#thank you again for the ask !
thescrapwitch · 2 months
can we hear about amnesiac Maglor? 👀
Thank you!
This one is also in the early draft stages. I had two ideas: one was "what if all the Sons of Feanor survived the second kinslaying" and "what if Maglor lost his memories during the third kinslaying and kidnapped/adopted the twins to 'save' them from the 'attackers'". I realized I could combine the two to create a wonderfully messy fic which will cause lots of changes to how the last part of the Silmarillion/War of Wrath go :)
Staring: Maglor, suffering from memory-loss but determined to keep a pair of twins he found in a burning refugee camp safe from the evil people who are hunting them; Maedhros and co who don't know if Maglor is dead or captured but are determined to find answers; E+E who are very confused but latch on to their mysterious new protector/father figure and grow up with him in the wilds to be the feral terrors we all know and love; and Galadriel, who has to make some hard decisions about what to do about all of the above.
It looks like this will be a long-fic, so I want to finish at least one of the ones I'm currently working on before I dive too deep into writing it (I always try to only post two-three long-fics at a time, less anxiety inducing for me). But I haven't written a memory-loss fic before, so this one should be fun!
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doll-elvis · 10 months
How and why did Elvis go down hill so fast after the Aloha from Hawaii concert
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ahh this is a really interesting question, thank you for the ask <3 !! also I’m sorry if I didn’t interpret this correctly and if you mean’t the immediate aftermath of the special, I kind of answered in terms of the long run 😭
now this might be an unpopular opinion but I don’t believe that Elvis actually ever went ‘downhill’ at a constant or steady rate
Many fans, biographers, and reviewers sort of see the Aloha special as ‘past the point of no return’ for Elvis, meaning they see it his last moment of “greatness”, or the last moment where he was truly on top
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The Aloha special was no doubt a peak moment for Elvis, but I don’t definitely don’t view it as his “final truly great moment”. I also don't see the special as him reaching the top of the mountain and then next 4 years are him going down it. I see the special as one peak of many, in fact I think he continued to have peak moments up until his passing, which is why the suddenness of his death is so tragic because I don’t believe he was done. He was of course physically not well but not to the point that he wouldn’t have been able to overcome it if he had more time and proper care
Another reason that I can’t say he ever steadily declined is because that throughout his career, particularly in the 60s and 70s, Elvis had periods of highs and lows that often coincided with how his personal life was going i.e family, friends, girlfriends etc.etc
For example the tail end of the summer in 1976 was a particularly rough patch for Elvis. His health was declining, his relationship with Linda was on its’ last legs, his group was split (Dave, Red and Sonny had been fired), and Doctor Nick even stopped being his physician after a fallout had occurred and Doctor Elias Ghanem stepped in
Doctor Ghanem was even more neglectful in taking care of Elvis and as a result Elvis was loaded up on anti-depressants, sleeping pills, and other extremely debilitating narcotics. He was rendered almost completely incontinent. Thus resulting in one of Elvis’ worst tours yet, and one of his worst rated shows ever aka ‘Houston we have a problem’ which was taped on August 28th 1976
Reportedly Elvis was slurring and stumbling so badly on stage that several fans walked out, one reviewer even noted fans crying as they left
“People had witnessed the side effects from Elvis's medications during his performance in Houston. Elvis had taken Sparine (for depression), which contributed to muscle and speech problems. It knocked the bottom out of him, dropped his blood pressure. He couldn't do diddly-squat”
excerpt from the book “The King and Dr. Nick” by George Nichopoulos
It was one terrible show/performance after the next and Elvis was pushing himself to the limits and suffering because of it. According to band members Elvis had to be convinced to go on stage because he was so worried about disappointing the crowd. He wanted to perform better but his body physically wouldn’t let him. It was so terrible that just after 3 days of Elvis being under Doctor Ghanem’s care, Doctor Nick was called back and began working again to regulate Elvis’ prescription use
And then on November 19th, 1976, Elvis met 20-year-old Ginger Alden, and to just say he had “improved” would be a massive understatement. He began performing like he hadn’t been for years, resulting in one of his best tours, and some of his best shows such as his New Year’s Eve performance on December 31st, 1976. And more than just his career/shows, Elvis’ mood had visibly lifted, he was out of his depression and he was much more optimistic for the future
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excerpt from the book “Elvis: My best man” by George Klein
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excerpt from the book “If I can dream” by Larry Geller
So Elvis went from having one of his worst-rated concerts, to one of his best-rated concerts in just the span of a few months, which again proves to me at least that his “decline” wasn’t steady
When he was motivated and inspired, he could do incredibly great things, whether that motivation came from a single girl he wanted to impress in the audience or billions of people around the world like in the Aloha special
And this pattern can be seen throughout his career
Like in the 60s where Elvis would tend to let himself go a little bit between films and then when a script was given for his next picture, he would find the motivation to get back “in shape”, even reducing the amount of prescriptions pills he was taking in order to do so
But even the films eventually grew tiresome and Elvis didn’t find that motivation for his career again until the 68 comeback special. dontbeecruel breaks down the lead up to the special like Shakespeare I swear- please take the time to read it for yourself if you haven’t (it’s amazing) 😩 ⬇️
Another instance in the 70s where Elvis was able to recover from a low/downhill period and rise again was after his divorce with Priscilla. His saving grace, inspiration, and motivation this time came to him as Linda Thompson
