#thank u for this opportunity to ramble haha
fivie · 9 months
Hello, if I may ask, do you have any headcanons about enjolras and courfeyrac in the umw universe?
Hello!! I'm about to become an unskippable cutscene 😃
I can't quite remember if any of this has already been mentioned in Enjolras POV chapters but I'll just list everything I've got lol:
- They met when they were seven years old. I've never thought all that much about their parents since they don't feature in the story (though it's safe to assume that Enjolras was already fairly estranged from his parents by the time he became a hunter) but I've always had it in my head that they were initially shoved together because their parents were part of the same social circle and did that thing where they decided their kids should also be friends. I think this happened a lot to both of them as kids and generally didn't work out, especially for Enjolras, who was a shy, serious sort of child and often considered either intimidating or just plain weird by his peers, but on this one occasion it turned out well! Courfeyrac immediately considered Enjolras to be extremely smart and cool, and while Enjolras (unused to positive feedback) was a little unsure of this at first, he quickly realised that Courfeyrac was genuine and they've been best friends ever since.
- They are a classic case of an extrovert adopting an introvert.
- Enjolras has always struggled with making friends—Courfeyrac was really his only close friend through their earlier years at school, but Courfeyrac is very outgoing and gregarious and has a lot of love to give and so he always had a lot of friends, and there were definitely times when Enjolras felt sort of jealous of that, and worried that Courfeyrac would lose interest in him in favour of others. It never happened, of course.
- They met and befriended Joly and Bossuet in their first year at high school, and Marius in their first year of university. 
- Their friendship has always confused onlookers since they seem so different, but they actually do have quite a lot in common, and the ways that they are different work to their advantage: Courfeyrac sometimes does need someone to be the voice of reason and responsibility, Enjolras sometimes needs someone to tell him to lighten up.
- Courfeyrac has always been the more emotionally intelligent of the two, but he used to joke that this was the only area in which he was more intelligent than Enjolras because for a long time he didn't consider himself particularly academically smart and would be quite self-deprecating about it. Enjolras never agreed with this assessment and Courfeyrac eventually grew out of the notion, which mainly stemmed from how the adults in their lives perceived him and his more boisterous personality.
- Courfeyrac is bisexual and figured that out pretty quickly as a young teenager. He had a lot of crushes throughout high school and dated quite a few people and Enjolras was woefully unequipped to deal with the emotional turmoil of these teen relationships but did his best to be supportive. For a while they both thought that Enjolras just hadn't reached “the stage” of being interested in dating etc yet, but after a while they realised that this supposed transformation didn't seem to be forthcoming and decided to do some research, leading to Enjolras happily using the aro/ace label for a few years. He was extremely alarmed when he later did develop an interest in a fellow student at university, leading to further research and an understanding that catching feelings is something that happens to him very occasionally. When he least expects it, you might say 👀
- Truly there's a whole slice of life teen drama here that I could get into if I wasn't too busy writing the monster-hunting plot 😂
- Enjolras really struggled with his decision to leave Lyon to pursue hunting without telling Courfeyrac, to the point that I have often daydreamed of an AU where everything is exactly the same except Enjolras ultimately couldn't go through with it and Courfeyrac ends up going with him.
- The characters have developed a lot in the ridiculous amount of time UMW has been ongoing, and I think if I was writing the earlier chapters now, knowing what I know, that Enjolras would have tried to explain to Courfeyrac where he was going, or told some lie to reassure him, or done something other than just vanishing and assuming Courfeyrac would get over it. I don't think him taking off the way he did in the story makes the most sense now, with how much weight their friendship has been given. But I'm locked into it by me from 10 years ago 😂
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yooglefics · 2 months
hii! its been a few days since i found u and i love ur writing and stories!! could i request a fic where yoongi and (possibly) female reader have a fight over jealousy (its either her or him or both even idk) and its a little angsty idk but then they make up and its all fluffy 🤓🤓 thank u in advance luv
Hellooo. Thank you so much for your kind words and for requesting this! I really enjoyed writing this pair and some angst, I did a hint of both being jealousy, but is mostly him haha. Sorry it took me a while to finally post it, but I wanted it to be good, and I hope you like it!
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Jealous, jealousy
Pairing: Min Yoongi x fem!reader  Wordcount: 2,467 words Genre: AU. Established relationship. Angst and comfort / fluff.  Summary: Jealousy has never been a problem in your relationship, not until a comment can't leave Yoongi's mind and interactions at your office’s party just make it worse. Content warnings under read more.
Includes: Jealous Yoongi. People thinking there's something between Jin and Reader… even Yoongi. Miscommunication. They argue. And then they're cute.
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It all starts with the perilla leave question between Yoongi's friends one night out and a few rounds of soju in. As a self-identified non-jealous person, his answer was that it didn't mean anything, and even told the story about how it happened a few days ago when your coworker joined you two for lunch.
Jungkook, the non-identified most jealous person of the group, had obviously called him stupid. Questioned him about that guy and told him to be careful. “If I were you, Yoongi, I'd keep my eye on him.”
Little rascal; didn't even bother to use honorifics with him anymore.
But the worst thing is that the idea is now on his head and not even Yoongi knows how bad it is about to get as he steps into your office party a few weeks later. Now having the opportunity to see his girlfriend and her favorite coworker interact more in a familiar environment.
Even the ones who don't know Yoongi a lot, know he can be pretty reserved around new people, that's why you continue to make your polite round of interactions after saying hi and leaving him at a table with a whiskey and snacks. Promising to come back as soon as possible.
He looks at you across the room, all professional and sweet, the queen of small talk and polite smiles, and one forms on his own lips without realizing. Only doing so when it's erased as someone greets him, sitting down beside him and he tries to follow your steps at looking, at least, a bit cordial. 
“I don't think I've seen you before. Are you here with ( y / n ) or Seokjin?”
“Yes, with ( y / n ).”
“Really?” She sounds genuinely surprised, “I didn't know she was inviting someone.” 
“Well, I like supporting her, don't really need the invitation” he chuckles a bit awkwardly, “I'm her boyfriend.”
“Oh, so she is dating someone?” Again, the surprise in her tone makes Yoongi believe is a true emotion, and that confuses him.
“For a few years now, yes.”
“And here I was thinking that those two were going to be the next office romance,” she says sounding disappointed before realizing, “oh my— not that it's bad they don't, just… they are both attractive and you know…”
«Is that supposed to make it better?», he wants to ask, but instead he laughs, trying to dismiss everything as her hand lays on his forearm that is resting on the table, trying to reassure him as she goes on about him being handsome too and whatnot.
He stopped listening now. Because after that interaction, one hour seems long enough when half of that you have spent besides that guy, and Jungkook's words keep growing in his head as if he were watering them with the sweet alcohol. The one he has to switch hands to sip from now, because your coworker keeps the other prisoner of her hand. 
Not even the excuse ( that is actually not really an excuse because he needs it ) to get a refill works and she only stops rambling his ear off when someone arrives at the place and she finally leaves the table to greet them.
“I saw you made a friend,” your sweet smile is almost enough to make him forget his thoughts when he is joined by you at the bar while ordering another whiskey.
“Well, figure I should while you had fun with yours.” he shrugs in an effort to dismiss negative feelings.
“Wait, did you actually make friends with her?” is your turn to sound surprised, corners of your mouth falling a little.
“Is a problem if I did?”
“I… I mean, I was joking but I don't like her very much. You can make friends with other people, though.”
“Ah, thanks for the clear up.” He walks back to the table to sit down, and even he can acknowledge it was a weird response, so, your next question doesn’t shock him.
“Are you okay?”
“What if I made friends with your best friend, what's his name?” he asks instead. Comments from others blurring his psyche, making him act without much thinking.
“Is that his name? She called him Seokjin”
“Well, Seokjin, Jin for short. What's the big deal?”
“Nothing. Just… that's what she said when she asked who I was here with,” he explains before taking a sip.
“Of course she asked you that,” and eye roll accompanies your words. 
“Yeah, because apparently you didn't say you invited your boyfriend.” but he thinks there is more important matters than you not liking your coworker. “As a matter of fact she didn't know you had a boyfriend.”
“Because is none of her business. She doesn't need to know about my relationship.”
“She does when she is talking about you and Seokjin having a romance.”
“Sorry. You and Jin.”
“Shut up, you know that's not what I meant. Can't believe she said that.” You steal a sip from his whiskey before continuing, “No actually, I can.”
He buffs. “You can?”
“Yeah, I told you, she is… not likable.”
“Just that? Not because it would be believable for you two to be together?” He asks, his annoyance clearer as seconds go by.
“Jin and I? Please, that's ridiculous.”
“Why? Are you jealous?” You inquire, playfully. As if it would be impossible to be true.
“Wait. Really?! But you have never been jealous.”
“Maybe I am now.” 
“Because of Jin?” you’re confused at how serious he is being, but before you can question more about it, you’re interrupted by said guy.
