#thank u for asking anon i owe u my life <3
swordcoasts · 1 year
Hiiiiii tell me how is Arkem. Please
hiiiiiii bestie
with bg3 coming up, here's arkem's state of affairs by 1492 DR (in which the third game takes place).
in 1482 DR arkem was killed by the only other remaining bhaalspawn, viekang. shar brought him back as a shadowed (from the wiki: 'Sharran priests that offered exemplary service to the Lady were resurrected after their death and augmented in ways pleasant to the faith').
he didn't come back entirely right - shar kept his soul trapped for two years before the resurrection, and while he did come back as one of her chosen, he was left more under her control than ever.
he becomes even more isolated after that, as i headcanon he developed this miasma around him that slowly drains the life force of living creatures in close proximity. dorn, a vampire by that point in my canon, is immune and so remains by his side.
he remains in the shadows, doing shar's bidding, but there's a bitch of a crisis of faith brewing in there by 1492 DR. i'm looking to see what bg3 gives us re: shar worship to decide what's next for the miserable goth meow meow. :3
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oh my gosh i luv ur stan hatefucking post 😭😭 i felt butterflies ITS SO GOOD
no bc hear me out i feel like cartman would totally do that... IMAGINE HE WOULD TOTALLY SNEAK IN CAUSE THE READERS PARENT HATE HIM
i love the idea u made and im asking if you could do it but with eric? :D if ya want to of coursee!!
- 🏩 anon :3
hi cutie!! thank you sm im really happy you enjoyed it :] !!!
cartman 10,000% would have to sneak in because he was such an asshole and your parents hate him.
like at midnight, here's eric cartman throwing rocks at your window. you'd open it and he'd accidentally hit you with a rock before laughing hysterically and climbing up.
"you're gonna wake up my dad, he'd kill you if he found you here." you roll your eyes and rub where the rock had hit you.
"your fault you talk so much shit on me to them"
"it's actually your fault you're such an asshole.." you mutter.
"'ey! what'd you say?" eric shouts and you smack his shoulder softly, shushing him loudly. "shut up!" you whisper shout. "why're you here?"
eric laughs, "i wouldn't be here for any reason other than to get my dick wet."
scoffing and rolling your eyes you lay down on your stomach, loudly sighing before he smacks your ass "ow, asshole!" you wince and he laughs.
too lazy and too tired to get up, you lie there and let eric strip you of your clothing. he kisses your back and whispers degrading comments at you.
eric brings his hand to your hips, pulling them up to leave you chest down and ass up in the air where he'd bring his hands to your wet cunt, teasing it before sliding his middle and ring fingers in, scissoring his way inside you. this pulls sweet moans from your mouth.
"shshsh, quiet slut." eric whispers out to you in a soft chuckle. but you couldn't help yourself. "such a loud little bitch, huh? yeah? need me to cover your mouth, huh? yeah?" he taunts in a baby voice with little nods as he slides his fingers out of you.
soon that hand is brought to your face where he pulls your head up by your jaw and eric shoves the two fingers that were just in your cunt into your mouth, soon sliding his cock into you.
the moans you attempted to let out were muffled by eric's fingers as his cock moves in and out of you, accelerating to a faster pace each thrust.
his other hand smacks your ass not too hard so it doesn't wake your parents, if they hadn't already awaken by the loud screeching of the bed.
the both of you were bound to get caught, just bound. and if you were, you feared not only cartman would be dead, but you would be too.
you'd known just how much your parents hated cartman, rightfully so. he was a jerk who'd bullied you your entire life ever since you were five years old.
"you're so stupid!" he'd laugh every time you'd get a question in class wrong. "slut!" he'd yell every time he'd seen you with a boyfriend. no matter what you did, eric was yelling or laughing at you for it.
you told your parents about everything he'd done, they also saw it. they hated him, so much.
it was fairly recently when you'd added a sexual aspect to your hateful relationship. ever since its gotten better with cartman, but not with your parents..
they still hated him, and that likely wouldn't stop.
"fu-ck–!" cartman groans quietly. "gonna cum.. cum with me precious."
when he said that you felt yourself growing closer to the edge. "cum with me, cum with me," he continued to repeat himself over and over again, every time he said it he thrusted harder.
and there that knot came undone and you came, feeling that warm liquid fill you up from cartman.
he'd lay beside you on his back, breathe heavily and softly chuckling. "can i stay the night, it's dark out."
"i guess so." you smile as he wraps his arms around you. "just be gone by morning."
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milfjuulpod · 1 year
hiii!!! anything you wanna write about Melissa Schemmenti unexpectedly seducing a younger woman would be *chef’s kiss*
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I Still Got It
hello everyone! sorry for the delay in writing, i’ve had a hard time finding inspo but i did finish this last night! thank u for the req anon <3 anywho, here u go! i tried my best to go along with the prompt :))
content warnings: mentions of alcohol, not smut but? mention of? flirty? idk
Around 7 pm, Melissa and the rest of the Abbott crew met up at a bar downtown as a “last night out” before going back to school after break. Around 9 pm, was when everybody started to feel the alcohol. “I don’t know, I think Melissa might be all bark and no bite when it comes to game.” Gregory said, although he quickly regretted it. In response, the red head slammed the rest of her beer before retaliating, “I could pick up just about any one of these bozos sitting in this bar.” “Anyone?” Barbara asked, seeing you sit on a bar stool, phone in hand. She nodded towards you, and everyone turned to look. A younger woman, scrolling mindlessly while waiting for her drink. “Yeah, I got it.” Melissa said as she began to stand up from their table. “Melissa you know I think you’re super great and, well, powerful and all but there’s no way that girl is gonna say yes to you.” Janine said. As Melissa rolled her eyes, Barbara smirked. She knew, she was the only one who knew.
