#thank u op<3
diamondsheep · 1 year
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East Blue Crew ✨ !!!
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year
I love, love, LOVE your speedrun comic, expecially the parts with Ace losing his mind and ASL reuniting. I am VERY curious as to how, exactly, this gremlin crew of half-feral children managed to negotiate an alliance with Whitebeard. My bet is Luffy just went “rearranges reality until it’s more to his liking and everybody is left wobbling dazedly”. Also, the Whitebeard Pirates thinking “this explains SO MUCH about Ace”.
hahah you got the “everybody is left wobbling dazedly” part right XD. here’s my answer to ur curious musings!!!
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An alliance implies equal footing, and to have equal footing with the greatest pirate alive is not something to scoff at. So good job Whitebeard for scoring an ETERNAL friendship with the pirate king 👍!!!!
Time travel/Speedrun AU masterlist
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mblue-art · 5 months
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this man. ..
(inspo) (og meme)
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von-leg · 1 year
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How to kiss a Nicotine addict part 2
Part 1 , Part 3
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widevibratobitch · 6 months
griffith - nails, hair, hips, heels
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silly sketch i did based off of your art 🧸 your fic has invaded my daily life i love it way too much!!!
this is scrumptious thank u for the meal <33
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amikothegreat · 2 months
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i made this for myself but anyway! homestuck lobotomy corporation crossover!!! featuring Dirk as Ayin and Jake as Carmen :)
secrete design under here for my fellow pm heads for whos angela
is angela based off of jake you ask? nope! lil hal is angela! ;)
instead of AR its DEM or D-em, whats it stand for?
deus ex machina :]
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you look me in the eyes and say dirk "control freak" strider wouldn't make an AI based off himself, he doesnt trust anyone else enough to do the task of maintaining the script!
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sweetpaintedladie · 20 days
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Ronnie Wood performing Mystifies Me in 1974
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missingn000 · 9 months
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swordheld · 1 year
i have been scrolling through ur page and noticed that u tend to put long, thoughtful tags underneath nearly every post u reblog & i just thought that was very endearing since the general trend is short and concise. im not sure why i felt the need to write u and let u know, but i just felt very compelled to. pls never stop being u.
this is so very sweet of you!! it's an old habit that i have held onto for the longest time, mostly due to the fact of tags being excellent for organization (my beloved) but also as a kind of extra space for whatever else you'd like to include without actually including it in the post when others share it for themselves! it's that perfect mixture of private n public.
for this blog specifically it's something that i enjoy since it's really an exercise or activity in enjoyment / enrichment? i like to think about why i was so inclined to reblog it, to pin it up to this lil space on the interwebs that's all my own. whether that's the colors, or the wording of things, or just what it makes me think about or feel, it's just a really lovely way of considering it all a little deeper!
which is not something that comes easy, or at minimal energy, sometimes! my likes are extensive (i keep attempting to clean them out and bring back my queueing system but we are up to 5k and i am very tired at the moment, lol) for that reason, and it's like a small goal to try to chip away at them over time, to see what treasure i can discover today.
alternatively, it's also a really nice near - time capsule of a thing; to be able to comb through my archive and see what has changed in my outlook, what sticks out to me now versus then, is really fascinating to see how far i've come and what's changed. there's something so lovely about time being instilled so deeply into this lil mini game of online scrapbooking that i adore; so i'm peached n overjoyed that you find some joy in it as well!!
this is all to say: thank you sm and i hope you try it out for yourself if it's something you think you might have fun with! let me know how it goes :)
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diamondsheep · 1 year
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Polaroid (kinda?) version :
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pr · 1 year
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The Eras Tour, Houston
April 23, 2023
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reel-fear · 2 months
Do you think the bendy franchise will improve? It's my biggest special interest but dark revival literally was like "all of bendy is actually Joey's weird torture fanfiction because Henry rejected him"
Idk why ppl like that game
Dark revival I think brought almost as much good as it did bad to the franchise. I do agree I think people are strangely in love with that game when I think it suffers from a lot of the same issues BATIM does [not all of them but a lot of them] but honestly writing wise BATIM and BATDR are almost equal for me with just a few things making BATIM worse.