“Oh, I was summoned. Hi.” he greets your partner, so casually since he doesn’t realize Yoongi is mad with him too. “Can you come back? I don't want to interact with those people alone.”
You look at your co-worker and friend for a few seconds, and then to your boyfriend, trying to understand what is happening and if he is actually jealous. Him, Min Yoongi, the less jealous person you’ve ever met.
“Go, have fun.” Your boyfriend encourages you, managing a smile that only confuses you more because is clear to you that it’s not genuine.
What the hell is happening?
You’re surrounded with interactions the rest of the night, from your co-workers to their partners, people seem interested in Jin and you, after all, it’s the first big party since the both of you joined the company. Even when you go back to sit with Yoongi people get close to make conversation, one person actually asks about wedding planing and tells you she can get you in contact with someone. You know she means well so, with your best smile, you thank her and change the subject.
You hate those conversations. 
Having spent your childhood between your parents’ fights because «staying together for their kids» was a priority, when in reality it only made it worse for everyone involved, you grew up hating the idea of getting married. You understand it is for love, but you don't need a paper or a big party to announce that you love Yoongi. You don't need a ring on your finger to promise you'll do it forever. You don't need him to propose, let alone ask your parents permission to do so. 
Is your life, your decisions. The only opinion that matters other than yours is Yoongi's and he has always understood, never pressured you. He is the love of your life, after all.
In the car on the way home, the silence is filled with music from the stereo and you try to take Yoongi’s hand on the gear lever as always, but only a couple of seconds pass before he pulls away, both hands on the wheel now. 
Trying to figure out if it was on purpose, you ask, “What are you thinking about?” 
“You spend a lot of time with him,” he says without a beat.
“You told me to go.”
“I mean in general.”
“We work together, can't really do much about that.”
“You weren't working tonight and still it was like you were joined at the hip.” he hasn’t looked at you and you can’t decide if it hurts or bothers you more.
“Again, you told me to go at the end,” you argue. “ If you wanted me to stay with you, you could have said so.”
“Now I have to ask you to spend time with me?”
“Well, I can’t read your mind, honey.” you poke his cheek, softly. An attempt to lighten the mood a little.
“That’s not the point.” His tone is just as serious. And then you know that, whatever this is, it’s deeper than you thought.
“What is it then?” you genuinely ask, annoyance starting to build up inside you, but trying to stay calm. Surely he can tell, you think. “You’re clearly upset, but why?”
“Shouldn't I be? When my girlfriend keeps hanging out with this good-looking dude and everyone thinks they could be a thing?” 
“Really?” How can he even entertain those thoughts? You with another man? Doesn’t he hear how ridiculous it sounds? “Shouldn't I be upset because you let her touch your arm for like five minutes straight?”
“She was trying to console me.”
“Yeah, that actually makes it worse, Yoongi.” 
“That's your name.” He finally looks your way, but you’re looking at the road ahead of you and he can’t tell it is just in order to calm down.
“Wait. Why are you turning things on me?”
“Because you're being irrational and I'm not having this conversation.”
Once again the music is the only sound filling the air, and you opt for folding your arms in front of your chest to stop you from reaching for his hand again.
Now both of you are mad. Great. 
Arriving home, he still gets out of the car first to open the door for you, and it helps soften the heartache a little. But still, the night repeats in your head, trying to understand what happened. 
Why suddenly spending time with Jin is a problem? Why is Yoongi so jealous about it? And why—
“You let her touch you after she said Jin and I had a thing?” you ask as both of you are finally in the bedroom, getting ready to end the night. 
“Thought we weren't having this conversation.”
“No. This one is different. This one is about you potentially doing things because you were upset with me.”
“That would be stupid.” He stops his movements, shirt unbuttoned just halfway through. “Why would I do that?”
“I don't know, you aren't exactly acting like yourself tonight.”
“Because I'm jealous?”
“Because we are fighting about you being jealous.” And trying to calm down once again, you continue taking your dress off, struggling with the zipper but too proud to ask him for help right now.
“Okay, let's not fight, then.” He sits down on his side of the bed. “Just answer this question: do you like him?” 
“Just answer. Please.” when you finally turn to him, the look on his face is different from what you expected. He doesn't seem angry, but hurt. Like your answer could break him.
“Of course not. Not like that.” You emphasize. Giving up on your clothes and kneeling in front of him, taking a breath before continuing. “You know we started at the same time and he is always nice and fun, I think he is my only friend at work because everyone else keeps asking me when I'm going to get married and leave. Like your friend.”
“The lady you were talking to. Is always asking personal questions and I don't like it. Not because I don't like talking about you, I love you and I talk with Jin about you all the time, but is just…”
“Not her business. And you don't have to explain yourself to others.” he completes. Yoongi is the first to always remind you that after all.
“Sorry.” he is quick to say, feeling like an asshole now, a hand running through his hair, messing it up, “I really don’t know what is up with me tonight, I’m sorry.”
“Were you actually jealous of Jin?” the disbelief in your voice is funny now, and he nods with a chuckle. “That’s surprising coming from you.”
“I know. Is dumb.”
“Hey, don’t say that,” you move closer to him, hands on his shoulders to make him look at you, “your feelings are not dumb, Yoongi.”
“Can you stop calling me by my name tonight?”
“Sorry,” both of you laugh softly, “but I mean it. Even if it’s irrational to be jealous of anyone because I love you so very much and wouldn’t even dream to be with someone else; your feelings are important, honey. Just… you know, we have to work on a better way of expressing them.”
He chuckles again, still feeling bad about it all but appreciating the reassurance. “I will, promise. I just never felt like this before, is… weird.”
Yoongi has always thought jealousy is stupid. He understands feeling insecure and all that, but acting like he did tonight has always been something he didn’t understand. Something he judged. He thought it was about bad communication, distrusting your partner, and things like that. And, if you don’t trust the person you love, does it make sense to be together? But maybe is not as simple as that.
He didn't care if you had your own friends and went out with them, like some of the people he knows do. He has his own opinion on marriage and engagement rings. But maybe he cares in other ways. Maybe he cares about people thinking you're with someone else because that's probably his biggest fear.
“I don’t like jealousy.” he speaks again, bringing his arms around your waist, hugging you close and resting his head against your torso.
“Good, that means you are not toxic.” A pause while your hand combs through his hair, putting black strains back in place, “and now you know how I feel when people hit on you.”
“People don’t do that.” 
“They do,” he looks up at you, but before he can argue anything, you cup his face and bend a little to peck his lips, softly. “I’m sorry for leaving you alone with her and without a warning.”
“I tried to get away but she wouldn't let go of my arm and I didn't want to be rude.” 
His bottom lip sticks out in a small pout and you kiss it away, “Yoonie, sometimes you’re too nice for your own good.”
“Maybe I should be just nice to you.”
“You're too nice for that,” he rolls his eyes, making you laugh even more, “that's why I love you.”
“I love you more, baby.”
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Protect them 🥺  Let me know what you think. comment, reblog, send an ask, follow or whatnot. Thank you for reading <3 ♡ Tag list: @n33mesis , @sexytholland , @mggv97 , @wobblewobble822 , @bbou-doir , @m00njinnie , @itsmina29 , @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d , @nariee02 , @ktownshizzle , @kimtaehussy . 
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jayesprite · 8 months
oh, are we sharing tl memories now?
i’ve been waiting for an opportunity to share the kin hell i’ve found myself neck-deep in- apparently one of my tls is some cursed trollstuck au of a different media and that has certainly made it difficult to figure out much of anything, really.
the timeline may or may not have been a descendant au- everyone had canon surnames from what i recall, although i can’t say for certain.
i’m fairly sure there was at least enough trolls to span the full hemospectrum, but i can only remember three: myself, my moirail, and the vantas.
i was an indigo, though i normally went hemoanon on the internet due to technically being a mutant. i was supposed to be culled as a wriggler on account of being hatched with a limb deformity as well as being a runt, but successfully made it to at least seven sweeps i think. i had some sort of prosthetic upper limb(s) though i can’t remember precisely which, but i learned the basics of bioengineering due to having to do upkeep myself. i had glasses (my source had round glasses while the equivalent of my moirail had rectangular ones, but i think they were swapped in this tl?) and an oversized lab coat about the length of nepeta’s coat i think.
my moirail was an olive whom i met due to him fucking up his arms in a flarping accident (i know for sure both of his ended up as prosthetics, which makes my confusing limb situation further strange). i don’t remember very much about his appearance other than the fact he wore tennis shoes, was taller than me, and potentially had white streaks in his hair for one reason or another. we had technically talked on trollian previously but it hadn’t been much more than formalities due to having mutual friends.
