#thank you i am silly forever
loversgothic · 1 year
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fabulous!! i am about to get silly. here are some of my designs that are a couple years old now, i think my designing style has really matured since then but i still am rather fond of them!!
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crazy fucking rambling about old fashion collections and additional illustrations under the cut, this is part one of two bc tumblr restricts how many pictures i can post at once D:
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so id like to start my ramble with the preface its abt to get a little cringe. and really gay.
my friends and i for a while have been making clothing on roblox and its why i found a love of fashion in the first place, n we used to work on a lot of releases and dropped a few collections on roblox before i outgrew roblox clothing making.
we were abt like.. 15-17 around the time we were working on some of these!!! but we've been designing things for like... 6-7 years.
@gutterfliez and i had a collection we worked on together along with many of our other friends called Soundwave, which was ORIGINALLY MEANT TO BE a 40 piece (ambitious for teenagers who are unmedicated. i burned out halfway thru.) collection themed around music and the feelings that came with it as well as paying tribute to different subcultures. it was separated into 4 sections, Celestial, Heavenly, Purgatorial, and Hellish.
the whole vision of this was trying to show our appreciation for how music, regardless of genre or instrumentation or just style, can capture such a large range of emotions and how it uplifts people in different ways, as well as write a small tale. celestial music was uplifting through its high energy and joyful melodies, heavenly uplifted like it was cradling the listener and drying its tears, purgatorial uplifts as it was the cry for help and demonstration of agony, and hell was uplifting through rebellion and rage allowing one to embody something stronger
and like?? while my designs were just sketches that id decide upon the colors for later, my beloved friends went MILES further, especially VALENTINE (gutterfliez as mentioned before) who went nuts on the Heavenly section. he actually requested if he could design a large chunk of that section because he had a lot of ideas.
ill be posting them under another reblog thing bc i wanna make SURE you see how talented valentine is.
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800db-cloud · 17 days
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i’ve been wanting to do this since day one
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scrollonso · 4 months
seeing a lot of nando fans on tiktok go insane over his "past few races" (literally 1 race and quali today.) and getting mad at how aston "treats him"
i think this is so funny because fernando has made it clear that he loves aston and has so much faith in them
aston martin first joined f2 in 1959 then left a year later.
during the '59-60 seasons aston scored ZERO POINTS
they came back to f1 61 years later. (thanks lawrence, ily king)
aston has had 9 podiums, scored 456 points, and had 2 fastest laps.
fernando has given them 8 podiums, more than half of their points, and both fastest laps.
fernando has said his contract with aston is the longest one he's ever signed.
if he didnt like how he was being treated, the results of the races, or anything major about the team HE WOULDN'T HAVE SIGNED THE CONTRACT!
fernando scored points for 9 gps in a row, he finished 19th in imola because his car was literally damaged before the race... LMAO
nando loves being in tiffany green!! tiffany green loves him! and so does his canadian twink!
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thetarttfuldickhead · 8 months
Forever obsessed with everyone at Richmond including their reporter watching Roy yelling at Jamie and dragging him about and correctly identifying that Roy is head over heels for that boy
They know what's up! And see, what particularly amuses me about this is
A, that I’m not sure that Roy has correctly identified this as him being deeply, deeply obsessed with Jamie and his well-being. Like, prior to 3x12 I would have said that, of course Roy gets it, he’s not that oblivious, but then he’s Like That in the final episode and yeah, I ain’t convinced he ain’t a silly goose anymore. (He’s not all oblivious, though, sitting on Jamie Tartt’s childhood bed, being all concerned about him and shit, but if asked he’d probably spout some inanity about being concerned like he’d be concerned for any of his players and it’s just slightly surprising because he never expected to feel anything but seething hatred for Jamie so.)
B, Dottie Lasso’s reaction, because she assumes that Jamie is in trouble – very reasonably, given the way Roy’s acting! – and that just makes me wonder what’ll it’ll be for new players joining the team post-season 3. I mean, if they’re at all familiar with the Premier League they’ll know that Roy and Jamie has this Thing, what with both their dust-ups and early morning training sessions being decidedly public, but the exact nature and minutiae of that Thing can’t be all too clear, so when a few days into the pre-season Roy suddenly starts demanding absurd things of Jamie or hauling him off in an angry way, man, they’re still a bit… um. What is happening? Will Coach kill Jamie? Why is everyone so calm about this? Can this happen to me? Will everyone keep tying their shoes when Coach drags me off to kill me too? Is Coach going to make me do another hundred push-ups after training when everyone else gets to go home? Help?
And Isaac has to step in and be like, no Roy ain’t gonna treat you like that, it’s a Roy and Jamie thing, don’t worry about it, actually maybe we should talk about some of the Roy and Jamie things so they don’t freak you out, or you decide you can use Coach’s shoulder to fall asleep on just because Jamie does.
Maybe there’s a PowerPoint. Maybe it becomes a sort of rite of initiation, having a tiny freak-out the first time a new player is confronted with Roy and Jaime being Roy and Jamie.
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sharkdays · 7 months
yall aint gonna believe this. LOOK WHAT I JUST BOUGHT
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taihua · 6 months
FengQing 16 for the ask meme writing prompt? 👀
16. --in grief.
The street smelled like blood--blood that was still wet when Feng Xin and Mu Qing arrived at the scene, just in time to see the light snuff out from the last Xuan Zhen deputy official's eyes.
Feng Xin saw Mu Qing's balance waver, and he threw out an impulsive hand to steady him. For once, the gesture wasn't knocked aside.
"He... killed them?" Mu Qing's voice was quiet, but it carried both confusion and anger. "How could he?! They haven't done anything to him. If he wanted to fight, h-he should've found me."
