#thank u emma you always got me
philtstone · 8 months
if you’re still taking prompts from that list, I’d love to see your take on the nemesis one for any of your modern AUs!
sorry it's not an EXISTING modern au but it is. a modern au. partially inspired by many many many things most significantly a post i literally cannot find again no matter how hard i look... also by anne from anne of green gables. anyway, this is mostly just vibes. and my own salad shirazi opinions. in that order.
In Arwen's house growing up family dinner was always a shared time of day, so it makes her glad that the small apartment her father moved into last year honours the same principle.
“It’s not that he irritates me,” eighteen year old Eowyn, fresh out of her first term of university and with her long gold hair in a tangled braid down her back, is explaining from the dinner table. “I hardly get irritated easily — it’s just that he’s so sweet and friendly all the time, I am sure he’s up to something.”
“Eowyn dear,” says her uncle. His attention is mostly absorbed by the newspaper in front of him. “If you might repeat that first part aloud, and reflect on it a bit.”
Eomer snorts from the sink. Gandalf had tasked him with washing the dishes — he had more or less nothing to contribute to meal making. Eowyn makes a face at him.
“I am good tempered. It’s just no one who’s normal is that nice. Certainly not a man.”
Gandalf, who’s in the midst of a very complex chess game with Arwen’s father, chuckles a bit. 
“Indeed?” Ada asks, with a wry smile. Eowyn blushes.
“Do not tease her, you men,” Arwen says, sweeping in to add hot water to the tea cups. The pale green flats of the fragrant tea leaves sent in express overseas mail by her maternal grandparents swirl in the kettle’s pour. Authentic green tea has a potency Arwen has not found in anything purchased around here. “You know she isn’t talking about you, and anyway, she’s right.” 
While Gandalf says, “Do tell us more, then,” charitably, Arwen returns to the small kitchen island. The rice is coming into its own in the cooker. Rice is always a comfort; it unites across cultures and races. Admittedly to this day Ada will prefer jasmine to basmati, no matter Arwen's own fascination with the latter. She sets about peeling two thick skinned cucumbers and dicing them, along with tomatoes from Mr Bilbo's garden, into a bowl. Then comes the shallot, and its lilac purple skin. Arwen has always loved the colour lilac. She has a nightgown a shade lighter than this onion, which her fiance sighs over dreamily every time it’s taken out.
Behind her Aragorn chops tarragon for the lentils, which are bubbling. He has embraced jasmine rice since childhood. His hair is tied out of his face and just barely escaping the doom of a man bun (Aragorn is too sincere about everything to accidentally look like the smarmiest versions of his countrymen) and he smells of fried onion and rose oil, like he often does when in this place. In matter of fact he smells like this kitchen is decorated: the multiple little knick knacks lining the sil, the old silver, the warm reds of the woven rug in the floor (one of an innumerable number kept in Iverworn’s house), and the cracked old laminate tiling – brown. There is some comfort in the idea that Gilraen's old apartment is still in the family. Only now, Ada has his little shrine in the den which doubles as his study, and a few more photographs have been added to the baby pictures lining the front hallway.
On the other end of the table Gimli and Legolas sort through Bilbo's rock collection while the old man gives running commentary on where he found each one. Arwen’s cousin is being educated on geology in the process. Frodo and Sam and the rest are still at school; Aragorn has volunteered to go pick them up in a half hour.
“This ought to go in the sedimentaries pile, Legolas. You see the distinctive layering – to really know we’d check for carbonate, but I’d say this is a solid limestone.”
“I don’t understand. Many of them have layers. That one with the crystal –”
“Running in parallel. Look, they’ve sedimented. It’s in the name, for Mahal’s sake. The geode, a sedimentary rock? Preposterous.”
“I found that one in Dale you know. It was, oh, twenty years ago or so now — I’d just had a pint with your dad, Gimli – you remember what he was like twenty years ago, wearing those garish red turbans (though they suited him well) – and when we came out on the street there it was by the lamp post, a little lump of a thing. I thought to myself, why, that looks just like Lobelia’s terrible laddoo – you haven’t tried them, but they’re glorified pebbles, with how dry and small she makes them – and then I turned it over and thought, where might a pretty piece of rock like this come from in the middle of such a town? But then, Dale is very metropolitan …“
Absently, Arwen begins humming to herself.
“Won’t someone put on some decent music?”
“Don’t look at us old men, Eomer. Haven’t the youth got a stereo system?”
“Oh, it's all Bluetooth now. Ah — I have your rook there, Elrond.”
“No he hasn’t; that’ll put his queen in jeopardy.”
“Keep your eyes on your lentils, Estel, my own function perfectly well. He’s been doing this since he was a boy.”
“Oh, yes, yes,” says Gandalf, with the wise knowing of someone who was there to witness such behaviour in person.
Between it all, everyone is somehow still managing to listen attentively to Eowyn as she expounds her theories and suspicions.
“He’s asked four times if we could study together after class. Four times. The next major exam we have is worth sixty perfect of the grade and I’m sure he saw me speaking with the professor last week because I was so determined to pass it. No one passes that exam, according to the third years –”
Arwen stirs the lentils and wonders if they ought to take a little bowl to the shrine.
“Perhaps he’s looking for a friend,” says Gandalf philosophically.
“Maybe he’s a creep, like Wormtongue was,” suggests Eomer darkly.
“He’s only starstruck by a girl in the engineering course,” says Bilbo, with a bit of (not unkind) humour in his voice. Then he reaches into his large duffel, which he lugged indoors with Aragorn and Eomer’s help, and extracts a box of fresh sweets for the table. These, Arwen hopes, are better than Lobelia’s – though she is sure they will be much too sweet for her own taste.  
“There are girls in engineering these days, old friend,” Gandalf interjects with a raised eyebrow, but Eowyn is not really paying attention to either of them.
“Last week at lab he gave me a book about zoological diseases I mentioned off hand almost a month ago,” she says with that earnest way she has. “That doesn’t have anything to do with engineering. Do you think he was trying to throw me off my game before our lab quiz?” 
It is very hard to keep a straight face at this inquiry, but Arwen – and many others present – manage it. “Have you considered that he might have just thought you’d like it?” asks Arwen.
“But that’s none of his business,” Eowyn says, as though this was obvious. 
“How did he know you liked it then?” asks her brother, baffled.
“We’ll — I told him,” says Eowyn. She flushes a bit. “But he initiated the conversation. We should have been talking about closed circuits.”
“Or nothing at all, apparently,” says Ada gravely.
“You don’t know him. He’s got a look in his eye. I can just tell.”
“Oh look, I’ve found him on Facebook.” 
And so Legolas has, and they all converge around his smartphone while Eowyn glares defiantly. 
“Faramir, is it? You know, he kind of looks like you, Estel.”
“Yeah – if you were much scrawnier and looked like a dweeby engineering student.”
“They look nothing alike,” says Eowyn hotly, crossing her arms – Arwen cannot help but catch Aragorn’s eye (he looks like he’s trying very hard not to laugh, not helped at all by Gandalf, who is looking right at him, and skillfully masking his own merriment besides) “and Aragorn would never be such a — a — a snake, anyway.”
Arwen agrees with this hypothetical assessment, at least. She rummages through the fridge and retrieves the fresh clutch of herbs she needs for her salad.
“But what has he done, Eowyn. The poor boy. There is a bit of dweebishness there, isn’t there … indeed …”
“Look at the last name; isn’t that Denethor’s boy?”
“Oh yes, that would explain it. Engineering? Of all things? I always thought he had a poet's soul when he was a kid.”
“I wonder how they’re doing – haven’t spoken to the man in an age, you know.”
“Denethor you mean?”
“Well, not since the incident with that poor tree in the synagogue’s front yard,” says Gandalf sadly. “You were there Aragorn, you remember –”
“Hmmm,” says Aragorn grimly.
“Well I told you,” interrupts Eowyn. “I haven’t got proof, just suspicions! He’s trying to psych me out of this program. But I tell you – I won’t let him!” 
Arwen wonders if perhaps Eowyn had grown up around sisters, she wouldn’t insist so very hard on sticking it out through a degree she is not really interested in. These ruminations are interrupted by a soft touch at Arwen's waist. “Hm?” she says.
“I’m off to pick up the kids,” Aragorn begins in a low voice (the assembly continues to chatter behind them). She smiles at him, then stops: for reasons unexplained he is suddenly offering her a horrified expression he usually only reserves for conservative Tik Tok mommy vloggers and occasions where Pippin is about to grievously injure himself on the park playset.  “... What are you doing?” he asks.
“Adding the mint,” she says serenely. 
“Fresh?” Like she must be mad.
“Doesn’t it have mint?” 
It is his grandmother's recipe, after all; silly man.
“Your mother always said it had to be fresh.”
“Fresh dried mint,” he clarifies, gravely.
“Really Estel.”
“Take over the lentils.”
“That was your job — and you’ve got to pick up Frodo and his friends.”
“In ten minutes.”
“You’re going to ruin it. Mr I Can Subsist On A Can Of Beans.”
“I can subsist. That doesn't mean you can add fresh spearmint to a perfectly good salad. It tastes completely wrong.”
“Estel …” But Aragorn has already ducked beneath the counter to reach deep into the recesses of their spice cabinet and retrieve an extremely dusty repurposed jar of dried mint, now cradled in his brown hands. The half-peeled label is for sour cherry preserves, which Arwen is sure no one in this family has bought from a store since they discovered the tree in Ada’s backyard.
“This is hardly fresh,” Arwen says archly.
“I dried it last week,” he says, all innocence. His t-shirt is worn and ratty enough that its low collar shows off her old necklace. She can see the jade flower and her own name etched in the characters of her mothers language at the center.
She sighs. Kisses his cheek; takes the mint. “Go fetch Mr. Bilbo’s wards.”
“They’re going to make a mess of my car,” he says, as if he did not happily volunteer for this task.
“Your car is already a mess, my love.”
So he goes, grinning. Arwen adds the mint to the salad and renters the fray.
“Eowyn,” she says. “Perhaps the next time he asks to study, you might take him up on it. That way you can get close enough to catch him at his awful scheme.”
Eowyn's mouth widens in a ponderous oh, as if she had never thought of this. Arwen pats her shoulder comfortingly.
“Food will be ready in ten minutes,” she says. Ada is smiling at her — a true smile, not without its own edges of memory, but no longer the bittersweet thing of three years ago. Arwen smiles back.
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wildrangers · 2 months
Hello i see you're accepting fic requests, i have a matt smith fic idea, can u do a behind the scenes w matt and fem!reader where they are both married in real life but they're rivals on cam, and when the scene cuts they're like all lovey dovey and their castmates are always teasing them 💟 tysmmm!!!
Thank you so much for this request anon, I loved this idea! I created an OC HOTD character for the reader to play and kind of worked her into different key moments from the show. I hope you enjoy 🙂
Tropes & Topics: total fluff
Word Count: 900
“What would you call the husband of the Queen?”
“Well, the king-”
“There it is, then.”
Your eyes met Daemon’s, fury coursing through your veins. His head tilted, eyes assessing you. “That seems redundant, no?”
“I speak for the Queen when I say it is not.” 
There was a long pause as you two stared each other down before “CUT! Good work you two.”
“Darling! You were stupendous” Matt praised, walking towards you with his arms raised. Mostly joking groans sounded from the crew around you. “Oh, stop it you lot.”
“I always forget how angry you make me when you have that fucking wig on” you tease, wrapping your arms around his middle tightly. 
“I could say the same to you, my love” he chuckled, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of your silver wig.
Your role on House of the Dragon was Anora, a close confidant and cousin of Rhaenyra. Given your character’s fierce loyalty to Rhaenyra, she shared a tense, often hostile, relationship with Daemon which you two delighted in playing as it was so opposed to your real-life dynamics as newlyweds. 
“Are you love birds ready for lunch now that you’ve terrorized the crew?” Emma’s voice called from behind Matt and you threw a grin their way. 
“Are they up to it again?” Harry seconded from behind them. 
“I don’t know what you’re referring to” you argued and Matt chuckled beside you, his arm resting along your shoulders as you followed the pair off the studio lot. 
“Oh, so you don’t remember the post-wedding incident?” Emma posed and you felt your face warm as the memory flooded your mind. 
“Wed?! Laenor has just died!” you shouted, whipping around to face your best friend and her apparent new husband. 
“No, cousin, he’s not dead. We arranged it so he could be free and we could marry” Rhaenyra explained and your eyes widened. 
“You let our monstrous uncle convince you of this?!” 
“Watch your tongue” Daemon replied, eyes blazing.
“Or what?” 
“Or I’ll take it.”
You took out the dagger you kept hidden on your side, “Well come on then, Daemon. You don’t frighten me.” 
“Enough!” Rhaenyra screamed, stepping between you both. “Cousin, this was my decision he forced me to do nothing. He wants to better support my claim to the throne when the time inevitably comes.” 
“He will be your ruin, Rhaenyra. Mark my words.”
“CUT! I think we got it guys, take five.” 
“My fierce wife!” Matt cheered, picking you up and swinging you around as you laughed. 
“Must you do this every take?” the director questioned, earning laughs from the cast and crew on set. 
“Am I wrong? She was incredible” he praised, placing you down and lovingly straightening the wig he’d disheveled in his excitement. 
“Yes, yes, your wife is brilliant and we’re all lucky to be graced with her presence” Emma teased and you stuck your tongue out at them. 
“The most brilliant one of us is you, my love” you tell him and are met with another chorus of groans as you giggle and squeeze his hand in yours.
“Oh! And you can’t forget the birthing scene from last season’s finale, that one was iconic.” Harry added and Emma eagerly nodded their agreement.
Rhaenyra wailed from the bedchamber behind you as you charged after Daemon. “What are you doing Daemon? She needs you!” 
“She needs someone to prepare for war, I can do nothing for her in that room.” 
“She’s calling for you Daemon, not me! She doesn’t want you to act on her behalf, just to be her husband.” 
“I am your king now!” he roared, turning around so quickly you slammed into his chest, his hands gripping your shoulders painfully to keep you upright.
“You overstep Daemon. You are no more than her king consort” you replied, adjusting your stance and fighting the wince of pain wracking your system.
Matt’s face completely broke, false anger draining from it, “Love, are you alright? I’m sorry everyone but she’s injured, we have to cut.” 
“Matt, it’s fine I could have finished the scene” you insisted but your argument fell flat as your ankle rolled out from beneath you. 
He didn’t hesitate, one arm gripping under your knees, the other under your arms to lift you off your feet. “Where’s the medic?!” 
“Matthew, it’s a twisted ankle, not a mortal wound” you assured but his face was panicked. “Hey, look at me” you said firmly, hand cupping his cheek. His hazel eyes met yours and you could see him fighting to control his fear that you were seriously injured. 
“I’m not putting you down until someone’s looked at your ankle” he insisted and you nodded your agreement. “I’m so, so sorry darling.”
“It was an accident, I’m fine, I promise” you replied, pulling his face down to yours for a brief kiss. 
“We have to release this as a blooper, the fans will eat it up!” you heard Emma call as Matt carried you off set towards the medic tent with the cameras still rolling.
“How could we forget? It went absolutely viral” Matt groaned and you laughed, pinching his side.
“You’re lucky you didn’t get charged with spousal abuse” you tease and he rolls his eyes as the others laugh. 
“Keep it going, I’ll just save up my annoyance with you for when we’re back on set.”
matt smith taglist: @slayraxes-blogs @littlehorrorlover
I'm always happy to hear any feedback, message me if you want to get added to the taglist! I have a few more asks waiting that will be out soon 🫶🏻
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starkwlkr · 7 months
Hi anon with missing cillian request this side!!!😅😅
I just wanted to say ur work on cillian with nolan!reader was soooo good and was wondering if u could write one where she attends the award shows with him and chris and they include her in their speech
(Maybe nolan reader had given the book to her father🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️)
And if u could include some sweet couple and parents moment that would be AWESOME!!!!!!
what a night | cillian murphy (nolan!reader)
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when you heard cillian’s name being called at the 2024 oscars, you felt like a tearing up, but you promised you weren’t going to cry. eh, some promises were meant to be broken.
the audience stood up to applaud for your husband. he turned to you and kissed you. you made sure your lipstick didn’t get on him like it did before. “i’m so proud of you.” you whispered to him as he gave you a hug.
when he released you, he stepped aside and saw his father in law, christopher, ready to give him a hug. you were sure twitter was going to make memes about the hug. it was something you discovered recently about how your father was always casting cillian in his work. you saw many jokes about it that it made you genuinely laugh.
finally, cillian made it to the stage to receive his oscar. in a room full of people, he found you staring at him with eyes full of love and proudness.
“i’m a little overwhelmed. thank you to the academy. um, chris nolan and emma thomas it’s been the wildest most exhilarating most creatively satisfying journey you’ve taken me on over the last twenty years. i owe you more than i can say. thank you so much. and thank you for not firing me after you found out your daughter and i were dating.” he said as the audience laughed.
the camera showed chris and you laughing at his joke.
after thanking the crew and cast, he looked at you. “thank you for being my partner in life, the mother of our beautiful children, my best friend, you are my person. i love you.” your father watched as you teared up.
after cillian finished his speech, you were tapped on your shoulder by your father, who offered you a tissue. “thanks, dad.” you chuckled as you took it.
next it was time for best director, a category you were nervous for your father.
“and the oscar goes to . . . christopher nolan, oppenheimer.” steven speilberg announced. your father had done it, finally. he was an oscar winner. after eight nominations, he finally got his golden statue.
after he hugged and kissed emma, he walked to your direction. cillian was still backstage, but he was watching close by. your father hugged you for a few seconds then kissed your cheek.
“you did it!” you cheered.
“it’s yours too, love.”
when he got to the stage, he was greeted by steven and got handed his oscar. it was truly a surreal moment. he first thanked the studios and several people who helped make the film.
“to my daughter, you are the reason for this.” he held up the statue. “you have a brilliant mind and a kind soul and i’m extremely proud to be your father. you gave me the book that this film is based on and you helped create a masterpiece. thank you forever. i share this with you.” his words made you cry even more.
you blew a kiss to your father then wiped away a tear. it was a dream come true.
shortly after, cillian got back to his seat, golden statue in hand. “did i do okay?”
“you did it perfectly, my love.”
when it was time for best picture to be announced, you were a bit confused. you weren’t sure if al pacino was didn’t care or if he was joking, but your father’s film had won best picture. it was a weird way to announce it, but your father and the oppenheimer team walked to the stage to receive the award.
it was definitely a perfect way to end the night.
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mrsevans90 · 10 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 1
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Word Count: 3,502
Warnings: Abused animal, domestic violence, stalker ex-boyfriend, mention of nightmares/PTSD, smut in future chapters.
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A big thanks to @shellyshellshell for encouraging me to write this story!
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
*Syverson POV*
It’s certainly difficult to leave the cool air conditioning of the house to head to work when the weather forecast predicts another scorching Texas summer day where the humidity makes your clothes immediately stick to your skin. It’s nothing I’m not familiar with having grown up in Texas my whole life and then spending two tours in the desert before returning home. You’d think I would move somewhere cold, but the south is all I know. I certainly couldn’t leave Nana and Pawpaw either. After finishing my last tour, I came home and bought an empty house in disrepair and spent the better part of a year ripping it to studs and rebuilding. I was really struggling with returning to civvy life after spending the majority last ten years in the sand pit. Originally, I had just planned to fix up my house so that it was comfortable and hell, livable, until I discovered what I wanted to do outside of the army. Remodeling my house taught me that I really enjoyed working with my hands and building things. I guess you could say taking a broken, outdated home and making it beautiful and functional again really resonated with me on a deeper level. I was lucky to leave the army with only some mild PTSD and nightmares. Hell, I had all of my limbs and was alive which is more that I can say I deserve. Staying busy helped me cope so after working towards getting my contractor’s license, I decided to start my own company, Syverson Contracting. It was still a small operation with only about seven employees including my cousin Alex, but we got by just fine.
After getting ready for the day and sipping on my cup of coffee on the porch with my German Shepard, Aika, I put my boots on and headed to the truck for the first day on a new worksite. Like usual, I called Nana on the way to work to check in. My grandparents lived about fifteen minutes away from me, but I still called to check on them every morning and make sure they’re doing alright. As I drive, Nana starts chattering all about how her friend’s granddaughter is single and I should be looking for a good woman to marry and settle down with. We’ve had this conversation umpteen times before but I can’t seem to get it through my stubborn grandmother’s head that it’s useless. I’ve been burned by too many women in the past as a young and naïve man and I just don’t want to bring someone into all of my problems. Yes, I go to therapy at the VA to help with my PTSD but it still doesn’t stop the sleepless nights and nightmares that immediately send me back to wartime in the desert. As much as I’ve always wanted a partner in life; a beautiful wife to come home to, a couple of kids and the proverbial picket fence, I just don’t see how it could be in the cards for me now. I’m too fucked up. Nana of course would never understand and I certainly don’t want to drag her into it so I just listen to her drone on and on about some chick named Susanne and then tell her that I’ve got to go.
After speaking with my team and giving instructions for the job, I went to Alex’s flatbed truck and we all started unloading the materials. The home we were working on was owned by a young couple expecting their first child. It was a simple job, replacing the flooring throughout the house, building a shed in the backyard for lawnmowers and other garden tools, and repairing some dry rotting siding near the fireplace. The great thing about my team is that I could get them started and didn’t have to micromanage them. After several hours in the walloping sun, we all broke for lunch. After cooling off and reenergizing at the local Wendy’s, we all headed back to the house to continue our work. Since I was used to being in these weather conditions, I decided to head out toward the edge of the woods in the backyard and start building the garden shed. When I went to lift up some of the plywood, I was beyond shocked to find a shaking and filthy little tan dog who appeared to be injured and terrified.
“Shit. Heya buddy, I ain’t gonna hurt you. It’s alright pal. Let me take a look atcha.”
As a true animal lover, I was immediately enraged. Someone had intentionally abused this poor defenseless animal and either abandoned it or it was able to limp off to the woods. The little male pup, couldn’t be older than a year was bleeding from four different wounds on the side of his sand colored body. The second I scooped him up, he was whining and cowering in fear.
“You’re alright little man. I’m gonna take care of ya. Let’s see if we can getcha to a vet.” I call Aika’s vet office and unfortunately there is no answer. Janet must still be taking her lunch break.
I see Alex walking outside to grab some of the flooring to bring inside and yell for him to come here.
“What’s up, Sy?”
“Just found this little guy beat to hell by the woods.”
“Jesus. What kind of bastards do that to an animal?” Alex ponders as he was looking at the injured and sick animal. 
“I’m gonna see if Dr. Robinson’s in. Hopefully I can get the little feller in today but I need you to run the site until I get back.”
“No problem, Sy. Didn’t she just have another kid? I’m not sure if she’ll be there but I know Jessica said something about them hiring a new vet so I’m sure someone will be around.”
The veterinarian’s office was only a fifteen-minute drive from the site so after giving the poor thing some water, I loaded him up and drove there.
On the ride over, he seemed to relax a bit and not shake as bad as he had been and I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Oh Austin! How good to see you! Did your Aika have an appointment?”
“Hey Ms. Janet, is Dr. Robinson in? It’s not for Aika. I found this guy by the woods and he’s been hurt something awful.”
“Heavens to Betsy! Poor little angel! Elizabeth is out on maternity leave but we’ve hired a new vet. You'll like her. Let me check with her and see if she can work you in.”
“Yes ma’am.”
A few moments later, Janet scurries back and directs me to an exam room with the little guy. I guess I could have just dropped him off and went back to work but my heart just couldn’t stand it. Hell, I fought to bring back Aika from Afghanistan because of how quickly I fell in love with her and she’s been the best dog ever. I can’t imagine leaving this little guy to potentially die from his injuries without a friendly face nearby.
*Knock Knock!*
The door opens and my heart stops at the same time. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen enters while carrying a clipboard and a stethoscope. She’s a petite little thing only reaching to my shoulders with long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, and crystal blue eyes that feel like they see straight to my soul.
“Hi, I’m Dr. Emma Miller. I hear you found this little guy in the woods?”
“Uh, yes ma’am. Hello there, I’m Austin Syverson. Yeah, I uh, I found him and he looks like he’s been abused.”
She smiles brightly and shakes my hand when I introduce myself and the moment I touch her soft skin, I can hardly think straight. Why the hell do I feel so jittery? It’s just a beautiful woman Sy. Get ahold of yourself. I tell her exactly what I found and she quickly starts examining him while speaking to him in a sweet voice.
“Hi sweet boy. You poor thing! I’m so sorry someone has been treating you so horribly. We’re going to take care of you, yes we are. You’re going to be good as new! I’m going to give you some fluids because you’re dehydrated little guy. Once we get some fluids in you, I’ll try giving you some food. How about that little man?”
I can’t help but smile as she baby talks to him while inserting an IV in his tiny arm and starting him on fluids. She examines the wounds more carefully before retrieving a pair of things that look like tweezers.