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excerpt from the book “A Little thing called Life” by Linda Thompson
The divorce undoubtedly caused was one of the lowest periods in Elvis’ life. He began taking pills and prescriptions that he had never had before such as Demerol and Dilaudid, his behavior became more erratic than ever, and he was in a deep depression, resulting in the decline of both his physical and mental health
It took him a while to recover but he eventually did, and I do honestly credit that to Linda’s presence in his life as she helped him move on
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excerpt from “A Little thing called Life” by Linda Thompson
This decline and then rise can even be seen physically ⬇️
Left: Elvis in 1973, the day his divorce was finalized, where Priscilla says she was stricken by his appearance and worried for his health
Right: Elvis in 1974, visibly healthier, and performing in one of his best shows of a incredible tour
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So again, Elvis went from enduring one of the worst periods of his life, declining mentally and physically, to improving and performing at his best again… all within the span of a year
I guess that’s why it breaks my heart when people act like Elvis’ last great moment was at 38 in the Aloha Special, and then every year after that was just downhill. He was always singing his heart out as best he could, even towards the end, and again, if his career was managed in his best interest and if his doctors acted in his best interest, I believe he would have many more moments like the Aloha special, he just wasn’t given enough time to do so
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carefulfears · 1 year
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@amplifyme thank you lovely! answering these one by one <3
top 5 underrated MSR moments
(i’m still not feeling well so this may not be coherent lol, just gonna ramble a bit)
1/ redux ii - "because i knew you'd talk me out of it if i was making a mistake"
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this is my favorite line delivery of the series. it carries so much weight. he hasn't stopped smiling at her the entire time she's been in the hospital, trying to alleviate how much she worries about leaving him alone, and at times it is forced, but not here.
when he tells her that he was lost the night before, but found his way when he was with her. and explains to her the situation that he is in, the choice that he's been given, the decision that he's made. and she asks why he came to see her if he'd already made up his mind.
the way that he laughs and chokes through tears at the same time when he responds, "because i knew you'd talk me out of it if i was making a mistake."
it's almost ridiculous to say out loud, in the end, because it's the end. it's a foregone conclusion, and it's so so limited.
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the look on her face says so much. there is so much grief in being needed. it doesn't last forever. it might not even last the rest of the day, she might not live long enough to ever find out if he's walking into that hearing to make a mistake. how can either of them do anything but cry and laugh in the face of that??
she's on her deathbed and he's flashing that smile at her so maybe she won't worry, like he did when he knelt before her in a surveillance unit and handed over his gun, a lifetime (or two years) before, trying to make it all okay. but how could it be okay when this person needs her like this? when it's all so fragile? when tomorrow, maybe, there won't be anyone to listen to him and tell him if he's making a mistake.
it aches to be depended on.
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"you are going to die in your best friend's arms. and you play along because it's funny, because it's written down, because you've memorized it, it's all you know." (richard siken planet of love)
she's going to die in her best friend's arms, and it's funny, because what is there to do except choke out a laugh through tears?
2/ sein und zeit - "she was trying to tell you to stop"
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this is tough as nails love.
this is the dirty work that no one can bear. this is being willing to tell someone what they need to hear, and to stay for the fallout.
i love this episode, and this whole scene is such an intense and important moment in who their characters are.
she gets down on the floor. she looks him in the eye and tells him the truth, even when her voice wavers. she holds steady in the midst of his lashing out, his eruptive grief, his inability to accept the facts that she cut through skin and bone to find. she grabs him and holds him tight and rocks him on the ground.
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i always think of this quote from audries' throat, eye, and knucklebone:
"Sometimes she wishes he’d get some kind of universal object permanence. Actually practice the world-weariness he preaches with his tired eyes and dingy kitchen. Learn to anticipate the punch or else to slip and roll with it. It’s all incongruent - leaves her there cursing God and rocking him on the floor and all the while thinking you should know better at no one in particular."
mulder, who at 12-years-old, closed his eyes every time he walked into his room, because maybe his sister would be there when he opened them.
who looks up at stars and sees wandering souls, who can spin any light in the sky or water in an autopsy report into a reason why the world is still kind, despite all to the contrary. for whom "trust no one" is little more than a computer password, because he listens to everyone, believes everyone has something important to say, even cold answering machines.
he wants to believe, he comes into every situation with a bad joke and the most hopeful answer, he is rarely wrong. he still walks into every room with his eyes shut tight.
and what a thing to dedicate your life to, to spend your days with someone who sees the world this way. except, what happens when even the most complex spins and intricate theories cannot account for the dull sharp reality of loss? when there are certain things that are just too awful to be explained.
he should know better. one of them should, at least, but sometimes when you walk into every room with the most hopeful answer, you're wrong. sometimes there's just no evidence or conspiracy or mythos to be dreamed up.
