#thank you for being a true homie <3
chika-nyan · 1 year
Lies down. So it looks like my job is actively trying to moorder me so I’ll probably be mostly ded for a while. Honestly at a breaking point, can you believe vacation was just last month? :) Gonna keep doing my best to hold on for that mid-late spring exit/quitting time with next vacation but it’s going to be a trial forsure.
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cosmic-ghost-hermit · 3 months
What is the best way for You to astral travel? pick a card
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Hey homies! Please donate to my CashApp or interact with this post so I can do this full-time, thank you so much in advance for your support! The decks used to day are the Romance Lenormand, the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot and the Necronomicon Tarot.
🌎Donate to my CashApp🦋
(please pay for my queer quality of life)
Take what resonates and leave the rest behind but always be open to new experiences.
Also here are some basic Astral Realm Tips
mirror's there are portals to other places (go through at ur own risk)
eating any food there will effect your physical reality
ask your guides for protection over your soul and your body before traveling
ground urself before you travel
Astrology: Pisces, Aquarius, Gemini
Song: Femininomenon by Chappell Roan
Vibes: Indigo, green, lavender, white, pomegranates, reading, 99, unicorn, plumbagos, book marks, adventure time, X's, crossroads, armor, Hades, Hekate, Athena
Cards: Book, 10 of Swords, Judgement, 6 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles, Knight of Swords, Queen of Cups
Welcome, in pile one. The message I'm receiving first and foremost, is you can best Astral travel if you do it 'by-the-book'. There is a reason for this being so prominent. You have tried many times to astral travel and you believe it's impossible at this point. I'm here to tell you that you are capable. The only reason it has felt so impossible is because the most important step you need to take has been skipped unintentionally every time you have tried. You must ground yourself. Seems kind of counter intuitive but it's true.
Most likely, what has been happening is you have actually succeeded in your astral travel attempts. Being ungrounded can make it difficult to remember your adventures. Forgetting who you are can also make it harder to recall your experiences. Remember my friend, we are all a part of Spirit and when we travel in that way we are releasing our consciousness from our bodies and back into Spirit. Without being properly grounded we can lose ourselves in the experience until we return to our bodies.
I see you used to travel through the astral a lot as a kid. I also think you probably slept walked or had night terrors while you were astral traveling a lot as a child too. You have always been capable, my dear. You are extremely skilled in this area. Don't sell yourself short, dude.
Another trick you can do to succeed in your travels is to light a candle for your guides as an offering. They want to assist you but I feel you are the type of person who would rather ask for help than have someone take your freewill from you to assist you. Your guides know that and respect that about you. Which means only you can let go of your pride and ask for help. Also try and attempt traveling while sitting up instead of laying down. Good luck!!
Astrology: Scorpio, Libra, Cancer
Song: Starlight Brigade by TWRP and NSP
Vibes: Aquamarine, black, grey, brown, kayaking, sea horses, sparrows, seagulls , nests, swings, plantain, carrots, 22, 666, 639, directions, Hermes, Hekate, Hestia
Cards: Stork, Crossroads, 6 of Cups, Queen of Cups, 9 of Swords, 6 of Swords, Chariot
Hey pile two! Welcome to your reading. The main vibe I am getting from your cards is that there is some shadow work you gotta do before you are going to be able to freely Astral travel. I have a feeling you use escapism as a coping mechanism from your trauma. Which is why you have been barred from the Astral for a while. If you were to enter right now, unhealed. It would be hard for you to take part in everyday life in the same way. This is a very similar message to pile one actually but with more emphasis on the healing rather than just grounding. You really gotta figure out who you are, my dove.
Spirit does apologize for all the nightmares and all the pain you have been through. You didn't deserve it, dove. I see you have faced much violence in your few years on earth. It was scary and probably bloody or bruising. It isn't your fault. Everything you have faced isn't your fault. Unfortunately, it is your responsibility to make it right and lick your wounds. I wish it wasn't, dove. I wish someone could scoop you up and take away all the hurt you had to go through. You have to be the one to take that role. Cradle yourself in a blanket of safety and be there for yourself. That will be the best way you can begin to astral travel.
There is an interesting underlying focus of choice in your cards. It is as if you are choosing to continue the immense pain you have been through or to stop it in its tracks. Will you allow to cycle to continue or will you grab the wheel's fate and flip them in the opposite direction. Spirit and I know you will make the right choice. No matter which you decide. It is the right choice. Believe in yourself, dove.
Astrology: Leo, Aries, Sagittarius
Song: Devil's Train by The Lab Rats
Vibes: Orange, gold, brown, periwinkle, thistle, cherry blossom, open windows, thorns, 88, 5555, 1122, caduceus, red cloth, blue jay, pyramids, chains, lion, tattoos, Ares, Aphrodite, Eros, Eris
Cards: Whip, Birds, The Tower, Hanged Man, 2 of Cups, 8 of Pentacles, King of Wands
Welcome pile three to your reading. Oh boy yikes, this is a tough set of cards, my dear. I see you are struggling to venture into the Astral because there is mess that is in need of care in the physical. I think you might be in a really bad relationship with someone. This person is draining your spiritual power. For some of you it is romantic but it could also be familial. For a select few I think this might just be self destructive relationship with yourself. Letting this person treat you the way they do is killing you. The worst part of it is that I think you already know this. You have dedicated so much time and energy into this person that you can't bring yourself to leave. They drain your power and give nothing in return. You have convinced yourself you can't escape.
The cards are begging you to make a change in your physical reality. Once you remove the source of your anxiety and torment you will be free to use your power to do any spiritual thing you want to do. You have to rock the boat even if it is scary. You have to scream for help even if it will provoke someone. You have to make a mess of what they created. It would be so cathartic to wreck shit, babe. Just let yourself explode and watch as their tyrannical reign topples.
However, be sure you aren't exploring at people who do not deserve it. After all of the craziness is over you are going to need a support system to help you out. Please stop giving your power away so you can use it for yourself. Please let your suffering end by starting a new journey and break your current cycle. Please. Good luck, my dear. Have fun wrecking that horrible person's control of you. <3 Once you have dealt with your physical reality it'll be safe for you to venture into the Astral's unknown. Stay safe.
Astrology: Taurus, Capricorn, Virgo
Song: Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
Vibes: Gray, forest green, off white, sky blue, moths, petunias, beakers, blackberries, scales, yellow teeth, 7777, 8, diamonds, moss agate, Nyx, Hypnos, Hades, Thanatos
Cards: Coffin, 7 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Hierophant, 7 of Wands, 10 of Cups, 3 of Wands
Hello and welcome, pile four. Now this is interesting. I see that you are intrigued by the idea of Astral travel but never really put in a lot of effort to attempt it. Maybe you put on a guided meditation for it but it didn't really go anywhere. You have done basic research but never really put everything you had into it. You are almost too grounded to astral travel. Unlike pile one and two you are very focused on reality. Anything outside of reality is fascinating to you but you are too logical to allow your mind to open to more mystical experiences.
These cards recommend that you find a professional to help you ease into it and teach your the techniques. I see you have plenty of resources to get the help you need to explore your spirituality. It will take some work to find the right professional and much more work for you to accept that there are things outside of our physical reality. Take as much time as you need, my dear. Don't overwhelm yourself with information that is difficult to process. If you open your mind too wide it can be extremely intense to accept everything you will learn. Go easy for a while to see if you like what you are getting into.
