#thank u thrift store for my life
splorpo · 5 months
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these pants are insane i look like a barbie doll
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tojipie · 8 months
Hello my love! I know you’ve been gone for a while but I wanted to stop by and ask if you have any realistic but unhinged toji headcannons? Hopefully this gets you into the spirit of writing again, I don’t mean to overstep. We miss you❤️.
hello sweet anon :( i’ve admittedly been struggling with my mental health a whole ton which is why i’ve been gone but this ask really did help me get back into the groove of writing just a bit <3 thank u for stopping by ! mwah
this is just me saying shit to say it pls don't take this srsly !
content: fluff, mentions of alc, smoking, suggestive talk but not smut, a little angst
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was a victim of the xandemic in his late 20s so one of his pupils is a little bigger than the other
initially hated ambulances because of the absurd cost but grew to hate them even more because the attention makes him uncomfortable. oh you want to take his blood pressure? ew, don’t touch him. that’s weird. would rather patch himself up than sit under a gaggle of fluorescent lights for 6 hours in an ER waiting room.
shiu has been a co-signer on every apartment he’s ever rented because his credit score is in the single digits.
picked up vaping on accident after the corner store ran out of cigs when he needed them most. still prefers marlboros because he likes that searing feeling in the back of his throat. throws the cartons out his car window like a freak.
his drivers license is crumpled. like physically crumpled like paper. he has no idea how it happened but when he needs to use it at the liquor store he definitely gets stares.
will forever be devoted to his late wife. mentally at least. she’s the love of his life but in his mind sex with other women isn’t really cheating right? like he uses a condom sometimes so it’s fine probably? he's not gonna stay celibate for the rest of his life. the topic keeps him up at night.
has a scar from an appendectomy right above his v line that women go crazy for. he’s not entirely sure what they like about it but he’s been touched there so many times that it’s morphed into an erogenous zone.
slut for fast food. would rather get a vanilla shake and dip his fries in it till his stomach hurts than spend time at a sit-down restaurant. eats like shit but still maintains his physique, infuriatingly enough.
hates being in public more than you’d think. it’s a deeply uncomfortable feeling that stems from the risk that being discovered poses during jobs. he prefers to have groceries ordered, meals delivered, and shiu take his car down to the shop if needed. if hes out and about he’s either at the casino tables or the liquor store.
is down for whatever if the price is right. like truly. older women love what he has going on which works well in his favor because it puts a roof over his head. absolutely no shame once money is involved.
has tried to get help for his gambling addiction a few brief times. got close once and then decided to hit the blackjack tables to celebrate his progress. he jokes about how things ended up from time to time but deep down he knows it’s pretty serious.
shops at the goodwill bins mostly. made an effort to stop stealing as much because of how dirt cheap the thrift is but couldn't stick to it. likes to go down the jeans isle and look for change in the pockets. his biggest score was a 5 dollar bill that had been through the washer so many times it was practically blank.
there's a little voice in the back of his head telling him to have more kids and he's not opposed to listening.
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90s-2000s-barbie · 6 months
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I wanted to post my more in-depth thrift tips.
I had an ask a while ago asking for my advice on tips. And I’ve had this in my drafts for a while just to make sure I really added everything I wanted to. So I’ve been going to thrift stores and garage sales my whole life but really picked it and collecting up as a hobby in 2009. Starting with basics. When I personally thrift, I go to local flea markets, thrift stores, garage sales, church sales, goodwills, any place near by that re sells used items. It’s cheaper in person than looking online. 100%.
My Main Rules:
Never pay full price. This stuff is USED and older for that matter. I don’t care if people think it’s rare, it’s used. Some things are on their last legs of life. I can’t tell you how many times I bought a vintage item or even clothes and they break, tear ex as soon as u get home, test it out, wear it then it breaks! It happens!) always keep that in mind. I also like to keep E6000 clear glue around just in case it’s something I can fix. (If u also try E6000, make sure to follow instructions on bottle exact and it will hold up forever. I glued heavy glass and it’s still together years later)
Only possibly think of spending a little more if the item is in a box and old stock or if it’s super meaningful to you. BUT if u use my tips, u can find old stock in boxes cheap even or decent priced when thrifting. I only pay little more or seek something out if it’s meaningful to me or extremely sentimental. (Old favorite toy or I got rid of and want back, something I always wanted and can now cause I’m 30! Ex….) 😂 otherwise, I don’t buy if the price isn’t right.
If you aren’t sure if it’s actually vintage, look for the year on the item, tag ex, or if u have a phone, look it up, look up the brand! Some super old stuff don’t have years on them too so keep that in mind, helps to use google.
I feel like if u go thrifting enough, u will find whatever you are looking for eventually so if the price isn’t right, don’t buy! You will probably see it again eventually and if you also do this as a hobby, u have a lifetime to come upon it again. lol
Go when u can afford it or really want to. I use to go WEEKLY, I would find things every week cause they constantly have different stuff. lol but now I have bills now and things are expensive, so it’s just not realistic for me anymore. I go once or maybe twice a month if I’m lucky. BUT I will admit, u will find a lot of items if u go weekly and can get first dibs but it can get pricey as it all adds up of course.
Leave no stones unturned. So when I go to the thrifting, I look EVERYWHERE. I spend HOURS. lol Sometimes u find the best stuff in the weirdest spots! I found a ADULT Powerpuff girls sweater from 2000 in the kids xl section! I’ve found vintage bedding on random clothing wracks. Sometimes things get moved, you will be surprised on what u will find.
So this use to be one of my rules when I had a better phone plan lol but if I feel like I’m questioning a price on an item, I use to look it up on eBay or google. (If you use eBay, their is settings they show what items actually sell for and not just what they r listed as. THIS HELPS. Sometimes people put insane prices but they definitely aren’t selling for that much! Helps to see the actual value if u need to.)
