artfantasiesyt · 3 months
Heatwave (down tempo version of „You hit me like a heatwave)
2024-06-22 Heatwave (down tempo version of „You hit me like a heatwave)
„Heatwave“ is the down tempo version from my recently released pop song „You hit me like a heatwave“. Not sure but I guess this down tempo version will be the only one of the two versions which will make it into my 7th album which is planned to be released in 2025, except my track record in making music equals the one from my last album "Broken".  ...
Music by Christian Thanbichler 2024-06-22 Heatwave (down tempo version of „You hit me like a heatwave) ISWC: applied for, ISRC: QZNWY2447836
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sunnythanalan · 8 months
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anotherferalrat · 2 months
My cousin convinced me to finish arcane so we speedran it all in one night...
This is what hell feels like.
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graunblida · 9 months
late to the game with my girl's tree
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scrawnytreedemon · 2 years
God I can't believe this game came out only a year ago. It feels like it's always been here. Holy shit. Happy first birthday Elden Ring 💖💖💖
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artistic-cocoon · 1 year
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squaffle · 2 years
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Finn’s Endwalker Adventures Pt1. 
"Glad as I am that you joined me for this mission, but are you certain the Warrior of Light won't be looking for you, Finnegan?" "If I known you'd be full-naming me, I would've stayed with them. It's actually worse than when you curse me out, Thanc."
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smart-zantetsu · 2 days
zantetsuuu I wish I could squish your cheeks!! you're so cute hahaha
Thancs… i think? is that a complihment? are you calling my cheeks an idiot? i cant tell…
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shenji-yei-v2 · 1 year
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im sorry fandom im still here. and im ruining yo day.
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thanc @lunaticliam for idea lol
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yzeltia · 3 months
Closer to You
Chapter 12 Characters: Natsu Obinata, Thancred Waters, Ryne Waters, Patient Heaven, Hayzel Summers(Hypnos), Carter Summers, Fuyu'li cen Zwhan, Vrashahn/Vrtra, Urianger Augerlet, Jannie Eyradoux, Keith Summers, @mintibunny 's Minti Chocolate, Rating: T for Teen Notes: Thank you @driftward for the mechanics pass. Thank you @autumnslance 's for letting me reference Aeryn and Zaine!
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Natsu found herself in another small estate in Ul’dah, standing in the foyer as a warm aroma of Thavnarian spices wafted from the kitchen. She patted herself down, finding herself in her own body and not in the strange haze of the Echo. 
“Swive,” Thanced’s voice boomed from the kitchen.
Cautiously, Natsu advanced, peeking around the corner as Thancred shook out his wrist over a hot stove. Turning, he looked at the kitchen table covered in fancy boxes and bags, then let out a sigh. “Ryne! Aer! I need one of you to clear off the table,” he called out before shaking his head, “I wonder what this set us back. At this rate we’ll need an extra bedroom just for their clothes.”
Hearing rapid footsteps coming down the stairs, Natsu held her breath and tucked against a bookshelf, unseen as a faintly familiar red-headed girl came bounding through. “Sorry, dad. Did we overdo it again?”
“Perhaps, a tad. I don’t know how you’ll fare in the Studium. The dorms there are the size of a closet as is,” he warned her.
“Oh. Well, I’m going to be sharing a room with Gaia. The rooms are bigger with a roommate,” Ryne replied, gathering up the boxes and bags in her arms with a little huff, “And I’m sure Master Louisioux can teach a way to make a space larger than it appears from the outside.”
“Maybe,” Thancred mused before turning his attention to the stove, “The curry is almost done. When you get that upstairs come back down to set the table. Your Uncle Z and Aunt Minphilia are coming to dinner.”
“Really!? Alright,” Ryne said excitedly before hurrying upstairs, nearly tripping over herself with her arms full.
Natsu took a breath, nervously stepping into the kitchen with Thancred after his daughter had left. She swallowed, heart aching as she thought she couldn’t possibly think of a way to break the bad news to him. Thancred took notice of her, cocked his brow then shook his head.
