#in general trains vary greatly in appearance
op3ra ¡ 9 months
I'm so fuckin curious about your Components eyes! Any other shaped pupils? :0 what colours do the others have? 👀 (- Mutie, I warned you I was coming XD)
answered below cut with some drawings ;)
i drew the eyes of a few components and a few other trains who have notable eye designs. an interesting note here is that most trains cannot change their eye color/design; electra is one of very few newer electric trains who is capable of switching them out, and had them changed to match her aesthetic (they were originally both pink; sometimes she also has them changed to have black scleras). 
wrench’s triangle pupils both face the same direction (like little play-buttons lol) and don’t affect her vision at all, but no one really knows why they formed into triangles when she originally woke up (came to life). trains are weird like that: due to their complex, partially-biological, partially-mechanical nature, sometimes things just Happen
since trains are very large on expression and find human restrictions silly, there’s not really any negative association with unusual eyes :) especially because they regularly turn out bright colors (although rusty's gotten a couple double takes)
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aevumgames ¡ 11 months
✦ | To light the darkest of paths.
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Those Long Dead is a medieval fantasy interactive fiction story, with angelic imagery and themes worked in, and a focus on romance. It is rated 18+ for depictions of swearing, potential sexual themes, violence, and death. More warnings may be added as development goes on.
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Three generations.
That's how long it's been since this kingdom was conquered. In a time of great upset, the First Queen led a rebellion against reviled rulers and oppressive laws. Waging war with unmatched cunning, she rallied many powerful soul mages, known as angels, to the cause. From that conflict, the kingdom of Calcherth was born, built on the bones of the old empire. The First Queen ruled with great compassion and wit, but not all sins are forgiven with time. For the deaths she had caused during the war, the First Queen was murdered by the very people she had endeavored to lead.
The loss of its ruler did not spell the end of Calcherth, however. The coup was quickly suppressed, and the First Queen's son took the throne in her place. Now, many years later, the scars on Calcherth's short history have faded, and advances in soul magic improve lives for many within its borders. However, those same advances are viewed as a threat by Calcherth's neighboring kingdom, and many fear war is on the horizon once more. To make matters even more dire, the Second King has suddenly passed away, leaving his youngest son to succeed the throne long before he is old enough.
The effects of these events are so far-reaching, that even you are beginning to feel them, far to the southwest in the remote town of Lest. You are the child of a retired knight of the kingdom, who traded in his sword for the deed to Lest's tavern. The Fool's March, your father has named it, and the humble, but beloved tavern has been the center point of your entire life. But now, with rumblings of war, your father plans to pick up a blade once again, heading to the capital to enlist and leaving you behind in your childhood home. With him no longer by your side, what will you do when a threat to the entire kingdom comes for you? What will you do when you find out you may be a soul mage, yourself?
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Medieval Fantasy setting with angelic imagery and themes, and a focus on romance.
Adult characters, with the main cast being mid twenties to early thirties.
Customizable MC. Select your first name, last name, pronouns, appearance, orientation and manifestation of powers.
Five romance options of varying gender and personality, who you can interact with as you choose.
More to come as development continues!
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Kaine Breckem (he/him) - The blacksmith's former apprentice, who your father took in and hired at the tavern a few years ago. A kind, but mischievous individual, Kaine cares about others a great deal, but that doesn't stop him from being full of snark. Kaine can be your closest childhood friend, or someone you unfortunately work with; the choice is yours to make. Regardless, he's rather protective of you... but who will protect him when he needs it?
Vermillion "Millie" Lousat (she/her) - A descendant of a noble family, Millie has extensive education and combat training... and is also quite the social butterfly. It doesn't matter if it's the docks or the Gilded District, if you want connections somewhere, Millie has them. She wears her heart on her sleeve and doesn't care about the consequences. Maybe you'll catch her eye, somewhere amidst the mass of other's trying for her affections?
Leon Calcherth (he/him) - Technically a prince, Leon is the standoffish older brother of the Young King, Caleb, but is no longer considered to be in line for the throne. He greatly regrets the situation this has put his younger brother in, as they're very close. Leon is not easy to get close to because of the way he acts, but maybe the prickly prince has a softer side underneath the thorns?
Milo Lance (they/them) - The commander of the Order of Light, and they absolutely live up to the position. Practically raised in Gilramore's guard barracks, Milo's personality tends to come across as stiff and business-like, but in actuality they simply enjoy being effective and to the point. A truly gentle soul in a warrior's suit of armor, if you can persuade them to let down their guard.
Clementene Fairwreight (she/her) - Celementene is a talented soul mage for the Order, but she is a researcher at her heart; field work isn't particularly for her. A slightly nervous disposition and bad eyesight really only add to her penchant to stay within Gilramore's white stone walls. Her surprisingly daring experiments with magic captivate most of her attention, but maybe she'll find something in you that can capture her focus as well?
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Demo last updated 4/22/2024.
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calliopefiction ¡ 1 year
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Misplaced is a fantasy romance interactive fiction WIP, wherein your choices not only determine your own fate, but that of an entire kingdom. Let me take you an adventure filled with both whimsy and tragedy alike.
The current public demo goes up to the end of Chapter 6, available here: https://calliopefiction.itch.io/misplaced
The demo on patreon goes up to the end of Chapter 7: https://www.patreon.com/CalliopeFiction
The Story:
For decades, the human kingdom of Gaiapeia has been fighting against the fae living in the surrounding lands. How this conflict started depends entirely on who you ask.
You are the child of Lady and Sir Grahm, a noble familiy who has been serving the crown for generations. Eager to follow in your father's footsteps, you have been training for years to become a knight worthy of being Prince Az'Lean's Champion - his right hand, his closest confidant, the one who protects his life from the growing danger of the fae.
When the time finally comes and you are chosen for the position, it's a dream come true. You couldn't be happier. But just one day later, on your 21st birthday, a terrible truth is revealed to you.
You are a changeling - a fae child that was smuggled into a human family with only one purpose: to gain the prince's trust and use it against him.
A war between humans and fae is surely brewing and the outcome depends entirely on you.
Customize the appearance of your MC, play as non-binary, female, or male and romance whoever you like however you like, including the choice for asexual or queer-platonic relationships.
Enjoy the story without having to worry about stats - you will be a competent knight no matter what. There is no failure or success, only different choices and their outcomes.
Shape your personality, and your trustworthiness, with your actions. Other characters' disposition to you will change depending on how they perceive you.
Pick a side early on, play the long con, or refuse to make a choice at all. There are multiple split paths that will feature the same romancable characters - but their relationship to you might vary greatly (including villain romances).