Dozens of little cuts crossed the officials' skin, the work of the wraith butterflies. Crimson Rain Sought Flower probably hadn't even lifted a hand personally, as if he considered it a challenge beneath him.
"I'm going to kill him," Mu Qing continued, betraying himself by the crack in his voice. "I'm going to kill him."
"Don't rush in blindly," Feng Xin started to caution, realizing at that moment that his hand was still on Mu Qing's arm. He moved to withdraw, but Mu Qing was faster, bringing his own hand to clasp over Feng Xin's.
"He killed my deputies, Feng Xin." When Mu Qing looked up, his dark eyes were glinting around the edges with unshed but welling tears. "We should have been faster. It's... it's your fault..."
An accusation like that would usually earn him a punch in the face. This time, Feng Xin only flinched as Mu Qing closed the gap between them to bury his head into his shoulder, feeling the hot exhale of his breath against the silk of his collar.
The arm that Feng Xin wrapped around Mu Qing's shoulders was tentative. So was the way his lips brushed against Mu Qing's hair, in a way that left room for plausible deniability.
"We'll find him," he promised. "He won't get away with this."
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the-alan-price-combo · 3 months
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This week, in 1964... The Animals reached No. 1 in the UK with "House of the Rising Sun"!!
NME Top Thirty under the cut!
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causenessus · 1 month
also hi i luv u i hope u are safe and okay now
LAMOAOAAO IT'S OKAY MITCH HELLO <3 I LOVE YOU SO MUCH I AM GOOD THANK YOU!! I HAD NO IDEA HE WAS GOING TO TURN OUT THAT WAY (TO be fair if i drove to the library [where i was at] to drop off books and a random man started walking towards me i would also probably drive away [this is what happened, and then he was like "wow, go back to your pathetic little home, slut" and i just saw in my car like "dear god someone help me." do u like my parentheses within my parentheses!! i'm sorry this is a nightmare to read] but i digress bc i also told him he should go and he wouldn't leave and ik he meant the best for me but at that point i was getting the ick. so like. move away old man. thank u. /lh AND I DON'T FEEL BAD ABOUT SAYING THIS BC HE CALLED SOMEONE A SLUT)
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#25 (Catsit switch up) for the wip titles ask game!
Send me an ask from my WIP List and I'll post a little snippet or tell you something about it!
For everyone who isn't you, please note that Bijou is Satine's OC cat I have made for her haha! Bijou is French for "jewel" which I thought was very fitting for the cat of the "Sparkling Diamond" :)
“He doesn’t speak French!” Satine yells at Toulouse, outraged. “How could you even think to suggest I leave my precious little angel with—” “Satine,” Toulouse interrupts, “what does that have to do with Christian’s ability to care for Bijou?” Satine blinks at him. Bijou gently bites her, scrambling out of Satine’s lap and rushing back to Christian’s the second Satine releases her. I’m surrounded by imbeciles, Satine thinks, rubbing her arm and scowling at her cat who is now purring contentedly in Christian’s lap, oblivious to the lengths Satine is going to in order to take care of her. Traitor. “Because I only speak French to her when we’re alone,” Satine explains. “How is she going to know what Christian is saying to her while I’m not here? She’s going to be very frightened, and confused about where I’ve gone, and disoriented because she won’t understand a word he says.” “Maybe she’s bilingual,” Christian says brightly. Satine scowls at him and Toulouse rubs his face. “Satine,” he says, enunciating carefully like he’s speaking to a small child, “Bijou is a cat. She speaks neither French nor English.”
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spkyart · 1 year
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Listen up! My endless love for Pokémons started from the anime, so I can be emotional about It
It's been a long ride Ash, goodbye, you are the very best. 🥹
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sillyabtmusic · 2 months
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YOUR TAGS 😭😭😭😭😭 omg friend i am losing my mind 😭🫶 it's so special to be a part of a joke between you and your mom and also your own brain chemistry (???? 😭) truly appalling and awesome and i am honored
ALKDFJALDKJF very glad to hear you find it special because when i was tracking it down to reblog i for sure thought it'd be a bigger post then it was like 9 notes and i felt so silly reblogging it 😭 but yeah pretty much your ramblings about jongho and hongjoong are permanently embedded in my psyche now 🫶
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phosphorus-noodles · 6 months
hello mutual!! i'm here to ask you about any joel headcanons you have:)
HEHE BET! This is gonna be kinda jumbled but it's things I've been thinking about lately-
Man is just. sooo neurodivergent yk? He's got that autism swag as the kids these days say. Like I jokingly headcanoned (Mezalean) Joel to have a sniffer hyperfixation but brother it is not a joke anymore,
Also, based on my favorite smalletho fanfic, he cannot read emotions very well dshfjdsfs- tl;dr he basically assumes Eefo HATES him when actually he'd laughing at/with him :(
(However this could also be because of the Anxieties /lh)
And the other day my dear friend was rewatching Empires s1 and anytime fWhip came over to chat Joel just kept building. The entire time. Smth smth ADHD, hyperfixated on his build, the grind never stops, etc 💪✨
He's a goofy silly mess of a man and I love him so so much <3
(kinda an ask game?)
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coldslaws · 1 year
Alder+N interaction????
(love this au!)
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N decides he's had enough of house arrest
part 1 (will post and link the second part as soon as it's ready)
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kuroi-ririn · 1 month
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reksink · 5 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! You've made it a long way, congrats man!
ROW!! OH MY GOD I MISSED YOU BRO (Bro and Row rhyme, I shall use this information for non-evil reason later) I have come a long way, and I'm so happy about it!! Seeing this in my inbox meant so much to me,I hope you're having a wonderful dude! Again, thank you so very much 💚
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nordicbananas · 10 months
@loveusoftly i was already crying but thanks for the ask kazumu 👍
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