Melissa and you met a few months ago, at this very bar in fact. Only difference is, you approached her back then. Ever since, the two of you have been inseparable. The rest of the staff however, have yet to been updated on Melissa’s dating life. So when she waltzed over to you and sat next to you at the bar, they all widened their eyes in anticipation. “Hey sweet girl, my coworkers don’t think I have the game to pick you up,” Melissa said, catching your attention. Flustered, at both the fact that your girlfriend showed up and is sneaking her hand up your thigh, you weren’t quite sure what to say at first. “Espresso martini?” Melissa asked you, already knowing the answer. You smiled and leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Yes please.” Melissa squeezed your thigh and chuckled at your response. She ordered for the two of you, and continued conversation for a bit. “So, how are we going to seal the deal for the onlookers?” You innocently asked. “I have an idea,” Melissa answered, and leaned in slowly to plant a kiss on your lips. It wasn’t long, but it was enough. “Take me to your place, now preferably,” you said immediately as your lips parted. “Whatever you say babe,” Melissa stood up with your hand in hers, paid for the tab, and left the bar without saying another word to her gawking table.
Meanwhile, everybody back there was speechless. But finally it was Janine who spoke up. “I-I guess she does still got it. Also Gregory you owe Jacob five bucks.” For the rest of the night, the table went on and on about the event that just unfolded before them. You and Melissa however, were quite busy in other ways back at her place.
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sarilolla · 4 months
So ghost anon got me thinking…
What would happen if Floyd was the only one who couldn’t get to branch in time? I mean he was the only brother to say goodbye and promise to return, but ironically he is also the only one to not meet branch before he passes. I have a feeling that the guilt of never being able to fulfil his promise would tear him apart :3
Hopefully I won’t regret giving u a weapon to rip my heart out (who am I kidding, do as u please with this)
OW? OUCH? I got this ask while I was writing the fight and just oof, it hurt- Thank you for giving me this weapon >:)
Going to turn this into a ficlet, haven't done one of those in a while
Branch knew it was unlikely that all four of his brothers would get there on time. The world was big and who knew where four small Trolls could have ended up after twenty years. Laying in bed, he blinked in and out of consciousness, his chest heavy and barely any air managed to get to his lungs. Poppy was by his side, holding his paw tightly, not wanting to let go.
To his surprise, John Dory was the first to arrive. The oldest almost looked grey as he looked at his baby brother, who was resting on death's doorstep. With a push from Delta, he walked into the room, sitting down on a chair on his side. He opened his mouth, but no words came out, not until Barb had pulled Poppy out of the room. The two brothers needed a moment.
"I'm so sorry, Bittie, I… I'm sorry. I should have been there for you, but I wasn't, and…"
Branch took his paw, the younger being so weak, but he needed JD to listen.
"Love you."
His voice was broken and small, but to his surprise, JD started tearing up.
"I love you too. So much. You're my baby brother, and I'm sorry…"
This went on for a while, as Branch's lungs cleared just a bit, and he asked if JD could tell him about the Neverglades, which he did, drying his tears. He hadn't felt this vulnerable in a long time, but for Branch? He would probably beg the Muses themselves for his life to be spared.
Then came Clay. He came inside on his own, Synth and Dante pointing him to the right room. He was shocked, to say the least, that JD was there, and for a moment, all he felt was anger and grief. After a small spat, he calmed down as Branch's tail brushed his own. Right, Branch. They were there for Branch. Their little brother, who was dying.
After a few exchanged words filled with love, both the Iris and Dahlia were cleared from his system, and he breathed just a tiny bit easier, enough that if he had just a bit more energy, he would have been able to hold a conversation. But he didn't, so the two older held it for him, despite their awkwardness and grievances, they were there and they were talking.
Finally, Spruce came. Except it was now Bruce, and he had changed a lot, but he was their brother nevertheless, and while Branch could tell the tension swung a bit in the room, happiness, anger, and grief hanging heavy in the air, he was happy to see another of his loved ones. Just a few hours ago he had almost accepted death, not believing they would come on time, but here three of them were.
JD gave up his spot for Bruce, letting him take Branch's paw, the purple-haired Troll speaking so softly with the youngest, who hummed an "I love you too" in reply. The Zinnia lost its grip, and now… they only had the Queen Anne's Lace left.
But would Floyd get there on time?
Floyd had already left Mount Rageous days before, having heard the news on his small traveling radio, and narrowly avoiding being kidnapped, he set out to find his baby brother.
He had made a promise. It was maybe twenty years too late, but Floyd was not one to break a promise. Not now, not ever.
Then he learned that the promise had been put on a timer. Friends of Branch, bounty hunters, had found him, telling him what was going on.
Branch was dying. Branch could be dead already.
They didn't need to tell him twice that he was needed. He just sat silently in the back of their critter bus, eyes distant as memories played on a loop.
Seeing that little bluebell egg hatching. Holding that little baby boy that had been filled with so much joy, love, and music.
Branch was singing before he was talking, he danced before he could walk. He was the sunshine breaking through the grey clouds of grief and horror in that period of their lives.