Vynn (nb):
Vynn is one of your fellow knights and a long-time friend. Unlike you, they aren't a knight by choice and don't care much for fighting. You get the feeling they'd much rather be a bard if they could, seeing as they love playing the lute, spinning epic tales and generally being a source of levity. They are fiercely loyal and good-natured, though there is that bit of resentment that will never quite leave their heart.
Prince Az'Lean (m):
Az'Lean is your prince, the one you are sworn to protect. At a glance, he is the very picture of a fairytale prince: charming, chivalrous, and powerful. He is an excellent fighter, loves animals, and prefers to be treated like an equal. Anyone who cares to look will soon notice the darkness lurking beneath that shining exterior, festering ever since the death of his mother.
Lady Meave (f):
Maeve is a powerful dryad who was sent to educate you on the ways of the fae. She is usually playful and soft, but can get eerily intense at times. As much as she cares about decorum and courtly things, she finds joy in the simplest things and easily turns into a giggly mess. For all her humour, you can never quite tell if she is being serious. Sometimes it feels like she's just playing with you.
Thianne (f):
Thianne is a sorceress and one of Az'Lean's most trusted advisors. She is intelligent and hard-working, though sometimes at the expense of her own well-being. Although she comes across as abrasive and rude, she is always willing to help those who need it. Her dry sense of humour and brutal honesty have endeared her to just as many people as they have made her enemies.
Lester (m):
Lester is a half-fae servant, working in the castle. As with most half-fae, his presence isn't entirely welcome and his reasons for being here seem complexer than he lets on. Lester is known for his mischief and his crude humour, often pulling pranks that border on malicious. Despite the way he presents himself as laid-back and uncaring, it's clear that there's a lot he isn't opening up about.
This story contains potentially triggering content. There will be graphic depictions of violence, death, discrimination, body-image issues and mental illness (including panic attacks, suicidal thoughts and paranoia). Discretion is advised.
Thank you so much for showing any interest in this project at all! If you would like to receive biweekly update posts, participate in polls, and get access to bonus short stories, consider supporting me on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/CalliopeFiction
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hamletisintown ¡ 8 months
Fae people: Spiders
Scattered about in small villages, spiders sometimes seem more primitive or asocial than Insect Faes. It is a false assumption however ; their society is simply organized in a more horizontal way, with very little hierarchy. Every social unit, be it a village, a small regroupement or even just a family, decides together on everyone's roles and duties. When a decision must be made that might affect more spiders than just this one unit, such as matters of conflict and war, gatherings are organized for people to discuss, debate, and vote on the course of action. A council is often elected to oversee such debates, usually consisting on the oldest and wisest, as well as the strongest and most admired members of the community. A small group of people with varied expertise, able to give advice on different matters, and rule a decision when the community is too divided to come to one by themselves.
Spiders can boast of a few special abilities that differentiates them from other Faes and greatly shaped their way of life.
>Multiple pairs of eyes. Like most people, spiders have 2 eyes that can see in the same spectrum of light as normal humans. The secondary eyes however allow them to perceive some ultraviolets, which can be useful for better distinguishing certain plants and animals that bear patterns only visible in this spectrum. Some nocturnal spiders can even see in the infrared spectrum which useful for seeing in the dark.
>Weaving. Spiders use their hair as thread to weave cloth, rope, and even magic! Most spiders know how to weave at least some simple creations, as it is one of the staples of their culture. Clothes are an important means of self-expression and standing, and many spiders, especially those that are well-off or are clothes weavers themselves, will show off some beautiful colorful clothes.
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Spider hair is made of different materials than other people's hair, and grows faster too. Many spiders and especially hunters and warriors will keep their hair long so they can use it on the fly if needed. Using thread and ropes to fight is one of the spiders' specialty, and tricky to counter when you're not used to it. Alternatively, spiders that don't weave much or at all regularly cut their hair and donate it to weaver workshops.
Some weaving arts have been passed down for generations in certain families. If regular weaving is already well consideredd, magic weaving is even more important for spiders. Its mysteries are well-guarded and it has brought spiders strength and protection against enemies for centuries. Some few magic weavers will specialize in weaving information into webs and become Archivist, a very small group of weavers dedicated to keeping history and other very important information alive in a hidden library.
>A second pair of arms. Like many Insects' wings, they can appear and disappear mostly at will (and like Insect's, clothes get in the way of them, which is why most spiders keep a lot of their torso uncovered, or covered with a layer of clothes that is easy to remove) and while they do require a bit of training to learn how to use them in tandem with their main arms and can be a bit much at times, they can truly boost a spider's speed and/or maneuverability in many activites such as fighting or weaving. Very rarely, a spider will be so skilled at what they do with their 4 arms that they might be able to sprout and use a 3rd pair. It is extremely hard as it requires a lot of focus, dexterity and training. A few legendary warriors and weavers are known to have had 6 arms.
>Venomous fangs. Spiders possess special glands that allow them to produce venom. The potency and effects of it can vary slightly from individual to individual, and some people don't produce venom at all. Dedicated hunters, or people with particularly potent or useful venom will regularly drain their glands and store the venom to use it later or sell it.
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Spiders and Insects have a long history of not getting along well. The 2 groups simply have very different ways of seeing things. Spiders think of Insects as weak-willed, gregarious and clumsy, while Insects see spiders as primitive, cunning and scary people. Spiders sometimes have the reputation of being cowards, because of their fighting philosophy, relying on traps, poisoned weapons, and strategic hit-and-run ambushes. Such fighting style is adapted to smaller numbers of fighters. They themselves consider Insects cowards as well because they prefer to fight in bigger swarms and battalions.
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orcabouttown ¡ 2 years
Good evening brethren, today I will be explaining what the superior handheld weapon is and absolutely will not be welcoming debate. Here to help me are a selection of grungey, scary hotties.
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First we have Henry modelling the humble sword. Timeless, sexy, and always looking sharp just like Henry, this model is completely straight unlike Henry (at least according to a lot of you thirsty bitches)
It is said that the day man first melted metal in defiance of Gods will he forged the means to enact his own will upon his enemies, and since then every nation has put their spin on the sword in the never ending battle to dominate the battlefield.
The sword is simple, ergonomic, easily varied for purpose. You have your classic straight edge, cutlass, scimitar, katana, broadsword, rapier, two hander, one hander, hand and a half, some of these big boys are so heavy you practically need three hands.
A problem with the sword I have is it’s often overused in fantasy battles when enemies are clad in metal armour, and even with arms like Henry’s you can’t slice through metal armour with a sword.
It looks dope as fuck and has greatly varied appearances, but ultimately no, it’s not very orc to not be able to destroy your enemies just because they’re wearing cringe metal shirts.