If u go to garage sales or flea markets, don’t be scared to ask for prices or make offers. If u like it, ask! If the price isn’t right, just say thanks and go on ur merry way. Key is always be nice and respectful if they don’t budge on price. You’ll probably see it again. lol. Least u asked! I use to be too shy to ask and I’d regret it! Also I’d go home empty sometimes cause of it. But now, I seem to really connect with people and try to be nice, talk to them like a potential friend! Sometimes the interaction makes my day and I can get a laugh out of some people. Even sometimes being nice and funny person can go a long way with others. One time I went to a small town and it was the last day of garage sale weekend and people just seemed so nice and liked me, they gave me stuff for free it kept happening throughout the day! lol Sometimes people won’t budge on prices though and that’s fine. And other times, people just want stock or items gone! lol They want money, they don’t wanna take the junk back inside their home and I get it! lol for example, one place gave me stuff for free cause she was trying to get rid of kids toys, her kids had so much she gave me stuff for free, some powerpuff girl plushies for 25 cents! One time, I had a guy tell me a doll I was looking at was worth $200. (Which He was right they sold for that much in box, I looked it up when I got home) he said was worth $200 but he was asking $20 cause he wanted it sold. He had no attachment and needed extra cash as he kept buying to resell but hasn’t sold much. I told him she’s cute but idk. I kept looking at his other items. Finally when I walked away, he shouted $10! I bought her up! lol One day, I bought a giant box of McDonald’s toys, (second photo from top right above the TMNT bag) for $2 for the entire Box!! Completely full! Was a family at the flea market that was just having a garage sale so to speak, they were moving so they didn’t want anything! lol Also an example too of the opposite scenario, an older lady was selling all spice girls dolls in box for $80 dollars all together (at the time the whole lot was cheaper on eBay, they were $45 for the lot and this stuff wasn’t popular so it just wasn’t selling at the time.) I asked price of baby spice alone and she wouldn’t split the band. I said ok thanks and went on my merry way! I later in life got 3 of the girls for $10 to $6 a piece in box. lol
HAVE FUN. This is my hobby. I’ve been doing this as a hobby since 2009! Of course it takes a while to get as much as I have. But I really only recommend thrifting if u REALLY enjoy it and collecting. You really have to enjoy it and to keep going! It’s like a treasure hunt to me! I do it as a collector cause it’s a blast. I‘ve met such interesting people, I’ve seen such cool things even if I didn’t bring it home and couldn’t afford the item. It’s fun! It’s so exciting to find something on a shelf u haven’t seen in years. Also fun to find things u forgot existed or just speak to u personally! I literally buy anything that just feels like it belongs with me anymore. I fall in love with the moment I look at it. I use to think, oh people will think I’m weird? and I still remember those items I passed up YEARS later and say why did I leave that behind? lol 😂 It’s such a cool hobby. I can tell u what I paid for just about everything! 😂 I remember it all cause I really do love it and I LOVE deals.
Also, all the pictures above are mine and things I thrifted, do not steal! If u have any questions about how much I paid for some of these items, or have any questions in general, don’t be afraid to ask. If u wanna know tips about thrifting on toys, clothes, ex, please ask! I will try to help to the best of my knowledge. The 2nd photo, 6th, 7th, 9th and 10th photo are perfect examples cause it’s everything I got at ONE flea market or thrift store, just one stop. Sometimes I find full collections! Each photo are from different days but are definitely good examples. Also if I forget anything I feel is super important to add, I’ll probably post another part 2 or something. ❤️ hope this helps someone.
I think it it would be cool, if any followers decided to thrift or if you use any of my tips and find some cool stuff, to make a post and tag me! Show me ur cool finds, what tips helped the you the best if u feel like adding that.
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seventhcallisto · 9 months
World building; scents for Deep Down !
You can find the masterlist for Deep Down right here > ☆
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"happy new year calli! i’m really enjoying deep down as i am “thee biggest a/b/o enjoyer” and i have spent at least every other minute of my life since you posted it thinking about it. i wanted to ask if you could describe each of the members and oc’s scents, since scents are such a cool part of abo world building and it’s another thing i can bounce around in my brain hehe" — asked anon !!
Hi Noni!! Thank you for the new year wishes, and happy New Year to u !!! I'm happy to see my fic runs rent-free in ur mind skawjdj I'm so glad to grant your request cause I've been meaning to write a full detail explanation of the scents for our precious boys and reader !!!! So here it is !! Also pardon how messy this isss. Also im sorry i had to redo your request tumblr messed up the aesthetic and it was an eye sore. I hope you find this tho! —calli
To get started, I have mentioned on occasion their scents, especially in the "Why didn't you answer my calls?" Chapter. Recently, I've kinda been neglecting the scents and scenting in the story, sorry !! Hopefully, this makes up for it until I get the next chapter out. P.s. these are my personal opinions on how the guys would smell in my fic!
The whole "alphas having more masculine scents" really don't apply to ateez imo for some of them. Musky alphas are seen as the most desirable cause it means they're tough and strong and have the capability to fight if needed. (It's very old-fashioned and inaccurate now, although different throughout the world in deep down) so ateez being the softest of alphas is really my agenda here. No matter their scent. They can be rough if need-be.
P.SH. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Seonghwa— "He smells like leather, dark coffee, and vanilla cream." end quote. Like fresh leather from the dealer, a timeless classic you'll smell in any brand new car. I'm not saying he smells like a car, just the comfort of new leather seats, lol. Or a leather jacket from the thrift store or- or- an expensive clothing rack. Something about seonghwa has me feeling this way, I don't know exactly what it is, but it just makes me think, "Yeah, I can see seonghwa smelling like leather" and coffee- I don't remember if he enjoys coffee much, but the thought of seonghwa smelling like dark roast, just reminds me of him being in the kitchen making a coffee for himself whilst he finishes up breakfast for the two of you— all domestic and providing like an alpha prefers, especially an alpha like seonghwa. And the vanilla cream could be taken as vanilla creamer from the store or creamer you both made in the comfort of your home. Grading the vanilla beans and mixing it into a concoction, seonghwas hand slapping against his mouth and laughing at the mess on your hands. —the coffee and the vanilla is also a hint to his perfume "black opium." There's also hints of white florals in there and a herbal shampoo that he uses. He smells so pretty, but also, it really is gender neutral.
A bit nsfw- but when it comes to kissing and sex. His scent enhances x 1000(that goes for all of them). The overwhelming taste of sweet vanilla on his tongue and the deep way it lingers in your mouth. Or the way if he's sweating, the leather smell will get deeper and more fresh. The coffee and florals are a middle ground when it comes to his scent, just there under the surface when he's calm and collected. I see the coffee coming to surface more when he's sleeping, his skin covered in the scent of dark roast, so it's easy to tell when he wakes up, cause it shifts and slowly washes away to a more floral garden-ey smell, just as his eyes flutter open. His herbal shampoo lingering on his hair, which is the most distant scent overall. Cause the only time you'll smell it intensely is when he showers. It'll overpower all his fresh scents as soon as he steps out of the bathroom. And immediately be buried and pushed down 30 minutes later.
K.HJ. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Hongjoong —"Hongjoong smells.. like a ripe pear, tahitian vanilla, the heat from the sun, and sweet spices." End quote. Somehow, I feel as if I made hongjoong smell like an actual pirate captain. Like he smells tropical and sea-like. Tahitian vanilla is one of the rarest in the world, so it makes sense that joongie has that scent. It's deep and rich, and it enhances everything it's combined with. With also the hint of caramel under it, something that takes a good hard smell to recognize. So the combination of sweet spices and vanilla would be oh so prominent on joong every day. The scent of pear lingers under his skin, just under those spices and vanilla. His pear scent smells a little sour- like the fruit isn't ripe when he's upset. Have you ever smelt the heat from the sun as well? If you haven't, then the next part will definitely be confusing. But his actual skin lingers with it, warm and comfortable and inviting. Perfect to rest on as if you're genuinely resting under the sun. He'll radiate warmth when you sleep on him. It'll feel like the sun is kissing your skin.
