#thank you for the ask anon i love and appreciate you
chilisworld55 · 2 days
Your fics are sooooo good!!! The spanish is just the best part!! As a fic idea👀👀 spending summer with Carlos at mallorca!!
Sunburnt dinners, him loosing his mind over how cute you look a little sunburnt with your bikinis and summer dresses
hello anon! thank you so much, i really appreciate it 🫶🏻 I didn’t know if you wanted it to me a smut of just fluff but here you go!
🌶️ warnings: none. just Carlos simping over his fiancé, complimenting her so much
a/n: hihi! i hope you liked this and im sorry if there is any mistake, i’ll try to improve. Feel free to leave feedbacks, requests or anything else!
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It was summer time. Your fiancé, Carlos, surprised you with tickets for both of you to spend a week at Mallorca, a beautiful island in Spain, perfect place to visit in summer.
Carlos is a morning person and wanted to make the most of the few vacation days he had with you. Some days he wakes up early and likes to take you to have breakfast near the beach, other days he likes to cook breakfast himself before taking you for a walk over touristic places, showing new things about his beautiful country.
Then, he made sure not to forget about taking his girl to the beach as well, spending your afternoons there, drinking a couple of cocktails, relaxing under the sun, watching the sunset which is a gorgeous view but for Carlos, you are always his best view.
You’ve noticed that by the way he always has his eyes on you and how he simply cannot keep his hands for himself, always grabbing you, touching you in any way. oh he loves your little outfits for the summer and the sunburns adds the perfect spark to it. You are driving him crazier as the days pass by.
It was the last day you were staying in Mallorca, tomorrow morning you were taking a flight back home with Carlos. The plan for today was having a romantic dinner at a restaurant but you wanted to have a little walk around the island to watch the sunset before that.
You were standing in front of the big mirror at the hotels room, getting ready, doing your makeup and wearing those summer dresses that you loved for how comfy and cute they were. Your fiancé was all dressed up already in some casual clothes, nothing too fancy.
You noticed Carlos stare on you all the time, as you got out from the shower, as you were choosing your clothes, putting them on and now.
“You’ve been staring at me the whole time. Tienes algo que decir?” Do you have something to say? You said, looking at the man sitting over the edge of the bed over the mirror, just right behind you.
“Solo una cosa… y es que te ves tan jodidamente hermosa” just one thing… that you look so freaking stunning. He said, eyes not looking away from your body, obviously checking you out.
“Oh really? thank you, amor, but if you keep staring at me for too long, i might melt” you giggled, turning around now that you’re done with your makeup. “ready now!”
“Wait, come over here. Date una vueltecita” do a little spin for me. He signaled with his fingers and you laughed, doing as he asked before walking over to him.
Once he had you close enough, his hands found their way to your bare waist, pulling you even closer to his body. Your dress had slits there and your back was completely exposed so you could feel his warmth against your skin.
“I think this is my favorite outfit on you so far… i mean you always look so pretty and beautiful but oh my god. i love it” he checked you out for the probably fifth time in the night, fingertips gently caressing your skin. “te ves tan mona, como una princesa, mi princesa” you look so cute, like a princess, my princess.
“yeah? then i should wear it more often so I can be your princess more often” you smiled, hands on his shoulders as he stood up. Carlos leaned down a little to place soft kisses on your lips and cheeks, his beard ticking you a little.
“Doesn’t the ring on your finger means that you’re my princess already? or even better, you’re my queen. Always.” he whispered, leaving a last kiss with a “muaw” sound. “Eres toda mía, cariño” you’re all mine, love.
“And you’re gonna steal all the cameras! The paparazzi are going to be taking photos of this beautiful woman instead of me” he faked a pout, being dramatic as always.
You playfully hit his shoulder. “Hey! you know that’s not true” you giggled at his pout and couldn’t help but kiss those puffy lips that always drive you crazy.
“Con ese vestido de seguro que si” with that dress, i’m pretty sure. He walked closer to the mirror, gently turned around so you’re looking at yourself in it. “Es que mírate” Look at you.
“Nunca me voy a cansar de decirte que me traes loco” im never gonna get tired of telling you that you drive me crazy.
And then you were late for dinner, but still got to have your romantic date. Carlos continued on complimenting every single thing about you, specially about how good you looked, but as much as he loved your outfit, as soon as you came back to the hotel room, the dress didn’t stayed on for much longer :)
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gloomwitchwrites · 2 days
Congrats on 1k. You deserve it so much!! Could you please do Price with PDA?
