#thank u for the deluge!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
mail-me-a-snail · 10 months
for the fanfic ask meme: B, F, H, I, M, Q, R, S, T, U & V!!! c:
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
welllll the everyday miscellaneous was um 99% projecting. i was working thru some mental stuff n i really needed an outlet and bill tench was right there!
F: Care to share a favorite hurt/comfort fic?
does this mean one of my own or one i like. either way ill drop some reccs from both pools.
while im still reading @swearingcactus 's pick me up and memory downs, the hurt/comfort is so so tasty and i love love how the twist is sprinkled into the earlier chapters and its all starting to unfold.
apart from that, @civilization-illstayrighthere 's funny you should ask makes me want to BAWL. if u like the hurt/comfort of past inputs and a love thats a few shades from poisonous, this is the one for u.
as for my own, the your heart is on my sleeve series is just h/c after h/c with some major character death sprinkled in :P
H: How would you describe your style?
i write like im writing for an audiobook. i focus on how sentences would sound rolling off someones tongue, how theyd hit physically once said out loud, etc, because its one of the best ways to figure out how awkward a sentence might sound otherwise.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
sexual tension and homoerotic teasing but not full blown smut. love it when a character touches another person in some way that gets them flustered and red and then the author leaves it at that :3 so fucking delicious.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
one im working on rn has vance infected with a virus that slowly starts raising his internal body temperature degree by degree before he overheats and the virus resets to repeat the cycle :] he has to get it out before it reaches his brain
Q: Do you have any discarded scenes/storylines/projects?
blinks wetly. i dont wanna talk about it theres a whole sideblog dedicated to one of them. but also i had this fic idea where vance gets caught by militech and its this whole thing...theres also a handful of scenes i wrote where kerry goes to vance's apartment in the glen n discovers (to his horror) how many jackets his boyfriend actually has
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
samantha downing, suzanne collins, austin chant, helena fox, and tj klune are my biggest influences :3 fanfic wise, it would be the two i mentioned above and @glitchinginthegarden and you!! you august you!!!
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
when two characters r bitter divorced exes but theyre still madly in love with each other and HATEEE the fact that they are. i want them to hatefuck and be pissed off about it
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
please. lord god. stop woobifying villains. i would like them to retain the nuance they have in canon thank u
U: A pairing you might like to write for, but haven’t tried yet.
SILVERDYNE. i want 2 write for them so bad but i dont know what premise would be interesting to me. im rotating them certainly but nothing's come of it so far
V: A secondary (or underrated) character you want to see more of in fic?
where is rogue my friend the love of my life rogue amendiares
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cutesyscreenname · 6 months
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The Last Great American Dynasty: Chapter 1
This Was The Very First Page
Series summary:
Addiction, deadlines, a nasty divorce. In an effort to shed your skin and find yourself again, you pack up and move to a historic seaside home across the country. It's all a blur, you're hurting and spinning your wheels in a big house all alone. Until Frankie shows up on your doorstep.
Pairing: Frankie Catfish Morales x AFAB Reader
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Word Count: 1709
Warnings: allusions to former drug use, mention of divorce, not too much to warn of yet we just getting started bby
Notes: I hope we all have a marvelous time and I don't ruin everything 💀 I've been gone for a long ass time, taking baby steps getting back into things.
Also much thanks to @pr0ximamidnight for helping flesh this out (aka letting me rant at her until it came together) and @mydailyhyperfixations, @joelsgreys, and @mylostloversbookmarks for also listening to me ramble 😂 lub u 🩵💙
Chapter One Playlist 🎶📻⚓🌊⛵🎶
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This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
It feels pretentious to drive across the country like this when you don't have to. In fact it was a struggle to do so - insisting and arguing with everyone that you wanted, no - needed to. You could feel the eyes rolling behind your back, hear the sarcastic thoughts unspoken.
Who does she think she is, Kerouac?
Truthfully you just wanted the white noise of wind, pavement, and your Spotify playlist of guilty pleasure pop songs, too occupied by operating a motor vehicle to check the deluge of emails and texts that had been pouring in for months.
A Tale of Two Addicts
Best Selling Author Loses Control of Her Own Narrative
Authoring Her Own Disaster: Detox and Divorce
How could you blame them when the headlines practically wrote themselves?
“So let me get this straight. Not only am I not getting new pages, you’re putting this project on hold to move to the east coast so you can - what? - live out some whimsical seaside fantasy?”
You sat in your office chair, surrounded by stacks of cardboard boxes, pen hovering above the signature line of your divorce papers like a memoir you don’t want to take ownership of as your editor sighs at you over speakerphone.
“I’m doing what they told me to do in therapy, Miles. I’m changing the scenery, starting over. It’s difficult to write any pages for you if I’m too catatonically depressed to get out of bed. Take it as good news, a strategic move. Literally.”
The house has a history. That’s the reason you’d chosen it, frankly. You’d discussed the listings with your realtor over the phone, clicking through the pictures as they recounted the amenities and specs of each property.
“And then there’s the Harkness house…”
If her goal was to intrigue you she’d accomplished it tenfold, having you on the hook for every sordid detail as she regaled you with the story of a widowed heiress making a splash of scandal through the coastal town with her extravagance. She leaned into the impropriety of it all, trying to sell you with gossip, but all you heard was the story of a woman who had reclaimed her life after losing love. Perhaps the house held that energy in its foundation. Maybe if she did it there, so could you.
Pulling up the winding driveway you almost feel a page turn, a fresh start. Then the moving van crunches gravel behind you and your phone pings with a missed call from your lawyer, breaking the spell of your daydream.
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It’s been a long day already, an endless stream of delays and snafus. Missing parts and tedious tinkering with finicky engines has left Frankie a mess of sweat, grease, and frustration. The sigh of a long day finally finished whistles out as he climbs the stairs to the office, ready to hand in a few leaves of paperwork and drag himself home when the sound of muffled conversation gives him pause.
“She’s ruining everything, we’ve all but flown in the film crew and we hardly have half a film without that house in it!”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Ray, she could be perfectly cooperative. We don’t know-”
“It’s for fucking NETFLIX, Tim. I won’t be made to look foolish by some scandalous, self important, Hollywood-”
“And you won’t. Let’s just give her the packet, for all we know we could have signed papers come Monday morning.”
That’s all Frankie hears before the desire to get out of there steers his body back toward the stairs. I can turn these in on Monday, not worth the hassle...
Before his steel toe can touch the second step, though, the door swings open and a booming voice sounds behind him.
“Ah! Mr. Morales! Good timing, son. You pass the Harkness house on your way out of here, don’t you?”
The question is moot, the offices and hangar located along the coast such that there’s practically no choice but to pass the seaside estate if you want to reach the town and its modest sprawl of surrounding neighborhoods.
“I do, sir.”
“Then it’s meant to be. I’m sure you’ve heard that it’s newly occupied and we have a…welcome packet of sorts…for the new owner but the courier’s service is closed. Would you mind dropping this off on your way home?”
Tim, the more even keeled of the two executives that frequent these offices, hands over a manilla envelope without waiting for an answer, traces of engine grease still clinging to Frankie's skin leaving faint fingerprints on the hefty packet. The man cuts in again before Frankie can open his mouth to speak.
“Is the jet ready for takeoff in the morning? We’re expected in New York by eleven.”
Frankie studies the name on the envelope for a long moment before looking up to meet the impatient gaze of the man in front of him.
“Ah, yeah- Yes, sir. She’s ready for takeoff. Pilot’s ready for you anytime after eight, should you decide to leave earlier.”
He only receives a slight nod before both men push past him and he’s left alone outside the office door, eyes drawn back to the neatly printed label with your name on it. Why does it sound so familiar?
Lost in a daze of curiousity, Frankie’ feet carry him down the stairs, through the hangar, and out to his truck. He’s so distracted by the strange feeling in his gut that he starts his drive with his steel toes still on and the work orders still stacked along with the mystery packet in his passenger seat.
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It's been a week and you're still staring at, discovering, stumbling over boxes.
How the hell does one person accumulate this much stuff?, you think as you sit on the sofa and nurse the soon-to-be bruise on your shin from the cardboard cube you'd just rammed into rounding the corner into the living room. The house in LA had seemed so desolate when Trevor had moved out and now you sit surrounded by a sea of what now feels like junk.
Even in this vast expanse of square footage and seaside it seems the walls might close in on you at any moment.
Thoughts manifesting into reality, you begin to feel too hot seemingly from nowhere. Pulling at the collar of your worn t-shirt, you go to crack open the nearest window when a blue pickup truck rounds the bend and pulls up to your gate. Before you can take too long to squint and guess at who the hell would be at your gate on a Friday evening, the driver presses the call button and your phone begins to ring.
The phone crackles lightly and a deep, dulcet voice answers you.
“Yes, ah- I've got a delivery here. Is this the new owner?”
From the window you can see the figure in the truck cab lift an envelope to read it and he confirms your name.
“Yeah, that's me. I'll buzz you in.”
You hang up and press the button to let him through, watching as he winds up the drive and stops in front of the house.
Had you forgotten to sign something? He asked about being the homeowner, so it can't be another addendum to Trevor's many demands attached to the divorce. Your confusion and curiosity gives way to a flustered state when you open the door.
The first things you notice are the rich brown orbs looking back at you, brows, lids, and laugh lines working to form a frame of sincere apology, like he knows it's unorthodox for him to be standing on your front step at this hour. The rest of him is just as entrancing - plush lips beneath a gorgeous nose, a broad frame just as soft as it is strong, and a rueful smile that has your cheeks flushing as he adjusts his Standard Oil cap to lend you a peak of soft brown curls.
“Hi there,” he interrupts your stupor and you wonder just how long you've been staring.
“I'm here to deliver this. It's from the Standard Oil offices, ah…courier service is closed and it's pretty important I guess.” He holds the envelope out for you to take, his free hand rubbing the back of his neck in what seems like a nervous habit. You can see the faint grease marks on his fingertips, a matching set of smears on the paper in his hand.
“Oh, um. Thanks. Any idea what it's for?” You take the packet from him, eyeing it curiously. It's simply addressed to you with no further indicators on the outside.
“Something about the property I suppose, not really clear on the details. Lot of history in this house, ya know?”
“So I'm told.” You smile softly, toying with the metal fastener, more intrigued by the messenger than the message at this moment.
After a brief silence he shakes his head, seeming to come back to the present, and you wonder where his mind had drifted to. “Anyway, I'll leave you to it. Sorry for the interruption.”
“Not at all. Thanks again.” You wiggle the packet lightly in your hand.
He cracks another smile and you're certain his eyes roam over you before he mutters a goodnight and turns to go back to his truck. You stay stagnant for a while, watching as he gets into the cab and pulls out of the gate, and a few long moments after that as well.
Finally closing the door, you pad into the kitchen and pour a glass of wine to sip while you open your mystery packet. As you set it on the island countertop a few stray sheets slip out from beneath the envelope. Picking them up, you notice they don't seem to have anything to do with you or the house. In fact they look like order sheets of some kind, a list of mechanical sounding items listed with costs and quantities scribbled next to them.
Next to a black smudge to match your packet and the stranger's fingertips is a carefully printed name on a line marked ‘authorized by’. You read the name aloud and your stomach flutters at the way it somehow feels familiar to say.
“Fransisco Morales…”
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More to come soon, let me know in the comments or my inbox if you want to be tagged for the next chapter 😬
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geryone · 1 year
hiiii im also doing the sealey challenge & as you are thee poetry blog of all time + your taste is always on par, i wanted to ask if you had any all time fav lifechanging collections to recommend so i can fill the last few spots on my reading plan for the month :-) ty love u
God that’s such a high compliment! Thank you!! ❤️
Oh yes I have some recommendations!!!
1. Come the Slumberless To the Land of Nod by Traci Brimhall - this has been my favorite collection since I first read it in 2020 & I have reread it countless times & will continue to be absolutely floored by it
2. Averno by Louise Glück- I love Glück’s poetry & Averno is one of the first collections that latched it’s teeth into me
3. Calling a Wolf a Wolf by Kaveh Akbar - Another collection I return to often!! Will read literally anything Kaveh Akbar writes
4. Postcolonial Love Poem by Natalie Diaz - a tender & deeply touching collection. I am obsessed with the way that Diaz talks about love.