“I don’t care how much Gage is offering, we’re not interested in joining his little company. Tell him to stop bothering me and my wife,” he scoffed, “and for that matter, don’t drag my daughter into his nonsense either.”
Natsu was taken aback for a moment, surprised the other had found a place for her in his little world. Clutching her chest she shook her head, “This isn’t right. You know this isn’t real. It can’t be.”
Thancred narrowed his eyes then pulled away, “What are you on about?”
“This is just a dream…or something,” she responded, unsure of how to wake him.
“Are you okay? Sit down, you look unwell,” Thancred said worriedly.
Natsu shook a bit then looked him in the eyes, “Ryne isn’t here. I don’t know the exact circumstances, but I know she’s far away where you can’t get to her. You’re angry at my big brother and Patient Heaven because they made you see her somehow and it hurt you.”
Thancred stepped away from her, looking rather pale a moment before hanging his head. His fists clenched as he grit his teeth, the world about them fading into the train car. “She got me again,” he growled before looking up to the sleeping woman, “GODS DAMN HER.”
He stomped toward her and Natsu put herself between him and Patient Heaven, shaking her head, “Hypnos said not to wake her. She’ll channel the dynamis or something and we’ll have to fight her.”
“I DO NOT CARE. DO YOU KNOW WHAT SHE HAS TAKEN FROM ME. IT IS AN INSURMOUNTABLE LOSSES. FELT TWICE OVER, SOME NOW THRICE,” he bellowed, Natus doing little to keep him from advancing forward.
Shaking, Natsu shook her head, looking up to him and noting tears at the edge of his eyes, “It was a dirty, awful trick to be sure, but this is circumstantial is it not? She did not draw you here! We are just caught up in her plans!” “It’s true,” Hypnos echoed, tending to Carter as he slowly woke up, “You were not meant to be here and it does not make your pain any less real. Grieve, but realize every here has been reunited with those we’ve lost. Even she will have to wake from her dearest dream and upon her wake the dynamis here will result in inevitable combat. Sit, and wait.”
Thancred nodded then plopped down in his seat, arms crossed as he noisily tapped his boot on the floor before wiping his eyes and moving back to where he’d been sleeping, dropping into his sleep.. “Very well then. Make it fast,” he said before looking away from them, occasionally rubbing at an eye.
Natsu went to say something, but could not find the words. Leaving him be, she moved to Fuyu'li, gently touching his cheek before finding herself drifting into his perfect world.
Though only briefly stopping in a shipyard by Radz-at-Han, the unmistakable vibrant architecture had given her location away. She wandered a bit, hearing Fuyu'li's warm laugh mixed with another's.
Inside Fuyu'li sat with his master, dripping with commendations on his uniform while the other sat shirtless with his arms about him. Natsu couldn't help but roll her eyes as the Miqo'te joyfully bounced his ears and wrapped his tail around Varshahn. “Now that Garlemald has brought about world peace through Emperor Titus and Varis working together, I have more time with you.”
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“Yes. I'm happy that we were all able to work together without visiting war or strife on our peoples. Imagine what we will accomplish now that our alchemists, your scientists, and Eorzea’s mastery of magicks can come together in peace,” Varshahn echoed, stroking over Fuyu'li's ears, “and with all this peace I can focus my time on you.”
“It is I who should be making time for you and yourrr people,” Fuyu'li purred.
“Oh please,” Natsu said, interrupting before they could go on. 
“Natsu! You're here for a visit,” her friend called out, getting up to come hug her.
“You really think Garlemald could have found a peaceful way to resolve the conflict they started? How do you not realize this isn't a dream?” Natsu asked, rebuffing his affection.
“What do you mean?” Fuyu'li asked, taken aback.
“How did you come to know and love your master?”
“Well, I…I came here to make peace with Radz-at-Han as an envoy…,” Fuyu'li explained.
“And everyone here accepted a stranger coming in preaching the good word of Garlemald?” she pressed further, not feeling near the guilt she did interrupting Thancred's realm.
