#thank you for the orange charlie
iero · 8 months
Halloween mobile layout is gone and we are now onto to the black and purple layout!!
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Maverick is a brat seeking brat tamer send tweet
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forzalando · 5 months
Orange Theory
Charles Leclerc x best friend!reader (female reader)
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summary: charles and his best friend do countless nice things for each other, but they're just behaving like any good friend would. right? wc: 2.5k author's note: ok guys so this is not the Charles fic i promised (she is still a WIP and i will finish her eventually. probably will have to be a multi-part fic with how long it's getting), but i hope you enjoy this one in the meantime! special thanks to @scuderiahoney for encouragement and inspiration. special thanks to @sof1shticated for reading and assuring me this doesn't suck. if you haven't read their fics, both Lee and Mel have some gems that i adore. HIGHLY recommend checking out their masterlists! warnings: none!
You loved summer break – Charles was home for at least a few weeks, days spent on a yacht, every afternoon and evening spent with friends either at dinner or out at some club until someone got too drunk to carry on.
Today was, in your humble opinion, the perfect day. All of your friends, courtesy of Charles, were sprawled out on the sun deck of a rented boat or splashing around in the water below. You could feel the heat radiating off of Lando as he laid next to you and whispered about how McLaren was making insane upgrades – according to him, they might just have a race-winning car in the second half of the season.
“Are you boring my best friend to tears, Norris?” The brutal sun disappeared behind Charles’ body as he stood above you – as if on instinct, he shifted slightly so that you could look up at him and not be blinded by its rays.
“She’s hanging on my every word, right, Y/N? In fact, she asked me how I’m feeling about Zandvoort and the rest of the season.”
“And?” Charles asked, a small smile on his face.
“Like I would tell you what’s going on with the car! I know Y/N can keep a secret, she would never betray me to a prancing horse. She bleeds papaya.”
You laughed along with Lando – the one point of contention that had always existed in your friendship with Charles. Of course, you became a Ferrari fan because of him, but you’d always been a McLaren and Mercedes loyalist. It was something that Lando, Oscar, and George relished in.
“Alright, alright, no need to rub it in, Norris,” you giggled. “What can I do for you, Charlie?”
“I just came to give you this.”
Within seconds, a perfectly peeled orange dropped in your lap. Lando’s eyes grew wide for a moment but a swift glare from Charles had his face back to normal in no time. You missed the interaction, jumping up from your seat in excitement.
“Aw, Charlie! You are the best friend a girl could ask for,” you chirped as you started separating the wedges of fruit.
“Ah, don’t mention it,” he sighed, waving his citrus-scented hand in the air. “There’s more in the cooler if you want! Freshly peeled!”
“Thank you, mon cher ami.” You quickly kissed his cheek, noticing as you pulled away just how red it was, along with his neck and the tips of his ears. “Charles! How many times do I have to tell you to put on sunscreen? Your face and neck are fried!”
“I don’t think it’s from the sun,” Lando mumbled, his eyes trained on the fruit in your hands. With Charles insisting he was fine, you could barely hear what he had said.
“What did you say, Lan?” You asked, turning your attention away from Charles for a moment.
Once again, Lando was met with a menacing glare and he laughed awkwardly before moving his gaze to the horizon.
“Nothing, nothing, Y/N. Just thinking out loud.”
Shrugging your shoulders, you turned back to Charles and handed him the orange he had just given to you. With your now free hands, you rifled through your beach bag until you found the SPF 50 face cream you had packed that morning with Charles in mind.
“Here, I packed this for you. Please put some on so I don’t have to worry about you getting sun poisoning,” you pleaded with your best puppy dog eyes.
Charles stared without answering for far too long – anything you wanted, all you had to do was ask him and he’d do it. Even without you gazing at him with your wide, siren eyes, he would give you the world if you so desired it.
He shook his head slightly, pulling himself out of the daze caused by your pleading eyes. “Oui, ma fleur, I will put on the sun cream. Je promets.”
You smiled in triumph, taking the orange back from Charles and bidding him a “see you later” before laying back down in your lounger. Popping an orange slice into your mouth, you let out a contented sigh. Somehow, whether Charles was magic or he had some serious connections in the produce world, the fruit he picked out and gave to you always tasted better than anything you bought yourself.
“He peels your oranges for you?”
You hummed and turned to Lando – “what, Lan?”
“Does Charles always peel your oranges for you?”
“Well, no, obviously not always. Why?”
Before Lando could answer, Lily plopped down next to you and stole an orange slice from your hand.
“I swear,” she huffed, “Alex and George are competitive to begin with, but when they get together, it’s unbearable. They’ve been having a “who can hold their breath the longest” contest for the past thirty minutes! Rematch after rematch after rematch, I called in my favor with Oscar to get out of judging their little competition.”
“As if either of them could beat me, they probably didn’t ask me to join because they’re scared,” Lando bragged. “I’ll leave you ladies to chat, go show them how it’s done.”
As Lando walked towards the edge of the boat, you and Lily turned towards one another.
“Men,” you scoffed in unison, following it up with belly laughs and lingering giggles.
As the laughter died down, Lily ate the orange slice she had stolen from you and practically moaned in delight. “Where did you get this orange? It might be the best I’ve ever had!”
“It’s from Charles! I was just thinking about this, I don’t know how he does it but he always has the best fruit. Every time he brings me any I am both ecstatic and pissed off – my fruit is never as good as his and we shop at the same grocery store!”
“Well, does he have any more oranges? I could eat 20 of these.”
“He said he left me more in his cooler, let me grab them.”
A few moments later, you walked back to Lily with a bag of peeled oranges in your right hand and two bottles of water in your left.
“Are you a professional orange peeler? You were only gone for two minutes.”
“Oh no,” you giggled, “Charles peeled them for me. He knows I don’t like peeling them so when he can, he always does it for me.”
“Y/N,” Lily looked at you suspiciously, “do you know what the orange peel theory is?”
You wracked your brain but came up empty. “No, what is it?”
Lily went into a brief explanation – something about how it became a viral tik tok challenge, people asking their partners if they would peel an orange for them and how it was an indicator of true love, soulmates, a healthy relationship, and everything in between. “Well, that’s just silly,” you mumbled through chews, orange juice dribbling down your chin. “I think it just means someone is a good person – Charlie and I aren’t anything more than friends and he peels my oranges, among other things, because he has a good heart.”
“Among other things?” Lily pressed you, her eyes gleaming with something you couldn’t quite place.
“He slices my apples because I have never been able to master the apple corer contraption! And he takes all my grapes off the stems when he’s at my place because I never do – it’s too tedious.”
“What else?”
“Oh, when we go out to breakfast, he always brings me a tea when he picks me up. He’s an early riser and I take forever to get ready. He knows I never have time to make it myself when we have plans before 10am.”
Lily was smirking at you, no, smiling at you. It was a little unnerving, the way she was entirely amused at the information you were giving her. However, the moment was briefly interrupted by the arrival of Alex.
“What are we talking about, ladies?” He spoke cheerfully, a broad smile on his face which meant that he was most likely declared the best breath holder of the 2019 rookies.
“Y/N was just telling me about all the sweet things Charles does for her,” Lily gushed.
“Oh god, when is he not doing things for her? Did you see him buttering her bread for her at dinner last week?”
Lily burst out laughing while you playfully punched Alex’s arm. “I’m indecisive! He butters it for me while I read the menu since it takes me so long to figure out what I want to order. It saves time!”
“He does that on a regular basis?” Alex asked incredulously, looking at Lily with wide eyes. “My god, that man is head over heels.”
“Alex,” you protested, “Charles is not in love with me. We’ve been friends for six years, I think I would know by now.”
“You’re both impossible,” Alex groaned. “Come on, Lily, I just came over to get you so we could play water polo with George and Carmen.”
Lily sighed in defeat, though she had a smile on her face at the thought of spending time with Alex even if it meant another competition. “I’ll see you, later, yeah?” She called over her shoulder, waving goodbye as you teased her by dramatically eating another slice of orange and settling back in your chair. At the front of the boat, Charles was laughing with Pierre and almost as if he felt you looking, he turned around and met your gaze.
Even though you had just wholly denied anything more than friendship between you and him, you couldn’t help but think about your interactions with Lily and Alex.
Sure, Charles sometimes did things that were out of the ordinary for ‘just friends’, but he had the sweetest soul of anyone you’d ever met. He always sacrificed his umbrella or jacket for you, made sure you had fresh tulips in your apartment when he was home in between races, had your favorite meal delivered to you when you were having a rough day while he was away and you missed him.
You did things for him too – cleaned his apartment when you knew he was on his way back to Monaco, left him plenty of sticky notes with words of encouragement if he was coming back from a bad race, stocked his fridge full of his favorite things. Recently, you’d been gifting him annotated books because he mentioned he wanted to read more and always enjoyed listening to you talk about your favorite novels. Since you spent most of the year apart, you decided he could at least read your thoughts.
When you could come to races, unfortunately a rare occurrence due to your graduate classes and work schedule, he made sure Ferrari hospitality had your favorite flavor of sparkling water on hand. Anytime you saw a cute dog video, you would send it to him because they always made him smile.
You’d do anything to make him smile, just as he would for you, which is what a good friend would do. A best friend, it’s what a best friend would do.
But best friends didn’t linger in doorways and stare at each other’s lips when bidding each other goodnight. They didn’t cuddle close and fall asleep in each other’s arms on a couch while watching whatever movie you had chosen because he always let you choose.
They didn’t look at one another the way Charles was looking at you now – his sunglasses pushed up on top of his head and a dopey smile on his face. He waved to you and dramatically blew you a kiss, something he always did when he caught your eye across a room, no matter who was around.
You practically launched yourself to your feet, the last remaining orange slices in your lap falling to the lounger and staining the seat with juice. It was only seconds until you were standing in front of Charles but the walk over felt like an eternity with the way the world around you disappeared and your heart pounded in your chest.
“Est-ce que tu maimes, Charles?”
The question came out in one breath, your chest heaving in anticipation for his response.
“Of course, I love you, ma fleur,” he laughed. “What’s gotten into you?”
“No,” you panted. “Do you love me, Charlie? Est-ce que tu maimes?”
“Of course, I love you,” he answered again, his eyes shining and a small smile on his face that told you everything you needed to know. “Every time I think of you, I love you. Every time I breathe, I love you.”
“Every time you peel my oranges?” You whispered, holding up your orange juice-stained fingertips. He took your right hand in his and held it up to his face to kiss your palm, his eyelashes fluttering against you gently.
“Especially when I peel your oranges. Did you know that I hate doing it too? Like, really hate it. I don’t even peel them for myself.”
You gasped in shock, watching as he threw his head back and laughed jovially.
“I’d do anything for you, ma fleur. Mon soleil. Mon cœur.”
“Would you kiss me?”
“Maybe if Pierre would leave and stop gawking at us.”
This time you threw your head back to laugh, Charles soon joining you as Pierre protested the accusation.
“No, no,” he shouted, “you didn’t even give me a chance to leave. Just started declaring your love before I knew what was happening. Which, by the way, was so obvious it was starting to get annoying. We’ve all tried dropping hints to both of you so I don’t know who got through to you, Y/N, but – ”
“Pierre!” You shouted, eyes wide and arm gesturing him away from the two of you.
“Ah, désolé, I’m leaving,” he grumbled, almost tripping over his own feet to get away as quickly as possible.
You giggled again and Charles gripped your chin softly, pulling your eyes away from Pierre and back to face him.
He leaned in gently, as if he was afraid you would back away and regret taking the leap to go from friends to something so much more.
He tasted like salt water, smelled like sweet fruit and sunscreen – you smiled into the kiss knowing that he had listened to you and put it on, even though you knew he hated the way it felt on his skin.
His fingers gripped your waist and yours trailed up his chest – both of you slightly sticky from the citrus juices and sweat from the sun.
You pulled away and nudged his nose with yours, breathing him in and wishing that this moment would never end. Charles lowered you both to the sun deck, adjusting until you were sitting between his legs and his arms were wrapped firmly around you, the two of you facing the sunset and open sea.
After a few moments, you broke the shared silence. “You know, I would have happily peeled an orange for you if you had ever asked me,” you asserted.
Charles’ hold on you softened at your admission, the thinly veiled meaning not at all lost on him as he pressed his lips to your cheek.
“I love you too, Y/N.”
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astonmartinii · 10 months
into the arms of another part two | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x reader
part two to this !! part three
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liked by arthurleclerc, maxverstappen1 and 661,230 others
yourusername: winner winner chicken dinner !! congrats maxy i’m so proud of you always
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user1: i know charles’ head is hot right now
user2: i hope netflix are taking notes cause this tea is steaming hot
maxverstappen1: thank you baby, helps when i have the prettiest cheerleader in the world
yourusername: i am the sexiest sargent in all of the orange army
maxverstappen1: too right you are
user3: i miss when y/n was the head of the tifosi the red monochromatic fits ate so hard
user4: i need charles to pull his head out of his ass and apologise so we can reclaim her before monza
user5: do not even bring up the fact we may not have custody of her for monza
danielricciardo: leave some for the rest of us maxy
yourusername: no actually i think it’s illegal for max not to win sorry
danielricciardo: will that change if charlie apologises?
yourusername: considering that hasn’t happened and doesn’t look to be happening any time soon - no.
user7: he doesn’t have to do anything, she’s just bitter cause she’s always been the bridesmaid and never the bride. we ALL know she’s always loved charles and she can’t handle that she’s not the centre of his attention it’s kinda pathetic
maxverstappen1: what made you think you know any of us enough to comment something like this? what told you that you even had a right to talk about y/n like that? she’s everything you could ever wish to be and more and she will never ever deserve the things you people are saying about her. charles would be lucky to have y/n in his life platonically or romantically but it’s his loss
user8: boyf of the year right here
user9: charles take note ^^^ this is how you’re meant to defend your best friend
landonorris: i am once again asking for photo credits i’m not gonna be your personal photographer for free
maxverstappen1: i literally paid for your dinner
yourusername: you’re literally a millionaire
landonorris: i don’t care a man still likes to be wined and dined
yourusername: just to make it clear we are not looking for a third
user10: i promise i can change your mind give me a chance
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liked by user11, user12 and 2,349 others
f1tea: charles leclerc caught liking this tweet about the situation between him and y/n. seems like he won’t back down on this. what do you think?
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user13: i need this mans head on a spike i’m so serious
user14: i want to play pinball with the single marble in his head
user15: i think ferrari have genuinely caused real head rot in him cause no way he thinks this is a serve
user16: let's be real charles' biggest rivals are ferrari and himself
user17: not this man at his BIG AGE is liking shady tweets about his best friend
user18: i think it's safe to say they're not best friends any more
user19: also "biggest rival" my ass max and charles are fucking friends now so this whole narrative is complete horse shit
user20: i'm so bored of charles playing the victim bro YOU ARE THE INSTIGATOR YOU ARE THE PROBLEM
user21: the way charles is liking shit like this but max is writing whole ass essays in the comments defending her
user22: and that''s why i'll always back that she ended up with the right man
user23: max is so far in the lead in the championship i need him to take charles out for the narrative
user24: are we in high school? like seriously this is so fucking petty i cannot wait for media day this weekend
user25: he's either gonna be the funniest man in the world or he's gonna bite someones fucking head off
user26: and i'll back it either way
user27: i know y/n is about to have her revenge dress moment in the paddock someone get kym illman ready STAT.
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liked by lilymunhe, carmenmundt and 4,530 others
tagged: yourusername
f1wagsupdates: REVENGE DRESS MOMENT !!! y/n y/ln enters the paddock in monza in this stunning black dress, showing the world what a catch she is, oh and that is max holding the umbrella for her, what a gentleman.
