#thank you for asking mao !! 🥺
willowser · 2 years
hi willow!! 3 and 26 for the writer asks? :>
3. What is your writing ritual and why is it cursed?
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my writing ritual always starts out with things that i probably shouldn't be putting so much focus on LOL and it usually starts with creating a pinterest board, or looking at one i've already made. i have to see everything in order to get my creative juices flowing, and so i try to acquire as many visual aids as i can to help with the process. i also spend an absurd amount of time finding the right ambiance and/or white noise to write with. for southern charm, it was a lot of red dead redemption with thunderstorm backgrounds LOL and then for honey, don't feed me it's been a lot of the ghost of tsushima ost, things like that. at some point — and this has to happen, in order for me to get anywhere — i go on like a three hour walk and listen to music, usually from a playlist i've already made for the fic i'm trying to write, and i just daydream what is to come. i really enjoy this part because i can just put my body on autopilot and put all my energy into my brain. this is all cursed bc i'm so sure none of it is necessary LOL but it must happen. it must.
26. How do you get into your character’s head? How do you get out? Do you ever regret going in there in the first place?
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well, first of all, i have to have — what i believe to be — a very serious understanding of their character, and even if it's not exactly canon, i have to have a decent grasp on something. i can't half-ass comprehend a character, which is why i'm hesitant to write someone like toji or gojo or hawks for example, because i think they are more complex than they seem. it takes my full focus to dissect a character like that, and it's not something i can do quickly or on command; it takes genuine effort. i also have to find something — anything at all — that is myself in them. it's the best way for me to relate to them and therefore write them, and 99% of the time, it's never the pretty things LOL
writing bakugou, i call a lot on my own issues with insecurity and the struggle i can sometimes have expressing myself correctly in words. dabi is — as you know, mao dearest LOL — a whirlwind of things; i quite literally explore the ugliest sides of myself, and i don't mean that i am "like" him or can actually relate to him, but — that voice in your head that flares up on instinct when you're angry, how deeply things from your past still affect you, that overwhelming, all encompassing fear of rejection and not being enough, all that bad stuff — i dig into that to write with that at the forefront of my mind. i take all these things that naturally occur to me and then put myself in their shoes, if that makes sense, and try to multiply it in a way that is justifiable to their character.
i don't find it too hard to get out of those spaces either, and so i don't regret them ! bc they tend to be dark places and i grow tired of living in them, and actively look forward to writing something else.
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ame-gojo · 2 years
I am a Hawks/Ame believer!!!!! I feel like you two would have rlly cute and fun energy 🥺
Mao!! ANSKENOAAO I am so 🥺🥰💗💕💗💖💗💕💗💖💗💕💕💗💗💕💖💕 over this!!!!!
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enstarrievalkyrie · 1 year
Sharing the same dorm room with Mika and Ritsu
Note: Someone requested for more so here it is. I lost that request so I'm sry but enjoy🍬. Lowkey think my Tumblr is broken.
Mika Kagehira
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• You can see him sewing most of the time.🪡
• There are times when you have to remind him to sleep or eat.
• He is probably the one who teaches you how to sew.
• He would often rambles about his oshi-san to you with a bright smile(I love him so much🥹).
• You can hear noises from him that tells you what he is feeling rn. So if he's frustrated you might hear angry noises.
• You're the one that cooks for both Ritsu and Mika since Mika is usually busy and Ritsu is just unreliable lmao.
• Mika would bring up the idea of watching a movie together. You guys probably cuddled together while watching the horror movie that Mika choose.
• You might see shu sometimes while he is checking up on mika.
• Shu is happy to see people taking care of Mika🍬.
• You and Ritsu bought him 5 packs of candies. He be looking at it like(⁠・⁠o⁠・⁠) and couldn't stop making happy noises. "Nghn...negh!"
• Shu scolded you for that while Mika is munching at the back:3.
• He would offer to make your costume if you're an idol.
• He's soo sweet to you so naturally you gain a soft spot for him, always trying to make him happy😊.
• Even went out of your way to ask Arashi what Mika like in order to make him smile.
• Arashi thinks it's adorable and doesn't mind helping you as she herself also wants to see Mika happy.(such a good friend)
Ritsu sakuma
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• he really be sleeping 24/7🛌
• Kinda acts like a cat but you don't mind since you probably like cats😺.
• he relies on you quite a lot as I said Mika is usually busy so you might not see him in the dormroom until he finishes work.
• Likes to braid your hair regardless of the lengths.
• Would sometimes nap on your lap cuz he is a cutie.