“If I had to guess, I would say this guy is about 10-12 months old. I suspect these wounds on his side are from a BB gun. Would you mind holding his head? I’m going to give him some pain relief in his IV to help him relax and then try and clean the area and see if I can remove them. We’re a bit short staffed at the moment with Dr. Robinson out and two of our techs calling in sick so I’ll need your help if that’s okay?”
“Fucking BB guns.” I murmur under my breath. Damn some people are just the worst.
“I’m happy to help.” I tell her quickly and take up residence next to the puppy’s head to hold him still.
“Thank you.” She replies quietly while concentrating on rubbing some brown cleaner across each wound.
I can’t help but watch her as she focuses on removing all four bb’s and placing them into a metal bowl. She’s so effortlessly beautiful and incredibly adorable as she works on the dog who seems to be feeling so much better with the medication and fluids that he has received. She sews up each wound quickly and efficiently. The pup seems to be almost as captivated by her as I am. When she’s done, he even attempts to wag his tail for her. Dr. Miller explains that he will need a flea and tick bath before she can dress the wounds because he has several fleas on him and she doesn’t want them getting into the incisions.
“Mr. Syverson, I hate to keep you from your day. Would you want to just come back for him in a little while? I have to do an exam on a yorkie with diabetes but then I’ll bathe him on my break and get his wounds dressed.”
“Sugar?” I ask.
“I’m sorry, pardon?” She responds a bit flustered.
I smirk as I see the blush tinting her cheeks. “The yorkie. Is it named Sugar?”
“Oh! Yes! Someone you know?”
“My grandma’s neighbor, Mrs. Clayton, has a yappy little yorkie named Sugar and I believe I overheard that it has diabetes.”
“Yes, well that would be her.” She smirks back.
“I don’t mind waiting with the little guy. Is it alright if I stay and help you bathe him? Since your short staffed and all?” I ask with my most charming smile.
Her beaming grin tells me all I need to know. “Sure, Mr. Syverson. Can you give me about twenty minutes?”
“Only if you’ll call me Austin or Sy. Mr. Syverson is my pawpaw.” I say with a grin.
“Alright Austin. I’m going to leave you with some wet food on the table for this little fellow, but can I trust you to only give him small amounts slowly? We don’t know when his last meal was so we don’t want to overwhelm his belly.”
“Yes ma’am.” I mock salute at her with two fingers and she giggles when she leaves the exam room. I swear the moment she did I was a goner. I need to find a way to hear that giggle more.
“Well little guy, it looks as though we are helping each other out, huh? You ain’t the only one broken and battered.” I say as I give the dog a small plastic spoonful of wet dog food that he almost swallows hole.
“What should I call you?” I hypothesize aloud while the pup continues eating sloppily from the spoon I’m holding.
“Since Dr. Miller here patched you up, how about Miller? We can call you Mills for short. What do you think about that? I like it.”
Emma finally returns to the exam room and is happy to see that the Mills has eaten the food I gave him and kept it all down. Due to the food, medications, and fluids he received you can already tell a slight difference in his demeanor.
“Let’s get you all cleaned up, shall we?” She says while carefully picking him up and carrying him to the back of the building before pausing. “You coming, Austin?” She asks.
God, I hope I will be soon. I think before I rush over to open the exam door for her and follow her to the back.
“You know, I’m breaking rules by letting you back here so don’t make me regret it.” She says to me teasingly as she carefully sets Mills into a large stainless-steel sink and begins to bathe him with medicated shampoo.
“You don’t have to worry about me, Dr. Miller.”
“No, if I have to call you Austin, you have to call me Emma. It’s only fair.”
“Well, Emma is a beautiful name so that will be easy. If you don’t mind my asking, where are you from? We haven’t had a new vet in town since Dr. Robinson came and that was probably ten years ago.” I watch as Emma carefully removes three ticks from his fur and want to outwardly cringe. Ticks are the devil’s bug.
“I’m from Alabama. I’ve only been in Texas for about a month but just started working in the office this last week.” She tells me as she very carefully continues to clean Mills.
“What brought you all the way out here? Did your husband get transferred out here or something?”
She side eyes my question with a smirk. “Nope, just the job. No husband or kids. No boyfriend either in case that was your next question.” She remarks sarcastically.
My stomach flips with excitement even though she caught on to what I was really fishing for.
“Well, I’m certainly glad you’re here. For Mills’ health needs of course.” I add quickly while gesturing to the pup.
“Yup. Short for Miller, after the doctor who’s taking care of him.”
Her cheeks blush bright red as she runs a flea comb gently through his fur. “Well aren’t you just the charmer. I’m surprised Janet didn’t warn me about you. She’s been clueing me in on pretty much the entire town.”
“Ah, good ole’ Janet. She knows there’s no need to warn you about me. She’s known me since I was in diapers so that should tell you enough about my character if she didn’t warn you off.”
“That’s good to know. So, are you planning on keeping little Mills? Or are you wanting us to adopt him out once he’s all healed?”
“Oh, I plan on keeping him if that’s alright. As long as my girl, Aika, is okay with it I’ll keep him. Can’t imagine sending him off to a stranger after what he’s already been through.”
“Well, if your girlfriend isn’t on board with keeping him just let us know and we can see about arranging a foster for him until he’s able to be put up for adoption.” She says while stepping a little further away from me.
Girlfriend? Oh dumbass, you made her think Aika is your girlfriend.
“Aika’s my German Shepard. I don’t have a wife, kids, or a girlfriend either.” I said poking fun at her sarcastic comment from earlier.
Emma grins but just continues to rinse Mills off. She notices that one of his paws looks a bit swollen but she can’t find any cuts or wounds so she thinks it may just be bruised from trying to run from his abuser.
Once we get him dried off, I hold his head again for her to clean and dress the wounds on his side and I’m dreading leaving.
“So, I’ll need to see little Mills in 3 days to check his wounds and remove the stitches. I need you to clean and redress the wounds one time a day like I’ve shown you. I’ve got his medication and antibiotics here and a couple of cans of that wet food that you fed him earlier. I recommend continuing to feed it to him slowly so that his tummy doesn’t get upset. Nobody likes waking up to a dog throwing up or having diarrhea in the house. If he does okay with that food we can discuss increasing his food intake at the next appointment. Do you have any questions, Austin?”
“Just one. Can I get your number, Emma? You know, in case I have questions about your prodigy, Little Mills, here.” I add with a smirk.
“I’m sure you have the number for the vet’s office.” She smirks.
“That I do, but I’d like yours as well, please.” I ask with my most convincing smile.
“Alright, alright. Just don’t advertise it. The last thing I need is people like Mrs. Clayton calling me after hours.” She concedes with a giggle and I can’t help my boisterous laughter at the last part.
“Nobody wants someone like Mrs. Clayton calling them all the time. That woman would talk to a wall just to hear her own voice.” I hand her my phone and she quickly types her number and I save it under “Mills’ Future Mama” and smirk to myself.
I pay and make the next appointment for Mills and then head to the local pet store for a collar, leash, dog bed, and more dog food. Luckily, Mills sleeps on the ride home and I can’t decide if he’s finally realized I’m not going to hurt him or if he’s still drowsy from the effects of the meds he received. I head home and send Alex an update that I’ll be back at the site tomorrow.
When I get home, I bring everything inside before carrying Mills over to Aika and carefully introducing him. After the initial excitement wears off, Aika heads outside to the backyard and I’m relieved that she seems to accept him. She’s always been such a good dog so hopefully I can rely on her to show our little rookie around and teach him our routines.
I go about showering and eating dinner, but I can’t seem to get my mind off Emma. I obviously want to play it cool but she has infiltrated my mind to the point where I just can’t think of anything else. I know this is a bad idea but I can't stop myself. I decide to take a picture of Mills in his little bed and text it to her.
Sy: <attached image>
Mills’ Future Mama: I’m glad to see my namesake is adjusting to his new life. I take it that his sibling accepts him?
Mills’ Future Mama: Also, you’re lucky I opened that picture text. Typically receiving a picture from an unknown number is never a good thing 😖
Sy: Sounds like your mind is in the gutter or you have some seriously unhinged acquaintances, darlin. Aika has accepted him into the pack without hesitation.
Mills’ Future Mama: More like, men are nasty and will take any opportunity to send an unsolicited dick pic to even the most unwilling recipients. Glad you found the little guy. He seems right at home.
Sy: He is. You should come visit him sometime.
Mills’ Future Mama: Why would I do that when he’ll be in my office in three days?
Sy: Maybe to see his owner?
Mills’ Future Mama: I’d imagine his daddy will be the one bringing him back to my office though?
Sy: Alright then, how about I make you some dinner at my place? Say tomorrow at 5pm?
Mills’ Future Mama: Make it 5:30 and I’ll be there. Just know I’ll be sending your information to my best friend in case you try and murder me.
Sy: What type of people were you surrounded by in Alabama? 🤨
Mills’ Future Mama: I was actually in a super safe town. Just watch too many crime shows to make careless mistakes.
Sy: Smart lady. You can tell whoever you want, darlin’. I’ve got nothing to hide and I appreciate a woman who has some self-preservation skills.
Mills’ Future Mama: Trust me, I’m very skilled at many things. 😜
Sy: Damn woman, I’m trying my best to be a gentleman here. It’s not fair to tease me.
Mills’ Future Mama: Not teasing. Just stating facts. 🙃
Sy: Tomorrow can’t get here soon enough. Here’s my address. Any food allergies?
Mills’ Future Mama: Nope! I’ll bring dessert. I’m interested to test your cooking prowess.
Sy: You’re killing me.
Mills’ Future Mama: See you tomorrow!
Part 2
Taglist: @shellyshellshell @henryownsme @caramariehurst @beck07990 @mollymal
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talaok · 1 year
I LOVE LOVE YOUR visiting pedro on set with our daughter imagine 🥺🥺🥺 can u pls do more maybe our daughter visits set again and meet bella and they gang up against pedro? that'll be so cute 🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏
This (lovely) ask referred to this post if you're interested.
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She had begged you for a whole week. A whole week of prayers and cries, because she "wanted to see daddy at work again"
And yes it was cute, and yes her father had done a really good job at teaching her how to make puppy eyes, but have you ever had to listen to tantrums on tantrums for five days uninterruptedly? 
Because trust me, the first word that'll come to mind won't be "cute" anymore.
So of course you gave up. 
And that's how you found yourself on set again.
Pedro's eyes sparked as he caught you sitting on his chair with your daughter on your legs.
He smiled and shook his head, murmuring something to someone next to him.
They looked up at him for a second before nodding with a smile.
"Daddy!" your daughter's excited voice made everyone turn to look at you.
You snorted to yourself, as Pedro and, who you now realized was his co-star, walked up to you.
"Hi there peach" your husband grinned as he took her in his arms.
She immidately hugged him as tight as she could, almost cutting his air supply, but Pedro could only chuckle.
"hi baby" she mouthed to you, knowing how possessive your daughter got when in his arms.
"hi" you smiled right back, before turning to this co-star.
"so you must be-"
"Who are you?" Your daughter interrupted you with a bitter thread to her tone
"Emma..." you scolded her "be nice"
"no, it's alright" they smiled "I'm Bella, I work with your dad"
Your daughter's gaze moved attentively between Bella and her dad.
"your name rhymes with mine" she stated after some time, making Bella grin,
"it does"
"Why do you work with daddy if he's old?"
Bella couldn't help but laugh, as Pedro feigned a shocked expression
"Trust me Emma, I ask myself that every day"
"do you know..." Bella ignored Pedro as they bent down to murmur to her as if they were about to reveal a secret "he even has to lay down to help his back sometimes, it's unbelievable"
A giddy laugh left your daughter's mouth 
"One time we had to stop for half an hour because he couldn't move his back anymore"
"That happened at home too!" Emma giggled "he picked me up and Mom had to help him get me down again because he was stuck"
Bella snorted
"Ok I don't know if I like this combo" Pedro shot you an amused look
"Oh, I love it"
"Would you like a tour, Emma?"
Her mouth widened in excitement, and she turned to look at you and Pedro 
"Can I?"
Your husband looked at you for approval, and once you nodded, he turned to his daughter
"of course honey, just be careful," he said, putting her down
" I'm always careful"
"Sure you are, you little pest" Pedro chortled, ruffling some hair on her head "Now go, have fun" he urged, watching as the pair disappeared behind the set.
"I thought she was here to see me" he joked, sitting down beside you
"I think you might have some competition"
"Yeah" he laughed, "I think I might"
__ __ __
"Speaking of which, where are they? It's been half an hour"
"shit" your heartbeat quickened a little bit, as you immediately jumped off your chair.
"hey Mark!" Pedro shouted, waving at a crew member "Have you seen Emma and Bella anywhere?"
"uh yeah, I think they were going to the trailers last I saw them"
"Thanks" he yelled in response, already walking out of the room with you following right behind.
"I think we should check Bella's and then yours"
"right" he nodded, following orders.
He knocked at the door, but no reply could be heard, which made your anxiety rise even more.
"Bella, you in here?" 
Again, silence on the other end.
You looked at each other, a mutual understanding traveling between you.
Pedro opened the door, but everything looked dark.
He slowly took a step in, looking around
"Bell-"he was about to call, but two shadowy figures emerged from right behind an open door.
"boo!" they shouted in unison, making Pedro take a step back as his heart threatened to stop.
what the fuck?
And just then, two distinguished laughs reverberated through the trailer as the lights switched on.
That's where they were.
Who knows how long they'd been waiting for you.
"you..." Pedro's eyes widened as his brain finally started working again.
"It was us, daddy!" Emma giggled, immediately joined by Bella, and shortly after... by you.
"y-yeah" he took in a breath, his hand going to his poor heart "Yeah I gathered that"
"did you get scared?" your daughter asked, still smiling widely as she walked over to Pedro.
"Yeah peach" he shot you a look of pure, actual terror, making you chuckle "You scared your daddy almost to death"
454 notes · View notes
Unpredictable, Part 2-Limoreau x black!fem!reader fic
A/N: Thanks for all the love on the first part! I decided to use feminine and masculine pronouns to refer to Jordan when they are in those respective forms but they/them when referring to them as a person (it'll make sense when you read it). Also, I accidentally made it a slow burn.
Warnings: Drug and alcohol use, swearing, and sensuality.
Word count: 6.6k
Series Masterlist
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Getting ready to go out could be stressful but it was meditative for me. The extra care in the shower, paying more attention to how I applied lotion and other skincare to my skin, and taking my time with my makeup was like a mini therapy session. Twice’s “Moonlight Sunrise” filled my room as I carefully sprayed braid spray on sections of my scalp. When I was halfway done with my edges, my phone started buzzing.
E: Are u busy?
I quickly typed back, Kind of but what’s up?
E: Can you come by my dorm ASAP? M needs help getting ready 2 go out.
I nearly messed up my edges over her words despite my previous premonition. While the premonition did not have to come true or mean anything, the buzzing underneath my skin would not stop. Though I tried seven times, I could not get anything else about what would happen tonight.
If only you were stronger, a voice hissed in the back of my head.
It was irritating not being able to see what I wanted when I wanted but, that was a large reason I applied to Godolkin in the first place. This was the place where supes perfected their abilities, whether they got into the Seven or not.  So, with years of practice under my belt, I shoved all the thoughts deep down into my subconscious and texted Emma that I would be there in about twenty minutes.
As I was heading downstairs, Alina, and Sasha, the third and fourth most important sorority members, were laughing and talking in the foyer. They both wore white crop tops and dark jeans with wedges.
Alina spotted me first and smiled. “Y/N, looking as amazing as usual.” Her dark brown hair was flat-ironed to frame her sculpted face.
“Oh my gosh, is that a Blumarine dress?” Sasha gushed, green eyes boring into the pink ruffle halter dress I wore.
“Yes, I’m so glad that I found it when I did,” I replied.
When I finally got to face them, I somehow felt as though they were looking down on me even though I was a couple of inches taller than all of them. Their bright veneers could fool anyone and did so on a regular basis.
“Where are you off to? A date?” Alina asked.
 It was always easier to lie to them.
 “Yes, he’s taking me to that sushi place off campus I’ve been dying to try,” I affirmed.
 “Is it Andre? That would make so much sense, you’d be such a cute couple!” Alina cheered.
 Sasha stepped towards me and placed her French-manicured hand on my shoulder. “Remember, Y/N, it’s important to have fun but you are a representative of Si Chi and you must uphold everything that means no matter the setting.”
Despite the smile and warmth in her eyes, I knew that there was a viper ready to strike at any second.  
I smiled. “I would not dream of doing anything else.”
“Great. Besides, you have to use your connections wisely.” She turned and waltzed back towards her friends, the scent of her Juicy perfume fresh in my nose.
“Do you two have plans tonight?” I asked.
Alina nodded. “We’re going to meet a few of the Phi Beta Pi girls and go to a kegger at Alpha Tau.”
Sounds horrible.
“Be safe and don’t forget that you’re representatives of the house,” I called over my shoulder as I made my way out of the house.
Seconds after Emma opened the door, her face fell.
“Of course, you’re also going out with the Top Five,” she joked while letting me in.
“I can text Cate and see if it’s cool if you come,” I offered.
Emma shook her head. “No, I’ll be okay.”
I narrowed my eyes at her too-wide smile and overeager eyes. As good as she was at comedic acting, she was a horrible liar. It would have been nice if she could have come along too.
“Next time, okay?”
“Sure, if I’m not busy.” Emma flipped her blonde bob and I laughed.
Then, I turned to Marie, who was standing on the other side of the room, looking at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a pair of flared blue pants with platform boots and a gold jacket. It was something I was positive Emma wore to one of the many graduation parties she insisted on attending.
“You look good,” I complimented.
Marie jumped and turned to me, raising her eyebrows at me. “Thanks, and you look…wow, um, really good.”
My stomach flipped at her words, and I mentally shook my head as I accepted her compliment. “You look ready to me so why did you summon me, Emma?”
“Because I’m bad at makeup,” Emma deadpanned as she flopped onto her desk chair. “But, you’re good at the whole looks-like-skincare-but-glam thing.”
I turned to Marie. “You don’t need makeup, though.”
“Neither do you but, I thought I would put in a little effort,” she admitted.
“Ooh, are you trying to impress someone? Luke’s ass really is that spectacular,” Emma sang while wiggling her eyebrows.
“Shut up!” Marie yelped, eyes widening.
 I laughed at her response and she glanced at me, looking sheepish. “If you insist, come lie down.” I gestured to her bed.
Marie followed my lead and I forced myself to exhale as normal as possible as I straddled her waist. I set my makeup bag within a reachable distance and started rifling for products.
“Do you have anything on your face now?” I asked.
“Uh, soap and lotion?” Marie replied.
I almost dropped my Fenty highlighter and stared at her. “You don’t have a skincare routine?”
Marie shook her head. “Is that bad?”
“Kind of, and it’s unfair since your skin is good.” I slowly set the items I wanted on the bed and turned back to her. “What kind of look are you going for?”
“Can you make her look like Rihanna?” Emma asked.
 “I can only do so much with makeup,” I called back.
“Something like what you have would be okay. Nothing too much,” Marie requested.
“Fine, just know I can’t do the exact same thing since we have different undertones and coloring. Just relax.”
Marie nodded and closed her eyes. I zoned out a bit as I carefully applied primer and concealer to her face and dusted highlighter on her cheeks.
“So, who invited you out?” I asked as I applied a light layer of gold eyeshadow to Marie’s eyelids.
“Oh, Andre. I ran into him earlier tonight and we kind of stopped a crazy guy together,” she recounted.
“Wait, what?” I sat up and Marie opened her eyes.
“Yeah, there was this guy running around talking about not going back to the woods,” Marie explained.
“Someone was off their meds, I mean that as sensitively as possible,” Emma commented.
 “And Andre and I stopped him from hurting himself or anyone else,” Marie concluded.
 Knowing Andre, he was definitely going to brag about it for most of the night. We got along fine but his pride got the better of him sometimes.
“Well, it looks like you’re already proving you should be in crim with me,” I asserted.
 Marie smiled slowly and I urged her to lay back down so that I could finish her makeup. She nearly head-butted me when I started spraying the setting spray, but my reflexes were too quick.
 “Chill, it’s setting spray,” Emma joked.
 “Sorry, I wasn’t expecting that,” Marie muttered.
 “I’ll warn you next time. But you are officially ready to go.” I slipped off her bed and pulled my strappy heels back on. “I’ll pick up my makeup bag later.”
 “Sounds good.” Emma jumped out of her chair and grabbed Marie’s hands. “Please remember to have fun because you’re not just doing this for you.”
  Marie laughed. “Okay, I’ll remember that.”
  I pulled their door open with one hand and grabbed Marie’s hand with the other. “And I’ll remember to make sure that you don’t do everything Emma would do.”
 Emma quirked a brow. “So, there’s a chance?”
 I rolled my eyes at my friend and tugged Marie into the hallway. As we walked, we passed some rooms with loud bass heavy music, and some making noises that I did not think were humanly possible. One made it hard for me to contain my laughter and I let out a snort.
 “Wow,” Marie commented.
  I apologized quickly.
  “There’s nothing to apologize for; I just didn’t think you were capable of making a noise like that.”
  As I moved to playfully nudge her, I realized that our hands were still clasped together. How long had it been, twenty or thirty seconds? That was longer than I held hands with anybody. I carefully let go of her hand.
  “My bad,” I apologized.
  “No, it’s fine,” she insisted.
   Nights like these were nice since the campus was mostly empty, save for the handful of students boldly wandering around campus inebriated. There was the occasional excited scream or cheer during our walk to the parking lot. At one point, Marie and I had to high-five some drunk guys as they rushed past.
   “Do you ever get used to it?” Marie asked.
  “The drunk kids? It’s kind of required,” I answered.
  “I mean all this stuff.” Marie gestured to the campus. “Keeping up with everything must be exhausting.”
 “I guess you’re forced to if you want to be successful here.”
  A cool breeze whipped past us, and a chill ran from the base of my spine to the rest of my body. I folded my arms over my chest in a feeble attempt to keep warm.
“You sure you don’t want to go back for a jacket?” Marie asked.
“I’ll be fine, it’s what liquor jackets are for anyway,” I replied.
 “So, what should I expect for tonight?”
“Have you ever seen a Pitbull music video?”
 “Maybe once.”
 “So that mixed with molly, coke, and whatever they have on hand.” I turned to her and noticed the frown between her eyebrows. “Hey, you’ll be great tonight, everyone’s gonna love you.”
 “Not if Jordan’s a part of it,” Marie scoffed.
 Of course, Andre did not tell her about who was coming on this night out.
 “Try not to worry about them. This could be a chance for you two to get to know each other better,” I tried.
  Marie stopped and looked at me. “They’re coming tonight?”
 “Yeah, they are number two.”
  Marie groaned. “They better not ruin my night.”
 “It’s okay, Andre already likes you, Cate and Luke will like you too, and you have me,” I said, extending an arm.
  Marie glanced at it for a moment before looping her arm through mine and we continued our walk. It was a nice, peaceful silence between us and I did not know whether I wanted to break it or relish it. At home, there was no such thing as peaceful silence; just the calm before all the cursing.
  “Hey, Y/N,” Marie started.
   I hummed in response.
  “What’s your deal with Jordan?”
  “We’re…friends, I think. Last year, I didn’t want to go near them for the longest time, but Cate invited me to train with all of them once. After that, they were nicer to me.”
   Marie nodded. “You seemed really comfortable with them.”
   “It’s really fun to mess with them.”
   Marie looked at me as if I was crazy and I grinned in response. Jordan was always wound up and they could not always rely on drugs to decompress. I could not pinpoint when I started being more playful with them since it sort of started out of nowhere. At least they were receptive.
   “Your heartbeat’s picking up,” Marie shared.
   I exhaled, “I always get anxious before social stuff, even if I know everyone who will be there.”
  “That sucks. How do you deal with it?”
   “Alcohol, when it’s available, and dancing. My mom thought dance lessons would help me build more confidence than therapy. Plus, it’s basically guaranteed to be acceptable in any setting.”
   After a few more minutes, we finally reached the parking lot and I ignored the chill on my back as we approached Luke, Cate, Andre, and Jordan. They were all standing around Luke’s car, but Jordan and Cate were passing a joint while Luke and Andre were laughing. Andre was the first to notice us and grinned.
  “Hey, you made it,” Andre greeted.
  “Yeah, Y/N is a great guide,” Marie complimented.
  Cate smiled and handed the joint back to Jordan before walking over and hugging me. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen you. You look all grown up now.”
 “It’s been three months, Cate,” I laughed as I slowly pulled away from her. “I love the corset.”
 “Thanks, nice earrings,” she replied.
  “Y/N, are you trying to steal my girlfriend?” Luke teased as he approached us.
  I shook my head and couldn’t help the stupid grin that worked its way on my face. “I would never think about it.”