As for if Bendy will improve... I'm gonna be honest and say I don't think so. Mike and Meatly rarely respond to feedback from fans, even on smaller things like the design of the ink demon. Or how Secrets Of The Machine had no flashing lights warning which would've been very easy to add, etc. Mike and Meatly just never seem to want to listen to feedback or critique and honestly? I think Dark Revival proves that really well.
There were both a lot of improvements which I'm sure lead some people to think they were taking feedback from what fans said about BATIM... But honestly I see a lot of things that somehow got Worse going from BATIM to BATDR that really tells me Meatly and Mike both don't know what's wrong with Bendy but even worse, don't understand the appeal or the good things about Bendy. One of BATIM's strengths was the staff all being so distinct and memorable just from their voices and recordings. They were written to be simple yeah, but they are insanely memorable even characters with One tape to their name like Lacie got a ton of attention, designs and love from fans, because her character is simple but very well portrayed! From the moment you hear her, you understand who she is, her voice holds a strong personality her simple dialogue is endearing and very specific to her... She literally only has one tape, but I love her!
The strength in that lies in a simple but very strongly written character. No two staff are quite alike in BATIM, they all have very strong voices, ways of speaking and personalities that make you remember them. They all have something unique to say.
But in BATDR most of the newer staff are super forgettable, they're either too close to existing staff's personalities [Like the girl whose literally just Norman 2.0] or just don't say anything interesting [So many of the tapes are just people saying 'man this studio sure sucks. lol'].
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Like what does this tell me about Phil Clark, he doesn't like Joey looking over his shoulder, he seems excited about his job when he's not being bothered by him. But then right after it pivots to him giving I guess... Backstory? To that one lost one who you literally kill right after he says nothing to you but 'collect my drawings'
Honestly, I find the implication of the various ways BATDR somehow gets things wrong that BATIM got right to be way more horrifying than say the things BATDR n BATIM both get wrong. Because to me it implies we're not just dealing with devs who don't know what's bad about their writing, they don't even know what's good.
That's a level of ignorance about your own story I think that speaks volumes. But it also says something horrifying about the future of Bendy. Really think about this for a moment...
Mike and Meatly, in my opinion, have shown they don't actually know why BATIM got so popular, why it appealed to so many people, The factors that lead to it being so beloved. So as you see in BATDR a lot of those things faded away, weren't as strong or even removed entirely. The projectionist is a fan favorite character and they didn't give him Anything in BATDR. The new ink demon design basically ditches the rubberhose cartoons gone evil aesthetic that drew so many people in. We took almost as many steps backwards as we did forward.
At least to me, this implies Meatly n Mike are So disconnected from what Bendy fans like about Bendy that it means you can't even really trust that the good things in current games will make it to future games. Not being able to tell what's wrong with your story is bad sure, but I think it speaks to an extreme apathy towards it to not even know what's Good about it.
Bendy just feels like a franchise that hates itself honestly. It feels like Mike and Meatly just don't understand why people like Bendy and don't care to. Mike talks [or talked] about working on Bendy on twitter like someone was Forcing him to. Like he hated that Bendy was the project that got so popular. Bendy is just constantly changing as if struggling to find out what it wants itself to be. For as many steps it takes forward it also takes a few back. Maybe the cage will genuinely show a lot of improvement on things that were bad in BATDR but what does it matter if it also ends up removing the good things about that game too??
To me at least, I don't see Bendy improving anytime soon. But that's also why I'm so excited seeing such awesome fan content for it all the time. If the Bendy devs can't understand why people love Bendy, I can at least trust the fanbase to and to take the aspects of Bendy that didn't work and fix them.... But most of all the take the good things about Bendy and enhance and focus on them, to take what was good about it and make it Great. To show the world the potential Bendy currently wastes.
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gatoburr0 · 1 year
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HI ur bishop designs slap so inconceivably hard, I had to try my drawing them myself. They were a really fun challenge!!
I'll be seeing u on Art Fight, probably.
Oh my god- oh my god oh my godg oh my goodness gracious
Heket… she is so precious- EVERYONE
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I have no words
Man what thank you so much ghuagaugi this is making me so happy why are y’all so sweet StSTOP WAAAHHHHH
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b-blushes · 8 months
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how I’m feeling about wolfthing right now <3
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
3,9,14,19 for Jodie and Woods!
Hellloooooo darl! Lovely to see you here, a pleasure as always <3 I hope you're having a good day and I just gotta say, I had an initial look at these questions before I start fleshing out the answers and damn! they're really good questions!
