#thank you for joining me on this magical journey where i bid you farewell with more confusion than i greet you
autism-disco · 8 months
ok the tumblr has tumbled i’ll call it there. call me falsettos because this had better come to a stop
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From Fine Lines to Flawless Skin: The Power of Botox Treatments
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In the fast-paced world of beauty and skincare, the quest for flawless skin is an ever-evolving journey. The latest buzz in Charlotte's vibrant beauty scene? Botox treatments—a powerful solution to bid farewell to fine lines and welcome a rejuvenated, youthful glow.
The Rise of Botox: More Than Just A Wrinkle Eraser
Botox, short for Botulinum Toxin, has long been celebrated for its remarkable ability to smooth out wrinkles and fine lines. But in the heart of Charlotte, it's not just a cosmetic trend; it's a confidence booster and a symbol of self-care.
How Does Botox Work Its Magic?
Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles responsible for those unwanted wrinkles. This non-invasive procedure is like a gentle pause button, giving your skin a chance to relax and rejuvenate. The result? A smoother, more youthful complexion that whispers timeless beauty.
Charlotte's Botox Scene: Where Science Meets Artistry
The Queen City is no stranger to innovation, and its approach to Botox treatments is no exception. Skincare clinics in Charlotte pride themselves on seamlessly blending science with artistry, creating a unique experience for every client.
Personalized Treatments for Lasting Results
One size does not fit all, especially when it comes to skincare. Charlotte's Botox specialists understand this, tailoring treatments to suit individual needs. Whether you're targeting crow's feet, frown lines, or forehead wrinkles, the experts in the Queen City have you covered.
Beyond Wrinkles: The Surprising Benefits of Botox
While Botox is renowned for its wrinkle-reducing powers, its benefits extend beyond the cosmetic realm. Charlotte residents are turning to Botox for relief from migraines, excessive sweating, and even jaw tension. It's not just about looking good; it's about feeling good too.
The Charlotte Glow: Real Stories, Real Results
Don't just take our word for it—let the success stories speak for themselves. Charlotte locals are embracing Botox as a trusted ally in their skincare routine. From professionals looking to maintain a youthful appearance to busy parents in need of a confidence boost, Botox in Charlotte is transforming lives.
Confessions of Confidence: Clients Share Their Journey
"I never thought I'd feel this good about my skin again. Botox has become my secret weapon, giving me the confidence to face the world with a radiant smile." - Emily, 42
"I used to shy away from photos because of my deep forehead lines. Now, thanks to Botox, I proudly show off my flawless skin without a worry in the world." - James, 38
The Future of Beauty in Charlotte: Where Do We Go from Here?
As Charlotte continues to shine on the beauty map, the future looks promising. With Botox leading the way, residents can expect even more innovative skincare solutions, blending technology, and artistry to redefine beauty standards.
What's Next: Stay Tuned for Beauty Beyond Boundaries
From personalized skincare routines to cutting-edge treatments, Charlotte is set to break barriers and redefine beauty norms. The journey to flawless skin is evolving, and Botox is just the beginning.
In a city that thrives on individuality and innovation, Botox treatments in Charlotte are more than just a beauty trend—they're a celebration of confidence, self-care, and the art of aging gracefully. Join us on this transformative journey and discover the power of Botox in unlocking your radiant, flawless skin.
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the-download · 1 year
A Night of Love and Laughter
As a bridesmaid, I had the honor of standing by Jules' side on her special day. From the flurry of preparations to the heartfelt ceremony, it was a day filled with excitement, love, and a touch of chaos. Now, as the sun sets and the wedding day draws to a close, I find myself reflecting on the whirlwind of emotions and unforgettable moments that made this night truly magical. Join me as I share my perspective on the wedding night of Jules and her beloved. The day began with a flurry of activity as the bridal party gathered to get ready. Excitement filled the air as we helped Jules slip into her stunning wedding gown, adjusting every detail with care. As we meticulously perfected her hair and makeup, the anticipation grew stronger with each passing minute. Laughter and shared stories filled the room, forming a bond that would last beyond this special day.
Witnessing Jules gracefully walk down the aisle, a vision of beauty and happiness, was a sight to behold. The aisle, adorned with flowers and the soft melody of music, created an enchanting atmosphere. I could see the nervous excitement in Jules' eyes, but as she locked gazes with her partner, her face radiated pure joy. It was a moment frozen in time, where love and commitment collided, and the world held its breath.
The ceremony itself was a tapestry woven with love, laughter, and heartfelt words. Jules and her partner shared vows that echoed their deepest emotions and aspirations for the future. As I stood by her side, I felt the weight of their promises and the incredible bond they were forging. Tears of joy and emotions flowed freely, reminding us all of the power of love to unite and inspire.
The reception was a vibrant celebration of love and unity. The venue shimmered with lights, and the sound of laughter filled the air. From heartfelt speeches to lively dances, the atmosphere overflowed with joy and merriment. The clinking of glasses and the echoes of toasts resonated throughout the night, a testament to the support and love that surrounded Jules and her partner.
As the night unfolded, unforgettable moments etched themselves into my memory. I watched as Jules and her partner shared their first dance, their eyes locked in a silent conversation that spoke volumes. The joyous laughter that erupted during the speeches and the heartfelt embraces shared between friends and family served as a reminder of the love that brought everyone together. The dance floor became a canvas where guests let go of inhibitions, celebrating the newlyweds' union with exuberance and unadulterated happiness.
As the night drew to a close, I found myself captivated by the quiet moments. The bride and groom slipped away, hand in hand, ready to embark on their new journey. The stars twinkled above, mirroring the glimmer in their eyes. The weight of the day's events settled on my shoulders, a bittersweet feeling that mingled with a sense of fulfillment and gratitude.
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Being a part of Jules' wedding night was a privilege I will always treasure. It was a night that celebrated love, friendship, and the beauty of human connections. As I bid farewell to this enchanting day, I carry with me the laughter, the tears, and the overwhelming joy that filled the air. May Jules and her partner's love story continue to unfold, weaving a tapestry of happiness and cherished memories.
To Jules and her partner, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your special day
0 notes
The Choice - Part 1
Decided to write the Valkyrie/Hulder au in chunks! A challenge since I prefer having everything done in one go. I also set a challenge to write 1000-1500 words per Part. So... failed step 1 but that’s okay! (its 2.2k) @like-redhead-probably I hope you enjoy the story your ask has started, and @giuliaciulia89 I know I’ve kept you waiting a lil on this one
For anyone popping in first? Here’s the original ask where I explain why I chose Valkyrie!Anna and Hulder!Elsa as a mythical creature au. Other than just, “I think it’s neat”
Edit: Ao3 and ff.net links!
Anna knelt down among the grasses and extended her hand to the woman at her feet, hauling her up with a strong arm. The body gave up it’s soul without complaint, leaving it in the capable hands of the Valkyrie, which was a relief. Anna had seen many today that were not ready to move on.
“Thank you, Valkyrie, for choosing me,” the woman said, standing in front of Anna in wavering spectral blue.
“You fought well,” Anna replied, throwing an arm around her shoulders in camaraderie. “I knew you were the one the moment you donned your armor. Speaking of,” Anna’s eyes turned sad, “I’m sorry to make you wait. That wound it… was painful, wasn’t it?”
They both peered back at the ground, where the woman’s body lay. Anna felt a tremble run through her Chosen. “It wasn’t that bad,” the woman grit her teeth, attempting a smile.
Anna hummed in understanding. There was no need to put on a brave face, especially for those bound for Valhalla, but she had seen enough over the centuries to know that humans often brushed aside their suffering in the face of the unknown.
“Is there anyone you will miss?” Anna asked. She always asked.
The warrior’s head drooped, looking away from her body. “My wife,” she said solemnly. “I said goodbye to her but, there’s always the hope that you’ll get to say it one more time.” The woman put a hand on the back of her neck, suddenly sheepish. “Is it weird that I’ll also really miss my cat?”
The Valkyrie paused, blinked, and then a laugh sprang from deep within her, lighting up the middle of the battlefield like a summer breeze.
“Not at all!” Anna squeezed the woman tightly, walking them towards the edge of the field, where other Valkyries, their Chosen Dead, and their mounts, awaited. “Our pets are family too.” Anna acknowledged the other Valkyries as they approached. Many returned her greeting with smiles, but some were occupied with their charges. A few spoke softly to their Chosen, consoling them. One looked like she was regretting her choice as her warrior whooped and hollered, begging them to be off. Anna steered her Chosen to her own mount, brushing the horse’s flank. “We’ll send a message through Embla to your wife that you made it to Valhalla.”
The woman paused, bouncing back down on the leg that would have gotten her into the saddle. She looked over her shoulder, an odd expression on her face. “How did you know my cat’s name?”
Anna’s eyes twinkled. “Don’t you know? Cats are very special to Freyja. If they’re staring off into space, they’re probably talking to something you can’t see.” Anna jabbed her thumb against her armor covered chest. “And that something is usually someone, like me.”
The woman looked back at the winged horse she was mounting, then skyward. “It’s one thing to hear the stories, but… I suppose I’ll get used to this one day, won’t I?”
Anna grinned again, putting her hands on her hips. “One day, and sooner rather than later. Though hopefully, the world won’t lose it’s magic for you too quickly.”
The woman patted the neck of the steed below her, making it whiney in happiness and ruffle the feathers in its wings. “No,” she murmured, “I don’t think it will.”
“Alright then, scooch over,” Anna made shoo-ing motions with her hand.” No no, the other way! Trust me, you’ll want the view, and with me behind, you won’t fall off.” The woman paled to a morning sky blue as Anna put her foot in the stirrup, “And while you’re already dead, the fall wouldn’t be pleasant and we’d have to come rescue y--”
A small, wistful tug at the small of her back pulled her up short. The subtle kind, like the soft plucking of a musician tuning their instrument in the corner of a crowded drinking hall. The kind where they feel for the vibrations more than listen to the note to tell if they’re on the right track.
Anna froze. A frown creased her brow, her green eyes unfocussing to the middle distance.
“Is everything alright, Valkyrie?” Anna blinked and looked up at her Chosen.
“Yes, I thought I felt--.” The pull came again, against her lower ribs, close to her spine. Anna jumped back to the ground, raising her fingers to her mouth and giving a piercing whistle, bringing a fellow Valkyrie to her side immediately.
“I need you to take my Chosen to Valhalla,” Anna said firmly.
The other Valkyrie’s eyes widened. “Why?”
“We missed one.”
The Valkyrie cocked her head, concentrating. “I don’t sense another, sister.”
“But I…” Anna’s eyes were locked on the treeline at the edge of the battlefield. “I could have sworn--.”
“The skirmish is over, and you have your Chosen,” the Valkyrie motioned to Anna’s charge. “It’s your duty to take her.”
Anna’s eyes drifted back to her sister and her Chosen. She balled her fists. “We missed one,” she repeated. “I’m sure of it.”
“A deserter perhaps?” Both Valkyries looked up at the Chosen, who balked immediately. “S-Sorry,” she stammered, a ghostly blush appearing across the bridge of her nose. “I guess I don’t know how it works but, you Choose people right? Who lives and who dies? And maybe this person slipped away before the fight, which is why… you didn’t…” She sputtered to a stop, the glow overtaking her features. “Maybe that makes no sense.”
Anna and the other Valkyrie shared a look, then took in the field again.
“I suppose…” the Valkyrie began.
“...That’s possible.” Anna concluded.
The Valkyrie sighed, turning and taking the reins to Anna’s horse. “You’d better investigate then. Just to be sure.” Anna nodded, turning to take her leave. “And, Anna?” The Valkyries' eyes met, an understanding passing between them. If someone was Chosen, then it was a Valkyrie’s task to collect, one way or another. “No one escapes their fate.”
Anna put a hand on the hilt of her sword. “They won’t,” she said evenly. “One way or another.”
She bid farewell to her Chosen and all the others. As Anna made her way across the battlefield she heard the beating of wings, neighing of horses, and stomping of hooves digging into the dirt for lift off. It was always a thrill to watch the face of her Chosen as they began their journey, but as the tug came again --now a snag on her sternum, light but insistent as she trudged forward-- Anna resigned herself to next time. She focused on the feeling in her chest, thrumming with warm tension, like a rope holding a sail in place against the wind. A familiar sensation, but this one was different, and she hadn’t known how to say as much to her fellow Valkyrie. Normally, when someone was Chosen, all a Valkyrie had to do was see them, and the decision of life or death was known in an instant. If Life, a mark was placed on the person, protecting them from harm; if Death, the collection and honoring of the soul after battle and a ride to Valhalla. But this one was outside of battle - it was after, or aside. If the Choice was Life, then Anna could let it be, make the mark and return home. But if it was Death… what then? A Valkyrie was not meant to kill mankind, but to ferry and guide. What would she do if there was no one to do the deed for her?
Anna reached the treeline and paused, shaking the thoughts from her head. She would cross that bridge when she came to it, no sense in worrying before the answer was revealed. And it would be, soon, as if she had always known it.
The phantom pull beckoned her forward, as surely as being led by the hand, but now it was joined by another sensation, ringing against the shell of Anna’s ears.
A melody without words. Unfamiliar. Lofting, glazed and sweet, through the air like droplets of honey.
Anna strode forward, swallowed immediately by the large conifers, her footsteps muffled by a dense carpet of dead pine needles. A low fog clung to her boots, eddying about in whirls at her passing. The colors of the forest were rich, swathed like dark paint strokes: greens and chips of brown, flashes of ruddy red, all saturated in hue from moisture that clung to the air itself. Compared to the carnage at her back, the serenity of the woods made Anna feel like she’d stepped into another world. Another, other world. Not one of gods or men. One of tranquility, dominated by only one thing: the voice.
It was beautiful, hitting each new note effortlessly, enchanting in it’s grace. It enticed Anna along as easily as her Valkyrie pull, in harmony with it, even. Anna felt like she was being pushed along and reeled in at the same time, a fish on a line, her pace quickening, nearly stumbling in her efforts to reach her destination. While she realized distantly that her haste should probably alarm her, fear was the furthest thing from her mind. There was only the song, only the tune, only the knowledge of her upcoming Choice.
The calming shush of water rode under the belly of the song, and in the next moment Anna realized she had arrived. The babbling curve of a river cut her off from the other side of the forest. Hardly an insurmountable gap, but a solid stop nonetheless as Anna found her footsteps echoing beneath her, now on a flat stretch of stone instead of grass and loam.
The notes ground to an abrupt halt, the silence left behind stark and empty.
...Until Anna found eyes of startling ice blue and the screaming started.
Well, Anna thought, clapping her hands over her ears, more like shrieking.
There was a flurry of movement and water sloshed up near Anna’s boots. A mouth moved but Anna couldn’t hear, still fighting the ringing in her head at the unexpectedly shrill noise. Slowly she eased her clawed fingers from around her ears, but regretted it almost instantly.
“I said--!” A graceless, high, and not at all calm voice broke through, making Anna grit her teeth, “What in the name of Odin is wrong with you?!” 
Anna went to retort and give the person a good earful of her own, but to her shock, her jaw simply refused to work. In fact it was stuck, awestruck and lame. Conversely, her heart was working overtime because…
The woman in front of her was breathtakingly beautiful. Long pale hair cascaded down her shoulders, over her heaving, arm crossed chest, fanning out where it dipped into the water. Those blue eyes like the glaciers in the realm of the Frost Giants shone dazzling and fierce, framed by dark eyebrows. The mouth that had accosted her was now a firm and set line, waiting for the Valkyrie’s reply.
But more than all of that, understanding was crashing through Anna with all the power and might of Thor’s lightning. The voice, the song, and those words, the Pull: they had led her here. This woman was her Chosen. The tether in her chest practically crackled in the short distance between herself and this stranger, tingling down her limbs and filling her with the energy to act just as much as it rooted her to the spot. It became so intense that Anna felt a flush creep up her neck, the pressure of everything she felt akin to a summer bonfire trapped beneath her armor.
The woman took this change --and Anna’s continued silence-- poorly, and sank further under, leaving just her head above the water.
And maybe that was the most unbelievable thing about the whole situation. Anna was half convinced Loki had set this up - it would explain all the confusion, the unknowns,  and the general strangeness. Never in all her centuries of life had a Choice made her feel like this.
Anna had found her Chosen, and the question of whether she was a warrior, which side she fought for, if she was a deserter, or just late to the fight, was suddenly irrelevant. She wasn’t lying dead waiting for Anna to pick her up, she wasn't a tortured soul, tired of combat and waiting for release. She was a young, very alive woman trying to hide as much of herself as possible, while also attempting to not get water up her nose.
Anna had found her Chosen. It was obvious and it was insistent and it made the flush creep up higher into her face, now with genuine embarrassment adding itself the list of irrational, unhelpful emotions.
Anna had found her Chosen. And to both party’s all consuming discomfort, she’d found her:
Completely, one hundred percent, naked.
“--can’t believe this…” Anna heard the woman grumble over her clamoring thoughts, “...maybe she doesn’t--.” The woman dissolved into muttering near the waterline. She seemed to reach a conclusion, clutching all of her limbs closer together as she spoke, “Who are you, and what are you doing here?”
Anna felt the Choice rise on her tongue alongside her response. Who was she? Why was she here? Life or Death?
She answered all three questions at once.
“I don’t know.”
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The Little Prince: A Sanders Sides Little Red Riding Hood AU
Taglist from @the-taglist-repository at the bottom - Sanders Sides, Fantasy, Human, Roman-centric - this is a fairy tale au with some vague depictions of magic with human sides except for Janus and Remus
Warnings are at the bottom and in the tags if you want to check before you read. Please be safe, but I didn’t put them at the top because they do give away part of the ending.