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user28: mother came to slay i cannot even
user29: this right after max came for charles in the press conference is PERFECTION + NO RED IN MONZA !!
user30: i see lily and carmen in the likes in knew they'd be on the right side
user31: girl i don't think anyone is on charles' side
user32: yall see the stink eye from the red bull garage when charles walked past they have y/n's back LOL
user33: the red bull garage been ride or dies for max so it defo makes sense that they would extend that to y/n
user34: christian was defo waiting for a question about it in the press conference
user35: someone on twitter got a clip of him putting his arm around fred going out of the paddock and telling him to get his driver under control
user36: yall are we on the kardashians what the fuck is going on
user37: people may hate christian but he defends his driver so much that he's inserting himself in the relationship drama
user38: i don't even follow f1 but whoever this is this serving oh my
user39: this is so exhausting like i need charles to just apologise so we can get cute y/n x max x charles content
user40: torturing myself thinking about how cute that dynamic could be
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liked by yourusername, maxverstappen1 and 1,203,457 others
f1: max verstappen clinches his tenth win of the season at monza, joined by sergio perez and oscar piastri. home heroes charles leclerc and carlos sainz came together at turn one, awful showing for ferrari in monza
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user41: this narrative is so so poetic
user42: i feel bad for the tifosi at this point y'all get your hopes up every season
user43: charles you aimed the wrong way if you wanted to take max out
user44: the way max kissed y/n after winning god they're so cute
user45: also the way christian got everyone to move so y/n could get to the front to see max
user46: even marko looked happy about it what is going on?
user47: y'all we knew it was gonna be bad for ferrari y/n wasn't wearing red, call me superstitious but every time she's worn red charles has either won or been on the podium
user48: well that's just what he gets for not appreciating her
user49: as fernando would say KARMA
user50: someone check charles' blood pressure please
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liked by christianhorner, yourusername and 1,304,662 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: winning on and off the track, some of you can't relate.
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user51: parents omg
danielricciardo: fighting words maxy, not pulling your punches
maxverstappen1: i do my fighting on the track, not my fault people can't get past turn one to give me a real battle
danielricciardo: i need to be inside your brain
maxverstappen1: no there's images of y/n in my brain that no other man will ever see
danielricciardo: you crack me up maxy
yourusername: woah who's that fine ass piece of woman
maxverstappen1: she's taken sorry
yourusername: that's a shame, i hope that man is taking care of her
maxverstappen1: i don't believe she's got any complaints
yourusername: wow you sound like a gentleman, she's a lucky woman
maxverstappen1: believe me i am the lucky one.
yourusername: awwww maxy you're literally the sweetest person in the world
user52: if i was charles and i saw this after that race you'd have to restrain me i'm so serious
user53: i'm happy for y/n and max but i need them to stop being happy in my face
alexalbon: ur welcome for that first picture btw
yourusername: lily taught you well
alexalbon: so no thanks?
yourusername: i joke thank you very much sir albon
user54: so like all of the twitch quartet are on y/n's side? awkward.
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liked by maxverstappen1, georgerussell63, 706,835 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
yourusername: charles and i have been best friends since i knew what the word meant and it really hurts that is has gotten to this point. when charles got his first girlfriend i chalked it up to the excitement of the experience, but when he routinely got in and out of relationships and falling back on our friendship once scorned, i started to question what he really felt about our friendship. i overlooked it every time even when it made me doubt my worth and hoped our friendship meant more. however, the cycle continued and after being left stranded at a beach in a country i do not know i decided it was the end. i have reached out to you so, so many times and want nothing more than our friendship to work and so we can be life-long friends that we can tell our kids about. but i guess it's not worth that much to you and that's something i'll have to reconcile with. the only positive coming from this the fact that it pushed me to the love of my life, so thank you for that.
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liked by joristrouche, pierregasly and 1,305,783 others
charles_leclerc: i've already got my trophy, sorry not sorry.
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user57: my brain is actually scrambled
user58: charles' must be as well cause no way he thought this was a good idea
landonorris: so this is a low blow
charles_leclerc: since when were you the reference point for morals
landonorris: damn dude, you're in the wrong but go off i guess
user59: why do i actually want to cry for y/n right now? she did this whole ass heartfelt post with no comments so people wouldn't be able to speculate and he replies with a pic of his gf's ASS
danielricciardo: not cool dude
charles_leclerc: i see you all took her side and our friendships mean fuck all
danielricciardo: kinda ironic you bring up respecting friendships
charles_leclerc: spare me the lecture
maxverstappen1: you're a child. but this is the closure she needs. cheers to being an asshole.
charles_leclerc: so you managed to get some of my sloppy seconds, you're welcome
maxverstappen1: she's not sloppy seconds and i can't believe you'd refer to her as that. but if you wanna talk sloppy seconds you can hold the 100 point gap between us in the championship. and y/n will never say this so i'll say it for her GO FUCK YOURSELF
user61: men are so confusing
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yourusername added to their story
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[caption: taking some time for myself. thank you for your kind words and know i have an amazing support system around me now]
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liked by user65, user66 and 5,430 others
tagged: charles_leclerc
f1wagsupdates: charles leclerc spotted outside y/n y/ln's office with flowers this afternoon. idk at this point, any time i report on this man i lose more brain cells.
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user67: lol even wag page admins are done
f1wagsupdates: he gives me a lot of content but damn he needs to sort his head out
user68: lol this is gonna be an all time apology tour i can't wait
user69: i honestly don't want y/n to forgive him he doesn't deserve it.
user70: yeah max has proven ride or die for y/n so i know who she should stick with
user71: i need him to donate his brain to science cause in what world is a measly bouquet of flowers gonna cover all of this shit ?
user72: legit he's systematically ditched his best friend, let randomers on the internet drage her name through the mud and then liked it and then flaunted the fact that he didn't care about their friendship for everyone to see
maxverstappen1: lol nice try
user73: my petty king i love him so much
user74: i know y/n is taking a break from social media but i hope she knows how much love she's getting
user75: for real we're all on her side i hope she slammed that door in charles' face
user76: i hope that bouquet ended up in the bin
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maxverstappen1 added to their story
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[caption: special delivery for a special girl]
note: i know this was heavily requested so here it is!! i really like it and it's defo open for a third part if yall want charles and y/n to reconcile? thank you for reading xx
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diordeer · 3 months
“when it all gets too much, darlin', i'm soft to the touch. hush, hush and stop your rushing, i can be your dreamgirl, baby” - lana del rey (smau)
contains: charlie bushnell x fem!reader, orange cat gf black cat bf
description: omg so sorry for the wait, im trying to slowly finish some requests after the break, little life update: the guy i like has a gf but is still msging me?! and i got tickets to see chappell roan!!
requested by: @tomblythsslut
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Liked by walker.scobell, dior.n.goodjohn and others
iamcharliebushnell yn and… some other weird people
tagged yn.ln, walker.scobell, leahsavajeffries, dior.n.goodjohn, aryansimhadri
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dior.n.goodjohn omg its yn!!! tell her i need to see her again ASAP!
↳ yn.ln i hear u loud and clear… and YES!!
walker.scobell as much as i feel shamed by the caption its sadly true 😣
user1 yn is so gorgeous i cant
↳ user2 best looking couple of the century 🤷‍♀️
aryansimhadri wtf does that caption mean
leahsavajeffries omg send me the photo of us!
↳ iamcharliebushnell on it 🫡
user4 i need a bf NOW.
↳ user2 agreed
user5 do u guys play fortnite together
↳ yn.ln nooooooo…
↳ iamcharliebushnell we do, theres no shame
↳ user6 someone has been killed by them before imagine that
↳ yn.ln im not the one killing, still trying to avoid those cliffs
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Liked by iamcharliebushnell, leahsavajeffries and others
yn.ln imagine i put a rly cute song lyric in here
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user3 the bows, the uggs, the coffee, the kiss, yes.
↳ user4 she’s the cutest
iamcharliebushnell love you 🫶
↳ yn.ln 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
↳ walker.scobell shut up i hate couples
↳ leahsavajeffries WALKER.
user1 girl how hard is it to find a song lyric 🤨
↳ yn.ln theres too many, so i refuse to choose
user8 she won the lottery and there are signs
user2 ur hair has me in a chokehold
↳ user5 porphyrias lover who?
↳ user2 … what?
↳ user5 dw
user6 not to sound like a creep but i CANT stop looking at the photo of them kissing
↳ user7 you sound VERY creepy
dior.n.goodjohn should’ve put focus lyrics 🙄
↳ yn.ln girl NOW u tell me
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Liked by walker.scobell, aryansimhadri and others
yn.ln me discretely saving every photo of charlie from then premier 😶
tagged iamcharliebushnell
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iamcharliebushnell GET THAT 0.5 OUT OF HERE
↳ yn.ln i think you look great 🩷
user3 yn knows what the fans want
dior.n.goodjohn so u put a photo of HIM on ur insta post but not us at the premiere? I see how it is 😤
↳ iamcharliebushnell the passive aggressiveness?!
user1 why is the 0.5 actually real cute
↳ yn.ln @iamcharliebushnell see!!
leahsavajeffries omg ur nails r so cute 🤭
↳ yn.ln omg thanks pooks 🤭🤭🤭
user2 your SO REAL for that caption, we all are
↳ user4 *you’re
walker.scobell i love how u take a pic of him casually betraying me ! ☺️
↳ yn.ln dw i got one of u too
↳ aryansimhadri OMG SEND IT PLSPLSPLS
user5 he looks so good 🤩
↳ user6 girl why dont u send that on his acc, this is yns acc no need to talk ab charlie
↳ user6 people just cant seem to talk about women without bringing up a man
↳ user5 HELLO?!?!
↳ user7 LMFAO
↳ user8 why do they kinda have a point 🤨
↳ yn.ln omg this drama is crazyyy
tag list: @lostinhisworld @lizziesfirstwife @auttumnsayshi @silkenthusiasts @taygrls @kidkrowk @kanojous @niktwazny303 @m00ng4z3r @highfidelities @b0ok-lover @vamplyle @xyzstar @urmomsgirlfriend1 @alexandria-millie
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lxkeee · 4 months
I am not feeling well rn can I get lucifer taking care of his sick s/o..
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This man... Doesn't know how to take care of himself.
But, he does know how to take care of his significant other.
When Lucifer finds out his beloved darling is sick, he was so worried.
He didn't know sinners can get sick.
They do, he just didn't know as he doesn't go out much to learn more about his people.
When he found out [y/n] still sleeping in which is unusual.
He got worried and decided to wake them up.
He went to their/his/her room to see [y/n] curled up in a ball and he thought his darling was just tired and wanted to give them/him/her some more time to sleep.
When Lucifer was about to leave, he heard a sneeze.
🚨 alarm rang into his head.
He quickly went to [y/n]'s side, seeing how tired and pale they/he/her is/were.
Placing a hand over [y/n]'s forehead, wincing as he felt the heat from their/his/her skin.
“Oh god... You're burning up...” Lucifer murmurs making [y/n] groan softly.
Panic. It's been so long since he had taken care of someone sick.
He quickly left the room to get a bowl of cold water and some cloth. Retuning back to [y/n]'s room.
He gently folded the cloth and dipped it into the cold water, squeezing the excess water before placing the cloth on to his beloved's forehead.
The cold helps cool down the temperature of their/his/her skin.
“Thank you, love...” [y/n] murmurs, opening their/his/her eyes slowly, voice weak.
Lucifer tried not to tear up but gave [y/n] a small smile, “Don't worry about it...” he says and [y/n] smiled before returning to sleep.
Lucifer sighs as he left the room, going to the kitchen to prepare some soup for [y/n] as they/he/she still needed breakfast and need to take some meds.
Lucifer prepares the soup, leaving the pot to boil as he looked through the medicine kit for some medicine that can help her.
Finding none, he had to text Charlie to get him some and the girl was glad to help him and [y/n].
Lucifer continues to cook as he waited for Charlie to bring him the medicine.
Coincidentally, after the soup was done. Charlie arrived with the medicine and promised to visit [y/n] once they/he/she feels more better.
Lucifer thanked her daughter and watched her leave.
Retuning back to the task at hand, he prepared a bowl of steaming hot chicken soup, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and a glass of water and along with some medicine.
He places them on to the tray, carrying it back to [y/n]'s room.
Placing the tray into the table, he noticed [y/n] seems to be sweating a lot from their/his/her fever.
He gently wakes them/him/her up enough for him to ask for their/his/her consent.
“Darling, I'm going to change your shirt okay? So that you'll be more comfortable...” he says and [y/n] nodded.
Lucifer smiles before going to [y/n]'s closet to look for a comfortable tshirt they/he/she could wear.
Using his powers, Lucifer closes his eyes as he ltet his power do the work of changing [y/n] out of their/his/her shirt.
Placing the used t-shirt into the laundry basket before returning to [y/n]'s side, nudging them/him/her awake gently.
“Wake up love, I've prepared some soup for you and some medicine for you to drink after.”
This man would feed his darling despite [y/n] protesting they/he/she can do it.
He wouldn't listen to them/him/her and just feed them/him/her himself.
After giving [y/n] their/his/her meal and making them/him/her take medicine.
He would keep watch and monitor [y/n]'s healing progress, changing the cloth when it's no longer cold. Waking [y/n] up when it's time to take meds.
Man is worried the whole time.
When [y/n] returns back to normal, it would be his turn to get sick as he occasionally gives [y/n] forehead kisses when they/he/she were/was sick.
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All works taglist:
@kottenox @totallymitya @many-fandoms-lover @cherry-4200 @luleck @crystalplays28 @galaxyj3lly @froggybich @selvyyr @brithedemonspawn @adaizel @thedarkkitten
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fraugwinska · 2 months
Hello Dear!
I hope your requests are open, if not then totally ignore this.
Can I get a reader x alastor where reader is doing something Charlie asked her to do like writing some scripst or some stuff and sing along with a song from a Radio ( you put a spell on me, from Austin Giorgio )
Just for alastor to come in teasing her to dance with him while he's doing just the things the song says?
>~< >~<
Djj3jdu3bkdkeik don't forget to eat and drink water!
Hello gorgeous! First of all: Thanks for a new addition to my 'Alastor'-Playlist ;> Second of all: YO, I live for promts like that - seeing that my main fic has a lot of scenes involving songs ;>
I experimented a little, leaving the end open for maybe a follow up, if wanted :P Enjoy, dear Frauchen @penelope-potter
❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
You put a spell on me
Your mouth felt dry. How many envelopes had you closed now? One hundred? Two? You had stopped counting.
You cursed your bad luck at drawing sticks - it was the reason you had to sit back alone, working on getting recruiting letters for the hotel into cheap envelopes while the others were on a day out at LooLooLand.
Not that you were particularly interested in going to this amusement park (roller-coasters gave you vertigo and clowns the creeps), but it felt lonely being the one left behind.
Finding the silence in the foyer where you put up your work station too depressing you had quickly turned on the clunky cathedral radio that sat in the corner. Dialing back and forth, you finally found a nice station, a good mix of old and modern songs alike, and it made the repetitive task easier. You hummed along with those you knew, and tapped your foot to those you didn't.
Grabbing another envelope, a song you knew well came on, a favorite of yours that had dominated your playlists when you were alive. The piano and smooth voice of the singer echoed in the empty hall, creating an effect similar to a concert hall. You smiled to yourself, now glad that you were alone, and sang along.
You put a spell on me
I'm losing my mind
You better stop these things
It's a matter of time
You folded the letter in front of you, you body softly swaying by the sound of the music. How long has it been since you listened to it? Must've been months, you've almost forgotten how sensual the lyrics were. Your fingers slid over the fold of the paper you made, slower and more overly dramatic than before. Your smile widened at your silly reaction – you always had a thing for theatrics.
Before I hunt you down
Grab your chin and kiss your lips
You bring me back
I lay you down and grab your hips
And we lose all control
And before you know it
Deciding your work could wait for just one song, you put down the things you had in your hand, pushing yourself off the sofa. When would you get another opportunity like this? Forgotten was the frustration to be left on their own – this was an unexpected opportunity. Freedom.
You rounded the loaded coffee table full of papers and just danced, just for yourself, like you had so many times in that dingy, little living room in your old apartment, with no one to judge you.
Closing your eyes, you turned on the balls of your feet, hands moving over your body wherever you felt like they should, feeling almost alive again. You turned and twisted in what could be a waltz, could be anything, really, hips loose and movements fluid, you felt like a red satin scarf caught in the wind at night.