Oh my goodness. Thank you so much, anon! I really appreciate it!! Can you have Captain John Price with PDA? Absolutely you can. Gosh I adore him. Anyway! Enjoy!
Written with gn!reader in mind.
Content & Warnings: fluff, minor suggestive themes
Word Count: 331
A/N: Thank you to everyone who has submitted requests for the 1k follower event. This event is currently closed and I am no longer taking requests. Thank you!
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist // 1k follower event masterlist
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John who is formidable in the field. Who takes charge. Who doesn’t stand down even when the task seems impossible.
John who keeps a picture of you somewhere on him at all times.
John who keeps still on the way back from a completed mission, but internally he’s a nervous mess.
John who only wants to be back in your arms as quickly as possible.
John who knows how to leave work at the door when he comes home.
John who transforms entirely when he returns home.
John who immediately goes in for a kiss. It’s always soft at first, and then he deepens things until your fingers are digging into his uniform, pulling him closer.
John who loves being seen with you.
John who never stops touching you in public. He doesn’t care if others see it. He’s back home with you, and that is all that matters to him.
John who likes to have his arm draped over your shoulders out in public because he can tuck you against him easier. It’s also more convenient when he wants a kiss.
John who always has an arm around your waist when the two of you are at rest somewhere like standing in line.
John who has to sit beside you whenever the two of you are out anywhere. There is no sitting across the table if he can help it.
John who likes to have a constant hand on your thigh.
John who isn’t afraid to ask for kisses in front of others.
John who doesn’t mind when you playful go to grab his hand and he draws away with a tease on his on his tongue. He makes you work for it.
John who knows you belong to him and wants to make sure others know.
John who won’t kiss you roughly in public but won’t hesitate to whisper how he’ll kiss you once the two of you are alone.
John who is proud to be seen with you.
@km-ffluv @glitterypirateduck @tiredmetalenthusiast @spicyspicyliving @miaraei
@coffeecaketornado @aykxz98 @kayden666 @unhinged-reader-36 @miss-mistinguett
@keiva1000 @cherryofdeath @sapphichotmess @enfppuff @kittytiddywinks
@berarenado @saoirse06 @haven-1307 @ninman82 @no-oneelsebutnsu
@marispunk @thewulf @lxblm @ferns-fics @ooldcardigan
@beebeechaos @enarien @sw33tsnow @kessi-21 @makayla-666
@lifes-project @burn1ngw00d @heeheehoohoohahahihi @lulurubberduckie @ravenpoe67
@contractedcriteria @lovely-ateez @gingergirl06 @kidd3ath @leed-bbg
@nelladowney @blackhawkfanatic @suhmie @tulipsun-flower @ghosts-hoe
@jaggersinclair @nomercyforthewarrior @dakotakazansky @talooolaaloolla @hantheconqueror
@littlemisscriesherselftosleep @umno-yeah
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fixing-bad-posts · 2 days
Thank you so much for explaining about the kink at pride thing! I’ve never actually been to pride, I live with a conservative family and don’t have a driver’s license or car of my own, but I hope to go sometime in the future. I definitely feel better about it knowing nothing explicit is shown, and while some kink stuff does make me uncomfortable yeah I can just look away and kids get told ‘I’ll tell you when you’re older’ all the time. I’ll try to find more people on the subject and I’ll get firsthand experience of what it’s like when I finally attend pride, and I do agree with other stuff where stuff (like social media) shouldn’t be sanitized and rather spaces without inappropriate should just be created for kids and others who just don’t want it, so logically the same should be applied here. I really appreciate you taking the time to explain without getting mad I was really scared about sending an ask!
my pleasure, anon! definitely talk to people who have been to your local pride celebrations before if you're worried about anything, and have a happy pride month 🌈
i also wanted to say that although i may seem confidently sex & kink positive at this point in my life, it wasn't always like that.
confessionally, when i saw kink at my first pride (it was leather pups), i was definitely uncomfortable and looked away. i even thought it didn't make sense of them to be there, and wondered why they were included. but those feelings didn't overshadow the fun i had that day, and the joy i experienced being around people who were unashamed to love themselves and were queer like me. one of my friends asked me what exactly my identity was and for the first time i put a name to myself and chose a flag. it was euphoria. these days when i go to pride and see kink-celebration, i cheer as loud as i can because of the self-acceptance and resilient queer history they represent for me <3
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elsewherewitch · 2 days
FREE 1-Card Tarot Readings CLOSED✨🔮✨
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UPDATE 6/17: I have closed my free tarot readings as I have around 35 requests rn, and I wanna catch up with asks this week. I will reopen once caught up! Thank you to those who requested, and I promise I am working on them. I appreciate your patience! However, WITCHY MOODBOARD REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN: 10 SPOTS LEFT.