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his mother killed herself. she did so without saying goodbye, without telling him the "unsaid" truths she's kept secret, without leaving anything more than burnt photos of him in the trash and a message on his answering machine about how he didn't call her back. a message that he can rewind and replay a thousand times over, it still won't hold any answers. he still won't be able to figure this out.
it's horrible and painful and devastatingly human, with no grander purpose to it, and he should know better than to look. after everything that he's seen and lost and been through, he should have retained some understanding that this is the world.
but he looks anyway, with as much dedication and hope as he does everything, and there is no one there other than scully to say stop. to say this is the truth. to say these are the facts.
there is no one there other than scully for him to run up against, and she sits calmly and holds onto him.
she tells him the truth, and she tells him something else, too. she tells him that his mother wanted to tell him to let go, that she wanted to "take away his pain."
which...maybe this is true, or rather, maybe scully believes this. but scully stood in the next room when his inquiries to his mother got him little more than a slap to the face.
scully watched on tape as tena signed her son over to the devil, a hospital pen in her hand and cigarette smoke framing her face. scully's heard this voice on an answering machine too, and she never got a response either.
there's so much pain in her face as she tells him, through tears, that his mother just wanted to take his away. her own version of shut eyes and a strategic spin, this is what she has to offer.
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in the following scene, it's morning now, and scully answers the door with her hair frazzled, still wearing her blouse from the day before but not her blazer.
weary from a night spent confronting the punches of the world, she's visibly exhausted when she looks at skinner and says, "it's been a hard night for him."
when mulder comes to the door, she never moves from her place in front of him, blocking him in. (she has always shared him with the world only reluctantly). as skinner tells mulder that the mother of the missing little girl in california has something to say, and she will only talk to him.
sometimes, when the worst happens, you want the person with the most hopeful answer.
skinner tells him that he's booked them two flights, and after mulder nods and walks away to get ready, scully looks at her boss and tells him that he "better book three."
tough as nails!
3/ the erlenmeyer flask - "mulder? i just want to say that i was wrong."
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this moment exemplifies so much of their relationship in season one, and this is my favorite MSR. baby-faced and curious and overjoyed to know each other. they are best friends.
no one else would run up behind him on the street and stop him to tell him they were wrong, and that they should have believed him. it means so much.
when she tells him that she should have just trusted his instincts, and he replies, "why? no one else does." and she just smiles at him...season one scully has found secret treasure no one knows about. she can't believe she's getting away with hiding him in the basement.
4/ paper hearts - "but i do know you"
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it's about THE INHERENT GRIEF IN BEING NEEDED!! of course a paper hearts moment was going to land on this list somewhere. my attachment to this episode knows no bounds. i could bring it into anything.
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paper hearts is an ahab and starbuck episode. mulder is more haunted than we ever see him, as he spends the hour grasping at ghosts. scully's place in this episode is everything that makes her role so important, as she tries to balance hope and rationality. this is their quest, and these are their skeletons.
earlier, when roche tells mulder that he just wants to see his face when he finds samantha's body, you hear scully exclaim "oh my god" before standing up and screaming at him, opening the door and just getting mulder out.
she tries to reason, she tries to rationalize, she tries to get him away from "the darkness", but when it comes down to it, she digs in the dirt next to him with her bare hands.
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i love these little moments that they always share in the end, when it's all over. there's nothing more to be done. all that's left is a tattered scrap of fabric with weary eyes looking on. she just comes in to check on him.
she gives him the results of the labs on the last heart, how there's nothing to go on, and then she tells him that they will find who that last little girl was. when he asks how, she replies that she doesn't know, "but i do know you."
this is their quest. they will find all of the victims, give the families the answers that mulder so desperately wants for his own. she doesn't know how, she just knows him, and that's enough to believe.
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when she tells him to "go on home and get some sleep," all he can do is laugh. after all of the heartache and tension in this episode, how brutally visceral the pain of it all is, it melts away in the incredulousness of her suggestion.
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he flashes that smile and hugs her, "thank you" and "i'll be okay" at the same time
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and she strokes his hair and stares at the floor.
the grief in being needed. (who would come make sure he's okay if she were gone?). the grief in following ghosts. (there has never been a more brutal reminder that samantha was more than the photo in that frame). the grief in loving someone so encased in pain and loss. (he will not go on home and get some sleep).
there's so much grief in being starbuck, in the end.