  His hug was a lot stronger than Cate’s, which made sense considering his ability. Despite his status, Luke was always nice to everyone, including Cate’s little mentee.
  Andre made quick work of introducing Marie to everyone and I stiffened when he got to Jordan. “Have you met Jordan?”
  Jordan narrowed his eyes at Marie. “Yeah, we’ve met.”
  “Are you going to reject me from this outing too?” she shot back.
  “Love too.”
  I wandered over to Jordan and put my hand on his shoulder. “Please play nice.”
 “I can’t promise anything,” he muttered.
 “Well, I like both of you and hope you can get along for a couple of hours.” I turned to Marie, mustering the best puppy eyes I could, and she smiled softly.
  “Fine with me.”
  Jordan rolled his eyes, agreed, and took another hit from the joint. He smirked as he extended it towards me. “What do you say, freshie?”
  “I am a year younger than you!” I griped.
  “And you’ll always be my little freshman,” he teased.
   “Anyway, a Si Chi girl would never be caught smoking or vaping.”
 “And you’re a good little Si Chi girl.”
 “I’m the secretary!”
 “As much as I hate to interrupt this,” Andre interjected, “I’d like to get the night started.”
 “How are we all gonna fit?” Marie asked as we made our way to the car.
 “We’ll make it work,” Luke replied as he slid into the front seat.
  Obviously, Cate took the front passenger seat, leaving Jordan, Andre, Marie, and me in the back. Jordan climbed in first, I followed him, Marie followed me, and Andre squeezed in last. I glanced at Marie and began pushing myself to sit on her lap when a strong arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me in the other direction. Seconds later, I glanced down at Jordan who eyed me expectantly.
 “Why do you look so surprised?” he teased.
 “I just thought it’d be easier if Marie and I were together,” I stated as Luke pulled out of the parking lot.
  Jordan took his time rolling down the window. Then, he took a hit and exhaled the smoke out of it. “Someone has to keep an eye on you.”
 Another shiver ran up my spine and I turned away from Jordan in time for Cate to hand me her phone, which was connected to the aux cord. As soon as I saw “Get Ur Freak On”, I hit play and handed the phone back to her.
 “Nice choice,” Andre complimented before taking a swig from his flask and handing it to me.
 I accepted the flask. “Thank you.”
 The familiar burn down my throat was almost comforting but that also could have been due to the top-shelf whiskey in the flask. When I sat up, I noticed Marie eyeing the flask in my hand curiously.
  “Want some?” I asked.
  “No, thank you,” Marie kindly rejected.
  “Did you just fail to corrupt a freshman?” Jordan rasped in my ear.  
  Reflexively, I swatted Jordan’s shoulder and assured Marie she did not have to do anything she didn’t want to. Fortunately, Andre’s whiskey helped dissolve the tension between the two, or maybe it was just my perception.
   Before I knew it, Cate wiped the host at an exclusive club downtown to give us a booth and as much champagne as we wanted. The place was as crowded as it was in my mind, filled with people, the strobe lights catching the occasional sequin or shiny suit. The music was so loud that it was hard to recognize the songs but I felt like my brain was swimming either way. When we got to our booth, Cate, Andre, and Luke sat on one side while I sat in between Marie and Jordan on the other.
   Seconds after we sat, a hostess in a tiny bandage dress set bottles of champagne and crystal flutes on our table.
  “I love your eyeliner,” I complimented as she began to walk away.
  She thanked me before disappearing into the crowd and Luke laughed.
  “How are you already drunk?” Luke asked.
  “I’m not, I’m just nice.” My argument probably would have been better if I didn’t trip over the “c”.
  “You did drink half of my flask, Y/N,” Andre pointed out.
  I opened my mouth in shock. “Well, it’s not my fault that these two,” I gestured to Cate and Jordan, “didn’t contribute.”
 Luke and Andre busted out laughing while Cate slowly rolled her eyes.
 “Leave her alone, Y/N needs to let loose,” Cate interrupted.
 “Thank you.”
  Luke must have gotten over his earlier comment since he poured three flutes of champagne and handed me one. Immediately I started sipping and giggled as the bubbles burst in my mouth. There must have been something in the air but I felt so light, like I would float away at any second.
   “Is that coke?” Marie’s voice dragged me back to the group.
   In that second, I noticed Cate hand a baggie of powder to Jordan and saw her eyes were slightly red.
    Jordan shook his head. “We did all the coke. This is molly.”
   Marie’s eyes widened and she glanced at me.
  “I can’t do uppers, messes with my powers,” I explained.
  “And we do not want a repeat of New Year’s,” Cate added.
  I bristled at the foggy memory.
  Luke leaned towards Marie. “I don’t really do hard drugs but I microdose shrooms.” He flicked the baggie for emphasis.
   Marie shook her head and smiled. “No, thanks.”
  “Aw, she’s so polite,” Jordan mocked.
  I finished my drink and pushed the flute towards Luke. “Leave her alone, she doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to.”
  The last thing I wanted was for Marie to feel pressured into doing anything with them and me by extension. However, she was comfortable enough to drink and even showed off her powers a little bit. We were all in awe when Marie made a droplet of blood from a pinprick on her finger float into a tiny ball before disappearing back into her finger.
  “That’s badass,” Andre declared with a nod as he sipped some champagne.
  “Not bad, Moreau,” Luke added.
   Cate nodded her approval before doing some more molly while Jordan stared at Marie.
   “Come on, you can say it,” I fake encouraged.
   “Fine, she’s decent,” Jordan admitted.
   I leaned my head towards him. “See, that wasn’t so hard.”
   Jordan gently swatted me away and I laughed as I finished off my glass of champagne. Things were already going better than I expected. The night got even better when “American Boy” blared through the speakers.
   Immediately, I yelped as I jumped to my feet, Cate quickly joining with a mischievous smile on her face.  
   “We’ll be out there,” Cate said, gesturing to the dance floor.
    Luke quickly pecked her lips. “Have fun.”
   As I passed Marie, I grabbed her hand. “Come on.”
  She looked a little apprehensive but grinned as she followed me onto the dancefloor. It was warm and there were so many people to push past but it didn’t matter. The beat was infectious as I began to spin, arms above my head. My braids flowed around me as I tossed my head from side to side. In the middle of a spin, I felt a gloved hand grab one of my arms and pull me towards someone.
  When I opened my eyes, Cate’s big blue ones were staring back at me. Red rimmed her irises and her hands moved to my hips. We moved in time together and I couldn’t stop laughing as we did.
  “You’re welcome for saving you from that creep dancing behind you,” she yelled over the music.
  “You will always be my hero,” I gushed.
  She spun me and I giggled as I faced Marie. Marie was swaying to the music, eyes closed, but she looked blissful. My hands found hers and I pulled her to dance with me. She was not a bad dancer at all but I took the lead, swiveling my hips and bobbing my head. At one point, I wrapped my arms around her neck and hugged her.  Slowly, her arms wrapped around my waist, and I hummed at the warmth.
  Cate leaned over me. “Sorry, she’s an affectionate drunk.”
  I gasped but did not move. “I am not drunk!”
  “It’s okay,” Marie laughed.
  “Seriously, I’m not even tipsy,” I added. “I can move if you want, though.”
  “No, it’s fine.”
  The pit of my stomach suddenly felt warm and fuzzy as I danced with my two friends. I closed my eyes and giggled as the champagne bubbles carried my thoughts away. Was this what it was like not to think all the time?
  “Jordan can’t take his eyes off you.” Cate’s whisper jolted me out of my reverie and I pulled away from Marie.
  “What?” I uttered.
  Cate gave me a weird look and nodded her head towards the table. My eyes wandered in that direction and Jordan was staring back at me. Andre was the only one besides him at the table and he was busy flirting with the hostess but Jordan did not look at them. His eyes were like a hawk’s and I felt like a little mouse.
  “They’re watching us dance, it’s fine!” I shouted over the music.
  Cate shook her head. “He’s not looking at all of us.”
   As much as I enjoyed dancing to the next five songs, I could not get Cate’s words out of my head. This was supposed to be my night not to think about anything, but I could feel the rumination looming.
  But there’s nothing to think about. We’re just friends if we’re anything at all and Cate’s been on this since I joined the group, I thought, squashing any others.
  Once “Like That” ended, I let Marie and Cate know I was going to take a break before making my way back to the booth and plopping down next to Jordan.
  “Having fun?” I panted.
  “Yeah, but not as much as you,” he replied.
  “You should join us next time.” I huffed as I flipped my braids over one shoulder and sat up. “Where’re the others?”
  “Luke went off somewhere and Andre is making some girls suffer through his coin trick.”  
  “And you don’t have anyone you like?”
  I thought Jordan paused but he shook his head. “No, but you’ve been entertaining me.”
  Something jolted in my chest like I’d been shocked. I had another sip of champagne to get rid of the feeling and Jordan’s silver rings caught my eyes. Slowly, my fingers slipped over the ones on his middle and right ring fingers.
  “These are pretty,” I mused.
  As my fingers continued slipping over the rings, he moved so that we were holding hands and a chuckle escaped me.
  Jordan’s eyes widened. “What?”
  “You have man hands,” I chortled.
 “Seriously, freshie?” Jordan sighed.
 “It’s true!”
  I couldn’t stop laughing at how his hand engulfed mine, but it was comforting in a way too. It took me a minute to calm down and when I did, my eyes found Marie and Cate on the dancefloor.
  “I’m glad she came tonight,” I said.
  “Yeah, she’s really nice,” he agreed.
  “See, not all strangers are horrible.”  
  “Okay, you were right.”
  I gasped and put my free hand on my chest. “I must be really drunk because you just admitted I was right about something.”
  “Don’t make a big deal out of it,” Jordan groaned.
  “I should’ve been recording because no one will ever believe that Jordan Li admitted they were wrong about something,” I cheered.
  Jordan shook his head. “Don’t let it get to your head.”
  “It’s already there.”
  I didn’t know how long I sat there, laughing and watching Marie and Cate dance. There was something fascinating about seeing Marie in the element and getting along with everyone. She seemed so…free but it was so genuine. How did she manage that?
  “Do you like her?” Jordan asked.
  I blinked and looked back at him. “Huh?”
 “Don’t play dumb. You’ve been flirting with her all night.”  “I have not! I’m being welcoming.”
  “Really, because I’ve never seen you look at anyone like you do with her.”
  “Are you jealous that I’m getting along with someone else?”
  “Why would I be jealous? You’re not going anywhere.”
  Something was off about his tone but I couldn’t put a finger on it. Why would Jordan say that? Marie was my friend and I’ve been treating her like a friend. Why would they care how I acted anyway?
  “I’m thirsty,” I declared.
 “You want me to get you water?”
 I shook my head. “I need Casamigos.”
 Jordan smiled widely. “You sure?”
 Jordan stood, pulled me to my feet, and started leading me to the bar. Halfway there, they shifted into their feminine form, becoming even more adept at navigating the crowds. Once we got to the bar, she got the attention of the bartender and ordered the shots. At some point, I started bouncing on my heels as we waited.
 “Hi, Barbie,” a gruff voice sounded behind me.
 I jumped, nearly running into the bar. The man was tall and his mustard yellow suit washed out his pale skin and blonde hair. His smile was all wrong and made my stomach churn.
 “Um, hi, Planters Guy?”
 Jordan burst out laughing next to me, making the man glare at her for a second. She waved her hand in apology and turned towards the bar.
 “It’s Michael, actually, can I get your name?” he stepped closer to me.
 I opened my mouth to respond but Jordan answered.
 “She’s with me.” Her hand slowly slid to the small of my back and pulled me into her side.
 “What if I bought you a drink?” Michael offered.
 I glanced at Jordan. “Well, I guess that’s alright.”
 Jordan rolled her eyes. “Fine.”
The bartender set two trays of shots in front of us and Jordan and I each grabbed one and turned to Michael.
“Thanks for the drinks!”
 Once we got far away enough for him to hear, I burst out laughing and tried not to spill anything.
 “Works every time,” Jordan stated.
 “What am I gonna do when you graduate next year?” I mused.
 “Aw, are you gonna miss me?”
 “I’ll miss how easy it is to get free drinks with you.”
 My face warmed and I ignored the warmth in my stomach. Andre was waiting for us back at the table.
  “Jordan, why’d you change?” Andre asked curiously.
 “Makes it easier to get free drinks,” she answered.
 I plucked a shot from a tray and leaned on Jordan’s shoulder. “I appreciate them in both forms.”
 Jordan seemed to tense under the contact, and I leaned back up, wondering if I’d done something wrong. If I had, she did not act like it as she grabbed a shot and made Andre grab one.
 “Cheers to another year?” Andre suggested.
 “The year Y/N breaks into the Top Fifteen?” Jordan joked, raising an eyebrow.
 I grinned. “Who knows, maybe this is the year I take your spot.”
 “Ooh, bold, Y/N, I like it,” Andre cheered.
 “I’d be more scared if your punches didn’t feel like a kitten pawing at me.”
 “Just cheers!”
  She laughed as the three of us clinked glasses and did the shots. The tequila was smooth as it ran down my throat and I was practically buzzing as I went for the second one.
  “Whoa, are you sure you don’t want to slow down?” Jordan asked.
  “It’s fine, I ate before we went out, I’m not even tipsy,” I insisted.
  Around the third shot, Andre disappeared and by the fifth, everything was blurry, like one of my visions. I think I pouted at the thought.
  Then, the starting chords of “Standing Next to You” filled my ears and my body moved on its own, jumping to my feet.
  “Oh my gosh, they’re playing Jungkook, we have to dance!” I yelled.
 “Okay, calm down,” she said, setting down her glass and letting me pull her onto the dancefloor.
  My body kept moving on its own, body rolling and feet shimmying. The song was entrancing and I was lost in it, singing as well as I could. Jordan spun me a couple of times before pulling me closer and I laughed as I wrapped my arms around her neck.
   I couldn’t remember the last time I was this close to Jordan. She had such pretty features but her eyes were amazing, like molten pools of dark chocolate.
  I gasped and clamped my hand over my mouth. “Oh my gosh.”
  “It’s cute, you like my eyes?”
  “Stoooop,” I whined.
  “Oh no, I’m never letting this go,” she teased.
  In that moment, I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole, but I did not get what I wanted. Instead, Jordan’s hands pulled me flush against them, fingers tapping against my hips.
  “Come on, you were so bold a second ago,” she whispered.
  “That was different,” I muttered.
  “But I want to know what else my little freshman likes about me.”
   Their mocking tone made my body heat rise and I did not know how to stop it. Even in their feminine form, Jordan was stronger than me and it would take a lot of effort to get out of their grip.
 “I’m not a freshman.”
 Suddenly, we stopped moving while everyone else around us was making out or dancing. Somehow, no one bumped into us and I wondered if there was some sort of invisible field blocking it from happening. My eyes wandered away from Jordan, glancing at the colorful lights and feathers on someone’s dress. That did not last long as I felt her soft fingers move a braid away from my face.
    I could hear my heartbeat in my ears as I turned back to her. Jordan seemed so soft as her hand trailed behind my ear before finally resting on my shoulder. Any words I could have said dried up on my tongue and I couldn’t think as our faces got closer to each other.
   Her woodsy cologne filled my senses, and I wondered what she could sense. Just as I closed my eyes, a terrifying scream broke through the crowd. When I opened my eyes, everything was a blur. At one moment, Jordan was in their masculine form and tugging me through the crowd. In the next, Andre was pushing me back into Luke’s car.
  Jordan, Andre, and Luke were yelling or talking but I couldn’t understand any of it. Cate seemed panicked in the front, but I had no idea what she was saying.
  “Where’s Marie?” I asked.
  Darkness overtook everything before anyone answered my question.
 The throbbing in my temples the next morning made me want to strangle George Clooney. My head weighed a thousand pounds, and it took even more effort to push myself up in bed. Thankfully, the curtains were drawn on my windows and only some rays of sunlight peaked through.
  When I was finally able to open my eyes, I noticed the bottle of Vought Water on my dresser and two aspirin. It was too early to ask any questions and I took the medicine and almost cried at the relief. Then, I did my best to walk to the bathroom without aggravating my spinning head.
  As soon as I turned on the light, I noticed the red and black jacket around my shoulders and gasped.
  This was Jordan’s.
  If they brought me home how messed up was I? I groaned at the thought and carefully hung the jacket on the hook on my door.
  My morning routine was plagued by all the possibilities from last night and what I’d said. I remembered vaguely gushing over Jordan’s eyes and dancing with Marie and Cate and…
   Almost kissing Jordan.
  How was I going to live that down? What had even come over me? It had to be the tequila and champagne. Thanks to that combination, Jordan was going to have material to tease me for at least a few months.
  After pulling on a baby blue short-sleeved fuzzy crop top and matching linen shorts, I slipped on my white Stan Smiths and went downstairs for breakfast. Per usual, it was buffet style with an option of fresh fruits, turkey bacon, steel-cut oatmeal, or toast. Sydney, Alina, and Sasha were the only ones in the dining room, all wearing matching Alo Yoga sets.
  I took the seat next to Sasha and forced myself to eat the oatmeal. “Good morning, everyone.”
 “Good morning, Y/N,” they all replied.
  “How was your night?” I asked Alina.
  “Fun,” she replied.
  “But not nearly as fun as yours,” Sasha commented.
  I stiffened and tried to cover it up with a sip of coffee. “What makes you say that?”
 “For one thing, you’re not ready to join us for Ashtanga yoga. Second, Jordan Li had to walk you to your room.” Sasha emphasized Jordan’s name with the biggest Cheshire cat grin on her face.
  “I’m glad you have such a good friend,” Sydney expressed, flicking a curly strawberry blonde hair out of her green eyes. “You always need those when Si Chi sisters can’t attend the same events.”
  “Thanks, I’m glad they’re my friend too.” I smiled as kindly as I could without side eyeing Sasha.
  Fifteen seconds passed before Alina broke the silence.
 “Did you hear what happened with that freshman last night?” she asked.
 Sasha groaned. “It’s been all over my timeline.”
 I frowned. “What happened?”
 “This freshman got caught off campus at a club,” Alina said as though it was the greatest gossip known to man.
  “Didn’t she save someone’s life, though? They had some kind of accident?” Sydney added as she popped a grape in her mouth.
  In that moment, the caffeine must have hit my brain because I almost yelped at the realization. We’d left Marie at the club last night, I had abandoned her. I grabbed my phone from my bag and started texting Emma.
 Y/N: Hey, did Marie make it back last night? Lost track of her.
 Emma responded back pretty quickly.
E: Yeah. She got a weird email from school. Ohw to Lamplighter.
My stomach churned and I willed myself to settle it. For a second, I closed my eyes and focused on Marie, but I couldn’t get a clear image of her.
 “Shit,” I muttered.
 Alina, Sasha, and Sydney turned to me, microbladed brows raised.
 “I’m sorry, I just realized that I forgot to read a chapter for a class today.”
   The girls may have said something as I quickly finished my breakfast and left the dining room, but I couldn’t hear them over my racing thoughts. Twenty minutes later, I was walking into the Crimefighting building with two iced coffees from Jitterbean in my hands and Jordan’s jacket slung over one of my arms.
  There were only a couple of people milling about the people, professors making final touches on lectures, and students cramming. I paid none of them any mind as I came across a sulking Jordan. They were in their feminine form and if they were hungover, they did not look like it.
  “Hi,” I greeted once we got close.
  “Hey,” she replied.
  “Um, I brought you coffee and your jacket as a thank you for last night. I heard you had to take me home and I’m sorry about that.”
  I handed her both items and she nodded. “It’s fine but you do owe me.”
  Her tone wasn’t as light as usual. Even when they were hungover, Jordan never missed an opportunity to go back and forth. This had to be about that almost kiss. As much as I wanted to avoid it, I had no choice.
  “About that, uh, kiss,” I whispered.
  “Don’t worry about it,” Jordan affirmed.
  “Are you sure? Because----”
  “Seriously, it’s fine, we were drunk, well, you were wasted but it’s okay.”
 They did not sound nor look “okay” and they spoke as if they wanted me to drop it as soon as possible. Earlier, I wanted to erase it from my memory but their response made me want to shrink into a corner. Why did I even care? It’s one issue resolved.
  “Okay,” I said slowly. “Anyway, have you seen Marie today? I can’t get in touch with her.”
  “No, I wouldn’t worry about it.”
  “Telling me not to worry doesn’t make it go away. I feel bad about leaving her last night.”
  Jordan glanced around us before pulling me off to the side. “You should’ve told her the risks before having her join us. You know none of us can get caught breaking the rules,” she hissed.
  “I didn’t think abandoning her would be a possibility,” I muttered.
  “She’ll be fine. You should know to look out for yourself by now, freshie.”
  For a moment, I narrowed my eyes at Jordan, who was suddenly more focused than they’d been since we started talking. They had a point, they and the rest of the Top Five always covered themselves but that typically never meant someone got hurt.
  “Would you have done the same thing if it were me instead of Marie?” I asked.
   Jordan flinched and her silence was all the answer I needed. Tears threatened to burn in the corner of my eyes, but I turned before she could see them. I thought I heard her say something and I mumbled about seeing her in class later. Just as I was about to make my way out of the building, Marie flew in, eyes flaring.
   “Did you know about this?” she questioned.
   “About what?” I asked.
   “They’re expelling me to cover up for you.” She looked behind me. “And you.”
   “Wait, what?” Jordan replied.
   “That doesn’t make any sense. You didn’t do anything wrong,” I gently argued.
   “Well, I guess I did because I thought you were different from them.”
   Her cold words felt worse than the time a girl with ice powers caught me in the shoulder during a training session. For a second, I couldn’t speak, and I thought I heard buzzing in my ears. Nothing was going the way I thought or envisioned it would. What was the point of having these powers if I couldn’t help my friends or figure out who were fake friends?  
   “Marie,” I started.
    She pushed past me and Jordan, storming towards Brink’s office. As I turned around to go back to my room and lick my wounds, a vision flashed in my head.
   Bright yellow flames covered Luke’s body and he had a murderous look in his eye as he approached someone. The perspective switched to a frightened Marie stumbling out of Brink’s office with Luke trailing behind her, his flames growing larger and more sporadic. Then, Jordan appeared.
   As soon as it appeared, it left and I had a sinking feeling in my chest as I whirled around.
   “MARIE, DON’T!”
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jaydizzel2844 · 11 months
Marie x Jordan Drabble
No. 6
Hanging out with Jordan is always fun, which ever form they take. André never got peoples hang up over the gender thing was, Jordan was cool either way.
But he’ll admit that they’re easier to carry back to campus drunk off their ass when they’re a girl.
Him and Luke were easily able to hold up Jordan between them and with Cate to open doors and shit getting Jordan back to their dorm room was easy.
There was one small hiccup.
“Noooo, I wanna say good night to my beautiful amazing girlfriend with the best ass ever first .” Jordan whined.
“Buddy it’s 3am, she’s asleep you can talk to her in the morning.” Luke tried to reason with them as they got to the courtyard outside side of the dorms.
“Also your obsession with her ass is a little concerning.” Andre added.
The four of them had gone clubbing. It was a last minute plan and it wasn’t meant to be an original four night out but the other three were busy. Sam had an important assignment for his puppeteering class and Marie and Emma already had plans for a roommates movie night.
Andre probably should have realised that that meant Jordan would be fourth wheeling him, Luke and Cate leading to the shapeshifter spending most of the time out at the bar doing shots with the new friends they’d made while the 3 of them were being throuple-y.
But they all had a good night regardless and hopefully Jordan won’t have too bad of a hangover tomorrow.
“No it’s not. And she might not be asleep,” Jordan slurred out. “She was having a movie night, those can go pretty late.”
The look in Jordan’s eyes was too hopeful Andre couldn’t help it.
“Alright I’ll text her.”
“Thank you, thank you thank you. I just want to say good night and that I love her.”
“Whoa what? Is the first time you’re saying the L word?” Cate exclaimed, stopping the 4 of them from going any further.
“Lesbians?” Jordan asked, confused.
“No, love.” Luke explained “fuck you are way too drunk.”
“Oh sorry, yes I love her but I haven’t told her yet. I’m going to do it tonight.” Jordan looked so proud of themselves.
“No you are not,” Cate told them firmly. “Not when you’re too drunk to stand up on your own.”
“She’s right dude,” Andre interrupted. “You got to make shit like that romantic, like recreate your first date or something.”
“I should recreate getting shitfaced at Dusty’s?”
“No,” Luke said with a laugh. “The dinner you two went out for the week after that. At the Korean place off campus. Or do something else romantic. Basically do tell her but not tonight.”
“Ok, can I still tell her good night?” Jordan’s big brown eyes were impossible to say no to.
“If she’s up.” Andre said pulling out his phone.
To Marie🩸
U up?
Jordan wants to say good night
From Marie🩸
Yeah ?
Are they ok?