the vantas was a strange case due to the fact she wasn’t a mutant but a regular limeblood (obviously still dangerous, but less rare) on top of being one of the nicest people in our group. i remember the least about her, but she was pretty isolated for most of her life (i think we may have bonded over having to hide from most of troll society to avoid getting culled) and rarely spoke to anyone outside of trollian. she took a lot of things personally and had a really strong sense of justice so talking to her was somewhat taxing, but she really was genuinely nice to bond with. i don’t remember anything about her appearance other than she potentially wore a skirt similar to feferi but in green or grey tones?
uh. apologies for rambling, i’ve never really interacted with kin spaces so. this is kind of a lot. but i’ve been a long-time follower of the blog and it’s always felt very safe and comforting so :] yeah. this is kind of a mess my apologies
its super cool how you remember all this stuff. i have a soft spot for noncanon characters (as i kin MULTIPLE of them, which as u can imagine can be .... incredibly isolating haha) so i feel for you and how overwhelming it can be. hey, maybe there are people on here who remember similar stuff as you! that'd be cool wouldn't it? thanks for sharing, maybe i can do a sprite for you some day :)
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dykeyote · 1 year
I want to thank you and your account for helping me understand better how to respect bigender people 💙 even if it's hard to say what you really want to without getting into discourse parameters, the things you have said has really helped me a lot with understanding my friend's and community
awww this is so sweet thank you so much!! i really appreciate that, im glad its helpful to you (: yeah its tricky because its hard to phrase things that will make sense without using discourse buzzwords like i kind of fell into doing a little in that post which i think muddled my messaging but genuinely like . i hope you dont mind me taking this opportunity to talk a little bit, hopefully its also illuminating for how to engage with people haha? but i think restructuring your understanding of gender to encompass the fact that some people are men And Something Else (same for women/nonbinary ppl of course but honestly that seems to be way less of a problem? which i have a lot of thoughts on and im writing a poem abt it but my analysis of manhood in queer communities isnt relevant here lol) goes a huge way in being able to like . interact w multigender people in a more nuanced fashion . and like not just Acknowledging that thats a thing that is true but really thinking about what the implications of simply the idea that a man can also be a woman might have on other ways you behave or other beliefs you hold goes a really long way . because so much of our society even (and sometimes especially) in queer communities tends to pit "man" and "woman" as complete opposites of each other that do not overlap - you can even see this in perfectly well intentioned progressive illustrations of the gender spectrum that intend to illustrate the breadth of nonbinary experiences, where they'll still set man and woman as two opposite points of said spectrum that do not overlap . and i genuinely just think like . i think a lot of people Intellectually understand that bigender people and pangender people and genderfluid people and all a manner of other multigender people who can be both men and women, often at the same time, do in fact exist - but they kind of like . dont really take that understanding and reflect it onto other beliefs that they hold and on other understandings of labels and definitions and what have u (tbh i dont think the queer community should Have universal definitions anyway and implementing this would delete like 60% of discourse from the community as a whole and 80% of lesbian discourse specifically but i digress) to see if they contradict and how u might wanna reorganize ur thinking to be more inclusive and whether that thinking is really useful in a real world context anyway . which is why i think ive seen a lot of people in the tags be like yeah okay this is really eye opening im going to consider this which i appreciate (: idk this turned into rambling but i think thats the crux of what i was trying to convey in that post
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onlyswan · 1 year
long not-so-ask ahead....
I was listening to in which couple's playlist and I realized maybe the reason why it captured a lot of our hearts is because it's so close to reality. You know their challenges, the traumas, and possible shortcomings from the both of them. And I think that in which! jk is the closest one to the actual irl jk when it comes to love. And I can't help but wish that such a great soul like jungkook will be blessed by an unconditional love like in this fiction. It was wholesome, fun, romantic, adventurous, comforting, and silly during the first collection of drabbles and I feel like those are the things that jungkook deserves to experience everyday. And when the second collection came, where the big fall out happened, it is something that irl him could face and the way that their love thrived just because it is that strong - tho I think that at that point kook would accept whatever oc's decision would be even if it hurts him, like if things ended up the other way. But the way oc just told him to come home and just let them and love him as long as they can. Like that flick a some kind of light inside him that he is indeed deserved to be loved and that he is capable of taking care of them and making them feel safe around him.
I can't help but wonder if he receives the kind of comfort that he gives to us, his fans. And not to mention the way he treats us like his best friends and just hang out and tell us his thoughts and plans and wants our input everytime is so endearing. I hope someday the universe would bless him and gave us the opportunity to meet his future s/o in a very jungkook way. Like idk maybe talk abt them in a live and just gush abt them lmao it would be fun to see him talk to us like a teenager talking abt his crush that is most likely not going to happen but it's fun to daydream abt it.
That's all. Thank u for listening to my rambles haha.
omgggg it’s so nice to know someone actually listens to the playlist 😭🫶🏼
AHHHH thank you so much my beloved i’m so glad you see them in that way. i really try my best to make them as raw as possible, incorporating my own experiences as well 🥺
tho I think that at that point kook would accept whatever oc's decision would be even if it hurts him, like if things ended up the other way. But the way oc just told him to come home and just let them and love him as long as they can. Like that flick a some kind of light inside him that he is indeed deserved to be loved and that he is capable of taking care of them and making them feel safe around him.
nooooo this made me so emotional 😭 oc’s unexpected response definitely made him see that he is in control of his life more than he thought and he should always choose to be happy :( my poor baby.
i truly wish jungkook irl is receiving so much love his heart is overflowing with it 🫂 and omgsjshdkshf anonie that would so cute !!! 😭 in a perfect world maybe that could happen </3 this is why i want to be bffs with the tannies irl aaaa they’re just so funny and chill but at the same time soooo genuine and loving. perfect friendship with the perfect balance. i’m so jealous of those who have such amazing friends in their life >:(
hehe you guys always listen to my rambles in the drabbles so i love listening to your rambles as well 🥹🥹🥹 always feel free to drop in anonie! <3
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diodellet · 1 year
An opportunity to learn more about Dio’s sexy writing and preferences?? Don’t mind if I do 0wo
☁💢😎🤝💞 🗨
sexy writing u say? U FLATTER ME LODS 🤧🤧
cw: mentions of food, slight (but not detailed) discussion of dubcon ahead, also this post got long so im putting it under a keep reading (edit: SIKE)
☁️favorite fluff trope
i can't write it but i do like it when people lay out detailed cooking in fanfic, like seeing my fave characters working together in a kitchen? MM im now hungry for food And for love! (And generally the food as metaphor for love trope has a special place in my heart.)
++im not the best at visualizing so i also appreciate it when the author takes care to show the steps in preparation and to describe the food through smell or what ingredients it uses. the extra details are very very appreciated, sincerely a girlie whos mind eye doesn't work
++people should use the 'food as metaphor for love' to unapologetically project their culture's food! i think it's really neat and cool!
💢favorite dark trope
usghl darkfic... my forbidden lover.... seeing my bebelabs without the rose-tinted glasses of luving you....
i can't just pick one! favoritism is bad!! (*sideeyes the many flavors of dubcon* *sideeyes zombie/post-apocalypse au*) it's all good and painful for my heart delicious to read!
(my reasons for liking dubcon are simple: i just like it when the pleasure's mixed with something else /shrug/ ++ saying things is hard)
If I dig deep into my memories, there are these 2 post-apocalypse AU fanfics (both are above 100k words and i followed one of them while it was still being written. /that/ was an ordeal i would be willing to go through again if i wasn't being hounded by irl deadlines🥴🥴). i just think that fluff and domesticity hit harder when the characters constantly have to overcome the trials of surviving in a hostile environment. whether they create a found family or eventually die out never finding sanctuary, i think the long agonizing journey they took is still worth it.
😎favorite character trope
haha what are you talking about👀👀 i-i dont have a favorite character type wh-who told you that--
in all my open-mindedness, i cannot seem to pin down my favorite characters to a single trope. Because there are too many that i like. BUT the standouts seem to include:
Emotionally-constipated/repressed but In Need Of A Friend
Extremely angsty backstory that led to them developing a tough unshakable facade
GNC appearance (either or both masc and fem?? OR NEITHER, LIKE JUST ANDROGYNOUS?? I LOVE💕💕)
tl;dr: GAP MOE IS A MUST!!!
i need the duality, for science
🤝favorite platonic trope
you will see a trend of indecision and choice paralysis
Hmm, as of late I think I've been reading stuff with a lot of insomnia tropes. so stuff like wandering around at 2am, sitting on the rooftop, stargazing or waiting for sunrise, having pointless meandering rambly conversations (bonus points if they get existential or philosophical), midnight cooking!!!
It's just nice to read about characters baring their souls under the moonlight, without any hesitations. (and how dare i bring romance to a question about platonic love but) to me, a conversation held in the hours between 11 pm to 6 am can sometimes be more profound than slowly building up to a first kiss.
💞favorite romantic trope
ok never mind i lied the indecision was a lie
please and thank you 😇🙏
excessive handholding? complete trust in each other to the point of closing their (perceived social) distances? unprompted hugging?? UNPROMPTED TACKLE HUGGING?? C-COUPLED WITH SPINNING AROUND WHILE LAUGHING AND ENDING WITH THE CHARACS PRESSING THEIR FOREHEADS TOGETHER??