Hello, my twitchy-witchy friends! I have 40+ tarot decks now (yes I’m a tarot addict) and many are new or less used, so I have opened tarot requests.
I will be pulling 1 card per ask. What can you expect from me: I will pull your card, provide a photo of said card, write a paragraph or two for your question with the card meaning & the reading itself. If you liked your reading, please like/reblog or let me know!💜
Send 1 question with your initials (or your name/witchy name) to my Ask box. If you have a question involving another specific person send their initials, as well. 
Anon questions welcomed
If you have a specific deck you want used for your question, I likely have it, so just add that to your ask.
I will NOT be using my classic Rider-Waite deck for these requests.
Vague, general, and specific questions are all welcome.
Vibe checks, love, career, and unique questions are more than encouraged!
Yes/No questions are allowed, but just know you may not get an exact answer.
Do NOT DM me, I will not be looking there and will not answer DM requests.
Do NOT send a request if you do not want it posted publicly on tumblr. I will be posting every request I answer.
No time oriented questions, like “When will I ____?” My readings cannot give timeframes.
Do NOT send questions about serious issues. Examples: death, poor health, pet health, will I get into [blank school/job etc], and subjects along those lines. I do not feel comfortable guiding someone on those significant matters.
I do NOT tolerate hate or bullying. This is a free service. I will not hesitate to block hateful speech.
THIS IS FREE. I am an experienced tarot reader of 10+ years and do this on the weekends for fun! I have 2 other jobs during the week. It may take me a bit to get to your request. Please be patient.
I have the right to refuse any reading for any reason. I will let you know if I cannot do your reading.
I reserve the right to choose any tarot deck for your question. I opened requests so I can familiarize myself with my less used/newer decks.
Some explanations of the cards may not match the exact written definitions in the guidebooks. Tarot reading is more than just reading a guidebook.
Do NOT treat readings as fact and law, because they are not. These are suggestions/options in the future, possible outcomes, and/or advice. I cannot see the future, I can only interpret tarot.
First person to request gets a free 3-card reading✨🔮
Check my bio to see what requests are still open. I mark open with:✅ and closed with ❌. It’s first come, first serve! Read with you soon, lovelies ~ Elsewhere🌚
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tiggerriot · 1 day
I don’t have my TikTok anymore so I can’t harass you on there but once again I love ur art so much uwu 😘
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every time i get an ask like this i read it, cry, spend four or five hours trying to think of an appropriate way to express how grateful i am that people like my art, and then realize I’ll never be able to adequately express it in words - but thank you anon ;-; just know I appreciate you
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darcytaylor · 2 days
I've been reading other blogs about Luke, Nicola and Antonia...and I have to say yours has been the best one. (In my opinion, of course.) I feel like you have kept a fairly neutral unbiased take and still hold a positive voice in your thoughts. Some other blogs are bashing so and so or are so upset it can be extreme to read.... also the anons in the asks of said blogs. I've been keeping my own opinions to myself but have been fascinated by others take on the matter. I loved your deep dive. It gave me another perspective and I'm glad you did a part 2. I appreciate your hard work! I was hooked on Bridgerton but I am weary of what's to come going forward.
Thank you so much for you kind words!
One of the reasons I made the deep dive was because I saw all of the hate geared towards everybody! I also didn't make it to be hateful (to Luke or Antonia).
I saw people making up stories to rationalize why they were angry, which in part has caused more outrage and spiralling. Everything in my deep dive has been put out into the public by Luke and/or his team. If people could rationalize their feelings of anger (with some truth), maybe they wouldn't be so angry anymore?
I could see that there were valid reasons to be upset because of how the situation was handled. Like I said multiple times - it's the accumulation of all of the mistakes leading up to the final paparazzi pictures that I think ultimately caused outrage. There was a lack of care from the beginning that was the downfall.
And at the end of the day everybody in this situation is human. Humans make mistakes. Humans are flawed. It's okay to try to give a little grace to everybody involved (that includes Luke, Antonia, and the fans that are very upset).