To Marie🩸
Yep just drunk
We’ll swing by your room in 5
From Marie🩸
Actually I’ll met you at their room
Don’t want to wake Emma
“When did you know you loved her?” Cate asked as they entered the dorm building and headed for the elevator. Getting Jordan to their room was going a lot quicker now that they knew Marie was waiting for them there.
“Um, she was giving me a blowjob..”
“How romantic.” Cate interrupted.
“Fuck off, anyway I switched during it by accident. I thought I majorly fucked up, like totally freaked her out but I didn’t. She just kept going. And I just knew then and there that she wanted all of me, exactly as I am and she makes me feel so happy and good about myself and I’ve never been in love before but I’m pretty sure that this is it.”
“Ok that’s a bit romantic.” Cate admits at they got out of the elevator on Jordan’s floor.
“Thank you.”
Marie was waiting for them at Jordan’s doom in slippers and a hoodie that Cate is pretty sure belongs to Jordan over her pyjamas.
Once Jordan saw her they slipped out of Luke and Andre’s arms and staggered into Marie’s.
“You got it from here or do you need help getting them into bed?” Luke asked.
“No I got it, thanks.” Marie said as she opened the dorm room door while Jordan nuzzled into her neck. “Goodnight”
Drunk Jordan was compliant if a bit cuddly so getting them into their pyjamas and into bed wasn’t too difficult.
“Sorry I didn’t come out tonight, it looks like you had a lot of fun.” Marie said as she helped Jordan sit on the bed so she could untie their shoes.
“Nah, it’s cool. You have fun with Emma?”
“Yep, we watched mean girls and a few other classics that’s she was horrified that I hadn’t seen yet. You?”
“Yep, it was so fun. So many shots, maybe too many.” Jordan got up and wrapped their arms around Marie, one hand sliding down to her ass before stopping. “Do you mind that I do that?”
“What?” Pulling out of Jordan’s arms so she could take their shirt off and replace it with a pyjama top.
“Me putting my hands on your ass, like you’ve joked about it a few times and Andre says I’m obsessed but does it bother you?” Jordan looked so concerned as Marie was undoing their belt.
She smiled to herself. “I don’t mind it, kind of like it to be honest.”
“Really?” They asked with so much relief and hope on their face that Marie couldn’t help but kiss them before getting back to taking their jeans off.
“Yeah, I’m been pretty unwanted all my life but I’m never insecure about you wanting me because you make it so obvious that you do, through ass grabbing.” Marie said with a laugh “you also make it clear that you enjoy spending time with me and are an all round amazing partner. Plus I know I have a great ass, I’d be offended if you didn’t appreciate it.”
Once Jordan was in their bed Marie pulled off her hoodie and slippers and joined them.
“It was really cool to hang out with they guys, even if I was fourth wheeling.” Jordan said cuddling into her side. “They give good advice.”
“Like what?” Marie asked as she started to doze off.
“They said not to tell you that I love you when I’m drunk. I’m gonna do it over dinner, make it romantic.”
Marie was suddenly wide awake while Jordan was out like a light. She just about managed to stop her self from jumping for joy or something equally as embarrassing and likely to wake up her partner.
‘Jordan loves me,’ she thought to herself self as she closed her eyes to go to sleep. ‘And I love them too.’
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nouvxllev · 9 months
plssss emma myers x reader 🙏🙏🙏🙏 late christmas fic plsssss im on my knees for angst
the moment you knew
Pairing: Emma Myers x Fem!Reader
Summary: With your schedule crammed with projects, speeches, meetings, and weekly parties your friends would pull you to, you can barely even say a simple greeting to her through the phone before being pulled away to another. Your conversations with Emma just kept getting shorter and shorter, and she couldn't be even bothered to message you back once in a while. But it was fine, you'd say to yourself. She's busy. Even on Christmas day.
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: angst
a/n: i seriously dont know how to write angst properly so bear w me.. and thank you so much for the request!! wrote a happy ending since even i cant write one without breaking down (ps: kinda based on the song the moment i knew and how you get the girl by taylor swift!!!)
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3:32 PM
You could hear everyone at this party. Your friends, family, and some plus ones they brought; you all heard them. But that one voice you wanted to so desperately hear was gone.
Ever since you were a child, you adored Christmas. It's something more than just a date on the calendar. Everything down to the trees, wreaths, movies, and presents you had all so loved when the clock struck 12:00 on Christmas Eve. You would always come down after a long night of not sleeping and immediately open the presents your parents gifted you.
Now, you were an adult. And now, you had someone special to enjoy Christmas night with. Christmas night and an anniversary.
Christmas Eve was the date the both of you met, the day the both of you started dating, and the both of you spent your living days together.
That is, until college.
Emma lived just away from your university where you, unfortunately, got gifted with an apartment near your campus even after weeks of fighting with your parents to just let you stay with her.
With your schedule crammed with projects, speeches, meetings, and weekly parties your friends would pull you to, you can barely even say a simple greeting to her through the phone before being pulled away to another. Your conversations with Emma just kept getting shorter and shorter, and she couldn't be even bothered to message you back once in a while. But it was fine, you'd say to yourself. She's busy. Even on Christmas day.
happy anniversary emma!!! when r u coming? read, 12:03 AM
You blinked. You were staring at your message for long enough that it was etched in your iris.
You hosted this Christmas party for your anniversary with Emma, handpicked the outfits you knew Emma would adore, made the place look elegant even for a lousy apartment, and cooked the cuisines you've memorized in the back of your head ever since.
Now it was just for everyone to indulge.
You stood near a corner, the lights you had put up blinded your eyes just now. Your phone, clasped tightly in your hands, became a dying wish.
You couldn't help but periodically check Emma's contact. Hoping for a call, or even a message from her. Hell, you'd even take a text that she wouldn't be coming to the party. Just, anything will do just fine.
Everyone who walked passed you, tucked away in a corner of your own party said hello and went on with their day, their wishes and greetings became background noise to the ringing in your ears as you constantly found yourself checking your phone for notifications.
"Nice place you've got here, y/n!" They would say. You'd give a smile.
"Thanks for inviting me, y/n!" They would say. You'd give a smile.
"Merry Christmas, y/n!" They would say. You'd give a smile.
"Where's Emma? Shouldn't she be the first one to be here?" They would question. You'd stayed silent. You questioned it just as much as they did.
5:36 PM
Hours passed, the party continued, but Emma's presence wasn't even near you. The laughter and cheer of everyone who attended just became background noise at that point.
You tried to suppress the growing unease in your chest that was gnawing your soul bit by bit as time passed by. You should've been with the others, the others who were dancing, the others who were clinking glasses, the others who were happy with their lives.
You eyed the door, yearning for the time the clock strikes a certain minute when the door opens and you'll be greeted with the girl who carried everything someone would wish for just outside the door and give you a big hug.
It wasn't that you weren't enjoying the party; it was just that you wished the joy could be shared with someone else. Someone who would be there with you, dancing under the twinkling lights, clinking glasses, and just being by her side.
"Hey, you okay?"
A voice brought you out of your state. It was Jenna.
She sat down with you, holding a glass of champagne between her fingers and her headphones circled around her neck. A concern in her voice made you feel slightly better, but it was never enough.
You took a deep breath, the phone in your hand you were looking at ever since you sat down on the table you had turned off and hoped it'd ring if you did.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine."
11:50 PM
It had been eight hours.
Eight hours ever since you've been holding back tears. Eight hours ever since you've been convincing yourself Emma was just late to your party, Eight hours ever since the laughter in the crowd got bigger and heartily when you just stood around the corner while your eyes desperately begged for a message, Eight hours ever since you were telling people that you were fine, Eight hours ever since you greeted Emma happy anniversary only to receive nothing back, Eight hours ever since you've spammed her messages and called her throughout the night, eight hours ever since you realized Emma was getting tired of you.
11:55 PM
"Y/n, y/n!"
You heard the door open after a few knocks, it was Jenna. Again.
She found you leaning against the cold sink. You had your hands tangled into your air, your head hanging by and the faucet was running.
You glanced up, your eyes red and puffy from crying. The room felt small with Jenna entering, her looking at you with concern etching across her face as she gently closed the door behind her. You could still hear the screams, and countdowns of people outside, but you just couldn't hear that one voice. That once voice that should've been here.
"Where’s— Where’s Emma?" You whispered, staring at Jenna with your tear-streaked appearance, the hitch in your voice said everything.
Jenna's voice caught in her throat as she looked into your eyes, or rather averted your gaze. "Oh. Oh, Y/n— I'm so sorry, she didn't—"
"She didn't come," you finished Jenna's sentence, the weight of those words settling heavily on your shoulders. The room felt even colder, the sink you were leaning on felt like ice, and you could feel your hands slip away.
"It's Christmas Eve, Jenna." You choked out, "I thought she'd be here. I thought… it's our anniversary." Your voice trailed off as you looked up, fighting to hold back the tears that were resisting your attempts.
Jenna moved closer, offering a gentle hug until you looked at her, eyes swelled and your weight immediately crashed onto her. Silent sobs filled the room as Jenna patted your back.
"I just wanted it to be special," you mumbled against Jenna's shoulder, your words muffled and barely audible. "I wanted her to be here."
3:23 AM
Short, short, long, short.
Someone knocked on the door. You recognized it instantly; it was Emma.
You had already changed into clothes that were no longer comfortable, feeling every fabric peel against your skin. The pieces of the party were scattered across the floor — glitter, polaroids, and bottles scattered across the hardwood tiles. Half-lidded eyes, you sat on the couch, phone on your hand. Still.
Your fingers scrolled over Emma's contact. Numerous missed calls and unread text messages filled the screen. As you scrolled, you noticed her replies were short, and her daily pictures were absent. No more 'good morning' or 'good night' messages. No nothing. It was the moment you knew; maybe it didn't work out after all.
When did it all go wrong?
You heard the knob churning as the door creaked open. Emma stood there. Your gaze met hers. It's weird how different you perceive someone else after realization.
She took a step forward, reveling in you and your mess.
"Can we talk?"
"Talk?" You let out a bitter laugh, your phone being forgotten, "we should've talked ages ago. Where have you been? Why are you always missing from my life?" Your voice dwindled, a crack in your throat.
Emma's eyes looked at everything but yours, her hands going to her chest. "I've been busy, okay? I have.. I have things on my plate."
"Busy?" You stood up, "why are you always using the same excuse, Emma?"
"Whenever I talk to you, you always respond with 'I'm busy.' Why does it always feel like I'm talking to no one? I can't keep going on with my life expecting you to just randomly appear in front of me when I know that isn't going to happen."
"Not even a happy anniversary back."
"It's our anniversary?"
"You forgot?" Your voice went hoarse.
Emma blinked, "Y/n, it's not that simple. I have a lot going on in my life, okay? I just can't keep track of dates when I have that much workload."
"A lot? A lot going on, Emma? I've been left in the dark by you. What about 'us?' Have you even thought about what this silence your giving is doing to me!?"
"Y/n please—"
"Explain?" Your voice wavered, stepping forward that Emma was backed onto the door. "You've had countless of chances to explain, countless of unread messages, countless fucking times I've cried to you about how much I want you to open up to me."
"Y/n, I'm just—I'm just busy with everything. School, work, I—"
"You always are." Your anger softened into hurt, the numbness taking over you. "How many times are you going to repeat that? How many times did you even care once to think about how your treatment affected me?"
Emma's eyes met yours, "I didn't mean—Y/n, I love you, but—"
"Love?" Your body felt numb, your hands going to your sides. "You can't love me when you act like you don't even have someone to love." The words hung in tension, the air felt like you could drown in it.
"I can’t even wake up on the same bed next to you, Emma. I can’t spend— I can’t spend every second of my day without thinking that you fucking left me with someone else."
You stood in place, tears staining your face. "I don't want love that makes me feel like I'm abandoned 24/7, I don't want love that questions my worth every fucking day!" You shouted, noticing how Emma didn't even flinch. Not even a bit.
"This is suffocating—You are suffocating, Emma." You looked at her, eyes swelling as the lights flickered along with your emotions. Your voice came down to a mere whisper.
You wanted her to walk up to you and hug you. You wanted her to kiss you and tell you that everything would be okay, and the words you spoke were just a mere dream you had days ago. But Emma stood there. No denying, no accepting, no nothing.
"Y/n— God, y/n, I’m so sorry."
A sigh was the only response you could give her.
"I'm sorry too, Emma."
Ever since you were a child, you adored Christmas. It's something more than just a date on the calendar. Everything down to the trees, wreaths, movies, and presents you had all so loved when the clock struck 12:00 on Christmas Eve. You would always come down after a long night of not sleeping and immediately open the presents your parents gifted you.
But now, it was you. Just you on Christmas Eve.
You sat on the couch, your legs coming up to your chest. It's been a year ever since you let Emma disappear from your life, a year ever since you told her off.
Noise from the TV, noise from the rain pouring outside from your apartment, it all blared in your ears while you hugged your legs even tighter. Your eyes started to fall as you keep track of the time on your phone.
Countless of books scattered across your desk instead of drinks, countless of papers and pencils littered instead of people, pillows sat across from you instead of Emma.
You had to admit, you missed her.
A sudden knock on the door was the only sound that took you out of your thoughts instead of the ambiance blasting outside.
You had no motivation to get up, at all. Even at Christmas, without someone by your side, it wasn't even the same anymore.
With a deep sigh, you decided to open the door.
"Happy—Happy Anniversary, y/n."
It was Emma.
...The fuck?
She was standing here, outside the pouring rain, outside of your apartment, outside of your space. Holding flowers that were now ducking their heads because of the rain they experienced, her hair was a dirty brunette color seeping through the strands, and her breath was shaky as she stood there. Freezing and holding flowers for you.
You stood there, eyes wide open. "Emma, this isn’t—"
"It is." Emma breathed, her hand coming to her face to wipe the tears mixed with the coming downpour, "It is our anniversary."
"It’s the date when we met eachother. It’s the date when we first started dating. It was the last day ever since I heard your voice mutter my name. It was the last day my name sounded so perfectly." She gulped, her voice wavering from the cold. "I don’t care if— I don’t care if it’s the day we broke up. Well, of course, I care since I just practically left you in the dark."
You just stood there, dumbfounded, letting her explain everything.
"Can I—Can I come in?"
You nodded after a few seconds. "Yeah. Yeah—come in," you managed to say without a crack in your voice.
Emma stepped inside, her shoes wet from going across the flood and taking time out of the rainy night to get you flowers. You and Emma faced eachother.
"I'm so sorry."
You stared at her. "You... You don't have to say that all the time. I got the gist." You responded.
"I left you in the dark, I never updated you, I never told you how much I loved you, I never told myself how much I needed you." She started
Emma took a deep breath.
"I wasn't busy, I wasn't anything I said before. I was lying to you."
You stayed silent, the TV light reflecting on the walls.
"I was scared, now that we were in college, I was scared if you went to another school, maybe you'd find someone better. I let my own fears and insecurities get the best of me. I ran away, I shut myself off, I couldn't take it." She gripped the bouquet she held.
She took a step closer, but you stayed in your place.
"I realized… maybe just moments after I knew you were hurting, I pushed away the person who meant the most to me." Her eyes glistened with tears. You noticed. You went soft around her, your eyes no longer tense.
"I love you. I love you so much, more than I ever allowed myself to love another. I never meant to make you feel like someone who was nothing to me. You were the opposite. You were everything to me." She looked at you, asking for consent with the look in her eyes. "I want to be the partner you deserve, the partner that makes you happy every second."
With a nod, you too broke down. A lump forming in your throat. "I missed you too. I—I didn't know if you'd come back to me after all that, I didn't know how to reach out." You went to her after you noticed her eyes softened.
You came crashing into her with a hug, your arms squeezing her body who was dripping with rain from outside.
"I didn't want to let go," you whispered, your voice filled with the honesty and vulnerability. "I couldn't take it."
Emma held you tighter, her voice soft, "I'm so sorry for making you feel like you had to. Your emotions were valid anyways. I was a total dipshit."
You pulled back, looking into her eyes as the clock behind Emma struck 12.
"I love you."
"Yeah. I love you too."
12:00 AM
Ever since you were a child, you adored Christmas. It's something more than just a date on the calendar. Everything down to the trees, wreaths, movies, and presents you had all so loved when the clock struck 12:00 on Christmas Eve. You would always come down after a long night of not sleeping and immediately open the presents your parents gifted you.
Now, you were an adult. And now, you had someone special to enjoy the season. Someone who, from the moment she stepped inside of your apartment, it was the moment you knew Emma was someone who'll stay forever.
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shelbgrey · 8 months
Hi, I saw you were taking requests for once upon a time, can a I request this prompt “You saw the good in me when no one else did...so thank you” with August and maybe some smut? Thank you!
Hidden secrets(August Booth)
Paring: August Booth x Hopper!Reader, Archie Hopper x Daughter!Reader
Summary: august has been writing all day and his girlfriend wants his attention prompt: 1.9) “You saw the good in me when no one else did...so thank you”
AU! Where Gepetto finds out Archie was involved with his parents death and hasn't forgiven Archie since. August and y/n have to keep their relationship a secret because of their feuding fathers.
Warrings: SMUT! Teasing, Dry humping, slight hand job, female reader, unprotected sex, slight dirty talk?
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“dad, I'm going out” I said, peaking my head into his office. Pongo sat up from his bed next to mu dad's desk and greeted me with a nudge of his black nose and his waging tail. My dad looked up from the file he was reading and smiled.
“where are you going if you don't mind me asking?” my father asked kindly. That was the problem, he was too kind and it killed me to lie to him. The secret keeping wasn't exactly his fault, he hated the on going feud just as much as August and I did.
It was bad enough my dad still felt guilty about Gepetto's parents and when the secret was revealed he tunred on my father then making me and August Storybrooke's very own Romeo and Juliette, which sucks beacuse I hate Shakespeare. I'm sure my father would be supportive, because he's nothing less than loyal and kind, but me and August both agreed to keep our love a secret.
“going out with Ruby” I quickly lied which ment I'd have to shoot her a text, asking her to cover my ass. My dad nodded and waved good bye. “okay, love you Bug”
“love you too” I said and quickly left to meet up with August.
We met up at the toll bridge like we always did. “hey, beautiful” August smirked and handed me the spare helmet beofer claiming on the back of his motorcycle. The helmet I wore covered my face completely, it was a safety thing and he never let me get on the back of his bike without it. But if I was on the back of it no one in Storybrooke knew who I was and trust me the people of Storybrooke wanted to know who August was riding around town with.
No one knew about us except Ruby and Emma. Ruby knew because she was my best friend and I'd never lie to her and emma just found out by mistake, she had walked in on us one time because August forgot to lock the door to his place.
It didn't matter that there was nothing to do in town, it was nice just to hold on to him as we road around Storybrooke on his bike. With the helmets on we were just a couple without any worries, and we didn't have to deal with our his father.
We made a few laps around town then went threw the woods once before getting some food at Granny's. We could go in there and no one would question it, we got our usual spot which was in the very back and ate before heading back to his place to relax.
--------(3rd pov)--------
Later that afternoon August and y/n retired to his apartment to relax and so August could do some writing. The clacking of a typewriter filled August's ears as he concentrated on the story he was working on. His girlfriend of two years sighed as she layed on the bed they shared. It felt cold without him and the lazy day turned into something that dragged. Y/n tossed around in bed a bit before rolling on her stomach and watched August typing away on the typewriter he refused to replace with a computer. “Auggie?”
without looking up he spoke in a tone that said u. Wasn't fully listening. “Yes, Sweetheart?”
Y/n silently rolled out of bed and walked to where his desk stood on the other side of their bedroom. She stood behind the chair he was setting in and ran her hand through his wavy hair then kissed the side of his forehead. “Are you almost done?”
He looks up and sees her behind him. He smiles. "Not even halfway, darling.”
She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, hugging him from behind as she placed gentle kisses on his scruffy jaw. “But I'm so bored without you”
a grin spreads across his face. “Oh, you're bored?”
Without thinking, he scooted his chair away from the desk to wrap his arms around her and pulled her down to his lap with a smirk. She got comfortable in his lap, facing him with her legs dangling off the sides of the chair as I straddled his lap. August scooted his chair back to its original place and got back to work, resting his chin on her shoulder so he could continue writing. 
his fingers move over the keys as he continues writing, now feeling the warmth of her body against his “I'll let you sit on my lap if you behave”
Y/n shifted in his lap, making sure to brush up against the sensitive area between his legs. She rested her head against his chest, pretending she didn't know what she just did. “I'll behave…”
August bites his lip as he hears her innocent sounding voice as his cheeks slowly turn red. "You better behave…” he leaned forward and continued to type. 
She shifted slightly again, purposely grinding against him. August couldn't concentrate on his typing, the warmth between his legs growing increasingly uncomfortable and yet, he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling. His chest rose and fell in tandem with her breaths as he tried to ignore the distraction. 
Her soft moans filled his ears, feeling him starting to grow harder. The roughness of his jeans provided a small amount of friction against her short-shorts covered core. Placing his hands on her hips to keep her still, he leaned in close, letting out a low growl "You're going to be in trouble if you keep that up…”
“Sorry... Just trying to get 'comfortable'” she teased, hiding her face in his neck.
August's heart races as her soft breath fanned across his neck. He tries to ignore the growing bulge in his pants, focusing on the story he's telling. His fingers started to fly over the keys, the snapping of the keys getting louder and more aggressive as he got lost in the rhythm of their dance.
August grew harder against her, his erection twitched against where she needed him most, the only thing keeping them apart was her shorts and his jeans. The arousal between them grew as she gripped his t-shirt in her fists, her arousal soaking through her shorts onto his jeans. 
August let out a groan as he felt the wetness seeping through his jeans. His fingers falter slightly on the keyboard, but he grits his teeth stubbornly and keeps typing. I smirked, knowing he wasn't gonna give up easily. She kissed his jaw instead of grinded against him. 
August shivers at the touch of her lips on his skin. His fingers continue to fly over the keyboard, but his mind is no longer focused on the story he's telling. All he can think about is her body and how much he wants her “you're making this extremely difficult for me…”
“Just trying to give you... Emotional support” she teased as she nipped down his jaw and continued to grinded against him again. The wet patch on his jeans grew bigger. Her breathing quickens as her core ached for him. August groans again as he feels her plush lips on his skin, her body pressing against his. He tries to maintain control, but it's becoming increasingly difficult. He can feel the bulge in his pants growing harder by the second. “you'll be giving me something else if you aren't careful…”
Y/n nipped at the skin under his ear then whispered, “like what?” she grinded against the sensitive area between his legs. 
August growls low in his throat, feeling the wetness against the fly of his jeans. He can't help but arch his back into the sensation, stopping his writing momentarily to hold her hips in place as he arched up into hers. She moaned as he arched his back, the zipper of his jeans pressed against her clothed clit. 
August bites his lip, feeling the need to give in to the desire building within him. He turned to face her, a hungry look in his eyes. She moaned, got desperate as she moved her hips faster. 
August's hands find her waist, pulling her closer to him as he crushes his lips against hers for a brushing, hungry kiss. His tongue sweeps into her mouth, tasting her fully as he pushes his rigid length against the fabric of her shorts.
She moaned against his lips, their tongues fought for the dominance he easily won. She tugged at his hair as their hips grinded against each other, making her grow wetter. As their mouths collided, a wave of heat rushed through him. He deepened the kiss, teasing her tongue with his own. She moaned against his lips, tugging at his hair. August groaned at the sensation as his hand snaked under her shirt, tracing a light pattern over your stomach. "You're making this awfully hard,”
“I could tell” she joked, pulling away from the kiss to look down at his erection pressing against his jeans. 
August chuckled softly, his eyes never leaving hers as he reached down to unbuckle his belt and unzipped his jeans. "I'm going to need some help with that," he murmured, taking hold of her hand and guiding it towards his hard length. "Touch me.”
Y/n's heart pounded as she stared into his blue eyes and slowly started to stroke him. His eyes fluttered shut as he tilted back. He let out a low groan as she stroked him, a look of pure lust and desire etched on his features. His breathing grew shallow and his body tensed, his hips jerking slightly in response to her touch.
She pressed her lips against his, her tongue danced with his. The feeling of her lips on his, the taste of her mouth mixed with his own was intoxicating. He groaned against her lips as she continued to stroke him, his hips bucking against her hand in an unconscious response to the pleasure she waw giving him "Fuck,”
Y/n teasingly rubbed her thumb over his leaking tip. His eyes grew wide as and his breath hitched as she teasingly rubbed his leaking tip. He couldn't contain a deep moan, his body shuddering with the effort to keep still "Jesus, baby," he gasped, his voice rough and husky. 
She slammed her lips against his for a rough kiss then pulled away. “W-we should go to the bed" y/n whispered against his ear as she continued to jerk him off. He was still in his chair and she was in his lap still. 