And he had left him behind. He had given the toddler his vest. The vest had belonged to all their brothers once, and if there was someone who deserved the comfort that the vest provided, it was Branch.
When he came to Pop Village, the place was… sad. Too sad to be filled with Pop Trolls. He saw a grey Troll with a crown on her head sit amongst a group of other dully colored Trolls, her grief so strong it nearly drowned everyone seeing her.
No one noticed him as he walked through the village, and when he asked someone where Branch was, they just shook their head, a sad look in their eyes. Another Troll pointed him to the outskirts of the village.
Floyd had heard from the youngest friends that he had built a bunker, and with a small spark of hope, he looked in the direction they pointed, hoping to see that large rock, but no… There was a field of flowers there.
A Pop Troll graveyard.
And by the freshest mound, holding onto each other, sat three Trolls who were painfully familiar. His brothers. Just not all four of them. Only the three oldest.
A pained scream filled the air.
Floyd's scream.
He had broken his promise.
Yeah, ow, this hurt- Hope everyone enjoys the misery as always :,D
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my-castles-crumbling · 3 months
My opinion of you? Hmmmm. Well honestly, my opinion of you… really fucking good.
I dunno how comfortable you are with compliments so i’m putting a little warning here; compliments incoming :)
Firstly, you are an awesome writer. Like genuinely. Plus it’s so impressive that you write/post those microfics everyday, it’s serious (sirius haha) dedication, and most ppl wouldn’t have it in them to keep a routine like that. 
Two, you have legit saved people. People here felt safe enough to ask you for help, and from all i’ve seen, you’re damn good at giving advice. 
Plus I saw that one anon you answered where you told the person not to admit they cheated if it’d get them in more trouble than they deserve, and I salut you for that. (I remember you also told them that cheating is wrong and mostly don’t do it- don’t worry I got the right message). 
Anyway, my point is, there aren’t many places people feel safe enough to talk about their problems or insecurities or even dangers. Especially on the internet. So you’ve made a really good community here. You should be proud. 
But we’re doing full honesty right? So honestly, I think that it seems like sometimes you don’t have enough faith in yourself. 
I mean your fics are amazing, but also, they’re fucking free and a gift to the fandom. So you shouldn’t feel the need to meet anyone’s demands or be good enough for anyone but yourself. 
And here, you have helped so many people, I understand insecurity is a part of living, but maybe you don’t get how helpful your blog is. Whenever I come on here, you’ve posted a microfic or made a marauders joke or truly helped someone (with annoyingly good advice btw, i’m an adult and yet NO WHERE NEAR as mature, so good on u), and it’s soothing. You’re soothing.
Give yourself credit, is what i’m saying. 
You’re allowed to feel proud that you help people, proud that people love your writing, and ignore anyone who’s an asshole cause they’re dumb anyway.
And don’t forget that you don’t owe anyone anything. You don’t owe anyone a fic, or a tumblr post or an anon answer or even (within reason) kindness. You’re being generous with your time and your kindness by helping people. And while obviously that’s a good thing, you shouldn’t feel pressured to do so. 
Wait let me rephrase that- anyone who pressures you to do so is a bad person and should be strongly ignored. 
You don’t have to apologise for not wanting to post or be on social media. And anyone who cares should value that you’re taking time for yourself. 
Plus, and sorry if it’s weird to bring up your like, real life, but I think you’re probably a really great teacher. I didn’t have many people who believed in me growing up and you seem like someone who believes in people. And that’s what matters most. 
(Plus all teachers are criminally underpaid so like- good for you sticking with a half shitty job- though then again all jobs are half shitty) 
Also, and in this day and age this is a truly high compliment, you don’t seem like you’ve ever sent hate. 
You just have that vibe. You know… nice :)
So yes, that is my opinion of you.
Also, random question, how much gory stuff in films can you take? Usually i’m pretty alright, but I watched a pretty gross film earlier and it reminded I can’t watch everything gory. 
So yeah… that’s all ❤️
Hi, um...I am SO sorry, my my allergies are terrible and I seem to be sweating from my eyes....nothing to see here...😭😭😭😭
Thank you. Genuinely. I have honestly been struggling a fair amount lately, so notes like this make a much bigger difference than you would think <3
As far as films, I'm alright with gore. I actually LOVE horror films, but I prefer psychological horror and horror based on East Asian legends.
Thank you again <3 <3 <3
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
Hi would you be willing to do a part two to the steve x Henderson!reader age gap fic?
i am so floored by how many of you asked for a part II for this! to the anon who gave me the nudge w this idea, i owe u my life. thank you for your patience, i hope this satisfies! also, let's pretend the plan went off without a hitch and everyone survived <3 | 2k, henderson!reader, angst to fluff, lots of cursing, i mean like, a ton
The Upside Down is just as horrifying this time as it was last night.  Your arm throbs and your hands shake from the adrenaline as you climb the bedsheet rope and flop on the mattress, Steve's hand appearing above you immediately to haul you up. You haven't talked to him very much apart from gathering supplies and a tense ride in the front of the Winnebago next to him. Every time you look at him he's already looking at you, his gaze so heavy that you feel like you're going to explode. But there's no time for that -- you have a mission to finish.
Eddie's trailer feels familiar but only barely, the vines and cloudy air coating everything with death and decay. Dustin is the last to come through the gaping hole in the ceiling and you haul him up, keeping a hand on him out of habit. You insisted on being with him and Eddie, Steve's cruel but truthful words about looking after him ringing in your ears.