This story contains unsympathetic Deceit and morally gray Remus
Once upon a time there was a boy who lived in a cottage in the woods. Some might have called him a man, but they were the ones who would call a girl a woman because they found her beautiful and a boy a man because they thought him weak and in need of change. So for the sake of this story, we will call him what he was: a boy. This boy was bright and imaginative and playful. He liked to go into town and entertain the younger children(some of the older ones as well, and the adults who were willing to admit that they had not yet outgrown stories) with his fanciful tales of knights and dragons and princes who never failed. The people in town called him Little Prince and he took to the title with pride. Every so often he would talk with an older man who also enjoyed visiting the village to talk to the children. (Well, the boy thought he was an older man, but he was young and knew little of age. The man had only just lived more than thirty years.) 
Now the little prince had grown up mostly alone, with very little guidance and so when he met this man who seemed so kind and willing to listen to even the most trivial problems, he had been enthralled. He’d gone up to the man one day, a little before the sun set which was when they both usually left the town.
“Excuse me, sir?”
The man looked at the boy with a kindly face that the little prince had only ever seen directed at others before. 
“What can I do for you, kiddo?” 
The little prince blushed, suddenly embarrassed by his boldness as he never had been before. “I was wondering how far into the woods you lived, sir? It’s getting cold and dark rather quickly and I wouldn’t want you to walk alone in the cold.”
The man laughed. “Would you know that in all the years I’ve come to this town and carried groceries for these people and kept their children out of trouble, you’re the first to ever worry that I was going home in the cold?”
The little prince frowned. “Why do you keep coming then?”
“Because I believe that no matter how much good we receive, it is our job to put more good out into the world.”
The little prince smiled. “That’s a very nice sentiment, sir, but it is dark and cold out and my home is only a five-minute walk away. My brother will have a fire going and it should be quite warm if you’d like to stay the night.”
The man nodded. “I would appreciate that,” he said, turning to follow the boy. “What would your name be, kiddo? I only hear the kids call you the prince.”
The boy paused, startled. “My name is Roman,” he said after a moment. “And you?”
“I’m Patton.”
The little prince’s home was large for the two boys who lived in it and it was close to the town and it was always warm. The little prince liked to go to town and spend time out of the house, but his brother-in-all-but-blood, whose name was Virgil and who had no other moniker that he took pride in, preferred to stay home, so he would keep a fire going and the house warm for when the little prince returned. It was close and warm and too empty for the boys and so Patton and his common-law husband, Logan became rather permanent fixtures, spending as much time there as they did in their own home further out into the woods. Like Virgil, Logan preferred the solitude of a house separate from the town, but they both seemed to enjoy being alone together while Patton and Roman spent their days in town, entertaining the children.
Logan and Patton didn’t spend every night with the little prince and his brother who they had adopted as their own in all but law and they did sometimes return to their own home further out in the woods.
It was during one of these times that our story truly begins.
It was well past noon when our little prince overheard a conversation that if he had missed, he might have been saved a lot of trouble. Patton and Logan had headed home a few days before and had not been seen by either of the boys since. The little prince had gone into town less, staying home and keeping his brother company. They had both believed that the men had simply gone into town on the days that the boys didn’t. It wasn’t until the little prince heard talk in town that he realized that the men who had become like parents to him had not been seen in days.
There was talk of sending someone out to be sure the men were alright, but no movement to action. The little prince thought for a moment about what a hero in one of the stories he told the children would do. He thought and then he acted.
“I’ll go find him!” he cried, throwing his hands in the air. The adults laughed to see him so ready for adventure, but none of them thought the woods particularly dangerous and decided not to stop him.
The baker gave him some bread and pastries in a basket. The smith gave him a small knife in case he encountered any trouble. A blushing woman gave him a bouquet of flowers to give to Patton when he found him and the little prince had to fight down his distaste as he slipped the flowers into his basket. A seamstress gave him a bright red cloak that he wrapped around his shoulders like a hero from a storybook. He bid them farewell and started off into the woods to Patton and Logan’s house.
Now, on his journey, the little red prince encountered a great many things that were not of importance. We will not discuss them because there were two things, or shall we say, two people who were of much greater importance that he stumbled across on his journey into the woods. Patton and Logan both had warned the boys never to travel through the woods as deep as their home alone, but in his excitement to be a hero, the little prince had forgotten all the warnings.
“Well, hello there, little boy,” a voice purred from just off the path. It wasn’t much of a path, more of a trail that had been worn down by Patton and Logan’s constant walking. 
“Hello,” the little prince said brightly, for he had forgotten the warnings if you remember. He looked around in confusion because he could see no one there. “Where are you?” he asked.
The voice laughed longer than it should have, the laugh sounding practiced and fake. “If you saw my face, you would run away in fear and not listen to a word I have to say.”
The prince(for in his mind he was not so little anymore) scoffed. “I’m far braver than you give me credit for! Show yourself!”
The voice only laughed again. “Perhaps I am the frightened one then, if you are so brave. May I have your name, O Brave One?”
“My name is Roman,” he declared, for princes never shy away from a challenge or taunt. “In the town, they call me the little prince.”
“I am in the presence of royalty!” the voice cried with a mocking air. “Well, Prince Roman, if you are so brave, why do you stick to the path? You are going to save the poor dears at the end of it from whatever ails them, are you not?”
The prince was starting to get upset now at how the voice mocked him. “Not that its any business of yours, but I am.”
“That’s very chivalrous of you, Prince Roman,” the voice said, sounding a tad more genuine. “If you just follow the sound of my voice, I can lead you to a much quicker path to your grand adventure.”
“I think I’ll stay.” Say what you will about the little prince, he was stubborn to a fault.
“Surely a prince as brave as you isn’t afraid to take a shorter route off of the path?” With every sentence, the voice sounded more and more genuine and more and more tempting. “You’d see so many wonderful things that you wouldn’t on the boring path. Won’t you join me?”
The prince didn’t answer. He wanted to follow and see the world and prove himself so badly. This could be his one chance to be a real hero instead of just a scared little boy who pretended to be a prince.
“No,” he said firmly. “I’m going to follow the path and find Patton and Logan. Thank you for the offer, but I have to decline.”
“Very well,” the voice replied. “But don’t think I’m the worst threat in these woods. There are things in these trees far more terrifying than me.”
Roman took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Thank you for the warning.”
Roman made his way down the path a little less steadily than he had before. He was no hero and he was certainly no prince. He kept his eyes on the path in front of him, ignoring the whispers in the trees and the shadows that crossed behind him. He just had to reach the house at the end of the path and it would all be over. Patton and Logan would be there and they could take him home. He wouldn’t have to be alone in the woods anymore. 
“Was it Prince Roman?” A voice called from directly behind him. “Or is it just Roman now?”
Roman’s breath caught and he walked faster, not turning around. Dead leaves crunched under his feet, but while he could hear whoever the voice belonged to getting closer by the sound of their heavy breathing, their footsteps were perfectly silent.
“Come on,” the voice needled. It was different from the last voice. The last one had been sickeningly sweet and tempting, but this one was taunting and mocking and sounded almost like his own. “You gave the snake your name, won’t you talk to me too?”
Roman walked faster.
“I can walk beside you if you want.”
A glint of green caught the corner of Roman’s eye but he kept his gaze stubbornly forward and kept walking.
“Or I can step in front.”
Roman stopped dead as the figure stepped in front of him. The figure wore a bright green cloak and had a black shirt where Roman’s was white, but other than the wrong color clothes, it was like looking in a mirror.
“So should I call you Prince Roman or just Roman?” the figure asked sharply with a wide toothy grin.
Roman swallowed. “Just Roman,” he choked out.
The way the figure smiled looked more like a predator than another person and yet looked exactly like Roman’s own smile. “Then you can call me just Remus.”
“What do you want?”
“Nothing!” the figure Remus chirped. “I just want to show you something! It’s much more interesting and creative than the boring stuff you come up with.”
Roman scowled, side-stepping and walking past Remus, who kept pace by his side. “I’m not interested in anything you have to show me.”
“But it’s so cool!” Remus whined. “All you have to do is step a little bit off of the path.”
Roman declined. Remus insisted. Roman declined. Remus insisted. They went back and forth for a while. 
“What more do you have to lose?” Remus finally said. “Your brother will be fine without you. Your real parents and the ones you thought would take care of you both abandoned you and the only reason you’re here is because you just can’t accept it. You aren’t a hero; you aren’t a prince and you know it. Let me show you something better, Roman. Just step off the path.”
Remus’s words rang in Roman’s head, echoing and repeating until they were all he could think. What did he have left to lose? What if he got to the end of the path and Patton and Logan didn’t want him anymore? What if they really did leave on purpose? 
“No,” the little prince said firmly. “I am not going to step off of the path.”
Remus’s form shimmered and slowly faded away, back into Roman’s shadow. “Good.”
The little prince breathed easier as the path in front of him cleared again. The sun had set, but he could see a flickering light in the distance. The little prince broke into a run and the flickering image became clearer and clearer until he could see a little cottage. It looked like it had been built carefully and according to written specifications, but it was also covered in ivy and practically overrun by flowers. Logan and Patton.
The little prince’s face was split in a wide grin as he knocked on the door. The door drifted open with the force of his knock.
“Patton, Logan?” the little prince called. “Are you here?”
“Back here, Prince Roman,” called a rough voice that sounded vaguely familiar. The little prince didn’t think much of it. Maybe Patton had a cold and that was why they had disappeared.
The little prince dashed in, practically slamming the door behind him, following the sound of the voice. 
He reached what must have been Logan and Patton’s bedroom and paused, a sense of relief rushing over him. There was a lump under the blankets on the bed that must have been Logan because standing by him with his back to the door was a very familiar figure. In that moment, a soft grey sweater draped over a sky blue shirt was the most perfect image that the little prince had ever seen.
“Patton!” he cried out in relief.
Patton turned around slowly and the little prince’s relief turned to ice in his veins and throat. Patton’s eyes were yellow and his face was twisted into a sickening grin. “Yes, Roman, dear?” he purred.
And the little prince knew where he recognized the voice from. It wasn’t Patton.
“You’re the voice from the woods. Remus called you a snake.”
The thing that looked like Patton let out a soft breath that was almost a laugh. “Did he now? I’ll admit, it is one of his more flattering descriptions of me.”
“What did you do with Patton and Logan?”
The figure smirked. “Nothing at all and I resent the question.”
“What do you mean ‘nothing’?” the prince snarled.
“My dear boy,” the figure looked at the prince with mock concern. “I tried to warn you. I tried to keep you from coming here where you would learn my secret. My darling little prince, I am and have always been Patton.”
“You have no one who loves you. You have nothing and no one. You have always been a scared little boy, alone and unloved, desperate for any scraps of affection I threw to you. It was like playing with a puppy.”
“No!” the prince shouted. “What about Logan? What did you do to him?” He pointed at Logan’s prone form under the blankets.
“Nothing at all and I resent the question,” the voice from the woods hissed again. 
“Do you mean me?” The prone form under the blankets sat up suddenly. A flash of green was the first thing the prince saw. Then he saw a very familiar face. His own.
“Remus?” he hissed.
“Roman!” Remus crowed. “Did you miss me?”
“Not in the slightest,” the prince growled.
“Aww, I missed you, bro!”
With a sharp intake of breath, the prince was struck speechless. “Monster,” he hissed after he regained his voice.
“Maybe we are,” Remus responded with a smile. “What are you going to do about it?” 
The little prince turned tail and ran.
He didn’t run far. He dashed into the kitchen and looked around frantically for something, anything he could use to defend himself.
“Come now, little prince,” the voice from the woods called. (Not Patton, not Patton, not Patton) “We aren’t that scary.”
The little prince threw open cupboards and drawers but only found spices and cups.
“You came all this way to find us. Why don’t you stay?” Remus had fallen silent and the one who looked like Patton was calling after the little prince now.
A glint of light caught his eye. There was a block of knives on the counter. The little prince only had a moment to be afraid, to think ‘I’ve never hurt someone on purpose before.’ before the two frighteningly familiar figures darkened the doorway of the kitchen.
The little prince lunged, throwing himself across the counter and grabbing the largest knife he could. He brandished it in front of him, his hands shaking and looking far smaller than they ever had before. 
“Put down the knife, little prince,” the one who looked like Patton cooed. “You can stay here and we can love you. We can tell you how wonderful and brave you are. We can make you feel wanted. Just put down the knife.”
Roman climbed off of the counter, every part of him shaking. His grip on the knife tight.
“Come on, princey,” Remus needled. “Just stay with us. You can play with all the knives you want if you just say you’ll stay.”
“All I have to do is say I’ll stay with you?” Roman whispered, stepping closer.
“That’s all you have to do,” the voice from the forest promised.
“Come on, say it!” Remus cheered. “It’s so lonely with only the snake, I want to have a brother! We can be twins!”
“Twins,” Roman mused, now only a foot away from Remus.
“You can both be my children,” the snake said, kneeling down so Roman could look Patton’s face in the eyes. Roman softened under the gaze of those kind eyes that had comforted so many times before. He softened.
And slammed the butcher knife into the side of the snake’s neck.
Remus screamed as the snake’s eyes went blank and his hands made an aborted motion to grab his neck. Roman ripped the knife out of the snake’s neck, holding back his flinch at the spurt of blood that doused the knife and his hand. He advanced on Remus, who was reaching out to the snake while also trying to back away from Roman and the knife. Roman kept walking forward, not saying a word. 
Remus whimpered softly, still backing away but not taking his eyes off of the snake.
Roman lunged, tackling Remus and stabbing down as hard as he could. Remus squirmed under him and the knife sank into his shoulder. He let out another blood-curdling scream.
Roman saw movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to look as he reached for the knife again to end this nightmare once and for all. It was a mirror. There was a floor to ceiling mirror on the wall. Roman’s eye had been drawn to his own movement. 
He looked in the mirror and what he saw was more frightening than anything else that had happened that day. He was covered in blood and there was a manic grin on his face. Remus’s eyes were streaming with tears and his nose was starting to drip.
“Please, please, please,” Remus was whispering. “Roman, please, I’m sorry, I don’t want to die. Please don’t kill me. Oh god, please don’t kill me. I’m sorry.”
Roman froze, his grip on the knife pushing it further through Remus’s shoulder. Remus screamed again, but Roman didn’t hear it. He was too entranced by the image in the mirror.
He looked like the monster.
Remus, his mirror image, his demonic reflection, his shadow was bleeding red and human, begging for his life and the little prince sat atop him, comfortable as he would be on a throne, and pressed a knife into his arm.
He looked back down at the wound, drawn in by the sight of the blood. He jerked the knife down Remus’s arm, relishing in the sound the knife made as it ripped through muscle and skin and scraped against the bone, and relishing in the sound of Remus’s screams. His screams weren’t clear anymore. They were almost melodic as his sobs cut and interrupted them.
Roman looked back at the mirror.
He was the monster.
“I’ll tell you where they are, just please don’t kill me! Stop, Roman, please!”
“Where who are?” Roman asked in a monotone voice.
“Patton and Logan! Roman, please!”
Roman sat back onto Remus’s legs. “How about this,” he offered. “You tell me where they are and we let them decide if I kill you.”
“They’re in the bedroom closet. We drugged their dinner, but it was really weak. They probably woke up when they heard me scream.” the words tumbled out of Remus’s mouth as if his life depended on it. Roman allowed himself a small laugh. It did.
Roman pushed the knife through Remus’s arm as hard as he could until he felt it wedge in the floor. “I’ll be back.”
Roman made his way to the bedroom where, sure enough, there was pounding coming from inside the closet. Roman jerked open the door and Patton and Logan tumbled out.
“Oh my god, Roman!” one of them cried. “You’re covered in blood, are you okay?”
Roman felt like he was in a trance. “It’s not mine,” he mumbled.
“What do you mean it’s not yours?” That was Patton who had his hands on Roman’s shoulders and was clutching him for dear life.
“Patton,” Logan called. (When had he left the room?) “Our little hero managed to kill the snake.”
Patton’s face was a mess of emotion that Roman couldn’t read. “You killed the snake? Oh, Roman…”
“He looked like you.”
“Oh my god.” Was that Patton or Logan from the other room? “Oh my god.” Logan must have found Remus. 
Patton was gone. Roman was standing alone in the room.
He walked out and saw Patton and Logan kneeling over Remus’s prone form. It seemed the villain had passed out.
“Stay back,” Logan snapped as Roman tried to walk over.
“We know you’re pretending to be Roman, shadow,” Patton snarled.
“I’m Roman,” the boy insisted. He wasn’t sure that it was true any longer. “He’s the shadow. I fought him to save you.”
Remus coughed. “He’s right,” he admitted. “I’m the snake’s boy. He’s yours.”
“I don’t want to kill him anymore,” the boy said softly. “I think he’s been hurt enough.”
“With the snake dead, he’ll die soon enough anyway,” Logan remarked. “With the snake dead, there’s no reason for us to stay here to keep him away from the town anymore. We can leave the shadow in the house.”
Patton nodded almost sadly. “We can stay with Virgil and Roman now.”
“What if we bring him home with us?” the boy with the blood on his hands said. “I think he’s been hurt as much as anyone.”
“Hey, Ro?” Remus choked out. “You don’t need to be my hero to be the little prince.”
“No,” the little prince agreed. “I can never be your hero. But I think you don’t need to be my villain.”