5. Past Lives, Future Bodies by Kristen Chang - small collection of absolutely striking work!!
6. Headless John the Baptist Hitchhiking by C. T. Salazar - obsessed with this collection & return to it often
7. Kingdom Animalia by Aracelis Girmay - this collection took me out the first time I read it & it took some time for me to recover
8. I Will Tell this Story to the Sun Until You Remember that You are the Sun by Erin Slaughter - another collection I had to literally put down multiple times while I was reading it & calm myself down before I could return back to it. I love Erin Slaughter’s work!!
9. Smoking the Bible by Chris Abani - have bought & devoured all of Abani’s published poetry in the last year. Started with this collection & it got me hooked.
10. Deluge by Leila Chatti - Obsessed with her work!! Could not recommend it more
This is a lot & honestly there are many more I could recommend but I’ll stop myself here
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parttime-creative · 4 months
ooh I like these romance prompts! can I request part 1 prompt 54?? and can it be wlw please and thank u 😭
There is another one... Oh lord, I am sorry! But I am having FUN with these again. Of course it shall be WLW <3 With this one my mind immediately jumped to "The Locked Tomb". But honestly, I have no idea where this is going.
"Prompt #54: We’re lying on a deserted parking level, watching the stars, but we’re in a big city with too much light so we just watch each other."
Back in Drearburh the nights had been so dark, barely any stars had dared to illuminate the bone fields. I had liked the dark of drearburh nights. I know for a fact, you did too. Your robes had always turned you into a goblin like bat, fluttering down the corridors like some sort of wet rag that mist its clothing line. You probably felt so cool. I liked the dark, because no one saw me sneak out. I also liked it because in the dark the rare instance of a shuttle coming or leaving was a true spectacle. Its jets looked like tiny stars burning up in the atmosphere. I liked to imagine being on that shuttle, on my way to the cohort. You didn't like to imagine that. The shuttle starting from the Mithraeum's port also didn't look like tiny starts. Not even the night looked like night. It all was bright. Full of artificial space station light. The nights here weren't quiet and full of dark silence either. They were bustling. Buzzing like a life animal, overflowing with necromantic energy as cohort troupes walked about, organizing their leave or a new battalions arrival. I would have LOVED to watch that, I was screaming at you to get up from the metal floor and watch the first house. But no, you kept laying on the floor face down, arms sprawled out, your cheek pressed to the cold floor. You looked positively pathetic. I screamed at you, shoveling more of my thalergenic energy into your insatiable oven of a body so you wouldn't freeze to death. I didn't die for you to act like the wet rag hat finally hit the floor after all. But you, you, Harrowhark Nonnagessimus, you just kept laying there staring ahead into the reflecting surface of a metal barrel, and watches your eyes. No my eyes. My golden eyes, that were screaming at you, to get up. Reverent daughter my ass. Reverberate dimwit, more like it! You're not the necrohag of the ninth house, that fucking slaughtered a fucking lyctor! This wet puddle of a necromancer is not my Harrowhak! GET UP. GetupgetupgetupGETUP! Finally you blinked. A life sign. Not that I didn't know you were alive. To busted my ass right there to keep you warm. But your short-circuited brain finally sparked again. I didn't like the thought the spark produced. Not at all. You had seen a small hole in the barrel. Right in the middle of your reflecting forehead. I had no idea, what the word meant, you had just thought of. But I didn't like it. It sounded like something the third would do, and definitely not something from the hot twin! You blinked again and I felt your thanergetic deluge of your body press me back into the corner of your mind where you had me caged in. I AM STILL SCREAMING AT YOU, HARROWHARK NONNAGESSIMUS! But your eye had already durned brown, then black, and finally as dark as the drearburh night and you got up (REALLY? NOW?). I rattled my cage, willing you to not run to the skeletal bitch from the third. But you didn't hear me. You didn't listen. You never listen...
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nihilizzzm · 1 year
I got tagged by @horsewithaface i don’t want to reblog it again bc it’s a loooong post so i’ll just rewrite it 😭 and thank u so much for tagging 🧡🧡
1. 3 ships — Aragorn x Boromir, i’m a slut for them now; Hannigram, I’m hyperfixating on them since last year; maybe Halt x Crowley from Ranger’s Apprentice? childhood ship love them
2. First ever ship — Wolfstar, I was a Harry Potter kid before it was trendy 🤪
3. Last song — Bridges by ALIKA, just posted about it
4. Last movie — rewatched the fellowship few days ago but if we talking new movies i think it might have been Another Round
5. Currently reading — A Clash of Kings, A Day of Fallen Night and Potop (The Deluge)
6. Currently watching — Game of Thrones, Steven Universe and Sharpe
7. Currently consuming — A lot of lotr content and aragorn x boromir ffs
8. Currently craving — Dumplings and beer, also maybe a risotto
I also don’t have inspiration to tag many ppl but it was fun so i want to tag someone @ass-deep-in-demons @aroace-moron
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launchpadthai · 4 years
Heliotropism [a Fethsteel fanfic] 1/?
Summary: Fethry finds Steelbeak in a bad state and gladly nurses him back to health. Genre: Fluff, bonding, platonic intimacy. Confident!Fethry and Humbled!Steelbeak I just want these two to interact so badly Q_Q Rating: G Word count: 1500ish
Notes:  AU where Steelbeak is washed to sea instead of saved by F.O.W.L from S3E3. Shout out to whoever posted that prompt first and to Mighty-Ant’s oneshot fic with the same prompt for the inspiration! I consumed all the Fethsteel I could find, a lot of other people’s head canons and ideas inspired this so if something looks familiar, it’s cause it is lol. There’s plenty more written roughly, just need to polish it up. I really like Fethry’s comic personality so I leaned more towards it. Also AU rules, the Sublab didn’t get blown up. **No beta and I haven’t written fanfic in years so if you see anything written weirdly feel free to correct me! I’ve been sitting on it for months but if I don’t post it now I never will okay thank u 
The absolute pure darkness of say, the depths of a cave or the middle of a forest during a new moon was something Steelbeak was use to. Dim lights in a hidden base, or the cheap lights of a jail cell were almost homey to him. Almost.
So when he woke up in an unknown dim room, he didn’t feel the need to panic. Though, his head did hurt more than usual as he sat up slightly and reached up to rub it and was interrupted by a small tug. He looked over to see an IV needle stuck in the crook of his arm so reflexively, he reached to pull it out. “It’s just water.” Said a voice, cutting through the dark. Steelbeak tried to blink the sleep from is eyes, only able to make out a small blob of a body walking towards him. With another bag of clear fluid, a duck with a red hat appeared. “I don’t have anything fancier than that.” His tone was weirdly upbeat, or so Steelbeak thought, considering his situation. He tensed and a sharp pain shot through his chest, making him groan and the other bird paused mid step. “Hey, it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you.” He put his hands up and spoke in a casual, yet jolly tone. “I’m Fethry, we found you in the ocean.” “We?” Steelbeak meant to say out loud but nothing came out. Anxiety began to bubble as he realized he couldn’t open his beak. He grabbed at it, trying to pry it open but it didn’t budge. He cursed Heron and the duck at the lighthouse but Steelbeak knew it was the buzzards. What he didn’t know, was if it was a malfunction or if the remote had that kind of range. Either way, it was annoying.
He punched at his beak a few times before falling back into the bed roughly, immediately regretting it as more sharp pains exploded in his chest. Fethry openly winced, watching as Steelbeak curled up and grabbed fistfuls of blankets to ease the pain while trying to catch his breath as much as he could through a closed beak.
“Okay, so that isn’t normal then. I tried to get it open myself but thought you just had that strong of a jaw.” Fethry walked to the bed while chuckling. Steelbeak let him get closer, but knew he could still take the bird out if he tried anything funny, even in his current state. “I’m pretty sure you’ve got a cracked rib, maybe broken?” Fethry spoke calmly. “You’re severely dehydrated too.” He switched the bags quickly, stepping back to give the larger bird room once more.
Steelbeak caught his breath, stopping the tunnel vision enough to scan the room. He was in a small bed that looked out of place compared to the rest of the area. Some kind of lab with big windows that were pitch black, save for some small dim lights that seemed to be floating around...Wait what? Were those Christmas lights? Was he in space? Steelbeak squinted and Fethry followed his gaze. “They’re bio-luminescent krill.” He said through a smile. “They were worried about you.” ‘They?’ Steelbeak’s expression spoke out loud. “We were the one’s that found you. You’re lucky you were so close to the lab.” He waved lightly, looked over to Steelbeak and tossed his head sideways a bit, motioning to the window. Without thinking, Steelbeak put his hand up and also waved lightly, a small gesture to the krill. They both looked into the sparkling, floating abyss in silence, the only noise coming from a generator. Somewhere down the empty halls, a light flickered and there was a groan, the sound of steel under pressure. The lab seemed to breathe, humming a metallic lullaby.
Steelbeak tried to fight off the exhaustion, his eye lids grew heavy but he lost the battle. Sinking back into his pillow, he fell asleep so fast he almost missed Fethry bringing the blankets back up to his chin.
Steelbeak didn’t know how long he slept. He was keeping track of the dream to nightmare ratio but lost the numbers when his eyes opened for the first time without a headache in...who knows how long? He was still in the same bed in the corner of the same lab but it was bright, like noon and Fethry greeted him even brighter, like the sun itself. Oh, that’s who knows how long. Steelbeak sighed but flinched slightly when Fethry got closer and jolted his arms out. “What’s your name?” He wiggled the marker and pad, a motion for Steel to take them. 
He spent a little too long writing his name and when Fethry got the pad back, he stifled a laugh at the wobbly lines of “STEELBEAK.” Steel furrowed his eyebrows, sat up straight, and immediately curled forwards from the pain in his chest. Not the first time bravado had hurt him.  “You seem more like a man of action anyways and I’m really good at Charades.”
Fethry was able to rig up a device that could fit through a small hole on the side of Steelbeak’s mouth so he could eat, but not before some convincing that Fethry needed to drill said hole. ‘I’m gonna kick this guy’s butt when I feel better.’  He thought through the vibration of the drill as it distorted his vision, making Fethry a fuzzy blur. It was quick, like a piercing, but soon he had the taste of something like gravy hitting his tongue and his body lurched, feeling desperately hungry. He swiped the tube from his hands with malice and Fethry just giggled as Steel poured another cup of the liquified food in the funnel and crouched in the corner, facing away from the small bird. “You’ll have your energy back in no time! I’ll run you a bath.” Fethry put a lid on the liquified food and left, humming a soft tune. Steelbeak brought his legs closer to his chest, trying to shrink even smaller, away from the whole world.  Fethry was the smaller bird, so why did he feel like he was?
As soon as he had enough energy to walk on his own without getting winded, Steelbeak did what every sane person who was held hostage did. He tried to break out. Every exit was met with loudly painted warning signs though and he had to talk himself out of swimming to the surface a couple times. Whenever he hit a dead end or his stomach started growling, he’d heave a sigh, go back to the designated lab room, crawl into the bed and ignore Fethry while he did...whatever it was he was doing. One day he was placing lab equipment in a big cart when Steel walked in after another failed attempt and collapsed on the bed. ”I can use a different bathroom so you don’t have to walk so far, you know, if you really need privacy.” Steelbeak’s face flushed as he sat up quickly, flung his head around and scowled at Fethry. He just cackled and pushed the cart out. “I’m just kidding!”
Steel felt confident when he finally found a room with what looked like escape pods on the outside of it. So he opened the nearest hatch, and almost drowned again.
As he floundered in the flooding room, his hands on the ceiling, he took what he thought was his last breath, when the alarms stopped blaring and a big metal plate slid over the hatch, stopping the deluge. The water drained quickly at multiple grated pipelines and Steel floated down, collapsing on his hands and knees, attempting to catch his breath through his nostrils. That had to be the most annoying part about his locked beak. That, and the fact he couldn’t eat, or talk, or do anything. He heard a door slide open and a pair of webbed feet met his vision. He kept his head down and prepared himself for a verbal assault. “There’s always the front door.” Fethry said, his voice playful. Steelbeak looked up, admiring his casual stance. A confidence shone from Fethry that Steel craved his own body felt again. One hand was in his coat pocket, the other held out a towel towards the crouched bird. “I can take you up to shore, you’re not a prisoner.” Steel hesitated, accepted the towel, then sat back on his heels and buried his face in it. He learned early on in life he had to take and fight for what he wanted, the simplicity of “asking” blew over his head. He felt silly. He was going to feel embarrassed for the rest of his miserable life, wasn’t he?