I'm looking forward to what Bridgerton has in store. Although we won't know for a long time! Another 2 year wait for the next season! UGHH
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starlightiing · 3 days
Hi! If it’s not too much of a bother, could you say what made you like Esteban? He’s one of the few guys on the grid that I think I only “dislike” because the majority does. I feel like it’d help to “get to know” him a little from other perspectives.
Heyya anon! I appreciate you reaching out to ask me about this and to learn a bit about Esteban in general, instead of just continuing to blindly follow the crowd.
There are many things I love about Esteban. First and foremost, he is incredibly sweet and very, very humble. He did not come from a rich family like majority of the other drivers. When he was a child, his parents sold their family home and got a caravan to fund Esteban and also follow him around from race to race when he was Karting. He remembers that wholeheartedly and talks about it often in interviews. He is grateful and gracious and has a very strong relationship with his parents. He used to help his dad (who owned a garage and worked on cars) when he was young as well.
Because of this, his spirit to fight and do well is very strong. His parents made so many sacrifices for him and for them, he puts his all, every bit of his heart into what he does. It's part of the reason why he competes as hard as he does. He has ALWAYS had to fight for everything, where most others got seats because they bought them or brought in huge sponsors, ect. Fighting is all he knows.
He has also since paid his parents back the money they put into him. His parents are so dear to his heart 🩷
His kindness astounds me. He is the sweetest to his fans. I'll place some links here at the bottom for your viewing pleasure. One of them, a fan gives him a friendship bracelet and he's so grateful for it and immediately puts it on. He smiles so brightly at her as he thanks her and it's very warm. There's another where a young boy launches at him, and security tries to pry him off but Esteban tells them it's okay, and the boy is clung to him, crying, kissing his hand and Esteban is saying "I'm here, I'm here. What's wrong? I'm here." To him the whole time, patiently taking photos and signing his hat and hugging him. Every fan encounter for Esteban has always been a soft and gentle recount of events, no one has ever said he was off color to them. He apparently speaks to track workers frequently as well and makes time for anyone that wants to talk to him. I will also link some interviews that really showcase his heart and he talks about his family, his racing, and even one where he mentions a moment that hurt him when he had an encounter with a "fan" that only took a photo with him bc he was famous and then said "I didn't like you at first but after talking to you, I do." He's not afraid to say when things hurt him. He's not afraid of much of anything, really.
As a driver, he is fierce. He can come off very intimidating on the track. He can come off as scary and dangerous. He isn't. He is a strong, fierce competitor and he doesn't settle for less. He was THROWING UP in his helmet at a race once and kept driving. He's stated that he will never retire his car for himself having physical issues. He will always push. He will always fight. This is it for him. Formula one is it. Nothing will ever be enough for him. This spirit, coming from a tough childhood where he was forced to grow up too quickly, with the strain and stress of the world on his shoulders to perform at his best because any less was unacceptable, knowing his parents gave up everything for him, it's so vibrant and strong. Does this mean he makes stupid mistakes sometimes? Of course. They all do. But it just shows the passion that's there and the spirit to push and fight and do the best he absolutely can do. He doesn't settle for less from anyone else and most certainly not less from himself.
I personally love the way he drives. There are times he makes me nervous and gets my heart rate up when he does some crazy maneuvers and sometimes I'm yelling WHAT ARE YOU DOING but otherwise, I love the fight. You can see his heart when he races and I think that's really amazing.
I leave you now with some links. I've of course not been able to touch on everything, but this should be enough information for you to form your own opinion on him I think! But feel free to reach out for more content if you'd like some! I will always wax poetic about this man 💕 He is a treasure.
Very excited fan: https://x.com/stxphology/status/1797649796788031703
Friendship bracelet: https://www.tumblr.com/starlightiing/749111919198240768?source=share
Deep dive interview: https://youtu.be/Y_riefCAJJ8?si=VXpbSe4Zrbu_go03
Reddit asks him questions: https://youtu.be/6khoBjn50VI?si=ewZh11sy27pan6-S
Thank you anon, for looking to form your own opinion (even if you end up still not liking him) instead of following the crowd!