They went home. The monster lived. Both of them. The shadow survived and the little prince was no more. The boy who had once been the little prince never did manage to wash all the blood off of his hands. He could never look at the shadow without remembering his screams. He could never look in a mirror without seeing his own face twisted up in sadistic glee and his shadow’s face crying in pain and terror. The shadow’s arm never did recover and the shadow had nightmares too. He dreamt of the snake’s death and cried, for the snake had been a monster but he had loved his little shadow. He dreamt of knives in his arms and his twin’s face splattered with blood and alight with a grin. He dreamed and screamed and cried and every night, without fail, his reflection, his twin, would climb into his bed and run his fingers through his hair. He would whisper sweet and soft reassurances until the shadow fell asleep.
“No one’s ever going to hurt you again.”
“Hey, Ro?” the shadow whispered one night. “Remember how I said you didn’t have to be my hero?”
“You’re something better.”
The shadow lived and the little prince died. The shadow lived and his reflection survived. The shadow lived and so did the hero. They were at peace. The shadow and the hero, two monsters, content in their depravity.
Warnings - slight gore, blood, murder, stabbing, knives, non-consensual drug use
Let me know if any warnings need to be added
Taglist - let me know if you want to be added or removed 
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@aquatedia @meowthefluffy
Sanders Sides
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Fantasy - it’s a fairy tale au with some vague magic, let me know if you think stories like this don’t apply to fantasy 
@arya-skywalker @callboxkat @rainbowbowtie @enby-phoenix @10moonymhrivertam @supernovainthenightsky
Humans - Janus and Remus aren’t but the rest are
@somehow-i-got-an-account  @starlight-era  @potatsanderssides
Roman-Centric @smileyzs  @robinwritesshitposts @thatgaydemigodnerd @averykedavra @callboxkat @k1ngtok1 @potatsanderssides
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scaredofheroin · 4 years
Captain N - Chapter 8:  Castle-Mania
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The journey across the land took all day. Over hills and through valleys, Simon led the group on. Convinced he's the only one who could be trusted with the map, he diligently guided Captain N, Pit, Zelda and Falco closer and closer towards Dracula's castle. Out of everyone in the group, Captain N struggled with the hike the most. His exhausted state of mind did not mesh well with his less-than-peak physique. Of course, the other three didn't show nearly as much struggle in following Simon. Even Zelda, despite her title as Princess, still exuded grace and elegance in her every step. At least the others didn't have to carry the fruit basket that was so kindly gifted to the team like Captain N. He could feel his lungs start to protest such exertion more and more as the trek continued, barely managing to keep his feet under him and putting one foot in front of the other to walk. At least his exhaustion distracted from the pressure to perform. Little conversation was shared between team members as they continued on, primarily due to Simon remaining completely solemn and determined to get to Castlevania. Simon refused to take a break for lunch, so the contents of the fruit basket were eaten by the five while walking. It took all day, but after slashing their way through a thick, dark forest, the group found themselves at a massive clearing, with a large ominous lake before them. Beyond the lake, silhouetted against the bright moon in the night sky was an imposing, intimidating, Gothic castle. Captain N hasn't met the Dracula of this universe, or any universe for that matter, but this would be a place his universe's Dracula wouldn't look out of place in.
"Castlevania..." Simon muttered, indicating they've arrived. Falco stepped forward, closely examining the castle. "Sure seems like a humble guy." He joked. "So what's the plan?" Pit asked, turning to the group. "Well, since all we're here to do is get the weapon, I think we should try sneaking in from the back." Captain N suggested. Simon turned to him semi-aggressively. "Are you suggesting we allow Dracula to live?" Simon demanded. Captain N shrunk back slightly, crumbling under the pressure. "Well, I mean, I guess so..?" He meekly answered. "There are more present forces threatening Yamajiro. We cannot afford to be slowed by anything else. Defeating Bowser, King Dedede and King K. Rool is out biggest priority." Zelda stepped in, defending Captain N. "I'm afraid you don't understand the threat Dracula could pose. The longer he's alive, the stronger his army grows." Simon warns, standing firm in his claim. Captain N shifted slightly, knowing Simon has a point. "Okay, well, both can be done! Simon can take on Dracula while the rest of us search the castle!" Pit interjected, breaking up the argument. "Plus, the longer we spend arguing, the more likely it is that Dracula finds us." Falco added. "Unless you want one of us to join you?" Pit suggested, where Simon paced in place, thinking to himself. Eventually, Simon nodded in agreement, turning back to the group. "Alright, leave Dracula to me." He declared. "Are you sure? I could help you take him on." Pit offered. "No, Dracula is my battle. You have yours." Simon insisted. "Very well then, you draw attention from the front while we invade from the rear." Zelda declared, Captain N and Falco joining her. "I wish you all luck on your quest. I hope you grow to become the hero we need you to be." Simon bid farewell. "Thank you for your help, Simon. It's been an honor to fight with you." Captain N thanked. Simon gave a respectful nod to the group, and took off across the shore of the lake, headed for Castlevania.
Captain N stood for a moment, watching Simon march off with such bravery and confidence. Traits that he needs to have. Simon would have been a better hero than him. But he can't have these thoughts now. Not when action is needed. Turning back to the three, he straightened his posture. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get to breaking and entering." He joked. Pit was the only one to respond with some laughter. Zelda faced towards Castlevania with Falco beside her. "Yes, let's." Zelda responded, beginning to walk in the other direction to the castle. Falco, Captain N and Pit followed her carefully, almost tracing her exact steps. Zelda led them back into the forest surrounding the lake, staying out of any possible line of sight from the castle. Her steps were light and deliberate, stepping around any stray branches or anything that could alert someone nearby to their position. This proved to be the most difficult for Falco, whose metal legs don't help him remain quiet. Captain N could almost sense Falco's frustration in the air, silently cursing to himself with every snapped branch. As they drew closer, Captain N spotted Simon storming through the front entrance of Castlevania, boldly invading Dracula's home. Zelda carefully led the group further around the castle, still obscured by the trees. Pit was careful to fly beneath the trees, his wings occasionally getting caught in a stray branch. Fortunately, this didn't cause enough noise to give away their position. Eventually, the four found themselves directly behind the front entrance of Castlevania, facing three tall windows. "I'll go scope out the situation." Pit said, flying up to peek through the window after looking around to ensure there wasn't anyone who could see him. Peering through the window, Pit then swooped back down to the group and reported "There's no one in there. I'll try to open the window and I'll carry you guys inside!" He whispered, just to be certain. Captain N felt a chill run down his spine at the thought of being carried through the air again, but decided to go along with that plan. "Only if that's the only way." Falco said, his displeasure with the thought of being carried noticeable. "Fine, let's just make it quick." Zelda replied. Pit nodded, flying back up to carefully inspect the windows. Eventually he found a way to open it up, and almost surgically slid the grand window open. Getting back to the group, Pit lifted Captain N into the air first. Danging his legs helplessly, Captain N felt more brave being in the air compared to his first flight. Mostly because the flight was mercifully shorter, as he was soon dropped inside the grand castle. He scurried away from the light pouring from outside, sneaking off to the side and drawing his Zapper, prepared for anything. Falco was the next to be carried inside, and was much more careful to not cause too much noise. Zelda's entrance was much more graceful in comparison, and Pit touched down inside.
Taking in the surrounding area, Captain N deduced they were currently in Castlevania's mess hall. He was quickly joined by the three, huddling together and facing different directions. Falco drew his blaster and Pit produced his bow, Zelda peering around the grand mess hall. The room was as immense as it was oppressive, with dark, immaculate chairs surrounding the long, onyx dining table, which was decorated with candles and other table decorations. "It'd be really stupid to split up, so we're all gonna have to search for this weapon together." Falco noted. "We're gonna have to find a way to get to the underground levels. That's where the weapon will be stored." Captain N added. "Then we must hurry. Simon can distract Dracula but we can still get caught." Zelda informed the group. "Over there!" Pit whispered to the group, pointing to a pair of doors off to the side. The group shared a knowing look, and carefully moved over as a group. Captain N had his Zapper ready as he slowly pushed the door open, to find no one else present. Signaling to the three he continued sneaking down the halls. Captain N was incredibly impressed by how regal and luxurious the castle interior was, taking in every sight as he led the group. Polished, marble floors, incredibly detailed paintings, regal, red rugs, grand arches curling far above his head, he was partially awestruck. Zelda searched across the halls, tapping the shoulders of the other three to get their attention and motion them down another hallway. But this time there were two white skeletons standing down the hall, keeping watch for intruders. As soon as he spotted them, Captain N zipped back into cover, turning back to the group. "What do we do about them?" He whispered. "Well, how loud is the Zapper?" Pit asked. Captain N shrugged nervously before answering. "Uh... It's not too loud... I think." was Captain N's response. Falco searched around the hall they were in, seeing no one else present. "...It's worth a shot." Falco stated, aiming his blaster at one of the skeletons. Zelda quickly stopped him. "Are you out of your mind? You'll give away our position!" She scolded him. "Guys, leave it to me." Pit interrupted. Splitting his bow into two blades, he swooped over to the two skeletons and cut them down before the two could react. Pit quickly searched around the hall, and gave a thumbs-up to the three. "Perhaps we should let Pit lead the combative charge." Zelda suggested, making Falco roll his eyes. "Sounds like a good idea." Captain N replied. Making their way over to Pit, Zelda moved to the front of the group.
"I believe this is the way to the lower levels." She informed the group, making Falco step forward. "You BELIEVE that's the way?" He asked, wanting a clarification. "This castle's surrounded by a dark and mysterious magic, it's clouding my senses." Zelda answered defensively. "Unless you've got a better of where we should be going, we're following her." Captain N stepped in, shutting Falco down. "Fine, fine, let's just grab your tool and get out of here." Falco relented. Pit joined Zelda at the front, with Falco and Captain N keeping watch in the back. Soon enough, the group came across an animated set of black knight armor, who was quickly taken down with a single quick shot from Pit's bow. Captain N could feel his heart race faster than it ever has before in his life as his eyes scanned the massive corridors. If they're caught by Dracula now, it's over. A small group of zombies blocked their way, but before Pit could attack them, they got word from another zombie, and the small group shuffled towards the entrance of the castle. Simon must be hard at work, Captain N thought. "Come on, this way." Zelda led, motioning down a semi-hidden staircase leading down. Captain N carefully tip-toed down the stairs, aiming his Zapper downstairs while Falco pointed his blaster up the stairs. Descending the stairs, Zelda found that they've entered some sort of coliseum. The stands were empty, but the blood stains inside the sand pit were still fairly fresh. Captain N noticed this as well, and led the group around the edge of the stands. Zelda and Falco walked behind him as Pit quickly zipped through the air to get to the staircase on the other side of the coliseum. But as soon as the four reached the staircase, they heard footsteps above them descending. A flash of panic in Captain N's mind, he quickly scurried out of sight, freezing just beneath the doorway to not make any noise. Zelda went ahead a bit, trying to get a sense of where to go. Pit and Falco crouched behind Captain N. Two voices could be heard echoing through the halls to accompany the approaching footsteps.
"I understand Simon Belmont is here, I've deployed my forces to confront him." Rang a cold, authoritative voice. "But you don't understand, he's only a diversion!" Another, more high-pitched voiced responded. Peering around the corner, Captain N saw a tall, older man with white hair wearing a dark cloak and a small, turtle-like creature wearing a blue hat and robe with glasses, wearing glasses and riding on a broomstick. The tall man turned to the turtle creature, his eyebrow raised. "Is that so?" He asked.
"My superiors believe the prophesied hero has invaded your castle."
"Well Kamek, tell your superiors that I can handle managing my own estate." The tall man sneered, turning away.
"Dracula!" thought Captain N.
Kamek floated across Dracula's path, determined to get through to him. "But your excellency, it would be extremely unwise to take on this threat alone! The prophecy-" Kamek boldly declared, but was cut off by Dracula.
"SILENCE! I care not for some bedtime story told a century ago, tell your Koopa king that I reject his idea of 'assistance'." Dracula shouted, making Kamek back up. "Fine, we'll leave you to your domain." Kamek bid him farewell, waving his wand to open a portal he quickly vanished through. Once he believed he had privacy, Dracula groaned in annoyance, snapping his fingers. Another living suit of knight armor quickly ran to Dracula, hastily stopping just before impacting his master. "You know where Belmont currently is, correct?" Dracula asked, to which the armor responded with a hasty nod. "Good, rally two-thirds of your forces and strike him down. As for the other third... I want a search conducted for this so called 'prophesied hero', as well as any allies he may have come here with." Dracula instructed. The armor then bowed respectfully before running off to the other doorway in the coliseum. Dracula departed as well, heading back upstairs. Once he was certain he was out of earshot, Captain N let out the breath of air he's been holding. "We gotta move." Falco whispered to the three. Zelda quickly nodded, leading the way deeper down into Castlevania.
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hollyethecurious · 5 years
CSSS 2019: The Christmas Bean
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A/N: Merry Christmas @clockadile​​! “Tis I, your CS Secret Santa! It was such a pleasure chatting with you these past few weeks. My gift to you is this one shot inspired by some of our conversations. It is set post S6, the first Christmas after Henry leaves to go find his own story. I hope you enjoy it!!
Thanks to mods of the @cssecretsanta2k19​​​ for putting this event together, and all my love to @kmomof4​​​ and @winterbaby89​​ for giving this a once over for me
Summary: Canon compliant, post S6. Travel between realms has never been easy. Unless you happen to have a magical item that opens portals. When Emma and Killian are gifted with magic beans, they can’t quite agree on how best to use them during the holiday season.
Rated G / ~2250 words / Available on ao3 / buy me a coffee
It really shouldn’t have been so much of a surprise. Most of the town knew Anton (or Tiny, as he was affectionately known) had been cultivating a crop of magic beans. He’d already gifted one to Henry Mills in honor of his graduation, and the young man had used it several weeks later to go find his own story. Still. When the former giant had announced he’d be gifting beans to those closest to him, as well as several randomly selected townsfolk, so they could use them to visit loved ones in different realms over the holidays, the denizens of Storybrooke had been momentarily stunned with utter gratitude.
Tiny distributed the beans at Thanksgiving, along with instructions for their use since he’d made some modifications to this particular variety of legume. Each bean would open a portal to the user’s desired location, and the same portal would reopen twenty-four hours later, thus ensuring a way back.
Regina had wasted no time in announcing her intentions of using her bean to check in on Henry, and invited Emma and Killian to join her. The three of them were heartened to find their young man faring so well, even if they were astonished at how much he’d aged in those few short months after spending time in a realm where time passed differently than their own. They spent a glorious day hearing all about Henry’s adventures and even met a friend, Nick, he’d met during his journey. When the time came for them to return to Storybrooke, Emma had tried to give Henry her bean so he could come home whenever he was ready, but her son had flat out refused.
“No, mom,” Henry protested. “Use your bean to go see Elsa. I know how much you’ve missed her.”
Indeed, it had been Emma’s plan to take a trip to Arendelle after Regina had offered to take them all to see Henry, just as Killian had planned to use his bean to drop in on Nemo and his little brother, Liam. Killian took the lad’s side and encouraged his Swan to hold onto her bean so she could visit her friend at Christmas. Ever the sly pirate, though, he slipped his own bean into Henry’s pocket when he gave the boy - who was very much his own man, and one Killian could not be more proud of - a final hug of farewell.
In the weeks leading up to Christmas, Emma kept insisting Killian get the Jolly Roger ready to set sail so they could use his bean to see Nemo and Liam, unaware that he was no longer in possession of it. He waved off her suggestions, ensuring her there’d be time enough once they returned from Arendelle, not wanting her to know the truth of the matter, lest she forego the use of her own bean in an attempt to bid him to go see his family instead.
He should have known she’d suss out the truth, though.
“Killian,” she began one morning several days before Christmas.
“I’m going to ask you something, and I want you to remember that I’ll know if you lie to me when you answer.”
“I wouldn’t lie to you, Swan. You know that,” Killian replied.
Emma cocked a brow at him and folded her arms over her chest.
Guiltily rubbing at the patch of skin behind his ear that always seemed to flare when she looked at him like that, Killian added, “I might side-step the question from time to time, or give an answer that doesn’t include the entire truth, but never with any nefarious intent. Do you really expect me to tell you what gifts await you beneath the tree? That would take all the fun out of it.”
“I’m not going to ask you what you got me for Christmas.” Emma rolled her eyes at her pirate’s attempt to skirt the issue and resolved to not let his charm override the seriousness of her question. “I want to know if you still have your bean.”
Killian furrowed his brows and gave his wife a perplexed look. “Why would you ask that, love?”
“Because you side-step the conversation every time I bring up going to see Liam and Nemo. And it would be just like you to give your bean away to someone you thought more worthy of getting to see their loved ones over the holidays.”
Killian sighed. His Swan knew him too well.
“I gave it to Henry,” he confessed. “Dropped it into his pocket without his knowledge before we left.”
The two stood staring at one another for long moments. Emma’s expression betrayed the war her mind was waging with itself, wanting to be angry with him for giving his bean away when he’d insisted she keep hers, but not able to fault him for gifting it to Henry, knowing how much they both missed him. Killian held his breath, waiting for her reaction.
It wasn’t one he’d expected.
Plucking her phone from her back pocket, Emma began to forcefully tap the buttons before putting the device to her ear. It took Killian several moments to comprehend what she was doing when she started conversing with the person on the other end of the line.
“Mr. Smee, it’s Emma. I need you to ready the Jolly Roger for the Captain and me.”
“Belay that order, Mr. Smee!” Killian hollered as he took hurried steps towards Emma.