I put a spell on you
Now you're mine
I've got a hold on you
At least for the night
Another step forward, turning around yourself, something made you shiver. You didn't realize how much you missed this, missed losing yourself in your favorite piece of music... that was the reason your hairs stood up at their roots, wasn't it?
You opened your eyes to catch the flickering lights of the hotel decrease in intensity, going from shining in a bright orange into burnt amber.
That's odd. You thought just as you had the feeling of fingers brushing your waist.
You know I can't help myself
When you ask tenderly
If I'd dim the lights
As your hand brushes me
And the floor swallows your clothes
And your silhouette puts on a show
You startled when you looked down, seeing not your own, but a familiar looking shadow swirling through your feet, it's eyes and mouth pulled into a menacing grin glowing in cyan. You stopped in your tracks, frozen in place. You knew that shadow. And where that shadow was, there also was...
“Oh, please, don't stop on my behalf, darling. It was just getting good.”
Alastor appeared from the shadows next to the radio, his grin full of mocking glee. You felt your cheeks burn with embarrassment. Oh please Satan no. Why was he back? He went out with the others, you had seen him leaving with the rest of the gang.
“I thought you went to LooLooLand....”, you said nervously into the now quiet foyer. Alastor had put his hand on the radio, silencing it when you had stopped moving.
“I decided that childish attractions and cheap shows weren't really my kind of entertainment when...”, he laughed, tilting his head. “... there's a much more invigorating spectacle awaits right at home.”
You wanted to sink into the ground. Alastor always liked to tease you, saying he liked how you get flustered oh-so-easily, and he wasn't wrong. Part of why you didn't do things like these in the hotel was that you were incredibly shy, to the point of even being ashamed of the things you liked. A nice little memento from your past life – the weird one. The strange-hobbies one. The funny-looking one. The one-who-talks-too-much. And him being the teasing one didn't make it any better, given he was – yes you dared to think it – really handsome. The kind of handsome that could make you think about at night. In your bed.
“I was just... I thought I was alone.”
“That I could see.” Alastor chuckled, walking towards you with heavy-lidded eyes, hands folded behind his back. “Neglecting your drab duties to twirl around alone like a sad little figurine on a music box.”
“I-I... just took a break.”, you stuttered reluctantly, your fingers picking the skin of your arms.
“Mhm... only from what I'm curious. Who knew you like to use your free time to sing and dance?” He halted one step away from you, grin wide and toothy. “How come you didn't share these feeble talents with us, dear? Charlie would've been delighted.”
The spot of skin where you scratched yourself repeatedly started to turn red and sore. “I'm... not really comfortable... showing... I'm not good, anyways.”
“Ah, always so timid, so easy to pick on. You do make it too easy for me, darling, presenting yourself to be the perfect prey.”
He stepped forwards, pulling you in at your waist and taking your hand into a dance position. For a second, you forgot to breathe, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. The heat in your face was unbearable now, and you tried to writhe out of his grasp, but his grip was iron-clad. He smirked down to you, one brow up.
“How about we make it a tad less pathetic? Hm?”
The radio illuminated again, this time in a shade of moss green, not the usual warm yellow, and the song started again.
“Come on, little one, let's see if you're any braver with the addition of a partner.”
You put a spell on me
I'm losing my mind
You better stop these games
It's a matter of time
Alastor pulled you through the room, light footed and with a superior confidence. You were too stunned and much too intimidated to protest, just focused on preventing yourself to - god forbid - step on his toes and not to make more of a fool of yourself.
This really was hell – he'd think you were a complete idiot, talent- and useless. Dancing by yourself when no one's there to see your mistakes or silly choices was fun and all, but dancing with someone, less Alastor? You didn't want to think about how much of a loser you must look to him.
But he was only smiling, leading you with such force the steps came automatically. He was a skilled dancer, you knew that, and he proved it in this moment. With every passing note your feet became more steady, your back less tense until you flowed with him rather than struggled within him.
Alastor grinned, as if he just won a bet, and with his hand still on your waist, guiding you in another turn, he freed his other hand from yours and leaned in.
Before I hunt you down
Grab your chin and kiss your lips
Then you bring me back
I lay you down and grab your hips
And we lose all control
And before you know it
It all happened so fast, too fast to really process. His fingers pulled your chin up to him, and before you knew it, his lips caught your own in a sudden, electrifying kiss. Sharp teeth cut the tender, mavue skin, spilling a droplet of blood which he stole from the source, leaving you with an iron taste on your tongue and a frazzled mind.
Just a gasp later, he pulled you into a dip, his hands on your waist and hip hovering you just above the ground. You felt dizzy, your exposed neck right in front of his hungry mouth, so close you felt his breath, hot and wet. You trembled in his arms as he slowly pulled you up again, his eyes glued onto yours, mesmerizing and burning with the command – Don't you dare look away now.
You give me fever
And drive me insane
You keep me going in circles
With potions and bottles
And I can't escape
There wasn't any fancy movements now, just the sway of both of your bodies, closer than before, like waves crushing from the ocean to the shore. You didn't know what he saw in your face, but if it was a reflection of what you felt, it could only be a sick mixture of confusion, longing and desire.
Which was exactly what was written in his. Behind the smile that never seemed to leave him, there was no more of that mischievous, mocking attitude. More serious than you've ever seen him before, he was looking Hungry. Eager. Captivated.
I can't escape
Oh, I'm lost in your ways
Oh, I can't escape
Alastor pulled you again into the dance, moving through the room with you, the whole world around you turning instead of the other way around. But this time, the distance between you left no room for even a sheet of paper – you were pressed into him, he was holding you so damn close to him. A perfect fit, two pieces of one mold.
In a single motion, he put both of your hands on the back of his neck, while his flew to your back, sliding to your hips in sensuous trails. You felt his clawed fingertips through your clothes, sending delicious little tremors through your nerves up your spine.
Your head had stopped thinking straight - or at all - completely flooded with the feeling of his warm body on yours, his hands where you'd never thought they'd be, and that god forsaken look on his face. Even sex couldn't feel this intimate.
I put a spell on you
And now your mine
I've got a hold on you
At least for the night
At least for the night
The song ended, abruptly, and when the last note hit, you came to a halt, still entwined in one another, still connected through your gaze. Neither of you said anything, you just stared into each others eyes. Unspoken words hung in the small space between your lips, words you felt were better not said. The gnawing insecurity of yours crept back into your mind, threatening to break the spell you both were under by making you say something stupid. Alastor slowly let go of you, the last thing leaving you were his hands from your hips as he stepped away from you.
“How about that?”, he said quietly, more to himself than to you. Then, without another sound, he just melted into his shadows, vanishing from the foyer and leaving you with flushed cheeks and a torn heart - alone again.
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caesium-55 · 2 months
—everything is orange. [ iii ]
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pairing: lando norris x kpop idol! reader
summary: a racecar driver who needed a fake girlfriend to dispel rumors and a kpop idol who needed publicity for her song. somewhere in between orange cars and orange sunsets, stands something they're afraid of naming.
“Are you feeling better now?” Lando asks, concern marring his handsome features. True to his words, he comes by your hotel room after he finishes the qualifying race. You don't expect him to. The race ended quite late in the evening and you're sure he has to prepare for tomorrow but he's knocking on your door by quarter to twelve and you let him in. He’ll start tomorrow in fourth position, he told you. You acted pleasantly surprised at his revelation as if you didn't watch an illegal livestream of the race on your phone earlier.
“Yeah,” you nod.
He lets out a relieved sigh, hand coming up to his chest, “Oh thank fuck. I was worried.”
“By the way, thank you for driving me home last night. I didn't mean to fall asleep.”
“Did Jinnie tell you that?”
“No, it's in X. They saw you carrying me to your car.”
Your sleeping face on camera is going to haunt your dreams forever. The oily skin and your mouth hanging open. You don't sleep pretty. Knetizens like playing god, smiting everything not pretty, especially celebrities. You're not checking out Naver lately because you're scared of finding what's there.
“Were you doing something? I can leave if you're busy.”
“It's nothing important,” you wave your hand dismissively. “Just working on a song.”
Lando’s eyebrows rise to his hairline.
“You produce songs?”
You nod, humming.
“The reason I agreed to this PR stunt is to get publicity for my upcoming single,” you explain. You assume Lando already knows about it, the real reason why you're here. Despite that, you still tell him anyway. “Wanna hear it, boyfriend?”
“I didn't know you produce songs.”
“Well, now you know.”
He laughs at the dryness of your tone.
“Well, I’m glad you offered. I wouldn't mind listening.”
“It's all just basic melodies. Nothing concrete.”
You hand him a headphone.
“So you’re like KPop Charlie Puth?”
Lando takes the headphone.
“Please, I can't even compare to his producing skills.”
You press play on Demo_42.
You order hotel service food because he tells you he hasn't eaten and while you both finish the bowls of noodles, you converse with each other. Talking with Lando is easy, you find out. He knows how to keep the conversation alive and going despite the fact that you don't have much to say most of the time, that you frequently speak with finality. You praise him during the conversation once. He says he’s got practice from his teammate, who, like you, is a man of few words. He decides it is time to go back to his hotel at 2:50 AM.
“Thank you for today, boyfriend,” you say and if you sound too sincere, you like to think it’s because you’re a good actress.
A flustered laugh escapes his throat.
“I like the sound of that, girlfriend.”
A pause.
“I think I learned a lot about you today,” he scratches his nose and moves his hands as if he doesn't know what to do with them. “Thanks. For that.”
You wave your hand dismissively, as if to tell him that you don't need his thanks.
“Drive safe.”
“Good night, girlfriend.”
The WAG wardrobe of the day consisted of a Dsquared2 black suited jumpsuit and Versace crystal medusa ‘95 sandals of the same color. For accessories, you go with silver. Rings are your staple and earrings to pair. You don't wear a necklace.
When you reach for your racer jacket, a personal favorite that you think will absolutely be the highlight of your outfit with its white-red-black color combo, Jinnie stops you.
“Wear the McLaren one,” she orders, pointing at the McLaren jacket that sits on the couch. Orange. Bright. Easy to notice. It's almost as if it’s begging for attention.
You grimace.
“[Name],” Jinnie’s voice holds warning. You ignore it. Obedience is not your strong suit.
Despite your insistence, you end up leaving the racer jacket at the hotel and bringing the tacky McLaren one to the paddock. You secretly brought a black blazer and shove it inside your shoulder bag, which caused the bag to look like a Minecraft block. You pout childishly in the backseat of the car. You don't like orange.
“Stop pouting.”
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
You hear Jinnie sigh, exasperated.
“I can't with you sometimes.”
You ask Jinnie to drive by a coffee shop. You tell her what you wanted to get—an iced Americano with five shots of espresso and Lando’s coffee—and she leaves to buy it while you stay inside the car and patiently wait for her to return. She insisted on getting the coffee herself and you do not dare to complain. You like it this way anyway.
Jinnie, like the day of the FP1, drops you off at the same parking lot. You hop off the car.
“Text me when you need help. I’ll be nearby.”
You give her a thumbs up and Jinnie drives off.
It's night time but you pull a pair of sunglasses on, toss a ball cap over your head, and a face mask to cover the rest of your face. The McLaren jacket is tied around your shoulders. You don't want to wear it but Jinnie insists it has to be on your being. You're waiting for an opportunity to take it off, perhaps at the garage. You can strategically leave it on an empty chair or any flat surface and act like you have forgotten it.
You carry your phone in your right hand, your paddock pass and a paper zarf with two takeout coffees in the left. You send a quick message to Lando.
you: here
He replies not even three seconds later.
lando: coming
lando: same place?
you: okk heading there now
you: you reply fast
you: do you always hold your phone while in the garage?
lando: it's either i reply fast or i reply a week later take your pick
You let out an amused snort and lock your phone. You begin walking.
You freeze mid-step. The path you took on the day of the FP1 is filled with people. It's not supposed to be this crowded. This is a place far away from the stands and the track and the general admission area. It's also a good distance away from the team garages and the food stalls. It shouldn't be this crowded.
Your hands begin to tremble and become clammy. You lower your head, gaze fixing on the cement pathwalk. The people haven't noticed that it's you. At least, not yet. That's good. You can still leave and hide.
This is not what we planned, says your conscience. You're not a coward. Why are you running away like one?
I’m not a coward. If you say it as many times as you can, perhaps it will become the truth.
You turn around but begin to hesitate midway as you remember something.
Lando’s on his way. You can't leave now.
You swallow hard and turn back up front slowly. You let out a shaky breath and force your heart to become steady. You clench your hands into fists in an attempt to get them to start shaking.
They can't see my face, you assure yourself mentally.
Your hands, now fists, are still trembling.
I can do this.
You walk into the den of lions, not looking back even once. You take deep breaths underneath your mask. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth; it's not going well for you. The longer you perform the breathing exercises, the more you think you're going to end up with a public meltdown.
They're all looking at you.
You can feel their collective gazes.
“Is that her?” you hear someone murmur. Your shoulders turn tense but you keep walking.
“It’s her, right?”
“I don't think so. She could be just a random fan.”
“Wait, look at the jacket. It has Lando’s last name stitched at the hem.”
A loud gasp, “Is that his personal jacket?”
“That's her! That's [Name]!”
Someone snatches your cap. Your eyes widen. You hurriedly turn your head to the side. Your sunglasses fly off at the abrupt movement. Your panic intensifies and you feel the air in your lungs running away and your throat closing up. The same way the crowd closes up on you. None of them even grant you the mercy of leaving a tiny gap for you to escape through. You are but a sheep in a den of lions about to be slaughtered.
You see faces and the backs of phones all pointing at you. They're all screaming your name, excitement apparent in their loud voices. You don't understand any other word they're saying, only your name. The chanting of [Name], [Name], [Name]; the tone slowly shifts into eerie the longer you listen to it.
They hate you.
They hate you.
They hate you.
They always do.
If this exact situation you're in happened two years ago, before the scandal, you would have adored the attention. You know how to handle a crowd confidently, the best at it among all the members of ORACLE if you dare say so.
But now, the attention is just….
You want nothing more than to hide from it.
No matter how you try to convince yourself that you can handle it, that you can handle when everybody looks at you, you can’t. You try to control how your mind thinks but ultimately, it is your mind that controls your entire being.
Someone snatches the face mask off your face before you can stop them. Now, you feel too naked, too bare. You slap a hand over the lower half of your face, dropping the coffee cups and your paddock pass down on the ground. You hiss when the coffee burns your feet. A chorus of surprised yelps. A few curse words are thrown in the air. Because of the spilled coffee, the crowd parts. You see a space and you waste no time weaving yourself from the people to try and leave.
The gap disappears when a person blocks it and you halt in your steps, almost colliding with the person. Your chin snaps up and your eyes widen, terrified, when Kang Geon Ho’s familiar face smiles at you. Kang Geon Ho, the sun to your Icarus, the one responsible for your downfall.
“Smile, [Name].”
A camera lens appear. The camera clicks just as a hand comes up to block it. Before you know it, the camera is wrenched away from your face.
“Fuck off, mate. That's too close.”
You’ve never never been more relieved seeing Lando there again.
The crowd grows impossibly louder. You have to cover your ears with your hands so the sheer volume of everyone’s screams won't damage your eardrums. Your eyes met Lando’s worried ones. He's frowning, you notice. You see his mouth move. He's talking to you, but you're not hearing anything and you can't read his lips either. You figure he’s asking you if you want to leave with him so you nod, a little too eagerly.
You don't expect him to throw you over his shoulder and make a run for it, a surprised scream already making its way out of your throat as your hands grip his hair so you won't fall.
username: livetweeting from the paddock rn and i think i just witnessed smth bizarre. i think i just saw a driver (or was it a mechanic??? idk really) running with someone on their shoulder
username: is there a kidnapping going on inside the paddock??
username: girl it's lando and his girl
username: what 😭😭
Your chest rises and falls in quick breaths as you try to catch your breath. You're leaning against the wall, both hands pressing flat against the wall for support. Spots are invading your visions, not disappearing even after finally standing upright. The bright orange color of the walls isn’t helping you either. You think you're going to lose consciousness or vomit your brunch or both.
