the joint and looks over at the bronx skyline. 
mylene thinks about it for a second before she is nodding and already thinking about the club she’s never even been to but is now excited to see. 
also mylene is the first of any of them to actually meet thor. 
headcanons + mini blogrates
url: 10/10icon: 10/10theme: 9/10mobile: 10/10content: 10/10overall: 10/10
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pinkykitten · 5 years
I love you
The Good Doctor
Neil Melendez x autistic & white! female reader
Warning: reader feeling self conscious, jealous and insecure 
Specifics: romance, angst, fluff, autistic reader, white reader, drabble/blurb
People: neil melendez, audrey lim, alex park
Words: 969
Requested: By @degeathesaviour​ Hi! I love your neil melendez fanfic, could i request the next part for neil x autistic reader? So my request would be like neil ex flirting with him at the hospital and the reader see it then become jealous so neil and the reader had an argument? But make it cute and fluff in the end please? Thanks😁 btw sorry for my bad english😊
Authors Note: i was listening to study/relax hip hop music and piano music and i think i just dove into ALL THE FEELLLLLLS!!!!!!!!!!
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The way she looked at him. The feelings from their previous relationship still resonated in her soul. This amazing doctor wanted authority and love at the same time. 
You stared at her. The way she conducted herself you envied her. Envied her class, her maturity, the way she was with patients and staff. She was everything you wanted to be and more and sometimes you felt you weren’t good enough. Sometimes you felt being autistic made you unlikable or even worse unlovable and that sent you down a spiral of hatred for yourself. 
Dr. Audrey Lim. One of the best doctors in your opinion. Someone you looked up to. But this someone made your love happy. She made him smile. Knowing people have history, especially people you know makes things awkward and tense. It made you self conscious. You thought you were making mistakes left and right and one of those mistakes you came to was Dr. Neil Melendez being with you. You felt you were the mistake. 
Again for the millionth time that day Dr. Lim grazed Neil’s arm. It was soft and delicate, a touch a lover would give. It made you pause in checking a patient’s chart. Her grin, her hair, the way she knew she could get to Neil made you sick. Your breath got caught in your throat. Everything became worse in a second. As if you didn’t feel ashamed of your being now you felt insecure when it seemed to you Neil was flirting back. He accepted her touches! He laughed like they were the ones together.
You rubbed your arm sheepishly. Resisting the urge to cry. 
Dr. Park saw how you acted and placed a friendly hand on your back, “hey are you okay?”
You wanted nothing more than to be swallowed by the earth. Wanting to disappear you nodded, “I’m doing just fine.” You quickly dashed away, wiping your eyes locking yourself in a closet. “Why couldn’t I just be normal? Why can’t I be like all the other people? Why can’t I be her?” Your back slid down against the shelves and you formed into a little ball of sadness. But there was another emotion coming to play. Anger. You were appalled that he would do something like that. It was if he was breaking all the promises, as if Neil was lying to you. You felt things were truly over.
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“Where’s y/n?” Neil asked as he unglued himself from Dr. Lim, his ex. “I thought I just saw her a few minutes ago?”
“I think you should go check up on her. See if she’s okay.” Dr. Park suggested. “When I talked to her she seemed out of it.”
“Sure. Do you happen to know where she is?”
Dr. Park gritted his teeth. He knew exactly where you were and why. “I have a feeling she’s in the closet...again.”
Neil became worried and quickly came to you. He opened the closet door and saw you sitting on the floor, crying. 
“Baby, whats wrong? What happened?”
You laughed, “what happened? Are you that dense? I saw the way you were looking at her.”
Neil looked confused. “I don’t know what you mean.”
You stood up and wiped your eyes with your sleeves. “Dr. Audrey Lim. You and her had a thing in the past and she was making moves on you. And the funny thing is you let her. You let her touch you.”
“No I didn’t-”
“Oh my God, yes you did! I saw you! You can’t deny it!”
“Why are you yelling? Why are you getting so mad? Can’t we talk about this like grown ups?”
You ignored his pleas, “Grownups? Yeah, what you pulled back there was real mature, Neil. You know I’m distant, I’m broken, I have my things. I have autism. Some things are different for me. You said we were going to do this together. You said you loved me. And then you go off and flirt with your ex! This is not cool.” You tried walking away. 
“Look what you saw back there, I don’t know. But I do know I have no feelings for Dr. Lim. That was a thing of the past.”
“But I saw you, Neil! I saw the way she looked at you and the way you looked at her! That connection is still there and I don’t know if it will ever go away! I’m hurt, and yeah sure I’m jealous! I’m jealous of her looks, her style, how she does her job, her connections, her mental state, her house, everything. I’m jealous of her because she still has you under her thumb and can make you go weak. I’m jealous that she can make you smile so big. Okay!” You argued to him. 
Neil wrapped you in his arms. “There is no need for you to be jealous of her. She is just a friend. I’m sorry I hurt, I’m sorry I made you feel uncomfortable because you don’t deserve that. I meant everything that I said and I want to be with you and only you. What Dr. Lim meant to me in the past has changed now, I’ve changed. You’ve made me enjoy life, you made me smile. Just you walking in the room makes my day better. The truth is I can’t live without you princess. No matter what you think. I love you.” He caressed your cheek. 