“Don’t listen to him, Smee,” Emma countered while attempting to stay out of her husband’s grasp. “Call me back when she’s ready to set sail.”
Emma ended the call just as Killian caught her. “Swan, what are you doing?”
“Taking you to see your brother and Nemo.” She jut out her chin towards him, her silent act of defiance and stubborn resolve.
Killian let go another sigh and wrapped his arms around her. “You don’t have to do that, love. I know how you’ve longed to see Elsa. I won’t take that opportunity from you.”
“Yeah, I have missed her. But Liam is your family. Your only family. You should go see him. There will be other beans.”
“Exactly,” he argued. “In another few years, when Anton is able to harvest the beans again, I’ll go see Liam and Nemo. You should use your bean to go to Arendelle.”
Emma opened her mouth to protest, but Killian cut her off with a press of his lips.
“No arguments, Swan,” he murmured at the end of their kiss. “You’re using that bean to go see Elsa.”
“Fine. I’ll use the bean to go see Elsa,” Emma huffed against his lips before flicking her eyes open to look up at him from beneath her lashes. A smile started to lift at the corners of Killian’s mouth at his wife’s acquiescence, but was stalled by her next words. “As soon as you have another bean to go see Liam with.”
Patting him on the chest, Emma brushed past Killian as he muttered, “Bloody stubborn woman.”
And stubborn she was. For the next few days they were at a stalemate regarding the Christmas bean, each of them roping in their friends and family to try and talk sense into the other. It was all for naught, though. Killian was every bit as resolute as his wife, and refused to budge on the issue.
“Ugh! Why are you being such a pigheaded pirate about this?” Emma exclaimed while they were getting ready to go to Granny’s for her annual holiday party.
“That is your bean, Swan,” Killian reminded her for the upteenth time. “For you to go see your friend.”
“But Liam is your brother!”
“And Elsa is like a sister to you, and one of the only people in all the realms you can claim for your own.”
Emma blanched. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
Killian sank down onto the bed and beckoned his wife to join him. Once settled he imparted, “I know you have friends here, love. But none of them are… just yours.” He scrubbed his hand down his face, knowing he wasn’t making himself clear and desperate for her to see the issue as he did. “You told me when you first came here, how special a friendship you had with your mother before the curse broke. Even though you two are still close, I know it isn’t the same as it was. You miss that special bond of friendship you had with Mary Margaret and I suspect the only other time you’ve ever felt it was with Elsa.”
“I have friends here, Killian,” she assured him.
“Aye, love. But none that are just yours. You and Regina had no other choice than to become friends, for Henry’s sake. Most of the other ladies in town were your mother’s friends first back in the Enchanted Forest. And though you and Belle get on well, you consider her more my friend than yours. Elsa is your friend. Just yours.”
“No buts, Swan,” Killian persisted. “You put everyone before yourself far too often. This time, you’re going to put yourself first.”
Emma’s shoulders dropped in surrender and she leaned forward to rest her forehead to his. “You’re absolutely sure?”
“Completely, love.”
The next morning, two days before Christmas, Emma relented and used her bean to make the long awaited trip to Arendelle. Killian usually despised being separated from his Swan, especially by realms, but had insisted she go without him in order to make the most of her and Elsa’s time together. He knew it had been the right decision when she returned with a big smile on her face, a rosy hue on her cheeks, and one tight hug with a lingering kiss.
“Miss me?” Killian cheeked with his arms still securely embracing his wife.
Emma gave him a coy smile and shrugged. “Maybe a little.”
Lacing their fingers together, they went inside the house where Emma told Killian all about her visit.
Later that evening, while enjoying some hot cocoa and snuggled up by the fire together, Emma sighed. “I wish travel between realms was easier. I hate knowing it’ll be years before we have another bean crop.”
“Aye, love, me too,” Killian lamented with her. “Wouldn’t it be grand to simply set sail on the Roger and bring our season’s greetings to all our loved ones in person each year?”
“Visit them on their birthdays.”
“Celebrate milestones with them.”
“Drop by your parent’s house unannounced, hoping to spend Christmas with them even though you don’t have any gifts to give them,” a voice added, snapping both Emma and Killian’s attention to their open front door.
“What are you doing here?!”
“I wanted to spend Christmas with you guys,” he told them while embracing each in a warm hug. “I used the bean Hook gave me - very sneaky of you, by the way - to get here.”
Emma embraced her son once more, fighting back tears and swallowing past the emotional lump in her throat. “I’m so happy you’re here.”
“Even if it is sans gift,” Henry joked.
“You’re the only gift we need, my boy,” Killian assured him.
Christmas Day, everyone was thrilled to see Henry when he, Emma, and Killian arrived at the Charming’s farm for the day’s festivities. They all ate their fill, played games, exchanged gifts, sang songs, and ate some more. When the time came for the Swan-Jones family to return home so Henry could catch his portal, Emma put on a full court press to convince her son to stay.
“Mom, I can’t. I have to finish this journey I started.”
“I know,” Emma relented. “I just wish I knew when we’ll see each other again.”
“Yeah, um… about that.” A smile teased Henry’s lips as he pulled an envelope out of his back pocket.
“What’s this?” Emma asked, taking the proffered envelope from her son.
“Your Christmas gift. Well… not just yours,” he hedged. “Go on. Open it, you’ll see what I mean.”
With Killian at her side, Emma lifted the tucked flap and pulled out a heavy piece of parchment. Written in Henry’s familiar script, it read:
From this day forth, travel between realms will no longer require the use of an object to open a portal. A portal will open in each land, at a designated time and place for its citizens’ to use at will. Objects, such as beans, will only be required should a person not wish to wait for the scheduled portal
Their eyes snapped up, both of their mouths hanging open, causing Henry to chuckle.
“Seriously? You can do that?”
“I’m the Author. Of course I can. Which reminds me…” Henry took the parchment back from his mother and pulled out his Author’s pen. “It’s not official until I finish the sentence.” With a quick stroke, he added the period to the end of the line and a sweeping energy seemed to vibrate through the air from where the page glowed with magic. A moment later, Henry’s portal opened. “I assume I can leave it to the two of you to spread the word about my gift to the realms?”
“Aye, son. Leave it with us,” Killian told him before pulling him in for one final hug.
“Yup,” Emma agreed, not letting Henry leave without one last embrace from her as well. “And I know just who to start with.” She gave her husband a pointed look which prompted him to pull out his phone.
“I’ll have Smee ready the Jolly Roger.”
The End
Tagging the Curious Crew:
@kmomof4​​ @sals86​ @jennjenn615​​ @darkcolinodonorgasm​​ @artistic-writer​​ @courtorderedcake​​ @winterbaby89​​ @snowbellewells​​ @heavenlyjoycastle​​ @sunshine2632​​ @stahlop​​ @resident-of-storybrooke​​ @kday426​​ @cocohook38​​ @unworried-corsair​​ @aprilqueen84​​ @tiganasummertree​​ @angellifedeath​​ @ilovemesomekillianjones​​ @ultraluckycatnd​​ @wyntereyez​​ @ultimiflos​​ @superchocovian​​ @qualitycoffeethings​​ @facesiousbutton82​​ @theonceoverthinker​​ @sherlockianwhovian​​ @lillpon​​ @killianjonesownsmyheart1​​ @shardminds​​ @skystar87​​ @teamhook​​ @therooksshiningknight​​
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rosecolouredash · 5 years
Querencia CH. 3
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Previous Chapters // PROLOGUE ONE TWO
Summary: A prince and his sword (re)meets a spirit.
Warnings: For once, not much. Just insinuated violence.
Notes: Very much so a filler chapter but there are a couple of lil tidbits that will come up again in the future...take that as you will.
After their rendezvous with Sir Ashton Irwin, Head Knight of the Third Cavalry of Saere and childhood best friend of the prince, Calum decreed that together with his remaining unit, Michael and his bandits, they form the Royal Liberation Army. Their feeling of victory against the witch Estelle’s troops is short-lived when Ashton’s injuries take a toll on his health. The Royal Army travel to the nearest city of Ardglas, on the lakeside of Galatea—a body of water believed to contain magical properties. Though far northeast from their destination of the capital of Waiburne, the royal will stop at nothing to help his best friend.
“Calum, we are losing precious time.”
Ashton let out a series of grunts as the wagon hit a few rocks on the trail. 
The prince looked back down to the knight from his seat atop Peggy, the white mare, who pulled along her injured rider. Not a day into their journey, after meeting up with Ashton and the twin knights Remy and Rome Abal, the leader of the Third Cavalry of Saere succumbed to his injuries from battle. Fortunately, a few of Michael’s men were versed in woodworking. They built a makeshift wagon, with the material available to them from the nearby forests, for the knight to rest on as they traveled. After the discussion of a re-route and Dionne’s expert scouting abilities, the Royal Liberation Army diverted their sights northeast, towards the lakeside city of Ardglas.
“It is better we have you in good health than not at all, Ash.”
The royal knight let out a groan in annoyance since he knew there was truth in what his prince said.
Michael snickered at the two as they continued to argue back and forth. He walked alongside the wagon, enjoying the dynamic between the prince and the leader of the third cavalry. Though Calum had opened up to Michael and his family of bandits considerably from when they first met, the prince stayed quite reserved. It was not until being joined by Ashton that the royal finally broke out of his shell, allowing his smile and infectious laughter to fill the group as they journeyed onward.
“At this rate, we won’t arrive to the city until sundown, Your Highness.” Remy looked towards the sky. He could only assume the time by the location of the sun. It was roughly high noon and the twin knights had yet to leave their captain’s side as they trotted with their stallions beside the wagon, opposite to Michael, in worry. In losing the rest of their unit, the twins feared the same for their leader more so because Sir Ashton was the closest thing to a father figure that the young boys had.
When the prince and his knight broke from their conversation at the comment, Calum noticed how laboured Ashton’s breaths had become. He knew how exhausted his best friend must be and it did not help that the burns from the witch Estelle’s magick were not healing properly, if at all. 
When Dionne had mentioned that she saw the city of Ardglas when she flew ahead to scout, Calum remembered an old tale his mother used to recite to him—how the waters of Galatea, the lake of which the city was built alongside, was believed to be enchanted. Regardless of the truth to the fable, Ardglas became the capital for magical beings. There had to be at least one individual who could heal his best friend.
The prince stared ahead with much resolve in his heart. “Let us make haste, then.”   
As expected, it was sundown when the Royal Army made it to the borders of Ardglas. Calum knew his companions were weary from travel and although he wanted to make it into the city to find help for Ashton, he decided that for most everyone’s benefit that they make camp for the night. 
It was dusk when they finally settled in a wooded area they deemed safe—hidden amongst the dense forestry. A number of the bandits were already fast asleep on the ground. The gyphon, Arnie, was curled around his rider while as Dionne gently slept, her face nestled in the feathers of his wing. The Abal twins were also ready to succumb to sleep—their horses, as well as Peggy, rested upright beside the tree that they decided to sit up against. Ashton still lay awake in the makeshift wagon with Calum and Michael at his feet. They sat so that their legs hung out from the edge. The three held a quiet conversation while the two at the foot of the wagon watched the embers of the fire, at the center of the group, spark and burn.
“So we get into the city at dawn—”
Michael scoffed. “Dawn? I’m not sure even half my men will be awake at that ungodly hour. Myself included.”
The knight giggled at the bandit’s honesty. There was something endearing about the so-called King of the Wastelands. Ashton could only thank the gods for bringing him to Calum when he, himself, was not able to be there for his prince. Calum waved off the bandit in a joking manner and then laughed when Michael reciprocated with a flip of a bird.
“Peace, Bandit. Watch how you gesture to our Prince.” Ashton could not keep a straight face and joined in on their laughter even before finishing his sentence.
It was at this moment that their worries seemed to fade away.
They were not an ousted prince, a leader of unruly bandits and the head of an almost decimated unit of knights. They were simply Calum, Michael and Ashton—enjoying one another’s banter and company. It was well into the night by the time the three young men decided to join their group in the land of sleep. Calum hopped down from the wagon—both Michael and Ashton raising a brow at the prince.
“I’m just going to wash up.” He nodded at them, in reassurance, as he disappeared into the trees.
On the way to their campsite, he noticed the stream that ran along the cover of trees where they decided to rest for the night. 
Calum knelt by the body of water, staring at his own reflection that was visible by moonlight. It was an odd comfort, for him, to do something as menial as wash his face. It was likely due to the harsh conditions they faced as they journeyed to his homeland. When he splashed his face with the freshwater from the stream—the sound of a second splash caught the young prince by surprise. Calum dropped his hands from his cheeks and surveyed the area to find nothing out of the ordinary. 
Water dripped from his chin as he made no sudden movements.
The warm south wind made the foliage of the trees rustle. The water of the brook gently ebbed and flowed. The surrounding nature was scenic. Or so it seemed.
Calum then stood from his place by the stream. “Is someone there?”
He exhaled slowly, placing a light hand on the hilt of Zephir, in precaution.
Another splash and he whipped his head towards the noise. 
At the edge of the creek, there rested a figure—their arms on the edge of where land met water. Silvery locks pooled to their hips, or so Calum imagined, since their body was obscured by rock and stream. The prince took a step forward when the stranger beckoned him closer—their hand small and fine-boned. “Hello, your Majesty.”
Their voice was gentle and low. 
Another step. “Who—”
“My apologies,” compared to their voice, their laugh was light, like the chime of bells. “This is rather informal of me.”
They smiled faintly at the bewildered Prince. “I promise, I mean no harm to his Royal Highness.”
Once Calum drew near, he was mesmerized by the unnatural colour of their eyes. They were rather pretty—reminding him of polished opals. At the thought, an old memory flashed through his mind. The Prince blinked. Had he met them before?
As if they read his mind, they spoke again. “If I seem familiar, it is rightly so. You were sixteen the last I saw you and I...well, a Naiad never tells.” 
The Hood bloodline was believed to be descended from the gods—a river deity to be exact. The royal family of Saere had always had great relations with the spirits and magical beings of their country, most especially those that presided over bodies of water.
“The winds whispered to me of your journey to Ardglas.”
Calum nodded. He went on to explain his need of a healer for his knight. As he retold his misadventures, from the coup at Waiburne to the witch almost fatally wounding his best friend, the Naiad gazed on with a knowing look in their eyes. “Do not fret, Prince Calum of Saere,” they whispered, a small frown on their face from hearing about the young royal’s ill fortune. 
He paused in inquiry and they continued, “when you head into Ardglas, look for the boy with a golden halo and the girl with a heart on her sleeve. They’ll be able to heal your friend.”
There was no way to explain it but he trusted their words. Breathing a sigh of relief, he smiled at them. “Thank you for the information—”
“Cecile. My name is Cecile.” They bowed their head low, in respect to his status. “May our paths cross again, young Prince, with you in a better place.”
Calum parted with the Naiad—bidding them goodnight and farewell.  
By the time he rejoined the Royal Army at camp, Michael was already asleep in the wagon—gentle snores escaping his lips. Ashton was still awake, not able to sleep until Calum returned. Upon seeing the Prince he tried to sit up more but winced from his injuries. The prince rushed over to recount to the knight his encounter with the river Naiad but not before reprimanding his best friend for hurting himself further. 
Back at the creek, the silver-haired Naiad gazed upon the area that the Prince disappeared to. 
“Good tidings to you and your companions on the difficult journey ahead.”  
It was dawn when the Royal Army made their way into the city. Michael let out a giant yawn while rubbing the sleep from his right eye. “So you’re going to take the word of a mermaid to look for some golden boy and the queen of hearts to heal, Ashton?”
For the umpteenth time, Calum explained that Cecile was not a mermaid, rather a spirit that presided over the river of the forest. He knew he must have sounded strange but the prince felt he could trust the Naiad’s information and so they reached the city as soon as they could to find the two individuals they described. Still confused, Michael was about to question more when a tremendous sound boomed in the air. 
Flames then erupted in the distance. 
The Royal Army readied themselves and their weapons when a group of citizens came rushing through. Calum caught their attention to ask what was going on. Out of breath, one man gasped out, “Lady Delara, the scion of the black mages has invaded the white mage, Lord Luke’s, domain.” 
After thanking them, the prince sent them away to find somewhere safe to stay. 
Michael looked over their group, a frown on his face. “Great, we just walked into a civil war.”
Tagged: @irwinkitten @calpops @rosecoloredash @lilbabycalum @gorgeouslygrace @rainingcalum @cashton-dolan @lockthisheartinchains @americanhorrorstudies @lovableah @cals-eyebrows @quintodosuniversos
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preoccupiedpens · 5 years
Dream Hunters Chapter 14: First Four
HAMMER IS HAVING A HARD TIME to land a blow to Torai. Not only is Torai quick, but he could also fly for a short time and short distances.
           When Torai is up on the air, he would use his Thundercloud power to strike Hammer with lightning. Hammer manages to dodge and block the lightning though with his hammer.
           “Damn brat! Stop flying and fight like a man!” said Hammer who is already frustrated.
           “Why don’t you fly over here and fight like an ability user?” Torai mocked.
           “Hammer!” shouted Shakrsfin. “I could use a hand here!”
           Sharksfin is still fighting Daisuke with his special fin blade. His fin blade is sharp enough to cut through concrete, but he is still unable to land a fatal blow to Daisuke. Thanks to Daisuke’s wooden arm, any attack that Sharksfin release only lands on Daisuke’s wooden arms.
           “I will not be defeated by some elves again!”
           Hammer charged Daisuke. Torai is striking him with lightning, but he was able to block them. When Hammer is already at the striking distance, he tried to smash Daisuke from behind. But Daisuke caught the hammer with his right wooden hand.