5/ how the ghosts stole christmas - "maybe i did wanna be out there with you"
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is there any better representation of season 6 than hanging out with a movie after a night of some light murder/suicide plans?
this episode is just the best. and one of the things that makes it so good is that it's comedy is rooted in examination, in bringing mulder and scully's psyches into question and condemnation.
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having only christmas eve to keep up their reputation, our titular ghosts, lyda and maurice, are forced to resort to "pop psychology" to fulfill their haunting. they have no idea the gold mine that stumbled into their house this year.
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instantly upon meeting, maurice WHACKS mulder, calling him "narcissistic," "overzealous," "self-righteous," and prone to obsessive compulsive antisocialism
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a lonely man who considers himself passionate and misunderstood, but chases illusions in order to find warped meaning and significance
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meanwhile, in the next room, scully is not safe from disturbance, as lyda calls out her "conflicted yearnings" and delusions of loyalty. the reason why she's "really here"- for the satisfaction of proving her partner wrong.
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in the end, mulder and scully escape the house only by realizing that the ghosts don't actually have any power over them. it's all an illusion, it's not real, and lyda and maurice can't hurt them- or make them hurt each other.
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but it doesn't stop them from internalizing the messages of their haunted house, and mulder spends christmas alone watching a christmas carol, as the scene opens on him listening to scrooge say the line, "i don't deserve to be so happy."
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also unable to shake the events of the night, scully shows up
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and asks if any of that was real. if it was just an illusion. which, always knowing when to back down on the need for belief, mulder gives her, agreeing with her that it must have just been in their heads. (folie a deux, she is always more comfortable in shared madness with him than with the world.)
after having been dragged out on christmas eve to look for ghosts, finding them, and then deciding that it was all shared delusion: she repeats back the insecurity that lyda gave her, "not that my only joy in life is proving you wrong."
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but after coming inside, she betrays her true insecurity. responding to mulder's "when have you ever proved me wrong?" with "well...why else would you want me out there with you?"
why else would he want to spend christmas eve with her, why else would he want her with him, if not to play her role? if not to offer the "science and rationalism" that he told her, not too long ago, saves him?
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"you didn't want to be there? oh, that's...self-righteous and narcissistic of me to say, isn't it?"
god, they are both so slow.
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they both consider for a moment, these roles they play. these "subconscious desires" that they mask in their own personal pursuits. how easy it is to turn them against themselves, to expose their uncertainties and weaponize them.
before scully lands on, "no, i mean...maybe i did want to be out there with you.”
and they exchange the christmas presents they totally swore they weren't gonna get each other this year.
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maybe they do just want to be out there together.
maybe it's not about grand perceptions of loyalty or meaning. maybe it's not about the parts that they play. maybe it's not about obligation or dependency. maybe they just want to.
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Hi! If you were given the chance to solve this problem, how would you solve this problem? Because I want Jadzia to live but also Ezri to live too!
There has to be a way where both Jadzia Dax and Ezri Dax can co-exist!
Or! Is it possible for a Tom Riker scenario with Jadzia?
First of all, I apologize if my post was rude, I want to underline that I have very specific opinions regarding any Jadzia Lives AU and it's entirely on me for being extra picky. In any case thank you for this ask!
The short answer is that the only AU of this kind I'm personally interested in is one where the Dax symbiont is a sort of 'narratively indivisible' entity and can only belong to one host, therefore Jadzia manages to survive (likely thanks to some medical miracle courtesy of Julian) but loses the symbiont, which in turn is joined to Ezri in the way we know.
Any situation where both Jadzia and Ezri get to keep Dax feels... not quite right to me. The joining process has a gravity to it wrt the succession of hosts that I feel would be lost in this situation; the symbionts aren't real but what they represent imho is very specific and "duplicating" Dax feels, idk. Too easy a solution? Not to mention it would imho also considerably cheapen Ezri's not insignificant sacrifice in joining to Dax without any preparation.
This is not to say that eg a transporter accident-duplicate like Thomas Riker or William Boimler wouldn't work fine to have both a Jadzia Dax and Ezri Dax. Or a version of Jadzia Dax plucked from a slightly different past timeline. There are lots of possibilities for having both, it's just that... I'm not interested in them. I don't think they'd have what I generally look for in a joined Trill narrative. So much of what makes Jadzia and Ezri's stories great to me is that they choose over and over to be Dax despite the heavy burden the symbiont sometimes is for them. I feel like a duplicate story would remove that agency somehow, while eg having Jadzia learn to live without it at the same time as Ezri is gritting her teeth and almost losing herself trying to adapt to the joining would be something I'd actually be interested in seeing.