"Alright, be careful, okay?" Steve's jaw is tense as he cautions the three of you. "Don't even fucking think about being heroes. Anything goes south, you're back through that gate, understand?" Quick as a flash he grabs one of your hands. "Keep each other safe." His eye bore into yours and you think you nod, a shocked jerk of your chin. And then the moment is over and he, Nancy, and Robin are heading out of the park.
"What the fuck was that?" says Dustin.
Your skin is tingling. "Language, buddy!"
"That's true love, Henderson," says Eddie. You glare at him but he's beaming at you.
You wave your arms at the deserted hell dimension around you. "Really? Right now?"
"We are going to talk about this. You and Steve? Steve?" Dustin thuds his head against his spear.
"Dustin." You want to smack him upside the head but you refrain. "He told me you said I liked him!"
"I was joking! Figures he took it seriously like a dumbass. But I never took my own flesh and blood for one! I mean, Eddie is right there!" You take a step towards Dustin like you're going to tackle him but he just makes a face back.
"S'okay, sweetheart." Eddie clutches his heart. "You and Harrington have history. I'm entertained and not at all offended."
"Can we focus, please? We need to bat-proof this trailer."
"But, are you and Steve--"
"Now, Dustin!" You snap your fingers and corral the boys back to covering the windows and any empty space you can find. Your brother grumbles but listens to you, quickly falling into the work of nail gunning metal and wood to the trailer. You plug every opening you can find, latching chain link to the porch to make a cage. And then it's time.
"Initiate phase three, initiate phase three!" Robin's voice crackles through the walkie talkie.
"Shit," Eddie mutters. "Here we go!" He heads to his bedroom to grab his guitar and you and Dustin climb to the roof of the trailer.
You grab your brother by the shoulders as he plugs in the amps. "Listen, Dustin, I --"
"Are you about to give me some dumb speech about getting out of here if shit goes bad? Because save it."
"No, listen to me --"
"No, listen to me. We're doing this together because that's how we win. We're going to save everyone, but we need everyone." You pull him to you and squeeze him, quick and fast so he doesn't have time to squirm away. It's going to be fine. You're going to win.
"Hendersons, are we ready?" Eddie takes his place on the trailer and plays and plays and plays. You watch through the binoculars for the bats, calling out timings, and before you know it you're dropping back down to the ground and locking the cage behind you and screaming at how insane that was.
"I hope that's enough," you pant. "It has to be enough." You can't think about it too hard -- how Max is going to walk back into hell, how Nancy and Robin and Steve are going to fight Vecna in the flesh. All you can do is wait.
But pretty soon the bats are slamming against the trailer and the three of you form a tight circle and hope you got every opening. They make awful, awful sounds and the stitches Nancy carefully did in your arm burn and you're so scared.
"We need to buy more time," Eddie whispers. "You two climb, I'll be right behind you." But he doesn't look at you as he says it, breaking out of your circle with eyes on the door. You surge after him and throw your shield to the floor to grab a fistful of his jacket and tug him back.
"Don't you fucking dare, Eddie Munson. Get the fuck back here!" He looks shocked at the force in your tone. "Don't you remember what Steve said? We're not doing that shit. We're not dying today. They'll be fine."
"What she said," Dustin echoes. "Don't you fucking da--"
"Language!" you shout.
"Seriously? You just said it like, a million times!" Eddie bursts into surprised laughter.
"Christ, okay, I won't do anything." You release him and Dustin presses a little closer into his side.
So you wait. And wait, and wait, and wait.
And then a heavy thud on the top of the trailer makes all three of you scream. But it's followed by another, and another, and then hundreds more, like the worst hail storm you've ever heard. It stops just as quick as it started.
"The bats," you gasp. "It has to be them."
"Does that mean that Vecna is...?" Dustin whispers. The silence is eerie and fragile.
"Let's fuckin' hope so," Eddie mumbles.
And then the ground rumbles. It starts low and deep, almost like it's your own stomach. And then the trailer starts to vibrate, then shake like it did at Skull Rock.
"They have to be coming back," you say. "I'm going to get the door. Stay in here, okay?"
"Henderson..." Eddie starts.
"No, it's fine. The bats are dead." You know it's hypocritical to charge outside when you stopped him from doing the same thing, but you're already unlocking the door and stepping into the makeshift cage. Demobat bodies litter the ground as you step out into the dusty air. The sky is fading from angry red to black and you can feel the earth move under you.
"Hey!" You look up and see Robin sprinting towards you out of the tree line, dragging Nancy by the hand. "Thank god you're not dead. We have to go, now." They look mostly fine -- Nancy has a fresh cut along her cheek and Robin's hat is missing and they're both covered in...ash? But where is he?
"Steve, come on!" Nancy hollers behind them as they reach you. "Are Dustin and Eddie inside?"
"Yeah," you say, eyes now on the figure that emerges behind them. He's dirtier than before, throwing glances over his shoulder like he expects Vecna to be on his heels. But seeing him makes your chest both loosen and tighten at once -- relief that he's alive mingled with the intense rush of how scared you were that he wasn't going to come back.
"I--" you start to say but no words come out.
"Let's hustle, guys!" Steve hollers. "Inside, go, go, go!" Robin and Nancy go in you but you stand and wait for him because you just want to touch him, to make sure this is real, that you might have won, but he doesn't even slow in his run when he gets to you. He just grabs your hand and hauls you into the trailer behind him. Eddie is already through the gate, Dustin halfway up the rope and Robin kneeling for Nancy to start up after him.