• There are times when you would get lazy too, those time Ritsu would spoil you like how you spoil him🥺.
• Rei would sometimes visit you to offer his thanks on taking care and getting close to his little brother.
• You can see his unit mates in your front door carrying a sleeping ritsu but acts like nothing is wrong since it happen way too often lol.
• You might wake up to the sound of unlocking door because of Mao.
• Mao would sometimes ask you to help wake up Ritsu when he isn't able to.
• When Ritsu finds you sleeping on the couch he would cuddle up with you and fall asleep. :3
• You and Mika would ask him to teach you how to bake. Surprisingly he is a good cook despite he's sleepiness.🧁
• He once asked you to watch him play the piano. Even tho you're lazy, you don't really have a choice when he made those eyes.
• Likes huges and is touchy not only to you but to Mika as well😊.
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seangelfish · 4 months
i was ranting to the ritsu ai bot about my abusive ex and he said he was gonna tell knights and they were gonna handle it and when i asked him what he meant he was like "hehe dont worry about it~" djndksndke do you think u can write something about ritsu listening to u rant to him about an abusive ex and how hed handle it pls... thank u so much 🥺
A/N: I'm so sorry for the wait, anon! I hope you're still here to read this ;-; This was really an interesting request to take on. I added more to the story if that's alright! Just wanted the quote to flow in better~ Anyways, I hope you enjoy! (´,,•ω•,,)♡
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"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
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Ritsu Sakuma x reader ♡ Tags: Fluff/comfort/kinda angsty, romance, established relationship, she/her pronouns/fem reader ♡ Warnings: Slight mentions of abusive relationships ♡ Word count: 1,278 ♡ Synopsis: There are times where you just can't forget about the past, and unfortunately, it came back to haunt you. Ritsu, being the analytical person he is, notices your shift in attitude. The happiest girl he knew was now drifting away. How is he able to solve this, he wonders...
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"(Y/N)~" Ritsu called out to you from across the hallway. "I want a kiss~"
You winced, slowly turning around. There you saw your boyfriend and the rest of his unit making their way to their practice room.
"Hey, don't bother (Y/N)!" snapped Arashi. "Can't you see that she's busy?"
She was right and the stack of books in your arms proved that. You forced out a chuckle but decided not to answer Ritsu's request and walked away.
"Ahaha! What odd behaviour!" Leo pointed out. "She didn't even pay you no mind!"
Ritsu bit his lip. "Is she mad at me?" he murmured to himself.
After practice, Ritsu looked all over the school for you, constantly calling you but never getting a reply. He was getting extremely anxious because not only did he know you as the most happy-go-lucky person that he adored, but because there was that thought in the back of his mind that you were going to leave him.
You were avoiding him after all.
“H-Hey, Maa-kun, have you seen (Y/N) anywhere?” Ritsu panted, hands on his knees as he breathed heavily.
“Woah, there!” Mao exclaimed. “You’re sweating! You’re not one to run around so much. Is (Y/N) okay? I haven’t seen her much today—”
“I don’t know… I think she might be mad at me, but I’m not sure why she would be…” said Ritsu sadly. “She’s not even picking up my calls.”
“Hmm… let me try then.”
Mao scrolled through his contacts until he landed on yours. As the phone rang, the two boys waited for you to answer.
Unprecedentedly, the line was immediately cut.
“Huh, weird. (Y/N) always picks up when I call her,” said Mao, thinking back to the times he had to call you to take care of Ritsu. “Yeah, she might be mad at you. Ritsu—”
“I swear I didn’t do anything,” Ritsu quickly stated. “Argh, I’m going to look again. Bye!”
“Hey, don’t overdo it!”
Ritsu sighed, slumping down by the corner of the Yumenosaki gardens. He looked for you everywhere he could, asking friends and classmates where you went, but none of them knew of your whereabouts.
He couldn't keep running around forever. Ritsu wasn't built for that. So he came to rest for a bit before trying again.
“Ah… I’m tired,” he muttered to himself. “(Y/N)… where are you…?”
His eyelids felt heavy, but before he could fall asleep, his ears picked up the sound of shuffling. He lifted his head up and there you were, backed into the corner, hugging your knees.
The two of you stared at each other in shock, yet Ritsu was the one who broke off the silence.
"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed, crawling towards you. As he took your hands in his, he continued swiftly, "I was looking all over for you! Are you okay? What's wrong? Did I do something that hurt you? I'm sorry. Please don't be mad. I'll fix it–"
You shook your head, an artificial smile forming on your face. "I'm sorry, Ritsu. I just needed alone time... You didn't do anything wrong, I promise."