“Well…I…they were all so kind and understood the promises of the Empire, we're good, and-”
“And all those people you hurt? That they hurt before? Why does your master mean so much to you then?”
Fuyu'li flattened his ears, eyes to the floor as he traced his memory in his mind. “He forgave me…he saved my life because…”
The vibrant Radz-at-Han palace room faded as Fuyu'li rubbed his arm, overcome with shame. Natsu blew her bangs from her face then reached out to give his ear a small tug. “That's payback…for saying I was loveless,” she huffed.
“Y-Yeah,” her friend responded weakly.
Natsu nodded then turned to Urianger. He was easier to wake, taking Natsu at her word as he had tea with a smiling Roegadayn woman with long blue hair. Jannie too roused from her sleep, a bit embarrassed Natsu had found her as a nun with a lord trying to convince her to take up with him. Hypnos in turn had woken Keith and Minti, the former having his nose pressed against the glass of a window to marvel at the galactic scenery outside.
“Now can we wake her,” Thancred asked impatiently, standing above Patient Heaven, glowering.
“I will,” Natsu said, moving up to the sleeping woman.
Swallowing, she took Patient's hand, letting everyone fade away. She found herself in Old Sharlayan, in a courtyard she couldn't quite place. She spun a bit, looking for Patient Heaven to appear or hear the sound of her voice. It never came. Frustrated, she sat on a bench and waited, watching people wander about and talk among one another. Catching the low hum of something whirling toward her from behind, she quickly ducked, just narrowly avoiding a blue and white ball from colliding with the back of her head before it bounced up into the sky then into one of the flower beds in the plaza.
“What the heck!? Are you trying to kill someone,” she yelled, turning her head to find two Roegdadyn men running toward her looking rather panicked.
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“I’m so sorry. We were testing out our new ball design and my little brother here gave it too hard of a kick,” the taller one said, rubbing the back of his head while his younger brother wheezed next to him.
“C’mon! Don’t throw me under the cart like that Drowning,” the younger brother panted, “You’re making me look so uncool.”
“Drowning….Drowning Thunder!? And you, you must be Bounding Otter!” Natsu said, hopping over the bench. 
The brothers blinked, looking to one another before Drowning nodded, “Yeah. That’s us? Do we have a class together or somethin’?”
“No. Or…maybe? That’s not important. I need to see your mother. Can you take me to her?” she asked, looking between them.
Drowning Thunder raised a brow then gave a little shrug, “I guess. We live over this way,” he said, turning to head back the way they came.
Natsu nodded, heart racing as she followed behind the two brothers. She blushed a bit as she heard Bounding call her cute and ask his big brother if he was gonna try to ask her out, only to get slugged in the shoulder. Her heart began to ache, terrified of what would come of telling their mother this wasn’t real. “So, did your folks take one of her classes or something,” Drowning asked, looking back at her with a grin.
“No, but I visited her office,” she said, not exactly lying.
Drowning gave a little nod then followed his brother to a cabinet. Natsu’s eyes widened as the doors swung open, revealing a portrait of Patient Heaven with candles and dark ribbons about her. “Sh-She’s-”
Drowning nodded, smiling softly, “Yeah, about five years ago, she died.”
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cumulo-ghoulll · 4 months
Water thy egg
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artfantasiesyt · 10 months
There's a storm in my head
2023-12-05 There's a storm in my head
Hey, it’s funny as I wanted to stop creating music tracks after I finished with my 5th album in November I already made 2 new music tracks in December, and both are great … and I’m finally on a new trail which is wonderful. However „There’s a storm in my head“ is kind of a mix of House, New Age, Dance and Pop music.
Music by Christian Thanbichler: 2023-12-05 There's a storm in my head    ISWC: T-322.481.891-7,  ISRC:  QZWFK2354710  
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ainyan · 1 year
👤 Thanc-
Jk Estinien
Thancred grins and leans forward, his eyes on Kali. "No, I think you should go with the first one," he suggests slyly.