"We got him," Steve says to you. "But the whole damn place is coming down. We nearly didn't get out of the house." His hand is warm where it still clutches yours. "Nice work with the bats, by the way." He's grinning at you and you feel a little lightheaded. Is it this easy now? The bad guy is dead and all of a sudden Steve's all in for you?
The trailer shakes again as Nancy disappears through the gate and Steve pulls you into him for a few seconds while Robin clings to the bedsheets. But this time it doesn't stop and a great wet ripping sound echoes through the Upside Down.
"Shit," Robin says, hauling herself through the gate as fast as she can.
"Now you," Steve says, and you want to protest but he's shoving you forward and pressing his hands to your ass as you start to climb. Normally you'd say something but Steve is not going to get left behind, so you hustle, rolling off of the mattress as soon as you land so he's got a clear space. And then he's through, yanking the bedsheets with him, and you watch the ceiling as the dark trailer starts to shake and crumble, the jagged hole shrinking, knitting itself together and disappearing in the blink of an eye.
"Holy shit," Dustin says. "Holy shit." You don't scold him because you feel the same. He wraps his arms around you and jumps up and down and you laugh.
"It's over," Robin breathes. "It's over."
"You got him?" Eddie asks. Steve hauls himself up from the mattress and claps the metalhead on the shoulder.
"Set him on fire and Nance shot him in the face. We got him." Eddie whoops and pull Steve in for a hug, and just like that you're all cheering, all trading high fives and embraces and feeling so relieved you can hardly believe it.
"We have to get the others," Dustin says, rummaging for his radio as Eddie hovers over him. Robin drags Nancy to the bathroom to clean her cut, and Steve stands next to you. You act on instinct and sag into him, gentle in case his wounds are hurting, but hugging him nonetheless. His arms come around you and your breaths match.
"Okay," you say into his neck.
He doesn't move but he makes a confused sound. You can feel his heartbeat.
"We can talk about it now." Steve pulls away from you this time, his hands coming to frame your face.
"Oh, that," he says. You frown, wondering if he's changed his mind, if he's going to reject you again, if you're going to go back to being something jagged and frigid. "I'm so dumb."
"Best thing I ever saw, you standing in front of the trailer surrounded by dead demobats." His eyes bore into yours like he's trying to get you to understand something. "I was so fucking scared."
"I was too," you breathe. You fist your hands in his collar, thumbs grazing the edge of the angry red line around his neck. He's older than you, sure, and he's been through this before, but all you want to do is tuck him somewhere safe where he can rest.
"And you scare me," he continues. "Because I like you so much. And I'm sorry I yelled at you before and I know it's complicated and that I'm kind of a deadbeat--"
"Steve." You press your fingertips to his mouth. You can hear Max through the radio behind you and your arm is throbbing and you feel the exhaustion setting into every bone, but you're also on top of the world. Because Steve is here in your arms. "Can you kiss me now?"
His lips are on you before you've even finished talking and it's not a very good kiss -- you both smell and your teeth clack a little with the force of it but it warms you from head to toe. Eddie's clapping in the background, Robin laughs and you feel alive because you are and maybe the rejection was worth it because here you are kissing the boy of your dreams.
"I'm pretending not to see this!" Dustin yells. "I'm really disappointed, just to be clear!"
But Steve just kisses you and kisses you and kisses you.
tags (including all of u who asked for this specifically!!): @cheerupbarry @srrybutno @97soroka @sunlitide @gloryofroses19 @carpediem1219 @themarvelousbee @sunshinehollandd @katsukis1wife @imherefortea @spideyboipete @lonelywidow @louderfortheback @actual-mom-steve-harrington @steveharringtonscarkeys @pennyllanne @ducky-is-dead-inside @ih3artcry1ng @escape-in-time-x @just-a-lost-princess @golden-wander @cagethemunson
want to be added to my tag list? send me a message and specify for steve, eddie, or both!
reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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jaxxsoxxn · 3 months
Jason Peter the first flash was talking to Hal, Wally and Barry about the mission. They all just did with the suicide squad help as well, helping take down the villain, they had to face against
I have to met that was the most chaotic mission  I think I have ever faced my existence, being the flash well welcome to Gotham city Hal how said with a salute well, I can’t be all that bad right Barry Barry ?
Barry didn’t answer Jason question to occupied with something else across for them was Harley Bart, and Captain boomerang Harley and Bart with sitting in the couch, talking about anything about the whole mission.
Captain boomer, and the other hand, was lenient edge, of the couch, talking to Bart and Harley, with a beer in his hand, drinking it Jason was confused what was very looking at over there until he realized Barry was looking at that poor man’s behind Jason slept Barry‘s head without any warning smack
Ow what the hell was that for Barry ask confusing looking at the first the flash with a confused look.
Young man has anyone told you it’s pretty rude to look at someone’s behind what Barry was more confused until he looked back at boomerang and realized oh wait no I didn’t mean to no no no no that’s not. Don’t lie to me Barry I seen too many. Awful men looking at my woman’s behind and I had to give them a lesson to respect their manners like I’m doing to you
One second Hal and Wally starts laughing oh, this is the best day of my fucking life how said with a choked laugh it seems nice and innocent angel got in trouble looking at his rouges. Ass How does it feel buddy pal? You should make him apologize Wally said laughing even harder
You know, that’s a pretty good idea Wally what Barry said horrified excuse me young man over there. Wait wait no no no no no no no I promise I won’t do it again just please I’m begging, you no
Usually I try to go through my asks from the oldest to the newest, but I can't help myself, I adore this prompt :} so it'll be first! Also thank u for that, Butterfly anon <3
Jay wasn't huge on helping Suicide Squad at first, but after a few times Bart and Barry came back all jumpy and excited, even he had to rethink his stand on the TFX missions. In the end, it was better to be close to the possible danger.