Again, entirely personal opinion, and by all means duplicate-Jadzia is an entirely viable solution for this problem! Certainly better than having Ezri not joined to Dax at all.
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misty-moth · 6 months
arthur 12, 18, 23 for the character ask game 💕💞
Arthuuur (♡ヮ♡) thank you for the ask 🥹
12: A headcanon I have for him:
“I only like my coffee black.” I think that will change in due time.
Now don’t get me wrong, I think he loves it and it’s his favorite in the story. And maybe it always will be. But this man is living in the 1900s where he’s only dealt with the possible additions of cream and sugar. I also opt for plain black coffee when those are my only options 🤷‍♀️ (he’s also getting the fanciest coffee, courtesy of daddy Comte’s wallet)
But he also loves fudge, which hints at a sweet-tooth. I can see him loving creamer once better flavors start popping up, and different types of spices and brewing styles.
My guess? He’ll grow very fond of dark chocolate mochas that aren’t too sweet. Maybe pistachio, too… Just enough sweetness to keep the coffee flavor at the forefront.
18: A relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire.
Arthur and Newt’s relationship makes my heart smile. I know Arthur is a lil shit to Newt, but I feel like Newt needs it. Arthur reads people like a book, and has stopped teasing in its tracks in some routes when he notices true discomfort. He also knows how to deal with a contrarian.
And I think Arthur is so much happier having a friend who’s a bit… purer, I guess? Idk if that’s the right term, but all of their conversations are light and fluffy. Arthur is wary of purity, and yet Newt snuck his way in. Vincent would bring that kind of friendship, too, but angel man has a guard dog 😭
23: Favorite picture of this character:
Cheesin’ Arthur 😭😭😭
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Look at him! Look at him! I’ve been losing my mind over this pic from the moment I saw it. The cute aggression is unreal (Honorable mention to hotdog Newt for being my favorite cg before this)
Ask game post
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desertfangs · 5 months
Anne's mind is so fascinating to me. She really had a whole plan for Daniel and Armand (which as wacky as it was, was a plan of sorts), and instead of even alluding to it in the books, she was like: "yeahh Daniel... that guy. He lost his mind for a while, lived in Marius' house, built some train models, then got back together with Armand and then moved to his house... any q's? No? Thought so. So, about that mural...", I unironically love her so much lmaooo
Oh my gosh, me too! I unironically want one of those t-shirts with the scan of her brain on it. Her mind was fascinating.
I’ve been in and out of this fandom since the 90s and I think one that keeps me coming back is that there’s just so much in this world that’s left unexplored. So many throw away lines you could write half a book about (DM is full of these but it’s true of the entire series!), so many scenes that are glossed over or suggested or implied and never fleshed out.
There many conversations and encounters that must have happened that just do not appear on the page—they were in the Sonoma Compound together for a while, and on Night Island together for a while, then at Court! All of them have talked and interacted and what we get in the books is just a tiny fraction of it. Which makes sense mostly-- I mean, somethings arguably should have been included, like Louis' reaction to Daniel as a vampire for example!!--but obviously a lot is happening in every book and there just isn't space. Louis had to condense the entire story of his life into one night, he couldn't go night by night for hundreds of years. No one is going to spill every detail or every moment. It all comes down to the pieces that build the main picture, and then we can then take it and infer the rest from that.
Anne was masterful at leaving little breadcrumbs you can follow if you want to. And of course, she was such a talented, skilled writer, who created these characters that just feel real and alive. She had her quirks and she was human. She wasn’t always right about things and sometimes she was more willing to admit that than others. She was just a person who told amazing stories and those stories have stuck with me since I was far too young to be reading those books, and now here I am, almost 30 years later, still writing fic, still rereading the books and finding new little nuggets I’d never noticed, still so excited to hear other people’s interpretations of scenes or characters, and to read other people’s fic that explore all these little crumbs and flesh them out.
When I say I love this fandom, I mean it from the very bottom of my heart, and we owe Anne so much for building a world that we have so much room to play in. It really is incredible. It blows my mind sometimes how real and visceral and powerful the world of the VC feels. But I digress!! I completely agree, anon. Even if we don't get a lot of Armand and Daniel in the later books together, we do get a satisfying story for them as a couple, and we get the joy of filling in those missing pieces ourselves. 💖
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wispmotherr · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers
hello beloved! thank you for the ask <3 let's see... i'm gonna list five things that made me happy today, specifically. just for fun. 1. my coworkers! (most of them, anyway haha) 2. spring thunderstorms 3. the way the grass greens up and the trees show their buds so fast after said thunderstorms 4. silly goofy internet pals 5. my kitty cat philip ojomo
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scribe-of-ariel · 4 months
We’re in charge of the next legacy of Kain …..what would your approach be?”
Thank you for sending me this.
I cannot speak for anyone else, but if I were in charge, it would be a total remake. I would give it the LAU treatment. It would essentially be the same story, with the same characters, but updated. A reimagining.