Kal'istae gives him a serene look. "I assure you, she knows everything I think about you." At his sudden look of consternation, she smiles, then turns back. "Estinien? He's... Hmm. I'm glad he's with the Scions. We have a few too many brains as is; it's always nice having a bit of brawn to go smashing through the talking bits. And he's cute, for an elezen. Must run in the family," she adds with a sly smile.
Then her smile drops away. "But I'm being unkind. Estinien has been through the hells and back. Well, you know how it was for an Azure Dragoon during the Dragonsong war," she murmurs. "And he had it a thousand times worse thanks to Nidhogg. He's overcome mountains, and it's given him a unique perspective that has served us well in the past and will no doubt continue to do so well into the future. He and I may not always see eye-to-eye - but then, I don't exactly see eye-to-eye with anyone. Too short," she adds, before Thancred can, leaving him sulking at her.
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Curious about the NPCs in my OC's life? Ask!
Thank you for the ask!
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anotherferalrat · 7 months
I love that everyone who watched any amount of Link Click saw this golden retriever boy who experiences other people's lives and was like...
U kno what this character needs?
✨️Unimaginable trauma✨️
*cue 90% of their ship tag being nightmare fics/panic attacks/etc.*
I love you all and u deserve a lil forehead kith<3
But also leave my poor boi alone pls and thanc
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dragoon-mid-jump · 11 months
For the Cat Boys
You want my catted boys? Then you shall have my catted boys!
(The question: What does your character's handwriting look like? Do they write letters often? What other contexts do they usually write in, if any?)
Kouh'to (right-handed) is a fast writer and as a result his letters are a bit sloppy and full of (thankfully decipherable) shorthand (Ex: Alph., Alis., Ttr., Y'sh., Thanc., Uri., Estin. G'rh. Krile meanwhile isn't shorthanded). All his letters lean to the right, too. He writes letters, notes, and journal entries.
Reksh (left-handed) was taught to write, but didn't really actively use the skill until he left home and started adventuring and writing home and in journals and notebooks. It started out sloppy in a kinda uneasy way, but the more he did it, the more his handwriting began to distinguish itself. It's actually turned out rather neat and legible!
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fistsoflightning · 1 year
the art of disguise
ffxivwrite2023 12: DOWDY (of a person or their clothes) unfashionable and unstylish in appearance
minfilia, thancred, & zaya get ready for an investigation. 1198 wc.
Given that Zaya lost a good few years of memories to whatever-it-was-they-did-during-the-Calamity bridging the gap between leaving behind the Azim Steppe and waking up in an infirmary tent to Carteneau’s ruins, they could recall very few moments in their life where they had to stop and wonder what, exactly, had led them here. Usually it was in the wake of something especially dire or foolish happening, which they had been told their standards for dire and foolish were far different from the average Eorzean’s definition.
This, they thought while struggling to find which damn hole in the cowl their head was supposed to fit through with what little light seeped through the thin fabric—this was shaping up to be one of those moments.
Zaya could barely remember exactly why it was that Minfilia and Thancred had brought them here, and were now watching them try on an assortment of clothing that would suitably hide their Auri features from a distance. It had something to do with the recent Immortal Flames investigation that Thancred had been scolded for being too nosy about, and their status as Bloodsworn within the Flames, even though Zaya wasn’t sure whether they still counted as one after Raubahn told them to rest after the Calamity and hadn’t called for them since. Beyond that—something about a temple, priests, and primals? There was a reason Zaya wasn’t an official part of the new organization Minfilia was leading, despite being regularly called upon when they were in need of a good fighter. Most of the reason they kept accepting Minfilia’s requests for aid was the pay, which they could use to buy more things for the refugee camp, rather than any faith in what budding friendship they might have with the two Scions currently laughing behind their hands at their misery—
They made a small noise in triumph as they found which opening was meant for their head, and slipped their head through carefully. Luckily, the tips of their horns didn’t catch on the thin hempen cloth like they did with the other cowl, now draped over Minfilia’s desk with two large tears running up the front.