He nodded, gripping her tighter as he stood up. He kicked the chair aside and carried her to the bed, his heart pounding with excitement and anticipation "God, you're so fucking beautiful,”
He dropped her onto the bed, making her slightly bounce as he climbed on top of her. His pupils were blown with lust, leaving very little blue showing in his eyes. Their eyes locked as she teasingly reached for his cock and stroked him again as he placed his hands on the bed, holding himself over her. 
August groaned deeply, his hips jerking involuntarily in response to her touch. His eyes never left hers, the intensity of their gaze mirroring the fire burning within him. "Fuck, baby... I need you so bad,"
Her thighs clinched together at the noises he was making, rubbing her thighs together for some sorta friction and started stroking him faster. 
August gritted his teeth, his fingers digging into the sheets as she stroked him faster. He lowered his head, kissing her hungrily, his tongue sweeping into her mouth once more. The sight of her thighs rubbing together was driving him wild. She matched his hungry pace, kissing him and tangling her tongue with his. The grip she held on his cock tightened only slightly as she continued to stroke his leaking tip with her thumb making, His hips bucked violently. His muscles tense as he fought to maintain control. He groaned, his breath hot and ragged against her skin. "Fuck, baby... I can't wait much longer.”
She stroked him faster as she buried her face into his neck, nipping and kissing his neck. 
He groaned deeply, his body trembling with the effort to maintain control. "Take off your shorts," he commanded, his hands tightening on her hips. "I need to be inside you now.”
As she let go of his cock, he sat back on his knees at the end of the bed as she frantically tried to pull her shorts down. His cock twitched in anticipation. As soon as they were down around her ankles, he grabbed her hips, pushing her back onto the bed, positioning himself at her entrance. 
Y/n moaned as her back hit the bed with some force. Her hands racked into his hair, tugging desperately as his tip rub up against her aching core “A-August” 
"Relax, baby," he murmured, his voice rough and low. He dragged his tip down her folds, teasing her. 
He chuckled darkly against her neck as he continued to tease y/n like she did to him. “P-please stop teasing” she panted. 
August smirked and finally pushed inside her, filling her up in one swift motion. He groaned deeply, his hips meeting y/n's as he began to thrust slowly. “So tight…” he growled against her earlobe. 
Y/n let out a loud moan, throwing her head back against the pillow as he stretched her out. August picked up the pace, his hips slapping against hers as he took her hard and fast. His free hand gripped her hip tightly, holding her down while he claimed every inch of her body. “You feel so good…”he panted, his cock throbbing inside her.
Y/n dug her nails into his back and wrapped her legs around his waist as a desperate attempt to hold on as he moved harder and faster. I moaned and whimpered his name as the bed creaked and moved under their movements. 
"Fuck..." August groaned, his hips slamming against hers as he lost control. His cock pounded deep inside her, claiming her body as his own. The room was filled with the sounds of their passionate lovemaking and creaking of the bed moving under them.
“A-August!” y/n moaned out as he thrusted into her, hitting her g-spot with force over and over. 
"That's it, baby," he growled against her neck as he pounded into her, his hips meeting hers with each thrust as his grip tightened. He pulling her closer, claiming her completely. “You're mine…”
“I'm yours!” y/n moaned. 
"fuck yes," he growled, his lips brushing against her neck. His thrusts became harder and faster, his body trembling with the effort to hold back his impending orgasm. Y/n’s moans fueled his passion, driving him to greater heights of desire.
She felt a tight knot forming her stomach, making her heart pounded as she tightened around him every time his tip hit her g-spot. Y/n gripped his shoulders, moaning louder “I'm c-close”
"Cum for me, baby," he groaned, his hips slamming against hers as he thrust deeper and harder. His cock throbbed inside her, seeking release from the intense pleasure coursing through his body.
with one last thrust the knot snapped, triggering her climax. Her head fell back in pleasure as she came hard on his cock “August!” 
August let out a hoarse cry, his body trembling as he felt her tighten around him. He thrust one last time, feeling her clench around him as he released himself inside her. 
“Mmm…” y/n hummed softly and lovingly as she gently ran her fingers through his messy hair. 
"You're so beautiful," he whispered before pressing his lips against her in a slow, passionate kiss. Y/n blushed and kissed him back softly. She moaned against his lips as he slowly pulled out. August let out a soft moan, his cock throbbing from the pleasure. He leaned down to kiss her softly, his eyes locked with her e/c ones. “I love you” he whispered, his voice hoarse with desire.
--------(August's pov)--------
“there you are, where were you, My boy?” my father asked as I walked I to his shop early the next morning. My heart pounded against my chest when he asked my that, I knew I was supposed to remain truthful and selfless if I wanted to remain human. Hell, if I was still a hunck off wood my nose would be a mile long by now. Is it really selfish if I'm protecting y/n? And I'm not lying when I tell my father I was home all night.
“just at my apartment... Doing some writing” still technically not a lie... I was writing untill y/n districted me. I looked into my father's eyes and I knew he could tell I was hiding something. “I know when your lying, your nose may not grow anymore but I see the other signs”
I sighed, taking off my leather jacket and throwing it on the chair that sat in the corner of my father's work shop. “I'm telling you the truth Papa, I was at home”
“with whom, Son?” he pushed. Just out of instincted I reached up and scratched my twitching nose. It's stupid I have to remind myself I'm human and not some wooden lie detector. “you were with her again... Weren't you?”
I sighed and faced my father with pleading eyes. “yes! Yes I was with y/n... Papa whatever beef you have with Jiminy doesn't involve her or me” I stared at him from acrossed his work table, the frustration and emotions I felt since day one of my relationship boiled over. “you want me to be truthfull? Selfless? Well here's to truth, she's the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love everything about her. Her eyes, her smiles, the ways she laughs, everything! Damnit, papa she's the kindest most selfless person in this whole damn town! It would be selfish of me just to keep our relationship a secret”
My father crossed his arms over his chest sighing. He looked down for just a moment before looking back up at me. “I've been the selfish one, I didn't relize the grudge I held effected not only your life but y/n. I'm truly greatful your heart is full of love and not hate like mine is. If you truly love y/n, then I won't get in your way. If anyone deserves a happy ending it's you, my son”
I was shocked, but relieved at the same time. A big smile few acrossed my face and I hugged my father, greatful he was so excepting.
Later that night I stayed up in the shop, working on a wooden jewelry box for y/n. The quiet was getting to me so I called y/n, putting my phone on speaker phone so I could sand the wood and talk to my Love.
“Hey!” her beautiful voice said.
I smiled, wishing I could see her instead of just hearing her. “hey, beautiful”
“what's up? It's late” she asked concerned. Yeah it was late, but it was nothing new for y/n to stay up so late. She was probably reading.
She was the one person I can't nor won't lie too, so I quickly cut to the chase, not wanting to worry her by beating around the bush. “my papa found out about us...or I told him” I spoke softly.
“I know you don't like lying to him... How did he take it?”
I smiled even though she couldn't see it. “well, I guess we're pretty damn lucky because he said as long as we love each he won't get in the way”
“that's great!”
I smiled softly, then there was a beat of silence between both ends of the phone. It felt like a breath of fresh air not having to hide anymore. There's no amout of words that could express my love for this woman. I don't know how I got so lucky. “hey, sweetheart?”
“yeah?” she asked softly.
“You saw the good in me when no one else did...so thank you” I smiled softly.
“I love you... You'll always be a hero in my eyes. I'm glad we don't have to hide anymore”
“me too... And I love you too” I smiled, I loved her more than ever and how didn't have be a hidden secret.
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nnajiro · 1 year
sano manjiro x reader
lipstick 💄
warnings? kissing…
a/n? imagine kissing mikey… bro can u tell i like kissing
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you have never felt like you were fit to be in a relationship and thats also what you have been telling your friends, how even if you fall inlove with someone you just don’t pursue it any further.
why? you are just too afraid of things turning out badly, your loving heart cannot handle heartbreak and so you just decided to avoid it…
today you were gathered with your friends at mikeys house, as a last day for you here they decided to have a little meeting with all of you and just hang out together one last time
you were supposed to leave the next day in the morning for another country, maybe in another place your relatives are, for whatever purpose you had in mind. you mindlessly decided that whats good for you was just not here
“this was such a nice thing to do for me guys, i appreciate you with all my heart”
you warmly spoke, placing your hand above your heart.
“of course, you are our friend after all”
emma said coming closer to you for a hug, which you clearly returned.
the day went on and you ate good food, sweets and drank good drinks. you didn’t drink anything alcoholic but shinichiro and his friends were almost drunk from how much they already had
you were not so close to shinichiro and his friends but you giggled at how they tried to cover shinichiros mouth whenever he began speaking with ‘you know’ while looking at you
but after a long while, you had to leave to prepare for your flight. you once more expressed your thankfulness and so bid farewell to all of them.
a voice you couldn’t resist said, making you stop in the hallway from puttin on your shoes
“whats wrong?”
you warmly said, your eyes expressing nothing but warmth
“could i talk to you?…”
he said as he took you by your hand in the most gentle way out there. you couldnt help but say yes. he went into a room that was nearest to where you two already were, closing the door behind himself
as you looked around the room you softly said, wondering if you have ever been in this room
“when we were little kids we used to have this as our golden hiding spot, remember? only ours”
you gasped as you remembered the beautiful memories you have here, sometimes hiding here for hours with him, ending up sleeping on top of each other and always winning the game together
with your little past travel he got the chance to push you to the wall and look directly into your eyes
your eyes didn’t know where to look, into his black eyes or around or… his lips? no! not there–
“i have always loved you and i- … i know you don’t want any relationships but–“
he paused and gathered his thoughts
“ i want it to be with you… if you would let me to have my first kiss with you..?”
your eyes went into shock mode, he ‘always’ loved you? what…?
the silence between the two of you was loud, still the eyes were wondering everywhere else except each others eyes
you looked at his parted lips, so many thoughts appearing into your mind, how soft would his lips be against yours?… how would he taste or breathe against yours…
mindlessly with those thoughts of yours your head knew nothing else but closing the gap inbetween
and so for a mere second you could see bliss in mikeys eyes before you closed yours
you kissed him first, lips pressed against each other, soft pads of two teenagers that knew nothing about the love they had for the other
and so mikey took the chance and deepened the kiss pushing your head back against the wall with his hunger
he was obviously overwhelmed by your presence so close because he was already breathing hard against your cheeks
you couldn’t help but breathe loudly against his too
the moment you two broke the kiss, a playful string of saliva dangled from your two’s lips
you couldn’t take to see his eyes right after that so you layed your head on his shoulder, not before leaving a kiss on his cheek
you left a soft kiss on his collarbone as well as behind his ear and you stopped there
“i’m in love with you too”
you softly whispered in his ear, visibly twitching at your breath against his ear
“but i am afraid.. of the ending… what if it turns out bad and i will never be able to call you friend again?…”
he knew about your fears and so he placed a hand on the back of your neck, caressing the spot with care
“i would never do something that could cause that ending… never”
he paused, breathing
“let me be what you wish for in secret, tell me if i do something wrong and i will change, let me be yours”
your heart exploded from how soft his voice sounded and plus his words? you died right then and there
“i have to leave tomorrow mikey”
you said with sadness in your voice, leaving his shoulder to look into his eyes
“i know, but when you come back.. do i know you are mine?”
the words kept repeating in your mind ‘let me be yours’ and ‘you are mine’
maybe… it wouldn’t hurt to try… right?
“alright… when i come back… you will be mine and i will be yours”
the smile mikey showed you stayed in your mind forever
with that you took your leave, hugging mikey as a goodbye
“you look handsome with my kisses on you”
you jokingly said leaving, mikey closing the door behind you with a raised eyebrow, what did you mean by that?
also with red blush on his face from the compliment, handsome? …
the moment he got back in where the rest were they burst into laughter, pointing at the poor clueless mikey
“what?! why are you all pointing like that at me?!”
he pouted
“well we guessed she liked you back but not that much!!”
and then he connected the dots “with my kisses on” now he noticed how his lips are stickier than before
he ran to the bathroom and saw how your lips were imprinted on his cheek, shoulder and neck
emma had to make him wash them out after a long time—
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cinnamon-girl-writes · 3 months
HIIII ITS ME AGAIN THE ONE WHO REQUESTED MITSUYA FIC ( HEAVEN SENT) I REALLY LIKEDDD IT BAEEE CAN I REALLY HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT AGAIN? like s/o still managing the company but she is has higher status (bc they are 18) AND PLSSS CAN U INCLUDE TOMAN TOO? like their reaction to girlboss woman who everyone listens IM SORRY BUT THIS SCENARIO IS SO FUNNN u can make it as a fic like they are with toman and s/o orders someone to do their job THANKKKK U SO MHCH BAEE
HIIIIIIIII OMG IM LITERALLY SO FLATTERED. I CANT BELIEVE YOU LIKED IT 💕💕💕 mini rant: honestly i'm so glad people are still interacting with the tokyo rev fandom like this. i feel like all the content i've seen for it recently is just pure smut, and these characters are teenagers for most of the series !! or it's all for the newer characters and people forget about the old favs </3 so SEND ME ALL YOUR TOKYOREV ASKS!!!! if anyone cares my personal favs are mitsuya, chifuyu, baji, and Shinichiro :))
heaven struck . . . mitsuya x reader, pt 2
mini series, fluff, cringe warning?, no spoilers, this is set a little while after part 1 so they're more comfortable with eachother now
by @cinnamon-girl-writes
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work today had been busier than usual. since you were a college student now, it meant you got to work full days of the week at your dad's company. however, it also meant long days of dealing with less-than-knowledgable colleages who got on your nerves all too often.
luckily, the clock was just striking 12:30, making it time for you to take your lunch break. you had packed leftovers that your mom made last night, but you weren't looking forward to them that much. but it saved money and time, so that was your lunch plan for today.
as you went down the elevator to the employee break room (it wasn't as nice and spacious as your office, but it was a chance to get out and socialize) you went to check your messages. one popped up from your boyfriend, mitsuya.
taka <3 12:23 pm:
-> about to take your lunch break?
you sent him a quick text back telling him that you were just heading downstairs. on your way, you needed to make a pit stop at the reception desk to drop of some important documents to the receptionist, liza. she was a nice girl, a few years older than you, who had started working at the company a few months ago.
as you entered the main lobby a smile crept onto your face as you noticed three familiar faces: your boyfriend, takashi; his best friend, draken; and their leader, mikey. the latter was snacking on what seemed to be a dorayaki and tapping on the glass of the fish tank. you quickly dropped the files off with a quick word to liza before sneaking up behind takashi, who was turned the other direction. you wrapped your arms around his neck from behind, pulling him down to your height.
"may i help you, sir?" you say with a giggle into his ear. you let him go enough for him to turn around and see you, which quickly has him pulling you into a tight embrace.
"i missed you so much today . . . oh, and i brought you lunch."
loosening his hold on you, he held out a bag. you looked inside to see it was from your favorite cafe down the street. you thanked him by pressing a kiss to his cheek.
a cough comes from draken's direction. "uh, can we get going soon? we have a toman meeting tonight."
mitsuya ran his hand through your hair on more time before turning back to his friends. "you guys go ahead. i'm gonna spend the rest of the day with y/n, if that's okay with you guys."
draken grumbled, and you heard something under his breath like, "i never get to skip meetings for emma..."
mikey grinned, finishing off the last bite of his snack. "i know i can always count on you, so you can have the day off, mitsuya. besides, me and ken-chan need to go by the dorayaki stand before it closes!"
with that, you said your goodbyes and the pair was off. that left you with your boyfriend for the rest of your lunch break.
"so, wanna come see my office?" you asked. you intertwined your fingers with his. after giving you another peck on the cheek, the two of you made your way up the elevator and down the hallway.
"wow, you have your own room all to yourself? impressive," mitsuya remarked. you blushed at his words. you were proud of your accomplishments, but it felt good to have someone you cared about so much acknowledge them.
"so, this is my desk and my computer where i do most of my work," you said, giving mitsuya a mini-tour. "then over here i have a cabinet with some files and notes . . . and i have a nice view of the city."
mitsuya strolled around the room, taking everything in.
"i love it," he chimed. "it's very you."
you smile at his compliment before he speaks again.
"eat, please. you need the energy for the rest of your day."
the next thirty minutes went on peacefully, you finishing your food and mitsuya observing the rest of your office. you had a little fish tank in the corner, and he watched as the orange and white goldfish glided around the aquarium.
as you went to see how much time you have left for lunch, you were interrupted by a knock at your door. opening it, you see your colleage, andrew.
"hi, can i . . . help you?" you asked. it was strange for one of your coworkers to come directly to your office, especially at this time of day.
"yeah, just letting you know i'm heading out. bye!" he said, walking away as he spoke.
"early? did you finish those reports i need?" you asked.
"no, but i'll finish them tomorrow morning, i promise." he continued, still walking away.
"excuse me! you can't just leave important and confidential work unfinished and open on your computer. you need to finish that before you leave." you responded.
he sighed, loosening his tie before trudging back to his cubicle. "oh, okay . . . "
closing the door, you sighed, running your hands over your face. sudddenly, you hear a chuckle from behind you. it's your boyfriend mitsuya, of course-- you would recognize that laugh anywhere.
you dropped your hands to your lap, smiling slightly. "what's so funny, huh?"
mitsuya looked up at you. "i just didn't know my girlfriend was such a badass, that's all. the way you handled that was amazing."
you laughed shyly, mitsuya taking your hands. "well, it's not always easy," you muse. "but it pays well."
grinning, your boyfriend leans up to press a kiss first to your cheek, then to your lips. "and you look amazing doing it, baby."
i don't really like it :((( but i hope it fits what you wanted 🤍
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sandwichfordinner · 2 years
Hi its me strawberry anon *greedily eats ALL OF UR WORK* i missed u <3 so ill have a request
Can u do naib, ganji, luca, and edgar meeting their GN! S/O again after getting stuck in the game? its like us when u quit and came back frfr
Hello strawberry anon!🍓 Thank you for the support and thank you requesting! Here is your meal🥘
Tw: angsty at the beginning
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˖ ָ࣪ 𓏲⋆.
It has been 4 days since he last saw you in a match and you didn’t return. He was so worried he thought he lost you forever. Even in matches he was searching everywhere in the sacred heart hospital where he lastly saw you. He didn’t find you. He lost so many important people in the army and now you too.
He hasn’t really eaten, and some of the people were trying to cheer him up like mostly Emma, but he was always with that tired blank stare.
He even struggled with sleeping.. Your warmth.. Was gone.. Well thats what he thought.
It was that day that you got back, but badly injured, you had dried blood on ur face and head and scratches on your hands and legs. You were barely walking. The moment you opened the big door , Patricia saw you. She was passing , she flinched at the sudden opening of the door revealing your shaking figure trying to walk. You tried so hard staying in two legs but your legs gave up. She caught you from fainting and immediately screamed Emily’s and Naib’s name. Emily was the first one to see you and she quickly ran up to you , holding your tired figure. No so long after Naib came downstairs and when he saw you his eyes widened. He quickly ran and hugged you, crying. He stuttered and sobbed.
You are okay now, just two-three small scars on your body but they aren’t visible. He is so glad that you are back, you have no idea how worried he was for you.. You’re back..
Oh poor Ganji..
He wasn’t the same. He didn’t even touch his food most of the times. He just lost another person that meant a lot to him, and stayed by his side through this nightmare. His mother… and now you?? He cannot believe this. 6 days you haven’t returned.. What happened and where are you?? You and two other people had to search for some food. That was a rule in the manor. If you don’t want to go and find some food everyone will starve. And going out of the manor was quite dangerous too.. This isn’t some 5 star hotel that gives you tons of delicious food every week no no.. Find by yourself outside the manor or starve.
He began to sob quietly in his room all alone. Again..
There was a knock heard outside his door. But he didn’t manage to answer, and who stays that long, it’s 3:17 AM? (who is gonna tell him)
,,Ganji.. it’s me’’. Wait.. That voice that slipped out of the person’s throat was.. you?!
He quickly opened the door with widened eyes. You were standing in front of him with a soft smile, but little scratches on your face. You held some fruits for him in a basket.
He quickly hugged you almost making you drop the basket with the fruits, he started to shake and silently sob. He tried to talk but you hugged him back, telling him to not speak because he was about to have a breakdown.
It’s really you..
He was laying on the sheets of his bed looking at the ceiling.
He felt empty. He couldn’t really explain it with words.
Luca is one of the energetic and fun people in the manor but since you were missing things went quite the opposite.
He was working on his inventions, but every time he messed up making him feel more and more mixed feeling of disappointment, anger and sadness.
You were last seen outside the manor , near the garden where Emma plants. At least that’s what Eli said.
What happened? Where are you? Those questions were roaming his head.
He started tearing up, saying bunch of ,,I miss you,, or ,,please come back,, . He curled like a ball on his bed, having a big pain in his stomach from worry.
It has been three hours and Luca was sleeping. He opened his eyes and got up from his bed, almost fainting from low iron. He was barely walking down the halls so he can get a glass of water. He looked at the big windows to see it was night time. What time is it??..
As he went in the little kitchen where the people shared , he saw a figure drinking some water. It looked… familiar. He got a closer look and it was his s/o…
You quickly noticed him and smiled warmly at him. Is he dreaming? What is going on.
He was staring at you with widened eyes, his words were stuck in his throat, he couldn’t speak. You gave him that ‘I will explain you later’ look, which he quickly understood (is that even possible or..)
You gave him a tight hug , letting him to spill all his emotions on you.. He returned the hug more tightly than you, crying. He didn’t want to let you go. Just for a minute..
‘Where are you?’ , that’s what he thought while he was about to start a match.
He felt more closed than before.
As the match started , he was the first one to be chased. He did really badly , he barely kited 20 seconds. He was tired, and didn’t even felt like walking. Before Geisha could pick him up he started crying. Tears were rolling down his cheeks, his body couldn’t move. She noticed him and just stared at him. She quietly sighed, meaning she was apologising, tied him in balloons and placed him on the rocket chair. He wasn’t even struggling.
Tears couldn’t stop falling down his cheeks, he was looking down at the floor, while his teammates were screaming at him ,,You’re on your own!’’ from afar. Michiko stayed silent. It was obvious that no one was going to rescue him.
He flew back to the manor.
When he was exiting from the match room, he saw you sitting on a old wooden chair waiting. Were you waiting for him?? What.. WHAT
You looked up and smiled at him, you had bandages on your hands.
,,Edgar.’’ Your quiet and sweet voice made him feel.. what is that? Sad and happy?
,,I-is this really you..?” Edgar barely spoke, you stood up and held his hands.. Oh they had blood on them, he even had scars from them.. His outfit was dirty looking and a little torn.
You softly looked at him. ,,What happened love? Let’s go to your room and talk and heal your wounds, yeah?’’ You kissed his knuckles making him feel butterflies in his stomach.
,,I-I..” he was so confused. ,,Please..?’’
,,Of course” you kissed his wet cheek ,,I will tell you everything, and I promise I won’t leave you again.’’
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nerdysleepybunny · 2 years
Heyloo! I love your posts man <333 I have a request for the full score trio. What if they had an s/o (gender neutral) who one day asks them "what would you do if I were to get adopted?". Sorry if you dont wanna do this, I get it if your busy!
Ellooooo! I’m glad you like my writing! This is a really cute idea. Thank you so much for the request, hope you enjoy!
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Fandom(s): The Promised Neverland
Character(s): Normam, Ray, Emma
Reader: Gender neutral (they/you)
TW: Mention of being shipped out
Style: Short hcs
Summary: how Norman, Ray, and Emma react to their s/o asking them, “what would you do if I got adopted?”
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You asked innocently whilst you and Norman were cuddling against a tree in the forest, away from all the other children who were playing in the field.
The boy completely froze. He knew that you didn’t know about the secret yet, as he convinced the others not to tell you. He knew how badly it would affect you if you knew the truth. But thinking about you experiencing the same fate made his blood run cold. But he couldn’t show signs of fear, he didn’t want you to ask questions. So he held back his tears and recollected himself, grabbing your chin with his thumb and pointer finger to direct you to look at him.
“I’d miss you dearly, and do whatever it takes to find you again. I’d never be me until I found myself by your side.” Norman responded, letting go of your chin to wrap his arms around your torso, pulling you into him.
You didn’t know what those words truly meant, but were happy with his answer, moving your arms to wrap around him and resting your head on his shoulder. It was moments like this where you felt most at peace. He held you there for a lot longer, the thought still swirling through his mind. You didn’t mind though. So the two of you stayed like that, letting the birds chirp and the small breeze flow. You both tuned out the faint sounds of the other children in the background and overrode your senses with nothing but each other, drowning in the feeling of being so close yet still trying to get closer. Yes, you absolutely adored these moments. And you knew he did too. You just didn’t understand why. Not yet, at least.
“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You randomly broke the silence. The two of you were sitting on the library floor, reading separate books. The silence was always comfortable with Ray, but you just felt like this question needed to be asked right this second.