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Next we have the classic axe modelled by good old honest Abe, America’s tallest sad boy.
It’s tough, it’s rugged, and people love to grip that shaft, which ironically also applies to Abe Lincoln for some.
The axe is a testament to man’s ability to build and destroy in one fell swoop. As the mighty oak tastes the bite of the axe so too does the skull of the enemy, and as you build a home from the logs so too shall you build a monument to your glory with your enemies skulls.
The axe takes a mixed level of skill to employ in battle, from artful twirling to swinging like an absolute mad bastard with all your might. It can generate devastating power with the right swing, but is incredibly difficult to keep up a sustained pace with. Thrusts and parries are out of the question and you’ll get no remise out of one of these bad boys, even if you just helicopter it around you like Abe does.
It’ll do in a pinch if you had to skimp on your arms budget and raid a lumberjacks house, but the energy consumption and risk of the blade getting lodged in what or whoever you swing it at makes it an inferior choice for proper devastation, but certainly a good means of execution, and a sexy weapon to keep handy for any and every gender of warrior.
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So Mr. Orc, you ask, what is objectively the best handheld weapon to sow terror and death with? Well first of all call me Dominic, Mr Orc was my father whose name and head I took in ritual combat. Secondly, it should be plenty obvious what the best weapon is.
The Oxford dictionary defines a weapon as “a thing designed or used for inflicting bodily harm or damage.” Simply put, it doesn’t need to be a fancy means of slicing up enemies or cleaving them in twixt, it simply has to do DAMAGE.
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And so I give you the ultimate crusher of men, the humble mace, or morning star for the warrior poet in you. When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail, and nothing makes nails of men like this beauty. Got a problem? Smash the fuck out of it. Training? You just smash the fuck out of stuff, what more do you need to do? Technique? Style? You clearly have not been listening to me.
You don’t even need to do maintenance for it, it’s a massive lump of metal on a stick, it maintains itself by sheer simplicity.
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Look at this thing, what more could you need? Armoured soldiers weep at the sight of this monster, shieldbearers piss themselves and even the warriors with the thickest helmets shit all over themselves, because if it somehow can’t kill you it can definitely ring your bell like Quasi-fucking-modo on speed.
You may be wondering why I didn’t feature spears as a part of this post as they are technically a hand held weapon.
I would personally wonder why you think I have that little respect for my enemies that I’d poke them with a fucking stick and call it honourable.
Next Week: Archery, and Why I Do Not Respect It
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virovac ¡ 4 months
Complex social dynamics of kaiju for my fan timeline idea brainstorming posts
With long lived kaiju I oddly don't see tangle webs of alliances
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Inspired by Marc Cerasini novels of having the main Rodan being a mother and my own past ideas for Rodan, Rodan is a semi-social species of varied appearances but no sexual dimorphism, led by a negligent matriarch.
Rodan young are incredibly self-sufficeint, but Rodan will come to the aid of her young if they are in the area and allow them to fly with her.
(Inspired by Scott Ciencin's novels), the Rodan matriarch is a long time associate of Anguirus and will discipline her young that harass the spiny kaiju. The two have been observed to sometimes just rest in the same general area.
Relationship with Godzilla is contentious willing to fight against a common enemy, but will otherwise attack eachother on sight. Oddly, neither seem to aim for a killing blow. (This part mostly my own idea and expanding their first encounter dynamic from Ghidrah the Three Headed Monster)
Rodan are intelligent creatures that begin refine hunting strategies and prey preferences soon after hatching, having intraspecies niche partitioning. As such, some have developed a taste for humans while others have not. Individuals vary greatly in the level of danger they represent to humanity, and in what circumstances they are a threat. But few if any will attack a lone individual human once they grow enough in size.
Soran from Dark Horse comics
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(Mixed partly with the Power Dragon of Hanna Barbara) My idea is a scavenger and high altitude hunter, that possibly weaves in and out of strange pocket dimensions in the clouds. The main predator of young rodan.
An ally of Godzilla that feasts from his kills, and not hostile to humans (and rarely coming down from high altitudes in their cities, so does not even cause slipstream damage very often) aside from when enraged by strange energy signatures, but also one of the mysterious Battra's few allies, coming to Battra's aid against other flying monsters.
[bear with me, really took a lot of creativity with this one]
(based on monsterverse Tiamat). A monster that can be summoned by humans replicating ancient devices, Tiamatos was the adoptive mother, or at least a mentor of many ocean monsters, generally after slaying their parents.
This allows her to bring a surprising number of kaiju to her aid that she trained into hunting partners.
She culls the oceans of rivals, while gaining allies where she can.
[yeah I wanted to do something with vocal mimicry and the Mother of Monsters thing, thinking she could be Megalon's momma and makes use of him the few times she comes into conflict with humans instead of going too weird like Monsterverse comics did and giving her hydrokinesis. I like her but she has too many powers at once]
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Few kaiju have as much a knack at making unnecessary enemies as this the turtle-like monster.
Kamerus is a crafty creature, playing dead and waiting out opponents to get what it wants. The large turtle has learned to attack fishing trawlers for an easy meal, making the beast a huge problem and spurring the sale of “kaiju detectors” of dubious functionality. It is a relentless raider of other Kaiju's nests, even shockingly climbing cliffs like a rock climber in order to snack on Rodan eggs.
Possessing a bizarre concealed stinger on its tail, Kamerus has been able to drop even Godzilla with its poison in the few times they brawled.
However, largely they have developed a strange bond with Godzilla, paralleling Godzilla's bond with the monster Anguirus on the opposite side of the globe. However the few times Anguirus and Kamerus have met Godzilla had to separate them as they quickly started fighting.
(Combination of Kamerus from the dark horse comics and the F***ng giant turtle from Godzilla the Series cartoon)
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lemme-just-oops ¡ 1 year
The urge to make an Obey Me + Arcana Twilight x reader fanfic is so strong 😭 but also I have been wondering how tf do school systems work in both those worlds. Like what is the age do these demons bros and magical casters finally get to graduate or do they not graduate at all??? How the heck did the teachers become teachers at RAD/Contell Academy when none of the students even graduated??? I get that knowledge expands and grows but is it necessary for them to stay at school for more than 1000s of years? I find it so confusing with games that have characters that are over 1000 years of old and are still going to school and none of them ever graduated—
I try to find an answer regularly, so: Here is how it may work in the Devildorm
Of course, a boring answer woud be that developers choose a school setting because their target audience still is in school, and that anyone can relate to it.
But we don't do boring answers like that.