“I think she needs to sit down,” the brunette sweetheart says. She was already in the garage when Lando pulled up with you in tow, locking hands with the guy you recognized as Lando’s teammate. It's a no-brainer. She's another WAG like you.
“No thank you,” you say in between heavy breaths. You start coughing. Lando rubs your back in soothing circles. “I’m fine. Just… I’m anemic.”
You need to start fixing your sleep schedule at your earliest convenience. Need to start exercising, too. You're not even this unfit before.
“Lando, mate, come on,” Oscar berates. “Is your IQ a single digit number?”
“I was just trying to get her out, mate!” Lando defends himself.
Oscar’s girlfriend shakes her head at the two. She draws closer to you, taking your hand in hers and pulls you away from the busy part of the garage and towards the back.
“I think it's best if we move someone less crowded, hm?”
You hear Lando protesting but you don't bother glancing back at him as Oscar coaxes him.
The girl makes you sit down in a monoblock chair she found, hands you a battery-operated mini fan that she conjured from inside her tote bag, and takes the empty space beside you.
“Are you thirsty?” You shake your head.
“Just dizzy,” you sigh. “Thank you, uh….”
“It's Lily,” she smiles. Lily is such a perfect name for a girl as sweet as her. You dip your chin to a light bow.
“I’m [Name].”
You and Lily watch the race together. She is pleasant company. She only talks when she needs to, which makes you happy because you’re not a person who’s particularly fond of chit chat. You don't hide your confusion as you both spectate the races projected on the large screen; you don't know what's happening for half the race. Lily is kind enough to explain everything to you. You know, you can tell if someone is intelligent when they are able to dumb down complicated information and explain it to another person where the information is easily understandable. Lily is definitely an intelligent woman.
“You're so…” you try to find the right word. “... Knowledgeable at this. Like not just the race and rules but the engines and cars and—”
You move your hand and hope it conveys what you're trying to say.
Lily giggles, “I’m studying engineering so I understand how the cars work. Most of the time, at least.
Your mouth forms an O, amazed.
She’s the type of woman you’d bring home to meet your parents. Oscar, that lucky motherfucker. You turn your gaze back to the monitor.
You chuckle nervously, “I-I didn't finish uni.”
“I’m not finished with university either,” Lily says and you appreciate the underlying message in her words—there’s nothing to be ashamed about if you didn't finish uni. But here's the difference between you and Lily. She's going to finish uni some day. You're never going to.
South Korea is known for their high standards in education and you once received backlash when you shared that you only finished a year and one semester in university before dropping out.
“Psychology,” you tell her. “One year and one sem.”
“Psychology is such an interesting program.”
“Yeah.” It's the only course that the scholarship program you applied to is willing to offer to you. You didn't choose it because you wanted to. You were so poor you don't even have the luxury of a choice. “Agreed.”
You continue watching.
“Oh that was smart of him,” you note. “The red one. He’s going to win.”
“Yeah. The one in front of Lando,” you point out.
“I think Lando can overtake him. Or maybe one of the Mercedes since they got fresh tires while the first two are still using their old ones.”
“Correct me if I’m wrong but the red one slowed down slightly until Lando was one second behind him. Then, Lando activated the DRS—that’s called a DRS, right?” Lily nods in confirmation. “And then that, uh… buffered the DRS of the fast black car behind Lando. So with that, Lando is able to defend his place but since he’s busy defending his place, he can't overtake the red car at the front.”
Giving yourself an advantage in the guise of helping someone. You rub your fingertips together in thought.
“Only three laps left. He’s going to win. Lando will either come second or third.”
“You’re quick at this,” Lily compliments.
You shrug nonchalantly despite feeling suddenly shy on the inside at the praise, “I try.”
“They used to be teammates, by the way.”
“Carlos and Lando.”
You turn out to be right. The red car—the Ferrari and its driver, Carlos Sainz—wins the Singapore Grand Prix. Lando is a close second. Everyone inside the garage screams in pure ecstasy when he crosses the finish line and the checkered flag waves above the livery. You and Lily stand to clap your hands, happy for Lando. Lily’s boyfriend finishes seventh and you clap your hands for her, happy for her and her boy.
“Let's go to the podium, boys!”
You and Lily sit back down on your chairs so you can watch the ceremony on the screen but a mechanic comes by, tugs your arm, and says, “Come on! Your boyfriend is on the podium!”
Your eyes widen and you glance back at Lily, who grins widely at you and waves her hand encouragingly. Go, she mouths. You gulp and bend your head low as you make your way out of the garage and into the open. You lost your cap, your face mask, and your sunglasses at the earlier incident so you feel too bare. You want to go back to the garage. The garage is safer.
But you know full well that the world will question your absence. Why wouldn't a WAG support her boyfriend on the podium? They’d doubt your relationship and that's the last thing you need to happen right now.
You purse your lips and follow the other McLaren mechanics, speed walking while they all jog. You watch the awarding at the front row, strategically standing near a tall McLaren aerodynamic engineer so you can hide behind him once you see a camera panning in your direction.
Lando shines on top. Even if he's only second, he shines as if he’s the race winner. You're proud of him. You’re not acting this time.
You slowly clap your hands and smile in a way a girlfriend does when his boyfriend does something incredible—lovingly and in awe. All the people in McLaren watch Lando with proud faces.
He’s loved, you realize. Very much so. By his entire team. He’s his team’s prince. That's why they worked so hard in protecting him to the point that they'll hire a fake girlfriend to kill the rumors that damaged his reputation. And when a team loves their prince, the prince shines.
You used to be like this, too. HAN Ent used to love you like this. Not anymore.
He meets your eyes and they look gray and you notice how they widen slightly as if he didn't expect you to be here. Then, he grins, lifting the bottle of champagne as if he’s trying to show it to you. You give him a thumbs up and laugh, covering your face as you do so.
You return to the garage after the ceremony and the fireworks display. You and Lily wait patiently together for your boyfriends—your fake boyfriend but boyfriend nonetheless; you’re unsure if Lily and Oscar and any other McLaren staff employee besides the PR team are aware of the nature of your relationship with Lando—to finish the formalities of a post-race. The podiums, the interviews, and whatnot.
When they enter the garage, Lily immediately goes straight to Oscar, who meets her halfway and engulfs her in a tight hug. Your heart softens.
You turn to Lando who stands closely behind Oscar. He's looking at Oscar and Lily before he trails his gaze to you. Shrugging his shoulders, he opens his arms. You raise a single questioning brow.
“Come on, girlfriend.”
“You're sweaty.”
“You don't see Lily complaining that Oscar’s sweaty.”
Lando inches towards you. You take a cautious step back.
“Lando, no.”
A mischievous glint appears in his eyes. You prepare yourself to make a run for it.
“Lando, no. LANDO!”
He breaks out into a sprint. Naturally, you also make a run for it, not wanting to hug a very sweaty Lando.
You tire yourself quickly and your heels put you in a great disadvantage. Naturally, Lando catches in his arms in just a few minutes. You struggle against his arms at first then later, you resign to your fate despite not liking the feeling of sticky and damp skins. You're not the fittest person and Lando is a high-performance athlete; you fought a losing game.
“Oh, right,” Lando pulls away but still remains holding your wrists. “The team is planning to celebrate tonight. Do you want to come with me?”
With me, you note. Not with us but with me.
“Raincheck?” You're not sure if you’re using the right word in the right context. Hence, the questioning tone.
“Not a party girl, aren't you?”
You shake your head, “I prefer working in my hotel room anyway.”
“Oh right…. The song….”
“Mhm, the song.”
Lando glances at your surroundings. The mechanics are packing up everything now.
“I mean, I can miss the party.”
You raise a brow, confused.
“Why would you want to miss the party? You're second place today.”
Lando makes a weird noise that sounds like it's between an amused laugh and a disappointed groan, “Don't remind me. But yeah, I can miss it. Oscar already went with Lily anyway. I think it'll be suspicious if I spend the night partying instead of going with you, am I right, girlfriend?”
You roll your eyes, though not unkindly. He is right, you suppose.
“Besides, PR scheduled a hard launch today.”
Ah, dreadful hard launches. You need to make a new Instagram account just for Lando when you return to the hotel. It's a drag. You’ve never operated Instagram since 2021. You’ve kept burner accounts in Tiktok and X, formerly Twitter, but never Instagram. Not since the scandal.
Lando grins with glee.
“Come on, girlfriend.”
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username3: lando already did
username4: by accident 😭 does it even count as a hard launch
Lando snorts audibly from his place on the couch. You look up from your laptop and send him a confused look. You're inside your hotel room again, enjoying the silence while basking in each other's presence.
He shows you the tweet, making you cringe when you see your face on the screen.
“Did McLaren Racing tell them I was your partner?”
“I think so, yeah.”
You sigh.
“Well, it's nice to know they told everyone for us. At least, we don't have to do it ourselves.”
“Do I even need to hard launch you now?”
You shrug.
username5: lando wins p2 and girlie’s reaction was like:
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username6: lmaooo why does she look so angry she be squinting at everything 😤 gurl never beating the bitchy allegations
username7: what kind of wag is this? she should just go back to south korea fr idk what lando sees in her
LandoNorris: Hi! To clarify, my girlfriend’s default face is angry but she's not angry, she's just confused. and she’s squinting because of astigmatism. She actually isn't sure what's happening because everything is so fast for her.
LandoNorris: And she's holding her bangs so it wouldn't fly away in the wind lol. She forgot to spray it this morning. Please don't misunderstand thanks.
username6: LANDO???
username8: lmao lando be suddenly remembering that he has a twt acc just to tell people not to badmouth his girl
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username10: ugh she looks so annoying and fake fr
username11: get a life
Lando reports the hate tweet before he shows you your pictures.
“Your bangs are so thick. It's like you’re hiding a dozen secrets in there.”
You snort, “I might be.”
“What secrets?”
In the most serious, no nonsense tone you can muster, you say, “I killed my mother.”
Lando laughs.
LandoNorris: 🤺🤺🤺
username13: i want lando’s girl 😭😭😭
LandoNorris: well too bad, she doesn't want you, she wants me
username15: rip fuckboi lando, hello loyal and protective bf lando
LandoNorris: Well, cat’s out of the bag now 🤷
LandoNorris: But I'm still not very happy with what happened earlier before the race. Our relationship might be out now but it doesn't make it okay for all of you to gather around [Name] like what happened today. I sincerely ask everyone to respect us.
“Oh, that's a sick beat," Lando lifts his head.
“I mean it's good. Good sick. Not like sick sick, fever sick.”
He’s saying the word “sick” a little too much.
“Woo, that wasn't very cool of me.”
“You're lucky I’m fake dating you even if you’re uncool.”
“Uh, rude?”
A phone ring interrupts you both. It's not yours.
Lando stands from the couch and walks away to answer the call on the balcony. You continue tweaking the bits. It still doesn't sound like it's worthy to be a single. This song has to be perfect. It doesn't have to be SOTY material, it just has to be the song. You have to make a mark to gain your relevance in the KPop industry back.
Lando comes back, his phone against his ear.
“Do you mind helping me out, baby?”
“What is it?” you ignore the way your heart wavers slightly because of the “baby.” It's not the word. You're used to hearing people call sweet pet names. It's just the way he utters it. You can't find a few accurate words to describe it. Affectionate? Soft? Real.
“My family kinda….wants to see you?” He pulls the phone away from his ear and covers the microphone of the gadget with his hand. He whispers: “They don't know we're fake dating and they just saw the race.”
“Oh,” you hurriedly fix yourself, straightening your hair and setting your laptop aside. Family wasn't in the list of the people allowed to know of the PR stunt. You're not surprised that Lando didn't tell them. However, you still didn't expect them to call their son over this. “Video call or…?”
You nod. You hurriedly smooth out the creases of your top.
“Do I look perfect now?”
You give him a look. You won't accept anything less than perfect.
“You look okay, [Name].”
“I’m going to get my powder—”
Lando grabs your elbow, “No, you’re already beautiful. You don't need to reapply. Oh, look, hey Mum!”
Your eyes widen and you cover the lower half of your face with your palm as Lando moves the phone so the two of you can be seen on the screen. You shyly wave and his mother proceeds to scream. You jump slightly.
“Sorry, that was your sister.”
Lando laughs, shaking his head.
“You have a sister?” you whisper-ask.
“Yeah,” he holds up two fingers. “Two younger ones. They're Corales.”
Your eyes widen. Corale is the fandom of ORACLE. (You hate this name but that's what the company decided.)
“You're serious.”
“Dead serious,” Lando says. “That's why they called immediately. You're Cisca’s bias. Flo is OT7.”
You gape. You can't believe you're hearing this.
Your surprise turns into horror. Lando's sisters are definitely aware of your scandal. As fans of ORACLE, they're certainly updated about it.
“Let me talk to her. Let me talk to her. Oh my god, hiiiiii.”
You force yourself to smile and shyly wave at his sister. She squeals, excited.
“Hey!” Lando barks. “Can you at least act like you respect me in front of my girlfriend please? Jeez, Cisca.”
“Let me see her—Oh my god, I will cry. Annyeong [Name]-unnie! Eotteohge jinaeseyo? Dangsin-eun neomu yeppeuda!”
You chuckle softly, “Hi, I’m doing well. Thank you for asking.”
“Your Korean is terrible.”
“Shut up, Kinder.”
“I think your Korean is wonderful. Lando is just being mean,” you say, making Lando gasp as if your words offended him. “I love your hair.”
She squeals again, delighted.
“She noticed my hair! Oh my god! I went to the salon today just to talk to you! Wait, you’re speaking English?”
“I can speak English, yes.”
You turn to Lando, “What’s her name again?”
“Cisca,” you repeat slowly, testing how it sounds from your tongue.
“She said my name!”
You chuckle.
“Kinder, you are never ever allowed to mess this up! If you break up with her, I'm going to break your legs."
Cisca gets shoved away and another girl replaces her on the screen. Ah, she must be Flo, you think. She and Cisca look alike.
“Hi [Name]!”
“Hi Flo.”
“Have I already told you I loved you?”
You're unsure how to respond, “Thank you?”
“That's enough,” Lando decides, moving the phone away. You hear a series of protests.
“No, no, that’s enough.”
“Don't gatekeep your girlfriend!”
Lando, like a brat, sticks his tongue out to the camera, “I will do whatever I want.”
“Is she going to be in Suzuka? I’m flying to Suzuka! I need to see her!”
“Bye Flo, bye Cisca, bye Mum. Tell Dad and Oliver I said hi.”
Lando playfully sticks out his tongue towards the phone and ends the call.
You can't help but feel relieved. You expected them to hate you. But they didn't. So you're grateful.
“That wasn't very nice. They still wanted to talk.”
“No. They just wanted to fangirl.”
You shake your head at him.
“By the way, you’re coming to Suzuka, right? With me?”
He said with me instead of with us again.
“When is that again?”
You can't remember dates very well.
“The 24th.”
“The FP1?”
“No, the FP1’s on the 22nd.”
You press your tongue against the inside of your cheek, “I have to go back to Seoul and talk to Yoon PD-nim.”
Further discussions about the whole agreement and situation has to be made. He sent you to Singapore only a day after accepting Yoon PD-nim's proposal. He didn't elaborate on the situation enough but has promised to explain after Singapore.
“I’ve never been to South Korea before.”
“You should come and visit then," you say, nonchalant.
“Okay, I’ll tell my manager I’m flying with you.”
You blink.
Koreaboo: Former member of ORACLE, [Name] spotted today at Incheon International Airport with Formula One Racer boyfriend after the Singapore Grand Prix. Click the link to read more about this news.
“So you brought the boy along?”
“He brought himself.”
A heavy sigh goes past Yoon PD-nim’s lips. He lowers the paper in his hand to his desk. It's the revised contract with McLaren.
“What did they think about this?”
He’s referring to the contract.
“This isn't what was initially planned.”
“I know.”
“How did you get them to agree with your terms?”