You kept your eyes on your page, not seeing the way the raven haired boy’s face turned to one of complete fear, something nobody has ever seen from the boy. But his silence was starting to worry you, he was usually quick to respond to something, so you looked up at Ray with a worried expression, becoming shocked when he looked just as worried as you. You could’ve sworn he had tears in his eyes, before he squeezed them shut and shook his head, reopening his eyes with his usual cold expression. He pulled you close to him and ruffled your hair, but you took note of how he held you tighter than usual.
“…I don’t think I’d ever recover. I’d never be able to smile the same as I did when I was with you.”
Although it was a simple response, it meant the universe coming from him, the boy who rarely smiled or showed emotion, let alone caring for someone. You decided to ignore how he kept you close to him despite usually not being very fond of physical affection, just enjoying this rare moment with him. Your book had been long forgotten. You were must more focused on the sound of Ray’s heartbeat and the sound of his voice as he read his book aloud to you.
You were panting, bent over trying to catch your breath after running around with Emma. The girl was used to running, and had caught her breath before you, so she decided to pat your back and wave her hand in front of your face to try and cool you off.
“Hey, Em..” You said between pants. She continued to give you a cold breeze, but looked softly into your eyes, a look of absolute adoration that she only gave to you. You loved it. You almost forgot to continue speaking, far too distracted staring into the eyes of your lover.
“What would you do if I were to get adopted?” You’re not sure why the thought crossed your mind, but you were now curious for an answer. Emma looked down at the ground, thinking about the scenario. She felt tears run down her cheeks as she imagined your suffering. If only you knew the truth. Before you could ask her what was wrong, she grabbed your face and peppered it with kisses, before giving you a peck on the lips and pulling away sobbing.
“I’d be broken.” You pulled the girl into your chest, kissing her head and rubbing her back as she cried into your chest. She didn’t think she’d ever be able to tell you the truth. It was too scary.
🩷☁️N E R D Y S L E E P Y B U N N Y☁️🩷
Honestly I’ve been a mix of busy and just mentally unstable, drained, exhausted, dead- Point is I’ve been feeling horrible due to some personal reasons. But I’m trying my best to come back. Though I do want to apologize for constantly saying I’m gonna get things out but then never do, I don’t have a proper excuse and you guy’s don’t deserve some shitty lie or whatever so I’m not going to say anything except that I’m sorry. I’ll try my best to do more but I can’t promise anything. My old schedule is 100% done for as I now need the weekend to recharge. I will post random updates, small fics, and other stuff every now and then but I most likely won’t be writing many actual fics or books until the summer. I wish it didn’t take me this long to heal from everything because I love you guys and writing for all of you, but I also can’t rush my healing because I want my writing to be the best it can be. I know I apologize a lot but I really do feel bad for just randomly dying on you all and never really coming back. I love you guys. 💕
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msnanu · 1 year
Life Twist 12 | JJK
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⏤banner by the talented and sweet: @archivedkookie ❣
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⏤summary ❧ After an enormous loss in your life and breaking a long relationship with your now ex boyfriend, you decided you needed a life twist. So you move into a new country to try restart your life and seek for your happiness. What you weren't expecting was someone like Jungkook entering into your life as soon as you got to Seoul.
⏤𝘱𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 ❧ jungkook x female reader
⏤𝘨𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦 ❧ fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, 4 years age gap (reader is JK's noona)
⏤𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 ❧ mature language
⏤𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 ❧ 10.2k+
⏤ author's note❧ It's finally here! 😌 - I'm so sorry for delaying this for such a long time, this past month has not been easy for me. When I was getting back into writing my beautiful furry friend decided to cross the rainbow. It took a while for me to feel better honestly. For now this will be the last chapter of Life Twist. I might continue it or not, I'm open to write some drabbles for this couple if requested. I loved writing the story of this two lovebirds and I hope you loved it as much as I did 💜 As always, don't hesitate on leaving your thoughts on the story, it makes my heart warm everytime I read your comments. FYI - I'll be working on new ff's! Love u guys and thank u for the love you gave to this story! 🥰 
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"So, you're saying he was totally unfazed about Minho?" says Aria sounding genuinely surprised while Emma added "Like, you did not even sense an ounce of jealousy coming from him?".
The three of you were in a corner of Taehyung's apartment talking or more like whispering about your little encounter earlier today with Minho and JK at the gym's exit. The rest of your friends - including Jungkook - were just a few meters away from you so you couldn’t be too loud with your conversation.
You shook your head and continued "I don't know how to describe it. I’m telling you, he was like another person, not the Jungkook I dated. I mean, for God's sake!" you exclaim shouting in a whisper to your two friends "Last time he saw Minho he kept glaring the shit out of him and now the two of them were acting as if they were friends!"
"Well, I'll be damn. I didn't think he could change this much in four months. Seems like therapy is doing its job" added Aria while taking a sip of her gin tonic.
"And how do you feel about all of this?" said Emma looking at you curiously.
You groan loudly, throwing your head back. "Ugh. That's the thing. I don't know. Every time I see him, I want to jump right on him" you say while watching Jungkook talking to Yoongi on the other side of the room and the girls giggle at your honesty.
"I just-" you stop yourself thinking how to voice out your thoughts correctly "There's a part of me that is full of fear. We are in a good place now, I mean... look we are in the same room, we are not pulling each other’s head off and everything's okay"
"But I'm still in love with him, so madly in love that it drives me crazy. I'm so fucking whipped!" you exclaim while sighing and rubbing your temples.
Both of your friends look at you with worried faces, you're clearly too stressed with the whole situation.
"You know I wasn't rooting for you to fix things up with Jungkook in the first place" starts Aria without any filter as usual.
Auch. That was harsh. But you know Aria means well and she's the type to give tough love.
"But that was Jungkook from four months ago, the guy that couldn't even stand to see someone looking at you. This Jungkook-" she says moving her head in his direction "The one that is doing therapy - even though we know he never was fond of it - in a way it feels like he's a whole new person. He is still the same goofy Jungkook we all knew but I think everything that happened with you made him more mature and maybe - I'm saying just maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to give him another chance" she finishes giving you a sweet smile.
"I can't believe I'm hearing that coming out from your mouth, Aria" said Emma with an amusing tone.
Aria loves Jungkook like a little brother but since you two broke up, she sided with you. There wasn't any bad blood between them at all, but she made it clear that she wasn't happy with how Jungkook had treated you.
You were frowning for a while and seeing that you were awfully silent, Aria's comforting voice caught once again your attention "At the end, it's always gonna be your decision, Y/N. And whatever you decide, it's gonna be okay, we'll be here for you."
"I just don't want to feel any regret, I don't want to make the same mistakes again and again" you mumbled, while nibbling on your bottom lip "What would you do, guys?"
"It's too personal, sweetie. But if you want my opinion, if I were in the same position with Hobi, I would give him one more chance."
"I would too,” said Emma.
It's not like you don't want to give it another go with Jungkook. But it would be your very first time coming back with an ex-boyfriend and the thought of getting back with him and the possibility of your heart breaking up again, terrifies you. Even though, deep down, you know your heart is still with him, you never retrieved it. How could you? You never loved someone as much as you loved him, as you still love him.
And before the wheels in your head starts to work and roll, Aria's voice speaks up again. “That doesn't mean you have to give him a chance tho" she says running her arm around your shoulder and squeezing you a little bit "Maybe you need some more time for yourself, and things might clear up for you on its own"
"Or maybe you just need to go with the flow and relax a bit, don't stress that much overthinking everything,” said Emma.
"That's for sure, you need to calm down, sweetie" added Aria.
"Yeah, I think you're right... I should relax and go with the flow" you repeat - as if it was an easy task for you to do.
And that's the last thing they advised you before you moved on talking about Emma and Joey's honeymoon since they were going soon on a trip to the Maldives.
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"Ahhh, Jungkook-ah, stop with the puppy eyes, you're gonna give me a headache" Yoongi teases the youngest, wiggling his brows. Jungkook rolls his eyes although a soft grin spreads on his lips, clearly knowing he got caught staring at you. There's no point on denying it. He doesn't want to be creepy, but you look so beautiful, you always do and it's getting harder for him not to drool over you every time you're near him.
"I can't help it, hyung"
"Did you two talked again about... you know, your relationship?"
"No. We talk about anything but that" the maknae simply responds with a soft smile plastered on his face, reminiscing every single conversation he shared with you these last few days. Just talking with you makes everything better.
"And you're... fine with that?" he asks slowly, sounding confused and surprised at how calmed Jungkook is acting about you and your relationship.
Jungkook gives him a slow nod as he says, "I'm happy of being part of her life again, hyung."
It's obvious that he wants to be with you. But after being apart from you for two months when you broke up and not being able to talk or even see you, he knows that he has to appreciate that you're back in his life, even if it's not in the way he's yearning. If he wants to get you back, he knows he'll have to be patient.
"You know, I bought her a ring before we broke up" suddenly Jungkook confesses, sounding almost proud of himself which catches Yoongi off guard and JK sees it by the way Yoongi's lips part.
"A ring, like- an actual engagement ring?!" he asks right away.
Jungkook nods, pursing his lips in a deep thought before saying "Yes, I was gonna propose in our first anniversary but then all hell broke loose and there went my plans with it" 
"Wow. I didn't expect that."
Yoongi was actually the first person to know this. Neither of his other hyungs knew anything about the ring, not even Jin or Jimin. It's the first time he feels like he can properly talk about it without crying his eyes out. And even though Yoongi is not the most open person in terms of feelings, Jungkook always felt comfortable voicing out his thoughts with him.
"Maybe it was for the best, even if I had to go through an unbearable pain." says JK while he sees Yoongi frowning "Maybe I needed to go through all of that to become a better person, not just for her, but for me as well. She deserves the best version of me. I just wish I hadn't made her suffer in that process."
Yoongi stares in silent at Jungkook with a sense of proud and the youngest frowns while saying "What?" 
"Nothing. It's just...you are all grown up now" says Yoongi pinching the bridge of his nose.
Jungkook snorts finding very amusing Yoongi's reaction. "Hyung, every time I see you, you say that same thing."
"Because it's true! You've grown up so much!" he exclaims, smiling as Jungkook grins taking a sip of the glass of wine in his hand "Well, at least you already have the ring for whoever you'll end up with."
Yoongi sees JK gulping while he fights that lump that is stuck in his throat "That ring belongs to her, hyung. I know it'll end up on her finger sooner or later" he says, wanting to sound as hopeful as possible.
"You sound confident, Jungkookie."
"I-...I just know we'll end up together somehow, I have that feeling, you know?" he says softly, taking another gulp of his glass of wine.
Yoongi nods, listening to JK's words carefully before asking "And you'll wait for her no matter what?"
"Always. She's worth it." Jungkook responds quickly, without a single ounce of doubt.
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A few minutes later you were on Taehyung's big balcony, watching the stars illuminating the beautiful night sky. After gulping down what would be your second glass of wine, you were feeling warmer and relaxed. You could hear your friends' voices from inside, hearing Jimin and Yoongi's all-time bickering made you smile without even realizing.
"How was your physical therapy session, noona? Everything okay?" a soft and well-known voice resounds from behind pulling you out of your little world.
You turn around, your heart fluttering and your face feeling hot at the sight of your ex-boyfriend smiling at you. A thousand butterflies swirling inside your stomach.
Fuck. I love you I love you I love you - your mind is repeating non-stop. How is it even possible that such a gorgeous human being exists?
You purse your lips, trying to play it cool. "It was good" you respond after a while "It was actually the last session today, so I guess my hand is finally recovered." 
"Oh! Really?" says Jungkook with an enthusiastic tone "Let me see how it looks."
Your eyebrows furrow for a moment. He gets closer to you, taking your hand in his and looking at it, as if he was some kind of doctor and for some reason it makes you giggle. He looks down on you and suddenly you stare wide-eyed at him because of the proximity of your bodies. Jungkook notices how nervous you seem to be, he knows that look on you, he tries to hide his amusement but fails miserably when you see a little twitch on his lips.
And you can't stop looking at his lips. You are mentally screaming, throwing hands at yourself thinking how fucking weak you are when it comes to this man in front of you.
"I missed seeing that look on your face."
"Wha-What look?" you stutter a little bit. 
Fuck. Keep it together, Y/N
"The one that you had every time you were checking me out" he shamelessly says.
You stumble back a little bit as he tries to hold back a laugh. He always finds you adorable when you get flustered.
"You know, sometimes you're too cocky" you say trying to sound as unaffected as possible even though you know you're failing miserably.
"Maybe, but I also know you, Y/N. And I'm sure you were thirsting over me" he giggles before taking a step closer to you and making you freeze in your spot, then he leans in and whispers at your ear “And just to be clear, if it were for me, I would be kissing you since the moment you set a foot on hyung's apartment."
Chris voice is heard getting closer to both of you, Jungkook steps back a little with a triumphant grin on his face seeing how flustered you are. You gulp all the saliva that has collected in your mouth, touching your hot cheeks and trying to compose yourself to not look suspicious to your best friend who's now approaching.
"So, you two lovebirds, are you already back together or you're just busy flirting with each other?" said your best friend with a mischievous tone in his voice.
Is he fucking kidding?  You are sending daggers towards Chris with your eyes. Him and his inappropriate comments. Jungkook just giggles and shakes his head at his hyung.
"Oh- okay I-I just wanted to tell you something" says your best friend stuttering at first a little scared when he sees you looking at him as if you wanted to murder him "As you know my birthday is coming soon."
Jungkook and you just nod your heads waiting for your best friend to continue, since it is no news for anyone. Chris has been blabbering about turning 31 for the last month or so.
"I really wanted to do something different this time, so I rented a nice place in Gangneung right in front of the sea, for all of us to have a little weekend get-away."
"Wow, that sounds cool, hyung. I'll be there" Jungkook quickly replied. 
"I assume I don't need to ask you anything, if you are not there, I'll kill you with my own hands" says Chris towards you trying to sound intimidating.
"Oh!" you feign fear putting your hands over your chest with an exaggerated ironic tone "I'm so scared!”
"I'm so scared" repeated Chris in a mocking tone and you punched him in his arm.
"Fuck" he hissed grabbing his arm "That hurt.”
"My hand is good as new now so don't test me, Christian" you threaten your best friend as he sticks his tongue out to you and you repeat his actions.
Jungkook just laughed at the scene in front of him with you two bickering as always. Sometimes you two seemed to be younger than him.
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A few days later you found yourself at the gym again releasing endorphins and also observing your ex-boyfriend from afar while you are running on the treadmill.
It's not like you are a creep and you're just staring at him. You were minding your own business when you came across with your ex-boyfriend form, standing next to the benches. Jungkook looked visibly uncomfortable with some girl next to him that was clearly flirting with him. His doe eyes kept glancing towards your way as if he was mentally pleading for you to help him.
After seeing over the next few minutes that the girl wouldn't give up and leave him alone you thought - okay, I should probably help him - yeah, it's not like you're jealous or anything, he would help you too if you were in the same situation, right?
You stopped overthinking and you walked with determination towards Jungkook and that girl.
"Hey baby, are you ready to go?" you said grabbing softly Jungkook's arm.
Jungkook's doe eyes look right at you and a smile grew on his face while tugging you close to him. "Yes, gorgeous" he said. The girl in front of you widened her eyes, you could see how embarrassed she felt as Jungkook happily introduced you "This is Y/N, my girlfriend."
Girlfriend. You did not realize until now how much you were missing him calling you that way.
"Oh" the girl said giving you a nod "Nice to meet you. Sorry. I should go."
The unnamed girl disappeared quickly and when she was nowhere to be seen you realized Jungkook still had his arms around your waist. He must have realized too because while clearing his throat, he took his arm back and scratched the back of his head saying "Thanks, she was clearly flirting with me but didn't get the hint that I wasn't interested."
"No biggie, I could see a mile away that you were uncomfortable, I'm glad I could help."
He smiles sweetly at you and you're having such a hard time trying not to kiss him right now. Such a beautiful smile he has.
"Are you leaving already Y/N?" he says waking you up from your trance.
God. I hope he didn't notice me drooling over him again.
"Um, yeah in a bit, I have to finish my routine, but I guess in about ten minutes I'll be done with it.”
That sounded natural. As if you weren't spacing out thinking on a hundred different ways to bang him.
"Great, I'll take you home."
"No need, Kook. Don't worry about it.”
Kook. Oh, how he loved when you called him that nickname. He hasn't heard it in a while. It made him smile instantly.
"I wasn't asking, noona. You helped me, now I want to help you. Don't be stubborn" he said softly nudging his arm with yours.
"Okay, I guess" you said giggling.
Twenty minutes later, you are on the passenger seat of his car, giving him your new address since you realized that he didn't even know where you moved in.
Yes, you had moved out from Chris' apartment a few weeks ago. Although you were very comfortable while living with him and he made sure to let you know that you could stay with him as long as you needed, you really wanted to have your own place. Plus, even if he said that you weren't, you knew that somehow you were disrupting his life. 
He couldn't even have a proper date with Irene at his place because you were there, though you tried to go out with Emma and Aria as much as you could to give them as much alone time as you could.
As Jungkook parked in your building entrance he said "You are living really close to my place now, it's a walking distance. Cool"
"Honestly this is the best area out of all the apartments I went to check."
And it really was. It's not like you were looking for apartments near his place on purpose.
He nods. "And you have security at the entrance, that's relieving."
"Yeah" you say chuckling "That was essential for me and one of the main things that helped me deciding on this apartment." 
He smiles and says, "I'm glad you finally found your place here."
For a moment, you feel like you are already missing him even though he's right next to you. You don't want him to leave. You don't want to go upstairs alone to your apartment.
It's not weird if you invite him in, right? You are cool with each other, it's not like you can't control yourself. But maybe it would be weird for him? Ugh, you hate yourself right now. Fuck it. You'll just go with the flow.
"Do you wanna come upstairs for a drink? I'll give you an apartment tour." 
That definitely took Jungkook for surprise. But his smile grew from ear to ear.
"I would very much like that, yes" he said.
"Great, let's go then."
As soon as you entered your apartment building, the concierge - Kim Jin Hyuk - greeted you both and you introduced Jungkook. You told the concierge that JK should be included on your list of 'frequent guests' from now on, so he took JK's information to prepare his access card. 
Jungkook heart felt warm to know that you wanted to include him in the frequent guest list, even if it was a small gesture. Day by day he could feel you getting closer to him and opening a little bit more. 
If you were part of the frequent guest list, you were given a special card to be able to pass the access control system installed on the building entrance without having to wait for the concierge to call the owner - in this case you - and ask permission for the guest to be able to go upstairs. Of course, the card had to be also used on the elevator which would only take that person to the floor that was assigned to that card.
The security on this building was something else. And after the sad events with Ethan on your previous apartment, you were decided to move in into a place that made you feel secure in every sense, and this was it for you.
"Wow, this is amazing" said Jungkook as he entered your living room.
It's a four-bedroom apartment, a little bit bigger than Jungkook's but it shared a pretty similar vibe. And you were in love of every space on it. Specially the living room, it was big, with a modern marble fireplace - yes, a fireplace - and had a large window with beautiful views of the city. It was an amazing part of the apartment where you liked to spend most of your time in.
After giving him a tour for every single room, you finished in your bedroom with the huge en-suite bathroom.
"The shower is pretty big" you suddenly said, giving Jungkook a sheepish grin.
He smiled too. He knew what you were hinting on. The first time you slept together he had teased you saying that whenever you moved in together you would need a bigger shower. Another thing he missed about you. Your constant teasing. "Mmh, not so sure about that, maybe we should try it out." 
"Oh, I actually tried it with Chris and Irene" you responded with the most natural tone.
"Huh?" says immediately Jungkook with his eyebrows furrowed.
"Yeah, the first time I came to see the apartment they came with me and we tried it, Irene was like 'OMG this shower fits like four people' and she made us all - including the real estate agent - get inside the shower just to prove her point" you chuckled while reminiscing on that day and thinking how fools you've must look when you all were inside the shower.
"OHHHHHHHHHHH" Jungkook says as if he finally understands what you're talking about. What was he thinking you were talking about?
"Oh my God!" you exclaim giving him a punch on his arm "Jungkook did you think that I had a threesome in the shower with my best friend and his girlfriend? Are you out of your freakin’ mind?!"
You are both laughing nonstop until he says "Sorry! It's just that the way you said it, it sounded so bad."
"Such a dirty mind you have in that pretty little head of yours" you say shaking your head and still giggling.
"When it comes to you, yeah. It kinda ends up always in that same part of my brain" he said smirking and making you blush.
"Stop it!" you say as you start walking towards your living room with him following your steps behind and still laughing. 
Afterwards, you shared a few drinks and talked about random things, as always. It felt good. Like old times. But in the end when the night came, he had to go home, and you were left all alone in your apartment.
You were now laying on your bed, with your eyes on the high ceiling. You could hear a storm unraveling on the outside. As it was starting to rain, you felt the urgent need to talk with your dad. 
"I saw him a few hours ago but I still miss him a lot, dad. I miss us. But I'm not sure what to do. I wish you were here to help me; you always said the right words" you say as a sigh follows your words.
Suddenly a box that was on top of the closet falls, scattering on the floor all the things that were inside of it.
You had seen that box too close to the edge of the closet a few days ago but you were too lazy to grab a chair and move it to a proper place where it couldn't fall.
"Fuck. I knew it was a matter of time for that to fall" you whispered as you got up to gather it.
When you started gathering everything, your attention gets caught instantly to certain picture. You pick it up and can't help to smile at the sight in front of you. 
It was your first picture with Jungkook. The one he took when you went for a hike when you were staying at Hobi parents’ cottage. And it hits you like the lightning that you just heard from the outside.
You want him. You love him.
"I got your message, thank you dad" you say looking up and quickly getting out of your apartment without thinking for a second. 
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You ring the bell of the apartment once. A few seconds after, Jungkook opens the door and as he sees you standing in front of him, his face lights up with a huge and welcoming smile on his face until suddenly he realizes you are soaked and his eyebrows furrow as he looks at you with worried eyes.
"Bab- Y/N are you okay? You shouldn't be outside with this storm. You're soaking wet."
"Oh" you mumble and chuckle while looking down to your clothes "Yeah, I forgot to bring an umbrella."
"Did something happen?" he asks quickly.
Yes. I love you. You were right. We are end-game. I'm sorry it took me all this long to accept it. I was scared. That's what was going through your mind, but you didn't say anything.
You shake your head, and your body moves on its own going straight into hugging him, enveloping his huge body to yours "Please, hold me" you simply say, and it doesn't take him more than one second to hug you back tightly.
With your nose pressed against his chest, you notice his shirt smells just like him, his favorite fabric softener, and that amazing cologne he always wears. That Jungkook scent, the one he always holds, the one that smells like home. 
"Kook," you murmur while you look up to his doe eyes, "Can we please talk?"
"Of course, Y/N" he gives you a small grin as he drags you inside his apartment "Come with me. I still have some of your clothes in my closet, you should change the ones that you have now, you'll catch a cold if you don't." he says, a worry flashing in his eyes as you just nod and follow him.
A few minutes later you were already changed into one of your summer dresses, you didn't even remember that you had left it here. Sitting on his sofa, right next to each other, he decides to speak first.
"So…what do you want to talk about?" he asks lowly as you suck in breath, heart racing against your chest.
Being able to see and talk to each other these last two months, for a moment it had made too easy to believe this chapter with Jungkook was closed when nothing was forcing you to read it. But now it was too late to pretend everything was fine. It wasn't. You couldn't be his friend. You didn't want to be his friend. You needed more.
"You were right, in the end. About you and me, we should be together, we—" you caught yourself, your heart heavy. "I cannot do this anymore; I can't pretend that I'm okay. I don't want to be without you. Since that day when we broke up, when I broke up- I've been trying to convince myself that it was the right thing to do, that I didn't love you anymore, but I can't keep lying to myself or to you."
His eyes looking straight to yours. Sparkling with hope and so much love. His eyes always tell so much.
It was the first time you'd brought up your break-up fight in the past four months. It had been ugly, and shameful for you. You never screamed at each other before that day, but the events unleashed by Ethan and Lina plus Jungkook's lack of confidence, turned into the biggest fight you had. Coming to think about it, that day you both did things you weren't happy about. And you, unlike Jungkook, you hadn't apologized not even once to him.
This was your opportunity to both heal and move on from the past. If you had a slight chance to build up again your relationship, having a sincere talk with him was the best way to start.
"Y/N, I..." He hesitated for a second, but when he spoke again, he sounded more self-assured. "I was wrong back then. I'm sorry."
"I'm so sorry, too, Jungkook, I..." you said looking down and remembering your actions that day you felt ashamed of yourself "I never actually apologized for slapping you on the face that day and-"
"No. I mean, yes, we both—but I—" He cleared his throat. "I should have supported you. And I should have apologized before the wedding, I should have gone to Chris' hyung apartment and talk to you but I feared it would be unwelcomed. I know I said this before, but I'll say it again and as much times as it's needed. I'm sorry, Y/N. I really am."