(cue me in the corner shaking biting my fist while on the verge of tears)
i like reading about characters being so utterly smitten with each other they're basically glued to the hip. its so gooey and cheesy and sweet and it makes my heart //yearn// it's kinda funny since the lockdown fucked with my sense of personal space, but i can't stop myself from writing a copious amount of physical touch in my fics.
🗨what's a favorite trope you'd like to write [character] in?
(let's go with jamil bcs he's been starring in All my maladaptive daydreams recently)
i wanna write.... band au for jamil but before i can do that i. need to research on bass players. like bass guitar players. listen to me, LISTEN— (imagine im shaking u by the shouldsrs) BECAUSE IT SUITS HIM. SYMBOLICALLY OR CHARACTERILLY OR SUMN
(the bassline of a song is borderline invisible, but when it's gone it just makes the entire thing fall flat. Kinda like how jamil just holds a lotta things together but STILL keeps a low profile. Also bass solos are literal bops, usually they get Shit parts along with drummers bcs a lot of pop music is generic formulaic earworm-derogatory LSS TRASH but Also Also bassists are sexy—*nasagasaan nanaman*)
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send me an emoji: writing wishes asks
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vintage-brass-tc · 2 years
Yesterday, I caught myself thinking about Friday and how excited I was to see M and U, forgetting entirely that we were written to have that day off this year. It was kind of funny, honestly, considering how much stuff happened this week, both work-wise and TC-wise. I’m glad I have today off though, so I can have some time to myself, and some time to reflect. 
I think I’ve come to the point where, although I love them very much, I think I’ve stopped romanticizing them to the point I used to. When they interact with me, I’m always very happy, of course, and I still become very excited and giddy as per usual, but I’ve grown to the point that I don’t go out of my way to talk to them for no reason. And that’s good. A little distance has been good for all of us, I think. 
Valentine’s Day was a little wild, though, since I was super busy doing absolutely everything, handing out gifts to all my TCs and other teachers and whatnot. (Huge ramble session below about the past few days! :) )
And earlier on that day, when I had dropped off U’s gift, he was standing and staring at his phone with a fixed expression on his face. I could sort of tell he had something on his mind, both by his demeanor, and by the fact he didn’t thank me. Not even nonchalantly. Poor guy. Haha. After school on that day, I had sectionals with M, in which U had walked in to ask me to help some of his students out with a piece they were playing.
Of course, I did do that when the sectional had ended, but the piece that was chosen for these students was written tragically— it sounded like a “dumpster fire”, just as U had said— and I had told U explicitly “That piece is horrible. Did you really want them to play this?” And I had meant it as a joke to tease him or whatever, but it didn’t really come out that way. 😅 In response, he retorted, “Thanks for the accusatory tone, but I didn’t pick this piece for them. Their lesson teacher did.” And I immediately felt horrible, especially considering how occupied he looked earlier on. 😭
We left soon after to pick a new piece for the kids but that interaction bothered me for a while. I was very humbled, and realized that I shouldn’t try to push myself onto them, in a metaphorical sense. I would just be the me that they knew, the one who was always kind and respectful. That doesn’t change anything anyway— I’ve always been nice and respectful to them. They deserve kindness and a patient attitude from their peers. Unless we’re having a conversation and that teasing attitude flows naturally between us— which has happened in passing during moments we were comfortable— I won’t push anything. The next day, after class, I had come up to ask him about next year, as I was going to sign up for one of his classes. When I said his name, he turned to look at me right away, which surprised me quite a bit. I continued to walk towards him and he took a step or two towards me, until we were standing at a good talking distance right in front of each other. I thought I would take the opportunity to apologize before anything else.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” I told him. I felt my brows scrunch in worry, and I swallowed any extra words threatening to spill in fear of making things awkward or overwhelming him with my rambling. His eyes widened and his brows raised in what seemed to be a state of shock. Despite his surprise, he responded in such a soft and gentle voice, maintaining eye contact, “It’s okay!…”
I paused for a moment to process his reassuring forgiveness, then continued lightly, “Do you think there’s there any time this week we can talk about the class? Or…” I trailed off, and he waited a couple of seconds, averting his eyes and looking at the ground, then running a hand through his hair. “Give me the rest of the week…I have a lot going on right now.” I frowned at this for a moment then quickly perked up to assure him it was fine, as to not give him another reason to stress. “That’s okay!! That’s completely fine, I understand, don’t worry!! I was just asking you.” He then looked back up at me, saying nothing. I figured this would be the time to go. “Thank you!!” I turned to walk away, then sent a grateful smile his way as a goodbye, while he just stared at me until I turned away. I was glad to talk to him, even if it was brief. I do hope he’s alright, though, and I hope he knows I’m always there to talk to him about things, just as he’s done for me.  Oh, and M has been very nice this week as well by the way, giving me plenty of attention and opportunities to play out. He’s always just been his friendly and charming self. And I’ve lucked out too— he never, or at least rarely, gets onto me when I get there a few minutes before the start of rehearsal. I’m so grateful that he’s kind to me. It makes life so much less stressful that way. 
On the subject of kindness, the attention he’s given me lately has been way nicer to receive as well, especially since I haven’t been ‘desperate’ for it, if that makes sense. I think he appreciates that just as much. Less spontaneous interactions means the ones I do get are way more genuine. That’s the way I see it. Again, I’m not pushing anything, and it’s great.  OH. Yeah. Um, one last note about M this week. We were about to cross paths at one point— just before sectionals actually— and immediately after seeing me, M’s big, curious eyes met my own. He wasn’t entirely focused it seemed, and no words were exchanged between us. We just looked at each other.
Then I saw his face go from distant to ABSOLUTE TERROR as the top of his shoe slid under a HUGE pole protruding from the ground, sending him STUMBLING forward. 
OH MY GOD I FELT SO BAD??? He didn’t fall thank goodness, but my eyes were SO WIDE and my mouth was GAPING. I exclaimed, “OH MY GOD, are you okay???” AND HE DIDN’T EVEN LOOK AT ME 😭 HE JUST KEPT WALKING. 
Anyway, what a great end to the week. I’m glad everything worked out. And I needed a break. Whooh! Hope they and all of you have a great weekend. Thanks for reading all the way. ❤️
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sungtaro · 1 year
hi hi I'm the aspiring teume anon from earlier 🐇 hmm honestly I've just seen them around for so long and they seem so goofy (aka my fave thing abt groups) so I can't help but wanting to know them more.
I do think I have a few songs of them saved that I sometime listen to. lemme check- oh rightt I love darari and jikjin but that's basic of me and I do have boy as well that I listen to occasionally that I also like!
and ofc the thing that help me the most to get into a group is them just catching my eyes 👀👀 but yeah im not sure yet. usually I can guess my bias pretty fast just from looking at them but I'm not sure bc they're all cute 🥺 but maybe (definitely not for sure yes actually it is) hyunsuk and yoshi caught my eye a lil more (I remember esp when watching performance vids a few times).
hhhh who knew I have sm to say abt them, I would love to hear what/who u love most and also like if u have any recommendations like ur fave songs or vids of them (not necessarily what u think I'd like but what u like, I think for me seeing someone love their ults makes me fall hard for them too)
Sorry this turned out so long I was rambling. Hope u have a good day/night!🩷🩷
yaaay this is so exciting 🫶🏻 jikjin and darari are so valid i rly think that comeback got a lot of people's attention bc it was so strong! hyunsuk and yoshi are such a pair, i feel like if you bias one you kind of end up biasing the other 😂 they're both really soft and sweet but yoshi is also lowkey playful / an unexpected menace haha. this will be long so i'll put my ramblings under the cut 🤩
there is sooo much i love about trejo but i think a major thing is that i actually love their entire discography, like i do not think they have a single bad song. i'm mainly a b-side enthusiast (u, volkno, come to me, darari rock remix, be with me ...) but my favorite title has always been 'i love you' which is what initially got me into them; i saw the music video and it felt like it was tailored to my tastes with the bright colors, aesthetic sets and the more refreshing concept, they just looked like they were having so much fun. after that, it was over for me lol i watched everything i could get my hands on, including all of treasure map, which i always recommend to new teumes if you have time to just watch from the beginning because you really get to know them and see how much their relationships grow over time. but if i had to recommend just a couple episodes my favorite of all time is 30-31 it is PEAK treasure silly chaos. sadly, we did lose 2 members this last year but mashiho and yedam are back on instagram and working on their own projects so we're all just waiting to see what they'll do next, and supporting the group as a 10 piece!