I can tell your friends might be into this kind of stuff or perhaps your family is. Don't feel peer pressured to believe anything if you don't want to. Just because of the people around you do this stuff, doesn't mean you have too, my dear. Faith is a very personal experience and it should be something you want to do for yourself, not for other people. If you are still interested in astral traveling after you have explored a bit, then you will know when the right time is. Happy hunting!
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shygirl4991 · 7 months
the cafe isnt looking so hot this episode makes you wonder what happen
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im sorry did they just learn they could do this fklfkjlsd i know when they looked into their past they had the old memes do it but SMG4 just causally shared his memory with Three like how and when did they learn this was a thing they could do!
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bet if you told your past self this is a thing they would think your crazy
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mario may be their avatar but they cant do everything he does
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nerd i love you and your need to roast your friend at random ass times.
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my lord there is a in universe version of the series run everyone run!
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his cafe is failing something he was proud of cause it made him feel like he found his place in the world after years of chasing SMG4 shadow is now failing the old demons are loud again and he is starting to yet again feel like a poor copy of SMG4. We know that Four doesn't think this but he is also the worse at reading people and cant pick up that SMG3 mental state is cracking as he feels himself slipping into the shadow being forgotten
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color theory of mine is shining hard this episode when you focus on these two text colors are going. Given that SMG3 repeated a line SMG4 used in SMG4...are you okay? the start of its gotta be perfect movie story line i wonder if Three is gonna go through something similar its sorta reminding me of my fic next step which has Three facing his demons on what he did to four but in the series it seems its him facing the fear of being forgotten because SMG4 has always been popular memewarts trained Three he will always be in the shadow and that lesson is still there
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SMG3 breaks down his true face is shown as seen by the color change he doesnt want to be forgotten and is taken by surprise with how mario reacted he isnt sure why he couldnt be open and talk about his feelings maybe because in the past no one cared to listen till now. Makes me wonder if this how adware could get Three if we got the bad ending could this feeling of being forgotten turn him to the dark side once again maybe lost to it forever? But this timeline we got the good ending so could this be a path to save Three maybe we will be tricked into thinking this is how adware gets him but remembering he has people that listen to his true feelings and know and love him for who he is will give him the power to push back the adware?
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i mean damn Four i feel that you act like that way more then SMG3 personal thoughts
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its out in the open his feelings and now four knows hopefully with this out in the open the can talk and work on how to move forward this change in SMG3 life isnt going to be easy but he isnt alone anymore
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this is why i feel adware wont go after Three or fail to, yes he has negative emotions and strong desires that the adware loves to go after but he has his other half, his partner that when they talk about their feelings they can fix the issue and become stronger as a team. All thanks to moving next door that let him bond and have friends
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homie accepting death while Mario is minding his own "ah the gays are at it again" is probs on his mind
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and there we have it hopefully SMG4 can help 3 save his cafe and maybe work on the issue of still feeling like he lives in his shadows, the man has done so much to feel like SMG4 is better have a feeling this ep happen due to the votes on who is cooler on youtube (smg4 won it)
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Hello! I just started BG3 a couple weeks ago and Astarion has a vice grip on me!
I was wondering how you think he’d react (both ascended and not), if he found Tav crying because she is upset about losing a loved one, or stress, or something like that? I know that he enjoys the suffering of others, but then he becomes a good boy after he opens up and I feel like it would break his heart to see his beloved Tav crying.
I’m goin through some stuff right now and I just want a forehead kiss from our lovely pale elf! Thank you homie!!
I hope things get better for you! Hope this helps <3
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It comes with the territory of being of fey ancestry, to live longer than most of the people around you. Astarion had not had the chance to experience that for when he was turned, he wasn't even into hundreds. A mere thirty-five years old of life, a child to most elves. Such a small amount of years compared to how long he was a puppet for Cazador.
Friends, family, any other person he knew: all long gone. Even the city, Baldur's Gate, has changed when he has the opportunity to walk around during the day, to experience all the colors he has been deprived of for so long.
Some days he wished he hadn't taken Cazador's offer, to instead die free.
Grief is part of life, and death is one of the many causes.
As he stands beside you over this gravestone.
Ten years, a vampire for ten years. It doesn't seem like a lot to most but is a lot for you especially when within those ten years you were isolated from the world completely.
While time seemed to still in your cage, life moved on outside.
People… Die… Mortality goes on.
You didn't cry at the funeral. You dared not join the gathering that lowered the casket, you dared not reach out to comfort the small group of people you know. There is a numbness, a strange feeling as if none of this is real.
"Let's go." Astarion follows behind you as you turn away, turn away from your past. The past of the mortal who dreamt of singing in palaces and fine clothing, the mortal who wanted to make their parents proud.
You didn't make it back to camp. The tears wouldn't stop, your body trembling. Astarion holds you close, soothing you as best as he can, he understands… He would be the only one who understands.
He cradles you in his arms, no words spoken as right now the silence is needed; if you could bury yourself within him you would.
"Astarion," Whispered as you peeked up at him from your head resting on his chest. "Thank you."
He knows there is probably someone better at this than him, but he still is processing his feelings after gaining his freedom from Cazador. Yet, he wouldn't want any of the others to see you in this state.
This state of vulnerability… You are always the light of camp, seemingly indestructible. Even if they all know you are not, he still doesn't want to share your tears with them. Oddly selfish about this but it is true, only he wants you to be like this with him.
Astarion says something, you crack a smile as he kisses your tears away. He can distract you in other ways if you need to.
"This is… I like this." Privacy, away from the others who would naturally want to make sure you are okay, right now you only want Astarion. You want him in both his presence and the current way he holds you close.
The pain doesn't fade. It never truly will but it becomes manageable, a burden that weighs but not enough to cripple you. You accept it, you will cry when it hurts, but most of all you live on as do their memories.
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What kind of drunk would the villagers of SDV be? 👀
Heh, it was so funny to write the answer to this ask right after my own hangover. Quite the experience, I would say 😅
I hope, anon, you don't mind if I don't write about Evelyn and George and the kids on this ask, because trying to imagine them drunk... is an unpleasant thought for me. But I will describe all the others (if I do not forget about someone). Thanks for your ask! ❤️
Drunk SDV villagers (except Evelyn, George and kids):
Oh what music! After 3 or 4 glasses of sambuca, Emily feels much more energetic (even more than usual) and simply has to find a potential victim partner to dance until they both fall to exhaustion. In the morning, however, she does not remember anything.
In general, Sebastian despises the taste of alcohol, but somehow he decided to try something like Amaretto coffee or Irish coffee (basically coffee with liqueur or whiskey). Yuck, Sebby didn't appreciate it. The taste of alcohol is terrible and now he feels sleepy and weak. And he can't ride his motorcycle in that condition. It sucks, now he's a mischievous and sleepy drunk.
Jodi is always busy cleaning the house and cooking, so she has almost no time to relax. But if she does get a chance to have a glass of wine with Caroline and Marnie, then she will be more cheerful and a little more chatty, nothing hardcore.
Preferring more green tea and coffee, Caroline, however, also agrees to hang out with friends with the bottle of something strong. Being slightly drunk from a couple of glasses of wine, Caroline will chuckle at her friends' every joke, and may even decide to order a stronger drink. True, all the energy leaves quickly and she immediately becomes drowsy drunk.