Take the story back to the start and remake it with today’s tech, upgraded physics, controls, fight mechanics, new puzzles, the entire works.
But the most important thing is that it feels like a Legacy of Kain game.
For that you’d have to use the same rich aesthetic with deep, jewelled colours of the original series. Not the washed-out, grey-brown AC/Skyrim style palette that was all the rage in the last decade.
Remaster the soundtrack with strong leanings into the original themes.
Ideally enlist the help of Amy Hennig with the script and direction. She’s still out there, making games. I’m sure she’d love to remake and finish what she started. Allow her to tell the story she wanted to tell without interference.
If Amy wasn't available, at least stay true to that original tone. One of the most applauded things about Legacy of Kain is the Shakespearean-style dialogue, and that can’t change. Or it just won’t feel like Legacy of Kain.
Recast with some of the new exceptional voice talent out there today. Don’t be hung up on ‘you can’t recast this role’ - it’s been done before in other series and worked amazingly well (God of War, for example). I’ll save my ideal LoK recastings for another post.
Start with Blood Omen. But keep the third-person action adventure style of the Soul Reaver era.
Re-write the story with diverse characters.
Don’t fall into the Trinity trap. The rule of thumb in writing circles is this. If your female character can be replaced by a signpost for your male protagonist to learn from and surpass without changing the story, then she wasn’t a ‘strong female character’ after all.
Disclaimer - Ariel is not a strong female character, but she was never meant to be. Someone had to play that role, be it male or female. That doesn't mean there cannot be others. But I’d rather have no representation than bad representation.
Gender-bending a few of the brothers would be one way to do it. Or re-instate the sorceress content. But no nudity, and no modern swearing. Sex is great, but if all you have is sex appeal, strip that away, it’s still a bad game. Sex appeal is just unnecessary window dressing to a story like Legacy of Kain.
Don’t use poor treatment of a female character to motivate your male protagonist. Raziel didn’t need female trauma dangled in front of him as motivation, and neither should Kain, or anyone else, for that matter.
Bodyshock is fine. It's always been part of Legacy of Kain, but again, don’t take a pregnant woman and turn her and her child into some kind of abomination. Female trauma for shocks is cheap. If you’re going to do that to a female protagonist (say, Ripley, for example), then at least you’re not taking away her agency. But if you’re doing it just to motivate your male character, it takes away her agency and becomes highly misogynistic.
Above all, finish the story. Don’t let Raziel heal the scion of balance and then say, ‘Oh well, part three was the end of the story’ - make his journey and sacrifice mean something.
Allow your protagonists to jump around in time, but their personal journeys must have a beginning, a middle, and a meaningful, satisfying end.
What do you think? How would you do it? Let me know your thoughts.
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Howdy! What do you think of 🐍, 📊 and 😈? Plus what's your ❤️?
Heloooo and thanks for the ask! finally the attention i have so craved
But anyway
🐍: YEEESSS very big fan of monster preds and prey. I've always liked when characters have some interesting features not like what humans have. I also particularly like when the designs are a lot weirder than normal (my sona is an eldritch abomination lmao). I don't really mind any species for pred or prey, but one of my all time favourites for either is nagas. They can be either living sleeping bag or slurped like noodle. Very nice yes.
📊: GT IS WONDERFUL YES absolutely love it! It's also the one which generally makes the most sense with vore but then again it's vore we're talking about sense doesn't matter. But the possibilities with it are amazing, gemtly hold tiny prey before eating them, dangling them above the mouth, let them relax in the mouth, the possibilities are amazing.
😈: Hehehehehehheeehehehh yeessss love me some fearplay. Taunting the prey in the preds hands, backing them against a wall so they can't escape, detailing how exactly they're going to eat them and enjoy them, yeeeeessss good soup. One of my favourite scenarios with fearplay is the pred and prey having agreed to it beforehand and once the prey is down the pred is just being all lovey to the prey, and another is similar sort of thing, but the pred is a bit too convincing and genuinely scares the prey, so they break character to make sure the prey is ok.
❤️: Honestly I don't know what to put as my favourite trope, there's so many wonderful ones to pick from. But one I do very much like is a pred succumbing to their instincts and swallowing their friend, and they feel like a monster as a result but their friend is ok and isn't upset with them. Pred thinks they broke their friend's trust but the prey trusts them enough to be ok with being eaten.
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mxddyhero · 10 months
Hi, hope this isn't a bother but I saw you say you didn't know that one Itaru card existed. So I thought I'd let you know if you wanted to see the original card it is on yaycupcake called, "Delinquent Upperclassman Behind the School". Unfortunately the story's not translated but yea.
ahh, hi there!!! not a bother at all omg!!! I took a look on ycc after I saw it, I can't believe I'd never seen it before!! the unbloomed either, it's gorgeous!! I think maybe it's just because none of my friends are hard-core itaru oshis ^^;; but either way!!
bless your heart, thank you for letting me know though, this was so sweet of you! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!! <33
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thescrapwitch · 2 months
Hemlock and Niphrodel for the wip ask game please!