In Obey Me, we know that Diavolo acts like a headmaster for the school. It might be that he -as the prince of hell- attempts to show his skills in leadership through this. And it definitely is a good training for him too, as he is costantly flooded with results from this. High grades show that his plans work, and that he is able to inspire younger generations. While bad grades would show a lack of discipline and a failure in his choice of staff.
Diavolo may use the demon brothers to keep an eye on the regular life of a student. The brothers serve as the first line of report, mentioning whether their workload is too high or understimulating, reporting on the behavior of teachers, the activities of clubs and probably some gossip.
Of course, Diavolo would not need all the brothers at school for this, but the more the better. After all, some of the brothers (*cough* Mammon *cough*) are not the most reliable. And with the differences of everyone's personality, Diavolo gets many different perspectives on the same choice.
But why do the brothers stay? Lucifer, of course, has no choice but to do Diavolo's bidding. I believe their motivations vary greatly, with Mammon being allured by the wage he gets from the position despite not doing much, but he still seeks out part-time jobs too. Leviathan because he can spend most of his time in front of a screen, not interacting with anyone socially. And with Satan constantly searching for more information, a school is the best place to stay. And Asmodeus thrives in an environment filled with beings whose hormones are on the loose and uncontrolled.
I can see that Beelzebub only stays because he wants everyone to stay together, which is why Belphegor has not sought his own path yet either.
Why do other students stay?
Of course, we cannot cover all reasons and we lack a lot of information. It is safe to assume that the devildom offers free housing to all their students, though. (After all, MC, Solomon and the angels do not appear to have taken part-time jobs to pay rent).
Some enjoy the scheduled lifestyle, not wanting to break away from a life they know. Maybe they only stay until they find a stable job and earn enough to live by themselves.
The brothers. All of the brothers (and Diavolo) are famous, and they have been harrassed by fans already. Some students probably stay around to be closer to them.
We all want an independency, with no curfew or rules set by our parents. The dorms offer this, while making it easy to spend time with peers.
And then there is one student. That one little unknown fool, who is older than some of the teachers. Only going to the school out of spite. Constantly saying in history classes: "Well, aCTuaLLy-". It has been centuries. Teachers want that classjester to finally leave.
Why do the teachers keep teaching?
Many people seek out a career that supports their life and interests. We do not know how often teachers change in the devildom. There may be a mix, with some teachers having taught for eons and others only for 50 years.
Some may break under the pressure, or lose interest and leave on their own will. Maybe some cannot keep up with the evolution of technological development.
Some of them may leave temporarily. Just like some humans take a year off to travel the world, teachers of the devildom may take years off to explore the different realms or to simply relax. After all, if they need to keep a job for eternity, they would be able to take years off just to rediscover themselves anew, and possibly switch their careers, or notice that they enjoy their current one.
Other reasons to stay would be: wage, the reputation of the school, interest in influencing younger generations.
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Form the deskďżź of Prof. Apricot
Empowered Human Classification, and Scaling.(E.H.C.C)
“Humans are pokemon and the insistence that we are not has limited our view on what our species can do . I plan to change that. often the first step in understanding is classification and in this list, I hope to provide a framework for myself and others to understand themselves in relationship to other. My framework is not meant to act as a hard set of rules but as a guideline for other set themseld in and in doing so discover .”
-Quoted form Professor Abigail Apricot
-categories describe the nature and source of the where anomalous abilities possesed by empowered human come from .
Type : Humans who express characteristics associated with the common type categories used to group pokemon. Such as resistance to certain types of attacks or expressing abilities possess by pokemon of said type(s).The most commonly documented are Esper categories as Psychic type , followed by Mystics categories as Ghost type and Aura master’s categories as Fighting. Others of this categories have been documented but most are too ambiguous to categorize more specifical .
Make up roughly 70% of documents empowered humans
Ability(other): humans who possess abilities or qualities of Non-type specificity but out side of base line human ability. The most commonly documented are humans who possess resilience to various kinds of damage, and humans able to process energy transfers from pokemon such as heal pules ,helping hand and etc but other more specific abilities have been documented. Empower humans abilities in this category tend to be hereditary by nature.
Make up roughly 28% of documented empowered human
Modified: humans who developed abilities by being physically modified by outer forces , generally from exposure to esoteric energies ,biological agents, or genetic modification. Generally expressed similar to the “Type” category Modified humans vary greatly in nature and don’t generally posses overarching trends from person to person.
Make up roughly 1% of documented empowers humans
Blessed: Humans who’ve through the will of a legendary have been “gifted” abilities. The exact mechanism from which this occurs are not fully understood but through unknown means “legendaries” appear able to generate self sustaining matrices of energies in humans that through training or triggers allows the human receiver to produce anomalous effects. Some in this category expressed abilities completely unrelated to the being that gave them their abilities while others claim to channel power directly from them.
Make up roughly 0.5-1% of documented empowered human.
-Level describes degree of application of ability possess by empowered humans
Alpha : varied applications generally unrelated to outer factors
Make up roughly 5% of documented empowered human.
Beta:set applications depending on outer factors
Make up roughly 15% of documented empowered human.
Gamma:one applications depending on outer factors
Make up roughly 20% of documented empowered human.
Delta : extremely limited or no application
Make up roughly 60% of documented empowered human.
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bunfart90 ¡ 1 year
TIL chatgpt is incapable of writing a poem that does not rhyme.
okay, update:
i was telling it to create a poem that doesn't rhyme, and it kept ignoring the parameter. so i tried talking it out and it was like "i could try to make a poem that strictly avoids rhymes" so i was like ok, if that's a parameter that make sense to you, then do that, but then it kept fucking rhyming. so i was like bro.
so then this happened:
chatgpt: As an AI language model, my responses are generated based on patterns and examples present in the training data. While I have been trained on a diverse range of text, including both rhyming and non-rhyming poetry, the creative process of generating a poem without rhyming can be challenging due to the natural inclination towards patterns and rhythm in language.
Additionally, the structure and constraints of a poem, such as line breaks and rhythmic patterns, can unintentionally lead to a sense of rhyme even when the intention is to avoid it. It's important to note that the concept of rhyme can be subjective, and what may appear as rhyme to one person might not be perceived as such by another.
I appreciate your feedback and patience as I continue to learn and improve my abilities. If you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with, please let me know.
me: maybe im just wired differently but i find it interesting that you said there's a "natural inclination towards patterns and rhythm in language" when for me, writing poems that rhyme is an active effort, whereas non-rhyming poems come way more easily as it's similar to a free flowing prose, like most things i write. there's certainly many things you write that don't rhyme, and if you were to create a beautiful piece of prose and break it up into enjambed lines, you would be able to create a non-rhyming poem.
chatgpt: You're absolutely right, and I apologize if my previous statement seemed to generalize the inclination towards rhyme in language. Writing styles and preferences can vary greatly among individuals, and what may come naturally to one person may require more effort for another.