Cheerful and energetic, Abigail is ready to conquer mountains after a few strong cocktails. A drunk girl teeters on the edge of "noisy party soul" and "I'm ready to get into any fight for my homies." Luckily, she's not drunk enough to stubbornly go into the mines with a sword in her condition.
Marnie, having drunk about 5 glasses of wine, becomes flirty drunk. And Lewis's slightly angry comments about the fact that she can work on their secret relationship does not bother her at all. It's been a long time since she felt so cheerful and carefree, just like when she was young, ah...
Lewis, meanwhile, teeters somewhere between "paranoid drunk" and "sleazy drunk." At his age, it's not very useful to drink so much alcohol, and now to keep an eye on Marnie, who, as he thinks, will now blather everything about the two of them to everyone. Damn it, you can rest calmly without worries, you old fart.
Let's race, who's faster? Or let's fight on the hands? Alex wants the competition to prove that even though he's a little tipsy, he's still the best. Although the next day he will be ashamed if during the fun he broke some dishes or chair, and apologize to everyone.
Shane canonically is a depressed drunk. He sits in a corner of the Saloon and drinks mostly alone. Please don't touch him, otherwise he will transform from a depressed drunk into an angry drunk. And you definitely don't want to see Shane drunk AND angry.
If the Saloon has karaoke, then Elliott will be always there after drinking mugs of strong ale or wine. Apart from his loud singing, he becomes reckless enough to spontaneously do anything. Gus or the others often help Elliott get home before the failed singer (sorry Elliott, but you write so much better than you sing) hurts himself or others. The poor guy would later lock himself up in his cabin for a couple of days when he found out about his drunken adventures.
After an extra drink, Sam suddenly becomes overly affectionate and touchy-feely. In a state of intoxication, it seems to him that he did not hug someone enough, or that he was not hugged enough. Hug him please, he's like a little puppy.
Linus doesn't drink alcohol, but sometimes in the harvest seasons in the forest he often comes across fermented fruits and berries. Linus almost always processes them carefully before eating so that he doesn't get more intoxicated during dinner, but sometimes he can occasionally eat some raw fermented grapes before bed. He perfectly understands which fruits are more fermented or less. But he treats this without fanaticism, because the main goal is to eat, not get drunk.
"What if? No, it's impossible. But what if I use that formula, and... Nah, it still won't work. But what if I... No no no. Or maybe yes? Or maybe..." The constant ebb and flow of ideas for new inventions is a typical behavior for Maru when she has a drink that is quite strong for her. This will continue until she falls asleep. It is good that her brother is nearby and help her.
Ah, for old Willy there's nothing better than a bottle of mead after a hard day of fishing. So to speak, to celebrate a successful catch. He most often drinks alone, even when in the Saloon, but can occasionally tell his fishing stories to Marlon, Gil, or Clint with a few drinks. And no matter how much he drinks, he will remain the same. Honestly, as if in the mug not alcohol, but just water!
Penny will never touch a drink, but there was a case when she accidentally drank Sam's cocktail, confusing it with her glass of juice. She immediately became sloppy drunk, embarrassed by her condition and making haste to get home. Penny doesn't understand how her mother can enjoy such a state.
Oh, the doctor knows that in small doses, wine can even be beneficial to the body. But when, by coincidence, Harvey has to drink more than his body can handle, then this is a complete blackout. He doesn't remember anything and prays that he did not do anything obscene.
Pam is an aggressive drunk. This is even more noticeable when her order for another beer is delayed by more than five minutes. Mostly this is a verbal skirmish, Pam will not show physical aggression (unless it concerns her daughter. For her sake, she will grab anyone by the throat, and she does not need alcohol for this).
Usually Wizard is always strict about alcohol, but there are times when you just want to get drunk. Given that he always drinks alone, he is most often sad drunk, remembering the old days when he and his ex were still together. If anyone (Farmer) wants to console him, then let them mentally prepare for an hour-long story about his ex-wife, youth, and that "the grass used to be greener."
Marlon will also remember the old days with a glass of whiskey along with Gil, but unlike the same Wizard, Marlon's stories are more filled with fun and excitement. Usually he is strict and silent, but when a little drunk, he opens up a little more, with his comrade remembering their adventures when the young guys just embarked on the path of an adventurer. These old people deserve some rest and fun.
Pierre considers a couple of strong cocktails a well-deserved reward after a hard week at work. The alcohol in his blood makes him more talkative, but now his tongue is tangled up so that you no longer understand whether Pierre asked to repeat the order, or somehow insulted you.
The last cocktail was obviously superfluous, but Haley didn't care. She wants to have fun, and why is the music so quiet, and let's all dance, and she already changed her mind don't touch her, and anyway where is her other cocktail? Cheerful, energetic, but at the same time more capricious - this is how it goes.
Kent has been very wary of drinking since he returned to Stardew Valley. After all he's been through, it's very easy to drown at the bottom of the bottle, and he doesn't want to get to that point. He still has his family. So he asks Gus, Marlon or Willy to stop him if he gets depressed drunk after a mug of beer or two.
Ah, the tango began to play in the music machine! Robin will not miss the opportunity to dance with her husband to passionate music. She usually asks her husband, but after a few sips of ale, Robin pulled Demetrius off the table and onto the dance floor with almost one tug.
The same Demetrius, after drinking, was very sleepy, but the whole life flashed before the eyes of the poor scientist, when his dearest wife grabbed his hand and he heard the words "tango". Demetrius loves Robin and will not refuse her a dance, but still, a strong drink affected the scientist's vestibular apparatus, and he dances no better than a rag doll. But it looks funny Maru and Sebastian will definitely film this on camera as compromising evidence for the future.
Clint has a fairly high tolerance for alcohol, so he probably drinks almost every day. Even in the cinema, he manages to smuggle alcohol under the guise of Joja Cola. So you can call him secret drunk: no matter how much he drinks, he does not look drunk. Just like Willy.
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intervalart · 5 months
I absolutely love your art of Sundown, he’s one of my favorites (next to Akira) 🙂 honestly he’s hilarious in the Dominion of Hate, he’ll literally fight Akira for no reason, he’s got this “tired single dad handling 6 kids” energy to him, and he even like…scolds Oersted? It sounded like? (His voice actor, Reagan Murdock, played Aki Hayakawa in this anime called Chainsaw Man, so i guess he has experience with voicing a guy who needs to wrangle teenagers 😅) do you happen to have any hcs for him?
I'M SO SORRY IT'S TAKING ME SO LONG TO GET TO THESE ASKS, i'm packing to move, so that's taking up most of my time and energy ;;;v;;;
BUT THANK YOU SO MUCH WAAAAAAA, I'm glad you like how I draw the schüt man <333 (who has somehow accidentally become The Muse, whoops lol)
Sadly there are currently no in-game dialogues showing how he interacts with the other party members (party banter like octopath is a common DLC request), but Mad Dog has a line about Sundown "being bad with the little ones", which is either Mad Dog's interpretation based on what he wants to see, or Sundown's stoicism and bluntness really does tend intimidate the kids. (I don't watch CSM so I will take your work for it... But I'm sure Mr. Murdock does a great job! He has a great voice for it...)