“Do you have a way to unlock your beak out there?” Steel shook his head in the towel. He could face F.O.W.L again, but his communicator was probably lost at sea. Any real reason to contact them was slowly flowing down the drains with the last trickle of the unwelcomed sea water, and having to beg for his spot back sounded more awful that usual. It actually sounded so bad, it was the last thing he wanted to do. “I did some research and studied your beak so I ordered some reverse magnets.” Steelbeak looked up from the towel at the smaller bird. “Stick around for a bit, underwater parcel delivery is inconsistent but they should be here any day. I can help you override that lock.”  All of Fethry’s weight was on one foot, both hands in his pockets and Steelbeak was baffled by the laid back stance. To place the cherry on top of Steelbeak’s confusion, Fethry shrugged nonchalantly, and said, “If you want.”
Steelbeak organized his thoughts. Fethry had yet to do anything to Steelbeak that warranted danger, he was just nice, right? This is what nice people did? With a lost expression, Steel looked back up to Fethry, who smiled again and reached a hand out. “Can I show you my favorite part of the lab?”
Part two
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luxekook · 4 years
reese’s EXTRAvaganza...
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disclaimers: {yes, this is basically a follow forever at the request of heath} {no, i did not do that trend justice} {i have 2 friends} {enjoy this smorgasbord of chaos}
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as you all know, i started this humble blog as a blissful joon bias. life was good. i loved bonsai trees, art museums, and one (1) god of destruction. flash-forwards a few months, kook burst onto the scene with his fluffy hair and his black clothing and his fricking wide eyes. TOO MANY TIMES DID I LIE AWAKE AND THINK “why am i being subject to such wrecking?” “what am i even doing?” “what is the meaning of life?” IT NEEDED TO END.
one day, i stopped lying to myself and decided to come clean by double biasing joon and kook. BUT NO. JUNGKOOK WAS STILL NOT SATISFIED. THAT BRAT WANTED ME ALL TO HIMSELF (but who wouldn’t? sksksk okay, probably everyone). after reading the entirety of the sub!jk genre and writing my own fics, i came to the grim and shameful realization that i was indeed whipped for the maknae. (this just in: today’s video of jungkook sitting on his bed singing with his tattoos out? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? the FINAL STRAW.)
hi. my name is reese, formerly known as lustjoon. and i’m a jungkook bias.
my url is @luxekook​.
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as some of you may know, i’ve only been active in the tumblr community for a few months now. however, those months have been great and full of new friends. one friend in particular (who is the king of being soft) demanded requested a follow forever post to commemorate my new milestone or whateva. as i think follow counts are meh and am a chaotic and unconventional person, i have decided to spice things up and make this a little different. 
so, buckle up! It’s time for the reese’s pieces awards. (also, before y’all roast me, YES i’m only doing three awards. why? because i suck! also because i have 87 fics to write and double that amount in academic papers OOF)
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The King of UWU Award: Heath @shadowsremedy​
lemme tell you about my friend heathy… he slid into my tumblr dms waaay back when i posted intimidation to tell me that someone had plagiarized my work. without even knowing anything about me besides my url, heathy gathered his friends to report and message the author who stole my fic. long story short, that author deleted it, and my love for heath was cemented. HE IS A RIDE OR DIE SWEETHEART WHO WILL DEFEND HIS FRIENDS AND WHOEVER HE FEELS IS IN NEED. i cannot explain the amount of uwus that is heathy. and for that reason, he gets the reese’s pieces award for being the king of uwu!
The Lovable Loose Cannon Award: Tay @interludemoonchild​
oh lord, where to begin with this girl. there is never a dull moment with tay. she - without fail - will make anyone and everyone laugh with her big emojis, her horrific emojis, and her general extra tay nature. she is also so sweet and trusting and loyal, like she might really be the griffinosifudis she proclaims to be (yes, that was how she spelled gryffindor). you never really know what you’re going to get from tay… will it be heartbreaking angst (RIP [redacted], i will never forgive you, tay), kinky smut (STAN BAPTISM), or hybrid hyungline (i may have commissioned this sskskskks). but, not knowing is half the fun! therefore, the reese’s pieces award for the lovable loose cannon goes to tayyyyy. 
The Loyal Encourager of Shenanigans Award: Jess @rkivenamu​
grab a snack (preferably a banana) and get comfortable bc this will be a big boi of a dedication. jess, the almighty creator of banana jin and sub!maknae smut, is an all around 10/10 human!! (and yes, jess, i know u don’t like affection so i will try my best to stay chill...) what i appreciate most about jess is that she always encourages my wildest dreams. veggie tales au? she supports. kidz bop au? she is ready for it! moss!reader x florist jimin? she stans! IDK what i did in a past life to deserve such a loyal and supportive kween in my life but THANK U PAST REESE!!!!! jess also encouraged me to acknowledge my kook bias so plz partially blame her for this chaos (skjkjkdshjsbkdbfh). AND SO WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, the award for the loyal encourager of shenanigans goes to jessssss UWU!
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there is so much i could say about each and every one of you! but, i think it all boils down to ~thank you~ thank you for following me and putting up with my erratic self! I truly appreciate y’all :’)
@ladyartemesia @opaljm @yoongified @dragon-rider-with-a-book @taeyohonic @rilakoya @joopiterjoon @megahwn @writing-in-ivory @geewithluv @kitsutaes @bangtiddies @btsaudge @joonsrack @yeontanismypresident @jeonsfilter @taesflix @jooniper @peachgladiator @kpopfromtheblock @m0chilattae @mono-kookie @jeonjagia @kirbykook @minflix @mygsii @ppersonna @mspjm @slutdropjin @honeymoonjin-main @jinies @halussali @jiminsfault @joonglows @lyricalsakura @mikroparadise @kookiesspacebuns​ @ironicarmy @meowxyoong @silverlightqueen @beankeeper37 @yongcherie @jeonchristineimnida @2dreamcatcher8 @itsadoragguk @knjoodles @bubbletae7 @pasteljeon @collectorhopeworld @thinkingaboutelephants @fortunexkookie @rjsmochii @holyfluffly @randomkoalablog @onherwings @wynniewright​ @thebiasrekkers​ @taestybae​ @tipsydipsydo​ @hueseok​ @hhyungz​ @suqakoo​ @ppersonna​ @moonpjms​ @staerrylights​ @jinniesbby​ @rkivepacks​ @hoseokthat​ @sunny-days-hobiii​  @cherryjungkookie​ @mccnyoongi​ @out-of-jams​ @sunflowerofficials​  @seokjoontae​ @sugamonster22​ @crueljks​ @peachyeonjun​ @scentedsope​ @subzerobts​ @bubbytae​ @supertweetycherry​ @singguks​ @jingabitch​ @maryseesthings​ @filtervante​ @the-jackals​ @eltrain80​ @kirbykook​ @bubblegumandcocacola​ @jiminsxjagiya​ @voguejoonie​  @dearhongjoong​ @ally-127​ @seokjinlovebug​ @jikooksgirl19​ @jiminsmoonlight​ @dulcaet​ @callistojjk​ @louvejoon​ @httpangelicjimin​ @kooinluv​ @prisczero​ @lovley-joonie​ @420seoks​ @mark-tuan-and-jinyoung-lover​ @grampsyoon​ @yoonchrisgull​ @dragunjk​ @babyboy-bangtan​ @ughego​ @bangtanbtsbaby​ @moonchildjunoon​ @btsbiaswreckedwriting​ @blu-butterfly26​ @mycatluna​ @ohmwreckr​ @lostcherryjk​ @miniejoon​ @everlasting-deluge​ @multibixch​ @sftyngs​ @badbhye​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @cheeky-kookie​ @meliwzrd​ @your-last-epiphany​ @fantasyjoon​ @pieceofseok​ @celestialyoons​ @jeonsink​ @mintedmango​ @romantickth​ @team-wang-puppy​ @sugahneyicetae​ @ifyourepartial​ @atiny-baby​ @thearmyteacher​ @minyxngs​ @minsadore​ @gfsana​ @jeonandjoonie​ @natalieswierdmind​ @drowning-in-oxygen​ @hobicomeholla29​ @josielg​ @lunaofsun​ @kaidasen​ @tall-submarine​ @allmysticwords​ @thebluesunsets​ @yoonstune​ @jeongvkks​ @namujune​ @kookscrescent​ @jenryu​ @crochanjm​ @honeyoongles​ @our-little-meow-meow​ @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh​ @cocojoonie​ @miinoongi​ @anna-sorel​ @daydreamindollie​ @taradevonne​ @kimnjss​ @franklytae​ @jungtaeyoongles​ @jayjaydawn​ @motleygirl98​ @gingercat1884​ @expensive-grl​ @bts-minyoongi-parkjimin​ @thattismee​ @jiminsprettysoul​ @sugarcookiesandsins​ @kth-kpoplover​ @honeyspillings​ @0minabean0​ @hiilovetata​ @sweetjiminfairy​ @meowmeowyoongles​ @httpjibooty​ @sadboibts​ @athletes-of-god​ @vemian​ @rxxl-frxends​ @bangtan-bestofme​ @backinblack1967​ @taekookandyoongi​ @shley-chan​ @xxqueenwxtchxx​ @hazeljrz​ @illiterate-psychosis​ @i-dont-even-know-fck​ @sugashaye​ @yoongistruth​ @angelgiuliana​ @yuriah04​ @kookoo-kachoo​ @baekyoonbi​ @ironically-indifferent96​ @adoringinsanity​ @mintdumpling​ @handsheartsouleyes​ @friendly-neighborhood-michelle​ @kookienobaby​ @fellforbts​ @justaregularcrazyfangirl​ @bts-nothingbutlove​ @weakbbybtch​ @macabre-hearts​ @sunnichim​ @cherryeoo​ @b-e-t-x-s-o​ @astevr​ @knjkitten​ @crazy-fangirl-10​ @hobisbeech​ @kirian22​ @joonsroses​ @daddyjoonie​ @littlecheekypanda​ @girl-meets-kpop​ @kitlovesbts​ @notgiving-itup​ @jooheonbee​ @bright-claire​ @sun-moon-n-yunho​ @sunshinegukkie​ @kmseokjins​ @parkminhee​ @stargazingmoonchild​ @cult-joon​ @stay-zen-ni​ @artjjk​ @btsinned​ @snapshootmv​ @hongjoong-enthusiast​
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192 notes · View notes
splashesdarling · 5 years
A comprehensive evaluation and ranking of all Mariah albums:
Y’all want to dive deep into Ms. Mimi’s discography? Well too bad, we’re doing it anyway (skip to the end for rankings).
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Mariah Carey (1990) Mariah’s debut is a great collection of songs, but a great collection of songs and a great album are not one and the same. The songs individually (with the sole exception of Prisoner) are fantastic, but there is no real album cohesion, in either sound or theme. Its main purpose was to introduce the world to Mariah’s voice, and it does so with admirable panache. 
- Album Highlight: Alone In Love. Album Lowlight: Prisoner.
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Emotions (1991) Mariah’s Debut album introduced the world to her voice, Emotions introduces the world to Mariah THE ARTIST. Her skills as a songwriter and music producer are on full display, as is her voice, which is allowed more freedom and spontaneity her second album out. Carrying the listener to dizzying highs throughout a distinctive yet cohesive album.
- Album Highlight: Till The End Of Time. Album Lowlight: None.
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MTV Unplugged (1992) Its sole reason for existence was to prove Mariah’s voice was not a studio creation, MTV Unplugged proves it, though the performances are held back by some sloppy music cues and Mariah’s obvious stage fright. There are some lovely live instrumental rearrangements and vocals, but there are better live performances from Mariah. 
- Album Highlight: Negligible. Album Lowlight: Negligible.  
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Music Box (1993) Serving as a transitional period for Mariah musically, Music Box sees Mariah experimenting with new sounds and singing styles, most of which work wonderfully and those that don’t are at worst only forgettable. Much like her Debut, Music Box is a great collection of songs, but as an album experience it’s lacking. The album doesn’t inspire you to listen from beginning to end, rather you skip to the songs you want to hear. 
- Album Highlight: Everything Fades Away. Album Lowlight: Hero.