"T-Then why have you been avoiding me?" he quavered. "You've been ignoring my calls too... (Y/N), you know you can tell me anything, right? You can rely on me – I want you to rely on me..."
You stared into his deep red eyes, the ones that pleaded with you to be honest with him. You let out a sigh, nodding in agreement that talking to him would have been better than bottling these feelings up.
"There's something I never told you about..." you said. "About my past relationship..."
Ritsu looked confused, but stayed quiet for you to continue. Not once did he let go of your hands, and you were thankful for that.
"...The relationship was fine at first, but it gradually became harder to breathe in. He would get mad at everything I did, everything I said. It was like walking on eggshells... There were times I was hurt by it too – mentally and physically."
And as you expected, those red eyes of his looked horrified.
"It was a scary time, but I'm glad I was able to get out. Then I met you." You smiled at him genuinely this time, but it all faded away too quickly. "I didn't think I was ready to get into a new relationship, but you were so sweet, so kind... You made all my worries melt away. I was so happy, but I guess I shouldn't have been."
"(Y/N), what? I don't understand–"
"He found out I was dating you," you stated. "He found out I was attending Yumenosaki, where I live now. He texted me yesterday to insult me because I already got into a new relationship even though it had been a while. He wouldn't leave me alone despite the amount of times I blocked him! He just keeps creating new accounts and numbers. That's why I didn't answer your calls... I-I turned my phone off..."
"R-Ritsu, I'm so scared...!" you stuttered as tears fell down your cheeks. "I didn't know what to do, so I tried avoiding it... but I'm so scared..."
"Hey..." he said calmly, wiping a tear away with his thumb. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, but thank you for telling me this. I'll handle the rest, okay?"
"H-Huh? But how?"
"Hmm... I'll tell the rest of Knights about it..." he muttered.
"Ritsu, what do you mean by that–"
"Hehe, don't worry about it~"
He stood up and held out his hand. "Come on, let's go back. Lunch is almost over." You hesitated but grabbed his hand as he pulled you up carefully. Once you were on your feet, he embraced you. He held your head to his chest, making you hear his heartbeat.
"You deserve to be happy, so don't worry about it anymore, alright?" he said. "(Y/N), I love you."
Lips pursed in order not to cry any more, you chuckled. "Thank you, Ritsu..." you whispered. "I love you too."
The next day, you stopped receiving those threatening messages from your ex. You wondered how Ritsu did it, but he never answered, leaving you clueless about the whole situation.
However, he did tell you that you shouldn't worry about your ex finding you anymore. He made sure to report the messages to the police with the help of Tsukasa. So now that the police were keeping an eye on him, you were able to relax.
"But what did you guys do anyway?" you asked Knights one day. "Ritsu never told me."
"Uhm– Oh– We didn't do much!" Arashi quickly stated, looking to the side. "We just reported it, that's it!"
"Eh...? Then Tsukasa, can you tell me–"
"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I can't."
"Not happening, (Y/N)!"
"Why are you all being so secretive?!"
"It's for your own good," Ritsu said sleepily as he entered the room. "(Y/N), can I use you as a pillow?"
You smiled. "Of course, come over here." As you patted your lap, Ritsu made his way over to you. He laid his head down on your legs happily as you began to stroke his hair.
"Can I have a kiss too?" he whispered. "After all, you didn't give me one last time~"
"Okay, okay~"
You leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his lips which he seemed to be very delighted about. You supposed it didn't matter how your boyfriend got your ex to back off. The past was the past, and you were going to leave that behind once and for all.
Anyways, your future was already fast asleep on your lap, lightly snoring away.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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andypantsx3 · 6 months
Okay I got self conscious about being annoying on the dash so I put everything into a megapost lol. Thank you guys so so so much for everything, it means the world to me. ❤️❤️
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@strawberrystepmom Ahhh Kendall, thank you!!! I did have a very wonderful day and got to see some of the people I love most (and will get to see more this weekend)! I hope you also had a very good day too!! Thank you for being so nice to me always!!! 🥺
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@tiphandoms Tippy my angel!!! I always have a great day when I see you in my inbox. 🥺❤️ Thank you for always being so wonderful and kind to me. I love you so much, thank you for making tumblr a safe and supportive and welcoming place, you are such a bright spot for me.
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My dear anon, I did!! Thank you for making my day a special one. I mostly wish for soup and I know I will be having that soon lmao, so thank you for helping me manifest this. Sending you all of my love!!!!!