Thank you!
This one is another one of the three "flower fics" that I have been working on. Its set in the Fourth Age and focuses on Elrond and Thingol bonding/sharing grief over the loss of their daughters. There's just so many interesting parallels between the two of them that I want to explore! There is also a heavy emphasis on flower imagery because I miss flowers so much (when will it finally become spring again???)
Here's a small snippet:
“What have you left behind that you grieve so much for?” 
“My daughter.”
“Has she not yet sailed?”
“She never will.” How many times would Elrond need to recount this story? Each time pierced his heart like a needle, each time made him remember the last time he’d seen Arwen’s face and had been forced to let go of her hand. “Out of love for a man, she has chosen to give up her immortality. She will travel beyond this world with him when her time has ended.” 
Thingol was silent for a moment. “That is an unending grief,” he said at last, “and one I’m afraid I understand all too well.”
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prisms-writing · 3 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged from you! <33
Thank you for the ask
1) the Council of Morble (@artqueen02 @galaxybooper @blu3cl0v3rs @laziarteest)
2) having a close group of people who not only like my writing ideas, but are willing to give good feedback when needed and who don’t immediately take said ideas for themselves without credit
3) having the time to work on my hobbies and skills without being told it’s a waste of time
4) finally living in a safe area and house
5) my birds, conures and all
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mylucayathoughts · 25 days
for the handwriting ask game: ☀️🥤🌅 (it's a holiday <3)
Hello love!
Thank you for the ask 💖
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Handwritten ask game
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Yo you got any uh
Any Leosaya headcanons 👀
i am actually so excited you sent in this ask omg, no one has ever asked about my headcanons before this makes me so happy
so i definitely have more but some of the ones i randomly have written in my notes app are
• sayaka comes to leon’s baseball games, and gets really angry and tells off anyone in the crowd who heckles leon. she also gets really mad when she thinks there’s was an unfair play against leon.
• sayaka bought leon his first guitar for his birthday, she can’t play guitar herself so she loves when leon plays background music when she sings.
• sayaka is actually pretty good at baseball and will even help leon practice. (one time she beat him and she will never stop talking about it)
• they tend to go out to eat a lot, one of their favourite things to get is spicy ramen. sayaka has a much higher spice tolerance than leon who likes to think he can handle spicy food but always ends up crying.
sorry i definitely have more but there’s some to get you by hehe
they are my favourite ship like ever, so if i think about it more i can definitely add to this list
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leopardmuffinxo · 8 months
Hey, hope it's ok to send you an ask too!
First I wanna say you are SO insanely talented at character creation and making gifs, oml, whenever I see your OCs on my dash I'm like woow hello gorgeous! Love that they all have such cool stories too!
So here's my question, which of your OCs would get along, which wouldn't and if you could have one in your party as a companion, who would it be and what would their dynamic be?
Also, do you play them all simultaneously or finish one run and then start another?
Hope you'll have a great day!
slkjdflksjfklsdjf !!! Omg this legit made me tear up just a bit. Thank you so so much. You're too sweet! ♡ Asks are always welcome! I just sometimes take a second to respond lol.
Character creation has always been one of my favorite parts playing any game with a CC, and gif making is so relaxing for me when I don't feel like gaming, so that truly means a lot. ♡
Now for your questions. I'll stick to my BG3 OCs (that have current playthroughs going on), otherwise we'll be here forever lol. I've actually thought about this a lot in the past, so answering this on my blog is fun. Just be jabbing myself a bit, but I feel like I'm not the best at putting my thoughts together and I tend to ramble, so this may be a bit all over the place. Good ol' ADHD brain. Hopefully one day I'll have ALL of their backstories written in a way that makes sense lol.
Who would they would/would not get along with:
Raven: She's snarky, sarcastic, and flirty but also very closed off to deeper conversations from anyone she's not close to. (In her mind, sharing secrets to her gives someone a power over you, so she avoids things like that at all costs.) I like to compare her to Mazikeen from the show Lucifer, because they're incredibly similar with their personalities. For this reason, she would get a long with almost everyone listed, except for Ember or Talon. Her and Kyvoni would def get along the most, as they share similar humor (and pasts). Her and Iris have... physical history, so Iris is still quite hurt regarding it, so they're wouldn't be on the best of terms.