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gunsatthaphan · 3 days
Hey you, I don’t really know who else to ask this so I’ll ask you I hope it’s okay. Do you by any chance know when the other gmmtv shows that were announced will get release dates? Will they all air this year? If you know anything about this, that‘d be appreciated. Thank you in advance! Oh and your blog is amazing!!
hello anon!
that's a perfectly reasonable question haha of course it's okay 🧡 and thank you! 🥺
I'm gonna give you a little overview of the 2 lineups with their shows + respective statuses (not including the ones that are airing/finished obvs):
part 1 (all likely to air in 2024):
The Trainee: likely replacing Only Boo starting in 2 or 3 weeks.
Kidnap: nearly done filming, airing later this year.
Peaceful Property: nearly done filming, airing later this year.
Summer Night: nearly done filming, airing later this year.
Pluto: holding workshops, airing later this year.
High School Frenemy: on filming-hiatus due to accident on set, airing later this year or early 2025.
Ossan's Love TH: filming to start next month, no further updates.
My Golden Blood: in script-revision phase, no further updates.
Enigma 2: no updates.
part 2 (all likely to air in late 2024/early 2025):
Perfect10 Liners: currently filming, likely to air this year and run into 2025.
Thame-Po: holding workshops, airing later this year.
The Heart Killers: in location-scouting & script revision phase, filming to start this or next month, airing later this year.
Leap Day: no updates.
Friendshit Forever: no updates.
Us: no updates.
Hide & Sis: no updates.
Break Up Service: no updates.
Revamp: no updates.
Sweet Tooth, Good Dentist: no updates.
The Dark Dice: no updates.
The Ex-Morning: no updates.
Scarlet Heart: no updates.
I hope this helped you anon, sadly there's no way of knowing when all these shows will actually be released but I think it's fair to say that even though they're both technically "2024 lineups", it's impossible to air all of them this year lol so I'm pretty sure that the shows from part 1 can all be expected to air some time in the next 6 months (except for maybe MGB and Enigma 2) and the ones from part 2 will probably come next year with the exception of Perfect10 Liners, The Heart Killers and Thame-Po which we can expect this year for sure 😉
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booksapphic · 8 months
YOU GET IT!! My biggest issue with a lot of Fratt fics is they either write Karen out, underplay her role, or make her the villain. I love Kastle, but in a Fratt context it's so easy for them to just be friends who adore eachother or even exes who stayed close and are fond of eachother just in a more platonic way now. Karen is so important to both Matt and Frank and she adds a lot of fun potential to Fratts dynamic, stop throwing her in the trash!!
OH 100% YES
(under the cut bc this got long i have so many thoughts about them)
And yes, I understand some fic concepts don't lend to her inclusion which is completely fine but, and luckily i haven't seen any that make her the villain but it's so insane to me bc in my mind, when I think about post-canon how are Matt and Frank actually going to start working together? how do they end up in each other's orbits again? It's Karen. It's all Karen, it has to be Karen. Even if Frank's back in the city he'd probably stay out of Hell's Kitchen as much as possible, and it's not like Matt would seek him out if he's in another part of the city. They'd never reach out for help on their own bc they're way to proud for that, each of them. But Karen? Karen would get them both to her apartment and basically strongarm them into working together and Frank would give her anything she wants because he always does and Matt would probably try to protest but eventually give in bc they're trying to be friends again, and Matt's trying he is, and he knows Karen just wants to help. Meanwhile, Karen orchestrated this whole thing bc two of the most important people in her life exist on the same tiny island and they both do something deadly every single day and she just wants them to live so goddamit she's going to strongarm them into working together. She'll pull a compromise to kill only in self-defense out of Frank and a nod out of Matt and any time she finds something in her PI work and/or reporting work (bc in my mind she stays a freelancer) that she guesses they're gonna get involved in she tags them in on it until they exchange their numbers and she doesn't have to play middleman (yes i have already written this scene for an upcoming fic how could you tell).