You could feel the weight of his gaze on you, but you didn't move. You hadn't realized how much you'd needed having this talk with him. Even if he had already apologized on the wedding. Even that being totally honest, after the break-up, you couldn't stay resentful for long. You'd forgiven him long ago. But hearing him admit his faults was still a relief. Somehow it gave you reassurance.
"Thank you, Kook." You offered him a soft smile. 
"You know, for a moment, I thought that you would hate me forever for how I treated you that day, I was so afraid of you hating me, but you are such an angel-" His voice broke. He scratched the back of his head, then went on sighing. "I should have been there for you, Y/N."
The regret in his voice was painful. It sent your mind flying in all directions, down all of those roads you never dared to tread. You'd always been good at reading him when you wanted to. For the last few months, you'd refused to. But just then... just then, his walls were down. It was impossible not to see... not to wish...
Right then, seeing him this vulnerable you realized, you were tired of hiding your feelings.
"I still regret pushing you away" you said voicing out your thoughts once again.
This, Jungkook could find a way around. He could tell you it was fine and that you'd done nothing wrong. He could pretend he didn't understand that you were still deeply, shamefully in love with him. But his breath caught, and for a long second, he said nothing.
"Do you...?" He bit his lip. Your heart was pounding so hard you were sure Jungkook could hear it. "I never stopped loving you, Y/N. I... You know this... If you want, that is, I want to... I want to give us another chance. It doesn't have to be now, if it's not the right time. It can be... if you need more time..."
Jungkook trailed off and looked away. The blush on his cheeks had deepened. He seemed so angry at himself for his embarrassment that your already heightened senses were sent into overdrive. There he was, telling you what you'd been wishing to hear again, and absolutely being himself while at it. So unapologetically himself, too, that you could have never even resisted even if you'd wanted to.
"I don't need more time" you finally said.
That was enough for Jungkook. His shoulders fell in relief as a smile lit up his face. You could've sworn he outshone the sun. It made you smile, too, but then a small, nervous laugh escaped you.
"This is not what I had in mind when I came over," you admitted.
"What did you have in mind?"
"I don't know. I left my apartment feeling like I was going insane, and you could always keep me from spiraling too deep. I just... I needed to be with you."
Your words struck Jungkook. He shifted, taken aback, his mouth open far before any words could come out.
"I don't want to spend another day without you," he finally said. “I know who I want to be. And I hope -” He takes in a breath, eyes shining with hope and sorrow and everything in between. “- I hope you’ll be there with me.”
You swallowed. There was that awkwardness about him, that feeling of not knowing what to do with his hands, or with himself sometimes... it emboldened you. Jungkook didn't want to force contact on you when you were so upset, but his unsure stance told you that he wanted it as much as you did. With this in mind, you didn't hesitate in scooting closer to him.
Jungkook's arms were wrapped around you in an instant. Everything that was weighing down on you no longer felt so heavy. You let your head fall on his shoulder, breathing him in, and the tears you didn't know you'd been holding back were now flowing freely. He didn't pay it any mind until your stilted breathing gave you away, and he pulled back to look at you.
"No, no, don't cry" he said with worried look while running his thumb over your cheek.
"I'm sorry." you said, wiping your eyes, smiling in a way you knew to be unconvincing. "It's just been... too much."
"It's alright." He gave you a little peck on your forehead while his hands had dropped to your waist, refusing to let go of you. "Feeling better?"
You nodded and leaned back into his arms. Just like that, it was like no time had passed between you two. The closeness, the intimacy, it all came back to you with alarming speed. You're so ready to seize this moment once and for all.
"I can't believe it's been four months" you said.
"I know. It feels like forever."
"In a way, yes... but it feels like nothing changed at all."
"It did," he contradicted you with confidence. "We've grown. We've learned. Specially me. This time, I know how to make this work."
"No screaming, then. Or doubting each other" you stated firmly.
Jungkook laughed softly, sending chills down your spine.
"It's a promise."
You stayed like that for a few more seconds, enjoying the closeness. But you wanted more. Jungkook's arms were safe, he was so warm, and he smelled so good that you couldn't stop yourself. You only had to raise yourself a little to get yourself a kiss - so you did.
Your lips found his without trouble, and your heart exploded when he immediately kissed you back, as if he had been expecting, hoping for this already. He was tender, but intense, just as you remembered. It felt like home. You'd missed him so much, too much, and it was driving you insane even as you didn't have to long for him anymore.
He cups your face in gentle manner, tucking a strand of hair behind your hair. "I love you so much, Y/N" he tells you. His beautiful Bambi eyes hypnotizing yours.
"I love you too, Kook" you softly respond, his smile growing wider as ever as you lean in kissing him once again.
Having his soft, pliant lips against yours was igniting a fire within you. Your kisses grew desperate, bold in their familiarity. Your hands were no longer cautious. You were tangled in his hair, traveling up and down his back, and Jungkook was pressing you against him with a resolve that almost took you aback. It was impossible to miss how Jungkook's body was reacting to this kiss. He'd always been easy to ignite, but you hadn't expected to be thrown back into that whirlwind so quickly and you weren't expecting to crave it so desperately.
His teeth dragged on your lip, maddeningly restrained. At the same time, his hand dropped down, brushing your bare knee. The contact against your skin made you gasp, and his hand, stayed there for a second before going back to your waist. No. You couldn't have that. His featherlight touch had made you wish that his long fingers would trace their way up your leg, straight to where you were starting to burn. And that's how you knew that you were too far gone. You weren't supposed to want reconciliation sex with your ex-boyfriend. You weren't supposed to moan so wantonly between kisses and brazenly open your legs for him, silently begging him to slip his hands under your dress and inside —
 Jungkook froze. For a split second, you feared you'd gone too far, too fast... but he was disheveled, eyes blazing, voice hoarse and tense.
"Are you sure about this, baby?"
That freaking petname. Dear God.
Right then, when you were so full of raw emotion and pent-up desire, denying yourself was not an option. You wanted Jungkook all around you, and you wanted not to feel this heartache anymore.
"Yes. Please."
That was all the encouragement Jungkook needed. His hand went up your leg exactly the way you wanted it too, hot and heavy and leaving a trail of fire. His mouth was now on your neck, nipping and sucking on your blazing skin just carefully enough not to bruise you, even though you didn't care, you just wanted all of him. You let out a whimper when his fingers finally reached between your legs, above the fabric of your lacy underwear. You moaned, encouraging, dropping your hands and twisting around so you could open your legs wider.
He was looking at you intently, no doubt absorbing the sinful image you presented. He reveled in your whimpers every time he pressed or caressed just the right spot - but he never stayed there for long, and the fabric between you two was only making you more desperate.
"You're so beautiful, so, so beautiful" he said.
But before you could answer, he was in contact with your hot, wet skin. His eyes widened, and even you were surprised at how easily his fingers slipped around, making you gasp, your body shocked awake. Fuck. You were so ready. You had been ready for all these months without him. And Jungkook... Jungkook was absolutely gorgeous. He always had that piercing look in his eyes that never failed to make your legs feel weak, but right then, with his cheeks flushed, his lips slightly parted, he looked obscenely divine.
After running his finger lazily up and down a few times, he slowly pushed it inside you. You were holding your breath, trying to hold on to every single second of this - but once inside you, he curled his finger just so you cried in delight, and then again when his thumb pressed on your clit, working you in a slow rhythm that was threatening to drive you insane. His other arm was around your shoulders, giving them both balance and pulling you closer to him so he could go back to kissing your neck. The steady pace was sending you one jolt of pleasure after another up and down your spine, finding place in your belly and curling up onto itself, more tense with each passing second.
But Jungkook had other plans. He removed his hand, but you didn't have time to protest before he knelt in the floor in front of you, a questioning look in his eye. You nodded without thinking, and his grin widened into a hungry expression that made your throat tighten. You wanted it so, so badly. Since the breakup, more than once you'd tried to imagine how Jungkook's tongue would feel again as it brushed against your most sensitive areas, and every time, you'd blushed and pushed the thought away.
There was no need for that now.
While you got used to the idea, Jungkook yanked down your underwear. It was the hottest thing you'd ever seen - Jungkook, down on his knees, his face between your legs and eager to please, always. You watched in awe as his tongue reached out tentatively, barely touching your already stimulated clit. You squirmed. He did it again, this time more slowly and firmly.  Oh, how you missed this. This felt good. Too damn good. His smug, glinting eyes were locked on yours, as he kissed all around your most sensitive areas, everywhere except where you needed him the most. He teased your exposed skin as if he had all the time in the world. It felt like heaven, but he was still refusing to give you the relief you—
The air was forced out of your lungs when Jungkook's lips latched onto your clit, sucking it with the same sort of leisurely care he'd been giving you so far. Fuck. It was nothing like you'd imagined these past months and everything you'd wanted. You couldn't keep up. His tongue and lips were doing wonders, sucking, licking faster, and faster, until you were a gasping, moaning mess, grabbing locks of his hair and pulling him closer against you.
Without warning, he buried a finger inside you. Your head fell back, eyes closed shut. This overstimulation short-circuited your senses and sent your whole world spinning. Jungkook didn't slow down, didn't let up, and once again you found yourself reaching for paradise, hoping for release from this delicious torture.
"Jungkook..." you breathed out. "Jungkook, please..."
That's when he stopped. Your eyes flew open.
You knew his game. Jungkook had always loved bringing you to the brink of an orgasm and no further time and time again, until you were sufficiently wound up and could no longer keep a hold on yourself. You'd always trusted him to deliver, so you only sighed in frustration, a frustration that was short-lived as you watched him wipe his mouth with his sleeve. Your heart stopped. Fuck, that was hot. All you wanted was to push him to the floor and ride him to oblivion right then and there.
Jungkook, however, always put up a fight. He always had a trick up his sleeve. He stood up, his arms now underneath you and lifting you from the sofa. He carried you bridal style the few steps that separated the living room from his bedroom. As you reached his bed, he didn't quite lay you down, but didn't quite let you fall - somewhere between gentle and desperate, considerate and wild, and the second you touched down he was already on top of you, kissing you fiercely, his hands all over your body, trying to reach as much as he could.
You were reeling. Jungkook's weight on you was numbing your good sense. You wanted to touch his naked body and feel his burning skin pressed against yours so badly that your hands found themselves under his clothes on their own accord, sliding up and down his back, grabbing his ass, pressing him firmly against yours, pulling, tugging on the fabric as if that would make it come off.
Jungkook's kisses grew hotter, deeper, until he broke apart for a second. You were hypnotized by the sight of him sitting up and taking off his shirt. You let your fingers catch on his waistband and pull down resolutely. Jungkook shifted to allow you to take off his pants, but you were greedier than that, hooking your fingers on his underwear as well. Everything came off, and just like that, Jungkook was stark naked on top of you.
You were gaping. Jungkook's arms were defined and his chest strong. He was fully erect, clearly yearning to take you, and your need was so overpowering that you almost missed the ravenous look in his eyes. And you couldn't handle it. You slid one of your hands against his chest and your other hand found him, hard and ready, and you were starting to return the pleasure he'd just granted you, when he pulled away carefully, as if it cost him his life. His voice was dangerously uneven when he spoke.
"I want you, Y/N. Now."
He didn't need to say it twice. You felt yourself almost aching with anticipation as he positioned himself between your legs... but he didn't enter you. He was instead grinding against you, basking in just how wet you were for him, this friction seemingly enough for him. You gave him a pleading look that made him smirk.
"You're not playing fair." He spoke. His hands slid up your legs, grabbed your ass, then continued their way up under your dress. He was lifting the fabric as he went, still rolling his hips against yours when he reached your breasts, at which point you had to lift yourself up to allow him to pull your dress off. His arms caught you on your way back down, his long fingers finding the clasp of your bra and undoing it in an instant.
Only then did you lay back down, this last piece of cloth disposed of as you did. He tossed it aside, never taking his eyes off of you.
"Much better."
You had to agree. After all this teasing, your nipples were reacting to the slight change of temperature and the feeling of freedom. Jungkook brushed his fingers against them, sending chills down your spine. Then he squeezed them softly before leaning down to catch a hard nipple in his mouth. You let out a surprised breath. Jungkook's warm tongue drew circles on your skin, his teeth dragging gently against it, alternating this attention between your breasts. And then he was grinding faster, still outside you, his breath heavy with pleasure against your sensitive skin. You couldn't take it. Your muscles were itching for relief and this throbbing emptiness was almost painful.
"I thought you wanted me now," you complained between moans. You were in paradise, but your body still screamed for him. This was not enough. It was maddening.
"And I'm having you, am I not?" Jungkook barely lifted his head as he said this. Your head rolled back when his mouth found your nipple again, this time sucking hard.
Now you were moving too.
"Jungkook, please... I want... I need..."
And then, only then, then he pushed in.
He went in slowly, allowing for the long-forgotten sensation of fullness to wash over you. It was almost enough to make you finish. You were expecting some discomfort after all this time, but your body was too worked up, so you wrapped your legs around him to pull him deeper into you without care. You both gasped. You could almost, almost taste the kind of pleasure that you needed. You rolled your hips once, twice, making him shudder.
"Fuck, Y/N..."
He shifted, leaning back to kneel between your legs, the sudden movement sending a wave of pleasure through you. Your ankles locked behind his back as he started moving, his thrusts shallow and tentative at first, but he gradually pushed longer and harder until you felt him just right, just in the precise way that made you lose control of yourself.
And then it was chaos, and bliss, and everything you had been so desperately craving. Jungkook was moving inside you with a delirious abandon that paralyzed you, the pleasure spreading to every inch of her body. You were being stretched and fulfilled and spread thin, and your control over your actions was slipping away fast. Jungkook was grabbing your legs, clutching you as his own pleasure grew. You wanted to touch him, too, so you reached for him. However, he wouldn't come to you, so you tightened the hold of your legs.
"Come here," you panted.
"I want to see you." His hoarse voice, also tinged with pleasure, only made you more desperate.
"I want—" The thought was disjointed. What did you want?
More. You just wanted more.
"Please, Y/N."
You couldn't deny him anything, so watch you he did. Sweat covered your body, your face felt hot, and your breasts bounced in time with his thrusts. There was no point in feeling self-conscious around Jungkook. Instead, you felt wanted, desired, needed, and it only made your own lust grow tenfold. He was also a glorious sight, his dark hair in disarray and his muscles flexing with the exertion.
This was too much, not enough, and the tension inside you was both growing and begging for freedom. Your legs fell to the bed, open as wide as you could, allowing you to touch yourself without shame. His hand quickly replaced yours, circling your clit in time with his thrusts. Jungkook was going in deeper now that he could move more freely, hitting that sweet spot within you again, and again, and again, with enough power to make you scream for him.
"You said no screaming...?" he said breathlessly in a teasing tone.
Incoherent sounds were being drawn out of you, and it was hard to answer among them.
And the cheeky grin he gave you in return was everything. It was all you could do not to come undone then and there, the sensations hitting you one after another too fast to process. You were rushing towards your breaking point, and you could focus on little else beyond it. Your eyes clamped shut. You were all rapture and burning skin and he sensed it, his pace quick, wild, constant, his fingers also working on you without reprieve. All you could do was whimper, grab the bed sheets tight in your fists, and beg for mercy.
"Jungkook..." You were repeating his name, over and over. It was the only thing you knew. It was the only thing you wanted to know. "Jungkook, I'm..."
You screamed. Your body flared up in an orgasm so long-awaited, earth-shattering and mind-numbing that it hurt. Electrifying waves of pleasure took over your body, and you were pulsing, trembling, screaming, out of breath and gratified beyond all reason. Your muscles contracted firmly around him, heightening your pleasure and making him throw his head back in ecstasy.
Jungkook slowed down as you came, but once your body relaxed, he started pounding into you and pinching your clit more fiercely than before. You didn't have time to recover. You were being wound tighter again all at once, as if the coil within you had never subsided. You couldn't do anything other than enjoy the sight and let him do your in, until he pulled out so swiftly that you were thrown over the edge a second time. 
He looked at you, his gaze telling tomes of his plans to pleasure you until you pleaded him to stop. You broke the eye contact to look at his cock that was throbbing against your thigh.
"You like what you see?" he smirked, clearly full of himself and the way you gasped at his cock as if it was your first time seeing it. Before you could respond, he kissed you full on the mouth, his tongue slipping through your lips as he did so. You could still taste yourself on his lips, mixed with that taste of him that you could never quite forget since that night he first kissed you.
His lips pressed against your neck the moment his thick cock managed to enter you once again. You gasped, your fingers wrapping around his arms tightly as he nestled himself deep within you, the head kissing the entrance to your womb. Sparks of pleasure ran through your body. Your eyes widened; it just felt like you were thrust into a brave new world, where everything you had ever known ceased to mean what they used to.
He stilled himself for a moment, as if he was allowing you to adjust to the sheer size of him before he went any further. Your eyes fluttered closed as you started to feel like everything you had ever done led up to him, in this moment. Your lips parted in a voiceless moan as you gripped his arms tighter, your fingers sinking into his flesh.
"Oh baby," he whispered in your ear, his voice almost sounding like a moan as he brought his hand to your face to cup your cheek. "Please look at me..."
You opened your eyes, and he gave you that sweet, warm smile as if you had never grown apart. You couldn't help but smile back, finally realising that this was what you were missing out on all this time: a serene, placid love that accepted you for who you are despite your faults, despite everything you've lacked and viceversa.
His hips started moving again, sharp thrusts drawing hushed moans from you as you gripped his shoulders this time, eyes intent to keep their gaze on his. Your hands roamed downwards: down his back, his waist, his hips until you grabbed his tight bum.
You gave him a mischievous smile, and pressed his forehead against yours, laughing a breathy chuckle.
"You're such a naughty girl, baby," he said, his tone coloured with a playful warning as his hands cradled the sides of your face. "We're flipping."
Before you knew it, your back was pressed against his chest. Your limbs were sprawled out under you to support yourself on all fours, however any effort you made to hold yourself up was practically made useless by Jungkook's arm, which wrapped around your waist and pulled you even closer to him as his other arm held you both up.
Jungkook started thrusting again, wilder this time as his cock nudged deeper and deeper against your womb, grinding against spots you never even knew existed. He placed wet kisses all over your shoulders and the crook of your neck, stopping there for a moment as he nuzzled you there.
He stuck his neck out to look at you, hoping to see what you looked like as his cock pushed repeatedly into your depths. With your eyes closed shut as the pleasure overwhelmed you, you couldn't see how captivated he was as he gazed upon your face contorted ecstasy. An errant thrust went deeper than it should have, and you bit down on your lip to stop a loud moan from escaping,
"I wanna hear your pretty little moans again, don't hold back" he whispered in your ear, his deep voice almost sounding like a growling din as he accentuated his last word with a deep thrust back to the depths of your cunt. You couldn't take it anymore; you screamed to the high heavens, and he let out a breathy chuckle, evidently happy with himself and the way he could make you scream.
His fingers found their way around your breast again, toying with your nipple as he suckled on your ear, and you knew that you were going to come undone soon. Your cunt clenched around his cock, and he groaned as his hips jerked harder, faster against you.
"I know you're c-close, baby. I- I'm close too," he moaned, his thrusts speeding up as he became desperate to push you over the edge. "C-cum for me, gorgeous" Jungkook whispered, gripping you even closer to him.
With his last words, you gave in, your cunt spasming wildly around his cock as you threw your head back, another orgasm tearing through you as you screamed his name. The sound of his name coming from your lips pushed him over the edge, his arms holding tightly onto you as his cum spurted deep inside you. He moaned your name, and you felt another surge of pleasure come over you until everything faded to black.
For that instant, time stood still, and nothing was wrong with the world.
You were both sweating, gasping for air, thoroughly satisfied and drunk with pure joy. You were only aware of Jungkook moving away, reaching toward his nightstand's drawer to pull out wet wipes. You couldn't stop thinking how beautiful he is, how lucky you are to be with him here, once again.
This was Jungkook. Your Jungkook. The one you'd been yearning for, and you were never going to let go of again.
"What is it?" he asked curiously, seeing that you were spacing out. You took him in, his hair messy and humid from the sweat, his skin almost shimmering. Being that stunning should be illegal.
"Nothing," you answered truthfully. "I'm just so happy."
"I'm really happy too, baby."
Jungkook offered you a sweet smile and gave you a little peck on the lips, then walked away to throw the wipes in the nearest trash can. This gave you a full view of his perfect body. After what you'd just done, you would've hoped your desires would've gone back to where you kept them locked up - but there they were, alive and present, and if you had to be honest with yourself, you were ready for this new normal.
This new normal was better than the old normal, where you had to endure your pain with your aching heart alone. Everything was easier when Jungkook was next to you. It hadn't escaped you notice that tonight he'd barely let you touch him, at least not as much as he touched you. He'd been focused on you, wanting to make you feel the best that he could... It was a good thing, then, that you knew for a fact there would be a next time.
Jungkook caught you staring again, but you didn't look away. He just stood there for a second, seeming puzzled at your expression, then asked,
"You don't... you don't regret this, do you, noona?"
"Not at all," you answered quickly. "Do you?"
Jungkook came back to you, lying down and wrapping his arms around you. That was all the response he was going to offer, and that was all you needed. You adjusted your position to be able to hold him too and kissed him. He responded in kind, his lips soft and tender. His body against yours was like an oasis in the desert. All you wanted was to live in the sheer bliss of this moment for as long as you could. You were together. That's all that mattered. This way, you could pull through anything.
But the moment was over eventually. Jungkook broke the kiss, touching his forehead against yours, and gave you his boldest grin.
"So... what do you say you give us another chance?"
Your smile was the brightest he ever saw. There wasn't even a need to respond. He already knew your answer was without a doubt 'Yes.'
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Something warm pressed itself against your forehead, waking you up. You turned around to find that it was Jungkook, his arm wrapped you as he smiled at you. Everything that had happened rushed back to your half-asleep brain, and you remembered blacking out wrapped in his arms.
"Did you sleep?" you asked him, sitting up as you looked around. In the night, he had clothed your torso with his shirt while he had remained bare chested. Show off.
He shook his head, sitting up with you to fold you up into his arms.
"I couldn't sleep. I was afraid you'd get away from me again," he admitted, looking down to hide his wistful eyes from yours.
Moving quickly, you freed yourself from his arms and straddled his lap, taking him by surprise as you cupped his face and kissed him, the passion of last night resurrecting with a passion.
You broke the kiss and looked at him with compassion. "I'm not going anywhere, Kook."
His smile broke out into a full grin, and his strong arms pulled you down so that your head lay down on his chest again. He held on to you, eyes tearing up with joy as he finally had what he had always sought to have.
"Except..." you uttered, and the grin on on his face turned into parted lips, waiting with a sense of dread for your next words.
"Now that the sun is up, and the storm is over... would you like to go over to Chris' birthday party get-away with me?"
Oh. Right. Chris' birthday is this weekend. Jungkook had already forgotten that Chris had rented a place in Gangneung for you to celebrate with him.
"Yes, yes!" he exclaimed, scrunching his nose with that bunny smile you adore, his heart swelling with relief and joy. "We should go to your place though to pick up your stuff for the weekend."
"Well then, let's get going! Let's re-introduce us to the world, my handsome bunny," you replied, a gentle smile forming on your face as a beautiful future you had once thought of imagining with him began to unfold.
You both scrambled to your feet, as you clothed yourselves and got ready to leave.
He looked at you with so much pride, as if you were the one to be shown to world with rekindled hope. You locked your arm into his as you walked to his car, taking a moment to sink in everything that happened in the last few hours.
You were finally together, as JK had always wanted. He was right; you were meant to be in each other's lives. Giving it much thought, you realized that you still wanted the same things that you used to, except now you wanted his hand in yours each step of the way. Try as you might, you just couldn't escape him. But in his arms, you never felt more free, and you never felt more loved.
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watchoutforthefanfics · 4 months
achievement unlocked 🔓 (part seven) || Streamer AU! Reddie (IT)
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
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Inspiration: this prompt + BIRDS OF A FEATHER by Billie Eilish
Summary: Richie liked to play video games, and by some stroke of luck, it became his job. Being primarily known as Trashmouth on stream, he found his own little group of streamer friends and they became intertwined: The Losers Club. It never did feel quite complete, though. Well, until, he got his very own backseat gamer in chat.
TWs: innuendos, self-depreciation, lots of talk of sex (it's Richie), The Quarry (the game) spoilers, cursing, and shameless flirting.
[[A/N: Felt single writing this shit, fair warning. Y'all heard of Uhaul lesbians ??? Well, get ready for this, my friends !!! Enjoy :))]]
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"Hey motherfuckers," Richie grinned, clapping his hands, "-Sorry about the wait, but we are back into The Quarry today."