Your terms, you note. His choice of words only remind you how alone you really are. The company is sending you as a soldier to a war you don't know how to navigate into and will do nothing to help you. They'll only wait for you to come back, either as a corpse or as a victor. If you return a corpse, they’ll dump you. Your contract is going to end in less than eleven months, it’ll be easy for them to do so. If you return a victor, they’ll reap all the benefits you sowed. You noticed a new McLaren in the parking lot today. Yoon PD-nim is already reaping benefits. If you're lucky, the only benefit you’ll get after this is a solo debut promotion and a contract extension.
“I did what I could."
You pushed a bluff and hoped it would go your way. Fortunately, it did go your way.
A proud smile appears on Yoon PD-nim's lips.
“I knew I was right in choosing you.”
He can never be so wrong.
A knock on the door ruins your concentration, causing you to draw a stray jagged line on the paper. You sigh, muttering a shibal beneath your breath. You do a quick glance on the time projected in your laptop—11:31 PM. You assume it’s Min Hee, a member of ORACLE who promised to come by earlier after her rehearsal for her solo in the upcoming MAMA Awards in November. It's still quite early to start practicing for the award show but Minhee always liked doing things in advance. When you open the door, your eyes widen.
It's not Minhee.
161 notes · View notes
natailiatulls07 · 9 months
The golden trio Pt 5
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Lando Norris x female!reader
Carlos Sainz x female!reader
Max Verstappen & Female!reader & Charles Leclerc
Summary - Being bestfriends with two famous formula one drivers is never easy, but what will happen when you get involved with yet another formula one driver??
Warning - a cringy pick up line, cheating, slight argument and swearing
A/n - I’ve been ill all weekend so I have just been getting some things done so you are getting loads this weekend
There is also kind of a time skip half way through, but you’ll know when 🤍
How is everyone feeling about todays Grand Prix?? 🥹
The golden trio
Text (White: Reader) (Orange: Lando)
Hey, are you lighting cause I make you McQueen 😉
Lando Norris are you trying to use a pick up line on me?? 😳
Of course darling, just trying to shoot my shot
Well in that case if you want to shoot your shot, take me on a date
Tomorrow 6pm I pick you up
Do I get to know where we’re going Mr Norris??
Nope. I’ll see you then 😘
See you tomorrow 6 pm 🤍
yourusername has posted a story
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Gossip Groupchat (White: Reader) (Red: Charles) (Blue: Max)
Hey Bee, me and Charlie have found a new film wanna do a movie night tonight??
Yeah! It looks like a great film, we think you’ll like it 😁
Oh I’m sorry guys, I have a date tonight…
A date?!
With who!??
Um…Lando 🤭
Wait what?? Has finally come to his senses and remembered that night?!
Idk, he sent me a very cringy pick up line to shoot his shot
Yeah and then what??
I then said if he wanted to shoot his shot he should take me on a date so yeah he’s picking me up at 6
Ohhhh so that’s why you were busy all day
Yep, I was getting my nails done and doing some last minute pieces
Well we’ll probably see you just before you leave so I won’t give you the talk just yet 😇
Now I’m considering sneaking out 😅
Don’t you dare young lady!!
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Shooting my shot for her 😍
Tagged: yourusername
Liked by maxverstappen1 and 63,935 others
username I want dates like this 😩
username Lando taking photos of their date is just to make us jealous 😤
= username Well it worked 🫤
charles_leclerc Don’t forget about her curfew
= lando.jpg Of course, don’t want to get on the big brothers bad sides 😳
= username Overprotective brothers!!!
Texts (White: Reader) (Orange: Lando)
I had a great time last night, thank you 🥰
Of course, I had to win you over and I hope I’ve done that 🤞🏻
You were successful in winning me over
Yayyy!! Wanna do it again some time?
I’d be a fool to turn that down 😅
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Monthly dump 😚
Liked by carlossainz55 and 63,826 others
username Not Y/n posting Lando’s back like we don’t know who she’s dating like girl we know, it’s okay 😂
username The food is making me HUNGRY!!
username She’s just like us, posting the ‘worst’ photos of her bestfriends lol
landonorris Who’s that in the McLaren hoodie?? 😏
= yourusername Idk but he uses some cringy pick up lines 😃
username Not Max being an iPad kid 🫣
Tumblr media
Spotted: Lando Norris sharing a kiss with another girl whilst Y/n L/n is seen shopping on the other side of Monte Carlo
Liked username and 2,383 others
username Isn’t Lando and Y/n a thing??
= username Yeah…
= username That means he’s cheating on her 🫢
= username Yeah…
username Why?? Lando why??!
username No I can’t, I just can’t today no!!
username He continues to fuck up my ship! FUCK!
Texts (White: Reader) (Orange: Lando)
Baby I’m so sorry!
No you can’t go ‘baby’ me. No not after you go and kiss another girl Lando.
It’s not what it looks like, please let me explain
Go on then explain why you were passionately kissing another girl in your car
Seen 4 mins ago
I can’t, I’m so sorry darling
Please it didn’t mean anything to me honestly
Baby? Y/n??
I love you sweetheart
username Lando Norris you are gonna need to hide from Max and Charles once they see what you’ve done mate 😳
username He has fucked up so much!
username I bet she’s devastated, poor girl 🥺
username Every thing is okay, everything is okay, everything is okay… we’re fucked
Text (Blue: Max V) (Orange: Lando)
Look I’ve tried to talk to Y/n but I’ve just fucked it all up I’m sorry
Yeah you can say that again. Mate if you’ve come here trying to get cut of any slack you might want to think again
I know, I just wish I didn’t do it
Yk that girl LOVES you, she has been the happiest she has ever been since she started getting hate but you fucked that up
Charlie and I have tried to get her out of her bedroom but nothing so you gotta think of something and fast
I will, I’m sorry
I know you’re sorry, please don’t think that me and Charlie hate you because we don’t
Thank you, she’s lucky to have you guys
We’re just abit annoyed that she has been hurt once again
Tag list: @eviethetheatrefreak @janeholt3 @raizelchrysanderoctavius @namelesssav @amalialeclerc @eugene-emt-roe @skepvids @ravisinghs-wife
458 notes · View notes
foxintheferns · 5 months
I'd love to see Jacob with a single mama. I'd love it if he imprinted on her while she's playing with her little one on the beach. She could be Charlie's niece who he helped move to Forks to give her a fresh start with the little one. I'm thinkin the kiddo is about 1-2, old enough to walk/play in the sand but still young. I can see Jacob being the best papa ever and the pack just LOVING on the kid <3 Please and thank you! <3
Thank you so much for your patience with this one! Because I made you wait so long, I made it a long one <3. Loved writing such sweet lil fluffy stuff. Please enjoy :)
A/N: AU where Jacob and Bella aren’t toxic & weirdly obsessed with each other, and he has his own life and experiences outside of her! Period.
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You sat on the sand with Lydia between your legs, her wispy, silky auburn hair blowing between your fingers with each soft gust of the salty breeze. You faced the ocean, La Push beach surrounding you in all of its striking glory.
Lydia babbled as she played with the sand, her back to you and her arms and legs quite literally covered in the granules. It would be her second birthday in two months, and you couldn’t understand where the time had gone. She grew so quickly, her chunky little arms and legs getting longer by the day, and you wished desperately that you could pause time.
Your ex boyfriend Noah, Lydia’s father, hadn’t wanted much to do with the raising of his child.
You looked down at the side of her sweet face, the buttery soft skin of her cheek glowing with the orange light of the afternoon. It was despicable that anyone could not want to love this tiny human, you thought, that anyone would even consider leaving her by choice. But that was exactly what Noah had done. His booze and his gambling was far too important to him to bother with the raising of a small child.
It made you angry; you felt a relentless and almost violently intense need to protect her. From everything ugly and awful and false in this world, even if that meant her own father. He had never treated you right, always gone for nights at a time doing who knows what with God knows who. The pregnancy had been an accident, but his reaction was not what you’d expected. He’d seemed to be on-board at first, but was never there for you during your difficult pregnancy. You thought back to how your muscles had ached as you were on all fours scrubbing the bathroom floor that one Saturday night, seven months pregnant and inconceivably exhausted. He had come home after being gone for two days, reeking of liquor and barely having time to slur out his angry question of what you were planning on making for dinner before he’d passed out on the living room couch.
You had been expecting Lydia’s birth to snap him back to reality, to throw things into perspective for him. But the man you had practically grown up with, together since 18, had missed her birth.
“Got caught up at work,” had been his excuse when he showed up at the hospital the next morning. Even the labor and delivery nurse had thrown him a glare.
When Lydia was 3 months old, you were forced to go part-time at the job you’d loved, the one that could actually lead somewhere. Without Noah’s help, childcare was next to impossible. Your neighbor, Jess, a stay at home mom of three, was kind enough to babysit Lydia with her own children for a few days out of the week, but you felt awful not being able to pay her much, if anything, most weeks.
After over a year of trying, of desperately hoping and yearning for the man you had once loved to be a father to your sweet girl, you’d finally thrown in the towel. Noah had made it clear that he had no interest in being a dad, and in one of his more blacked-out stupors, had even remarked that if the two of you hadn’t gotten pregnant, things would’ve been easier. Better.
Noah had been gone 11 days, his longest absence yet.
You’d packed your minimal belongings, gathering Lydia’s too and putting them into her tiny suitcase with strawberries on it.
Your mom had passed when you were 16, and your dad was very much like Noah. Oh, how patterns repeat themselves. You didn’t have much of a support system to fall back on when shit hit the fan.
The one person you knew would answer if you called was your Mom’s brother, Charlie.
“(Y/N)?,” his gruff, tired voice had come through the phone that early Tuesday morning. You knew it was probably only 4am in Forks, where he was, but he’d still answered the phone.
“Uncle Charlie…,” you’d whimpered shakily, “I-….”
You didn’t even know where to begin. Uncle Charlie had always been so good to you, checking in and asking how Lydia was frequently. He’d been one of the few people you’d called to share the exciting news of your pregnancy with, and had been ecstatic, urging that you come visit him and your cousin Bella as soon as you could.
“What’s goin’ on? You okay?”, His voice had become suddenly alarmed, and you’d heard the shuffling in the background of him getting up and out of his bed.
Leaving with Lydia was something you’d been wanting to do for a while, but you didn’t think you could actually follow through with it. Saying it out loud felt impossible.
“I need your help,” you’d whispered, your voice low and on the verge of breaking.
That was two weeks ago now.
You sat on the soft sand with Lydia, her tiny fingers gripping your leg for support as she pulled herself up, and you thought back to the fear you’d felt that day. Charlie had immediately paid for a planet ticket for you and Lydia to fly up to Port Angeles. He didn’t waste a moment in inviting you to come stay with him. He’d been clearly enraged, barely hiding his distaste for Noah’s behaviors once you’d let the floodgates open and told him everything you’d been hiding for months.
“Jesus, (y/n). I thought you guys were doing good, I-… I thought he was different, honey. I’m so sorry, kid,” Charlie had spoken into the phone after the words pouring from your mouth had finally come to a halt once you’d gotten him caught up on the current status of your relationship with your baby’s father. You hadn’t realized it, but you’d been hiding it from practically everyone. Your cousin Bella texted you often, and she knew some of the details of how absent Noah had become, but even she didn’t know the extent of it. You were a single mother, from the moment Lydia was conceived, you’d accepted that. Noah was never a dad to her.
“Mama! San!” Lydia’s tiny voice shrieked out as she grabbed a fistful of sand and threw it in front of her, some of it spraying in the breeze and landing across your chest and arms. She tentatively waited for your reaction. Her eyes scanned your face, her pink cheeks pulled into an ecstatic smile. You laughed, shaking your head, and wiped the rough granules off of your skin as you nodded at her.
“Yes, sand!” You picked up a handful of it, holding it out to show her and letting it spill through your fingers. She shrieked again, excited by your intentional dropping of the sand, and jumped several times, her little legs barely able to lift her half an inch off the ground.
You’d been down at the beach in La Push almost every day now. You’d gotten settled in to the extra bedroom at the Swan’s house, and you couldn’t help but feel like a burden, so you went out with Lydia often. Charlie and Bella had insisted, several times, that they were grateful to have the two of you. That they didn’t feel burdened by your presence. A toddler definitely wasn’t the quietest or most polite house guest, but Lydia was truly the best thing you’d ever done, and you prided yourself that you’d managed to raise such a good tiny human all on your own.
She was kind, and gentle. She loved animals, she loved making new friends. She watched the world around her with curious and eager eyes, anxious to explore and see and feel. She laughed and laughed and laughed; she was the giggliest baby you’d ever seen.
Bella offered to watch her whenever you needed a break, and you hadn’t asked for one yet. She was practically begging to babysit Lydia at this point, which had surprised even her; she wasn’t much of a kid person.
You didn’t want a break. You were soaking up this time with your little one as much as you could. You felt free, for the first time in a long time.
The beach felt like home now, and Lydia seemed to think so too. Every time you walked with her down the dirt path toward the beach, she would screech and try her best to run towards the glistening ocean. You’d been at the beach now for an hour or two, and you reached into your bag to pull out more baby sunscreen for her.
“Lyd, come ‘ere babe.” You reached out, gently pulling her to you, and her eyes landed on the pink bottle of sunscreen. She knew the drill at this point, and gingerly leaned against you as you rubbed the cream across her tiny little shoulders and arms. She giggled and smiled as the cold sunscreen landed on her skin.
“Eeee!” She cried, slapping her small hands against your leg as she pulled her face away in protest to you trying to spread the sunscreen across her cheeks. She still stood in place though, squeezing her eyes shut and pouting as you rubbed it in.
“Thank you, baby. Such a good girl,” you cooed as you snapped the lid of the sunscreen closed and placed a kiss on the tip of her little nose. You continued to pepper her face with smooches until she was a screeching, giggling mess on the sand, her arms and legs flailing every which way. You tickled her, both of you laughing loud enough for the sound to travel over the noise of the rolling waves hitting the beach.
After the tickle attack came to an end, you grabbed some strawberries and blueberries from your bag, pulling open the Tupperware container and holding it out to Lydia. Her eyes lit up (strawberries are her all time fave) and she eagerly grabbed at the berries with both hands. After several minutes of snacking, her mouth and face was stained pink and red, and her fingers were sticky. The sand was still warm, although the breeze was starting to cool off a bit.
“Let’s walk, yeah Lyddi?,” you asked, getting up from your large towel and brushing the sand off of your legs. She bounced around beside the towel, falling a few times onto the soft sand as she lost her balance. You held your hand out and smiled down at her, waiting for her to meet your eyes. She reached out without hesitation, allowing you to envelope her tiny hand in yours, and let you lead her down towards the water.
You walked across the gentle waves, only going far enough so that the incoming swells flowed across your feet and ankles. With each wave hitting the shore, Lydia giggled and gripped your hand firmly, picking her feet up as quickly as she could to run from the water as it approached, only to run back towards it when it receded. You bent down, releasing her hand to skim the ocean water, wetting your fingers to clean the berry juice from her face.
As you were wiping your thumb across the soft skin of her chin, you saw her eyes flicker to something behind you, down the beach. Her gaze was intent and focused, and you glanced over your shoulder to see what managed to catch her constantly fleeting attention. A group of four tall men coming down the beach, kicking a soccer ball amongst their group. Their laughter was just reaching your ears now, and they were coming close enough that you were able to make out their faces.
They were quite large, and all but one of them were shirtless. The image rang a bell: they looked like they could be some of the Quileute boys you’d heard Bella mention were her close friends. You knew the beach was on the local Quileute reservation, but it’d been relatively empty in the days you and Lydia had been spending there, and you’d only seen random tourists walking along the beach occasionally. Bella had complained jokingly to you that these friends of hers were annoyingly always shirtless, impossibly large and tall, and that her boyfriend Edward wasn’t the biggest fan of them.
You smiled when one of them looked down the beach towards you and Lydia, and he seemed to return a polite smile at first, but his face melted into an odd expression when your eyes met. It was an indecipherable look. A look you didn’t understand.