Also re: Kastle as exes--I like equally as well the amiable exes and the decided-to-stay-friends route. I think of Luulapants' Fratt fic A Crateful of Grenades in which Karen makes the decision to be only friends with both of them and I like that a lot for several reasons. Primarily, it's important to me that Karen has the agency in relationships with either of them, considering they've both had previous love interests be fridged. I don't think Matt would pursue her again based on how their relationship ended in s2, and I don't think Frank would pursue so much as make it clear he loves her and leave it on her to make the decision. (For the record, I do think Karen would be the one to eventually break it off, bc I don't think Frank would give her any information regarding his work outside of what's reported in the news. Even if he's credited with killings that he didn't do, I don't think he'd tell Karen nor do I think he would answer her questions about them. The complete honesty that's so important to her, that drive for truth--I think it'd spell their downfall in the same way it spelled matt and karen's.) There's deliciousness to be had in the resulting dynamic either way. If kastle dates for a time and then eventually breaks up, while they're dating I can see that adding such an interesting dynamic to Frank and Matt's friendship--they are tentative allies but this is possibly someone who will be around in their life permanently, depending on how kastle's relationship goes. Them mentioning her ("tell Karen goodnight for me" "let Karen know i'm going to be late tomorrow bc of my injuries" "Karen mentioned your client whose story isn't adding up. We're going after him tonight, yeah?" etc.) and to some degree bonding over her, giving the other person a chance bc they trust her so much is so important to me. Once kastle breaks up and Matt begins to catch feelings for Frank it turns into "i should not date my best friend's ex." and then "i need to make sure Karen doesn't mind me dating her ex." If they're just friends then from both Matt and Frank's perspective she's the one I could see them talking about their feelings (would they? no, or only in an incredibly roundabout way. but if they were going to, that's who they'd go to.) Either way, too, we get Foggy being like "pls get another friend/date someone else. someone who's not a mass murderer. I know he's hot, but god, is it really worth it?" (they answer, yes he really is, you don't get it, but-- Both Karen and Matt look a little red-faced and hazy-eyed and Foggy's like that's not what I meant dear lord pls don't share that information with me ever again). This, again, opens up for the TOP TIER DYNAMIC of Karen, Matt, and Frank each being one of the most important people in the others' lives and Foggy is horrifyingly along for the ride. Frank doesn't really understand why Matt and Karen are so committed to Foggy, but that could be bc Foggy just glares at him anytime they're in the same space.
FINALLY with your last point, another part of the fratt dynamic i would love to see karen explored more is that she is just as insane as both of them. she is just as likely to commit crimes, she just doesn't have the training they do. i would LOVE to see her getting herself involved in more investigative reporting that leads to her calling Matt and Frank as back-up, or as her being the person who gives them a lot of leads--Frank will break up drug deals, and Matt will punch muggers, and Karen will be dropping all the information necessary for them to take down rampant corruption in the NYC mayor's office right into their laps like "i have a job for you" and they'll look at her with stars in her eyes. (Matt: "... how did you get some of this information?" karen: "i broke into the mayor's house during her lunch break and also made some minor threats to her wife." Frank: "WHAT?" "... on second thought don't worry about it :)") Neither frank nor matt would ever tag her in intentionally, but if they let something slip about something they're working on and it catches her interest? now they're the ones along for the ride.
(ALSO i've talked about how i can't actually imagine fratt getting married but if they have a wedding, Karen's their maid of honor. which one-? yes.)
ANYWAY i have to go to bed but thank you for letting me rant about them i love them so much goddamn
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 4 months
i apologize if this is weird but your fat miku art has helped me with my self esteem <3 im chubby and ive always loved hatsune miku and seeing her so happy has made me feel a lot better about myself. fat girls for the win 💙💙💙
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shadowtraveled · 12 days
In your Mithrun analysis, when you say “maybe it's also particularly gentle that, in the end, there was someone who refused to even consider giving up on him.” who is the ‘someone’ in your mind? Milsiril? Kabru and the canaries? I loved your analysis, so I’m curious
OH kabru absolutely
milsiril spared him and, decades later, helped him with his physical rehabilitation, but it seems like she more or less gave up on his personhood. no more desires -> no more mithrun as we knew him -> no more mithrun. she spared him because he wasn’t completely devoid of motivation to live, and she used the single motivator he had left to eventually get him to keep himself alive, and she briefly even seemed to want to try and instill some of his old mask (even with the understanding that that’s what it was) back into him, but that fell through immediately and i think with it went her optimism that mithrun would ever… be a person again. “too late now, i guess.”
then the canaries are on good enough terms with him, but they’re practically instructed to treat him like a weapon or a tool they’re maintaining. i believe it’s cithis that tells kabru to take care of mithrun but clarifies that really what that is is just making sure he eats. ensuring his baseline needs for survival are met. and really, that’s all she was ever tasked with. when it’s all over and mithrun is cataleptic, the canaries stay physically near him, but they seem to have accepted that he’s gone—without the demon to chase, he has nothing to live for. cithis, though, seems to be closer to mithrun than any of the others, and i don’t think it’s a coincidence that she’s the one who calls lycion off and encourages kabru to try engaging with him when she hears the beginning of what he has to say.
