#thank you anon :D
redstonerross · 2 years
What’s your favorite food to put redstone dust on?
I like it on everything really... but if I had to choose a favorite then I'd choose my birthday cake since it's so special...!
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kiuda · 2 years
I've been absolutely loving the drenglish posts, and the test was super fun to take!
Question: how do you think a dream twitch/live stream would translate to drenglish? because dream and stream end in the same way, so a conventional drenglish spelling wouldn't work.
I'm glad to hear that :D
Oh dear Anon this is actually a questions that a lot of experts have been brainstorming about for a long time now. Some say maybe not all words should be translated, others disagree.
The suggestions include: dritch (twitch), dwitch (twitch), sdweam (stream, more non-traditional suggestion) and drive (live).
I have also seen some people say we should just use 'dream' and let the context speak for itself, but, as you can imagine, that is sure to cause some misunderstandings.
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u have amazing taste in fiction <3
awww thank you!! <3
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dennydraws · 1 year
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then send to the last ten people in your notification anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity!
I saved this for a rainy day :D; Thank you, Anon! I already listed 5 things but... how about 5 more?
Breakfast. I love breakfasts! I love taking my time preparing something in the morning, enjoy my coffee, have a moment to charge me for the day before I jump into work!
Christmas Carols. Ok this is a bit odd I guess? I love the old choral songs, all the old time classical ones. They always sounded very otherworldly to me and as I was a kid who wasn't very fluent in english I had no idea of the lyrics or anything so I always came up with stories for the songs. Now when I hear them, I get this child-like whimsy feeling.
Aroma Candles. I love when my place has nice cozy smell that just helps me relax for a moment.
Seashells. I think I listed this before? Not sure... I love collecting and gathering sea shells, I love everything and anything sea related!
Sunlight. I mean it, my mood goes to dumpsters when it gets cloudy for too long xD;; I like the sun, I enjoy sunlight, I want to be out in the sun! Give me eternal summer and the blissful summer breeze by the sea! (though I love Autumn forever)
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ducktr0ducin · 2 years
can u draw a real sleepy gyro
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Scrooge wakes him up at UNGODLY HOURS just for whatever “get out of jail free card gizmo (tm)” they need for the week
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sibelin · 2 years
1: A song you like with a color in the title.
i'd say Baby turns blue by the Virgin Prunes. the whole album is a goth classic, love it :^)
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purple-heart-x · 2 years
Your writing is so good and sweet and please give Theo a hug?
Awww thank you!!
Sure thing-
Theo shudders when he feels someone touch him, wondering what you'll do to him. But you just hold him, and eventually he realizes you aren't hurting him. He all but melts in your arms, beginning to cry and try to hide. Pleading shakily for help, he's sorry, mercy. Please, mercy.
He cries himself back into sleep, feeling a little more comforted now that you're here.
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zykamiliah · 1 year
i feel like you're trying to mess with me, but I won't be easily intimidated!
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shy-sapphic-ace · 9 days
You asked for anonymous opinions! You seem really kind and like a lovely person to be around!
Yippee!! Thank you anon!! I really appreciate it <3
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thetimecrystal · 3 months
best song off each justice album? (including escapades and/or the live albums if you've listened!!)
†: stress or waters of nazareth
audio, video, disco: on'n'on or helix or audio, video, disco
woman: alakazam! or chorus
hyperdrama: one night/all night or incognito or generator
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gatostudies · 3 months
For the sanrio asks... My melody 💟💜🪻
my melody: what is your dream job?
honestly? I don't really know what my dream job is, I don't think I have one, I do enjoy working in editorial so I hope i can continue to do that c: ask me anything!
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Zzz in ask game :>
Kinsley is a huge night owl! However, most of the time she has to be awake during the day, so she doesn't often get to stay up too late. She'll also often take naps throughout the day
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dennydraws · 2 years
When you get this, please respond with five things that make you happy. Then send to the last ten people in your notification anonymously. You never know who might benefit from spreading positivity!
A wholesome Anon! Thank you!
Art stores! Okay that may be a bit cliche for an artist but just going into any art store and walking through all the displays fills me with so much creative spark like "Ooh, I could use this or that to create something!" Of course that doesn't end well with my wallet hehe xD; I often joke that when stressed I need to go out and touch paper in the art stores lol Need instant pick me up? Just go to an art store! Curious what ideal date will be for me? Bring me to an art store. The answer is always - the art store.
Music, sketchbook, solitude Okay this feels like 3 things but it is the combination of them that does the magic! I need alone time to unwind and be with myself and my art - not online or available and if I don't get enough of that I get super cranky. Lately I just close every messenger possible, mute my phone, or right out turn the internet off, cause at this day and age it's nearly impossible to have a moment of peace regardless of what status you put.
The Sea! I'm fortunate to live by the sea and I love it so much. I love staring at it, I love swimming, I love water, I love sea shells, I love pirates, I love sea adventure stories - anything and all sea related sparks joy! Probably good place to mention that I get easily sea sick xD;; which absolutely does not spark joy!
Switch, soft blanket, warm coffee Okay again it's three things but it's the combination! Going out and being social is good and all but have you ever snuggled in a cozy couch wrapped yourself in the softest blanket, booted a favorite game and sipped the creamiest coffee? Pure bliss... You all are going to some gathering? Good for you. Now let me play Octopath 2 in peace lol
Walking home from work at dusk Okay this is also super specific xD; I love walking and I'm fortunate that my city is fairly green. I love zoning out during my walk to work and back. On mornings I get this refreshing movement, some good podcast but it's on my way back that does the magic to me. I love the air at dusk, everyone closing stores and heading home, the sun has bathed everything in golden hues, the farmers markets smell of any and all foods as everyone is preparing to close for the day - everyone is going home and I too am going home. Something about this time just fills me with wholesomeness.
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fave animal crossing villager?
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I like all the octopi villagers but cephalobot has my entire heart for being an octopus AND one of the five robot villagers! His catchphrase is donk donk which is a Star Wars reference (to gronk droids) :D
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noritaro · 2 years
i may have gone overboard with sending drawings hope u like em
yes I noticed them and I love em!! Gonna post them in a bit :3
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accelactor · 6 months
Erik: Don’t worry Charles. As long as I am here, we will stand together even if the whole world is our enemy.
Charles: Thank you Erik, but may I ask why the whole world is our enemy?
Erik: Because I am here.
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