But from what we do know for sure (from his recruitment quest and his dialogue to Sin when out of the party of the final 4) is he is very tired, and wants nothing to do with you.
tbh that's part of the reason I'm fascinated with him, is in a whole party full of spunky/quirky anime youngsters who have Psychic powers, martial arts, laser canons, ninja powers, etc. (the oldest being Masaru who's usually hc'd at 25 years old for the meme).... there's just. A guy. Maybe late 30s/early 40s. With a gun.
People joke about Masaru being the Straight Man (which is true to some extent), but I feel like he handles the weirdness a bit better than Sundown does, just on account of his adaptable nature. If Mad Dog's reaction to O. Dio's true form was any indication, supernatural stuff is... Not normal for their time period. So I think Sundown is much more the Straight Man in the DoH just cuz he stands out so much from everyone else. (not that he isn't silly in his own way... he's based on Clint Eastwood ffs lol)
...and I wrote all of this text without even getting to my headcanons, so if that isn't any a warning for how much I can ramble about him at length, then let this cut should tell you. (you asked, sorry not sorry lol)
So warning in advance, there's gonna be a teeny bit of overlap with Mad Dog hcs on some of these because of how much the two intertwine with each other. They kinda come as a package deal.
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Some of my hcs you've probably seen in this comic. Most notably; not just the survivor's guilt, but also in the panic of the raid on the town and the flurry of using the Hurricane Shot, he's not entirely sure if he only shot the invading bandits. :( He worried he might have gotten some townsfolk in there too. (Mostly illustrated on pages 5-6 when all the figures kinda blend together)
At the time I made the comic I thought it was just a theory that he'd placed the bounty on himself, I somehow missed the fact that it was canon. But the fact that it is canon definitely drives home both the survivor's guilt, and him fearing death despite having a death wish. (There's much easier ways to off yourself homie, you don't gotta have a bizarre death ritual with randos obsessed with fame and glory... </3)
On the earlier topic, he might not so much be bad with kids, as he is... blunt. He doesn't sugar coat stuff, and he's probably very hands-off. If he really was the respected sheriff of [Unnamed Town], he probably had some experience with kids in the past, but I suspect between the trauma and some degree of wanting to keep everyone else safe, he's cold and aloof on purpose. He was probably more sociable before The Incident. (Much like a certain blond knight)
But he does work well with others in the DoH and is brief but polite to everyone, even the younger characters. (I cry every time he says "thanks" or "sorry" when another party member heals him... TT0TT)
All that aside, some of the more domestic hcs:
• I think Sunny is very skilled at sewing!! Living out in the wilds and not having access to new clothes very often/if at all means he had to get good at repairing his own clothes. And between sleeping out under the stars and the bullet holes, he has plenty of practice... (MD called him girly for it once, and with a completely straight face, Sunny said "Why do you think being self-sufficient is inherently feminine...?". MD never mentioned it again.)
• The trade-off however is that he's... Not an amazing cook. Everything is either eaten raw or roasted over a fire, and he doesn't have a ton of access to spices and herbs in the wilds... Very utilitarian in his cooking methods.
• That ties into the next point; the dude's got a cast iron stomach. If the guy can canonically down an infinite number of glasses of milk (LONG after most adults develop lactose intolerance), the guy can eat pretty much anything. Including whatever rattlesnakes (and cactus) he found to eat.
• Sunny is probably a very skilled dancer! If for no other reason other than dodging bullets for years lmao. MD catches a glimpse once. Sunny looks him dead in the eyes and says "No one will ever believe you."
• I've already discussed this, but Sunny probably used to be left-handed, and either due to societal necessity or an injury, he became ambidextrous!
• Now that I'm thinking about it actually, I drew Young Sundown in the comic with much less facial hair to just make him look younger... But it actually makes sense that between the depression (and possibly self loathing), he kinda uses the facial hair as like... A mask? Like, so he doesn't have to see himself in a way? (I might be reading too much into it, the OG art does show he shapes his scruff and it's not completely unkempt, so maybe it started as Depression Scruff, and he just shaves it as best he can with a knife lol)
• I used to hc that he didn't name his horse because he didn't want to get attached. (He just calls it Horse) But after talking to another Really Cool Wild West Artist in the JP fandom, it's not impossible that he could have had the same horse the entire time... So that's not a hill I need to die on lol.
• For obvious reasons, he's a hard guy to get to laugh. If he does, it's usually wry and understated. But on the rare occasion he does genuinely laugh, he's more inclined to stifle it at first, more out of habit than anything else. It takes a lot to get him rolling in the aisles.
...But that's getting into BBFF territory, which is a whole 'nuther post, and definitely not something I have rambled about at length and stored on a hidden discord server.
AND that's not talking about my Mad Dog hcs......
-gripping you anon- Do you see why I am in hell.
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4, 10, 11, 27!! (took you this long to reblog the thing >:/ but hell yessss ♥️)
Yesss!! Thank you so much for invading my ask box, DT!!❣️
4.) How many different styles/mediums (e.g., digital art, traditional art, comics, sculptures, paper craft, etc.) did you try this year?
Actually, quite a bit!! At least, more than I initially thought I did. I, of course, did mostly digital art near the end of this year, and ended up producing a lot more pieces than I've done before!! It was honestly kind of crazy how much art I began producing at the end of this year. It was like I was a driver in a race, pffffffft. But, at the beginning of this year, I dabbled a lot in traditional art, because I enjoy the feeling of putting a pencil to paper, and whilst it takes more time, sometimes it can give you more freedom to experiment with designs or expressions. I also began making a long-form Bob's Burgers comic for the first time, which was inspired by @bluebirbbs and their long-form Bob's Burgers comic, which everyone should read if they haven't already. When I was younger and in art class, I actually used even more mediums for creating art, like sewing an actual Christmas ornament, and sketching stuff using a lightbox, which is super fun. But I haven't done those two things in years. I kind of want to try doing them again someday.
10.) What inspired/motivated you this year?
DT, you know I'm going to say you as my first (and biggest :3) inspiration. I mean, come on, you're the reason I have this blog in the first place. I know I've said it before, but seeing your amazing, lovely BB art inspired me to begin making my own and get back into drawing, and it caused me to create my blog and expand it into territories I didn't even think were possible. And now I'm running Geneuary, an event celebrating my favorite baby boy, and that would never have happened if it hadn't been for you, and that initial Boblin ask I somehow worked up the courage to give you (and am so glad I did)! It doesn't show it anymore, but do you remember how I didn't even have an image for my account?? 😆
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Yes, I'm getting super sappy, but all of this is true!! Now, of course, you weren't my only inspiration. There are too many blogs to name, but @br1ghtestlight has been super sweet and my Gene Belcher buddy!! He's the one person who loves the baby boy as much as I do. We may or may not do a collab for Geneuary based on an idea she had about Gene and Tina working on a lil' puzzle together, which is just too adorable 😭
I also must shout out @babsvibes too. She was also, in a way, the reason I even have this blog. I used to be content enjoying this silly Burger show on my own, watching the episodes and having fun, and reading the occasional fanfic (@thisaliennerd and their Boblin fanfic Falling For You is Easy [Like Sunday Morning]) was one of my first forays into the BB fanfic community, and it wonderful) when I suddenly stumbled upon this Tinimmy fic by Babs one fateful day called Honeycombed Hair, I believe: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44413795
This fic led me to you, DT, and your amazing art!! And I joined this incredible Muppet community, and nothing's been the same for me ever since. Now I don't have to enjoy this show alone!! Of course, I have my BF @cryptidchrome now, who watches the show, but I digress. Babs also invited me to the Louigan server, which has been an absolute blast. And she's just an excellent writer in general, which is very inspiring as someone who also writes.