           Sharksfin tried to slash Daisuke while he was occupied with blocking the hammer of Hammer, but Daisuke caught the blade with his left wooden hand. Daisuke then broke the blade and crushed the hammer.
           “Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?!” Sharksfin and Hammer were astonished.
           “What does even an elf doing here?!” said Sharksfin.
           “It doesn’t concern you. Now, just surrender quietly.” Said Daisuke.
           “Like I will!” Sharksfin took two runestones that became two fin daggers. He attacked Daisuke, but Daisuke simply sidestepped and tripped Sharksfin, bumping with Hammer.
           Daisuke then punched the ground, and from where Hammer and Sharksfin is standing, a gigantic cherry blossom tree emerged, wrapping around the two.
           “For the man who kidnaps men and children, you are a disappointment.” Said Daisuke.
           Sharksfin is struggling from the tree he got entangled with. “Damn it! Damn it!”
           From the distance, Sharksfin and Hammer saw the other ships of Sharksfin blow up. Sharksfin tried to struggle even more, but Torai have had enough of him.
          ��Torai then created a massive thundercloud, then released a lightning with roaring thunder that hit the tree, frying brothers, and scattering the cherry blossoms all over the harbor.
 The battle at Port Royale is now over. United Alliance took all the Great White Sharks and Fishbone Hunters in custody. The fishermen tried to save the remaining fishing boats that are not burning.
           Daisuke walked towards Raijin and Riku, who are sitting at the harbor, looking at what remains in Raijin’s boat.
           “Hey Raijin.” Said Daisuke as he sat beside Raijin.
           Raijin looked up. “Oh. Daisuke.”
           “I’m sorry about your boat. We know how much it means to you.”
           “Yeah. This is my fault. I should have not attacked that Sera in the first place.” Riku interject.
           Raijin sighed. “Well, at least I have no debt to pay any more. It’s not like I would still pay those loan sharks now that they are in custody.”
           “Heeeey!” Jack shouted, paddling his lifeboat towards the three.
           “Jack! Where have you’ve been?” shouted Riku.
           “Well, long story.”
           Jack went out of his lifeboat to join the three and told them about going near the headquarters then decided to join the U.A. fight the Fishbone Hunters on the sea.
           “Wow. It’s great that they’ve let you join them on their warship.” Said Daisuke.
           “Well, I told them I’m a power user so I could help them.”
           Torai went towards them and sat with them. “What’s going on, guys?”
           “Just, sitting.” Said Daisuke. “By the way, these are Riku, Jack, and Raijin. Guys, that’s Torai.”
           They exchanged greetings as Daisuke introduced them.
           “Thanks to you guys we are able to defeat those loan sharks and hunters quickly.” Said Torai. “But, I never thought that elves could do so much damage.”
           All of them simultaneously looked around and saw the trees and plants that scattered all over the place.
           “Hey, that’s Riku’s and Daisuke’s doing. I was fighting at the sea.” Jack said.
           “Hahahaha! That’s okay. But we could use a hand fixing the streets and making fishing boats for the victims.”
           Everyone agreed.
 Three days later, the harbor of Port Royale was fixed. Daisuke provided more woods to be used for the fishing boats of those who had their boats destroyed because of the explosion. Although just a temporary replacement, the shipwrights, with the help of Boris’ knowledge in imbuing ordinary objects with magic, managed to make good fishing boats that could withstand stormy seas and are even fireproof.
           Larger warships of United Alliance came to pick up the hunters and loan sharks to be sent to Union Gates, an island prison between the continents of Aria and Montagna.
           Daisuke, Riku, and Jack are at Maelstrom Tavern, celebrating with the fishermen for the victory three days ago.
           “I never thought that our stay here will be extended.” Said Riku.
           “Yeah. But at least we get to drink good ales again.” Jack said as he chugged down his mug of ale.
           “So, what are your plans now that you’re free from the debt?” Daisuke asked Raijin who was staring at his mug.
           “I’m not really sure. I guess I’ll just become and ordinary fisherman.”
           Riku finished her mug of ale. “I was thinking. If you don’t mind, we could have someone who is knowledgeable here in Aria.”
           “Of course. Why not just join us? Besides, it’s Riku’s fault why your boat got destroyed ---”
           “Hey! That’s uncalled for!” Riku protested.
           “--- so, Raijin could join us to help go to Sicilia, then we could also pay him for his boat.”
           “Good call. He could use the money as well to get new electric weapons.” Daisuke added.
           “Well, I could use the money. I do enjoy the life as a fisherman. Maybe I could even get better tools to catch different kinds of sea monsters. That’s my dream after all: to catch different sea monsters around the world.”
           “Then it’s settled! Raijin, welcome to the party!” Daisuke yelled.
           The four of them cheered and celebrated the new addition to their adventures.
 The three larger warships that came from Union Gates were led by a powerful, veteran U.A. high ranking officer named Bolt.
           After Torai contacted the United Alliance Aria Main Headquarters, they decided to send Bolt, who was previously assigned to monitor the activities of Fishbone Hunters. Bolt and his men were escorted to the meeting room personally by Torai.
           “Captain Torai. Thank you for having us.”
           “Please, don’t mention it, Rear Admiral.”
           “Well then, let’s get down to business. I believe there is more than just handing us the Fishbone Hunters.”
           “Yes. A colleague of mine who is a member of the elite group Chasers told me that an avatar is here in Port Royale.”
           The crew were astonished, even Bolt, to the words of Torai.
           “Wait, are you positive to this intelligence?”
           “Yes. There’s no reason for my source to lie regarding an avatar. The avatar is an elf named Daisuke, and he is the avatar of the Wood Ishavara, Ariyani.”
           “Have you seen him use his avatar powers?”
           “No. He simply used normal elven powers to create trees when I fought with him three days ago.”
           “Sorry, but I’m a bit skeptical. May I know the name of your source?”
           “You may look him up on our database. His name is Jack. Jack Thornwood. An elf from Maria Island as well.”
           Bolt tried to recall the name Torai mentioned. Then he remembered something oddly familiar.
           “Thornwood? Don’t tell me he is related to Knave Thornwood? A member of Chasers?”
           “That’s correct. Knave is the older brother of Jack. Jack joined the Chasers to find his brother whose status is MIA after a battle against the Eclipse Hunters two years ago at Yamakabe’s outer wall.”
           “Tell me, why would this Jack give us a valuable information regarding an avatar? His own kind even. And why not just hand over the avatar?”
           “I guess it’s like you said, I guess he is torn between being of the same kind and being part of United Alliance.”
           Bolt thought about it. It is an opportunity for them to catch another avatar. But causing another incident in Port Royale might tarnish the image of United Alliance.
           Torai told Bolt more about what Jack told him. He told Bolt about the reason why the elves are in Aria mainland, about the strength and weaknesses of Daisuke, and route of the journey Daisuke has decided.
           “We cannot act without more information. If what you are saying is true, then kindly tell this Jack to keep in touch with us and keep an eye to this Daisuke. When the right time comes, we will act.”
           “Duly noted, Rear Admiral.”
           The meeting continued to evaluate if Torai will be given more manpower in Port Royale. They talked about other topics, and after the meeting, Bolt and his crew left Port Royale to take the Fishbone Hunters to Union Gates.
 The next day, Daisuke, Riku, Jack, and Raijin finally bid farewell to Boris. The fishermen and even Mr. Manta also gathered in Maelstrom Tavern to thanks the elves and say goodbye.
           As the four of them walked out of the alley to town center, Torai, with a couple of U.A. footmen greeted the quartet.
           “Hey guys! I heard you are all leaving today, so I decided to bid farewell.” Said Torai.
           “Torai! Thanks for coming. And thank you for letting us stay here.” Said Daisuke.
           “Umm, here, take this. It’s just some rations of United Alliance, designed to last for years. I’m not sure where you guys are heading, but having emergency foods when there’s nothing to buy or hunt could help.”
           “Thanks, we’ll use this wisely.” Jack received the foods from Torai. He looked at Torai and nodded.
           “Very well, we still got to patrol the harbor and keep our fishermen safe. Have a safe trip, guys.” Torai waved as he left the quartet.
 After saying goodbye to Torai, the quartet begun their journey.
           “Well, from here to Sicilia, it will take at least four weeks on foot.” Said Raijin.”
           Daisuke opened his book to see the map of Aria. “Well, we can’t walk straight through it. There are mountains and uncharted forests. And a wide river here. Should we just follow the road?”
           “Yeah. So which country is the nearest?” asked Riku.
           “That would be Colosseum Empire. A kingdom known for their gladiator fights.” Said Daisuke.
           “Then from here to Colosseum Empire, that would be a day and a half. Still a long journey.” Said Raijin.
           “Well, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” Jack claimed.
And so, the quartet made their way to their next destination: The Colosseum Empire.
 --- End of Port Royale Arc ---
On an island called Prologia.
           “Attention everyone, the general of United Alliance Aviation has arrived.” Sounded the P.A.
           From the large airship came down a man with salt and pepper hair and braided long beard. He is wearing an all-white long sleeves and coat with gold necktie, white slim pants and white shoes. He is also wearing a gold-colored sunglasses.
           The man was greeted by United Alliance footmen and three Chasers.
           “Sir Zeus, we welcome you here in Prologia.” Said a woman who has red long hair and is wearing a red blazer on a white shirt, red pants and a low-cut shoes. She and the other Chasers bowed to Zeus.
           “Oh please, no need for formalities, Raya.” Said Zeus smilingly. “Please everyone, at ease.”
           “Sir Zeus, what made you come here personally in Prologia?” asked one of the Chaser. He has a large build, dark skin, and was wearing a green tank top, camo pants, and military boots.
           “I heard you managed to finally control them, Bivon.”
           Bivon and Raya exchanged gazes “Ah. Yes, sir. The avatars of Vakura, Indaya, and Yahima are finally under control.”
           “Did we lose any men during the apprehension?”
           “Lucky sir, we didn’t. Luna managed to cast her powerful healing spells that healed most of our men, even those with fatal wounds.” Said Raya.
           “Good thinking, Luna.”
           “I am just doing my job, Sir Zeus.” Said Luna who bowed her head again. She has a long black hair with a hint blue and violet. She is wearing a magical blue and violet linen robe.
           “So, shall we see the avatars you’ve got?”
 The four of them walked towards the building. They continued down on a certain floor where the strongest hunters that were caught by United Alliance are imprisoned.
           At the end of the hall, two guards opened the gate. As they entered a wide chamber, they saw three people encased inside a crystal-like object.
           “So these are the avatars. You guys must have struggled to control them.”
           “It wasn’t easy.” Said Bivon. “They all transformed into their full Ishvara form.”
           “Melody did most of the job actually.” Said Luna. “I guess the avatars, even in their Ishvara form, struggles with people who have reached enlightenment.”
           “Enlightenment. Quite rare for anyone. Are you enlightened, Raya?”
           “Yes. But I haven’t mastered it yet.” Replied Raya. “Melody has been enlightened ever since she was a kid. She really is a powerful Chaser.”
            “Very well. Continue to experiment on properly controlling these three. I don’t want any incident to happen that will backfire against us when we use them.”
           “Yes sir. We’ll make sure that these avatars are at your disposal.” Said Bivon.
           “You guys did a great job. I am sure that those at the throne will be proud of you three once they’ve heard the news about your progress. Anyway, I have to go. I still have to meet Hades and Poseidon.”      
           Raya, Luna, and Bivon saluted to Zeus. Zeus then turned into a lightning and quickly disappeared back to his airship Olympia.
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mysticalmayhem1930 · 3 years
Loki’s Dragon
>>Part Fourteen <<
A/N I don’t own any of the Marvel characters. Just my own creations. This is my first multi part fan fiction. It was originally posted in Wattpad. But I rewrote the parts as I transferred them, so there are some differences.
Summary: Loki and Eva return to Avengers Tower and are greeted by Tony
Pairing: I originally wrote this as Loki x Eva but it can be read as Loki x Reader if you desire.
Links to previous parts: Part One/ Part Two/ Part Three/ Part Four / Part Five / Part Six/ Part Seven/ Part Eight / Part Nine / Part Ten / Part Eleven/ Part Twelve / Part Thirteen
Not my GIF
Overall Warnings: Smut, Fluff, Angst, Adult Language
>>>18+ ONLY<<
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The next morning they awoke with the sun shining in from the balcony. They showered and changed into their formal clothes, to bid farewell to his parents. In the throne room Thor met them for the journey back. They bid farewell to the king and queen who hugged them all. Frigga called Eva over to her. "I hope it is alright with you I have asked Hemdall to look out for you as well as my sons while on Midguard."
" Thank you, I appreciate it."
" Also know if you ever need the bifrost you only need to ask Hemdall and he will bring you here or any of the nine realms."
"Thank you again, my queen, it is an honor, I will only use it as necessary."
Eva walked over to join Thor and Loki. Loki held her to his chest as the rainbow bridge appeared and they were whooshed to Central Park just a few blocks from Avengers Tower.  Eva shifted to her dragon form, Thor prepared his hammer and Loki waited for her to pick him up, together they flew to the helipad on the roof of the tower.
Tony was waiting for them as they walked in.    "Ohhh nice to have you all back." Where the hell have you been?" He said to Eva.
Tony's tone changed "Asgard, ummm ok I'll bite why were you on Asgard?"
"Because the King and Queen requested it"
Tony looked at Thor "Did she hit her head? What is she going on about? She seems to think she was invited and spent time on Asgard."
"She did" was his reply.
"And YOU" he said in a rage at Loki "get away from her, we talked about this, I don’t trust you with her"
"Ummm Tony thanks, but it's ok, Loki and I are.. ummm together, you know as well as I do he is not the person we fought who fucked with New York, he's a lot more complex than that, not to mention he was under mind control during that. And speaking of, no, there is no mind control or magic here, see my eyes are as Hazel as they have ever been." She said as she slipped her arm around Loki's waist. Eva looked at Loki and Thor " why don't you guys go down and relax in the common room I'll finish up with the Tin Man here and be down in a few"
Loki looked into her heart and knew she needed to have the talk with Tony by herself. "As you wish my princess, I will see you shortly" he leaned down and kissed her nodded at Thor and they left down the elevator.
" Tony I know what you are going to say, and I appreciate that you look out for me as a little sister. But this is one time I know what I'm doing is the right thing. I may have made some horrible decisions in the past where men were involved, but this, this is different. Please give him a chance, watch how he treats me. Honestly it’s probably better than I deserve."
"I guess, but there's something that still doesn't sit right with me about him. And stop, you deserve only the best in life and I just don’t want to see him hurt you."
"There's a lot about him that only Thor and I know. And in time we will bring everyone in on what those are, just give it some time, and understand that he cares for me more than you may ever know." She lowered the shoulder of her leather and showed him the scar.
"What the fuck I'm going to kill him..."
"No you're not... it was from the last battle we were in, he healed it later that night and the day after. Ironically he was the only one to ask about it. It was bad, deep and bleeding the bone was showing too. I asked him to leave a scar when he healed it."
"If he could heal it then why have him leave the scar?"
"Because it serves as a reminder to everyone that he cares about other people, especially me."
"Ok but I reserve the right to kick his ass if he hurts you."
"Only if I give you the ok." She laughed. "So shall we go join the others downstairs?"
"Sure, but you want to tell me about the space Viking attire you have on?"
"I like it and Loki designed it, it stays."
They took the elevator down to the living room. When the doors opened all eyes were on her. She walked over and took Loki's hand.
"Why's everyone staring at me?"
"Must be the space Viking outfit..."
"Shut up Tony"
Everyone murmured their welcome and hugs were given all around.  Wanda looked at Eva "please don't run off for a week or so without letting me know about it again. I was so worried." Eva looked her in the eyes "I promise"
"Ok so Eva and I would like to ask that just treat us the same. We know it's going to take some time for it to not seem strange. I give my word of honor there is no magic involved she is under no mind control. And yes I would give my life to save hers without a second thought. I love her, she is my princess and I will treat her as such. Tony, Steven I understand that she is like a sister to you, please let me show you I am worthy to be with her. But for now it's been a stressful week for us I think we would like to take some time in our room then we'll entertain all questions later we promise." With that they turned and started back to Loki's room.  She felt him relax the closer they got to the room.  "Crap I have to grab some things from my room." She began to turn, he held fast to her hand "if it's ok with you I can just magic your things." He said. "Yeah that would be great" she replied.
"Ok so I keep my door locked with magic as you can imagine, can't have just anyone rummage through my things... so if you'll do me the honor grab the door handle, so you will be allowed access." She complied.  When she opened the door, she let out a sigh of relief, and began to relax.  They sat on the couch he held her against his side. "It's going to be fine I can feel it. They just need time to get used to the idea of us is all."  He whispered to her. Stroking her hair he felt her release the rest of her anxiety. "Remember I will always be there and I will never stop loving you.  You can always use me for support whenever you need it my love."
"Loki I swear I am the luckiest girl in all the nine realms to have you forever by my side.  I love you."