I won't natter too long though- again, thank you for being here, Liberty! :')
3. Do they wear the other's clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace etc.)
Ok! So, yes and no - there's a limit; Frank is absolutely fine if she steals his jumpers or even his t-shirts. They're a lot bigger on her and he's amused by how much it looks like it drowns her, but he also kinda likes that it's a comfort.
None of Jodie's clothes would fit him, so... even if he wanted payback he'd look like a teen having gone through a growth spurt. Jodie isn't exactly precious about her clothes, but she'd prefer if they weren't torn lmao.
Depending on the AU, Jodie does end up with his bandana. But... there's a reason for that, one I don't want to ruin because it will be upcoming in much later chapters of Call of Booty <.<
In the canon universe, though? Frank would not let her wear his bandana - I feel like it's something he's carried with him through most missions, if not all of them, that we've seen him participate in and I reckon it's a little like a good luck charm? I'm not so certain that Frank is superstitious or believes in that kind of thing (I don't get that vibe) but the bandana he wears around his head seems to be only for missions yk? If Jodie was ever to try and wear that, Frank might have a problem. Luckily, she respects that and wouldn't push it.
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
Ah, I love this question. I now get to reveal that later on in their relationship, Jodie does get caught pregnant and they end up parents to a lovely little girl.
However, their opinions on the matter were very, very different to begin with.
Frank, I feel, was enamoured with the idea of being a parent, a father, a lot quicker than Jodie had time to process being pregnant. Though the two had never had the conversation about children, he wasn't against it - he sees how Alex and Sarah are with David and he enjoys being an Uncle, so what really are the differences between that and being a father? Of course, he had his own worries and anxieties; would he be good enough etc. but yeah, he was happy with the idea of being a dad.
Jodie was different. I knew, for a fact, that she would not be able to cope with the idea of motherhood due to everything she had gone through in her life. It would have been the kind of thing she thought she'd only ever dream of. Or, the rhetoric of 'in another life', you know?
There's a lot of internal conflict within her regarding this and I do have every intention of writing this at some point in the future, but the general gist of her thoughts on children are this: I do not deserve the chance to be a mother. Something so innocent could never come from me. I will only ever fail them. And these are only the beginnings of her thoughts on this.
I won't lie, the pregnancy and a short time after birth was the toughest time for both of them because Jodie couldn't even bring herself to look at the baby. But, when she holds her for the first time, that's where it flips; she still have the anxieties, but there's a fervent, intense sense of protection that comes over Jodie and though she still struggles with motherhood, she vowed there and then to try and be better.
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Ahaha, again, depends on the AU.
I feel like in the canon universe, they don't clash as much as they do in the Call of Booty fic. Of course, this is because they're different versions of the base personalities, right?
But, in general, here are a couple things that they compliment each other with and clash over:
Jodie is less likely to 'lose her cool' compared to Frank. So when he starts to get annoyed by someone easily, she is a good counter to that; she'll usually either pat his arm or his tap her fingers to his wrist in a little gesture that he's rising and he'll calm down a little after that.
They tend to clash when either of them feels the other is underestimating their capabilities, especially Jodie. I feel like Frank, after the campaign and especially when they are together, is quite covertly protective of Jodie in the workplace. He sees the lasting effects of Perseus and the brainwashing and he just... he doesn't want her to experience anything like that again. But, rather than seeing it as he's trying to protect her, Jodie feels like he thinks she's not capable, or broken - something along those lines. So they clash over that kind of thing.
Within the pirate au? Damn... yes, they're probably gonna argue a lot, but that's because they've lived very different lives and have differing morals to begin with. She's a little more feisty in this au, too, because she hasn't had the life experience of losing everything, being controlled or brainwashed... but that also makes her kinda naive and it makes Frank want to pull his hair out.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
If I'm honest, they're indifferent to PDA. They neither hate it nor love it - I think it would come down to it being situational. Of course, I feel that, given certain situations, Frank might ramp it up a little and in response Jodie would be a little surprised but be alright with it.
But yeah, it'd be subtle little displays of affection when in public.
So I enjoyed writing this so much I did the cardinal sin for an English person and forgot to drink my tea, now it's cold, but that really just means I was enjoying myself XD
THANK YOU LIBERTY! I'm always thankful for your asks and I hope I didn't write too much and bore you! <3
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