So here he was, now after their first mission together, standing next to Wally, Hal and Barry, while the rest of their merry group watched a silly cartoon next to them. At this point, their conversation strayed back onto the topic of their little "get together". It's not that Jay didn't see the trio a lot, but time was different for every speedster in some way. Barry, so alike Bart, hated the way a second could last days, so he usually tried his best not to be "faster" in that way and took time traveling risks only when needed - or so he said.
"...and like usual, it'd be way smoother without your hot-headed temperament, Hal - right Barry?" a softly delivered joke went through the Flash, making the younger speedster stop and look at the man. Jay noticed that the blue eyes were staring at something on their left, so he followed them with his own glare.
At first glance, their dear superhero was just looking at the rest of their team. Bart and Harley were sat on the couch, younger ranting about something connected to Johnny Bravo, which was playing in front of them.
While it was a sweet sight, Jay couldn't help, but notice that the thing in actual first plan wasn't them, nor the couch, but Captain Boomerang, bent over the back of the couch, lazily sipping a beer. His long body was strung up in some places, making the t-shirt a tight fit over his back. But if it'd be that what caught Barry's eyes, Jay wouldn't find even a small issue with it, but the glaring wasn't ending on the upper part of Boomer's body - it was on the lower part. If Flash would have Superman's powers, he'd burn the Rouge alive.
Jay couldn't help the automatic response of slapping Barry upside his head, a disappointed grimace on his face.
"Ow, what was that for?" Flash looked at him, obviously confused, until Jay answered his question.
"Barry, I cannot believe you from all people would stare at someone's... behind like that." the older man's tone was softly quiet, yet still offended.
If Hal and Wally wouldn't be who they are, maybe they wouldn't catch his words. But usually when you put a space cop and one of beacons of hope together, you should expect them to catch things others don't.
Barry hates that fact right now, his face burning from embarrassment, when they side glance at the same place he was looking at, noticing the Rouge bent over.
"No, no, no, no! It's not like-!" he scrambled to explain, before Jay shot him a judgy look.
"Barry, do not lie to me, you were eyeing him like he's a steak! I've met a lot of men who couldn't stop looking at others like that, but I cannot believe you, my boy, would be one of them." he shakes his head lightly. "I just- I didn't even think you of all people would need to learn some manners!"
While Barry gets redder, almost matching his suit, Hal and Wally can't contain their laughter.
"Oh my stars, it's the funniest shit. Did- Did our beloved sweet angel got caught staring at Boomer's ass?!" GL shook hysterically, while laughing with his whole body. His left hand landed on Flashes arm, shaking him while the owner hid his face. "How does it feel ending up on the dark side, huh?"
Wally, before his mentor could react, chuckled and said jokingly:
"You should make him apologize, Jay, that'll teach him!"
The older Flash considered it visibly, before nodding his head in agreement, making Barry freeze in his place in fear.
"You know what, that's not a bad idea-"
"No, no, no, no-! Jay, please, you know me! It was just a moment of weakness, it won't happen again! C'mon, please, no- I'll stop, I swear, I will-!"
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cuckette · 6 months
eww… in what world does a fanfic writer owe anything to their readers. this is a hobby being shared for free 💀 cherry is so non-confrontational when it comes to discourse… where exactly is she starting drama? and to say she doesn’t gaf is just stupid. she answers asks in a friendly manner when she doesn’t have to. the entitlement of anons are what contributes to the miserable experience of being in a fandom.
anon, cry about it. gilfhub, they could never make me hate you… -🐺
LOVE U… umm I understand if my enthusiasm has dampened lately n I’m slower w asks but that has nothing to do w people on tumblr :3 it’s just my personal life! BUT OMG THANK U… wolf anon u always got me omg
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sushisocks · 7 months
omg imagine if sean got his own game like about his childhood and ending just before he met dutch and hosea with a full soundtrack and developed characters THAT WILL COMPLETE ME
God, Anon, what I wouldn't give for ANY MORE INFORMATION about Sean and what his life was like prior to the gang. His timeline & backstory has so many vague elements to them, to the point that parsing some things are REALLY hard (I think I definitely can say it's fucking hard, given the amount of research I've done to answer some asks abt his background before!!).
But for me, a big part of Sean's appeal is the -- unfulfilled potential? Which is obviously part of the POINT with both his & Lenny's deaths (Lenny moreso, but I digress), but I've always been drawn towards characters with a lot of unanswered questions left in their wake and we don't even actually know Sean's AGE.
So like, YES OBVIOUSLY, if a game revolving around Sean was ever released, I'd fucking die, yall would see insanity on this blog like never before. I'd be posting like a bitch in heat! Though do I think a game abt Sean is likely? Of course not. And do I want one? Well, not necessarily?
For one I don't know how a game focused on Sean's backstory would fit into the themes of the Red Dead series, nor am I sure such a game would be as emotionally fulfilling or have the same kind of impact when we already KNOW where he ends up and what happens to him. (Sidenote; this is sort of why I'm not necessarily hankering for a RDR3 focused on the gang in the early days. A prologue to the prologue feels in many ways redundant.) Obviously I'd still be FERAL if R* decided to do a game about him anyway, but I'd be SUPER curious as to how they worked around these aspects of his story.