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sienna-walsh · 7 years
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impartofthesolution · 4 years
The Witch Sisters
           “Thanks for stopping by, Edward.  Have a safe journey home,” Olga called after a man in his thirties leaving the cottage she shared with her sisters, Agatha and Hagatha. She turned around and announced to the house, “time to open up for business for the day.”  Her sisters floated in from wherever they had spent their mornings.  Agatha gestured lazily at the closed sign in front of the window.  It flipped around to read “OPEN.”            A few minutes later, they got their first customer of the day.  It was a familiar poor farmer who claimed that his cow died, and it was hard to provide a means to live for his family.  “Please, Sisters, can you bring back my cow?”            “What’s dead is dead,” said Olga.            “It cannot be brought back,” said Agatha.            “But we can still help you with your troubles.  Do you have payment?” asked Hagatha.            “Yes, Sisters,” the man ruffled around in a sack. He withdrew a cowbell that belonged to his late cow and horsebane.  The cowbell was for the spell; the horsebane was for the witches’ stockpile.  The farmer came by pretty often with requests, big and small alike.  He soon realized that growing his own herbs and reagents made him as useful to the witches as they were to him.  Agatha took the horsebane with a smile and left the room.            Hagatha took the cowbell and placed it between to two candles.  Agatha returned, and the three sisters joined hands and chanted a few lines.  “It’s done.  A new cow you shall have,” declared Hagatha.            “In fact, I think it’s out at your cart right now. You better go get it,” Olga said with a smirk.  The farmer bid them farewell and left the cottage.  He cried out in astonishment and then frustration when he saw the cow, pleasantly distracted at his cart, messing with his lunch.            The witches’ magic was true.  Whatever they said they’d do would happen.  However, they enjoyed mischief too much.  There was always a catch to whatever spell they wove. Many times, it involved something awkward or embarrassing, and the witches took satisfaction in that.  Other times, the witches voluntarily misinterpreted the request.  The outcome was as requested, but it didn’t always align with what the costumer had in his or her mind.            After the farmer’s cart disappeared around the bend, a man on horseback rode up to their cottage.  He was no one they knew.  “I hear you lovely ladies can work some magic.”            “That we can,” said Agatha.            “For the right price,” Hagatha reminded no one in particular.            “What is it you’re seeking?” asked the new man.            “Well, you need a token to represent your request. Then, payment is usually herbs or hard-to-find reagents.  We also accept gold.  It always comes in handy,” explained Olga.            The man chuckled, “it certainly does, doesn’t it? Well, that’s actually why I’m here. I was hoping you could whip up a potion to make me really lucky tonight in the gambling hall.”            Olga rolled her eyes.  Hagatha spoke up, “we certainly can.  What do you have for us?”            The man considered it.  “Well, if I want to hit it big, I think a coin would be a good token. Let’s see, for payment.”  He paused, checking about his person for anything the witches might fancy.  “I have this pendent with vampire bat teeth.  My father said it would ward against diseases of the blood.  Will you take it?”            “Oh, we can certainly find a use for it,” Agatha snatched the pendent.            “It looks like we have our payment.  Come inside and we’ll whip you up that potion.” Hagatha stood back to allow the man to enter the main room.            In fifteen minutes, he was out the door, hopeful and excited for a night the witches promised he would hit it big.  The potion, naturally, had side effects. They just didn’t disclose those to this man.            There was an hour lull before a pretty, young girl walked in their front door.  “Ahh, fine day to you, Isabell, what brings you to us this morning?” asked Hagatha. The witches knew her and her husband well.  They stopped by regularly, sometimes just to talk and sometimes for something more.            “I wish it were a fine day,” said Isabell bitterly. “But I’ve learned of late that my husband is out and about with some harlot.  His heart has been seduced by someone no doubt far prettier than me.  I want him back.  I want his heart back to loving me.”            “Nonsense,” Agatha tried to help.  “You’re beautiful.  He’d be a fool to leave you.”            “Yeah, a fool,” murmured Olga quietly.
           “I’m sorry to hear that,” said Hagatha empathetically. “I think I know just the thing to fix this.  Do you have what we need?”            “Yes, Hagatha,” nodded Isabell.  She handed her some strands of hair.  “I found these on my husband this morning.  They’re surely not mine.  I also have warts from a toad and the venom sack of an asp.”            “Very nice, very nice, indeed,” said Agatha eagerly. She took the items from Isabell.            “Actually, dear sister, I’m going to need a few warts for the spell,” Hagatha plucked the bottle out of Agatha’s hand.  “While you’re stowing the venom gland, can you fetch me some tears of a child and a bit of ginger?”            Agatha returned with the items, and Hagatha tossed them into a pot of water she had put over the fire.  “Olga, are you tired?  You haven’t said much?” asked Agatha.            “Yes.  That must be it,” Olga replied, hesitantly.  The pot had begun to boil, and Hagatha was stirring it evenly.  She tilted the pot and poured some of the contents into a bowl.            Hagatha beckoned Isabell over, and together, they sat with the bowl between them, hands resting on the edges.  “Now, repeat after me,” Hagatha told Isabell.  Hagatha proceeded to dictate a spell incantation, and Isabell did her best to follow along.  The last line Isabell had to repeat went on forever.  She was sure she made a mistake or two, but Hagatha’s expression never changed.  It’s entirely possible Isabell’s words weren’t even needed.  “It is done,” declared Hagatha.            “RIBBET,” came the croak of a toad somewhere in the room.            “Hey, where’s Olga?” asked Agatha. Back to Table of Contents (x)
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ethanalter · 7 years
‘Orphan Black’ Recap: What’s It All About, Alison?
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Tatiana Maslany as Alison Hendrix in BBC America’s ‘Orphan Black’ (Photo Credit: BBC America)
Warning: This post contains spoilers for the “Beneath Her Feet” episode of Orphan Black.
Who are you, Alison Hendrix? Of all the surviving Clone Club sisters, this suburban homemaker has always seemed the least fully-formed in terms of her identity. If you were to describe the core four clones in Beatles terms, Sarah’s the Rebellious One, Cosima’s the Smart One, Helena’s the Crazy One, and Alison is… the Crafty One? The Stable One? The Pill-Popping One? Take your pick. The fact that she defies easy categorization is at once both a sign of her complexity and her confusion. Whatever personal journey she pursued early on in her life came to a halt when she traded rings with Donnie and she moved to a picture-perfect suburb, where she acquiesced to the community’s unspoken demand that she create and maintain the picture perfect family. Her own growth has been stunted in favor of what other people want from her.
It’s taken five seasons, but Alison is finally realizing how much she’s been shortchanged. “Beneath Her Feet,” then, becomes her declaration of independence. By the end of Season 5’s third hour, Alison has walked away from her neighbors, her sisters, and even her husband because, like the song goes, she’s been to paradise, but she’s never been to me. As she emphasizes to Donnie, though, their separation isn’t permanent. Team Hendrix will reunite just as soon as Alison decides what her new identity on this dynamic duo will be.
Taking a long view, “Beneath Her Feet” is the first step in Orphan Black co-creators John Fawcett and Graeme Manson’s stated master plan to pepper character-based clone episodes into a season that also has to wrap up the show’s elaborate mythology. And it’s a strong way to begin that initiative, using flashbacks to pre-Season 1 events as a way to underline how Alison arrives at this point, in the present day, where she realizes she has to evolve or die. The episode even digs up the couple’s former friends, Chad (Eric Johnson) and Aynsley (Natalia Lisinka), the former of whom she slept with, while the latter she inadvertently killed.
Both of those actions resulted in the destabilization of another suburban nuclear family — a fallout that Alison hasn’t had to confront for some time. And Chad never does learn about her involvement in his wife’s death; just as she’s on the verge of owning up to the crime, he mansplains her confession away. But admitting it to herself is almost more important that admitting it to him. It’s all part of a past that she needs to take one last long look at, and then bury for good.
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Maslany as Rachel Duncan in BBC America’s ‘Orphan Black’ (Photo Credit: BBC America)
Speaking of buried history, Alison’s not the only accidental murderer whose victim is exhumed in this episode. For four seasons now, the decaying body of former Dyad head, Dr. Leekie — the man that was on the receiving end of Donnie’s misfired bullet back in Season 2 — has lain beneath the concrete in the Hendrix garage. And that’s exactly where a determined Elyse and a reluctant Art, acting on the orders of Rachel, start to dig when a search of the Hendrix house proves empty of evidence of the cops’ actual target, the still-missing Helena.
With Donnie’s crime about to be exposed, Alison takes it upon herself to confess on his behalf to Rachel, bringing along Leekie’s remains as evidence. Believe it or not, it’s the first-ever in the flesh encounter between these particular sisters in the history of the show, and Alison walks away the winner, disposing of the only leverage Dyad had over them without sacrificing Helena in the process. Her selfless actions bring Rachel’s recent winning streak to an abrupt conclusion, and the two face each other on equal footing. “I should like to put my hands around your neck and squeeze,” Rachel snarls, to which Alison has the perfect reply ready to go: “Then we’re not so different, you and I.” After that encounter, is it any wonder why we’ve reshuffled the clone power rankings?
1) Alison In the wake of “Beneath Her Feet,” Alison has a definite Beatles identity: The Bad-Ass Clone. Not only does she have the strength to stare down Rachel, she courageously confronts her own misdeeds and bravely bids farewell to her “rock” Donnie to embark on a solo journey of self-discovery. We can’t wait to see who she’s become when she returns.
2) Helena Thanks to the kindness of friends, strangers and, now, nuns, Helena continues to evade Rachel’s grasp. The episode’s closing shot reveals her safely ensconced in an as-yet undisclosed sanctuary, furiously scribbling away in her journal. We’ll assume the nuns are meeting her unique dietary requirements.
3) Rachel The Neolution true believer was knocked down, but not out this week. For one thing, she’s slowly winning Kira to her side, introducing the girl to freaky genetically-altered mice who can shed their skin to avoid predators and, in general, being a calmer presence than her often-absent mother. Turning the kid against Sarah would be a victory sweet enough to make up for being outmaneuvered by Alison.
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Skyler Wexler as Kira in BBC America’s ‘Orphan Black’ (Photo Credit: BBC America)
4) Sarah With Kira slipping from her grip, Sarah clings tightly to foster brother, Felix, even agreeing to pose for him while he indulges in his favorite pastime: painting in the buff. She may not have her daughter’s affection right now, but she’ll go home with a great piece of artwork.
5) Cosima Largely off-screen this week, Cosima’s primary job was to convince Alison to join the Clone Club in the flashback sequences. It’s a task that she failed to complete although, to be fair, you try explaining the mysteries of human cloning to someone tripping on magic mushrooms.
Non-Clone MVP: Donnie Here’s to the world’s greatest highlander husband not named Jamie Fraser. Having long since forsaken his Leekie-assigned role as Alison’s monitor, Donnie has instead given his wife the space to be herself, even if that means her no longer being with him.
Orphan Black airs Saturdays at 10 p.m. on BBC America.
Read more from Yahoo TV:
‘Orphan Black’ Cast Reveals What They Took From Set
‘Better Call Saul’ EPs Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould Respond to Your ‘Ask the Fans’ Answers
Review: Why This May Be the Best Season of ‘Playing House’ Yet
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6.12 Murder Most Foul
Quite the divisive episode this turned out to be. I admit, I had discarded the theory that they were going to go with Killian as the murderer, and although they obviously will resolve it, I can’t fathom how they might do so without feeling cheap.
That wrinkle aside, this was a far better episode than either of the ones preceding it. (Hell, the inclusion of badass Ruth alone lifted it over that bar.)
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In the past: Robert and Ruth face a terrible decision. The twins are sick and will not survive the oncoming winter without medicine they cannot afford. Rumplestiltskin has a deal: give up one twin to be adopted by King George, and both can live. The choice is made by a coin toss. David stays; James goes.
Years later, drunk and broke in a tavern, Robert gets slapped in the face by opportunity when King George shows up. His son has gone missing, and whoever returns him will be richly rewarded. Robert bids farewell to his family, promises that he return to them as his true and whole self, and goes to Rumple for James’ location: Pleasure Island.
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In this land of exotic temptation, Robert finds James with some help from Pinocchio. Robert proposes to take him home to his birth family. James does not like George, and is happy to agree, but of course they are intercepted before they can leave the island. Robert’s attempt at defiance avails nothing. James is whisked back off to the palace; Robert is whisked off to be disposed of by some of George’s soldiers.
Killian happens along and kills the soldiers and Robert for Reasons.  
In the present: Everyone celebrates Emma’s victory. Later, outside the house, David sees his father’s ghost, reviving his determination to find out how he really died (see 6.03). Snow is not around to urge him to give it up; he recruits Killian into helping him.
Killian, meanwhile, is most concerned with how to ask David for his blessing before he proposes to Emma, and goes along with the plan mainly it seems in order to keep David out of too much trouble.
Meanwhile, Regina comes to reluctant grips with the fact that this Robin is not her Robin but a very different man who really really wants to kill Nottingham and also he kisses weird, and that she may have made a mistake bringing him to Storybrooke.
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Zelena shows up just long enough to warn Regina against letting him think that he has any claim on Robyn. Robin steals some “powerful” stuff from Regina’s vault.
While Killian distracts Emma, David steals some magical supplies. He and Killian make a potion to work out where the coin was the day Robert died, giving them the Pleasure Island connection; they visit August. August confirms that Robert was there for James, and that he was sober. He also mentions that he didn’t put all of his own story into Henry’s storybook; there are a few pages he kept back, and if he can find them, they may have more information about Robert.
Charming concludes that George must have killed Robert. He cuffs Hook to a bike rack and goes off to confront his twin’s adoptive father. George admits to having ordered Robert’s death. David gives George a knife and demands that he fight for his worthless life. Killian intervenes (so much for that cuff! Emma probably gave him a key), and a second, more intense confrontation ensues, this one over the question of what man David wants to be. Charming breaks down and abandons his murderous quest.
Later that night, at the docks, David tosses the coin into the water; his father’s ghost is put to rest. Killian joins him and asks his blessing to ask Emma to marry him, which is granted (duh). Ring in hand, Killian heads home, only to be stopped by August, who found those pages of the storybook. Those happen to show Robert’s face... which Killian recognizes as being that guy he killed that one time.
Buzz well and truly killed, thanks a bunch, August.
Parallels: Robert and Charming are both presented as having lost their way, their families in danger of destruction. Both men must face a choice and remain true to themselves. Robert is aided in this by a regretful Rumple, and Charming by Killian.
The title of the episode is a reference to Hamlet, although it’s a bit of a stretch to say the least. They both involve the ghost of a murdered father. (Given what we know about the Underworld, does this mean that Arthur has the phones running again?)  
Robert’s ghost says, “Family is everything,” a line used by King George to Snow in 2.03.
The Pleasure Island location is from Pinocchio, and referenced in the page August was typing in the end of 6.11. Pinocchio plays a guide role in both halves of the story -- a reluctant, lying guide in the past, and a more mature and rueful one in the present.  
Charming being six at this time, since Pinocchio became a real boy at most a couple of years before the Dark Curse, at which point I would guesstimate Charming was supposed to be around 20, that’s at least a decade of wooden-Pinocchio shenanigans for Gepetto to endure. Yikes.
Representing fate with a coin toss is a very old mechanism. I love when this show gets all classic with its symbolism.  
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In Hindsight: The setup represents a bit of a retcon to the twin-trading dilemma as originally given by Ruth back in S2, but I can live with it. George is now responsible for ordering the deaths of both of Charming’s parents, which seems worth promoting him from enemy to nemesis.
We never find out the name of George’s queen -- presumably she had died by the time of the episode’s main action -- but that emphasizes how exclusively this plot is focused on fathers and sons, a theme that will carry through into 6.13 with Rumple and Gideon. “Family is everything” might as well be the theme of the show.
I really liked Robert appearing at Rumple’s place with nothing to pay; it puts the scene on an entirely different footing than their first encounter, and if it does not entirely remove the transactional element -- “You owe me” -- it does alter the resonance. This is not about money, not about anything material, not even about life or death, but about fatherhood in its purest form, the need to protect one’s child. That is a uniquely potent approach with Rumple in this context. (Of course the whole situation was Rumple’s connivance to begin with, but I think that by virtue of Robert being willing to make the deal, Rumple would argue that Robert deserved to be treated that way before.)
Having Zelena show up to deliver a patently obvious piece of information -- since Robyn is not his child by any definition, the entire scene was unnecessary -- seems like it can only have been intended to pave the way for future Robin 2.0/Zelena interactions.
Other than being certain that it will all end in tears, I’m curious what they have in mind for this plot. It was an interesting choice to say the least to place the healing scene in the crypt. Her attempt at a fresh start was doomed from the get-go, Robin wearing a dead man’s clothes in the place that symbolizes death-in-life, surrounded by the towering evidence of Regina’s past and her continued power-hoarding. She might regret the hearts, at least when reminded about them, but she has yet to do anything about it. I hope Sean had fun, anyway.
I liked the repeated shots of David watching Snow’s video on his phone; it really emphasized how isolated he feels. (I’ve seen a fair amount of annoyance over how Snow’s only waking scenes this ep were with Regina, but it fits with my assignment of the Devil’s Advocate role; Regina is currently under the sway of false hope, and it’s Snow’s job to argue with her.) Those moments preface Robert’s first two appearances to David. Can the ghost only appear when David is feeling particularly low and alone?   
“The one time I need you to be that guy” - thing is, David, you can’t be “that guy” just “one time”. It was a tough habit to break, and one Killian has no interest in resuming *cough* because you end up doing regrettable things like killing random civilians for murky reasons *cough*. I have seldom been so delighted by a line of dialog in this show as I was by Hook’s that he would try to dissuade anyone who set out on a course of vengeance. This really is the clearest possible marker of the changes he’s gone through, from thoughtless killer to someone who prioritizes others’ healing.