The chat was filled with lots of different emojis, mostly excitement. Richie took it as a good sign, grinning wide. Maybe a little too wide, it was probably the biggest he'd ever grinned on stream. To be fair, he'd had a very good few days. Great days even-
reddy.bevvy donated $10: earth to richie can you hear me
"Shit," he cursed, "-fuck, sorry. I zoned out."
toziers-trash: guys does anyone think he's like strangely happy
girlie-pops: ✨️ adhd tingz ✨️
elite._.gamer: the Quarry again ?
trashmouth-for-me: @/toziers-trash that's kind of fucked up to say
younganddumb: adhd king I feel so seen
dizknees: I'm feeling an absence of Eddie in this chili's tonight
wait_weight87: yooooo this game is so good
too.tough.to.cry: seen this game before so hype to see trashmouth ruin it
genuine._.disappointment: @/dizknees no ���� :(
trashy.tozier: @/toziers-trash @/trashmouth-for-me no no I see the vision
big.bill: good choice rich
"Thank you, Billy," Richie grinned, dramatically placing a hand on his heart, before adding, "-you should thank chat though, they suggested it."
There was a slew of 'you're welcome's in the chat, and Richie watched them go by. He waited a few seconds trying pick out some messages.
"'Are you gonna go the villain route?' Okay, so, I was. Burning flames, everyone dead, etcetera, etcetera, but-" Richie leveled a look at the camera, "-chat told me there were gays. And then, I met the gays. And killing Dylan would in essence be killing myself. So-"
trashy.tozier: no ur right u r so dylan coded
elite._.gamer: so a good run then ?
girlie-pops: dylan = richie
dizknees: secret nerd who is gay meet secret nerd who is also gay
babey_boy: but do u ship them 👀
girls.girl: personally I'm more into emma and abby
hog-inthebog: how do u feel about laura and max tho
toziers-trash: @/dizknees now kiss
the.losers.are.better: ryan is bi put respect on the name 😤
trashmouth-for-me: no u and dylan are carbon copies what
tozier_babeyyy: there's some jacob in u don't lie
thuh-quarry: my fav is abby
trashy.tozier: @/tozier.babeyyy no u r so right he's a healthy mix
"Is Ryan the other one? The quiet guy? I know Dylan because he's fucking obvious," Richie commented, before switching into a southern accent, "-And I can say that because I am a full-blooded homosexual-"
Honk, honk.
eddie.kaspbrak donated $10: what the fuck did you just call yourself ?
"Eds!" Richie chimed, as happy as he always was (or maybe just a lil more, he'd never tell), "-And I said, that I'm-"
mike.me.up donated $1: no need to repeat yourself rich
"Okay, okay," he laughed, pretending to bow slightly, "-the beep beeps have been respected."
toziers-trash: EDDIEEEE
trashmouth-for-me: 🍝🍝🍝
trashy.tozier: EDDIE 🍝🍝🍝
dizknees: the king has arrived 🍝
girlie-pops: 🍝🍝🍝
genuine._.disappointment: yes 🍝 :)
the.losers.are.better: @/dizknees is Richie not the king ?
reddy.bevvy: 🍝🍝🍝
dizknees: @/the.losers.are.better there can be two kings have you ever heard of gay people
trashy.tozier: BEVVVV ??
tilt_my_towers87: 🍝🍝🍝
trashmouth-for-me: reddy.bevvy eddie.kaspbrak collab when
babey_boy: 🍝🍝🍝
genuine._.disappointment: @/trashmouth-for-me Eddie stream reveal ???
the.losers.are.better: @/dizknees AHJZHASNJSJH
peanutbutter-butterpops: the quarry is elite
Richie laughed, eyes flashing over his chat (they seemed to be as into him as he was), "Spaghetti, you're stealing my stream."
eddie.kaspbrak donated $10: maybe it's because you're doing jackshit
Richie laughed even harder, before shaking it off, "Alright, motherfuckers, Eds says let's get a move on. So let's start this shit."
They went through the motions, they had just introduced the premise and most of the characters at this point (he had no fucking clue what was going on with Laura and Max), and Richie was completely on edge waiting for the twist. There was always some evil, or some shit.
"Are we playing Truth or fucking Dare right now?"
They were, in fact.
Richie laughed at the situation, before faltering.
"Wait," he spoke, suddenly, "-it's not subtextual gay shit, it's real gay shit? I can kiss Dylan?"
elite._.gamer: they're much better together anyway
trashy.tozier: oh my sweet summer child
thuh-quarry: him and ryan def trauma bond through this
trashmouth-for-me: queerbaited one too many times ✋️😔
babey_boy: the girl doesn't even look that into it tbh
reddy.bevvy: @/eddie.kaspbrak check ur dms
peanutbutter-butterpops: @/babey_boy that's because she isn't
toziers-trash: @/reddy.bevvy WHATTTT
too.tough.to.cry: gay gay gay gay
genuine._.disappointment: new loser reveal 👀
eddie.kaspbrak: @/reddy.bevvy 👍
dizknees: @/reddy.bevvy @/eddie.kaspbrak what the fuck ???
Richie smiled a little, trying to chase it down (he was so fucked about Eddie, he was done for), eyes settling back on the screen, and promptly kissing Dylan. Obviously.
"Why are straight people so messy?" He chimed after a moment, watching a character (Abby, he gathered) run off into the woods, "-Like I know she was trying to show Jacob they're through or whatever, but fuck, man. That's your best friend's guy."
And then it all pretty quickly went to shit.
Richie, although he tried to prepare for it, was not entirely ready for it. He spent the rest of the stream asking chat what was going on, and somehow, they all formed an allegiance not to spoil it. When he was literally asking for it, which was kinda fucked. But it's his fans, so what can he say?
"Fuck, guys," he spoke, frantic later in the game, "-fuck, it's Dylan guys! He got fucking bit, what the fuck do I do? How do I save him?"
His eyes flashed to chat.
"I have to cut off his fucking hand?!"
It was a good fucking stream, he knows that much. And he really enjoyed himself, and got his heart pumping in his chest (for more reasons than one, wink-wink). It was a surprisingly fun game, and a lot more fucking nerve-wracking when you actually gave a fuck about the characters. He should probably do that more often-
He was in the kitchen now, phone laid on the counter as he made him a sandwich (with whatever the fuck he had in his fridge). Fingers dusting over cabinets, he debated exactly what he wanted and if it even actually mattered. He just kind of wanted to eat-
It was embarrassing how fast he ran over to pick up his phone.
reddy.bevvy ✔️ has added you to 'the losers club 2.0'
Richie frowned for a moment, clicking through, they already had a groupchat. It wasn't used all the time, they mostly just used discord, honestly but still. It existed.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
bev ? what is this ?
reddy.bevvy ✔️
a new groupchat
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
we already have one ?
stan.the.man ✔️
Hate to say this but Richie's right.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
wow staniel, right where it hurts 😔
reddy.bevvy ✔️
shut up and let me do something
mike.me.up ✔️
you guys are in troubleee
Before Richie could type out a response to that, right in the chat, a message popped up.
reddy.bevvy ✔️ added e.kaspbrak
Richie blinked once and then twice, something twisting in his stomach. He was excited but at the same time, he really fucking hoped Bev had talked to Eddie about this beforehand. Richie didn't want him to be shoved in situations that would make him uncomfortable-
reddy.bevvy ✔️
everyone meet Eddie !!!
benny.boy.official ✔️
hi eddie !!! hope you're doing okay
mike.me.up ✔️
hey Eddie !!
stan.the.man ✔️
Richie's Eddie?
Richie blinked at the message, and debated typing out a few different things. Like maybe 'I wish' or 'yeah, eds from my chat' or maybe he could just leave the groupchat in like total-
Yes, I'm Richie's Eddie.
Richie grinned and felt his heart flip in his chest. My Eddie. It made something zing down his spine, and reminded him of that photo of Eddie smiling with the scrunched-up nose-
big.bill ✔️
I feel like I'm missing something
Who is Eddie?
Huh, did he never hear any of this? Did nobody tell him? Bill was super oblivious though, honestly, so he could've been told and not understood it for what it was.
stan.the.man ✔️
Have you really not heard anything?
Like at all?
big.bill ✔️
What, are you and Richie dating or something?
Is this like meeting the parents?
Richie again had a few things flutter through his mind, an assortment of answers. Some mortifying and some more acceptable. Some putting literally himself on the line, others a little insulting honestly-
Not yet.
God, he had the instinct to just twirl like he was seven and trying to be a ballerina. Or maybe like he had a pretty, wispy skirt on and it would flow prettily in the wind as he spun. He really debated asking Bev for one, because that sounded fucking sick as hell. He could wear a little sunhat, and make his hair actually look good, maybe Eddie could help with that actually. He knew all that medical shit, right, so he should be able to-
mike.me.up ✔️
I think you killed him.
stan.the.man ✔️
No, he's still reading messages.
He's probably just taking in the fact that someone actively wants to date him.
big.bill ✔️
He does collectively date assholes.
Richie rolled his eyes, and typing with a breath.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
okay enough of the let's bully Richie train guys
e kaspbrak
It's not bullying if it is factual, dipshit.
Richie laughed, tipping his head back a second. He felt a little like he couldn't stop smiling. Maybe ever.
stan.the.man ✔️
I like you, Eddie.
Maybe you'll finally knock some sense into Richie's big ass head.
trashmouth.tozier ✔️
I will leave this gc guys
No, you won't.
Yeah, his mind chimed, as he smiled too big (or maybe just right), no I won't.
It was like a week later, and the whole groupchat thing was going really well. After confirming with Eddie that he had, in fact, wanted to be in it, everyone really seemed to meld together. Richie was pretty much floating on cloud nine, he loved his fucking friends and Eddie was getting along with them. That was like dream fucking scenario for him. So, yeah, life was pretty fucking great, actually.
Now though, Richie was just wandering around his apartment, fidgeting with figurines, bored as hell. Eddie was at work, or else he'd be bothering the fuck out of him. Poking and prodding unlike anyone else. He had no limits with Eds, mostly because he physically told him he liked him. He enjoyed his fucking presence. Which was a first for one Richie Tozier.
He was gonna milk the shit out of it.
He groaned, throwing himself back into one of his beanbag chairs (he almost ate shit actually, but no one was there to see it). He stared up at his ceiling for a few moments, just eyeing different patterns -he tried to trace a few things. Shapes and patterns and sometimes a face, and freckles, and a cheesy big ass smile-
God, he was so fucked. So gay, so very gay.
He likes you too, Richie reassured, he told you that. And you believe him.
He pursed his lips for a second and blew out a raspberry. His hand was splayed along his chest, he tapped his fingers to an imaginary beat. Or maybe it was Brittney Spears, actually-
And then, he had a stray thought. Would he video chat? If I asked, would he say yes?
Richie thought about it for a second, letting the thought mull over in his mind. To be honest, he'd really only let Eddie choose the pace. And that was fine, it kinda felt right. Richie didn't want to overstep either, honestly, so it kinda worked out that way. Everything they do actually kinda fit, it was fucking really weird. And also very fucking awesome. He felt oddly in place, like he fucking belonged there.
Eddie was just... how could he even describe it? Well, obviously, his favorite person-
His phone rang with the same sort of melodic chime as last time, and Richie felt it vibrate against his chest.
Once again, it was very embarrassing how quickly he flipped his screen to himself.
e.kaspbrak is calling
Richie furrowed his eyebrows for just a second, before answering. Was he not at work? Did he leave early? Was everything okay?
He answered anyway.
The first thing he heard was rushed steps and the buzz of crowds. He even thought he heard some cars honking, it sounded like... well, it sounded like the streets of New York.
"Eds?" Richie questioned, concerned, "-Are you okay?"
It took a second, the cars still filling his ears. Richie nearly booked a flight right then, he was so fucking worried.
"Eds? Seriously, you're freaking me out-"
"I quit my fucking job," Eddie snapped out, big huffs of breath.
Richie paused, taking that information in, "What?"
"It was that same fucking coworker," he continued, ranting, "-she wouldn't fucking leave me alone, so I told her I was talking to someone-"
Richie's brain flatlined for a second. Right.
"-and she threw a customer's order on me! Burning hot fucking coffee, and then, my manager fucking got onto me-"
"Eds, breathe-"
"-And I just have had enough of this shit, I hate New York, I hate my job-"
"-and I just fucking quit. I quit, Richie."
"Eds," Richie spoke, calmly, "-breathe."
He heard the crash of his breaths through the phone, he couldn't tell if it was frustration or panic. It was maybe both. No, definitely both.
"Fuck, Richie," Eddie said suddenly, much more frantic, "-I just quit-"
"Eds, seriously, calm down," Richie spoke louder, "-You're gonna be fine. You said you hated it anyway-"
"Richie," Eddie breathed out, "-I have to pay rent. I have to survive-"
He said it before he could stop himself, "Just come to California."
There was a breath, and Richie almost just hung up out of embarrassment. God, he really needed to get a hold of himself. Richie had to get control of that, seriously. It was such a fucking problem-
Eddie spoke, suddenly much more calm (mostly disbelief), "What?"
"What?" Richie repeated. Hoping whatever God above didn't hate him.
"What did you just say?"
"Me?" Richie asked, blankly.
"Fucking obviously you, dickweed," Eddie stressed, somewhat frustrated, "-What did you say?"
"I said," Richie cleared his throat, stating awkwardly, "-you can just come to California... If you, If you want to-"
Eddie interrupted, "Seriously?"
"I, uh," Richie swallowed, he didn't know what was wrong to say here, "-Yeah."
"Really?" Eddie asked in a tone he couldn't quite read. (Was this bad or good? He had no fucking clue.)
"Yeah, Eds," he spoke -carefully, "-I have an apartment, and I stream and stuff so... you don't have to worry about money. Until you get back on your feet, I mean. I don't... I can help after too but I didn't think... It's not that I won't pay for your living, but I just figured-"
"Richie," Eddie leveled, "-shut the fuck up."
Richie muttered out sheepishly, "Yeah, okay."
"Are you-" Eddie continued, "-Are you seriously offering? For me to come to California with you?"
"Well, Bev has an apartment too," Richie responded, deflecting, "-if that makes you uncomfortable, she probably has an extra bedroom actually-"
"If I'm going to go to California, I'm living with you, moron. Obviously."
Richie's brain flatlined again (his heart beating so fast he felt like it should shoot out of his chest like in those cartoons), and he thought for a second he might just die here, in a beanbag chair. Surrounded by his shit, and on the phone with Eddie. That might actually be a pretty good way to die. Fucking focus, Richie. You have to respond-
"Okay," he replied, blankly (awkwardly even).
"So?" Eddie pushed.
"So what?"
"God, are you even fucking listening to me?" He asked, but Richie could tell it was rhetorical, "-Are you seriously offering me to come to California?"
"Yeah, of course, Eds," Richie chimed, instinctively.
The phone was silent for a few seconds, and Richie swore he could physically hear his heart beating. Pounding actually, like he'd just run a mile. Maybe 10. It made him wonder if Eddie could hear it. The whole situation settled on his shoulders.
You haven't even videochatted, and you offer him to live with you? God, you are so fucking stupid-
"Three months," Eddie suddenly spoke.
Richie pursed his lips for a second, confused, "What?"
"I've got three months left of like... rent that I paid," Eddie clarified.
"Oh-kay," Richie commented, "-and what exactly are you trying to say here, Eds?"
"I can leave," Eddie continued, "-after... after three months I can leave."
Richie's heart skipped a beat.
"Because I'm not wasting fucking money," Eddie added -abruptly, "-not even for you."
Richie choked out a laugh (and decidedly ignored that last part). Eddie did that a lot, actually, made Richie laugh. He kind of felt like Eddie was the funniest person on the planet sometimes. Though, he might be a little biased.
"I get it, Eds," Richie replied, still kind of laughing, before asking, "-What about food and shit? Do you need-"
"No," Eddie interrupted, speaking casually, "-I have like three emergency funds."
"You have three emergency funds?" Richie asked in disbelief, "-Why were you even fucking stressed Spaghetti?"
"Well," he seemed to pause a second, almost a little embarrassed, "-I also kind of fucking hated my life, that was also part of the problem."
And you won't hate it here? Richie's mind dinged, and his heart fluttered in his chest, Because of me?
"Wow, Spagheds, that stings-"
"Not you, fuckface," Eddie cut him off, near immediately, "-I don't hate the you part. Just... Just everything else."
Richie felt a little like the breath was stolen out of his lungs. How many times can you flatline before you're actually dead? Was there an experiment on that? Actually, that would kind of be fucked up, maybe there's a statistic he can look up-
"I'll come to California," Eddie spoke again, suddenly fully confident in his words, "-in three months, I'll come to California."
"To live with me?" Richie asked, maybe smiling just a little. (Okay, a lot.)
"Have you listened to a word I fucking said, dipshit?" Eddie asked, but Richie could tell he was smiling, "-Yes, obviously."
"Okay," Richie grinned, "-three months."
"Three months," Eddie confirmed -a little cheerily. It made Richie's head spin.
And then, Richie's mouth started moving again (without his permission, of course).
"Are we dating?"
Eddie snorted in response, and Richie felt a wave of heat smooth over his face. Right, his mouth fucking wins again-
"You are such a freak," Eddie spoke through laughter, "-You ask me to fucking move in with you, and then you ask if we're dating?"
"Well," Richie started, embarrassed beyond fucking belief, "-I just say stupid shit and then... and then ya know-"
"Richie," he interrupted, voice suddenly serious (in a calming sort of way actually), "-stop. You're doing that thing where you assume shit again."
Richie's lips snapped shut.
"We talk like every fucking day, we flirt like every fucking day-" Eddie continued, "-It's just very obvious, dipshit."
"Yeah, but you just said we were talking-"
"Because I wasn't sure if it was like... right," Eddie clarified, suddenly flustered (it made Richie grin so big he wanted to explode) "-Like if you... You know."
"I know what?" Richie asked -innocently.
"Oh, fuck you, trashmouth," Eddie puffed out, and Richie almost felt fucking giddy. He probably looked so fucking cute right now.
"I'm just asking a question, Spaghetti," Richie leveled back, but this time he couldn't hide the smile in his voice.
"You're such a dick."
Eddie was laughing then, just a little. He was trying to hide it, but it made Richie burst into laughter -full-blown, full-body laughter. He heard Eddie pipe up on the other side of the line, through laughs of his own.
"Don't fucking laugh at me, fuckwad," he seemed to try to convey seriousness.
Richie responded, "I can't help it, you're just too fucking cute, Eds-"
Eddie replied, instantly (laughs sneaking through the words), "You are clinically insane."
They laughed like that for a while, any time it died down the other one would just start laughing harder. It was like a domino effect. Richie was pretty sure he'd never laughed so hard in his life, actually. And he had some fucking funny friends, so that was saying something.
When it actually started to die down, the comfortable silence wasn't scary to Richie for once. Didn't mean he didn't want to fill it though.
He got a low hum in response.
And Richie hesitated only for a second, words and thoughts skimming through his head. There was nerves there, but they were hard to focus on, not with everything else. He felt better than at peace then, his mind was still going but with nicer things now. Better things. Happy.
He spoke, as natural as breathing, "Date me, Eddie Kaspbrak?"
Eddie paused, only for a second.
"I'll date the shit out of you, Richie Tozier."
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Headcanons: Jordan Li with Streamer!fem reader
A/N: This character has a chokehold on me just like they do everyone else. Also, I don't claim to own this character nor the gifs, I just had this idea for a scenario.
Notes: 1116 word count and some swearing.
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You never thought that your stream you started out of boredom during high school would take off but by the time you got to GOD U, you were always on the Top Ten Streamer list on V-TV.
 Your content ranged from wholesome gaming, collabs with other creators, and commentary on popular videos or media. Emma, Marie, Luke, Cate, and Andre had all been featured at least once but your oldest friend, Jordan, was hesitant.
“I don’t want a bunch of weird strangers knowing who I am,” they muttered when you tried to convince them to join for the millionth time.
You pouted, “Jordan, that’s what the mods are for. Anyway, it’s a risk you’re going to have to take as a supe anyway, right?” They were reluctant to admit you were right and after bribing them with Olive Garden, grumpily sat next to you as you set up your stream the following night.
“Try to look a little more enthusiastic,” you teased as you adjusted your cameras to frame you and Jordan well.
“It’s hard when I’m still hungover,” they griped. Despite their mood, you couldn’t help but feel giddy as you clicked on the big green “start” button and sat down in your custom gaming chair.
“Hi everyone, welcome back! Today, I have a very special guest who taught me almost everything I know about gaming,” you chirped, pulling Jordan’s chair closer to your side. “This is Jordan.”
Almost immediately, your chat started going crazy. “Who’s the hot guy?” “That’s your friend???!!!” “I knew I should’ve tried harder to get into GOD U.”
Jordan’s eyes widened at the response, and they sat up a little straighter and waved. “Hi everyone and yes, I am Y/N’s friend, and I did teach her everything she knows about gaming.” You elbowed them in the side playfully. “Not true!” “Before me, she didn’t even know what T-posing was.”
You playfully smacked their arm and shook your head. “Shut up. Anyway, tonight I am wearing my cozy sweatshirt because it is spooky season and to celebrate, we will be playing Outlast and Jordan is here in case I faint from fear and emotional support.” Jordan snorted, “You’re playing Outlast when you couldn’t finish FNAF?”
The night was filled with screaming and panic from you while Jordan mostly laughed at your pain and tried to give directions.
“Go left! No, the other left!” They shouted. “I panicked!”
Throughout the gameplay, the chat was bombarding you both with comments and donations. “Cherrypickednightmare gifted 50 subs and said, ‘Please give Jordan their cut’,” Jordan read. “Thank you for the subs! What cut? This is my channel, Jordan is a guest. They are here as a friend,” you said without taking your eyes off the screen.
“I don’t think you did this well with anyone else on the channel, I think I should be compensated,” Jordan teased. “Your pay is my friendship and potentially more Olive Garden.”
With that statement, your subscribers sent more “gifts” and subs as you continued playing. “Mikeysleftfoot said, ‘For the Olive Garden fund,” Jordan chuckled. “Yes, chat, for only 9.99 a day, you can provide Jordan with a week’s worth of Olive Garden even though they only eat the breadsticks, but someone needs to order something so no one gets kicked out,” you teased in a fake serious voice.
Jordan seemed to have too much fun interacting with chat while you were avoiding being attacked by zombified asylum patients. “WHY DID I COME INTO THIS HOSPITAL ALONE WITHOUT A WEAPON? I’M A JOURNALIST AND NO ONE KNOWS I’M HERE!” you screamed while frantically trying to get your character to run away from the giant patient. “Y/N, Viledeeds87 wants to know how we met.”
“NOT NOW!” But you died in-game seconds later and huffed. “We met in kindergarten,” you stated. “No, preschool.” You burst out laughing, “My bad, I lumped the years together. We were on the playground, I got a splinter from the swing set, and Jordan walked me to the nurse’s office.” “I’ve been looking out for her clumsy ass since.”
After that night, your friendship with Jordan and Jordan themselves became a hot topic on your channel. “Someone said, ‘Why is Jordan so daddy?’ Relax, chat, or else I will not bring them back on the channel. Their head’s gonna get too big from your thirst,” you joked.  
Surprisingly, Jordan loved the attention, especially the reactions they could get out of you because of the attention.
“I should write up a contract to make sure I’m getting my proper royalties,” Jordan suggested mindlessly during a study session.  “You know I have a team of lawyers, right?” “Scared they’ll agree with me?”
But when your merch collection came out, Jordan was the first to model and post about it on social media. Their appearances on the channel were regular and fueled more engagement on your streams, which your management loved.
Your other friends offline couldn’t help but comment on it either, with Andre only being a little jealous of the attention Jordan got while Luke and Cate couldn’t be more supportive.
Emma and Marie proudly shipped you and Jordan. “You’re so cute together, I mean, it’s giving frenemies and will-they-won’t-they at the same time!” Emma insisted. “No way, there’s nothing there. Jordan’s my best friend and it makes sense that we would have decent chemistry.” “I may not be super experienced in this area but, they do not look at you like a friend, on stream and off,” Marie commented.
You thought your younger friends were nuts. If there was anything between you and Jordan, you would be the first to know. Sure, you occasionally got butterflies around them when they smiled in either form and you regularly bought things or sent them pictures of something that reminded you of them. But all best friends do that, right?
Then one night, when you should’ve been studying, you were scrolling on social media when you stumbled across fan compilation videos of you and Jordan. While a lot of them were funny, a few of them were on the shipping side.
For the first time, you saw how Jordan’s big brown eyes softened when you weren’t looking at them and how they were so quick to pull you in their lap when you tried to storm off in a rage-quit. Was this how they always acted around you?
As you raked your brain, you began to remember several moments where Jordan acted a little more than a friend to you but at the time, you brushed it off. Did this mean they liked you? Did this mean it was finally okay for you to admit how you feel?
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