Unlike seonghwa, hongjoong's combination of scents are always on his skin, they don't fight to be the first one you can smell, a little more prominent in different parts of him, but they work together to create the perfect blend. As well as when he kisses, the first thing you'll always get is the sweetest taste of a pear, powered by the tone of slowly sweetening vanilla the more he leans into the kiss and explores. And when it comes to sweating, the spices definitely come through. Dripping off his skin and lingering on the thing he uses to wipe it away, making the alpha seem a bit more handsome when he does. He radiates all of his scents so well.
J.YH. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Yunho— "You know exactly who it is. The whiff of vanilla and sandalwood following." End Quote. Scrap that, yunho doesn't smell like that (can you tell I love vanilla). To base directly off the smell of his Eau De Toilette scent —his signature scent - rather than perfume because he doesn't like strong smells apparently— his scent is very light and inviting. Completely open and welcoming. Woodsy fruity scent. Sandalwood, freesia, notes of lime, and green apple. I can see yunho smelling like wood. An earthy aroma with hints of sweet, smoky undertones when he wakes for the day, clinging on his shoulders and following his sleepy body wherever it goes until he's awake enough. It then subtly rubs off and is mixed with sandalwood, most noticeable, the scent of amber, and then it leaning into freesia. Freesia smelling like fresh strawberries (just the tiniest bit) and as he goes about his day, small, almost unnoticeable bits of lime on his fingertips and green apple lingering under his clothing. It's like he has layers. And yet he doesn't smell very strong. An uncommon trait for alphas. It means he's secure in his identity, perfectly capable of being the alpha he knows he can be, so his scent is perfectly made for him.
His attitude is the type to change with his scent, changing and pushing a certain one out depending on his mood. Lime fronting when he's being mischievous. Freesia when he's being lovey dovey or affectionate. And the smell of smokey (almost burning) wood when he's tired or upset, Green apple is the middle ground for when he's casually being himself, calm and collected. There's always something to differentiate the scent between his feelings and attitude. Even if it's the most subtle change.
K.YS. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Yeosang — "The deepest scents you can pick out are cocoa butter and honeyed citrus, like lemonade. There's the distant scent of strong tea." End Quote. Cutting half this off, and adding this up with his perfume scent(oud wood). Yeosang would smell like cocoa butter, beeswax, warm wood (cedar), earthy tea like herbs, and rosewood, definitely with some musky and not too strong undertones. It's a perfect combination of soft and strong. Just like yeosang. His scent is deep and warm. Imagining his skin smells like this as he goes to caress your cheek - I'd die. The woody scents stick to his clothes while his skin smells more like cocoa butter and beeswax. Earthy tones lingering on both. The woody scent sticking to his clothing is more likely to come from his scent glands or his sweat. It's just essence on him.
His skin will always smell like cocoa butter. As well as him having a honey citrus undertone, It's as if he's trying to bring a cute bee to pollinate him. I see omegas really loving his scent. Perfect for an alpha who's soft and caring but can also switch up if he needs to. But his scent being more unisex is what really sells it for me. Despite how musky the woodsy scent can be. The honey, cocoa, and even the smallest hint of citrus under the earthy tones accompanying him can hide how intense the musk can get. As well as when he sweats- and when he does- those musky woody smells come to front, dripping off his skin and making him seem more masculine than intended. And as soon as he's cleaned up it's like he's back to smelling androgynous. There's honey on his lips, and his tongue tastes like- god, it's so hard to explain, but y'know when you get that essence of bitter burnt wood ? Something along those lines but more pleasant. You can either hate or love it but it's addictive either way.
(God, I love yeosang,, please let me have him at some point, or I will curl over and melt into the floor like the monster in the thing.)
C.S. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I have no quotes about sannies scent :( so to start from scratch. Sanie smells very complex, more so than anyone in the group. Musky and masculine, borderline like spicy rum, bergamot, sweet black plum, ylang ylang, black truffle, with hints of chocolate, woody patchouli and creamy orange so his scent isn't so strong and overpowering. San might have the most masculine scent overall, it can hardly be considered unisex in a/b/o universe but here I am saying oh yes, it is, in fact, unisex. And it lingers the most. His scent, just like his personality, can be overpowering depending on his attitude and confidence. Say on stage, the black truffle, rum, and bergamot come forth to shine. Addicting on skin, drawing most in. His scent can be almost like an aphrodisiac. Anyway, it's almost like his second gender is trying to counteract that with heavily sweet scents. Chocolate and creamy orange. Like a creamsicle on a hot day, or chocolate to satiate the need for some sweets. It's like his skin is trying to produce the most sensual and alluring scent. I see him smelling the most heavy on the masculine scents in bed (iykyk) or performing and the softest of his scents when he's doing aftercare or more domestic things.
There is no middle ground because all of his scents and all of the combinations happen to be that middle ground, more masculine though. He started off with the orange and chocolate being more fronting earlier in their career, and as san bulked up I can see his scent changing. Like his second gender knew he was becoming sculpted to the heavens the more time went on. Don't get me started on the way his mouth tastes, cause that, in itself, is also an aphrodisiac. Creamy and yummy and all so consuming on your senses the more you sink into him.
(Perfect time to hint at the idea of san being a “true” alpha)
S.MG. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Mingi — “missing the smell of sea salt and jasmine.” End Quote. Mingi smelling like sea salt, jasmine, ambrette seed, woody sage, citrus-ey mint. Earthy and mineral. It's not that his scent is lackluster. It's just that it's perfectly mingi. Like a breeze by the ocean that flows through the surrounding trees. Or a morning spent in a hotel room just off the beach. Fruity, and sweet on the surface with the deep nutty and musk to back it up. To explain in detail over how mingi smells sweet when he's being the cutest most lovable puppy, with the occasional hint of nutty to make you realize this big puppy can be a complete alpha when need be. His undertones being the main capturing thing about mingi. White Musk, and woody. Minerals layered on top, followed by the smell of the sea salt, mint and citrus. And lastly the sweet, rich and sensual smell of jasmine to completely wash it all to a gentle tone that can make you forget the aphrodisiac like smell he has under all of it. I don't see mingi getting upset often as an alpha. So his hard scents don't come through unless he's genuinely pissed off (which makes even the most secure of alphas kinda crumble from how strong he smells ngl).