i love that the members who are interested in it have opportunities to be part of the writing and production; and ones who aren't ready for that at the official album level still get chances to practice on their own. y/g may give me a headache 99% of the time but it's clear that they foster their idols as artists and i really appreciate that. asahi especially does a lot w this, he's behind 'orange' and 'thank you' ; and rap line also does quite a bit of writing, i rly think volkno is some of their absolute best work and you can hear how much influence they pull from iconic artists. treasure in particular is also first and foremost a performance team - so the focus was to have a balanced lineup that can really put on a show. hands down this group is top of 4th gen performancewise, their stage presence and command is INSANE especially given that they had a pandemic debut. i highly recommend checking out any of their end of year show stages if you haven't - even their early ones - but particularly 2022 mama , & their GDA performance is of all the songs you have saved !
as for my favorite members, i think everyone knows jaehyuk has my heart but actually my first treasure ult is jihoon 💖 i could talk about them for a zillion years so i won't go on that rant in this response lol but i do love all the members and i think what i really like about large groups (and why i keep ending up stanning them lol) is that you get to see a lot of different relationship dynamics, it's i think a lot harder to fake a 'we're all best friends' narrative in a big group and i appreciate that because i don't buy that all (or even most) groups are all best friends lol it's not realistic. i'd rather see a group that works well as a team and treasure is definitely that, they see themselves that way and you can tell by how they treat each other and work together that there's a ton of love and respect and yes, a lot of real friendships there. and they ARE goofy hehe. anyways ... i think that's a good start LOL i hope it is i really just kind of went into rant mode so i hope i didn't bore you and that you might find some helpful stuff in here 🥰
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hideyseek · 2 years
Writing wrapped number 11 and 17!
haha hello thank u for your patience mwah u sent these fully two months ago. also thank you for providing me the opportunity to ramble about writing haha! also lol sorry i hit control enter and i guess that? posts the post immediately.
11. What was the highlight of your writing/writing career this year? i was going to say starting a longfic but no that has had its shares of highs and lows (lots of improved understanding of what my sustainable writing process looks like but also: so much screaming lol). my actual answer is: reading george saunders' a swim in a pond in the rain because it just -- it has COMPLETELY changed the way i think about writing! like, WHEW. this guy just goes: ok for like 400 pages we are going to sit and very lovingly interrogate WHAT KEEPS A READER READING? without any worry about theme or pacing or whatever. saunders is like: just revise via intuition! you'll know it when you feel it! which is suuuuch an insane to me way of doing this (because i love to go: ok am i following the 4 million little rules of writing that i know? and then DRIVE MYSELF INSANE) but like ... works so so so well to shut up the perfectionist part of my brain actually. AND he very handily answered the question i'd been slowly driving myself insane with in the later part of 2022 ("wait what is the actual difference between a story and a random collection of sentences describing things??") by saying "there's causation in a story!" anyway, george saunders, ily, thanks for your hard work, your substack is also great, etc.
17. What song(s) did you listen to while writing? ok actually when i am writing like, actually drafting, i go on spotify in private mode and put the study lofi playlist on shuffle and then enter a trance-like state hehe.
hehe finally getting to my writing wrapped asks for 2022!
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Hey I’ve seen you were answering a few questions but I just really wanted to take this opportunity to check in because sometimes having someone caring for us can made a whole week even if it’s some random girl on tumblr haha ,so I wanted to ask how are u doing , are you been taking care of yourself and your mental health ? Oh here is a great question what are thing you like to do when you feel anxious or just things that out you in good mood like hobby ( appart for writing ofc)
Hello! I dont know ur name but hiiiii! Thank you so much for this lovely ask.. i really appreciate it. You are more than welcomed to ask anything about me.😊
Thank u for checking in. 🥺 i have been okay i guess. A few ups n downs but i'll survive. 😊 i try my best to take care of myself n my mental health.
Well, when i'm feeling anxious, i get cranky n ramble sometimes but sometime i will be just quiet. Then i will try to take deep breath. I will listen to musice mostly, it's important for me. Long time ago, i used to go to the beach by myself n just sit there watch sunset, smoke ( but i dont smoke cigarette anymore now.)
Sometimes i just go by myself to eat somewhere or even go to the theater. Or if i wanna cry, i will cry before sleep or take a long shower,play sad music n cry under the shower so no one will see I cry lol.
Lately, i express it to writing..if im sad i write angst, if im angry i will write angst or dark fic.
My hobby is listening to music. I want to start archery as my hobby soon, so when im anxious or something i can go to archery range. 😅
What about u?
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simmonsized · 2 years
!! pls tell me about Quarters for the WIP grab bag meme! :)
Sure, SK!
Quarters are a type of currency, but I am mostly familiar with the American or Canadian kind, representing both of us in this instance I suppose, and
I'm just kidding! Love to make a quarter joke just a little money humor for you here haha
I have technically already talked about it a little bit BUT because you do not go here (homestuck) I am never above both talking about it MORE (because I secretly love talking about this stuff) and also trying to explain it in a way that makes sense for a Non-Homestuck in this instance (keyword here: try lol).
(Future Novie here: i have decided i am putting this under a cut lmao.)
Hmm where to start hmmmhmhm. Basically, the main main character is a dude who grew up in an experimental cloning facility but was raised separate from the others with one (1) whole friend and so had kind of a weird upbringing but eventually grows up and makes a series of mistakes that culminate in him working alongside (though not technically for) a group of people that put him in contact, and doing a Huge Favor for another, larger, and admittedly Worse group of people. I'm using the term "people" to generalize. There are aliens. Multiple kinds but the general shape is humanoid.
He is given a Gift, and this gift ruins his life.
It ends (and our story begins) with him isolated from the only family he has ever known, working as a glorified work hound for a person who does not really want him as her weird purse dog at all, and both of them under the thumb of someone much larger, and much crueler. He is not entirely himself, at least fifty percent of the time, and that is sure something I decided to incorporate into this.
The other non-main but unfortunately I've roped into this is a person who fell into favor with the same dude, but instead of being given a Gift he was given a Job, except he was not necessarily given the opportunity to turn down this job, and he as Free Will but is not Free To Go Home, u feel???
anyway so it is like that, currently. I have like. all backstory but still have to sit down and write more than just character interactions bc eventually my sad plot will need like, an actual middle and end LOL
thanks, SK, for letting me ramble heh
oh and the codename for this au is Gutterball, but it doesn't have a real name yet bc i'm unsure how deep into the Joaks i wanna go!
here is a snippet (edit: i got carried away) that means nothing to u but it feels like it's been part of the wip game so i will share with u:
"Come," she says, bringing you to heel, and you are beyond eager to obey, a wire fit and ready to snap, so quick to lope after her, to fall into step just behind. If one were perceptive enough, they may even imagine you are using her as a shield. "Leaving so soon?" The tone is enough to freeze you in your tracks, and it is against your will when your heels dig in, grinding you both to a halt. Your boss (though perhaps boss is wrong, because truly what is she other than your keeper?) pivots just enough to make her glare known, and you rotate as she turns, far enough behind that her weapon of choice would not hit you, if it came to that. She never speaks English. She very rarely uses Alternian. "What the fuck else could you possibly want, you wretched creature?"
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anklesalltheway · 3 years
I'm really curious what would happen with Jack's debt if Margaret were to influence Davy. Maybe Jack should have a chat with her to explain what happened back then :U
thanks for sending this in Pirate because I am SO here for this!
and I am honestly SO curious myself. This is a great potential opportunity for Davy Jones' redemption arc progress goodies too!
tldr; Margaret likely would influence Davy... at least partially since this makes her a sort of neutral third party mediator? But probably in a way where Jack still has to pay up in some way, because Jones held up his end. Bargains with Jones aren’t exactly escapable, which she surprisingly actually has some experience with this (see towards the end of the post). Plus Jack is a wiley one and has (extensive?) history with Jones so that makes things more interesting XD So I’d love to hear your thoughts too! 
okay... now for the extensive ramble...
[we interrupt this message for a brief moment where I fell down a rabbit hole of reading/analyzing The Price of Freedom’s ending with Jones & Jack and the Epilogue while I'm still in the middle of typing this ask (not mind you I haven’t read much else of TPOF yet, but I digress) and I JUST -- OH GOSH I have so many questions now!! ABOUT JACK. ABOUT JONES. ABOUT THE BLACK PEARL. 
[SPOILERS WARNING: POTC The Price of Freedom]
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I NEED to know!!
(also kudos Jack haha) 
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*ahem* apologies for the caplocks. XD
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Wow. Just... wow!
Okay so back to the plot!
Jones held up his end of the bargain (& quite impressively might I add), so... Jack can’t exactly go off scott-free XD But Margaret would also be strongly against Jack being sent to the Locker or devoured by the Kraken.
Idk what exactly that results in... Jack still serving some time (perhaps crewing aboard the Dutchman now won't be so bad with Margaret in the picture haha XD)?
Or mayhaps the Black Pearl (captained by Jack) joins Davy Jones’ fleet?
Ultimately theoretically only that the oceanic judge can settle the penalty/different terms from the original bargain?