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Merry Christmas (1994) Do you like Christmas music? Do you enjoy talented vocalists? Do you like when talented vocalists sing Christmas music? You’re in luck, but the rest of us will have to wait for a real new album.
- Album Highlight: AIWFCIY. Album Lowlight: It’s a Christmas album, the entirety of it is a lowlight.
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Daydream (1995) The title is apt, this dreamy album is a pleasure. Though cohesion is still an issue, it's not so blatant here. Many of the songs tie into a central theme, and soundwise there is a through line. That is not to say the songs that deviate bring the album down, quite the contrary. For the first time Mariah’s hip hop, r&b, and soul inspirations and deep-seated love for the genres are coming through clearly, but they’re somewhat held back, which would become blatant with the subsequent release of Butterfly.
- Album Highlight: Always Be My Baby. Album Lowlight: (If only for me) One Sweet Day.
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Butterfly (1997) Mariah Carey crystallized. Her first album to truly capture the woman she was and the phenomenal artist she is when unrestricted and allowed to express herself freely. From the lyrical artistry, to the pitch perfect production, Mariah’s breathtaking vocals and the depth of the album as a whole, Butterfly still stands as Mariah’s magnum opus. The album is cohesive, while still allowing each song to stand easily on their own. Some will argue the exception is her cover of The Beautiful Ones, but I wholeheartedly disagree. If taken on its own perhaps, but within the context of the album it is as essential and beautiful as each of the other tracks featured.
- Album Highlight: Outside. Album Lowlight: None.
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#1′s (1998) A celebration of Mariah’s (then) 13 #1′s. The inclusion of I Still Believe, When You Believe, Sweetheart, and a newly duetted Whenever You Call, along with her established hits makes this a worthwhile listen. 
- Album Highlight: When You Believe. Album Lowlight: Do You Know Where You’re Going To.
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Rainbow (1999) Often overlooked due to its busy musical production and the arguable disappointment at its relative weightlessness in comparison with Butterfly, Rainbow is underrated but undeniably disjointed. A half and half of an album, with half cohesively flowing from one song into the other (this is even the first use of interludes by Mariah) while the other half stumble the album’s momentum and flow. For the most part it’s an easy listen, the melodies, vocal layering, and production making for an enjoyable experience, but the album’s failings sadly result in a missed opportunity on the whole. 
- Album Highlight: Bliss. Album Lowlight: Did I Do That?.
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Glitter (2001) Intended as a soundtrack more than a traditional Mariah album, however it doesn’t embrace the concept or style of a soundtrack enough to differentiate from the rest of her body of work. Glitter contains the absolute peak of Mariah’s ballads, while the non stop party anthems are fun enough to bring the house down, and there are touching dives into the somewhat autobiographical story of the character Mariah plays in the film from which the album takes its namesake. Audio clips from the film are included only sparingly towards the start of the album, uncommitted interludes if anything, they add nothing to the listening experience and serve only to undermine the album’s strengths. 
- Album Highlight: Lead The Way. Album Lowlight: If We.
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Greatest Hits (2001) Released a scant three months after the critical and commercial flop of Glitter, the message couldn’t have been clearer. Ironically the strength of Mariah as a vocalist, songwriter, and music producer highlights exactly why writing her off as they did with this release was a resounding mistake. 
- Album Highlight: Take your pick. Album Lowlight: Here in the UK we had Against All Odds feat. Westlife included, soooo.
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Charmbracelet (2002) The only album to close in on Butterfly’s position atop Mariah’s discography. Generally overlooked and ignored by even the lambs themselves, Charmbracelet is a criminally underrated masterpiece. The revised priorities of musical production and vocal arrangement following the somewhat overproduced Rainbow and erratic Glitter, Charmbracelet is a bracing reminder of Mariah’s overwhelming talent and ability to imbue her music with such beauty and poignancy, to invoke both personal evaluation and universal truths. It is also, incidentally, my favourite Mariah album, just in case you hadn’t guessed it.
- Album Highlight: Yours (fight me). Album Lowlight: None.
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The Remixes (2003) Much like the release of a Greatest Hits album following Glitter’s critical and commercial failure, so too was The Remixes released following Charmbracelet’s lukewarm reception. A reminder of Mariah’s talent and decade long stretch of hits across Billboard’s various music charts, another plea for listeners to realise you can’t write off talent like Mariah. The first disc of this two disc set features the club remixes (most courtesy of longtime collaborator David Morales), the only real stumbles are the Heartbreaker/If You Should Ever Be Lonely Remix, which doesn’t blend together or sample each song well enough to justify itself or its inclusion here, the other is the Hq2 Remix of Through The Rain. I appreciate the need to promote the newest album of original content but we know Mariah can do better. The first disc is somewhat of a letdown, as the exclusion of certain club remixes are especially egregious (Always Be My Baby and The Roof specifically) The second disc (featuring the commercially released singles remixes) fares far better, and probably would have been better served being released separately. 
- Album Highlight: Thank God I Found You (Make It Last Remix). Album Lowlight: Through The Rain (Hq2 Remix).
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The Emancipation Of Mimi (2005) Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, which is amazing given how needlessly bloated the album is. The album benefits from the cohesive sound and style utilized throughout and from containing an abundance of chart ready songs, but ultimately the experience is dampened by all the throwaway filler. There is no justification for the inclusion of To The Floor when we have Get Your Number, no reason for a Part II to So So Lonely when Part I was so forgettable, Circles, Joyride, and I Wish You Knew are too similar in sound and lyrical content to appear almost one right after the other. The highs of TEOM are likely to make you giddy, but the interruption from second-tier material drags the album down. The album is 19 tracks long when it should have been a brisk and memorable 13.
- Album Highlight: Fly Like A Bird. Album Lowlight: Makin' It Last All Night (What It Do).
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E=MC² (2008) Much like Rainbow, E=MC² is often overlooked due to its busy production, and make no mistake the album is very busy production-wise. The album lacks the restraint even Rainbow was capable of. That is not to say the album is bad by any means, far from it. The biggest issue of the album is the lackluster beats. Generic for the most part, missguided in certain cases, and overall a less engaging and original sound than we’re used to from Mariah. What saves the album is the infectious fun of it all, Mimi’s celebrating and you’ve been invited to the party. Not that it’s one long party record, there’s an array of lyrical depth to be found hiding within the deluge of uninspired beats, that is if you’re willing to stick with the album long enough to hear them. 
- Album Highlight: I’ll Be Lovin’ U Long Time. Album Lowlight: Cruise Control.
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Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel (2009) THIS is how you do a long album. 17 tracks long but, unlike TEOM, there’s no filler, no redundant repeats. The album is long but tight and cohesive, flowing effortlessly between songs, rewarding for those willing to listen from beginning to end. The first time since Rainbow that Mariah had used interludes (Glitter’s half-assed attempt does not count), though they’re more satisfying here. Mariah is telling a story with this album and the languorous pace and the breathers the interludes provide enhance the album’s listening experience. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention the lyrical skill on display throughout the album, it’s deep but Mariah still has plenty of fun here, the line ‘it's going down like a denominator’ is a personal favourite. 
- Album Highlight: The Impossible. Album Lowlight: None.
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Merry Christmas II You (2010) Do you like ‘modern’ Christmas music? Do you like iconic artists slumming it? Do enjoy watching music icons try desperately to reinvent Christmas classics with a ‘modern’ twist? First, what is wrong with you? And second, please don’t come to my house during the holidays. 
- Album Highlight: When Christmas Comes (it’s actually sweet, just avoid the duet version). Album Lowlight: All of it.
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Me. I Am Mariah… The Elusive Chanteuse (2014) The album delivers on the epicness of its audacious title. One of her best albums, period. Many balk at the 62 minute run time (74 if you go Deluxe) but it’s well worth the time. This album is an experience, Mariah said that if this were to be her last album she wanted to say everything she needed to say with it, and she does (and then some). It’s a beautiful and inspiring album, managing to balance that classic Mariah sound while still sounding fresh and new. The album is a tour de force, and had this been Mariah’s last album? She would have been going out on a high note. 
- Album Highlight: Meteorite. Album Lowlight: None.
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#1 To Infinity (2015) For the love of God, stop releasing greatest hits compilations whenever her albums underperform. Yes, sadly MIAM...TEC failed to grab the public’s attention (for context, the biggest songs of that year were Happy, Dark Horse, All Of Me, and Fancy, soooo, there’s clearly no accounting for taste that year) so we got an updated #1′s album, given that by this point her initial 13 had increased to 18. If you enjoy her #1s the album’s a great way to have them all in one convenient disc, Infinity the song is fine but nothing special. Fun fact, the UK release swapped out Someday, I Don’t Want To Cry, and Thank God I Found You for Endless Love, Without You, and Against All Odds feat. (SIGH) Westlife. Because when you’re buying a disc featuring Mariah’s record breaking 18 American #1′s, obviously you don’t actually want those original songs of hers, you want 3 song covers because they went to #1 in the UK!
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- Album Highlight: Take your pick. Album Lowlight: (Why do you keep doing this UK?!) Against All Odds feat. I hate you talentless bastards.
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Caution (2018) Mariah could have gone out with MIAM...TEC, but thank God she didn’t because then we wouldn’t have been blessed with this gem. A brisk 11 tracks (only 10 if not for the internet, because apparently Mariah doesn’t want us to have nice things) go by far too quickly, they’re each so enjoyable you don’t want them to end, and though they each have their own distinctive sound they blend together to form a cohesive whole. Mariah is clearly through trying to appeal to the general mass public in any way, shape, or form, and Caution is all the better for it. Mariah has nothing to prove at this point, and she knows it. This is an album made entirely from a place of self-assuredness and an unsuppressable love for writing, singing, and producing music. May she never grow tired of doing so. 
- Album Highlight: Giving Me Life. Album Lowlight: None.
Overall Album Ranking:
#1 Butterfly
#2 Charmbracelet
#3 Me. I am Mariah... The Elusive Chanteuse
#4 Emotions
#5 Caution
#6 Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel
#7 Daydream
#8 Mariah Carey
#9 Music Box
#10 Rainbow
#11 Glitter
#12 E=MC²
#13 The Emancipation Of Mimi
#14 MTV Unplugged
#15 Greatest Hits
#16 #1′s
#17 The Remixes
#18 #1 To Infinity
#19 Merry Christmas
#20 Merry Christmas II You
37 notes · View notes
10 Most Popular (NON BLOCKED) Torrent Sites in October 2019
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 You need a rundown of downpour locales torrent sites working that is routinely refreshed and prescribes trackers that really work. Look no further – in the wake of running rate tests and performing mainstream look in each site, we have a definitive rundown for you.
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 Visit The Pirate Bay
 Not stacking? Attempt these mirrors: thepiratebay.vip, thepiratebay.rocks, piratebae.co.uk
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 Normal download speed: 6.1 MB/s
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1 note · View note
10 Most Popular (NON BLOCKED) Torrent Sites in October 2019
10 Most Popular (NON BLOCKED) Torrent Sites in October 2019
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 You need a rundown of torrent sites working downpour locales that is routinely refreshed and prescribes trackers that really work. Look no further – in the wake of running rate tests and performing famous pursuits in each site, we have a definitive rundown for you.
 Setting up a rundown like this isn't a simple errand when a fantastic site can vanish basically medium-term. With such a significant number of changes and shutdowns in the previous couple of years, and with such huge numbers of unremarkable destinations brimming with low-quality deluges or even malware, you need a rundown of dependable downpour web indexes.
 Torrenting (and deluge locales) isn't dead. It just takes somewhat longer to locate the covered up, working diamonds. Try not to stress: we've done the diligent work for you.
 he Best Torrenting Sites that Still Work in 2019
 These destinations were completely tried and are 100% filling in as of the most recent update.
 1. The Pirate Bay – Best Torrent Site Overall
 •             The most well known downpour tracker on the planet
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 •             VIP/Trusted client labels let you know which downpours are authentic and safe
 The Pirate Bay has had a long and unpleasant history, yet this group most loved is as yet going solid. It has a huge number of deluges accessible in different classes, alongside help for magnet joins and an incredibly straightforward interface that won't give you any issue regardless of whether you're a fledgling.
 Note: The Pirate Bay's area changes regularly (it's presently back at.org), and the site sometimes goes disconnected. Luckily, you can at present get entrance, because of the constantly online innovation The Pirate Bay employments. Or on the other hand, you can get yourself a The Pirate Bay intermediary site on the web.