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@missrosegold Omg a Prince Shouto for my birthday!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I love him so much lmao, this made my whole day and I was smiling like an idiot on the bus when I opened your message yesterday!! Thank you, sending you bunches of my love. ❤️
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@suguwu Beeeeeee hi!!!!! Tragically I did not get my soup but I will be having some today. I did have an absolutely fantastic day though and cheesed a little when I saw you in my inbox lmao. I hope you had an excellent day too, I love u (and ur god of the hunt Nai) so much lol.
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@nancy-reads Hi Nancy!!! I'm honored that you sent me an ask. 🥺🥺🥺 And even more honored that you like my fics so much. I can't tell you how much that means to me. I promise to have an excellent year if you promise the same too!!! I hope 2024 is your best year ever!!
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@ghostbeam Oz my beloved!!! Thank you so much!!!!! And thank you for how kind you have been to me, especially this past year. You are one of the people I have followed and loved the longest in this fandom, sending you all of my love right back!!!
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@mydiluc Gray!!! Thank you so much!!!! I gasped a little to see you in my inbox because I think you're so cool even if I haven't interacted enough. Sending you my best vibes!!!
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THONK U MY BELOVED!!!! This made me laugh lmao, I hope you are having a great day!!
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@itoshisoup Lmao Mao you are so good to me!! Thank you for letting me be a little shit in your DMs sometimes and still thinking well of me lol. You are one of the people I respect most in this fandom as a person and as a creative ksjdhskfhk so this means so much to me!!! Love u ❤️❤️❤️
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@birinboom Birin my angel!!! Thank you so much!!! I hope my next year will be just as amazing as you are, then I will be a very happy girlie for sure lmao. Thank you for always being one of the nicest people on earth; I hope you had an excellent day too!!!
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@namodawrites Moda!!! Thank you so much, and thank you for all that you do!!! You are so fun and so sweet and such a talented writer and I count myself very very lucky to know you. I hope you have the best day ever too. 🥺❤️
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@pastelle-rabbit Amira my a-miracle!!! Literally right back at you, thank you for how unbelievably nice you have been to me (when I didn't even see ur art for 6 months... I will never live this down...) and how much you do to make this community just as fun and warm and welcoming as you are.
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@milosmantis Omg no, thank you so much!!! I am very very happy with any amount of interaction, I promise!!! Hehehe I care you too. Thank you for being so good to me, it means the entire world to me!!!!! ❤️❤️
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@shotorus-interact Selly my sweet potato!!! I think exactly the same about you, and even more than that, I am so regularly inspired and grateful to you for all that you do to make this fandom fun and keep everyone connected. I want to be even more like you this year. Thank you so much for everything!!!!
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@acerathia Ru my sunshine!!! I promise to always be filled with delicious food lmao, and I hope you are too!! You are so appreciated by me, and I hope this year is just as wonderful as you are. Thank you for being so steadfast and bone-deep good. Sending you big love. 🥺❤️
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@breadtp Bread!!! Ahhhh thank you so much!!! I am so very honored, and I am so so happy you like it. I have the time of my life on here and I am immeasurably grateful for how kind this is. Sending you all of my best vibes. ❤️✨
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@princess-okkotsu Aleks!!!! I'm so happy you're still speaking to me after I made you look at that screenshot yesterday lmaooooo. Thank you so so so much!!! You always keep tumblr such a fun and interesting place and I am very happy to know you. 🥺💞
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My sweet anon, you are never too late!!!! Thank you so much!! Yesterday was excellent and I have no doubt today will be as well, especially when you've started me out with such positive energy. Beaming all that right back at you too!!
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@meggsngrits Meg my starshine!!!! My Capricorn in arms!!! There is no need to apologize, this whole season is ours 😎 lmao. I had a wonderful day and I'm having another wonderful one now that you are here!! Thank you for being the literal nicest person on earth, you have made me so happy this past year and I hope I can give even a fraction of that back to you this year!!