Mingi in the sheets can go either way. Gentle mornings of his sweet scent lingering under his skin and the nutty fresh scent on his more prominent features. (His jaw, his nose, his Adam's apple, his abs- etc) his soft skin is more likely to be coated in the softness of his smell, like his cheeks, his lips, his fingertips. And when he's on stage?? God his scent is also an aphrodisiac along with his aura, just like san, they can be sirens on stage just based on their smells luring everyone in. The mint and citrus coming to front the cheekier he gets.
J.WY. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
I also don't have a quote for wooyoung wtf. I can see wooyoung definitely having a musky powdery scent, his musk isn't super prominent, it's under the surface, he's not pushing out masculinity. woody, Iris and roses and floral, he smells very flowery, heavy on the rose plus pink pepper! And even the smell of creamy coconut. And fig bitterness. Creamy coconut on his fingertips. Bitter fig with his attitude, and flirty pink pepper comments. His attitude is always shifting and so is his scent, attempting to push one more than the other. So it's hard to grasp how he's feeling based on his scent- which is very commonly used to check. It's like his scent is always being mixed and interchanged. There's no touching on the specifics on what comes to front most often. But since wooyoung is a very flirty and playful guy(especially with you) most of the time it's roses, pink pepper, and fig, with the tiniest deep down smell of a campfire.
With every passing day it's like he's a combination of new scents. One or the other taking charge that day. It doesn't mean he's unstable, it just means he's comfortable, and that's just how it works for his second gender. He's also a fan favorite of omegas, the rose and sweet flowery esk smell makes people swoon, as if wooyoung is walking passion. I can see others being more surprised by his scent when he's introduced to people. It's almost a contrast to everyone else.
C.JH. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Jongho — “Laundry, florals, all consuming” End Quote. shut up cause I'm so fr when I say jongho smells like fresh laundry. His scent is very herbal, a classical woodsy and wilderness scent. Full of moss and tree bark. He might genuinely smell more like sunflowers and dried seeds, and even bergamot and chamomile. Paired along with like a fresh sheet or the thought of going on a picnic. I see him being more in tune with his scent when he's outside more. If he's inside most days he smells more like earthy stones and laundry detergent. He's just very natural in his earthy smell. And then there's some orange blossom and natural cinnamon in there which is such a sweet note on his skin. In his gentleness you can always feel how calm his scent makes you. Then in his more chaotic, mischievous moments he smells like fig and woods- a bit more musky. Sunflowers more often in the morning, along with the scent of nature when he gets out of the shower, he just smells sooooo good like the ground after rain or a cottage with soft fabrics on a hanger outside. Maybe, if he's upset, you'll get the scent of oakmoss. Under it all, is definitely allspice. If you've got a keen nose you'll definitely notice the cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg lingering on his sweaty skin. Especially when he's performing, it might surprise you when it comes out of nowhere, but it's very pleasant and suiting for him.
And his kisses are exactly like french toast- cinnamon and orange blossom, a tasty mixture thanks to the lingering taste of everything edible in his bergamot scent, it makes kissing him feel like a taste testing competition. Switching you every which way between the two competitive tastes on your tongue. His arms are heavy with the woody scent when he wraps them around you. I can see his muscular bits smelling more like woodsy, outdoor musk. And his softer features smell like laundry, sunflowers, bergamot and chamomile.
Reader. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Beta!reader —”Distant Vetiver. Soft Pumpkin. ambrette, and morning rain. He didn't know morning rain could smell like anything, but it's you.” End Quote. Vetiver smells warm, dry, and earthy, very forest-y. For some reason I imagined the reader smelling like fall when she was a beta. Morning rain !! It can either be comforting or sad, as most of the time the reader spent with the boys she was upset at herself for not being able to get rid of her crush on them. So the morning rain became apparent in her signature scent. And with pumpkin, it's just a very comforting scent in general to pair with her second gender. I didn't do much thinking when it came to her scent. Ambrette also smells foral-musky.
Omega!Reader —now, I'm leaving it up to you to decide what she smells like as an omega. I have hinted at her smelling sweet though but that's about it(I think). What I imagine her smelling like (this is my personal opinion) she smells like milk chocolate covered toffee —toffee more often than not- gets wedged in your teeth and I can just imagine the reader wedging herself into people's thoughts, especially as an omega. You all see how whipped the guys are for her, and I'm not saying it's just because of her second gender. But maybe how sweet they are to her hints at how her scent is very intoxicating and encouraging. Making them want to be the best alphas for her. She's like a butterfinger lol. I could also see her scent smelling like a strawberry shortcake or cheesecake. Y'know in the Simpson movie how Ned makes the hot coco drink for bart? Imagine that but how the reader smells lmao. So I'm imagining the reader smells like a hot coco, layered with strawberry shortcake and toffee. It's honestly as sweet and yummy as it gets. Even if any of the guys aren't sweet lovers, they'll definitely love what she's serving.
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Anyway that's about it! I'm very grateful for this request I had a blast.
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O Me! O Life! // J.Todd x gn!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: scars, non-sexual nudity, mention of what the Joker did to Jason
Summary: He hates the scars on his back and avoids seeing them any chance he gets. He slips up one day, but you’re there to assure him.
* - denotes lines from O Me! O Life! by Walt Whitman (my fave poem thank u for asking)
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The thing about scars is that it’s easy to forget that they’re there sometimes. The raised white pucker along his jaw from a knife disappeared under his five o’clock shadow. The pinched circles of healed bullet holes changed shape when he flexed. But these scars…there was no mistaking it.
Ugly gouges only healed by the Lazarus pit marred his back. He hated looking at them the few times he turned his head when his back was to the mirror. It was as if he was back in that fucking werehouse with the fucking clown and that fucking crowbar.
Today was one of those days where the Gotham humidity felt like a fucking wet blanket smacking you in the face the second you stepped out the door. Sweat practically draped his shirt along his skin as he went for a morning run and by god, the only thing he wanted to do when he got home was take a shower.
You were still spread out under the thin cotton top sheet and even that was almost unbearable in the summer heat. You offered him a smile lined with the lingering sleep that clung to your mind. Jason made sure to swing by and press a kiss to your temple as your hand loosely curled at the collar of his shirt but he pulled away before you could convince him back into bed.
“Gotta shower, sweets,” he murmured as he extracted himself from your grip and made his way into the bathroom.
“Wow, without even giving me a show?” you called behind him. He snorted in response and his shirt landed on the growing pile of laundry on the floor across from the bathroom door. You booed and he sighed but stepped out from behind the door frame. His shorts hung low on his hips, revealing the cut of his abs as they descended behind the band of rayon. You waved your hand to tell him to continue and he rolled his eyes, but a smile grew on his lips as he pushed his shorts down.