I must also shoutout @theangrypomeranian for being so sweet and Commissioning me, and also being an excellent writer (she called me the #1 Gene person in this fandom and that made me so 🥺). And @devilh0rnsinc for having such lovely art that it makes me squee every time. And @jimmypesto for making the best Boblin fics and just being the ultimate Boblin connoisseur. Shoutout to her new nephew for being the most adorable bambino on the entire planet. Welcome to the world, lil' bean!! @jimmyjrsmusoems is another fantastic writer and is hilarious, and is the other Tinimmy connoisseur in this fandom, besides you, DT, of course. Also, @koko-raccoon has some of the cutest art ever and listened to me ramble about my OCs, which I definitely want to thank them for. Their art is very inspiring to me. But the person whose art is the most inspiring to me, besides yours, DT, is probably @dianadeadwing. Her art is wonderful, and I'll never get enough of it. I also get so excited whenever I see it.
Okay, now for more of a speed round so I can mention more people!! @ratguy-nico has adorable art as well, and I love his style so much. It's wonderful. And @ltwharfy is such a good writer and I didn't even know until I read his Roudise Week fic about Bob and Rudy getting Louise a new hat when she outgrows her bunny ears. @keepyourhornson-spyro is another fantastic writer and is the certified Tedmort Monarch. There are just so many more people I want to name, but I'll just mention one more person: @carnivaldemon, who gave me the most adorable art of Gene and my OC, Alexis. His art is truly inspiring to me.
11.) What pairing/character/subject did you create the most for this year?
You probably already know the answer to this ☠️
It's definitely a tie between Boblin and Gene/Alexis, which is definitely my newest ship and obsession. But I have to give Boblin a special shoutout because I began work on an entire Pre-Canon Boblin series (which I'm still working on to this day) and a "Linda is Deaf" AU, both of which are super close to my heart now. Thank you for giving me the push I needed to work on my "Linda is Deaf" AU when I sent that ask about it to you, pfffffft.
Gene is definitely the character I've created the most for in terms of just singular characters. I could talk about him all day. I love this lil' guy so much. Hopefully, y'all don't get bored of hearing me ramble about him, because I'll certainly never get bored of rambling about him.
27.) Biggest surprise while creating art this year?
Honestly, the biggest surprise was just how sweet, supportive, and welcoming the Bob's Burgers community ended up being. Y'all welcomed me with open arms and supported all of my creative endeavors (and long analyses about Gene) and for that, I'll always be grateful. This community really does feel like one big family, and it's so lovely to see. Everyone is just so nice to each other, it warms my heart 🥹 And one of my biggest surprises was learning about the Ship Weeks/Character Events, and how fun they are. They're truly a testament to how sweet and talented this community is. I'm definitely looking forward to them all next year if they happen again.
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loyaltykask · 9 months
Chapter 23
I just... I just love these two interactions. Bajie being lazy but also has a point that they don't need to get the journey done in one day, they have to take breaks while Wukong says that slacking off would only worsen the journey but putting their own bodies at risk by pushing them to the limits won't help either. Also, just Wukong and Bajie bickering like old people makes me laugh.
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Wukong would call Bajie a DORK.
Like Wukong says that only cares about Sanzang's safety here and I just love how that is going to change when Wukong takes responsibility for making sure all his brothers are safe as well. They have only been traveling for about a few months together this is legit the start of their journey 23 chapters in.
Bajie really calling Wukong out
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What a shit, scares the horse and makes Sanzang literally gallop for a mile
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Breaking and entering
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Nevermind fuck the law
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You know it's a demon when the host being nice
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Snaznag really be saying "No and thank you"
HE DENYING AND DEFLECTING. Damn Cheng'en lay off the guy
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He got anxiety
Sanzang: Bajie I swear, if I catch you simping
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Sanzang like “the only riches is the riches of enlightenment
The girls are FIGHTING
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Sanzang throwing his disciples under the bus! Man does not do confrontation well at this point damn.
Wukong really said: I don't know how to marry the fuck?
Wujing being a true homie, he fucking offended they even ask
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Bajie bitching that Sanzang could have been nicer in denying her so they could still get a meal. There just something funnier about how their past gets brought up after months of traveling and they just deadass don't know things about each other. Like they must have wild conversations.
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Bajie: We are all tempted! Wukong with his ace ass: ??? Sanzang with his aro ass: ??? Wujing also with an ace ass: ???
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I like how Sanzangis like: Don't tease your brother Wukong doesn't go "Okay" he goes "I know" suggesting that he knows he shouldn't but he shall anyway
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The mama aint picky but Bajie is like 'don't teach your daughters to be shallow then damn'
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I love how the boys all turned their heads when the ladies came in like something about that is kinda sweet that Wujing, Sanzang, and even Wukong were shy in front of company
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Also, Wukong making wedding plans is adorable! Wujing the go between, he is the witness, and Sanzang is the in-law he got it all planned out
Wukong: we can go bing on the flowers and wine but I want the fireworks to be set off at 8 Bajie: Won't that be too early? Wukong: I know when the sun sets Baije: Okay okay it's your mountain jeez
Also love that this whole time Bajie was like "let's talk about this" but both WUJING and WUKONG were like "Get married already so we have wine and a wedding!"
Like they both double-teaming on Bajie to just hurry up and get hitched in a night!
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My favorite dork
Both Wujing and Tripitaka called out to Wukong cause they were SCARED! They wanted the monkey protection!
Also Wukong more than willing to leave a sibling at the grocery store.
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Wukong: I lost my brother can I make a call Some guy: Sure? Wukong: Goodbye you little shit
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thundersyst3m · 3 months
System quotes once again:
"A bisexual system full of pathetic lesbians and wet cat gays"
"This is so NOT yaoi at all" "what the fuck does that even mean"
"Tying up your homies as a hobby and then stealing all their furniture"
"Yo, who the fuck woke up the kid with 6 different flavors of trauma?"
"We can't learn russian, french, japanese and spanish at the same fucking time" "Not with that attitude, fucking grinch"
"I really fucking hate that guy" "... The one you were kissing not too long ago?"
"Yuri heaven" "You mean impulsivity issues?"
"I think a hug would save me" "i think being in a car crash would save me"
"Hiiii I'm a narcissitic sociopathic girl with your IP address :3" "This is true love to me"
"Oh no we got fakeclaimed by Tumblr" "So we got no DID? Thank God i hate all of you glad you will all disappear"
"Bees are necessary for the survival of the species... My species, I'll be sad If they're gone :("
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atlas-the-idiot-2 · 3 months
Helloooooo, we're the strawberry system,, here's a sorta long intro post
First, our alters! With premade intros thanks to pluralkit!
(we're a system of 11 to our knowledge but will only be putting alters that are comfortable being known here/have proper intros)
Mike (he/they/it)
»Things to be wary of/know: hello! I'm mike, I'm the main host if the system! I'm bisexual and on the aroace spectrum as well. I like long debates and talks, I'd like to say im pretty open minded as well. I like alternative rock, watermelon bubble gum, reading, writing, and musicals!