But yeah, like I mentioned earlier... Margaret shockingly knows personally what it means to hold a debt to Davy Jones. Worse, she knows said an unsettled debt to Jones can turn hereditar even after the debtor’s died. 
*casually leaves this here too because I love this edit and lil' rp blurb that Megan and I wrote some time back*
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“Yer father owes me a heavy debt fer savin’ his ship from bein’ sunken down tah the dark abyss. And with him no longah in this world, who’s tah pay his debt that he ran so far away from? Tell me, did he ever warn ye tah never sail the dreaded seas- uh?”
read more: https://anklesalltheway.tumblr.com/post/658298506174398464/v-curse-of-the-black-spot
Also, yes. This is how Margaret finally meets squid-faced Davy with his whole cursed appearance and infamous reputation. And Davy’s redemption arc first begins. :D
@scottishoctopus + @killmebutneverinsultme - tagging u both <3
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katsurolle · 2 years
HII i saw you rb my post about xinyan's lore with tags and i just couldn't not respond to that so i'm sending this ask 😭😭
after reading your response, i think i get it now 😭 perhaps her unbending will is just her. no doubt about it! so im retracting the statement about her "not having personality".
although, it would've been nice to know how she came to be that way too because xinyan's mirage wasn't much of a story (now idk if it was meant to be, but i'm assuming it was considering what they did with kazuha's).
but anyways, what i'm trying to say is that i'll definitely be thinking about this more 🥲 thanks for your kind and open-minded response.
- calyxcore
oh my gosh hi hi!!! first of all omg i hope my tags didnt come off as aggressive or argumentative i literally just have a habit of rambling in the tags wahaha!! i was just playing off what u said in ur post and just wanted to add my thoughts!! cos i dont usually make my own posts abt things and tend to hop in the tags of posts other ppl make to write out my own thoughts!! +shes my fave genshin chara waahaha so yea i just went n rambled!! (and im abt to ramble again im so sorry this reply is so long)
but yea!! i rly do appreciate ur yanyan questline critique bec the depth that we can see in the other characters. hyv writers simply refuse to give to her lol. and which is why the rest of the fandom still see her as boring or superficial etc etc. so 100% good on u for touching on that bec its true!!
her mirage didnt exactly have the same feel as kazuha's, where we were literally uncovering bits of his backstory bit by bit thru the mirage. every level of kazoo's mirage, we can see the kaedehara home deteriorate and break down bit by bit as we go further inside it. while yanyan's was just like. an abstract version of her daily life. w other extra elements like the flower, heat, and the music motifs.
am personally still on the fence whether the disparity between their mirages is simply a result of their differing personalities and history, or if its purely lazy writing for yanyan's lore!! remains to be seen until fischl's and mona's because. yanyan was able to get a handle of the stuff that went on in her mirage in some capacity, while kazoo's was a little less controlled? if that makes sense hehe.
cos the event treated the whole silhouette in screen doors/windows sequences differently between those two mirages. kazoo's felt more like a memory, while yanyan was able to interact w the other silhouettes that weren't her parents. imho its bec kazoo didn't rly get a chance to resolve these things w his family, giving that feeling of like. his past still haunting him n stuff. the burden that pushed him to be a wanderer in the first place. whereas yanyan literally has to fight these statements made against her every single day. so they don't rly make an impact in yanyan's mirage as much as kazoo's did, bec yanyan already knows the words and attitude down to. pacify them wahaha. literally where everyone else gets mad at their remarks but shes just like "lol let me handle this" and resolves the situation ez pz lemon squeezy. so depending on how fischl and mona will engage with their respective mirages, it might just be differences in personality n response to what is being shown in the mirages. considering that their mirages effectively portrayed their backstory n history (cos if not, then its def a writing problem haha)
but!! i do agree that this event would've been the perfect opportunity to show the exact moment she got the spark for rock and roll!! bec her character details dont rly elaborate where she found out abt rock and roll save for the fact that she immersed herself into teyvats world of music and experimented w different techniques (specifically her use of fire n pyrotechnics). so that would've definitely been nice to see represented in the mirage itself, or at the very least in the little 2d cutscene after the quest's main story. cos i was def shocked at how different yanyans cutscene was from that of kazuhas.
i'd default with the whole "oghhg fontaine lore not finished yet" but also: 1) writers could've sprinkled something. regardless if fontaine isnt out yet. they do it w/ fontaine npcs why couldn't they do it w a major event chara; 2) mona's mirage! if they show smth fontaine related im going to have a stroke bec they COULDVE done it for yanyan. but chose not to for some god forsaken raisin. and; 3) the extent of fontaine in yanyan's discovery of rock and roll isnt rly. known. its just that she immersed herself in diff music including rock and roll, and that rock and roll is from fontaine. so maybe fontaine isn't even involved. could've been some random person who was rockin and rollin and yanyan saw. meaning this circles back to the whole "this event could've touched more on her spark for rock and roll" thing too.
bottom line is. i do think that they did a good job w fleshing out yanyan's personality in this event, could 100% do more w exploring her backstory!! AND that ur original post was very good!! because everyone else is probably disregarding her quest anyway bec they're not as invested in her lol. so idk im happy to eat up any thoughts anyone has abt the quest because my god my baby girl deserves the spotlight so bad qwq
so yea!! thank u for sending this ask!!! i love when ppl send me asks telling me they read my tag rambles n want 2 discuss thoughts w me
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 12
post directory
obsetress: don’t ask why i had this thought because i couldn’t tell you but
obsetress: jamie wakes up in the middle of the night one night and is like “i... had a dream. about vi”
obsetress: and dani’s like “ok baby” and just nuzzles deeper into her pillow and jamie’s like
obsetress: “no, dani, a... a dream”
obsetress: and dani’s like “oh. oh” and is immediately wide awake and bright eyed
obsetress: and is like “was it any good?” and jamie is just. already flushed so red and flushed deeper and dani just hums
em: sighs wistfully
em: i also love that something compels jamie to tell dani Immediately
em: oh the perils of begrudgingly being friends w ur gfs ex
em: jamies like um. no see i can see all these different things my brain mashed together and WHY i had this dream and danis like ok but that wasn’t my question....
obsetress: jamie finally throws up her hands “of course it was”
em: jamie: And You Can’t Tell Vi She’ll Be Insufferable
obsetress: dani, very plainly, at brunch the next morning: so vi
obsetress: jamie looks like she’s going to have a heart attack and dani lets her sweat and then just smiles sweetly “i like those sunglasses. are they new?”
em: jamie what’s the problem (nothin. indigestion)
obsetress: dani very smug n thinks she’s very funny
obsetress: (she is a little funny)
em: one of jamies many ‘oh that’s why they dated’ moments
obsetress: “fookin sick, the both of ya”
em: idk why you had this thought but i’m GREATLY amused
obsetress: skskksksks right
obsetress: jamie explaining her dream to dani in great detail afterwards
obsetress: dani sitting there nodding and hmming “oh that sounds like her. no, she wouldn’t do that. now THAT she would be very good at, you’d like it”
em: i need a moment
em: jamie thinks the dark hides her massive fucken blush but it Doesn’t
em: dani can feel her heating up
obsetress: jamie “i don’t ask you to do this” dani “you’re not stopping me”
em: dani critiquing jamies sex dream is such a fucken funny concept sjdhdkhdkdhdkc
obsetress: RIGHT
obsetress: i’m dying
em: dani: oh no that’s OOC
obsetress: she wouldn’t have a riding crop jamie, it’s 2021, not 16—
em: jamie: it’s a wet dream do u really think it’s gonna have beta readers and a three act structure
em: dani hums
obsetress: dani: well did you enjoy it
obsetress: jamie: i— dani: did you?