What I REALLY want is literally just like. A booklet with more information about him. But not so much that it ruins what I find fun about him, if that makes sense? I don't necessarily WANT to know his exact age when he died, but I DO want to know what age he was when he came to America, or how long he stayed in reform school.
ALTERNATIVELY a DLC with even more missions with him or content about him in ch2/3 would be much appreciated. I've been putting off going to see him in RDO because I know I need to be like -- ready for it, lol.
I WOULD LOVE more soundtracks dedicated to him though 🙃 And maybe more info about the people in his life who were important to him prior to the gang, besides his dad. (Ive been thinking a lot about that RDO line when you first meet him, where he says he lost the gang because he went off killing a guy he owed a killing to. WHO IS THIS GUY???? WHAT DID HE DO FOR SEAN OF ALL PEOPLE TO HUNT HIM DOWN????? I have my thoughts and theories but ohh my god this one haunts me man.)
ANYWAY Thank u anon, I hope u don't mind me using this ask as another opportunity to rant, because that's obviously ALL I DO LMAO
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steveharrington · 1 year
hii I’m a different anon but I was wondering if u could link the videos to the crochet tutorials pls😭😭 I’ve been trying to figure it out and it’s kinda. not clicking for me at all lmao but anyway!!! thank u <3
yes!! okay so i used all these videos to learn specifically amigurumi (making little creatures) therefore a lot of them will be based around that. if you're interested in making things like clothes or tapestries im not the best person to ask, but i think a lot of these channels also have videos on those topics!
first off this video just teaches you how to do a slip stitch, which is just the basic method of getting your yarn on the hook to create foundational chains! this is sometimes used to make amigurumi as well as creating flat pieces, and there are several different ways to go about it but this video focuses on the pretzel method which i find easiest!
now this is specific to amigurumis, but the first step essentially is the magic circle. let me tell you i spent like. 3 hours one day on Just this step and watched so so so many videos, but i went back in my youtube search history and found this specific video because it just made it click in my brain. i even left a little comment being like "THANK YOU" so i know its this one hehe
this video talks about how to properly count your stitches/use stitch markers when making an amigurumi, and that's honestly lifesaving information to know when you're first starting out.
and finally i owe this video my life. seriously. it takes you through the process of crocheting a no-sew amigurumi that's very achievable for a first time beginner. it's great because the pattern is showed on screen while the artist explains each step, so it really helps you understand patterns and what they're asking you to do. i cannot express how much i owe literally everything ive ever crocheted to this baby octopus tutorial because after i followed it, i had a little baby octopus in my hand and i was like holy fuck i MADE THAT and then i just went from there <3
one note i'll also add is that sometimes when you're watching tutorials you might see some artists hold the yarn a different way (between different fingers etc) or even hold their hook a different way, and it doesn't mean they're doing it Right and you're doing it Wrong. aside from following a pattern, the way you crochet depends on what feels comfortable to you. im sooooo slow compared to a lot of the people in these tutorials, but thats just how i crochet and its fine! so dont get too caught up in trying to perfectly mimic everything you see these people doing, because a lot of it depends on the person <3
here’s my first ever ami, made using the baby octopus tutorial! you can even see the bag with all my brand new yarn and hooks and everything in the background lmao. and i am not a crafty person i typically don’t pick up on things very fast, but this is easier than it looks and it’s 100% doable for anyone. you can do this!! fr!!!
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pelman · 2 years
f/o ask: saltwater and what beach 🏖️. also just stuff you do on the beach in general. if y'all don't go to the beach answer with some other nature place
we dont go to the beach very often since i cant swim admittedly but i love chatting with him while i go shell collecting along the shoreline! sometimes i find actually living snails which is fun and cool too. when we do go in the water hes always really careful and honestly a little skittish about it which is super endearing <3
theres also a few nature trails in the nearby parks that we go on together. its always fun to just watch for animals there, i always go a little crazy when i see a cool bird or some small mammal that isnt a squirrel lol
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hannie-dul-set · 10 months
hii again!
im the anon who asked abt the conflict theory status and i just wanted to apologize, it was very insensitive to ask especially since you owe me nothing at all and i should’ve considered your personal life and feelings so i just wanted to say sorry
hi there anon! it's okay i wasn't rlly offended by your ask, i figured u were just curious abt the status of my current fics HAHAHAHA but yeah thank u for apologizing though and im happy to see you're acknowledging where you might've went wrong!!! have a great day<3
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shadowofmoths · 1 year
top 5 geoff moments! top 5 thursday song moments (like lyrics, vocals,musical bits etc) too! and i would love if u shared ur bandcamp friday purchases :D
anon i love you sm for this . lets hold hands .
rq my bandcamp purchases thus far are two cds, bikini kill's the first two records aaaaand ghost quartet cd which i didnt know existed & am kind of losing it over im so excited i love ghost quartet myfriend ghost quartet?? anywya s. considering also getting ls dunes and pinkshift cds but ive already spent. a lot of money for my brain's comfort so maybe not lol.
putting the rest of the answer under a cut so i can ramble w/o worrying too much aslkdjfh:
ok . this is gonna be in like, no particular order, and also by "top 5" its gonna be "top 5 tihngs i can think of in 10 mins or less bc otherwise ill never answer this ask" so like . sorry if i forget the obvious answers or anything.
top 5 geoff moments: 1.