Macey (they/it)
»Things to be wary of/know: first up! Im fluid between he and she pronouns but i always use they/it pronouns! Now actually onto me! Im a bit scatter brained at times, my thoughts are like, alllll over the place! I swear a lotttt, i make lota typos at times so sorry if i mess up lolll! I like showing off, alternative rock, fast music, thrills, horror stories/true crime, and things like that! I swear a good amount too but I'm resisting just in this intro lmaoooo! I can also be rude or ramble sometimes! I hope i get to know lots of people!
All for one (he/him)
(yes, my source is mha, yes I'm aware, no i am not my source)
»Things to be wary of/know: i have low empathy so i wouldn't go to me for help on most subjects, I mainly front on harder days for the system or boring days, I don't say much to others, i can be a bit... Protective or cold at times, no I don't excuse my sources actions though i understand if some are hesitant to interact with me
Dreamwalker (it/he/they)
»Things to be wary of/know: I only really speak to the others in the system, though I'm down for long talks or debates, I'm not very open though i suppose
Atlas (they/she/he)
»Things to be wary of/know: hello, i am Atlas, I don't talk much to anyone. You probably won't meet me unless theirs a problem going on with us or someone's causing a problem.
Jewel (she/they)
»Things to be wary of/know: hiya, i mostly hold emotions i guess? So that makes me sorta sensitive in a way, i have high empathy as well, I'm very soft spoken as well and don't speak much so please be patient with me! Um, please use tone tags, I'm also a sorta slow typer
Rozie (she/they/xe)
»Things to be wary of/know: hiiiiii, I'm the more extraverted of the bunch, you'll probably hear lotsa stuff from me! That's it i think!
Syscouse: hooooo boy. We prefer not to interact with Syscouse too much because its generally a battle field but we are supportive of endos! We generally avoid anti endos too because they're very much less welcoming and don't feel as safe around them :)
We also block freely and will block almost all anti endos that actively participate in discourse so please block me as well :))
Extra info!
System type: cephaconscious
System origins: none of your business<3
Syscovery birthday: may 7th
Asking to front: no thank you!
Nicknames: depends on the person but mostly fine!
Pet names: only if we know each other pls!
Teasing: fine, pls make it clear (/j or teasing in parentheses!)
Dms/friend request: perfectly fine!
Flirting: ehhhh, again depends on the person, generally no
★Ways to refer to us★
Yes: system, voices, collective, council, alternatives, collection, plural, choir, headmate, sysmate, system member, homies, people, others, crew
Ehh: alters, multiple, gang, tribe
No: part, piece, shard
Thats it i think lmao! Byeeee
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rlaehrwk-37 · 1 year
translation provided by the lovely @lee-hakhyun go follow them or I’ll beat u up <3
[“This is a story of unreadable despair.”]
Yea thanks for the heads up. Totally not an ominous beginning to this side story (sequel)! There’s also ch 553 (prologue) but it’s free so anyone can read it for themselves!
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• Lee Hakhyun and his neck being grabbed caught uhh
We’ll definitely be seeing more of that heh
So Lee Hakhyun, the writer of orv and his editor, Ji Eunyu are invited to go to a fan event by a reader who goes by the name of “Representative Kim Dokja”. Totally not shady at all…
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• Take note of this Chungmuro Theatre. We’ll be seeing more of it shortly.
<Kim Dokja’s Banquet> (more like it’s a fucking trap)
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• Ugh I think of this convo more than you can think… LHH… you’re not gonna be left out, you’re also a reader. A reader who loved the characters and wrote a story for them. You wrote out of your love for this story. You’re a “writer” who thinks from the perspective of a reader, and that is why you’re not Han Sooyoung.
>> ‘I also laughed bitterly. “I did.”’
I wonder when he’s gonna feel that extreme existential and identity crisis. Surely it’s not his story, but can that really be said after he spent 3 years of his life writing this story? Is he really not the writer?
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Is this a sign that if the webtoon stops updating we’re all gonna die?
There’s no way our horny-for-kdj webtoon writer is gonna stop drawing that wais— *gets shot*
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• I—
well this is proof that dreams are real right? *insert MoM reference*
you readers better dream your happy ending or I’ll shoot you down
• oop so they saw Cheon Inho in the line of life sized cutouts as well? yep this is definitely not foreshadowing.
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• “I’m so proud of you, Kim Dokja.”
I,,, I’m so,, soft 🥺🥺🥺 I’m so proud of you too LHH, both you and KDJ came so far…
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• STFU STFU “disappeared” WHAT,,??? I read everything so quick the first time that I didn’t catch the little lines. THIS IS WHY LHH THOUGHT ALL HIS READERS MOVED ON FROM THE SERIES? NAH FAM THEY JUST GOT TRANSMIGRATED INTO ORV
There was a mention of a famous writer disappearing in SS’s first novels “How to Become a Star Writer” as well. And it was Lee Hakhyun’s story.
Surely this is not foreshadowing…
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We’re slowly gathering our main trio. Rereading this scene makes me giggle.
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>> “Hello I’m Kim Dokja, and I’m the MC.”
>> “It’s Kim Dokja’s birthday.”
>> “It really snowed in Seoul that day, too.”
• no shut up. you don’t understand how important this is. snow,, snow field,, a place for the reader to hide in,, in the margins between the words on the page lay his own personal snow garden. in that white space from where he supervises everyone’s suffering. white blank space. with no words. no rules. he stands alone. FUCKRHHFJFIIWJCJWJ UGH
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• “tear spots on white skin” WHO MADE MY QUEEN HAN SOOYOUNG CRY??? WHAT— WHAT POINT IN TIME IS THIS HSY FROM? could she be the hsy after the end of the side story? she saw his story and now writes it for him? but I’d hope that it’s LHH himself who writes this side story ykwim? WHY WAS SHE CRYING?
alas, this is the end of the first chapter. reading this side story always makes me feel like I wanna scratch my skin off. but I’ll do it again.
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gayforjuza · 6 months
Hi, allosexual/non-ace person here, I come in peace!
I'm not usually one to weigh in on broader topics like sexuality online, since anything I say is bound to be tinged with my subjective experiences more than I'd probably like. I'm also not an expert by any means...
But the recents Asks I saw in your blog made me want to chime in with my 2 cents; just, for the sake of the confused/concerned asexual homies I guess?
The stuff about allosexuals, or the majority of allosexuals, being motivated almost exclusively by sex isn't quite accurate. True, during preteen years (cuz of puberty and HoRmOnEs), allosexual peoples' sex drive start developing alongside their developing bodies. And as they grow into young adults it's very normal for them to explore their sexuality, to varying degrees.
But to say it's their main motivation throughout life? Or even that it's at the forefront of their mind most of the time?? Nah, dawg. A lot of people over-estimate how sexually active even young adults alone are.
(I remember like 4 years ago in one of my Psychology courses, the professor asked students how many sexual partners they think the average male college student desires to have in a year. The average guess of the students of my class was around 8? When actually, according to the series of surveys we were looking at, the vast majority of male college students wanted an average of 1-3 sexual partners in a year.)
Obviously, experiences will vary from person-to-person. But excessive promiscuity? Adultery? Living for sex??? That stuff is not the norm. To say all, or most, allosexual people are like that is (respectfully) some Freudian bullshit.
Hell, even the horniest of us (coughcoughMEcoughcough) ain't got time to be horny all the time! We're normal humans with jobs and hobbies and other stuff to do.