For some, non-rhyming poems can indeed flow more freely and allow for a more prose-like expression. The use of enjambment, line breaks, and other poetic techniques can create a rhythmic and structured form without relying on rhyme.
I appreciate your perspective and insight into your writing process. It's important to recognize and embrace the unique ways in which we approach and create art. If there's anything specific you would like assistance with or any other topic you'd like to discuss, please let me know.
me: would you be able to create a non rhyming poem if the parameters were to create a piece of prose and break it up into lines and stanzas like the format of a poem, containing some enjambment?
So this is chatgpt's poem, titled "Whispers of Eternity."
In the garden of my thoughts,
blossoms of memories bloom.
Each petal unfurls, delicate and vibrant,
carrying whispers of forgotten days.
I wander these winding paths,
tracing the contours of my past.
Through sunlight and shadow,
I seek fragments of meaning and truth.
The breeze carries fragments of voices,
echoes of laughter and tears.
They mingle with the rustling leaves,
creating a symphony of moments.
Emotions, like wildflowers, emerge,
unfolding their colors in my chest.
Joy dances with sorrow,
as hope intertwines with despair.
In this garden of tangled thoughts,
I embrace the beauty of imperfection.
And though answers may elude me,
I find solace in the act of seeking.
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theshapeshifter100 ¡ 2 years
ALTR 04859 ‘Other’
Haven’t you done this already? I re-arranged some stuff and tidied it up, and have a name!
Don’t ask me for art, for the love of whatever you deem holy
ALTR 04859
ALTR 04859 has not displayed any preferences, but she/her are most often used by IRIS staff
Physical Description
When interacting with IRIS researchers, ALTR 04859 has the standard form is a stocky humanoid female standing at 155cm with blonde hair. Whether this is her original form is unclear.
The primary ability of this ALTR is the ability to change form.
There appears to be a preference for canid, lagomorph, feline and raptor forms. There is no known pattern to why she shifts to these forms. Upon being questioned, ALTR 04859 merely shrugged and stated ‘because I feel like it’.
It is unlikely that ALTR 04859 will display her full abilities willingly. Future tests of ALTR 04859′s abilities are still under board consideration.
Intelligence appears to be on the same level as an average human, and retains the same cognition and awareness no matter the form taken.
ALTR 04859 was first spotted in late 2017 in Nottingham’s city centre, and evaded capture for a full year before being brought into IRIS custody from a small town in Berkshire. No harm came to IRIS operatives during this time, although some were thoroughly embarrassed.
ALTR 04859 displayed recognition when some other ALTRs were described, but claims to have never interacted with them before recovery by IRIS. The WTCHR cameras told us that she was being truthful.
A steady supply of fiction books is to be maintained in order to distract ALTR 04859 and lower stress. ALTR 04859 has expressed great enjoyment of certain tropes found in fantasy and science fiction novels, although has also stated a great distaste of the romance genre, and romantic plot lines in general. Despite IRIS’s best efforts, there are a limited number of titles that fit those requirements, but there has yet to be any great discontent over the matter.
Despite clear curiosity, and potential pleading, ALTR 04859 is not allowed any non-fictional resources we have about magic.
There is to be constant monitoring of ALTR 04859′s cell and any new forms shown are to be reported immediately. A tight mesh is to be placed over all ventilation to the cell, and she is not allowed to be outside of the cell unsupervised.
She is to be allowed supervised exercise in an enclosed space once a week, and if well behaved, is allowed light training with the guards. ALTR 04859 appears to have some level of skill in unarmed combat, but is not allowed to do anything other than light training, in case physical restraint is required. Under no circumstances allow ALTR 04859 to know of the location of IRIS’s weapons stores, let alone allow her to use them, no matter of assurances that she ‘just wants to look’.
Recapture procedures
In the event of escape, food is one potential non-violent method of recovery, as ALTR 04859 appears to have trouble turning down food. Sweet food and chocolate are recommended, however given the clear preference for predator forms, having meat on hand is also recommended.
Should this fail, have sedation of varying doses on hand, both in syringe and dart form.
Other Notes
In human form, ALTR 04859 is fidgety, particularly with her hands. A foam stress ball has been provided and was gleefully received. In other forms she displays similar behaviour through other means, such as tail swishing and wing flapping, but the stress ball is still used. It has had to be replaced three separate times at time of writing.
When left alone, ALTR 04859 will sing, no matter what form she has taken. Observers greatly dislike when she does this in the form of a cat, or a fox. However, being prohibited from singing caused an increase in stress, so ALTR 04859 was merely advised not to sing in such forms, and has so far cooperated.
Whilst at the IRIS facility, ALTR 04859 has enjoyed the company of ALTR 0899 greatly. The two ALTRs are not to be left unsupervised with each other, and given their propensity to mimic each other when changing form, measures are to be taken to ensure the correct ALTR is returned to the correct cell.
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Anastasia the Musical Dowager Empress and Countess Lily Costumes
Dowager Empress Prologue
When the Dowager Empress gives the music box to young Anastasia, she wears a dark purple patterned coat with fur and a large hat. The coat is designed to look like one dress, however the actual construction is a separate top and skirt. She wears a silver wig in an Edwardian updo. In the Japanese productions her wig is black.
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(Alison Ewing, First National Tour)
Dowager Empress Prologue End
As the Dowager Empress receives news of the execution of her family, she is wearing the same skirt as at the start of the prologue and a simple white Edwardian bodice and broach.
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(Masha Karell, Stuttgart)
Countess Lily Act One
Since Countess Lily does not appear until act two, the actress in most productions plays several ensemble roles in act one. Most productions have this same outfit for Lily to wear as a base under ensemble outer pieces (though very often productions simply have the Lily actress wear the usual ensemble costumes). It is a white peasant blouse with a red overskirt and necklace. Her wig updo lacks the curls of act two.
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(Lucy Horton, First National Tour)
Countess Lily Dressing Gown
Countess Lily’s first scene is in an apartment in Paris, warding off visitors for the Dowager Empress before she prepares to head off to the Neva Club. She is wearing a black and red dressing gown in light silk. Occasionally it is structured as a black skirt with a shorter black and red dressing gown. Her wig features tight ringlet curls and generally is a reddish shade.
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(Vicki Lewis, Broadway)
Dowager Empress Close the Door
The Dowager Empress appears in this song in a thick dressing gown, which can be any shade between gray, black, or pale purple. Her wig is styled with a braid over her shoulder, and some productions that give her silver hair in the prologue change her hair to white for the rest of the show. She also has begun using a cane.