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@ashguk-blog Ahhh thank you so much!!! It was yesterday but I am having just as good of a day today too!!!! This means so much to me, thank you for being so sweet and wonderful. 💕
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@thoreeo Hello my angel!!!! Your ask is literally giving me the zoomies lmao thank you so much. I am so deeply honored and very very touched. You have always been so nice to me and I am eternally grateful to you. (Also we should talk!!!! I am not very interesting so you will have to do all the heavy lifting lmao, but I think you are so kind and I would always love to chat). ❤️❤️
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@stellamancer Niku my sunflower!!! It was an excellent day, thank you for manifesting this for meeeee. Likewise I think you are also one of the best people on this app and I am soooo happy to have spent another year in your company. I have especially admired you for how you've handled yourself in some tough situations this year and I hope to conduct myself with even half of your grace. ❤️❤️
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@threadbaresweater Lin my beloved!!!! Thank you so much!!! I think of you as like, my cool older sister lmao and I'm always so happy to see you on the dash. You radiate such positivity and understanding and I don't think my tumblr dash would be half as welcoming without you. Thank you so much for letting me bask in your light. 🥺❤️
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@mangostarjam OMG FUJI I LOVE HIM!!! Lmaoooo his puffy lil cheekies oh I think I will have to eat him up instead of the soup lmao. You're so funny and so sweet and this literally made my week. I hope you also have a year that is just as bright and good and amazing as you have always been to me!!!!
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@zanykingmentality Roma!!!!! This means everything to me, thank you so much!!!! This year I hope to make things that live up to your praise, and to be just as kind as you are. I hope you also have an amazing day, thank you for everything!!! 🥺💕
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yinyuedijun · 26 days
hi mao!! what are your favorite parts of dan heng's design? (visual, personality/backstory, or both! it's up to you how you wanna answer!)
amira!!!!! thank u for the ask, what a fun question 🥺💞💞 I honestly could have written an entire essay abt all the visual elements I adore about his design, but I felt it was easier to just post some images instead 😇
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his horns, his tail, the interesting cutout detail of his modernized changshan, his eyes, and his......hands.... I appreciate them all from a purely technical perspective of course. I find them visually compelling and I admire what hyv has done to incorporate chinese mythological elements into his aesthetics. I WANT HIM SO BAD AMIRA I FEEL INSANE LOOKING AT THESE IMAGES I mean halfsjka what who said that
in all seriousness though LOL I am actually. very enamoured with how much dan heng is inspired by chinese folklore. he is based on a literal real-life dragon deity like who wouldn't desire that carnally !!! im kidding IM KIDDING (sort of) but I do genuinely love how inspired his lore is by chinese religion/mythology it's just so cool
I also honestly am just a huge sucker for tragic reincarnation stories, like I will always eat that shit up and dan heng really does have one of the most tragic out there 🙏 HOWEVER hoyoverse unfortunately fumbled dan heng's character arc (and dan feng's character by extension) so I think there was a lot of missed potential with his characterization in general 😭 but there are still things I adore about him anyway... the fact that his past self committed a horrific sin (out of love!!!! YOU CAN'T TELL ME IT WASN'T OUT OF LOVE, HYV!!!!) and now dan heng has been suffering an insane level of punishment for it in this lifetime, yet he still turned out so kind-hearted despite all the trauma and ghosts chasing him...... I need to wife him expeditiously . horns and all 😔
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firein-thesky · 1 year
hi cielo! for the ask game, I'd love to request ultimate babygirl vash + dawn if possible 🙏 thank you!!!! (also, I hope your day gets better soon! I am sending you all the good vibes!)
mao!! my dear!!! 💕 also thank you so much 🥺 i hope your day is going well and im sending some good vibes right back!! 💕
i did already do vash + sunrise...but i will do another vash + dawn for you!!!
vash + dawn
he comes home to you at dawn, the sun a halo behind him. for a moment, you think he's just a mirage in the dessert, your mind playing tricks on you.
but then he sings your name.
you bound down from the porch of your rickety home in the middle of nowhere and kick up dust running out to him.
he drops everything to catch you in his arms once more.
"vash!" you laugh, overjoyed, half-astonished.
"back again," he says into your throat and you can feel the smile against your skin, "i'm back again."
he barely sets you down, toes skimming the earth, arms still wound tight around his neck.
you pull him down into a hard kiss, taste the salt of the earth, and the sun and the days of travel. he makes a noise of surprise against your mouth, but you feel the tightening of his fingers, the half-desperate way he tries to pull you closer.
if you didn't know better, you would've sworn he walked halfway across the world for you again and again, every time he arrives.
he stumbles a little in the kiss when you pull at him, towards your home.
when you pull away, his eyes are like bright moons lingering in the sky as dawn turns the world over again, and the smile that pulls across your lips almost hurts;
"you're home."
give me a character + time of day (dawn, dusk, midnight, etc.) and i'll write a small blurb!!