“Once more, pretty boy,” you cooed. He tugged off his boxers and raised his arms to the side and spun in a circle like he was giving you a fashion show. You burst into laughter but your laughter faded when you saw his face fall.
His eyes were locked on his reflection in the full length mirror propped up against the wall. He trailed his gaze along the harsh stripes of mottled flesh that stood out against his tan skin. You slipped out from under the sheet and made your way across the room to press up against his chest. One of your hands came up to rest on his bicep and the other wound its way behind his back to start to trace along the lines and scars.
“Lover,” you whispered. “These are signs that you survived.”
A shuddering breath escaped him and you turned to look into the mirror, your motions following you in the silvery reflection. Your finger drew hearts, circles, and words along his skin. Praises, promises, sweet nothings created an invisible diary of your devotion to him and you pressed a kiss to his shoulder.
“What good amid these, O me, O life? Answer. That you are here—that life exists and identity, That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse*,” you whispered. “You are here. Life exists. You may contribute a verse. You are here. Say it.”
“I am here,” he croaked out. “I exist. Life exists.”
“You are here. With me. In our home.”
The home with plants and cats and Wonder Woman curtains. The home with mismatched plates found at thrift shops and dollar stores. The home with his gun safe next to the stack of unread books that the two of you have been pointedly ignoring. The home with the walk to the bodega for breakfast sandwiches and the farmer’s market tucked away at a local park.
He was here. With you. Life exists.
He curled his arms around your waist, delicate and tentative as though he would destroy you with a simple touch, and you leaned into it. You welcomed him with soft caresses and careful kisses and he melted into the arms of the person he loved. He was here. Life exists.
Tag List: @mcrmarvelloki​ @gone-batty-fics​ @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @kat-nee​ @khaylin27​
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
i will shamelessly admit that *i* am the anon who has requested so much tarry from you🤚🏼 i thank you with every fiber in my soul for keeping me sane while being stuck in my room with a horrible stomach bug🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️ this will be my last request … for now😌 also i check your blog EVERY day so thank you sm for posting!!
hcs for tarry being lovey/sweet on each other and each other’s siblings? please 🙏🏼
ur shameless,,,i like that,,, live free,,
i just realized, them as like a family is like the brady bunch, HOPE UR FEELIN BETTER BTW AND IM GLAD UR HERE CHECKIN UP ON THE BLOG🙏🏽🙏🏽
•tim sleeps in darrys room when hes comes over, but nobody exactly knows that bc darry and tim were always the last ones to fall asleep yet the first ppl awake so nobody knew where this mf tim was
•lets just,,,all imagine them as one big happy family or they share the same house or somethin cause i dont feel like explaining how the fuck curly and angela r at the curtis house as well
•tim and darry r the main cooks, tim also teaches darry how to make haitian food so pony and soda can have a wider food pallet, same w darry teaching tim some more american foods to feed angela and curly
•let tim tell pony and soda cool stories from his life,,,,YES i took this idea from the outsiders tv show, that show kinda cooked w their version of tim and thats the only thing that shit was good for
•tim and darry share clothes, theyre like around the same build anyways
•i already feel like tim and darry just give most of their stuff to their siblings so they could at least live a nice life, but then theyre like “U should take care of urself” and then they both end up spoiling each other but then not rlly taking care of each other??? they have a very odd cycle goin on
•curly, angela, pony, and soda all play pranks on em, pony doesnt even want to do it most of the time, he’s just so outnumbered he cant not join in
•ik all of them playing card games together is hell on earth, earlier tim taught pony and soda how to play dirty and now their card games last for hours
•darry w angela and curly, he never knows what to do w em, like ever, so he does the most mundane things w em, he takes them shopping at a thrift store n lets em get whenever he makes sure they got that shit ON
•i think darry taking angela and curly hunting or fishing would b a lil funny
•unlike tim whos more involved w soda and pony, darrys more of a observer kinda guy, takes curly n angela places and lets them have (ADULT SUPERVISED) fun
•every singular one of their lil bastards share the same room as and tim and darry can hear them fucking around bc the walls r paper thin, so tim yells “talk yall asses to bed🗣️🗣️”
•before bed darry kisses pony and sodas forehead but once curly moved so darry lissed his forehead as a lil prank and darry looked over at tim and was like “im gonna strangle ur brother one day”
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d1gnan · 8 months
here's a little deep dive on the fight club necklace / my process in general hehe
i put like way too much thought into all my jewelry and this is about to be the most in depth ive actually ever gone about my process so sorry in advance 4 how long winded i am
(and if ur new to my jewelry i get everything secondhand and i upcycle so i source from places like estate sales/thrift stores/antique malls/ebay/shop frum peoples personal collections etc )
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i think the necklace and the original paper street bracelet i made speak the same visual language as the paper street house pretty well because i sourced most of it from some of my oldest and most visually ornate jewelry finds.
a lot of the beads from this one are actually from this really dope older lady i knows collection/more specifically from a costuming warehouse in nyc and the jewelry is just so ornate and crazy and out of style, i imagine they were once worn by the kind of people that wouldve gotten their soup peed in so its kind of fun to reclaim them for something like this
when i went to go look thru my stash i was specifically thinking of chipping wallpaper and pulling anything that evoked that to me-kind of corny for a second, but i love beat up old houses visually and theres something so cool about the juxtaposition of ornate/destroyed. layerS and layers of beautiful print made sad and irrelevant by its surroundings. these (the houses and the jewelry) were luxurious and cool and trendy at one point and now theyre completely obsolete and funny. i honestly think the whole thing screams tyler durdens philosophy also
( a beautiful thing destroyed, the performance of put-togetherness+ wealth, putting stake in material goods+trends only for them to be completely stripped away by time )
but anyway yeah when u put these glamorous old things together with stuff like keys and charms that don't match and mix gold/silver, you get this really lived in and sick junk drawer effect, and when you pair pale whites with pale greens it can kind of give a souring/moldy/aged look
little more specific callouts tho for references (left to right)
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golf club charms r pretty obvious
the green engraved stone i grabbed immediately because it gives the old wallpaper feeling i was going for
theres this golden charm that's kinda like a kitschy grandma charm, it says "1 minute/1 hour/1day/1week/1year/1leapyear/1century" and i put that as a reference to "this is your life and its ending one minute at a time"/"i am jacks wasted life" and i also think it works on another level/kindamatches with fight clubs irony since its like supposed to be a cutie love commitment idk at least 2 me hahaha
the little step ladder charm and the key i added so that it would read as yeah a dirty old unfinished house/kinda a visual junk drawer..the key i got at an estate sale (i got a bunch and had to make key soup to clean them all)it opens something somewhere
the dog vaccination tag is there both as a reference to the guy that they threaten but then also slightly as a nod to the narrators wacked self esteem the whole like puppy dog obsession aspect IDK
theres a little P and S charm for paper street
the freshwater pearl at the end and the plastic bone shaped bead are kind of supposed to give teeth/bones like subconsciously, i tried a kind of similar thing when i made jewelry based off of pearl from X and tried to make like a rotting looking necklace
theres a little coke bottle cracker jack toy on there too, if ur trying to condense fight club into symbols, glass bottles pop up in my brain so i wanted to find something like that and i got lucky. theres also a little green telescope cracker jack toy thats kind of rusty and i picked it up for how well it matched what i was going for visually but i feel like it could also be a space monkeys thing
any way thanks for looking at this, like i said this is the deepest ive ever gone into depth about my process, but this is why im so drawn to creating jewelry it feels like taking a picture or finishing a puzzle i just do it in a really specific way and it always feels fresh and new when i start a new project, (i definitely dont always have this much to say i promise) but any way hope this was cool
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xianyoon · 3 months
Hello Ying!!<33 I hope you arrived from your trip well 🫶💕 get enough rest and stay hydrated Oki?<3
Your trip got me thinking..