obsetress: jamie mumbling yeah
em: jamies like i’m gonna interrogate dani next time, see how she feels- but she forgets dani is incapable of feeling shame
obsetress: like dani wouldn’t just launch into a ramble
em: viola
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obsetress: fuck
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: to jamie, specifically,
em: to jamie specifically andhdjhdjd
em: once again ironic jamvi has turned, in my brain, into ‘yes and....’ jamvi
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obsetress: jamie sending this to viola n vi's like
obsetress: she doesn't get it because she's convinced her taste is immaculate
em: anyway this is ooc even for exes au but i keep thinking abt like. jamie tryna crack how old viola is (she cant be 34 im 30 it doesnt make sense) and going through her fb timeline like. 'aha! motivational quotes. gotta be late 30s' and danis either like
em: danis either like 'you have a notebook where you write down all the quotes you like baby' OR shes like haha ok thats fair (posts another motivational quote on her fb)
obsetress: god i love that so much
obsetress: both of those dani responses are
obsetress: honestly porque no los dos if we're already going ooc
obsetress: i do think the first bit "gotta crack it she can't be 34 i'm 30 it doesn't make sense" is in character fwiw
em: obviously i was inspired by ur post in the milf channel abt viola always saying shes 35
em: big brain
obsetress: this is literally just. exes au rebecca
Tumblr media
obsetress: down to the caption
obsetress: vi and rebecca patiently staging like full photoshoots for each other every time one of them wants a pic otp: i'm not high maintenance, you're just low effort
em: bold 2 say that we don’t think about jamie and vi tho
em: gotta keep some sorta. presentation of respectability
em: they absolutely couldn’t date tho
obsetress: lmao ikr
obsetress: yeah no they'd kill each other
obsetress: now just thinking of silly circumstances and um
obsetress: rebecca's out of town and dani's flying back from some iowa thing jamie couldn't get away for to go with
obsetress: and viola's like "oh, just stay at ours, it's closer and i'll get you a car"
obsetress: and just like
obsetress: imagining the two of them cohabitating at vi's for a night
em: jamie sneaking around at night tryna find the bathroom and runs straight into vi in a face mask and a dangerously low dressing gown Again
obsetress: the parallels to canon
obsetress: im giggling
obsetress: walks straight into her path
em: opens a door. sees something she doesn’t want to see. immediately turns and walks away
em: god the face mask would make her look like the lady in the lake
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: vi wants to go out to dinner, jamie's just like "i'm already getting up early to go to the airport, can't we just have an easy night in"
em: what did i say before. that thing abt if ur friends w damie you will inevitably walk in on them
obsetress: god yeah
em: flip of that.
obsetress: oh GOD
em: god they would argue about dinner
em: bicker about EVERYTHING
em: dani and rebecca both make the married couple joke
em: jamie goes pale
obsetress: wait sorry i just went back to tahirahs insta post and like
obsetress: katie parker commented and was like "i love these shots of you" and she was like "thanks luv " and i'm like
obsetress: why does this....... still track........... with exes au...............
em: perdy is always a little too flirty w vis paramours
obsetress: always! except dani for whatever reason
obsetress: she's just scared of dani
em: Please
obsetress: rebecca's like "i don't see what the problem is. she can do what she wants, but you trust me, don't you?" "of course i trust you" rebecca shrugs "that's it then, isn't it?"
obsetress: anyway vi huffs n crosses her arms n pouts a little bit and is like "well i don't want her to"
obsetress: rebecca is endeared and uses the opportunity to her advantage like the top leaning switch she is
em: dani rebecca parallels: always dtf
obsetress: perdi and vi fighting and vi's like "are you even gay? or do you just want what i have?" and perdi is like "does it matter?"
em: are you even gay perdi nahdkdhdkdhd
em: perdi is like you KNOW about jamie and viola crinkles her nose bc she forgot about that and she’s starting to respect jamie as a person
obsetress: djflakdkfjldkadjLDJFLSKDFJLSDKFJx
obsetress: i screeched
em: viola: you only MET jamie because i hired her for landscaping you fucking-
obsetress: just thinking about perdita watching jamie working on some property sweating in a tank top and Deciding
em: bringing out some lemonade etc
em: haha you look parched
obsetress: smiling widely, turning on the charm
obsetress: jamie is very attractive and very swoonworthy, but perdita 100% only goes for it because she refuses to let viola have one (1) thing
obsetress: and that extends to lesbianism
em: viola's like no this is normal right. siblings competing. rivalries etc and danis like uh i’m an only child and jamies like uh i raised my brother
em: they don’t know how to tell her sure it happens but it’s also extremely fucken weird vi
obsetress: jamie: you have to tell her dani: why do i have to tell her jamie: you tell her everything dani: i don't tell her–– ok, i tell her most things. i'm not sure i want to tell her this though jamie: why not dani: she's not... she's not gonna like it jamie: So You Might Be A People Pleaser,
em: jamie: i can’t tell her. she’s only just forgotten the perdi thing. what if she remembers i’ve
em: in depth character study of viola and perdi’s fucked up rivalry
em: violas like goddamn it do i have to fuck jamie to get even
obsetress: i––
em: she decides against it
em: jamie is none the wiser
obsetress: she Considers it tho
em: jamie would die on the spot if she knew
obsetress: weighs the pros and cons
obsetress: the best part is like
obsetress: this is all post-danvi and pre-damie right so when dani n jamie see rebecca and vi at that video store
obsetress: viola's like wait.
obsetress: wait
obsetress: dani ending up with the hot gardener her sister fucked because she has bizarre jealousy and possession issues is really just the cherry on top of a shit sundae
em: the funniest part of all our very tangled lore is like
em: none of it contradicts bc it’s even funnier when it’s Extremely Ugly And Messy
em: because lesbians are just... like that
obsetress: exes au au where viola did fuck jamie, the video rental shop scene is 100 times more awkward
em: don’t think about it don’t think about it dont
em: i am thinking about it
em: jamie has to deal with having been railed by all three of them instead of just the two
em: it feels very uneven to her bc rebeccas a doll, dani, u don’t understand, and ur only running into one ex,
obsetress: talk about the mortifying ordeal of being known
obsetress: "wait, that's your ex?" "yeah" "dani" "what" "dani" "what" jamie's voice is hushed but a lil pitchy and a lot panicky "i think i fucked your ex" "you think?" "i fucked your ex" "you fucked her or she fucked you? because i'm sorry, baby, but i really don't think––"
em: sorry, baby, but i really don’t think-
obsetress: that might be my fave lil bit i've ever written adlfkjasdklf
em: dani being a little too interested in jamie getting railed is like. everything to me
obsetress: jamie's already big blushing
em: a little secret between hannah obsetress and em cowlesbian but i am So thinking abt it
em: patreon exclusive exes au au
[em edit: you can imagine how long this lasted]
obsetress: no one is happy about this situation except dani, who is delighted
em: after, jamie's like. what did u mean by u don’t think that...
em: puffs out her chest
em: i could have-
em: danis like yeah but i know u didn’t did u
obsetress: dani clayton ilu
em: danis like um
em: completely unprompted bc dani ‘finishes a conversation 5 hours later’ is really funny to me
em: danis like i did tho
em: jamies like can you DROP IT
em: she’s SMUG
em: she’s so pleased w herself
obsetress: in bed with the lights off jamie's pulling the sheets up and closing her eyes afterthought
obsetress: just a happy lil hum and an "i did, though"
obsetress: and jamie knows IMMEDIATELY what she's talking about
em: dani never lets jamie live it down
obsetress: never!
obsetress: they'll be washing dishes one day "hey baby?" "hmm" "you slept with a landlord"
em: oh um. flipping the whole ‘experienced jamie virginal dani’ trope everyone loves but
em: i love the idea of dani being like hey jamie did u ever- and jamies like (grumbles) does it matter
em: dani is mentally applying a gold star to her chart
obsetress: ksdljfskdfjlsdjflksdjaf
obsetress: the gold star
em: at this point dani is absolute just tryna tease jamie so she’s like oh well when- and jamies like ok i get it
em: jamie Pretends not to be a little interested
obsetress: meanwhile vi and rebecca very matter of factly swapped stories the first day they Realized
obsetress: vibecca swapping stories and their stories complimenting each other so well that they're like well. hmm
obsetress: glad those two found each other
em: two praise kinks u say
em: ok sorry one more thought i’m thinking abt like
em: jamie staying over (idk if this is before or during damie) and viola and perdi are having yet another spat on the phone and violas like
em: no you ALWAYS do this, whatever you think you’re doing with rebecca-‘ and she barely hears some muffled sorta ‘oh, sorry, remember jamie-
em: and jamies doing the maths. hmm
em: jamies like actually i refuse to examine this further. self care
em: brings it up with dani later and dani LOSES her shit laughing
em: haha jamie you got willoughby’ed
obsetress: SCREAMS
obsetress: you got willoughby'd
obsetress: how does one get willoughbyd asking for a friend
em: yeah same asking for a friend
obsetress: dani, gigglesnorting: wait, you hooked up with... with perdi?
obsetress: (dani hates perdita because viola hates perdita and it is a deep seated hatred she refuses to unlearn)
obsetress: a loyalty strange and enduring, despite it all
em: to be fair perdi is the Worst
em: all of these characters i love to make sympathetic and then perdi is where i draw the line akdhdkhd
em: it’s funnier if she’s awful
em: like a viola that never gets therapy
obsetress: lldjfkaskldfj god same
obsetress: it's too good
em: danis like wait hold on. lemme get a pen
em: makes a silly little chart
em: if the fandom tries to make jamie into a shane the l word character i will simply take that and make jamie mortified abt her uh. well! a pretty girl is nice to her and she forgets how to behave
em: jamie's like oh sure like u don’t have embarrassing flings- and danis like yeah but i don’t interact w them on a daily basis jamie
em: also i didn’t fuck perdi
obsetress: skskskflsdflks
obsetress: "you did fuck perdi though, right? because that just be embarrassing, jamie, if she had been the one who..."
em: skgsdjhdkdhdk
em: jamie grumbles something abt pillow princesses and dani like
em: CLAPS her hands in glee
obsetress: jlsdjflkJSDFKJSDFJ
obsetress: GOD
obsetress: she's immediately pulling out her phone to text vi
em: jamies like why would u message her sister that u freak n danis like oh no theyre very open with each other it’s uh. hmm. anyway
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aiden-png · 3 years
I know this is a extremely rare rarepair but thoughts on Shadow/Ravio? Headcanons and/or overall ideas?