He stopped walking, his body halting while his friends continued to move down the beach ahead of him. For a moment, it almost seemed like he was about to wave or come towards you, as if he recognized you like an old friend. The peculiar expression lingered for a moment before he pulled his eyes away quickly, and you saw his mouth moving as he seemed to speak swiftly to the men around him. His friends stopped walking as well, all turning to face him with bewildered expressions. The eye contact between you had been longer than a typical interaction with a stranger, but you felt oddly unalarmed. You were struck with an odd sensation that felt like you recognized him too.
He was the tallest of the group, his shoulders wide & strong. His frame was long and lean, and he happened to be the only one wearing a shirt, though it was a black cut off tank that didn’t cover much of his chiseled musculature underneath. You brushed the encounter off as random and probably explainable, trying to ignore the odd and unfamiliar sensation that prickled across your entire body like electricity.
You turned back to Lydia, but her curious eyes were still locked on the group behind you, wonder filling her face. A smile crept onto your lips as you watched her blink, her long lashes framing her wide eyes. She was beautiful. She was always so curious, so interested. Strangers made her nervous, like any two year old, though, which is why you were utterly bewildered when she broke away from your grasp and started toddling down the shore towards the group of men. You shot up from your lowered position, chasing after her.
“Lydia!” you called, your feet picking up pace.
It was amazing just how fast a two year old could be when they suddenly decided they had a destination in mind. You caught her under the armpit just as she almost fell across the wet sand in her run, and your knees hit the soft sand as you almost fell yourself. You panted, holding onto her and unable to stifle back a laugh at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“What the heck! Lyd-,” you started, looking up from where you grasped her. She was frozen, staring up at something.
She’d managed to close the distance between the two of you and the men, quickly enough that the soccer ball they’d been passing around as they came down the beach was only feet away now. You followed her gaze, and saw two large hands come down to swiftly pick up the ball. Your eyes moved up more still, until they landed on the face of the man you’d just locked eyes with moments before.
His gentle brown eyes were wide, his jaw slack and his expression yet again incomprehensible. You still had a smile on your face, and his eyes flicked down to your grin, the corners of his own mouth lifting up slightly. He gestured toward you with the arm that held the soccer ball.
“You’re, uh, Bella’s cousin?” The sound of his voice was rough and deep. Your grin faltered to make way for the suprised expression that came across your face.
“Oh, uh, yeah! Um, you know Bella?” You asked, taking the brief moment to get back up onto your feet and readjust the flowy fabric of your sundress that had gotten ruffled up in the capturing of your tiny escapee. You still held Lydia’s hand, and she stayed unmoving by your side, watching the tall man with the same awed expression. A grin spread across his face, and his eyes maintained the same electric glow they’d had from the moment you’d looked at him.
“Bella’s one of my best friends, yeah. She’s told me a lot about you…and… uh Lydia, right?” He spoke gently, his eyes glancing down at the tiny human to your right. You looked down at her, too, and she smiled timidly up at the man, stepping slightly behind your leg shyly. You beamed back at him, nodding and running your fingers through the soft silky baby hair on the top of Lydia’s head.
“Yeah, this is Lydia,” you replied, ruffling her hair until a soft giggle fell from her lips.
“I’m Jacob Black,” he glanced beyond him briefly and jerked his thumb over his shoulder, “those are my buddies Quil, Embry, and Jared. You’re (Y/N)?”
You glanced briefly over to the other three men, though they were now immersed in their own mumbled conservation several yards away; one of them was watching you with interest and flashed a warm smile back at you.
You nodded, turning back to Jacob.
“That’s me,” you answered with a shrug and a smile. When you met his gaze again, his eyes were intense, almost pained, his pupils wide. That electric feeling ran through you again. The eye contact between the two of you lingered each and every time it occurred, as if it was an inconvenience to pull away from it for both of you. Jacob knelt down on one knee, tucking the soccer ball under his arm. His eyes only broke away from yours to glance down at Lydia, who was still watching him intently from her place next to your leg.
“Hi, Lydia, it’s nice to meet you,” he murmured gently, “I’m Jacob.”
There was a hesitation, and you were just about to encourage Lydia to say hello to Jacob, but to your surprise she broke away from you once more, ambling across the sand and reaching her arms out towards the soccer ball Jacob held under his arm. In her uncoordinated stumbling over the sand, she started to fall forwards. Before you could even begin to reach to catch her, one of Jacob’s large hands came out in a flash to support her, stopping her mid fall.
“Woah, buddy, careful there!” He exclaimed, a chuckle coming from his chest.
At the sound of his laughter, your baby beamed up at him, her expression suddenly delighted, and after a moment, a giggle erupted from her own little body.
Your eyes widened, shocked as you watched her laugh, Jacob’s large hand still holding her up off the sand. His eyes flickered to you as you broke into surprised laughter as well, and soon the three of you were a giggling mess. Lydia adored making adults laugh. It was the phase she was currently in: to laugh at everything anyone deemed amusing, and it was common that she would even fake laugh to get you to laugh, which would often result in a real fit of hysterics from the both of you
You were astonished that she’d warmed to a stranger so quickly, especially such a large man - a category of human that toddlers tend to decide is terrifying for no reason.
As the afternoon started to bleed into evening, you and Lydia got to know your new friends. Lydia was very opposed to moving away from them, interested in the soccer ball and jumping around in the sand. Jacob continued to stare intently at you every moment that his eyes weren’t required to be on something else, and you didn’t mind it. His energy was warm and gentle, and even his friends seemed to find his behavior entertaining, chuckling and whispering to eachother every time Jacob’s eyes lingered on you for a few seconds too long. You couldn’t help but feel the heat rush to your face with his stares. You hadn’t really felt this noticed by someone, a man, in what felt like forever. And he was absolutely noticing you. He was doing more than notice you. He was ogling at you, drinking the sight of you in like fresh air for a suffocating man. His eyes turned gentle and soft whenever they fell upon Lydia, and he spent the time as the two of you spoke truly attending to her and her endless toddler games, showing earnest interest in the shells she had picked up and started to stack on one of his feet.
“Oooh, wow, now that one’s pretty. Definitely my favorite one yet.” He carefully examined the newest purple shell Lydia had found and handed to him for inspection. She smiled and clenched her fists in excitement, eagerly racing to find more shells in the sand to bring to him.
His eyes slowly found their way back to yours as you sat beside one another. You smiled softly, and he returned it, the smile reaching his eyes and crinkling them gently.
There it was again, that electricity.
Six Months Later
It had been a whirlwind, these past six months. Meeting Jacob Black had changed life entirely for you and your daughter. After that night on the beach, you, Charlie and Bella had visited the Blacks’ home a few times, joining them for bonfires and pizza dinners whenever a hockey game was on tv. Bella seemed adamant that you visit Jacob often, even Charlie seemed surprised with how eagerly she encouraged you to join them and hang out with the Quileute boys. You’d met Jacob’s father, who seemed to welcome you into his family without hesitation within moments of meeting you. He had peered at you with an intensely inquisitive expression, something that reminded you of the odd gut feeling you hadn’t been able to shake…that your new acquaintances were far more interesting than they let on. There was just something about them, and it felt like a secret club you were looking in on, one that caused the hushed, private conversations that seemed to happen frequently in their presence. You’d spoken to Bella about your encounter with her friend right after that first night on the beach. As the rest of that week had passed, Bella had begun acting suspiciously around you. Within days of her odd avoidant behavior, she finally sat you down to tell you things that challenged your perception of the world, forever.
Vampires and werewolves.
Insanity, right?
Bella had explained her relationship with Edward, and you hadn’t believed it at first.
Like, at all. Who would?
In fact, you thought she’d been completely off her rocker, crazy.
That was, until she’d claimed that Jacob had something to do with it, too.
“You need to go talk to Jacob,” she’d urged, “only he can explain what you need to know.”
You’d been absolutely confused, unsure what Jacob Black had to do with anything, especially with this absurd tale of vampires.
“I’ll watch Lydia. Go,” she’d insisted, practically pushing you out the front door. You were insanely curious; you’d never had any reason to question Bella’s mental competence before, and with her frantic efforts to get you to talk to Jacob, you had to know what this was all about. You still of course doubted the absurd story, but wanted to get to the root of the craziness, naturally.
When you’d arrived at the Black’s house, it seemed Jacob was expecting you, and he’d grabbed your hand gently, pulling you towards his little makeshift garage in the back.
You’d spent hours with him that night. Jacob had tried, while his eyes watered and his voice shook nervously, to explain the wildly unbelievable, and yet somehow completely sensical and validating reality of his ancestral destiny.
“I know, (y/n). Please, believe me, I know this sounds crazy,” he’d said as he anxiously paced across the garage, his eyes flashing to your face for your reaction.
You’d shaken your head, trying to connect the dots in your mind. It matched up with the absurd story Bella had told you, only this time he was speaking of wolves, wolves with the instinctual duty to protect from the supposed vampires Bella become involved with deeply. Wolves that were not wolves, but men. Men that included Jacob and his friends.
“Come with me,” he’d finally insisted sternly as you’d silently refused to accept the words he spoke, staring at him dumbfoundedly.
He’d led you outside, to the dark treeline, and placed his hands up in front of him before you could protest.
“Listen, I know this is gonna be hard to see, (y/n). I didn’t wanna have to do this but I need you to understand. There’s so much more to this world than you think there is. Please,” he’d begged, pulling you into a tight hug, his eyes wildly urging yours to listen to him, his shaky voice reducing to a whisper against your hair, “I understand if you never, ever want to be a part of this. But you deserve to know.”
You’d shaken your head, bewildered.
“What are you talking about, Jake?”
He stood back and started to pull his pants down, and your eyes widened, your eyebrow cocking up in confusion. A smile flashed across his lips.
“Remember what I just told you. I’d never hurt you, okay?”
Your mind flickered to the story he’d just spent the last hour telling you, but your brain simply wouldn’t allow you to defy logic to consider the possibility that the man was truly actually about to turn into a wolf.
And yet, you stood there with your jaw slacked open and your eyes wide, your body frozen as he stepped back several feet, his body twitching and trembling and twisting oddly before…
A ripping sound rang out, a wildly violent sound that came from deep within his body. The sound echoed against the trees, before it fell hauntingly silent across the dark backyard. Within less than a moment, a massive red brown wolf was standing before you, his huge head only inches away from your face.
Your mind didn’t comprehend the sight, the reality too unreal and too intangible to wrap around and understand. Those same brown eyes you’d come to know and feel safe in stared back at you intently from the massive wolf’s face.
It was the last image you remembered before you’d fallen to the ground, slipping into a shock driven unconsciousness.
When you’d woken, you had been in Jacob’s bed, an ice pack being gently repeatedly pressed to your forehead and neck.
It had been a rude awakening, but one that had forced open your eyes to a world that quickly became home for you, lifting the veil of reality that you’d come know.
Jacob’s next explanation was that of the concept of imprinting. That night, after you’d settled and moved out of your state of shock, started speaking real words again, Jacob expressed why he felt it was necessary to expose you to his world. He’d explained the ancient way of imprinting, what it meant for him, what it meant for you. That first day on the beach, the way he’d look at you, that electricity. It all made sense now.
“It’s you, (y/n). Now that you’re here, I will follow you anywhere. Even if you don’t want to be part of this, I’ll always protect you and Lydia from afar. Always. I can’t imagine a world anymore without you, a life without you. The moment I saw you, I felt it. My heart was yours,” he’d murmured, his arms around you as he rubbed your back to calm your tremors that had come across your body as you tried desperately to adjust to your entirely new concept of existence.
That felt so long ago, now. You’d met the Cullens soon after you were welcomed into the world of the supernatural, joining Bella in her secretive lifestyle of hiding the direct truth from Charlie, only letting him in on what he absolutely needed to know. Charlie was over the moon that you and Jacob got together; he pissed Bella off with how openly he approved of your relationship with Jacob over hers with Edward. Jacob didn’t feel right having you live in a spare bedroom at the Swan house, and had practically demanded you move into a home on the reservation with him. He’d jokingly insisted that it wasn’t his fault, that the imprint had forced him to need you in his sight at all times. You didn’t resist, elated to finally feel welcome in a home with your Lydia. And it wasn’t hard - Jacob made that incredibly simple. He so openly loved Lydia nearly as much as he loved you. Sometimes, you wondered how deeply the imprinting had impacted him. He accepted it and took it on with respect. He never pressured you to be anything but there, in his life. He didn’t seem to mind in the slightest or even really notice how slowly you were allowing him into your heart. The relationship you had with Jacob had begun as a deep and true friendship, but the imprint connection was impossible to ignore, and there was undeniable attraction you felt for him, even beyond his beautifully kind heart and spirit. You held hands constantly, even before you’d established any sort of romantic connection. The first night Jacob had kissed you, you’d expressed your hesitation at pulling him into your life. You’d gotten used to men not wanting much to do with a single mom, after Noah had made it clear that you and Lydia were essentially a burden in his life. You were scared, not only for your own heart, but for Lydia’s. You couldn’t bear to bring another man into her life only for him to reject her like her father had. But Jacob? He’d adamantly refused to let your anxieties overcome you. He loved you, he’d insisted. All of you. Lydia was part of you. So, he loved her. It was that simple to him. He was often just as anxious when Lydia was out of his sight as when you were.
You remember the first time Lydia had called Jake ‘Dada’, several months after you’d been exposed to this world of fantasy. Lydia had gotten so comfortable with him, more comfortable than she’d been with any person, besides you, before. She babbled with excitement every time she heard you or Charlie or Bella mention him, and begged to see him frequently. Once you’d moved into the small red house with Jacob, she’d jump and squeal every time his truck pulled into the driveway at the end of the day.
That day she first said the word, you’d nervously glanced at his face, searching for his response.
She’d been holding his hand, walking along the shore at La Push. It was winter by this point, but Lydia needed her regular beach walk, and was bundled in her tiny red puffer jacket and white hat. She’d stooped down to pick up a shell, gripping it in her small fist, and jerked her hand out to him, dropping the shell into his hand.
“Dada!” She’d squealed as she waited for his approval of the shell.
His eyes had lit up and an expression of utter shock, which had quickly shifted into ecstatic bliss, moved across his features. His eyes had flashed to yours, and he clearly struggled, with everything in him, to hold back a massive grin. He was unsure of your reaction. Your eyes had melted back at him, and you were completely unable to resist the smile that crossed your lips. His dark eyes had turned glossy, and he’d looked back down at Lydia’s impatiently waiting face as she’d stared up at him, grasping the shell and embracing her in a massive bear hug. She’d laughed and shrieked, wrapping her tiny arms around his neck.
At Lydia’s 2nd birthday party, the whole pack had celebrated with you and Jacob at Billy’s house. The rest of the boys had happily taken on the role of proud uncles, practically fighting over who could hold her whenever you brought her over.
Life was peaceful, and you’d taken on a job at the La Push Farmer’s market. Childcare was a breeze now: on any given day while you were at work, either Sue & Charlie or Emily would eagerly babysit Lydia if Jacob was out on patrol or working his shift as a mechanic at the local bike shop. Lydia now had a family that was larger and more loving than you could have ever dreamed for her.
And you couldn’t ignore the fateful gift that you’d received too. Jacob Black was yours, and you were his. And you knew that, without a single doubt, he’d protect you and your daughter with relentless fervor for the rest of your lives.
You were safe. You were loved.
You were home.