If you and your f/os would go on a trip (be it in their world or in this one), where would you travel to? 🥹❤️
vivi u sweetheart !!! thank u so much i appreciate it :") ♡ this is such a cute question and i wanna bump it back to you to hear about yours !!!
regarding the real world . . .
i'd love to travel with alhaitham to rome ♡ i think in a place so full of culture and rich history and knowledge there is just so much to appreciate !!! a quiet contemplative trip just soaking in the sights and the people and watching places from his notes come to life . . . what a privilege it is to see it all !!! we'd take walks everywhere just to spend a bit more time out in the city . .. what a lovely place to be ♡
i would love to bring wriothesley back to my hometown in china, 東莞市! there's so much so see + family to introduce ૮꒰ྀི >⸝⸝⸝<꒱ྀིა and most importantly to let him see more of my culture and who i am :") i think that's something so so so precious and ahhhh just thinking about it is genuinely making me blushy >//< and of course make him try hotpot for the first time :3c
and lastly for iso . . . i'd like to go to melbourne with him :") it's always been one of my favourite cities every and to just be able to share that joy !!!! !! i want to take him to the city central and the markets and everything to just see what melb is like . . . to meet old friends and family who live there . . . and ofc all the walking everywhere and the thrift stores and teaching him to order a magic !!!!
thank u for indulging me sweet vivi (⸝⸝⸝-﹏-⸝⸝⸝) this was so fun to write hehehhe
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lttlmilks · 7 days
Where do you shop for your dresses and socks? They are so cute
ah thank u thank u. i get almost all of my dresses secondhand given or retail stores clearance sections like ross/target/burlington/local thrifts. my socks are the same way. i believe you can find some if you look online in the right places too ( though i highly discourage buying solely from fast fashion and to find more sustainable and affordable means of small accessories like depop, mercari, and sites/apps that are the same ). sometimes i get my cutest things from shopping children's sections since my standard sizing is small/xtra small, but that might not be the cast for everybunny. i also sew some leftover lace scraps or ribbons onto my clothes to give them a new life ! hopefully this was helpful and not too rambly . . (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
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vivisviolets · 1 month
K.M.N. ✨
she/ her🫧
bisexual 🌈
3 fav things -
my daughter 👧
collecting, it could be anything that interests me like cards and makeup and fashion stuff 💄
mangoes, fkn love em! 🥭
thank u in advance :)) 💕💘🩷💕💘
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KMN ✨📸💗 ₊✧゚King of Wands (reversed), Four of Swords, Five of Pentacles (reversed), King of Pentacles, The Emperor (reversed) (bottom of deck)
₊✧゚444, 555, 456 (someone’s phone digits?), earth placements, Taurus/Capricorn/Virgo/Gemini placements, Mercury dominant, water placements (4th/7th/8th house, Venus, Mars, Moon, etc), yoga/meditation/tai chi class, local grocery store, cashier, hairline, slight age/maturity difference (*not toxic), thrifted fabric, old magazines, 80s/90s/2000s, channeled song, Drag Me Out - Kah Lo (Billen Ted remix)
₊✧゚Hello beauty!! Let me just get into it~ I’m picking up a possible past relationship, some connection that energetically has a lot of “history” to it, and not good energy either. it is something that really triggered a lot of growth for you. technically the Emperor in reverse is a bonus card, as the King of Pentacles should have been at the bottom of the deck, I feel a possible return of some past relationship (coming as the Emperor in reverse), whether it's a specific person (the ex I was channeling) or it just energetically returning in some form (financial struggles, certain triggers, etc-), but you will grow from it, as you have done before- as it is in your life again as divine testing. and I see it being strangely connected to your fs/partner arriving in your life, like as this energy rears its ugly head, this person will be making their way towards you.
this person will arrive rather unexpectedly in your life, it will happen when you are not “on the lookout” for a specific type of person to appear, so when they show up (let's say you meet in a grocery store, or work, someplace where expectations are low yet you’ll look back and realize “oh my god, they showed up in my life completely out of nowhere!”-), the way God/the universe is forming this, is instead of you expecting anything, you will instead be in a "receiving" energy, for someone to prove themselves to you. they may have similarities to an ex situation, this could be in physical appearance, but I’m mainly hearing personality- hear me out on this! again, this is all going according to plan. -this person is meant to prove to you, how they can grow beyond any past situation you were in. It’s giving a diamond in the rough, a bit like Aladdin- fun, but has potential-), they are truly willing to work through these problems- they have excitable energy, and meeting you will be what motivates them to channel that energy toward improving everything in their life- for you. (now I’m hearing The Reason by hoobastank😭 “and the reason is you”). they love you, a lot. you are the apple of their eye, you are so sweet and perfectly made~
I see you two going out together once you’re both beginning to show interest in one another, like walking around your town/city (this person may be “new in town”), you’ll have conversations very easily and both view each other with this mutual appreciation right away, especially one-on-one. you’ll both have similar interests in style, I’m seeing thrifting and fabric stores and old patterns~ I also see they really want to take you out to socialize in some place more fancy/fun to see you all glammed/glittered up, like a bar/club, a community event, or a roller rink- also places where your child can come! I see you’ll both fit into each other’s lives very easily, and you'll be further curious about each other and how your backgrounds may be similar- and I’m seeing no matter the future of this connection, you’ll still both be supportive of one another. but this person does wish to build stability, and give it to you. because their heart is that of a provider- and that inner desire they have will be divinely tested when they meet you, -they'll see you as someone they want to build loyalty with.. they want to bring beautiful things to you and create them with you 🧡🌷- they want to make (and furnish) a beautiful home, for the both of you, and the future ahead.