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On the reverse note, David was being such an asshole, and I loved it! C’mon, bro, it’s just me, what are you, chicken? Fine, I’ll do it by myself (you loser, you’re not really my friend). It’s all painfully, deliciously adolescent -- he needs a lookout so he can conduct a petty theft! -- and so Back to Pleasure Island we go, to the voice of temptation. I loved all of the Charming scenes in this episode; Josh really cut loose, and it was glorious. (I should also note that I appreciated David’s apology later on for having put Killian’s relationship with Emma in jeopardy; that was a nice, clear touch.)
So Emma does her magic research out in the shed now, and not in the basement/dungeon. Check. That whole scene was golden, even with the undercurrent; turns out nothing is so distracting as full-on honesty. I could watch sunny, smiling Emma for hours. More important than defeating Gideon is that she’s defeated her own fear about her fate. She’s glowing with happiness, ready to enjoy life as it comes, content with her son and her lover. We are on the precipice of the final fulfillment promised by the Hero’s Journey. *happy sigh*
The Science Bros scene was a perfect moment of relative lightness in an episode that could easily have gotten bogged down in itself. Well done, show! See, you can do physical comedy without making fun of people. Amazing.
The bit between David and George and then David and Killian was just SO GOOD I actually don’t have much to say about it? Every instant of emotion was beautifully wrung out of those two confrontations. Moments like this, when we get to see Killian, who faced all of his worst battles alone, being a rock for his loved ones in their moment of testing -- that’s when I love this story.
I also love George, they could have done so much more with him as a villain. Some day I will write that fic (haha). Anyway, since Storybrooke doesn’t seem to have any other place to store long-term prisoners, I assume Isaac is next door.
On to the conclusion.
Hm. Well, if I must.
I’m sooooo tiiiiiiiired of Killian confronting something evil he did in the past, guys. So tired of David in particular throwing “pirate” at him like S4 and 5 never fucking happened. So tired of angst faces and secrets and angry confrontations. This whole situation is a painfully close retread of 6.06, right down to the age of the piratically orphaned boys. At least Killian had a motive for killing Brennan, whereas this setup is so random as to appear both pointless and contrived, so, uh, D- for effort, writers.
As I complained earlier this week, this would have been a Shocking Revelation back in, say, S3, before CS was a solid thing, before they had gotten used to being more or less constantly haunted by Killian’s past.
Really, they should just put a box up on the porch in which people can leave a short form explaining their grievance and their preferred form of restitution: blood, treasure, or saving their life/loved one/sanity please choose only one because episode length.
As it is, we know CS will be fine -- we don’t need the Swoopy Camera of Love Kissing, but I won’t complain about it.
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We therefore know that Captain Charming will be fine. This whole “complication” is just wasting time that could be spent on something more interesting or more fun or both, like picking out something other than a plain, standard engagement ring for a fairy tale couple that has such a distinct aesthetic, both of whom have a series-long history of sentimental statement jewelry and one of whom wears a ton of rings, but that would require them remembering that S5 happened, which appears to be against the rules--
Okay. He’s feeling urgent about this. I can see him wanting to get something new, something that doesn’t have a Past because it’s supposed to be about their future. The only place in town that sells EF-style stuff is the Croc’s, which is a non-starter, so it would have to be whatever serves Storybrooke for a modern jewelry store, but even in a town this size, they should have SOMETHING a little unusual. The guy is the standout clothes horse on the male side of the show; he owns forty dark shirts in different but equally subtle patterns; don’t tell me he can’t pick out a ring with some flair.
Anyway. Maybe he’ll pick up something cooler when [spoilers redacted].
In under the wire again, as we prepare for tonight’s episode! I think this next one will signpost Rumple’s final fate in the series, so I am prepared to be interested in what happens even though my emotional investment is zero.
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heartofhryule · 8 years
Heart of Wisdom - Final Chapter
Heart of Wisdom - Chapter 16
Chapter 16 - 100% Fluff'N'Smut. The final chapter in The Heart of Wisdom story. Thanks for sticking with this long guys!
WARNINGS: Depicts Explicit Sexual content. Contains Hyrule Warriors spoilers and story items. I highly recommend playing the game if you haven’t! It’s complete fluff, but fun fluff.
Heart of Wisdom | Chapter 16 | Conclusion
“You lied to us?!” Link wailed from Epona. If Zelda hadn’t been seated in front of him, he might have fallen off.
Midna’s laughter was eerie and musical in the air around them. “Of course I did! Lana told me she wasn’t supposed to intervene, but knew you needed help. So, I fibbed a little to cover at the time.”
Midna float along between Epona and Impa’s horse, the party returning from having bound Ganon’s soul once more under the Master Sword in the Sacred Grove. Impa and Lana rode slightly ahead of them and Lana turned in her saddle. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked her to lie. Don’t be mad at Midna.”
Link sighed, understanding the need for the deception. It honestly wasn’t that he was agitated about. “But that means that we won’t see you again,” Zelda said softly, reaching out to take Midna’s hand, voicing the true root of Link’s upset.
The Twilight Queen just gave her a sad smile. “Yeah, but think about it this way - I’ve gotten to see you two again, twice more than I ever thought I would.”
“This is where we part ways,” Impa sighed, looking to Lana and Midna. They’d reached the fork in the wooded path, one way taking their party back to Hyrule Castle, the other a path that would take Midna and Lana back to the Sorceress’s sanctum.
For the first time since the battles with Darkness had started months ago, everyone dismounted and gave Lana a proper goodbye, not a one of them letting her slip off without it this time. The Sorceress was clearly touched, and wiped her eyes with a smile. “Thank you all.”
“Without your help, we would not have been able to do this,” Zelda said solemnly. “It is you we should thank. Thank you, Lana.”
“Damn I’m gonna miss you guys,” Midna said, seeming to voice both her own and Lana’s feelings.
“Same,” Link said, squeezing Midna in a hug one last time.
Volga however cleared his throat. “I will accompany Lana and Midna back to the Sanctum to assure their safety,” the Dragonknight volunteered. Midna turned her lips in against a smile at the same moment Lana’s eyes lit up a little.
Zelda nodded to him, seeing something for the first time but keeping her council. “Travel safely then,” Impa said, clapping his shoulder before swinging back up onto her horse. All riders mounted again and called their final farewells before the party split and headed for their destinations.
Lana’s sanctum wasn’t much more than a half day’s ride from the point in the journey they’d bid goodbye to their friends, and there had not been much talking. A somber aire had fallen over the companions, but the lack of conversation had let them make good time.
The Dragonknight insisted on seeing Midna safely back as well, if it was what she desired. It clearly both was and was not, the Twili yearning to stay but knowing she had a duty to her time to return. Twilight could not be without its ruler, despite it’s Queen’s desires. That and she had once possessed the Triforce of Wisdom. She knew that it was necessary.
Turning to Volga, Midna winked as Lana’s voice casting the spell echoed around them. “Watch over these idiots for me, yeah?” she said with a broad grin.
Bowing respectfully - she was royalty after all - with his right hand over his heart, he nodded. “Of course, your highness. As best that I can.”
“Oh come on, warlock,” she laughed, “We both know if anyone can it’s you. And Volga?” He stood, meeting her eyes to find the burning coals of her irises glittering with amusement. “You’re going to handle your heart, right?”
Smirking, the Dragonknight sighed. “You don’t know how to avoid poking dragons do you?”
“Literally compelled.”
“Of course. And yes, I do.”
Turning to see the portal was open, Midna shot Lana a broad grin. “You’ll come visit, right? Because you can, and we both know it.” Lana hesitated, but gave Midna a resolute nod. “Good. You should bring him with you,” she said and with the last float backwards through the portal as it closed.
The air became less charged around them, and the light faded with the magic. The Sanctum was currently still anchored in this time, Lana had explained that she would have to unanchor it eventually, but she hadn’t once she realized Darkness was going to yet return.
Looking around for any excuse to procrastinate, Lana saw nothing she could use to waylay her duty any longer. “It’s time,” she said sadly.
Volga however took off his helmet and set it on the table next to him. “What’s the hurry?”
“I’ve already stayed too long,” the sorceress intoned quietly, turning her back to him as she tried to not let her emotions get the better of her. Volga saw this and took a step forward. “I need to return to my duties.”
“And is it all monitoring? Constantly watching the time stream?”
“Well no,” she sighed. That’s what I do mostly, because there’s nothing much better to do. I used to read, or write, but I’ve read all the books and very little inspires me. No one to be inspired by, or to even talk to.” Turning to him, he saw her lashes were again damp with emotional tears. “You weren’t wrong, about what you said. It is very lonely, and… I’m not looking forward to going back.
Dropping his gauntlets and gloves to the table beside his helm, Volga returned his gaze to Lana and reached out, offering her a hand. She took it, but the Dragonknight pulled her closer rather than that mere gesture of comfort. Gathering her other hand as well, Volga gently urged her to look up at him. “And what if I went with you?”
“You can’t,” she gasped, shaking her head.
“Why not?”
“So the goddess forbid you from having friends?”
“Well… no…”
“She said no one could ever share your eternity. Your loneliness? She wanted you to be lonely forever?”
“No! No she would have never!”
“So Nayru, Farore and Din have appeared and said as much?”
She narrowed her eyes, seeing he intended to continue in this manner. “No. There was no official decree from any Divinity. It was just… understood. I thought.”
“And you never questioned, as it wasn’t a problem until-”
“I realized I was lonely,” she admitted, her voice rough with the truth of her words.
“Then I will come with you, and you will no longer be lonely.”
She shook her head, still resisting. “Your Barony, the people you defend…”
“Are in good hands. I have left the lands to my cousin who has done magnificently in my absence over the last few months, and deserves the reward. When I joined Cia, let Darkness steal my heart… from that moment forward, I was never meant to go back to Snowpeak. Not permanently.
“But our friends… your life…”
“They will understand. If I had my guess, Zelda already knows.” He gave her a smile and watched as the sorceress relaxed slowly, starting to accept that he meant it. “Besides, who better to accept a once cursed Warlock knight like myself, than the purest goodness of a true Sorceress?”
“Oh Volga!” she cried and fell forward into his arms, forehead against his chest. “Do you really, truly mean it?”
Wrapping her in a warm hug, the dragonknight found it impossible not to smile. “Of course I do. I can think of no better fate than living outside of time with a kind, intelligent, and beautiful soul who wants nothing more than to not be alone. Only the Goddesses could grant a better fate.”
Lana wept softly a moment, accepting his affection and searching her own. It seemed that her gratitude could lend to misunderstood emotions on both sides… but then there was a part of her that knew. He was one of her few friends, she already cared deeply for him. Would it really be misunderstood?
Looking up to the handsome Knight holding her in chaste comfort, Lana smiled. Something told her that in those red, magical eyes might be where her true destiny lay. Yes, yes she could fall in love with Volga.
Pushing off his chest gingerly, she grabbed his hand and pulled him into the center of the room. “Alright! Then let me show you how to unanchor the Sanctum. Then I can show you how to anchor it! We’re going to need to if we intend to visit Midna!” Feeling more bubbly than she’d felt in months, Lana’s heart was light and effervescent as she stood across from Volga and smiled. He seemed amused and pleased, and endlessly patient.
Yes. Yes, she could be very happy like this. And she would be. And he would be. And they would be happy together, she and her Dragonknight Warlock.
“Okay, now repeat after me…”
The Castle was nearly repaired from the battles both recent and previous by the time they returned, the people recovering as well. They made the Castle by evening of the next day thanks to Lana’s magic there and back, having left almost directly after the ceremony that had wed Link and Zelda.
By the time they rode over the drawbridge and into the stables, Impa was ready to be done with the giggling and affectionate newlyweds. Leaping from her horse and handing the reigns to the stable boy, the Sheikah’s laughter echoed with her words, “Please, Highnesses, have the evening off. I will handle what needs handling - far away from the two of you. For as many days as you need.”
Link, feeling much healed after the potions Zelda had fed him, slid down from Epona and reached up to help her down. In so doing, he wrapped her in his arms and brushed his nose to hers affectionately. “Where to, my wife?”
“The bath,” she laughed, kissing him chastely and pushing away from him. But the Hero pouted, catching her hand as she started to walk away. Hyrule castle did not have the shared baths of Snowpeak which meant drawing up tubs, possibly in separate rooms.
“Together?” he asked hopefully as she pulled him along.
“No,” she giggled, teasing him cruelly. “Remember, you did not grant my wish in Snowpeak because of all my promises for our wedding night. Now? Now you will wait for those promises.” He whimpered as they made it into the palace and up the back stairs towards her private chambers. “Oh hush,” she laughed. “You made me wait, and now I’m just returning the favor.”
“You might be evil…” he whined. Reaching her rooms, she tried to shake him off and close the door, but Link wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him, laying kisses on the back of her neck.
“I’m filthy,” she argued, but merely waddled into the room without shaking him off.
Link kicked the door closed behind them, and tucked his face against the bend of her shoulder. “I don’t care. The world isn’t ending, we’re not at war, Darkness is bound and I have the most beautiful wife in all of creation. There is but one thing in the world that I need right now and a bath is not it.”
“What if I begged to differ?” She teased, leaning back against him as she kicked off her boots. Another pitiful whine was the only answer he could manage, inspiring a round of giggles from her.  “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up and see what we can do about that whining problem you have…”
She pulled him over to the wash basin, clearly not summoning the servants for a tub, and began helping him off with his clothing while accepting his help with hers. Making an affectionate game of the undressing and washing, Link discovered that any nervousness he’d once had about the splendor of her body and their intimacy was completely gone. He had a lot to learn, but he’d already brought her pleasure once before, and they had the rest of their lives to learn even more.
He watched her run the cloth over herself carefully and he knew she was tormenting him, the smirk she gave over her shoulder confirmation he’d not really needed. However before he could gather his thoughts enough to respond, she was cleaning the dried blood and dirt from his arms and chest. “I don't want to be reminded constantly that you nearly died today. Not tonight…” Despite her smile, her voice was soft with emotion.
Link stopped her hands gently and took the cloth from her, cleaning himself off entirely and with haste before reaching out and pulling her against him once more. Claiming her lips in a deep kiss that spoke of his passion for her, he strove to erase the upset that threatened her mind. When he needed to breath more deeply, he broke away just enough to rest his forehead to hers and look her in the eye. “No more of that,” he purred, one hand coming to tangle in the soft hair at the nape of her neck, fingers massaging gently in the hopes of coaxing and distracting. “No more thoughts of what could have happened. Only what did, and what’s going to.”
Her eyes sparkled with unshed tears, but she gave him a smile and nodded gently. “Like how today you became my husband?”
“And you my wife,” he grinned encouragingly.
She grinned up to him, happiness resurging as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body to him in a line from chest to knee. Link was very distracted, and undeniably aroused when her lips brushed his. “My King,” she whispered.
He couldn’t take it any longer. Link didn’t give a flying octorok’s backside if they were clean any more. Bending his head to taste her lips again with a low rumble of desire, arms around her waist he lift her from her feet and carried her to the bed.
Bending to lay her down, she refused to release his neck or abandon his kisses so he followed her down with a smile. Once comfortable, Link rest to her side slightly and held her close. Hands roaming her sides, the feel of her skin was slowly driving him mad. His kisses trailed down her neck and over her shoulder and as his lips brushed the soft flesh of one breast she cooed in anticipation, the sweet, feminine sound inflaming his blood.
It was an act of will to maintain his mind as the soft noises of pleasure she made under his hands and lips were enough to strip him of civilised thinking for the rest of his life. She was frenzied and begging him softly after a short while, and when his dancing fingers could tell she was on the verge of pleasure, he drew up beside her. “Zel,” he whispered and was trying to form words to make sure she was ready, but Zelda had other ideas.
She silenced him with a hungry kiss, and pulled him over atop her as her knees parted and accepted him between. There was no stopping the moan of true pleasure and full body shudder that wracked him as his need caressed her sweet warmth for the first time. After that, there was no more self control.
He met her hunger in kisses, and positioned himself before one hand came to hold her hip, the other propping him up over her. He had intended to be slow and gentle their first time, but she undid him so thoroughly, he found it impossible to maintain his intentions. Hips thrust forward, once within her desire there was no other heaven he would know. She was perfection, the way he fit within her perfect… Divine, and a fevered ache began to take over his entire body.
Beneath him, Zelda’s back arched and the soft wail that ripped from her was a sound of pure ecstasy. Her legs came up to wrap about his hips, and when Link remembered how to breath again, his body began to move of it’s own volition. His thrusts became heated and greedy, needing to please her, bring her pleasure and find his own. Each coo and whimper from her spurring him on further until finally her legs tensed around him and she cried out. It was a beautiful thing to watch, his princess so in ecstasy that she came up off the bed, shuddering repeatedly with the stroke of his body into hers. It also inspired fire in his lions that demanded satiation or it might kill him.
But then suddenly, he was on his back and looking up at the blissful and mischeivous face of his wife from under the curtain of her golden hair. He didn’t entirely realize or recall how this had transpired, only that she had kept him within her in so doing.
Heart racing and breath short, he was going to ask if she was pleased before begging her to let him find satisfaction, but then her hips began to move astride him. Words were no longer an option. Little fireworks were going off in his brain, and his eyes were glued to the lusty Goddess who moved atop him. She was smiling in addition to her mewls of furthered rapture, and watching him with her blue-violet eyes as she moved his hands to her hips.
He was only a mortal man. Some might argue that, but Link was well aware of his limitations. Resisting or maintaining any semblance of coherency with the vision above him was one of them; impossible. His hands gripped where she’d placed them and he began thrust up to meet her gyrations with blind abandon. She bent forward, her soft chest brushing his face in the processes before she claimed his mouth in hungry kisses once more, and it was done.
With a cry against her lips, he moved within her as the fireworks moved from his mind throughout his entire body until he could no longer. A languid and heavy feeling started to spread in his veins and all he could do was weakly return the kisses she gave him.