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ensemblesongs · 5 days
Hi! Thank you so much for all the uploads!! Could I request Ritsu's solos for Walk with your Smile, Fusionic Stars and Brand New Stars?!🥺 I would love to edit together some duet versions with Mao, if that's something that's okay for me to do, too
I'm sorry for the wait! With the ways days have been passing, it felt like I got this ask yesterday. I uploaded all of the ones you asked, but I decided to also just drop Ritsu's surprising thanks!! solo, as well, because why not? I hope you will have fun, and that you were not discouraged from it. I'm sure your duet versions will be so cute.
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volturialice · 3 months
Boooook asks!! 🥺😈📓
🥺 what’s a truly underrated book/series you recommend and wish the whole world would read?
series: you already know it's The Monstrumologist! Or at least the first three. thank you for succumbing to my influence there you're a real brick ioco
books: The Blue Castle! I'm glad that between @bellasbookclub and 2023's Blue Castle Book Club it's getting in front of more eyeballs
😈 who’s your favorite villain/antagonist? are they special to you like a protagonist is?
Probably the only one special to me like a protagonist is Ianthe from the Locked Tomb. From books I've read recently-ish, the antagonists who stood out most were Minya from Strange the Dreamer (she's an adult she's a child she's a cruel demon she's misunderstood she's committing war crimes she just lost her first tooth) and Clarissa Mao from the Expanse books, though I've been spoiled for the fact that she gets Prince Zuko'ed later in the series (I'm down for that too I just want her back where IS she)
📓 do you read classic literature? if so, what’s your favorite classic? give your top 3 if you can’t choose just one!
maybe so.gif
top 3? nah
Oscar Wilde's entire oeuvre but especially The Importance of Being Earnest (and I DO mean entire body of work here. I love Earnest and Dorian Gray as much as the next person but I also loooove Salome and Duchess of Padua)
the holy trinity of Shirley Jackson, Daphne du Maurier, and Angela Carter
A Room With a View
The Count of Monte Cristo
I do genuinely enjoy a Jane Eyre
Anna Karenina
a lot of gory Elizabethan and Jacobean drama (and some comedies)
I feel like everything I enjoy is either real gothy or the complete opposite of that. there's no fathoming this taste
send me bookish asks 📚
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arcanacards · 4 months
MAO!!! MAO MY FRIEND MAO!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! i hope youre having a really good one coz you truly deserve that!!! youre such a wonderful lovely charming person and you deserve all the good and love in the whole wide world!!! im so glad to see youve made it another year. you really brighten this place up. i hope the rest of your day is very enjoyable and that you get everything youve ever wanted. sending SO SO SO MUCH LOVE!!! I LOVE YOU SO DEARLY
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I had the most fantastic day!!! I went out to lunch with my parents and my best friend, then he and I went to the mall nearby to hang out! I bought a Miku shirt, some shorts, and a giant Clefairy plush that is like literally the size of a small child. I love her. I also got another Jolteon plush!! to add to my ever growing collection of him... hehe. We went to a nice Japanese restaurant and I just had the best time ever!! I dressed all cute and felt really good about myself too. I bought a nui of meiko (the vocaloid) the other day and the seller threw in another version of her for free and a rubber keychain and I literally didn't even ask for all that!!! They were so sweet. All of my lovely kinnie friends made me so many pretty stimboards and graphics and icons I feel so genuinely loved and spoiled, I couldn't ask for better people in my life than you and my girlfriend and all my friends + mutuals. This is one of the first birthdays in a while where I feel like I matter and that I'm happy to be alive, and that I'm not so afraid of aging or being older than my peers. it's such a good feeling. oh!! and the box of goodies Anise sent should also be here by tomorrow I think!!! i will show you all the fun stuff I got if you want in discord when it arrives!!! anyway this is getting long. um!! I LOVE YOU!! 🥺
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stellamancer · 7 months
niku!!! i come here with a jar of honey 🍯 for no reason other than i find the emoji so cute 🥺 but i also have a little note for you!!! 💌
i alr sent in a long mushy message during ur bday so i will keep this brief!! 🥹 but am so thankful for our friendship niku!! truly really 🥺 talking to you feels like going to back to my homebase or smth! you’re one of my first friends on here and am so glad that whatever brought us together, brought us together 🥹 i love exchanging ideas w u and also just being unfiltered sel w u 🥹 how we talk abt other random things too 🥺 ily 🥹
since this is gratitude themed, i also want to ask you!! what’s something you’re thankful for right now? 🥹 i hope this weekend is wonderful to you!! 🫶🏻
ooo i love honey!!
aw sel... i'm gonna cry all over again!! random things like... gojo's dick size LMAOOOOOO.
mmm. i feel like this is really a cop out answer, but i'm thankful for all of my little portable online friends.