 Normal download speed: 6.2 MB/s
 Number of indexed lists for "Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next": 5
 Number of indexed lists for "Commander Marvel 2019": 71
 Number of indexed lists for "Round of Thrones": 32,192
 Best seeder/leecher proportion for "Ariana Grande, Thank U, Next": 388/25
 Best seeder/leecher proportion for "Skipper Marvel 2019": 7,587/1,088
 Best seeder/leecher proportion for "Round of Thrones": 22,689/1,425
 Visit The Pirate Bay
 Not stacking? Attempt these mirrors: thepiratebay.vip, thepiratebay.rocks, piratebae.co.uk
 2. RARBG – Best for New Content
 •             Active people group and loads of seeding
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 RARBG has been around since 2008 and has fabricated a notoriety for its great downpours and usability, just as consistent new increments.
 Sadly, this implies it's certainly not under the radar. Accordingly, RARBG is hindered in numerous nations, including Bulgaria, Denmark, Portugal, and the UK. A VPN for torrenting can assist you with bypassing these squares.
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Bloodbond - Chapter Thirteen
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The last part of my entry for @ts-storytime!!
Chapter Summary: One bond is broken, and another takes its place. Virgil and Roman stand side-by-side and face an uncertain future.
Pairings: prinxiety, background joan/talyn
Warnings: I can't think of anything Really Bad in this one, but shoot me a dm if u need smth tagged!
Read on A03
{ 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 }
art by @pattykrabbies {here} and @vdkstar {here}!!!
(cover by @vdkstar <3)
Warmth. Soft, gentle warmth, and calming light to match. He groaned softly, shifting.
“Wake up, idiot. We’re back.”
There was a hand on his shoulder, shaking him awake, and the voice above him ripped with sarcasm and exhaustion and a dryness all its own, the accent wonderfully familiar. He felt a rush of relief as he opened his eyes, blinking in the scarlet light from the sky above.
“Virgil,” he breathed.
“Ugh, finally.” Virgil rolled his eyes, a certain fondness to his smirk that made Roman’s heart flutter. “You snore like a bear, you know that?”
“Lies and slander,” Roman said in mock-offense. His body ached, his thoughts slow and sore, but still he pushed himself to his feet, tearing his eyes from Virgil for a moment to survey their surroundings.
They sat in the shadow of the queen’s castle, just beyond the front door; but it was different, somehow, nicer. Lighter. He felt no rush of fear, no deluge of depressing thoughts — only a heavy tidal wave of relief. They’d made it out. They were okay.
A blur of orange and white tore away from a tall man standing at the edge of the clearing and came at him faster than the fastest of spells, nearly knocking him over in their haste. Roman beamed, a relieved noise somewhere between a laugh and a cry tearing from his throat.
“If you ever fucking convince me to do something as stupid as this again, I’ll kill you.” Joan held him tightly for a moment, as though afraid he’d disappear, and then pulled away, crossing their arms. “And I mean that as lovingly as possible, you stupid f-word face.”
“Aww, come on, it all worked out in the end!” Roman said with a laugh. “And it seems someone made a new friend, too, so you got even more than we bargained for!”
He wiggled his eyebrows, nodding towards Talyn, who rolled their eyes but offered Joan a smile.
“So, uh… what were you saying about me being a traitor, again?” Roman whispered jokingly, his smile growing wider when Joan returned Talyn’s smile with a suspiciously red face.
“Shut up.”
Roman burst out laughing, stifling his giggles behind his hand as Joan glared, red-faced. He opened his mouth to tease more, but a sudden voice cut him off.
“... Son.”
Roman turned, looking up into the grizzled, scarred face of his father. King Odin stood tall, his face a kaleidoscope of distrust and uncertainty.
“Father,” Roman said, keeping his voice even, though his heart pounded warily in his chest. Internally, he cringed, waiting for the anger to overtake his father’s face, waiting for him to prattle on about demons and betrayal and whisk him away, away from his new friends and away from Virgil.
“What you did was incredibly reckless,” he began, his voice gruff. “You broke nearly a dozen of our kingdom’s laws. You teamed up with demons. Under normal circumstances, I would have you exiled.”
Roman found only cold defiance where he’d expected to find fear. “I also saved your life,” he snapped. “Have you ever considered that you might be, I don’t know, wrong?”
“Let me finish,” King Odin said harshly. Then, as a hesitant afterthought, “...please.”
Roman crossed his arms and nodded. King Odin sighed, dragging his gaze across the mismatched bunch of humans and demons before him.
“Under normal circumstances,” he repeated. “These are… not normal circumstances. You… all… saved my life. Your sentiment might hold… some truth, I suppose. You demons aren’t all... as bad as I thought.”
Roman’s eyes widened. Was he… admitting he was wrong? Roman hadn���t thought that was possible. King Odin was prideful and powerful and never wrong.
But today, King Odin was hesitant. “I may be willing to… reconsider my earlier viewpoints…” he said, his voice a low, halting growl. Roman gaped, spluttering. This was the last thing he had expected. “I still don’t trust them and I still don’t approve of your rescue methods, but… recent events must be taken into account.”
He faced Roman, and something new flashed through his eyes. “Roman, you… you did what you had to do to save me. You did what you knew was… right, and you stood up to me over it. You were strong, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted you to be.”
And then his father set a hand on Roman’s shoulder and offered something Roman had never seen from him before: a smile.
“I’m proud of you,” his father said — and Roman, for all he prided his loquaciousness, found himself stricken speechless. His father’s words echoed through his mind.
“I — thank you.” It felt amazing, hearing his father say the words he’d longed to hear for so long, and he knew this was all he had ever wanted — but he also knew that it wasn’t all he wanted anymore. He’d faced dragon-witches and sirens and foes so dangerous it was a wonder he was still alive. He’d literally traveled to hell and back. And he’d learned things, too, things about himself and about the word, and he’d realized; he wanted his father’s praise... But he didn’t need it anymore.
Because, sure, King Odin was proud of him… but he was proud of himself.
He glanced at Virgil, and brought his gaze across Sleep and Talyn and Joan, as though to remind himself that they were still there, that they were okay — and then, finally, his eyes landed on a stranger, standing at the edge of the group with his arm around Joan’s shoulders. He recognized him by the patch on his sleeves, the Gaepried crest surrounded by stars.
The Royal Mage.
He stood taller than Roman, smiling despite the remnants of blood streaked across the side of his face. A mess of freckles covered his round, tan face, as though he had been splattered there by a haphazard painter, and his hair was soft and golden-brown, the tips darkened with deep purple dye. He noticed Roman’s curious gaze and, drawing his arm from around Joan, stepped forward and offered his hand.
“I, uh, I don’t think I’ve introduced myself yet,” he began, his voice cheerful. “I’m the Royal Mage, Thomas. It’s an honor to meet you, your highness!”
“Ah, call me Roman,” Roman said, returning the mage’s kind smile. “And you have no idea how much I have gone through just to meet you.”
“To meet… me?” he asked, and Virgil snorted at his confused expression. “Why?”
“Well…” Roman exchanged a look with Virgil. “We have a small problem that we need your help with.”
“Small?” Virgil scoffed. “Understatement of the century.”
“Hush, Sir Snark-A-Lot.” Roman rolled his eyes. “So, Thomas, have you by any chance ever heard of a Bloodbond?”
Thomas gasped and nodded, eyes wide, and the group watched with rapt attention, ready for a story that Roman was all-too-happy to tell. He prided himself on being an excellent storyteller, and this time was no different; he touted the exciting parts and glazed over the less-than-ideal ones, spinning a story so grand he almost couldn’t believe he’d live through it. The sky above melted into a golden-scarlet sunless sunset as he wove his story; and at the end of it all, silence reigned.
“Wait, so — holy shit, that’s why…” Joan broke the silence a few charged moments later, eyes wide. “I am so sorry I was ever rude to you, man,” they said, addressing Virgil with an almost-teasing lilt beneath their voice. “Speaking from experience, for you to have dealt with him for so long like that… you’re braver than any Gaepriedian soldier.”
“Hey!” Roman cried, affronted, placing a hand over his heart as though he’d been wounded.
“Ugh, thank you. Finally, someone agrees with me about how annoying that little shit is.” Virgil’s voice shook with laughter. “Trust me, it was absolute torture.”
“I am right here!” Roman exclaimed, glaring when the two burst out laughing. But it wasn’t long before the corners of his own lips began to twitch, and he rolled his eyes as a begrudging smile spread across his face.
“Girl, you tried to cast a half-translated spell. I think they’re allowed to laugh at you.” Sleep leaned against a tree and offered Roman a teasing half-smile, his voice slow and honeyed as though he’d been close to catching his namesake.
“I’m not gonna lie, that was a pretty bad idea,” Thomas added, rubbing the back of his neck. Roman huffed, crossing his arms.
“Glad to see you all bonding over this,” he grumbled. “But really, if you’re done making fun of the best person out of all of you, I think we have more important matters to discuss.”
“I agree,” his father said. “I don’t approve of how you got into this mess, but it’s imperative that you get out of it.” He paused, and then… “And, obviously, I’m the best person out of all of you. That’s just a fact.”
“Oh, so that’s where he gets it from,” Virgil muttered with a roll of his eyes as Roman gasped loudly, offended. “But yeah, I’m with princey. Let’s get this figured out.”
“Princey?” Joan echoed. “Oh my god, I’m calling you that forever now.”
“Joan, no —”
“Anyway,” Thomas said insistently, cutting Roman off before he could argue. “I… I can definitely reverse that. Right now, if you want? It’s a complicated spell, but this place is filled with magic, so it shouldn’t be too hard. I just need something to write some runes with…”
“I have a pen,” Talyn offered, rummaging through their bag. Thomas smiled and began scribbling runes across his hand, instructing Joan and Sleep as they began spreading paper across the ground.
Virgil caught Roman’s eye. The look on his face was insistent, if a bit shy, and Roman pushed himself to his feet.
“We’ll, ah… we’ll be right back,” he said, and followed Virgil farther into the dead forest around them, the soft din of conversation behind them dulling to a charged silence.
“So.” Virgil stopped and leaned against a bare tree, his wings shifting behind him. “Once that human finishes the spell, you’ll finally be rid of me So, uh… this is goodbye, I guess.”
Roman blinked, a strange feeling spreading through his chest. Just a week ago, he would have given anything to hear those words, to be ‘free.’ But now? Now, the thought of saying goodbye, of never seeing him again... it hurt, in a strange, hot sort of way. Now… he didn’t want to leave.
“So I figured we should get… whatever it is we have to get out of the way… out of the way before…” He crossed his arms, the rose-shaped clasp on his borrowed cloak catching the sunset’s light and gleaming.
“Wait!” Roman said quickly, his voice almost cracking. “Why does this have to be goodbye? Won’t we… see each other again?”
Virgil raised an eyebrow, regarding him strangely. “Uh-huh. Because we’re going to cast massive summoning spells every time we want to see each other, right?” He sighed. “Look. You’re going to go back to your kingdom, and I…” He looked around, eyes catching on the castle looming overhead. “I’ll go back to… mine, and that’ll be the end of it.”
“But —”
“But nothing, princey. I’m a demon, you’re a human, we can’t — it just doesn’t work like that. That’s not how things are.”
“But what if it didn’t have to be that way?” Roman exclaimed, louder than he’d intended, and Virgil startled, eyes going wide. “What if…” he said again, quieter this time, and stepped forward. Carefully, gently, he reached out and took Virgil’s hands, and though Virgil tensed at the contact, he didn’t pull away.
“Things are changing, Virgil,” he said softly. “We made them change. Queen Aliah is gone! And King Odin…” He thought back to his father’s almost-apology. “He’s finally seeing the truth. Just as I did.”
They were close, very close; Roman felt as though he could get lost in the depths of Virgil’s eyes. “Say what you will, but this isn’t goodbye. I can promise you that.”
Virgil held his gaze, soft pink spreading across his pale cheeks, and let out a soft breath. Time seemed to still — for a moment, nothing else mattered, nothing else existed besides Roman and Virgil and the space between them — and then Virgil let out a groan and averted his gaze, running a hand through his hair to hide his deeply reddened face.
“Ugh, you sap,” he groaned. “We couldn’t just have a normal goodbye, no, you had to go and make it stupid and heartfelt and… sweet…”
Roman laughed. “What can I say? I’m good at heartfelt moments.” A grin spread across his face and he raised his eyebrows. “Careful, Virgil, any redder and I won’t be able to tell the difference between your cloak and your face.