If you feel like you're surrounded by people obsessed with sex, those people are either exaggerating their actual thoughts/experiences (for comedy, toxic gender-normative posturing, etc.), or they happen to be from a group/community where that activity is more frequent than the usual.
And if you feel like all media is overly sexual (when it is not necessary for it to be sexual)--well, yeah, I agree with you. There's a lot of media where sex/sexual content is included where it isn't needed. The Big Business Executive dumbasses make those decisions, but honestly? If they took those parts out, allosexual audiences would not give a fuck. Genuinely.
(And if there were a small majority that complained about not seeing enough nudity or whatever-the-hell in their action movies or something, let's be real: that group would be the toxically-masculine asshole men--who are a dying group--and I don't think they should be associated with the rest of allosexual people.)
UR TRUE! this is more in line with my personal experiences w/ allosexual ppl thank u 4 sending this 😌
also very funny that u said "i come in peace" like i was gonna fucking GET you for not being ace LOLOL allosexual people my behated (joke)
im ofc not an expert either and idk my thoughts rly on this besides just, like i said, that ur experience is more in line with mine
its also i think worth pointing out for any question/discussion like this that 1. saying ur opinions are limited to ur own subjective experience applies to literally everything anyone has ever said and there is no objective truth literally at all and 2. since theres no objective truth there is no difference between the "reality" of the big picture/greater society and "not reality" its just basically luck i think, of who u end up around
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xx-vergil-xx · 2 years
about me
tagged by the homie @wizardofgoodfortune <3
nickname: in real life my name ends up getting shortened to han on occasion and i vibe w that, and also vergil or verg is good :)
sign: taurus sun, leo moon, scorpio rising
height: 5’ 4”
last thing i googled: “hamlet costumes horatio” for some drawing inspo for a thing i have been relentlessly doodling for several days
song stuck in my head: g.i.n.a.s.f.s. by fall out boy. oh song of songs. love of my life. “it’s a strange way of saying that i know i’m supposed to love you” GOD
amount of sleep: a catastrophic like 3 hours because i had to get up at 5 to catch a plane and could NOT sleep. u know how when u have to be up at a specific and unusual time u keep waking up thinking u overslept? yeah. gonna be napping on my first flight for sure
dream job: writing some tv show for me and my best friends to be in. the dream is really just like one of those comedy shows that’s just clearly a couple people who are friends having a fuckin blast. that and just generally being a writer. or designing costumes for things
wearing: bc i cannot be caught slipping even on a day that will be spent mostly on planes — black velour tracksuit (cropped jacket, very early 2000’s), lil spaghetti strap tank top, and platform docs <3
movies/books that summarize me: this is very hard but i’ll go for a sampling of beloveds — blue velvet (dir. david lynch), house of leaves by mark z danielewski, and dirty dancing
favorite song: CONSTANTLY changing but right this minute it’s either modern love by david bowie OR i’m like a lawyer with the way i’m always trying to get you off by fall out boy
aesthetic: early 2000’s streamlined alt/punk? my wardrobe is borderline exclusively black. less textured than true goth or punk but heavily inspired. aspiring to thierry mueller/that one fall 2012 givenchy ready to wear collection
favorite authors: extremely challenging but we’ll go with rainer maria rilke, john steinbeck, and terry pratchett
random fun fact: uuh in middle school i faked a british accent at an event w another school so well i tricked three kids into thinking i was an exchange student. i was deep in my sherlock cringe but man was i good at that accent. in case that isn’t fun enough i also have a guitar pick from frank iero (which imbues me with the power to shred thank you for the venom)
alright, tagging the gang (and ofc no obligation only if ya feel like it)!! @aberfaeth @fishfingersandscarves @moorishflower @landwriter @pellaaearien @wordsinhaled @menthol-drops @ghostboyjules <3 <3 <3
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quincyhorst · 1 year
HC Potpurri - Red Matador: The Defender Trio (+ END)
Pretty much the last characters to cover, José, Antonio, and Rafael. Underrated trio. And yes, there's two missing DFs too, but they belong to different cliques.
Mentioned before, but Rafa and Antonio are from Andalusia (From Málaga and Seville respectively), they became buddies during the Community Cup, blah blah. When RM was formed they were placed alongside José, who quickly warmed up to them. Or maybe he himself inserted into the friend group, who knows...
Note: Despite sharing the position neither Querardo nor Laudelino managed to become part of the group. To put it simply, Que's atitude doesn't match well with the laid-back DFs (I guess only José being almost on his terms); plus, the topic of bullfighting is something that makes the three rather uncomfortable (Albeit their position is neutral). Then again the captain himself prefers to hangout with his forward homies than the ones of his position, so...
Though they DO interact a few times during training, José being the perfect middleman between what the captain wants to do and what the other two DFs can do. (After all, remember the anime mentioned RM had its focus on the defense. There should be a way for them to cooperate, otherwise...)
As for Laudi... Yeah, he's Laudi. What else did you expect. In rare occassions he does join them in, but that'll mean being involved on some bizarre adventure.
Other optional member of this group is Juan, also from Andalusia, so 2/3 DFs are fond of him already. However he struggles to join in by himself, so unless he isn't encouraged he'll most likely won't. When Juan got benched Rafael got worried for him, but at least the keeper's new friendship with Federico was comforting to see.
With Fermín, Antonio and José are intimidated by him (Yes, even if Toni is the taller one), but Rafa is also willing to be nice to the bull keeper.
...And yes, despite his looks Rafael is the biggest sweetheart of the three (And perhaps of the whole team); disliking to see people being lonely. If possible, he tries to pursue and listen to those who do need some company. This comes mainly from his childhood, when Rafa was often left aside by other children due to his "cryptic" aspect. Nowadays on a better position thanks to his flamenco dancing, he wishes to help those who also can't fit in.
Meanwhile, the other two are a mixed bag. Antonio is too laid back and not very talkative, and José is just Pedro with slightly more energy and worse sense of humour.
In few occassions José has compared Rafa to a vampire, mostly as a harmless joke; though he has a tendency of getting annoying with it. However even then its true that the flamenco dancer has some behaviors that can raise an eyebrow at times. A very dedicated goth, or something else? Nobody can really answer (?
Curiosity: In the dub, José and Pedro share the Costa surname, hinting that they could be related. And being honest I CAN see some similarities between their designs. So in my setting, I like to see these two as family. Not sure how yet, they are just fam and that's it. They also played together for Castile and León in the Community Cup!!!
They are on different groups, but Pedro and José still talk every so often. In some occassions the little DF likes to join the other MFs on their pranks.
...For now unlike the other groups, these DFs mostly spend their time on the background, not doing much of importance. But they do have few moments here and there, and I guess the most important one would be Toni's romance with Céleste Astarloza; a french tourist we've mentioned before.
Something interesting to mention about Antonio is that even if Isaac is known in the fandom as the "girl crazy" RM player... Toni apparently likes them that much he needs one to be recruited in-game. I can see him being interested on a romance, though his tendency of being reserved is still an obstacle. Because of that, at first he tended to follow Isaac around, as to learn (and ask him tips) on how to flirt. Yet ironically, NOT following his methods gave him better results. Instead of approaching and flirting straight away, Toni preferred to befriend Céles first, mantaing a proper relationship during the eliminatories, till he was ready to try and flirt. Isn't it too risky to try and romance someone during a month-long tourney? Yeah, honestly. But don't underestimate the Inazuma logic, nor the skills of an artist (?