i'm going to be rather real here and say that irl i'm a rather solitary person. i grew up as an only child in a single parent household and between working and... well, the other things she was doing, a lot of the time i was at home by myself as a child. adding to that, we moved around a lot so it wasn't really easy to make and keep friends. so when i was younger i usually spent my days cooped up inside playing games, watching cartoons, or daydreaming.
i've mentioned previously to you and have inferred as such on here that i feel kind of unapproachable and at the same time, i find it really hard to approach others. i'm not really a social butterfly and while i've come to accept that, it doesn't change the fact that it can be really lonely.
it really always brings me such happiness to get a message, whether it be an ask or a discord dm from like you or erika or mao or anyone really. and i'm so grateful that i have friends i can talk to these days.
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xiaowhore · 2 years
should have calmed down before I sent the previous ask hehe. I was mostly in awe, since I started writing after 18 and I could never compare to your quality of writing (like you make me go ?!?!?!?😍😖💫✨💫✨ In the best way possible)
ah no no, definitely not! writers tend to criticize their own work too much, im sure you're extremely talented!! you should have more confidence (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ i didn't expect this many compliments,, thank you so much, im very flattered 🥺 but be careful or you might just inflate my ego lol
honestly i thought me being a minor was obvious? i lack experience in the dating department so i thought readers would be able to tell by the innocence and naivety in my works,, i was worried for that regard, but it makes me happy to know you can enjoy my writing even when im like this 😅
thank you for stopping by!! take care and stay hydrated as well <3
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theloveinc · 2 years
HELLO I'm here for match-ups!! 🥺 You uhh know what I look like LOL and I think you'd also know my personality!! If it's not obvious I'm a high-functioning trainwreck irl (neurotic but I GET THAT BREAD), but at least I am FUNNY!! I will make SO MANY SOUPS for my loved ones and will make SO MANY WONTONS with them and want SO MUCH quality time and physical touch in return. Definitely would LOVE to know about kidlet(s)!!! For f/o... you know I am whipped for Dabi 😭... but if he's too tough for this request (rip) then Shouto works too!! <3
Absolutely no pressure to fulfill this, but you know I'd be super excited if you did and would love whatever you write!!! 💖💖💖
mao......... i am holding you so gently like a baby... thank u so much for this!!! i am honestly super excited for it omg (and literally in tears over the fact that u and dabi have the same love languages)...
please don't hesitate to tell me how this turns out and/or anything i could add or take out!!! hopefully dabi is able to shine through in this <333 (i always go a little insane for moots tho so... i'm sorry if this is super long too LOOOL <333)
create-a-kids: IN TRIAL (moot version)
I think... on the outside, a Maobi baby acts more like Dabi in mannerism, but deep down, leans more towards you in habits. Definitely appears relatively cool and aloof in expression, but is rather quite perceptive and overall very humorous (in that slightly silly but dry and know-it-all Dabi manner).
Given your workaholic nature (ily sorry) and Dabi's ability for long-term planning, I see them as being... oddly organized for a child; the type to hold you to your promises, keep little lists of things in their pockets or even pack up their toy set-ups all nice and neat when not in use. They probably... don't fold their laundry immediately though, and get a lil sassy when you ask LOL.
I also see them as the type of child who picks up on things wayyy better than they should, and constantly makes it known in ways that just end up being super... funny. You know, they hear another kid whining about something, and immediately stare at you w/ an expression that says, "get a load of this guy, huh🙄?" And they'll do this w/ any and every situation, too.
(And esp. when they're forced to eat food that wasn't made by you. They're always polite, of course... but given that you spoil them w/ nice meals and they likely inherited Dabi's very... particular... food standards... they get sad and grumpy when they have to eat something that is just. Not good.)
It's hard to notice, but Maobiby is definitely... a little spoiled. Not in any way that matters because they're also extremely humble (being that they're related to BOTH of you)... but like, they will literally act like they'll die if they aren't allowed to cuddle with you when they want to, going as far as to get all whiney and everything. Literally... 50% of time spent laying in bed or sitting on the couch (w/ Dabi esp.) is interrupted by them getting in with you (or on top of) <333
I was sorta envisioning them as a boy throughout this, but girl dad Dabi is truly... my religion. I feel like it would be delightful if they had his hair and your eyes (so it would truly feel like you were all disconnected from the Todoroki name and would remind him of your silver hair)... but also, your natural, darker hair and his eyes would just make him laugh cuz then they'd just look like him when he had his dyed hair.
Definitely a pretty baby either way. People compliment you on it probably LOOOL.