“Shut up,” Virgil hissed, swatting at him. “I’m not blushing, asshole, it’s just — it’s hot out.”
“Is it hot out, or is it just me?” Roman asked, his voice playfully wistful as he turned to gaze dramatically off towards the last dying rays of scarlet daylight. Virgil swatted at him again, growling.
“Fine!” he said. “This isn’t goodbye. Though if you keep being so annoying, it will be, got it?”
Roman’s grin became genuine, elated, and he relaxed, breathing a sigh of relief. This wasn’t goodbye. “I can’t make any promises,” he said, and Virgil rolled his eyes.”
“Anxiety! Your h — ah, Roman!” Thomas’ voice cut them off before their soft conversation could continue, and Roman’s grin shrank into a small, gentle smile.
“You ready?” he asked. Virgil shook his head, a tiny smile finding its way onto his face — and Roman realized with a jolt in his heart that this was the first time he’d ever seen Virgil truly smile, no hint of sarcasm of self-deprecation in sight. His heart skipped a beat; he was beautiful.
“Nah,” Virgil said quietly. “...let’s do it.”
The group waited for them back in the clearing, standing around a makeshift runic circle, drawn in purple ink on a pile of assorted scrap papers. As Talyn bemoaned the loss of their pen, which had tragically run out of ink, Thomas smiled and spread his arms wide.
“It’s a bit messy, but it should work,” he said. He’d scribbled runes across his hands and up his arms, and they glowed softly as they channeled his magic. “You two, stand in the center. Everyone else, stand back. This is going to be… interesting.”
“If you kill us, I’ll haunt you for the rest of your life,” Virgil grumbled as he stepped into the makeshift circle, the papers crunching beneath his feet. “Even if it’s an accident.”
“Well, I mean, I’ve never tried something like this before… but there’s no time like the present, right? Besides, I’m mostly sure you’ll be fine.” Thomas sat beside the circle, setting one hand in his lap, palm facing upwards, and the other atop the edge of the circle. It began to glow at his touch, colorful light swirling through the air, and little flames sparked to life around the edges.
Roman tensed as a strange feeling flooded through him, as though he’d been pumped full of electricity. The runic circle glowed brighter, sparks of magic dancing around them.
“Okay, when I finish the incantation, you two need to make some sort of contact, like… a high-five or something. Don’t stop until I say so!” Thomas glowed with his magic, shifting from red to green to purple in a dizzying rainbow as he began the spell.
Caught in a whirlwind of light and color, Roman’s eyes met Virgil’s. The outside world seemed to fade away, Thomas’ voice lost among the spell, and a silent conversation passed between the two in the span of a second — and suddenly, finally, Roman realized what the strange feeling was, what was causing his face to heat up and his heart to race, what he wanted more than anything else.
The magic around them swelled, and the electrical feeling grew. Suddenly, Roman felt the Bloodbond as he never had before: stronger, more insistent, tugging them closer. It filled every bone, every inch of his body, and they stepped towards each other as Thomas reached the end of his incantation.
“Now!” Thomas' voice sliced through the tornado around them — and they surged together, their lips meeting as the magic flared, a symphony of light and color to match the symphony swelling within them. Virgil’s fingers tangled through Roman’s hair; Roman tightened his hold around him as though afraid he’d disappear, because he couldn’t lose this, because this was right. Electricity flashed in curving arcs around them, within them, and they didn’t pull apart until well after the spell had ended and the tug of the Bloodbond had faded.
“Oh my — yas girl, get it!” Sleep was the first to respond, his hands cupped around his mouth as he cheered. Virgil tore his gaze from Roman and glared sharply.
“Shut it, Sleep,” he growled.
“You guys, I said like… a high-five,” Thomas said softly, eyes wide and disbelieving. Roman laughed.
“Go big or go home, am I right?”
“That was so fucking gay,” Joan said, clapping Roman on the back. Roman’s laughter grew.
“Well, duh. That was sort of the point.” Roman drew his arm from around Virgil and, after a moment’s hesitation, laced their fingers together. And god, his shy smile, the way pink spread across his pale face — it made the entire journey worth it just to get to this point.
“You two are like… modern day Romeo and Juliet. It’s cute,” Talyn remarked, pushing themself back to their feet and shoving their broken pen into their bag. Virgil scoffed.
“Nah, neither of us are idiots.” He paused, glancing at Roman. “You know what, nevermind, I take it back. This idiot would die if he wasn’t always doing something stupid.”
“Hey!” Roman gasped. “I thought we just had a bonding moment!”
“So?” Virgil smirked, one eyebrow raised. “Just because we love each other or some stupid shit like that doesn’t mean I can’t still make fun of you.”
“Aw, you love me?”
“Ugh,” Virgil groaned. “Shut up.”
As Thomas gathered the papers from the ground and the group began discussing how to get the humans home, Virgil and Roman drew away, following the base of the castle until they reached the front, until they could look down at the ruined kingdom spread beneath. The whole realm was about to change. Queen Aliah was dead, which meant…
“I guess this is mine now, huh?” Virgil leaned against the castle’s wall and slid down, sitting cross-legged.
“I suppose so.” Roman sat beside him, and felt as though his heart would burst when Virgil leaned into his side. “It’s rather ironic, don’t you think? All that time spent bashing princes, only to end up one.”
“Ugh. I still stand by what I said, princey. All princes are dumb.” He snorted. “That means I’ve been self-deprecating all this time? God, what a mood.”
“I’m almost offended,” Roman said, close to smiling. “Well, your highness? What are you going to do?”
“Ew. Don’t call me that.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I — shit, I don’t know. I can’t rule, I — I can barely take care of myself, let alone a whole kingdom. You should rule, you’re way better at being a stupid prince than I am.”
“Hey,” Roman chided softly, taking Virgil’s hand. “You may not think so, but you are a good leader. And a powerful mage. Though I hate to admit it, I… probably would have died on this journey if it weren't for you. You’re going to do wonderfully, my prince, and I am only a… a realm away if you’re ever in need of princely advice.”
That sent a pang through his heart. He hadn’t thought about it before, but it was true: they were going to be realms apart, constantly separated. When would they see each other again?
“A realm away? Ugh. That’s stupid,” Virgil mumbled. “I can’t… do this alone. I…”
He yanked a blade of ebony grass from beneath them and twirled it around his fingers, tapping his foot anxiously against the group. He seemed to consider something, eyebrows furrowing as he glanced first at Roman and then at the kingdom spread out beneath them.
“You… you know…” he began slowly, thoughtfully. “I could… use some help. A, y-you know, prince… consort or — or something.” The corner of his mouth twitched up into a momentary smirk. “So if you know of any really stupid, annoying princes who could help me out…”
“I don’t know about really stupid, annoying princes, but… I do know of one stupidly handsome, annoyingly wonderful prince who would be… happy to assist.” Their eyes met and Virgil blushed, twirling the blade of grass so quickly that it was surprising it didn’t break. “If you’ll have him, that is.”
“Yeah,” Virgil breathed, relieved. “Yeah, I’ll have him.”
He held Roman’s gaze for a moment longer and then got back to his feet and set his hands on his hips, surveying the kingdom beneath them. In the rusty-red near-darkness of night, free of the queen’s fear curse, it almost looked… beautiful.
“Well?” Virgil turned to him, looking positively radiant beneath the deep red sky. “You ready to rule this hellhole with me?”
Roman climbed to his feet, smiling as he joined Virgil on the hillside. He couldn’t imagine the changes that would follow that day; that, in the months to come, the demon realm would prosper, that under their rule, the demon and human realms would finally know peace. Everything had changed.
But right now, all Roman could imagine, all he could think about was Virgil — Virgil standing before him, Virgil bathed in soft red light, Virgil who he’d spend the rest of his future with.
Virgil, who he loved.
He took Virgil’s hands in his own, bringing their faces close. As he gazed into Virgil’s eyes, he knew — this was what he wanted. This was what he needed. This was it — his happily-ever-after. Standing in the shadow of their castle, overlooking their kingdom, he brought their foreheads together and let out a breath.
“I couldn’t be more ready,” he said, and brought their lips together once more.
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edierone · 6 years
My Fic: Masterpost
revised 3/29/18
Organized by category, with the most recent listed first in each.
Under the cut for scrollability, but my own faves include: 
Gravidity Part 1  Part 2 
Antes de la Guerra
Melting With You
 The Things She Carries
 Titan Arum
 In Herba Veritas
 Anyone Who Disappears Is Said to Be Seen in San Francisco
 Apres le Deluge (rpf)
Touched Out (rpf)
Gravidity Part 1 S11: Here she is, in the cleanest stall this Target had to offer, four different brands of pregnancy test unsheathed and ready to go. *** Part 2 The weight of the secret divides and multiplies, grows like the cells knitting themselves together inside her.
In the Trench Part 1, Part 2 He’ll handwrite his thank-you note to London Fog on the flight.
Antes de la Guerra He saw that they were together against the world, and decided to teach them how to fight
Love and Bearclaws Scully’s verbal typo reveals a deeper truth
Satin is Overrated He likes her in his shirt
Course Correction Very early on, Scully ends one relationship and saves another
He Is Risen Easter morning, revival era, sweet fluff w/creamy center
There Were Others; Ed Jerse wasn’t the only one
Sunday Scully A sweet ficlet inspired by art by @flurgburgler
Melting With You From the fic prompt: “It’s just rain, you aren’t gonna melt.”
I’m a Very Lucky Girl Scully overhears some chatter in the ladies’ room at the Hoover Building
A Very Dirty Way to Get Clean A hot & smutty shower, the day after the first night
The Things She Carries Master post w/all parts Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3 , Part 4 , Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 A long misunderstanding about one hot night
Truth, Dare, and the Scientific Method my entry in the Undercover fic challenge; Scully talks blowjays
Shoved; Then Jumping post-SUZ smut & conversation
She Can Just XF Fic Writing Challenge Prompt: Redemption; cancer arc
Patholoholiday Even pathologists can party - but she misses him. Aww.
In Which “Laura” Takes “Rob” Up On It. Alone. XF Writing Challenge Prompt: Release
Titan Arum XF Writing Challenge Prompt: Tension; sometimes the past catches up with us all at once
XF, a/u or non-canon-compliant:
Until Tonight; Until tonight. She’d been his partner for only a few seasons before she’d been abducted by forces or persons still unknown; upon her return, she’d made her choice.
In Herba Veritas College AU; young Spooky & Dana get high and stargaze
Anyone Who Disappears Is Said to Be Seen in San Francisco Writing prompt: Things you said on a streetcar at 1 a.m.
Sirens, Coelacanths, and Other Sensitive Topics Writing prompt: Things you said when you met my parents
Maybe Not As His Partner Part 1 , Part 2 A question asked, then answered
Fictober: In Flagrante Parento They thought the kid was at baseball practice …
Asks/ficlet prompts:
First Time, Worst Time Mulder still had one black dress sock on.
Going Green in the Golden State 2k18 is looking UP for the Muldoon-Scullersons
 She’s drunk, or close enough — so is he, though, but that hardly matters.
A Man, A Plan, A Waffle Iron Thanksgiving Friday at the UH.
Netflix and Chill, Married-Style Bingeing a series, despite the late hour.
RPF (or is it?):
Early Morning, Montreal “Are we gonna … ohhhhh … just … keep doing this?”
True Love Waits It’s a rough old world out there and a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do – but he knows she’s his
3:23 a.m., Pacific time a man, his iPhone, and his Twitter account that blows their cover
Apres le Deluge she’s been ducking his calls, but he may be the only one to make it OK
Under That Dress She still takes his calls, even in a situation like this
Just another aspect of an intensified, enjoyable adult friendship a wee meta-fic drabble
Rest Easy, Little Ones Our duo get news of one of them dating someone else
Five Emails a Year: 2006 Inspired by @avocadoave’s brilliant pic/gifset, which in turn was inspired by a post from @skywalkrr
Touched Out After a long day appearing at a convention, she’s been touched enough
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
This is a long post, because whatever this system was, it was an aberration and merits a long story. It messed around with peoples lives and property and mental health from the Midwest down through the Southeast and then up the coast with tornados, thunderstorms, deluges, hail, with awful consequences such as the boat accident in Branson, Missouri and the floods in the Mid-Atlantic states.