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ang3l-fac33 · 3 months
WJEJJF I HAD THE CUTEST IDEA can you please write a oneshot for husk being a total father figure for some younger sinner at the hotel (I feel like he’d be a reluctant teen dad haha) thank you so much! Love your writing!
of course! thank you for the request! :D i’m not sure if you meant the reader to be a teen so i apologize if i got it wrong!
husk x teen! reader. (platonic)
genre: fluff
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husk was standing behind the bar counter cleaning a glass, and not looking really thrilled to be there as usual. sitting on the other side of the bar table was angel dust, sipping away at some fruity pink alcoholic beverage that he made a few minutes prior.
there was a comfortable silence between the two, both of them not having much to say to each other, but husk prefered the silence, it helped with the headache he was currently nursing from having to deal with everyone’s bullshit in the hotel.
the only two people he was most comfortable with was angel and you. you were a rather young sinner, only fifteen. that didn’t really sit right with husk, you being so young in a place like this?
maybe that’s why he felt the need to look out for you, because you were so young. he didn’t want you to end up like him, washed up with a long history of bad choices. just because you were in hell doesn’t mean that you couldn’t do good things.
you were young and impressionable, another reason why he kept a close eye on you. more than half the people in the hotel were bad influences. he really wasn’t the best either but at least he was sensible.
angel would constantly talk about drugs and sex, alastor was just plain creepy, charlie, well, she was fine.. it’s just that you were known to be a bit.. what’s the word? mischievous. and charlie didn’t have the heart to tell you ‘no’ half the times. vaggie was fine as well, though a little more on the aggressive side. and, well, nifty was.. well, nifty.
he felt like he was the only one fit enough to actually help you. but it’s not like he would admit any of this out loud of course. you still were very very annoying to him, and angel gave him enough teasing for his fatherly behavior. he can’t believe he got sucked into all of this.
the silence was soon interrupted by the hotel’s doors slamming open. husk flinched and sighed, already knowing who it was. you grinned as you made your way over to the bar, hopping on one of the stools next to angel dust.
angel dust gave you a side glance and a small smirk. he had grown fond of you, and due to your young status he viewed you as a younger sibling. plus it was also fun to tease husk about his father like tendencies towards you. “hey squirt. how was your day huh?”
you smiled, kicking your feet back and forth excitedly. “it was awesome! i went out with cherri bomb and she taught me how to blow shit up!” you said it as if it were the coolest thing ever, but to husk it made his heart drop. bombs? are you serious?
husk wanted to say something but he held it back, not wanting to offend the demon spider with his opinions about cherri. she was the guy’s best friend after all. as angel dust continued to encourage this, husk sighed.
“can i get you something to drink kid?” husk asked, trying to avert the conversation to avoid a bigger headache. “i’ve got orange juice, apple juice—“
“give me what he’s having!” you demanded, pointing towards the pink alcoholic beverage in angel dust’s hand. husk wrinkled his nose before giving a scoff of amusement, putting away his glass. “not happening.”
you pouted childishly at the denial of your requested drink, and angel dust laughed. “c’mon, let the kid have a drink. it won’t hurt him.”
husk’s brows raised in disbelief. “they’re fifteen!” he exclaimed, his wings giving a tiny flutter of irritation. “just because this is hell doesn’t mean that they can do whatever they want!”
“pfft— okay *dad*”
that makes husk freeze, and for a moment he panics. he knew you were just being sarcastic but something about it just.. whatever.
the smug and amused look angel dust was giving him made him instantly snap out of it with another scoff. “whatever kid. do you want a non alcoholic beverage or not?” he growled, grabbing a clean glass.
you rolled your eyes and sighed. “fine.. give me an orange juice.”
husk made quick work of pouring you an orange juice, making sure it was nice and cold before sliding it over to you, then grabbed a whole bottle of alcohol for himself.
as the minutes passed husk found himself quietly drinking as he watched you and angel dust chatter on about random things, a small smile tugging at his lips. he felt relaxed again, his headache being a little less bad now.
you may be annoying at times but you really were a good kid.
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tigertales9 · 7 hours
Anticipation IV
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+ / Smut
Description: This is the fourth fic in the Anticipation mini-series.
Time/Place: June 10, 2024 - Cincinnati, Ohio
A/N: I meant to get this media day porny nugget up a little sooner, but life got in the way.
Inspo pic:
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~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Monday, June 10, 2024 - Bengals media day
You slowly ease your car to a stop at a red light, bopping your head and singing along with Megan Thee as your phone rings; you turn the music down and check your phone display, smiling as you answer the call.
"Hey babe," you greet.
"Hey," Joe responds. "Whatcha doing?"
"I'm headed to the store to get something to cook for dinner."
"Where are you?" he asks, continuing once you give him your location. "You're really close. Why don't you swing by the facility?"
You bite your lip as your mind races; you don't usually go to the facility much in the off-season. "Is everything okay?" you ask.
"Yeah, I just wanna see you."
"Okay, sure," you grin as you check the time. The surprise cupcakes you ordered for the team are set to be delivered soon. Perfect timing, you think to yourself. "I'll be there in a few minutes."
"I'll be in the players lounge."
"See you soon."
"Love you," he murmurs.
"Love you, too."
~ ~ ~
Ten minutes later, you park your car and quickly make your way into the Bengals facility, nodding at the receptionist as you walk up to her desk. "Hey Sheila," you greet, giving her a smile when she hops up and comes out from behind her desk to give you a hug.
"Hey Y/n," she grins. "The cupcakes you ordered just got delivered a few minutes ago," she continues. "They're setting them up in the players lounge as we speak."
"Perfect. Make sure you get one," you add. "I ordered plenty for everybody."
"Thanks," she gives you a wink before hurrying back behind her desk; she opens a drawer and reaches in, pulling out a cupcake. "Just waiting for my break to eat it," she grins, hitting the button that opens the secured door.
"Awesome," you return her grin before walking through the door as it opens with a quiet whoosh. You weave your way down the main hallway, making a couple of turns before walking into the players lounge. You wave at the staff members setting up cupcakes on a large table before scanning the mostly-empty room for your man.
"Hey babe," you hear just behind you, your pulse reacting when you feel Joe's big hand on the small of your back.
"Hey," you turn toward him and tilt your head back to smile up at him. "How's it going?" you ask, letting your eyes run over his tall, muscular frame, taking in his black, sleeveless compression shirt, white football pants, orange stockings, white socks and black and white cleats. "No jersey?" you ask.
"I took it off since I'm done with all the pics and vids," he answers. "Thanks for the surprise cupcakes," he continues, nodding his head toward the table.
"You're welcome," you grin. "I thought you could use a sweet treat after all the aggravation of media day."
He gives you a slow once-over, taking in your flip-flops and slinky, floral sundress that hits a few inches above your knees, a loaded look on his face when he finally meets your eyes. "A sweet treat is exactly what I need," he purrs. "That's why I asked you to stop by."
Before you have a chance to respond, he cuts his eyes at a group of guys as they enter the lounge and let out a loud roar of laughter while looking in your direction. "What's so funny?" Joe snaps, his expression unreadable as he raises one eyebrow at the trio of wide receivers.
"Uhhhh, nothing," Andrei chirps, his eyes wide as saucers as he exchanges a quick glance with Jermaine and Charlie before returning his gaze to Joe. "We were just … wondering … what flavor the cupcakes are," he continues, clearly trying not to laugh while telling this obvious lie.
Joe opens his mouth to respond, but you throw him a warning look before smiling at Andrei. "They're chocolate cupcakes with vanilla buttercream frosting," you state, waving a hand toward the table that's holding an obscene amount of the sweet confections. "Why don't y'all give 'em a try?"
They all nod and quickly move to grab a cupcake. "Love the orange and black sprinkles," Jermaine grins, peeling off the orange and black tiger-striped liner before taking a bite.
"That's our team colors," Charlie says around a mouthful of cupcake, looking back and forth between Jermaine and Andrei as they bust out laughing. "What's so funny?" he continues.
"Nothing, bro," Andrei soothes, patting him on the back as he steers him farther into the players lounge.
They take a few steps before Jermaine spins around and holds up the last bite of his cupcake. "Thanks for the cupcakes, Y/n," he chirps, giving you a big grin before polishing it off.
Before you can respond, Andrei and Charlie spin around and add their thanks. "Yeah, thanks, Y/n! They're delish," Andrei states. "Delish and decorated in our team colors," Charlie adds, laughing along with his other two teammates as they gently tease him for being 'Captain Obvious'.
"You're welcome," you chuckle, walking to the table to grab a cupcake before closing the distance between you and Joe.
He's still shaking his head as he watches the trio disappear around a corner. "Sorry my receivers are a bunch of goobers," he grins, taking the fat cupcake from you.
"And you love them anyway, right?"
"Of course," he snorts, grabbing your hand before heading for the door.
"Are they still teasing you about the booty hickey?"
"Nah, I shut that shit down."
Your grin at his grumpy tone. "Pretty sure that's what they were laughing about."
"Yep," he agrees, throwing you a wink before y'all exit the lounge. "But they knew better than to say anything, didn't they?"
"Yep," you giggle. "You have them well trained."
"Damn right," he gloats.
Y'all fall silent for a minute as he leads you down the main hallway before veering into a dimly-lit alcove; he stops at a closed door and drops your hand before punching in a security code. You know exactly where you're going as he grabs your hand and heads down the narrow corridor, throwing you a quick smile as the secure door closes behind you.
"Slow down, daddy long legs," you giggle, tugging on his hand. "I'm gonna blow out a flip-flop trying to keep up with you."
"Sorry." He comes to a stop before holding the cupcake out toward you. "Hold this," he orders, turning his back to you when you do his bidding. "Hop on," he continues, squatting down and gesturing for you to jump on his back.
"A piggyback ride?" you mutter, sneaking an anxious look at the door at the end of the corridor.
"Yes, let's go," he commands, throwing you a look over his shoulder as you rearrange your purse before hopping on his back, careful not to drop his cupcake as he easily hitches you up and continues legging it down the long hallway.
You're hyper aware of the feel of his big hands gripping your bare thighs, not to mention the feel of your crotch pressed against the small of his back. You bury your nose in his neck, taking a deep breath of his delicious scent -- body wash with just a hint of sweat.
"You smell good," you sigh, taking another deep breath as he stops in front of a door at the very end of the hallway. He gently slides you to the floor before opening the door and ushering you into the dark room, a loaded look on his face as he flicks on the overhead light before closing and locking the door.
"My fav storage room," you giggle, walking a few steps into the room before placing your purse on a flimsy-looking table. "Is it darker in here than usual?" you ask, tilting your head back to look up at the light fixture.
"Yeah," Joe answers, "looks like two of the three light bulbs are burned out."
His voice has that sensual lilt it always gets when he's thinking naughty thoughts. You smile at him as you remember all the other times y'all have been in this room. Sometimes just to get away from the crowd for a few minutes after a game, and sometimes to make out -- his tongue in your mouth and his hand in your panties. From the energy he's giving off, you're pretty sure he's thinking about the latter.
You hand him the cupcake as he walks up to you, watching closely as he sets it on the table before turning to face you. "Don't you wanna eat it?" you ask, your pulse picking up at the look on his face as he lowers his eyes down to your crotch for several heartbeats before recapturing your gaze. "Can't wait to eat it," he purrs, licking his lips as he slowly closes the distance between you, a dirty grin gracing his face as he backs you up against the door.
"I've said it before and I'll say it again … I'm not getting naked in here," you state. "There might be a hidden camera." You swallow hard and take a deep breath as your body continues to react to him. The cool door behind your back provides a stark contrast to the heat radiating off of his big body as he plants a hand on either side of your head, leaning down until his lips brush against your ear. "You don't need to get naked," he whispers, his hot breath tickling your ear in a way that sends a shiver down your spine.
"Okay," you mutter, your eyes going wide when he drops to his knees at your feet, his head immediately disappearing under your skirt. "Joseph!" you squeak. "What if there's a camera in here?"
"Even if there is a camera, nobody will see anything. I'll make sure you stay covered."
"They'll see your head under my skirt," you argue. You didn't really care if someone saw his hand under your skirt, but his entire big-ass head was a different story.
He pulls said big-ass head out and gives you a cheeky look. "So?" he smirks. "We're engaged to be married. I'm pretty sure they know we have sex."
You roll your eyes at him. "You think you're clever, huh?"
"I'm just repeating what you said last week when the guys teased me about the butt hickey." He gives you a wink before ducking back under your skirt. "Just relax and enjoy."
"Yes, sir," you mumble, widening your stance and gripping his shoulders for balance as he presses kisses against your pink lace panties. He hooks a finger in the crotch of your thong and yanks it aside, his tongue -- like hot velvet -- licking a slow stripe up your slit before fluttering over your clit, repeating this pattern over and over while you squirm against him.
He eventually slides two fingers into your slick heat, sucking your clit as he fingers you, moaning deep in his throat when you grind against his face. "You like that?" he breathes against your super sensitive flesh, sucking you harder when you fist a hand in his hair and arch your back. "Yeah," you whine, "don't stop!" He follows orders, keeping the perfect pace, his fingers bullseyeing your sweet spot while his tongue teases you with gentle licks followed by harder sucks.
A few minutes later, you pull his hair as your climax approaches, a steady stream of whimpers spilling from your lips as you come apart; his primal growl vibrates through you as your core clenches his fingers, his tongue easing up but still fluttering over your clit as your entire body trembles from the intense release.
Your legs eventually give out and you slide down the door, smiling when he whips off his compression shirt and uses it to cushion your knees before they hit the floor. "Thanks," you whisper, your entire body buzzing as he leans forward and nips your bottom lip before sliding his tongue inside, treating your mouth to the same lush, thorough licking he just gave your pussy.
"You taste good, don't you?" he finally pants as he breaks the intense kiss, leaning back and capturing your gaze as you lick your lips. "Yeah," you agree, reaching a hand down to palm his erection through his slinky pants. "Stand up," you order, grinding your thumb the length of his hard cock. "I want you to fuck my mouth."
"Jesus, baby," he groans, the possibility of a hidden camera totally forgotten by both of you as he rises to his feet, his cleats scraping against the concrete floor as you cup your hands behind his thick thighs and urge him closer.
You look up at him as he towers over you, glad that there's enough light to enjoy the view of his bare chest and arms -- both bulging with muscles -- plus the impressive tent in his football pants. You run your hands up the front of his thighs, avoiding his erection as you slide your hands higher, biting your lip when his abs tense under your fingertips.
He groans low in his throat when you finally grip his cock through his pants, his breath coming hard and fast as you caress him, his hips bucking forward against your hand to try and get more friction.
"I need to taste you," you murmur, slowly peeling his football pants down to free his erection; you catch him in one hand, wrapping his hot, hard length in your fist and stroking him several times, base to tip, your mouth watering as a pearl of precum appears.
You make eye contact with him and flatten your tongue against his tip, lapping at his essence before swirling your tongue around. His purely masculine scent and taste send a rush of saliva into your mouth as you tease him with your tongue, slowly licking up and down his hard length, your gaze locked on his as you pleasure him in all the ways you know he loves.
"So good, baby," he grunts when you finally take him deep; he places one hand against the door and the other on the back of your head, his hips rolling forward in steady strokes, pumping his thick cock into your mouth just enough to make your eyes water but not enough to set off your gag reflex.
Such a gentleman, you think to yourself, reaching both hands around and digging your fingers into his plump ass, pulling him forward so his next thrust penetrates your throat. "Fuck!" he hisses as your gag reflex kicks in, causing your throat to convulse around him a few times before you pull back.
You swallow hard and take a deep breath before getting back down to business, working him deep -- but not too deep -- and making obscene slurping noises as you suck him. His sultry voice caresses you like a physical touch as he praises you, his body language telling you he's close to the edge.
After a few more minutes, you sink your fingers into his ass cheeks again and make eye contact with him, a hiss escaping his pretty lips when he reads your intentions; you relax your throat as you tug him forward, deep-throating him as his stormy-blue eyes slide closed in ecstasy. His head falls back as his climax hits, one big hand gripping the nape of your neck as his hot cream spurts down your throat.
~ ~ ~
Fifteen minutes later -- after Joe ate his cupcake and put his shirt back on and you reapplied your lip gloss -- y'all make your way back down the long hallway before creeping out of the locked door, your eyes going wide when Andrei, Charlie and Jermaine round the corner and approach you.
"Hey," Andrei says, craning his neck to look at the door behind y'all. "What's back there?" he asks.
"Just a few empty offices and storage space," Joe mumbles, giving a nonchalant shrug.
"Cool," Andrei chirps, smiling as Joe continues speaking.
"We were just … trying to decide what to have for dinner," Joe states, giving you a look as he forges ahead. "Y/n is headed to the grocery store."
