#thank u ash MWAH <3
neoriots · 2 years
neogie has been put in post limit jail everyone say o7
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hashbrowpn · 6 months
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Yayy! ^^
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ashstfu · 5 months
hi. this is me confessing that i love u and wishing that u have the most wonderful day ever today and every coming day. all my kisses 2 u loveliest ash😚💖
amal my absolute angel my beloved the light of my life etc! 💞 thank you so much <3 my day is going okay so far, woke up super early & got complimented by my pilates instructor (!!! its a huge deal to me) i love love love you and i hope you never forget it. also hope you are doing well right now and forever ❣️ sending so much love your away for all eternity mwah <3
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cheruib · 2 months
OHMYGODDDD HAPPY FUCKING BIRTHDAY AMAL HIIIIII :) SENDING ALL MY LOVE I HOPE YOU HAVE AN ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL ONE 💞 how lucky are we to have you on earth another year older <3 i am forever in love with how brilliant and kind your heart is. i will always love the way you move through and see the world!!! i love u with all my heart! your existence is a soft reminder of what is truly good in the world i’m so happy you exist !! MWAH !
ASH MY LOVE HELLO! ! ! thank you endlessly beautiful angel<3 forever equally in love with how elegant and intelligent and sexy u are :* you’re one of the sweetest people ive ever met sooooo glad to know u. wishing u all the delicious treats in the world and all the beautiful beach sunsets and everything else u desire<3 love u thank u again🥹💗🌷 MWAH!
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shamemp3 · 6 months
monthly favorites of 2023!
tagged by @femmehysteria thank you mariam mwah mwah <3 doing this w movies instead of books bc i only read a few books this year unfortunately 2023 was baaad !!
rules: list ur favorite movies you watched each month this year (can be done w books if u want be instead!)
january: children of men (2006)
february: ready or not (2019)
march: the nice guys (2016)
april: the hitcher (1986)
may: army of darkness (1992)
june: spider-man: across the spider-verse (2023)
july: after hours (1985)
august: they cloned tyrone (2023) [the wolf house is close second]
september: ashes and diamonds (1958)
october: my twentieth century (1989)
november: being john malkovich (1999)
december: the usual suspects (1995) <- but this is also my only option bc this is the only movie i watched in dec that isnt a rewatch
tagging: @tomhardygirlblogger @bagofbonesmp3 @xinakwans @iloveuspiderman any1 else too im just tired !!!
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daydadahlias · 8 months
okay so i’m a slut for therapy or sex therapy fics and so i was thinking about that and then for whatever reason i was also thinking about you and i was like. OH MY GOD
so then i wrote that ask lol
anyway i feel like the way you write just would really suit a therapy fic. you write your characters so beautifully and in depth and like omg i suck at words but. your fics and the writing style and the characters is practically therapy for me so like, you’d probably be great at writing therapy sessions
plus you’ve taken a sex class so you’ve got all the requirements lol
and then i was picturing like either cal or ash being the therapist and the other the patient and i just feel like that would be really cool yknow
or it could be like a couple going in for couples therapy that too would be amazing
healing journey for sure those are the best. so much hurt and so much comfort and it’s just 🤌 MWAH 💋
(ps i could totally see you being a sex therapist lol. what are you actually looking to be tho?)
(i hope this explanation was good enough i’m so poor at articulating my thoughts and understanding the way my brain works lmao)
ok so, starting off, I have only ever read, like, two sex therapy fics before and I've been around the goddamn block a time or two so I'm shocked by this being a genre of fic you love when i feel like there's not a lot of it written !!