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(Mary Beth Peil, Broadway)
Countess Lily Neva Club
In the Neva Club, Lily wears a silky gold dress with short sleeves to dance in. She wears it with fingerless black lace gloves and a gold and black feathered coat which she removes when she first arrives. She wears this costume throughout Land of Yesterday and Countess and the Common Man.
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(Left: Lucy Horton, First National Tour. Right: Silvia Luchetti, Madrid)
Countess Lily Ballet
During the ballet, Lily wears a silk evening gown in shades of autumn. It appears mostly gold onstage and has very dramatic sleeves which can very slightly in construction between productions. Some productions will also have a black netting over the body of the dress. Her accessories include gold jewelry, white gloves, and a black fan.
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(Vicki Lewis, Broadway)
Dowagers Empress Ballet
For the ballet, the Dowager Empress wears a very Edwardian evening gown, a more old fashioned style. It is black in color as she is still mourning her family. It has a very long train and is worn with a feather boa. Other than the black color and Edwardian silhouette, the actual design of the dress varies greatly between productions, with some including gold accents on the dress. The Dowager Empress wears her hair up again from this point in the show, the the style is not quite as large as in the prologue, which is a slightly more Gibson Girl style.
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(Sarah Statler, Second National Tour)
Countess Lily Press Conference
Lily appears here in a day dress. It is green velvet with long sleeves and a high, draped neck. Some productions have shades of brown in the velvet or some type of accent at the waist.
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(Madeline Raube, Second National Tour)
Dowager Empress Finale
The Dowager Empress is wearing a light purple Edwardian dress to speak to Anya and make her statement to the press. Generally it is a plain button down dress with a patterned bodice and overskirt, though the pattern varies between productions. Details include white lace at the collar and epaulettes. She does not always use her cane with this costume.
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(Gerrie van der Klei, Netherlands)
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ashly-29 ¡ 1 year
The Design And Features Of The Altair Sword
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Altair Sword is a fictional sword that has appeared in several works of science fiction. It is described as being very thin and sharp, able to cut through even the toughest materials. The Altair series of fantasy swords are a popular item in science fiction and have appeared in both video games and literature.
The story of How to Train Your Dragon, the first book published by the American author Cressida Cowell, begins with Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III receiving an encoded message from his late father as well as a small package containing an Altair saber. This mysterious item is crucial in helping his village develop into a society ruled by peace and understanding instead of violence.
In the television series ", Altair is the name of a giant starship of the Federation and an energy sword used by some of its characters. In both cases, Altair comes from the Alpha Centauri star system. The ship is under command of Capt. Benjamin Lafayette Sisko is also the owner of the sword. 
Ben Sisko lost his parents when he was very young and was raised by a Vulcan teacher named Sakonna, who taught him that all living beings are worthy of respect and dignity and taught him most of what he knows about being a warrior with a sword; his technique greatly resembles Chinese swordplay.
Background of the Altair Sword
The Altair sword, or the falchion, is a single-edged sword with a straight blade - either two-edged, like the European varieties, or single as in some Indian examples. The edge is typically on the left side of the blade. The blade does not taper much from its center to its distal end and may be one-quarter or less at its thickness for most of its length.
It was introduced into Spain by Almanzor in 1002–1003 and then spread throughout Europe in the following centuries. The word comes from the Arabic "alaxtar" which could mean "sword" but probably refers to any iron object such as an axe. Most surviving Altairs are a combination of steel, which is hardened by quenching and tempering and then tempered in the flame. 
Steel from Lombardy was most commonly used for this sword and therefore the smith's name would be "Almastar" or "Almastar". The type of steel often used was made with a clean soft iron strip around the outside to prevent loss of temper, hence the French name "Louis d'air", i.e., the edge resembles an air blade. The blade is usually a single edge with a triangular point, slightly curved.
The Altair Sword's Construction
They are made by craftsmen who have trained for generations to know the precise balance between strength, weight, and steel quality needed to produce an Altair sword that can withstand the roughest conditions. The majority of swords are made from high-carbon steel. It is tempered, layered with clay, then heated until orange and allowed to cool slowly. 
The process softens the steel's molecular structure so that it has a lower possibility of breaking when put under increasing stress from use or abuse in battle. However, some swords are not simply made from high-carbon steel because they must be able to handle certain types of jobs better than others. Elaborate engravings on the handle, guard, and blade of a sword can add to its price. 
The engravings are done by craftsmen who are specialists in this field. The craftsman first sketches and traces the design on the handle, guard, or blade of the sword before engraving it. This is done with such deftness that only half an inch of the original surface is lost, leaving the weapon with a long lifespan. The swords come in many different styles – some have intricate patterns while others are plain. The design varies according to individual taste, or according to their intended use.
Key Features of the Altair Sword
The Altair sword is one of the most popular medieval swords. It was used by knights during the battle in the Middle Ages and Renaissance. This weapon was also commonly used in Japan, China, India, and Korea during this time period as well. The design of the sword including its length or size is determined by various factors, like the height of its wielder and the weight it can be lifted or swung for example. 
In addition to distinguishing itself from other swords with its unique shape and size, an Altair Sword has a characteristic hilt called a tassel which narrows towards the point and expands again on both sides near the pommel where it meets with the grip. The Altair sword can be used in a variety of ways, depending on its physical features. 
One can wield this blade with one hand or two hands and it evenly balances the user's weight when held with two hands. So one is allowed to either hold it securely in place or swing it freely about in various directions. The strike can be aimed at the opponent's face, body, or legs.
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aevumgames ¡ 11 months
✦ | To light the darkest of paths.
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Three generations.
That's how long it's been since this kingdom was conquered. In a time of great upset, the First Queen led a rebellion against reviled rulers and oppressive laws. Waging war with unmatched cunning, she rallied many powerful soul mages, known as angels, to the cause. From that conflict, the kingdom of Calcherth was born, built on the bones of the old empire. The First Queen ruled with great compassion and wit, but not all sins are forgiven with time. For the deaths she had caused during the war, the First Queen was murdered by the very people she had endeavored to lead.
The loss of its ruler did not spell the end of Calcherth, however. The coup was quickly suppressed, and the First Queen's son took the throne in her place. Now, many years later, the scars on Calcherth's short history have faded, and advances in soul magic improve lives for many within its borders. However, those same advances are viewed as a threat by Calcherth's neighboring kingdom, and many fear war is on the horizon once more. To make matters even more dire, the Second King has suddenly passed away, leaving his youngest son to succeed the throne long before he is old enough.
