#thank you caboose
0utpost-alpha · 1 month
One of my favorite moments from Restoration
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ehhgg-art · 1 month
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thank you red vs blue. you were the greatest show ever, of all time.
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prxckedradiolove · 4 months
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the caboose brainrot is real holy heck this week has been a TIME GIRLS IFHEGRBGNHRBSGKKBK
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donuttrymedebil · 1 month
Finished Red vs Blue: Restoration, and overall I enjoyed it. Was it as good as past seasons? Not most of them (leagues better than Zero though). Were there parts that could have been better? Yeah, but also keep in mind the limitations they had, there was only so much that can be done in an hour and a half, not really enough time. Do I think certain character deaths should have happened? Not really, but at least for one of them (no spoilers here) it felt like a fitting send-off. Restoration was nowhere near as bad as certain people make it out to be; it wasn't perfect, but it was enjoyable.
That said, I just...can't believe it's really over. I still haven't really processed it yet but this was a show I watched since I was a teenager. This was another part of my childhood that has died and it's actually pretty depressing, will probably be rewatching again from the beginning to try and cope. This whole situation sucks but at least we have the memories (and memory is the key). I dunno, part of me is holding out for more of those goofy PSAs they did outside the normal seasons, as unlikely as that sounds.
In any case, I'm grateful to this series for being such a big part of my life (both the good times AND the bad times), I wish everyone at RT the best of luck in their future endeavors, and I hope for a better future for us all.
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Hey there! What’s your favorite episode of Bob’s Burgers that no one ever seems to talk about?
Hi Babs! Thanks for the ask!! 🥰
I’m going to have to go with My fuzzy Valentine!
I love both plots going on in this episode. We’ve got Bob taking the kids all over the city looking for this love test machine that turns out isn’t even from him and Linda’s first date! And then there’s Linda throwing this speed dating game in the restaurant while he’s gone? Great episode!
I think it’s really sweet that Linda accepts the gift, happily even, after he’s realized his mistake. It’s cute and very them. And of course that who thing with Bosco! I still can’t believe he let her off with no consequences! Listen…I love Bosco so much! It’s so much fun watching that speed dating with him and he’s making all these comments and ruining Linda’s fun. And of course, the part where they talked about their worst qualities about themselves. Mort in this episode was so funny, especially loved that scene where he gets paired up with Bosco and is rubbing his feet!
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I know it’s from season 3, which honestly I don’t watch often any more, but I was talking to my coworker about this ask yesterday and he and I were discussing episodes and this one came up. After excitedly discussing it, I realized I actually loved this episode more than I thought AND secret? I def used this episode in February to inspire a little bit of my Valentine’s Day fic. Wanna know why Mort goes on a date with Bosco? This right here!
Thanks so much, it’s always fun to get random asks and I love talking about Bob’s Burgers again!
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op3ra · 1 year
hi hi hello if you do art requests could you possibly do cb or rusty ? if not that's okay ! i love your art too !!
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silhoutteintheshadows · 2 months
"If Teddy and Ambrose had a kid, it would be me. I would be their love child." - Caboose 2024
lmao find a best friend who FaceTimes you to cheer you up, but this is ultimately what we talk about and I wouldn't have it any other way! Also, Caboose I WAS SO CLOSE IN GUESSING AURGGGH (I'm so salty about that hahahahaha)
But you're definitely one of my favorites, and I seriously wish we lived closer so we could hang out and be stupid together IRL. Can you just imagine our shared brain cell not knowing what to do with itself? lmao
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suppenzeit · 1 year
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I haven't succeeded before
Now I will do everything right
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theangrypomeranian · 5 months
For the ask fic meme!
You know I’d send ‘em all if I could!
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists? the scene in chapter 26 of Baby Steps where Gene and Alex and JJ sing Uptown Girl then single out Tina with a spotlight so that Zeke can ask her to homecoming. just typing this out makes me embarrassed, i legit cannot reread that scene. XDD it's so cringey! 🌞 Do you have a preferred time of day to write? not necessarily preferred, but i end up writing at night a lot. mostly because that's when i'm off from work and home. 🤩 Who is your favorite character to write? Zeke and Becky are probably my favorites, though Henry and Darryl are working their way up there too! and Trev and Mickey lol i love my 30 something year old blorbos. XD
Fanfic Writer Emoji Ask
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finleyforevermore · 1 year
I don't know if it is one per person...or if I can do this...
I think it's one rose per sentence. Thank you for the roses, Geeb! I'll give you a hint on what each fic is about (and/or something related to the fic.)
Rose #1: "The choreography's always putting me in front! Like you and Ames, and Shads and Knux don't matter," Sonic replied, putting a gloved hand on Tails' shoulder.
Hint: "That's our town, our friendly town!"
Rose #2: "Let's just..see where we go from here," the caboose said softly, fiddling with his hat.
Hint: "You're not alone, there's me."
Rose #3: "Let's see, Stanley, it's...", the Narrator's excitement died down almost immediately, "the Jump Circle..?"
Hint: "This is the story of a man named Stanley."
Rose #4: "We're about to take a woman's soul contract!", Cuphead shouted to the audience, "why are you applauding like this?"
Hint: "Break a leg! ....Nah, break two."
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neacle · 2 years
Electra, C.B., Krupp? 👀👉👈
Electra has been answered here !
C.B: I feel like he'd enjoy those salty sticks or mini pringles or hot ranch chips, he's not overtly fond of sweet candy or such. For drinks he likes stuff that really burns, or that just have funny colours lol, he's not super picky!
Krupp: Hmmm, dark chocolate, maybe these small After Eights. He's not much of a snacks person, maybe he just eats carrots and cucumber with dip hehe For drinks, a nice cold Paulaner Salvator Doppel Bock, dark and rich beer. Or tea : )
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cabozers · 1 year
your art… AMAZING
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jrueships · 1 year
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zoo wee mama, as the Scriptures do say 🥵
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n3onwraith · 4 days
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6 and 10 for Teddy/tedmort please!
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
I don’t have anything Teddy specific for a WIP, in fact I don’t have a ton right at the moment in general since I’ve been working a lot more on Can’t Have One Without The Other. Speaking of, here’s a sneak peek of the next chapter:
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And since I do not have something for only Teddy, here’s something from the oneshot I’ve been sort of playing around with - a high school AU (that may have inspired another work I’m collaborating on currently!)
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10. What's your favourite piece of fanart for [character]?
Okay there are so many good artists out there but the first peice that comes to mind is this one from @dianadeadwing from last November. I think about this piece so often, honestly, it’s just so beautiful and I love the tedmort and it’s just…oh I love it!
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op3ra · 9 months
I'm so fuckin curious about your Components eyes! Any other shaped pupils? :0 what colours do the others have? 👀 (- Mutie, I warned you I was coming XD)
answered below cut with some drawings ;)
i drew the eyes of a few components and a few other trains who have notable eye designs. an interesting note here is that most trains cannot change their eye color/design; electra is one of very few newer electric trains who is capable of switching them out, and had them changed to match her aesthetic (they were originally both pink; sometimes she also has them changed to have black scleras). 
wrench’s triangle pupils both face the same direction (like little play-buttons lol) and don’t affect her vision at all, but no one really knows why they formed into triangles when she originally woke up (came to life). trains are weird like that: due to their complex, partially-biological, partially-mechanical nature, sometimes things just Happen
since trains are very large on expression and find human restrictions silly, there’s not really any negative association with unusual eyes :) especially because they regularly turn out bright colors (although rusty's gotten a couple double takes)
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