anyway, this is all very sweet :( thank u sm <3 and i would love to Try writing a therapy session!! again, I've only written one before in a fic that's no longer up but I would like to try my hand at it again!! and everybody knows how much I love talking about sex soo <3
I always like writing a lil ~romance~ in my AUs so I don't think I'd write a therapist x client bc ~ethics~ (although maybe one person is a sex therapist and their partner Isn't a client) but couple therapy would be really interesting!!! or yknow, I love a healing journey <3 means a lot to me <3
(ps. the current plan is to go into high school counseling)
(the explanation was good!! thank you for expanding for me <3)
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ellie-tarts · 9 months
Hi ellieeee !! I wanted to ask if u have some book recommendations? You always have great taste :3c
hi ash hiiiiii
first off! the thief (1996) by megan whalen turner- gen is a proud thief, and his boasting lands him the impossible task of stealing an object of legends for the crown. but gen has his own plans, and perhaps the king is a fool to trust a thief this series is one of my favorites of all time. the first book is a fantasy heist novel set loosely in the byzantine empire, and gen is such a loveable rascal who i also want to punt across the room. and! after the first book of the series, political machinations start to come into play and things start to change as gen grows up and interacts more with the wider world around him. this series is a lot of fun, and truly some amazing pov work and dramatic irony happening as it unfolds
the left hand of darkness (1969) ursula k le guin- genly ai is a human sent as an ambassador to gethen, a planet where it is always winter (by his standards) and the people who live there do not have a biological sex the majority of the time and don't really have the concept of gender. however, ai definitely does, and it's a point of friction between him and the aliens. whether or not this is a queer story is a difficult question, but it is still a wonderful book about what it means to be human and what it means to be alien. and also what is a country and where do we owe our loyalties and! it is also a story about going on a perilous journey and coming out the other side with an understanding and an unbreakable bond
iron widow (2021) xiran jay zhao- i feel like i'm late to the bandwagon, but i just read this last month and loved it! and now i want heavenly tyrant so bad _(:3」∠)_ iron widow is a queer mecha scifi reimagining of the rise of the chinese empress wu zetian. zetian is such an outspoken character who won't stand for anything getting between her and her goals, and the book follows her as she carves a path through the society that raised her. she is a delight. i support women's wrongs
the traitor baru cormorant (2015) seth dickinson- baru cormorant is a young child when the empire of masks comes to her home. instead of conquest, they offer trade and money. educated in an imperial school, this book follows baru in her first posting as the imperial accountant in a country up north that has also recently been subjugated to the empire. as political unrest brews in the north, baru has to consider what choices to make and how far she's willing to go. is baru cormorant a traitor? i hesitate to recommend this book, but i sure thought about it for a month straight so i suppose it can go on this list. it's. kind of a slog to get through. life in the empire of masks can be a string of attrocities, and baru faces racism, sexism, and homophobia everywhere she turns. but also i do love baru bc she is messy and multifaceted and loves to lie 👍🏻 i wish life was kinder to her. im afraid to keep reading book 2 bc i know her life is just going to get worse
other things i have read recently and enjoyed: padawan by kiersten white and the new canon thrawn trilogies by timothy zahn. but these are star wars books, and probably not what you're looking for lol
anyways! thank you for asking mwah mwah. i hope you find something good to read even if it's not one of these. and possibly send some book recommendations my way 💕💕
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ash-and-starlight · 2 years
ash hi for the love of god hello! 💕 i just wanted to pop in to tell you i think you’re so incredible. i know you love your work (because i see that in every pixel) but i often think about how much pressure it must be to do art the way you do on the scale at which you do it.
so i just want to say. we come for the breathtaking art, but we stay for the incredibly kind, humble, ingenious person behind it. we’re very lucky to have you as part of this fandom and i hope while you’ve been creating all this new art that you get some rest and relaxation too. okay im done mwah thank you for being you <3
Oh. oH. BECK??? Beck hiiii oh my god you cannot just drop this in my inbox without giving me a warning at least three days beforehead I feel like u just detonated a hydrogen bomb on my heart hello?? Out of the blue??? Seriously tank you so so much for your words, and dont worry about the pressure because honestly TRULY the mortifying ordeal of posting art was (and still is) soo so worth it because of people like you who are so genuinely amazing and kind and finding a community of silly little mutuals  in my phone to share art with has given me the chance to grow so much (like seriously I feel like I have improved a ton in the past year alone, and finding genuine excitement in drawing, and I can’t wait to see what comes next etc etc) 
So again thank you so so much for this, im genuinely tearing up typing the reply lmaoo, i hope it ends up making sense even if I know it probably won’t. and thank u for the reminder to take a break, I dropped whatever I was doing to make pita bread with red beet hummus I hope u like it bc I’m giving it all to you (along with my lil heart which is now extremely radioactive. your fault) 
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stevebabey · 1 year
sending u many kisses ruby mwah 💋💋💋💋
oh ma god….thank u for the kisses ash i am tucking them into my heart for safe keeping <3
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pizzee · 2 years
Seaform, Charcol, Russet, Sage, Lilac, Harlequin, Apricot, Steel, Sapphire, Lemon
seafoam— I am so perfectly normal, nothing wrong with me no sir not here do not look at the catboy posts or the [redacted] with Khonshu posts don’t don’t dont
charcoal— I simply steal others takes and repurpose them but thank u🙏
russet— I have -$3, I’ll give u 5 but you gotta pay back the loan shark that’s been circling our boat for the past 3 months
sage— I don’t blame you, I would’ve blocked me so long ago. you get a star for lasting this long tho ⭐️
lilac— same unto u my dear usaigi, I kissa u mwah 💋
harlequin— glad to be your daily reminder
(Tipt)apricot— so that’s what why my burnt grilled cheese suddenly tasted like not ash. Thank you I am slowly becoming unstoppable (dying slowly) 😀👍
steel— n u post the most beautiful headcanons and stories xoxo
sapphire— I’m laying down, ass up, stevbin getting hit by that car in ep2 style
lemon— reading the tags is a blessing and a curse, I’m glad it gives u the gigles
why are you following me? No seriously why??