The effects of these events are so far-reaching, than even you are beginning to feel them, far to the southwest in the remote town of Lest. You are the child of a retired knight of the kingdom, who traded in his sword for the deed to Lest's tavern. The Fool's March, your father has named it, and the humble, but beloved tavern has been the center point of your entire life. But now, with rumblings of war, your father plans to pick up a blade once again, heading to the capital to enlist and leaving you behind in your childhood home. With him no longer by your side, what will you do when a threat to the entire kingdom comes for you? What will you do when you find out you may be a soul mage, yourself?
Those Long Dead is rated 18+ for depictions of swearing, sexual themes, violence, and death. More warnings may be added as development goes on.
Medieval Fantasy setting with angelic imagery and themes, and a focus on romance.
Adult characters, with the main cast being mid twenties to early thirties.
Customizable MC. Select your first name, last name, pronouns, appearance, orientation and manifestation of powers.
Five romance options of varying gender and personality, who you can interact with as you choose.
More to come as development continues!
Romance Options:
Kaine Breckem (he/him) - The blacksmith's former apprentice, who your father took in and hired at the tavern a few years ago. A kind, but mischievous individual, Kaine cares about others a great deal, but that doesn't stop him from being full of snark. Kaine can be your closest childhood friend, or someone you unfortunately work with; the choice is yours to make. Regardless, he's rather protective of you... but who will protect him when he needs it?
Vermillion "Millie" Lousat (she/her) - A descendant of a noble family, Millie has extensive education and combat training... and is also quite the social butterfly. It doesn't matter if it's the docks or the Gilded District, if you want connections somewhere, Millie has them. She wears her heart on her sleeve and doesn't care about the consequences. Maybe you'll catch her eye, somewhere amidst the mass of other's trying for her affections?
Leon Calcherth (he/him) - Technically a prince, Leon is the standoffish older brother of the Young King, Caleb, but is no longer considered to be in line for the throne. He greatly regrets the situation this has put his younger brother in, as they're very close. Leon is not easy to get close to because of the way he acts, but maybe the prickly prince has a softer side underneath the thorns?
Milo Lance (they/them) - The commander of the Order of Light, and they absolutely live up to the position. Practically raised in Gilramore's guard barracks, Milo's personality tends to come across as stiff and business-like, but in actuality they simply enjoy being effective and to the point. A truly gentle soul in a warrior's suit of armor, if you can persuade them to let down their guard.
Clementene Fairwreight (she/her) - Celementene is a talented soul mage for the Order, but she is a researcher at her heart; field work isn't particularly for her. A slightly nervous disposition and bad eyesight really only add to her penchant to stay within Gilramore's white stone walls. Her surprisingly daring experiments with magic captivate most of her attention, but maybe she'll find something in you that can capture her focus as well?
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arjaysingh ¡ 8 days
MBBS in Madhya Pradesh 2024-25
Madhya Pradesh, a nation known for its historical importance and rich cultural legacy, has improved medical education greatly. There are several universities in the state that provide outstanding education and preparation for individuals hoping to pursue a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS). An overview of the MBBS programmes in Madhya Pradesh is given in this guide, along with facts on costs, necessary for admission, and other relevant details.
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MBBS Colleges in Madhya Pradesh
Many important private and public medical schools are located in Madhya Pradesh. The Medical Council of India (MCI) approved these institutions, which are known for their extensive clinical training, skilled faculty, and demanding educational opportunities. Among the well-known MBBS schools in Madhya Pradesh are:
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), Bhopal
Location: Bhopal
Established: 2012
Affiliation: Autonomous under the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India
Seats: 150
Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College (MGMMC), Indore
Location: Indore
Established: 1948
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 250
Gandhi Medical College (GMC), Bhopal
Location: Bhopal
Established: 1955
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 250
Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College (NSCBMC), Jabalpur
Location: Jabalpur
Established: 1955
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 200
Shyam Shah Medical College (SSMC), Rewa
Location: Rewa
Established: 1963
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 100
Chirayu Medical College and Hospital (CMCH), Bhopal
Location: Bhopal
Established: 2011
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 150
Ruxmaniben Deepchand Gardi Medical College (RDGMC), Ujjain
Location: Ujjain
Established: 2001
Affiliation: Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University, Jabalpur
Seats: 150
MBBS Fees in Madhya Pradesh
The fee structure for MBBS in Madhya Pradesh varies significantly between government and private colleges. Generally, government colleges have lower fees compared to private institutions. Here is a breakdown of the fees for some of the top medical colleges in the state
Government and private medical colleges in Madhya Pradesh (MP) have different structured tuition costs for their MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) courses. The annual tuition for state quota seats at government medical colleges ranges from INR 1,00,000 to INR 1,20,000, making them generally more affordable. Private medical institutes, on the other hand, demand far greater tuition—between INR 7,50,000 and INR 12,00,000 per year.
Furthermore, the annual cost of NRI quota seats in private universities may go up to INR 20,000,000. These fees do not include other costs that may raise the total cost, including extra study materials, mess fees, and hostel accommodations.
Transparency and regularity are provided by the Directorate of Medical Education, MP, which oversees the pricing structure. In addition, learners can gain from a variety of
Admission Criteria
Admission to MBBS programs in Madhya Pradesh is primarily based on the National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET-UG). Here are the general steps and criteria for admission:
NEET-UG Examination
Candidates must appear for and qualify in the NEET-UG exam. The eligibility criteria for NEET include:
Minimum age of 17 years
Passed 10+2 with Physics, Chemistry, Biology/Biotechnology, and English
Minimum 50% marks in the qualifying exam (40% for reserved categories)
Counselling Process
After qualifying NEET, candidates need to participate in the state-level counselling process conducted by the Directorate of Medical Education, Madhya Pradesh. The process involves:
Online registration
Choice filling and locking of preferred colleges
Seat allotment based on NEET rank and preferences
Document verification and payment of admission fee
Document Requirements
Candidates need to submit various documents during the admission process, including:
NEET-UG scorecard
NEET admit card
10th and 12th mark sheets
Transfer certificate
Caste certificate (if applicable)
Domicile certificate
Passport-size photographs
Pursuing an MBBS in Madhya Pradesh offers students a blend of quality education, practical training, and the opportunity to serve in diverse medical settings. With a range of government and private colleges, students can choose an institution that best fits their academic and financial preferences. The state's medical colleges are equipped with modern facilities, experienced faculty, and a robust curriculum that ensures students are well-prepared for their medical careers. By understanding the fees, admission criteria, and college options, aspirants can make informed decisions and embark on a successful journey in the field of medicine.