The new problem, Zaya found, was that this cowl was absolutely too large. Even Oktai’s Nhaama-cursed attempts at sewing together deels from the woolen cloth Taban made from her sheep would have fit better. They stuck their arms through the sleeves and found their hands at least four ilms short of reaching the other end, as if they were wearing a poorly fitted terleg, and though the waist now fell loosely enough that their tail didn’t feel trapped, it was now definitely too loose. The hood—which now had enough space for their horns to not be obviously pushing against the sides—draped past their forehead and over their eyes. When they shoved it back up with a frown and held it there with their hand balled up beneath the too-long sleeve, Minfilia and Thancred were looking at them with wide eyes.
“I may have underestimated how… lithe Zaya was,” Thancred said with a smile on his face that Zaya didn’t think was as apologetic as he tried to make it be. They squinted at him from the shadow of the cowl’s hood until he shifted his weight and schooled his face again, clearing his throat before he added, “I did have the wisdom to grab a rope belt along the way, but I… well.”
He gestured towards Zaya’s feet; the bottom hem of the cowl, which was supposed to fall somewhere between just below their knees and midway down their shin, was instead resting on the rug.
“Pray tell, Thancred,” Minfilia said, walking over from Thancred’s side across the room to pull the fabric at Zaya’s waist; her face scrunched up with a far-too-amused-but-tight smile when they shifted away from her touch and she saw for herself just how poorly this stupid cowl fit them, “what sizing did this merchant give you?”
Thancred’s brow furrowed, crossing his arms in thought. “I’m quite certain I asked for the two smallest in Hyuran sizing, if that’s what you’re getting at, my dear. Though perhaps…”
Minfilia took one last discerning look at them, her bright smile contrasting what Zaya felt like was a pout on their own face, before she looked back and said, “Thancred. Midlander or Highlander?”
Zaya wasn’t terribly clear on the difference between the two, beyond knowing it was two separate clans of Hyur, but Thancred understood well enough. He pinched the bridge of his nose and muttered something under his breath.
Minfilia laughed, a light sound that made them feel a little less frustrated with their state of dress. “One of both, then. The merchant must not have known what to do. And I suppose it’s too late in the day to go searching for alterations, or something less ill-fitting…”
Ill-fitting was a severe understatement, Zaya felt, trying to roll up the sleeves only for the thin, loose fabric to fall right back over their hands. They looked like that trio of kids among the Ala Mhigan refugees at camp who stacked on top of each other’s shoulders in a robe the other week to try and get more food, and felt about twice as silly doing so.
“I’d hardly say too late,” Thancred said with a tired sigh. He pushed off from where he was leaning on Minfilia’s desk to join the two of them, and Zaya looked up barely enough to see his hand reaching out to them beneath the brim of the hood, which had fallen back over their forehead again. “It may prove to be a hassle, but better a little trouble over making poor Zaya walk around with me in—”
Before Thancred could touch the cowl, Zaya snapped their arm up in front of them and let the excess fabric slap him across the face; he sputtered and stumbled backwards, though (hopefully) not in pain. Minfilia, not expecting the way they’d gone about things, gasped in surprise, and they took that moment to pull away from her hand too and shuffle towards their pack, still open on the small couch in front of the solar’s fireplace. They were sure they had it on them, it would be stupid not to…
Behind them, they felt Minfilia and Thancred come close enough to peer over their shoulders as their fingers brushed against the right bundle in their pack. They felt around for a few moments more—the hood still falling in front of their eyes was making things difficult, even as they leaned over the back of the couch and gravity brought it away from being directly in front of their face—and then they pulled out a small box that rattled with every movement. Smiling, Zaya turned to take one of Thancred’s hands and slapped the box into his palm eagerly before they started to roll up their sleeves again.
Thancred stared at them curiously for a few moments before Minfilia stepped around Zaya and opened the box in Thancred’s hands to reveal an assortment of sewing pins, colorful glass heads sticking out from everywhere in the mass of sharp metal.
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