this post caught a lot of my opinions regarding mithrun’s relationships (linking to my reblog of it because i dumped some thoughts in the tags) but tldr i do think milsiril and the canaries fall short of thinking of mithrun as a person, and that’s why their relationships with him fail him somewhat. i don’t think that’s their fault, because it seems like they were taught to think of losing your desires as a complete loss of self and humanity, but it does mean they see mithrun as someone who has already been lost. kabru is demonstrably different in that he’s able to help mithrun see a future beyond the demon, and he’s able to do it because he deals with mithrun like he’s human. because he is. and all of that stems from the specific aspect of kabru’s personality that is his obsession with people
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2aceofspades · 8 months
good evening (or whichever time of day it is)
what's your favourite rise dynamic? 👀 doesn't have to be limited to only the turtles or two individuals!
✨ Good evening ✨ Good morning ✨ Good afternoon ✨
Covered all my bases 👈👈😎
That's a great question! It'd have to be these victims- I mean, these two...
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Raph and that blue guy
I love the older brother and middle bro dynamic cuz it's um...familiar to me hehe
Whether it's in the show, the movie, or my own art, I just love them and their dynamic very very much
Peepaw Leo and Casey jr are a very close second though. And honestly, as I draw more bad future stuff, I really enjoy exploring f!Mikey and f!Leo's dynamic.
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rottiens · 1 month
Stepmom Yuki has severe breeding kink 😔✊️
she fucks you nice and deep, putting her hands on your belly looking adoringly at the way the cock separates your slippery folds and she would love nothing more than to fill you to the last drop. she in fact, debates whether she would love to cum in your folds or so deep inside you. her thumb moves from your belly button to your clit and strokes it sweetly as she takes the leg above her shoulder and kisses your calf, moving her hips in such a way that she manages to get even deeper.
the idea of her seed inside you, your tits swollen from pregnancy and her lips on your sweet sensitive nipples is what makes her cum silently, calling your name as she bites your skin.
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lovvecherrymotion · 9 days
thoughts on Nace's antibiotic tit milk please
i feel like drinking it would fix all my problems
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decaffeinatedunicorn · 2 months
I'm pretty sure it was for New york I love you
credit: just jared
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awkwardtickleetoo · 5 days
Wake up brain bb
Content warning: ¿romantic? Snf
Imagine Sapnap and George slow dancing, like at a wedding or for Dream's music video, and Sapnap just starts tickling George and he has to shove his face in his neck/shoulder to muffle himself
the way i know this ask is almost a year old now bc it was sent around when the uieud video came out……….. so uh….. happy birthday??
on a real note thank you for waiting so long lmao, i am getting there slowly but surely 😤☝️
but either way, i still love this idea so much :((( bc snf are definitely the type to slow dance all sweetly together just for fun, especially in a situation like the set of the music video when they’re getting sleepier towards the end of the day
i can just picture them getting clingy after the long day of shooting, soft music playing as people finish up, and they find a moment where george can pull sap in by his shoulders and hug him tight, sapnap reciprocating with his arms around his waist and swaying side to side with the music, and eventually sapnap’s hands slip under george’s suit jacket and onto his sides over his shirt, his thumbs pressing in and rubbing side to side, and george just. starts giggling.
sapnap is confused for a second, but it all starts making sense when george’s face flushes red and he squirms, refuses to make eye contact, looks down at sapnap’s hands, etc etc. sapnap pushes further, wiggling his fingers against george’s sides just to hear him squeal, and that’s the exact moment someone decides to walk past them, startling george and making him feel even more embarrassed
he decides hiding his face is his only option– considering the only other thing he could do is stop sapnap, and why would he do that when the butterflies swirling in his tummy makes him feel so warm and sapnap’s arms feel so safe?– so he buries his face in the crook of sap’s neck, tightening his arms around his shoulders so he can’t pull away, letting out his cute muffled giggles/squeaks/whines as sapnap’s hands continue to explore under his jacket
sap only goes for so long, not wanting to put too much strain on george when hes so sleepy and giddy, and knowing they should help pack up so they could get home and actually get in bed, so eventually he slows the tickles to a stop, making sure to coo at george about how unbelievably cute he is while he could still whisper it in his ear
but, to the delight of both of them, there would be plenty more of those tickles awaiting george as soon as they arrived back home <33
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