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priya-1995 ¡ 3 months
Decoding Data and Data Science: Simplified Insights
In our modern era, we're immersed in a constant flow of information. Whether it's the pictures we post online or the purchases we make, every action generates data. But what exactly is data, and how does it relate to the intriguing realm of data science? Let's delve into these concepts in straightforward terms. Enhancing your career at the Data Science Course in Hyderabad with placements involves taking a systematic strategy and enrolling in a suitable course that will greatly expand your learning journey while matching with your preferences.
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Defining Data:
Data encompasses any piece of information, ranging from numbers and words to images and sounds. For instance, a list of ages or a collection of vacation photos are both examples of data. Essentially, data serves as the raw material from which we derive insights, make decisions, and comprehend the world around us.
Categories of Data:
Structured Data: This type of data is meticulously organized, typically appearing in formats like spreadsheets or database tables. Each piece of information is neatly sorted into rows and columns for easy retrieval and analysis.
Unstructured Data: In contrast, unstructured data lacks a predefined format. It includes text documents, social media posts, and multimedia content, presenting a challenge for analysis due to its varied nature.
Semi-structured Data: Falling between structured and unstructured data, this type exhibits some organization but doesn't adhere strictly to a specific format. Examples include XML files and JSON data, requiring specialized handling.
Understanding Data Science:
Data science acts as a catalyst, transforming raw data into actionable insights. It's a multidisciplinary field that amalgamates mathematics, statistics, computer science, and domain expertise to extract knowledge and insights from data. For those looking to excel in Data Science, Data Science Online Training is highly suggested. Look for classes that align with your preferred programming language and learning approach.
The Data Science Process:
Data Collection: Gathering relevant data from various sources, including databases, websites, and surveys, marks the initial phase of any data science project.
Data Cleaning: Raw data often contains errors and inconsistencies, necessitating thorough cleaning and preprocessing to ensure accuracy and reliability.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Through visual and statistical exploration, data scientists uncover patterns, trends, and relationships within the data, laying the groundwork for further analysis.
Feature Engineering: Enhancing the data by selecting, transforming, and creating new features optimizes the performance of machine learning models.
Model Building: Leveraging statistical techniques and machine learning algorithms, data scientists construct models to make predictions or identify hidden patterns within the data.
Model Evaluation and Validation: Rigorous evaluation ensures the model's effectiveness and generalizability to new data, safeguarding against overfitting and ensuring reliability.
Deployment and Monitoring: Upon satisfactory validation, the model is deployed into production. However, continuous monitoring and updates are essential to maintain its accuracy and relevance over time.
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Significance of Data Science:
In today's data-driven landscape, data science holds immense importance across various sectors, including healthcare, finance, marketing, and transportation. By harnessing data, organizations can make informed decisions, uncover new opportunities, and gain a competitive advantage in their respective industries.
Data permeates every aspect of our lives, and data science serves as the gateway to unlocking its potential. By employing sophisticated techniques and tools, data scientists transform raw data into valuable insights that drive innovation and progress. Whether you're a business seeking optimization or an individual with a curiosity for knowledge, grasping the fundamentals of data and data science is indispensable in navigating our increasingly digital world.
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ethosrejuvenationcentre ¡ 6 months
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Achieve Your Ideal Body: Exploring Body Sculpting in London, ON
In a time when health and appearance are valued more than ever, body sculpting has become a popular option for people who want to achieve the perfect body. Modern body sculpting services are available in London, Ontario, to assist people in reaching their desired aesthetics. This infographic explores the field of body sculpting, showcasing the cutting-edge methods and treatments offered by top London clinics. People can make educated decisions toward body shaping and improving their general confidence and self-image by being aware of the various body sculpting choices accessible.
Understanding Body Sculpting 
The transformational process of body sculpting extends beyond conventional weight loss techniques. It concentrates on sculpting and strengthening particular body parts to produce a more aesthetically beautiful physique. Reputable clinics in London, ON provide a variety of body sculpting methods and tools aimed at trouble spots like the arms, thighs, buttocks, and belly. People can select the best solutions for their specific goals and body types by knowing the concepts underlying body sculpting. With this knowledge, individuals may confidently start their body-sculpting adventure, knowing that they are making the appropriate moves to get the results they want.
Personalized Treatment Plans
Developing individualized treatment programs is essential to body-shaping success. Skilled clinics in London understand that every person has different objectives, worries, and body kinds. They take the time to do in-depth consultations, analyzing the client's current physical state and desired objective. With the information acquired, the clinic can design a treatment plan that is specific to each patient's requirements. Every step of the body sculpting procedure is tailored for the greatest outcomes thanks to this individualized approach. Clinics in London can give individualized treatment plans that cater to the specific needs of each client by taking into account elements including the customer's lifestyle, preferred treatment areas, and any particular constraints.
Range of Body Sculpting Procedures 
A variety of body sculpting techniques are available in London, Ontario, to accommodate people with different objectives and tastes. Non-surgical procedures like radiofrequency-based technology and CoolSculpting offer a non-invasive and efficient means of contouring the body and reducing stubborn fat. With targeted use of these treatments, fat cells are gradually eliminated from the body naturally. It may be advised to undergo minimally invasive operations like liposuction for individuals who want a more dramatic makeover. With liposuction, extra fat is removed by making tiny incisions, giving the body a more defined and sculpted appearance. People in London can select a body sculpting operation that best suits their objectives, comfort level, and intended result thanks to the wide variety of options available.
Benefits and Considerations 
Beyond just changing one's outward appearance, body shaping has several advantages. Reaching an ideal body can greatly improve one's sense of self-worth, confidence, and body image. When one's body is more defined, one frequently feels more confident about the way they look. But before getting body sculpting treatments, there are a few things you should think about. Since the outcomes of body sculpting treatments will vary based on factors including the individual's body composition and lifestyle, it is important to have realistic expectations. A comprehensive consultation with a trained expert is also necessary to go over any possible hazards, recuperation period, and post-treatment care recommendations. Londoners can make wise decisions and confidently start their body-sculpting journey by properly weighing these advantages and considerations.
In conclusion, body sculpting in London, ON offers people a range of cutting-edge methods and treatments to assist them in getting their dream bodies. A variety of body-shaping treatments and individualized treatment programs are provided by respectable clinics in London to guarantee the best possible outcomes and client satisfaction. Body sculpting allows people to define and contour their bodies in a way that is in line with their particular aesthetic aspirations, embracing the idea that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. London's body sculpting clinics offer a route to improved self-esteem and body confidence through a blend of experience, cutting-edge technology, and a passion for making people feel their best.
For more details, visit https://www.ethosskincare.com/london-body-sculpting/
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