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2. literally like, tricking/forcing tim and andrew to be in his band . this shit makes me lose it every time its so funny.
3. one time he said my art was "v nice" on twitter that was a pretty big win for me personally
4. going to a bajillion nine inch nails concerts & collecting like, broken guitar tuning pegs and shit from the shows and keeping them. geoff is to me what trent reznor is to geoff tbh. also the fact that he got to interview trent for like a "who inspires you" thing or smth like that but trent wasnt able to actually make it and then the person taking photos from the interview was like. "oh geoff hes super cool youd really like him." but then they didnt actually meet and did the interview online. thats an underrated geoff poor little meow meow moment honestly.
5. idk im a big fan of him sort of adopting a stray cat and calling her lola. i . yeah. <333
top 5 thursday moments: ok so funny i had to pause my war all the time cd to think thru this adslfjh
this is specific but clapping along to understanding in a car crash . its . i jsut. i . yeah. and the little two-beat drum thing the real quick little dun-dun at the very beginning? GODDD. yeah. tucker rule you aer everything TO ME.
2. the little spoken word part in paris in flames ohh my god . and the guitar part behind it? EATS IT WHOLE.
3. im so addicted to the transition btwn introduction/streaks in the sky it makes me full-body rock back and forth every TIME its so good
4. turnpike divides myfriend......... the screaming that kicks in on the chorus......dont wanna be a self medicator but its hard to sleep when youre born to run....all roads are pointing home again....YEAH.
5. when geoff introduces signals over the air live and does his silly little dance moves and says this song is called SIGNALS. OVER. THE AIR. that shit is so magical To me.
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rrxnjun · 1 year
YESSSS thats what everybody has been saying about uni and it's just makes me so nervous cuz if i do not have like clear instructions and things on how to do things i just crumble so i'm really scared about it🥲🥲🥲 i don't think im that smart tbh but thank u for thinking that🤣 and i feel like u have to be smart as well tho to learn psychology!!! like psychology sounds so much harder/smarter to me than international businesses
getting mad at ur art is just so😭😭but very relatable tbh i do the same thing with it as well ig🥲
SO TRUE WALKING IS JUST SO AMAZING!!! i'm an avid walk enjoyer and i feel like most people just under appreciate it!!! like i have been going on daily walks for a while now and nobody gets why i love it so much🫡 (kinda funny how excited i am to talk about walking but i just love it somuchhhh🤣)
wahhh i'm so glad it made u happy!!! 💕tbh i was just very scared that it's rude to ask this kind of question and i just didn't want to make u feel bad that u didn't post anything about it ;-; and i care so much about that fic like i'm not even kidding after i read it it was in the back of my head 24/7 for at least a week or something i loved it so much ngl 🥹🥹 like that was what i was looking for in books tbh🤣 and thank u for not thinking i'm not annoying;-; like this just made me feel so much better about sending these asks💕 AND I ALSO THANK U VERY MUCH FOR BEING KIND AS WELL!!!!💓💞💘💖 (liebestraum anon💕)
THATS SO ME i need instructions for eveRYTHING in life i cant possibly do things alone AHAHA. you are smart tho and i stand by this. i mean,, psych is hard so i do think i am quite intelligent tbh but thank you for saying so as well!! but we dont have to compare ourselves to others, there are many kinds of smart and while i am psych smart you are international businesses smart and neither is more than the other.
WALKS ROCK BRO its my fav hobby. i walk to and back from uni every day and it takes 30 mins to go there and sometimes i have to go there twice so im really getting those walks in. its so great u just put in your earphones and listen to your music and its so fun istg
why would it be rude!!!! i posted it for everyone to see so its totally okay for u to ask about it and its totally valid to ask questions abt something that interested you. it didnt make me feel bad, bc i know i dont owe anyone anything and i write for myself ahaha <3 but this did make me really happy and that it was something you were looking for hhh <3
also,, im once again really sorry for replying so late. life got hectic and my mental health wasnt doing really well hhh
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
revealing myself as diver anon hiiiiiiii emma
DIVER ANON!!!!! i owe u my life (so many other people agree I'm sure) bc that idea was JUST SO GOOD. and I'm working on ur corn maze ask (i love wallows)!!!! but hi nice to meet u I'm emma thank u for being here <3
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threeletterslife · 2 years
btw i'm the anon who sent the previous ask in all caps gushing about things we owe to each other 😅 i've ditched the caps for now so i can tell u properly how talented u are! tbh ur one of my most fave writers on here and i love ur stories sm
i read maybe 90% of ur masterlist and i started reading legends of darlaria some time ago now. i've stopped for a bit since life got in the way of my reading and i decided to wait a bit until LOD's story has progressed further just so that i'm in the proper headspace once i do get around to continuing it (i hope that made sense lol)
anyways just wanted to tell u that ur doing good! more than good actually bc ur writing just keeps getting better and better <33 ily
ohmygod that is such a big compliment idek what to say! 90%??? that's a lot considering that i've accumulated quite a bit of stories on there over the years! oh yes, LOD's first act should be ending in the next month or so, so it's great that you're deciding to wait so that you can properly binge LOL. (and yes, you definitely have to be in the right headspace to read LOD; it's pretty dark ngl 💀)
but wow. thank you SO much! it's always nice to hear people enjoy my writing; it gets me so motivated to write more! so thank you <3 i really needed this!
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