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Simulation of jet stream pattern July 22. (VentuSky.com)
Is it July or March? A rare and steep summer dip in the jet stream has brought an incredibly wacky week of weather to the Lower 48.
Usually, this fast-moving air current along which storms track retreats in summer, meandering listlessly in Canada.
Not so in recent days.
“The jet stream has stretched all the way from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico over the eastern U.S., helping to trigger the intense tornado outbreak in Iowa, and the persistent, torrential rains in the Mid-Atlantic,” said Jeff Halverson, Capital Weather Gang’s severe weather expert. “Even veteran meteorologists with decades of experience are astounded by the extreme nature of this jet stream pattern.”
As this jet stream and pool of cold air in its wake have interacted with all of the intense midsummer heat over the Lower 48, it has incited all sorts of unusual and severe weather. Not only has the pattern been extreme but it has also become stuck in place. This has led to day after day of remarkable and frequently disruptive weather.
Things kicked off Thursday when the jet stream dived south through the Midwest, triggering at least a dozen confirmed tornadoes in Iowa. Despite a direct hit to Marshalltown, a city of 28,000, and hefty damage on the outskirts of Pella, there were no fatalities — a testament to the high lead time provided by the National Weather Service in warnings issued that day.
Farther south Thursday, a derecho with widespread 60 to 80 mph gusts tracked from southern Nebraska down into northern Arkansas, spelling disaster at Table Rock Lake in Branson, Mo. The storm had a history of producing damaging winds — up to 89 mph in Lecompton, Kan. — along its nearly 500-mile track. The well-forecast storm caught some off guard, killing 17 people when it sank a duck boat trapped in high winds and waves.
The upper-level disturbance wrapped up in the diving jet stream plowed farther south and east Friday, shifting the threat for severe storms over the Ohio and Tennessee valleys. The Storm Prediction Center had a “moderate risk” of severe weather over portions of Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee. The biggest threat proved to be damaging winds. The National Weather Service received 395 reports of high wind or wind damage. But that wasn’t all. Softball-size hail — incredibly rare in July, thanks to high freezing levels in the atmosphere — was reported in Kentucky.
The weird jet stream helped to drag moisture up the Eastern Seaboard, setting the stage for prolific rains. At Reagan National Airport near Washington, four inches came down. Since 1941, only a dozen other calendar days have seen four inches or more.
To the south, a pair of nighttime supercell storms northeast of Chattanooga, Tenn., merged and formed a line around 2 a.m. Saturday. This line collapsed south into Georgia.
The National Weather Service hoisted a severe thunderstorm watch for the Atlanta metro area at 3 a.m. as the windy storms raced south during the morning rush hour. As soon as they were gone, the  sun came out, the atmosphere reloaded, and the stage was set for another round of dangerous storms in the afternoon. For the second time that same day, a severe thunderstorm watch was in effect
.One storm that afternoon even split and formed two new supercells. Thanks to northwest flow and an unusual turning of the winds owing to the bizarre jet stream, the “left split” supercell blew up into a massive storm. The really weird part? This storm was spinning clockwise, or anticyclonic. Less than 2 percent of mature supercells do so. That storm went on to produce tennis-ball-size hail in Dacula, Ga. — the second-largest hailstone on record in the Peach State in July.
Storms continued south into Florida on Sunday, and on Monday, they threw it into reverse — literally. Though the steering flow pushed clouds southeast, the cluster back-built westward along the front at the same rate. This gave the appearance of a stationary line of storms at the mouth of the Mississippi River, producing nearly 200,000 lightning strikes over the course of its 19-hour life span. It was nuts.
The stalled storm system has been blamed for widespread flash flooding from the Carolinas up through New England, drawing a fire hose of tropical moisture up the East Coast. Baltimore has picked up more than 15 inches of rain, a July record.
And the same system, but on its back side messed with the western states
While the West Coast has not dealt with storminess, it has endured extreme weather of its own. Like a see-saw, the jet stream has lifted north allowing scorching heat to swell from the Desert Southwest to Seattle.Death Valley, Calif. soared to a daily record of 127 degrees Tuesday, very close to its highest temperature measured in decades: 129 degrees on June 30, 2013. Seattle is predicted to have its longest streak of hot weather on record with temperatures at least 88 degrees for a week. The Weather Service is also calling for “very dangerous heat” in the Sacramento Valley.
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sutterbabe · 7 years
#1 JJ Piccinich
Hi I looooove your writing so much so I was wondering if u could do one about JJ Piccinich of the London Knights? Idk if u do OHL players but if u don’t u could just do David Pastrnak. I don’t really have a prompt so u could do whatever u please lol I’m just in a very fluffy mood thank u so much 💕💕💕💕💕
Song suggestion of the day: Chains by Lawrence Taylor
No Gifs found :((
PROMPT: It’s storming out, but the sound of my heart pounding over the sight of you drowns it out.
Okay, you had to admit that this was… not good. You were kinda…okay, a lot, lost. You’d been walking for what seemed like forever and could see absolutely nothing in this awful deluge. You were still pretty new to London so you really didn’t know your way around…or have a car….or know the best route well enough to get off at the right stop. You’d run out of groceries and you’d sworn this was the right stop…but you couldn’t see a grocer in sight. You were drenched, your umbrella was completely broken (you’d given up and chucked it in a bin a while back) and now you were just looking for some kind of shelter from this downpour. You let out a squeak as a car drove past and doused every inch of you in icy water. You were so cold, you bet your lips were blue. Your fingers and toes were most definitely numb and worst of all you had wet socks! You let out a exasperated groan of frustration. Of all the things to happen! WHy!
You sighed, as you reached the entrance of a carpark. God, you hoped this meant cafes and not random parking lots of construction companies.
It was not, to your dismay, a cafe. It was a fucking ice rink. Which you couldn’t even take refuge inside because it would be fucking cold anyway. So you had to troop on through the rain, hoping to see something you recognised or at least a bus stop.
You turned at the faint sound to find a guy jogging towards you, holding a rain jacket high over his head. You stared as he stopped in front of you. The rain had plastered your damp hair unceremoniously to the skin of your face and neck and you could feel yourself shivering slightly. The guy in front of you was gorgeous, broad and well built with a sharp jaw and soft pink lips, which were parted a little. There was concern etched in his features and you found yourself sort of mesmerised by the little droplets of water caught in his eyelashes. "Hey.." you murmured in reply, hugging your arms to yourself. 
"Are you headed somewhere in this?" He asked over the rain. You hesitated, trying to think of how to explain all of this in as little words as possible. "Come on," he said, ushering you over to his car. "Go on, I promise I don't bite." He assured you. You hesitated but your need for warmth won out. 
"That's better." He murmured, turning on the heating. "Sorry..where did you say you were heading?" He asked. 
"I didn't," you laughed. 
"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to cut you off. Just wanted to get out of that rain." He chuckled. "What were you doing out in that anyway?" 
"I ran out of groceries... but I'm so lost I must have gotten off at the wrong stop." You explained. "And my phones dead." You added. The boy pondered that for a moment. 
"My place is just a few streets away, you could put your phone on charge and go from there." He suggested. You hesitated again but decided that you trusted this guy and agreed.
“I’m Y/n by the way.” you added quietly, watching a warm smile light up his features.
“I’m JJ.”
“Sorry, it’s kinda messy.” he apologised, closing the door behind himself as you stepped inside. It was still pouring outside and you could faintly hear the sound of thunder in the distance.
“It’s fine.” you assured him as you watching him move around the living room, attempting to tidy things up a bit.
“Did you want anything to drink? Coffee? Water?” he asked, depositing his coat on the back of a chair as he moved into the kitchen.
“I’m fine thanks.” you smiled, as he rummaged through his drawers looking for a phone charger.
He grinned triumphantly as he held one up, plugging it into one of the kitchen power-points. You handed over your phone, and smiled gratefully when you saw the logo flash up on screen.
“I’ve got some spare t-shirts if you want.” he offered. Usually, you would have politely declined but you were freezing and shivering and who knows how long i was going to take for your phone to revive.
“That’d be nice thanks.”
He nodded and disappeared down the hall, reappearing a few minutes later redressed in dry clothes with a couple of folded items in his hand. He offered them to you.
“They might be a bit big.” He chuckled. “There’s a bathroom down the hall and to the left.”
You smiled and ducked your head in thanks before disappearing the way he’d directed you.
The weather was still awful outside. In fact, JJ was pretty sure it’d only gotten worse. He was glad he’s stopped you when he did, he didn’t much like the thought of you stumbling round in that kind of rain. He glanced up slightly as he heard the door slide shut with a smooth click down the hall.
“Socks?” He heard you laugh down the hall.
He smiled, even though you couldn’t see it. “No one likes wet socks, right?” He replied. His heart swelled at the sound of your laugh.
“Truer words, have not been spoken.” you giggled, finally walking out into the living room where he was sat on the couch. Everything was too big and to be honest, men’s clothes fit weird. JJ was staring at the sight of you like you were the first girl he’d ever seen. A brilliant blush lit up your cheeks. The rushing of the blood in his ears drowned out everything else and his heart leapt to his throat.
“What?” you questioned, a little self conscious.
“Uh..” he began before, finally, drawing himself back to his sentence and scrambling around for words. “Are they ok?” he asked, mentally wincing as the words left his mouth.
“Yes, thank you. You really didn’t have to do this you know, it’s very kind.” You murmured. There was a sort of pride that he felt at your praise and it made his heart race.
“Did you wanna join?” he asked, patting the spot on the couch beside him and scootched over as you came to sit next to him. “Watch much ice hockey?” he questioned.
You shrugged. “A little.” you admitted, smiling at the spark you could see forming in his eyes.
It was late when JJ pulled up in front of your flat.
“Did you want these back? I can get changed, I’ll be out in a sec-”
He shook his head. “It’s fine.”
“I don’t know how I can ever repay you.” you chuckled. “I had a lot of fun tonight too.”
“Tell you what, come watch the Knights game on saturday.” he asked.
You smiled. “I’d like that.”
He grinned. “It’s a date.”
You leaned over to kiss his cheek, before sipping out of the car. “See you ‘round, JJ.”
He waited till you were safely inside before he drove off, unable to wipe that giant grin off his face. “See you ‘round, y/n”
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fengreyfront · 8 years
‘Touch’ Reflections - p.1
Hello. Here’s the commentary as stated in the author’s note in the final part of Touch. If you have not yet read the update, please do so first before reading this because there are spoilers - and please do leave a review on your way out as well, if it’s not too much trouble. [FF.net | AO3] 
There’s a lot here that my brain needed to vomit out because I’ve thought of this fic every single damn day since I started it (11 months almost), so it’s very much on my mind, still. I needed a place to explain stuff, and to get these final thoughts out, and honestly, to vent, before I jump ship. So, I’ve split it into two posts, because it’s kind of long and I’m sure some people don’t care too much to read about what’s in part 2 (it’ll be writing tips, and venting).
Here in part 1, I explain my mentality when writing the characters to give some context, and also in the hopes that it might be able to help other writers to begin to think in such a way, if they seek to characterize similarly. I also just give you a run down of the epilogue I was going to write (which I will not be writing).
So, let’s discuss:
Eremika Character Study in Touch (Characterization decisions, and stuff about Teh Sex, you pervs)
Epilogue Summary
Follow Up One-Shot Summary 
Eremika Character Study in Touch
Wasn’t easy getting into Eren’s head from a romantic perspective, because we have no data/experiences canonically to go off of. So, I built this fic around wanting to delve into how he might actually handle this kind of situation.
I’d like to bring up this review here that sort of disagreed with my interpretation of him, to point out why I wrote him how I did:
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I agree wholeheartedly that Eren is brash and doesn’t think things through before acting. But, the entire focus of the fic is to show how he is forced to veer from that way of thinking. It’s about him discovering a new side of himself, and having to go through complicated “uncharted territory”. The uncharted territory is really everything that is new to him in this fic - the situation with Mikasa, him having to discover what he wants after everything is over (I’m pretending chapter 88 never happened, or an antidote has been discovered, ssshh), him experiencing completely new feelings, etc.
I believe that Eren acts without thinking things through because he instantly makes a snap decision about them, and then acts on that initial reaction. That’s why in part 1, he pushed and pushed and pushed Mikasa into spitting out a confession-because he didn’t think beyond the shallow goal of ‘I want her to say what she’s hiding because she looks upset and I feel bad’.  