*i hope this was helpful my darling~ consider leaving a tip on my patreon if you enjoyed, or following to become a violet~ sending you on your way, bye bye!!*
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foolishlovers · 8 months
Hi there!! 37, 43 and 44 from the ask game, s'il vous plait! <3
hii thank u for sending these 🥺💜
37. do you shop at thrift stores?
yes!! i just recently bought a really pretty dress at one heheh
43. what do you remember from your childhood?
summers spent at the sea, walks through the forest, lots of singing and dancing, falling in love with reading and picking raspberries from my grandma's garden 💜 44. do you collect anything?
yesss books!! all my life 🤭
send me a question 💜
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destinyc1020 · 2 months
Even in a rhetorical wedding list, folks still doubting Timmy lol anyway...
This or That 😃 who/what wuld u choose n why. If its a person can b based on vibes, personality, talent, etc.
-Knowing the story on how TZ got back together or how they 1st met
-Jacob E or Trevor (lol)
-Zs Dune 2 press fashion or Zs Challengers press fashion
-NY or LA
-Toms fashion or Austin fashion
-Sydney or Kaia
-letitia or ayo
Oooo another game! Thanks Anon! 😁
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You know what?? I like your game so much, that I'll put your questions in polls and will see what others say/think.
I'll put my answers to your question below and will hide them so that others aren't swayed by my answers lol.
My answers 👇:
-Knowing the story on how TZ got back together or how they 1st met
Knowing the story on how TZ got back together HANDS DOWWWN! 😅 I don't really care how they first met lol. I think we kind of already know that? But I wanna know all of the details and tea on what they were each thinking and feeling during the breakup, why they broke up in the first place, and what they were thinking and feeling when they were deciding to get back together lol. 😁 (I'm just nosy lol)
-Jacob E or Trevor (lol)
Eww... Can I say neither?? 😅 Honestly? I'd have to go with JE on this one. Yea, JE cheated on several girlfriends too, but at least he didn't write a song detailing their sex life as a way to try to make amends. 🙄🤮
-Zs Dune 2 press fashion or Zs Challengers press fashion
Ohhhh this is too much Anon! 😭 Pleaaaase don't make me choose!!! 🙈
Okay, I'll say that I LOVED the fashion for both press tours. 😊 I liked how daring, interesting and AMAZING Z's fashion was for Dune Part 2. She was shutting the place down! 😅 I also appreciated the Challengers press tour clothing too. I loved how creative it was, and how it was very sports-themed, but still very feminine.
If I had to choose one though, I'd HAVE to say the Dune Part 2 Press tour clothing had me shook!!! Challengers had a lot of white and bridal type dresses which were cute, but Dune Part 2 made me go WOW! That robot-like costume she had for the London premiere alone....like, WOW lol. 😲😳🤯 The DP2 press tour clothing/styles were just more interesting to me. 😊
-NY or LA
Mmmm....for me personally? Or for Tomdaya?
If you're talking about me personally.... Both cities have their pros and cons! I like both cities, but if I had to choose, I'd have go to with LA lol. 😊
-Toms fashion or Austin fashion
Oh wow.... This is a tough one! 😂 Are we talking red carpet fashion? Or, just everyday fashion? Cuz umm...that can be two totally different things lol. 👀 😅
I'm not sure exactly what you're referring to (red carpet fashion, or just out and about fashion lol), so I'm just going to give you my thoughts.
Austin: I love Austin's red carpet fashion. He takes little risks here and there, and I like that. 😊 I never know what he's going to wear most of the time on the red carpet, so I like that he keeps me guessing lol. 😅 He tends to wear more baggier clothing (which is fine), but I love it when he wears things that are a little more form-fitting or with color. I think that's nice!
His everyday street-style fashion on the other hand.... 👀😩 Austin's just a simple guy honestly lol. He loves vintage stuff. He shops at thrift stores lol. So he's not really dressy in his casual down time. He's more like a t-shirt and hat kind of guy. I wanna burn the hats lol, but I kind of think he uses them mainly to try to hide and blend in the crowd so that people don't recognize him so easily.
Tom: Tom is European, so I'm automatically expecting his fashion and style sense to be better just in general compared to us Americans lol. 😂 When it comes to Tom's red carpet style, he tends to be more classic with the classic tux/suits, and tends to play it safe. He tends to wear some colors here and there though (FFH premiere, TCR premiere, GQ event, etc), and so I like it when it mixes things up a bit. 😊 I would love to see him take a few more risks with his red carpet style and wear some more daring things on the red carpet one day. I think it would be awesome!
Tom's everyday street style has changed drastically for the better over the years imo lol. He used to be a skinny jeans and jeans falling off the butt kinda guy lol. Now, he's got a more mature look and wears belts and argyle sweaters lol. Boy he's come a VERY long way! 😅 I think he's had a great style change over the years, and his look is more mature than it was back in 2017 lol. So I think his casual street style overall is great!
-Sydney or Kaia
I give both of them the slight side-eye.... 👀 (I don't like girls who seem to mess w/other women's men 🥴), but if I had to choose one, I'd say Sydney.
Sydney at least can act rotfl. 😅
-letitia or ayo
Ohhhhh this is a tough one Anon!! 😭😭 I like BOTH of them! I have a soft spot for Letitia. ❤️ I do like Ayo though. I just need to see more of her in her projects to have more of an appreciation for her. She's VERY talented though, and I'm rooting for her. 🥰
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ask-t3d · 4 months
I love ur outfit…. Where did u get it I want it
Oh, thank you! The store I got it from has probably be destroyed by now, but it was a… boutique, yeah, a boutique a couple blocks away from my apartment
Ooc: It was a thrift store. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but part of Ted’s backstory in my head (because I can’t make myself focus on a walkthrough of the game) is that he portrayed a life of luxury that he didn’t have
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90s-2000s-barbie · 4 months
Hi 90s-2000s Barbie I want your help! My room looks modern and boring how could I make it 2000s nostalgia?? Here some photos of my room
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I don't think my parents would allow me to repaint my room to a fun color :( I'm ok with painting any of my furniture's except for my desktop (I put so much time and effort to finally make the posters look nice in there ;-;)
Hi! Sure I think I can try to help. You room is super cute BTW. So 2000s are everything but what is your favorite things from that time? Favorite shows, music? What is your style? Do you like girly? Do you like goth Hot topic style? Rooms when I was growing up is always about personality. Representing your favorites! I love Britney, Backstreet Boys, NSYNC. I found dead stock posters for $8 on eBay. I also went to goodwill and thrifted lots of cheap NSYNC framed photos for $2-$4 dollars a piece. If you like girly, 2000s were all about beaded curtains, bed canopy’s, you can even make them super affordable. I think people have some tutorials on Pinterest. I’ve seen cool wall hangings with old CDs and that was popular in the 2000s. 😄The y2k era brought back a lot of 1970s styles like flower power, mod circles, butterflies in bedding and wall art. Glow in the dark starts are cheap and we’re super popular. You can even find wall clings of simple flowers probably somewhere. I put a bunch on my walls. I bought a Lisa Frank calendar from the dollar tree and used all the art as little posters! lol if you have things stored from childhood or parents or anyone u know lived through it or maybe was a little older, ask if they have anything in storage that they don’t want or ask parents if they kept any of your old stuff or toys. Family may help out if they still have some cool older stuff. My mom saved our old Lisa Frank trapper keeper, she saved my old Pokémon stuff and I didn’t even know till I asked. You may have some stuff hiding right in your house! lol also I always recommend thrifting. I could go to my local Goodwill today and hunt for 90s-2000s stuff and find it everywhere and I use that as decoration. I find y2k bedding and curtains and vintage toys! You can find the coolest stuff so cheap and affordable. 😊 not sure what color you’re thinking of painting your furniture. But even working with basic white isn’t a bad thing, you can put all the colors in the decorations and really use the white to your advantage if u wanted to keep it simple. It would make decor stand out.