You teared up once more, not used to the validation and love that he was giving you. You always felt not good enough. It’s always smart to voice your opinion and how you felt, to speak the truth and be honest. 
“I love you baby,” you kissed Neil’s knuckles. 
Neil inched closer to you to greet your lips in a kiss, away from prying, judging eyes. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover​​, @angelgl16​​, @perfectlybeautifulsuit​​, @hyehoney​​, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly​​​, @totally-alexa21​​, @creamy-pasta-boi​​, @multireese​​, @fanfictionrecommendations-com​​, @prentisskelley​​, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97​​, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople​​, @collectiveyou​​, @wtfisalltherandoms​​, @dirbel​​, @eastcoasthaven​​, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @melonreblogsstories​​​,
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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dr-shaun-murphy · 5 years
jared kalu and shaun murphy definitely got into an argument about whether or not mint chocolate chip ice cream is good
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Park: You really don’t have any empathy for Billy.
Also Park: Ayo, fuk this patient for having weight loss surgery and being scared their husband is gonna leave them if he found out and specifically asked us not to tell him, imma tell ‘im.
Morgan: Empathy is very important as a doctor.
Also Morgan: Stfu about ur feelings. Read a book, go watch a star war.
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good-doctor-imagine · 7 years
Dating Jared Headcannon
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Jared is probably one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet
He constantly gives you compliments
"Have I ever told you that you’re eyes are really pretty.”
“How did I get so lucky?”
It can get annoying, but you love him anyway
He spoils you
You tell him what you want and he will get it in a heartbeat
He doesn’t care if you try to say you don’t need it, he’s going to get it anyway
He loves cuddling
Like so much, you don’t even know
Especially during your movie nights
He is really protective
He won’t let anyone lay a hand on you without personally knowing their relationship with you
(Low key sorta has trust issues but you don’t blame him
When he loses his job, you’re constantly trying to get it back in any way you can because you know how much it means to him
You will personally talk to Dr. Andrews face to face just to get it back
Also maybe some bribing
Jared tells you it’s okay, and that he doesn’t want you risking your career opportunities
But to be honest, you don’t listen to him.
This is also where cuddling comes into place. Whenever Jared is really upset, he just wants to forget everything and be in your embrace, have physical contact one way or another. Because your touch drives him crazy
It just makes him feel really safe and it reassures him that you’re there.
This is also where PDA comes in. In the hospital, he doesn’t usually like to kiss in front of his other coworkers but he loves to have contact one way or another. An arm around your shoulder or waist, having hands locked with one another, just any physical connection.
Ah, you love him so much and he can’t stand to be away from you for too long.
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flydizzee--bidizzee · 7 years
Zeke & Boo-Boo are the two that will sit in a room and talk about how great the people they love are for hours on end. And it's not just their crushes/significant others. They talk about Boo's brothers, Shaolin, and their parents/guardians whenever they're left alone together
This is precious. We all know Zeke does this regularly but Boo’s a sweetheart and he cares so much, he’d definitely do this too. And them being adorable and talking about the people they love TOGETHER, even better We didn’t get a lot of Zeke x boo interaction in the series but that would’ve been so nice actually
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sebscore · 2 years
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summary: the shenanigans of female gen z driver and the formula one grid.
author’s note: I started this series, because I'd like to imagine what it would be like to be part of the group of drivers and how it would be like to interact with them on a regular basis. It's all fun and games, and I don't know these people in real life. everything is fiction! the stories aren't written in chronological order, but I try to put them in the right order below! 
Requests are always welcome in my inbox! Opinions, thoughts and feedback are also greatly appreciated.
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:: Things about being the only female driver on the ‘22 grid.
:: The dynamics between driver!reader and the formula 1 drivers. in the link you can find the masterlist.
:: this includes thoughts, opinions, etc about the series. it doesn’t include requests.
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— 2018
:: Y/N makes her F1 debut at the 2018 Australian Grand Prix. 
:: Y/N accepts the 'Rookie of the Year' award and receives a suprise from a special someone on stage.
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— 2020 
:: lando insults Y/N’s gaming skills and the events that followed.
:: An error in the sound system causes for the wrong song to play instead of Y/N’s national anthem.
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— 2021 
:: Y/N teaches Sebastian and Fernando what ‘bop’ means.
:: Y/N receives a complaint from the FIA during the driver's briefing and no one is happy about it.
:: Y/N flirts with a stranger not knowing she's the girlfriend of another F1 driver on the grid. 
:: Y/N goes through a rough patch and the drivers notice.
:: Y/N gets into a crash and Seb & George come to the rescue.
:: The commentators are shocked by Y/N’s red flag habit.
:: Y/N tries to get through an interview with Jenson, Daniel and Sebastian. 
:: Y/N and Kimi bid each other goodbye at the 2021 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
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— 2022
:: Y/N is asked about Christian Horner’s sexist comments.
:: the title is pretty self-explanatory.