Floating, though he was mostly sure he’d not left the bed, Link was dimly aware when Zelda slid off to his side. He managed to tuck her under his arm as he tried to catch his breath that she’d stolen, head lolling over towards her. “I…Zel.... That…”
She giggled at his poor attempted to speak and touched a finger to his lips. “Yes it was,” she purred and nuzzled his neck. “And it will be every night for the rest of our lives.”
The thought brought a lazy grin to his face, and he rolled up to his side to gather her in both arms. Poetry was trying to dance around his mind for the dizzying spectrum of feelings and emotions whirling  around his mind. There was nothing else he could ever want outside of this, and he wanted to tell her, but he couldn’t find his voice.
“I know,” she grinned, accepting him into her arms as he curled around her. “I tried to convince you of this in Snowpeak…”
He chortled once sharply. “I’m never going to live that down, am I?”
“Mmm… maybe,” she teased and kissed his forehead. “But not for a while. But it’s alright, because I adore teasing you.”
The warm feeling tugging at his consciousness, he smiled at her words. He honestly liked her teasing too. It felt like a lifetime ago he’d met the kind but somewhat distant and regal Princess of Hyrule - she was the same person, but the nymph in his arms was warm and loving, brave and kind as she was funny and made of mischief. It was also, in realilty far longer ago that they’d met. A truth that would always warm his soul. She was also his, while at the same time owning him mind, body and soul.
“And, my hero?” she said softly, rubbing her cheek affectionately against his hair.
“Yes, my Princess?”
“I love you.”
Link smiled and turned his sleepy face up to her for a slow kiss, full of the pure,
unbridled love he felt in return. “And I you, Zel. Always.”
She smiled and nodded, giving him that kiss as she affirmed, “Forever.”
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kaguriakitsune · 8 years
The Wish
A Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic Inspired by the Christmas Special of ML (c) ZAG Entertainment Characters are the property of Zag studios and are used only for fanfiction without any profit. Please do not re-post, copy, or re-use in any way without express permission from the artist (in this case writer). Summary: Cat Noir's loneliness Christmas adventure grabbed more than just the attention of his closest friends and distant father. A power as old as time also heard the painful cry from his lonely heart, little did anyone know that the wishes they made that day were about to become a reality. Note from the Author: This isn't my first fanfiction but it is my first of ML. I am also VERY new to the fandom, my son discovered the Christmas Special on Netflix and thus started us both down our journey to the fandom. There will be one or two characters that ARE NOT CANNON to the ML crew. In a way OC's but not in the way most create them. I enjoy feedback on constructive criticism so please comment both.  without further adue....   "Merry Christmas Mom." The moment was perfect and the voices of laughter and light echoed into the night making his heart lighter than it had been in forever. As Nathalie bid his guest farewell, his father bid him goodnight and returned to his study, and Adrian couldn't be happier in his spacious room. The snow falling outside the window was no longer a painful sight but he welcomed the pure calm that blanketed the city he loved. So much joy and love filled his heart it was all he could do not to run circles crying out his joy. He couldn't even find it in him to be irritated by his kwami's whining for smelly cheese. "Aaaaadrian!! I'm starving! Look at me I feel faint-ugh" The black cat kwami made a dramatic dive from his hiding place within the inner pocket of the boy's jacket to the padded bed cushion below them. "I-need-Camembert-A-adr-" "Alright Plagg, look under my pillow, I was saving it for your Christmas gift anyhow." Laughing as the small blob was suddenly well enough to zip right under the pillow and drag out a rather large container. "Oh holy Camembert! This stuff is like gold! So smelly, perfectly aged, and a hint of walnut! I take it back kid, you're a great partner!" The next moment was filled with the joyful sounds of Plagg stuffing as much cheese in his mouth as fast as possible. "Was there ever any doubt? Merry Christmas Plagg, you're a great partner too." A satisfying sigh of content told Adrian all the thanks he needed. Walking to view the city scape from his window he saw the Eiffel Tower alight in holiday cheer, stores still decorated in the finest silver and gold, and on the streets below families returning home for the rest of their evening. One in particular kept his gaze, the baker family that walked hand in hand into the glowing streets. Between a loving mother and caring father was his friend Marionette, her gift had chased away the lingering anger and resentment he first felt tonight. She reminded him he wasn't fully alone, and at least someone cared. Marionette, she really was an amazing girl, even her clumsy awkward demeanor was charming in her own way. If it weren't for his love of Ladybug then maybe... "No, don't even think about it. Ladybug is my lady, my love. No one could ever replace her...." looking to the stars above his heart fluttered thinking of his masked love and partner. A shooting star crossed his path and with all his heart he made a wish. "I hope I find out who she is someday, I want to tell her everything...Merry Christmas Ladybug, wherever you are." Walking home Marionette had an extra spring to her step. Dinner with Adrian was a dream come true, the food was amazing and sitting across from Adrian all night was the perfect Christmas gift, not even another Akuma attack could spoil her mood tonight. Shining with joy her gaze turned upward in time to see the shooting star across the sky, wishing with all her might she hoped that some day Adrian would see her for who she truly was and maybe even love her for it. "Marionette, come on hunni or you'll freeze out here!' Mrs. Dupen-chang called to her dazed daughter smiling as she ran to catch up to them. Yes despite the adventure of the night it was a very merry season indeed, but as the moon peaked in the sky a shadow passed over a small shop covered in Chinese decorations. The light inside was the low glow of a single candle, an old man enjoyed the glow with a hot cup of tea. Across from him a green light blinked slow and peaceful, a hum almost sang around the kwami as they enjoyed the solitude of the night. The shadow entered their company with no words, another cup of tea poured and three sat in the glow of a single Christmas candle. "So the time has come once again." The old man spoke matter of fact sparing no glance to his intrusive visitor. "It has been made, the heart wish of two chosen holders. I can only come when such has been done." "Then soon..." "Yes, the others will awaken and I fear there will be more to the story than even we know old friend." "Then it is fortunate that you are here, old friend." Snow fell soundlessly around the city of Paris, bells chimed the end of the holiday hour, and somewhere in a large mansion and simple bakery two hearts became closer tied in fate than they could ever imagine. Morning came, the sun bright through the sky illuminating a fresh world laid in white. Children began to wake with laughter and cheer of gift not yet aged for joy and with only a few days of freedom to enjoy it took no time for the streets to be filed with new sleds, ice skates, and toys of all shapes and colors. Adrian awoke in his usual manner sparing a chuckle of amusement at his lazy kwami still asleep on a half eaten wheel of cheese next to his head. The morning shower was somehow comforting and refreshing, breakfast was served, he ate alone, and thus his day began. First a quick public appearance with his father to clear up any gossip of his disappearance the night prior, then a short fencing lesson, and a photoshoot of the season's newest fashion line. "Finally free for the day!" Assuring Nathalie he had his phone, schedule, and gps active he was allowed to meet his friends in the park. But before that...he turned a sharp corner hiding in a narrow alley. "Plagg Claws out!" The rush of magic was still as exhilarating as his first time as his mask changed his emerald eyes to gleaming feline pupils that saw more in a moment than any humans, his hair free to move and flow with the wind with ears that could hear miles away for danger, his skin covered in comfortable protective leather making it light and strong, and finally the tail-like belt that helped with his acrobatic balance and dashing style. "Cat Noir ready to pounce into action!" With a strong leap he was airborne, landing gracefully on the nearest roof he made is way to Notre Dame where he and Ladybug were to over see the giving of gift to needy children from under the grand tree. The memory of almost destroying the tall monument of cheer with his cataclysm made his heart sink only slightly, he was grateful for the image of his mother that stopped him from making that mistake. Hopefully in some small way him being there could lessen his guilt as the children received their gifts from one of Paris's most famous heroes.   Ladybug was waiting under the massive tree that seemed to stand as tall as the towers of Notre Dame as the crowd began to gather. Still on cloud nine from her evening she almost felt like returning the silly comments of hr partner as he dropped in on his staff. "Mi'lady, you look puuurfectly amazing today." His usual bow and kiss of her hand earned a few giggles and calls from the crowd of fans and reporters on the sidelines. "Easy kitty, save it for the kids okay?" Ruffling his head she smiled as they turned to stand beside the mayor. "We would like to thank Ladybug and Cat Noir for joining us in helping the very community they protect give back in our own way to those who bravely go day to day without things most of Paris takes for granted." Mayor Bourgeois gave a few more words before turning things over to the the heroes. "Ladybug you're my favorite hero!" "Cat Noir you're awesome!" "Thank you for saving us all the time." "We love you so much!" Child after child expressed their adoration and love for them as the handed each a gift with a smile and a hug or handshake. It wasn't long before things wound down and they were allowed to excuse themselves. Together they volted to the sky running rooftops and jumping alleyways. A fair distance way both stopped to perch on a balcony looking out to the Eiffel Tower. "You were great today Mi'lady. I admit I'm a little worried, all those rivals were pretty adorable. Cat couldn't resist a chance to make her smile with his terrible humor. She didn't disappoint him, her laughter was sweet bells ringing in the sunshine. "Oh I don't know, you had a few kittens pawing over you Cat." Her heart couldn't be any fuller, a perfect night with the love of her life, a good deed done without any trouble, and now a beautiful view of snow covered Paris with her partner after a job well done. "Mi'lady have you finally accepted my witty humor and amazing charm?" Leaning closer it was no surprise he was immediately returned to his place by a dainty finger to his nose. "Haha, you slay my heart Bugaboo."  Suddenly a brilliant flash of light came from the top of the tower causing both concern.   "An Akuma?" Ladybug zipped through the air as he followed vaulting over rooftops to keep pace. "Who knows, I was beginning to think it was feeling too quiet today." With his usual catish grin he followed her quick movements toward the tower. "Hawk Moth can't even take a break for Christmas, why would the day after be any different?" As they approached the tower all senses were on alert. Taking in everything around the scene something felt off. "No destruction, mayhem, or panic anywhere. No evil villain causing trouble...something's definitely wrong." Ladybug wasn't sure what but she knew it could only mean bigger trouble. "Maybe it was just a short fuse? The tower is also like a lighthouse maybe the bulb blew." Though he agreed that is was unusual for an Akuma attack to be so calm even after the short time in took them to arrive. "I don't think so, look!" Pointing higher above them she could just see the outline of a glowing figure at the very top. "Maybe it's a new type of Akuma. Follow me and be careful." "Always my lady." With that he extended his stick offering her a hand up. "Your express elevator." Ignoring the scoff at his joke they began to climb the distance between them and the glowing akuma. "Ok you get their attention and I'll capture them with my yo-yo." As Cat Noir lept forward something inside her began grow warm and almost tingle. "What was that?" Bolting ahead with full faith in Ladybug's plan Cat prepared for a fight, taking a beam directly below the mysterious glow he felt his skin crawl with shivers. "What the-?" As he came face to face with the glowing akuma his ring began to flash quickly going from pad to pad. His transformation was fading faster than ever and he hadn't even used Cataclysm! A brilliant white light engulfed him making him shield his eyes, at the same time he could feel his disguise slip away as Plagg exited his ring. "Do not be afraid chosen, though you are bare non can see or hear you but I." The voice was warm and soft, not like an akumatized victim. Slowly he opened his eyes unaware of what to expect. "Wha!?" All around him were swirling light of green and black, as if he was caught between transforming and not. The rest was white as if he was caught between reality and a dream. Plagg floated just infront of him in a dazed state as he stared at a glowing presence just ahead. "Who are you!? What did you so to Plagg?" The glowing blur began to come into focus almost like a mirage becoming solid in a desert. As it took shape his breath caught, a woman glowing green with flowing silver hair floated off the ground almost as if she were sitting on an invisible cushion. Her robes where grand and breezy, every motion sent the fabric drifting to a direction as if wind itself danced around her being. Her eyes were ice blue like a distant sky over a crystal clear ocean, the fair skin of her face was almost luminescent marred only with kindly laugh lines at the corner of her eyes and mouth. "Be not afraid chosen one, I mean you no harm. As for who I am I many names but mostly I am called-" "Mother! It's so good to see you again!" Plagg seemed to suddenly become animated once more. Racing to the cheek of the woman Adrian saw a side to his kwami he didn't believe existed. There he was nuzzling and cuddling this woman's face like a kitten! "It's been so long! Have you been well? Well of course you have. I've missed you and-" In an instant the black cat composed himself and with a rather adorable blush bowed to the woman and cleared his throat. "Ahem, All Mother, it is an honor to be in your presence once more." "Mother!!? Plagg who is this woman exactly?" Adrian was more confused than before and if not for lack of furniture he'd has fallen into a chair. "Oh right, you don't know because you never asked. Adrian let me introduce you to the All Mother, the creator of all Kwamii." ~~~~Meanwhile~~~~ "Agh! What is this light?" Blocking her eyes with both arms Marionette was overcome with fear and confusion when her miraculous began to loose power without the use of her lucky charm or ladybug power. As the transformation released her Tikki was at her side buzzing with an anxiousness she'd never seen in the small Kwamii. "Marionette look! It's her! She has chosen now to appear." Tikki flew forward toward a faint red glow that slowly began to focus into what only looked like another miraculous holder. "Tikki wait, who are you talking abou-" "Fear not chosen one, I am a friend." The voice felt calming and peaceful as it took shape around her. Swirls of pink, red, and ladybugs danced in the white space surrounding her. It felt almost like she was transforming but still herself. "Am I-" "No you are not gone from the world Ladybug. You are in a way in between the magic of Kwamii transformational space and your world. This is in an essence the space between time and space." "Uh-ah..ok...who are you? Why did I transform back? Is Tikki ok?" After meeting the guardian it was no surprise if there were more people she had yet to meet from the world of the Kwamii. "Marionette, this is Okashimi. The mother of all Kwami like me." "Mother? She's, your mother?" "I see you have questions my dear let me share with you who I am then I will explain why I am here." Before both Adrian and Marionette's eyes a band of light began to show shadows of their past selves, all Ladybug and Cat Noir heroes in time and history. "Long before the time of man the world belonged to the Gods and creatures of their designs. As you know man began to enter this world to live among the creatures and creations as well as the gods. Some took to the humans favorably and taught humans many things, others despised the humans for their free will and potential for growth and greatness. The gods of that sort began to send darkness upon the humans, dangers they had no chance of conquering alone. It was then that the Gods of creation, destruction, influence, beauty, and others came to me. A simple goddess of kwami and forgery and asked me to create gifts for the humans to protect them from these unkind deities. So the miraculous and kwami came into existence. Each chose a human of kind heart, courage, empathy, and justice to serve as their Chosen Holders. The kwami to power and guide them, the miraculous to bond and protect them, and I the Okashimi to watch over them. Time passed, the gods fell to sleep or ruin and the darkness was defeated. But mankind had come to rely on the gifts from the gods for protection from not only creatures of darkness but the darkness possible in every human. Weak from ages of fighting lesser gods and their minions we allowed the miraculous to remain among the humans under the condition they never be used for evil or selfish intentions." "So Plagg and the other Kwami have been around since the dawn of man? Woah." Adrian looked at his partner with new eyes, what had he seen through countless ages and empires. How many Cat Noirs had he protected and guided through heroic deeds and battles. "So are you here because Hawk Moth is using his miraculous for evil?" "As much as it pains me to see one of my children in pain and used in such a way no. I am here because you called to me chosen one." "ME? But I didn't call for-Tikki?" Marionette looked at her Kwami as they sat looking at Okashimi. "Not just you Ladybug, you and Cat Noir made a wish with your truest hearts. That wish was the same and the desire behind it was so strong that I was able to awaken and come to now." "Wha!? Cat Noir did what? Wait I didn't make any wish with Cat Noir...Uh-uhm...oh no." Her brain was going a mile a minute as she tried to think when she and her partner made any kind of wish o desire together. "Ladybug...made the same wish as I did?" Adrian thought to his wish on the star, did Ladybug see it too and wish to know about him? "Woah-I...uh...awesome." Laughing at the innocent love between the lost pair Okashimi couldn't help the playful side of herself that all the kwami shared. With a clap of her hands both Adrian and Marionette were standing side by side in front of her. "Ah! What are you doing-?" Marionette began to look for a hiding place upon seeing Cat Noir standing next to her as herself and not Ladybug. "M--My lady it's not what you think! That is I-uh" Adrian stammered seeing the fear and shock on Ladybug's face as he stood next to her without a mask. "It is alright, you will see each other as you always have. Cat and Ladybug, mask and all. Do not be afraid. It is just less strain on my power to have you both together." The white area was now a blur of Paris almost as if a photo was taken out of focus, the swirls of colors still raced around them as they stood before the goddess. "I only appear once in a chosen cycle, and only when two or more chosen are so connected to desire the same wish. I may grant you one wish of your heart's truest desire. I have seen what your wish is but also the complexity that lies within it. I will grant you time and opportunity to make it true. Until then continue to protect and care for one another." Marionette looked to her side seeing the shine in her partner's eyes made her heart skip, he was so happy she feared he'd burst. She wasn't far off, Cat Noir couldn't help but stare at her with longing eyes of hope and promise. She had wished that night on the same star to know the real him! To see who he was beneath the mask, maybe she even felt the same. This day couldn't get any better. "I will see you both in due time. My children, keep your chosen safe for a pair such as these have yet been found in time." With that she evaporated as the world once more became real, they both stood side by side at the tower's peak. The wind whipped around their bodies as two confused heroes gazed into each other's eyes. One filled to the brim with unrivaled hope and the other uncertain fear.     
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