If you like the hot topic alternative style, bands, that would be a whole other style. And I can help u if u like that as well. Music posters are the best for that for sure. My rooms were plastered with bands and skulls. lol
If you have a more questions, fill free to ask. I’ve been obsessed with decorating my whole life. lol 😆 🩷
Thanks so much for the ask and good luck! I bet whatever you decide, will look so cute because it will be you! Your personality. 😄
Here is my room if it could possibly help for inspiration?
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sleepy-vix · 4 months
Hello, for bookish ask, can I ask for : Rowling, Austen, Shelley, Shakespeare, and Carroll? Thanks if you want to answer....
oooh hi book ask anon
tysm for the ask!! this is gonna be fun :^)
Rowling: Favourite message from a book?
"everything i know about love" has a really sweet message about the importance of female friendships. i did not expect this when i picked up this book at a thrift store for $4, but it changed my outlook on life. i think the book was meant to be marketed towards older generations, but i actually enjoyed it alot. i used to view the future as some sort of looming, all-might entity. i used to think that i'll be all alone. But then i read this book and i realised that i shouldn't be so afraid of the future. it's just another period of time, and it's okay to take things at my own pace. i don't think this was the intended main message of the book but it's the one that i got and i'm holding it close to my heart forever.
Austen: 3 favourite characters?
ooh my #1 favourite is hands down chen kitay from the poppy war trilogy (i will never ever ever shut up about him). My #2 favourite is tori spring from solitaire (she's like every bit of representation on mental illness that i've ever longed for in one single awesome character). Lastly, my #3 favourite is Jo March from Little Women (i love her so much. i love her scribbling and i love her temperament and i love her creativity and individuality. she is so similar and yet so different to me. i just- i love her so much).
Shelley: 3 characters you dislike?
hmm this one is a bit harder. i don't have anyone specific in mind, so you'll have to forgive me for the uninteresting answers.
max hastings from a good girl's guide to murder. (he is a rapist......)
Richard from if we were villains (though he's an interesting character to analyse)
umbridge from harry potter (obviously)
Shakespeare: A book that made you laugh?
this is tough. nothing really comes to mind... unfortunately i won't answer this for lack of a good response :(
Carroll: A book that made you cry?
Before the coffee gets cold: tales from the cafe. the mother and sun one had me crying at a public library :(
tysm for this ask!! i wonder who u are T-T
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luxsea · 10 months
twirls my hair HI OLLIEE i have lux questions...!!!!! 10, 23 (I'M A KARLUX SAP OKAY ,.!!!!), 48, & as a bonus treat u can use my ask as a Free Card to answer another question you really like from the tav ask list!!! happy luxposting! :3
kicks feet HIIII PARKER >:3c thank you for lux questions!!!! happy luxreading <333
10. If your Tav didn’t become an adventurer, what else would they be doing?
before the events of the game they were already a traveler but if they had to settle i think they would set up a shop selling the most bizarre useless shit (affectionate), like the equivalent of a fantasy thrift store that smells strongly of Incense and looks like howl movingcastle's bedroom. i also think a lot about them as a skyrim shopkeeper saying the same obnoxiously repetitive lines and idk why they're too hot to be a skyrim shopkeeper maybe more like a deltarune shopkeeper instead where they get tumblr sexymaned and sell you items that are totally not cursed
23. What is your Tav’s favorite moment they’ve had with their lover?
agh <3 it warms my heart that i got you into my silly little bg3 ship, getting to share them is such a treat :3 there are so many wonderful moments in game and that i headcanon that it's hard to choose the big favorite. (act 3 romance spoilers) a moment that's really dear to me and was really sentimental was how karlach planned their date in the city ahead of time and even insisted on scoping out the inn to make sure everything was perfect. just the level of thoughtfulness floored me. lux is so incredibly in love with her and how she says she's bad at flirting but then pulls off the most romantic shit like it's nothing. they have an adorable date where they roleplay as if this is a first date where they're just getting to know each other and they fail miserably at pretending they don't already know and love each other by heart. it's such an important moment for them to slow down and share some moments of normalcy amidst the chaos of their adventure, even if they're both giggling and being sooooo normal about each other.
48. Where does your Tav feel most at home?
it would be pretty corny to say home is by karlachs side but that is the correct answer and i cannot deny it. for the longest time lux has always been moving, estranged from the place they grew up and their previous guild, never staying in one location that they could call home. but the adventuring life is something that they wouldn't trade and so they find home in the little things that they love. one thing that is constant no matter where they go is the night sky. during the events of the game they find the greatest comfort laying in the grass beside the chionthar river, their insomnia keeping them up stargazing all night, the light in the sky reflecting back in the water while millions of fireflies twinkle in the cool night air, all bathed in the blue and gold. and it's one of their favorite pastimes to share with karlach, they prefer it more with her company. also spoilers for the new epilogue but a character asks this same question and this was one of the responses available due to the choices i had made and i think about it a lot. you can make hell a home with the right person by your side <3 edit: forgor to note avernus has no stars so *looks at crumpled note* she is the sun
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FREE CARD! (literally) 64. What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
this one's a bit on the nose but i've taken a lot of inspiration from the star major arcana for lux's character and who they aspire to be. the visuals of the star card usually depicts a figure pouring water from each hand as a symbol for balance and the card represents intuition, inspiration, little glimmers of hope and the strength to carry on ✨
Baldur’s Gate 3 Tav Ask Game
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