"Oh yeah, meal planning is crucial," Jermaine says, flashing a big grin as the trio keeps heading down the main hallway toward the exit.
Joe watches them for a bit before capturing your gaze. "Think they bought it?" he mumbles.
"Hell no," you laugh, biting your lip when Andrei stops and looks back at y'all.
"Hey, Joe?" he hollers. "Your compression shirt is on wrong-side out, bro."
"Yeah," Charlie adds. "You put it back on wrong after y'all finished meal planning."
"Captain Obvious like a motherfucker," Jermaine snorts, ushering Charlie and Andrei around the corner as they laugh like hell.
You make eye contact with Joe, grinning as he shakes his head and heaves a sigh before speaking.
"They are total …"
"Goobers," you giggle, rising up on your tiptoes to give him a kiss before running your fingers through his messy bangs.
"Absolute goobers," he agrees, grinning as he leans down and drops another kiss on your lips. "See you at home," he continues, patting your butt as you spin around and head for the exit.
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Not About the Sleep
Alastor x Reader (Queer-Platonic) ft. Bestie Lucifer
A/N: I've been Going Thru It this last week, but I've been wanting to post something for ya'll for months. So I wrote this for myself to share :)
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Your phone was on the other end of the room. It buzzed occasionally, but you never bothered to get up and check it. Curling in on yourself, you closed your eyes, waiting to drift back off to sleep. 
A few knocks on your door caused you to inhale sharply. 
“Helllooooo? You in there? You alive?” It was Lucifer. You ignored the concerned edge in his voice. 
“I’m alive,” you responded back, not bothering to move or open your eyes. “I’m just tired.”
There was a long pause. “Wellllll… Can I come in? Is that okay?” Lucifer then started muttering, “Will Alastor kill me if I go in? No, there’s no way. Well, maybe? Gah! I don’t know.”
When there wasn’t a response, you heard the door creak open lightly. Opening your eyes, you managed to sit up a little. Lucifer stood in the doorway, dressed casually. He was fidgeting with his apple cane, looking around at your messy room. 
“Oh, man,” he whispered, before clearing his throat. “Do you… want to come downstairs? For lunch? Charlie cooked this time, she’s excited to show you.”
Sighing a little, you shook your head. “I’m alright. Thanks for the offer, though.” You’d expected that to be it, already grabbing the covers to pull back over your shoulders. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Lucifer sounded serious this time, more serious than he’d ever spoken to you before. 
“I’m just tired, Luci.” You gave him a small smile to reassure him, but he didn’t look reassured. “Just need some sleep, that’s all.”
Lucifer swallowed. He stopped fidgeting now, his apple cane firmly on the ground. “You’ve been sleeping for over fifteen hours. You and I both know it’s not about sleep at this point.”
You were quiet. Logically, you knew he was right. Of course he was right. He’d know the best of everyone here. But you just wanted to sleep. There was nothing a little sleep couldn’t fix, right? You’d be right as rain by dinner, you were sure of it. 
“I’m fine, Lucifer.” Your tone was colder than you’d meant it to be, silently apologizing to your first. “Tell Charlie I’ll have some of her leftovers or something later.” 
Pulling the covers over your head, you firmly shut your eyes and waited for sleep to take you again. That was all you needed. Just a little more sleep. 
As Lucifer pulled the door closed, you could’ve sworn you’d heard him say something, but you missed it. 
Bringing your knees to your chest, you considered Lucifer’s words. “We both know it’s not about sleep at this point.” He was wrong, surely. You hadn’t gotten like that in ages, not since Alastor had come back. You’d been fine for so long, and you were always able to catch it. Always able to say something, to let someone know you needed help. You would know if something was wrong. And nothing was wrong. You were just tired. That was it. 
But what if he was right? What if it was getting bad again? You couldn’t bear to think about it, especially now that Alastor was here to talk reason into you. The things you’d considered while Alastor was gone scared you even now, and you had sworn you’d never let things get that bad ever again. 
You were just overreacting, that was all. It was the weather, surely, or something like that. Everything would be fine. Everything was always fine. It was fine. You were fine. 
Your senses came to you slowly. You must’ve finally fallen back to sleep, but who in their right mind would wake you back up? What part of, “I just need some sleep,” did people not understand? 
The crackling of jazz music is what you heard first, followed by the familiar sound of Alastor’s humming. It was dark outside now (not that it made a difference with the curtains closed) and a few lights had been turned on in your room. The entire place was filled with dim, orange light. 
Oh, no. Not Alastor. Of all people, you really didn’t want to see Alastor. 
There was no pretending to be asleep around Alastor. He could usually hear as soon as you woke up and your breathing picked up again. With a groan, you sat up, your eyes slowly adjusting to the light.
“Ah! Good evening, my dear!” Alastor said cheerily. He was folding your clothes at your desk. The same clothes, you realized, that had been laying in a basket untouched for a week. “I took the liberty of cleaning your room for you, I do hope you don’t mind.”
“Alastor, why… I…  thought I locked the door after Lucifer left.” A glass of water sat at your bedside, still cold. You obviously hadn’t put it there.
“You did!” Alastor smiled. “I don’t care for locks, you know. Do drink some water, dearest.”
You couldn’t help but scowl at him, but Alastor was quick to match your gaze. Rather than start an argument you knew you’d lose, you drank some of the water as asked. Actually, you ended up drinking the whole glass. You hadn’t even realized how thirsty you were. 
“Imagine my surprise when Lucifer, of all people, came to tell me he was worried about you. I laughed at him, of course. Worried about you? Preposterous! You’d tell me if you were ill, I assured him, but…” Alastor paused, folding your final piece of laundry. “Dear Husker informed me how my absence affected you, so I thought a little drop-in wouldn’t hurt.”
“Fuck those guys,” you muttered to yourself, massaging the bridge of your nose. “I just need some sleep, Al, I’ll be fine.”
“That’s what I said!” Alastor declared, clearly happy someone agreed with him. “But then Miss Charlie went on and on about some sort of ‘mental health’ nonsense. It was all quite annoying.”
Alastor started skillfully putting your clothes away. It was clear he knew exactly where everything went. How, you had no idea, but this was Alastor we were talking about. 
He continued, “but I saw the sorry state of your room! How appalling! But I wasn’t about to wake you, so I did a little spring cleaning. Rosie is always telling me how a little cleaning can do a lot to improve a person’s mood. Speaking of Rosie, she was telling me about the most dastardly customer she had to deal with the other day! I brought back a little bit of them for you.”
So you sat there in your bed, listening to Alastor talk about his week while he cleaned your room. It did manage to bring a small smile to your face, especially once Alastor started slipping jokes into his stories. 
You were going to have to get Lucifer and Husk back for ratting you out, but that was a problem for later. For now, all you had to worry about was Alastor not rearranging your whole room so he could do who-know-what to it. And you’d have to tell Rosie she was right about the whole cleaning thing, but part of you knew it wasn’t just about the cleaning.
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tawaifeddiediaz · 11 months
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BUDDIE + cliché romance tropes
(original poll)
(happy birthday @oneawkwardcookie <3 ily)
[Image ID: eight gifs of Buck and Eddie from 9-1-1. They are colored various hues, and overlaid on top is one post from a tumblr poll of cliché romance tropes.
GIF 1: Eddie and Buck standing across from each other in 3.03. Eddie watches Buck kindly while Buck looks over at Chris before shifting on his feet to meet Eddie's eyes. The gif is colored purple on Eddie's side, and yellow on Buck's. The poll text reads, "Symbolic pairs (Sun/Moon, Heaven/Earth, King/Queen, Fire/Ice, etc.). Overlaid on the purple side is a wallpaper with moon and stars, and on the orange side, various designs of suns
GIF 2: A blue-toned gif of Eddie wide-eyed in the truck in 4.14, asking Buck if he's hurt. There is orange-pink gradient text on the gif, reading "are you hurt?" and "no, no, no, I'm good." The poll text reads, "'Are you okay?' asked by the bruised and battered one/'Thank God you're okay'"
GIF 3: A rose-pink hued gif from 5.06. Eddie is blurred out, close to the camera, gaze fixed on Mitchell with his jaw tight and angry. Buck, in focus, has his hand hovering up after being struck, bleeding from the forehead as he turns towards Eddie, looking worried. The poll text reads, "'Who hurt you!?'/murderous rage upon finding the other beaten up (bonus if quiet)"
GIF 4: A sea-green colored gif of Buck and Eddie hugging as they make up in 3.06. Buck's head tucks against Eddie's shoulder happily. Overlaid are red hearts. The poll text reads, "Cool-down hug."
GIF 5: A purple gif of Eddie exasperatedly telling Buck that he's telling him about the legal guardianship because Buck believes it would be better if he'd been shot instead. Overlaid over the purple is faint repeating text with Eddie's dialogue from the scene, "Because, Evan, you came in here the other day and you said you thought it would have been better if it had been you who was shot. You act like you're expendable. But you're wrong." The poll text reads, "'You better not die on me'/Scolding the other for trying to sacrifice themself."
GIF 6: A red-toned gif, blended with Eddie gripping the rope in 4.05 to help lift the container off of Sal, and Buck digging at the ground in 3.15. There's text from multiple dialogues that read, "Buck can you hear me? / We gotta go dig. / Hang in there Buck / Eddie, Hang on! / Do more!" The poll text reads, "'I'll follow you into hell' but also 'don't go where i can't follow'"
GIF 7: A blue toned gif, two scenes - Buck in 6.12 sucking in a breath, head propped on a hand as he turns his gaze up at Eddie, telling him he doesn't know how he is; Eddie in 5.14, watching Charlie make the rounds on the horse, not believing he could have a hand in saving the kid's life. Overlaid the blue are multiple lightning strikes. The poll text reads, "Hurt/Comfort."
GIF 8: Eddie telling Buck he can have his back any day, blended with Buck telling him he could have his. On Eddie's side, the gif is pink, and on Buck's, a sea-green. The poll text reads, "'I've got your back'/battle couple/absolute trust"
/end ID]
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speedycoffeedelight · 4 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery: Where Charlie ignores Vaggie's warning once again and falls into a disaster
Master list
CH- 2 : The golden book
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*Back to the present*
You released the sheep on the kitchen floor as you went to your fridge. 'Wait, sheeps do eat lettuces right? I think they do..' you thought as you picked up some lettuces that you were saving for salad. You made sure to properly wash them before putting it on a bowl and giving it to the sheep. As for the moth, you cut a bit of orange that you had and put it on a small plate near the moth.
Charlie was looking around and trying to take all of your room in. She was suddenly painfully aware of how small she was and how big everything looked. For Vaggie it was worse. She was trying to take everything in too but the light bulb in the room was far too distracting. They told each other what they were while coming inside. Charlie was squealing in joy to learn she was a fluffy adorable little sheep, though a bit worried on how to turn back.
Vaggie on the other hand, was not happy to learn at all that she was a moth now. She was small and weak now and can't do anything to help herself or Charlie. Plus being a moth came with its disadvantages. Like right now.
'damn light bulb....'
With a click you put down the plate in front of the little sheep wondering around. The sheep started to eat it rather quickly and you chuckled looking at it.
You looked around to find the moth on the orange bits you put out. You decided it's time for you to eat and pass for the day. You were tired as hell from unpacking today. You can start working tomorrow.
You just warmed up some foods that were prepared beforehand. While washing your dishes you felt a poke at your leg. You looked down to see the little sheep staring up at you.
"Aww, has my little ewe finished eating? Don't worry dear, I'm giving you a spot to sleep soon." You said while walking over to pick up the bowl and plate." Just let me finish washing these real soon"
After cleaning them you quickly took out a big ass basket that you had in your room. You took out your stuff from there and placed a soft pillow there. You then picked up the sheep and put it there. And behold, it fit perfectly!
"Sleep here darling, it's comfy no?" You said while petting the ewe again and feeling it fluffy wool. 'thank you for doing these for us!' Charlie wanted to tell you but all she managed was a little Baa.
"I take that you like it then?" You said smiling. The moth from before suddenly flew over and sat on top of the sheep's wool.
"Hey look your little friend is here too. Sleep tight both of you" you said as you got up and went around the house making sure everything was locked properly since you've living alone now.
You moved to your own bed after finishing some small things you needed to do and prepared to sleep. As soon as you layed down, exhaustion quickly caught up to you leaving you knocked out soon. Charlie and Vaggie soon followed being exhausted by today's turn of events as well. You slept in peace knowing you made two small friends today.
However, that peace was broken when you woke up to loud barking the next morning.
(image not mine!!)
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miscellaneoussmp · 7 months
The desert is cold. The river is freezing. Bad helps Max into the boat. "Thank you for everything, Bad." This is goodbye. Bad, despite centuries of practice, was never good at goodbyes. "I should be thanking you, really. Will you say hi to Dan and Trumpet for me?" Max nods, "Of course." With that, the boat begins to float down the river. Now, it's time for Bad to make the journey back.
The desert is cold. The desert is usually barren. Bad doesn't expect to run into anyone. The voices he hears belong to Mouse, Baghera, and Antoine. Mouse is holding out a lantern that flickers with blue flame. Baghera waves him over. Pol is with them. "What are you four doing?" Bad doesn't get the chance to ask questions like this, usually. "Oh! We're-" She points between her and Pol, "taking my shortcut home, then I'm giving them my lantern." Bad turns his sight to Antoine and Baghera. "We're going to look for Pomme." Antoine voice has a hopeful tilt to it. "Is that a good idea?" Bad is back to looking at Mouse. "It wasn't originally mine, so it should be fine." She just shrugs.
"Alright. Just don't get lost, okay?" Bad watches as the small group walks off with a few waves. "Same to you!" Baghera calls as they get further and further away.
The desert is cold. The pale sands shift. Bad notices a flame. Foolish is sitting by his fireplace. The flame is a perfect orange. He smiles. "You just missed them." Bad takes a moment to realize what Foolish means, but the echoing sound of Forever's voice makes it obvious. "I hope they don't get lost." Bad is still standing. "I gave them each a torch. They should be fine." Foolish grabs a stick from the edge of the fire. "You should take one, too." He offers the makeshift torch to Bad. "I'll be fine without one." The look on the other's face is unreadable.
There's a few moments of silence between the two. Bad is still standing. "I'm going to continue heading back. Do you want to come with?" Bad asks, but he knows the answer already. Foolish looks up from tending the fire. There is no heat to the flame. "I'm staying here just in case, but Bad, listen to me. Don't get lost." There's a seriousness to Foolish's voice that he rarely hears. Bad starts to walk away. "I won't. I won't..."
The desert is cold. The wind blows. Bad hears laughter. A welcome sound against the near silence typical of the desert. "Bad! Hey!" Tina's the one to call him over to the group. She's holding a lantern close in front of her chest. Her other hand is hovering just to the side of the lantern, attempting to protect it from the wind. The flame flickers from a blue to an orange. Tina isn't alone, far from it. Jaiden walks up to stand next to her. She has her hands folded behind her head. Bad can see Mariana holding a torch up. The flame flickers from an orange to a blue. His other hand is holding Charlie's. "Are you doing okay?" Jaiden asks. She isn't holding a flame, but Tina's is enough for both of them. "I'm fine, I'm good." Tina looks worried, as does Jaiden. He's fine. Bad can't think of any reason they'd be worried.
Missa soon joins them, along with Niki. He has a lantern chained around his waist. It flickers blue. It's enough for two, like Tina's own. Missa also seems worried. His eyes dart between Tina, Mariana, and Bad. "We're heading home if you want to join us?" 'Are you lost?' is the unsaid question. "I'm fine, I know the way. Mouse has a shortcut if you see her." That seems like important information to pass along. Mariana and Charlie seem to get further away. "Well then, we'll see you later?" Tina, ever the optimist. "You will, don't worry." Bad manages a smile. Tina waves goodbye, so she isn't left behind by her group. She catches up to Niki and Missa.
The desert is cold. The water is poisoned. He isn't lost. He doesn't need a flame. Bad is an amazing liar, as always.
(Part 1)(Part 2)
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