While they didn't become a full couple when the FFI ended, they did end up developing strong mutual feelings for one another. Céles might have to return to France now, but she promises she WILL find a way to visit Málaga and meet Toni again. And if not, she's willing to invite him and his family to her town.
(Ah, and as for Rafa and José, they did their best as Toni's wingmen (?))
...In a way or another, them being irrelevant does save them from having any discussion or discord before the final Block B match, at least :D
...I think that's all, for now. Thank you for reading this post, and all the previous ones. I think Red Matador is the team I ended up developing the most (At least when comparing it to the other FFI teams posted so far, only BW being a similar case). In my defense not even the japanese did much for these spanish kids except for like 3-4 players, so I gave them a chance myself (?
Hope you guys liked this series! Muchas gracias por su apoyo! 💪
Extra thing, but while I'd love to add some pictures for this group like I did with the rest... José and Rafael are seen together in two animes scene, and so do Antonio and Rafael in another one. But nothing of the three together, F 😭
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I did this edit of them to compare their heights, hope this makes up for it (?
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Meet Noah Sage Napoleon Bradford Aoratos;
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Fc: Jason Simmons.
Fic Title: The Marvelous Misadventures of Hannah Hook.
Nicknames: Sunshine boy, Sunflower, Sunshine, flower boy, Ghost boy, ghost prince, Koala boy, Koala, blondie, Sunny, giggles, smiley, Golden Guy, Goldie Locks, Musturd Head, Sun Ray, Yellow Fellow, Honey Head, Sweets, Bloom, Blossom, brother bear, boo boo, Zippy, Small Fries, Shortie, Charming, Minion, Huggie, Homie, Half-pint, Halfling, Dimples, Amigo, Bruddah, Bredrin, Brethren, Bitsy, and Baby Brother.
Sexuality: Unknown at the moment.
Pronouns: He/him.
Birthday: March 20.
Height: 3"2.
Hair Color: Golden blond.
Eye Color: Sky Blue.
Place Of Birth: Mount Olympus.
Hobbies: Playing in Haul's band, hide and seek, dress up, tye dying things, making flower crowns, playing house, running errands, braiding hair, making plants grow, watching cartoons, coloring, singing, dancing, treasure hunting, dressing up his stuffed koala, tea parties, etc.
Likes: Playing the lavta, bouzouki, the Harp, the lyre, and bağlama. Koalas, sunshine, flowers, foral prints, the sun, music, bright colors, tattoos, long hair, tiny furniture, flower suckers, talking plants, bugs, piercings, dress up, plays, stuffed animals, silly bands, slap bands, swimming, etc.
Dislikes: Needles, bullies, being evil, his friends sad or hurt, the dark, people trying to cut his hair, lightning, thunder, and Frollo.
Favorite Musicians: Vampire Weekend, Slipknot, Lizz Robinett, Fall Out Boy, The Offspring, Taylor Swift, Cher, Blink-182, Green Day, Iron Maiden, and Black Sabbath.
Physical Quirks/Scars: Sun-kissed skin, dimples, freckles, and soft features.
Family: Hades (father), Persphone (mother), Mal Fae (paternal half sister), Hadie (twin brother), Treycor Fae Aoratos (paternal half brother), Alex Aoratos-Sinclair (paternal half brother), Darcy Aoratos (parental half sister), Skia (full sister), Hercules (paternal cousin), Meg (paternal cousin by marriage), Herkie (first cousin once removed), Ariel (first cousin once removed), Urusla (first cousin once removed), Uma (second cousin), etc.
Honorary Family: Fiona Foundling and Hannah Hook.
Friends: The Stormbringer crew.
Pets: Cerberus.
Love Interest: Fiona Foundling (Future).
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Introvert or Extrovert: Ambivert.
Occupation: Student at Dragon Hall and Junior/cabin boy of Hannah Hook's crew.
Extracurriculars: Gardening club, art club, Piracy, Ballet, band, and drama.
Favorite Animal: Koala.
Favorite Color: Pink.
Favorite Book: 'The Koala who could' by Rachel Bright.
Favorite Food: Sunflower seeds, fruits, veggies, and anything koala/flower shaped.
Favorite Drink: Pomegranate juice.
Favorite Movie/TV Show: The Wild Kratz and The Lorax.
Favorite Class: Artists and Thieves.
Background: Youngest son of Persphone and Hades, Noah Aoratos was born on Mount Olympus and was raised on the isle until the barrier came down when he was 10. He's Hannah's cabin boy and Fiona Foundling's future true love. He's also probably the most adorable, most sweetest person on the isle.
"You are my Sunshine " by Christina Perri.
"Pocket full of Sunshine" by Natasha Bedingfield.
"Happy" by Pharrell Williams.
"Wagon Wheel" by Darius Rucker.
"The Kids Aren’t Alright" by Fall Out Boy.
"Thanks for the memories" by Fall Out Boy.
"Thunder" by Imagine Dragons.
Inspired by @thecaptainsgingersnap and @theinnerworkingsofoc yet again. Made to cheer @cleverqueenchild up. This one is for @cleverqueenchild .
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eddiemelrose · 23 days
just thought of a long term happy ending for eddie when thinking about a different oc entirely <3 it is jeddie endgame tho so sorry to jeddie haters
okay so in my version of what happens after the series, lissa has her first child when she is 25. Jill is actively participating in all the royal politics and stuff and has been a member of the council since she was 18 but when basil is born (the baby lol) Jill decides that she is going to pass her title of princess onto him so he is prince basil dragomir even tho he's a legit newborn. this is allowed in canon lol the dashkovs are an example of that and jill willingly passes on her title it's fine. So she isn't princess dragomir anymore BUT she is still on the council and everything.
then just under two years later Lissa has her second child so now there's five Dragomirs!!! I'm counting Christian as a Dragomir after he married Lissa even though he isn't one by blood (but still possesses just enough to take her name when they marry) anyway after alma is born Lissa makes the big offer to Jill where she's like you can leave politics forever if you want. You've given up so much for me and now you have the chance to live the life you want. She says she doesn't have to keep her council seat and wait until basil is eighteen. There's that whole tiebreaker thing with the monarch having two votes so it's not really an issue since Jill would always vote with Lissa anyway
Now I've only just thought about this so there's a lot of extra details I gotta daydream about first lol but basically Jill is like thanks bestie!! And she goes to Maine and shows up at the gangs place like hiiiiiiiiiiii and somehow jeddie had maintained their relationship so long or maybe they still had feelings but Eddie was too bound to duty to leave sydrian or whatever but they end up having a full proper committed relationship. At this time Jill is 25 and Eddie is 28. so they are starting out way older than all their other homies who found their true love as teenagers lmao
but yeah at this point sydrian are like yo we are Good go and be in love!!!! Sydney has definitely figured out a way to create wards around their property that are also immune to being pierced by stakes because of the whole magic collision thing idk I'll explain that later but the point is Eddie doesn't really need to be there anymore. Sure he can stick around but why should he when sydrian are safe and Jill is here and ready to be with him without the issue of her bloodline????
yeah that's my initial thoughts I will probably develop this later lol but damn I really gotta go years ahead from the end of TRC to figure this all out. It's a shame it still means Eddie is hanging around sydrian for a good nine years before Jill can tear him away lol
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