Also, just cuz I was thinking about it while writing this... this is a Maobi child thing to do:
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knightzp · 2 days
hi 👋🏻 baker!ritsu anon here :)
subaru definitely does it on purpose calling ritsu sally's bf when present and the first times he tells mao he had a slip but after all this time he's like. cmon sally. get it together and Finally ask him out he's definitely not going to turn you down.
meanwhile mao notices while in the bakery's break room that ritsu changed his way of refusing the clients that some times ask him out (they always made mao a bit jealous but he's not in any position to voice this annoyance he's feeling) from just a polite 'no thanks' to 'no I have someone' so he thinks that Maybe he should talk about it with ritsu and actually ask him out
ANON HIIIIII YES SUBARU TOTALLY DOES IT ON PURPOSE !!! and hokke and makoto agree too so its the three of them trying to convince mao and it Does help mao to feel a liiiittle more confident when the three of them seem so sure of it!!
AND THE SECOND HALF IM SCREAMING CRYING OH MY GOD....... ITS SO CUTE HOW RITSU CHANGES HIS ANSWER LIKE THAT 🥺 and yeahh after mao hears it from the break room and also remembering what his roommates told him he decides maybe its time to ask ritsu abt it. so when ritsu closes the bakery and before mao goes home he asks ritsu who he was referring to when he said he 'had someone' and ritsu is a bit teasing like 'mmm who do you think it is~' and it takes all of maos efforts but he finally asks if its him and ritsu just smiles very softly at him and kisses him on the cheek and says 'of course. who else would it be if not my maakun'
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yinyuedijun · 3 months
hi miss mao !! i have a question abt hengmao but if u wld rather not answer or if the question makes u uncomfortable it’s totally cool if u don’t answer !! that being said im personally in domestic selfship hell so i’d like to know, if it’s alright, what would, in an ideal world where vidyadhara can reproduce, u name urs + dan heng’s kid/s? again though, if this ask makes u uncomfy just feel free to ignore !! have a good day/night miss mao <333
omg I ADORE this question sev!! thank you so much for sending it! 🥺 I had to think abt this for quite some time as I truthfully I don't actually have selfship lore with Dan Heng LOL so I haven't ever thought this scenario through. I think though that if we did have a kid, I'd leave the name choice to Dan Heng - I am not confident enough in my Chinese to come up with an elegant name HRGFLSJKSSJ whereas I know his ye olde poetic ass could come up with something very nice. He would also be super particular about it I bet - like he is the type to think about whether it's auspicious enough, worries about stroke order and numerology etc... meanwhile March and Trailblazer are just constantly yelling out the dumbest suggestions in the background ("April 7th!" "Lunae"!!!!). To add to his headache - I think if we are on a friendly basis with Jing Yuan and he somehow caught wind of this, he'd end up mentioning this to Fu Xuan, who would end up texting me advice for auspicious naming patterns for the year and our position in whatever galaxy we're in AGDLJZMWSLAJ
In the absence of Dan Heng's naming prowess and Empress Fu's consultation, I think one potential name could be 澄海 ("Chenghai" in Mandarin). It translates literally to "Clear Sea", but it also happens to be the Chinese term for Mare Serenitatis (Sea of Serenity) on the moon. I think it's a nice reference to Dan Heng's lineage (which he has made peace with!), and also a little nod to my connection to Shanghai (上海). Though ultimately I'd just end up calling the kid Cheng Cheng all the time if we went with a name like that... as is the way of a Jiangsu dialect speaker lol
Omg this is so long I'm so sorry 😭 THANK YOU FOR ASKING !! I must go peruse your selfship lore now 👀👀👀
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catcze · 7 months
yes to
✅wrio bday event
✅neon mao hua theme
✅voice asks
The write up for the kg teacher au was 🤌🏽🤌🏽 and also also, the other anons who gave ideas for the vamp!wrio au they’re amazing, beautiful, mindblwing plssss expand on it. YES TO EVERYTHING.
- 🕸️ anon
!!!! Noted MWAH ♡♡
And tee hee, thank you for the teacher AU idea 🥺 Literally never even thought about it before, but i couldn't stop talking about it once i started ahsdkjsa LIke ?!? Idk man I'm jotting that down in my little notepad i gotta write for that sometime
and goodness there was so so soo much love for the vampire wrio AU so !! also adding that to the list !! Like, allll of the sweet words people had for that one in my inbox and in the comments blew me away sm ?!?! The reblogs on that fic are some of my absolute faves and I'm deffo coming back to read those again in the future ♡♡
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