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twinprime · 2 years
hiiii your theme is gorgeous literally in LOVE 🌷. <3 hope you are well <3 sending some food for you 🥗🥘🥣🍧🍹 <3 mwah mwah
omg ash thank u… 😭♥️ kissing u i’m doing v well rn!! i hope u are too!!! giving u a bouquet of flowers in return 🌺💐🌷🌹🌻 :)
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ashstfu · 10 months
omg today marks the birth of an absolute icon!!!! happy birthday to my wife / girlfriend / soulmate ash 💋💍🎂♥️ i honestly do not think i have ever connected w someone so fast over taste / personality / thoughts / anything ever. it’s so refreshing to talk to a person who really gets me + is so kind & sweet & receptive. grateful that tumblr introduced me to your wonderful friendship ! i hope you have the best day ever babe <3 i love u so
thank you cianna!!!! such kind wishes i love u and i hope you have a beautiful day too <33 just bc u deserve it! mwah 💗⭐
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alsoyooraiyah · 4 months
Hiii, happy birthday my dear Iah♡♡♡ (it's still 14th over there right ;_;)
I hope you have/had lots of fun and peace, quiet and many many fat cat sightings and that you get to go out and do something nice very soon,, I imagine your bday being on valentine's is such a hassle if you wanna go to an eatery or something sjdjdkf.
I love you lots and hope you are doing very well in general too [also !!! It's been a while since I sent an ask ahh how are you? What are you up to? !!!].
Anywhoo leaving you with my birthday Dola offering and many hugs & kissies 🥀🫀 mwah<333
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ASDFHJKSDFHSDF OH MY GOD??? NAAAMAAAAAHHHH AAAAAA she's sooo pretty!! LOVE love love whenever you draw her in your style, so perfect with how she looks and feels each time ;w; i kinda want this one as my phone wallpaper... LOVE how you did the dress what the hell…
unfortunately not only did i see this late but also it was um... 6am feb 15 when you sent this in but thats fine!! honestly just you thinkin about my lil bday is so sweet thank u for the greeting and well wishes!! 💖💖✨✨💖✨🍇🍇🍇
i didnt go out on the day but i went out with some friends and my family a few days before! since valentines aligned with ash wednesday this year i also had to adjust for all my practicing catholic friends >.< which was fine, crowds were much better + got to buy myself some new clothes :3 (which... is just another black dress to add to the 20 i have but its in a different cut at least?)
didnt really do much on the actual bday... drew for a bit, wrote for a bit, played some games... just enjoyed not thinking about acads for a day
i've been doing alright!! been dealing with (gagging) acads again but hopefully for the last time since things are going really well for once, and other than that... oml... im sure youve seen how many times i've just posted the new blorbo's name in the tone of someone in deep longing... he's a merman naamah... and the kind of obsession/devotion he has for the mc is driving me crazy.... being back in otome hell is crazy bc im actually getting real fuel for the romantic side of things instead of wondering if im doing it right >w<
how have you been doing tho!! i feel like i dont see you around as often but i also havent been online as often too >.<
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solasan · 2 years
hii i messaged u on discord earlier as well but i didn't know if u would see it today so i just wanted to say happy birthday!!!! i didn't want u to feel pressured to respond so i thought sending an ask would be better rather than messaging but i hope u have an amazing day ily!!!!!!!!!!!!