:: Y/N goes on a blind date and returns with a hickey the next day.
:: Y/N and Zhou decide who the second best dressed driver on the grid is through a bet that involves holding the other drivers hostage at the driver's briefing.
:: Charles and Pierre don't trust Y/N when it comes to rumors around Oscar Piastri's move to McLaren.
:: Y/N and her fellow younger drivers react to certain rumours that have been going around about her love life, and it might include two colleagues of hers.
:: Daniel makes it up to Y/N for breaking her nail during a race.
:: f1 drivers and their reactions to Y/N looking gorgeous in a dress.
:: What happens when Y/N takes over Martin's grid walk? 
:: The drivers celebrate the life and career of Sebastian Vettel at Abu Dhabi and Y/N has a great story to tell.
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— 2023 
:: Daniel, Lewis and Sebastian show their appreciation for Y/N on International Women's Day. 
:: Y/N goes on Instagram live to try out Daniel’s new wine, and the drivers react to it in the comments.
:: Y/N meets her old mentor after months and experiences a chaotic qualifying in Monaco.
:: Y/N and the Twitch Quartet go on a small adventure in the streets of Monaco.
:: A collection of moments at the 2023 Austria Grand Prix.
:: Pierre asks the question: “Out of all the drivers, who would you date?”
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— 2024
:: Y/N finds out about Lewis’ Ferrari move before the official announcement.
:: Lando ends Y/N’s race, and they have different perspectives on how it transpired.
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squadrah · 2 years
Send me two characters and I will tell you what my ideal ship dynamic is for these characters!
This one is obviously my favorite ship and I get to tell you all why; just bear with me, because I'll take a bit to explain. In a previous ask about Illuso, I hinted at the idea that Prosciutto's Stand is something that just about every other member has to take into consideration if they want to get close and personal with the man, and nobody, absolutely nobody on the team is at greater risk objectively than Formaggio, whose shrinking ability makes TGD even deadlier to himself. Imagine meeting a Stand User whose power can kill you in about a minute, and realizing that your Stand's ability allows that guy to kill you in ten seconds or less. The power divide is incredible: it's just some guy versus the Angel of Death.
But here's the thing: I never understood why Formaggio was canonically considered weak by his teammates. Just about anybody can kill if they decide to make up their mind to do it, but not everyone is able to infiltrate just about any place or dispose of the bodies/evidence. Because his Stand comes equipped with a blade on top of his all-inclusive shrinking ability, Formaggio can do ALL of these things by himself! Literally any other assassin will struggle with at least one of these three phases, and he has all of the bases covered! That is incredible, and because of that, Formaggio should logically be considered a key asset to his team - and therefore I headcanon him as someone with self-esteem issues, someone who knows what he can do, but he has taken too many jabs and is surrounded by some really intense people.
And this is where Prosciutto's disposition to see worth in others comes in, because he is a professional with a great eye for potential. He is so intent on coaching Pesci because he knows there is an untapped gold mine in that boy's soul, and he is determined to make Pesci realize it and come into his own power. Someone like Prosciutto would look to Formaggio with respect, and the added anime scene at the restaurant actually shows us that he trusts Formaggio to get the job done. Despite the incredible power imbalance arising from their respective abilities, to Prosciutto's mind Formaggio is an equal... and I think that understanding would allow Formaggio to take a good hard look at himself, and realize that yes, he is good and capable in his own right, and he has nothing to prove to anyone. He already has a strong sense of self, but getting to a place where someone supposedly out of his league thinks he's just right would allow him to completely own that, while Prosciutto could use someone who can lighten him up and introduce some playfulness into his daily routine.
In short, I believe in the inherent eroticism of the intimate understanding between an eldritch abomination and that one little guy they like. I relish the thought of Formaggio strutting around town with his head held high like "You might take me for a clown, but the cosmic horror I share my life with thinks I'm neat. You come to my turf and call me weak? Bitch, I eat pussy that's a million times more lethal than the Elephant's Foot. I am dating the scariest motherfucker on God's green Earth; the second scariest motherfucker is me."
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berternies · 7 years
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LGBT+ character moodboards: lesbian Yolanda Kipling (The Get Down)
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papasmistakeria · 4 years
Headcanon: Lim is an aggressive drunk while Melendez is a sad drunk so Lim would bodyslam Melendez to a table, breaking it, and he would most likely cry
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linuxruntime · 3 years
hmm Prosciutto for the ask game?
Headcanon A: realistic
his breakfast is a coffee with a cigarette and it's not even inside of the hq he's just got his shit on a windowsill and smoking outside of it.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
he malds whenever he loses a solitaire game
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
I think the canon fact that prosciutto was getting mangled in a train's wheel but still kept tgd up for pesci to finish the job is enough. anyway I believe after that stint if pesci had made it he wouldn't have many chances of living, but I believe he would and is perfectly content with giving up his life if it means la squadra comes closer to their goal of hunting down the boss. it's all part of his job really.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
I personally really like headcanons about prosciutto taking in pesci! I believe he is naturally a mentor (not exactly leader) type and saw potential in pesci. I haven't figured out the exact details of what went down with these two though
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