Ember: To those who don't know her, she comes off as very serious and stoic, with a very regal aura about her. Also the literal biggest bookworm. Her and Juniper are sisters, with Ember being the older one, so they get along as well as and bicker as sisters do. Raven and Kyvoni would get on her nerves with their constant snark, so she would avoid them. She, Iris, Velvet, and Khione would get along amazingly. She would def pick Khione's brain about all things magic and share their favorite books. (Khione also writes and reads smut, so I always thought about her introducing those things to Ember lol.) Ember and Talon... might just kill each other. Keep them apart.
Juniper: She's pretty much the opposite of her older sister. Very much go with the flow and completely fine with spontaneity, unlike Ember who prefers structure. While Ember loves her younger sister, they bicker a lot now that their older since Juniper took the warlock route, instead of learning magic the "old fashion way" like her sister. Her patron is a couatl, so it's not like her pact is evil, but Ember still isn't happy with the way she went about things. Her and Iris would be best friends in an instant. She'd def lock on to Khione as another older sister figure, due to her draconic sorcerer background. She's pretty indifferent about the others, although she might pick up some of Raven's lewd humor.
Iris: An absolute sweetheart of a bard. Natural flirt, of course. Who doesn't love a pretty purple tiefling? As mentioned above, she had a fling with Raven and fell hard. Raven didn't return her feelings, so there's some hard feelings on Iris' end. She would get a long great with everyone, and even get Talon to crack a smile every now and then. She loves to bring positivity to any situation, so it's hard for most people to dislike her, as hard as they might try. Her and Velvet would be best friends.
Kyvoni: He's pretty intimidating on the outside, which he prefers. It keeps most people out of his space and out of his business. He can be snarky, usually going off into asshole territory with some of his sarcasm. Ember and Juniper wouldn't dislike him, but probably wouldn't pursue a friendship with him. They're just too different in that aspect. Him and Raven get along great and have constant banter. They sometimes both have a very lewd sense of humor, which gets on the others nerves quite often lol. Him and Talon would be fine, and have a mutual respect for one another.
Talon: She's very prickly lol. She's pretty abrasive and blunt most of the time, even when it's not needed. She has tattoos over a lot of her body, mostly depicting snakes within them, so she looks intimidating to most people. (I'll figure out how to implement them in game one day.) Due to this, she doesn't get along with most of my other OCs at first, but would eventually warm up to Iris and Velvet, since they would go out of their way to get to know her softer side.
Khione: She's incredibly intelligent, and sweet... most of the time. Think Evie from The Mummy. She is a draconic sorcerer, so of course she's well versed in magic without trying, and specializes in ice magic, though she's not really much of a show-off. She prefers to let her mind impress people. As mentioned above, she's a bookworm and a writer, so her and Ember would get along great, especially after she helps mend her relationship with her sister. Khione can match Raven and Kyvoni when it comes to their wit, which will throw them both off at first, but they'll come to be good friends.
Velvet: She's very much a mix of sweet and spicy. She feels the spice is needed, as some people are put off by her being a half-drow, necromancer, and for her eyes which are black voids. (A side effect from a spell when she was younger and just getting into necromancy.) She would get a long with Talon, despite Talon's spiky nature. They have a lot in common with their backgrounds, so Velvet would be able to crack her shell. Iris constantly comments on how pretty she is, which blossoms their friendship. She would get a long fine with the rest of them, though they might not become as close as Talon and Iris.
If you have any questions about ones I maybe didn't mention together, feel free to ask!
Obviously I love all my bbys, but if I could have one in my party as a companion, it would be Kyvoni. He's an ex member of Zhentarim, and has a long, sordid past he would prefer to keep secret. He would def agree to anything that gets you paid or intimidation tactics at the beginning. He has a bit of a temper, and can be incredibly impulsive. He would be a tough nut to crack in opening up when it comes to his past or feelings about things, whether it be a friendship or romance path. A romance path would def have a scene were he intentionally pushes you away or tries to get you to hate him. He's dangerous, and already had someone close to him hurt because of it. He doesn't want to go through it again and has sworn off of matters of the heart. (Hoping to eventually dig deeper into what everyone would be like as a companion.)
I play all of them simultaneously, just depending on who's story I feel like playing at the time. Sometimes I play a certain character for days; other times, I switch characters multiple times within the hour. Just depends! I actually still haven't finished the game, but didn't really mind ending spoilers, so I have a good idea of who will do what. I'm currently working on act 3 with a lot of them.
Thank you so much for the ask! Sorry for the rambling lol. ♡
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Scenario for Yuno and Yukitaru: a den filled with corpses....and a single rabbit inside of it.
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"We should quickly save the rabbit and get out of here before whoever killed these people comes back!" Yuki says and begins moving forward to get the rabbit to safety only to be stopped by Yuno grabbing onto his arm.
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"Yuki stop. You should know better than most sometimes cute things are also very deadly. I think that rabbit is the one who killed these people you shouldn't be so taken in." She warns with no hint of irony as she aims her knife at the rabbit who had yet to attack.
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