But after she kisses him, Eren does not have a clear cut “YES/NO” initial reaction, and therefore has nothing to act in response to. He was confused. He didn’t have an immediate response, yet his body told him he wanted to kiss her more; he wants to focus solely on his mission, yet he keeps dreaming about having a future with her. It’s not easy stuff to grapple with. 
I think it’s also important to note that, it is easy to act without thinking when anger is your driving force. For example, the sole goal he has built his life around is driven by this anger. A titan killed his mom. Titans impede humanity’s freedom. Titans = bad. He is angry about these things. Therefore, titans must be destroyed. Pretty straightforward.
But here, we have Mikasa, someone he cares deeply about - someone who is his family, someone who has stood by him through thick and thin, and someone who almost died for him, in the context of this fic. Their connection is special. What he has with her, he has with no one else.
Naturally, when someone you care this deeply about essentially tells you they’re in love with you, and you’ve never ONCE had thought that way about them, or even had a clue they felt that way about you… things can get complicated. For the first time, he finds himself in a situation where he can’t necessarily act without thinking, because he actually cares about her, and his answer will affect their relationship in the long term. It’s delicate.
So, his personality trait of acting on a snap decision collides with his caring for Mikasa, which collides with his confusion about thinking of her in more than platonic ways, which collides with him not wanting to ruin things, which collides with him wanting to focus on titans, which collides with his inability to work properly, etc. There’s just a lot of internal conflict going on for Eren, and that is why he acts the way he does in this fic. He is stumped, until he isn’t.
I wrote her as selfless as I believe her to be, canonically. She places her love for Eren, and her relationship with him - even if platonic - above all else, which is why she is so quick to descend into self-loathing at revealing her feelings. She fears she has lost him, so she is okay with swallowing her pride and shoving away her dreams of marital bliss with him, and is almost desperate to revert to how things were. But, goodness, even she is human, and having the person you’re in love with be so fickle, and ignore you, then give you attention, then be unable to give you a straight answer when you simply ask “yo is it cool if we stay in each other’s lives like before ‘cuz you’re important to me?” Well. I imagine that gets to a person.
During part 4, we see her selflessness come into play for the first half pre-sexytime. She kind of just lets all that tension go because he seems cray cray, so she puts him first. And then I thought, it’s kind of a relief to her that he’s alright with going to her for such things. She starts to think things are getting back to normal - that he’s alright with touching her and changing her bandages, and confiding in her, like old times.
And then he shows his guilt, which she hates, because she blames herself for everything of course, and suddenly he’s going “yea well sorry I can’t forget about that thing u did and things actually can’t go back to normal >:|”, so of course she gets confused and insecure because the dude seems totally off his rocker.
But then he tries to make out with her?! Like wtf Eren. And of course she’s been in love with him for a decade now, so she can’t help herself, because the love of her life essentially just served himself to her on a silver platter - but she backs away and kind of catches herself and rejects it because she believes that it’s too good to be true T____T. She believes he’s acting purely out of guilt and obligation, because despite being a loudmouth, Eren is extremely pure of heart. She believes he’s confusing his general caring for her with that guilt, and wanting to make up for it by just telling her what she wants to hear - which he of course shuts down by showing her that he desires her. Through the touchings.
Aaaand, that’s a nice segue - let’s delve a little more into my character study of them with our favorite topic, because let’s face it, you’re all pervs :)
Teh Sex. (some crass talk here...)
[...] touch conveyed all that he could not say. Touch was the language they both understood best, ‘I want you’, ‘I need you’, ‘I trust you’, and ‘this is for you, only you’, told in kisses and skin on skin and shared, drunken gazes.
This is the point of this fic. This is why they haves the sex.
You see, it’s easy to write sex between two people. It’s a pretty straightforward biological process - you can read a lot of erotica, watch some porn to get a visual idea of it, and then practice writing until you write sexy sex, and it’ll probably come out nice.
But, just writing sexy sex was not my goal here, as I just stated. I wanted this to be Eremika-specifc sex. I wanted the way they led into/have sex to demonstrate their personalities as well.
Before blocking out how they were going to do it, I knew I wanted to have this moment right before it, and this was very important to me - I wanted Eren to realize he was in love with her, right after she almost ripped his dick off.
Because it says, so much on both ends - and I think I was explicit about this in the fic. It shows Mikasa’s personality - well-meaning, yet sometimes takes things a little too far. It show’s Eren’s personality - acting out immediately, then getting tripped up when faced with a deluge of feelings, yet again.
And then it also shows the extent of his love for her. He does not love being physical with just anyone, he loves the act because he loves the person he is with, so much that he appreciates near-dismemberment because it’s such a her-specific thing to have happen.
Fear of having your dick ripped off during sex isn’t a normal thing - nor is realizing you’re in love with the person that nearly initiated the ripping off of said dick. This moment is extremely unique to them.
Here are some other moments where I wanted their personalities to shine - pardon my crass and graphic manner of speech for the next few bullet points:
Eren, being incapable of verbalizing his feels, communicates them to her by kissing her to death (which ends up being quite persuasive, as we later see)
Mikasa being an extremely quick learner, and a natural. In… everything. After Eren schools her in, “Oh. This is what happens to a penis when X, Y and Z occurs,” she brushes off the nerves and dives head first, and applies this knowledge right away, expertly. This, plus her general eagerness to please Eren, is why she begins to dry hump him, why she is always reaching for his dick after the fact, how she is able to learn how to ride him like a pro very quickly.
When Mikasa tries to grab Eren’s dick after they dry hump, he kind of bats her away and takes the lead. It’s him trying to be alpha, for once - but not out of insecurity. Rather, he wants to show his gratitude in a big way, so he goes down on her. AAAYYYY! THANK YOU EREN. LORD KNOWS MIKASA ACKERMAN DESERVES THIS. AND HE MADE HER ORGASM. SHE DESERVES IT FOR EVERYTHING SHE HAS DONE FOR THIS DWEEB. GET. IT. GURL. In this moment, and when they are actually having sex, you see Eren’s ego and pride showing every time he does something right, and it makes him want to impress and show off and please more. Though he is heavily invested in pleasing her because he loves her, her positive reactions are also kind of a compliment. Every moan is like a, “Yo, nice job! Keep up the good work!”, and being able to give her an orgasm is like someone threw him a congratulations party because dudes typically cannot do that LOL - especially right off the bat (I was going to reference that he heard this through bunker talk, but wound up not doing so). It’s also a testament to how good he is at reading her, and how well he knows her, too, since he listens keenly and observes her reactions and learns from those.
Mikasa ended up on top, because, duh. She’s Mikasa. While Eren initiated, she was the one to lead the way and push - she is the one that escalated things further each time. She took the initiative to do so. And Eren - having grown from his smol “ROAR I WANNA BE THE LEADER” phase, and being in love with this woman - is more than okay with her taking the lead. Acceptance is such a huge theme in this fic, and everything in this part is basically him being like, “I’m gonna show my woman how amazing I think she is,” and, “Yeah. My woman is amazing and outshines me in every way. I’m just gonna go on ahead and let her be amazing.”
I remember quite fondly that an anon once asked “when Mikasa would ride Eren into the sunset.” Well, she did, my friend. She did. Which is why I put in details that probably went unnoticed - that the force of her hips when she was in control was basically so powerful that the mattress was curving under him with each thrust (almost like she was trying to imprint his ass into the mattress), and the bed frame was arockin’ with how hard she was riding him.
And you know. Eren taking control at the end and her being okay with it and just going along with it. They’re just super in sync and communicative without saying anything.
And side note - Um. I know there was that whole debacle with Grisha’s diq and Eren’s potentially inherited “endowment”, but idk man. Perhaps length wise he’s not a stunner, but in my mind, and in this fic, he’s a girth guy, hence why Mikasa struggled bit. Okay, listen, don’t judge me, one inevitably thinks of such details when trying to figure out a sex scene over the span of several months you don’t know how much I’ve thought of everything good lord
Anyways - coming back out of this vulgar talk, I know I upped the fluff factor there towards the end. Because I honestly think that’s how they could be, once the ice was broken - once they realized that there was a more pleasant and light dimension to being open and honest with one another, and being able to experience something so special with one another.
I was weary about the ending being too cute - nervous about making Mikasa smile or laugh, but the more I thought of it, the more okay I was with the idea, because, dude she just had sex with Eren Jaeger, guy she has loved since she was a wee little lass, and he is giving her affection and attention and also an orgasm!!!! Of course she’d be over the moon. If there was anything that would be able to make that girl who is normally deadpan begin to tell jokes and smile, it is certainly these things.
Epilogue Summary
I will not be writing it, so here is the summary:
The next day, Eren and Mikasa are having breakfast with Armin, who is giving both of them the eye. They act normal and are essentially back to their old selves, though they both look super sleep deprived. Armin of course throws in a clever line of questioning that makes them both sweat. Even though they evade his questions, Armin passes this specific mug of tea over to Mikasa and tells her to drink it, and Eren asks what it is. Armin doesn’t give a straight answer- gives a shitty excuse and says it’s just to celebrate them making up, specifying it’s for Mikasa only, and Eren asks why he can’t have any, and Armin doesn’t explain, and they get into a cute back and forth (Armin basically telling Eren he was a bitch to Mikasa - in different words of course), but then Eren tries to drink some anyways and Armin’s like “NOOO” and all panicky, then Eren’s like “wtf”. And Armin gets really, really serious and just firmly insists Mikasa drink it.
So, Eren and Mikasa get silent, and Mikasa obeys. While she is drinking, Armin finally says something very quietly, along the lines of, “Mikasa should take it because I’m not ready to be an uncle yet”, causing her to choke on her drink, and causing Eren to shit himself (not literally). Armin implies that the tea is essentially plan b (an idea borrowed from a z.utara fic-“The Sparrowkeet Series” if you’re a fan of the ship, it’s highly recommended-where some sort of tea had this effect), at which Eren and Mikasa turn red and die forever about because 1) Armin knows; 2) they wonder who else knows; 3) Oh my god Armin knows. He mentions that Sasha had told him about them. Armin had actually assumed they were fighting/talking things over/nothing sexy was going down, though Sasha implied there were sexy things happening. Armin did not believe it, so he came by to check on them, and heard moaning, and immediately turned away.
There was going to be more to it, but I never finished thinking it over, since I decided just not to add it on. But there ya go.
Did you really think I would let them have unprotected sex (who knows how many more times after she got him some bread) without thinking of the consequences? Of course I had to think about these things - Mikasa can’t go off getting preg when there’s so much at stake.
Follow Up One-Shot Summary
A reader expressed disappointment that Eren did not say “I love you.”
I wrote this fic knowing that I did not want him to utter the words “I love you”. The entire point of the fic was to show that these words could be communicated through action, and would be understood by both without having to be said. Again - my whole take on Eren is that he has to do this whole new mushy feelings thing in baby steps. Being able to admit these things to himself and show them is huge. He’s an action guy, more than a flowery words guy.
That being said, I originally had planned to write an off-shoot one-shot to follow up the fic. It was going to be super smutty (and knowing me, probably ridiculously long). The plot was centered around Eren finally saying “I love you”, and the weird way it happens. Per above, he’s an action dude. So him SAYING sappy stuff is HUGE. I thought exploring why he felt compelled to say the words, how/why it happened, and making that situation believable, would be interesting to write about. I also wanted to try my hand at writing some lighter stuff, so it was gonna be more comical than dramatic (though I am the number one lover of angst, do not get me wrong).
However, I won’t be writing this anymore, so here is the summary (somewhat M-rated) - He and Mikasa are basically at it like bunnies all the time (typically what happens when you’re freshly in a relationship with the love of your life) and he finds himself distracted because he can’t stop wanting to do stuff with her. So he avoids her for a while, but doesn’t want to talk about it. Then, tired of the same old shit again, Mikasa confronts him about it by dragging him into a closet and pulling his pants down and giving him some amazing head (first time she will have done that, but obvs she’s brilliant at it because she’s Mikasa). Post-BJ, while she is awkwardly drinking water and still sort of annoyed with him for being distant, he stares at her and has this drawn out thought process and suddenly blurts it.
And then more stuff happens. I didn’t get that far in my thought process.
And yeah. That’s it. Part 2 will be up next week. 
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