I'm actually writing a Shadow/Ravio fic right now! and I drew some art a few days ago >u< they are super cute together and I'm feeling out their relationship while I write but I definitely see the chemistry! (also I'm not sure how much of a rarepair it is tbh... probably just as rare as Red/Vio it seems :o despite Ravio and Shadow being from two different timelines XD)
I'm still getting a feel for them as a pair rather than two separate characters/fandoms, but I do have some ideas! I like to write Ravio as a suave con artist a lot in my Ravioli fics, so when paired with Shadow (whose type.. obviously seems to be suave, clever con artists XD) it can make for some fun flirting scenarios. like flirting until one of them is flustered first XD but behind closed doors, both of them are probably nervous and a bit shy or reserved >u< sooo cute!
I also think it could be super fun for Shadow and Ravio to be 'business partners' >:) Shadow 'acquiring' items using his magic so Ravio can sell them at x3 the price in his shop. Shadow being the "muscle" too if customers get testy--not to say that Shadow is physically strong (imo he weighs next to nothing because he's a shade haha) but he can shapeshift to appear scary as FUCK which is certainly enough. these ideas fall more into an AU I suppose, since I do enjoy my morally ambiguous protagonists; but in a fluff/crack fic this would be a bit too questionable perhaps XD I just think Ravio and Shadow would make a great pair of lovable rogues! >u<
I can just imagine Ravio breaking in somewhere to steal an item and he gets caught, raises his arms in mock surrender... and then Shadow materializes from his shadow, snuffs all the torches, and causes absolute mayhem so they can both escape XD cue Ravio and Shadow having a laughing fit once they get to safety.. devolving into making out ;D fkdjkfjsdlkfjlds idk I just love themmmm
there are some of my thoughts ! I'm having a lot of fun exploring this pairing aaa so thanks for giving me the opportunity to ramble! XD
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nocluewhatsupg · 4 years
it is yours truly again, greetings! how do you think jason and michael would end up doing the kisses (ew) with each other? also jason x brahms is a crack ship of mine as well, what do u think of it agdhzyzv
Us: wow look at this prompt its so good!
Us: * starts rambling about something completely different, doesn’t address the original question *
Also, Jason x Brahms?? How would that even start??
Jason and Michael being soft
Neither Michael nor Jason cares about kissing or being romantic in any sense
If ANYONE tried anything with Jason, they’d get a nice machete to the skull. (he probably tastes really gross too)
If they ever were to kiss, it would have to be under the impossible circumstances that they met and grew up with eachother as children.
That Jason never drowned, or at least survived being drowned, and Michael had the sense to stop acting creepy and charm his way out of the sanitarium.
(There’s a really good fanfic on this, we think it was on A03? Either way, it’s too soft for us so we gotta make it cruel >:).)
Michael was offered the opportunity to visit the camp when he was twelve, and was alarmingly becoming less and less social. In a desperate attempt to connect him to other children, this last resort idea was thrusted into the air. Whoever came up with that one sure got a promotion or something.
Michael, upon reaching the loud and boisterous camp, wanted nothing to do with it. His only other option was back to the hospital, and he wanted even less to do with that, so he begrudgingly smiled and followed a chipper counselor deeper into the camp.
Probably spent most of his time either watching people, or killing animals in the shadows behind buildings. He’d talk to people (gasp) but only if they approached him first, and he didn’t have a clear path to avoiding it. When he talked, it was with odd wording and his face never matched the tone of his words. He didn’t speak for long, either. Only a few short sentences that screamed ‘I don’t want to talk to you’.
Kids tried to pick on him, but that cold icy gaze from perfect blue eyes changed their minds quickly. Not that he really cared what others though about him. One notable incident was when a group of particularly troublesome teens followed him behind a building. When Michael turned, to expose his hands painted red from a small toad he’d snapped in half, they suddenly remembered camp activities they should’ve been participating in.
Speaking of camp activities, he’d always slip away, and he was just so quiet and uninteresting that it took a good long while for anyone to notice.
Jason basically lived at the camp, connected to the humid soil and green trees since troubled birth. It came to a point where he was no longer invited to join camp activities, since all attention would be on him. He didn’t mind, and seeked saftey in the cool shadows behind buildings long before Michael did.
So they met when Jason rounded the corner on a fresh morning, where it had rained the previous night, making dew condensed on grass blades and wet your shoes as you walked. He was met with a lanky kid, leaning against the wet wood with his hands flat beside him. The kid stared blankly at the bright blue skies, and the streaky clouds that did nothing to hide the rising sun.
Michael heard the grass rustling, approaching footsteps, but couldn’t quite tear himself away from the warm haze he was in. It was only when he heard shaking and nervous breathing did he turn to see who’d come.
He saw Jason peeking from around the corner. With a quick flick of his eyes, he looked Jason from mangled head to dirty shoes with disgust on his pursed lips. All he knew about Jason was the hoard of kids that followed him, and Michael wanted nothing to do with that. A scowl warned Jason to not follow him, and he spun on his heel as he sulked off somewhere else.
Jason immediately assumed he scared Michael off with his appearance, and a flurry of emotion made his temples hurt and his eyes sting.
In the time that he had loitered around the corner, he did not hide in time, and brought the attention of said group of kids that just happened to wander by. The fact he’d ducked behind a more hidden part of the camp excited them, and their teeth gnashed like vultures around a dying animal as they too made dry footprints in the wet grass.
Michael stood in the bushes, in the shallow beginning of the forest. A tall tree hid half of him, the other half stuck out to watch. He saw the grotesque kid being pushed and spat on, yelled at and poked with sticks. Michael did nothing but watch. With the devil in his blood, he well could take on the group of older kids, but he just didn’t feel like it. Jason crying and whimpering did not raise a single nerve in Michael, and he felt no need to intervene. (At least he didn’t join the group?)
A whistle blew in the distance, and hunger cried louder in the vultures than malice, and they gave Jason a few more kicks before they ran off laughing and howling as if they’d won some sort of competition and they expected anything other than winning. Jason curled over himself, bringing his knees closer to his aching torso. Michael stepped out of the shadows, and Jason whimpered again, assuming he was here to deal the final blow.
The brunet stood for a few silent minutes, towering over the injured boy and bathing in the complete control he had over the situation. He became the grim reaper, life and death, god. Jason did not crawl or try to stumble to his feet, far too naive to understand the black storm behind baby blue eyes.
As Michael carefuly thought out his possibilities, it came to him that this sniveling, crying thing at his feet belonged to that nice lady who served decent food. If he were to return her child to her, he’d surly be rewarded. She did make good cookies.
Jason flinched when a hand stuck out to him, and it took a few seconds for him to realise it was not a reach to hurt him. One hand wiped his tear streaked face as he blinked up in gratitude, the other took the outstretched hand. Jason was practically yanked to his feet, and he stumbled a little when he was brought up. Through chipped lips and sore jaws Jason mumbled thankful words as he still held onto Michael’s hand to ground himself.
Michael would hear none of it, as he did not gain any pleasure for doing good deeds, and wordlessly clamped his hand around the larger one. Jason was left to trail behind and try to keep up as Michael began to speed walk back into camp. Jason tried to converse with the strange kid dragging him around, but it fell on deaf ears, gaining no response to any friendly questions. He didn’t even get his name.
In the bustling cafeteria, Michael proudly presented a bruised Jason to his mother. He turned his nose up in irritation when she shreiked and rushed to her son, to cradle and hold him and speak with worry. She quickly hurried him to the kitchen, out of view, and finally adressed Michael.
Michael stood silently, feeling nothing to the praise, and occasionally glancing over to the warm tray of cookies cooling on the countertop. Mrs. Voorhees became suspicious as the boy refused to say anything, but she was in no condition to question him. Maybe he was simply shy.
Whatever the case was, he was the first child to assist Jason instead of joining in his torment, and if this was a behavior she could make continue, she would.
As soon as his plan worked and warm chocolate was in his mouth, he had confirmed a good source of getting treats, Michael relaxed instantly. The stoic expression melted slightly to give her a faked, nervous smile. People liked when others smiled at them. She smiled too, decided he was just shy, and while patting his head she thanked him again.
The second Michael turned around, he became serious again, and his eyes glared knives around him. In his mind, evil cogs turned and black smog thick enough to kill whoever breathed it in pumped as he made a new goal.
Maybe he’d hang around the maimed kid. He had a lot to gain.
This disfigured kid was his ticket to fooling everyone and leaving the sanitarium’s suspicion for good.
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