thank u so much ash u are the KINDEST soul i love u so much <3 im still not rly on discord currently bc of weird brain stuff but!!!!!! i had an amazing birthday thank u for the Manifestation <3 MWAH ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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ask-bfdi-characters · 2 years
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(ok fyi i had to rewrite this TWICE because tumblr is being a little BITCH!!! I LOST 5 PARAGRAPHS SO ILL SUMMARISE IT THE BEST AS I CAN LMAO)
HEY HI HELLO!!! here i rise.. from the ashes.... good grief i am covered in sand
anyways, ur probably wondering what the hell happened to this acc... "WHY DID YOU DIE???!!" i can hear you scream. heres one word:
a few weeks before i actually enrolled and started school, i started this acc, and ohh did it pair SO nicely with the fact i had a major artblock between the creation of my account and my enrollment date /s
lately ive been trying to catch up with schoolwork since i enrolled late and last year.. school didnt go so well for me... so im trying the best i can n getting good scores without trunking up somehow this year which meant most of my art motivation had to be used in the mere free times i get so far per week. i became inactive here so i can keep track of my online activity better (mainly only sticking to twitter)
its been now a few months, and its been... radically better?? i guess??? ive been feeling a bit more lively and my mental health isnt making me all sludgy wudgy anymore, school has been a bit easy on me eventhough i tho, so i thought i could maybe tackle just ONE more platform now that i GENUINLY wanna make art rn, and then i remembered this acc! people seemed to really enjoy it last time it went active, so i thought "well.. maybe ill try again one more time!"
so my planned schedule for this acc is that ill post a few asks per week! it doesnt sound like a lot, but i only have a few hours along with a day free per week so its the minimum i can do to keep this blog alive <:) im SO sorry about the unannounced hiatus lmao, so heres yall treat for being so patient with me <3
in the case i go inactive again, im mainly active on twitter (CozyGalaxies) and instagram is where i usually post any art i think is cool though not that active (waterflowpow) so if you wanna harass me and beat me up to come back up here again... theres that LOL.
theres more stuff on my carrd so here u go https://cozygalaxies.carrd.co/
aaaannnddd,,, thats it! again thank you SO much for being rly patient with me and im EXTREMELY FUCKING SORRY THAT I NEARLY FORGOT ABOUT THIS PLACE :((((((( I LOVE YALL (MWAHS U) SEND ANY NEW ASKS BECAUSE MY INBOX IS EMPTY!!! GO GO GO
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delilahfairchild · 3 years
found family banter prompts and dialogue please + LOVE UR PAGE
warning: this prompts list gets progressively worse
situation prompts
let's talk about slow-burn family, the kind enemies-to-allies-to-friends-to-family. they have la crème de la crème when it comes to banter. fun arguments over food portions, the place next to the window in the car, or the television remote control are part of their daily life
like, imagine a race between the members to see who will get the window seat every morning and the debate about who had arrived first
one of the members is crying in their room, and the others are in the kitchen arguing about how to comfort their sibling. the parent watching from the distance is like yall just give them a hug we will worry about snacks later??
when that sibling gets out of their room and all of the family starts gathering to make funny remarks to make their siblings feel better
and oh boy they are planning the murder of that person who has hurt their sibling
the "kids" placing bets in secret because their "parents" have undeniable chemistry and they just want them to kiss each other already
when nobody can cook to save their life and they burn the house down (take it as you want)
dialogue prompts
1. A: i arrived first
B: no i arrived first you idiot
A: everyone knew that i had arrived first!!
B: D has been recording the race. let me show you that i get to sit by the window today
*the camera shows C in the first position*
2. A: i made some soup for [name] can i bring it in
B: they will probably spill it. bring some cakes instead
A: but they will have a stomachache eating sweets like that
C: goddamn it you two just give them a hug first. then we will talk about snacks and murder later. if they need something shout for me
3. *D gets out of their room*
D: uh hey guys
A: oh my god your cheeks are so wet all the salt from tears will ruin your skin
B: and your eyes are so puffy you won't be able to put on eyeliners. you know, you can try to commit arson. at least burning that motherfucker's house won't ruin your beautiful face
4. "no i suggest we burn his house down" "no i think decapitating him with a machete would feel really good" "i suggest poison. it's tidier" "why are you guys doing that when we have a LITERAL ATOMIC BOMB???"
5. "welcome to [family's names] betting night. do we have a first bet on 'where would our parents have their first kiss?" "i put 50$ on next week cinema night" "50$ on cinema night does anyone has more?" "80$ on central park" "a new bet 80$ on central park. anyone? "200$ on night at the pub." "wow 200$ dollars are you sure [name]" "as sure as i can"
spoilers alert: the parents did, in fact, have their first kiss at the pub
i am sorry this is such a mess if you want other prompts please tell me i will retry 😭😭
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